Decoration of bedrooms - design nuances and design options for modern rooms (95 photos). Bedroom finishing options: Stylish wall decoration and ceilings ideas for bedroom interior in the apartment

At some point in life, many people will be seen by their own home or acquire an apartment. At such a moment there are a lot of interesting questions. For example, the owner thinks about how to make a living room (in what style it is to do), how to furnish the kitchen space. Another actual question is how to separate the bedroom.

It's time to deal with this issue in more detail, consider the possible options. Bedroom Finishing - Photo, Video: All this also exists in this material, as well as other information on the design date of this room.

The most popular questions are: in what style draw up such a room, what color it will be appropriate (if the walls should be separated in the bedroom). There are many other questions worth considering.

Print past in a modern house

So, how exactly is the trim of a bedroom in the house, what rules here hold? To answer this question, first it is worth saying this: a lot of architectural styles that are used today in the interiors came from the past. Namely - from the Middle Ages. It was at that time that it was very fashionable to decorate the bedrooms as a ladies' future.

Of course, over time, such styles experienced a lot of adjustments, but the old essence remained.

The most important material for the room (for example - the bedroom finishing: photo) - all sorts of fabrics. They were used everywhere, very active - and the result was obtained by impressive.

What else can be said about the use of fabric, including in the modern world?

  • Today, the decoration of walls in the bedroom can be performed precisely such material. But not as before - the approach to the facing process is already absolutely another;
  • For example, before a very important attribute in each Boudar there were places that were installed above the bed. At the moment, this is practically not found in everyday life, for very rare exceptions.
Such is a simple logical explanation: in past centuries, a lot of free space was left under the canopy. And the volume of the modern bedroom can only be limited to ten square meters.

But about the edges of the designers of our time did not forget:

  • A peculiar function of the canopy today is assigned to the ceiling. Its surface is draped, sometimes a niche is made in the headboard. The bedroom finish in the house can also be made with the help of fabric - but they take not original textiles, but just a woeful material produced on a tissue basis;
  • If you still want to use a real tissue, as the ancestors did, she should cover the panels - from wood (but more practical and functionally from drywall);
  • In the trim room of the bedroom, the curtains are a very important element - it was so earlier and remained at the moment. In general, the curtains for the lady bedroom are the basic accessory. At all times there were different curtains (usually very heavy) with lambrequins from satin or velvet.
It is impossible to imagine without curtains such styles like: Ampir, Baroque, Art Deco - and many others. In addition, today the range of fabrics is very large, due to which the trim room can have a lot of variations.

Secrets of the decor of the bedroom

  • To prevent the interior overload, it is worth focusing on the items - it is enough to choose one or two. At the same time, curtains can be an absolutely modest element that is not remarkable. Bedroom Finishing: The photo below demonstrates this approach.

  • The room on the wall can be placed panel, the ceiling can be draped (in accordance with modern canons). But the furniture is used simple, without any kind.
A similar approach to business is mixing styles. How can all this be called? This is a full-fledged boudoir, but made in a modern style. The interior designer will call it no other than.
  • If we talk about aesthetics, there is no special difference than in the bedroom to separate the walls: wallpaper or cloth. The main goal is as follows: the surface must be decorated with a relief or somehow drawing;
  • Modern wallpaper - the material is quite high-quality, so after applying them (if the finish is selected in the middle price category, or more expensive) about the repair does not have to think about ten years (provided that this or that emergency will not occur).
Partly, modern wallpaper is good in the sense that the canvas are absolutely not fade into the sun. Previously, the repair was made in many only because of this.
  • Glue wallpaper is very simple - it is enough to have a regular smooth surface at hand;
  • Other Advantage: The material costs more than moderately. Nowadays, such a moment is very relevant, because people strive to save money, they want to reduce their costs for everything.
A sufficient solution is to finish the walls in the bedroom by ordinary wallpaper, which have a beautiful pattern, differ in the neutral tint. On the ceiling at all, do not install any remarkable structures. However, accessories will not damage: exquisite furniture, lamps of old forms. It is worth using and satin textiles.
  • Thus, the design of the bedroom turned out in the Art Deco style;
  • To get a pleasant drawing on the walls in the room, it is not necessary to use only wallpaper and fabric. Stencil is a great way to apply high-quality, pretty patterns in the bedroom;
  • Interesting solution: Run the drawing on the room ceiling. For the bedroom, this approach is very relevant. And make up so much space is not necessarily. Practice shows that only the only wall (or just some kind of her fragment).

In a typical apartment (bedroom is small)

And what can be said about the usual model apartment? Here trim the bedroom may look like: Here is a photo.

