Training retraining of specialists in ecology. Professional retraining in ecology and environmental safety

With the growing demand for qualified personnel, distance learning is becoming relevant. To change the education already received or to get basic knowledge with a diploma in the specialty of ecology is provided by the "Unified Business Support Center". After completing the chosen program of study, the applicant gets the opportunity to apply for the position of the leading ecologist of production or enterprise.

The main directions of retraining of specialists

The sphere of application of knowledge in the discipline "ecology" covers a wide field of environmental management, safety of production and enterprises. The knowledge gained during the training allows you to acquire a new specialty that is in demand by the business and agricultural sectors.

In the process of mastering the material, the applicant receives knowledge on job requirements:

  • environmental legislation;
  • regulatory framework;
  • the basics of the procedure for the examination of materials;
  • regimes, organizational and production structures of the enterprise, development prospects;
  • monitoring and its methods;
  • reporting;
  • normative rules of labor protection.

The course is aimed at obtaining certification of persons interested in finding employment in state and municipal structures or bodies of the State Committee for Ecology. After passing one of the electives, the applicant receives a diploma in the specialty of an environmental engineer (ecologist).

Conditions for the provision of retraining

To undergo professional retraining, a prospective applicant is required to fill out a mandatory request form and register in accordance with the instructions received. The general rules for enrolling in studies have a flexible framework of conditions.

To enroll in a distance retraining course, a person with a degree of education can:

  • complete higher;
  • full average;
  • being a senior.

At the end of the program, a diploma is issued:

  • Standardized sample.
  • Indefinite action.
  • Equal to the passage of higher second education.
  • Giving the right to conduct professional activities.

The form of study and the framework of the elective are determined by:

  • Only part-time with the use distance learning technologies.
  • The course program covers from 250 hours.

The diploma of the established sample, issued taking into account the standards in force under the law. The document is protected by appropriate degrees of authentication. It is equated to documentation received at full-time or part-time studies at state universities.

Course program

The elective is divided into areas, each of which has its own specifics and relates to a specific industry:

  1. Nature management and rational use of resources.
  2. Control of the ecological state.
  3. Estimation of the resource capacity of the natural fund.
  4. Construction project safety.
  5. Hydrometeorological applied research.
  6. Protection of water resources.
  7. Environmental direction of the audit.
  8. Municipal and state administration.

The acquired knowledge can be applied in many fields of both applied and managerial nature. Education is applicable in the field of labor protection and ecology of enterprises, which opens up additional employment opportunities.

All points of the programs are drawn up based on the current legislative provisions and the requirements of large enterprises. Up-to-date information is presented systematically and is accessible to the perception of the applicant, regardless of age and previous work experience.

Diploma sample:

The organization "United Business Support Center" offers the following programs for professional retraining of ecology:

Ecology retraining programs
No. p / p Program name Number of hours Program code
1 500 / 566 PP 151
2 560 / 562 PP 152
3 250 / 500 PP 153
4 520 PP 154
5 500 PP 155
6 550 PP 156
7 520 PP 157
8 250 / 566 PP 158
9 500 PP 159
10 320 PP-EK-03

Professional retraining ecology, find out the cost of training

Please fill out the form and you will receive detailed information about the course, curriculum and license.
When sending an application through the site, you will be given a discount.
We will contact you as soon as possible and we will answer your questions.
If you need another training program, write its name, we have more than indicated on the site.

Sent! Expect a call.

Environmental safety is a set of measures aimed at protecting the environment, the population, buildings and organizations from the negative impact of human activity. Cases such as the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant make us think seriously about these aspects of production and take measures to prevent similar situations from happening again. It can be said that environmental safety issues concern everyone, and business owners in the first place.

Our Training Center conducts environmental safety training for specialists of various levels and qualifications:

  • Training in the field of environmental safety for managers and employees of construction and design organizations. This course takes place in accordance with Art. No. 73, Federal Law No. 7 "On Environmental Protection" dated 10.01.2002 and Art. No. 15 FZ No. 89 "On production and consumption waste" dated 06.24.2002. Upon completion, students are issued a certificate of short-term advanced training.
  • Environmental safety training for managers and specialists of general business management systems. This course is required for an environmental safety specialist when applying for a job. Further frequency of training on environmental safety - 1 time in 5 years.
  • Environmental safety training for managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental control systems. Specialists of this category are required to undergo recertification at least once every 3 years.
  • Environmental safety training in handling hazardous waste. They must also update their knowledge at least once every 3 years.
  • Training on environmental safety in the treatment of waste from medical institutions. The frequency of training is 1 time in 3 years. All these programs are developed in accordance with the norms of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and agreed with Rostekhnadzor.

