Types of laying massive board on the floor. Proper laying of a massive board

Mounting a massive board is sufficiently specific and time-consuming, so even if you are "on all the Master's hands," will correctly entrust this work to experienced specialists. Nevertheless, it is useful to know the main label nuances: it will make it possible to control the quality of work and keeps off from possible problems with the floor in the future, because most of the defects of the floor covering arise precisely because of the wrong installation.

The massive board is laid only with a hard fastening to the base with self-draws and glue. This is a reliable and time-tested method that allows you to get a stable "monolithic" floor and in the future repeatedly carry out the repair grinding (one of the advantages of a massive board). However, hard mount places increased requirements for the founding and quality of laying. And the preparation for the installation of a massive board begins long before it is purchased.

Preparation of the room

Installation of floor covering is one of the final stages of repair. The smaller the work remains after laying the floor, the less chances to randomly damage it. All wet work in the room must be completed at least two months before the start of laying. The relative humidity in the room should be between 40% to 60%, and the temperature is from +18 to +24 degrees Celsius. The massive board is susceptible to the environmental parameters, so it is necessary to strictly withstand them at the specified framework.

Preparation of the foundation

The establishment of the base of the floor is the process of responsible and scrupulous, and the entire subsequent operation of the massive board depends on its quality. A lot of problems with wooden floors (for example, the creaking of the flooring) arises precisely because of the poorly performed base.

The concrete base for flooring should be dry, smooth, solid and clean (without dust). The moisture content of the concrete screed should be in the range of 2-3%. Already at 3-4% of humidity, it is necessary to use primer under glue. Permissible curvature of the base: no more than 2 mm per 2 m2 area. The curvature is checked by a two-meter rule or Waterpas ("Level"). Any drops of more than 2 mm need to be eliminated.

There are different ways of laying a massive board (for example, on the lags - the method, popular during the time of the parquet), but for the Russian climate, Amber Wood recommends the installation of plywood sheets. A plywood with a thickness of at least 12 mm is laid on the prepared concrete base. Plywood is collected into small sheets (no more than 0.5 m x 0.5 m), which is applied with glue, after which they are attached to a dowel-nail to a concrete base. Between the sheets it is necessary to leave the technological gaps of 3-5 mm.

Within two days, the plywood is subjected to grinding, in the process of which the differences between sheets are also eliminated (curvature requirements are the same as for concrete). After grinding, Phaneur is preferably primed to remove fine dust.

The presence at the base of any type of heating is unacceptable: "Warm floor" will lead to a rapid spider of a massive board.

Humidity control

The floor of a natural tree places increased requirements for humidity not only during operation, but also when installed.

The moisture content of the concrete screed is checked by a special device - moisture meter on concrete, and relative humidity indoors - hygrometer. There are advanced moisture makers who can also measure the humidity of the environment. But the moisture meter for wood does not suit for measurements of the humidity of concrete, even if you set the maximum material density in the settings. High-quality moisture meter - the device is expensive, but it must be from specialists engaged in parquet facilities. If the installers before starting work did not measure moisture measurements, then this is a serious "bell", questioning their qualifications. As for the hygrometer, this is a pretty simple household appliance that is useful to purchase for home operating. It will allow you to constantly monitor the relative humidity in the room, which is important for health, and for the durability of the wooden floor. There are beautiful wall hygrometers on sale, which will perfectly fit into any interior.

Preparation of a massive board

A purchased massive board (delivered in packs, packed in polyethylene) It is necessary to give a week to be cured in a room where the laying will be made so that the wood is "used" to the conditions of temperature and humidity. At the same time, it is important to keep from the desire to immediately open and inspect the brought boards: to unpack the packs better before laying. Then you can make a defect. Never stroke or damaged during the transportation of the board: they can be replaced or returned, but only before the start of installation.


Usually, the massive board is laid along the incident light (perpendicular to the window), so the floor looks the most harmonious. However, if the base is made of wooden flooring, the floor must be pre-laying the base boards. "Designer" laying at an angle of 45o is also possible, but it turns out the overflow of the material and a very large amount of trim.

The massive board is attached to a plywood base with a solid glue on two-component glue, which is applied with a special gear spatula.

Additionally, the board is fixed using parquet screws, which are screwed into the base of the ridge at an angle of 45o with a step of 20-30 cm (their caps will hide the chalks of the neighboring row). It is impossible to mount a massive board only on glue, the screws are necessary in any case!

Installation of the first row of boards is carried out by a groove to the wall, and the mounting of self-drawers is through the front surface (so that the caps are hidden when installing the plinths). Neighboring boards when laying tightly fit in transverse and longitudinal directions, if necessary, be fought with rubber hammer and tightened with wedges.

In the process of laying, you will probably have to ride various obstacles: for example, heating pipes. In this case, with the help of an electric bike with a shallow sawn in the board, the areas necessary for rises are cut, taking into account the compensation gap.

Compensation gap

Due to seasonal leaks of temperature and humidity, the wooden floor expands and narrows, so it is necessary to leave the technological gap (compensation gap) of at least 10 mm between the wall and the massive board adjacent to it. In the process of laying, the gaps are recorded by wedges, and at the end of the work are hidden by plinths.

