Spraying trees in spring with carbamide. How to prepare your garden for spraying

The hibernation is over. Nature wakes up and comes to life. The buds swell and bloom on the trees. And if wild-growing crops cope with their problems on their own, then garden crops need help. Every summer resident-gardener wants to have an attractive plot in all respects. And so that he was not just beautiful, but fruitful well.

For everything to be the way you want, the garden must be healthy, and it needs help in this. Help your brainchild should begin to be provided more in early spring when various pest larvae that can live on the tree (in the bark or under the roots) are still sleeping.

One of the methods proper care for the trees is their spraying. It helps to get rid of pests and at the same time it can be a plant food. For this process to be beneficial, it must be carried out throughout the season: from spring to autumn. This method can be divided into spring, summer and autumn seasons. Let's take a look at all three methods in turn.

  1. Spring spraying... In the spring, this is done in order to protect garden plants from any pests. Among other things, it will help get rid of insects and fungal diseases. Spring processing should be started before the buds appear and as soon as the snow has melted.
  2. Summer. In summer, the method is used to feed plants and trees. In this case, such mixtures are used that are easily absorbed through the leaves. Very rarely, processing is carried out in the summer to kill insects.
  3. Autumn... In the fall, the procedure is performed as a prophylaxis of diseases. If, for example, a culture has undergone a disease during fruiting, then, unfortunately, nothing can be fixed. And only in the fall, you can try to influence by spraying so that the next year the result is positive.

Knowing how many times and why the procedure is carried out, you need to know how to carry it out.

Applied means

Here fixed assets used by gardeners:

Copper sulfate is used for disease prevention, insect control and disinfection. It is used in early spring when the buds have not yet blossomed.

The use of ferrous sulfate differs from application copper sulfate, since in addition to everything, this fertilizer-chemical can also be fed vegetable world your garden with iron. Apple, plum and pear trees love him very much. Iron vitriol is an important element for plant growth and fruit quality. This element is very important not only for trees, but also for people.

Bordeaux blend protects fruit crops from pests. They use the mixture when the flowers that have not yet opened have already appeared. The mixture is a combination of copper sulfate and quicklime. It is important to know in what proportions to breed it.

One of the most common spraying is urea application(urea). It is used both as pest prevention and as top dressing. An important point is an correct application substances, since it cannot be used in its pure form. Therefore, it is diluted with water in strict accordance with the attached instructions.

What is urea and how to use it

Urea belongs to the class of nitrogen fertilizers, since it contains up to 46% nitrogen in its composition. Fertilizer is quite highly concentrated. In the process of application, fertilizer in the soil turns into ammonium carbonate. This is facilitated by the action of soil bacteria on urea. And in a couple of days the resulting ammonium evaporates. To prevent this from happening, the soil must be repaired from the loss of the necessary substance.

Urea is suitable for all types of soil. If the soil is moist, then it is better to use saltpeter. In this case, the nitrogen is not washed out. The soil should still be repaired to protect it from washout.

Therefore, it is possible to prevent losses when correct use fertilizers. It's worth doing only in dry weather after digging a small hole, water the roots and cover with earth. Only with this use of the fertilizer solution can the desired effect be achieved. But if we use urea as fertilizer - we need it for processing.

A scientific approach, responsibility and high-quality processing will help preserve trees and get the desired result in the form of a harvest of apples, pears, plums, apricots, etc.!

For feeding garden and ornamental crops, you need nitrogen fertilizers... With their help, plants are intensively moved into growth, acquire large leaves saturated color. This article is all about the use of urea, which improves the growth of green spaces in urban and rural greenhouses. Get to know practically correct feeding plants with urea, you can by watching the video.

Urea: from what and for what?

The first of the synthesized protein compounds is urea. This scientific name is urea - fertilizer for feeding garden and ornamental crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Urea belongs to the group of nitrogen fertilizers, is used in agriculture from the 18th century.

The product is produced by synthesizing from inorganic substances, it is a granular mass consisting of rounded granules milky, sometimes translucent. At present, the industrial production of carbamide is organized in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased as granules

In terms of chemical composition, almost half of urea consists of pure nitrogen, which dissolves without residue in any liquids, including water.