Professional retraining as a specialist in ecology

Professional retraining in ecology


Environmental safety and environmental control


Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources


State and municipal management in the field of environmental protection


Ecology and economics of nature management


Geoecology, rational subsoil use and environmental protection


Environmental audit


Form of study: remote or part-time

Duration of training: 250 hours

After training, a qualification is awarded Environmental safety specialist (in industry)

Penalties for the lack of professional retraining in radiation safety

For non-compliance with environmental safety standards, the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 8, Administrative offenses in the field of environmental protection and nature management) provides for sanctions against organizations. Thus, the amount of a fine for a primary violation can reach 250 thousand rubles. Or, as a measure of influence, the activities of the organization may be terminated for up to 90 days.

Order the service Professional retraining in ecology and environmental safety

And we will contact you shortly

Environmental Safety

Environmental safety training for managers and specialists

Environmental Safety— the state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences. In accordance with the current Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection”, a system of general and comprehensive environmental education has been established in order to form an environmental culture and professional training of specialists in the field of environmental protection.

Mandatory training in the principles of environmental safety for managers and specialists is provided for companies, in the course of their business activities, there is a possibility of a negative impact on the environment and natural resources. This condition is stipulated by the legislation and must be unconditionally fulfilled.

Environmental training under environmental safety programs is mandatory both for managers and for specialists whose duties include decision-making in the course of business activities of enterprises where there is a possibility of a negative impact on the environment, as well as for employees of all levels whose activities are related to the use of natural resources. resources.

Where to get environmental safety training for managers and specialists?

Our Institute offers professional assistance in special education. We use the latest programs related to environmental safety, created on the basis of environmental legislation.

Professional retraining programs provide an opportunity to master the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, to get acquainted with the measures of responsibility arising in case of its violation, to understand the principles of exercising control over the level of environmental pollution. All programs are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) "On Environmental Protection" (as amended and supplemented, effective from March 1, 2017), with the Order Rostekhnadzor of November 20, 2007 N 793 "On the training and certification of managers and specialists of organizations in the field of environmental safety", a professional standard introduced from December 12, 2016 "Specialist in environmental safety (in industry)" on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2016 No. 591n "On approval of the professional standard "Specialist in environmental safety (in industry)".

Training methods are approved by authorized bodies, therefore they are applied legally and officially.

As for organizational issues, we do everything to ensure that our clients can study conveniently and efficiently:
we offer the services of the best teachers;
provide an opportunity for distance learning;
we compose training programs so that the courses are concise and informative;
we do not require separation from the main activity.

Also, our institute conducts professional retraining in environmental safety, which involves the improvement and expansion of existing knowledge in accordance with applicable norms and laws.
Audience category: managers and specialists of various sectors of the national economy with higher or secondary vocational education.

The price of training is always combined with its high quality.

At the end of the professional retraining course, students receive a standard diploma confirming your knowledge and skills in the management of environmental safety and environmental protection.

Professional retraining courses for ecologists

The current regulations define a list of restrictions in the field of air protection and the environment in general. They prescribe special measures for the handling of industrial and household waste. They set out the requirements for professional retraining in environmental safety, training of certain categories of personnel. In order not to violate the current legislation, please contact the relevant services of our institute. We improve the qualifications of employees to the required level quickly, without wasting time, and inexpensively.

Independent retraining as an environmental engineer in Moscow is a difficult, insufficiently effective exercise. In addition to several federal laws, additional acts, orders, and changes will have to be studied. Some violations are punishable by high fines. The largest - can provoke a stop in the economic activity of the enterprise.

It is more convenient and cheaper to use the advantages of professional retraining of ecologists with a comprehensive assessment of costs. It is necessary to pay attention to these facts for an objective comparative analysis with alternative options:

  • The Institute offers various retraining courses in ecology. There are programs for managers and specialized auditors, specialists from financial and other departments.
  • For professional retraining in ecology, we attract experienced teachers from leading educational institutions of the capital. They provide quick assimilation of large amounts of knowledge, answer accurately complex practical questions.
  • In order not to waste time in vain, use the retraining courses for ecologists remotely. This comfortable form of training allows you to get the desired result without stopping your regular work activity. As a terminal device, you can use stationary computers, tablets, and other mobile equipment.
  • An individual approach is useful for adjusting the retraining algorithm for ecology and nature management, taking into account special requirements.
  • Our responsible employees are closely monitoring changes in the norms of the current domestic legislation. Appropriate changes are promptly made to the retraining programs for ecologists.

