The key is to release air from the battery. How to bleed air from a central and autonomous system heating radiator

Before starting the heating system, it is important to properly prepare it. If a person lives in an urban high-rise building, this problem is unlikely to affect him. After all, the employees of the housing office are responsible for carrying out such a procedure. But the owners of the private sector warmly run on their own. But even during the heating season, batteries can warm poorly, and in some places even be cold. The system is probably airy.

In any case, you need to know how to bleed air from the heating radiator in order to avoid situations associated with inefficient operation of the equipment. Why there is an air plug, its consequences for the operation of the heating device, what are the methods of its removal - you can learn about all this by reading the article.

If an air intake appeared in the battery, there would be nothing good from it. Excess air is an obstacle to the normal functioning of the system. It can also cause corrosion on the walls of the radiator.

If installed in the circuit, the air plug may interfere with its operation. When the system functions correctly, the plain bearings on the shaft of the pump unit are constantly in the water. And in the presence of air supply, the effect of "dry friction" occurs, which negatively affects the sliding rings, and can damage the shaft. Therefore, it is important to know how to expel air from a home heating system. Measures taken on time will help prevent damage to the heat supply network.

How to understand that there is an air plug in the battery?

Before you let the air out of the heating system, you need to figure out why it is formed in the circuit and how to understand that there is an air plug in the radiator. Most often, excess air accumulates as a result of improper filling of the system with water. The reason may also be the result of errors made during installation. Low pressure in the circuit, low-quality coolant with the presence of dissolved oxygen can also lead to airing.

Air congestion may also occur in the following circumstances:

The following signs may indicate that excess air has accumulated in the system: hissing and gurgling sounds in the battery, the quality of heating decreases, the heating becomes uneven, in areas where there is air, the radiator may be cold.

Such situations are not uncommon. Surely every owner of an apartment or a private house faced a similar problem. Therefore, it is important to understand how to remove air from the heating system at home, especially since it is not difficult to do it yourself. It should be noted that most often an air congestion is formed in the batteries that are installed on the upper floors of the house.

Important! Sometimes the cause of the cork is a poor quality radiator.

In this case, no matter how much air is not vented, it will form again. And the reason lies in the fact that the material from which the battery is made contributes to the formation of gases. There is only one way out of the situation - to buy a new radiator. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase heating appliances from bona fide manufacturers.

How to remove excess air from the battery?

Before you bleed air from the heating system, you need to understand the features of this procedure and prepare all the necessary tools and materials. Consider how to remove air from the heating system in more detail. For such work, you will need a special key with which you can open the air valve on the radiator.

A radiator key is best. It is sold in any hardware store. If a modern battery is installed, you can take a simple screwdriver. It is also necessary to prepare a container into which the coolant will merge. And also have a couple of rags nearby in case of unforeseen situations.

The algorithm for how to properly bleed air from the heating system is given below:

In addition to Mayevsky taps, automated air vents are often used for heating systems that bleed excess air on their own. Such automatic units are compact and reliable. But at the same time one must be extremely careful. After all, the valve works without supervision. And the slightest violation in the process can cause flooding of the attic or riser.

Some nuances

There are situations when the masters do not install special valves for venting excess air during the installation of the heat supply system. Consider how to release air from the heating battery in this case. To work, you will need an adjustable or gas wrench. Use it to unscrew the plug. This must be done very slowly. Sometimes the plug does not unscrew. Most often this happens if. In this case, it is necessary to apply special grease to the thread and after some time try again.

When the plug is unscrewed, the same algorithm of actions is performed as with a conventional tap. When the cork is screwed into place, one must remember to wind either FUM tape or linen onto the thread. This will prevent leaks and impart tightness to the joint.

If air has accumulated in the heating system of a private house, you will have to drain the water using an expansion tank.

This tank is always located at the highest point of the heating system. When the water is drained, you need to wait a bit, and then unscrew the tap on the expansion tank. Usually, when the battery temperature rises, the cork exits on its own. If such actions turned out to be ineffective, then the water in the circuit should be brought to a boil. In this case, the cork is sure to come out.

