How to grow shaving from seeds, planting shaving in open ground. Aubrieta - a delicate flowering carpet Aubrieta cultivation and care in the open field

Aubrieta is a very popular and surprisingly ornamental garden plant. This perennial outwardly is a low shrub, covered with many bright flowers in summer and autumn. The use of ground cover shaving in the garden landscape is wide: you can use the plant for borders, single plantings, group and other garden design options.

This plant gives personality to the garden, emphasizes the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and its cultivation does not complicate the gardener's life too much. In the article, we will consider the features of growing shaving: we will learn how to properly plant a plant, and how to take care of it. In addition, we will get acquainted with the most popular varieties of this ornamental shrub.


The plant has another name - aubration. This perennial is most often grown as a decorative ornament in the garden landscape. The plant has ground cover properties, since when it grows it forms a continuous carpet on the ground, strewn with bright flowers. For this feature, shaving is especially appreciated by gardeners, and they find worthy use for this property.

In the photo - shaving:

Cote d'Azur

In this case, the bushes are compact in size (14-16 cm), and the flowers amaze with their decorative effect and delicate lilac color. But what are fast-growing shrubs for hedges, and how they look, you can look at

Charming Morocco

This variety of shaving is distinguished by especially large flowers, which reach a diameter of one and a half centimeters. The color of the petals is different: it varies from pale blue to red. The bushes of the plant reach a height of 10 cm, and are very fond of sunny clearings. But what are, and how they look in the garden, you can see in this video.

Charming Morocco


The bush of a plant of this variety is about 15 cm high, and has flowers of a purple-lilac hue. Individual flowers are collected in decorative inflorescences, outwardly resembling lilacs. In the people, this variety is called “lilac bush”.


Site and soil requirements

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground as early as mid-spring. But only after the threat of night frost has passed. In most regions of our country, this period falls on mid-April-May.

The shrub requires careful selection of a planting site: it loves the sun, and loves well-lit areas. The more sunny the clearing you choose for, the more lush and bright flowering you will get.

As for the soil, obrieta needs light, loose, medium fertility soil. If lime or chalk is present in the composition of the soil, the plant will like this circumstance. Heavy, clayey soils are not suitable for shaving: in this case, it may not take root at all. If the soil has a pronounced acid reaction, then it is recommended to add lime or ash to the soil to reduce the level of acidity.

On the video - growing flowers:

Aubrieta is best planted on a hill or on a plain. Lowlands are not suitable for the plant, as water usually accumulates in such places.

Seedlings are buried in the holes for the entire length of the root. The distance between the bushes - 5 cm, and more. Aubrieta is usually planted arbitrarily, not maintaining strict rows, since subsequently the shrub grows strongly anyway.


Aubrieta can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings. Let's consider both methods in more detail.


After the plant has successfully overwintered, it is pruned in the spring. After that, the most healthy and strong cuttings are selected and placed in a sand-peat mixture in a greenhouse. Here they take root, take root, grow stronger: this is how the summer passes.

And already before the beginning of autumn, cuttings from the greenhouse are transplanted into open ground. It is important to transplant plants at the very beginning of autumn, so that they have time to adapt on the street, and then be able to safely winter.


Aubrieta can be propagated in both seedling and seedless ways. The first one is more time-consuming and troublesome, but brings good results. The second method is simple, and does not take much effort, but an impressive positive result is not guaranteed either.

In open ground

In this case, shaving seeds are sown in spring or at the end of winter. It is important to carry out planting about a month before the end of frost. Before placing the seeds in the ground, the bed must be dug to a depth of 15 cm, cleaned of debris and stones, and weeds removed.

After the seeds are placed in the ground, the bed is covered with a film to create a more favorable microclimate for germination. After shoots appear, the film must be removed. Shoots usually appear 3-4 weeks after placing the seeds in the ground.

Seeds can also be planted before winter: in this case, the plant will turn out to be more hardened, and will bloom next year. Minus - not all seeds will survive.


By this method, propagating shaving is more profitable and predictable, although more troublesome. Seeds are sown for seedlings in February, and by May, already strong, strong seedlings are transferred to open ground.

It is undesirable to pick seedlings - the plant does not tolerate such manipulations. That is why it is also recommended to plant seeds immediately in peat pots so as not to affect the delicate roots of the plant when transplanted into open ground.

In this case, it is undesirable to carry out reproduction by dividing the bush: this method is used only as a last resort. The division of an adult plant is painful, so it is better to choose more gentle breeding methods.


I must say that in general the plant is unpretentious, and does not cause much trouble for the gardener. Consider the main points of caring for shaving.

The plant needs to be watered very sparingly. Abundant watering is carried out the only time immediately after planting in open ground for the fastest rooting. But in the future, watering is done in small portions, and quite rarely. The plant really does not like waterlogged soil and, moreover, stagnation of moisture in the soil. If you ignore this recommendation and overdo it with watering, the flowers may fall off the shaving, which will greatly worsen its decorative qualities. After reading this, you can find out which household water pumps for irrigation are the best.

On the video - growing and caring for flowers:

As a rule, rainwater is enough for shaving, and watering is not required at all in damp climates. Keep in mind that after rain or watering, the bed with the plant needs to be loosened to provide good air exchange to the soil.

The plant also does not like severe drought, so it is recommended to mulch the soil in the garden: a layer of mulch will retain moisture at the roots, and also prevent weeds from growing.

It is important to remove dried inflorescences in time so that the appearance of the plant remains attractive. And at the end of the first flowering period, the bushes must be cut: this measure will enhance the abundance and splendor of the next decorative period. After the second flowering, the bushes no longer need to be cut.

Aubrieta is an evergreen plant, retains the bright color of the leaves in winter. However, if the climate is frosty, it is recommended to cover the bushes with dry foliage or grass for the winter, so in severe frosts, shaving can shed foliage.

The plant does not need frequent feeding: it is recommended to apply fertilizer twice during the warm season, and no more. Aubrieta prefers mineral compositions with a high content of potassium. From organic matter, you can fertilize the plant with wood ash. Feeding can only be done before flowering, and not during it. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not recommended in this case.

Pests and diseases

Aubrieta, in general, is resistant to diseases, as well as to damage by harmful insects. What can really harm her is excessive watering. Incorrectly selected soil also sometimes causes wilting and shaving diseases. Of the insects, the most she has to fear aphids. The insect is dangerous because it sucks the juices of the plant, and carries some diseases. Appropriate insecticides will help to destroy aphids: Fufanon, Biotlin, Karbofos and others.

Sometimes the plant becomes sick with powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself as a grayish coating on the leaves, which then leads to wilting. This scourge should be fought with the help of colloidal sulfur, which is sprayed on the foliage.

On the video - flower pests:

Application in landscape gardening

Aubrieta is usually used as a ground cover due to the thick bright carpet that it forms. Combines wonderfully with the following plants:

  • we keep silent;
  • alyssum;
  • rezuha;
  • soap dish.

Many gardeners and landscape designers select shaving varieties for the color of the petals. Thus, you can create whole picturesque canvases in the garden: bright and decorative. The plant is great for border decoration, looks good in rock gardens, and as a background for taller flowers.

The best arrangement of the garden is harmonious. It consists in the selection of plants according to their decorative effect, proportions, flowering time, as well as the ease of caring for pets. In order to be able not only to work, but also to enjoy the rest, it is worth planting several complex plants and most of the unpretentious "magic sticks" on your site.

One such representative will be discussed today. It has two names - AUBRIET And AUBRECTION. Our gardeners and summer residents love her very much and generously share their knowledge on how to plant shaving, grow it in different ways and how easy it is to care for.

