I dreamed of an unfamiliar young man. East female dream book

Each girl associates a meeting with a stranger as something very pleasant, mysterious. But what if this meeting takes place in a dream? How does dream interpretation interpret such a meeting? The guy is unfamiliar, mysterious, his face is not visible. How to relate to such a dream.

Seeing a stranger, and not only in a dream, but also in reality, we experience mixed feelings. On the one hand, it causes concern, and on the other, curiosity. That is why the interpretation of dream books is very ambiguous - what an unfamiliar guy dreams about can bring the sleeping man and unprecedented good luck, and considerable problems. That is why it is so important to remember the vision to the smallest detail. What was the unknown dressed in? How did you behave? Was meeting him happy or angry? After receiving answers to these questions, refer to the dream book for interpretation.

Did the stranger evoke only pleasant emotions and show affection for your person? You are a person with an open perception and are not subject to conservatism. You accept gifts of fate with joy, and therefore their flow does not dry out. However, caution should be kept in mind - even in a dream you are easily carried away by the first comer, can speak of frivolity.

Miller's interpretation

On the advice of Miller's dream book, take a closer look at the stranger who was seen in a dream. If his appearance and character left much to be desired, the significance of the dreamer will no longer be so positive. It promises trouble, anxiety, disappointment, and may even be a harbinger of an unwanted pregnancy.

But if the stranger in your dream was beautiful, the reality prepares only the good. A truly bright streak awaits you, filled with success, joy and an excellent mood, the dream book promises. Positive changes will affect all spheres of life, without ignoring either the personal or financial aspect. Your perception will become more vivid than ever, the world around you will be interested in many interesting details, and you yourself will feel unprecedented security and complete confidence in your own abilities.

Gestures and compliments

If a girl sees a dream in which an unfamiliar young man hugs her, the dream book advises to remember - and what did she feel? Hugs were exceptionally friendly? Wake up immersed in pleasant worries associated, for example, with unexpected guests.

Everything that may show the manifestation of friendly care promises a prosperous life. But if in a dream a stranger tried to pester or was overly obsessive, get ready to lose a certain amount of money.

An unknown guy nursed a girl while sleeping? According to Freud's dream book, a vision is her idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of relationship should be, or of those features of her personality that she is not able to deal closely with. If such a dream occurred to the one who had already married, an unfamiliar guy would possess all the qualities that she wants to see in her own spouse.


What a stranger's kiss might dream of should be seen as a kind of warning. If you allowed a stranger to touch your lips in a dream, then, in reality, you can well repeat this. The appearance of a rival who set herself the goal of destroying the family of the dreamer is what a married woman dreams about.

Does the girl see a dream in which the guy kisses her against her will? Take a look at new acquaintances, advises a dream book. It is possible that in the nascent novel, everything will not be as smooth as you would like. If a meeting is soon to be held, it can end not only with disappointment for the sleeping woman, but also leave behind a bitter sediment.

Other interpretations

  • For girls, such a vision can mean an early acquaintance with their chosen one. If he dislikes her, then most likely the meeting will disappoint you.
  • If you dreamed of a stranger who is actively interested in you, know that soon you will be exposed in something, and you risk being in a not very pleasant situation.

  • In a family dream book, a stranger promises great pleasure, joy. If you argue with him, or your stranger is intoxicated, then this is a sign that you will soon find yourself in some kind of alteration that does not very well affect your future life.
  • Another interpretation of a meeting with a stranger tells us that soon you will hear a lot of unpleasant words, insults.
  • If a girl kisses a stranger in a dream, then in real life unpleasant gossip will start around her, with which it will be difficult for her to cope. In another dream book, the meaning of such a dream indicates a loss of respect and interest from your partner.
  • The big dream book puts forward the version that a stranger appears to warn the girl about the next pregnancy.

The interpretations of such a dream, like any other, a lot. But many dream books tend to suggest that such a dream may portend a family problem associated with a relationship. It can be from a simple quarrel with your partner to a big scandal. Perhaps in the near future there will be a person to whom your chosen one will be very jealous of you. Seeing such a sign, many recommend thinking and changing something in their lives, as the appearance of a stranger can bring great discord to couples.