When applied to the soil, granular urea gradually dissolves in the water that the plants receive when irrigated. Slowly entering the plants, the dissolved urea nourishes the roots long time, gradually, throughout the entire period of cultivation. In the soil, nitrogen changes its chemical composition, from the amide form it passes into the ammonia form, and then into the nitrate form. Slow change chemical composition guarantees prolonged nutrition of plants with substances necessary for growth.

Nitrogen starvation manifests itself in plants in slowing down of growth, yellowing of leaves, inhibition of plant development and complete death. The introduction of urea is shown during the formation of unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves in fruit trees and berry bushes. Lack of nitrogen is expressed at the beginning of leaf fall in summer period when most of the leaves on plants turn yellow earlier than it should be in nature. In spring, plants with a lack of nitrogen form weak, underdeveloped buds.

It is allowed to feed fruit trees and shrubs with urea, effectively fertilizer for strawberries, strawberries, all vegetable crops, including cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, etc.

Urea - How to Apply Fertilizer Correctly

When feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular with urea, several types of plant feeding should be distinguished:

Pre-sowing treatment- urea granules are introduced into furrows during spring plowing. The depth of embedding of urea in the ground is at least 4 cm.


Feeding with urea during sowing activitiesthe best option is the use of the composition in combination with potash fertilizers... In this case, it is not allowed that the granules are mixed with the seeds; it is necessary to provide for an interlayer of soil between granular fertilizers and seed.

Fertilization during growth- the most effective method is foliar feeding of plantings. To do this, urea is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning hours or at sunset, in calm weather.

Important! Foliar top dressing with urea is not recommended on days when precipitation is observed.

An aqueous solution of carbamide does not burn the leaves; it is convenient to spray plants using special pumps. The usual rate for diluting a solution is from 9 to 15 g of carbamide per 10 liters of water, while it matters which plants are planned to be treated - herbaceous plants sprayed with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs - concentrated. Adult apple and pear trees need feeding in a ratio of 200 g of dry urea per bucket of water. For cherries, plums and apricots, the consumption of urea will be 120 g / bucket.

Important! One Art. a spoon holds 10 g of urea; matchbox - 13 g; faceted glass - 130 g of carbamide.

Urea pest control

Spraying with urea effectively helps in the fight against plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, with a constant average daily temperature of +5 C. It is important to carry out the procedure before the buds awaken, then all pests hibernating in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A solution of urea for pest control is prepared at a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps to destroy aphids, weevils, coppers, and a host of other pests.

Treating the garden with nitrogen can be carried out in autumn and spring.

In autumn, at the time of the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with urea solution on which traces of infectious diseases are seen: scab, all types of spotting, rust, and others. The solution is used to treat trees on the crown and leaf litter. Such processing is very effective remedy from infectious diseases of garden trees, the garden next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilized with urea, plants easily assimilate nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and green mass build-up.
  • Treatment with a fertilizer solution of plants on the leaves does not cause a leaf blade burn, this foliar dressing is an effective and gentle means, which, simultaneously with plant fertilization, is able to effectively fight against pests of the garden and vegetable garden, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly absorbed by plants sensitive to high PH values ​​in the soil.
  • Excellent results were noted when fertilizing plants with urea in irrigated areas, as well as when applying for crops grown when the beds are filled with water.

It is very important to observe the dosage when applying fertilizers.

  • Guaranteed increase in yield in the garden or in the garden when feeding plants with urea.
  • Ease and simplicity in foliar treatment of plants and the introduction of urea in the soil.
  • The availability of fertilizer at a price and the possibility of purchase.

The disadvantages of feeding with urea are the following aspects:

  • A strong concentration of fertilizer when applied to the soil when sowing seeds can affect the reduction of seed germination and delay in their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphorus fertilizers it is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances, the increased acidity from the effects of mixed feeding must be neutralized by introducing chalk into the soil.

Advice! It is necessary to store granulated urea in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer will strongly absorb moisture and turn into lumps.

The size of the harvest depends on each gardener. Timely and competent application of fertilizing, capable of ensuring soil fertility and the full return of garden and garden crops for received on time nutrients.


