Industrial products for removing rust from the ceiling. Do-it-yourself smudge removal

Floods and even minor leaks caused by an abundance of precipitation, a failure of the plumbing system, or the negligence of neighbors from above are a serious test for the ceiling. Even the most modern coatings will not cope with moisture, reacting negatively even to a short contact. There are several ways to remove stains on the ceiling from leaks on your own without replacing the coating with new ones.

Mechanical action - simple and reliable

A simple method to get rid of leak stains on plasterboard ceilings or trim decorative plaster- spatula. The method does not require the use special means, is considered fast enough, effective and safe to cover.

To remove stains, use a spatula, which delicately remove upper layer finishes, being careful not to damage the base. The treated area is additionally wiped with a sponge moistened with water and allowed to dry.

On the prepared surface, a deep penetration soil mixture is applied in several layers, also giving them time to dry. The next stage is finishing with putty, followed by leveling and grinding. The sanded area is re-primed, dried and painted with paint to match the color of the base coat. If shades after finishing The restored area and the main ceiling are different, it makes sense to re-coat the entire ceiling with a new layer of paint. Maximum effect it will be possible to achieve if you paint the ceiling in two layers.

You can also use a special grinding tool that removes a layer of paint.

You can do it even easier if the stain from leaking small size. The area of ​​contamination is washed out, primed and bleached in two layers.

Aggressive cleaning methods

After a serious flood and the ceiling is completely dry, deeply ingrained stains should be tried to be removed with chlorine-containing products. Their advantage lies primarily in accessibility and efficiency.

To prepare the remedy at home you will need:

  • Whiteness (can be replaced with a toilet product with chlorine or bleach);
  • protective gloves;
  • foam rubber sponges;
  • mixing container.

Begin the procedure by cleaning the ceiling from the old layers of finish with a spatula. The treated area is cleaned with a sponge dipped in whiteness, be sure to use latex gloves. To enhance the effect, the sponge is applied to stains and stains for at least 5 seconds, after which the procedure is repeated. Sponges painted rusty are replaced with new ones.

According to this scheme, they act until the spots become barely noticeable. After that, the ceiling is given time to dry, the room is ventilated and the finishing work is completed.

You can replace whiteness or a toilet cleaner with chlorine with hydrochloric acid, heated to 40 degrees. Treat stains with a solution similar to chlorine.

Copper sulfate in the fight against rust - how it works

When painting over stains on the ceiling with the previous methods does not work due to the serious consequences of a large-scale accident in a multi-storey building, it is worth a try effective remedy based on 10% blue vitriol. To prepare it you will need:

  • copper sulfate;
  • household alkaline soap;
  • drying oil;
  • bone glue;
  • brush or foam rubber sponges;
  • protective gloves.

Just as in previous cases, areas requiring repair are cleaned of a layer of paint or plaster. The mixture prepared from the above ingredients is poured into a convenient container and stains are treated using a sponge or brush. As soon as the surface of the ceiling turns white again, it is primed, puttied and finished.

So that the spots do not show up again, a waterproof film is created on their surface even after treatment with vitriol.

In the case of stretch fabrics, the solution to the problem will be to call a specialist. The master will drain the water and clean the canvases, returning them to their original appearance.

Spots on the ceiling quite often appear in our apartment or house. This unpleasant moment worries many people. Especially if after a recent repair on your snow-white ceilings they appear from nowhere. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to deal with this phenomenon, and this article is designed to help you get rid of stains on the ceiling.

To begin with, you should tell you about where the stains come from, because there can be several types of them. This will help you better understand how to clean yellow spots from the ceiling and how to prevent their appearance in the future.