Beautiful obrieta - time traveler

Aubrieta attracted the attention of researchers for a very long time. Back in the middle of the eighteenth century, it was described by the Frenchman Adanson and since then has been used in decorative landscaping everywhere: in the Middle East, Asia Minor, and Southern Europe.

An adult bush of aubration with a dense green carpet is able to cover large areas. Twice a season, at the beginning of summer and from August until frost, the carpet becomes blooming. It is densely covered with many medium-sized flowers of white, reddish, pink and purple hues. Even in winter, shaving does not lose its decorative effect. All the same dense green carpet goes under the snow and safely waits out the cold.

Of course, our designers and gardeners could not ignore such an unpretentious and hardy plant, and now obrieta is confidently mastering the Russian expanses.

Reproduction and cultivation of shaving (aubrecia)

In places of origin, shaving spreads by self-sowing. Like most perennials, it blooms in the second year and scatters seeds that can germinate in natural conditions. Gardeners are looking for a way to best grow shaving. Depending on the climate, soil composition and local conditions, any of the following options are possible:

  1. Growing shaving from seeds: by sowing in open ground and through seedlings.
  2. cuttings
  3. The division of the bush

cuttings is probably the easiest way. The best results are obtained if you do this at the end of the summer. It is necessary to cut the branches without flowers, soak them in a root solution and plant them in cups with drainage and loose soil. When it becomes clear that the plant is viable, be sure to plant it in a permanent place in the garden so that it can adapt and prepare for wintering. A distance of 15 cm between seedlings will be enough.

It is extremely rare that obrieta blooms in the first year, it is busy developing a powerful root system. But from next year, it will begin to delight with its spring flowering and lush islands of greenery sticking out from under the first snow in autumn.

Growing shaving from seeds

In what soil is it better to grow shaving. Oily, fertile, peaty soil definitely does not need shaving; good drainage is more important for it. Cups can be used for this, but most gardeners prefer any container, bowl, etc. with holes in the bottom, where drainage and light slightly alkaline or neutral soil are poured. Subsequently, the container is broken or a clod of earth with seedlings is carefully taken out and completely planted in a prepared place.

Sowing seeds. Aubrecia seeds are quite small, so when sowing in a container, you only need to slightly “salt” them with soil and press down with a spoon on top for a tighter fit. This will sprout faster. Do not cover with foil! Aubrieta is afraid of excess moisture. For watering, it is better to use spraying from a spray bottle.

Seedling care. Caring for shaving seedlings is not particularly difficult:

  • moisten tiny sprouts in pots, tablets or containers with a spray bottle as the soil dries
  • when they grow up a little, apply moderate overhead watering
  • planted in a permanent place when the weather is stable and warm.

Planting shaving in the garden

Where to plant. A sunny location and poor soils with good drainage are best suited for planting and growing shaving. It's great if there is a rock garden, it will be very useful there. Stone steps or a crevice in the brickwork is everything for her. The only thing is, if there are plants - neighbors, shaving seedlings need to be protected and provided with their own space, otherwise it will show compliance and make room so much that it disappears completely.

The timing of planting shaving. In areas with a humid and cool climate, planting aubration in May with both seeds and seedlings is suitable. But where the sultry summer months follow May, young plants are unlikely to like the scorching sun, and gardeners will have to worry about watering. In such a climate, it is better to plant shaving in September. Any planting method can be used, for a long autumn the plant will have time to sprout and take root, and will bloom next spring, as it should.

How to care for shaving in the garden

In the garden, caring for a young shaving is watering as needed. Remember! The plant does not like excess moisture.

  • The first after emerging from under the snow, and the next after the first flowering and pruning. You can also feed in the fall. For top dressing, complex mineral fertilizer is used. No organics and high nitrogen content!
  • Mulching with river sand is necessary two to three times per season. This helps to provide the desired soil structure and protect against weeds.
  • After the first flowering, the shaving branches must be cut off by more than half. This stimulates the appearance of new shoots, the growth of the bush and the extraordinary decorativeness in the next flowering. In the fall, pruning is not necessary, and in the spring - remove the branches that have suffered during the winter, trim the shape of the bush.

Diseases and pests of shaving


Gardeners who once planted shaving try not to part with it for many years. And the point is not only in its decorative effect or in the ease of caring for it. Among other things, aubration is rarely affected by pests and has excellent disease resistance.

In places with a humid climate or with improper care (excessive watering), powdery mildew may appear. Then the shaving shoots are covered with white bloom, and this is the first signal for the use of antifungal drugs: Hom, Topaz, Zato, Fundazol, Forecast, etc. Most gardeners use colloidal sulfur and have a good result.


Among insect pests, obrieta has one enemy - the ubiquitous aphid. It is quite easy to detect and apply drugs of your choice: Tantrek, Biotlin, Kalash, Iskra double effect, Kortlis, Mospilan, Imidor and others. It is important to follow the instructions and repeat treatments to avoid the emergence of new insects from the larvae.

A good effect is the use of a solution of green soap, both separately and in a mixture with the selected preparation. Soap forms an airtight film, envelops the affected plant along with aphids and larvae, thus preventing insects from breathing, and they die. And if an insecticide is also present in the working solution, then a double effect is obtained. With a film of green soap, the drug is securely fixed on the branches of plants, is not washed off by rain and is not destroyed by the sun.

Options for using shaving in landscaping

  • This wonderful flower is appropriate everywhere. Its traditional use is on alpine slides, but how beautiful the obrieta looks next to it!
  • Its white varieties open in early spring. They can successfully replace flowering crocuses and snowdrops, serve as a frame for a flower bed with tulips.
  • The combination of shaving with other ground covers is beneficial, since many of these representatives bloom only once a season, and our favorite blooms profusely twice and stands out from its neighbors as a bright spot.
  • Aubrieta can cascade down the stairs or, conversely, climb the masonry, serve as a border and “flow out of a clay pot ... This plant provides not only space for fantasies, but also the opportunity to fulfill these fantasies.

The most famous varieties of shaving (aubrecia)

Absolutely all varieties of shaving are delicious and differ little from each other in terms of growing conditions and care needs.

However, some of them are undersized, up to a maximum of 10 - 12 cm in height, for example, Kolumka, Ariadne. Others are so high that their shoots are used for cutting (shaving of Bougainville and the Crimson Sea - more than 20 cm).

Individual plants form beautiful clumps (Charming Morocco, Kittie Blue), and the Giant Falls and Cascade varieties are able to fall in a wave from hills and retaining walls.

Aubrieta Deltoid

Aubrieta Deltoid throws out inflorescences resembling lilacs.

Red Keskade

Red Keskade surprises with an unusual bright scarlet color ...

Even in the period between flowering, the obrieta is unusually decorative: the rich green of Red Keskade goes well with the pale green specimens of Dr. Mules and the grayish shoots of the Cascade obrieta, and together with other inhabitants of the garden create a luxurious pattern and holiday atmosphere.

Anyone, even a novice gardener, can assemble his collection of varieties of this beautiful plant, because obrieta is easy to grow, easy to care for and harmonious in combination with a variety of neighbors.

Many of those who had to contemplate the magnificent carpets of bright colors of shaving had a dream of growing such magnificence on their own. This perennial herbaceous plant can be an excellent decoration for any personal plot. The plant tolerates frost well and can spread not only along the ground, but also along vertical planes, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Shaving can be propagated by cuttings or planting seeds. The second method is the most popular, especially since it makes it possible to independently choose the desired shade of colors. In autumn, seeds can be planted immediately in open ground. And the best spring breeding method means for flowers aubrieta growing from seeds at home. In other words, in April or May, it is best to plant not seeds, but seedlings. Thus, there is a chance to wait for flowering this summer.

