Increasing the literacy of students through new approaches to teaching spelling. Three simple exercises to help you quickly improve your literacy

”, designed to remind us of the existence of spelling and punctuation. On this occasion, in the new issue of the educational column “New Knowledge”, we, together with experts, are figuring out whether there is innate literacy and how to develop it if you are still unlucky from birth.

What is literacy? In my opinion, this story is not only about -tsya / -tsya
and no commas. This is the expressiveness of speech: appropriate style, understandable vocabulary, the ability to see the second (metaphorical) meaning of the text, work with the word as a tool, convey emotion and attitude. Literacy is a sign of education and a marker that determines the professional and social activities of a person.

But the degree of "innateness" directly depends on the love of literature and reading skills. To become literate, it is enough to be well-read: a lot, and most importantly, systematically read, expand vocabulary. Then together
with interest in the content, visual memory also works.

No one will become literate because he knows all the rules and does not read anything but textbooks. Even sophisticated training methods will not help here.
People write an “application” for a job not because “an unstressed vowel is in the root, we are looking for test words”, but because they have seen this word hundreds of times on forms and have written it more than once. The cause of the problem is the unnatural system of literacy education. It is heavy and boring for children and causes them only rejection.

Of course, the rules are also needed in order to understand the logic of spelling, but the very method of mastering them should be fundamentally different. For this, including mnemonic rhymes. How to remember the correct stress in the declension of the word "contracts"? They came up with a verse: "We are not crooks, not thieves, we signed contracts." For an adult, this is more than enough.

Since we most often work with the corporate sector, I see a big problem not in spelling with punctuation, but in the inability to formulate thoughts, to determine appropriate style communication, write in a living, human language, while remaining within the framework ethical standards specific environment. Common Mistakes a lot, and they concern not only spelling and punctuation, but also the style, the meaning of the words used and even the inappropriate use of capslock: “Good day”, “With the hope of understanding
and quick response”, “contracts”, “quarters”, “push”, “fuck” and so on.

Everywhere people consider oral and written speech without errors a sign of education. At the same time, everyone is tolerant to varying degrees. Some people believe that the main thing is to convey the idea, then you can forgive other mistakes. Others are sure that excessive emotionality, long letters and sloppiness in framing is a clear sign of either disrespect or ignorance.

What to read

Marina Koroleva

"Pure Russian"

Almost a real textbook, only written in an accessible language. Journalist and philologist Marina Koroleva analyzes the words and expressions in which we most often make mistakes. She accompanies the rules with amusing stories from life, so that they can be remembered faster and easier.

Nora Gal

"Word alive and dead"

A book that has made a significant contribution to the struggle for the purity of the Russian language. Translator and editor Nora Gal breaks down the writing and speech mistakes we make without even thinking about it. Suitable for those who think they are right.

What to read and watch online

Preparing for the dictation

You can quickly fill in the gaps in knowledge on the Total Dictation website. For six video lessons, it is proposed to remember the rules of punctuation with homogeneous members and introductory words; rules for writing roots and prefixes, “not” particles with adjectives, as well as other points that participants most often stumble over. To consolidate the material after each lesson, there are several short tasks.

"10 myths about the Russian language"

A series of materials "Vocabulary"

Monthly columns of the popularizer of the Russian language Ksenia Turkova, in which she analyzes important phenomena and popular memes from the point of view of lexicology. For example, in the latest issues you can find out how the word “kipezh” is spelled, as well as about the appearance of “kadyringa” and the phenomenon of the word “Charly”.

Lecture by Irina Levontina
"Norm and Selectivity"

Another opportunity to improve your Russian is available lectures by experts on the intricacies of the language. At this meeting, linguist Irina Levontina talks about how differently people perceive words, how language norms change, and why the words “pickle”, “eat” or many diminutive forms are so annoying.

Where to study in Moscow


"Sustainable Literacy"

A complete course of 12 lessons that will help students improve their spelling and punctuation skills. The program includes two levels of difficulty depending on the results of the entrance test. Participants study according to textbooks and workbooks specially developed for the program, and take classes two or three times a week -
in general, everything is serious.

educational center "Intensiv"


24 000 rubles


"Russian without mistakes"

Training in "Specialist" in more is devoted to problematic moments in Russian grammar: the use of punctuation marks, continuous and separate spelling of words, the construction of phrases and sentences, errors in management and gender of nouns. Students are promised to be taught not only literate written speech, but also oral language.

computer training center "Specialist"


3 900 rubles


"Ambulance in Russian"

For those who did not like Russian at school and are still not sure about the correct spelling -ts and -tsya, there is an intensive course at the Capable People school. In six hours, they promise to refresh your knowledge and go through the most difficult cases of Russian grammar.

