Health is the principle of life. Healthy lifestyle as a value of modern man

Today, information gives unprecedented success or mercilessly destroys, and the one who owns it owns the world. It is difficult to argue with the fact that the influence of the media on modern society is radically different from past centuries. Newspapers, magazines, radio and television are capable of imposing a certain opinion and even a model of behavior.

Printed publications of the past Soviet era can be a colorful example, when leading articles, public debunking and exposing were tremendous success and were destructive for those who ridiculed the pages of the newspaper. But the honorary participants in newspaper debates, those workers and activists who managed to get to the pages of newspapers in laudatory odes, become stars of local or national scale.

The role of the media in human life

If we talk about the role of the media in the life of a modern person, it is worth mentioning separately about the constant influence. Newspapers, magazines and news impose sad events of our time, talk about fires, killings and scams, while at the same time, a lighter tabloid press, glossy magazines or entertaining programs are actively offered, which gradually fill radio and television broadcasts. Involuntarily, contemporaries come to the thought of why reading and listening to complex information when there are funny, funny and fascinating articles about stars or ordinary people.

Thus, society and the media are closely interconnected, since the first gives rise to the second and cannot do without it afterwards. The initial task of the media is to cover current events, to inform the population, however, the type and form of presentation of information, its role and influence may vary. If negative events in our country come against the backdrop of even greater problems in other states, traditionally their own problems are perceived more easily and not so destructively. A similar principle was actively used in Soviet times.

The influence of the media on society

Can society survive without the media? Unlikely. The role of the media in our lives is so great that without newspapers, magazines and television, a person will return a few years ago and will remain completely ignorant of events in the world. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the impact of the media on a person’s life, and therefore choose the highest quality media that are not affected by extraneous factors, for example, politics, economic influence. Fortunately, from the entire array of information you can always find a decent and high-quality, and from dozens of newspapers honest and fair, in which all events are covered accurately, quickly and without bias. True, it will take a long time to search for such media, because many of them are directly influenced by political or economic forces.

In the process of many years of research on the impact of sports on society, it was revealed that sports activities have a huge impact on the physical and spiritual state of the individual. The influence of sports on the relationship of people, the level of sociability, the ability of self-determination and the realization of their potential is established. Sport is a tool for shaping the culture of humanity.

The place of sport among human values \u200b\u200bis growing significantly, because Sports activities are a universal tool for self-development, creative expression and self-realization. Sport is a reflection of the socio-cultural system in which it develops. Significant changes have taken place in Russian society in recent decades, which has affected the transformation of value orientations and attitudes toward physical education and sports.

In the Soviet period, society was characterized by collectivism, responsibility to the group and individuals. It was replaced by a post-industrial, based on a market economy. The actions of people began to be based, first of all, on personal interests, the individualistic orientation obtained was reinforced by the right to privacy of lifestyle. Personal responsibility for one’s actions, for one’s destiny and one’s life is increased.

During the reforms of the last decades, the Soviet system of physical culture was destroyed, the mass physical-sports movement almost lost significant state support. Sports and physical development have become a private affair, due to the commercialization of a significant proportion of fitness services. This led to a noticeable decrease in the number of people involved in sports, to a decrease in the importance of sports in the general value system of Russians and, as a consequence, to a deterioration in the social standard of living.

Market relations that dominate society, as well as the release of the state from social obligations, affect the value system of individual segments of the population. The values \u200b\u200bof sports and a healthy lifestyle are oriented, to a greater extent, by representatives of the upper layers of society, for whom sports activities are becoming part of fashion and prestigious consumption. Representatives of low social groups, on the contrary, consider playing sports unnecessary and meaningless.