  Like any other dream, yours is built on the subconscious. The mysterious stranger that appeared, perhaps just your secret fantasy, realized in a state of sleep.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After the interpretation of sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar days and the day of the week, we can assume whether the dream prophecy will come true.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/24/2019

A dream from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events he portends depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw ...

In real life, every girl has a beautiful stranger, most likely, begins to be associated with something very pleasant, incredibly mysterious and even a little mysterious. By the way, this is especially true for those persons: girls, women who have ever had the opportunity to encounter such an incredibly beautiful stranger.

But the question arises, why such an unfamiliar guy or a wonderful man might dream of. For many, such a dream remains completely incomprehensible. To understand this dream, it is necessary to study the interpretation of several dream books at the same time.

What the dream is talking about, about the stranger in the women's dream book. All unfamiliar guys or men dream of a quick enjoyment in life, especially true if this stranger is very handsome, has an athletically beautiful body and exquisite manners. Such a dream can also speak of an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation, which, by the way, will be more useful than ever. If the young lady dreamed that a completely unfamiliar guy was very rude, with a gloomy expression and left at the same time not the most pleasant feelings about herself, then this means that in the near future, the sleeping person will face serious and sad disappointments and some difficulties. If you dream that an incredibly beautiful unfamiliar man or boyfriend is caring, giving his kisses, then you need to prepare to become popular and quite famous in your society. If you dream that the outward stranger unpleasantly hit the dreamer, then, most likely, the girl is expected to have quite serious experiences because of some man whom she previously considered her good friend and true friend.

The meaning of sleep about a complete stranger or a man in a family dream book. So, according to this dream book, every dreamed unfamiliar guy or man predicts great pleasure. But if you dream of an unfamiliar man with whom the sleeping person is talking or arguing, this promises some kind of bad adventure, maliciously aimed at the dreamer.

If a girl or a woman sees herself in the role of a beautiful and handsome stranger, this means that she is definitely waiting for a rather piquant situation, one that is guaranteed to give her far-reaching consequences. If a woman dreams that a stranger is sitting in prison, and she sees him in this confinement, then this means that your old, but rather strong desires will begin to come true in the very near future. If, in her dream, a female person sees an unfamiliar guy acting as an actor, then this talks about the possibility of a quarrel with friends or very close people. In addition, this may also dream that a girl or woman may lose one or more of her friends, most likely as a result of such an unpleasant quarrel.

Erotic dream book: what is the dream of an unfamiliar guy or man according to his interpretation. For women, a beautiful unfamiliar boy dreams of approaching female happiness and complete mutual harmony in the field of love, as well as in sex. If a young lady dreams of a completely morose and very ugly stranger, then this dream can portend only the most bitter disappointments.

Also, such a dream promises some unpleasant problems that will be associated with relationships with the closest and loved one. In addition, an unfamiliar boy or man may dream about the upcoming appearance of an old friend or, possibly) an army comrade, to whom the girl will be strongly, but in vain, jealous of her beloved boyfriend or faithful husband. It is worth noting that having such a dream, you should be wary, as this friend can still disturb the tranquility and tranquility of the relationship between the sleeping person and her beloved person, to whom she has long sought.

What is the meaning of the dream of a beautiful, but unfamiliar guy in the French dream book. In this source of dreams, a stranger with beautifully expressed facial features always dreams of complete well-being, great joy and holistic contentment with his fate. If you dream of a complete stranger who is wearing a white suit, then such a dream also portends a tremendous joy in his personal life, family and complete material wealth. A calm, harmonious life or quiet family happiness.

If he is dressed in all in black, then this can lead to loss and some sadness. If you dream of a complete stranger, a man or a boy, then this will bring the sleeping well-being in all her affairs, and if the guy is short, then the girl will be able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for her by fate.

In any case, when you see a stranger in a dream, you should rely on your feelings after sleep. If they are pleasant, then they are afraid of nothing, everything will turn out well, and if the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should beware of troubles and be more attentive.

What are strangers dreaming of? Find out!