The compensation gap is required not only adjacent to the walls, but also next to any other static structures in which the floor covering may continue when expanding. These are door boxes, heating pipes, ventilation channels, pillars and columns, as well as furniture with a rigid fastening to the floor (wardrobes, safes, etc.).


Drawing, i.e. The displacement of the place of the joint between the boards relative to the next row is the necessary reception both from aesthetic point of view and with the technological one. The same principle can be observed, for example, in brickwork. For reliable connection, it is recommended to withstand the dispersion of at least 40 cm.

For convenience, a shift on 1/2 or 1/3 of the board length is usually used. For example, laying the first row and all subsequent odd rows begins with a whole board, and the second and all follow-up - with half or third. Due to this, the floor drawing will be neat and symmetric, and the connection is durable.

But sometimes I want to intend to escape from symmetry, especially when laying a carpet of the Country type with a pronounced woody pattern and an intricate texture. Geometrically verified symmetrical dispersion in this case may look boring and inappropriate. For a pedestrous floor, you can use running without repetitions when the places of the joints of the boards in different rows are not on the same line. The main thing is to withstand the offset of at least 40 cm relative to the previous series.

Laying the last row and end of work

Before laying the last row, it is necessary to measure the distance remaining to the wall: most likely, it will be different in different places due to the curvature of the walls. Therefore, each board of a number you need to cut up longitudinally to the width required at its place (without forgetting about the compensation gap). When installing the last row, there is very little space for work. For laying boards near the wall it is convenient to use a special mounting paw.

The last row of a massive board, as the first, is attached to self-drawing through the facial surface. After the installation is completed, it is necessary to hide compensation gaps and hats of self-tapping screws with a plinth or a fit of a suitable width.

Usually, a massive board is supplied with decorative protective coating already applied in the factory. However, if it is still to be applied, it is possible to do this no earlier than 2-3 days after the end of the styling: first the boards should be searched, and the glue completely to gain hardness.

Compliance with the technology of laying is the key to the long and reliable operation of the floor covering. A responsible approach to the installation of a massive board will continue to fully enjoy the benefits of natural wooden floor and have no problems with it.

The content of the article:

Laying the massive board is the final stage of the wooden floor design. By forming the finish coating, such a material is ideal for most rooms. The ecological purity of the board is due to the absence of adhesive compounds, since piece goods made from solid wood array. Its drawing, created by nature itself, gives a delightful appearance of the flooring. Wooden decor perfectly retains heat, it is durable, durable and easily rejected by repeated updates. On how to lay a massive board on a stone or wooden base, you will learn from this article.

Features of the choice of massive floorboard

The choice of boards for flooring must be approached with the maximum responsibility, because the appearance and durability of future cladding depends on its quality. A modern massive board has rounded compounds and produced from dozen wood breeds, including exotic in our understanding of this word. Depending on the financial capabilities, the appointment of the premises and the requirements for the future floor, you can choose almost any wooden flooring on this basis.

The most common and budget option is a massive board made of pine. Products from cedar and larch are also quite popular, but they differ more cost. Extremely durable flooring from ash and oak, but the price is an order of magnitude higher.

Floors from Osina and Olhi have a healing effect, but the strength of their wood limits the use of material in rooms with intense passability. If the floor covering after installation is lacquered, it is recommended to use light shades boards.

When choosing a floor dies, their physical characteristics should be taken into account:

  • First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the moisture content of the material. For massive boards, its recommended value is 7-10%, the maximum is 12%. Industrial wood drying on modern equipment allows you to achieve such indicators. Too wet board after mounting on the floor, it sneezes during operation, forms slots and fragile connections in the locks.
  • Immediately should be postponed towards the board, having excavations, cracks, chips and holes from the bitch. Material with mold trails and fungus is also not good to work - it can spoil the entire floor.
  • The floor wooden board should be impregnated with an antiseptic, which will protect the future coating from the invasion of insects and reproduction of microorganisms, harmful to wood. Data on such impregnation must be represented by the manufacturer in the technical documentation for the product. If the coating of the massive board will be laid on the existing wooden floor, all its designs, including lags, should also be treated with an antifungal drug.
  • The impregnation of the boards with antipirens that increase the fire resistance of products should also be performed in the factory conditions. This should pay attention to when buying this material.
  • The geometric dimensions of the massive floorboard must comply with the adopted standards. Its length can be from 0.5 to 6 or even 9 m. This allows you to choose the material entirely along the length of the room or perform its beautiful docking on the ends.
  • The width of the board can also be different. Its maximum value is 450 mm, minimum - 60 mm. The wider the board will be laid on the floor, the less durable coating can be obtained, it is related to the number of its fasteners. The most optimal width of the products is 100-120 mm. Such boards are used more often than others.
  • The thickness range of wooden massive flooring elements is 18-50 mm. Laying the maximum thickness boards ensures the greatest strength of the floor, but a similar base parameter for the coating should be much higher. The most popular boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm. The strength of such a coating for home use is quite sufficient, besides, it does not require a powerful substrate.
Currently, many manufacturers produce finished products with protective lacquer or impregnation with waxes and oils. When buying such a board, it will not require the finishing finish of its surface, however, to lay the wooden floor in this case will have to be very careful in order not to damage its outer layer.