In the process of many years of research on the impact of sports on society, it was revealed that sports activities have a huge impact on the physical and spiritual state of the individual. The influence of sports on the relationship of people, the level of sociability, the ability of self-determination and the realization of their potential is established. Sport is a tool for shaping the culture of humanity

The phenomenon of sport is a multifaceted phenomenon of our time. According to the structure, classification of sports in two directions is acceptable - sports of the highest achievements and mass sports. The first is the sport of the highest achievements, which means the struggle for first place in sports competitions. The second, opposite, is mass sport, which performs the function of healing people through self-expression and self-realization of an individual, satisfying the need for physical development and leisure. Mass sport is a universal tool for eliminating antisocial phenomena.

Sport is one of the components of the physical culture of society, which has developed historically in the form of activities that prepare a person for competitions and the competitions themselves. It is a competitive element that distinguishes sport from physical education. Training in both sports and physical education includes similar actions and exercises, but the goal of an athlete is to assess, through competitive activity, his physical abilities in individual disciplines and compare his results with the successes of others. At the same time, the sportsman is interested in the development of physical qualities for healing and personal improvement.

Mass sport allows improving physical qualities and expanding opportunities, strengthening health and prolonging longevity, resisting undesirable effects on the body of modern production and the conditions of everyday life, while engaging a large number of members of society.

The purpose of practicing various sports is to improve health, improve physical development, fitness and actively relax. This is connected with the solution of a number of particular problems: to increase the functionality of individual body systems, to adjust physical development and physique, to increase overall performance, to master the necessary skills, it is useful to spend leisure time, to achieve physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports are largely identical to the tasks of physical education, however, they differ in the component of the implementation of the sports orientation of the training process.

Schoolchildren, and in some sports and preschoolers, are already joining the elements of mass sports in Russia. It is mass sport that is most prevalent in student groups. As practice shows, in non-cultural universities of the country in the field of mass sports, regular training after school hours is carried out by 10 to 25% of students. The modern program in the discipline "Physical Culture" for students of higher educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any orientation to join this or that type of mass sport. The sport, the training system, as well as the time of their conduct, are chosen by the student himself, based on his desires, needs and capabilities.

Mass sport includes all those types of physical culture and sports activities of various groups and segments of the population, which are aimed not at achieving the highest sports results and material benefits, but at developing in accordance with one's own needs and at solving various social problems. It is worth noting that sports activity complements the professional and are not key, determining in human life.

Sport involves not only physical development. Of great importance is sport in the formation of numerous mental and human qualities, acting as a kind of "school of will", "school of emotions", "school of character." This is due to the high requirements of sports competitions and all sports activities to the manifestation of strong-willed qualities and self-regulation.

The problem of the human value of sport and its role in the modern world has been and remains debatable in the research of scientists. The concept of “humanization of sport” is closely related to the concept of humanism, in which everything that contributes to the full development of a person, strengthening his health, and satisfying his needs is recognized as humane. However, the most highly organized and perfect activity will be considered as inhumane if it is directed against health, happiness, self-realization and the very existence of a person.

Modern researchers positively evaluate sport in terms of humanistic values \u200b\u200band ideals. Scientists note the important role of sport as a tool to preserve and strengthen people's health, as well as the development of their physical and personality. Sport is an important element in the value system of modern culture.

Nevertheless, there are proponents of a negative assessment of sports from the standpoint of humanism, arguing that modern sport is harmful to cooperation, forms a vicious division of people into winners and losers; develops negative personality traits, such as selfishness, aggressiveness, envy, gives rise to the desire to win at any cost, even at the expense of health, violation of moral standards.

The existence of opposing assessments of the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof sports is connected with the fact that a certain abstract, unchanging essence is assigned to sports, while researchers rely on separate, isolated facts, and do not take into account the distinctive moments between two main directions in modern sports: sports of the highest achievements and mass sport, which, obviously, have different value and humanistic potential.

The value of sport today is high, it occupies one of the highest positivities among the types of human activity. However, sports of the highest achievements did not go far ahead from the development of physical culture and mass sports, their sociocultural significance is not lower.