Rules for planting seeds and growing seedlings of shaving at home

To carry out the spring planting of shaving, its cultivation begins at home in February. In doing so, the following tips should be taken into account:

  • The air temperature at home should be maintained at 18-20 ᵒС.
  • Growing seeds is possible only in conditions of good access to sunlight.
  • For home planting, flower soil is suitable, which should be well loosened and sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. In order not to lose part of the seedlings during transplantation, peat tablets or pots can be used for planting seeds, which, together with the sprouts, are subsequently transferred to open ground.

Shaving seedlings grown in peat tablets or pots tolerate transplanting more easily
  • Seeds are not sown very densely and are not sprinkled with earth.
  • They must be moderately sprayed with water and covered with plastic wrap until sprouts appear.
  • Watering young sprouts grown at home should be moderate, they do not tolerate excess water.
  • After a month, the conditions for growing seedlings need to be changed by transplanting them into separate pots.

Planting shaving sprouts grown at home

After the process of growing shaving seedlings at home has come to an end and it is ready for planting in open ground, the first thing to do is to choose a suitable place for it in your backyard. Growing shaving will bring real pleasure only if it is planted in light and non-acidic soil. The place should be spacious and well lit.

Aubrieta loves sunny places

Soil preparation

A piece of land allotted for home-grown shaving must first be prepared. To this end, it is necessary to carry out the following steps in stages:

  • remove all weeds and stones;
  • dig to a depth of 10-15 cm;
  • add wood ash and a mineral complex to the ground;
  • enrich the soil with calcium through lime or chalk;

Landing in open ground

If shaving sprouts were grown at home in peat tablets or pots, then seedlings are planted in open ground along with them. If they were not used, when transferring seedlings to open ground, the following actions are carried out:

  • Pots with seedlings are placed in a container with water until air bubbles appear - so the extraction will occur with minimal injury to the roots.
  • Holes should be dug taking into account the length of the seedling root, and in width - twice the root ball. The distance between them should not be less than five centimeters.

Key points for further care

In order for the obrieta to please with its appearance, you need to follow a few simple rules for its cultivation:

  • The first month after planting, the shaving should be watered regularly, and in the future, soil moisture is required only in conditions of very hot and dry summers.
  • The ground around the plant should be mulched.
  • Although the sheath tolerates frost well, just in case, you can cover it for the winter with a bunch of leaves.

As you can see, it is not difficult to grow a beautiful shaving in your backyard. There are three ways to propagate a plant: cuttings, planting seeds directly in open ground, or growing greenhouse seedlings. If you like the last way obrieta propagates, growing from seeds at home should be started as early as February. Then, subject to all the simple rules, already in April or May, its seedlings can be planted in open ground. After your summer cottage is covered with magnificent shaved carpets, you will instantly forget about all the efforts expended.

Aubrieta (lat. Aubrieta) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Cabbage family. The name is given in honor of Claude Aubrier, a French artist who worked in the style of botanical illustration. Also, the plant can be found under the name of aubration, the name windbag goes among the people.

Aubrieta is a very popular garden crop. This unpretentious groundcover grows rapidly, forming a continuous living rug. The height of the pillow is only 10-20 cm. The leaves are small, elliptical in shape, pubescent, have solid or serrated edges, attached alternately on short petioles. The plant is evergreen - with the onset of cold weather, the leaf cover is preserved.

When the shaving blooms

What is the flowering period of obrieta? Flowering is not only lush, but also occurs in 2 stages: from late May to mid-July, the second wave occurs in September (about 35 days).

During the flowering period, the bush is complemented by a haze of inflorescences. The corollas are four-petalled, reach a diameter of 1 cm, but their number is numerous: the flowers almost completely hide the leaves. The colors are blue, purple, purple, less often - white.

The fruit is a pod with small brownish seeds.

In the natural environment, luxuriantly blooming living rugs of aubration can be found along the rocks and river banks in the south of France, the Balkans, Italy, Asia Minor, and South America.

Growing shaving in the garden is an interesting and uncomplicated process. A variety of species and varieties allows you to emphasize the individuality of your site.

Growing aubretia aubretia from seeds at home

Seeds of obrieta aubrecia photo

Aubrecia is well propagated by seeds. Most often, shaving is grown through seedlings.

  • Start sowing seedlings around the end of February.
  • Seedlings do not need picking or intermediate transplanting - sow immediately in individual containers.
  • Peat-humus pots or peat tablets are perfect.
  • Moisten the soil, place 2-3 seeds on the surface, sprinkle with sand (a layer of no more than 0.5 cm), also moisten the sand cushion from a fine sprayer.

Aubrieta planting seeds photo seedlings

  • Cover the crops with glass or film, germinate in diffused light, ensure the air temperature is within 18-21 ° C. Air the crops daily.
  • Expect sprouts to appear for 3-4 weeks - when they appear, the shelter can be removed.
  • Water the soil with care, avoiding waterlogging.
  • If the sprouts develop poorly, a couple of weeks before transplanting into open ground, feed with complex mineral fertilizers (make the concentration weak).

Planting seedlings of shaving in open ground should be carried out when the threat of return frosts has passed. Harden off seedlings first.

How to plant shaving seeds for seedlings, look at the video:

Planting aubretia aubretia seeds in open ground

Experienced gardeners sow aubration immediately in open ground. This can be done in the spring (around April) or before winter (mid-late September).

Pre-prepare the site: dig to a depth of about 15 cm, clear of weeds, stones, apply complex mineral fertilizer, wood ash. Level the bed. Spread the seeds over the surface of the earth, sprinkle a layer of sand or garden soil on top (3-5 cm thick), carefully pour from a watering can.

How to sow aubration with seeds in the ground

How long does shaving take? When sown in the spring in the ground, seedlings will appear in 10-20 days. Plants will need to be broken through, leaving a minimum of 5-7 cm between them.

Shaving propagation by cuttings and dividing the bush

Aubrieta is propagated vegetatively: by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Cutting aubration

After spring pruning, you will get a lot of cuttings. Select the strongest ones, plant them in a sand-peat mixture under a film shelter, water and ventilate regularly, and remove the film when heat sets in. By the end of summer, the seedlings will have a well-developed root system - transplant them to a permanent place of growth. Before the onset of cold weather, seedlings will successfully take root. If the winters in your area are harsh, it is best to keep the rooted cuttings in the greenhouse until spring.

The division of the bush

The division of the bush is carried out extremely rarely, since the plant tolerates the procedure painfully. Do it in spring or autumn. Carefully dig up the bush, divide it into parts (each division should contain roots and well-developed shoots), plant in previously prepared holes.

Reproduction of aubration by layering

Aubrecia can be easily propagated by layering: lodging shoots can be sprinkled with earth and by the end of the season new independent bushes can be obtained, which can be separated and planted in the fall in a permanent place.

A place to grow shaving

Aubrieta in garden design photo

Choose your landing site carefully. The plant will be able to show its decorative effect as much as possible in the presence of bright sunlight: flowering will be plentiful, the shade of the inflorescences will be saturated.

As for the soil: the poorer it is, the better for the plant. Fatty, peat, and clay soils will not work - shaving may not take root. Moderately fertile loose garden soil is perfect. The reaction is preferably neutral or slightly alkaline. To reduce acidity, add wood ash or chalk.