For more information, please contact experienced specialists of the institute. Check out the full range of our services. There are courses for training and advanced training of personnel for various fields of activity. When organizing long-term cooperation, you can count on favorable discounts and special benefits.

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Additional professional education (retraining) in the direction of "Environmental safety" is relevant for:

  • specialists in the field of ecology and environmental protection who increase their level of competence to take on a more responsible position or expand their knowledge of modern technologies for ensuring environmental safety and new legal requirements;
  • specialists with non-core higher or secondary vocational education who want to retrain and master a new promising specialty.

In what form can you undergo retraining in environmental safety and how is the learning process structured?

You have the opportunity to choose the form of professional retraining that is most convenient for you:

  • full-time education;
  • part-time courses (combined format with a predominance of independent study of educational material);
  • distance learning (this format involves the use of modern Internet technologies and is ideal for professionals who want to receive additional professional education WITHOUT interrupting work).

Through professional retraining in environmental safety, you get the opportunity to:

  • master a complex of theoretical basic disciplines and acquire practical skills necessary for the implementation of professional activities;
  • take part in specialized exhibitions, presentations and seminars;
  • get the most complete and in-depth knowledge of the subject being studied thanks to the educational and methodological materials provided in electronic form, detailed answers to questions that arise during the training and detailed consultations of teachers.

What do you get by completing retraining courses in environmental safety?

Each trainee who has mastered the curriculum in the amount of 270 academic hours receives a diploma of professional retraining, confirming his qualification as an environmental safety specialist.

You are undergoing retraining at an institution of higher education accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and licensed to provide appropriate additional professional education services. This is a guarantee of the quality of training and the legality of the issued documents!

Key benefits of our interaction

We care about your comfort during training


LLC "Status"

Thank You Letter

Dear Elena Vladimirovna!

Status Limited Liability Company expresses its gratitude for the excellent work done on the pre-certification training of our organization's experts for the right to prepare conclusions of a non-state examination of project documentation (or) engineering survey results.

I would like to note the high qualification, clear and professional work of the specialists of Granit-Consulting LLC in organizing pre-certification training, as well as the high quality of professional knowledge gained by the employees of our organization.

All specialists who passed pre-certification training at Granit-Consulting LLC passed the qualification exam at the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation for high scores on the first try and received qualification certificates of experts.


General Director of Status LLC N.A. Lezhikov.

IP Chernov V.G.



IP Chernov V.G. expresses gratitude to the management of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to IE Chernov V.G. organization of training for company employees.


Individual entrepreneur


CJSC "Gorproekt"

Thank You Letter

GORPROEKT CJSC expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG Granit-Consulting for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as personally to the specialist of the customer service department Korchev Artem Ivanovich for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, the Limited Liability Company KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to CJSC "GORPROEKT" to organize training for the company's employees.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.

Deputy General Director E.I. Prosvirina

ZAO Informatics Center, Murmansk

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"


CJSC "Center of Informatics" (NetSL group of companies) expresses its gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for fruitful cooperation in the field of personnel training.

Over the past two years, more than twenty employees of our company have completed advanced training and professional retraining courses organized by Granit-Consulting Consulting Group LLC. This allowed us to significantly raise the overall level of competence and efficiency of our company, which was noted by our customers and partners.

Specialists of LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" have always served our requests efficiently, promptly and flexibly, helping to find the best solution for our tasks.

We look forward to further cooperation! We wish the consulting group "Granit-Consulting" success and prosperity!

General Director S.G. Trubkin


to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"


We, a small repair and construction organization YAVAR LLC from Kaluga, after checking compliance with the requirements of standards and self-regulation rules by SRO members by the parent company, were forced to look for a company that would quickly and professionally help us in organizing employee training. On the Internet, we found a consulting group "Granit-Consulting". Since our organization rarely addresses such firms, and even more so on the Internet, we doubted the reliability of our relationship. But the result exceeded all expectations. The employees of your company have been attentive to our problem and

resolved promptly.