Types of stains

oil stains

In most cases, they appear from the use of oil paints. Until recently, it was considered very beautiful to paint the ceiling with such paints, they created a durable and easy-to-clean surface. The problem of our time is the fact that oil paints impregnate the surface very deeply, and even after complete rinsing from the ceiling, the oil eventually appears on the surface. Removing such a stain on the ceiling is quite difficult.

moisture stains

  • I think that a long description of their appearance would be superfluous here, because many people have come across them. Someone's roof leaked, others were flooded by neighbors from above, this leads to the fact that a large yellow spot remains on the ceiling after drying. This type of stain is much easier to deal with than greasy stains from oil paints.

rust stains

  • For new houses and apartments, such spots are quite rare. They form due to corrosion of rebar and pipes in ceilings as the rust travels through the concrete to the ceiling surface. Normal shading water-based paint will not help. If you have such stains, do not waste energy and money on multiple layers of paint, because in order to completely get rid of them, the surface must be prepared properly.

Fungal spots

  • The most annoying of all. They not only spoil appearance your ceiling, but are also very harmful to health and can cause allergies. Fighting them is difficult and rarely manages simple repair the surface on which the fungus has formed. But even with it you can fight, because on the modern market a fairly wide range of tools is provided to remove it.

Stain removal

Due to the fact that stains on the ceiling can be different origin, then it is logical to assume that the ways to eliminate them are also different. What to do with stains and how to eliminate these "blots" spoiling the appearance of our ceiling.

oil stains

Oil stains, as mentioned earlier, are quite difficult to get rid of.

In this regard, they are usually not deleted, but simply "blocked".

Advice: Grease spots on a stretch ceiling are washed off with soft tissue lint free or with a sponge and dish detergent.

moisture stains

Very often they encounter such spots yellow color apartment dwellers. As you might have guessed, this refers to cases where the upstairs neighbors forget to turn off the tap in the bathroom. Also, in old apartments, the water supply and sewerage systems leave much to be desired and leaks occur quite often.

Residents of private houses are not without this problem, since rainwater or melting snow pass through old roof. Subsequently, spots are formed, which, even after repeated puttying and staining, still appear on the surface.

How to remove stains on the ceiling:

Spots then rust

The appearance of this type of stain is associated with corrosion of reinforcement and old pipes inside the ceilings. In most cases, they "go out" to the ceiling at the same time as flooding, because moisture is needed for the appearance of rust on the metal.

How to remove stains on the ceiling:

  • Treatment with copper sulphate.
    This method has many supporters and is used quite often. At the same time, there are probably more opponents of this method, they argue that after such a treatment, the spots return over time.
  • "Toilet Duck".
    Human ingenuity has no limits. In the fight against stains, some people have tried using a "toilet duck" with a rust removal function. They claim that this method is very effective and leaves no streaks.

Fungal spots

Leaks on the ceiling, formed after flooding with water from the upper floor or a leaky roof, unfortunately, are not uncommon. The ceiling immediately loses aesthetic appearance and needs repair. Before proceeding with the repair, it is imperative to eliminate the cause of water leaks, otherwise it will only be that the repairs made may be in vain, and another rain may bring all the work to nothing.

I, too, was not spared the fate of doing repairs to eliminate smudges on the ceiling by the window as a result of a roof leak. Finally, the roof was repaired, and it was possible to do repairs. This is what the ceiling looked like before the renovation.

First you need to use a narrow metal spatula with a blade width of 4-5 cm to remove damaged paint or whitewash to the plaster. The working edge of the spatula before work must be sharpened like a knife blade, with a bar or sandpaper. Then it will be easier to work. The steel plate of the spatula should be thin and elastic, bending during operation, as in the photo.

If the plaster moves in places, then it must also be removed. There is a simple repair rule: everything that does not adhere well to the wall during its repair must be removed. If there are cracks on the surface to be repaired, but the plaster holds firmly, then they must be embroidered, that is, along the crack line, make a rectangular groove with a depth of at least 5 mm. If the crack is simply rubbed and painted over, then after a while it will appear in the same place again.

Since, after removing the whitewash, the plaster had to be removed in some places, it was decided to first apply a layer of Rothband. This is an excellent leveling mortar, which is recommended to be applied in a layer with a thickness of 5 to 10 mm, it adheres well to the surface of the ceiling, is moisture resistant, and is suitable for leveling walls even in bathrooms. Although the recommended application layer is indicated by the manufacturer from 5 mm, as my experience has shown, Rotband, even when applied with a thickness of 1 mm, fits perfectly and holds firmly. There were also traces of rust in several places on the wall. There was no blue vitriol and other chemicals at hand, so I hoped that with the help of Rotband it would be possible not only to level the walls and ceiling, but also to get rid of rust stains.

