Canning cutting cucumbers with bow. Marinated cucumbers with onions and tmin

If you prefer not to stretch the harvesting of cucumbers into several stages, and immediately buy them in large quantities, then in this case the best way to preserve - make marinated without sterilization. The double or triple fill method resembles work on the conveyor - until some banks are covered with boiling water, they put the cucumbers to others, and for the third, we are already preparing the marinade. In a couple of hours, you can roll up an impressive car jars with crispy cucumbers, and make them not only one recipe, but using different proportions of salt, sugar and vinegar for marinade and spices for filling the cans.
In the proposed recipe for cucumbers, in addition to dill, laurels and peppers, more onions and cumin are added. Marine is obtained very fragrant, saturated, spicy-sharp, sweet-sweet taste. Marinated cucumbers with onions, a recipe for the winter of which you will see today will be crunchy, fragrant, tasty. Such cucumbers can be used to prepare salads and vinegarets, and, of course, serve to a variety of dishes and as a snack to a festive table.

- cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
- Onions - 3 pcs;
- acute pepper - 1 pod;
- Black pepper - 4-5 pcs (spices on a 0.75 liter jar);
- pepper fragrant - 2-3 pcs;
- Cumin - a third of a teaspoon;
- Mustard grain - a third of a teaspoon;
- dill dry - 1 stem with an umbrella;
- Khrena leaves - 2-3 small pieces;
- celery or parsley - 2-3 twigs;
- Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.

The liter of the marinade will need:
- Salts of cooking - 60 grams;
- sugar - 50 gr;
- vinegar 9% - 60 ml;
- Water is 1 liter.

Pouring cucumbers with water before marinating or not depends on how much time has passed since the purchase and on how tight cucumbers. If there is a need to, withstand them in cold water for several hours. If not - immediately proceed to the preparation of cans and ingredients. Wash banks and covers with soda, turn over to flow water. Meanwhile, clean the onions and cut the semirings or feathers. Pod of acute pepper. Cut the rings along with seeds.

Wash cucumbers, cut from two sides about 1-2 cm so that the marinade is easier to penetrate inside.

Prepare all the spices based on the number of cans, measure the vinegar, salt and sugar for marinade. Approximate marinade - liter consumption is enough for 4 banks of 750 ml.

Wash leaves and other greens. Wash, brush with your hands or cut into small pieces. Flose dry dill.

At the bottom of the cans lay out greens, dill, bay leaf. If you wish, you can add a couple of pieces of garlic.

Then add all the spices (pepper, mustard, cumin), marching pepper ring and sliced \u200b\u200bonions, distributing it evenly for all banks. Leave a little to pave between cucumbers.

Fill the jar with cucumbers, placing them vertically close one to another. Just do not try to push the cucumbers if not placed, take a smaller pair instead of a large pair. With very tight styling, the vegetables are poorly steaming, and when stored can disrupt covers.

The remaining onions decompose between the cucumbers, close on top of the greenery. Pour boiling water from kettle, closing cucumbers. Blank with a lid, leave to warm up for 20 minutes.

Then, through a special cover with holes, drain the water into the pan immediately from all cans. Be sure to specify how much the water turned out in general - in the recipe there are proportions per liter of fluid. If more or less - adjust the desired side. Add salt, sugar to the pan. Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil and pour vinegar.

Fill in banks for the most thoroughly boiling marinade, immediately tighten with the covers. Turn over, cover the blanket for a day.

The cooled jars can be stored in the storeroom or take into a cool basement. Marinated cucumbers with onions, crispy and juicy will be ready for about a month - it is so much time they need to be soaked in marinade and acquire a rich taste. Just just can be cooked

Cucumbers with onions for the winter are an excellent alternative to familiar winter billets. Read our selection of recipes and proceed to culinary experiments.

Cucumbers with bow for winter: recipes

Recipe number 1.

4 kg of cucumbers and 1.5 kg. Loading, 300 g of dill grind. The resulting mass thoroughly stirre, fold into a saucepan with water, add 320 g of sunflower oil, 255 g of acetic acid, 4 tbsp. Salt spoons, 3 tbsp. Spoons of sugar sand. Boil salad for 15-20 minutes. Boiling time will depend on the power of the fire on which you cook. Jars sterilize, package.

Recipe number 2.

