How to perform gymnastic exercises at home (for children). Rhythmic gymnastics for children: whether

Many argue about what charging is useful: Morning or Evening? Proponents of the morning charge belong to the "fasteners", supporters of evening charging - to "Okovam", and what about those who are ready to do the charging at any time of the day?

In fact, there are possesses and consists of charging the morning and Charging Evening.

About Morning Charpecker

If we talk about the definition of the term charging,that in specialized literature on physical culture, we will see that this is a complex of movements (exercises) that a person spends on an empty stomach after sleeping.


  • reduce appetite for the rest of the day (study of the UK scientists);
  • in the morning the risk of injury is lower (University study in Toronto, Canada);
  • in the morning, it is easier to burn fat (studies of scientists from the United States showed that in the morning it is enough to engage in 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes to start burning fat, because in the morning our body is tuned to energy consumption, and not at its accumulation).


  • requires an additional concentration (in the morning, blood circulation is slowed down due to its density, in addition, after sleep, our lungs are narrowed, as a result of which nervous activity is also reduced due to the reduction of oxygen influx, speaking in other words, our body continues to sleep in the morning). The solution to the problem is the warm-up with the subsequent increase in the load.

About evening charging

Since the term charging is still determined by the morning complex of simple exercises, then we call the evening charging conditionally. It would be better to say about evening training.


  • accelerate the metabolism (in the evening the metabolism slows down, which is why there is a lot of meaning to night);
  • during sleep, burn fat (muscles consume energy for their recovery within a few hours after training, so fat will be consumed to replenish the energy at night).


  • may be caused insomnia. Indeed, a very intense evening charging shortly before sleep becomes the cause of insomnia. The decision is to do exercises 2-3 hours before the alleged sleep;
  • it may awaken a brutal appetite for the night. This problem is solved by a decrease in physical activity or reduction of occupation time.

Thus, the advantages and morning charges and evening are obvious, and consumption are eliminated.


It is necessary to determine what we want to get from the morning charging:

  1. improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism;
  2. sweet the body to start the day from a good mood, that is, increase the production of endorphine;
  3. improve muscle tone and make a shape slim;
  4. improve the concentration of attention to be collected all day.

Stage First.

Here we will include washing, morning prayers. Often Orthodox Christians are interested in how to organize their morning, namely, in what order should charging and prayer be followed: pray, and then make charging, or first charging, and after the prayer rule. What is better - immediately awakened the warm-up, wash and start a "sweet conversation", which SVT. Faofan Reasanizer calls prayer? Or, on the contrary, "charge" spirit, and then the body?

The answer to this question can be found in Orthodox prayer before the start of the morning prayers:

"Coming from sleep, before any other business, become a reverent ..."

So, making the necessary by the body, Ideally should do. And indeed, can we focus on the prayer and the inner tranquility of the Spirit, if we do a number of physical exercises before that? Of course, there may be an exception in this issue, but still - it will be exceptions.

Stage two. Actually charging (warm up)

Physical Teacher Anna Sh. Charging: "Exercises for charging must be done before breakfast after sleep. The load should be moderate and cover the main skeletal muscles. In the same way, we warm up before training or physical labor. Morning charging is performed daily for 5-10 minutes. After it remains not tired after it, and even rested. Movement overall, starting from the head and ending with heel socks. "

So, the exercises of charging are always starting from the head: turns of the head to the right and left, then the slopes of the head back and forth, slow rotation of the head in a circle.

Then go to the shoulders: we produce rotational movements first with the right shoulder joint, after left, then both at the same time.

After the shoulders there comes a turn of hands:

  • a circular movement with a straightened hand from the shoulder joint first right, then left, after both at the same time from top to bottom;
  • alternated maugh hands up-down hands;
  • movements bent in elbows with hands at the chest level back followed by straightening hands to the sides;
  • movements with straightened hands at the chest level to the left-right in the form of scissors;
  • rotation with elbow joints during bent hands at the chest level inward and outward;
  • rotation of brushes inside and outward;
  • rising straightened hands up with simultaneous raising on socks.