Professionalization of sports is impossible without the development of physical culture and mass sports. With some conventionality, sport can be considered as a symbol, a concentrated expression of the principles and problems of our time, as an area in which the principles of equality of opportunity, achievement of high results and competition, characteristic of a given society, are manifested and applied especially clearly and purposefully.

It should be noted that modern civilization focuses on material values. Competition is growing, and the commercialization of all spheres of social activity is increasing. At the same time, with the help of industrial civilization, the essence of human passion, which is also sport, is carried out not only in its entirety, but also in all its humanity. The spirit of competitiveness models the situation of human self-determination, which is carried out in the system of “I-Other” or “I-Others”. Self-determination is possible if “I” compare my indicators with those of the “Other”.

This comparison is a necessary attribute of sports activity, evaluated from the outside. But there are difficulties here. A person’s attitude to his abilities (in particular, the ability to show his activity above the norm) does not look like the indifference manifested with might and main in relation to incidents that can happen to them. “A man,” writes E. Levinas, “is now thrown into the midst of opportunities in relation to which he is henceforth engaged, with which he is henceforth involved, from now on he either took advantage of them or missed them. They are not added to its existence from without, like accidents. ”

Opportunities do not appear before a person in the form of ready-made images that he can appreciate from different angles. Opportunities, rather, are the main ways of human existence, since to exist for a person just means to use their own capabilities or, to miss them. The possibility of activity above the norm is a danger, it must be regulated and be supported by any positive result. Nevertheless, excess activity is beneficial for the survival of the human race as a whole, despite the danger to a single person. A man develops, revealing himself, using his opportunities. Opportunities inherent in an individual in the process of his activity gradually "exhaust" themselves; and if the individual does not have the fundamental potential of returning to himself, this initial position, taken in relation to his own existence, then the very basic being of human existence is called into question.

In Russia, the trend of mass sports began its development in the 30s of the 20th century. The revolution, civil wars, negative attitudes towards the country of the state - all these factors set the task for the leadership - to increase the level of physical preparation of citizens, in case of an outbreak of popular discontent or foreign attacks. Shooting ranges, shooting galleries, flying clubs, military sports clubs were created all over the country, in which young people mastered various specialties that were in demand in wartime - a telegraph operator, pilot, nurse, medical orderly and many others. The main organizer of the new movement was the Komsomol, on the initiative of which the first All-Union Physical Culture Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” was opened. The purpose of the organization of which was the introduction of a single set of principles and standards for sports education and physical education. Compulsory classes were introduced in the country, all conditions were organized for the possibility of independent sports activities as leisure activities. Active propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports was conducted. For decades, Soviet citizens actively participated in the country's sports, girls and boys were proud of the badges obtained for the high result of passing the "TRP" standards.

The complex had such an attractive force that millions of young people of the Soviet Union with the highest enthusiasm went into sports and achieved such results that they were the best athletes in the world in different fields. The TRP system was a powerful incentive. Preparation for the implementation of the standards developed all muscle groups, increased the level of endurance and health. Thanks to this system, our country has grown the best world cosmonauts, which naturally positively affected the international position of the USSR.

In 2013, on the eve of the Olympics in Russia, the country's leadership put forward a proposal to revive the TRP complex. As a result of painstaking preparations, in March 2014 a decree “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex“ Ready for Labor and Defense ”(TRP)” was issued, deciding to put the complex into operation on September 1, 2014.

The organizers of the modern TRP project call the revival of the Ready for Labor and Defense complex in schools and universities to be fundamentally important for the formation of such qualities as determination and self-confidence and self-reliance in the young generation.

Thus, the return of the TRP to Russia is undoubtedly in demand by the new time and existing social factors. Most Russians positively met a new, or rather well-forgotten, old trend. The people's health, unfortunately, declining in recent years under the influence of stresses, the deterioration of living standards in the post-Soviet period, is invaluable, and its foundation is laid including (and, possibly, mainly) with similar national measures of a regular nature. The mechanism of the foundation of the physical education system, which has been developed over decades, is viable, and it can be hoped that its implementation will soon initiate progress in the development of Russian sports.