Capable People School

5 000 rubles for one session


"Russian literacy"

Another solid program for those who have decided to take their literacy seriously. In two months they promise to tell almost all school curriculum on spelling and punctuation, while simultaneously developing the students' linguistic flair.

network of schools of foreign languages ​​Alibra

1 600 rubles for one lesson

The Russian language, as well as the culture of speech, is one of the main subjects in school curricula. However, knowledge is not always assimilated by students properly, and even more often they are simply lost over subsequent years of life. Meanwhile, it is very important to know the Russian language and be able not only to express yourself correctly, but also to write correctly. It’s funny and sad when you hear how TV presenters or politicians are talking some kind of rubbish, pronouncing the words completely wrong, or when you read seemingly serious and useful articles in newspapers, magazines or the same Internet, but you see that the words in them are written haphazardly , for example, instead of “obvious” they write “on the face”, instead of “to mom” they write “to mami”, instead of “bad weather” they write “bad weather”, etc. But, in fact, it doesn’t matter what goals and objectives you set for yourself, you need to know the Russian language, and at least for the simple reason that by doing so you express respect for your native speech and culture, show respect for yourself and the people around you .

And today we will talk about how it is possible for an adult. But before describing the ten ways we have prepared for you to close knowledge gaps, we would like to point out one extremely important point.

In fact, improving your literacy is quite simple, but you should understand that it will not work in a week or two. V best case This process can take you several months or even years. Therefore, having decided that you really want to master your native language to the proper extent, make sure that such books as a grammar guide and a dictionary of the Russian language become your faithful companions. It is not necessary, of course, to always have them with you (although you can download them to your tablet, laptop or smartphone), but you need to make them your desktop manuals.

And if suddenly in some situation you experience difficulty, for example, you are not sure exactly how a word is spelled or what it means, do not neglect the use of a dictionary. Similarly, when you learn a new term, take a moment to figure it out. exact definition. By doing this, you will always improve your literacy and expand your vocabulary.

So, if you are ready, we bring to your attention ways to eliminate gaps in literacy in the Russian language.

10 ways to close gaps in literacy

Each of the presented methods is interesting in its own way. You can use them both individually and in combination. By the way, if you give preference to the second option, your progress will be more impressive, and the process itself will be much faster.

The first way is to read

Reading is perhaps the best the right way improving literacy in the Russian language. But given the fact that many people are used to being intellectually lazy, they get most of their information by listening to the radio, watching news, thematic programs, movies, and so on. This, of course, is good, but, unfortunately, it does not make it more competent (in the literal sense of the word). Reading will help you to increase the level of knowledge of your native language and improve spelling.

The fact is that books contain an incredible amount of words. And while reading, a person receives several advantages at once: firstly, his vocabulary expands, secondly, the skill of combining and combining lexical units develops, and, thirdly, when reading, the brain visually fixes the correct spelling of various terms and concepts, thanks to which reduces the number of spelling errors in the letter (by the way, if you read ours, you can pass a small spelling test). And another significant advantage of reading is the expansion of horizons.

The second way is to write

While reading sessions are extremely helpful, spelling in particular can be improved by writing more. Give it at least 30 minutes every day, and very soon you will notice that when writing various words you have gained confidence. In addition, it allows you to learn all sorts of subtleties of punctuation. But, of course, this method will work only if you always check what is written (correct spelling of words and punctuation marks).

If you are concerned about the question - what exactly to write, then absolutely everything will do here. You can write a short story from life, describe the past day, set out in short form the content of your favorite movie. It is also helpful to keep a diary. By the way, if for some reason you don’t feel like writing with a pen on paper, use a text editor on your computer. If you wish, you can even set yourself the goal of running your own blog on the Internet on interesting topic(and if you like it, over time you can make it one of the sources of income or even the main one).

The third way is to check and eliminate doubts

Good ways to learn Russian are not only reading and writing, but also constant self-examination and elimination of your doubts. You are probably familiar with the situation when you write something or even just talk about something, and you have doubts that you wrote or pronounced it correctly (this also includes the question of the semantic correctness of the use of terms and concepts).