Recover 4 kg of fresh cucumbers, cover them with circles. 1 kg of spin bulbs cut out medium or small cubes. Connect vegetables, fill with water, add 220 g of sunflower olive, 220 g of sugar. Put five aspirin tablets, from up well, add to the saucepan. Leave a lot of 4 hours. Jars sterilize, spread.

Salad "Nezhinsky".

Select 1.5 kg of cucumbers, wash, finish with circles. 820 g of replied loaf grind. Wash the greens thoroughly. Best pick up dill. It is not necessary to chop it. Capacities Sterilize, lay out several pepper peppers in them ,? Art. A spoonful of salt, the same amount of sugar, several laurels, vegetables, pour boiling water. Jars pour in such a way that the vegetables are not completely filled. Blank with lids, put for 10-12 minutes for sterilization. Close all this.

Recipe cucumbers with bow for winter

1.2 cucumbers are well wash, cut the circles. 755 Mr. bulking with small pieces. 50 g dope. Cook. 35 ml of vegetable oil rolled on the skillet, let it cool. In the half-liter container, fold vegetables, greens, black peas, spray, add a couple of tea spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. l. Acetic acid, laurel, completely pour boiling water. The packaging should be filled with liquid on the very sides. Blank with covers, wait a 15 minute. Sterilize for another 15 minutes, block.

Please your relatives and.

Cucumbers with bow for winter: recipe with photo

From greenery for cooking, it is better to take dill or parsley. 2 kg of cucumber fruits. Slim, cut into rings, 320 g of bulbs - rings. Vegetables shift into the pan, add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar, 10 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower oil, two tablespoons of sugar sand and salt. All this thoroughly stirre, leave for 4 hours to insist. Put on a quiet fire, boil, boil 4-5 minutes. Spread the salad by banks, roll out.

How to cook cucumbers with bow for winter

Thoroughly wash 420 g of cucumber fruits, clean them, cut the circles with a thickness of 1 cm. Clean a pair of garlic teeth, wash, cut into several rally. 50 g Luke Clean, rinse, cut. Take one bunch of parsley and dill, rinse well, clean, cut. Cutting may not be very small. All components fold into the saucepan of enamel. Top sprinkle with acetic acid, sprinkle with salt. Prepare the container, put the red pepper on the bottom, add a few spoons of sunflower olive, fill the workpiece. Sterilize the blanks.

Make and.

Cucumbers with bow for winter: how to cook

Capported Kochan free from the upper leaves, cut into four pieces, while separating the narch. Cabbage Touch thin slices. 200 g salted cucumbers wash, cut along, finely cut. Connect vegetables, stirred carefully, spread over the cooked jars. Prepare brine - you will pour a snack. On the liter of the driver, prepare 60 g of salt and 40 g of sugar. Breaking vegetables. Prepare a large basin or a saucepan, put on a weak fire, put banks, cover with lids. Hold in water for 10-15 minutes. Cover the containers and give it.

And how do you? The taste will certainly be amazed.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter

2 kg of bulbs and cucumbers as it should be rinsed, clean, cut down the pieces, cut the rake by half rings. Choose this option that you like more. Add 3 tbsp to vegetables. Spoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, leave for insteading so that the cutting gave juice. For this process will be enough 15-20 minutes. Put a saucepan on a weak fire, wait until all this boils. All this time, stir up snack so that it does not have burned. Add black peas pepper. In twenty minutes, add 100 g of vinegar and 100 g of vegetable oil. After boiling salad pack.

And here are some more interesting and delicious recipes:

Recipe number 1.

1 kilogram of cucumbers Put in circles, and four bulbs - rings. All this pour the brine. Prepare it from 4 h. Sugar spoons, 3 h. Salts, 4 tbsp. Spoons of sunflower oil, teaspoon of black pepper, 3 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar. Leave the vegetables in the brine for a couple of hours, stirrate, spread on the jars. Banks are loosely covered with covers, sterilize ten minutes, cape.

Recipe number 2.

4 kg of washed cucumbers Put in circles, 1 kg of bulbs - thin rings. In the big size mission, mix the cut vegetables, add a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, black ground pepper, 175 ml of vinegar. Add a glass of vegetable oil, stir up, leave for a couple of hours so that the vegetables should be broken. Banks rinse, sterilize in the oven. Metal covers boil. In each add 2 peas of fragrant pepper, laurel. Salads stir up wooden spoon. Sink.

Recipe number 3.