How often do you need to bleed air?

Knowing how to bleed air from a heating system can prevent and solve many problems. But how often do you need to carry out a similar procedure for prevention? As a rule, this should be done at the beginning of the heating season. Two times is enough (the first time for verification, the second for control). Of course, if the system has defects or it is faulty, then the number of descents can be large.

If the apartment is installed, then before starting the system it is necessary to drain the water. This will help increase battery life by several times.

Preventative measures

Of course, knowing how to blow out a heating battery is important and necessary. But it is better that the airing of the system happens as rarely as possible. It is better to prevent this situation and install an air vent.

At the moment, the air collectors of heating systems can be of two types: manual (represented by a Mayevsky crane) and float (or automatic). Each of the above types can be installed in various places where there is a risk of airborne appearance. The configuration of the Mayevsky crane is traditional. Auto air vents can have angular or direct execution.

In order not to puzzle over how to air the heating system, it is imperative to install an air vent on each battery.

Manual type air vent

Manual type air vents are usually mounted on the front of the radiator. With their help, you can easily bleed excess air. It is enough to have only a special key. The performance of such devices is small. Therefore, such an air collector for the heating system is installed only for use at home.

Automatic air vent type

As for automatic air vents, they function autonomously. Unscrew, do not need to open anything. The device does everything on its own. Mount them strictly in horizontal or vertical position. But I must say that such a valve for venting air from the heating system has one drawback - high sensitivity to various contaminants. Therefore, it will be necessary to additionally install a filter that will clean the device from mechanical impurities.

Important! If air has formed in the heating system, you should find out the cause of this situation. Especially if there were no such problems before. It is important not just to remove the air plug, but to take all measures so that it does not appear again. Therefore, it is necessary to check the device for leaks. Perhaps somewhere you should change the nuts or tighten the bolts, better seal the joints. Or perhaps the air vent is not installed correctly or the automatic air separator for heating is out of order.


Summing up, we can say that the problem of airing the system is quite relevant. It can occur in urban high-rise buildings, and in private homes. There can be many factors for the formation of excess air. It is very important to establish the true reason and know how to let the air out of the heating radiator correctly, so that in the future such situations do not occur.

An important role in the efficient and effective operation of radiators is played by the installation of special air vents. By installing such a device, the owner of the house or apartment will be able to forget about the problem of air congestion, save time and money, and also extend the life of the entire heating system.

It would seem that it might be easier to drain the water from the heating system? Indeed, for this it is enough to connect the drain hose to the battery and open the water. However, an incorrectly performed operation can lead to the most unpleasant results, especially in case of unforeseen situations in apartments, where you can simply fill in all the neighbors with water. We will talk about the rules for removing liquid from the heating system in this article.

We merge the heat carrier in the apartment correctly

Interfere with the operation of the heating system should only be if such actions are necessary for the normal operation of communication, to prevent or eliminate breakdowns. For example, it is impossible to replace a radiator in a room without first draining fluids. In addition, it is necessary to remove liquid from the pipes when leaks occur, the system is dirty, and if necessary, replace the coolant with a new one.

In an autonomous home heating system, it is easiest to drain the coolant. To perform such work, special permissions and approvals are not required, since even the occurrence of unforeseen situations in this case cannot cause significant harm to people. To replace the coolant we carry out the following work:

  1. 1. turn off the heating boiler;
  2. 2. wait for the complete cooling of the water in the system;
  3. 3. we close the valve of system recharge with cold water;
  4. 4. open special air valves, which are necessarily present in closed communications.

Modern heating networks have drain taps that are located at the lowest point of the system - usually on the return pipe in the immediate vicinity of the boiler. After performing the above operations, connect a hose to this tap, through which water can be drained from the circuit. When the coolant does not remain in the heat supply network, you can proceed with repairing the communication, replacing its damaged elements, or any other work for the sake of which the drain was carried out.