The meaning of life is a person’s desire for something that goes beyond his life, i.e. it does not give immediate returns and often does not correspond to the concept of “selfish interest”. Usually the meaning of life is either associated with an assessment of a person’s entire life, or with what will happen after his death. At the same time, the goal towards which a person aspires should be perceived by him as something overvalued, which fills his life with meaning.

Many argue that "there is no meaning to life." It is understood that there is no single meaning for life given from above. However, it is certain that almost every person has goals that go beyond his own “good” and even beyond his own life. For example, we wish happiness and prosperity to our children, we make great efforts to develop them by limiting our own needs. Moreover, all these efforts will bring the main result not to us at all, and, in many ways, even after our death.

Speaking about the fact that everyone has his own meaning of life, nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that there are certain objective limitations on the choice of the meaning of life. These limitations are associated with the natural selection of both the “carriers of the meaning of life” (specific people) themselves and societies where one or another sense of life prevails. For example, if the meaning of human life is suicide, then very quickly there will be no carriers of such a meaning of life. Similarly, if the meanings of life of most members of society are "suicidal" for society, then such a society will cease to exist. In particular, if the meaning of people's lives is aimed solely at solving short-term problems, for example, at maximizing pleasures, then such a society cannot exist for a long time.

As the well-known philosopher Pitirim Sorokin showed, society then achieves its goals when the meaning of life of the majority of members of society corresponds to these goals. A society where people are overly keen on purely selfish interests becomes vulnerable, responds poorly to external threats, and tends to self-decay. On the other hand, if the meaning of life is rigidly imposed, then people cannot flexibly change their mentality in response to changing circumstances. It can also lead to the death of a society or to a lag in development from other societies.

Therefore, the meaning of life of members of viable societies is aimed, as a rule, at achieving constructive goals. For example, in traditional societies, the meaning of life was determined by religion: although the reality of the goal (a place in paradise) seems doubtful, however, following religious principles made it possible to obtain constructive social results. After all, religious attitudes reflected the realities of a traditional society, and it was precisely those religions that best supported the viability of a traditional society that survived in natural selection.

However, traditional society is becoming a thing of the past and the traditional meanings of life have ceased to correspond to reality. As a result, a psychological crisis arises, “the loss of the meaning of life,” which some perceive as a kind of catastrophe and spiritual decline of society. In fact, such phenomena always accompany the transition of society from one state to another. But Modern society offers a new meaning of life that can move society forward and enrich each of its members.

The meaning of life of modern man

Modern society, of course, does not impose the meaning of life on its members, and this is an individual choice of each person. At the same time, modern society offers an attractive goal that can fill a person’s life with meaning and give him strength.

The meaning of modern man’s life is self-improvement, the upbringing of worthy children who must surpass their parents, the development of this world as a whole. The goal is to turn a person from a “cog”, an object of the application of external forces into a creator, demiurge, builder of the world.

Any person who is embedded in modern society is the creator of the future, a participant in the development of our world, and in the future, a participant in the creation of a new Universe (after all, in just a few hundred years we transformed the planet Earth, which means we will also transform the Universe in millions of years). And no matter where and by whom we work - we move the economy forward in a private company or teach children at school - our work and contribution is needed for development.

Consciousness of this fills life with meaning and makes you do your job well and conscientiously - for the benefit of yourself, other people and society. This allows us to realize our own significance and the unified goal that Modern people set themselves, to feel involved in the highest achievements of mankind. And just to feel like a bearer of a progressive Future is already important.

