What amount of vitamins is contained in fruit. Fruits with vitamin C

This vitamin is very important for the human body. So that he regularly falls into the body, you need to know where Vitamin A.

Rich foods can be found in any store. If these products are equipped regularly, to prepare correctly, the lack of retinol will not arise.

Table: products containing vitamin A in large quantities.
Products Size portion Vitamin A (μg) RAE
Vegetables and fruits
Batat or sweet potatoes, with peel, boiled 1 Middle 1096
Pumpkin, canned 125 ml (½ cups) 1007
Carrot juice 125 ml (½ cups) 966
Carrots prepared 125 ml (½ cups) 653-709
Carrots, raw 1 average (61 g) 509
Spinach cooked 125 ml (½ cups) 498
Raw Dips Cooked 125 ml (½ cups) 290-466
Tomato, raw 1 medium (123 g) 300
Salad Romano (Roman Salad, Romain) 250 ml (1 cups) 258
Red Salad Latuke (Sheet Salad) 250 ml (1 cups) 218
Chinese Sheet Cabbage Cooked 125 ml (½ cups) 190
Red pepper 125 ml (½ cups) 106
Apricots, Dried (Kuraga, Uryuk) 60 ml (¼ cups) 191
Apricots, canned 125 ml (½ cups) 169
Grain Products This food group contains a very small amount of retinol.
Milk and dairy products
Cow Milk Cheese, Hard 50 g 243
Cheddar, without fat 50 g 220
Cow Milk Cheese, Semi 50 g 204
Münster, Nostel, Gruyer, Cheddar, Colby 50 g 132-158
Ricotta 125 ml (½ cups) 140-156
Blue / Roquefort 50 g 99-147
Processed Slices of Cheese, Cheddar 125
Degreased, 1%, 2%, chocolate milk 250 ml (1 cup) 137-163
3.3% Homogenized 250 ml (1 cup) 119
Soy milk 250 ml (1 cup) 103-104
Meat and meat products
Liver, turkey, cooked * 75 g 16950
Liver, veal, prepared * 75 g 15052-15859
Drafting, turkey cooked 75 g 8053
Liver, beef, cooked * 75 g 5808-7082
Liver, bay, cooked * 75 g 5618-5836
Liver, pork, cooked * 75 g 4054
Liver, chicken, cooked * 75 g 3222
Fish and seafood
Acne, cooked 75 g 853
Tuna, raw or cooked 75 g 491-568
Herring, salty 75 g 194
Mackerel prepared 75 g 189
Mollusks prepared 75 g 128
Salmon cooked 75 g 112 -118
Oysters prepared 75 g 110
Alternatives to meat
Eggs prepared 2 large 190-252
Fish fat 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 1382

Feature! The presented products will be assumed better if they are consumed fresh. Before use, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the daily rate of retinol. This will avoid overdose and its side effects.

Conditions under which vitamin A

Under certain conditions, this vitamin is absorbed better:

  • Simultaneous reception of vitamins A and E. They complement each other, strengthen the effect. Products that contain vitamin A and E at the same time: carrot juice, dried apricots (dried apricots), tomatoes, spinach, bathat, pumpkin, broccoli.
  • Eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Thermal processing destroys this substance, it disappears, as a person does not receive the necessary vitamins.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Harmful habits lead to the fact that useful substances are stopped using the organism. During smoking, the use of alcohol, the retinol is not absorbed properly. If you refuse to harmful habits, the absorption of retinol is enhanced several times.
  • Healthy intestinal functioning. If the microflora is a healthy intestine, Retinol is absorbed excellent. However, with violations of the work of this body, the necessary organism is derived, without absorbing.
  • Eating products with fat content. They enhance the influx of bile and thereby contribute to the absorption of retinol.

Daily rate

The daily rate of this substance varies depending on the floor and age of a person:

  • Children: 600 μg.
  • Women: 800 μg.
  • Men: 700 μg.
  • Women during pregnancy: 1200 μg.
  • Women in breastfeeding period: 1300 μg.
  • People of retirement age: 700 μg.

Feature! Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding need more retinol, since at this time it is necessary not only to a woman, but also a child. Useful substances are needed by a woman and growing organism.

What vegetables contain the most vitamin A?

Experts allocate the following list of vegetables with a large content of vitamin A:

  • Batat, yellow and orange varieties (961 μg);
  • Carrots (852 μg);
  • Spinach (469 μg);
  • Parsley greens (421 μg);
  • Pumpkin (288 μg);
  • Beijing cabbage (223 μg);
  • Broccoli (77 μg);
  • Zucchini (56 μg);
  • Onion (50 μg);
  • Tomato (42 μg);
  • Iceberg salad (25 μg);
  • Pepper sweet (23 μg).

If salads are prepared from vegetables, refuel them with oil or sour cream. In no case can not mayonnaise, since he will not give beta-carotine correctly too much.

Batt, yellow and orange varieties (961 μg)

Carrots (852 μg)

Spinach (469 μg)

Vitamin A in carrots

Carrot is rich in this substance. Experts advise her daily. Before use, it is important to get acquainted with the content of vitamin in the product and consumption rules. When you assume certain errors, it is possible to reduce the learning of the product to 90%. Only with high assimilation of the substance the human body will benefit.

How much vitamin A in carrots

  • The mass of one medium-sized carrot is 128 g and contains 1 g of vitamin A.
  • 100 g of carrots contain 0.8 g of vitamin A.
  • 1 cup (236 ml) of carrot juice contains 2.2 g of vitamin A.

Vitamin A can be understood not completely, if a person will use carrots incorrectly, will prepare it in an incorrect way.

