Celebrating the new year at work is fun. Corporate scenario "Happy New Year, Team!"

With spruce eyelashes
With a big smile
With enthusiastic faces -
New Year is coming!

With champagne and gifts
With a pleasant bustle,
With decorated arches
On the main pavement

With postcards, with greetings,
Happy frosty winter day
With colored lights
With a silver rain

With firecrackers, with firecrackers,
With a walk until the morning,
With friends and girlfriends
And with shouts: "Hurray-ah-ah!"

With quirks and masks
With balloons, with confetti,
With a magic miracle fairy tale,
With hope ahead.

clip with New Year cards.

I propose to divide into groups of 4 people, each group should, in two minutes, shout, whistle, meow, stomp, etc. motto tonight.
Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the outgoing year. What it was for each of us, now we will summarize the ________ year.
Let the one raise his hand
Who has comprehended a career takeoff (raised)
Let air kiss send
Who has been lucky in love all year (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger ok)
And flip your fingers down
Who raised the capital (Way down)
Let them clap their hands
Who bought a good new house. (clap)
And raise your glasses up
Those who worked hard
We worked sparing no effort
Who brought salaries to the house
Who is having fun at the banquet
To spite all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy New Year!

The arrows will soon converge at 12
The striking of the clock will thunder the new year
It will be necessary to gather strength
To meet him at the gate.
So that he comes to us with new happiness,
The old year must be on the way,
All good friend, you remember
And forget the bad soon.
So let's raise our glasses
Let's drink for the past now
So that in the new year there is only joy
She met us with loud music!

GAME "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."
1. Who sometimes walks with vodka with a cheerful gait?
2. How many of you, say aloud, catch flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost, drives a car like a bird?
4. Which one of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
6. Who of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who does the job on time?
8. How many of you are drinking in the study like at the banquet tonight?
9. Which of your friends walks dirty from ear to ear?
10. How many of you walks upside down on the pavement?
11. Who among you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. How many of you arrive at the office one hour late?

I suggest to each of you on a piece of paper given to him he writes with a felt-tip pen what he would like to buy in the new year. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All pieces of paper are folded into a hat (deep bowl)... Guests are invited to draw out one piece of paper and read it out. What turned out to be there will certainly appear before the end of the year.

And we go to the 70s. New Year's "Ogonyok" is becoming the most prestigious program for Soviet artists. They made their way into it by hook or by crook, but no one could be 100 percent sure what would eventually appear on the air. Anyone could be cut at the very last moment. But the main guests were the gypsies, Magomayev and Pugacheva
Ben Bentsianov
In the 1970s, foil rain became popular, as well as fluffy and prickly tinsel. In 1971 the premiere of the film "Carnival" was released. In 1975 the film "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" was released, which until this year is the main New Year's film. And the round dance is no longer led by Elvis Presley, but the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", which I suggest to you.

SONG: "Let's skip a hundred grams."
(a Christmas tree was born on the motive in the forest)
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, but there was a strong frost,
I went after her in December and, poor thing, froze to death.
While he was thinking about chopping, he rubbed his hands,
A glorious thought appeared:
"Let's skip a hundred grams."

A Christmas tree is frozen in the forest - take it into the house that hour!
Let the smart girl stand and make us all happy!
Stands frozen in the corner And the branches pulls towards us.
So that we all get warm here in an instant,
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
Look: our tree is getting warmer,
But something glows little Toys among the branches.
How few cones of gold ... Yes, it's just a shame!
So that there are twice as many of them,
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
They added a little more, and it became more fun,
Indeed, the cones arrived Decently on her!
So that our holiday goes well And it becomes glorious for us,
Let's get vodka together
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
And I felt sorry for the Christmas tree, Why did you chop it down?
And he was so tired himself, while he was dragging home!
And the holiday should be fun Now we celebrate ...
What are we all about the Christmas tree?
"Let's skip a hundred grams."
Everyone is having fun at the tree, laughing here and there ...
Happy New Year everyone, gentlemen!
"Let's skip a hundred grams!"
1. FANTS. And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let's warm up a little. I suggest you play one popular game of the 70s, FANTY, without leaving the table.
You have been carrying out all sorts of orders of your immediate superiors for a whole year, and now, if you please, fulfill my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity and gave the order to the head of the company himself, and we will start our game with him.

2. Game "Collect potatoes".
In Soviet times, they liked to send intellectual workers to collective farms for potatoes. Competition: who will "dig up" more potatoes.
Scatter a lot of potatoes around the hall, select several participants, give them spoons, and let them, each in his own bag, carry one potato in a spoon. And then weigh each bag. The scales of the Soviet era would be great! Instead of bags, it's great to use string bags - nets.

3. Construction
Two or three ladies build a pyramid of cubes - each one is higher, each has its own. Players must "buy" dice from the host - one piece of clothing for each dice.


Musical pause (70-E)

At my signal: Men are offered in chorus at my signal to repeat the phrase: "Kukareku, tink la-la" Clinking glasses with the ladies.
The ladies say in unison: "great, boom-boom" and send air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And we have a feast today.
Wash the pants down to the holes
ely-pali, poplars.
Kukareku, tink-la-la.

And we have a feast today.
And where is the feast, because there is peace.
And a pleasant noise.
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today,
we talk toasts together.
And we all cannot be bored
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today,
we drink, of course, not kefir.
But we have a sharp mind!
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today.
Who sewed a suit for the feast?
Who got drunk on the sly?
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today.
We play, we do not sleep.
Toast said the big silent man.
"Great, boom boom"

And we have a feast today.
Someone I see, did not finish.
Sorry we can't go without a hangover
"Kukareku, tink la-la"

And we have a feast today,
to drown your worries.
The spree continues.
"Great, boom boom"

How do you remember the 80s? Boiled jeans, Rubik's cube, chewing gum. On the festive table were sure to be: salad "Olivier" and herring under a fur coat, lazy cabbage rolls and Riga sprats, sweets "Bird's milk" and cake "Napoleon". For booze - vodka and port. By the early 1980s, color television, which had previously been a rather pleasant exception against black and white backgrounds, had become commonplace. The image quality has improved many times over, but the real special effects have not yet reached. Toto Kutunye, Asishai and Rock bands are lit at the "Blue Light" !!!

In the eighties, everyone was into the lottery.


1. "Travel" chocolate
Many incidents await you
And interesting travels -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate will dispose!

Friends, you will continue
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!

3. Cream
You will enter the cream of society
Perhaps you will find a sponsor.

Your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
From then on you will continue
Everything is prettier and younger!

5. Sponge
And you have household worries,
A lot of household chores awaits.
But in the family and in personal life
Everything will turn out great for you!

6 red pepper
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end fine
It's no coincidence that red pepper!

7. Markers
Love will brighten your days
And they will become bright.
Your whole life in winter and summer
It will shine with a magical light.

8. Chocolate "Alenka"
What does “Alenka” chocolate mean?
The Year of the Child is waiting for you!
To whom what tests
- Birth or upbringing!

Fate will gild your pen
Will send a solid pay
Or throw a wallet
And this is all in the near future!

10. Vitamins
Your health will become stronger,
The second youth will come.
You are destined to be a hundred years old
To live without any storms and troubles!

11. Tea "Baloven"
You are the darlings of fate, which means
Success and good luck awaiting you.
Noting your luck
Stock up on tea!

12. Condensed milk
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We do not promise you peace,
We treat you to condensed milk!

13. Cookies
You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,
And everyone will come to visit soon.
Prepare tea and treats.
Here's a cookie to get you started!

14. Can of Beer
Who will get a can of beer
Live the whole year happily!

15. Toothpaste
Get this tube as a gift,
To make every tooth shine in the sun!

To write down where the pay went
This pen will be very useful to you!

17. Yogurt "Delight"
Delight awaits you for the heart -
Big salary increase!

18. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic
And so the whole year will be great!

19. To be ready for victories (Oh),
So that there is success
Put on a laurel wreath -
You will instantly become more important than everyone!
(Paper laurel wreath)

20. Condom
We give you rubber
She is demissison.
Dress up your car
She's not official!

21. Clothespin
You took the gift tenaciously.
Only here you do not yawn.
We hand you a clothespin
At least cling to someone!

