Transplanting colors. Determine the optimal deadlines

Many flower products know that there are most favorable days for transplant indoor plants. Flowers in the house not only create comfort, but also help to reduce the overall impact background on human ultraviolet radiation electrical devices.
People who are passionate about crop production know that not only lighting and right watering It is important for normal growth, but also the correct selected landing time.

How to transplant indoor plants

When transplanting room plants, it is necessary to follow certain rules. For example, the pot is not always small at first glance. On the contrary, the flower can be cozy.

How to determine that the plant is it time to transplant? Before checking the need to transplantation, it is necessary to hardly pour the plant and give the soil time to absorb water. Then carefully lift it out of the pot together with the ground. If the roots are tightly neglected the ground in shape, the pot and the soil is practically not visible, then it's time to replant. If there are still a lot of land, and the roots are inside, the flower feels comfortable and can be calmly back to the pot.

It is best to make landing colors in the spring or early summer, when the representative of the home flora goes an active height phase. In the fall and even more so in the winter due to a short light day, growth is most often insignificant.

Before boarding, you need to make sure that there is everything you need at hand:

  • land (suitable for this species);
  • a pot, slightly exceeding the size of the previous pot (if you choose a pot, which is much larger in size, then a sufficiently long time the growth of the plant is completely concentrated on an increase in the root system, which will lead to a slowdown in the growth of the stem, colors and leaves);
  • shards of broken bricks, pots or purchased clamzite for flowers.

If the transfer pots are used for transplant, in which there were other flowers before, it is strongly recommended to process them before settling new ones. Before you breathe a plant, it is plentifully water and wait for about an hour until it feeds the soil, then pull out the flower along with the ground (if the vessel is adjacent too tightly, you can spend a knife at the wall, just very carefully, so as not to damage the roots).

A little filler (clay fragments or clay) is poured into the bottom of the new pot, a little land, after which they fill empties along the edges of the vessel and sprinkle on top.
The soil near the stem must be sealing with their hands so that the plant does not glance and grow vertically. It is plenty and leave for a few days in the shade.
About a week later, the flower can be transferred to its former place.

What days are favorable for transplanting houseplants

When can you transplanted room flowers? Favorable days To plant houseplants can be determined using a lunar calendar. This is a reliable and proven way to determine the landing day, after which the growth will be most active.

Lunar calendar of containment of indoor plants is made up every year and they enjoy gardes around the world. Many colors (bulk) have their own preferences at the time of year.

Days in 2017, when planting colors is most favorable:

  • january: 1-11, 28-31;
  • february: 1-10, 26-28;
  • march: 1-11, 28-31;
  • april: 1-10, 26-30;
  • may: 1-10, 25-31;
  • june: 1-8, 24-30;
  • july: 1-8, 23-31;
  • august: 1-6, 21-31;
  • september: 1-5, 20-30;
  • october: 1-4, 19-31;
  • november: 1-3, 18-30;
  • december: 1, 2, 18-31.

Days when planting flowers is the least favorable:

  • january: 13-27;
  • february: 12-25;
  • march: 13-27;
  • april: 12-25;
  • may: 12-24;
  • june: 10-23;
  • july: 10-22;
  • august: 8-20;
  • september: 7-19;
  • october: 6-18;
  • november: 5-17;
  • december: 4-17.

Transplanting houseplants in the lunar calendar is prohibited:

  • january: 12;
  • february: 11, 26;
  • march: 12;
  • april: 11;
  • may: 11;
  • june: 9;
  • july: 9;
  • august: 7.21;
  • september: 6;
  • october: 5;
  • november: 4;
  • december: 3.

The impact of lunar activity has nothing to do with magic. Depending on how close to the ground is the moon, the speed of the fluid movement in all organisms changes. That is why knowledge of the days when the moon is in the most favorable landing position, so necessary.

Indoor plants serve as a living housing decoration, but at the same time need careful and proper care. Many flowers require transplants with spring onset. This is not the easiest lesson, but if you observe only a few simple rules, You can quickly carry out the necessary procedure.

First of all, before the start of transplant, you need to take care of pots. It is important that the new is a bit more than the previous one. Make a choice just - the container, in which the plant is there, it should be easily placed in new pot. If clay was chosen, then it will have to soak it over the day before the transplantation. When using the old capacity from other plants, it must be carefully flushed warm water Using the brush.