LLC "YAVAR" expresses its gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" and personally to the personal manager Litvinova Maria Yurievna for a clear and well-coordinated work. We wish you success.


Director of YAVAR LLC N.N. Padalka


to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"


We express our sincere gratitude to you for mutual cooperation and assistance in organizing the advanced training of the company's employees.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation in the future.

We wish you and your company members further success in your work, economic stability, self-confidence!


General Director of LLC PSK MNPO "FLAGMAN" Ermilov V.V.

LLC "SLAD-project", Syktyvkar


LLC "SLAD-project" expresses gratitude to the management of the Limited Liability Company KG Granite-Consulting for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, the Limited Liability Company KG Granit-Consulting fulfilled its contractual obligations to OOO SLAD-proekt to organize training for the company's employees in a qualitative, timely and professional manner.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.

General Director of SLAD-project LLC A.N. Shilov

Rosproektizyskaniya LLC, Ufa


LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

We would like to thank LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for providing short-term professional development services for our employees under the program "Engineering surveys in construction". I would like to especially note the contribution of the manager Gorelkin Ruslan for the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work throughout the entire period of our cooperation.

We look forward to further successful development of our business relationship. We wish you and your company new achievements and financial prosperity!

Director of Rosproektizyskaniya LLC E. A. Marfin



Domostroitelnaya Kompaniya LLC expresses its gratitude to the management of the Granit-Consulting Limited Liability Company for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, their attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, the Limited Liability Company "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "Domostroitelnaya Kompaniya" to organize training for the company's employees.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General Director of Domostroitelnaya Kompaniya LLC

V.I. Krutko.

Construction company LLC "Granit", Chelyabinsk


Limited Liability Company "Granit" thanks the staff of the company LLC Consulting Group "Granit Consulting", which professionally organizes and conducts advanced training courses for employees.

During the cooperation with Granite Consulting LLC Consulting Group, it has established itself from the best side as a reliable and stable partner, providing a flexible approach to needs. We sincerely appreciate the friendly and partnership relations established between our organizations and look forward to further cooperation.


Deputy Director of LLC "Granit"

Ivanov A.A.


to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


Sistemkompleks LLC expresses its gratitude to the employees of Granit-Consulting KG LLC for the excellent work done to improve the skills of our specialists.

I would especially like to note the high qualification of the teaching staff, the clear and professional work of the specialists of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" in organizing the educational process, as well as the quality of the professional knowledge gained by our employees.

We express our gratitude for your fruitful work and wish LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" further prosperity and professional victories!

We hope to continue cooperation in the future!

Director Reznikov I.V.

StroyEco LLC, Belgorod


On behalf of the StroyEco company, I would like to thank the team of LLC KG-GK for mutually beneficial cooperation and respectable partnerships shown when accompanying the company to the self-regulatory organization NP CPO Association of Builders.

We look forward to your reliability and high reputation in the future.

Director Kolontaevsky S.V.



LLC "Stroygorod" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG-GK for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, KG-GK LLC fulfilled its contractual obligations to Stroygorod LLC to organize training for the company's employees in a qualitative, timely and professional manner.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


Director of Stroygorod LLC Prakhov V.N.

to CEO

KG Granit-Consulting LLC


Atakaycement LLC expresses its gratitude for the excellent work done to improve the skills of our specialists in the field of environmental safety. You have established yourself as a serious company that clearly fulfills its tasks and is result-oriented.

We express our gratitude to you for providing the opportunity to acquire professionally significant knowledge and skills through the use of a wide range of modern educational and information technologies without interrupting production activities.

We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.


General manager

A.M. Gertsovsky

Non-commercial partnership SRO "KAZAN ASSOCIATION OF DESIGNERS", Kazan

to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


Non-profit partnership "Self-Regulatory Organization" Kazan Association of Designers "expresses its gratitude to the Limited Liability Company Consulting Group" Granit-Consulting "for cooperation in the field of professional development of employees of organizations, members of our partnership. Thank you for the professional and competent approach, strict adherence to deadlines, attention and correct attitude of your employees.

We look forward to further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.


President of NP SRO "KOP" Galyavieva T.V.


to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


On behalf of GSP LLC, I would like to thank the staff of LLC KG Granit-Consulting for

mutually beneficial cooperation and respectable partnerships shown in the organization of training for our employees.