Thanks to us - Modern people - the world is developing. And without development, a catastrophe would have awaited him (see the "Development" section). Modern people (i.e. tolerant, inventive, energetic, professional) have always been. It was we who figured out how to make fire, it was we who understood how to grow the right plants, it was we who invented the caravels that Columbus sailed on, it was we who invented the steam and gas engines, we made the first computer, thanks to us Gagarin flew into space and the man entered To the moon. Maybe this is too pathetic, but true :). The difference between the current era and the previous ones lies only in the fact that for the first time in history we - Modern people - become the majority.

Conversely, people who live in the past, not the future, feel that their life is losing its meaning; that the past they are praying for is ending. Hence the bursts of despair - religious fanaticism, terrorism, etc. The age of traditional societies is over. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that fanatics want to destroy our sense of life, aimed at development and prosperity, and we must effectively counter this.

The meaning of life of the Modern man gives him quite practical returns. Improving ourselves, improving our skills, energetically mastering the new and taking an active life position, we become valuable, highly paid specialists (or prosperous entrepreneurs). As a result, our life becomes comfortable and rich, we can consume more and satisfy our needs. In addition, based on our sense of life, we strive to make our children smart, to educate them - and as a result, our children become worthy people, which also brings us satisfaction.

Thus, the Modern person realizes his meaning of life not at the expense of himself, not at the expense of some personal sacrifices, but, on the contrary, for the benefit of himself, his family, including the benefit of his material security. Indeed, modern society is a society where self-development leads to wealth. The only sacrifice a person must make is to study hard and be energetic.

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The life of a modern person is inconceivable without cars.

The life of a modern person proceeds in constant interaction with technical devices and systems. Naturally, great and serious efforts are needed to organize and improve this interaction.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person and, especially, a society without electricity. Accessibility, cheapness, ease of use and a number of other advantages in comparison with other energy carriers ensured its wide, almost unlimited use in everyday life and in national economy. According to domestic and foreign researchers, a 50-60% increase in the productivity of social labor is ensured by increasing its electrical equipment.

Negotiations are becoming an increasingly important component of the life of a modern person. They arise not in a situation of hierarchical dependence (such as an army), but, if necessary, to reach agreement between two autonomous participants.

It is no secret that the life of modern man is largely associated with the achievements of science and technology. Every day, people use refrigerators and televisions, computers and cell phones, drive cars, fly airplanes; society got rid of cholera and smallpox - diseases that once devastated entire villages; man has landed on the moon and is now preparing scientific expeditions to other planets of the solar system. At present, there is practically no sphere of human activity where it would be possible to do without the use of scientific knowledge, and therefore many people closely link the further progress of mankind with new scientific and technological achievements.

The role of buried structures in the life of modern man is difficult to overestimate. In addition to urban underground facilities, this includes mining associated with construction work, and underground facilities during the reconstruction and operation of enterprises, including the mining and fuel industries. Underground workings are becoming increasingly important in the life of large cities when laying urban communications, in particular the metro and underground passages.

Organic chemistry aggressively invades the life of modern man, and this invasion has two aspects. For example, the polymeric materials that make up thousands of different types of products used in everyday life undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of our everyday life, but at the same time, numerous harmful waste polluting the environment is released during their production. Medicines help cure diseases, but at the same time contribute to the development of new modifications of pathogens. Drugs save people from excruciating pains and create the ground for the development of social ills and crimes. It is no secret that in many countries a significant part of the population, in addition to the episodic use of drugs, regularly introduces various tonic or hypnotic drugs, hormonal contraceptives.

Culture and civilization are absolutely necessary for the life of a modern person to the same extent as his genetic program. Changing the environment, a person changes his culture, which is accompanied by the evolution of cultural information and a partial loss of the old culture.

Without these chemical products, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. Look around you - painted walls, floor, ceiling, window frames and doors, furniture, sophisticated modern electronic equipment - televisions, tape recorders, receivers; individual means of transportation - car, motorcycle, bicycle, boat; sports equipment - skis, rackets; even the toys your children play are painted in various colors.