Most. suitable time For the transplantation of indoor flowers is spring and early summer. Most of the plants awaken after the winter during this period, therefore, the intensive activation of metabolic processes begins. A positive effect on health and growth has an increase in light activity and a light day.

Many experienced flowerflowers Conduct room colors with regard to certain lunar phases. The ideal option It will carry out such a procedure during the growing moon, while it is desirable that the Moon at this time be in favorable signs for the plant is water and earth (there are cancer, scorpion, fish or taurus, maid, Capricorn).

When to transplant indoor plants?

One of the most important criteria for transplanting room colors is its well-being, and of course, the size of the pot. If the plant was acquired only recently, then regardless of the season, it is necessary to carry out a transplant approximately 2 weeks after the purchase. The fact is that it is usually sold in a special transportation capacity.

Also, in obligatory, the transplant is carried out for those colors that feel closely in the old pot. For all perennial plants Such a procedure should be carried out once a year. However, not all indoor flowers need new land. It is strictly forbidden to carry out a transplant if the recovery period either flowering. The same rule applies to the period after the bloom passed, since the plant should be time to relax.

Once a year, you can transfer a transplantation for types with abundant foliage, to the number of which includes violets, balsamine, tradescania, chlorophyteum, etc. The need for the procedure is determined taking into account how closely the plant rooted in the old pot. It is much less likely to carry out cacti transplants, tree plants (for example, palm trees, championships, etc.), and of course adult orchids.

How to transplant indoor flower: a sequence of actions

  • First of all, it is necessary to transplant plants that began to intensively turn yellow and dry the lower sheets, and the roots climbed through the drainage holes, since it is faithful signs that the old pot has become close.
  • A little drainage is placed on the bottom of the new container - it can be clay, broken fragments (edges down) and fine pebbles (2-3 cm layer). From above, the soil is poured, which is chosen taking into account the type of transplantable plant. If it is difficult to choose the soil individually, then you can take a universal mixture intended for room colors.
  • Approximately 1.5 hours before the start of transplant, it is necessary to pour a plant well, while water should appear in the pallet. If this is not done, then the earthen com, which will be removed from the pot together with the roots, can start crumble and will seriously hurt root system.
  • The plant is carefully removed from the pot and is placed on the oilcloth or the newspaper. It is necessary to carry out attentive inspection of the roots and cut all the weak, who have fallen or damaged. There are cases when the roots tightly determine the drainage at the bottom of the tank, it must be carefully removed.
  • Too large bushes can be divided into several parts. Young prohibitations are transplanted into separate pots. Also during the transplant, it is necessary to remove the top layer of old soil, since it will now be little good.
  • It is necessary to hold the plant with one hand, and the 2nd gently lower the earthen com, along with the root system in the prepared pot and straighten the twisted or bent up the roots, but very careful not to damage them.
  • The flower holds smoothly and fall asleep space between the walls of the tank and the earthen room. Periodically, it is necessary to slightly compact the Earth, since it should settle. It is impossible to form the formation of voids. The land should reach the level of the base of the stem, but at the same time the pot is left for about 2 cm to the edge. If you pour too much soil, then during watering water can be overflowed across the edges.
  • After completing the transplant, it is necessary to pour a plant well and on top to spray with a small amount of dry ground. No earlier than a week later, the next watering will be conducted, but at the same time, it is recommended to spray the leaves every day.

If we transplant adult plantIt will be necessary to remove it for several days to the shadow, and over time you can return to the old place. Experienced floweries are advised after the completion of the transplantation to cut or pinch the ends of the stems, so that the power is significantly improved and more active development begins.

Knowing how and when better to transplant indoor flowers, It is possible to protect the plant from various diseases. However, there are cases when it is precisely a certain alert requires an immediate transplantation. The main signs of a serious disease in room colors is the yellowing of the leaves, dry buds. Such damage may be provoked by pests of the root system, rotting leaves, infected or spoiled soil.

In this case, there will be not enough simple transplant. There is a need to conduct a thorough cleaning of the root system from the old soil. All the roots are neatly freed from the ground, then inspection is carried out, all rotten parts are trimmed.