Most often, in a typical apartment, the bedroom is the smallest room. Even today, this situation retains its relevance.
  1. So that the small bedroom turned out to be high-quality, the finish is performed so that the room looks more spacious than it is in fact;
  2. For this you can do this: to place some fragment on the wall, which will distract attention to yourself. Due to this room, the room visually wins in size;
  3. If a bright element is used that attracts attention in the interior of the bedroom, all other walls are performed in a monophonic finish, which looks absolutely neutral;
  4. On the wall you can perform a beautiful, bright pattern. But this is usually done only in those rooms that are spacious. If sleeping is small - only a fragment is enough on the wall;
  5. When the walls are interested in the walls in the bedroom - the ideal option: material without aggressive patterns. It is possible with the relief, or just in the flower. It turns out simply, but tasteful.

If the bedroom is spacious

If there is a spacious bedroom, here you can do almost anything.

If desired, it is even achieved that the patterns are combined with a geometric pattern on the wall.

Interesting solution: Run in the bedroom interior in the style of neoclassicism. In this case, wallpaper is applied to the wall. But, in this case, they will divide the space on the zone.

It is important to achieve harmony: To, for example, the wall of the wall and the ceiling site were decorated with the same option of wallpaper (in other areas it is allowed to use other options for design) - if you want to get directly neoclassicism.

And the second half of the ceiling (which, by the way, is performed without problems from drywall) can always be caught in the wallpaper with a glossy film.

It is worth remembering the details - such can be: backlight around the perimeter of the ceiling space, a beautiful chandelier with suspensions, niche in the wall (which is beautifully separated), on the walls - textiles in the form of tapestries.

A similar approach to interior design will give its plans - the bedroom decoration in the house will be great, chic. The role of wallpapers in all this should not be underestimated.

Interesting options that are found not often

In the world you can find a lot of materials for cladding, which are perfect for the bedroom. Material combinations are also plentiful - with their help the bedroom will definitely turn into a very cozy room for recreation. In the finish, you can always use wood.

Using a tree

It is difficult to find something more suitable when it comes to bedroom in a private house. In such structures, these rooms are often equipped in the attic floor. Mansard walls are made to sow some clapboard (there are many varieties of this material). For the trim, you can also apply laminate, parquet board. There was already a material.

Depending on the type of private house, the lining can be different in the bedroom:

  • If the design is made of a log or bar, you can not worry about the wall cladding. If construction wood is represented in the room in ideal proportions, the walls are not required at all: it is enough to apply a varnish or a veil;
  • Almost all attention in these homes pay the ceiling. The beams are installed here, sometimes the designs are involved in the design, which are carriers. The liner is often produced by glued plywood or clapboard;
  • The surface of the tree can not only paint: here, if you wish, you can make a thread, also craftsmen make manual painting, inlaid.

Bedrooms in apartments with wood today are practically not issued. Especially if it is not a very roomy room.
  1. If it's still decided to use the wood for the bedroom in the apartment, it is necessary to use the material very neatly and strictly dosed. You can, for example, decorate the wall decorate - this is often done in the headboard;
  2. Sometimes the walls are expanded by a board in decorative purposes. Today, anyone who wishes will be able to purchase wall panels, which are very naturally imitating the real tree. Immediately ready carved panels can also be bought - including made from natural wood;
  3. All sorts of designs from drywall today are also actively used for bedrooms. For example, an element is often built, which combines the ceiling and the wall in the place of the room where the bed is installed.
Such a finish is a good option for studio apartments, where there is no sleeping as such at all, there is only a bed zone.
  • To create a beautiful relief on any of the walls in the bedroom, a linker, textured wallpaper, decorative plaster is often used. Today, the panels, including the 3D effect, are actively purchased for this;
  • Such a building material can decorate not only the headboard - it will look great on the opposite side. In the case when work in the bedroom is performed independently, the panels or wallpaper with relief are ideal;
  • Decorative plaster is another option by which you can get an excellent relief. But, it is not easy to work with such a material - here you need certain professional skills. About the linker can be said the same;
  • What is this - linker? This is the name of one of the types of wallpaper, but they are stuck a little more difficult than standard canvases.

If linker is glued to the wall just as simple wallpaper, the whole finishing material may be spoiled. There is a special approach.

Details about panels, minimalism, wallpaper

Panels - not highly overall products. They are customary to be mounted on glue, due to which such a finish is not very complicated. 3D panels are a good choice to create an interior in the bedroom (if you want to get a minimalist room).

Today, such design is very popular, he attracts people simplicity and conciseness.

There are many styles that are calculated only on spacious rooms. Minimalism is good because it is easy to create even in a small space. No exception is a small bedroom.