But the expectations were not justified and in several places after the hardening of the Rotband, traces appeared rusty spots. While the Rothband was liquid, the rust passed through the water into its layer.

The question arose again, how to get rid of rust stains. I came to the conclusion that if you cover the places where rust enters with a waterproof film, then the surface of the wall can be puttied with water putty without fear of rust stains penetrating into it.

PF paint and some epoxy were available. I decided to use epoxy resin, because after a couple of hours after application it hardens and repairs can be continued.

It is difficult to apply epoxy to Rothband, as it is very thick. But if a little acetone is added to the epoxy resin after mixing the components and mixed, then it becomes quite fluid and well absorbed by porous materials. It remains only to paint over rusty spots with a brush. If you dilute any paint or varnish of the NTs or PF type with an appropriate solvent to a liquid consistency, then they are also suitable for isolating rusty spots, but it will be possible to continue the repair only a day after the applied coating has completely dried.

After coating the rust spots with epoxy, they showed up even more, but now they have become reliably covered with a waterproof film. After the epoxy has hardened, you can proceed to finishing putty these places without fear of the reappearance of rust spots.

Till epoxy resin hardened, the obvious bumps and protrusions of the rotband on the surface of the walls and ceiling were removed with sandpaper.

When performing repair work on local areas of the ceiling, when removing a layer of paint, when performing grinding, to prevent the spread of dirt and dust throughout the room, I substitute a tray ( plastic cover from an old record player). True, it’s not so convenient to work, but almost all the dirt remains in the tray.

If you wish, you can not buy a new one, but make your own cornice to your liking, as described in the site article

Living in an apartment is always associated with the risk of flooding by neighbors from above. Of course, not all owners are faced with such problems, but if the apartment is already flooded, then you have to figure out how to eliminate the consequences of this unpleasant factor. The most noticeable part of the problem is the appearance of stains or damage on the ceiling. How to remove stains on the ceiling after flooding an apartment will be discussed in this article.

Whitewashed concrete floor

Plain concrete slab overlapping very often acts as the main ceiling in the apartment. Finishing material in this case is whitewash. Repairing the ceiling after the flood under such conditions will be quite problematic, but still possible.

To remove yellow spots on the ceiling after flooding, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Mechanical repair of the ceiling;
  • Chemical repair;
  • Combined method.

The latter option is quite relevant - flooding often leads not only to the appearance of spots, but also to other damage, therefore, to restore ceiling finish complex operations may be required. Of course, before you remove smudges on the ceiling, you need to consider the available methods used in such cases.

Mechanical repair of the ceiling after flooding

Ceiling restoration after flooding is carried out as follows:

  • Before you remove the stains on the ceiling after flooding, you need to assess the extent of the damage. If, as a result of flooding, putty or plaster crumbled, then this coating layer must be removed. The resulting bubbles are broken with a hammer, and all exfoliating elements are removed with a spatula. Spots that have reached entire areas of the coating will also have to be completely scraped off or cut down. The cleaned ceiling must be left to dry completely.
  • In floors that have undergone a leak, there may be metal elements. Of course, the bare fittings located next to the rust must be restored and necessarily separated from the ceiling finish. It is recommended to carefully tap the concrete with the sharp edge of a hammer to find delaminations.

  • The metal elements found as a result of the check must be cleaned with a steel brush or sandpaper to remove rust from the ceiling. In the future, the metal is covered with two layers of paint, and it is desirable to choose compounds that can neutralize rust. Protection of the floor reinforcement will prevent further staining of the ceiling, which can occur due to moisture remaining in the thickness of the concrete.
  • When the paint hardens, the damaged areas of the ceiling must be treated with a primer. Different compositions are suitable for this - for example, an aqueous latex solution in a ratio of 1: 3. In the absence of visible metal parts, the repair technology does not change - the ceiling is still primed, since in the future it will be covered fine finish, for the application of which the structure must have good adhesion.