Properly draining water from pipes and batteries of an autonomous system is more difficult if the house has a "heated floor". In this case, to remove the coolant, it is necessary to connect a compressor to the inlet pipe of the network, which will help to displace the water from the pipes using air pressure. Although it is far from always necessary to completely drain the water from the system. For example, if you need to replace only one heating battery in a house, you can drain the heat carrier only from it, of course, if this allows you to make the system design and features of its installation.

It is highly desirable to provide for the possibility of draining water from a particular radiator by installing valves and taps.

So that when carrying out the described recommendations, the replacement of the coolant does not cause big problems, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate size tank in advance. All liquid from autonomous heat supply should fit into it without residue. In some cases, you can simply use a long hose, which is pulled from the drain tap to the street. However, the longer the hose and the older it is, the higher the likelihood of leaks during repair of the heating network.

It is much more difficult to drain the heat carrier from the heating system located in an apartment building. If you need to remove water from the communication in order to carry out its modernization, you will have to exempt from the coolant the entire riser passing through all the apartments located in one vertical. Such repairs require prior coordination with the company serving the heating supply of the apartment building.

The service of draining water from the riser is paid, it is performed by the employees of the responsible company, its cost depends on the time of the repair. The most expensive discharge in the winter during the heating season, and the cheapest in the summer. Therefore, you should plan ahead for the modernization and maintenance of the heat supply elements.

How to replace a radiator - dismantling procedure in an apartment building

The easiest way is to replace the radiator in relatively new apartments, in which the utilities are installed correctly, and the builders provide for the possibility of draining the fluid from the system without affecting the common riser. To replace the radiator in such an apartment, first turn off the shut-off valves at the battery inlet, thereby stopping the flow of water to certain sections of the heating network, but not stopping the circulation of the liquid as a whole. Your further actions on working with the coolant depend on whether exhaust valves are installed in the system design on the radiators. If there are taps, then you just need to connect the hose to them and drain the liquid into a large container.

With single-pipe heating, you must work differently. You will have to first open the tap on the bypass (bypass), which is a backup path for the coolant used to replace the radiator. Only after the tap has been opened on the bypass can the shut-off valves on both sides of the battery be closed.

After that, you can proceed to disconnect the radiator from the heating network in the house. When a new battery is installed instead of a broken battery, it is necessary to check the sealing of the connection, check the tightness of the locknuts and only then gradually open the taps at the inlet and outlet of the radiator. At the end, you can open the Majewski tap and slowly shut off the bypass so that the radiator fills up gradually. Slow filling of the system will prevent water hammer, and air from the battery will go out through the Majewski tap. The tap can be closed after water begins to flow through it.

Solving problems with the heating network

Problems with utilities happen quite often, however, it is not necessary to always remove the coolant from the pipes to repair the heat supply. The most common problems in the operation of heating include:

  • air entering the system circuit;
  • pollution;
  • insufficient diameter of the system pipes;
  • low power circulation pump;
  • lack of check valves in complex networks;
  • the assumption of various errors during installation work.

Problems in the heating network are often related to each other. For example, the murmur of water in the pipes can be caused by air entering the pipes, as well as poor sealing of the joints, the presence of leaks. To ensure that the system provides the apartment with the necessary amount of thermal energy and does not cause discomfort for users, it must always be checked. Follow the quality of the connection, bleed air through Maevsky’s taps, and if you can’t find the problem and get rid of it yourself, turn to professionals for help.

Timely call of specialists in case of detection of the slightest signs of problems in the heating operation will allow to avoid serious malfunctions, for the elimination of which you will have to spend your money and time, get permission to drain the water from the riser and coordinate your work with the responsible authorities.

Every year, with the onset of cold weather, for most of us the question is relevant: how to bleed air from a heating radiator? This is primarily due to the formation of plugs from the air, which can cause constant noise in the radiator and a decrease in the amount of heat at the outlet. To solve this issue is quite simple. Before solving this problem, thoroughly familiarize yourself with how to bleed air from a radiator without any outside help.