I hope for your reliability and high reputation in the future.


General manager

V.S. Babasyan



NAMI-T LLC thanks the staff of Granit-Consulting KG LLC for mutually beneficial cooperation and respectable partnerships shown in the organization of employee training.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and reaching new heights.


director of NAMI-T LLC Trushkov I.N.

LLC Bureau of Construction Expertise "Guarantee", Yekaterinburg

for the services of pre-certification training of experts

In October 2014, the employees of our organization underwent pre-certification training for the certification of experts for the right to prepare expert opinions on project documentation and engineering survey results at LLC KG Granit-Consulting. The training took place in part-time form.

Organization of preparation and interaction with the organizers were held at a high level. Specialists of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" quickly and clearly advised on all emerging issues.

Based on the results of the pre-certification training, all employees of our organization passed the certification of experts for the right to prepare expert opinions on design documentation and engineering survey results in the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Thank you for your professionalism in organizing such a rare and useful service as pre-certification training for the certification of an expert for the right to prepare conclusions for the examination of project documentation and engineering survey results.

We look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.


Director Sukhov V.A.

StroyRegion Group LLC, Moscow region, Stupino

to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


Our company expresses its gratitude to all employees of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for mutually beneficial cooperation. I would especially like to note the distinctive features of the Company: an individual approach to solving any issues that arise in the process of cooperation, promptness in decision-making, guaranteed fulfillment of obligations assumed, professionalism of employees.

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" with its impeccable work confirms the main strategy of the Company - an individual approach to each client. Our partnerships have allowed us to appreciate the reliability of the company, the professionalism of all its employees.

We hope for further mutual understanding and constructive cooperation, we wish the whole team prosperity and many years of successful work.


Director General of StroyRegion Group LLC Romanova D.F.

LUKRA-STROY LLC, Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk

to CEO



LUKRA-STROY LLC expresses its gratitude to KG-GK LLC for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees. as well as for the good quality of the work performed, the attentiveness shown and the correct attitude.

During our cooperation, LLC KG-GK qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "LUKRA-STROY" to organize training for our company's employees. We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General manager


Aqua LLC, Kamchatka Territory, Elizovo

to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


LLC "Aqua" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "Aqua" to organize training for the company's employees.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


Director General of Aqua LLC Kandinskaya S.V.



to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

LLC "INPROEKTSERVICE" expresses gratitude to the management of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "INPROJECTSERVICE" to organize training for the company's employees. We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General manager


Antares LLC, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy

to CEO


LLC "Antares" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG-GK for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

3a time of our cooperation LLC KG-GK qualitatively, on time and at a high level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC Antares to organize training for the company's employees. We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General Director of Antares LLC

VolzhskyNefteGazStroy LLC, Volgograd Region, Volzhsky

to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


LLC "VNGS" expresses gratitude to the management of LLC KG-GK for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, KG-GK LLC fulfilled its contractual obligations to VNGS LLC to organize training for company employees in a qualitative, timely and professional manner.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General Director of VolzhskyNefteGazStroy LLC A. A. Sheikin

Remstroyproekt LLC, Republic of Komi, Ukhta


On behalf of LLC "REMSTROYPROEKT" I express my gratitude to the team of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for professional, high-quality service, reliability shown in organizing the training of our employees. Cooperation with LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" is effective and significantly saves time.

I express my special gratitude to the specialist of the customer service department Ismail Akberovich Aleskerov for his attentive attitude, responsibility and efficiency.

Director Samarin V.S.

PSV-Engineering LLC, Pskov

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

Granit-Consulting Consulting Group LLC conducted certification of employees of PSV-Engineering LLC under the NOSTROY program.

I would like to note the high professionalism of the employees of the company LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting", the desire to meet the wishes of the customer, to find optimal solutions, flexible financial forms of cooperation, strict fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

Director of LLC "PSV-Engineering" I. S. Vasiliev

WELD LLC, Magnitogorsk

for employee training

LLC "WELD" in LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

Limited Liability Company "WELD" trains its employees in the consulting group "Granit-Consulting". According to the results of the laid out works, I express my gratitude for the responsible and timely execution. Training is organized at a high professional level.

Hope for further long-term cooperation!