Consider some more advice:

  • If you visually want to make a wider than a small room - the bedroom finish photo is what you should read with first of all. It is enough to learn quite a bit of successful interiors to understand - wallpaper will necessarily help. Including, it is possible to use photobones - their use is allowed even within the framework of the close room;
  • It works very simple rule: any image where there is nature, street, panoramas will expand the room optically - this will confirm any designer. The room will create a feeling of space. Get something similar, some kind of interior in a small bedroom - the perfect choice;
  • It is also interesting that the wallpaper can be any image. For example: Decorative wallpapers can be applied to separate the wall niche. Such an element is easy to get at home if you use drywall;
  • The cabinet, whose sash is mirrored, niche, marked with photo wallpapers - this will definitely be creating a feeling of space, depth - even if the bedroom is very close. And if the ceiling is also performed in two levels, the design of which has a deepening somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe center of the room - it is generally perfect;
  • Another interesting step: a ceramic mosaic tile can be installed on the wall in the bedroom - as an alternative to the photo wallpaper. The result will be quite decent.

So that the topic becomes more understandable, it is necessarily recommended to watch the video, where it is said in detail about the bedroom finish. Of course, of course, it is also very helpful in this matter, but the video footage will tell a lot of interesting things, what will not say a static frame.

For decoration, bedrooms in the house usually use plastering mixes or vinyl wallpapers. However, in recent times, natural materials have received widespread. For example, the bamboo and cork panels began to be used. Alternatively, various drapery, plasterboard, MDF panels are used. If the room is withstanding in the style of minimalism, then you can use soft wall panels.

Finishing with tissue drapes is often used when decorating the bedrooms weathered in the classic style. To decor a bedroom, you can use such fabrics like flax, silk, velvet, tapestry or sitherium. As an alternative, suede can perform. This fabric is easy to glue and no moisture is afraid.

The sequence of the bedroom in the apartment fabric:

  • Slide the glue solution to the surface. It is recommended to use specialized furniture glue.
  • Secure the upper fabric of the web with a carnation.
  • Attach cloth to the surface, and endure it with an iron. Do not forget to pull the cloth before well, otherwise defects may appear after repair work.
  • Swim up the drape with an iron 2-3 times.
  • Surplus fabric Cut the knife.
  • If bubbles formed on the surface, remove them.

Bedroom Finishing Block House: Features and Interior

Many people for finishing the bedroom began to use a block house. It is a rounded configuration lamellae made from a natural tree. Preferably used trees of coniferous rocks.

Before starting repair, you need to pull out lamellas from packages, and give them to lie down in the room for several days. It is necessary so that the material extends a bit and was not deformed after installation.

The decoration of the bedroom block house is carried out in this order:

  1. Prepare the surface under installation. Remove whitewash, plaster and other finishing materials. If necessary, apply a primer layer on the base surface.
  2. Cover the surface with special impregnation with deep penetration. It will prevent wood rotting.
  3. Install the frame from a wooden bar with a thickness of 30 mm. If you wish, install an additional vapor insulation layer on the crate. Remember that the optimal level of humidity of the bar is 15-20%.
  4. Attach the starting bar using screws.
  5. Welcome a lamella lamella. Neighboring blocks between themselves are fixed using the Schip-Paz system.
  6. In places of angular connections, install special moldings.

Soft Bedroom Finishing Materials

Soft wall panels are a good finishing material that fits into the interior of any bedroom. Numerous examples and reviews have shown that in addition to the beautiful species, such panels allow you to achieve good sound insulation of the room.

Materials are used as filler for panels:

  • Porolon. Panels with this filler are used primarily when finishing a children's bedroom.
  • Sintepon. With this filler, you can create a perfectly smooth surface, since the low share of the synthetion excludes the possibility of deformation of the panel.

Soft panels do not require carefully pre-training. Moreover, this material allows you to hide the defects of the base surface.

Soft Panel Decoration Technology:

  1. Apply one primer layer on the surface.
  2. After that, mark on the surface of the fastening of soft panels.
    Apply glue to the wrong side of the soft panel.
  3. Plug the entire surface with soft panels.
  4. Remove the remnants of the material with a hacksaw.

Cheap Bedroom Finishing Options

If you are looking for inexpensive options for finishing the ceilings and walls in the bedroom, you can use MDF panels. They fit well into any design, are environmentally friendly and inexpensive. In addition, the MDF panel is easily mounted on almost any surface.

Remember that the basis of MDF panels are sawdust, so this material is fire hazardous. If you are planning to stretch the wiring in the undercarriage space, be sure to insulate it with corrugations.

Stages of mounting MDF panels on the ceiling or walls:

  • Apply markup to the surface with a laser level.
  • Install the starting profile and additional suspensions.
  • Secure the guide profiles throughout the perimeter of the wall or ceiling. Fixation is performed using self-tapping screws or dowels.
  • Insert intermediate profiles in the guide profiles.
  • After the lamp is done, do the holes in the MDF panels under the lamps or chandeliers.
  • Cut the frame panels. Between themselves, the adjacent panels are fastened with the Schip-Paz system.

Also with a limited budget, the bedroom can be separated using acrylic paints. This material is applied to a carefully cleaned surface in several layers. Before staining the wall or ceiling, be sure to apply a layer of putty.