4 kg of cucumber fruits wash under the flow of running water, soak them into several hours. With the help of a knife cut the fruit area. Two carrots cut the stripes. Archers cut on rings. Capacities are sterilized with boiling water, wrap vegetables, evenly distribute dill among them. Prepare marinade: boil the salted water with the addition of 7 tbsp. Sugar spoons. Disconnect the fire, add 220 ml of vinegar. Let stand a couple of minutes, stir up, immediately lay out the marinade in the jar. Tighten the workpiece, remove the blanket.

Delicious and. This is an excellent addition to any dish.

Option with carrot and sweet pepper.

1 kg of cucumber fruits. Clean the peel, 320 g of carrots. Sattail on the grater, pair of pechanins and 220 g onions. Mix prepared vegetables, fry on vegetable oil until goldenness. 520 g of tomatoes twist on a meat grinder, connect with other vegetables, spray, pepper. Mass won forty minutes on weak fire. Spread the finished mass in pre-prepared containers, tighten them with metal covers.

"Winter King."

5 kg of cucumber fruits wash, praise along. Each half tap thin slices across. We charge 320 g of dill, sash 1 kg of bulbs with thin halfpoles. Mix it all, leave for thirty minutes until the vegetables are given juice. Put 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, black pepper, 4 tbsp. Sugar spoons, pour 100 ml of vinegar. Add the rest of the infused cucumbers, stir well. On low heat with a slight stirring boil. As soon as the fruits slightly change their color, remove from the fire, decompose, completely fill in the snack. Make sure that the vegetables completely covered the marinade. The billet does not require sterilization.

"Raw" cucumber salad.

Rinse 3 kg of cucumbers, charge circles. Tatch the thin straw 200 g of ion. Skip through press 255 g garlic. All mix, fill salt, black pepper, sugar, greens and 155 ml of vinegar. Put in a cool place, leave for 10 hours, decompose according to sterilized containers. Tighten the capacitance with screwing or byproof lids. For better safety, the fall of the sunflower oil.

Option with acute pepper.

Strong, slightly overwhelmed cucumbers wash, cut the peel with them, cut around with circles. Put into the container, put in dill, onion rings, garlic cloths. Add a few gridge peppers. Fill prepare from 20 g of salts, 25 g of sugar sand and 1/3 liters of vinegar.

Option with Fizalis fruits.

1 kg of Physalis, hide with boilingteel, wash the cloth. 500 g of carrots and 1 kg of cucumbers Wash, cut into rings. We charge 320 g garlic with small slices. All connect, add 40 g of salts, black pepper peas, 120 g of sugar. As soon as the juice starts, boil 10 minutes, run through sterile tanks, roll, expand the bottom to the bottom.

Recipe with garlic and greens.

Select 400 g of cucumber fruits, wash, remove the cups and fruit, cut into circles. Two garlic cloves clean, rinse, cut into several parts. Clean 40 g of the onions. Take half the dill and parsley, wash, cut into several pieces. Fold vegetables and greens in the soulful from enamel, salt, throw 20 g of vinegar, stirred well. At the bottom of the tank, put the bitter pepper, pour sunflower oil. Filled jars cover with lids, sterilize.

The cucumbers are closed with Estragon, which gives them a special taste. Such grass can be bought on the market and use in preparations.

Ingredients on 1 bank 720 ml:

  • a mixture of different peppers (integer) - 1 h. spoon,
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces,
  • estragon - 1 twig,
  • cucumbers - 2-3 pcs. depending on the size,
  • sugar - 3 h. spoons,
  • salt - 1 h. Spoon,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
  • boiling water - 500 ml.


Banks must first be sterilized. This can be done in any way convenient for you. Put a mixture into the bank for marinization, which includes herbs and mustard seeds, put a bay leaf.

After that, lay out in the jar and estragon.

Fresh cucumbers prepared for the ordering, wash well under running water, remove the tails. Cut them with pieces as you are comfortable. Add cucumbers to the jar.

Pull the required amount of sugar sand and cooking large salt.

Cap water and pour it into the jar. At the end, pour vinegar. Cover the can with a lid and lay out in a saucepan with boiling water for sterilization. Do not forget to put the fabric or towel to the bottom of the pan and only then put a can of cans with conservation.

Sterilize 20 minutes. After that, get the bank and tighten the lid well. Turn over and leave it to appear until it cools. Then remove in the storage room until winter.