After the hands proceed to the body:

  • tilt droplets down (legs on the width of shoulders, fingertips should touch the floor, knees to stay straight);
  • rotation of the pelvis from left to right and right-left, hands on the belt;
  • the slopes of the body to the left-right (when tilting to the left left hand on the belt, right straightened and goes after the body; when the right hand is right on the belt, the left straightened and goes after the body).

Now you need to stretch your legs:

  • squats;
  • lift up on socks, lowering down on the heels (legs together);
  • rotation of the feet inward and outward (you need to put on my sock).

On this exercises, the morning charging is over.


Separately, it is necessary to say about the plan of conducting the overall training at home. If time allows and there is a need for training, then it can also be carried out in the morning. However, you need to consider several features compared to charging.

Morning training:

  • requires an extra time for breakfast and his assimilation (engage in an empty stomach - bad, since over time there will be an energy overrun).
  • creates an additional load for the heart due to thick blood (during sleep, the body does not get water, its total amount in the body decreases, which makes blood thick). For blood intake, it is necessary to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before the start of the exercise;

Exercises of the overall training should be started with warm-up. Next, exercises should be done on separate muscle groups.

Exercises for the abs:

  • from the position of lying down, raise the legs coated together at an angle of 45 o C up, while not taking the lower back from the floor, several approaches 5-7 times;
  • from the position lying down to the body until the full position is sitting, while the legs are bent in the knees, but closed together; When lifting, we make alternately turns to the body to the right and left, several approaches of 10-15 times;
  • from the position lying down the legs and, holding on the weight, we make scissors, several approaches 5-7 times;

We make jumps on the spot on both legs, then alternately on the right and left.

Stretching exercises:

  • from the situation sitting wearing the legs as wide as possible, and then reaching the fingertips first to the fingertips first, then left; After that, we reduce the legs together and reach your hands to the tips of the toes, several approaches;
  • from the position sitting, pull the right leg to the side, sending the weight of the body to the left, bent in the knee; After that, we throw weight from the left leg to the right, while pulling the left foot, and the right-hand flexion in the knee, several approaches;
  • from the position lying bent knees, closed closely, we take the floor to the left of the body (the back and the blades do not break away from the surface and remain in the literal position), then to the right of the body, several approaches.

We make a slight jogging, after which you are filled with all the torso up to the sun.

Morning training is over.

Evening charging

Recall that evening charging in this article we called the evening complex of general arraying exercises, i.e. home training.

We define our expectations from the evening exercise charging:

  1. accelerate metabolism;
  2. bring the nervous system into equilibrium;
  3. remove the fatigue of the working day;
  4. remove the voltage from the spinal column and it is possible to remove the pain in the back;
  5. achieve physical relaxation of major muscle groups;
  6. normalize the operation of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Exercises need to be done on an empty stomach. Charging training must be completed 15-20 minutes before dinner. The total cost of charging should not exceed 20 minutes.

Exercises for the back:

  • Get up on all fours. When inhaling, bending your back and look up. Respiratory delay for 2-3 seconds. When exhaling, we wipe the back, at the same time drawn the belly, the chin is pressed to the chest. Respiratory delay for 2-3 seconds. Several approaches;
  • From the position lying down stretch the left hand up, and the left foot down. Then repeat the same thing for the right side. Several approaches;
  • From the position of lying on bend the right leg when inhaling, the left foot is straight. We press with a completely bent right knee of the thigh to the body, wrap the right knee with your hands. Respiratory delay 2-3 seconds. When returning to the initial position - exhale. The same is repeated for the left leg. Several approaches.

Exercises for the nervous system:

  • From the position of standing (on the side of the chair), holding his right hand for the back of the chair, bend on the breath of the left knee and wrap it with a semiring of the elbow joint, after which I triggered my head to the knee. Respiratory delay 2-3 seconds. On the exhalation I lower the leg. We repeat for the right leg. After achieving success in equilibrium, the exercise can be done without a chair, while having grabbing to produce both hands;
  • From the position while we focus the look at a certain point in the distance at the level of the eye. Slowly begin to raise the left leg, pressing the heel to the inner surface of the right leg. Try to lift the leg as high as possible. Relax. Having found the balance, make an exhalation (full) and raise your hands above your head (while doing a slow breath). Relax and stand so, the look focused at one point. Saying time in pose 3-4 minutes. We repeat for another leg.