Spraying the garden with urea: video

Spraying with urea in spring Is a sure and easy way to protect your garden from pests and diseases, and at the same time to feed them with easily assimilable nitrogen.

In early spring, summer residents have a lot of worries and servants, because in addition to preparing the soil and whitewashing trees on the nose, there is also spraying of the garden.

Many experienced gardeners believe that the first spring processing garden should be carried out precisely with urea (urea). Why? Let's figure this out.

Spraying with urea in the spring: what does the treatment of the garden with urea give

Early spring treatment of the garden with urea is a complex solution that works in several directions at once.

  1. Treating trees with urea protects them from pests.
  2. Protects against many diseases, including such dangerous ones as scab.
  3. Early spring spraying with urea is an excellent top dressing, which saturates your garden with easily assimilable nitrogen from the first days of heat.
  4. Treating trees with urea prevents early flowering. In the case of spring frosts, this works perfectly and avoids color loss.

Spraying trees with urea in spring: when to carry out

If you are at a loss to determine the time for spraying with urea in the spring, then just follow the next rule. When ants begin to appear in the grass under the trees, it is time to start preparing for treating the garden with urea. After all, aphids inevitably appear behind ants, and soon the time comes for other pests. It is important not to "miss" the moment when you can protect the trees with urea.

  1. Spraying trees and shrubs with urea requires preliminary preparation... Under trees and shrubs, you need to dig up the ground, remove excess or diseased branches, be sure to whitewash the trunks.
  2. You also need to benefit from the weather. The day should be sunny, but not hot and, if possible, calm.
  3. Spraying with urea in the spring requires compliance with safety precautions: gardening is carried out in a respiratory mask, glasses and gloves.
  4. If your garden is very affected by pests, then to increase the effectiveness of urea, you need to add copper sulfate to it. In this case, 700 g of carbamide and 50 g of copper sulfate are needed for 10 liters of water. Moreover, this solution is completely harmless to both trees and shrubs. Therefore, the processing of the garden with urea with vitriol should be done generously. Do not feel sorry for the solution, because it not only protects the trees, but also fertilizes the soil. The garden can be processed a second time during flowering, and the third time - after the formation of ovaries.
  5. Try to match the weather so that there is no rain for several days after spraying. If it does rain, then the treatment of trees with carbamide must be repeated.
  6. If your garden does not have problems with diseases and pests, then it is not necessary to prepare a urea solution. Urea can be added as a root top dressing. Just pour dry urea into the hole with a tree or shrub and water abundantly.

Spraying with urea in the spring: video instruction

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with how the garden is treated with urea in the spring. In this video experienced gardener talks about how to properly spray with urea, how to make a solution that will ensure yields and protect against pests and diseases.

Spring spraying of the garden with urea and other possible substances (for example, iron and copper sulfate) is a guarantee of a rich harvest of garden trees. With the onset of spring, the temperature rises in an algebraic progression. While the probability of plant disease is geometric. For example, it can be a monilial burn or a purple spot. In order to preserve their own garden, an experienced gardener turns to urea.

This tool will be able to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause these diseases. It will carry out effective fight with and their larvae that survived cold winter in the bark of trees. For example, treating apple trees, plums and pears with urea during the period of their color will solve the problem in the form of the appearance of caterpillars of leaf rollers, aphids and apple blossom beetle.

Urea, also called urea, also contributes to rapid growth and plant development, as a result of which it can be used on any soils and for any fruit trees.

The period of processing the garden with urea

It is much easier to process fruit trees in the early spring period than after flowering. On May days, pollinated urea will not be able to get to the upper branches of plants due to the dense young foliage and will not destroy the foci of infection on the tops of trees. The result will not be visible. If the garden, in general, consists of trees that allow urea to get through the young foliage (for example, pears and plums), then late spring and even summer treatments will also be very effective.

Early spring spraying of the garden with urea is also aimed at combating strong spring frosts. The nitrogen contained in urea will slow down the metabolic processes of the tree for a couple of weeks and will not allow young foliage and delicate inflorescences to bloom ahead of time. Thus, frosts that can cause irreparable harm to fruit trees will pass by. This property is especially useful for orchards of early maturing varieties of trees such as peach, plum or apricot.