How are carrots to be learned vitamin A

In order for the human body, the maximum amount of substance should be remembered, you need to remember about several conditions under which Vitamin A is absorbed:

  • Carrots are used with fats. It is absorbed in this way much better. Without fats, 90% of the substance will be derived from the body. This means that the body will not receive any benefit. Carrots are necessarily mixed with oil sour cream. They help useful substances better absorb the intestines.
  • It is better to use a fresh product. With frying, vitamins disappear and the organism is not absorbed at all. It is necessary to teach yourself to the regular use of carrots in the fresh form. It can be eaten at any time of the day, but in the first half of the day, the assimilation is better.
  • It is perfectly absorbed by this vitamin in liquid form. It is useful to use freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Important! This product is allowed to mix with honey, butter or sour cream to enhance the beneficial substances, better absorption of beta-carotene. However, it must be remembered. That overdose by vitamin can lead to side effects. You can not eat more than four-five carrots per day.

Fried carrots will not benefit, becomes harmful to the body. Fried carrots can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, so this processing is unacceptable.

What fruit is Vitamin A?

Fruits are filled with a large number of this substance. That is why they must be used regularly. The greatest content is presented in the following fruits:

  • Apricot (96 μg);
  • Persimmon (81 μg);
  • Grapefruit (46 μg);
  • Mandarin (34 μg);
  • Plum (17 μg);
  • Nectarine (17 μg);
  • Peach (16 μg);
  • Orange (11 μg);

Important! You need to eat fruit fresh, without heat treatment. Thus, the useful substances in it are saved, do not disappear. Fruits need to eat ripe. In immature and overripe vitamin a bit, besides, they can harm the human body, cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

How much vitamin A is in fish oil?

For the human body, fish fat is incredibly useful, it contains omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids that impede the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In fish oil per 100 g of the product contains 30 mg of vitamin A. This drug should be used with caution, to prevent overdose by vitamin A.

Feature! Fish fat consume most often in the form of capsules. They are convenient for reception, do not cause disgust. Such a complex contains a detailed dosage, so that a person will avoid overdose. Usually the capsules are used 1-2 times a dayBut the exact dosage is applied to capsules. It depends on the age and gender of man.

Useful video

Look a useful video telling what products contains retinol:

In contact with

The human body needs a lot of nutrients daily. Such are the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. Year-round people get the opportunity to restore a vitamin balance by eating fresh fruits, vegetables. And the first, and the latter can be freezed, without thinking, whether they have available nutrients.

If you follow certain rules and recommendations, in frozen vegetables and fruit fruits, more than half of the vitamin and mineral components can be preserved. For example, vitamin in virtually unable to be destruction during cold, as well as thermal processing. Instead of giving huge money in pharmacies, it is better to turn to natural sources - vegetables and fruits, given what vitamins in them are most.

Fruit Fruits - Vitamin Clad

The use of fruit fruits daily brings tremendous benefits to human body. The fact explaining which vitamins are in fruit, also explains why they are beneficial to the work of the internal organs and their systems. It is important to take care that fresh fruits rich in vitamin C, as well as containing Vitamin V.

Table indicators

Vitamins in vegetables and fruits make an impact on the body similar, however, the table distinguishes only fruits containing vitamin C and other nutrients. We will talk about vegetables below.

Vitamin group

Fruit fruit




















Fruits with nutritional composition have a huge useful impact on the human body. It is important that they are not just rich in vitamin C, but were fresh. Some of them are recommended to use non-seated form in small quantities, as they have the most nutrient components.

Beneficial features

The specified tabular data do not provide information on which fruit contains vitamin R. This element is a lot in tangerines, maracuy, apples, pears, plums. Its main useful property is participating in the normalization of the nervous system, as well as the improvement of blood formation processes. Finding out what fruit in large quantities contains vitamin A, you can not worry about the state of bone tissues, dental enamel, skin cover, using them.

The fact that fruits are contained in sufficient vitamin E, it allows them to include them in the diet of the elderly, as well as those who need to get rid of free radicals in the body. Information on what fruit there is a lot of vitamin D, allows you to take care of the health and growth of young children, warning the development of Rahita. Knowledge about what fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, allows you to use them if necessary to increase the rehabilitation forces of the body, improving the work of its immune system.


However, nutritionists are not recommended to build a diet only taking into account the vegetable and fruit diet, despite the fact that many of them contain vitamin A, vitamin B and other nutritional elements. The body should receive full-fledged protein food, that is, even in dietary nutrition, cereals, meat, fish products must be present. For example, information on what fruit is in large quantities of vitamin B, warns people whose body suffers from the opposite content of the specified component.

Upon learning, in which fruit contains such a substance like Vitamin B12, people will use them dosage, since the overdose of vitamin substance can lead to a deterioration in the state of the person. Fruits with a large content of vitamin E in case of exceeding the rules of use can provoke constipation, as well as colitis. Information on what fruit is contained enough vitamin D, will stop from their overeating people prone to obesity, as well as suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Citrus - source "ascorbic"?

Many wonder in which fruit most vitamin C is the opinion that these are all the fruits belonging to citrus, however, this is a big misconception. The record holder among fruits with a large content, filler by vitamin C, is an apple. People who use them daily less than others are subject to the development of such a disease as a qing. They are often having fun, and also do not suffer from nervous, depressive disorders. Not in vain an apple is introduced first as a fruit dust of a child who has reached the six-month age.