Bedroom decoration by natural materials: step-by-step guide

If you prefer natural materials, then a plug can be used to finish a separate bedroom. This material is moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly and reliable. In addition, the plug is not inclined to rot, reduces the level of electromagnetic emissions and improves the soundproofing of the room.

Installation of the plug is performed on a clean and prepared surface, so before starting finishing works, align and drive the surface. Also, do not forget to eliminate cracks and chips.

Tube Surface Tube Technology:

  1. Apply markup on the surface with a plumb and construction level.
  2. Attach the panel to the surface, and outline it all over the contour.
  3. Apply an adhesive solution on the surface.
  4. Stick the plug.
  5. Similarly, glue the remaining panels.
  6. Walk through the material on the material. Do not forget to align the joints.

Also good natural materials are bamboo stems. Of these, special wallpapers are made, which are widely used when finishing the bedroom.

Bamboo bedroom finishing is performed in this order:

  • Cut the bamboo cloth with a hacksaw.
  • Apply glue solution on the wall with a toothed spatula.
  • After the glue is dry a little, attach a bamboo cloth to the surface.
  • Cross wallpaper with a rubber roller.
  • Similarly, take the whole wall.
  • After a few hours, repeatedly disperse wallpaper with a roller.

Decorating the bedroom in the house (video)

There are a large number of building materials, with which you can separate the bedroom in the apartment. For decoration, bedrooms are recommended to use exceptionally natural materials, such as bamboo wallpaper, a block house of a coniferous or cork. If you have limited financial capabilities, the MDF panels, acrylic paints or soft panels completely come.

The design of the bedroom is a delicate task, it is necessary to feel comfort, the style, the individuality of the space was subtly emphasized, and the atmosphere had to high-quality rest and accumulation of vital energy.

In the article, we will offer interesting design ideas for typing a private zone, we will analyze how to solve the ceiling, niches, walls, special attention will be paid to textiles and tell me how to update the interior with your own hands, make it brighter and expressive.

Stages of the design of a beautiful and original bedroom

The design of the bedroom in the apartment, photo examples will be enough, it is possible to divide into several stages.

Bedroom decoration in the apartment, photo of outrageous interior for teenagers

The design of walls in the bedroom sets the tone to the overall interior design. There are several effective techniques for decorating vertical surfaces:

We separate the three walls by monochrome, the material depends on the style of the bedroom: decorative plaster, lining, beautiful wooden or MDF-veneered panels, wallpaper under painting or canvas with an unselected ornament, cork coating. Making the fourth, designers offer several options, how to make a wall in the bedroom:

  • frescoes, artistic painting;
  • modern panels are corrugated, with a health effect;
  • light, mirror panel;
  • wallpaper with an expressive, active ornament, spectacular textile canvas;
  • imitation of natural materials: stone, bamboo, straw, brick.

How to arrange a small bedroom, the macro-crime reduces the furniture, the mirror sash adds perspectives

You can bet on the design of the bedroom with different wallpaper. The combination of the canvase will help correct the form of the room, zonate the space to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to combine the cloth correctly:

  • The room is high - 1/3 below is drawn up with darker wallpaper, the remaining 2/3 decorated into a bright tone, the joint is closed by a curb, molding. Catalogs will help to choose the canvas, the collections offer wallpaper-companions. In the classics, the wallpaper is often replaced with a tree panel.
  • Long narrow rooms will not resemble a tunnel if the end walls arrange with dark wallpaper or in a narrow horizontal strip, and the elongated - light web with an ornament.
  • In small rooms, the adjacent walls are decorated with different wallpaper: monochrome / band, geometric ornament, an active pattern on the wallpaper - this visually blurs the boundaries, the bedroom seems more. It is better not to use a dark and bright finish, it is recommended to give preference to pastel and saturatedly muted tones.

Stock Foto Interior decor bedroom, partner wallpaper

  • Big bedrooms are broken into the zones by placing the wall with contrasting canvases, for example, one part is one-photon, the other - with the ornament, you can alternate monochrome with striped, or on the sides, stick dark monotonous web or original, as an option - bamboo. Center to highlight wallpaper with an expressive pattern: vegetable ornament, monogram, geometric pattern, etc.

Bedroom design with wallpaper, in the photo the contrast of adjacent walls, which plays a change in the geometry of the room

  • The classic design of the bedroom wallpaper implies the breakdown of the wall into segments: the moldings make an improvised framework, inside glued the web with the vensels in the tone, and around the surface choke into a monophonic color. In the style of Provence, light wallpaper is combined with naked with horizontally lining, painted in the shades of white, lavender, pale green. In the marine style, the wallpaper is operated in a contrasting strip: white / blue, blue. Japanese-style bedrooms are highlighted by graphic, all the walls decor a monochrome sandy-yellow web, on top of mounted dark wooden or polyurethane beams.

Bedroom decoration, photo zoning with moldings

Deculating the ceiling bedroom

The ceiling is a significant surface, I do not want to open your eyes, contemplate an inestietary picture, so the ceiling design should be paid special attention.