Fluid drain from the radiator

Getting to work, it is desirable to understand the cause of the problem, which most often lies in improper operation or the design of the radiator.

Accordingly, the order is as follows:

  1. We study the problem and the cause of its occurrence.
  2. We eliminate it, not giving the opportunity to harm the system as a whole.
  3. Check the result.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Understanding that the system has excess air is pretty easy. If the level of heating of the battery is not the same as we would like, and extraneous sounds are constantly heard in it, then there is an air plug in the system. It causes corrosion in the radiator and prevents the system from functioning properly.

How do air jams appear?

The most common reason is improper filling of the system with water, lack of normal pressure in the system, poor water quality or installation error. Be that as it may, the problem exists and must be addressed.

Important! In most cases, an accumulation of excess air accumulates on the upper floors. Therefore, initially look for the reason there.

How to remove the air plug in the radiator?


And so, how to bleed air from a heating radiator? We use a fairly familiar way, carried out using a Mayevsky crane installed on most of the batteries. It is a valve with a threaded bolt. Mounted in place of the plug, preferably at the highest point. Allows you to initially exit the air that got into the system, and only then water.

All we need to do is prepare a vessel for releasing heated water, the descent of which will be carried out in parallel with air bleeding. Open the tap and wait until clean water starts to flow, free of air and gurgling. That's all, we can assume that we answered the question: how to bleed air from a heating radiator?

Work execution order:

  1. We prepare containers for collecting the coolant.
  2. We stock up on a pair of rags that can come in handy in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  3. We open the faucet, bleed air and drain a couple of buckets of water.

Important! Deflate even after water begins to run. It is advisable to drain 2-3 buckets of water, so that in the future you do not have to repeat this energy-intensive operation again.

How to remove air from a radiator in the absence of a tap?

It so happens that there is no tap, and it is somehow necessary to bleed air anyway. In this case, the following algorithm of actions is performed:

  1. We unscrew the stopper located at the top of the radiator. For faster completion of the task, it is recommended to use a gas or adjustable wrench. Unscrewing is carried out extremely carefully, in small smooth movements.

Important! If you have a cast-iron battery and the plug does not twist, which happens very often, try applying WD-40. Wait a while and try unscrewing again.

  1. Unscrewing the cork, lower the coolant to its homogeneity.
  2. We twist the cork and check the result.

Important! Screwing the plug into place, wind the sealing tape or tow on the thread. Such an operation will not take much time and will avoid leakage.

How to bleed air from the top point?

Air vent from the radiator

In this case, as well as in the above, we will need special components installed in the system during its installation. By a special unit is meant an ordinary crane installed at the highest point of the system, used for forced manual descent of the coolant. In principle, it doesn’t matter what kind of crane there is, ordinary roofing felts, Maevsky roofing felts, the main thing is that he be. You can also make an automatic air vent. To do this, you will need to install an air vent automatically, which, when a certain amount of air is collected, will open the valve and lower it.

Consider the principle of its action. When air accumulates in the cavity of the air vent, the float located under the valve, which is responsible for its opening and closing, begins to change its position. With the appearance of excess air in the system, the water level decreases, and accordingly, the float lowers. Air is discharged, after which the coolant level is restored and the float returns to its upper position, closing the valve.

Important! When installing the heating system, be sure to install an automatic air vent. It is compact and reliable. Thanks to him, you will stop thinking about how to bleed air from the radiator, he will do all the work on his own.

Features descended air in the apartment (house)

Venting excess air from such systems is not particularly different from the options discussed above. A slight difference lies in the algorithm of the work. Initially, air descends from the most closely located elements, and then from the rest. Performing these operations in a certain order will make it possible to fill the entire system gradually, and not instantly, which naturally has its advantages.

As for automation, its use is quite convenient and simple, but at the same time dangerous. Valve operating cycles (opening and closing) will be carried out without supervision, and accordingly, if some process is interrupted, then there is the possibility of flooding the attic or riser in the entrance.