Roots - "Winter" nutrient suppliers

Knowing what vitamins in vegetables prevail, nevertheless are trying to diversify their diet with roots. Many are not sure whether vitamins and other nutritional elements are preserved in frozen, as well as cooked vegetables, and therefore do not try to follow the rules of their freezing and cooking. However, rooted roots rich in vitamin K, with a high content of vitamin C, are indispensable in human diet.

Table indicators

The table presented shows which vegetables contain certain vitamins.

Vitamin substances











Leaf green vegetables




The tops of certain rooteplodes


Green pepper







It is known that vegetables rich in such nutrients as vitamin K, vitamin B, more than others should be present in daily food taken by man. It is important to figure out, in which vegetable is most present vitamin C, whether vitamins in frozen root roots are preserved, as well as what needs to be done to preserve vitamins in vegetables.


The main benefits of vegetable products are due to the large content of nutrients such as vitamin B, K, E and others. Information on which vegetables contains enough vitamin A, will allow them to include them in the diet of people suffering from bone diseases, poor condition of the skin, loss of hair and teeth. The main thing is to know what should be done to preserve vitamins in vegetables during cooking and freezing.

Vegetable products containing vitamin B, useful to people with cardiovascular failure, disorders of the digestive system, as well as eye diseases. Korneflodes in which many vitamin C are useful to those who need to have enough physical energy and endurance due to increased load at work, training. Since this element is almost completely destroyed during thermal processing, it is important to know how to maintain vitamin C in vegetables during cooking.

Vegetable crops containing vitamin B12, and also contains vitamin E, useful for those who are tormented by chronic constipation, and also has problems in the functioning of the digestive system. The table presented above will help correctly correct the diet, taking into account the testimony and contraindications to the use of certain vegetable products.


Despite the fact that vegetable products containing vitamin A and other nutrients are useful, there are certain contraindications to their use in large quantities. For example, vegetable products with vitamin C as part of are contraindicated to those who suffer from problems in sex life, a stomach ulcer, duodenum. The roots containing vitamin A should not be present in the diet of people suffering from allergic reactions, high drowsiness and lethargy.

That products, where high content of vitamin C is prohibited by people with obesity and diabetes mellitus. Korneflodes, which contains vitamin E, and also contains vitamin D, cannot be used by people having chronic inflammatory processes, diseases of the kidneys and liver. In such situations, it is better to use specialized vitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the lack of nutrient elements in the body.

What vegetable is more than others rich in vitamin substances?

An important question lies in to know what kind of vegetable contains the most useful components. This information is interested in users as often as the information about whether vitamins are preserved in frozen vegetables. Studies show that substantially other cabbage composition. In addition to her, as an answer to the question, in which vegetable most useful substances, you can call potatoes, carrots, beets, green peas. It should be remembered that only the correct thermal processing will allow you to preserve the maximum content of vitamin C and other substances in vegetables and fruits.

Preservation of fruit benefits during freezing

Interest in whether vitamins in frozen products are constantly increasing. This is due to the fact that many vegetable fruit crops are fruitful only in the summer season and they must be harvested for the winter. Proper packaging in the form of vacuum packets or ordinary cellophane retains the useful properties of products for six months. The main thing is to follow certain rules when preparing to the freezing process, and then the question will continue vitamins in frozen cultures, it will be decided by itself.

Basic rules of frost

The main rules guaranteeing a positive answer to the question are vitamins in frozen products, are:

  1. Use of a quick frost regime.
  2. The product of fruit freezing immediately after their collection and washing, cutting.
  3. Holding the temperature regime not exceeding -25 ° C.
  4. Freezing of fruit and vegetable fruits with minor portions suitable only for one-time use.

Preserving the benefits of root

Confidence that rootes lose their vitamin composition during thermal processing, makes many think that they do not have useful components. In fact, it is important only how to maintain vitamin C in vegetables during cooking, since it is it that is susceptible to destruction under the influence of high temperatures. Naturally, it is much easier to prepare root, if there is a pressure cooker or a double frame in the house, however, when they are lacking, you can cope with this process, while saving their useful properties.

Basic rules

  1. Roots are washed in crude under running water.
  2. In advance, cut the product is strictly prohibited.
  3. The dishes should have an enameled coating and tightly cover the lid during cooking.
  4. Water should boil before lowering the root roots.

This information shows that group vitamins in vegetables and fruits are contained in large quantities. Tables show what else there are vitamins in vegetables and fruits, thereby contributing to their inclusion in the main list of products used by man. And yet, it is important to remember that vegetable fruit products with a large number of vitamin and mineral substances cannot be the main, especially for people who need specially selected, diet food.

Vitamins in vegetables and fruits

Probably, each person knows about the benefits of fruits for the body. In this article we will tell you about what vitamins are contained in fruit. Then let's talk about what is also interested in many, namely, for what you need these or other fruits and in which fruit is more vitamins. Go!


Apples are contained vitamins A and C. Apples are extremely useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, as well as for people with blood diseases, since they contain a large number of hematopoietic elements. Also, apples are recommended to eat people with diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, obesity. Sour varieties of apples are perfectly suitable for increasing the acidity in the stomach.



In peaches there are vitamins A, B2 and PP. Peaches are very useful to people who suffer from gastric diseases (especially associated with low acidity of the stomach), constipation, as well as anemia and various cardiovascular diseases.


The apricots contain vitamins A, C and B15. Also in apricots a lot of potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and various salts. This is an extremely useful fruit. Apricots are very useful in diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, useful for people who come up with obesity. In addition, apricots greatly stimulate memory and contribute to the active work of the brain, significantly increase performance.