  • Simple ceilings are recommended on the perimeter to make up beautiful cartoons, paint light: white, cream, colored pastel shades. Pick up a beautiful chandelier, which, when turned on, will be projected onto the ceiling, color spots or the original light pattern, for baguette lay down the diode backlight.
  • There are low ceilings in apartments, so many try to avoid plasterboard structures. In fact, they help visually raise space. The box highlighted by sofits and a diode ribbon will create a feeling of lightness, airiness.
  • It looks spectacular and helps zoning the bedroom when the wall in the head of the bed smoothly flows into the ceiling. You can use drywall structures with active illumination, bright wallpapers, stretch systems.
  • The modern design of the bedroom does not do without new technologies, the appointment is relevant when the original tensioning system is mounted in the center of the plasterboard box: glossy, bright, colored, with a photoprint, imitating the sky, cosmos. It is important to choose competent lighting to highlight the beauty of the composition.

Photo Examples Ceiling decoration in the bedroom in modern style

Deculating the lodge

The first thing in the bedroom determines the place of the bed. Heads are trying to highlight. Often, this is an accent wall that we told above. The decoration of the bedroom on Feng Shui implies that the bed must be located in the far corner from the entrance, on the contrary there should not be reflective surfaces, the door is diagonally.

The design of the bed in the bedroom of large sizes can assume a frame around the bed to which the Bedalchin is hanging. In the bedrooms smaller and for girls, a beautiful holder is mounted on the ceiling, from which light curtains are flowing, the reception highlights the private zone.

In small bedrooms it is better to install a bed without a massive headboard. It makes it on the wall, for example, a tight panel or a shallow box, underwear hides, the lid serves as a shelf.

Decorative soft panel instead of headboard

The role of niches in the design of the bedroom

Niches perform on a par with decorative also practical functions: the ability to divide the room into zones, emphasize the accent sections, to separate part of the room.

In Khrushchev, Niche is laid in the project, it will take to collect documents to be removed, financial costs will be required. It is easier to "beat" a niche of decorative techniques, hovering the built-in wardrobe and pick out the sash: carved wooden, mirrored with sandblasting pattern, glass with photo printing, dialing doors of the coupe - mirror, glass / decorative inserts from beautiful panels.

Niche wardrobe will decorate the bedroom and add storage sites

Curvilinear niches are actively used in modern style. Build a fancy shameless carcass made of drywall, inside decorated with a beautiful pattern, panels, wallpapers, and highlighted with spotlight. In a small or narrow bedroom, niches replace standard furniture. Make a shallow frame 100-200 mm, the rear wall is decorated with mirrors, inside the glass shelves for books and trifles.

There are a lot of options, how to arrange a niche in the bedroom, it is important not fear to show your creative potential. For example, many like fireplaces, real possible in the house, they are prohibited in the apartment, but you can make a false portal for installing electric, plane polyurethane stucco, stone, coloring.

Little bedroom decoration, on the photo spacious niche wardrobe

How to make a bedroom textile

When choosing a curtain, covered, pillows, upholstery, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • wallpaper with a pattern - in textiles I definitely repeat the color, drawing, or choose one-photo tissue;
  • monochrome finish, textiles can be with patterns - it will add expressiveness to the interior;
  • in a small room, the curtains are better chosen in the tone of the design of the walls, the curtains and bedspreads on the contrast with the trim are more acceptable in the premises.
  • calm bedroom design enliven bright textiles, a fairly beautiful upholstery on a banquette, 2-3 pillows.

Curtains in small bedrooms must be neat, without numerous Fald, as it is impossible to fit modern classic sliding models from light fabrics, on the chalks. The windows of large bedrooms are decorated according to the selected style.

Registration of curtains in the bedroom, photos of beautiful curtains of Italian Cro

Helpful advice: When you need to leave a seat under the windowsill, the standard window design in the bedroom is recommended to replace with rolled, Roman curtains, short light curtains.

Considering the photo ideas of the design of the bedroom, it becomes obvious that not one interior will not look holistly, if there are no little things: paintings, photos, lamps, vases, flowers. These items should not drag attention, their role is to add a refinement flavor. In small bedrooms do not use overall objects. Frames for photos, paintings, mirrors must be sustained in the same styles as the whole interior.

Minor bright spots enliven the interior

The bedroom is a special place in any apartment or house, so for the trim of the bedroom, many owners are very careful. At first glance, it may seem that this is not a troublesome thing. But, if you approach the question more subtle and take into account the tastes of the owner, you can easily create a really unique style. True, in order to embody all the ideas, you will have to stock finances.

There are two types of finishes:

  • blacks;
  • clear.

Black works are preparing the premises to the finishing or finishing finish. Finishing - provides for the use of various materials that we used to see in the residential room. Usually it is wallpaper or photo wallpaper, painting. Sometimes the panels of decorative type, artificial stone, block house, clapboard are used. Installation of these materials is characterized by the level of complexity.