  • To eliminate potholes and dips ceiling structure, you can use moisture-resistant leveling compounds made on the basis of cement. A good option for such a composition would be tile adhesive. In any case, the composition is prepared for work in accordance with the instructions attached to it and applied in layers to the ceiling. After applying each layer, you need to give it setting time, but you should not wait for the final solidification.
  • After preparing the ceiling, it remains only to carry out the final work, covering the ceiling with a fine finish. As a rule, gypsum putty is used for this. It is applied in several (usually two) layers, leveled and left in this form until dry. In the future, it will be necessary to sand the coating so that it is as even as possible.
  • Before you paint over smudges on the ceiling, it will need to be treated with a primer again. Of course, in order to completely eliminate stains and uniform coverage, the ceiling will have to be covered with several layers of paint, the amount of which directly depends on the saturation of the composition.

As you can conclude, the repair technology is quite complicated, and such a restoration will require a lot of effort and financial costs. But these shortcomings are compensated high quality such a repair.

How to remove stains on the ceiling with a chemical method

In the presence of high-quality waterproofing floor in the apartment from above, and if the flooding was eliminated as soon as possible, then it will be easier to solve the problem with damage to the ceiling. The thing is that under these conditions the risk of damage to the finish is not so high. That is why there is a possibility that from the damage there will be only red spots on the ceiling and characteristic stains.

You need to understand that washing the ceiling from stains is not one operation, but a whole range of activities. The problem is that the characteristic yellow spots that appear on the ceiling after flooding are not uniform damage, so it will not work to find a universal solution to this problem. When deciding how to fix a leak on the ceiling, it should be borne in mind that the mechanical repair method is more effective, but with the help of chemistry, you can achieve the right result.

Ceiling stain removal technology by chemical means consists of the following steps:

  1. Before you clean the leaks on the ceiling, you need to remove a layer of paint from the surface of the ceiling. Since the ceiling is already wet, this operation will require minimal effort. It is not worth hoping that the wet paint is not damaged - its structure is guaranteed to be destroyed when exposed to water, and in the future the coating will simply peel off, so it will be much more reliable to completely renew it.
  2. The dried ceiling must be degreased in order to remove various oils from the surface that have fallen into the ceiling along with water. For this operation, you can use any suitable composition - for example, a nitro solvent. Degreasing will make it possible to remove contamination on all layers of the structure, and not just on its surface. A clean rag cut is quite suitable as a tool for applying the solvent.
  3. Further, the prepared ceiling must be rid of coloring pigments, due to which smudges appear on the ceiling. Any household chemicals intended for cleaning will do. The main condition is that the composition of the substance must contain chlorine. Since chemistry discolors any colors, care must be taken before work that the floor is not damaged due to the product dripping down. The ceiling is cleaned with a sponge. It is not worth keeping a sponge soaked in bleach in one area for too long - as a result, putty may begin to crumble, and the ceiling finish will have to be updated.
  4. At some point in the work, the stain will stop losing color. As soon as this happens, you will need to stop the operation and leave the ceiling in a soaked state for about an hour - thanks to this, the chlorine will finish interacting with the stain. This important point, which must be taken into account before whitening the yellow spots on the ceiling.
  5. After an hour, the ceiling can be washed further, but this time you need to use ordinary detergents - for example, laundry soap or washing powder. This operation allows you to solve two problems at once - firstly, to remove all ordinary pollution from the ceiling, and secondly, to wash the chlorine remaining on the ceiling.
  6. The last stage of work - washing the ceiling clean water. As a tool, you can use a sponge or a piece of foam rubber. At this stage, it is necessary to completely remove all detergent residues from the ceiling surface.