Grapes is one of the richest fruit vitamins. Judge for yourself: It contains vitamins C, P, PP, as well as several vitamins of the B - B1, B6, B12 group. From other substances it should be noted a large content in grapes of carbohydrates, as well as magnesium, cobalt, manganese and organic acids. Grape has excellent laxative and diuretic action and is a good expectorant. In addition, it is very useful for diseases of the lungs, kidneys, liver, as well as with hypertension and gout.


The grenade also contains a lot of vitamins. These are vitamins such as A, C, B, E and PP. Pomegranate perfectly cleans blood, helps with small-class. Also with its help is treated with pancreas. In addition, the pomegranate contributes to good digestion and has a significant soothing effect.


Banach contains a large amount of vitamin B6, so their regular use is useful for blood and nervous system. Also bananas help protein cleavage, fats and carbohydrates in the body.


Grapefruit is one of the most valuable sources of vitamin C. In addition to improving the function of the cardiovascular system, regular use of grapefruits reduces the risk of cancer diseases several times.


Strawberry (along with strawberries) is rightly called (along with grapes) the most useful berry. And the point here is not only in the huge content of vitamin C (a cup of strawberries is contained by 25-30% more than the daily rate of this vitamin), and in other useful properties of this berry. Strawberry strengthens almost all organism systems: immune, cardiovascular, also beneficial effects on metabolism. But so that strawberries show all its healing properties, eat her fresh.


Vitamin C? Yes. But not only. Pineapples contain a large number of potassium and other substances (for example, bromelaine), which perfectly protect the body from colds, contribute to the sludge of mucus and reduce the pain in the throat and cough. And the manganese contained in the pineapples helps to maintain and develop the bone system.

Now you know what kind of vitamins in fruit are, however, we still need to talk about the number of one or other vitamins in various fruits (and berries).

  1. By the number of vitamin C with a large margin, a rosehip, black currant and kiwi leading, and from the above-strawberry and grapefruit.
  2. Vitamin A is the most in Ryabin, apricots and rosehip.
  3. Vitamin E is the richest peaches, apricots and a sweet cherry.
  4. Vitamin P in the largest quantities is contained in mandarins, grapes and cherry.
  5. B vitamins B largest quantities are contained in pears, pears and oranges, but only the grenade contains vitamin B12.

Nevertheless, in small quantities (unfortunately I have no data) Vitamin D is contained in some vegetables: spinach, cabbage, parsley, potatoes. In addition, in OVE, as well as in Krapva, the grass of the dandelion, alfalfa and their horsetail. I can't say anything to say anything, but there are such many things that there is a carrier of this vitamin among them.

There are in pistachios, fish, especially dried, in sesame, nuts, etc.

Vitamin D is contained in some fruits and vegetables, but not in minor quantities:

Most of all vitamin D is contained in products such as

What fruits and vegetables contain vitamin D?

First of all, Vitamin D will be given to us with the rays of the sun, and in this case, with a lack of vitamin D in the body, it often happens in the sun.

But he is it.

This is in the greenery of plants: parsley, dill, dandelion.

Cabbage, citrus, corn, or corn oil.

As well as in cheese and cottage cheese, in fermented milk products, in creamy and vegetable oil, fish oil and fish, in the cheese egg yolk, the products of the sea.

Vitamin D will be better assisted if there will be full fats and more morning ultraviolet rays in the body.

Vitamin D is still better to produce not fruits and vegetables, but from sunlight or butter. For any healthy person, the standard of the Sun per day is 30 minutes face, and the butter is in adults - up to 60 grams during the epidemic and up to 30 grams on ordinary days. Children - gradually, to three years - up to 15 gr.

Vitamin D is contained in some vegetables and fruits, but in a very small dose. It is potatoes, parsley, alfalfa and wilderness greens, contains this vitamin in nuts, seeds, grains of cereals. Vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin and is mainly contained in animal products, in milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, dairy products, in butter cream and vegetable oil. Big content of vitamin D in sea fish, especially fatty varieties, macrollie, in mackerel, salmon. The liver of the cod is one of the most valuable suppliers of this vitamin. Vitamin D plays a big role in assimilation in the calcium body. This is important for the fortress of skeletal bones, teeth, preventing such dangerous, especially for women, diseases, like osteoporosis.

This vitamin is of course more in other products, especially in butter, but in vegetables and fruits, it also has. In small quantities, but there is in such vegetables and fruits, like cabbage, corn, barley, in sunflower seeds and pumpkins, in lemon and grapefruit, greens (in addition to usual, in nettle and dandelion).

Vitamin D (D) is required by the body, as it improves the work of the immune system, is important for the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, and also necessary for the absorption of calcium.

Vitamin D is contained in parsley, potatoes, cabbage, oatmeal, citrus, nettle, dandelion greenery, vegetable and butter, raw yolks, fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese and seafood. Also, this vitamin is produced under the influence of staying in the sun.

Vitamin D, like most other vitamins, primarily contains in fruit peel.

Its largest amount is in fruits and vegetables, ripening in spring or early summer, but not in our moderate climate, but significantly south. Therefore, if we talk about fruits in sufficient vitamin D, then it will only be citrus - grapefruit and lemon And from vegetables, first of all, all kinds of cabbage, pumpkin seeds, and also cereal cultures: corn, barley, wheat, sunflower seeds.

As far as I know, Vitamin D is not in the fruit, nor in vegetables (if only in mushrooms). It is mainly contained in animal products: in butter, in dairy products, in cheese, in egg yolk, fish oil. And of course, vitamin D is formed in the body at the expense of ultraviolet rays, so kids need to be more likely to be in the sun to avoid rickets.