So: such situations should not be considered something out of the ordinary, everyone faces them. But the question is what will you do with it. We recommend that you spare no time and devote it to finding answers and eliminating doubts. Look on the Internet or open a dictionary to make sure you haven't made any mistakes. By the way, it is precisely such cases that allow memorizing information best of all, because even a slight uncertainty about something is always a microstress, accompanied by an emotional reaction. And, as you know, what causes emotions in a person is remembered for a long time. Thus, by eliminating doubts, you will learn the lessons learned for life.

Method four - use online services

Today, almost every person has access to the Internet, and if ten years ago it could be called a curiosity, now having a tablet, smartphone or laptop at hand has become as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning. In addition, there are now access points to the World Wide Web in many public places and institutions.

Firstly, you can find specialized Russian language courses on the Internet. These include 4brain, as well as materials from such platforms as Universarium, Intuit, Lectorium, PostNauka, Lecture Hall and others (you can read more about them). And secondly, there are many “lightweight” services where it is possible, for example, to simply enter a word and find out its spelling or meaning. Also, such resources often offer grammar checks, punctuation, etc.

Therefore, when any difficulties arise, feel free to refer to such sites as,,,, and others. These, of course, are not Russian lessons, but still good ways study.

Method five - install the "Word of the Day" application

The Word of the Day app is a very simple yet effective tool to improve your vocabulary. Very well, by the way, Igor Mann wrote about him in his book "". The application is completely simple to install on a computer or gadget - here.

Once you install it, your vocabulary will increase by one word daily. Someone may say that there is nothing special about this, but it would be wrong. The fact is that every day we all communicate, using for the most part only words we know, and we learn new ones only by chance. Therefore, the "Word of the Day" will be a good alternative to these "accidents".

And if you make simple mathematical calculations, then in a year you will learn 365 new words, in two years - 730, in five years - 1825, etc. Agree, a good result? Thus, after even one month, you will notice that your speech has become richer and your writing style more perfect. Plus, looking at the word displayed on the screen, even if you know it well, you will memorize its spelling.

Method six - learn the rules

If Russian language lessons are a stage you have already passed, and, for example, a tutor is irrelevant for some reason, but you need to improve your literacy, learn the rules yourself. Ideally, this method involves learning one rule daily. But if you take into account the fact that, most likely, you have a job, hobbies, family affairs, and so on, and the rules need not only to be memorized, but also to be learned, you can devote two or three days to studying one thing.

You can, for example, learn today, practice a little, and tomorrow repeat the rule and practice again. And the day after tomorrow - perform several exercises without repeating the rule.

If such ways of learning the rules of the Russian language become an integral part of your life, over time you will master this subject perfectly. And if you have nowhere to hurry, do it calmly, because even a slowly walking one will reach his goal, while crowds of onlookers will stand and watch. And you can learn and study these very rules with the help of all the same textbooks, collections of rules and online services.

Method Seven - Reread and Edit

This method is very suitable for those who, for some reason, have to or simply like to communicate with friends, family, colleagues or partners through special programs like Skype, ICQ, QIP, Viber, WhatsUp or even in in social networks such as Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki. It sounds a little unusual, but even such communication can be useful to improve your literacy.

While most people prefer to express themselves with "thank you", "I like it", "sss", "priva" and "goodbye", we advise you to approach the process of online communication consciously. Just write literate and correct messages. As soon as you have written something, do not rush to press Enter, but re-read what you have written, correct the mistakes, put corresponding signs punctuation and only then send.

Let it take you a little more time, but you will learn how to write correctly. And if you dig a little deeper, then the newfangled abbreviations, so beloved by many, simply worsen the culture of speech, reduce brain activity, and adversely affect attentiveness, concentration and the development of thinking in general.

Eighth method - study with a tutor

Tutoring is one of better ways improving literacy in any subject, including the Russian language. A competent tutor always uses an individual approach to teaching, takes into account the characteristics of his student and his knowledge and skills. If something is not clear, he will explain it intelligibly, help to eliminate gaps and deal with difficulties. Among other things, professional specialist can significantly speed up the educational process.

Note that you can hire a tutor at any age, and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, if a tutor helps you, then you are interested in receiving new information, correcting mistakes, your education, after all. For this reason, if you do not want to engage in self-study, feel free to hire a personal teacher and study with him.

But still, we note that such classes can hit your pocket, because the services of qualified teachers are not cheap. And if you deal with unskilled professionals, it can end up wasted money. However, if the issue of costs does not bother you much, finding a pro will not be difficult.

