Dream about chocolates. Dream of seeing chocolate sweets, eating, weighing, giving, sharing, jelly, gelatinous, mint

The article on the topic: "a dream book to eat sweets" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

There are sweets in a dream - a symbol of success and joy, dream books predict. However, it also happens that dreamed sweets can predict trouble. When interpreters know what they are dreaming of and what to expect from the day to come, they will explain to you what kind of symbols are hidden behind such stories.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that you were eating crunchy or crumbly candy, then this means that you will enjoy life. See yourself making sweets? Patience, diligence, and diligence will help you improve your own well-being.

But what the dream is about, in which you saw through the sour caramel: you will be disappointed in the ideals. Received a box of sweets in a dream as a gift? Such dreams mean someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment.

Assorted candy

If in a dream you happened to eat sweets, then remember which ones the dream books recommend. The interpretation of the dream depends on what you saw in the dream. This is what the plot is about, what you are:

  • have eaten a lot of caramels - meet an old friend;
  • learned a lot of chocolates - to a decent income or winnings;
  • ate toffee - you will be sucked in by the maelstrom of events, try to control your actions;
  • eat a lot of sugar sticks - to fulfill your desire;
  • suck a lollipop - social events await you.

Sweet beauty as a symbol of aspiration and diligence

Seen candies self made, they say that you are making a lot of efforts to ensure that ideas are implemented on time. There are candies made with your own hands - a sign of hard work, the Lunar Dream Book broadcasts.

But if you ate candy made by someone else, then this means that you do not mind using someone else's support. The sweets eaten were made together - a friend will help you with advice, pleases Pastor Loff's dream book.

Chocolate goodies are a sign of wealth

According to most dream books, chocolate treats promise prosperity and good earnings. See eating chocolates with nuts one by one? A series of financial victories will soon follow, the Eastern interpreter predicts.

But if you dreamed that you were so full of chocolate with nuts that you had a toothache or stomach ache, then this symbolizes "monetary insatiability." You should not be so greedy, Vanga's dream book advises.

Caramel: From attention to dissatisfaction

The same dream book of Vanga predicts something else: if a girl dreamed that she was eating caramel candy, this means that she will have a poor, but attentive groom. Did a girl with a loved one dream about caramel? Your relationship will be smooth and calm, the seer prompts.

Does the woman see that her lover gave her caramel sweets? Such dreams symbolize the attention of a beloved. And if she eats candy from fruit caramel, presented by her to her beloved, then this is a sign that she is not happy with the relationship that exists now.

Treat Manipulation: Trust and Selflessness in Your Life

Why dream that you eat sweets very quickly because someone is trying to take them away from you? The interpreter Tsvetkova explains: you do not fully trust your environment. But if in a dream you happened to take tasty sweets from someone, then this means that you have lost the trust of loved ones.

Hiding sweet tasty treats in a dream and eating them alone is a sign of resentment against someone. And if in a dream you buy them and distribute them to all passers-by, then this plot personifies your generosity and disinterestedness.

Why dream of eating candy - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you notice how the candy is crumbling or crunching, this portends you to succeed in your search for love. If the candy tastes sour, this may mean that in the future, you may face an illness, illness or unpleasant, negative emotions.

Freud's dream book

eat candy in a dream what is it for

Eating sweets, according to the dream book, rather means about your carelessness, said in an intimate life, in which you want to take on more pleasures without thinking about responsibilities.

Dream interpretation Hasse

eat sweets according to the dream book

Eating candy while in a dream is to meet a person who turns out to be to your liking. Dream Interpretation Cananita Eating sweets can read as acceptance of long-awaited guests or love.

Culinary dream book

eat candy in a dream

A dream where you taste candy speaks of unforgettable pleasures in your intimate life.

Modern dream book

eat sweets according to the dream book

V modern dream book, such a dream can talk about fun pastime in society or a sincere company. Sour candies in a dream - to possible temporary irritation and decay.

French dream book

what does it mean if you eat candy in a dream

Such a dream may mean the appearance of an enemy who is hiding under the guise of your assistant or friend.

People also dreamed about eating sweets with sleep.

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the beginning of a new stage in life.