Easy jogging.

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. About domestic training: "If charging needs to be done daily, then home training is enough to get out of no more than 40 minutes of its time 3-4 times a week. You only need to start, and with the time of workout will be the usual occupation for you. "

Charging and home exercises will give you vigor, healthy sleep and good appetite, normal weight, raised mood and calm.

Experts claim to be good morning not only kind, but also healthy need to do the morning exercise. And with the folk wisdom about how morning it will begin, it will be all day, then it is not worth arguing. Not many of us are accustomed to do after sleep, but let's see what can give us morning physical activity.

What will you give morning charging?

Several effective exercises in the morning will not take much time, but will bring a lot of benefit. We produce a useful habit and, undoubtedly, get:

Even very small loads will help the body to wake up. The cardiovascular system will begin zano-chasing blood on the body and cut oxygen into each cell. And it increases energy levels and gives strength. After 10-15 minutes, you will be ready to turn the "Mountains".

Great mood

Morning charging does not provide high loads, these are light and pleasant exercises. And since it is nice, the brain will not make himself wait and give the team to produce endorphins - hormones of happiness and joy. After all, it's great to start a new day from a good mood, all adversity will go to the background, and with a smile on the face you can go to conquer the world.

Extra weight getting rid of

Forcing all organs to work, you use the digestion processes with the help of charging and speed up the metabolism. In addition, moderate and regular loads contribute to the burning of excess fat deposits, muscle strengthen and hold the body in the tone.

Will strength training

Stand in the morning a little earlier for many it turns out to be a considerable test. Forcing yourself to break away from the soft and warm bed and take up the exercises, you produce a useful habit, train and strengthen the power of the will with which you will not need to think.

Immunity strengthened

Thanks to the morning charging, the body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, energy and health for the whole day. Not even taking into account the research of specialists, it can be concluded that it strengthens immunity and stimulates mental activity.

Morning Charging Rules

Morning charging is aimed at stretching the muscles, there should be no power exercises. Remember, only "run" the body is enough, and heavy morning loads may adversely affect the work of the heart.

After waking up, give yourself 15-20 minutes to finally get rid of the Morpheus power. Drink a glass of pure water with several drops of lemon juice. Incorrect jump from bed and immediately start active exercises. For the body it will be stress. Do not hurry, stretch slightly, twist, strain the muscles and only then rise from bed. Perform all the necessary morning procedures and proceed.

10 ideas, how to motivate yourself on the morning exercise

To force yourself to perform the exercises regularly, and also wake up for this earlier than usual - the task is not easy. We offer several ideas that will help turn the morning exercise into a pleasant habit.

1. Move your alarm clock. Usually, the alarm clock is located somewhere near the bed, the headboard, on the bedside table, etc. Install it away from yourself, for example, at the other end of the room. You will have to get out of bed to turn it off. So you are easier to wake up and you can do exercises.

2. Entee support for loved ones.Agree with your family that you will do everything together in the morning. This will not only be asking everyone, but will bring together, because a common goal will appear. If you live one, then connect friends to charging. Contact them by phone or via the Internet.

3. Fix your goals. Every Sunday (or on the other day of the week, which you consider to read out) Make a plan for the next week. Clearly register, what time you wake up every day, and what exercises must be fulfilled. Later you can evaluate your successes or failures.

4. Make a motivating list of musical tracks.Music is an excellent motivator. Install the invigorating, "igniting" composition on the alarm clock, and then turn on the player or a music player and start charging for your favorite tracks. They will give positive thoughts and will help to overcome fatigue.

5. Prepare a place for morning charging. You do not have to spend time to find and disseminate the rug, bring a chair or collect another needed inventory, if you do it the day before. In addition, this will serve as an additional motivation for charging, because you tried yesterday and all prepared, it is impossible to just pass by.

6. Encourage yourself. If you managed to execute a week plan, then definitely reward yourself: Make a manicure, look at an interesting movie or go for a walk to your favorite park. Buy a new t-shirt for charging or something else for workouts, which will help more actively wake up in the morning.