Method nine - Russian language course from 4BRAIN

Separately, about our course in Russian. If we consider different ways study of the subject, he occupies far from the last and not even the ninth (as in this article) place among them. It was compiled professionally - the best pedagogical materials and the experience of our colleagues were used in the creation. Yes, and we approached its preparation with all seriousness and the desire to make really useful concentrated material.

The course includes trial testing to determine problem areas in command of the Russian language, an individual training schedule that allows you to optimally distribute time and workload, a lot of daily short classes and various ways intermediate control of assimilation of the material. In total, the program allows you to improve the Russian language quite well in just three weeks.

The Russian language course from 4BRAIN is designed for people from 10-12 years old who are familiar with the basic rules, but experiencing certain difficulties. To learn more about the course and get more information, go to. We are happy to offer you a complete and adaptive training program.

Method ten - other options

In conclusion, let's say a few words about other options for troubleshooting problems with the Russian language. Among them are such ways of studying and testing knowledge as solving crosswords and crossword puzzles - this allows you not only to learn new words, but also to memorize their spelling. It also includes all kinds of tests, puzzles, puzzles and anagrams that develop cognitive and intellectual abilities.

And if you want to combine business with pleasure, you need to watch more documentaries, speeches by speakers and public people. So you can learn to speak correctly, learn new words and notice the mistakes that others make.

Remember that it does not matter which way of learning Russian you like best: tutor and private lessons, online classes, reading or something else, the most important thing is to work on yourself and strive to improve your results. We wish you success and unwavering motivation in this matter!

It has long been no secret that literacy of oral and written speech of a person is his original calling card. It will be quite difficult to claim the prestigious high paying job if you write with errors like "I don't know, examin, to give" and you say understood, call, took, slept, quarter. The more there will be difficulties in passing the final and entrance exams. So literacy is an important task for a student, and often for an adult working person. Of course, some naturally write competently, someone has a talent for creating written creations, and someone finds it difficult to connect two words, and it’s hard to do something about it. And if the Russian language is not native for a person, then he has even more difficulties.

What to do to start writing without errors or reduce their number? Many advise read more. It really works if you remember what to read and how to read.

Read any literature, the main thing is that you are interested. Of course, it is desirable to choose all the same classical literature, published in Soviet times. Then they approached the literacy test much more carefully. In addition, you can be sure of the quality of the style of a recognized classic. Believe me, Pushkin, and Bulgakov, and Tolstoy created many fascinating, exciting, funny works that are not included in the school curriculum, but are really interesting to read. For example, I really like "Notes of a young doctor" M.A. Bulgakov.

Read everywhere and as much as possible. Reading, you immediately kill several birds with one stone. First, it works visual memory. In most people, this type of memory is most developed. You memorize the correct spelling of words and then you can use the following method to check the spelling of a word: "I like it - I don't like it." What does it mean? You write two versions of the word, the spelling of which you doubt, and choose the option that you like best. They say that intuition prompts, but it is from somewhere in the visual memory that the correct spelling of the word emerges. Carefully!!! Lovers of the "Albanian" language!! Remember that your memory may suggest the variant accepted in this language.

But the literacy of the written text that's not all. While reading, you will also feel the style of the text, the compatibility of words, punctuation nuances. And nothing expands vocabulary like reading.

Use spelling technique. Works especially well during dictations, presentations, essays. The theory of orthographic reading belongs to the methodologist Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov; for this theory 1888 Petersburg Literacy Committee awarded the Grand Gold Medal. “If you want your child to write correctly, make him read as it is written, and do not be afraid that he will speak the same way, because children understand: we do not speak the way we write”, - wrote D.I. Tikhomirov.

What does it mean? When you read, focus on long, complex words, pro-go-wa-ri-wa-ya them syllable by syllable the way they are written. So at the same time you use both visual and auditory memory. And if you do this when writing a word, then also motor memory connect!

Buy a spelling dictionary

The house must have a dictionary or the Internet, where the dictionary can be downloaded. One of essential rules: "If in doubt, don't write!" You can always replace with another word or rebuild the sentence, look into the dictionary, ask the teacher and, of course, come to us at

Write slowly. Try to write in calligraphic handwriting: it helps to concentrate, fix the form of the word in memory, and allows you to remember the corresponding spelling rule. The same applies to printing on a computer. Take your time, think.

Audiobooks for language intuition

Often say: "There's a comma here." Indeed, it is. But why is it asking? Because the rhythm of the sentence and the text, the logic of the content suggests that a punctuation mark is needed in this place. Why are punctuation marks necessary? Only to highlight, convey the meaning of the statement, intonation, rhythm of oral speech.