Dream book sweets

Sometimes, when a person adheres to a strict diet, and the desire to feast on yummy is very strong, the object of desire even appears in a dream. If to you this situation has nothing to do, then you should think about what sweets are dreaming of? The dream book will help you figure it out.

There are sweets

The modern dream book believes that there are sweets in a dream - to good news in reality.

Shereminskaya interprets this dream very positively for the girl. The fortuneteller claims that the dreamed sweets are a sign of popularity among persistent men, from whom you will have to fight back.

The health interpreter claims that eating candy in night dreams is a disease of the pancreas and caries.

A family dream book interprets a similar plot as a promise to find love in the near future. If the lollipop turned out to be sour, this is a sign of a possible illness and annoyance.

Residents of the east believe that eating candy in a dream means indulging in entertainment in reality.

Receive and give

If young man dreams that he is giving someone a box of chocolates, this signifies the intention to propose an engagement to his beloved girl, who is most likely to refuse.

If in a dream you are presented with a box of chocolates, this is a sure sign of prosperity. If you are giving, then the plans are not destined to come true.

Miller's dream book warns that receiving a sweet box in night dreams means insincere, but persistent harassment towards you. A gift from your side speaks of receiving a possible offer, both business and personal, which will not be crowned with success.

Another source believes that receiving them as a gift is a sign of prosperity. Itself to be in the place of the donor - to disappointment in your beloved.

Hasse also gives an explanation of why such a plot is dreaming. Candies received from someone indicate that they have received an invitation to a holiday or celebration.

Treat and buy

If you dreamed that you were treating someone, then you will surely get a new reliable friend. If, on the contrary, they treat you, then you can prepare an outfit, soon they will definitely invite you to the celebration.

Buying sweets in a dream is a sign of the imminent arrival of relatives.

Various interpretations

Many dream books believe that sweets are a symbol of children's carelessness and joy, enjoyment of life.

A dreaming sweetness in a bright, shiny wrapper portends a meeting with a very unusual and extremely interesting person... If you like the taste of the candy, the meeting may turn out to be fateful. Disappointment promises a tasteless delicacy.

Chocolates seen in a dream - to gain a large amount of money. Lollipops dream of a small profit.

The Dream Interpretation of Health suggests that just looking at a slide of shiny wrappers - to positive emotions, To give up a tasty treat - to possible diabetes.

The karmic interpreter believes that if you dreamed about sweets, this indicates a lack of positive emotions and joy in life.

The French interpret the sweets seen in a dream as a sign of the insincerity of someone from the environment. Most likely, a familiar person is hiding his true attitude "under a candy wrapper."

If you dream that you yourself are making sweets, this indicates achievement desired result thanks to diligence and hard work. In the Seers' dream book, delicacies symbolize the arrival of guests.

Medium Miss Hasse predicts a long-term love relationship for the dreamer.

Here is the class! Candy for the celebration.

Thanks for good transcript sleep, I'll wait for good news!

And I'm getting married! 🙂 So it is, today they hinted to me about it, right after the dream 🙂

I dreamed that I was treating a friend to candy, what does this mean?

I was at someone's house, opened the locker, and there were two vases full of sweets. I took a few.

I dreamed that a boy from the balcony was throwing candy to me and my brother and sister. I took the candy and waved to him, the candy was not chocolate, I did not eat it. What is it for?

And I dreamed that in my mailbox found candy.

In my dream, I bought a lot of sweets.

I dreamed that my late father treated me to sweets.

This is very good, I also dreamed about a lot of sweets, and very different ones. All sweet and varied life.

I dreamed that I was feeding sweet-tooth birds with sweets.

As if there are a lot of sweets in boxes in some warehouse! And even chocolate is very good! And everyone who wants to take food, gain yourself! So tasty! I think this is for something very good.

The boys presented a whole bag of sweets. What is it for?

Goodnight. I had such a dream: I come to work, and my shift manager says that our supplier brought us a small box of chocolates and she shows me them, and they are slightly melted and bubbled. What does this mean?