Sometimes, waking up in the morning, women wonder what unfamiliar guys dream about. And in general, night visions - is it an accident or not? Recent studies by scientists have shown that in a dream our brain works much more intensively than during the day, and analyzes like a computer everything that happens to us (in real life), sometimes giving a result that we did not expect. Various dream books will help us to understand our night visions, recently there are a lot of them, we will give the main ones. So why do unfamiliar guys or men dream?

Miller's dream book tells us that if you see a handsome man - this is a good sign that promises pleasure and fun. An unpleasant young man predicts disappointment and depression. A physically disabled man means that you run the risk of experiencing worries about friends.

What is the other guy dreaming of, according to Wangi's dream book? If a young woman sees a masculine image - be respected by her all. A good-natured fat man predicts a carefree life, and a stunted stranger predicts some obstacles. A guy with physical defects speaks of deceit and betrayal of loved ones.

Freud wrote that to see an unknown young man in a dream for a man means that he constantly thinks about any rival, he is haunted by the fear of leaving the woman unsatisfied.

Why unfamiliar guys dream of a girl is even easier to explain - this is her idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a young man symbolizes a new business that will end successfully, an old man means wisdom and all sorts of honors. If a man calls a girl, she will be deceived. When a lot of guys - this is to patronage.

Loff's dream book tells us that if you saw a stranger, you have to make a choice between wealth and your honor. A gift from him to a girl means a long-awaited meeting.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book the following interpretation: a woman to see a man - for pleasure, a bearded man - to illness, naked - to condemnation.

Why do strangers dream about Hasse’s dream book? According to him - this, of course, is a good sign that promises protection and support in difficult times. If a man is bald - this is to universal respect and profit. Intimate relations with a young man - to the loss of any property.

According to Meneghetti’s dream book, a guy in a dream means psychological “tear,” disagreement with oneself. If you dream of a man aged - it symbolizes your attitude to your father. A naked young man tells you about the danger that plagues you.

Also one of the most popular is Longo's dream book. He tells you that when you see a pleasant man, you will be lucky in all your endeavors. These are very auspicious dreams. If this is an unpleasant stranger, then you should think it over carefully before you start planning a new business.

Why do strangers dream? There are many interpretations. According to one of them, to see strangers provoking sympathy is for positive changes in life. If strangers are unpleasant to you, events with a minus sign are most likely to come.

Dream Interpretation Stranger Man

Why dream a man unfamiliar in a dream from a dream book?

What does a stranger dream about? A dream bodes adventure, risk. Too much can be at stake, take your time to participate in adventures. For a girl, sleep is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, both planned and not.

The stranger's liking is a reflection of the lack of affection from the opposite sex. You also want something original, unusual in relationships with men.

What did you do with a stranger in a dream? What did the unfamiliar man look like in your dream? How many unfamiliar men did you see in a dream? Where was the stranger in your dream?

What did you do with a stranger in a dream?

Stranger man in a dream

A dream where an unfamiliar man sticks to you promises serious difficulties on the path of life. Because of them, you will have to put aside your intentions, do not do as you would like.

Sleeping with a stranger in a dream

It is a dream that you sleep with a stranger - in reality, you have built a wall between yourself and your friends, you do not accept help. Think about it, maybe you should change your behavior a little.

Dreaming of a stalk by a stranger

A stranger in a dream chases you - in reality you will be in the center of attention, you will become the object of discussion. If you like to be popular - you can rejoice.

Why dream of being close to a stranger

I dreamed of intimacy with a stranger - in reality you feel a lack of tenderness, intimacy. Maybe you should start a romance, start a relationship, then the problem will disappear.

Having sex with a stranger in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Felomena considers sex with a stranger as the desire of the dreamer to obey, the desire to be controlled by a man. You need protection, a sense of security in reality.

Dreamed that a stranger helps

Why do you need help from a stranger? A dream is a good sign. In reality, fate will be supportive, current events will develop as you wish.

Talking with a stranger in a dream

A conversation with a stranger dreams of a passionate romance, feelings of a love nature. You will be able to survive an unforgettable love adventure that can give incredible sensations.

What did the unfamiliar man look like in your dream?

What does a young unfamiliar man dream of?

The dream of a young stranger has a very ambiguous interpretation. It can bring great luck or promise disappointment. It all depends on the type of stranger, your emotions from his appearance.