22. Package
And there is no better gift
Than a cellophane bag.
Get the prize sooner
And take what you want!

23. Shoe spoon
You seem to be sober now
But if you get too drunk-
With her in the boot at a difficult hour
You will definitely get it!

23. Three sweets
You work all day long.
Have a little meal, my friend!
But this is not red caviar-
You got three sweets!

24. Glass
Everything is better for you. You will be convinced!
A glass for you. Get drunk !!!

25.Toilet paper
We boldly present this gift to you.
Consume it, you, to the right business !!!

On May 16, 1985, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism", so parents began to read fairy tales to children more and more often.

I'm walking through the woods. SNOWFLAKES flutter. fall to the ground. I looked, the SNOW Maiden was walking, the SNOWFLAKES caught and examined. And KOSCHEY is sneaking up on her heels. The Snow Maiden is tired, she looks - PENEK stands, all covered with snowflakes.
The Snow Maiden shook them off the hemp and sat down. And then KOSCHEY grew bolder. He came closer. "Come on, he says, - SNOW MAID, be friends with you!" The SNOW Maiden got angry, jumped up, clapping her hand on the STUMP, and her top on the snow. "This will not happen, insidious KOSCHA!" And she went on. KOSCHEY, how offended, sat down on the STUMP, took out a knife, and began to cut a bad word on the STUMP. And the SNOWFLAKES keep falling on him and falling. The Snow Maiden went out into the clearing and realized that she was lost. Looks, OAK stands young. The SNOW MAID came up to him, hugged him by the trunk and said in a plaintive voice: “I was frightened by an evil KOSCHA, SNOWFLAKES fell asleep on the path, I don't know where to go now.
Then BABA YAGA came rushing in, looking, an oak tree, and under it a SNOW MAID. She tore it away from the oak tree, planted it on a broomstick behind her and flew away. The wind whistles in your ears, SNOWFLAKES follow them in a whirlwind. They flew to Babkina's IZBUSHKA, and she was standing in front of the forest, and back to Baba Yaga. BABA YAGA and says: “Well, OUZBUSHKA, turn your front to me, and back to the forest. And the OUZBUSHKA answered her something like that…. Oh, thanks for the tip. She said so. But then she turned around as ordered. BABA YAGA put the Snow Maiden in it and closed it with seven locks. (the snow maiden was stolen)

Redemption of the Snow Maiden.

Team games (4-5 people)

To carry out this game, you need to split into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, not the entire box is needed, but only its upper part. The inner, retractable part, together with the matches, can be put aside.
In order to start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the boxes on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's boxes fell, the team starts the procedure again.
Accordingly, the team that completes the transfer of the box faster is considered the winner. There will be no lack of laughter in this game!

The toucan is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this bump through all the clothes from top to bottom, passing the bump to each other in turn. Naturally, the winner is the team whose last member is the first of all the teams to pull a pinecone from the leg of his trousers with fifteen meters of rope tied to it.

For this game, take a rope and tie the ends so that a ring is formed. ( The length of the rope depends on the number of guys participating in the game.)
The guys stand in a circle and take hold of the rope that is inside the circle with both hands. Assignment: "Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle." First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants proposes some kind of solution: for example, to settle accounts and then build a triangle by serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

To stage the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken", if she:
1) comedy
2) melodrama
3) horror movie

Prepare the blanks in advance, namely, cut out white circles of different sizes, as well as red noses of carrots, cut out black eyes and buckets. From all this, the child will have to glue a snowman on a large sheet of paper. It is easy to guess that a preschooler will cope with this task faster than a child at the age of 2 years. Accordingly, everyone should be the winner and receive prizes.

You need space to run, at least a little. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, hang scarves on the chairs.
On command, the first players run, run to the chair, sit down, put on a headscarf, say "I am Khristoforovna" (or "I am Nikanorovna"), take off their scarf, run to their team, the second player is running.

The faster team wins.
The winner receives some small prizes.
The losing team sings ditties.

Here are ditties.

What kind of Christmas tree do we have
Just a sight for sore eyes
So what, what's outside the window
Spring thaw

I began to celebrate the New Year
As always in advance
At ten, I fell dead
Didn't cope with the task

I dressed up as a Snow Maiden
And the people are afraid
Looked closely at what's what
I forgot to wear a dress

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued on my beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day in the city

I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden
And glue the braid
I want to get married very much
For Santa Claus

Once we are in a restaurant
Celebrated the new year
Have fun and laughed
And now vice versa

We have been waiting for a whole year
That Santa Claus will come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And with him he took two

Look quickly
I'm rolling fast down the hill
And I scream because
Very painful booty I fight

I decided to celebrate the New Year
Very exotic
I called the Snow Maiden to the house
Very pretty

Dance break (80s)
90th. Clothing shines and shimmers, large fleece on the head with a huge amount of varnish, large shoulder pads, perfumes "Black Magic" and "Poison". The table is bursting with food: red and black caviar, piglets, sterlet and sturgeon. The main thing at the time: Better overkill than undershoot. In general, there is a lot of incompatible things. See for yourself.

Dedicated to those who grew up in the 90s.

For the competition, you will need a huge amount of chewing gum. Each participant will be given three chewing gum by the host. At the signal from the leader, the participants begin to inflate a bubble from these rubber bands. The participant who inflates the largest bubble wins. The competition can be complicated by the fact that, after inflating the bubble, the participants must make sure that the bubble does not deflate or burst. After a minute from the start of the competition, the presenter checks whose bubble is larger.

Since the 90s, they began to sell Christmas tree decorations depicting animals - symbols of the coming year. In the New Year's shows, sponsors, Zadornov and the Diva's cavaliers are kindled. In 1990, the last Blue Light was aired in its classic form. After that, on the main TV channel of the country, it was replaced by a show called "New Year at Ostankino". On New Year's Eve, in different years, ORT demonstrated the sequel to Old Songs about the Most Important, based on songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s.


In 1992, the first presidential elections were held, so I invite you to participate in the elections of Santa Claus
We invite 5 men, ladies to the jury as candidates
Snow show or the choice of Santa Claus
1. Snowflakes
All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who get the best snowflakes will receive prizes and proceed to the next stage of the competition.
2. Playing snowballs
The winners of the first stage continue the game. Each participant is given five A4 sheets. Opposite each participant, about 2 meters from him, put a hat on the floor. At the command of the leader, the participants should take sheets of paper with their left hand, crumple them into "snowballs" and throw them into their hat. We do not help with the right hand. Those who turn out to be the fastest and most accurate get prizes and move on to the next stage.
3. Ice Breath
For this competition, you will need the snowflakes that were cut in the first step. Participants place snowflakes on the floor in front of them. Their task is to blow the snowflake to the specified place at the command of the presenter.
The winner is the competitor whose snowflake was the last to hit the destination. This is due to the fact that this participant had the most "icy breath".
4. Making the best Snow Maiden.
Each of the Ded Morozov should change the clothes of the Snow Maiden of his choice, as, in his opinion, the modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that is already worn on the Snow Maiden, plus any additional items, things, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden.
Awarded the honorary title of FATHER FROST
Father Frost
Hello uncles, Hello aunts,
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I see you are drinking vodka,
Why without me?
I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry
He paved the way in the darkness
I got hold of gifts
So pour me a shot (Drinks)
Now, it's a completely different matter,
Immediately my heart warmed up,
I'll get to work now,
You are ready? Uncles, aunts?
To receive gifts
You need to earn them.
The first prize will go to the one
Who will tell me a rhyme.
Kindergarten for Santa Claus

Hello, Santa Claus, Cotton beard.
Where is my new Mercedes? And a hut in the Canary Islands?
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Where is my computer?
He brought me a chocolate! ... - Apparently mixed up.
Drink, sing, have fun
But don't lie under the tree
To Santa Claus
I didn't take it to the sobering-up station!
Why for the New Year, Whoever is going,
Necessarily by the end Is he getting drunk as an insole?
Santa Claus slept in bed, got up, jingling icicles:
Where are you, blizzards and blizzards? Why don't you wake me up?
Grandma sewed a suit for me a little white bunny,
I forgot to give the carrot to the Little Boy.
The Snow Maiden was forced to take off her warm fur coat at night
She was told: you are under a fur coat As if it would not melt!
(with expression !!!) A flock of snowflakes outside the window
They also dance in a circle. Saying goodbye to the old year,
We celebrate the New Year.!