Top 10 High Vitamin C products

The human body is not able to independently synthesize ascorbic acid, so it should receive it from the outside.

Where contains vitamin C? Vitamin C is contained in food, mainly in vegetables, fruits and berries.

But how to choose from all variety of food plants with high content of vitamin C? This will help the table below.

Vitamin C in food

mg / 100 g (product)

mg / 100 g (product)

After a brief analysis of the table data in the top 10 of high-content of vitamin C, you can make the following berries, fruits and vegetables:

As can be seen, the most vitamin C is contained in a riding, red and green sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, black currant, greenery, parsley and Brussels cabbage.

What is more vitamin C? The undisputed "champion" on the content of ascorbic acid is a rosehip.

It is so many "ascorbins" that experts advise after each adoption of the bravery rose hips necessarily rinse the cavity of the mouth with water so that the dental enamel does not destroy.

Many vitamin C is contained in the greenery of dill, abyme, kiwi, red rowan and cauliflower.

Pretty large content of vitamin C in oranges, strawberries, red cabbage, strawberry, spinach and horseradish.

Vitamin C in vegetables is most contained in green and red sweet pepper, Brussels cabbage, abyme, as well as dill and parsley.

It is worth paying attention to the following fruits and berries with vitamin C: Kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries and strawberries.

In this capacity, the cytrus is significantly inferior to its less "famous neighbors" by rating.

We will pay tribute to products with a large content of vitamin C, but we will not pay attention to those that occupy the lower half of the C-vitamin table.

All vegetables, fruits and berries contain many valuable substances, so do not exclude them from their diet.

Important tips on the proper preparation and use of products rich in vitamin C:

  • Fresh apple contains an enzyme ascorbate, which, when breaching the integrity of the fetus, destroys vitamin C. Therefore, it is better to cook a compote-five-minute compote from the whole apples or bake them in the oven. When heated, the unstable ascorbamine is destroyed, and ascorbic acid is preserved.
  • For more complete storage of "ascorbins", potatoes are also useful to bake in the oven along with the peel or boil "in the uniform". By the way, it was the widespread cultivation of potatoes in medieval Europe that managed to end the epidemines of the Qingi.
  • Rosehip cannot be brewed with boiling water and insist in thermos. In this case, only an effective choleretic agent will be. To obtain from the rosehip, the maximum vitamin C is poured with water with water no higher than 80 degrees, cover the capacitance with a lid and insist for several hours.
  • Ascorbic acid is a lot and in non-splashing plants. So, with a lack of vitamin C, there are very helpful, champs, infusions and hoods of needles and currant leaves. And from leaves of young nettle is useful to make vitamin salads.

Properly prepared products with high vitamin C content will help preserve health, youth and high performance.

What products contain fructose: content table

In each encyclopedic dictionary, you can find a description of fructose, which states that this product is a monosaccharide, or rather, its organic compound refers to the category of carbohydrates available in each living organism. So what products contain fruit sugar or fructose?

In free form, carbohydrates are contained in berries and sweet fruits. Therefore, fructose is also called fruit sugar - sweet substance, which is contained in fruits, which are its main source.

This type of sugar is the sweetest substance. Its caloric content - 380 kcal per 100 g of product. So in what foods are fructose? The greatest amount of fruit sugar is contained in food such as:

Note! The table indicates the fructose content with the calculation of the amount of sugar per 100 g of the product.

It should be noted that this type of carbohydrate can maintain its valuable qualities for six months.

How does fructose digested by the human body?

It is worth noting that in direct appointment, this monosaccharide can only be used spermatozoa and liver. Therefore, fruit sugar is digeted in a kind of way.

When fructose hits, the fructose is absorbed passively, its larger amount is absorbed by the liver cells. It is in this body that the process of its transformation into fatty free acids occurs. As a result, the subsequent absorption of fats falling into the body is blocked, which is why they are postponed.

The glycemic sugar index contained in such products as fruits, compared to glucose or simple sugar is quite low. That is, so that he learned insulin is practically not needed, but it becomes the cause of its sharp emission.

Moreover, only the minimum amount of fructose can replace the necessary glucose volume, the content of which the human body perceives as a saturation signal. Therefore, only the use of a large volume of fructose can saturate the body.

This becomes the reason that the fructose entered the organism in the cells in some way is trying to replace glucose and fats.

As a result, glucose is often not enough to fill the energy reserves, and the fats are not split, but they are debugged.

What is the fruit sugar useful for the body?

Fruit sugar is simply indispensable if you need to quickly fill the energy reserves. Moreover, when it uses the level of sugar does not increase sharply.

On the contrary, the concentration of uric acid increases, due to which the body is saturated with additional antioxidants.

Note! In comparison with simple sugar after the use of fructose, the probability of the development of caries in the mouth is significantly reduced.

What fruit sugar is harmful to the body?

Despite the naturalness of origin and almost one hundred percent digestibility of fructose, and even more so its excess, may be dangerous for the human body. First of all, this is caused by the peculiarities of her assimilation.

The systematic use of fruit sugar contributes to obesity, because it replaces other types of fats, because of what the latter begin to accumulate in the body. Moreover, fructose dulls the feeling of saturation, as a result of which a person transfers that he also adversely affects his health.

As a result, it turns out that this carbohydrate is a natural food product, which, thanks to unique features, can double the consumption of sugar. This reduces the likelihood of unnecessary kilograms on the waist and significantly reduces the risk of progression of diabetes, at the same time saturating the body with the necessary energy.