Dreamed a drunk unfamiliar man

We saw a drunken stranger in a dream - in reality he would have to go through an unpleasant meeting or be involved in an event in which he did not want to participate.

A handsome man unfamiliar

The dream interpretation considers a handsome unfamiliar man as a symbol of a light strip in waking life. Upcoming changes will affect the material, love sphere of life. Everything will go smoothly.

How many unfamiliar men did you see in a dream?

Many unfamiliar men dream

Many unfamiliar men dreamed - a dream promises a woman a climb up the career ladder, and a man an increase in material well-being. To see many short strangers - in reality, unforeseen difficulties will appear on your way.

Where was the stranger in your dream?

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man in the house

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man in the house? This dream is a reflection of fear. Breaking out of his arms - there will be problems due to the jealous life partner. Do not flirt with strangers, thereby provoking him.

Kissing a man on a dream book

Kissing with a man in a dream is a rather unpleasant and alarming signal. You can learn more about why dreaming about kissing a man with the help of a dream book. To do this, it is worth recalling in detail the dream, its plot and ending, as well as its mood and emotions in it.

A dream in which you had a chance to kiss a stranger is interpreted as a meeting with people who have a dark past, as a result of which your reputation may be hopelessly damaged. Also, a dream book may portend an early meeting with an interesting man, who in fact will be an alpha or narcissus.

Kissing with a familiar man in a dream promises an early parting with him, and the longer and more intense the kisses, the sooner this person will leave. Still this dream can tell that the man whom you saw in a dream is in danger. If a friend is kissed by another woman, then you need to be wary of adventurous offers, because you can easily get into an unpleasant story.

Why dream of kissing a stranger man. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of a passionate, but fleeting love affair, in which feelings for each other quickly cool down and separation will be without regrets. For a married woman, this dream threatens to yield to a passionate temptation, but soon she will bitterly regret this connection.

A dream in which he kisses a dead man promises a dream book, bitter disappointment in love, longing for a loved one, and death. But death is not physical, but rather spiritual, in the form of complete apathy, stupor, lack of appetite and thoughts of suicide. Also, such a dream may indicate a serious illness that has chained your body.

Why else dream of kissing a man in a dream

If you dream that you are kissing a loved one, it means that you will soon part with him because of yours or his infidelity.

The dream in which you kissed an ex-man (guy) has two meanings and is interpreted by the dream book according to the mood with which you woke up. The first meaning: if this dream caused confusion in your soul, it means that you are not ready (or do not agree) to forget the old relationship, and agree to forgive and forget all insults, if only the young man returns. The second meaning: if after sleep you have a cheerful and happy mood, then you are ready for a new love relationship.

Why dream of kissing a man in Miller’s dream book. The dream in which the wife kisses her husband speaks of complete harmony and mutual understanding between the spouses. A girl who kisses a stranger man and in this action finds her current young man - insincere friends will be very impudent with the girl. Kissing with a loved one (beloved) in complete darkness - a dream warns of the possible temptation and profligacy of one of the spouses.

If a man had a dream in which his girlfriend kisses his rival, the dream interpretation interprets it as a risk of losing her lover's respect.

Stranger guy makes an offer

Dream Interpretation Stranger makes an offer dreamed of what in a dream a stranger makes an offer? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream in a dream A stranger makes an offer by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

Ground yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

Dream Interpretation - Unfamiliar

Dream Interpretation - Offer

Sentence - for some reason, such a dream, alas, has the opposite meaning.

If slow and intense development, progress before final approval means that there will be quick success in reality, then recognition obtained with ease means future difficulties.

In dreams, recognition can look different.

For example, if you make an offer to a girl and she almost immediately accepts it, such a recognition portends future difficulties.

For a young woman to see that she accepts the proposal for marriage from her lover is a sign that there will come an unexpected delay in the implementation of her marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Young Man

Dream Interpretation - Offer

To make or receive an offer - portends that you will be dishonorable and hypocritical until you develop in yourself high requirements for fulfilling a debt.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

Hearing it in a dream means that you will soon have new plans.