Election of the Snow Maiden.
After choosing Santa Claus, a competition for the best Snow Maiden of this season is announced. The competition is held in three stages.
Gold pens.
The presenter announces that Santa Claus gives gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most expensive thing, that is, a man. For each participant, male assistants are invited, who will play the role of "gifts", and rolls of toilet paper, which will be the packaging material, are handed over. At the command of the presenter, the participants of the competition begin to "wrap gifts" with toilet paper at their discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the entire action, after which the best "packages" are chosen by a general vote. The winners receive prizes and move on to a new stage of the competition.
Dance while you are young ...
Participants, at the command of the leader, must dance three dances:
1.with a chair;
2. sitting on a chair;
3. facial expressions
Affectionate granddaughter
The designated Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Every compliment must necessarily contain "winter" words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on.

The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and the honorary title of Snow Maiden.

New Year's scene for a corporate party.

The Snow Maiden represents the characters chosen from the guests.
Staging a fairy tale.
Santa Claus is a favorite character of the New Year holidays. Therefore, regardless of age, he is always kind, cheerful and cheerful. True, at times suffers from sclerosis. However, it gets out of any situation with dignity. After one day in the New Year unexpectedly found himself in Zimbabwe, he began to say: “Happy New Year! Go to hell!"
The Snow Maiden is the closest relative of Santa Claus, beautiful, young, perky. Santa Claus does not let go of a single step. She actively helps him in everything, is not indifferent to Verka Serduchka, therefore she sings happily: “And I only got it from the cold. And I am a May rose ... "
The Ice Palace is the home of Santa Claus. A majestic structure in the spirit of Zurab Tsereteli. It is quite comfortable there, but due to the harsh natural climate it is rather cold, so the Ice Palace always warns everyone: “Are you stunned? Close the doors! "
The main tree is slender, beautiful, stately, with a dense and lush crown. It is not the first year that he has been in the forest as the main one, he knows his own worth very well, therefore, with a challenge he exclaims: "And I am like that, damn it, like that!"

The staff is a magical and miraculous remedy in the hands of Santa Claus. Without him, Santa Claus is like no hands: he can neither lean nor conjure in a normal way. The staff knows this and sometimes likes to joke: "Hold on, don't be mistaken !!!"
Sani-Mercedes is a kind of exclusive, the latest development of folk craftsmen, starts with a hundred grams of alcohol and runs on it until another hundred is added. They are on their own, but they listen to Santa Claus in everything. The Snow Maiden is not allowed to drive. Favorite phrase: “Pour! I'll pump it! "
Mobile phone, nickname "Samsung", the last technical acquisition of Santa Claus. It is simple and easy to use, it weighs lighter than a snowflake, but not dystrophic, so he loves to draw attention to himself. At the request of Santa Claus, he can whistle any melody. Recently I switched to the refrain: "Kukareku, I can do anything !!!"
The curtain is a beautiful theatrical decoration. Everything begins with him, and everything ends with him. Therefore, he remains in complete silence, but he knows his work clearly.
Step 1. The curtain opens. There is an Ice Palace. Santa Claus and Snegurochka live in the Ice Palace, their faces shine with genuine joy. New Years is soon. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden collect gifts. The Staff lies nearby. Suddenly Santa Claus hears the familiar callsigns of the Mobile, takes the Mobile and from the SMS he learns that it is necessary to light the Main Christmas tree. Santa Claus immediately gets into the Mercedes-Benz and leaves. The Snow Maiden sees that he forgot to take the Staff, grabs the Staff, and at the same time the Mobile Phone, and runs out of the Ice Palace with them. The over-canopy is closed.
Step 2. The curtain opens. The main tree froze, waiting to be lit. Then Santa Claus suddenly appears on a Mercedes-Sled, who parks the Mercedes-Sled not far from the Main Christmas tree and carefully looks around. But there is no one else yet. The main tree is waiting for decisive action. At this time, the Snow Maiden appears, in her hands a Staff, a Mobile Phone hangs around her neck. Santa Claus happily hugs the Snow Maiden, kisses the Staff and takes the Mobile Phone. The main tree senses the approach of the decisive moment. Santa Claus touches the slender branches of the Main Christmas tree with his Staff. From the magic touches, the Main Tree immediately sparkled with a wonderful light. Seeing everything that happened, the Snow Maiden claps her hands loudly, the Sled-Mercedes suddenly starts dancing, Santa Claus shouts joyfully, waving the Staff vigorously. General jubilation to the loud sounds of the Mobile Phone. The curtain is closing.

Musical pause (90s music)

Zero !!! It may come as a surprise, but the set of main characters on New Year's shows remained the same as 20 years ago .. In 1981, New Year's "rookie" TV table Sofia Rotaru sang "Happiness to you, my Earth" and has not changed at all since then. Edita Piekha, who started with "Ogonyok" of the 60s, seemed to be frozen in time in the mid-80s. And among the popular fun was fortune-telling from pictures on the Internet.

Fortune telling on the computer.
Go online and see which picture is loaded first

If in Rambler the pictures will be:
6.Yolka - to financial stability (money will flow steadily),
7. Bell - to popularity, luck,
8. Fire, bonfire - to great love (you will find your soul mate)
9. Snowflakes, garlands - to pleasant acquaintances,
10. Man - to trouble,
11. Woman - to gossip,
12. Child - to surprises.
13. Serpentine, confetti - to pleasant troubles;
14. Office - to be the boss;
15. Lipstick advertising - kissing;
16. Advertising of furniture - for construction (purchase) housing
17. Scooter (bike)- to buy a car
18. Advertising of toilet water - to new sensations
19. Home-to-marriage (marriage) (you know what to do in case of failure),
20. Wild - to fun adventures,
21. Fruit - to pleasure,
22. Vegetable - to study (this is what you will be doing all the holidays).

The total piggy bank filled during the evening is taken. Everyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts before the new year (meaning money and other promises) must throw in the piggy bank.
Life is a mirage, hopes, passions, expectation of a dream
Only that would be to avoid all misfortunes by the side.
Let the tree intoxicate the needles, and not the foolishness confuse.
Let the thorny needles in the house be only from the Christmas tree!
Let cannons and firecrackers and firecrackers shoot at the holiday -
Let the dream run away from you on New Year's Eve only.
The arrows went up, converged at twelve.
The time has come! Twelve beats!
Be happy, New Year!
Leave the sadness to the old year
Forget worries, resentments, troubles.

Chiming clock.
Congratulations from the presidents A-on.

What do we wish for ourselves in the 10s of the 21st century? Our country will host the Olympics in Sochi, the World Cup, wages will be paid in bags, and we will continue to celebrate the new year at the department

Singing couplets Putin and Medvedev
New Year greetings from celebrities


Place the glasses of the drink on the floor at the side of your feet and step as far as possible. And then get out your glass without leaving the place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.
Let's Get Married Show
The Snow Maiden is about to get married!
Four applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden are selected from the ladies participating in the holiday. So, we have four applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden, who is about to get married. And in order to please her future husband, she must know the New Year traditions of different countries and sacredly honor them, and be able to fulfill them. And traditions and competitions for them will be like this.
New Year is a special holiday. Why? Because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legal way. She makes a trip to the elegant Christmas trees, thunders the peals of fireworks, shines with colorful lanterns. Today, as in a fairy tale, our lovely ladies will briefly turn into fairy-tale heroines, try to work miracles and get the opportunity to become real Snow Maidens for a short time.
Today we are going to travel together with this fairy tale. For all the participants of the competition, our applicants for the role of the Snow Maiden, we have prepared the first ticket of our fabulous journey - to Italy!
So, do not be alarmed, we are in Italy, and here there is an ancient tradition - on New Year's Eve to throw old things out of the windows. Dishes and furniture are flying, so yawning in Italy is dangerous! We feel sorry for the furniture, but there are throwing utensils! (Buckets or waste baskets are placed at a distance from the contestants, and the players are given toy aluminum pots, plates, spoons, mugs, forks).
Their task is to throw their sets of dishes into a container. Whoever managed to score more points in terms of the number of hits, or who completed the task faster - three out of four - are declared the winners of the competition and remain in the game. Then the next tickets for the New Year's trip to France are given to the three contestants. They are invited to taste wonderful gingerbread.
In two of the three, beans are baked, whoever finds them won. After all, since ancient times, the French traditionally baked a bean in gingerbread, and whoever gets it will be lucky in the coming year. And who turned out to be happy with us?
The losing participant, who did not find the bean in her carrot, is eliminated from the game, and the two remaining participants take part in the last test. They are given four boxes. Three of them are empty, and one is a surprise. Now they will be swapped with two boxes, which each will choose from four. Whatever they want. Lucky - they will receive a gift, not coals.