7. Tell us about your plans and successes to the whole world.Thanks to modern technologies, it is easier than simple. Tell your friends on social networks that now every morning is customized to charge. We regularly report on your achievements. Perhaps your success you inspire someone else.

8. Give yourself a time. Get up in the morning earlier than it is usually difficult. And at first it will seem simply unbearable. But in no case give up. Wait a week another and you will feel that you are accustomed to the new regime. You will begin to sleep better, wake up before the alarm call and you will be full of strength and energy, besides, the morning charging will help make the perfect routine of the day.

9. Thinking your breakfast.If after sleep you are experiencing a strong hunger, then eat something minor, but able to give you forces: a little almond or banana. After charging, eat a full-fledged breakfast, prepare something special, as a reward for your efforts. But keep in mind that the food must be useful and low-fat.

10. Customize yourself psychologically. You must clearly understand what you do the morning exercise. If you wish to lose weight, then place a photo with a model in a prominent place, to whose forms are striving. If you want to be vigorous and healthy, then make a list of what you can achieve if you start your day actively.

Morning charging is an excellent habit, the effect of which you will see instantly

We have prepared 10 effective exercises that will help wake up and charge positive emotions for the whole day.

10 Exercises for Morning Charging

Exercise 1. Pulling

Start with stretching up. Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders. Hand brushes to fold into the castle, palm turn out from yourself. Slowly raise your hands above the head and start reaching all the body to the ceiling. Keep your back and smooth head, do not bump. Exercise for 10-15 seconds 3-4 times.

Exercise 2. Steps in place

Humanops have many sensitive points that are responsible for the work of different organs. To make their lightweight massage, focus on the spot, alternately making focus on the heels, socks and side parts of the feet. Exercise for 30-50 seconds.

Exercise 3. Rolls with socks on heels

Stand smoothly. Foot position at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Inhale and stand on socks, exhale and smoothly roll on the heels. Repeat the exercise for 20-25 times.

Exercise 4. Rotation

For the workout of the body, it is best to perform rotational movements. Start from the head, then go to hand, elbows, shoulders, feet, ankles and knees. On each part of the body, select 10 repeats in each direction.

Exercise 5. Alternated slopes and squats

A simple but effective exercise that will help to use many important muscles. Stand straight, lay legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the waist. Slowly lean forward, then straighten your back and make one squat. Hold your back as soon as possible to avoid knee injuries. Exercise Repeat 10-20 times.

Exercise 6. Slopes to the parties

Take a vertical position, lay down a little wider shoulders. Raise your right hand up. Smoothly, without sharp movements first bend left, then change your hand and lean to the right. Keep your back smoothly, lean clearly to the side. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 7. Alternated foot pulling

Take the position lying. Hands straighten up. Start with the right leg. Bend it in the knee and pull to yourself as much as possible, at the same time pull the left hand to the knee. After change your leg and hand. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg.

Exercise 8. "Nature"

Tit the abdominal muscle. To do this, stand on the rug with your knees, go on a bent brushes. Alternately bend and extension back muscles.

Exercise 9. Push up

There is a regular and lightweight postpoint option. It differs only by the position of the legs. If you are well prepared, then read with the elongated legs, resting on the socks, if it is so hard, then learn to your knees. Perform 15 pushups.

Exercise 10. Pulling

Stand up, raise your hands up. On the exhalation, go to the socks and smoothly pull as high as possible. On the breath, go down completely at the foot and relax the muscles. Repeat exercises 5 times 10 seconds.

Restore breathing, breakfast and go to conquer new vertices!

Make morning charging is easy, we hope, thanks to our advice, tomorrow you will start your way to a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps some of the exercises offered to you for some reason are not suitable. Then boldly replace them with others, use or advise with specialists. Share with us with your successes or effective exercises that you perform. Productive day!

Speer connects his successes in the rocking chair over the years of gymnastic workout. She helped him focus not only on muscle buildings and strength. It aimed at a mixture of endurance, stability, balance, power and muscular strength. And became the athlete who is today. (We are confident that he has acquainted their cubes in the same way.) Take an example from him and include these eight gymnastic exercises in our training today.