The role of the so-called small chemistry in the life of modern man is extremely important. In 1976, the 7th International Congress on Surfactants was held in Moscow. In recent years, their world production has grown to almost 3 million tons per year.

The scientific and technological revolution is making enormous changes in the living conditions of modern man. The giant growth of cities, representing a phenomenon widespread throughout the world, in the absence of strict control by state and public organizations over the ongoing processes of destruction of the physical and biological conditions of the urban living environment surrounding a person: and its dangerous effects on the human body: carries a hotbed of numerous dangers to the health of workers.

The question of the impact of the rapidly developing transnational Internet network on the life of a modern person is the subject of heated discussions in recent years not only among specialists in the field of modern information technologies, but also among social scientists, economists, and politicians. Some warn against overestimating the importance of the Internet, arguing that it is nothing more than an ordinary technological innovation among those that the 20th century is so rich in. Gordon, one of the world's leading experts on labor productivity issues and the facts that determine their growth, believes that he is on the list of the largest technological discoveries of the 20th century. The Internet occupies only 13th place, yielding in importance not only to radio, telephone, television, car, airplane, but also to such technological advances as, for example, antibiotics, home water supply, and sewage. All the advantages of the Internet are reduced to the fact that it significantly expands the access of modern people to information and accelerates the process of its receipt and transmission.

Ostyu of pathological processes from genetic, biological, social factors of the life of a modern person, which increasingly determine the nature of his pathology. Without a proper understanding and consideration of the biosocial nature of man, knowledge of the objective laws of the development of society, it is impossible to create a modern pathology. Since all functions of the human body in norm and pathology are mediated by social conditions, it is therefore important to study a person not only in terms of the unity of his biological and social characteristics, but also at all levels of a person’s organization: individual, collective and social.

Probably no branch of science has such a big impact on the life of a modern person as chemistry. We eat food in the production cycle of which chemical fertilizers and insecticides are involved, we wear clothes for which fiber is produced at chemical plants, and in general almost everything that we use in everyday life is somehow related to the chemical industry.

The importance of organic chemistry is so great that it is currently impossible to imagine the life of modern man without using the achievements of this science. Organic chemistry is the foundation of so many important industries.

In today's world there is no greater power than money. Money unleashes wars and ensures the welfare of entire countries and regions. Because of money or using money, the vast majority of crimes are committed. And at the same time, thanks to money, people create the greatest inventions, accomplish feats, discover new lands and conquer new worlds.

Money is organized by modern society and the state. The life of modern people, states and the entire world community is subordinated to money.

Money is an outstanding achievement of mankind. They created modern civilization. Without money, a person would still dress in animal skins, and would use animals or his own people turned into slaves as labor.

How could a man go into space, create artificial intelligence and other wonders of modern civilization, if there were no money.

Two of the greatest inventions of man created modern civilization. The first is writing, which distinguished man from the animal world and created the possibility of accumulating experience and knowledge and transmitting it to descendants and other people without direct human contact. The second is money. Money has created the ability to manage the activities of man and society in terms of ensuring their benefits without the direct influence of people on each other.

The role of money in history has steadily increased, and now our civilization has reached a state where its value has become totally decisive. One hundred, even fifty years ago, there were large human communities that did not know the money or used it in their daily lives extremely limitedly. The end of the 20th century is an era of complete and total “moneyization” of the entire human community. In the modern world, a person cannot do without money in the same way as without water, air and food. In today's society, a person who does not have money is literally doomed to death, and in the shortest possible time. He can walk around the city, shops in which are bursting with food, and die of hunger if he has no money.

Or another example. Imagine a large plant equipped with modern equipment, in which skilled workers and other specialists, raw materials, and the products of this enterprise are expected by consumers. Nevertheless, the company stands and does not work. And the reason is only that in some mysterious banking computer there are no numbers - there is no money on the account of the enterprise.

Even the desert, “watered” with money, will flourish and turn into a garden of Eden. And the most beautiful place to live, devoid of money, will be the vale of sorrow and suffering.