I dreamed about how my man and I came to the supermarket for sweets. There is only one type of chocolates left in this market. I started to put them in a fun bag of lard. I collected everything to one, there was nothing left, and then I also noticed small sneakers and put them on top. We came to the checkout, and the cashier was in a different place. My man took the candy and went to pay and wrap it up. And then he returned and handed them to me, and when we left the store, I was already chewing candy). Before that, there were still strange moments - we flew with him. I was on his back, and he just stood on a high point, and we flew. What does it mean?

I dreamed of finding a box of sweets on the street, but when I took a bite of the candy, it tasted nasty and tasteless, what does such a dream mean?

I dreamed about how I treated my younger brother to sweets. What does it mean?

I dreamed that I take a box of chocolates and open it, the top chocolates are already rather poor, and the lower ones are delicious and all chocolate. And I eat them. What is it for?

I dreamed that my daughter put 4 sweets and a piece of black bread on my chest (I was lying). What does it mean?

There are candy in a dream. Sleep: chocolates, lots of sweets

Have you ever eaten candy in your sleep? Perhaps this is one of the most pleasant and "sweet" night visions. However, it is not always worth taking dreams literally. At times, they can carry a deeper (or even opposite) meaning, as well as contain omens and warnings.

Miller's dream book

Miller is a well-known psychologist who, based on his knowledge and observations, developed his own dream book... Based on it, eating candy in a dream means success in love affairs. In addition, your diligence and hard work will certainly be crowned with an improvement in your material condition.

If in a dream you were presented with sweets, then in real life it is worth being more picky about new acquaintances. Most likely, among your environment there will be people who pursue selfish goals. If you donate candy, then the business or personal relationship that you plan to start will turn out to be a failure.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Vanga believed that there is candy in a dream - this is a very auspicious sign. If they taste good, it indicates your desire for self-development and financial improvement. Rest assured that you will succeed. Nevertheless, if the candy turns out to be bitter or spoiled, you should pay attention to your health condition.

Sweets are a pleasant dream. Chocolates are a testament to the fact that there are only reliable and professional people in your environment. Working with them will bring you career growth as well as significant profits.

Dream interpretation of Medea

A lot of sweets and other sweets symbolize the fact that even in adulthood, you do not lose childlike spontaneity and carelessness. This vision symbolizes the fulfillment of dreams and the achievement of material well-being.

Gives the taste of delicacies great value dream book. Eating sweets with a pleasant aroma means meeting a reliable person with whom you can start a family or do business productively. If the treat looks rancid to you, then your partner will disappoint you.

If a young girl sees a lot of sweets in a dream, then in real life she will have no end to her fans. However, you should be very careful in dealing with them. Be picky about finding your prince. If you dreamed of buying sweets, you should expect guests. Most likely, relatives will come to you in the near future.

Female dream book

Women are so mysterious and unpredictable that separate dream book... Eating candy means having fun with friends and family. If you try many colorful delicacies, then bright entertainment awaits you.

Treats are one of the nicest things you can dream about. Eating chocolates means being in good location spirit. Most likely, in the near future you will be accompanied by good luck and inspiration.

Buying sweets promises joy and pleasure. However, if you cannot decide on the choice of sweets, this reflects your indecision and hesitation in real life. Think about what you want to achieve and what you expect from your relationships with others.

Not the most pleasant sign is the refusal of treats in a dream. If you do not want to eat candy, you should pay attention to your health. First of all, donate blood to determine the sugar content in it.

Eastern dream book

The wisdom of the East helps to give answers to any questions. Seeing candy in a dream means that in the near future you will have interesting events, meeting friends and having fun. However, if the treats turn out to be bitter or sour, you should be careful not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Modern dream book

Modern life makes its own adjustments to everything. And even in the interpretation of dreams. Treats are associated with joy, fun and pleasant emotions. What does it mean to eat chocolates in a dream? This is a sign of wellness and longevity. If you are on this moment you are sick, such a dream promises you recovery.

Romantic dream book

The consciousness of a person in love is changing dramatically. And even his dreams are beginning to take on a completely new meaning, which is certainly associated with romantic feelings. So, eating a candy with a pleasant and rich taste in a dream means a happy and carefree life with your chosen one. If the treat turns out to be sour, then the relationship will only bring you disappointment.

Freud's dream book

Freud invented his own theory, according to which all human motives and aspirations are inextricably linked with sexual instincts. That is why his dream book draws attention to the intimate sphere.