To master this rhythm listen to audiobooks. Listen to how phrases are pronounced, where punctuation pauses are made. It will be much easier for you in the future, when writing your own texts, to put commas in those places where "punctuation marks are asked."


It is both a helper and a great enemy to literacy. Why the assistant is understandable: now you can find almost everything for training, if you wish: USE tests, programs-tren agers, online tutors, etc. And why the enemy? We all met with a language in which instead of the phrase "very funny" they write "maybe patstal"? Of course, you can write illiterately on purpose if you know the correct variant. The only trouble is that “preved medved” sticks in your memory, and you involuntarily begin to doubt the most obvious.

It is dangerous to write with errors, because a primary, very strong skill is being formed. It is believed that it is necessary to write a word correctly about a hundred times in order to get rid of the consequences of the initial erroneous spelling.

Hence the advice: try to communicate competently even on forums, even in chat, choose competent interlocutors.

Good luck to you!

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

There is an opinion that spelling literacy is an innate trait. But in practice, it turns out that linguistic flair is characteristic of those who read a lot since childhood. Therefore, we can conclude that literacy is an acquired quality, it can be developed, and the easiest way to do this is from a young age. childhood. We will tell you how to improve the literacy of the Russian language in a child by grades 2-3.

In order to train the rules for writing words, the child uses three centers:
eyes - to see the written or printed word and visually memorize it;
ears - perceive the word by ear, pronounce it, listen to the sound;
hand - write down the word and fix it in memory.

If an environment has been created in the house in which the child constantly uses his native language and develops spelling vigilance, then the transition from children's postcards signed block letters“Mom, congratulations on the holidays!” before school dictations, written in "four" and "five", takes place in a gradual and relaxed manner. Several effective ways can help with this.


Doesn't exist too early age to start reading. Listening to poems and fairy tales, the baby perceives and copies the sounds of his native speech. Thanks to the alphabet with bright pictures, children develop visual associations with which letters certain words begin. Starting to read on their own, the child expands the vocabulary, sees the correct spelling of words many times and automatically remembers it, so sometimes in the future it will be enough to close your eyes and imagine the word printed on paper to make sure its spelling is correct. Therefore, the book should still be one of the best gifts for children.

Solving crosswords

Start with crossword puzzles in children's magazines, where pictures with numbers are drawn instead of word tasks. Nothing if at first the child will incorrectly enter unstressed vowels into the cells. Give him a “write-erase” pen and tell him how the right word is actually written.

Oral word games

On the road, in line, if necessary, waiting for a word game - interesting way pass the time, as well as an exciting speech training. Examples of such games are:

words (similar to the game of "cities");
name a word that begins with the syllable "pa", "lo", "tu" and so on;
make up a sentence from words that begin with the same letter, for example, "The fox catches the frog" or "The ball interferes with the sailor."

A lot of communication

Parental speech for children is the main set of rules of the native language, therefore it depends on the adults in the family how the child will emphasize the words “ringing” or “cakes”. If you notice that he makes the same speech error, carefully correct it in the response sentence.

- Mom, where do they put the forks?
- Forks are placed in the top drawer of the table.

If you use words correctly and communicate a lot in the family on various topics, then even the inevitable speech errors from others will not be transmitted to your children.

Word games on paper

Snake - write down as long a chain of words as possible, where each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one;
gallows or "Field of Miracles";
confusion - make words from mixed cards with letters;
making many small words out of one big one.

Entertainment using letters

Involve words and letters in joint games with children.

Draw small comics on a topic that this moment children are passionate (insects, Lego, fairies): homemade comics are often an incentive for independent reading;
invite the child to come up with and write a picture book and a little story together;
make collages with cutting out words from newspaper and magazine headlines;
make bracelets from wooden or plastic beads with letters;
make a home decoration with a word that describes your family - letters can be written, for example, on beautiful sea stones.

Posters on the wall

In a house where there are children, a poster with the alphabet often hangs on the wall so that the kids pay attention to it and learn the letters. In the same way, it is possible to ensure the visibility of the spelling of other words and terms. Bookstores offer a variety of posters on various topics: flowers and animals, transportation, sports, geometric shapes etc. Correlating the visual image with the spelling of the word, the child from childhood remembers how it is spelled.


The world-famous board game "Scrabble", as well as its Russian version - "Erudite", develop linguistic logic. Among other famous board games to compose words - "Boggle" and "Tick Tock Boom."