What life of people in the modern world without money is turning into is clearly seen in the example of Kampuchea during the time of Pol Pot. Three million dead - this is the price of an experiment to eliminate money.

Society can be managed either by force or with the help of money.

We well know how the mechanism of social and economic life is destroyed in the event of a breakdown of the monetary system from our own experience. The consequence of this was the general crisis of the country, covering the state, economic, social, legal and other spheres of life.

Money for us is a way to express our aspirations, fulfill our obligations, achieve revenge and retribution. The secret power of money binds all of us - brothers and sisters, young and old - with bonds of love and envy, pity and anger.

Money does not leave anyone indifferent. Some are convinced that if they had more money, their life would have become much better, and they could have found happiness. Others, who have a lot of money, seem to be constantly concerned about how to get it even more, how to spend and not lose. Money does not leave anyone indifferent, and it is hardly possible to find a person who would be satisfied with how much money he has and how he uses it.

The poor have very different concerns than the rich, but the family conflicts generated by money are often very similar in different socio-economic strata. For most of us, money is so firmly woven into life that the problems associated with it affect our health, our intimate relationships, and our relationships with our children and parents. This is a problem that is always with us.

Money is not just cash that allows us to purchase different things. With money, you can buy education, health, safety. You can buy time to enjoy the beauty, art, friends, adventures. With money, we help those we love and provide our children with more extensive opportunities. With money, you can buy goods and services or save this opportunity for the future or for your descendants. Money is an instrument of justice through which we repair the damage done to others. The equitable distribution of money in the family and in society provides equal opportunities for all. Money can serve as a symbol of all the best that is in life: wealth, education, health, beauty, entertainment, love and justice.

Although we know how much good life is about money, each of us is well aware of the problems that they pose. Money worries can cause a lot of grief. Wealth often seems to bear the seal of a curse and brings more misfortunes than joys. Many of us indulge in the most bitter despair due to the fact that we earn too little, or are afraid that due to lack of money, we or our children will feel bad. Money is not only a symbol of all the good things in life, but also the root of all our problems.

Everyone understands that money often turns out to be the cause of happiness or grief, however, in almost all walks of life there is a universal taboo on any talk about our personal attitude to money. It is considered bad form to talk about how much it costs, who earns how much and who has how much money. Therefore, money very rarely becomes a topic of open discussion between parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, friends, and even between the therapist and his patient.

Money is a type of energy, the driving force of our civilization. A similar situation arose in the course of human development only recently; it was not always like that. In the past, the source of energy that fueled interactions between people was land or livestock, or slaves, or natural resources (water, salt, iron), or weapons. And although people always used one thing as their main source of energy - one thing or one natural resource - none of these things or resources could turn into the colossal mechanism that money is in our time - the only thing that permeates all aspects of human life and constitute the main element of modern culture. Today, money is the energy that drives the world.

Money is dirty. The first to realize that money carries a hidden meaning was Freud. However, he saw only their negative side. For him, money symbolized excrement and was associated with something disgusting and despicable. Maybe that is why it is not customary to talk about money in most sections of society.

Freud rebelled against the hypocrisy of the dominant religion of the Victorian era with its condemnation of what was considered the "base" part of human nature: body, sexuality and material lust. He destroyed the taboo that prohibited sex from being seen as an important part of human life. However, Freud did not do the same with money - perhaps because he believed that the desire for money was not the initial, infantile impulse, but maybe because during Freud’s time money did not yet become the universal source of energy that it is today, - the only symbol personifying any desire.

The taboo that does not allow money to take its place in our understanding of human nature is still valid. Even therapists who, without any hesitation, touch upon all sorts of problems related to sex and power, rarely touch everything related to money. They expressed almost no wise thoughts on the subject of how to relate to the important role of money in personality development. Most people do not even think of consulting a therapist when they are overcome by financial conflicts. However, because of disagreements over money, perhaps more marriages are falling apart than for any other reason. Money-based resentment is probably the most important of all the problems that create an alienation between a parent and a child, a brother and a sister.