If in a dream some voice tells you that you are getting married soon with someone, then know that soon you will leave this person forever. But don't be alarmed: none of you will especially regret it. If in a dream you accepted the proposal for marriage, then in life everything will happen the other way around. Your life will be lonely and unsettled.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

If in a dream you were offered a marriage, wait for the declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

In a dream, that you were made an offer to marry - to a quarrel with your beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

A dream in which you propose to someone means that you will be hypocritical with your loved one.

Stranger boyfriend girlfriend

Dream Interpretation Stranger girlfriend  dreamed of why in a dream unfamiliar boyfriend girlfriend? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream a friend of a stranger in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have apparently opposite meanings.

Track your emotions to decide which value suits you.

Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and deliverance from problems and limitations.

To soar emotionally over a situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that when they are injured, they seem to soar upward.

Soaring can also indicate: that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the senses and at the same time with them.

Swim in water: means you let emotions float to the surface.

Soar in the air: means to rise above all this.

Soaring: also means that you soar aimlessly above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Outline potential goals and take steps.

Dream Interpretation - Unfamiliar

Seeing a stranger in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport - in reality get to know a nice and helpful person.

Aggressive stranger pestering you in the street in a tipsy state - start a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

The handsome stranger who caught your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. A stranger with a fierce appearance or with an ugly physiognomy is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who is your fellow traveler on a long journey, you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will decline for a while.

If you dreamed that a horse descending by sky from a sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with his own, such a dream promises a serious setback, unfulfillment of hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family home.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction will literally bring anxiety into the life of your relatives in everything; if you flee from it, in reality mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If a stranger kisses you in a dream and you have nothing against it - in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - a certain annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

The dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you are unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, work, lover, residence permit or car model, but without fail for a newer and better one.

To observe in a dream the action of an unfamiliar apparatus or device, or to study its effect - such an awkward dream means, however, a perfectly comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, sleep is auspicious and means making new acquaintances. However, attention must be paid to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never turn into friendship, but may be useful in the future. If a stranger turned to you on the street, a dream foreshadows a new friendship. If you are not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or the stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your home, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand - expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps this will turn your fate around.

Riding with strangers in one compartment - you have a long journey ahead in which you will meet nice and helpful people. Fly with a stranger on an airplane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to occupy a high post. Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible. Kissing with a stranger - you will find entertainment full of thrills. If you dreamed that you kissed a few strangers - you will have fun in the company of good friends. To give something to strangers - you will win the favor of people, and even those who still have treated you negatively. Fighting with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love quest will succeed. If you dream that a stranger secretly climbed into your house and was going to kidnap something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in sleeping, imagine you are catching a stranger at a crime scene and hand him over to the police. All your things are in place, the stranger stole nothing. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that strangers are interesting to you, you experience the most benevolent feelings for them.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

If you dreamed of a girlfriend, then in real life you will receive support from the side from where it would seem to be impossible. A dream in which you had a big fight with a friend using physical assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible, which is realized only at the end of your life path.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

Girlfriend dreams of heart affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

Girlfriend dreaming about shopping or at the hairdresser.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

Friendship with a woman who calls herself a friend of your life is subjected to the most arrogant swindle.

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

A woman dreams of a friend - to gossip, gossip.

A man - to a new romantic adventure, for which he will have to pay with his health.

Dream Interpretation - Young Man

A beautiful and harmonious messenger of the heavenly visionary Forces; angel-like image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior). For a girl dreams of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual assistant; maternal or sexual motives. The unsightly look is all bad. See Add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Dream Interpretation - Girlfriend

why do you have a kiss with a stranger guy ??



The kiss you saw in a dream usually portends joyful and positive events in a person’s fate. For example, a dream in which you see yourself kissing (kissing) your mother means that in real life you will experience incredible success in business. In that case, if you kissed your sister or brother in your dream, then such a dream portends the formation of good and fruitful relationships with colleagues, friends and acquaintances.

The dream in which you saw how one child kissed another portends a warm and sweet relationship in your family.

Kissing a loved one in a dream in a dark room, portends that in reality, others will condemn your relationship. On the contrary, if you kiss in the light, then your behavior will be worthy, and your hopes will be justified.

To dream about how your loved one kisses someone else - to the premature separation of lovers. Perhaps this love is not worth your efforts.