However, instead of such advantages in the use of fruit sugar, a person deceives its own organism to some extent.

And after time, his body begins to understand the specifics of the absorption of this type of sugar, as a result of which various diseases develop.

But not everything is so simple, the main reasons are not entirely related to the use of fructose. Food, or rather, berries and fruits containing free fruit sugar, are with the last as if in an inseparable condition. This bundle serve plant fibers, acting as ballast elements between the human body and sugar.

And despite the fact that these substances are not absorbed by the intestines, they regulate the process of suction of fructose. That is, plant fibers are elements that protect the organism from the overaction of fruit sugar, thanks to which the body will not be harmful.

So what effect on the body has fruit carbohydrate actually and in what quantities can it be used?

Using the well-known statement that fructose is useful and absolutely harmless began to be used in immense quantities, all sweeteners replacing it.

But many forget that pure fruit sugar is a specific product. Therefore, the use of this monosaccharide will be useful only if it is combined with ballast components and in moderate quantity.

So, in case of incorrect use, the disadvantages of fructose are as follows:

  • fructose as well as alcohol during admission to the liver overloads the body, thereby disturbing its performance;
  • contributes to an increase in the concentration of visceral (internal) fat;
  • the sensitivity of peripheral systems in relation to insulin and the exchange of carbohydrates is violated;
  • the likelihood of the progression of cardiovascular pathologies is increasing due to the substitution of fructose glucose.

These negative factors can lead to complications only because the product is applied incorrectly. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that fruit sugar is very useful for a person.

However, it is valuable only when it is consumed in free form, that is, when it is contained in berries and fruits, but not in the form of a sugar substitute, but as a food additive.

For these reasons, if you want to eat something sweet better replace confectionery products: cakes, cakes, waffles replace fresh fruit, because only their composition contains "correct" fructose.

Vitamins in fruits in which fruit is more

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Fruits - an inexhaustible source of vitamins. And they provide our body with fiber and valuable trace elements. Fruits in the diet should be daily, and preferably - fresh. Then the body will receive everything that he needs to successfully develop and maintain in a healthy state. You can use fruit as separately and in combination with each other.

Fruit cocktail will please you not only with a taste and beautiful view, but will bring great benefit to health.

The best thing is to use fruit in the season of their maturation, because it is during this period that they are most saturated with all substances useful to us.

According to nutritionists, the less time passed from the moment of the collection of fruit until it gets on your table, the more useful. So if you acquire fruit near the place where they grow are beautiful. After all, vitamins in such fruits are preserved better than in those who were taken somewhere for several days.

What vitamins are contained in fruit

During the ripening of cherry, apples, and especially watermelons and melons, they need to be used as much as possible (but it should not be overeating, and then instead of benefit, get trouble). And when you relax in some exotic country, be sure to try all local fruits.

After all, not all of them can be exported, and you can only try your local fruit while staying in this area.

Absolutely all fruits contain vitamins. It is necessary to choose them from taste preferences and benefits for the body.

Vitamin A

Healthy skin, hair, teeth and good vision are provided by vitamin A. This vitamin also strengthens immunity. It contains apricots, oranges, peaches, mango, melons and booders, cloudberries and rosehip.

Lack of vitamin C.

Leads to chronic fatigue, pains in the bones, bleeding. In the body, vitamin C does not accumulate, it must be used with food. Much of it in citrus, currants, melon, pineapple, gooseberry, apples.

Vitamin R.

Natural antioxidant is useful for capillaries and "main" in redox processes. It contains rowan, black currants, oranges, lemons and grapefruits, rosehip fruits.

Vitamins belonging to the group in

Punta is contained in cereals, some vegetables and animal products. But there are fruits with such vitamin - bananas, apricots and peaches contain vitamin B3, which contributes to the improvement of digestion. Internal organs for good work requires vitamin B1, which contain citrus. For blood, vitamin B6 is very useful, contained in a cherry, strawberries, watermelon and plum.

Vitamin E.

Blocks free radicals and slows down the process of aging the body. It contains bananas, kiwi and apples familiar to us. These fruits must use residents of cities in which the air is polluted.

Vikasol, or Vitamin K

It is contained in the gooseberry, kiwi and rosehip berries. It is shown in disabilities of the gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. This vitamin is needed and those who undergo the course of treatment with antibiotics.

Vegetables and fruits rich in iron

Iron - one of the most important trace elements for human health. Therefore, you need to know what vegetables and fruits contain iron to never suffer from its shortage. Let's study in detail why we need this substance and from which products it can be obtained.

Why do we need iron

The main function of this mineral in the body is the formation of hemoglobin. This is a protein that participates in the transportation of water and oxygen atoms into all organs and fabrics of our body. With a lack of hemoglobin, there is a lack of oxygen, which leads to constant fatigue, and subsequently to serious diseases.

Also, iron performs the following functions:

One of the most common consequences of the lack of iron is anemia. Its main symptoms are constant weakness, problems with thermoregulation, slowdown in mental and physical development, deterioration of mental abilities, memory. Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to these problems, considering their consequences of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to a deterioration in the state. If anemia is suspected, it is recommended to refer to the therapist, and at the same time to start consulting more products with a high content of iron.

As you can see, this mineral is really necessary for the normal operation of the whole organism. The norm of its consumption (per day):

Pregnant women, nursing women, children, elderly people, as well as women during menstruation period are especially needing. It is also important for people who have recently overlooking any disease that lost blood, donors. So know what vegetables and fruits contain iron, you need everyone.

Rich vegetables

Vegetables are one of the most common types of products on our table. Let's look at the rating of vegetables on the content of iron.