Immediately before the patient flower will be placed in a new fertile soil mixture, it is necessary to rinse all the roots using a weak warranny solution, and special stimulants of root growth can also be applied. But it can be added even easier - a small amount of crushed charcoal spray the root system and only after that fall asleep the earth.

Carefully, it is necessary to carry out plants such as campaundul, azalea, maranta, crack, fern, palm trees, etc. They have a weak root system and poorly carry this procedure. Experienced gardeners Not recommended to transplant a large plant, which for a long time grows in the 1st pot, since there is a risk to break it in the process. But, if necessary, in the spring you can simply replace the upper layer of the Earth for Fresh.

Room transplantation is an important part of the care. This is a difficult procedure that can damage the health of the plant, so it needs to be carried out by observing all the rules. It is best to do this in the spring or at the beginning of summer, based on the recommendation of the lunar calendar. Large flowers It is better not to replant, if necessary, it suffices to replace the upper layer of the Earth in them.

The process of transplanting houseplants - the occupation is not a complex, but quite laborious, requiring a certain preparation. In order to change the room colors cost without prejudice parent plantAnd a new flower has taken place painlessly, a number of conditions should be observed.

In this article we will share tips on how to transplant indoor flowers at home and tell about the rules of transplanting room plants.

Room Transplant Conditions

Not all indoor flowers require transplant. Many flowers are well developing in pots that seem too small for them. Some plants will be better blooming, being in a close pot. Others, such as Bromelle, are generally unlikely to ever require transplants.

There are several conditions pointing to the fact that it is time to transplant the plant into a larger pot. The most visuality of them - if the roots begin to germinate through drainageand compost dries quickly, which is required fresh iris. Perhaps the most obvious symptom is that the growth of stems and leaves in spring and summer slows down significantly, despite regular feeding.

If the plant has grown the pot, you will see a lot of confiled roots, but not so much compost. If it is not, then just return the pot into place or replace it.

How to transplant a single room flower

For a number of reasons, especially in the case of large single plants and formed on the support of copies, it may be uncomfortable or impossible to replant. In a single flower pot, each spring update the soil, carefully removing the upper 3-5 cm and replacing the fresh compost.

Before transferring room flowerWait for the roots to strengthen. It is best to transplant plants before the onset of rest period. Select a pot of only a little more than the previous one - too much difference will lead to a height delay. First you need to prepare all - pots, compost, watering cans, etc.

How to transplant indoor flowers: transplant rules

1. If the pot was used earlier, it must be carefully flushed. The new clay pot before use should be soaked at night in water.

2. If a clay pot is used, cover the drainage of the shards (fragments of pot or brick). Put a small layer of compost over the shards.

3. Before correctly transplanting the bedroom flowers, make watering. An hour later, remove it from the pot, holding the surface of the soil with the fingers of one hand. Turn over and accurately knock the rim on the table. Swipe on the edges, if necessary. Remove the pot with the other hand.

4. Remove old shards. Carefully straighten the matted external roots. Delete all the reinforced roots, but at any cost, try to save the root system as much as possible.

5. Place the plant into a new pot on top of the compost layer and gradually fill the space around the root coma slightly wet compost.

6. Compost compost, thumbs, adding it to the base level of the stem. Touch the pot on the table several times to compost donkey.

7. Thoroughly and keep at the shade of about a week, spraying leaves daily to avoid their droop. Then place the plant on its usual place and ensure normal care.

As for transplanting or not to transplanting homemade plants, as in many color-growing issues, there are several opinions. Some believe that it is necessary to do this, others are confident that excessive interference with the life of the Green Pet has a negative effect on his well-being. But whatever point of view you did not adhere to, it is still sooner or later the moment comes when it is necessary to transplant the bedroom flowers - otherwise their roots will break through a plastic pot, and if they do not have enough strength on it, then culture will simply wake up from closeness. When young plants are still growing, the size of not only their overhead parts increases, but also the roots. After some time, the roots rest in the walls of the pot, they grow together and twisted. Therefore, once a year there is a transplant of vegetative room colors in a more roomy pot, if it comes to such fast GrowthWhen the pot becomes small in a couple of months. Someday any plant reaches its final size and no longer needs a larger pot. Despite this, many flower flowers insist that color transplantation at home should be carried out at least every 3-4 years. Just because the land during this time is completely leached and accumulates in itself various harmful substances (from water and fertilizer).