A man measures a woman's height with "five" or "fingers". It is probably not worth multiplying the result obtained by the length of a finger: this is not why this fuss was started. Moreover, a woman can both stand and lie during the measurement.

A fool.
Anyone who wants to get a big prize lies down on the sofa and is covered with a blanket. The rest guess an object that the player will have to remove from himself. He tries to guess what is conceived, and if he is mistaken, then he removes the very thing that he named. In the end, practically nothing remains on it, because it was conceived - a veil! On the initiative of the presenter, this word is written down on paper even before the start of the game.

The couple is offered a glass of juice and a banana. The man should drink the juice, and the woman should eat the banana. Moreover, the glass is squeezed by the knees of a seated woman, and a banana - by the knees of a seated man.

Dance fun "Train".
Two male participants are selected. Their task: to kiss as many women as possible at the holiday on the cheek or hand, to shake hands with men. The one who was kissed becomes, like a trailer behind a train, behind her man. Who has more trailers?

Dress the lady.
Each woman holds in her right hand a ribbon rolled into a ball. The man takes the tip of the tape with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the tape around the woman. The winner is the one who has the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

DJ, organizer, projectionist, manager - anyone, just not among colleagues. Because there is nothing more helpless, irresponsible and spoiled than drunken colleagues and a boss.

As for me, something is wrong with the traditional Russian corporate party. He should raise team spirit and benefit the company. But in practice, it kills health and gives rise to gossip.

In two months, the country will drown in New Year's corporate parties. I want them not to be ashamed of them this year. I call for help Alexey Gromov, founder of the Chile Peppers event studio, and Maria Ershova- event director of the company. Alexey and Maria told how to organize and not spoil a good corporate party.

An article for executives, HR directors and those golden people whom these people assign to do corporate events.


Usually corporate events are held to increase motivation, create emotional capital and build employee loyalty. There are also more exotic goals, but more on them later.

To increase motivation, an employee must feel good: creative, skillful, and in demand. The corporate event triggers a chain reaction: the employee did something good at the corporate party → felt himself cool → again shows his best side, but in a working environment. After a good corporate party, employees are emotionally turned on and want new achievements at work.


Emotional capital, in a simplified form, is the emotions, beliefs, and experiences that help you cope with difficulties at work. This is a margin of safety, thanks to which the employee does more than is stipulated by the instructions - for example, temporarily takes on additional responsibilities. Without emotional capital, an employee gives up in any incomprehensible situation. A well-organized corporate party creates the necessary margin of safety.

Loyalty helps the employee not to go to competitors for a higher salary. "Yes, they will pay more there, but here they value me, here I am needed." At a good corporate event, an employee should feel their worth.

More exotic targets- evaluate employees, identify future leaders, shake up the team. You can help employees formulate new goals. You can resolve the emerging conflict, lay the foundation for the development of new skills. A good event company helps to accomplish all these tasks. Unfortunately, few people know that this is possible. But now you know.

A good corporate party can make you fall in love with the company, change your attitude to work, infect people with new ideas; evoke a sense of involvement in a large and important business. And a couple of times a year there is a great reason for this. It would be silly to exchange all these opportunities for a banquet.


Chaos begins when the holiday has no unifying idea and no one controls it. At a corporate party for 20 people, the boss or one of his colleagues will manage. This is a cozy event for a close company. You can add a cultural program: some agencies and venues know how to do small events.

A good idea for a small event is to invite everyone to an unusual place: to a cooking class, to an art workshop, or to nature. But remember that cooking dinner or painting is not a goal, but only a tool. Formulate for yourself why you will organize this holiday, and let the organizer come up with interesting content for your purpose.

When there are 100-200-500 of you, an organizer is a must. Large corporate events are whole festivals: they rent a large area, create "stations": shooting galleries, buffets, trampolines, labyrinths, creative workshops. The organizers think over how the employees will go through these stations, what will motivate them. Plots are created, the participants are divided into teams, they come up with game and role-playing mechanics. From the outside it seems that you are just facing a festival, but thanks to a well-thought-out structure, a person at this festival is interesting.

It is important that all this be subordinated to the goal: not just to put trampolines and soap shops in an open field, but to organize them so that employees get the necessary emotional experience. It's up to the organizers to think it over. Without structure, the holiday will turn into chaos, money will be wasted.

Corporate regatta for a construction company. Facebook


Formalism is when neither the management, nor the organizers, nor the employees understand why they need this corporate party. This happens in international network companies. From the "center" they give the command to organize a corporate party for the development of "team values". But what this means, why do they need command values ​​and how to develop them, no one knows. And the tortured creative begins:

Let's do a tug-of-war? This is a team game

Yes, but we need to implement our values! Let's all tug-of-war while singing our company's anthem?

Great idea! Only need to compose a hymn

Let our employees compose it and use the words "team", "work" and "team"!

Super! And then we will hold a creative competition "What is teamwork for me ..."

When there are no goals and values, the holiday turns into a farce. The employees seem to be playing all this tug-of-war, and then in the smoking-room they say, "What a shit." Money wasted.

If your company does not have goals and values, there is no need to grind festive creativity out of yourself. Order food, organize a movie screening, or set up a disco. Let people just rest.


Creativity is a universal component of a corporate event. To act out a scene, make art soap, make a pie, take part in a photo shoot, shoot a video clip, show superhero abilities - all this is safe, fun, versatile and, with the right approach, helps to solve most personnel problems.

The leader tries on the image of the hero in the Chili Peppers photo project. 13 more looks on facebook

Employees love creativity because creativity makes you feel good, smart, and skillful. It's great when creativity is woven into the overall plot:

you do not just fold origami, but make part of a large art object that will be exhibited in the lobby of the central office;

you do not just dress up in a superhero costume, but get a secret task in which you need to show superpowers;

you are not just making a pie, but preparing a treat for the children from the orphanage.

Socially significant initiatives, for example, subbotniks, work well. Employees spend several hours planting trees, beautifying parts of a park, or assembling birdhouses. Everything is organized, with music, food and photos. Employees feel they are doing something useful and important. Being involved in something bigger is a powerful motivator.

Assembly of birdhouses in the eco-section of the Seasons design-cleanup (organized by Chile Peppers for Volkswagen). Facebook

Man is inclined to love what he has created. Therefore, employees will be photographed next to their paper figures, show photos to friends, be proud of themselves and their company. This is a good effect, even if you didn't originally plan for it.


Like everything in the world, there is a fashion for corporate events. At the beginning of the 2000s, everyone was crazy about soap making and dancing master classes. Now in Moscow they like more interactive quests using smartphones, tablets and augmented reality. In 2 years something new will be in vogue. The job of an event company is precisely to find and come up with new ideas and connect them with the goals of the companies.

The most boring corporate parties come from client briefs - when a responsible employee unilaterally comes up with what kind of entertainment to order and invites agencies to set the lowest price. Such corporate parties are a celebration of banality and a meager budget.

Advice: even if you have a small budget, contact the event studio for at least free advice. With due persistence, many ideas can be implemented independently, but the ideas themselves are best taken from those who are professionally engaged in this.

Interesting corporate events are obtained when a client comes to the agency with a clearly realized goal, and they jointly come up with how to realize this goal.