Boat and swing

These basic exercises of gymnasts are developing the press and taught to strain all the muscles at the same time, which, according to the sleeper, is absolutely necessary in this sport. But why it is important for you: The stronger and more stable you can keep the accepted position, the better you can transmit power from the top of the body to the lower no energy loss. So you can more efficiently perform squats, throws, shocks, lifts, jumps, blows with hands and legs, and jogging.

How to perform:

  • Long on the back, straight legs together, hands behind your head.
  • Strains press, tear down legs, head and shoulders of centimeters for five on the floor.
  • Zamri. Your body should take the shape of a banana, from fingers to your fingers. This is a boat.
  • Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, and then start swing to strengthen the intensity. This swing. Your press will receive that still training, promises Steeper.


As Steeher says, gymnasts are tightened only. And all others advise. Because in the bent position increases the stability of the whole body, which allows you to focus more efforts on the lifting of the body to the Turkish. In addition, there are more muscles, including the berous and double-headed thigh muscles, and the widest muscles and the press work together.

How to perform:

  • Take the horizontal bar with the top grip, hands on the width of the hips or shoulders. Mine.
  • Strains press, sicked thigh and direct the leg a little forward so that the body forms a stretched letter S.
  • Keep such a bend throughout the exercise.
  • Tightening, imagine that you put on the top surface of the horizontal bar, and focus on pulling the navel up.
  • Look right in front of yourself and touch the horizontal bar with the top of the chest.
  • Lower down.

Proped angle

Gymnasts perform this exercise on the bars or rings. "This isometric exercise strengthens the strength and endurance of your muscles of your cubes, thigh flexors, wide muscles and triceps," Speer says. If you can stay for 20-30 seconds, your torso is really strong.

How to perform:

  • Sit between paraletses or, if there is no, between two hexagonal dumbbells.
  • Take up the handles, strain your hands, put the shoulders down, bend the legs in the knees and tear them off and the fifth point from the floor. Length 30 seconds. Return to its original position. When you can easily keep 30 seconds with bent legs, try to do the same with straight.

Push ups

The gymnasts perform the exercise of the planks to demonstrate their outstanding strength and endurance of the upper body. But this is the highest pilot machine, so Speer recommends pressing in the plan, that is, shifting weight forward as it approaches the floor. It will help to better develop chest and deltid muscles, as well as cine, muscles and connecting fabrics in wrists and shoulders.

How to perform:

  • Acceptance position for push-ups, hands straight, palm at the shoulder level, the body is straight.
  • As elbows flexions, let the chest and shoulders shift forward until the palms are at the chest level or ribs.
  • Ladies, then return to its original position.


"Locks are the basis of acrobatics in gymnastics," Speer says. - They improve spatial thinking and body control. " Yes, you are unlikely to turn the reverse flip, but you should master the kwwock well. "This is the easiest and most effective way to avoid injury when falling."

How to perform:

  • Do this exercise on mate, grass or soft surface.
  • Sit down, put your hands on the floor 3 cm from myself a little wider shoulders.
  • Tilt heads between hands, pushing your feet from the floor so that the hips go through the head.
  • When the legs are upstairs, pushing your hands and use the moment to get up again.


Each gymnast should be able to sit on the twine. "But to learn this, it takes time," says Speer. - The stability of effort is needed, not tension. " Well, why do you need it? To strengthen the flexibility of the bonded muscles of the thigh, the thigh flexors and the whole form as a whole, as Steeher says. Most men have these muscles always in a tone due to constant seating. And what they are more elastic, the better you will perform almost any exercise on the bottom of the body.

How to perform:

  • It is important not to rape yourself, not go beyond comfortable sensations. If you feel pain, stop execution immediately.
  • From the standing position, take a step forward and go down while the knee of the back leg does not touch the floor.
  • Hold the torso directly, slowly straighten the front leg and move it back forward, as far as possible.
  • Carefully pushing the hips to the floor.
  • To simplify, you can touch the hands into small boxes, benches or blocks for yoga.