There is candy in a dream large quantities means that in real life you are very frivolous about sexual intercourse. You are driven solely by the desire to have fun, and oh possible consequences you don't even think. It may be time to start behaving more sensibly.

Esoteric dream book

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on whether there was a wrapper on the candy. If so, then most likely people from your environment are insincere towards you and pursue selfish goals. If the candies in a dream were without a wrapper, then you can be sure that you have surrounded yourself with loyal and reliable friends.

If in a dream you see chocolates or sweets in beautiful wrappers, then in the near future you will find many pleasant surprises. If you unfold the candy and eat it, then in the near future you will be introduced to the attractive and intelligent. It is possible that a casual acquaintance will become a real gift of fate for you.

If in a dream you make sweets with your own hands, then your work will certainly be appreciated. Expect promotions or unexpected profits.

A store purchase portends a visit from distant relatives or friends with whom you have not seen for a long time. The surprise is sure to be pleasant.

Giving or receiving sweets in a dream is a good sign. If you accept a sweet gift, you will soon be invited to a merry holiday. Giving candy to someone is a sign of upcoming profitable acquaintances. However, if he gives candy in a closed box, then in real life his chosen one will not reciprocate. If you were going to make a marriage proposal, then it is better to postpone this venture. Otherwise, it is likely that you will get rejected by the girl.

If you enjoy the taste of sweets in a dream, then this portends well-being and a happy, carefree life. Nothing will upset you anytime soon. If the candy turned out to be with a crispy filling, then pleasant surprises await you in the sphere of love relationships.

Sour candies portend illness. If possible, be sure to undergo a medical examination.

A candy accidentally found in your pocket portends a surprise or a pleasant trifle. It is likely that you will find lost thing, make a small profit or you will be invited to visit by people with whom you have not seen for a long time.

When candy in a dream is considered a warning

If in a dream you unfold a bright and beautiful wrapper, but inside you see an ordinary lollipop or that you don’t like in real life, then you need to be more attentive to new acquaintances. Probably, behind the mask of a well-wisher, an insidious person will also be hiding.

Women who see real mountains of candy in their dreams should pay attention to their behavior and manner of communication. Chances are, you flirt with men too often, which can lead to some problems. The courtship of some gentlemen will become too intrusive and even rude.

Lollipops and empty candy wrappers are bad sign... You are about to become a victim of deception or fraud. Try not to trust casual acquaintances and do not make deals with dubious partners.

Seeing chocolates in a dream is very good. Such a dream almost always portends joy, pleasure and inspiration. And in order to accurately interpret what chocolates dream about, you need to reproduce in your memory the smallest details of the dream and the feelings that you experienced. But don't forget that for different people the same dream can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, referring to dream books, you should start from your own emotions, experiences and events that are happening to you.

If in a dream you were presented with a box of chocolates, financial affairs will soon go uphill. During this period, there is a high probability of getting a profit from investing in various projects, opening a savings account and concluding a large contract. And if you yourself give someone such a gift, then some of your hopes are destined to crumble to dust. If a young girl sees such a dream, the dream book hints that the loved one does not tell the whole truth.

And what can you dream about when you had a chance to eat sweets while sleeping? Remember if they were tasty and of what quality. Most often, such a dream is associated with inspiration, the appearance interesting ideas, creating something new. So, delicious candy promises interesting projects and ample opportunities for their implementation. But if the candy tastes nasty or expired, reality in the near future will not please you with anything good - there is a high probability of getting upset for some reason and getting sick.

The dream in which you bought candy in a box suggests that distant relatives will come to visit you soon. At first you will be surprised and embarrassed by such a visit, but soon you will realize that it brought you only good things.

Why dream if in a dream you make chocolate yourself? This means that your financial situation will soon go uphill, and you will achieve this on your own, without resorting to someone's advice and help.

Other interpretations

Not all dream books clearly explain what it means to see this delicacy in a dream. Sigmund Freud's dream book will soon promise a love affair, and the fact that a sleeping person feeds someone with chocolate means that his libido is incredibly strong, and such a person will be able to give his partner unforgettable moments in bed.