When to transplant indoor flowers: good time for plants transplantation

First of all, with respect to indoor plants that no longer need a transplant every year, the question often arises: "This year? Or better in the next? " If the pot is small, there is no doubt about the need for a transplant if the roots are visible from the hole in the bottom of the pot. In no case simply cannot trim sticking roots. The spacious pot is required and in the case when plants, such as chlorophyteum, decorative asparagus and others are pushed out of pot roots. It is necessary to transplant in another pot as soon as possible and in the case when the plant, like, for example, Sansevieria, simply breaks the pot with its powerful rhizomes. There are other ways to determine the transfer time of houseplants. This agropine is necessary under the following circumstances:
  • When the pot is definitely small compared to the plant (often happens when buying)
  • When on the walls of the clay pot appear outside lime deposits (rigid water) or even gray-green plaque (excess watering)
  • When moss is already growing on Earth (also excess watering)
  • When yellow and fall leaves
  • When the plant does not want to grow more normally and blossom
  • When new leaves remain small
If there is nothing noticeable by shoots and leaves, then the plant from the pot should be removed and inspect the roots. If one roots are visible and almost not visible land, and even more so if the roots grow rings below the land coma, it means that it is time - you need to urgently transplant to a new pot with fresh land. If the earth threaten the roots well, but not yet fully used, but the tips of the roots that are visible, white and strong, carefully return the plant into the old pot and leave it for another one another year. The best time to transplant indoor flowers is considered to be the end of February / beginning of March, when most plants start to start new shoots. This, of course, does not apply to the species for which it is the period of intensive flowering, such as the Alpine violet (Cyclamen Perskum), (Hippeastrum), Camellia. Good time to transplanting such indoor colors - at the end of flowering, and also better in summer Or in the fall, when they start a new growth season. Emergency cases are exceptions. If the plant watered too much or from the hole in the bottom of the pot grow roots, you should immediately take a new pot and earth, despite the time of year.

Pots for domestic transplant (with photo)

Before transplanting flowers at home, you need to understand another one important question: What pot is better, clay or plastic? Both have their advantages and disadvantages affecting the care of plants. Clay pots look more naturally, passed air and water, stable and neutral in color. But the plant in the clay pot must be watering more often than in plastic, since moisture evaporates through the clay walls. Plastic pots are light, do not fight and clean well, their walls are waterproof. Plants in these pots do not need to watered so often as in clay. True, they are not so stable.
For a transflection of heavy domestic flowers that are easily overturns, solid clay pots will be required. Plants that consume a lot of water feel better in plastic pots. The form is more important than the material.
Most pots have a width corresponds to height; They have a conical form. For plants with a very flat root system or with very long roots, you can buy low (for azali) or high and narrow (for palm) pots. To replant the houseplants correctly, as I advise experienced flowerflowers, the size of the pot is determined by its upper diameter. A new transplant pot must be larger than the previous one for no more than 2 cm. Recommendation: If you want to save your work, you should be asked for pots with automatic irrigation. They have a double bottom - a water reservoir, which has enough plant for about 2 weeks. No need to confuse such a system with hydroponics. Here plants develop in the ground. The best domestic cutting pots are shown on these photos:

How at home correctly transplant flowers in another pot and video transplants of plants