The bank has taken a leading position thanks to new products and technologies. But lately he has begun to give up his positions, because over the past year he has not created a single breakthrough idea. The HR audit showed that employees feel like market leaders and are resting on their laurels. The goal is to shake up the team, infect them with the excitement of struggle and innovation.

The event agency offered to hold corporate games to launch breakthrough internal projects: employees are divided into teams, come up with a project idea, receive the help of mentors from the required industry and a platform for launching. At the end of the year - presentation of projects in front of the entire company, which ends with the awarding of the winners and a big holiday with summing up. The agency came up with game mechanics, ways to motivate employees, a powerful brand of the competition and all the accompanying presentation.

As a result, the New Year's corporate party was entirely devoted to leaders and innovators, who set a new tone for work. In two months of corporate games, the new projects department received more viable proposals than in the previous two years.


A good corporate party is never cheap, because there is a huge invisible infrastructure behind any detail of the holiday.

The client wants to have a picnic. Among other things, he is offered a station with fresh berries. Price - 1000 rubles per person. “Are you out of your mind ?! - the client is indignant, - I will buy a bucket of berries for each employee for 1000 rubles. But when he says so, he doesn't think that:

The berries will be beautifully packed in individual baskets, washed and ready to eat. If necessary, they will be accompanied by napkins and disposable forks that will look like silverware;

The berries will be fresh because they will be bought on the same day early in the morning; they will be whole, and not crushed and sour;

The berries will be handed out by two spectacular maidens in suits, in front of them there will be a luxurious rustic-style stand, and a banner with the company logo on top. The girls will smile and invite them to taste the berries, and the sound of their voices will be sweeter than those berries;

somewhere there will be a trash bin hidden from the eyes, where all the waste will fall, and after the Event, this bucket, along with the waste, will magically disappear somewhere, it will be clean;

On a hot day, a stock of berries for 100 people will be stored in a refrigerator hidden from the eyes, to which electricity will be supplied from a generator, which will also be hidden from view;

All this will be brought by truck, assembled, installed, monitored for safety, and then disassembled, put into a truck, taken away and tidied up.

Now imagine what would happen if the client decides to just buy 100 buckets of berries.

When you contact an agency, you pay not for props, products and costumes, but for a comprehensive service. If you are having an outdoor picnic and it suddenly starts to rain, a good event studio will have a stock of a gazelle full of large beautiful umbrellas, tents, blankets and burners.

If the agency has counted too expensive a holiday for you, it is better to reduce the "coverage": remove some stations and attractions. Better one good berry stand than a whole park of boring second-rate entertainment that gets wet in the rain. And then clean up after them.

A mobile fruit station at an event in Gorky Park

Little holiday

Corporate events don't have to be huge. Small but regular events are just as enjoyable. For example, congratulate an employee on the first year of work or happy birthday. A person comes to the workplace, and a small congratulation and a gift are already waiting for him. For this, it is not necessary to hire an agency - you can also entrust one of the employees.

From time to time, a fruit salad bar or a station with fresh juices may appear in the office. It's great when unusual objects appear in the office for a short time - a Soviet gaming machine, a soda machine, a large mirror with the inscription "You look great", a mobile photo studio, the "Dandy" prefix or something like that. When an object appears for a short time, employees appreciate it more, and it does not have time to get bored.

Flower master class at STS-Media.

Leading: Hello dear guests! Happy New Year! On this wonderful winter evening, when the magic atmosphere of the most long-awaited holiday is already felt everywhere and in everything, I greet the wonderful team ... (name of the organization). It is a great honor and great joy for me to spend this evening with you, in such a friendly and friendly team! Friends, we will not delay for long and raise the first toast to the joyful expectations with which we meet the arrival of the New Year, as well as how pleasant it is to share this New Year's mood with our old, but so familiar and beloved team!

An excerpt from the song "If there was no winter" (Spanish by V. Tolkunov) is playing.

We have a long evening ahead of us, a lot of fun, funny and unexpected, and in order to prepare for all this, treat yourself well! For example, in tsarist times, the most amazing New Year's dish was stuffed pig. What is so amazing about him, you ask? And it was prepared like this: overseas olives were stuffed with anchovies, these olives were stuffed with a partridge, a pheasant was stuffed with a partridge, and a pheasant served as a filling for a pig! This is how a multi-layer roast turned out. But even without it, here on the tables there is a lot of everything no less tasty and original! ..

Plays an excerpt from the song "New Year" (Spanish gr. "Brilliant")

Leading: So, the first toast is delivered, the first hunger is satisfied, and while everyone is still able to hear about serious things, I invite your leader here to tell you what the past year was like for the company.
The director comes out, talks about the company's success in a nutshell, and the presenter suggests raising a toast to it.
The director sits down.

Plays an excerpt from the song "Agent 007" (Spanish gr. "Brilliant")

Leading: You know, dear friends, your director quietly whispered one thing to me. He said that your company is developing mainly thanks to the people who work for it! Because everyone is in their place and doing their job, and professionally. Your director asked me to say something good about each employee, but I decided that words cannot tell everything ... Better to sing!

Joke song "Collective"

(to the tune of the song "Five Minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night") You will need a karaoke recording.

1 I'll sing you a song about the team, In this song - love and positive!
About ordinary employees, Very nice, This song is about the team ...
Here sits a secretary, She is immensely beautiful,
But don't dream about it: The reputation is approximate!
Everything is in business day-and-day, Everything is trying, busy,
After all, the face of the company depends on it very much! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
2 Here is an accountant sitting next to her, The accountant's work is not worth it:
Everything counts and counts, Debit credit knocks, After all, a banquet will cost a pretty penny!
New Year is coming, Let the wine flow like a river!
Here sits a boy, the office manager is called.
He is still young, but his talent is noticed,
Career growth for him is definitely guaranteed! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
3 Here is the driver. He, of course, does not drink, Even if he sees off the old year:
Let the people have fun, And he get behind the wheel, Deliver the people to the address!
Here is our courier sitting, in his business, just a master,
Here sits an engineer, For him (her) work is happiness!
Here is the guard sitting, He knows no sentimentality,
Protect your company from enemies and competitors! (repeat lines 1, 3 and 4)
4 The team is so funny and big, Here they respect each other with all their soul,
Here they work in a team, Reveal in talent And happy home rush home!
New Year is coming, The best and the most beautiful.
Have fun, team, Sing, dance, fall in love, celebrate!
But while we were singing the song, Our glasses were empty ... It's time for us to fill them!

A toast is raised to all employees. Plays an excerpt from the song "Yolki" (Spanish: V. Serdyuchka).

Leading(after the toast): One minute, friends ... Where is our dear leader? Where did you disappear to? And there is no secretary! Something tells me that this is no accident ...
Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter (the presenter needs to agree in advance with the director and secretary whether they will agree to play these roles. Or another option is possible, when someone from the team becomes Santa Claus and Snegurochka).
Santa Claus pretends to be very drunk, the Snow Maiden leads him by the arm.

Father Frost: Dear friends! Congratulations to everyone ... on this ... like him ... on the new ... well, in short, on the new director! Here. Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you better shut up, I'll tell you everything myself! In short, so. My grandfather is now your director, and I am his secretary and closest assistant! Your leadership resigned and now everyone is obliged to obey us!
Father Frost: Aha! Obliged!
Leading: But where is he ... (name and patronymic of the director)! And where ... (name of the secretary)!
Father Frost: And they ... this ... already flew to the Canary Islands! Rest!
Leading: Well, in that case, come in and get to know the team. We literally just toasted him. As you know, the staff decides everything ... Start to delve into the intricacies of the work!
Father Frost: And I'm not c-going to delve into it! And I'm not going to get acquainted! I'll recruit my team! (rummages in his bag, takes out a kokoshnik). For example, I'll take Vasilisa the Wise as an accountant! (Santa Claus approaches the accountant and puts a kokoshnik on her). Emelya with her stove will be in charge of the transport! (takes a hat out of a bag and puts it on to the head of the transport department). I'll make the Tin Soldier a guard! (puts on a cocked hat for the guard). Cinderella will become the cleaner (she puts on an apron to the cleaner), and the fairy will become the storekeeper! (hands the storekeeper the "magic" daddy).
In general, everything will be in a new way, that is, in my opinion!
Leading: You know, it seems to me that arbitrariness in such a serious matter as managing a company is completely unacceptable! I propose a vote. Who is from the team for the new bosses? And who is against it?
The team, of course, is in favor.
Leading: Well, the team trusts you. Therefore, since the New Year is on the nose, you should be the new director! But only here there is one "but" ...
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: What other "but"?
Leading: Where has it been seen that drunken bosses appear in front of employees?
Father Frost: Today is possible, today is such a day! But if necessary, I'll sober up right now! I brought you gifts here ...