Director for Economics and Finance

WELD LLC V. A. Dorofeev


to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

LLC "Atakaycement" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "Atakaycement" to organize training for employees of our company.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General Director G. A. Shaparev

LLC Technical Center - "Safety"


LLC Technical Center - "Safety", represented by the Director Weber Valentin Karpovich, expresses gratitude to the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Professional Education "Capital Institute for Advanced Training of Specialists" for the operational and qualification actions of the employees of the organization, the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness shown and personally to the Head of the Department for Work with clients Emelyanov Artyom Gennadievich for an individual approach in solving any issues that arise in the process of cooperation, guaranteed fulfillment of the obligations assumed, high professionalism.

We look forward to further cooperation. Staff training was at a high level.

On behalf of the company, we express our gratitude for your fruitful work and wish you further prosperity and professional success.

Director Weber V.K.

Spetsmetallurgstroy LLC, Lipetsk


to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"

LLC "Spetsmetallurgstroy" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "Spetsmetallurgstroy" to organize training for the company's employees. We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


Director of Spetsmetallurgstroy LLC S.I. Rusanenko

OOO GEYA NII, Krasnodar

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


Dear partners!

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the fruitful cooperation in the field of professional development of our employees.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.

Director of GEYA NII LLC

Z.V. Zabashta

KBS-Project LLC, Krasnoyarsk


Limited Liability Company "KBS-Project" expresses its gratitude to the management of the Limited Liability Company KG "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the high quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, the Limited Liability Company KG "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "KBS-Project" to organize employee training.

We look forward to further long-term and fruitful cooperation.


General Director of KBS-Project LLC

V.G. Lebedev

Display LLC, Yakutsk

to CEO

LLC KG "Granit-Consulting"


The LLC "Display" company expresses its gratitude to the Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for organizing work to improve the skills of our company's employees, for the speed and quality of training.

Employees noted the clear and professional work of specialists in organizing the educational process, as well as the quality of professional knowledge received by employees.

We express our gratitude for your fruitful work and wish the Granit-Consulting Consulting Group further prosperity and professional victories!

Sincerely yours, Executive Director of LLC "Display" V.I. Nikishov

CJSC "405 Office of the Head of Works", Moscow

To the General Director of LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting"


CJSC "405 UNR" turned to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" with

for the purpose of obtaining training services for specialists. The manager was Litvinova

Maria Yurievna. The service was provided properly, with the fulfillment of all taken

obligations, which left a good impression of your organization.


Executive Director of CJSC "405 UNR"

A.O. Shkurenko

Elektra LLC, Yekaterinburg

Elektra LLC expresses its gratitude to Granit-Consulting KG LLC for the prompt organization of advanced training for our employees.

We look forward to further cooperation.

General Director I. Yu. Poletaev

RACE LLC, Moscow region, Khimki

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"


LLC "RAIS" expresses its gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for carrying out work to improve the skills of the staff.

We note the high quality and timely execution of work, and also recommend Granit-Consulting Consulting Group LLC as a reliable, responsible partner capable of solving problems at a high professional and organizational level.


General Director of RACE LLC Shabalin V.A.

Stroymarket LLC, Moscow


LLC "Stroymarket" expresses its gratitude to the management of LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt and qualified actions of the company's employees, as well as for the excellent quality of the work performed, the attentiveness and correct attitude.

During our cooperation, LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" qualitatively, on time and at a high professional level fulfilled its contractual obligations to LLC "Stroymarket" to organize training for the company's employees.

We look forward to further and fruitful cooperation.


Director General of STROYMARKET LLC Til A.V.

SUE MO MOBTI, Mytishchi, Moscow region

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

State unitary enterprise of the Moscow region "Moskovskoe

Regional Bureau of Technical Inventory” in December 2011 with the help of your

organizations have provided professional development training. It should be noted

high professionalism and commitment in working with clients, goodwill

and attention.

SUE MO "MOBTI" expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC Consulting

group "Granit-Consulting" for the conscientiously performed work and hopes for

further fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Deputy General Director


LLC "SANMAR", Vologda

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

LLC "Sanmar" expresses its gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt work and organization of training for our employees. We wish the team of the company new successes and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Director of Sanmar LLC

Voronov A.S.

FSUE "Technointorg", Moscow

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group


Dear Nikolai Petrovich!

FSUE "Tekhnointorg" thanks the management and staff of the Consulting Group "GRANITE-CONSULTING" for the prompt, high-quality training and organization of training for FSUE "Tekhnointorg" employees at advanced training courses at the State Academy for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel for Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex ".