It grows well on rocky soil (can be planted among concrete slabs, stone steps).

Planting and caring for aubration in the open field

Aubrecia seedlings ready for planting photo

When and how to plant

As soon as the spring sun warms up, the threat of night frosts recedes, you can start transplanting shaving seedlings into open ground. Be guided by the climatic conditions of your region (the best landing time is the end of April-beginning of May).

Make holes according to the size of the root system, keep a distance of at least 8-10 cm between the bushes. Choose a planting pattern depending on your goal: whether you want to create a solid carpet or scattered islands of bright colors.

In care, the plant is unpretentious, but it is impossible to completely ignore it. Care procedures come down to several points.


Abundant watering should be carried out immediately after planting in open ground. In the future, water only during a period of prolonged drought. Saturation of the soil with moisture leads to an active build-up of green mass to the detriment of flowering. Young plants will need a little more moisture, but keep it in moderation. It is best to use sprinkling.

After watering and rainfall, loosen the soil, remove weeds. Weed out weeds.


top dressing

Frequent feeding can be harmful. It is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers and feed seedlings immediately after planting in open ground. The best option is to apply mineral potash fertilizer (you can limit yourself to applying wood ash) before the start of the first flowering and after summer pruning.


To maintain the decorativeness of the bush, regularly remove faded inflorescences. After the end of the first wave of flowering, prune - the stems are cut almost to the root. After repeated autumn flowering, pruning should not be carried out; for the winter, the plant should not go “naked”. In the spring, cut the bushes, remove damaged shoots and leaves.

How to care for shaving and propagate it, look at the video:

Wintering shaving

Perennial obrieta successfully winters in open ground in the presence of snow cover. Own green mass will not protect the plant from extreme cold. If a snowless winter is expected with sudden temperature changes, it is better to additionally cover it with improvised materials (fallen leaves, spruce branches).

Diseases and pests of aubration

With proper care, the plant is not exposed to diseases and pests.

Excessive watering provokes rotting of the root system. With the wrong choice of soil, the appearance of the plant will be oppressed, flowering may be absent.

Occasionally it is affected by powdery mildew (deformation of the leaf plates is observed, a whitish coating appears on them) - most often the affected plants are removed from the site and burned. The rest are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a fungicidal preparation.

Of the pests: aphids, cruciferous flea. Treat with an insecticide.

Types and varieties of shaving with photos and names

Types and varieties of shaving differ in the structure of the plant, the color of the corollas.

Aubrieta deltoid or Aubrieta deltoidea

Aubrieta deltoid purple Aubrieta deltoidea cultivar Kitte Purple photo

In the people it is called a lilac bush. The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaf plates are deltoid, there are 1-2 teeth from each edge, the shade is gray-green. Loose racemose inflorescences consist of small flowers (corolla diameter of about 1 cm) of a lilac or purple-blue hue. Cultivated since 1710. Variety of Bougainville: plant height is 20 cm, flowers are light purple with an orange eye.

Aubrieta cultural or hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum

Aubrieta cultural or hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum Red Carpet photo

A group of perennial herbaceous plants no more than 20 cm high, in temperate climates they successfully winter under snow cover. The leaves are oblong, serrated. Flowers can be simple, double, semi-double. Some varieties can be grown as a pot culture, some are suitable for cutting.

Consider the most popular varieties of cultural shaving:

Aubrieta hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum Cascade Purple photo

Cascading - leaves of a gray-green hue; inflorescences of a red or blue hue are decorated with a yellow eye.

Charming Morocco - has flowers of the largest size (about 1.5 cm in diameter), colors from blue to various shades of red and pink;

Aubrieta aubretia Dr. Mules Aubrieta x cultorum ‘Dr. Mules' photo

Dr. Mules - a bush about 15 cm high with inflorescences of a blue-violet hue;

Aubrieta Snowdrift White photo

Borshis White is a rare variety with snow-white inflorescences.

Aubrieta Cascade Red Cascade Red photo

Cote d'Azur - inflorescences of a shade of a sea wave adorn the garden during June-July, re-blooming starts in September and lasts until frost;

Aubrecia Aubrieta ‘Axcent Violet With Eye’ photo

Giant waterfall - bushes 15 cm high with flowers of purple, pink, red, lilac. It is a variety mixture - shaving purple, pink, red, lilac ... On this winter-hardy perennial up to 15 cm high, flowers open up to 1 cm in diameter.

Aubrieta aubrieta ‘Hamburger Stadtpark’ photo

Also pay attention to the varieties Gloriosa, Don, Carnival, Queen, Blue King, Wanda, Triumph, Royal Keskade.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Aubrieta in landscape design

In landscape design, flowering bushes-pillows of shaving most often play the role of a ground cover plant.

Aubrieta and Arabis in landscape design photo

It looks spectacular on the hills - plant in rock gardens, some contrive to plant aubration in the cracks of the walls, which allows you to create a cascade of amazing beauty.

Aubrecia in landscape design photo

A beautiful combination with stones: plant in rockeries, on a regular rocky site.

Aubrieta in landscape design photo

A variety of varieties allows you to mix different shades.

Suitable partners are phlox, perennial dwarf irises, spurge, red soapwort, Caucasian rezuha, alissum.

Aubrieta in facade design photo

A flower such as obrieta (Aubrieta) is also called aubration. It is related to the genus of creeping evergreen herbaceous flowering plants that are perennials and belong to the cabbage family. This genus includes about 12 species. Such a flower is cultivated in rock gardens, as well as in all European countries as a garden plant. Under natural conditions, obrieta is found in Italy, in Asia Minor, in the southern part of France, as well as in South America, where it prefers to grow on river banks and rocks. The Latin name was given to the plant in honor of the Frenchman Claude Aubrier, who was an artist and worked in the genre of botanical illustration. In Russia, such a flower is called a windbag. During flowering, this plant looks like a spectacular solid carpet. This flower has one feature, its beautiful leaves do not fade even in winter.

Obriet features

Small alternate leaf blades are pubescent, as well as obovate or elliptical in shape. The edge is serrated or solid. Few-flowered inflorescences of a racemose form consist of small four-petal flowers with a centimeter diameter and a purple, blue, violet or pink-red color. Flowering is plentiful and lasts from the second half of spring to the beginning of the summer period. If proper and good care is provided, then in the autumn, shaving can bloom again. The fruit has the appearance of a pod, which contains flat brown seeds.

Below will be described how to properly plant, grow and propagate such a flower. And also how to protect against harmful insects and diseases.

Growing shaving from seeds

This plant is quite easy to propagate by seeds, while it can be grown both through seedlings and in a seedless way. But if seeds are sown directly into open soil in September or May, then as a result this can lead to splitting of varieties. In this regard, experts recommend growing shaving exclusively through seedlings. The flowering of such a plant grown from seeds can be observed only in the second year of life. Obrieta seeds are sold in all specialty stores.


Sowing is carried out in the last days of February, approximately 8–10 weeks before the onset of heat. Sow the seeds of such a flower immediately in separate pots. To do this, you can use peat-humus pots or peat tablets, planting seedlings in open ground is carried out directly in these containers. To begin, moisten the substrate of the pot or tablet, and then place 2 or 3 seeds on its surface. From above they should be sprinkled with a thin (0.3–0.5 cm) layer of sand. Moisten the sand from a fine spray gun, and after that the containers must be placed under glass or film. The best air temperature for crops is 18–21 degrees.