If in your dream you kiss a stranger or if you kiss someone stealthily, then such a dream can portend you to new acquaintances with doubtful people, as well as intimate relationships for which people around you can condemn you.

If in a dream you unexpectedly kiss your enemy, then such a dream may indicate that in real life there is something in common between you, and you can find ways to reconciliation by reaching a compromise.

Empress Happy

to an interesting offer


Want to meet new people?


meet your fate, your soul mate

Tatyana Dama

There will be talk of a man who does not belong to you ..

wild Orchid

to deception ... and if there is no loved one, then this is your energy of love

Danna Dyachenko

In general, this means a new acquaintance and not trust

Ed vassago

This is a normal dream in girls. But what, just a kiss, or woke up in the most interesting place?

Strangers are present in our dreams quite often, and, of course, in the morning we are very interested in what we dreamed of an unfamiliar man or person? Where did he come from in our dream?

What a strange man dreams of - Miller’s dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, dreams in which a handsome young man is found promise good changes in life and business. If the stranger’s appearance is unpleasant and repulsive, and his face and body are ugly, then such dreams warn of impending troubles and disappointments.

A Dream about a Stranger - Wangi's Dream Book

To dream about a stranger is to unexpected news. To see a stranger at the doorstep of his own home means that he will have to meet unexpected guests in reality. Talking with a stranger to intrigues and romantic adventures. If a stranger attacks you, expect quick changes in your personal life.

Stranger man in a dream - dream book of Nostradamus

A completely unfamiliar man is dreaming who is calling you somewhere - to cheat or lose. If a stranger in a dream is aggressive and armed, then you have enemies that you don’t know about.

A dreaming young stranger foreshadows a new successful undertaking, and an elderly and gray-haired stranger - the acquisition of wisdom and well-deserved respect. Finding yourself in a crowd of unfamiliar men is a favorable dream, which means that you are under the patronage and will be able to reach heights in your career.

What does a strange man dream about in Freud’s dream book

A man who sees a stranger in a dream projects in his dreams the image of his sexual rival, the object of suspicion and envy. Also, such dreams speak of a subconscious fear of being defeated in bed.

Women dream of unfamiliar men who reflect their ideas about the ideal spouse or lover. Traits and features of a stranger in a dream can tell which of the environment should pay attention to when choosing a partner.

Seeing a Stranger in a Dream - Loff's Dream Book

In the images of strangers, the hidden characteristics of a person and his subconscious, the inner essence of the dreamer, are manifested.

Women who dream of unfamiliar men see in their images the masculine side of their own personality, its specific features and behavioral motives. Whether this image is frightening or disposed to friendship depends on how one's own “I” is perceived and how the sleeping person treats himself.

Strangers who show emotions - fear, rage, anger - indicate that in reality these feelings are suppressed by consciousness, as they are condemned by society.

A dream about a stranger - a dream book of Simon Cananita

If a woman dreams of a man whom she does not know - this is for a long life and excellent health. A fat man in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will have a pleasant pastime and an interesting company. Young unfamiliar youths dream of worries, worries and anxieties.

Why see a stranger in a dream - a dream book of a healer Evdokia

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man from the dream book of the famous healer? An unfamiliar man seen in a dream can portend girls and women to an unexpected pregnancy. A dream about a fight with a stranger warns against participating in dubious cases and risky events.

If you saw a stranger naked guy in a dream, then in personal relationships everything is not going in the best way. There is a high probability that you experience a feeling of dissatisfaction, plans are crumbling, and the plan cannot be implemented.

The girl dreamed of a stranger

Dream Interpretation Orakul dream of a girl where a stranger appeared, is considered as a reflection of her desire to get married. Perhaps the desire will soon be realized, positive changes will occur on the path of life.

Show a little patience, do not put pressure on your partner. Perhaps he has already made a decision and will soon make an offer.

To dream of an unfamiliar handsome guy

Did you see a handsome stranger in a dream? For men, a dream reports a collision with an opponent in the love arena. You may have to compete for the attention of the person you like.

The plot tells the girl about attention from persons of the opposite sex. There is a chance that a meeting will occur with a pleasant, interesting person, which will develop into a serious relationship.