And here Esoteric dream book explains such a dream negatively and promises that the sleeper will soon be worried about a deterioration in well-being. If you ate chocolate in a dream, you will soon begin to fight the disease, but the treatment will not last for a long time.

Miller's dream book explains what sweets dream about by the fact that the sleeper has every opportunity to provide dear people with a dignified existence. If such a candy is dreamed of by a person immersed in business, in the future he will have reliable partners for doing business on which he can rely in everything.

If their expiration date has expired, in real life, illnesses and sorrows await the sleeping person, and fresh sweets promise pleasure, good mood and success on the love front.

According to the White Magician's dream book, such a delicacy in a dream hints that the sleeper wants a successful and problem-free life, but in reality this is a person shackled hand and foot by the oppression of circumstances, promises and debts. If in a dream you had to treat someone with sweets, it means that in real life the sleeper has the goal of appeasing someone in order to use possible benefits in the future.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday are psychological and emotional characterization sleeping. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Dreaming of Candy

Candy in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Receive - you will be invited to the celebration
  • Eat - fall in love.
  • Interpretation in Ukrainian dream book Sleep Candy:

  • Sweets, honey, sugar - to death, as they are part of the memorial service.
  • Why do Candy dream in Modern dream book?

  • Eating lollipops in a dream means that a variety of entertainments await you in the near future. Candy that tastes sour can symbolize illness or annoyance. Receiving candy as a gift means that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually bodes well. If in a dream you make sweets yourself, then you will be able to achieve success thanks to your hard work and patience. Giving candy means that you will decide to get married or marry, but then you risk being disappointed in your chosen one.
  • V Miller's dream book, if you dream about Candy:

  • Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.
  • To dream that you are eating crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the previous boundless trust.
  • To receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises the young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: hopes will not come true.
  • If you dream about Candy? V Culinary dream book:

  • Eating candy in a dream portends the approach of exciting, heady pleasures in your intimate life. Receiving candy as a gift in a dream means that you will soon experience a captivating but risky joy.
  • The interpretation of Candy's dream The newest dream book:

  • You will suffer from jealousy. Collecting wrappers from K. - to senseless hoarding.
  • See Candy in a dream in Family dream book:

  • If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, prosperity lies ahead. Themselves sent someone a box of chocolates - your hopes will not come true.
  • If you made sweets in a dream, then your well-being will improve thanks to diligence, diligence and hard work. A dream in which you eat crumbly, crunchy candy portends secular pleasures and promises love. Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.
  • What does it mean to see Candy in a dream Eastern dream book?

  • There are lollipops - for entertainment in the very near future. Sour candies symbolize illness or annoyance. Receiving candy as a gift is a sign that you will become an object of worship. Such a dream usually bodes well. If you make sweets yourself, it means that you can achieve success thanks to hard work and patience. Giving candy is a sign that you will decide to get married, but then you can be disappointed in your chosen one.
  • What does candy mean in a dream in Schiller's dream book?

  • arrival of guests.
  • Candy in a dream in French dream book:

  • If you dreamed about candy, the dream warns you of someone's insincerity hiding under the guise of flattery.
  • In a dream, see Candy. V Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • See candy - to positive emotions; There are sweets - to problems with the pancreas; to the danger of dental caries; To be disgusted with food or the sight of sweets - for possible diabetes mellitus.
  • Dream interpretation Chocolate candies

    It is noteworthy, but in night scenes, insignificant and rather simple things can be dreamed of, which sometimes carry in themselves deep meaning and a secret. Having solved the picture seen in a dream, you can look into the open door of the future.

    People who believe in dreams, very often waking up in the morning after seeing a night scene, look into a dream book in order to spend correct transcript dreamed vision. They also advise trying not to ignore even minor details, because without taking them into account, you cannot carry out the correct interpretation of sleep.

    It is such an insignificant detail (as it might seem at first glance) that chocolate sweets are. In real life, they are a favorite treat for all those with a sweet tooth. Sweets are given for the holidays or simply to make a person feel good. Having eaten such a delicacy, people can cope with a bad mood, as well as irritability. But why do you dream about chocolates? What does the seen plot portend? Remember what exactly you dreamed about:

    • I just dreamed about candy.
    • I dreamed of a lot of small sweets.
    • Had a chance to eat a treat.
    • Buy or sell them.
    • Give and receive as a gift.