Marinated cutting cucumbers halves for the winter

If you want to prepare fragrant crispy cucumbers in banks, then this recipe for 1 liter will be just right. Thanks to the large number of herbs and greens, everything is very fragrant. Cucumbers marinated with halves, well served to the table in winter, when fresh vegetables are practically no or their quality leaves much to be desired. The recipe is simple in that includes in its composition minimum ingredients. The main focus on vegetables and herbs.

Ingredients on 1 liter bank:

  • dill seeds - 1 twig,
  • estragon - 2 twigs
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • pepper is a whole (mixture) - 1 h. spoon,
  • sugar - 3 h. spoons,
  • dried garlic - 1-2 pieces,
  • salt large - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
  • onion - ½ pcs.,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 h. spoons,
  • cherry leaves and other - 2-3 pcs.,
  • boiling water - approximately 700-800 ml.


First of all, you need to sterilize all banks so that the cucumbers are well preserved until the winter and did not explode. To put the dried seeds of garlic, the sprigs of the etragon and the leaves of cherries or other trees.

Fresh small cucumbers Wash, remove the tails and cut along in half. Gently lay out halves in banks.

Add a mixture of various peppers and bay leaf for flavor and taste.

So that the cucumbers are better preserved until the winter and had a pleasant taste, pour sugar. Then add a large core salt.

Put several pieces of dried or fresh garlic. You can still add a bit dried vegetables.

Top of put the cut onions on top.

Fill boiling water and add vinegar.

Now you need to sterilize banks. This can be done in a big saucepan, posing on the bottom of the towel. Install banks there and boil 20-30 minutes. Water should close half the banks. When you need the right time, pull out the jars from the pan and tighten the covers.

Cucumbers cut by quarters for winter with bow

Cucumbers, with sweet pepper and onions can be easily easily at home. It will take a little time to it, but in the winter it will be nice to open a jar to the table.


  • dill - 1-2 twigs,
  • parsley - 1-2 twigs,
  • green onions - 2 pcs.,
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces,
  • sugar sand - 3 h. spoons,
  • salt large - 1 h. spoon,
  • mix for marination (mustard, herbs) - 1 h. spoon,
  • dill seeds (dried) - 1 twig,
  • bow - ¼ PC.,
  • sweet Pepper - ¼ PC.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 3-5 pcs. depending on the size,
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 h. spoons.


To begin, it is necessary to pre-sterilize the banks in any way convenient for you. In a sterilized bank, lay out any greens that you have. It can be dill, parsley, green onions, basil.

Add a bay leaf. For the middle jar, there are enough several leaves.

To preserve vegetables for a long time, add sugar and large table salt.

Now fall asleep special spices for canning cucumbers. You can collect such a mixture yourself: mustard seeds, various herbs.

If you have, then add the twig of the dill seed.

Clean the onions, cut off by semirings and add to the jar.

A little sweet pepper cut the straw and add to the jar.

Cucumbers wash, cut the tails, cut them into 4 parts. Add along to the jar. From above you can lay out and halves.

Fill boiling water and add vinegar to the jar. Put the lid on top, but do not twist.

Now you need to choose a convenient way to sterilize filled cans. Either in a slow cooker or in a conventional saucepan. Enough 20-30 minutes for this. When you get banks, immediately tighten them with covers. Then put them somewhere, turning up the bottom.

When they finally cooled, you can clean up to the storage room until winter.

And here is another interesting video recipe cucumbers for the winter

How to cook cutting cucumbers with mustard for winter

Mustard seeds give vegetables gentle spicy taste. In crushed form, they are used as a natural preservative. Installations are perfectly stored, cucumbers retain their crisp properties.

For such a spicy salad, fruits can be used in different sizes, but not overrevised. For them you can see what to cook for the winter from the glow cucumbers. Mustard cucumbers can be served to meat or fish, potatoes, paste.


  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers,
  • 50 grams of cook salt,
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard powder,
  • 100 grams of sugar sand,
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic,
  • 100 milliliters of refined vegetable oil,
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper ground
  • 100 milliliters table 9% vinegar.


Sorted pupil roots Wash and decompose on the grille so that they dry or dry the towel. Prepared vegetables Cut the rings of the same thickness, not more than 1.5 centimeters.

Clean and quarrel very finely. In a comfortable capacity, place the cucumber wheels, add the chopped garlic mass, introduce the usual table salt and sugar. Give mustard powder, ground pepper, pour sunflower oil without smell and vinegar.