How to care for seedlings

Seedlings are very easy to care for. So, they need to arrange airing every day, and also water them when necessary. The first seedlings can be seen after 20-30 days, after which the shelter must be removed completely. It is necessary to water the plant very carefully, because the seedlings react extremely negatively to an overly moistened substrate. In the event that the seedlings are weak and their development is slow, it is recommended to fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer half a month before planting in open soil, while the concentration of the solution should be weak.


Aubrieta reacts extremely negatively to transplantation; therefore, when growing through seedlings, picking is not performed. That is why the seeds of this plant are recommended to be sown in separate containers (more about this is described above).

What time is the drop off

It is recommended to plant these flowers in open ground only after the threat of frost has passed, and as a rule, this time falls on the second half of May. For landing, you need to choose a site carefully. When choosing a site, it should be noted that for the abundant and incredibly spectacular flowering of shaving, it needs the maximum possible amount of direct sunlight. When choosing soil, it should be borne in mind that such flowers grow and develop the better, the poorer the soil on the site. So, this plant grows well between concrete slabs and stone steps. However, it is worth remembering that the soil needs loose, well-permeable water, and it should include a small amount of peat or ash. It is also best if the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline pH 6.0–7.0.

How to plant

A flower such as obrieta is considered by gardeners to be very plastic. In this regard, it can be planted exactly the way you would like, while you can create a rock garden or a flower bed of any shape. The depth of the planting hole depends on the length of the roots of the seedling, while its width should be 2 times the width of the pot in which the shaving grows. When disembarking, it should be borne in mind that the distance between the bushes should be at least 5 centimeters. In the event that your flower grew in a container made of ceramic or plastic, then immediately before planting, the pot must be completely submerged under water. Wait for air bubbles to come out of the soil. After that, carefully remove the plant along with the earthy clod and place it in the prepared hole. When the plant is planted, the soil will need to be compacted, and its surface sprinkled with mulch (a five-centimeter layer of sand), and then carefully watered.

How to care in the garden


Caring for shaving is very simple and it will not take you much time. After the flowers are mature, they need to be watered only when there is a sufficiently long dry period. In the same case, if you often and a lot of watering shaving in normal summer weather, then you run the risk of provoking a rapid growth of greenery, while flowering will be relatively scarce. Young specimens should be watered more often than older ones, but even in this case one should be careful enough. Watering is recommended by sprinkling. After the shavings are watered or it rains, the surface of the soil must be loosened, and all weeds should be pulled out.


During the period of active growth of the plant, it is recommended to sprinkle the surface of the site with mulch 2 or 3 times. For this, sand is used, while the layer thickness should be from 3 to 5 centimeters. Aubrieta is fed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for perennial flowering plants. At the same time, top dressing is carried out in the spring before flowering begins, as well as in the fall.


After the aubration blooms in the spring, it must be cut off almost to the level of the soil surface. In this case, the active growth of young stems with leaves of a saturated color will begin. Against the background of shaving, other flowering plants will simply look great. After some time, it will bloom again.

How to propagate

Planting and growing aubration is quite simple, the main thing is not to forget the basic rules for caring for it. It can be propagated very easily by cuttings and seeds. How to grow such a flower through seedlings is described above. However, gardeners with a lot of experience sow shaving directly into open soil. Before sowing, the soil must be prepared. To do this, it is dug up to a depth of 15 centimeters, all stones are removed and weeds are removed and complex fertilizer, chalk (lime) and wood ash are applied, and then moistened. Seeds should be placed directly on the surface of the earth, and they should not be sown too densely. It is not necessary to deepen them, just pour a layer of sand on top of the seeds, the thickness of which should be from 3 to 5 centimeters. Then the crops must be very carefully watered with a watering can. If sowing was done in the spring, then the first seedlings will appear in 1.5–3 weeks, and if in September, then only when the next spring period begins.

It is also quite easy to propagate this plant by cuttings. In the middle of the summer period, this flower is pruned, after which you will have a large amount of planting material. As cuttings, you can use cut shoots that do not have flowers. They need to be planted in a greenhouse in a soil mixture, which includes sand and peat (1: 1). At the end of summer, the rooting of the cuttings should end, and they can be planted in a permanent place in open ground. Before the onset of winter cold, young plants take root well and become strong. In the event that very severe frosts are observed in your area in winter, or there is little snow at this time of the year, then the cuttings can not be planted in open ground, but left in the greenhouse until spring.

Also, the flower can be propagated by dividing the bush. This procedure is best done in spring or autumn. Aubrieta does not tolerate such reproduction very well, which is quite simple. To do this, you need to dig a bush and divide it into several parts, while each division should have roots and well-developed stems. After that, the delenki are planted in separate holes. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that all your efforts may turn out to be completely in vain, and the shaving transplanted in this way may well die. Therefore, experienced gardeners prefer to resort to seed propagation or cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta has a relatively high resistance to various diseases and harmful insects, and therefore it is quite simple to care for it. In some cases, the plant can become infected with powdery mildew, while a whitish coating appears on the leaf plates and flowers. Such a disease belongs to fungal, and as it develops, this plaque acquires a brown color. A bush infected with such a disease loses its spectacular appearance, and its growth becomes slower. The affected parts of the flower turn black and die off, while the bush itself becomes much less winter-hardy. To cure powdery mildew, you can use colloidal sulfur, and you need to follow the instructions on the product package.

The greatest danger of all harmful insects for shaving is aphid. It is a sucking insect that uses plant sap as food. Aphid is a distributor of dangerous viral diseases. You can get rid of such harmful insects with the help of Karbofos, Biotlin, Fufanon or Arrivo. Depending on the degree of infection of the bushes, 1-4 treatments may be needed.

In general, such a flower, which prefers to grow between stones, rarely gets sick.

How to care for perennial shaving after flowering

Seed collection

When propagating such a flower with self-collected seeds, you need to remember that they may not retain all the varietal characteristics of the parent plant. However, if you still want to collect the seeds, then when the shaving fades in the spring, it is necessary to leave 2 or 3 stems with ovaries during cutting. Wait until the seeds turn dark and carefully cut the pods. Hustle them, and bring the seeds into the room and ripen. These seeds can be sown before winter in the same way as described above.

Preparing for the winter

After spring flowering, experts advise to be sure to cut off all the stems of this plant. However, after the end of the second flowering, this is not necessary. Stems and flowers should be left for the whole winter, and they will need to be cut only with the onset of spring. These perennial flowers tolerate winter very well without shelter. But it should be noted that if the winter is too harsh and not snowy, then the shaving may well die, in this regard, experienced flower growers recommend covering the flowers with a layer of dry foliage or covering them with spruce branches.

Varieties and types of shaving with photos and names

There are 12 natural types of shaving, while some of them are grown by gardeners. Quite rarely, one can meet in the gardens of middle latitudes such species as: white shaving, Croat shaving, graceful shaving, Kolumka shaving. However, there are species that are more popular, and they will be discussed below.

Deltoid Aubrieta (Aubrieta deltoidea), or Deltoid Aubrieta

The height of this herbaceous perennial plant can reach 15 centimeters. Greenish-gray deltoid-shaped leaf plates have 1 or 2 teeth on each edge. Loose raceme-shaped inflorescences consist of small flowers (about 10 millimeters in diameter), which are painted in lilac or blue-purple. In May, obrieta begins to bloom. The duration of its flowering is a little more than 4 weeks. This species has been cultivated since 1710, the people call it the "lilac bush". He has a variety of Bougainville, the height of its bush reaches 20 centimeters, the flowers are painted in pale purple, while the center has an orange color. Thanks to the breeders, a kind of cultural shaving was born, which is the most popular among gardeners, while they took the deltoid shaving as a basis.