Santa Claus's bag contains small souvenirs for employees - you can order them with the company logo, for example, pens, folders, mugs or Christmas balls. An excerpt from the song "Santa Claus" (Spanish for "Disco Crash") sounds

Leading: Let it be cold outside the windows, snow outside the windows, But bursting laughter rings in this room, Here, from the warm company, everyone is hot, Here a gray-haired, mischievous and funny old man, It is not for nothing that he comes to us again and again, To call a happy midnight together, So that the year leaving with good, the Year did not do something? Forgive for this, Because there are so few minutes left, And other hopes will enter our doors, A new holiday will begin and a new countdown ... We meet you, dear New Year! And now, dear viewers, would you like to dance a little?

Dance break.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden can change clothes. During the dances, the presenter offers the following game: two people each receive a ball of thick thread. Their task is to unwind the thread to tie as many people as possible to them. When the music ends, the winner is determined, i.e. the one who managed to tie more.

Leading(invites everyone back to the tables): And now I give the floor to you, dear employees. Who wants to congratulate everyone present and wish something very special in the New Year?

Those who wish from the team say.

Leading: We will raise a toast for these wishes! And we continue our magical evening ... We have a guest again, but what a! A real VIP! Meet! ..

A solemn march is playing.

New Year's greetings from the Master of the Year

One of the guests is asked to become the "Master of the Year" and is dressed up accordingly: if they meet the Year of the Mouse, then they will need foam ears and a rope tail, if Sheep - then horns and a tail, etc.
The presenter asks to greet the Master of the next year and show him every respect, because the well-being in the new year will depend on this. The host and "Master of the Year" ask if there are any Mice, Ox, Dragon, etc. born in the year among the guests. and take turns reading out the wishes for them.

Host of the Year: Now we will find out about each of you what kind of animal you are! And for each "beast" we have our own, special wish!


Dance while the cat sleeps! Remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap! Do not sulk like a mouse on a rump! And do not waste your time on mouse fuss!


Make tons of friends! Raise immunity! Find the ADVANTAGES of the SUBSTANCE in everything! Financial incentives! And rejoice at all the MUU good MUU!


To make the hunt successful! So that life is striped, but without black stripes! And female tigers - to give tiger lilies!


Lick your lips with pleasure! Walk on your own! Don't scowl! Do not fall into KOTOVasii! And so that there was a continuous Shrovetide!


High flight! Wingspan! Fiery passion! And so that you are not "dragon"!


Keep cool! Elude failure! Do not warm the snake on your chest! And not to be surrounded by solid bastards!


Plow only for yourself! More often "laugh"! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! And do not forget: whoever is lucky, on that and go!


To live curly! So that rams do not come across on the way! And so that the game is always worth the candle!


Do not take up monkey labor! Grimace in response to the grimaces of fate! And remember that all people descended from monkeys!


So that luck does not fly away! To always "bite"! And so that there will always be funds for a golden scallop!


Puppy delight! Dog loyalty! Let them walk in front of you on their hind legs! And don't let your life be a dog's!


Do not "grunt" at the holiday! May there always be a full trough! Let the pearls be thrown in front of you! And let them never put a pig on it!

An excerpt from the song "Ap! And the tigers sat down at my feet ..." (Spanish M. Boyarsky)

Leading: Thanks to the dear Host of the Year! And everyone else is recommended to give the Master increased attention during this evening and in no case to anger him, otherwise he will do everything to harm you in the year! And first of all, it will not allow you to celebrate the holiday the way you plan! Here, for example ... So we have it: New Year has long been Regardless of fashion Has become an event of the year for everyone: We buy groceries, Not counting, without skimping, We select outfits, Whirling in front of the mirror, We wrote envelopes and postcards for our relatives, To congratulate them with a word and a smile in the New Year. Finally it comes! Christmas tree, dancing, laughter of guests ... Time flies by quickly: There is a limit at midnight. Morning will meet with cold haze, Headache for everyone, Where are you, New Year's holiday? Where is the cheerful friendly laughter? The lights on the trees are not lit, The salad is sour on the table, The floor is in fragments of plates - Goodbye, service, The chandelier is broken with a cork, Cigarette smoke is floating, The door is treacherously open ... And all this is New Year ?! So let's celebrate the holiday So that afterwards we do not suffer, Do not regret it in vain, And do not remember with sadness! Let's raise a toast to this - so that each of you meets New Year's midnight exactly as he wants, in the circle of the most dear people with whom you want to be close throughout the coming year! And now, dear viewers, would you like to play a little?

New Year's game "Numbers"

And now we are going to hold a sobriety competition! Let's see if you have forgotten how to count? ..
The presenter explains the rules: he will show pictures with numbers, and the players must name everything that is associated with this number - the names of films, books, proverbs, phrases from songs, etc. etc. For example: 3 - the line "Three girls under the window ...", the picture "Three heroes", the film "Three poplars on Plyushchikha", etc. 17 - the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", the ditty "Where are my seventeen years ..." and others 33 - the song "Thirty-three cows", the saying "Thirty-three misfortunes", etc.

An excerpt from the song "Winter-Cold" (Spanish A. Gubin) sounds.

New Year's "Tasty Contest"

According to one belief, after the chiming clock, you must certainly eat twelve grapes - so that every month of the year is successful and fruitful. We will not hear the chimes striking today, but it is quite possible to eat twelve grapes at a time. However, for those who get their grapes in the process of a difficult but fun competition, it will bring much more happiness, good luck and everything else pleasant! I invite six people to participate. Who will be these lucky ones?
The competition is as follows: the participants have their hands tied behind their backs and are brought out plates of cornflakes, in which are hidden twelve grapes. You need to get and eat grapes without using your hands. The fastest wins and gets the prize.

The game goes to the song "Yum-yum" (Spanish by A. Pugachev).

Leading(after dancing): While you were dancing, more guests came to us! Meet the Bremen Town Musicians! Four guests put on the masks of the Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey and sing a song (to be printed).

New Year's Song of the "Bremen Town Musicians"

(to the motive "There is nothing better in the world ...")

1 There is nothing better in the world than to come to this company for a holiday,
There are smiles, dances and fun, And the girls are just a feast for the eyes, And the girls are just a feast for the eyes!
2 Holidays will pass, weekdays will come, But it is not difficult to diversify them:
You smile at each other wider, And you will not be happier in the world, And you will not be happier in the world!
3 If you hire us, we will teach you to sing songs at work!
Life will become even more beautiful with us. Every day will be like a holiday for you, Every day will be like a holiday for you!

Leading: Have a seat at the table, dear guests! I feel that in your company it is never boring anyway. Let's raise a toast to make every day in the coming year look like a holiday, so that you continue to be just as funny and groovy! (after the toast): And since everyone knows that happiness in the new year depends on how you meet it, let's redouble our efforts and have even more fun. Let's play!

New Year's game "Hat analysis"

This competition is for marksmanship. You will need all kinds of hats (hats, panamas, caps, etc.). Each player is given several pieces. The presenter puts 2-3 bottles of champagne on the floor as "targets" (so that they do not fall, you can fix them with scotch tape). Those who play at them will throw it all from a distance. The most accurate ones receive champagne as a prize. The game goes to the song "Cool you got" ("Star Factory").

Dance break.

Leading(invites everyone to the tables again): Aren't you tired of having fun, dear guests? I suggest making an intellectual pause!