Mix the vegetable assorted vegetable carefully and pull two to three hours. During this time, the vegetables will be allowed juice, soaked with marine refueling. Tar prepare in advance. Jars rinse with food soda and hide with boiling water. In pure cylinders, lay out the fragrant mass, fragrance the marine fill and cover the covers treated in boiling water.

Banks put in a container with warm water and bring to a boil. After the appearance of active temperature bubbles, reduce the fire. Complete the sterilization 8 minutes after the start of boiling water. Tightly tighten the covers and turn the banks.

Cover the jars with cucumbers with warm girlfriends. In a day, move to storage away from sunlight.

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In the midst of summer, and therefore you need to have time to make delicious conservation as much as possible. All this will be useful for a long winter. Canned cucumbers are always in demand. They can be added to boiled potatoes and other vegetables, and can be used in various salads.

The site site has already been considered, closed entirely, now it came to submit to you the following selection - cucumbers cut slices, canned for the winter. In all recipes, green comrades are cut in different ways: rings, cubes, in length. Tara is also used in different way - from a volume of 0.5 liters to three-liter bottles - be careful - in each recipe the volume of all products and cans is indicated.

Rings with bow

To get delicious cucumbers with rings, you can take the fruits of crubility - after all, it is still cut, so they will enter the bank without problems. But yellow fruits, even in such a workpiece, well, do not fit. The yellowness indicates that they are overripe - and therefore, there will be many large seeds inside, and the peel will be tough.

The bow for the workpiece is suitable as white and red. In the marinade there is vinegar, so snack is better not to abuse those who "fool" the liver and pancreas.

Take a 2-liter bank:

  • cucumbers of salting varieties - kilogram;
  • onions white or red - 250 g;
  • lavar leaf - pair of small;
  • one umbrella dill;
  • pepper peas - 4 pcs. black;
  • water on marinade - one liter;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l. without a hill;
  • vinegar 9% - 145 ml.

For the preparation of marinades and canned, always use only clean, filtered water, without impurities and outsiders. When boiling in the liquid, a precipitate should not be formed.


1. Cucumbers wash clean and cut into thick circles.

2. Clear bulbs, chopping. If small ones are ringlets, and large half rings.

3. Tar rinse from the inside boiling water. To lower the dill on the bottom (the gross umbrella, especially for blanks), then laurel leaves and pepper. Fill the jar with layers of cucumber circles and onions - so that it turned out 3-4 layers of the other. The first layer is better to do onion.

4. Mix for marinade water with a large salt and sugar. Wrap on a strong fire - and then add a bite.

5. Shot marinade to vegetables, put the sealing covers - sterilize 18-20 minutes in the enameled pelvis with boiling water.

6. Solt roll and hold in an inverted and bite, until it gets completely cool.

You can enjoy delicious cucumbers in rings in a month!

All spicy herbs used in conservation should not be laid or spoiled. If dry herbs are used during the salting process, then their number is reduced 5 times. Salt and sugar sand should be dried and clean.


Why is the recipe called "fingers" - will you think? Probably, to someone who came up with him, the cucumbers themselves reminded slices. After all, on the recipe we will cut every vegetable to four parts. My recipe is incredibly tasty, try - you will like it.

So, let's start our billet for the winter. Pre-I am marina cucumbers in the bucket. The usual 10-liter is suitable.

My vegetables and cut them in length into four parts. All the fruits take a small or medium size, but not big.


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • Dill - beam;
  • Garlic - 4 heads;
  • The pod of bitter pepper is enough;
  • Sugar sand is one glass;
  • Vinegar - it will be enough glass;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.

Secrets of making marinada

In the prepared bucket we fold pre-cut cucumbers.

Dill also cut and put it in a bucket. Garlic I skip through garlic. For the severity of the marinade, a bitter pen is necessary, it is finely cutting and we send it all to the rest of the products.

Then the contents of the packaging are mixed and assign in such a place where it will be dark, for 3-4 hours.

The next our task is to decompose the prepared ingredients on banks. It is necessary to lay it tight. We spend on top with chopped spices and fill with several tablespoons of the marinade.

The next is sterilization. For half-liter jars will be enough 15 minutes, for liter - 20 minutes. In the larger packaging, the cucumbers are not recommended. And last - we ride our jars. Here, almost all. Now, with the onset of colds, pickles can be opened and enjoy the delicious and crispy cucumbers with slices.