Aubrieta cultural (Aubrieta x cultorum), or hybrid aubrieta

This group of plants that do not exceed 20 centimeters in height and are able to overwinter under snow cover. The small leaves are oblong and serrated at the edge. The diameter of the flowers of purple or lilac color reaches 1 centimeter. To date, various varieties of this species can have semi-double, double and simple flowers. They can be easily propagated by seed. There are varieties that can be grown in pots at home, and there are those suitable for cutting.

The most popular varieties of cultural shaving:

  1. Cascading. The flowers of such a perennial can be painted in purple, pink, blue, turquoise or red, while they have a small yellow center. Greenish-gray leaf plates throughout the year have the same color.
  2. Enchanting Morocco. The bush is lush and very effective. The flowers are relatively large (about 15 mm in diameter). Their color can vary from pink and red to blue.
  3. Azure coast. Such a plant has very beautiful azure-colored flowers. Flowering continues for 2 summer months. In September, repeated flowering is observed, which continues until the onset of winter frosts.
  4. Giant waterfall. This is a variety mixture that includes plants of various colors, namely: pink, purple, purple, red, etc. The height of such a winter-hardy perennial plant does not exceed 15 centimeters. The flowers are centimeter in diameter.

Also, gardeners are happy to cultivate such varieties of obrieta as: Carnival, Dr. Mules, Don, Gloriosa, Wanda, Blue King, Queen, Royal Keskade, Triumfant, etc.

Aubrieta, or aubretia, is one of the types of herbaceous plants that belong to the Cabbage family, and is an evergreen, creeping perennial shrub. It is found both in European countries, for example, in Italy, France, and in the countries of South America. Habitats are different everywhere. Aubrieta can be seen on the rocks, along the banks of rivers, in gardens or rock gardens. The plant received this name thanks to the famous illustrator Claude Aubrier, who wrote his works in the botanical genre. During flowering, shaving resembles a continuous green carpet. A distinctive individual feature of the plant is the ability to produce healthy and rich foliage all year round.

Description of the shaving flower

Small, elongated leaves have serrated ends and a rough surface. The calyx of the flower consists of four petals, which reach a diameter of about 1 cm. Their color is the most diverse. All flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Orbieta blooms profusely throughout the season. If you follow the regular care of the plant, following the advice of gardeners, you can also observe re-blooming in the fall. The fruit in appearance resembles a bean pod, in which small brown seeds ripen.

To start growing this amazing flower in your garden plot, you need to learn how to plant seedlings, and only after that transfer it to open ground. Below we will look at how the plant reproduces, its diseases, methods of protection against insects and the rules for caring for a flower.

Growing shaving from seeds

Propagation by seed for this type of plant gives fairly high seedlings. However, it is best to take advantage of growing seedlings, which can then be transplanted, since sowing seeds directly into the soil can cause splitting of the variety. In this case, you can expect the beginning of flowering shaving only in the spring. Seeds are sold in stores selling products for the garden.

It is best to sow before the onset of the spring thaw. This time falls approximately at the end of February. They are sown in small pots, which are filled with a mixture of peat and humus. From these containers, young seedlings will then be planted in open ground. Before planting, the soil is pre-moistened, then seeds are laid on its surface, which are sprinkled with a small amount of sand. From above it also needs to be watered. Planted crops are covered with a protective film. In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature, which should be from 18 to 21 degrees.

Rules for caring for seedlings shaving

As a rule, sowing seedlings from seeds requires a lot of time, and care must be taken with great care. Do not forget to ventilate and water every day. The first shoots begin to appear after a few weeks. As soon as green leaves become visible, you can remove the protective film. Try not to overwater the seedlings, as the sheath does not tolerate an excess of moisture. If you feel that the seedlings are not yet fully grown for transplantation and are not developing enough, then in this case the plant can be fed. For these purposes, a mixture of mineral fertilizers diluted in low concentrations is used.

Aubrieta is hard to take root during transplantation and most often dies. In this regard, a flower grown at home on a windowsill is not suitable for picking. If there is a desire to completely eliminate the intermediate transplantation of seedlings, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in different pots.

Planting shaving in open ground

As soon as the spring frosts recede, you can begin to transplant the shaving from the seedling container. Choosing a territory for growing a flower should be done with all responsibility. Consider the fact that this plant loves the bright sun and does not tolerate shade. To achieve intensive and long flowering, it is necessary to prepare a site for planting seedlings, which will be located on the sunny side of the garden or garden. Even the most meager soil is suitable for growing shaving. It grows well in any rocky terrain and is picky about the choice of soil. However, the soil should absorb moisture well and contain ash or peat. A small slightly alkaline or neutral soil environment is allowed.

You can plant shaving in a flower bed as you like. The plant is quite malleable and flexible. The size and length of the roots of seedlings affect the depth of planting. The width of the hole must be made half the width of the seedling pot. When growing a flower in a plastic container, the dishes must be lowered into water so as not to damage the plant when removed. After air bubbles rise to the surface of the pot, the seedling is carefully removed and placed in the hole. A plot of soil around it is pressed a little and sprinkled with sand, then watered.

Shaving care in the garden

Aubrieta is a rather unpretentious flower and does not require any special effort when caring for it. Adult specimens may not need watering for a long time, the only exception is dry and hot summers. As a rule, under normal temperature conditions, excessive watering can cause excessive greening of the plant, which, in turn, drowns out flowering. Young shoots need to be watered a little more often until they are fully grown. Irrigation is considered the most optimal method of watering. The soil in the flower bed must be constantly loosened and weeds removed.

During the flowering period, the soil around the plant is sprinkled with sand to retain root moisture. In early spring or autumn, shaving is required to be fed with special mineral fertilizers, which are used by gardeners when growing perennial varieties of plants.

It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive pruning of all green shoots after the vegetative spring season ends at the shaving. Thanks to such measures, young green stems and leaves will soon begin to appear. They will be a wonderful addition to the flowers growing in the neighborhood in the flower bed. Such a flower carpet will retain its beauty until the next autumn bloom.

Obriet flowers after flowering

As mentioned earlier, the seed propagation method does not make it possible to preserve seedlings of varietal properties. Nevertheless, if the task is to collect seeds, then for this, during pruning, it is necessary to leave several shoots with ovaries on the bush. After the pods ripen and darken, they need to be cut. The husked seeds are dried and well ventilated. Then they are used for sowing in the manner described above.

Preparing the shaving for winter

After spring flowering, experienced gardeners usually prune. In the case of another flowering that occurs in autumn, it is recommended to leave all leaves and shoots intact for the winter. Re-pruning is best done next season. An adult perennial plant can easily endure the winter if there is sufficient snow cover. Under more severe conditions, it is necessary to cover the bush with dry foliage and spruce branches to protect it from death and freezing.

Shaving breeding methods

The obriet flower can be propagated by any convenient means, since the plant is unpretentious in this regard. The method of propagation by seeds or cuttings is mainly used. Growing shaving from seedlings was described in detail by us a little earlier. Gardeners who have extensive experience in breeding various flower crops choose the seed propagation method. Before planting, the flower bed area is cleared of weeds, small stones and dug up. A mixture of fertilizers is introduced into the prepared soil, then it is sprinkled with wood ash and chalk and moistened. Seeds are planted at some distance from each other, after which they are sprinkled with sand and watered. If planting was carried out in the spring, then the first shoots can be expected after 10-20 days. In the case of autumn planting of seeds, young shoots will appear only the next year.