Preparation of the base for laying a massive board

Outdoor coatings made of massive boards can be laid in apartments and private houses, in public and administrative institutions for stone and wooden foundations. In all cases, the principle of installation of external elements of the floor is the same, but in the preparation of the foundation under them there are features. Let's look at them.

Concrete base

Before laying a massive board on a concrete base, it is recommended to perform an intermediate layer of moisture-resistant plywood. It allows you to easily and easily fix the finishing floor covering on its surface, which will be perfectly even and protected from the moisture of concrete.

To lay the paneur to the overlap tightly and horizontally, it is pre-performing an aligning screed. To do this, the concrete floor should first clean from dirt and garbage, and then check it on the subject of slopes and irregularities using a two-meter rail and construction level.

If there are gaps between the measuring instrument and the surface under study, more than 5 mm will need to perform a cement screed for beacons that can be raised on any reasonable height from the base surface. If the gaps are less than 5 mm, the base can be pouring a self-leveling mixture.

The finished screed must dry. Its desired humidity is not difficult to check. To do this, after 2-3 weeks to the surface of the floor, you need to put a piece of polyethylene film and tightly press it around the perimeter of tape to the screed. If after a couple of days, the film will not be found condensate, work with the floor can be continued.

The essence of it is as follows:

  1. The dried screed must be covered with a layer of waterproofing. The material for it can serve as a polyethylene film or sealing mastic on a bitumen or another basis. The polyethylene film canvas should be placed on the floor surface of 10-15 cm floor, slightly gluing their joints with metallized tape. The cooler waterproofing can be applied with brush and roller.
  2. Then plywood sheets should be chopped along short sides to fragments of 500-600 mm wide and laying ready-made samples for waterproofing in a checkered order, observing the clearance between them 2-3 mm. Between the wall and extreme canvas, plywood need to leave a deformation seam, which will serve to compensate for linear extensions of the material at temperature and humidity changes.
  3. The fane lated is recommended to fix on concrete overlap with dowels and screws. On 1 m 2 surfaces should have 15 fasteners. The hats of all screws should be dried into the thickness of the material for 2-3 mm. If instead of the film, a coating waterproofing was used, the phaneer can be simply glued to the floor, applying a composition compatible with sealing mastic.
To eliminate all the "wet" processes regarding the device of the screed, for laying a massive board, you can use the lag system. Usually they are made of timber secting 50x50 or 70x80 mm. Wooden beams can be short or match the length of the linear size of the room. Lagi secting 50x50 mm need to be laid in a step of 250-300 mm, and thicker - with a step of 700 mm.

Placement of timber should be produced in the direction perpendicular to the future location of the massive board. The upper surface of all lag should be a single plane and the same level with a slope of or without it. The required adjustment of the position of the base system of the floor can be performed using a construction level, cord and regulating linings under the timber.

Fastening Lag to the floor should be made using dowels, screws and metal corners. Fastening step - 50 cm. In cells between lags, it is necessary to put the insulation in the form of plates or rolled material.

Further work provides for two options for its development:

  • You can put a waterproofing film on the lags, fasten it on the beams of the stapler brackets, and then on top to mount and fix with a single or two-layer draft floor under the massive board, t. 25 mm from the moisture resistant plywood.
  • If the board has a thickness of more than 30 mm, it can immediately be laid after waterproofing as a finish coating.

Important! On Paneur, you can lay the board, the thickness of which does not exceed 25 mm, that is, the intermediate layer should not be thinner of the floor coating itself.

Wooden base

The basis for mounting a massive board can be even an old wooden floor, if it is reliable and durable. In any case, before use, it should be examined before laying expensive material on such a base. With an external inspection, it is worth paying attention to the presence or absence of cracks, rot, chips and strong wear of its surface.

It will not be superfluous to check the creaking and the poles of its flooring. If they take place, a part of the flooring in problem places should be disassembled and carefully examine the lags. If they are rotten, such a floor is better to dismantle and create a modern new foundation in its place.

With a positive result of inspection, the existing floor should be treated with a ribbon grinding machine, the grain of its abrasive must correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof 40 or 63. After that, the surface must be cleaned of dust and shuttered with waterproofing polyethylene film.

The massive board must be laid in the direction of the location of the foundation. When choosing another direction on top of the existing floor, the canvas of moisture-resistant plywood t. 12-15 mm, pollute them and remove dust. After that, the massive board can be laid on the resulting basis.

Mounting Massive Board Mounts

The massive board on the floor can be laid in two ways. Get acquainted closer with each of them.

Castle Mounting Mounting Massive Board

It is used when laying products equipped with a spike-groove fastening system, and does not differ in particular complexity. The massive board is usually placed perpendicular to the plane of window openings, although another option is also possible, for example, according to any gender diagonal.

For 3-5 days before the start of work, the board needs to be added to the room, where the flooring is supposed to be placed and free from the packaging. During the subsequent time, the material adapts to the humidity of the medium and will not be deformed in the process of laying and further operation of the floor. The relative humidity in the room should be no higher than 60%, and its temperature should be 10-30 ° C heat.