Front and rear balance

These exercises strengthen the balance, the power of the feet, the flexibility of the two-headed muscles of the thigh and the hips in general.

How to perform:

  • For the front, put the legs on the width of the shoulders, intersect the arms to the sides, raise one leg as high as possible.
  • Sources quadriceps and strains of Cor.
  • Do not move the thighs, they must be even during the entire exercise.
  • For the rear instead of the lifting of the leg forward, tickle forward himself so that the torso was parallel to the floor, and then raise one leg back so that it formed one line with the torso.


For gymnastics, this is the same thing that the book for basketball: the absolutely necessary skill, the thumping of which is a lot of time. But for you this time will not be wasted! You can strengthen the balance, cigarette, flexibility, proprioceptation, stability of the shoulders and blades.

How to perform:

  • Put your hands on the floor at 15-30 cm from the wall, folding your fingers as wide as possible.
  • Stills in turns stand in the hand on the hand to the wall and stand as long as possible.
  • If you can hold out 30 seconds, try to make the rack not at the wall.
  • The main thing, do it in a free place with a soft coating so that in the case of what the knage.

Photo: How to do charging in the morning

Morning charging is a useful habit that allows you to keep the whole organism in good shape, strengthen health and follow the figure. After it, overall health improves, attentiveness increases, internal organs and systems are enriched with oxygen. The maximum benefit of the health procedure will be brought in the event that it will be performed on a regular basis. Consider how to do the charge, and what exercises should take advantage.

After awakening, the human body is still in a state of sleep: the lungs are visible, the nervous system is slowed down, blood circulation is reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to give yourself a serious burden since the morning. Running on long-term distances and power exercises will be a real test for the body. You risk injury or provoke a disruption of the balance of internal systems.

But charging is a universal and useful option for morning activity. A complex of simple, but effective exercises will lead muscles into tone, improves the saturation of the brain and internal organs with oxygen, will accelerate the metabolic processes. Even if after that you have to sit all day in the office, then at least in the first half of the day the calories will not accumulate, but to burn what is needed.

Charging has cardinal differences from other types of loads. Her goal is to saturate the vigor for the whole day. Power training and cardio-loads exhaust the body, after them the only desire is a well-deserved rest. Charging is a complex of warm-up exercises for joints and muscles.

Unconditional advantages:

  • allows you to cheer up in the morning;
  • satisfies with energy and positive emotions;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • increasing physical endurance;
  • it takes some time, in contrast to other types of physical activity.

When and how to do - make up a schedule

Morning exercises are hardly the most popular way of home training, but some people still do not know how to do the charge. It should be started to perform it unambiguously in the morning. So you set up the body for the upcoming working mode and get a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day.

In the evening, almost all the forces of a person are already on the outcome, so the implementation of the exercise complex will not bring the desired vigor, but, on the contrary, takes the last energy. However, if you wish not only to strengthen your health, but also to lose weight, then supplementing charging with evening exercises is a great idea.

The duration of charging may be different. Beginners are recommended to engage in 10 minutes, gradually durability can be increased to half an hour. The basis of the morning exercises is the regularity of their execution. It follows every day, but should not be upset if for some reason charging had to postpone. Performing charging 5 days a week, you will already achieve a noticeable result, strengthen the body and improve your well-being.

Photo: How to do charging in the morning
  1. exercises should be done before breakfast. However, before this, be sure to drink a glass of water. If you feel the attack of hunger, you can pour a glass of juice or tea. Blood after night is in the thickened state. If you start charging right away, you will overload the heart;
  2. start exercises from the easiest, gradually moving to more complicated;
  3. choose the optimal load complex that does not take power, and on the contrary adds cheerfulness. Or reduce charging time;
  4. gively breathe - inhale should be carried out not only to breasts, but also the stomach;
  5. during activity, think about pleasant - it will give charging greater efficiency, because the training "through force" does not lead to the desired result;
  6. start classes with a pulse in 90 beats, gradually raising it to 110 shots.

Tip: Play your time in advance to have time to do the planned without a rush. There should be at least an hour between your awakening and access to work. After charging, take the shower, preferably a contrast. So you remove the tension from the muscles and get an additional influx of forces. Breakfast is recommended after half an hour after the exercise is complete.