These products certainly need to eat every day to avoid health problems:

  1. Drier tomatoes - 9 mg / 100 gr. Comfortable, delicious, useful food. Add dried tomatoes to salads, soups, garniram - so the menu will become more interesting. Also use them separately from other products - it is a snack that does not harm the figure, and at the same time enrichs the body with iron.
  2. Spinach - 3.5 mg / 100 grams. Greens that likes a little, very useful. It is especially difficult to feed the spinach of children. Show ingenuity - find or think up recipes where the spinach will be an element of a delicious, beautiful dish.
  3. Brubva, garlic - 1.5 mg / 100 gr. These essential vegetables are also rich in important minerals. In addition, the substances contained there help strengthen the immune system in the cold season.
  4. Cauliflower, beets - 1.4 mg / 100 gr. Beets are one of the most popular products in our latitudes, but not everyone appreciated the cauliflower. We recommend using both products to enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, iron in particular.
  5. Brussels Cabbage, Celery - 1.3 mg / 100 gr. Brussels Cabbage is a storehouse of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K. Celery is not inferior to her usefulness.
  6. Radish - 1 mg / 100 gr. All familiar radishes are useful, nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamins, including iron. In the summer, it can be grown even on the windowsill in the apartment, and crispy salads with it is an excellent option of dishes.

It is impossible not to mention the sea cauldron, even though it is not vegetable. Laminaria is an absolute record holder for iron content (16 mg per 100 gr). In addition, like other seaweed, it contains a large amount of iodine and other beneficial substances. Even if you have never prepared meals from Laminaria, start doing it will be easy - there are many recipes, from soups and salads to desserts with sea skroin.

Fruits with the greatest content of iron

Fruits do not contain so many iron, such as meat or seafood. However, the inclusion of them in the diet will not require a special change of tastes - in the ranking below, everyone will find a fruit that he likes. Just eat them more - so you will avoid many problems. In addition, the content of the nutrient in the fruit is important to vegetarians and vegans, which often misunderstand this important trace element.

  1. Kuraga - 3.2 mg / 100 gr. Dried fruit that is not only rich in iron and other useful substances, but also allowed to diabetics. Kuraga can be found in stores at any time of the year, which makes it an excellent replacement of fresh fruit in winter.
  2. Quince, raisins - 3 mg / 100 gr. The aromatic quince pleases the inhabitants of southern edges in the summer, and raisins - in winter. It is believed that it is useful to eat these products not only fresh - dried quince will help dried quince, compote from raisins.
  3. Persimmon - 2.5 mg / 100 gr. Beautiful fruit with pleasant taste Giving your body not only with iron, but also other necessary trace elements, for example, vitamin C, antioxidants.
  4. Pear - 2.3 mg / 100 gr. This sweet, loved by many fruit contains quite a lot of important trace elements. With its constant use, you can not be afraid of hemoglobin deficiency.
  5. Apples - 2.2 mg / 100 gr. All familiar apples also became part of the rating. This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to replenish the necessary iron stock without resorting to changes in the diet or purchase of exotic products.
  6. Alycha - 1.9 mg / 100 gr. Fruit similar to plum can not always be found in the markets or in stores. It is recommended to eat Alych both in fresh and dried.
  7. Melon, grenade, watermelon - 1 mg / 100 gr. With one reading of these words comes to mind Association - Summer! Most residents of our latitudes have these delicious, juicy fruits are connected with summer sometimes when fresh grenades, melons, watermelons appear on each table. More often to indulge yourself and children - and you will avoid health problems.

People who do not like or fundamentally do not eat rich in iron and seafood, often fear anemia. However, you can fill the balance of this substance even with all your favorite fruits and vegetables. The portion of iron contained there will help to avoid many problems.

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Vitamins in vegetables and fruits (table)

  • Vitamin C citrus
  • Antioxidants

The main source of vitamins for the human body is food. Some vitamins (groups B and K) are synthesized in a thick intestine or can be formed in the human body from other vitamins. But this is not enough and not the need for vitamins completely. Therefore, it is very important to regularly get vitamins from food, and vegetables and fruits are excellent helpers in this matter.

Table of content of vitamins in vegetables and fruits

  • mango
  • grapes
  • pumpkin
  • carrot
  • potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • cress Salad.
  • parsley
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • green salad
  • spinach
  • asparagus
  • watermelon
  • apricots
  • peach
  • apples

hair and skin health support

growing bones and teeth

reproduction of cells and certain hormones

effective preventive measles against measles

  • white cabbage
  • carrot
  • sea cabbage
  • green leaves
  • potatoes

participation in the regulation of metabolic processes and cell reproduction

help the body in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium

stimulation of hormone synthesis

  • avocado
  • asparagus
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • green salad
  • tomatoes
  • sea cabbage

slowness of aging skin

cell protection from damage

participates in the formation of red blood cells

helps assimilation of vitamin A

  • cabbage
  • spinach
  • green lettuce leaves
  • potatoes
  • grapes
  • asparagus
  • garlic

participates in the exchange of substances in the bones and in the connective tissue

participates in the assimilation of calcium and in ensuring the interaction of calcium and vitamin D

helps healthy kidney work

  • dry richness
  • black currant
  • apples
  • grapes
  • strawberry
  • white cabbage
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • green salad
  • dill and parsley
  • oranges and citrus fruits
  • potatoes
  • carrot
  • green pepper
  • watermelon

helps protect body cells from free radicals (development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases)

helps in the development of collagen (healthy skin and bones)