The order of work is:

  1. Installation of the first row of boards should be started parallel to the longitudinal axis of the room, having products spike directed to its long wall. All the boards need to be aligned and fix the screws with the calculation of the fact that then the fastener can be closed by a plinth.
  2. The side of the board, the opposite wall, should be fixed to lags or plywood base screws, screwing them into a groove at an angle of 45 °. The length of the screws should be greater than the thickness of the product 2-2.5 times.
  3. Each piece of the next row need to insert when laying a spike in the groove of the element of the previous row. The maximum density of the halves of each other can be ensured by their fit with a special pad.
  4. The last number of massive boards, as well as the first, must be fixed with screws, assuming the opportunity to hide fasteners under the plinth. Between the walls and extreme rows of boards, leaving a deformation gap of 8-10 mm wide.

Important! If the flooring is fed from a massive board immediately to lags, all its elements must be attached to each beam alternately.

Adhesive Mounting Mounting Massive Board

The adhesive method of mounting the massive board is used in cases where the material is made of valuable wood breeds or there is a need to lunch the floor of a large area, an incorrectly complex circuit or make a coating in the field of input opening. The board of valuable wood, as a rule, always thinner, and its length often does not exceed two meters - the considerable value of the material affects.

The essence of laying the massive board with adhesive way is that wooden floorboards, tightly connected on the junctions, glued to the base with a special composition and additionally attach to it using self-tapping. They are screwed into the side joints of the boards at an angle of 45 °, and the fasteners hats are drilled into the wood by 3-5 mm.

The finished glued floor of the natural tree is very durable and resistant to deformations, it absolutely does not need temperature compensation seams. However, such a coating is completely not suitable for "warm floor" systems. In addition, to replace the damaged plot on it, all the floorboards laid on the glue will have to be dismantled.

How to put a massive board on the floor - watch the video:

Summing up, I would like to note that the practicality of the outdoor coating from the massive parquet board is proved by centuries of impeccable service, it is respectable, effectively and finally just beautiful. The board made of wood massif is always fashionable and easily succumbed to any processing, including its artificial aging. Therefore, use this wonderful material that can be the main decoration of your home!

Outdoor coating from a solid array of wood serves decades, and this is a fact. The material is warm, highly aesthetic and cozy. Modern technology of laying a massive board is significantly different from old installation methods. Read the details below.

The array is a long strip of solid wood of valuable breeds: oak, beech, larch, cherries, nut. Large manufacturers use particularly solid and exotic species - TIK, Bamboo, Yatoba, Zebrano, Merbau, etc. Dimensions are variatives:

  • The thickness of the massive board (depends on the scope of application) - 9-26 mm;
  • Product width - from 100 to 220 mm;
  • Length - from 300 to 1500 mm.

On the perimeter of the slats there is a puzzle castle ("Schip-groove"), which allows us to collect an array into a single, monolithic coating. In the wrong way, special "grooves", compensating internal stresses and preventing deformation.

The surface can be clean or processed in the factory base oil, varnish or butter-wax. In the first case, after laying, a small doshlifovka and a protective coating will be required (better based on fat-containing mixtures, since the lacquer film can crackue due to temperature and humidity drops). On the perimeter in some collections, the chamfer is cut, and its depth for unprotected LCMs should be at least 2 mm.

If earlier the shade of the floor covering depended on the wood of wood, today it is not so important. Modern paints and varnish materials allow you to get more than 5,000 shades, from snow-white to deep black. Therefore, when choosing it is better to pay attention to the hardness of a massive board, its resistance to atmospheric drops, etc.

When sorting a massive board for the floor, several categories are distinguished:

The name of each manufacturer may change, but the essence is one - 1, 2 or 3 variety, and accordingly, the presence or absence of various defects. Of course, the price depends on this parameter. An array of selection is the premium class coatings, so it will cost several times more expensive than products from the Rustic series.

Board laying

Professional laying of the array is performed according to the "in the dispersion" method or with a displacement by 1/3. At the same time, a double fixation method is used: for glue and hardware (special self-equipped hats, parquet "studs").

The reason for the "reinsurance" is simple: wood is subject to deformations. That is, changes linear dimensions depending on humidity, temperature, time of year. Printing and additional attraction of fixtures to the base will provide fastening stiffness, will prevent the appearance with the gaps, steaming of the planks.

  1. The installation of installation works is carried out only after the completion of all types of rough finishes allowing humidification or air heating. Including laying of tiles, plastering or painting of walls and ceiling, sticking wallpaper, etc.
  2. The air temperature in the room must be between +18 ° C to +25 ° C, humidity - 40-60%.
  3. Transportation is made in covered cars, and storage - in a dry, ventilated room.
  4. The overwhelming part of the produced massive board is not intended for laying on floor heating systems.
  5. Before work, it is necessary to withstand the so-called acclimatization period - at least 48 hours.
  6. After laying in rooms, it is necessary to maintain the optimal parameters of the microclimate: humidity in the range of 40-60%, and the air temperature is + 18- +22 ºС.