Personal motivation

Charging seems fairly simple physical activity, but most people do not find time for her. Abandon the extra hour of sleep is quite difficult. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to change the attitude to the morning activity and understand what you do it for your health and maintain the figure.

Understand that charging is an investment in your happy domestic. How much strength you invest in such a volume of dividends and you can count on. Before training, burn the fragrant candle, drink a cup of delicious tea and turn on rhythmic music. Then the workout process will seem really pleasant to you.

Special attention should be paid to the choice of music. She motivated without giving stop. If the exercise complex provides fast movements, cholect the melodies with a tempo of about 150 shots per minute. If the training is more relaxing and smooth, then slow compositions will be suitable. It is important that breathing is consistent with the movements and rhythm of music.

We compile a complex of exercises

Select suitable exercises will not be difficult. If charging lasts 15 minutes, then the first 5 must be spent on the workout. Next, proceed to the loads to strengthen the muscle tone. Start the workout stands from walking around the room. At the same time, the abdominal muscles must be tense. Complete walking hand movies. The ideal end of the warm-up is a runway on site or swelling. Next follow more dynamic exercises.

Photo: Morning Charging: Exercise Complex

For neck:

  • head slopes in the right and left side;
  • moving forward and backward;
  • slow circular rotations.

For hands:

For hull:

For legs:

Additional loads

If the standard program seems too easy to you, then it is possible to add it to the following exercises:

  1. feet fees;
  2. push up is the easiest way - it is focusing on the wall in the standing position, then you can sneak from the bench, then from the floor on the socks;
  3. slopes in different directions with dumbbells;
  4. exercises on the press - twisting, foot rise, rotation of the gymnastic hoop;
  5. exercises with an expander;
  6. foot defditions - one leg I take forward and bend, the other remains straight, rest on the sock;
  7. spin's deflection - Going to your knees, rest in the palms in the floor, do deflection;
  8. holding the position "Planck";
  9. perpendicular movements - lie on the floor, at the same time raise straight hands and legs;
  10. fucks with inclons.

What effect can I count on?

The effect of regular use of the exercise complex will not wait long. Just a couple of days, you will begin to wake up easier, and the body will turn on much faster to work. Morning charging helps to activate the auditory, visual organs, normalizes the work of the vestibular apparatus, eliminates the inhibition syndrome, mobilizes the nervous system.

Morning charging leads to an improvement in blood flow, as a result of which the brain and other organs are better saturated with oxygen. The heart muscle is strengthened the same. Regular load favorably affects the health of organs, joints, muscles, activates regenerative and regenerating processes.

Morning activity prepares the body for the upcoming load, activates mental activity. Therefore, the working day will be more productive. Charging also allows you to reduce the weight by resetting the fat mass.

Key errors when performing charging

  • the emphasis is only on the same group of muscles - charging is aimed at the activation of all muscle groups, the concentration of attention only on one of them completely contradicts the concept of morning exercises. Many are argued by the fact that they have not enough time to study the entire body, and they pay attention only to problem areas. In this case, to achieve the effect of the general tone and the rapid awakening of the body will not succeed;
  • equating charging to enhanced training - do not confuse two absolutely different directions of physical activity. The first is aimed at giving the muscles of tone and strengthening overall health. You can do it and even need immediately after waking up. The second requires high time and energy costs, it follows a few hours after sleep;
  • hopes for a rapid weight loss - charging cannot provide the same effect as a regular visit to the gym. It has a slower effect on weight loss. However, she does not take much time. To speed up the process of correction of the figure, complement the charge with correct dietary food, walk more on foot;
  • addition of charging with serious physical exertion - leave exercises that are exhausted, recommended for the evening. Otherwise, instead of the inflow of forces after charging, you risk feeling the decline of energy. It is best to engage in running and power exercises at the end of the working day, when mental activity is no longer needed, and after the completion of the workout you can relax.

However, choosing exercises, you must remember that charging is not an ordinary training.