Any marine pouring consists of liquid, dissolved sugar and salt: they are sprinkled into water, bring to boil and dissolved in water. But the vinegar is poured after boiling, otherwise he will simply "disappear" and the spreadshaft will lose their natural preservative.

Canned pieces


  • a pair of kg cucumbers
  • couple of small bunch of dill
  • 4 Sheet Khrena
  • two heads of the reptile bow
  • 10-12 garlic lobes
  • 10 black pepper peas

For fill

  • two tablespoons of salt
  • 4 Tea Spooned Sand
  • 8 tablespoons of vinegar
  • one liter of water

Stages of preparation

    Pre-washed and dry cucumbers cut into cubes (or rings - someone like *), put in the enameled container and fall asleep with salt from the calculation of one kilogram of the main vegetables - one tablespoon of salt. In order for salt evenly, you can shake the saucepan. Cut the towel, leave for twelve hours (you can at night).

    Prepare spices and seasonings: wash the dill and the leaves of the horseradish, lay out on a stroke towel and dry. Then cut into pieces (the smaller - the better).

    Cleaned onion head chopped with rings. Garlic teeth clean and turn into a plate.

    The juice formed during the fermentation of cucumbers should be poured, and the vegetables themselves lay out in the bank with layers, alternating with the specified spices. Try to distribute all products evenly.

    Prepare a spicy fill: pour four glasses of water into the pan, add all the ingredients for marinade and put on the stove. After the fluid boils - pour it into banks.

    Cover future pickles with covers and sterilize for ten minutes. Roll and wrap up to cooling.

On a note

* Cucumbers with pieces can be prepared for the winter in different ways: cut along, rings or cubes. The last option can be used in winter for the vinegar.

Fruits used for conservation should be mature, but not surrounded, elastic with bright green skin, to the touch slightly barbed. Before climbing, all products are necessarily washed under running water, with severe contamination is pre-soaked.

In Korean

The calculation of all ingredients is carried out by 3 kg of cucumbers. As a result, it turns out 7 two-liter jars (or 14 liters of pickles).


  • three kg. cucumbers small
  • 3 pieces of carrots
  • half glass garlic cloves
  • glass of vinegar 9%
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt
  • 1/2 cup of sugar sand
  • 230-250 ml vegetable oil
  • 23 g seasoning for carrots in Korean powder

Stages of preparation

    Washed under cool water cucumbers cut along in half, every half - even twice so that it turned out four parts.

    Carrot is also washed and cut along stripes. By the way, carrots can be gravily grate for Korean vegetables.

    Purified garlic slices need to choke enough finely so that the marinade gets spicy and tasty.

    In a clean spacious bucket or pan, put all the prepared products, mix with the added seasonings and spices.

    Leave a vegetable mixture to marinate at room temperature for about a day. During this time, the ingredients will be sliced \u200b\u200bwith pieces and absorbed all spices.

    Prepared products the next day decompose into clean containers, put sterilize for a quarter of an hour, then roll.

    Cucumbers slices in banks to bite the blanket to a complete cooling, pre-overwhelming the lid down. Finished pickles to remove storage in a cool dark place.

Sharp with pepper

Gentle, but at the same time spicy and sharp cucumbers for the winter canned with bitter pepper and carrots. As a result, it turns out 7 liters of pickles, it is better to close in liter banks.


  • 1.5 kg cucumbers of small size
  • one large carrot
  • one pod of bitter pepper
  • 1/4 glasses purified garlic poles
  • 1/4 cup of sugar sand
  • 1/2 Glakana vegetable oil
  • couple of tea spoons salts
  • 1/2 Glakana vinegar table
  • 1/4 bag seasonings for Korean Carrot

Stages of preparation

    Cucumbers and carrots wash and cut along each vegetable along four parts. Garlic cloves to chop blender or finely chop. Gorky pepper wash, clean from seeds and cut into rings.

    All ingredients are put into spacious bucket or pan, add specified spices and seasonings. Pretty mix all and leave one day to pickle indoors.

    In advanced clean banks evenly decompose a cucumber-carrot mixture and send to sterilization - enough quarter.

    Bank jars roll up upside down and cover with a blanket to complete cooling. Then remove storage.

As a capacity, which is planned to pre-marinating products in no case cannot be used by aluminum containers - oxidative processes, spoiling properties of canned properties and solving the taste of pickles occur in this metal.