The most optimal is recognized as laying of a massive board on the fan of the moisture resistant series, for example, FC birch.

This material is considered particularly strong, as it is able to withstand substantial loads in various directions, and due to the multi-layer, the change in linear dimensions is minimal. The minimum thickness of the plywood substrate is from 10 mm and more.

Laying a massive board on a screed without plywood or wooden floor is allowed. But with advanced careful preparation. In any case, the next set of funds and installation tools will be required:

Mounting a massive board is divided into 3 stages:

Preparation of the foundation

The draft floor should be:

If the installation is planned for mineral base, take care of pre-waterproofing. To do this, it is better to use special primer-type primers. They are applied with a solid layer on the entire surface of the floor with a wall at the walls.

Laying coating

Starting the installation should be from a solid wall of the room from left to right. On the width of the plank, it is necessary to apply glue with a toothed spatula. The starting board is installed by an edge groove to the wall, the gap is stacked with spacer wedges. The row is fixed by self-drawing or parquet studs at an angle of 45º with an interval of 25-30 cm.

If laid wood from the category of particularly solid, it is recommended to prevent the holes under the screw to prevent cracking to prevent cracking.

Putting the first strip, the following is attached to it with the help of profile puzzle locks, and the installation begins with a cropped fragment. If necessary, the bar must be carefully tied up or attract the mounting corner.

The last row is trimmed with such a calculation to leave between the coating and the process of the technological gap of 8-12 mm. And the width of the planks should not be less than 5-10 cm.

You can walk on the finished massive floor in 24-72 hours after the end of the work. Grinding and subsequent processing is allowed after 3-7 days.

Finish finish

If the coating on production was processed by protective means, then after laying and drying glue, it is enough to carry out the first thorough cleaning with the help of special care products for wooden coatings.

An array with a clean surface after the technological break must be slightly stabbed and apply a protective impregnation, finish oil or oil-wax in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Application of protective oil on an array.

For a serviceable coating service at the entrance, put the dirt-proof mats, pick up the feet of furniture with felt lining, and at chairs or tables on wheels, install silicone mats. Periodically handle the floor with special compositions with a wax content and other regenerating substances. This will help keep your massive board in perfect condition for many years.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.

Currently is one of the most popular and sought-after flooring of natural wood. Such an increased interest is quite explained: the floors from the massive boards are reliable, durable, beautiful and prestigious. However, the massive floor will show their wonderful properties only on condition if:

    there is a worthless quality board;

    correct materials are correct;

    the laying technology is precisely met.

In this article we will focus on the last two points.

Mounting Mounting Technology

For the assembly in the absolute majority of cases, the technology of hard fastening of the floor covering to the base is used. This method of laying has a number of advantages: it provides a high degree of reliability and comfort, guarantees the durability and strength of the structure, allows quality repair and parquet flooring.

Hard mount method to base It assumes the gluing of each individual board to the pre-prepared surface of the floor base. At the same time, the board should be as tightly pressed to the base at the time of complete drying of the adhesive composition. To ensure that this condition is usually applied to the base of the board to the base with the help of self-tapping screws or use the clamping force of heavy load installed on top of the floor covering. The specifics of the method lies not only in compliance with all the mandatory requirements of the laying technology, but also in the knowledge of the properties and features of the materials used. Let's tell about it in more detail.

Specificity method

To begin with, we note the main feature of the floor of massive wood: a tree - a living material that sensors react to changing the environmental conditions. Knowing that wood can change its properties, and an understanding of causal relationships allow you to reduce errors in the process of laying and operating a massive board.

1. Optimal conditions for work

Before starting laying, it is necessary to take care of creating favorable conditions for work.

    Laying the massive board should be carried out after the end of all wet works. Otherwise, this can strongly affect air humidity in the room, which in turn will lead to the deformation of the floor.

    The room in which parquet works will be made should be well lit.

2. Choosing materials for laying a massive board

Make a list of necessary tools and materials required for the operation.

    Moisture-resistant plywood thickness 15-20 mm is the best material for use as a base on which a massive board is attached to glue and self-tapping: it perfectly keeps self-tapping screws, stabilizes the design of the "parquet pie" and improves the heat insulation of the floor.

    Natural plug 2-4 mm thick can be pasted for additional sound insulation, as well as as a lower leveling layer.

    Primer It is necessary to improve adhesion (clutch of surfaces) when gluing various types of floor bases with a layer of plywood, corks, or massive board.

    Glue For mounting a massive board - one of the most important components of the quality of the "parquet pie". The durability of the finished parquet floor depends on the choice directly.

    Selfless Apply to the guaranteed clamping board to the plywood during its gluing to the base. The choice of shape, size and quantity of self-samples depends on the specific purpose of their use.

    Silicone sealant Designed to fill the compensation seam between parquet floors and indoor walls. The sealant will protect the ends of plywood and boards from the penetration of moisture and will prevent the possible deformation of the parquet.

    Materials for the finishing of parquet (varnish, oil) May be needed to apply a protective surface layer if the board does not have a factory finishing coating.

    Care products Apply for professional cleaning and additional protection of the surface of the board.