    "Candy" dreams can foreshadow various events - the most important thing is that such a dream does not bode well.

    See sweets

    If you saw chocolates in a dream

    Did you just see chocolates in a dream? Expect pleasant surprises from your loved one.

    There were sweets with nuts - in real life, you will meet interesting people.

    Seeing many small chocolate balls in a dream - in real life there will be a lot of joy and pleasant events.

    Did you hold a candy that melted in your hands? The dream book advises a person who happened to see this plot in a dream to become more restrained and try not to interfere in other people's affairs.

    To treat them to them - in the near future you will try to win the favor of an influential person, and you will do this with a selfish purpose - in order to then use these connections to your advantage.


    In your night vision, you dreamed that you were giving candy? It is worth noting who gave and who received them as a gift.

    Receive as a gift

    In the night vision, the dreamer was presented with a box of delicious chocolates - auspicious dream, portends financial well-being. Seeing such a plot in a dream, a person can safely invest their capital, as well as sign contracts and large projects.

    A young girl dreamed in a dream that she was presented with a box of chocolate goodies - in real life, a girl will hear many compliments. Another dream book portends an acquaintance with a wealthy man.


    If candy was given

    Giving sweets - to the failure of the plan. If you happen to see such a plot, it means that the dreamer should not make rash purchases, since such a waste can significantly affect the family budget.


    Buying them - get ready for the arrival of distant relatives. The appearance of guests will surprise the dreamer, but will make him happy.

    Cook sweets

    In the night vision, did the dreamer cook chocolate sweets himself? What he sees in a dream portends financial receipts, thanks to which the dreamer's well-being will significantly improve. But the dream book indicates to the person who saw such a fragment in a dream - a lot of effort will be needed.

    There is a treat

    In a dream, the dreamer had a chance to eat chocolates - a dream portends a visit to inspiration, the manifestation of new talents in the dreamer. But it's worth noting what they tasted like:

    • Delicious - you can realize your plans in real life.
    • Bitter or unusable - night plot portends illness.

    There are also chocolate sweets in the nightly plot - fortunately, in real life.

    Why dream of biting her? In real life, you will experience strong emotions.

    Interpretation of popular dream books

    Try to compare the interpretation of the plot you saw with chocolates in various popular dream books. And also substitute a decryption for the chain of events that occur in your real life.

    Miller's dream book

    If you drank hot chocolate

    The dream book of the famous American psychologist G. Miller interprets this dream in the following way:

    • To see a lot of candy in the night vision is a sign that you true friend and a caring family man.
    • Buying expired and stale sweets - in real life, you will experience disappointment.
    • Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - this dream is seen as a symbol of the end of a difficult life period.

    If businessmen dream of a chocolate delicacy, then according to Miller's interpretation, the plot seen indicates loyal and reliable business partners.

    Freud's dream book

    If you dream of a nightly plot with chocolate sweets, then this indicates an assessment of the activity of the dreamer's intimate life.

    • Giving a box of sweets - the dreamer's partner is lucky, he is gentle and affectionate, he can always satisfy her, and he will not forget about himself.
    • Drinking chocolate - the dream book advises the dreamer to deal easier with troubles in sex. The failure is not caused by you, but by your partner's bad mood.
    • Get burned by it - in real life, meet a new person. It will evoke feelings in you that you have not experienced before.

    Treat with delicacies - with your passion you can warm up any person, even the most unapproachable.

    Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

    There is a delicacy - a symbol of the fact that a person who has a dream strives for an easy life.

    To prepare it - always be creative and unusual in doing your work.

    Buy for a gift - In real life, you are trying to appease someone.

    Dream Interpreter Longo

    Longo interpreted the plot in his own way:

    • Yes - the dreamer considers himself offended and underestimated by others.
    • Receive as a gift from a friend - take a closer look, perhaps this person trying to take advantage of you.
    • Giving is a dreamer, he himself is selfish in relations with others.
    • Cooking a delicacy - a person who has a dream is a bright and extraordinary person.

    As you can see, the decoding of the dreamed dream with chocolates really has different interpretation... In some cases, sleep is a warning. Using the prompts, the person who saw the dream will be able to take measures in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

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