In fact, it is not necessary to bleed air from the radiator and the heating system very often. A couple of air emissions at the beginning of the heating season will be quite enough. If the system is faulty or has some defects, then their number may increase. Accordingly, this process can be performed manually, which is more reliable. The first operation - at system startup, the second - control.

Important! If you are the owner of aluminum radiators, then you must first drain the water, and then start the system. This sequence will significantly increase the life of the radiator.

The procedure for removing air from the system is quite simple. Adhering to the above algorithms and tips, resolving the issue of how to release air from the radiator will not bring you much trouble.

Watch a short video on how to bleed batteries in a high-rise building.

With the onset of cold weather, you need to take care of starting the heating system. If you live in an ordinary apartment building, the plumbing of the HOA will do everything for you, but if you live in a private house, you will have to start the heat yourself.

Even if the launch was made by professionals, it can be accompanied by a number of problems. If you notice that the radiators are cold , it means, most likely, an air jam has formed in the system. To eliminate such unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to bleed air from the battery.

What is the danger of gas accumulated in the heating system?

Understanding that air has accumulated in the system is very easy. If you hear strange gurgling and hissing sounds in your radiator, and the level of its heating is far from what you want, then there is an air jam.

An air lock interferes with the proper functioning of the system, leading to corrosion of the radiator. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of damage to the entire heating system.

Where does the air congestion come from? Most often this happens due to improper filling of the system with water, installation errors, low pressure in the system, poor quality of the water itself, in which dissolved oxygen is present.

Most often, air accumulates in radiators installed in apartments on the upper floors of the house.

In order to bleed air from the radiator, it is enough to perform several simple operations. To begin with, today all radiators are equipped with special air vents. They are of the following types:

  • Manual, the so-called "Maevsky cranes." During the operation, a special radiator key or an ordinary screwdriver is used, with the help of which this valve is turned and the gas leaves the system. The Mayevsky crane is located at the end of the radiator.
  • Automatic .   They work without human help when necessary. When air appears in the system, the float located inside opens a special valve, which releases the accumulated gas. Such devices are installed where there is a high probability of its accumulation.

Removing air from the radiator

We will tell in more detail how to bleed air from a heating battery.

  1. Find the Majewski tap on the radiator. It is a small valve with a recess that can be rotated.
  2. Prepare a container for the liquid that will drain from the radiator, put a rag on the floor.
  3. Turn the Mayevsky crane with a wrench or a screwdriver (depending on the design of the crane). First, drops should be mixed with air from it. When a normal flow of water starts to drain from the hole, you can close the tap. Gas from the system deflated
  4. Follow these instructions to bleed air from all the batteries in your home.

Most often, the problem of air formation in the system is familiar to the owners of aluminum radiators. So that in the future there would be no problems, it is necessary to immediately take care of the event with the start of the launch, otherwise the batteries will not last long.

Removing air from the system is a fairly simple procedure, which is very easy to handle. If you follow these tips, the problem will be solved.


We invite you to see what we talked about.


Air congestion in the pipeline and radiators interfere with the normal operation of the system and reduce its heat efficiency. Removing air from the heating system helps correct the situation. Emergency measures will have to be resorted to much less often if you correctly design and install an autonomous system, providing for the installation of air vents in all problem areas.

Heating system preparation

Reasons for the formation of air jams

Ready-made closed-type heating system is hermetic, but this does not guarantee the absence of air bubbles. Where does gas come from in pipes and radiators?

Air in the heating system appears for the following reasons:

  1. The coolant is tap water, which has not undergone special training - when heated, the air dissolved in water begins to be released, and plugs form from small bubbles.
  2. The tightness of the system is broken, and the air is gradually sucked in through leaks.
  3. During the repair work, part of the circuit was disconnected by shut-off valves, any elements were replaced or cleaned, and then the coolant was again fed into the repaired circuit.
  4. The pipeline was laid with violations of standards - a small angle of inclination of the pipes and improper installation of kinks prevents gas bubbles from entering special devices - air vents. As a result, gas accumulates in problem areas and interferes with the normal circulation of the coolant.
  5. If the heating system of a private house fills up very quickly (or when the coolant is not supplied at a lower point), the liquid is not able to completely displace air from the pipeline and radiators with complex configurations.
  6. Air vents are missing or improperly located. Also, the cause of the incorrect operation of the device for bleeding air is its contamination by mechanical impurities in the unfiltered coolant.