Reproduction by cuttings

The method of propagation by cuttings is widespread. When pruning shaving in the summer, as a rule, a large number of green shoots remain, on which there are no flowers. A greenhouse is used for planting cuttings. Prepared soil is poured into it in advance, consisting of peat and sand. Cuttings that have taken root are transplanted into a flower bed. In areas where low winter temperatures prevail, the seedlings are left in the greenhouse until the arrival of spring, so that they can properly grow stronger and take root.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is carried out both in spring and autumn, but the plant is quite difficult to tolerate such an event. Often it is carried out in a certain sequence. Initially, it is required to dig up a shaving bush and divide it into equal parts, in which strong shoots and roots will be present. Then they are planted in different holes. It should be noted that this method of reproduction is not always successful. The divided parts of the plant are difficult to take root, so gardeners prefer growing shaving from seeds or cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a resistant ornamental plant to the effects of any diseases and pests. Occasionally there are cases of infection with powdery mildew. Such a fungal disease causes a white coating that occurs on leaves and flowers, which becomes brown over time. Due to illness, the flower loses its attractiveness. The plant gradually begins to fade and blacken. To stop the further spread of the disease, the bushes are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

The greatest danger to shaving is the aphid, which takes away the strength of the plant and feeds on its cell sap. Aphids are carriers of various viral diseases. To destroy it, drugs such as Fufanon or Karbofos are used. If the number of pests is too high, then the treatment is repeated several times to completely get rid of insects.

The obriet flower, which grows in rocky terrain, is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

Types and varieties of shaving

To date, there are about 12 species of this flower, including cultivars. In our area, such species as white shaving, graceful shaving, Kolumka shaving are rarely found. Here, for example, the deltoid shaving, which looks like a low-growing perennial green plant, has become more widespread. The leaves are serrated at the edges and gray-green in color. Small purple flowers gather in racemose inflorescences, reminiscent of a lilac bush. The flowering period begins in late spring and lasts about a month. This variety of shaving is considered the first cultivated type of flower bred.

Aubrieta hybrid or cultivated is a plant that reaches a height of about 20 cm, which can winter well. The leaves with serrated ends are elongated, the flowers are purple in color with a small diameter. Aubrieta cultivated is propagated by seeds. The most popular are the following varieties:

  • Aubrieta cascade, having flowers of various colors and gray-green leaves. A bush of this variety retains greenery even for the winter.
  • Charming Morocco is an elegant flower with large cups of blue, red or pink.
  • Côte d'Azur is a variety of shaving, which is characterized by abundant and frequent flowering throughout the year.
  • The giant waterfall is a perennial hybrid of purple, pink or red, grows up to 15 cm and has small flowers.

There are other equally well-known varieties of shaving: Carnival, Gloriosa, Wanda, Blue King, Queen, Royal Keskade, Triumfant and others.

Aubrieta - growing a flower in the garden (video)

Aubrieta is a perennial plant that is very popular in modern gardening. It is used to decorate flower beds and create a living flowering carpet. Planting shaving, propagating and caring for it in the open field is a pleasant and interesting activity, and the variety of varieties will allow you to emphasize the individuality of your garden.

Aubrieta: varieties and varieties

The second name of shaving is aubration. Perennial plants grown primarily for landscaping use. They refer to the culture as ground cover because of the peculiarity of growth: the bushes grow, covering the ground with themselves, forming a very beautiful living carpet.

Aubrieta will help you create a unique landscape design for your site

Aubrecia flowers are not large, but their number is impressive. The color varies from white to purple and blue. Flowering occurs in two stages - from the end of May (about 45 days) and in September (30-35 days). In the photo you can see that the plant is low (10-13 cm), from evergreen leaves it forms beautiful flowering pillows.

Varieties and types of aubration differ not only in the color of flowering, but also in its shape, as well as in the structure of the plant itself. The choice of shaving variety depends only on the personal preferences of the gardener.

cascading. Quite a popular cultivar. Perennials have beautiful blue or red flowers with a small yellow center. The leaves are gray-green, remain so all year round, decorating the garden even in winter. For this species, pruning is recommended immediately after flowering, which occurs in early or mid-summer.

Aubrieta cascading

hybrid or cultural. The earliest of all types of aubration. Blooms of pink, purple and sometimes red hue, towering over green foliage. It looks very beautiful in stones, in cracks in walls, fences. Among all varieties of hybrid obrieta, there are:

Hybrid variety of obriet Henderson

  • "Charming Morocco" is a variety with the largest flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), the color is varied - from blue to pink and red;
  • "Doctor Mules" - a rather tall variety (14-16 cm tall), with delicate blue-violet flowers;
  • "Borshiz White" is the only variety with large white inflorescences.

Deltoid. People call it "Lilac Bush". Under natural conditions, varieties of this species are found in South-Eastern Europe. The flowers are purple, blue or purple medium-sized (1 cm in diameter). The inflorescences are collected in brushes, which makes the plant similar to lilacs.

Aubrieta deltoid

Planting a plant

As soon as the warm spring sun has warmed outside the window and the night frosts have receded, you can plant the shaving. Usually this is done in late April - early May (depending on the region). You should carefully approach the choice of a landing site. Cultivation is recommended with plenty of sunlight. The lighter the place, the more abundant the aubration blooms, and the blooms become more saturated.

The plant feels good in light, not very fertile lands. The presence of lime or chalk is welcome. Fatty soils, peat and clay are not to your liking, and it will be capricious on them, if at all take root.

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground in early spring

The plant is buried in the ground in accordance with the length of the root. The distance between the bushes is at least 5 cm. The planting pattern is arbitrary, depending on the goal pursued by the gardener.

Important! To reduce acidity, lime or wood ash is added to the soil.

Planting a plant on a hill is welcome - an alpine hill, a wall, flowering waves.

Shaving care

Although the plant is unpretentious, it should not be left without attention. Landing and care include several main points.

The first and only abundant watering is done when planting aubration in open ground. Further watering is carried out in rather meager portions. Excess moisture in the soil harms the flowers of shaving. They crumble and the plant looks downcast.

Avoid over watering your plant

Aubrieta does not tolerate moisture, but it also does not treat drought very well, so the soil under the plant is mulched with sand, with a layer of 2-3 cm. At the beginning of summer, the mulch is renewed, and at the end of August, mulching is carried out again.

So that the obrieta does not lose its decorative effect, faded buds must be removed. Since the plant is perennial, at the end of flowering, the bushes must be cut. Further, abundant autumn flowering will come, after which pruning is not recommended. It is necessary to trim the bushes and remove damaged leaves before the next season - in the spring.

Mulching the soil around the shave

With the advent of autumn, the flowers do not shed their green mass, but in the event of increased frost, the leaves may fall off. Some gardeners advise covering the plant with dry foliage or straw.

Advice! So that the soil does not become waterlogged, take care of drainage at the landing site of the shaving.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Plants do not like fertilizer very much. Top dressing is required no more than two times per season. Mineral and potash fertilizers are best absorbed. You can limit yourself to the introduction of wood ash.

Advice! You can only feed the grown seedlings before flowering.

If the obrieta was fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, its cultivation is difficult. It is also not recommended to feed young seedlings after transplanting into open ground. The most appropriate is the application of fertilizer before flowering and after trimming the bushes.

When growing obrieta top dressing can not be used

Plant propagation

Reproduction of shaving is carried out by several methods, each of them is good in its own way.