Mnemonic memorization of rules

Children do not like to learn the rules, but they are always interested in playing and joking. Mnemonics offers to facilitate the memorization of rules with the help of rhyme, associations, creation of visual and sound images. Notable mnemonic examples:

Not wonderful, not beautiful, but terrible and dangerous to write the letter t in vain;
Already married unbearable;
I put on clothes, I put on Nadezhda;
That, something, either, something - do not forget the hyphen.

Tell the children about these and other examples so that remembering some of the rules and exceptions does not seem boring and difficult for them.


A spelling dictionary is a necessary book in the home of every student. But in addition to turning to professional dictionaries, it is also useful to have a personal dictionary for words that cause difficulties. By typing 7-10 of these words, children can:

Write little dictations with them;

Make a crossword puzzle out of them;
write especially hard word all the colors of the rainbow;
play "find the mistake" or "fill in the missing letter".

Cheating exercises, as well as morphological and phonetic analysis will be offered to children at school in large numbers in the lessons of their native language. And at home, on the parental side, it is desirable to maintain a favorable atmosphere, where reading, talking about literature and intellectual games with words are a natural and beloved part of life.

I want to support the youth of our project (from 10 and above - my grandson will soon be just 10 years old, and therefore I understand this audience well) - this instruction will help you.
The ability to write well will help your career.
And here - perfect place where you can practice (but not to the detriment of readers).
Here's how to train, I'll write in this instruction.

Level of difficulty: Not difficult

1 step

I, like many of you, probably chased dogs too much as a kid. And therefore, with literacy, I had big problems. And when I began to write a lot, my “literacy” greatly interfered with me.
But somehow a thin book fell into my hands (perhaps it was called like this instruction). I was already an adult - and in this book “about literacy in 5 minutes” a lot coincided with what I already knew, in particular with my knowledge and experience about memorization and memory.
So, the first advice - maybe you will be lucky too - you need to look for such a book.

2 step

In this little book (it was so thin that I called it so affectionately) it said something like this:
“We read a lot. But for the most part, the books that we read are written correctly - in any case, the texts of these books were corrected by a competent editor. And that's what we're using here for "literacy in 5 minutes."
So step two - do not re-read your illiterately written personal diaries(or instructions of the same quality), but read good books- the more, the better for your literacy. You GET USED TO READ A LITERAL SPEECH.

3 step

So, you go to work or school on the same road, and if nothing changes on the road, then you don’t notice the old. But if suddenly, where there was nothing yesterday, you find, say, a green Christmas tree right in the center of your path - you will immediately notice it, stop, as if you stumble.

It’s the same when reading texts: when everything is written without errors, it’s like the old road to work or school. But if you encounter an error while reading, you will definitely stumble. So - a mistake - it's like that Christmas tree on the road.
So, step three - stumbled while reading the text, stop - look - is it not a mistake.

4 step

Step four.
Now type in your text. Then be sure to re-read it, where you stumbled - there is an error. She needs to be dealt with.
(Here, I hope YET, there are instructions that not only the author did not check for errors, but, apparently, he did not read at all after typing - this is disrespect for readers and to the detriment of his rating.)
Of course, use error checking in the editor, where you made a mistake - think about why, and if you didn’t stumble on the first reading - think again.

5 step

Fifth step.
This is already an advanced level.
In the place where you stumbled, for example, a word is written incorrectly, but you don’t know how to correctly - we climb into the dictionary. After 3-4 such climbs, you will be able to remember the correct spelling of the word.

6 step

Step six, although it is useful to do it first, is the motivation to increase your literacy.
For example, the described technique, which in an instant transferred me from an illiterate to a more or less literate one, I needed so that I would simply not be ashamed of my numerous texts.

7 step

However, relatively recently I have an additional motivation. When studying foreign language without the grammar of the Russian language - it is very difficult, better to say - it is impossible (if, for example, you confuse parts of speech with members of a sentence - say, verbs with a predicate.)
Yes, here is the next step to understanding grammar - study grammar (if you are still in school - treat Russian as your favorite subject - your career, that is, your whole life, depends on it.
If you are already working, you can take a thicker grammar book.

We repeat:
1. We read more books.
2. We reread our texts.
3. Where we stumbled - we correct the error.
4. We don’t know how to fix it - we climb into the dictionary and grammar.
5. Treat language with love.

6. We buy an interesting book on linguistics (for example, Uspensky's “Word about Words”).
7. We pleasantly shock the audience with a competent letter.

  • Now I am very pleased to read books on linguistics that tell about how our language developed. This is the next level, but in my experience a mandatory level of improvement in one's literacy.