Of course, the result of cleaning the ceiling will not be immediately noticeable. It will take a couple of days for the structure to dry completely. In addition, the likelihood of complete removal of yellow spots with chemical method minimum for at least one step. However, if you mask the damaged area with paint of the right color, you can postpone more radical ways until the next major overhaul. That is why it is necessary, before painting over a leak on the ceiling, to pick up suitable paint- even a temporary solution should be of sufficient quality.

Plasterboard ceilings and stains after the flood

For the arrangement of ceiling structures, moisture-resistant drywall sheets are often used, designed for use in conditions high humidity. However, if we are talking about flooding, then even protected sheets cannot remain intact - gypsum tends to absorb water, so the structure will have to be repaired. There is no single answer to the question of how to remove stains from a plasterboard ceiling after flooding.

If the volume of water was not very large, and the ceiling structure did not interact with it for long, then the repair technology will directly depend on finishing plasterboard ceiling:

  1. Dye. The soaked layer of paint must be removed before it dries. You need to work carefully - the sharp edge of the spatula may well damage the drywall sheet if it is not handled carefully enough. The dried finish is primed with a water-latex mortar, and gypsum putty is applied on top of it (after another hardening). Next, the coating must be sanded, treated with a primer and covered with new paint. It is worth remembering that even with the right paint, the damaged area will still be noticeable.
  2. ceiling wallpaper . When the ceiling is flooded, the wallpaper pasted on it usually peels off and becomes covered with red spots. It will not be possible to restore their original appearance by any methods, ranging from trying to simply remove stains and ending with replacing the damaged area. The simplest solution is to return the dried wallpaper to the repaired plasterboard ceiling and paint it.

Sometimes plasterboard ceilings used without finishing. Of course, such situations are extremely rare, but you need to be aware of them. In case of flooding, the primary task is to restore the original specifications drywall, not its visual data.

When figuring out how to remove rust from the ceiling after a leak, you need to immediately pay attention to the most obvious way to solve the problem - the complete replacement of the damaged sheet. However, you can also replace a separate piece of drywall, for which you first have to cut out the damaged area and fix it on the floor wooden bars(or metal profiles) to which you can attach a patch.

The patch is cut in such a way that a gap of about 5 mm remains around the entire perimeter after installation. Having fixed this fragment with wedges, you need to align it with the rest of the ceiling structure. To fill the joints around the perimeter of the patch, a special mixture is used. After the mixture has completely solidified, the wedges are removed, and all remaining irregularities are sealed with putty.

PVC tile repair

PVC tile itself has good water resistance, so performance characteristics flooding the ceiling will not affect. This statement does not apply to the visual side of the issue - spots on tiles appear in the same way as on other materials. It will not work to wash the tile, because the dirt is absorbed into it due to the low density of the material.

However, you can get rid of the problem even in this case - all you need is to perform the following series of operations:

  • First you need to thoroughly wash the tile using foam rubber and detergents (compositions with chlorine can also be used);
  • Then the tile is primed with a latex composition, due to which a protective film layer is formed on the material;
  • When the primer dries, the tiles can be coated with water-based paint in a suitable color.

The technology is quite simple and almost completely copies the algorithm regular painting ceiling tiles. To understand the details, it is worth reading an article on this topic.

Repair of stretch ceilings

It also happens that the neighbors flooded the stretch ceiling, and something needs to be done about it. Stretch ceilings, although considered one of the most resistant to leakage, are still susceptible to water. Even if the volume of water was not very large, and all the consequences of flooding have long been eliminated, yellow spots on the stretch ceiling can still appear. The fact is that traces of water do not appear immediately, gradually appearing on the canvas.

The most common conditions look like this - a special elastic film is used as a canvas, and the reason for the appearance of red spots is the ingress of water from the apartment from above. The easiest way to fix the damage is with a suitable cleaning agent. stretch ceiling. Such funds are produced in the most different formats- gels, sprays, various solutions, etc. Use a cleaning agent strictly in accordance with the instructions.

If there is no opportunity to use such means, then you will need to think about how to whiten the ceiling using improvised means. For example, you can make a tampon from gauze and cotton. Such a swab is wetted in a 10% solution ammonia, after which they need to wipe the stain with the call to clean areas. To complete the work, you will need to wash the entire ceiling with ordinary detergents - then the surface of the ceiling will look uniform.