    Set of tools. The following tools will be needed for laying a massive board: saw, hammer, sharp knife, markup, drill, screwdriver, chisel, spatula, roulette, pencil, wooden leaf, spacer wedges, mounting paw.

3. Preparation of the base for laying a massive board

Before starting board installation, check the quality of the prepared base.

    The parquet floor of a massive board is a multi-layered design. As the basis of the "parquet pie" can perform concrete floor, screed, wooden black floor or lag system.

    Regardless of the type of foundation used, it must be smooth, dry, durable and clean.

    The fatality of the base is tested on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming laying, using a rule of at least 2 meters long. The lumen between the base and the rule should not exceed 2-3 mm at a length of 2000 mm. If necessary, the base should be aligned in accordance with the specified requirements.

    It is recommended to use a natural tube with a thickness of 2-4 mm as an additional soundproofing layer.

    The perfect base for gluing a massive board - a layer of moisture resistant plywood, comparable to the thickness of the board. Plywood must also be securely attached to a wooden or concrete basis with glue and self-tapping screws.

    If the additional fastening is impossible for self-pressing, it is possible to use exclusively two-component polyurethane glue and plywood sheets with an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 0.25 m2 each. The surface of plywood must be seized, and the Fanera itself is to be put in compliance with the technological gap of 5 mm wide between sheets.

    All layers of the Parquet Cake must be firmly glued together with each other.

    Use as the base floating floors is unacceptable!

4. Scheme layout of a massive board

To avoid unnecessary fixes during the work will help the previously composed plan of your future floor - think in detail the layout layout scheme, and it is better to draw it on a sheet of paper. Try to adhere to the following rules.

    Decide on the choice of direction of the board layout in each room. Typically, the board is laid in the direction of daylight falling in the room. In the premises of the extended form, it is recommended to lay a massive board in the longitudinal direction (material waste will be 3-5%). In the rooms of a complex geometric shape, you can lay the chalkboard diagonally (material waste will be 7-10%).

    As a rule, a massive board is sold in a set of length; In other words, the packaging will contain the boards of different lengths. When laying, this should be borne in mind: use short boards at the beginning or at the end of the row, in places under furniture and in utility rooms.

5. Step-by-step instructions for laying a massive board on the finished base

Who to entrust work?

Now you know all about the technology of massive floor assembly. But do not hurry to apply new knowledge in practice - the first steps in any business rarely lead to ideal results. You should not turn your own home in the field for experiments, it is much more reliable to trust the laying of a massive board by professional parking lots. And the knowledge gained with our help is better to use to assess the level of professionalism of the wizard and control its work.

Choosing an artist for laying a massive board,

    looking for a narrow specialist: Washers-parquet;

    check out its qualifications: work experience, certificates of completion of professional courses and seminars, recommendations, reviews and portfolio of objects;

    make sure the masters have the necessary tools and equipment;

    check out the text of the contract contract and the contractor's warranty obligations.

Of course, it is best to look for masters in a large parquet company. Ideally, in the same cabin, where a massive board was purchased. By ordering the parquet and in one company, you will lay on it all responsibility for the quality of parquet floors.


Installation of flooring from natural wood is a time-consuming and responsible process, requiring special knowledge and professional skills. Success to succeed in this difficult to help the following tips will help.

    Start parquet work last time, after the end of all wet works.

    Carefully examine the description of the massive floor assembly technology.

    Use only high-quality and really necessary for laying materials. Adhere to the recommendations of the manufacturers of materials used.

    Check the base base for compliance with recommended requirements.

    Think out the options for laying the board in each room.

    Trust the work and the selection of related materials to professionals from a solid parquet company.

    When hiring a specialist, always conclude a contract.

The process of laying a massive board is technologically difficult and responsible, errors in which, subsequently, can lead to the deformation of the parquet and the need to replace it.