New Year's express survey

On pieces of paper, write in advance the names of objects that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the New Year's holiday. Each guest draws out a piece of paper, reads out a word and must come up with an explanation as soon as possible how to connect this word with the New Year. For example, the word "tractor". Explanation - the snow is being cleaned with a tractor for the holiday! An excerpt from the song "White Snow" (Spanish group "Dynamite") is played, then the presenter announces a competition for New Year's jokes. After that, an outdoor game is held again.

New Year's relay race "In one team"

Two teams play, each with an even number of people. All are paired. Each pair is given two rubber bands (for example, for hair), in which, standing shoulder to shoulder, the couple must thread adjacent ankles and hands together and be “in the same harness”. The relay race begins to the music - couples from both teams cover the distance to the finish line, where a bottle of alcohol and glasses are waiting for them; you need to drink, go back and pass the gum to the next pair. The faster team wins.

The game is played to the song "Three White Horses" (Spanish: L. Dolina). After an active game, one more toast, then the next entertainment -

New Year's game "Shepelyavki"

The essence of the game is that two teams in turn must name any words with the letter S. Which team is the first to have difficulty, that one lost.

An excerpt from the song "Winter" (Spanish Alsou) sounds. Finally, if the guests are still able, another game is offered.

New Year's game "I am a bartender"

All comers participate - some in the role of a bartender, some in the role of a taster. From alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and fruits on the table, you need to make the most fantastic cocktails, the host gives the "bartenders" glasses and tubes. "Experts" evaluate and select three prize cocktails.

The game is accompanied by the song "Spray of Champagne" (Spanish: V. Tokarev).

Leading: I think our members made a successful debut in their new role! Never be afraid to try something new - after all, it may be that completely unexpected talents are dormant inside you! Let's raise a toast to everything new, to new hopes and plans that we always associate with the coming of the New Year! Never stop hoping and dreaming and of course acting! My friends! May sadness never peep into your homes, may your loved ones always be healthy, may things and ideas go well, may not be sad for a minute! I wish you new heights and victories, development and prosperity to all of you and your organization, new joys in the life of each of you! Happy new year to you!
Fireworks, continuation of the evening at the request of the guests.

How can you celebrate the New Year in the office? Gather at the festive table? Invite artists? Visit the restaurant opposite? No, it’s all already happened. I want something new, unusual, unforgettable…. "Women's Passion" will tell you how to organize an original holiday on your own!

New Year's Eve is a magical time when dreams come true. Forget at least for this time about urgent matters and daily responsibilities. The fact that you are a middle-level manager and you still have a million projects to develop, or you are just an ordinary employee and whole mountains of documents are waiting for you.

Allow yourself to become a carefree child for at least one evening.

Try to create a fairy tale with your team or visit some fictional unfamiliar country. Feel like a queen at a ball next to a handsome prince. Go on a trip to other planets, get acquainted with their culture and customs. Or just visit all the islands of the planet Earth in one evening. But is it really possible? Yes! Everything is possible on New Year's Eve! The main thing is to really want it.

Where to begin

On New Year's Eve, everyone wants a dream come true, but do not forget: everyone has their own. When choosing a place and a celebration program, do not forget to take into account the age and interests of all members of the team.

Ideally, all employees are about the same age. In this case, you can easily choose a place for the celebration and a program that will suit everyone's taste. But, as practice shows, such situations are extremely rare. Basically, enterprises employ people of different ages and, accordingly, different interests.

Olya, a young and energetic employee of the marketing department, shared her ideas with us: “I would like the New Year celebration to be fun and active. I really love sports, movement, and I think it would be great if the employees had the opportunity to participate in various competitions and games at the holiday! "

As for the older employees, they have different wishes. Vera Stepanovna, head of the accounting department, advises to hold the New Year's event more calmly. “During the year I am so tired that even a 28-day summer vacation does not help. Now at work I have to learn a lot of new things, go to refresher courses. And there are enough worries around the house. So, with great pleasure I would celebrate the New Year in a restaurant and watch the performances of the artists. "- our heroine complains.

Different views on the New Year's program can even lead to conflicts.

How can you make sure that both young people can have plenty of fun and older people have a good rest?

Experts recommend: in addition to a large room where the main action will take place, provide for a small, quieter hall. It should set the table for the adherents of silence. If there is no opportunity to retire, then the team may simply split: some of the employees will leave the event early and continue the celebration in a more relaxed atmosphere in the cafeteria opposite.

Scenario # 1 "Winter Hunt"

Irina Andreevna, head of the personnel department

“This is a simple, but very funny way of organizing a holiday. We try to come up with something new every year. But the team liked this idea so much that we are celebrating this way for the 3rd New Year in a row.

Despite the fact that the scenario is the same, the holiday is always different and never repeats. To begin with, we turned our office into a "magic forest". We acquired forest toy inhabitants: bunnies, chanterelles, rabbits, bear cubs, wolves. A piece of paper was attached to the abdomen of these fidgets (thick fabric is also possible), on which a letter is depicted.

The animals were well hidden in various and unexpected places. I found mine quite by accident when I went to look for the TV remote control. Looking closely, I saw a forest dweller hiding behind him. At the entrance to the forest (office), we split into two teams, came up with a name and slogan.

For about half of the evening we gathered animals and tried to put together a funny word. At the beginning of the event, a competition was announced: whose team will come up with a funny word / phrase will receive a prize! We were literally missing a few letters and couldn't find them anywhere. But you could buy them in a fabulous shop for money.

The means of payment could be obtained by participating in various competitions during the celebration. Each competition, depending on the degree of complexity and originality, brought the participants proportionate capital. Our money was called newies. You can fantasize and name them, for example, restiki (from the word rest - rest), or clausics, frosts, in honor of the New Year.

Let your imagination run wild and play with your company name. Our team won! We won a prize in the amount of 1000 newies, divided it equally among ourselves and went to buy souvenirs in the New Year's shop. This fabulous commercial structure worked all night.

A characteristic feature of our company is staff turnover. Although we try to create good working conditions for the staff, such a negative trend is still present. For me, this way of celebrating is a lifesaver. If my task is to unite the team as quickly as possible, I use this method.

Only instead of letters I dress animals in T-shirts with a picture of an employee. You can use a more creative idea and make a soft toy copy. The found double must be identified and taken to the owner. A more "budgetary" option would be to create a prototype from salt dough.

Depending on the style of behavior, some character traits, almost every person resembles one or another animal. You can make animal doubles. Sometimes it is very interesting to know which animal you associate with. But do not forget that the line between funny and offensive is very thin and easy to cross! "

Scenario number 2 "Island Party"

Lyudmila, accountant

“We have a small recruiting company that has existed for only 3 years. In our office space, there is no way to gather all employees in one room. Each department is located in a small room. But we are not upset, and skillfully use the space that at first glance is unsuitable for celebration.

Last time we had a holiday in the form of "island parties". Each department is some kind of island: Ferdy, Galapagos, Bali, Hawaii, Seychelles, Polynesian. We chose ourselves which island we want to represent.

Island residents (employees), dressed in fictitious national costumes, represented their habitat. You can dream up and imagine the island of your dreams. In this case, you need to give it a name. Also, each team prepared a short performance, told about the peculiarities of their culture.

A prerequisite is treating guests with a branded drink. You can also invent the recipe and name yourself. This task contributes to team building, since everyone takes an active part in its creation and execution.

If the team has chosen an existing island, then it should learn as much as possible about it, look on the Internet, ask friends. If this is a fictional place, then the flight of fantasy is not limited here.

In both cases, there is a common task, and the team is working on its implementation. In a certain sequence, the inhabitants of the islands came to visit each other. After such an unusual "trip around the world", the best island is chosen according to the results of the general vote. The winners receive a prize.

Firstly, it is really fun and interesting, and secondly, thanks to this, the employees of our department have become much closer to each other. Now we are truly a team! This year we are planning to make a "tribal" party. The conditions remain the same. Our department has already chosen which tribe we will represent. Now we are at the stage of developing the script for the speech. For this, I and several of my employees signed up for a belly dance. We would like to make a surprise for our colleagues. Only so far it's a secret! "

Scenario number 3 "Carnival ball"

Maria, secretary

“On New Year's Eve, more than ever, you want changes in your life. Someone buys a car, someone goes on a trip, and someone changes their image.