The transfer of home plants is always a lot of dirt. Prepare not only pots and soil, ceramzit and shards, shovel and jug, but also newspapers for the litter. Before transplanting flowers at home, more correctly and most logically start with the liberation of culture from the old "Okov". Remove the plastic pot plant is usually very easy. In clay pots, the roots often cling to the walls. It is better to act as follows:
  • A few hours before the transplantation of the plant, it is good to hide, which will make it easier.
  • If the plant sits firmly, turn the pot to the bottom (to hold the ground) and move it gently on the edge of the table.
  • If the roots have grown, you will have to carefully break the pot with a hammer, and the plastic pot is cut. It must be done in the case when the roots sprouted through the hole in the day and pass back to the pot. Roots do not cut.
  • The earth with roots should be left as possible. Only the top layer of the Earth is gently removed by hand.
This rule-floor transplant rules have one exception: If you notice black or even inclusive roots, you need to shake as much old earth as possible, wash the rest flowing water And crop all sick roots. Only after that the plant is placed in a pot. Sometimes for a plant with cropped roots, there is a fairly pot of smaller sizes. Usually in transplantation in no case cannot damage the roots of the plant. But there are exceptions here:
  • Patients and rotting roots are necessarily cut.
  • If there are many ground rooted roots, it is poorly reflected in the formation of new roots. In this case, you should take scissors and cut the thick layer of roots.
  • Root palms when transplanting can be cut to restrain the growth of plants.
When trimming thick roots, suck cuts best of wood coal powder, which will prevent rotting. By itself, after such a plant operation, it is necessary to care for special attention. Of course, before replanting the bedroom flowers, it is important to buy a "right" new pot. Usually it must be the largest oldest for more than 2 cm. If you plant a plant in a too big pot, all its energy will be aimed at increasing the roots to the detriment of the rest. Clay pots before landing should be withstanding a few hours in the water. Otherwise, they pull out a lot of moisture out of the ground.
According to proper technology Inspection plants, you need to prepare a good drainage layer. First, clay shards fall asleep to the bottom of the pot, which do not allow the drainage hole to be clogged.
They pour a layer of claympsit or fine gravel with a thickness of 2-3 cm, drainage layer. It is necessary in order for excess water quickly flowed out of the pot and was not stood in the ground. With the next transplant, pay attention to the gravel pebbles or clay, which caused roots. They need to be carefully free.

At the drain layer, pour so much ground so that the plant in the new pot is located at the same level as in the old one. Then float fresh ground empty space at the walls. Let's knock the pot on the table to a few tackle the land. Then the upper layer of the Earth is poured and slightly tamped to the fingers about 1 cm below the edge of the pot.

Transplant plants are watered until water is spoiled from the drainage opening. After half an hour, do not forget to join the water from the pallet again. First time you need to water so much water so that the earth does not dry.
Only when the tips of new shoots and leaves appear, which is a sign normal work roots, you can water again in normal mode. Until then, the plants should be kept, especially soluble, in a privacy. If there are a lot of the sun, the root system may not cope with its task to ensure the plants with water. Fertilizers contribute 6 weeks after transplantation, since in the fresh land there is a sufficient supply of nutrients. And how to properly transfer home flowers that have reached huge sizes? In large plants in bulk pots and all types that do not translate every year, in the spring, the upper layer of the Earth should be changed. First of all, harmful substances from fertilizers and water accumulate. Act as follows:
  • Carefully burst the ground for a fork or a wand so as not to damage the upper roots.
  • Remove with a spoon from above the old soil substrate with a thickness of 4-5 cm.
  • Push the fresh substrate.
  • These plants do not need to change watering mode as the transplanted. Water them as usual.
  • After about 2 weeks, mineral fertilizers contribute.
Check out the video how to transplant homeflowers to better present the process technology:

Soil mixtures for transplanting indoor plants (with photos)

Two components are important when transplanting plants: suitable pot and a suitable earth. When buying land, be especially careful. If the offer is very profitable, it is better to leave the bag where it stands. Too often, inside the mixture of dust and dirt turns out, which rolls through the fingers like sand or sinters in the pot in the waterproof crust. So, before properly transplanting home plants, you need to take care of good soil. Standard soil mixture. Good option is the so-called standard soil that is produced various firms. Most indoor crops like this mixture. You can be sure that the composition of the Earth in every bag is the same; In addition, the earth is flawless in hygienic attitude And does not contain causative agents of diseases and pests. Such a soil is two types:
  • Type R. Contains quite some fertilizers. This land is better to use for breeding and for plants that need quite some fertilizers such as YUCCA (Yucca).
  • Type T. It contains 2 times more fertilizers and is well suited for most indoor crops.
What the soil mixtures for transplanting indoor plants look like, shown on these photos:

Substrate for plants with special requests. There are some species that normally grow and bloom in standard soil. But even better they feel when some additives are noticed to it. A few examples:

  • Sansevieria (Sansevieria) and Milii Mili (Euphorbia Milii) love a very loose substrate, so mix a little sand.
  • Bulky plants, such as some types of palm trees, are better standing in heavy soil; Add a sterilized clay to standard soil.
  • Sensitive to lime plants, such as azaleas (rhododendron), in no case cannot be planted in a standard soil, they will soon begin to wake. For them, a special soil is sold, which can be used for all plants sensitive to lime.
  • Lovers of cacti, orchids and bromels can also buy specially prepared mixture for their pets.
Since the peatlands we still have less and soon the reserves of the peat are fully running out, then you can replace the peat with the cortex substrates. Ask for this option. Own mixtures. Of course, before transplanting indoor flowers at home, you can prepare soil soil yourself, but some components are difficult to find. Who has in the garden composted bile, and there is also an opportunity for storing greenhouse soil and leaf humus ( necessary components), there is a lot of trouble to combat pests and unwanted microorganisms and debris. Cooking soils is a work of specialists. On this video, it is shown how to prepare a mixture for the transplantation of indoor plants:

Any flower water is sooner or later faced with the need to transplant its "green pets" into a new pot with fresh land messengers. First road plants It is recommended at the stage of acquiring new instances for your flower collection.

After all, most colors are sold in the transport capacity of the compact size of plastic with the transport soil (which is often added growth stimulants to improve external view plants). From this material you will learn how to transplant flowers, Is it possible to transplanten the flowering orchid how to choose a suitable pot for violet transplant, home roses, ficus.

♦ When need to transplant the plant?

immediately after purchase. We transplant the flower into a suitable pot with a disinfected land and put a couple of weeks (quarantine to prevent the spread of pests and diseases) away from the whole collection;

most young plants (up to 3-4 years) It is advisable to transplant annually in early spring In another pot of 2-3 cm of a larger diameter with fresh soil. Palmat-shaped and tree plants (Sheffler, Thuja) can be transplanted once every two years. Some flower products are checked with a lunar calendar to select the most suitable date for the procedure;

Earth is too depleted. Even old plants with slowly growing roots sometimes need to transplant in new land. Symptoms that indicate this need - despite regular feeding the plant is poorly growing and developing, the Earth dries very quickly after irrigation, the tips of the leaves will dry, too many fallen leaves appeared on the windowsill or on the colors stand;

❂ Running root system. The most obvious sign - from the drainage holes began to reach the tips of the roots. The roots of the plant fill the entire volume of the pot, it becomes closely, many roots begin to refuse;

❂ Diseases and pests.
When detected dangerous pestsAs a web tick, thrips, torment Cherver, shield, learfolds, white TLL It is advisable to transplant the plant in another pot with a new soil. The same procedure is performed when the signs of infection with fungal diseases (mildew, gray rot, phytoofluorosis, fusariasis, anthracnose) are revealed. After transplanting the plant handle special means.

♦ What methods are used to transfers plants?

❀ Turning.Most safe Methodwhich is usually used for transplanting colors with gentle and brown roots (tongue begonia, fuchsia, primrose or primrose, geranium Pelargonium, Azalea, Palma Hamedorius). During the procedure, the root system neatly roll into a new pot, without destroying the earthen com. Then they evenly fall asleep with the ground around the perimeter, not very rambling and watered with warm water.

❀ Replacing the top layer of the substrate.
Excellent way to add fresh ground to pot nutrient substanceswithout transplanting the plant completely. This method is suitable for old plants that are not transplanted annually. This method is often used to update the substrate in the phytostine (vertical gardening).

❀ Incomplete transplant. During the procedure, the root system is removed from the pot, carefully separate the roots of the earth coma and remove the fallen, but part of the earth is not considered and remains on the roots. Then the flower is transplanted into a new landfill. In this way, you can transplant Benjamin or Elastics (rubbing), home blades, aloelic or elephant yucca, flowering types of calangean (Blossfeld, Kalandiv), Tolstanka Cash Tart, Zamiculkas dollar tree, cyclamen, potted rose, hibiscus.

❀ Full transplant.
The earthen comes completely destroy, all the roots are thoroughly clean and wash under warm running water, the fallen roots are removed, and then transplanted into the pot more in size with new land. It is advisable to transplant the plants in this way, for the state of the root system of which is required to be regularly monitored (anthurium, spathifylum, Hasganizania, Hortensia, Croton Codioneum, Calla Zanydeskin, Maranta, Euharicis).

- In the photo: Transplant and transshipment

♦ How to prepare landweight and choose a plant transplanting pot?

disinfection of the substrate. If you do not want to use a rendered substrate from a specialized store for transplanting, you can collect the soil from Krotovin or take the top layer of forest jam. But saturated mineral fertilizers Garden soil, as a rule, is not suitable for planing indoor species.