Another good option is soda ash. It is diluted with water to a 5% solution, after which the resulting composition is applied to the contaminated areas of the ceiling. The dried solution is washed off the ceiling surface with warm clean water. However, if we are talking about using a film ceiling for cleaning, then most suitable means- you can not use unless aggressive compounds. It's all about the smooth surface of the stretch ceiling, which is quite easy to clean.

If a fabric cloth was used to decorate the ceiling, then the stain cleaning process may be delayed. The list of acceptable products is the same as in the case of film materials - but they can only be applied and washed off with soft-bristled swabs. Detergents should be designed for delicate work. To get rid of very strong pollution, it would be better to replace the canvas or contact a specialist.


Ceiling flooding is serious problem, due to which characteristic yellow spots may appear on the surface of the ceiling. There are several ways to solve this problem, so before you eliminate the stain on the ceiling, you need to take into account the features of the overlap and finish. If the overlap itself remains intact as a result of the leak, then the problem will be purely cosmetic in nature, so it will be possible to get rid of it both by fairly radical methods and by temporary methods that only mask the damaged areas.

How to properly repair an apartment after it was flooded by neighbors from above, paint over drips, paint walls, glue wallpaper so that stains do not show through. (10+)

How to make repairs after the bay?

The material is an explanation and addition to the article:
Painter's tutorial. Selection and application of paint and varnish coatings
A short self-instruction manual for a painter. Tips for choosing soil, paintwork material and tools, tinting

Question. We were flooded with upstairs neighbors. Filled specifically. Leaks throughout the apartment dark spots from water on the ceiling and walls in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and one of the rooms. The wallpaper has peeled off. Please advise how to fix this. From past experience, we know that it is very difficult to paint over leaks, spots and smudges show through the paint, this is especially noticeable on the ceiling. On the walls, the wallpaper also darkens with streaks where the water flowed. Can you recommend something?

Answer. Really dark spots of streaks are quite difficult to paint over or wallpaper. They tend to show through. But there are reliable technologies.

Firstly, wait for the walls, ceiling and ceiling to dry completely. This will take at least six months. There is no point in renovating before.

Secondly, remove old wallpaper, peeling paint. If the plaster after pouring began to lag behind or simply became loose, then it must also be removed. If the entire wall has become brittle, then it must be impregnated with a deep-penetrating acrylic bonding primer. The resulting recesses and irregularities need to be leveled. I do it with VGT putty. This putty is excellent for applying and sanding. If the potholes are deep, then putty should be applied in several stages. After the first application, the putty will crack. This is fine. Cracks need to be patched. Sand the resulting surface. Fix small defects with a thin layer of the same putty.

Thirdly, after the putty has completely dried, you need to put a waterproof paint layer so that stains do not show through. The fact is that water-based paints are all porous, they breathe and let water through. Wallpaper also passes water. Dirt goes along with the water. It is dirt and impurities that show through as spots. The easiest way to make a waterproof layer is to do so. Apply universal alkyd or glyptal primer. I use primer Otex (Tikkurila) or white primer GF-021. Then you need to apply enamel PF-115, then another layer of soil. This enamel is completely waterproof. This provides protection against stains. Water-based paint or wallpaper paste won't stick on top of the enamel, so a second coat of primer is needed. In fact, GF-021 is also waterproof, so if you use this primer, then just two layers of primer are enough, you can not apply enamel, but you can apply it for reliability. If Otex is used, then it is necessary to apply enamel.

It is possible to apply enamel on the first layer of soil in 4 - 6 hours. The second layer of primer on the enamel can also be applied after 4 - 6 hours. Dry thoroughly last layer soil (preferably 24 hours). Application water colors or wallpaper glue on insufficiently dried alkyd or glyptal primer, it leads to folding of the paint or glue (characteristic lumps form).

Everything! You can paint the ceiling or walls, glue wallpaper. Stains after such a repair will not show through.

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