For today's world, money means the same thing that in the Middle Ages meant the salvation of the soul. The most important wars of the 20th century were fought not because of religion, but because of money. The question remains: is there a place for spirituality in our modern conception of people? And if so, how does spirituality relate to money.

In the past, the relationship between our spiritual obligations and material desires was regulated by organized religion. As spirituality ceased to be an important element of our selves, our sense of self was increasingly determined by material lust, greed, and pernicious predilections. The equilibrium turned out to be disturbed, and material incentives went out of control.

Today, money is the main reflection of the material world, that “base” world whose roots go back to the physical needs of our body, to lust and fear. Spirituality, on the other hand, is a reflection of our best qualities, our ability to spare others, the “higher" world of the search for the meaning of life, the desire for unity and community.

Money can also be one of the elements that make spiritual manifestations possible. They allow us to sympathize, to pay tribute, "to love our neighbor." However, the pursuit of money for selfish purposes is contrary to spiritual values. Where is the line between the love of self and the love of others. The answer to this question means resolving the dilemmas of our dual nature.

In today's society, money, the energy that drives the world, acts as a bargaining chip serving the satisfaction of all lusts. The thirst for money is reflected in the desire to have a Porsche (it is Porsche, and not just a car that you can ride on); the need to have a country house (namely a country house, and not just a roof over your head); the need to feast on cakes and sweets (rather than just satisfying hunger). The thirst for money is an artificial need that personifies all other artificial needs - to be slim and beautiful, and not just healthy and strong; be influential and admirable, and not just have a good job; need to communicate thoughtfully, and not just have a good time.

All these are artificial needs, and the symbolic thirst for money represents an irresistible desire to satisfy them. For the acquisition of all these things, we offer in return our bodies, our time, our love and our peace of mind.

In the lives of many people, money is the main bargaining chip of love. When we love someone, we try to get something from him and at the same time give something to him. This duality of purpose gives the problems of love such complexity. Money affects our character, making us either selfish or altruistic. But if you can love and be loved at the same time, then when it comes to money, we often have to choose between egoism and altruism.

For each of us, money makes up a special inner world, a hidden life that may not manifest itself externally. Inside each of us, perhaps, is a secret miser or philanthropist. We are tormented by excruciating guilt or unquenched desires. Happiness and grief are part of the secret meaning of money. Each relates to money in his own way, and for many of us this attitude determines the nature of all our other relationships. We have seen that the secret meaning of money can be refracted in various dimensions and has a wide range of manifestations, up to the most extreme. For example, money can be used to express hostility or love, to help people or exploit them. The nature of our relationships with others depends on what we want to express through money.

What is now said at all meetings of parliament and government, at meetings with the president, in tens of thousands of newspaper articles, in numerous television broadcasts ... about the lack of money.

But if you think about it, it cannot but cause surprise. Ten years ago, the country's budget was characterized by tens of billions of rubles, and at the same time there was constant talk of a lack of money. Now the budget account goes to hundreds of trillions. Once again, we hear of a catastrophic lack of money. And if the budget will be millions of trillions. Interestingly, then they will say that there is enough money. Until recently, we received salaries of one hundred and two hundred rubles and were satisfied. Now even a pensioner receives thousands of rubles and complains about the lack of money. And if he will receive one hundred million, are we sure that he will become richer.

Thus, the point is not in the amount of money, but in something completely different. The point, first of all, is in the system of functioning of money. And the amount of money in itself is a secondary issue.

That is why it is important to know and understand how money functions in modern society.

Unfortunately, this knowledge is often hidden from society. People who manage society through money are not at all eager to share their knowledge in this area with the public. On the contrary, myths are specially created in this area and misinformation is being prepared, public attention is diverted to all sorts of secondary issues from truly important points.

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