If you want the person you are interested in paying attention, you will have to make every effort. Otherwise, your opponent will be the winner.

Dreamed of a young stranger guy

The interpretation of the dream, which featured a young stranger, portends the girl positive changes. They will affect personal life, affect it in a favorable way.

There is a chance of unexpected, pleasant events. Most likely, a long-awaited surprise will be received. It is not known exactly how it will turn out, but you will be able to experience a lot of positive emotions.

Only pleasant, interesting events and changes await you ahead. Try not to spoil your mood with stupid actions, approach a significant period of life in excellent moral condition.

Dreaming stranger guy from monday to tuesday

Did you see a stranger in a dream from Monday to Tuesday? Soon there will be an acquaintance with an interesting personality. Perhaps a stormy romance will begin, which over time will smoothly flow into a serious relationship. It is likely that you will meet your fiancé.

It is necessary to show vigilance and attention. Most likely, a person who is able to radically change your whole life is already nearby. Try not to miss it.

Dreamed a stranger from Friday to Saturday

What does a stranger dream of from Friday to Saturday? With the best outcome, you can meet your soulmate in reality. It is likely that your fiancé is a familiar young man. The relationship will be strong, happy and reliable.

Take a close look at your surroundings, especially men. Perhaps a young man who has been able to change your life for the better has been around you for a very long time.

Dreaming of a stranger from Wednesday to Thursday

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, where the unfamiliar guy appeared, is a warning. In the near future, professional activities will begin to raise problems out of the blue.

Take a closer look at your behavior, analyze it carefully. Perhaps it will be possible to find the cause of conflicts and troubles, to eliminate it.

Stranger guy in a dream  - Rude and brutal, not a pleasant type of stranger for you, dream of some kind of defeat or failure in your plans.
If you had a dream about an unfamiliar guy, then this could portend an unwanted pregnancy.
If you dreamed that a stranger came to visit you, then soon you will receive unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of an unfamiliar guy, you know, change is coming.
If you dreamed of a stranger who wants to meet you, this should arouse suspicion. Perhaps in reality you run the risk of being caught in something.
If a stranger hugs you, not greedy guests will come.
If a stranger kisses you, then problems may arise in your personal life.
If in a dream you, frightened, run away from him, then in reality your beloved will turn away from you because of your mercantile interests and great demands on him.
If you slept with a stranger or just woke up in the same bed, you will lose confidence in yourself when you need it so much.
If a girl kisses a stranger in a dream, it’s shame and gossip.
If a girl dreamed that she really liked a stranger, then she would be happy with a young man whom she would soon meet.
If a girl dreamed that the unfamiliar guy she saw was disagreeable to her, then she would be disappointed in her beloved.
If a girl dreams that she is talking with a stranger, he portends her material difficulties.
If a girl dreamed that she saw a stranger, then she would soon meet a young man.
If a woman dreamed of an unfamiliar guy, then in reality she might hear obscene gossip in her address.
If the stranger in your dream is cute, then expect improvement in business, if ugly, then vice versa - trouble.
If this stranger is also handsome and has a gorgeous body, wait for an increase in wages or “crazy” money.
A woman has a dream in which an unfamiliar guy tells her that he is her son, promises disappointment in his children.
Sometimes a stranger dreams of a vicious pregnancy.
Bald  - also indicates trouble.
A stranger who behaves culturally and politely with you, in some way even sympathizes with you, dreams of a pleasant meeting or acquaintance.
Low  - you will not make any effort to overcome all the difficulties prepared for by fate.
Get to know a fellow traveler on the road  - to decline in business and your dissatisfaction.
A dream in which you see yourself in bed next to a naked stranger and enter into an intimate relationship with him means that your behavior will cause anxiety for relatives and friends.
The dream in which you kiss and cuddle with a stranger is unexpected pleasant guests. Another meaning of sleep, in which an unfamiliar guy kisses you, and you reciprocate with him - in reality your beloved may lose respect for you.
A dream in which a drunk stranger solicits you in a public place warns that the business that you started will not be profitable and successful.
Fat stranger dreams of well-being in your endeavors and current affairs.

The dream came true