Price Standing Massive Board

Name Note Price Unit
1 Disassembly of the previous floor without saving Linoleum, carpet without glue / glue dogs sq.m.
Parquet board, packer dogs sq.m.
Piece without glue dogs sq.m.
parquet glue dogs sq.m.
Lags, boards dogs sq.m.
Screed, tile dogs sq.m.
2 Garbage removal (floor covering, etc.) with a cargo elevator Parquet board, panel flooring, laminate dogs sq.m.
Screed, tile, construction trash dogs sq.m.
3 Cleaning the base From glue dogs sq.m.
From bitumen (bitumen mastic) dogs sq.m.
4 Paul alignment Local (self-leveling mixture) dogs sq.m.
General (Mixture of Old 3000) to 4mm 600 sq.m.
General (Mixture of Netonite 4100) from 5 to 15mm 600 sq.m.
5 Primer base Under the mixture or under glue 75 sq.m.
Parosolation 2k soil 100 sq.m.
6 Laying plywood glue sawn 300x300mm on 2K glue 250 sq.m.
in 2 layers on glue, second layer glue + self-tapping screw 500 sq.m.
on lags in 1 layer 250 sq.m.
on lags in 2 layers 500 sq.m.
7 Installation Lag. Mounting to the floor on anchor 750 sq.m.
8 Multi-Moll Laying Gluing to the base for 2-glue 200 sq.m.
9 Plaques Plaques covered with varnish / oil Direct on Faneru from 850. sq.m.
Diagonal on Faneru from 950. sq.m.
Straight on the screed 1000 sq.m.
Diagonal on the screed 1200 sq.m.
10 Cliff to heating convectors in the floor 1000 bim.m.
11 Idle rut, lamp, etc. 1500 pCS.
12 Installation of cork compensator 1000 bim.m.
13 Laying a vapor barrier film on the base for floating floor 100 sq.m.
14 Parquet grinding (machines: tape, plane oarsal, corner) without taking into account the cost of consumables New parquet Ribbon + FlatSheliform machine + corner 550 sq.m.
Old parquet 600 sq.m.
Plywood with our laying 200 sq.m.
with someone else's laying 250 sq.m.
15 Sealing seams around the perimeter parquet insulation from wall moisture 75 bim.m.
16 Parket varnish In 3 layers (or soil + 2 layers Mat Varnish) 200 sq.m.
Each extra layer 75 sq.m.
Extra charge for applying glossy varnish 150 sq.m.
17 Gel coating between varnish layers Fills chamfer, provisions, depressions 150 bim.m.
18 Oil coating Colorless (1 layer) 150 sq.m.
Colorless (2 layers) 300 sq.m.
Color or COLORT (1 layer) 300 sq.m.
Color or COLORT (2 layers) 600 sq.m.
Upgrade with butter colorless (1 layer) 200 sq.m.
Oil upgrade with Kolorant (1 layer) 300 sq.m.
19 Installation of plinth plastic, veneer, MDF high up to 70mm 250 bim.m.
array, LDF, PPU height up to 70mm 350 bim.m.
veneer, MDF Height\u003e 70 to 100mm 350 bim.m.
array, LDF, PPU Height\u003e 70mm to 100mm 400 bim.m.
the height is more than 100mm dogs
bent, installation segments dogs
20 Installing thresholds and moldings Up to 1 perm. 1000 pCS.
More than 1 perm. 1000 bim.m.
21 Loading With the elevator running P / d, laminate, piece parquet, floor cork dogs box
Plywood dogs sheet
Dies mixtures dogs bag
Without elevator for every floor P / d, laminate, piece parquet, cork, chemistry dogs . bucket
Plywood dogs sheet
Dry mixes dogs bag
22 Shelter floors after laying Batting + Fiberboard (without the cost of materials) 100 sq.m.
Cardboard (without the cost of mat-fish) 75 sq.m.
23 Removal of furniture and other items dogs
24 Consumables and fasteners Consumables and fasteners 50 sq.m.
when laying and grinding piece parquet 200 sq.m.
25 Departure of the technologist (drafting a technologist. Cards of work and estimates) within the Moscow Ring Road 2000 pCS.
26 Consulting work of our master at the facility, control over the implementation of work technology 5000 departure

Minimum scope of 20kv.m. (With a smaller amount of work, the cost of work is calculated on 20kv.m).

The main thing is to remember - the massive board cannot be laid on the "warm floor", the high water and heating tracks. In addition, such a floor can not be laid in a room where the microclimate is characterized by high humidity (except for individual wood breeds), for example: in the bath, sauna, pool.

Basic technological stages of wood array laying:

  • Check the basis for compliance with the requirements (GOST and SNiP)
  • Primer base
  • Laying plywood
  • Laying a massive board

What can be laid a massive board. Types of bases under parquet

There are several types of bases under parquet, which in one or another must be used:

Cement-sand screed (most often found).

The main condition - the basis should be dry. The percentage of ground humidity cannot exceed 4%. Also, the base should be sufficiently solid, durable and not subject to detachments and deformation changes. At the base for 2 m should not be drops of more than 2 mm. With an ideal temperature / humidity ratio (humidity from 40 to 60% and a temperature of from 20 to 25 degrees), with a layer thickness of a concrete screed to 50 mm, it will dry at least 30 days.

On such a floor, the stacking can not be carried out, reinforced concrete panels, in fact, are "naked" floor. Initially, it is necessary to align such a base, best of all cement-sand tie or by wooden lag.

Moody base of wood based materials.

It is a high-quality laid wooden floor (there may be the same parquet). Since such a coating may not arrange from aesthetic considerations, it can be used as a base under parquet (if the allowable planned height and quality of laying the most wooden base). Before using such a base, it is necessary to thoroughly check it, as well as eliminate defects in the form of creak, shaking, etc.

Wooden lagows.

As a rule, lags are dried bars with dimensions from 30x30 to 120x120 mm, depending on the individuality of the apartment or at home. Lagges are stacked at a distance from 300-400 mm. Decisions relative to the selected direction of floor laying. Then they are aligned and are awarded with special dowels to the base. It turns out, the so-called "honeycombs". In the future, if desired, in the cells can be laid insulation, clayzit, which will allow you to warm your gender.

Next, moisture-resistant plywood is installed on the lags with displacement, which is awarded with self-draws. From above, on the first layer of plywood base, it is stacked with shifting in a chess order (glued and assigned to self-pressing) another layer of plywood, also relative to the bottom layer. On top of the resulting design, a parquet of a massive board is glued.