Psychologists are convinced that on New Year's Eve, everyone can afford what they would not dare at any other time. Let's take advantage of a wonderful occasion - New Year's Eve and plunge into a fairy tale.

We had an original outfit as the entrance ticket to the New Year's party. It was unusual! At first I was indignant where I would look for a New Year's outfit, and what an additional waste of time and money it was. But then I realized how long I had not felt like a real lady and how I miss it.

Each participant had to present their outfit and tell why he chose it. I was the queen and my companion was the king. We have prepared a mini performance. Everyone liked our idea and execution. In the end, we won and went to Paris for a few days. It was unforgettable!

Very often men and women do not understand each other, and all because they are different. Not better or worse - just completely different. In order to find a common language with the opposite sex, our psychologist Anastasia advises to play a rather funny game this year.

On New Year's Eve, we will switch roles. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will have to dress in women's clothing, and beautiful representatives in men's. At the entrance to the main hall, you need to divide all the participants into groups and play some funny life situation. Having been in a particular role / situation, you better understand the point of view of men / women. And the conflict just disappears! "

Scenario number 4 "Crazy Hands"

Elena Nikolaevna, executive director

“Our company is going through hard times now and cannot allocate money for organizing parties. But we try to spend every holiday together and create it on our own. Last time the entrance ticket to the celebration was a self-made dish.

For the female half of the team, this is a great reason to prove themselves, and for men to appreciate the efforts of their fragile employees. The men also had to prepare something for the holiday.

During the month, our electrician Vladimir Anatolyevich went constantly sleepy. No one could understand what had happened to him. As it turned out later, he wrote poetry at night for each department. And we did not even suspect that he was writing. He has talent!

According to statistics, people around the world spend a lot more money in December and are more active than in other months of the year. They are more liberated and take part in such undertakings with pleasure.

Psychologists note that the holiday in the creation of which you took an active part is emotionally perceived and remembered. And in this regard, it is advised not to miss such a wonderful occasion to bring the team closer together.

As a rule, employees spend a lot of time at work, solving current monotonous tasks. Work is associated with stress and problems, there are no positive emotions. In this case, the motivation of employees falls, which entails a decrease in productivity and the quality of performance of assigned tasks.

There is a direct connection between how the holiday went and the productivity of the work. People absorb positive emotions that give strength to effectively complete tasks and increase labor productivity.

I also noticed: the likelihood of changing jobs after a good holiday is much lower. If relations between someone deteriorate, I use the holiday as a means of reconciliation.

I try to find out what our employees are doing after a hard day, maybe someone has some kind of hobby or talent. You need to give the person a chance to express themselves.

I also recommend filming all corporate events, taking photos and creating your own film library, distributing copies to participants. As practice shows, these records keep positive for many years.

A person can review the recording, mentally return to that time, recharge with good emotions again. It is best when the operator starts his work from the preparation stage. There are moments of joint creative work in the film. All this brings the team closer and increases loyalty to the company! "

What not to do ...

The purpose of recording an event is to capture positive emotions.

There is no need to take photos that the person does not like, may embarrass or compromise him. It is necessary that everyone has positive emotions from the event. And the record / photo is just a thing that triggers memories.

Security must be present at the celebration. It is very important that no showdown occurs on the territory of the celebration - one such small episode can spoil the positive mood. If management or employees are aware of the strained relations of some colleagues, it is better to warn the guards about this. Alcohol affects people in different ways, and it is better to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments.

Dividing or zoning the team should be avoided to departments, job status or on any other grounds. Either the team celebrates together, or each department separately and at different times.

From the first days of September, I begin to receive letters and calls regarding the New Year's corporate party. It is difficult to give answers to all occasions in one article, since most of these ideas can be “inflated” for a large team with an impressive budget, or, on the contrary, can be greatly simplified for a modest office gathering for 20 people.

In any case, I hope to give some vector for the flight of thought, so that the holiday turns out to be bright and unusual.

It is better to take care of a New Year's corporate party of even the most modest format as early as possible. You cannot imagine how sad I am to whisper into your phone on December 20th that our organizational resource has been exhausted.

15 ideas for a New Year's corporate party in a small office (10 - 70 people)

New Year's corporate party "without a scale" has been ordered often before, and this year, I suspect, this format will be even more popular.

Such a holiday can take place right in the office, in a small cafe or in a specially equipped room. A delicious dinner with dancing to world hits is often the basis of a New Year's party, but if you add a little entertainment, your employees will surely appreciate it.

1. Entertaining and intellectual games

There are games with an emphasis on intellectuality, but all the same they are fun and reckless: "Crystal Owl", "Brain-ring", "KinoQuiz", "Intellectual Mix", etc. There are entertainment formats where you can not only think and guess, but also sing and dance, show your acting talent: "The Sixth Sense", "Moscow Nights", "Music Tied Us", etc.

2. Interactive quest

3. Don't give a damn about everyone

Cool music and rhythm program led by a traveling musician. He collects unusual noise instruments all over the world, tells a lot of interesting things and conducts a fun program. This is a New Year's team building, in which each team learns its own rhythmic pattern, and in the finale, everyone is united into a single orchestra. By the way, each participant will have a darbuka drum, so everyone doesn't care - literally!

4. Karaoke party

It goes like this. A sound engineer with a karaoke machine arrives at the office, with a singing presenter, who will hold a fun party. Get ready for the performance of Russian and world hits.

The program can be diluted with fun contests and thought out in advance the songs that your employees will perform. The average cost is 60,000 rubles for 3 hours.

5. Oil painting

Let's say no one wants to jump, have fun and sing. I would like to escape from the work routine and plunge into beauty for three whole hours. This is how long a painting master class lasts on a real canvas with real oil. And then your masterpiece will be packed in a real baguette to hang on a real wall)).

7. Light or sand show

8. Delicious master class

This is the preparation of something beautiful, festive and aromatic. I am enough (latte art, healthy sweets, carving, cake decorating, handmade chocolates, marzipan sculpting, gingerbread painting, candy bouquet or Christmas tree, oriental coffee, mulled wine), etc.

You all sit down at the same time at the table, at the head of which is the master. A small theoretical part with examples, after which you start creating. Beautiful, festive, fragrant. The pleasure lasts about 1.5 hours.

Write a request by mail indicating the date and number of participants, we will calculate everything.

9. Cooking duel

I must say right away that the holiday in the culinary studio on New Year's days is very popular, good dates have been taking place since autumn. ...

A cook with assistants, all the products, stoves and utensils for cooking can come to your office. You need a comfortable room, access to water and electricity. Note that this is an entertainment for 1.5-2 hours, during which you yourself will prepare a New Year's banquet for yourself, and then you will eat all this for another 2.5 hours.

The cost is about 5000 rubles per person, taking into account the rental of the studio.

10. Handicraft workshop

This New Year's entertainment is suitable for women's groups. For the new year, you can make beautiful gifts for family and friends, the choice of master classes is very large. Here are a few: decorating Christmas toys, mulled wine, postcards using scrapbooking technique, glass balls with snow, decorating felt boots, decoupage of candles and dishes, felt decorations, painting carnival masks, wool felting, etc.

To be honest, all this is very pacifying and helps to create a New Year's mood. Write, we will count.

11. Interactive science show

For those who think that chemical and physical experiments please only children, I declare: this is not so! There are interesting programs in which your colleagues will take part as assistants and performers of scientific tricks.

12. Selfie with Santa Claus

If you really have not decided on a New Year's corporate party this year, just decorate the offices with LED decorations (just plug them into an outlet), turn on New Year's music and call our Santa Claus. Let him congratulate each employee, walk through the offices with sweets and champagne.

In my opinion, very festive! Santa Claus poses well for a selfie, do not miss the moment to hug in the frame with the most positive grandfather of Russia.

13. Thematic party with the host and the program

At first glance, a banal option, which, however, should not be forgotten. Harmless costume contests, comic awards for "fidelity to Friday", a small disco and a buffet table. What else do you need to relax with the team on New Year's Eve?