Trimming ceiling in the bedroom

If in the bedroom the ceiling is really beautiful, the entire atmosphere in the room miraculously changes. With the help of a certain finish, the space can be zoned, as well as easily expand certain accents. Experts recommend choosing pastel colors for finishing. The easiest way is to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling or perform a whitewash. If the ceiling is smooth, then it can be painted if desired.

Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard allows you to create suspended multi-level structures or curvilinear ceilings. Especially relevant plasterboard ceilings in a high bedroom.

Incredibly stylishly look options with backlit. They undoubtedly give the feeling of comfort. As for the forms of plasterboard ceilings in the bedroom, rounded options and smooth lines are preferred.

Options for ceiling

Also in bedrooms with high ceilings you can give preference to tension options for ceilings. It happens that laminate is used in the decoration. Especially relevant if the room is located in the attic.

When choosing a preferred finish option, you should consider style, height and budget.

For bright decoration, the ceiling is suitable with drawings. Such an unusual solution will give the bedroom original splendor. It is important to emphasize the pattern and the color of the wallpaper with some accessories in the room.

Matte and white ceiling colors go back. If desired, you can use a mass of shades. It is also worth adding such bright decor elements as, for example, moldings.

Often the wall smoothly flows into the ceiling. This bedroom decoration is very popular now. You can unusually beat not only the head of the bed, but also the area is above it. Fabrics, boards, decorative designs or drywall designs can be used for the decor.

The choice of color is entirely dependent on the preference of the owners. An excellent option is a tone corresponding to the textile color.

Wooden ceiling is well suited for country style and ecosil. You can also collect on the ceiling beams of wood. Such options look expensive and really stylish.

Normal and non-standard design of walls in the bedroom

The largest area is occupied by the walls in the bedroom. The wall design in the bedroom allows you to create a specific atmosphere that will relax. But every person has its own idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is rest. Someone prefers bright shades, someone chooses dark colors. There are those who dream of be sure to use the latest trends in the wall decoration. It is worth trying to take into account everything you dream. But it is important to bind a certain finish to the realities that are in the room.

Wall decoration by wallpaper

For traditions for decoration, the bedroom uses wallpapers. You should never challenge this option.

This finishes have the mass of advantages:

  1. Wide selection of suitable color.
  2. Wallpaper with different textures and from various materials.
  3. Easy application on the walls.
  4. Budget renovation option.
  5. You can easily change style if you want to change easily.
  6. Quickly wash and clean.

It is best to choose a wallpaper with a nonsense pattern. To revive the interior, you need to arrange accents. For this, the wall is ideal, which is in the headboard bed. She will ask the tone to the whole interior, but it will not hinder sleep.

For pasting this wall, wallpaper of another texture or contrasting color is suitable. If the dimensions of the room are small, it is good for the options with a small pattern. Such a drawing can be changed. The result will be a completely new bedroom.

You can use the wallpaper as a great foundation for painting. You just need to choose the right tone.

Than you can replace the usual wallpaper

If the interior in retro style is created, the fabric can become a magnificent wallpaper replacement. Today you can choose fabrics specially intended for interior design. The material is glued onto the walls on the principle of wallpaper or stretch on the panel, which are then attached to the wall.

The bedroom decoration is very unusually illusively using photo wallpaper. It can be panel or pasting the whole wall as a whole. This method allows you to visually expand the space. To do this, select suitable images.

Wall mural in the bedroom visually expanding space

Wall decoration Gypsum Carton

No less popular option for finishing the wall in the bedroom plasterboard. It allows you to perfectly align the walls. Often plasterboard becomes the only way out. The cost of this material is low. Installation of sheets of plasterboard can be carried out both by experts and personally. As a result, the walls in the bedroom breathe perfectly. On this coating, you can apply paint, perform painting, create a finish with panels or wallpaper.

Decorative wall panels and plaster

Wall panels are actively used. There are 3D varieties and soft types. Soft options - the bases that are covered with textiles or skin. Under them is the upholstery. This finish is suitable for the wall above the bed.

3D panels - embossed coating. For production used bamboo, MDF, PVC, glass, wood. With this finishing, one wall is fully or partially. This method allows you to quickly decorate the room.

Very impressive looks at the design of walls in the bedroom with the help of decorative plaster. Its textures are very different. The finish is the most durable, does not be engaged. Not afraid of chemistry and blows. Cons - high cost and difficult replacement of such a coating.

Tree decoration

Frequently often in the bedroom is used wood. This is a block house and lining. Such materials are environmentally friendly, perfectly retain heat, do not miss extraneous sounds. The lining appearance looks very beautiful. It is perfectly suitable if you need to create design walls in the bedroom in the Mediterranean, olive or maritime style.