improves the absorption of iron in the digestive tract

  • apples
  • grapes
  • green salad
  • broccoli
  • white cabbage
  • sea cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • potatoes
  • carrot
  • beet
  • watermelon

we are necessary for the healthy functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems

regulates the exchange of fats and carbohydrates

  • white cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • green salad
  • potatoes
  • apples
  • grapes
  • watermelon
  • sea cabbage

regulates the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

reduces eye fatigue

need to grow and breathing cells

minimizes the negative impact of various toxins for the respiratory tract

  • white cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • potatoes
  • beet
  • green salad
  • grapes
  • a pineapple
  • apples
  • watermelon

participates in fabric breathing

helps the work of digestive organs

participates in the metabolism of fats and proteins

reduces general cholesterol

it has a disintellation action

  • broccoli
  • oranges
  • spinach

warns nervous system disease

  • green leafy vegetables
  • cauliflower

stimulates the production of adrenal hormones - (glucocorticoids), which helps in the treatment of allergies, heart disease, arthritis, colitis

contributes to the assimilation of other vitamins

participates in fatty acid metabolism

  • potatoes
  • white cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • green salad
  • apples
  • grapes
  • bananas
  • watermelon

reduces blood cholesterol and blood lipids

need for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system

  • parsley
  • green salad
  • leek Pen
  • bananas
  • grapes
  • oranges
  • watermelon
  • potatoes

helps with elevated anxiety and depressions

helps with liver disease (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis), atherosclerosis, psoriasis

  • beet
  • spirulina
  • sea cabbage
  • sea vegetables
  • grapes
  • in the top of some vegetables
  • spinach
  • green salad
  • remains of soil on plants

we are needed to maintain normal blood formation

plays an important role in protein exchange (promotes the use of amino acids)

stimulates growth processes

participates in the synthesis of a number of enzymes

participates in carbohydrate, fat, protein exchange,

used for diseases of the nervous system

applied for various types of anemia

used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

with hepatitis and cirrhosis

increases resistance to viral infections and colds

improves memory and concentration

Is vitamins enough in vegetables and fruits?

Most of all in vegetables and fruits:

Does the needs of a person in these vitamins be covered with vegetables and fruits?

Vitamin C

In one cup of freshly squeezed apple juice, contains 4 - 4.5 mg of vitamin C (daily rate - 60 mg)

Thus, to get a daily rate of vitamin from apple juice with, you need to drink about 15 glasses of juice per day.

Vitamin C citrus

It is believed that during colds, a lemon rich in vitamin C is helps. In fact, lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits are only 10th place in the content of vitamin C.

For example, much more vitamin C in Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes of different types, cabbage (broccoli and color), spinach, sheet salads and parsley. Even in potatoes contain more vitamin C than in lemon.

However, the effect of vitamin C contained in potato, little. With thermal treatment, vitamin C is destroyed by almost 90% - the boiled and fried potatoes almost do not contain vitamin C. The same applies to all other vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the best source of vitamin C is raw vegetables and fruits.

Smokers have two times more vitamin C, than non-smoking. Therefore, try to consume it as much as possible from raw vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins group B, E, A, D

The norm of these vitamins exclusively from vegetables and fruits is quite difficult, since they are mainly contained in other food products. This is meat, liver, milk, raw materials, oils (butter and vegetable), bread with bran, cereals.

Unique vitamins from vegetables and fruits

In vegetables and fruits there are such combinations of vitamins that are not in other products.

It is vitamin C, vitamins of group P, vitamin K. They are also called bioflavonoids. They help the human body fight aging and speed up the metabolism in the body.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin K is extremely important for the growth of bones and blood flow. It provides a normal calcium exchange and helps the absorption of vitamin D.

The best sources of vitamin K are green leaf salads, green peas, broccoli, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes.


Antioxidants (Rutin, Heperidin, Kakhetin) helps the human body to fight aging and environmental impact. They help reduce the likelihood of bleeding, normalize pressure, strengthen capillaries, protect against allergens.

The main sources of antioxidants are berries: black currant, blueberries and grapes. Also, in the handstock of rowan berries, the daily rate of antioxidants is contained.

The disadvantage of this component in nutrition leads to poor assimilation of calcium and problems with leather, nails, hair, and so on. In the summer, we get it enough from sunlight, but in the cold season it is important to know which fruit contains vitamin D to replenish its quantity. The daily rate for an adult is 0.7 mg.

What fruits and vegetables contain vitamin d

It should be noted that caviar, fish, chicken eggs, cheeses and liver are excellent sources of this element, and we take the main portion from there. But there is a small amount of it in natural components that need to be included daily in the diet. But we repeat that the concentration of it is so insignificant that it is simply not worth considering these products as a source of vitamin d.

  • Green

Avocado, green apples and grapes - everything that you like. Almost all green fruits contain at the same time a large amount of vitamin C, which is produced in chlorophyll and a small amount of vitamin D, which is formed under the influence of sunlight.

  • Oranges

A glass of orange juice charges by the daily rate of vitamin C, but also contain some amount of vitamin D. But that it is well absorbed, you need to eat them together with any animal fat, so this fruit is not very good as its source.

  • Lemons

Like all other citrus, this fruit contains vitamin D in a small concentration. So that he learned well, you need to combine them with fat vegetable origin. Ideally, of course, with fish and therefore lemon refill is great for any seafood.

It is worth remembering that fruits and vegetables contain vitamin D in such minor quantities that simply cannot be considered as its source. But there are many fiber in them, which is not in animal products and therefore it is important to combine the balance in the preparation of the diet.

It is also important to know to get the right cooked dish, safe for health.