It is possible to disinfect the substrate different ways. For example, evenly pour into a baking sheet to hermetically closed on top of the foil and warm up for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 80 ° C. Or pour into a saucepan and disappear on a water bath for 10 minutes at a temperature of 80 ° C.

choosing a flower pot. In the previous material, we described in detail about the benefits of ceramic and plastic containers planning. The porous structure of clay (or ceramic) pots contributes to good air and moisture permeability. Most indoor plants grow perfectly and develop in such pots.

But there are such plants whose roots are easily rotated into the porous walls of clay pots (for example, Falenopsis Orchid or Dendrobium Nobile), which makes them easily vulnerable during a transplant. Such plants are best grown in plastic pots or glass. Choose a new pot for the next seasonal transplant 2-3 cm more than the previous one. For the root system of some plants you need to choose high pots.

- In the photo: Change orchid (step by step)

♦ How to transplant indoor plants?

➊ Preparation for the procedure.
On the desktop decompose the inventory and materials (wooden blade, knife, gloves, pot, plug, charcoal, pebbles, bitch tiles and clayzit for drainage). The clay pot is desirable to lower in the water so that it is soaked in water and did not take moisture at the root system.

➋ Watering. 2-3 hours before transplanting, be sure to raise the plant with warm water.

➌ Drainage. Check if there is a drainage hole on the bottom of the new pot. At first, you can pour on the bottom of the layer (2-3 cm) of the tile, then the layer of pebbles and a little clay. Now you can pour out a small layer of fresh landfast.

➍ Removing the plant from the old pot. Raise the pot over the newspaper, missing between Middle and index fingers The bottom of the stem, slowly turn the pot upside down. Touch the wooden stick on the sides and on the bottom of the pot. Gently raise the pot on the bottom up so that the earthen com remained in his hand.

➎ Landing in a new pot. With fingers and with the help of a tassel, we clean the roots from the ground, carefully inspect all the roots and cut off the knife with the knife (sections of the sections sprinkle with powder from charcoal). Vertically, lower the root system in the pot and evenly embroidered the substrate in the intervals around the roots.

Periodically tapping the bottom pot on the table so that no emptiness remains in the substrate. Upper layer You can take a little tample to your fingers so that the flower sat tightly in a pot. Please note that the upper part of the root neck is slightly towers above the surface. Now it remains to pour a flower and place a pot on a slightly shaded place where scattered sunlight falls. You can place the plant on the floor stand next to the window or on the shelving shelf for colors.

♦ Answers to common areas of beginner flower water:

Question: Is it possible to transplanten the flowering orchid?

Answer: It is not advisable to transplant the flower during the flowering period, as the orchid can reset all buds and petals long before the end of flowering. But if the plant is infected with pests or fungi, then it is necessary to save a plant from death, transplancing into a new land and processing suitable means.

Question: When is it best to transplant orchid?

Answer:most best time For transplantation - the beginning or middle of the spring, before the flowering period. Some flower products are checked with lunar calendar And choose the most favorable date for root growth during the growing moon.

Question: Is it possible to reset the violence when she blooms?

Answer: It is best to transplant violet, of course, after flowering. But if necessary, you can transplant and during the flowering period - domestic varieties are quite well sued in the new soil and continue to bloom after the procedure.

Question: How to transplant violet at home?

Answer: Moofable homemade sensipolia is preferably transferred to a new plastic pot. Drainage is best made from clay. The land must be loose, contain coarse sand and peat. Landing depth should be such that bottom leaves A little touched the surface of the soil. On the first day after landing, do not water the flower.

Question: How to transplant indoor rose?

Answer: Interestingly, the pot rose easily transfers even during flowering period. Before the procedure, it is desirable to peel the plant with soap foam to penetrately, leave in water for 30-40 minutes, and then thoroughly wash with warm water. Replant the rose best in a ceramic pot. The substrate should be weakly acid and loose.

Question:how to transplant Ficus Benjamin at home?

Answer:in another pot, Ficus is transplanted in 2-3 years old. Then it is advisable to transplant the plant every year in the spring. From 6 years can be resettled every 3-4 years. The diameter of the new pot 3 cm is greater than the old one. Before boarding a new pot