Practical tips and tricks for spraying the garden with urea in the spring

Urea is a granules of organic nitrogen-containing fertilizer, white in color, odorless, readily soluble in water. Unlike other nitrogen fertilizers, it is safe for plants even in large doses (accidental overdose).

Points to keep in mind:

During the flowering period of fruit trees and after the ovary, the second and third treatments with urea are carried out, respectively.

VIDEO: how to properly spray the garden with urea in the spring?

Then we suggest you watch a video on spraying your own garden with urea in the spring:

Processing trees in the spring, as well as foliar, subsoil fertilizing are very important. Why are so important for the garden spring spraying trees from pests and diseases? Perennial trees are characterized by continuous feeding. Their roots, under certain soil conditions (temperature, humidity), are able to grow all year round and consume nutrients. Basic autumn root dressing orchard do not always provide the required concentration, the required ratio of nutrients during the growing season. Therefore, spraying, feeding, processing of fruit trees, as a rule, is also carried out in the spring, when the reserves of nutrients in plants have already significantly decreased, and the mineral elements available for consumption, the most important of which is nitrogen, are washed out by atmospheric precipitation deep into the soil during November-March ...

Spraying trees in spring than treating

Let's talk about foliar dressing and early spring treatments in the garden. Take a close look at your fruit trees. The buds have not yet woken up, but ants are already crawling along the branches. And if you take a closer look, you can see black dots near the kidneys. This is the future aphid, her eggs. The ants are waiting for it to hatch. As soon as the buds hatch, the aphids will hatch, begin to feed on the leaves, harm our garden.

Young leaves of a pear are damaged by aphids, and ants are here-there

Early spring spraying, which should be done as soon as the snow melts, before bud break, will help against such a scourge.

How to spray? You can process it with Bordeaux liquid (slaked lime + copper sulfate). This long-known, popular pest control is still used today.

More effective drug- a mixture of urea (urea) with copper sulfate. Usually, the complex of these components, sold in stores, is designed for 10 liters of water. It includes 700 g of carbamide (urea) and 50 g of copper sulfate. What is its advantage over Bordeaux liquid? It not only destroys pests, but at the same time serves as a fertilizer for trees.

Getting on the branches, trunk, urea (urea) through the bark, the buds nourish it and in early spring the tree receives a very good help for spring growth in the form of nitrogen fertilizer.

Once I read this information, since then I have been using this drug in my country house. I see how amicably and actively the trees wake up from hibernation, but ... with some delay. Now you will understand why this is also a plus.

Urea inhibits vegetation. The buds of the trees that we sprayed will wake up 1-1.5 weeks later than the rest, untreated. Accordingly, the timing of flowering is also postponed. What is the advantage of late flowering here, because we want, on the contrary, early harvest? And the fact that by this we reduce the risk of getting such early flowering plants as apricots, peaches under late spring frosts... Do not worry! Treated fruit trees will catch up, even overtake their untreated counterparts, but will be stronger and healthier.

This 2014, on March 29, suddenly, after the apricots began to bloom, snow fell, at night the temperature dropped to -5-7 ° C (Novokubansky district). Of course, you understand what experiences the gardeners experienced, I am also one of them. But my young apricosca has not even hatched buds, although it does not belong to late varieties... I think that the processing played a positive role - the tree did not fall under the unexpected frost.

Let's go back to the mixture of urea with copper sulfate. It destroys last year's spores of fungi, various eggs of pests, including the flower beetle, protects the future harvest from late frosts.

When spraying trees, you must do the same with the ground, last year's leaves. By the way, the processed leaves will rot faster, since urea is very good at stimulating the decomposition of organic matter. In addition, spores of harmful fungi, pests under trees will be destroyed.

Urea with copper sulfate of the same concentration can be sprayed into the garden in autumn. Here, too, the period of autumn spraying is important - it is optimal to do this when, for example, from 20% to 40% of the foliage falls from the apple trees. More early spraying can provoke delayed growth of shoots, and this is fraught with severe freezing in winter. Therefore, in the fall, fruit trees are sprayed, and the land under them is also cultivated when leaf fall begins. It also stimulates decomposition of fallen leaves, destroys fungal spores. But we are distracted, because we have spring.