Salad sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers

All ingredients are taken out of calculation by 6 kg of cucumbers, 10-11 liter jars are obtained at the output.


  • 6 kg large cucumbers
  • 3 tablespoons fragrant pepper pepper
  • 6 tablespoons ground garlic cloves
  • 1.5 glasses cutlery vinegar 9%
  • 4.5 tablespoons salt
  • 1.5 glasses of sugar
  • 1.5 glasses vegetable oil

Stages of preparation

    Pre-washed with cold water and dry cucumbers cut along: if the vegetables are large, then by six parts, if medium, then four. Lay out in a large saucepan or bucket.

    Add fragrant peppers, garlic slices, sugar with salt, pour vegetable oil and vinegar. In order for all the components to be mixed, the tank shake well and send it to three to four hours at room temperature.

    In the meantime, banks and lids will dismay with soda and steriline.

  1. large garlic babes with garlic licks to consider husks and also add them to a bowl to peppers with tomatoes. In a boiling, sharp tomato-pepper gas station shift the prepared cucumbers. Salt with sugar, sunflower oil and vinegar. To cover the pan with a densely adjacent lid and tomorrow the braid leakage under it on a very slow fire is still just over a quarter of an hour after boiling.
  2. Decisid hot leaps in prepared jars and tightly clog them. Turn the package with pickles and put jars on the lid. Wrap them and leave for 36 hours.

On a note

* Best option for this billet sunflower oil.

1. From the specified number of products it turns out 7-8 liters of finished cucumber leaps.

2. Stop this salad ledge should be in small half-liter jars, which should be prepared together with suitable lids for them - rinse, sterilize and dry.

3. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use a tomato in the paste or sauce, but with the addition of mineral carbonated water.

4. Approximate ratio of salt, pepper and sugar: 100 g of sugar in 25 g of salt with pepper.

Special conditions for the preservation of cucumber ledge will not need.

Recipe for marinated cucumbers with onions without sterilization. The cucumbers are cut by ringlets, shock onion and dill. Then they need to fill with marinade, wait 1 hour and peel exactly 5 minutes in a saucepan. After that, it remains to decompose the salad of cucumbers on jars and sod.

So that the pickled cucumbers with onions, harvested for the winter, turned out to be crispy and appetizing, it is very important to choose the right vegetables. The younger they will, the better. Do not forget to dunk the cucumbers in the water, then they will become denser. And try not to digest them as soon as you leave for 5 minutes, immediately remove from the fire. Raving cucumbers recommend in container with a volume of 0.5 liters. Do not stand for too long in the refrigerator already open conservation, it is better to eat a portion at a time, then the salad will not lose their taste.

Total cooking time: 120 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Exit: 4 Banks for 0.5 l


  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • onions - 400 g
  • dill - 1 small beam
  • 9% vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • needid salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • refined vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • black peas pepper - 5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.


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    Prepare vegetables. Rinse cucumbers under running water, remove the leaves and other trash. Close to ice water and leave in a bowl for 1 hour - the vegetables absorb part of the fluid, due to which it turns out more dense and crunchy.

    Remove the tails at the cucumbers and cut the circles - not too thin, but not thick, about 3 mm. Onions Clean and grind rings. Dill rinse and chop finely knife. Connect all together and mix.

    In a large saucepan (at least 5 liters), pour oil and vinegar, add salt and sugar, bay leaf and black peas. Bring to a boil so that the crystals of salt and sugars dissolve. Remove the saucepan from the fire.

    In a saucepan with a hot marinade, throw the cucumbers, mix and leave for 1 hour at room temperature. During this time, the cucumbers are cheered up, slightly fall and empty their own juice.

    An hour later, place a saucepan on the middle fire and bring the mass to a boil. Reduce the fire and boil, stirring the spatula until the bottom, exactly 5 minutes. You will notice how vegetables as heated will begin to change its color from green on the pale olive, and the amount of marinade will increase. Do not digest the cucumbers!

    Quickly spread the cucumbers salad with onions into sterilized banks (best of 0.5 liters). Try to lay tight, to the top, slightly pressed the spoon so that the vegetables are completely covered with marinade. Runble with sterilized covers, then turn up the bottom and cover the blanket.

    Exit from the specified number of ingredients - 4 cans of 0.5 liters. As soon as the preservation cools to room temperature, you can transfer to the cellar or another dark and cool place. Before using a snack, you need to cool down a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Tasty conservation!