Morning gymnastics is a warm-up before working day. It helps the circulatory system tune in for daytime activity and improves the supply of muscles, brain, internal organs and oxygen tissues. After sleep, blood circulation throughout the body is reduced, lungs are narrowed, the nervous system is inhibited. To give yourself a serious load type of running or power exercises immediately after awakening it is impossible - the body will not cope with it, high risk of injury or even disrupt the balance of various systems. But after morning charging, you can even at the gym, even at work.

Thus, the goal of morning charging is to gradually improve blood circulation throughout the body. This will accelerate the metabolism. And even if you all day after charging, ask in the office, still at least in the morning your body will not accumulate calories, but burn them. What is required for weight loss!

When and how?

Best of all, of course, to charge every day. Ten-fifteen minutes is quite enough, but if you wish, you can increase the duration until half an hour. If it does not work every day - do so often, as it is possible, it will still be more useful than not to do anything at all.

Do charging is needed to breakfast. But you need to drink water before exercises, not less than a glass. After all, you did not drink at least 8 hours of sleep, some amount of water stood out with urine and then. Once the liquid has gone, it means that the blood became curved and strengthen its circulation in such an "undiluted" form is to overload the heart. So, we need water, and if the hungry is juice. Those who live can live without coffee or tea can drink these drinks. But the standard cup of coffee (50 ml) of the blood does not dilute, so supplement it with another liquid.

Now let's figure out the intensity of movements. Remember the simple rule: the colder the weather, the less actively you should start. That is, if in the summer, charging can be done with a pulse of 90-100 shots per minute, and by the end of the workout, raise the pulse up to 110, then begin with 85-90 in winter.

Subtleties of choice

It is necessary to start with low intensity exercises, gradually increasing the load. The difference from a full-fledged training is that after charging you do not have fatigue. If this happened, then shorten the morning warm-up or make it slower. At the same time, morning gymnastics is not relaxing and not stretching. During the classes, you must feel that the heart began to fight faster, breathing more frequent. After the morning gymnastics, there must be a feeling of lightness and vigor. If after charging you are going to go to the gym or, for example, to ride a bike, charging must be longer and ended on a higher pulse than usual.

Another important point is breathing. Try to breathe as deep as possible, not only with full breasts, but also the stomach. This will cover the lungs closer overnight and increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood. In turn, an increase in the amount of oxygen and improving blood circulation will accelerate the metabolism and will increase the amount of burning fluids during the movement.


Now let's see what exercises it is useful to include in the morning gymnastics and how to perform them correctly.

It is best to start with pulling hands up, turns of the head, twisting with hands for the development of joints. When you pull up and twist your head, in no case do not throw it on it (do not lower the back of the back). Hands and legs are better to be blinking slightly in the joints, without tension, and then start turning them in a moderate pace.

Use complex exercises, that is, those that are included all your body muscles. For example, walking on site or courtyard. Do not forget during her to move your hands and do not narrow.

Excellent exercises for charging - squats and lunges. It is not necessary to descend too low, so that the corner in the knee joint was straight or stupid. In no case do not bring the knees on squats.

Another comprehensive exercise is pushing. Pressing from the floor on the socks is little to be given, as they require decent physical training. Feel free to simplify this exercise. The easiest option is to press, putting hands on the wall. The farther from the wall moves legs, the harder. A slightly higher load - knees on the floor, hands on a chair or sofa. Even harder - legs (socks, not knees) on the floor, hands on the sofa. Finally, "female" option - knees and hands on the floor. When you can be able to spawn out so much, rely on your hands and socks.

Charging can be done with dumbbells, and with other burdens. In this case, choose the exercises that again use the maximum muscles. That is, not just bend and instill hands, but make tilts with burdens in different directions, squats, raise dumbbells from the floor, etc. But exercises for the press (twisting, leg climbs) are not suitable for morning charging - too few muscles are involved in them, they do not enhance the flow of oxygen and blood circulation. It is better to leave them for the evening.

Finally, one more option is charging with a device that will involve the whole body. For example, a short ride by bike, the rotation of the gymnastic hoop (hulahucha), stretching the expander and so on.

In general, as you can see, the morning charging is very simple and at the same time very effective!