As can be seen, the bedroom finishing options are quite diverse, and to create the most comfortable interior in the room, you need to pay maximum attention to such important details as the ceiling and walls. It is from them that the overall atmosphere of the bedroom depends. Do not be afraid to try to create something special.

Photo Gallery: Unusual Bedroom Design

Almost a third of their lives, people spend in a dream, so it is very important that the place intended for the rest was as comfortable as possible. A pleasant interior will help to relax and forget about all the things outside the bed. Ideas and advice on how to create a paradise corner of a small bedroom, you will find in this article.

Choose interior style

If planning the interior of the living room, kitchen or cabinet, you have to think first of all about their functionality, then in the relaxation zone, it is possible to give the will of fantasy and listen to the desires of the soul. The basis for designer experiments in a small-sized bedroom can be such styles as Scandinavian, modern, classic, minimalism, loft or provence.

Little Bedroom in Modern Style

The small bedroom of the 21st century is clear graphic lines, calm tones and no extra items.

Modern style assumes neat, but reliable furniture without an additional decor. Walls and ceiling are monophonic, in gray, white or beige gamma. Black, chocolate and dark blue finish options better save for large rooms. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate or carpet-colored carpet. Metal glitter, chrome handles, polished wood, mirrors - all this reflects the light and visually increases the space.

Accents are allowed in the form of paintings, exquisite lamps, ceramic figures, indoor plants. Bed linen must be silk or cotton, without noticeable prints. Point LED lighting around the perimeter and bedside scabs with frosted milk-white belands will help create a relaxed atmosphere and tune in to a serene sleep.

Small bedroom in classic style

This style will appreciate luxury lovers. Marshmallow shades of white, pink, peach, light lilac are perfectly combined with aristocratic gold-silver patterns, gypsum stucco, columns and crystal chandeliers.

Carved furniture, painted enamel in the tone of the ivory, will create a majestic atmosphere of the palace. The headboard bed can be crumpled to soft skin. The windows should be covered by porters from the brocade, velvet, the atlas in the tone of the overall design. Such fabrics are suitable for Baldakhin. The bedspread can be jacquard, with flickering patterns. The abundance of light in the "precious" framing will turn the usual small room in a truly royal flower.

Little Provence Style Bedroom

Romantic agents loving the atmosphere of the south of France, as it is impossible to suit the style of Provence. All details of the interior should be supplemented in pastel colors - white-blue, pink, light purple, pale green and beige. From textiles, it is preferable to choose as if burnt, linakety sitherium with small floral ornament, in a tiny pea, cage, rhombic.

Furniture for a small bedroom in the style of Provence It is advisable to choose a simple and without courage. It can be from a light tree without a varnish or painted in white (you can with a light shade) color.

Little Loft Bedroom

Initially, the term "loft" called former factorys, industrial warehouses and offices that were converted to housing. They are characterized by the absence of finishing on the walls, a lot of free space, high ceilings and large windows. However, some ideas from this style may well be useful to refresh the interior of a small bedroom.

For example, instead of boring wallpaper or plaster, only nude brickwork, concrete panels or their imitation are left. A simple bed without feet is installed directly on the boarding floor. Everything should look like this is a temporary refuge of a free artist: no decorative delights, except for a pair of black and white prints, a mirror in a thin frame and technological lamps for lighting.

For the sake of visual increase in the room, you can expand the window, turning it into panoramic, and order a wardrobe with glossy metal doors. The role of curtains in the loft must perform blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.

Little minimalism bedroom

This is the most optimal option for a small bedroom. It is completely lacking any excesses - no curls, patterns, decorations or decorations. One or two close on the spectrum either contrasting colors in the design, perfectly smooth, smooth surfaces, clear furniture, lamps of simple geometric shapes - all this very much saves space. Such a simple and modern solution will like business people with a rational approach to life.

Small bedroom in Scandinavian style

The first association with Scandinavia is transparency and coolness. Registration in air white tones with light brown or gray-blue accents should be chosen for premises overlooking the windows to the south, as well as located in the warm climate. This finish will help to endure the heat, create a feeling of freshness and ease. The bedroom in the Scandinavian style should remind of snow-covered mountain peaks and candy rivers.

Color solutions

Because it is about bedrooms with a small area, then the focus must be focused on a light palette. Colors close to white reflect more light and visually expand the room.

Little bedroom in white color

No wonder this color chose the nature itself to stream asleep in the winter: it lulls, relaxes, creates an atmosphere of purity and peace. In a completely snow-white room, sleep will come in minutes, and if you want to add romance - it is enough to use the color lighting.

Little Bedroom in Blue Tones

Registration in heavenly shades removes the nervous tension and cools the body. It will be appropriate if the apartment is often hot. Active, active people, this color will help a little bit of energy and enjoy dreams.

Little Bedroom in Green Tones

Herbal, salad, emerald, marine - they all create a feeling of freshness, provide a welcome vacation with the eyes and nervous system. It is the easiest to perceive color, because it is right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum.