Check the basis for compliance with the requirements (GOST and SNiP).

Before proceeding, directly to the laying of the floor, it is necessary to check the base using special equipment for compliance with the requirements of GOST and SNIP. The staff of our company more responsibly approaches the issue of acceptance of the foundation, as this is the most "weak link" of the "parquet pie", so our requirements are slightly tightened. Exact requirements can be viewed in the table below.

"Requirements for the grounds for parquet"

Quality indicator Type of foundation Maximum allowable value Regulatory document
Righthood Anyone Deviation from flatness up to 2 mm based on 2 m SNiP 3.04.01-87
Slope up to 0.2% of the corresponding size of the room, but not more than 50 mm SNiP 3.04.01-87
Strength Cement-sand screed Compressive strength of at least 150 kg / cm2 (15 MPa) SNiP 2.03.13-88
Aligning putty, plywood Tweight strength of upper layer at least 3.5 N / mm2
(on the instrument of "PressMess", Germany)
Studio parquet solutions
Humidity Reinforced concrete panels No more than 4% EAS 9-94
Cement and sand ties aligning putty No more than 5% EAS 9-94
3,5% - 4,0% Regulatory
Studio parquet solutions
Food and wood-based materials No more than 12% SNiP 3.04.01-87
EAS 9-94
Wooden lagows No more than 18% SNiP 3.04.01-87
No more than 12% Regulatory
Studio parquet solutions
Stability Anyone Base drawdown should not exceed 1.5 mm under load 200 kg EAS 9-94
Purity Anyone The base should be cleaned of dust, bitumen, mastic, and others. Pollution Regulatory
Studio parquet solutions

Primer base

First of all, we clean the screed: we remove the extra garbage, vacuuming dust and you can proceed to the primer. On top of a screed base. It is best to use a two-component primer, because it improves adhesion (contributes to an excellent adhesion of glue).

Laying plywood

The thickness of the placed plywood depends on the thickness of the chosen massive board. Plywood should be at least 2/3 of the plywood thickness. For example, on an array board with a thickness of 20 mm, a plywood is suitable with a thickness of at least 15 mm.

Plywood for laying is attached to a concrete base by a dowel-nail and with glue. Laying is carried out cross-shifting. Between two adjacent sheets of plywood, it is necessary to withstand the technological gap of at least 5-10 mm. Along the wall, such a gap should be at least 10-15 mm.

The adhesive composition is applied to the screed with a spatula with teeth, which adjusts the flow of glue. For the best plywood gluing to the concrete floor, it is recommended to use low water glue or not containing it at all. In Phaneru, we bleed the screws, to ensure the possibility of subsequent grinding (so as not to damage expensive parquet-grinding equipment). Plywood - multilayer material and according to GOST RF has possible deviations in the thickness of +/- 1 mm. In order to get the perfectly level base, we grind the plywood layer - it allows you to challenge the points of the base and remove the remnants of glue, which can be on the surface of plywood.

"Calmless self-sufficiency in plywood"

Quality Checking Massive Board

Before you start laying parquet from the array, it is necessary to check the quality of the goods. Below will give a detailed analysis of quality verification.

FAQ on the opening of packages with a massive board.

Twisted 2-3 packs from the party and is checked for compliance with technical specifications *:

  • The presence of mechanical damage
  • Compliance with the declared characteristics of the manufacturer
  • Quality of coating
  • Level wet
  • Compliance with geometric dimensions

* "Basic regulatory requirements for a massive board. Permissible deviations for geometry "

In case of detection of deficiencies, it is necessary to immediately stop the work and call the representative of the company supplier. As a rule, no more than 3 open packages are taken to the complaint. There is also a marriage standard recorded by Gosteen RF, cannot be more than 4% of the entire party.

Laying parquet made of massive board

To begin with, a massive board should "adapt" to the room where its laying is planned. Especially if the work is planned for the winter period. To do this, packs with a massive board must be left for 3-5 days in not opened packages in the room. Putures need to be decomposed by the "house". Open packaging is recommended only directly before the styling itself. Laying the massive board is carried out with the help of glue and screws. Self-tapping screws are screwed in a step of 15-20 cm. From the side of the spike, a hole of 3-5 mm is made, which screws up the screw (or you can use a self-conspiusing self-sufficiency, for example, SPAX). Such a procedure is necessary to prevent cracking of wood board when it is laying. In the process of laying a massive board, exclusively two-component glue, which is applied to the phaneer is to avoid premature drying. During styling, it is necessary to monitor the gap along the wall. The first row of boards is put into the wall to the wall. It is fixed through the front side in the place of the subsequent installation of the plinth. In the same way, the installation of the last row in the room is performed. It is possible to operate the new floor of the wood massif by 2-3 days after its complete drying.

We tried to fully describe the entire process of laying the floor from the massive board. As you were able to make sure, the process has a large number of nuances, require high qualification of the wizard-stacker. From our many years of experience, you can make the only conclusion that the parquet should only lay a parquet driver (a person who is professionally engaged exclusively laying outdoor wood coatings). Fix errors performed when laying is much more complicated than to attract a specialist. Trust this work to professionals! For all questions, please contact our managers!