How to properly prepare a solution of urea with copper sulfate? First, pour carbamide into a clean bucket, fill it with water by half, stir well until completely dissolved, add copper sulfate powder. The spray mixture is ready. Can be processed. Be careful. The mixture is toxic. Do not spray trees in the wind. Use a respirator, mask, goggles to protect the respiratory system and eyes from harmful effects.

The same treatment should be carried out on currant and gooseberry bushes. But, keep in mind, the gooseberry wakes up, releases leaves earlier than others, therefore, it must be processed before the buds are pecked.

Top dressing of fruit trees in spring, what and how

Now let's talk about subsurface spring feeding.

Let's start by determining how to properly contain the trunk circle fruit tree? The ground around it should be loose - this provides air access to the roots. Most often, we dig up the ground near the trunk, trying to prevent the loosened area from extending beyond the crown.

Nowadays, you can often find gardens in which the space under and between garden trees- lawn. It is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, pleasing to the eye. Sow the land trunk circle lawn grass or clover, that is, plants with a shallow root system, which will help keep the soil loose, porous. In no case should it be weeds. Root system weed penetrates deep into the ground, takes away nutrients that could get to the fruit.

Top dressing, of course, is simplified if the ground near the trunks is clean, without grass or weeds. Then, usually, when loosening or digging, a furrow remains along the perimeter of the crown. Put organic or mineral fertilizers, add them in. And that's all. The rest will be completed by rains or watering, dissolving nutrients, delivering them to the roots of trees.

The first subsurface dressing is carried out two to three weeks before mass flowering (March-April). For this, fast-acting nitrogen fertilizers are used: from organic - bird droppings, from mineral - ammonium nitrate.

In no case do not lay fertilizers in the immediate vicinity of the trunk, since there are the main supporting skeletal roots of the tree, there is no point in feeding them. Suction, capillary roots are located along the perimeter of the branches. Such feeding can be done from the moment the buds open.

What to do if under your tree beautiful lawn? After all, you do not want to damage it with such top dressing? Take a crowbar or a pointed stake, step back a meter from the trunk and pierce your lawn with a crowbar / stake to a depth of 5-7 cm along the perimeter of the trunk circle (do not forget about the restricted area directly near the tree). Of course, you will have to punch a lot of such holes near a mature tree.

Prepare a nutrient solution in advance. We take a large container - this can be a tank, for example, a 200-liter barrel. We put 1-2 buckets of mullein there (it is better to take not quite fresh), or horse manure, or about a bucket chicken droppings, you can add a couple of handfuls of complex fertilizers, an armful of cut grass, crust of old bread, a half-liter jar wood ash... Fill with water, insist for 12-15 days. For fertilization, we will use a diluted solution - 1-1.5 liters of concentrate per bucket of water.

The amount of watering will depend on the age of your fruit pet. For example, 5-7 buckets of nutrient solution are enough for a 10-15 year old tree. The water will fall into the holes you have punched in the lawn and will be quickly absorbed. Then pour everything on top clean water... You can use a hose. This will rinse the grass off the fertilizer, the nutrient solution will not harm your lawn. It is good to do such fertilizing watering before the rain. Then the work will decrease, because you don't have to pour clean water from above - the rain will do it for you.

Such top dressing (possibly lower, but in no way higher concentration) can be done once a month until the end of July, that is, until the end of the period of development, vegetation of trees. Prior to this period, we had fertilizing with a predominance of nitrogen. Starting in August, tree feeding should be dominated by phosphorus and potassium in order not to cause a new wave of growth and to increase the winter hardiness of your garden. Nitrogen from fertilizers should be completely eliminated. During this period, the intensive growth of the tree stops. The buds in the leaf axils pupate, the growth points are crowded.

Now about foliar processing of trees late spring... It is good to do them when the trees have already faded, maybe the ovary has already appeared, the leaves have reached their full size. In shops for gardeners there are complex fast-acting fertilizers (ballast-free nutrient salts), containing in their composition, in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Dilute the preparations according to the instructions, spray the trees over the leaves.

Thus, processing, feeding, spraying them in early spring will save your garden not only from diseases, pests, but also lay the foundation for the success of the future harvest.