Green is the color of life, and to combine it in the bedroom stands with calm natural shades: gray, brown, sandy-yellow, turquoise or lavender.

Little bedroom in purple tones

Soft purple tone appears in the sky in the evening, after sunset. He envelops the horizon with a light haze and seem to invite dreams to the fabulous kingdom. In the bedroom, it can be an excellent addition for green, yellow or pink elements. Also violet looks harmoniously with white, beige and cream flowers.

Little Bedroom in Yellow Tones

This solar color is perfect for a bedroom, which lacks heat (for example, no window or it goes north). Sand, lemon, saffron, golden make a light and warm room. Shades of yellow raise the mood and fill life with joy, and combine them best with white, green, blue, purple or brown.

Little bedroom in gray tones

Gray is the most calm and neutral color. It is much softer black, so it will not look bulky. This is a wonderful background for any bright accents, and in itself it possesses conciseness and restraint. Light or silver gray options are suitable for all interior styles.

Finishing and materials

The choice of materials for finishing the bedroom is not limited to almost nothing. The humidity in this room is normal, the impact of ultraviolet and other factors is minimal. The only important condition that should be neglected is the safety of materials: they should not contain harmful impurities and allocate toxic pairs.


The floor in the bedroom is better made of warm material. It can be a wooden parquet, laminate, carpet. So that the space seemed more voluminous, it is worth abandoning dark and non-uniform colors, and the boards or other vertical drawings are perpendicular to the window. The carpet must merge with the main tint, or completely cover the room, otherwise it will "cut" and reduce it.


The optimal choice for a small bedroom is light walls, one-color or small, almost imperceptible pattern. It may be whitewashed, painting, decorative plaster (can with reflective sparkles), wallpapers, wooden panels and cork coating.

For loft style, it is better to choose a masonry of white or grayish color (under a silicate brick or sandstone stone).


To visually make the bedroom above, the ceiling must be glossy. Well, in order to reflect the light from the side sconce. The surround effect can be achieved by placing a mirror tension film in the "frame" from plasterboard.

For a romantic design, a ceiling is suitable in the form of a blue or starry sky, with a space 3D drawing and shimmering in the dark elements. Images of planets, big figures, saturated tones in the design of a small bedroom better avoid.


The choice of fabrics must be coordinated with a common style. But in any case, they should not be dark and contain large prints. Curtains are better to purchase lungs, air, from synthetic fabrics.

Bed linen in a small bedroom better will look at monochrome, diluted white shades or gray. To sleep comfortably, it is better to give preference to high-quality natural cotton fabrics, silk or flax.

Placing furniture, machinery and accessories

When the finish is already in order and the bedroom looks spacious, it comes time to think about how with the maximum benefit to apply its real area. For each type of rooms, there are recommendations and features.

Little square bedroom

If all parties have equal length, there are no special problems. Thus, the bed can be installed in the center, headboard to a deaf or furniture wall, on the sides - high dressers or pencils, and another wall - a wardrobe. Well save space will help the elevation-podium with retractable shelves, inside of which it is easy to hide clothes, bed linen and different things in the farm.

Narrow (Rectangular) Little Bedroom

To visually balance the room, on a long wall it is worth punishing a photo wallpaper with a surround perspective, and on the opposite to install, for example, a wardrobe with a glossy surface. Narrow walls can be expanded using horizontal strips that can not only be drawn, but also functional, in the form of a widespread shelves.

Little Bedroom Non Standard Planning

An unusual planning possess attic spaces, the corners remaining after zoning or redevelopment, as well as lofts, refurbished from non-residential premises. It is possible to use interesting furniture - round, oval, triangular beds, cheered dressers, closets of non-standard configuration, hammocks, suspended shelves. This approach will ensure not only comfort and convenience, but also give the interior of the bedroom unique uniqueness.


In the sleep zone it is better to do without bright upper light and hanging large chandeliers. To create a soft atmosphere, several point lights on the ceiling, wall brakes and one or two comfortable flooring on the bedside tables are.

Additional flickering can give reflective particles or golden drawings in the decoration of the walls.

Little Bedroom Design in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments, the usual bedroom area is 8-9 sq.m. Of course, space is not so much, but it is possible to place the necessary furniture and accessories.

It is easy to achieve this: you need to install the podium, raise the height of the cabinets to the ceiling, to equip a place to store things under the bed, as well as expand the windowsill, turning it into an additional working area or a ladies.

In children's bedrooms, it makes sense to apply bunk and folding structures.

Union with other premises

In the conditions of close apartments, a good solution can be the expansion of a small bedroom due to related premises.

Combining a small bedroom with a living room

This option is usually used to share the studio on the living room and the bedroom. The bed zone at the same time can simply be closed from prying eye by a canopy, a screen, high wardrobe, and may also be behind a plasterboard or plywood partition.