  1. Propagation by cuttings. After spring pruning of bushes, the strongest and strongest cuttings are placed in a greenhouse in a special mixture of sand and peat. At the end of summer, they are transplanted to a permanent place so that they have time to take root in the open ground and get stronger before the onset of cold weather.
  2. Reproduction by seeds. This is the easiest and most efficient way. Germination of shaving seeds is a long process, so they are sown a month before the expected last frost. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 19 ° C not in open ground, but under a film. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and when warm weather sets in without night frosts, the seedlings are transplanted.

    shaving seeds

  3. The plant can also be propagated by dividing the bush, but this method is painful for shaving and is performed in rare cases.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a plant resistant to many bacteria, viruses and pests. Excessive watering can cause the greatest harm to it: rotting of the root system and death of the plant. It can also harm the wrong choice of soil. Among insects, the plant is most often affected by aphids.

At the first symptoms of bacterial lesions, the plant must be treated with insecticides.

The most common disease among all varieties of shaving is powdery mildew. Plaque appears on the affected areas, leaf deformation is observed. Fight the problem with the help of colloidal sulfur. Most often, affected plants are removed and burned.

Advice! Carry out proper care during cultivation and the plant will not be afraid of either disease or pests.

Aubrieta: combination with other plants

Most often, shaving partners in the garden are plants creeping along the ground. It goes well with milkweed or Caucasian rezuha, red soapwort or alyssum.

The combination is carried out according to the color scheme. Varieties that have all shades of red will complement perennial dwarf irises, which are dominated by a blue tint in bloom, or Douglas phlox.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Aubrieta in landscape design

In landscape design, shaving most often acts as a living flowering carpet in a border or rock garden, where it will create an inimitable backdrop for plants blooming a little later. Aubrecia looks very nice in flower beds decorated with natural stones (rockeries). Some gardeners manage to plant a plant in the cracks of the walls, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Growing shaving from seeds: video

Types of shaving: photo

Aubrieta is a perennial plant that is very popular in modern gardening. It is used to decorate flower beds and create a living flowering carpet. Planting shaving, propagating and caring for it in the open field is a pleasant and interesting activity, and the variety of varieties will allow you to emphasize the individuality of your garden.

The second name of shaving is aubration. Perennial plants grown primarily for landscaping use. They refer to the culture as ground cover because of the peculiarity of growth: the bushes grow, covering the ground with themselves, forming a very beautiful living carpet.

Aubrieta will help you create a unique landscape design for your site

Aubrecia flowers are not large, but their number is impressive. The color varies from white to purple and blue. Flowering occurs in two stages - from the end of May (about 45 days) and in September (30-35 days). In the photo you can see that the plant is low (10-13 cm), from evergreen leaves it forms beautiful flowering pillows.

Varieties and types of aubration differ not only in the color of flowering, but also in its shape, as well as in the structure of the plant itself. The choice of shaving variety depends only on the personal preferences of the gardener.

cascading. Quite a popular cultivar. Perennials have beautiful blue or red flowers with a small yellow center. The leaves are gray-green, remain so all year round, decorating the garden even in winter. For this species, pruning is recommended immediately after flowering, which occurs in early or mid-summer.

Aubrieta cascading

hybrid or cultural. The earliest of all types of aubration. Blooms of pink, purple and sometimes red hue, towering over green foliage. It looks very beautiful in stones, in cracks in walls, fences. Among all varieties of hybrid obrieta, there are:

Hybrid variety of obriet Henderson
  • "Charming Morocco" is a variety with the largest flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), the color is varied - from blue to pink and red;
  • "Doctor Mules" - a rather tall variety (14-16 cm tall), with delicate blue-violet flowers;
  • Borshis White is the only variety with large white inflorescences.

Deltoid. People call it "Lilac Bush". Under natural conditions, varieties of this species are found in South-Eastern Europe. The flowers are purple, blue or purple medium-sized (1 cm in diameter). The inflorescences are collected in brushes, which makes the plant similar to lilacs.

Aubrieta deltoid

Planting a plant

As soon as the warm spring sun has warmed outside the window and the night frosts have receded, you can plant the shaving. This is usually done in late April - early May (depending on the region). You should carefully approach the choice of a landing site. Cultivation is recommended with plenty of sunlight. The lighter the place, the more abundant the aubration blooms, and the blooms become more saturated.

The plant feels good in light, not very fertile lands. The presence of lime or chalk is welcome. Fatty soils, peat and clay are not to your liking, and it will be capricious on them, if at all take root.

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground in early spring

The plant is buried in the ground in accordance with the length of the root. The distance between the bushes is at least 5 cm. The planting pattern is arbitrary, depending on the goal pursued by the gardener.

Important! To reduce acidity, lime or wood ash is added to the soil.

Planting a plant on a hill is welcome - alpine hill, wall, flowering waves.

Shaving care

Although the plant is unpretentious, it should not be left without attention. Landing and care include several main points.

The first and only abundant watering is done when planting aubration in open ground. Further watering is carried out in rather meager portions. Excess moisture in the soil harms the flowers of shaving. They crumble and the plant looks downcast.

Avoid over watering your plant

Aubrieta does not tolerate moisture, but it also does not treat drought very well, so the soil under the plant is mulched with sand, with a layer of 2-3 cm. At the beginning of summer, the mulch is renewed, and at the end of August, mulching is carried out again.

So that the obrieta does not lose its decorative effect, faded buds must be removed. Since the plant is perennial, at the end of flowering, the bushes must be cut. Further, abundant autumn flowering will come, after which pruning is not recommended. It is necessary to trim the bushes and remove damaged leaves before the next season - in the spring.

Mulching the soil around the shave

With the advent of autumn, the flowers do not shed their green mass, but in the event of increased frost, the leaves may fall off. Some gardeners advise covering the plant with dry foliage or straw.

Advice! So that the soil does not become waterlogged, take care of drainage at the landing site of the shaving.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Plants do not like fertilizer very much. Top dressing is required no more than two times per season. Mineral and potash fertilizers are best absorbed. You can limit yourself to the introduction of wood ash.

Advice! You can only feed the grown seedlings before flowering.

If the obrieta was fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, its cultivation is difficult. It is also not recommended to feed young seedlings after transplanting into open ground. The most appropriate is the application of fertilizer before flowering and after trimming the bushes.

When growing obrieta top dressing can not be used

Plant propagation

Reproduction of shaving is carried out by several methods, each of them is good in its own way.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a plant resistant to many bacteria, viruses and pests. Excessive watering can cause the greatest harm to it: rotting of the root system and death of the plant. It can also harm the wrong choice of soil. Among insects, the plant is most often affected by aphids.

At the first symptoms of bacterial lesions, the plant must be treated with insecticides.

The most common disease among all varieties of shaving is powdery mildew. Plaque appears on the affected areas, leaf deformation is observed. Fight the problem with the help of colloidal sulfur. Most often, affected plants are removed and burned.

Advice! Carry out proper care during cultivation and the plant will not be afraid of either disease or pests.

Aubrieta: combination with other plants

Most often, shaving partners in the garden are plants creeping along the ground. It goes well with milkweed or Caucasian rezuha, red soapwort or alyssum.

The combination is carried out according to the color scheme. Varieties that have all shades of red will complement perennial dwarf irises, in which the bloom is dominated by a blue tint, or Douglas phlox.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Aubrieta in landscape design

In landscape design, shaving most often acts as a living flowering carpet in a border or rock garden, where it will create an inimitable backdrop for plants blooming a little later. Aubrecia looks very nice in flower beds decorated with natural stones (rockeries). Some gardeners manage to plant a plant in the cracks of the walls, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Growing shaving from seeds: video