We wish you successful development, achievement of new heights in your business and sincerely hope for further mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation.

Acting General Director V. S. Vasiliev


LLC "LAND AND LAW" expresses its gratitude to the company LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the prompt work and organization of training for our employees, in turn, we note the qualified work and polite attitude towards the customer of the leading expert of your organization Mikheeva Elena Nikolaevna. We wish you success in your work and look forward to long-term cooperation.

Gene. director Z. I. Laipanov

LLC "GEOTEK", Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region

Consulting group

"Granite Consulting"

We express our gratitude to you for conscientious observance of the undertaken obligations on the organization of training. The company has established itself as a reliable partner focused on the interests of the customer.

We express our special gratitude to the Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the polite attitude towards the client, as well as prompt and highly qualified service. We wish the Granit-Consulting Consulting Group prosperity and look forward to further cooperation.

General Director B.E. Bushigin

LLC "KOLYMAGIDROTEKHRABOTY", Magadan region, Sinegorye village

KolymaGTR LLC expresses its gratitude to Granit-Consulting Consulting Group LLC for organizing the training of our employees. I would like to note the professionalism, attentive attitude to the customer and efficiency in the work of the managers of your company. We wish the team of the company new successes and hope for mutually beneficial further cooperation.


Director of KolymaGTR LLC

E.V. Samokhin


JSC "Priobsky Trust of Engineering and Construction Surveys" expresses its gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for providing services to improve the skills of our employees.

In the process of cooperation, the employees of LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" have established themselves as highly qualified specialists with the necessary professional knowledge to promptly solve the tasks assigned to them.

In general, evaluating the work done, I would like to recommend Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" LLC to my colleagues in the field of engineering surveys for construction, as a reliable and stable partner, turning to which you can always be sure of achieving results in a short time and at the lowest cost.

With respect and confidence in further fruitful cooperation General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company "Priobsky trust of engineering and construction surveys" Rovkin Viktor Fedorovich.

General Director V. F. Rovkin

Ecosystem LLC, Moscow

We express our gratitude to the company LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for organizing the training of our employees and note the qualified work, professionalism and attentive attitude to the customer of the leading expert Mikheeva Elena Nikolaevna. We wish the company new successes and look forward to mutually beneficial long-term cooperation.


General manager

Ecosystem LLC Naumenko O.I.

"Avtodorproekt" State Unitary Enterprise MO "MODC", Moscow

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

Branch "Avtodorproekt" of SUE MO "MODC" expresses its gratitude and deep gratitude to LLC KG "Granit-Consulting" for the services rendered at a high professional level in organizing training for advanced training under the programs "Engineering survey activities in construction" and "Design of buildings and structures ".

In the process of work, OOO KG "Granit-Consulting" has established itself as a reliable partner with a professional approach to work, timely and competently fulfilling the assigned tasks.


General manager

Branch "Avtodorproekt" State Unitary Enterprise MO "MODC" A. V. Anisin

LLC "ASKVIT", Moscow

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"


Limited Liability Company "ASKVIT" expresses its gratitude to the leading expert of LLC Consulting Group "Granit Consulting" Skoblyakov Stanislav Vladimirovich for assistance in improving the skills of employees of LLC "ASKVIT".

The conscientiousness and efficiency of Stanislav Vladimirovich made it possible to prepare the necessary documents for organizing the training process as soon as possible.

I would also like to note the high readiness of your company's employees for dialogue, the excellent quality of work and the professionalism of all employees.


Commercial Director of ASKVIT LLC Heif S.G.

OOO TK ProektStroy, Moscow

In LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

OOO "TK ProektStroy" expresses its gratitude and appreciation to OOO Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the services rendered at a high level in organizing training in advanced training.

General Director V. F. Burlakov

Termosystem LLC, Moscow

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

LLC "Termosistem" expresses its gratitude and deep gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for providing a high professional level of service in organizing training for advanced training.

In the process of work, LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" has established itself as a competent a partner with a professional approach to work, timely and competently solving the tasks.


General manager

Termosystem LLC S. V. Gasilian

High-Voltage Equipment LLC, Khabarovsk

to CEO

LLC Consulting Group

"Granite Consulting"

LLC "High-voltage equipment" expresses its gratitude and deep gratitude to LLC Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" for the services rendered at a high professional level in organizing training for advanced training