  Majewski manual crane on a radiator

Separately, it is worth considering gas generation in aluminum radiators. Upon contact of the metal with a slightly alkaline coolant, hydrogen is released, which accumulates at the highest point of the heater. If the radiator is not equipped with an air vent, over time the gas plug will not allow the coolant to freely pass through the internal channels of the heater.

Signs and consequences of airborne system

If the boiler unit is working properly, the flow temperature is normal, and the battery does not cope with the heating of the room, check the air in the heating system. Air congestion in radiators is a common occurrence; their presence is indicated by uneven heating of the device when the upper part remains cold. At first, the airiness of the battery slightly reduces its heat transfer, but if the problem is not resolved in time, the accumulated gas will block the path to the coolant and the room will not receive full heating.

Bubbles of air interfere with the free movement of the coolant due to the narrowing of the channel, and this provokes the appearance of specific sound effects. Signs of tube occurrence include noise in the pipes, bubbling, and boiling. In difficult cases, vibration of the pipes is added.

  Heating system airs

Small air bubbles that have not yet formed a cork, but are already actively released from the coolant, turn it into a water-air mixture. It is dangerous for a circulation pump that is not capable of pumping gas. Plain bearings are installed on the shaft of the pump unit, which should be located in a liquid medium. The high air content in the coolant leads to premature wear of the elements due to the effect of dry friction.

If air from the heating system is not vented, its excess in the coolant can lead to a stop or breakdown of the circulation pump. This is dangerous for solid fuel boilers that are not equipped with automation: when the circulation stops, the cooled coolant will no longer flow into the boiler’s water jacket. Overheating and boiling of liquid in a confined space threatens to explode if the safety group does not work.

Knowing how to remove air from the heating system, you can deal with air lenses in radiators made of materials prone to corrosion and overgrowing. The air contains carbon dioxide and oxygen, and they contribute to the decomposition of calcium and magnesium salts, which are dissolved in water. The reaction proceeds with the release of carbon dioxide. Under the influence of high temperatures, hydrocarbonate compounds form a layer of limescale, and carbon dioxide contributes to the corrosion of metal surfaces. As a result, the battery fails faster.

  Accumulated dirt in the heating system contributes to the failure of the radiator

To eliminate unpleasant consequences, starting the heating system at home after a summer break, you should check it for air jams. If she is airy, take immediate action to fix the problem.

Heating system without air congestion

In order for the air in the individual heating system not to accumulate in problem areas, but to go outside, it is necessary:

  • correctly design and install the pipeline, correctly install radiators;
  • use automatic and manual air vents.

Consider how to expel air from a heating system with natural circulation and top wiring. When arranging the pipeline, it is important to observe such an angle of inclination at which air bubbles freely move upward, to the highest point of the contour, without accumulating in bends and gentle sections. An open type expansion tank must be installed at the highest point of such a system, through which air bubbles enter the atmosphere.

Venting the heating system using an automatic air vent

To bleed air from a system with forced movement of a coolant or gravity system with a lower wiring, a different principle is used. Reverse pipelines are mounted under the slope (this simplifies the drainage of liquid from the system), and automatic valves are placed at the top of all individual circuits, through which air is discharged as it accumulates.

In addition to automatic air vents, the system also includes Maevsky’s manual taps. Such air vents are mounted on heating radiators - on the upper pipe on the opposite side of the pipe supplying the heated coolant. In order for air to enter the valve, rather than accumulate in the upper radiator manifold, it is recommended that the heating device be installed at a slight angle. Air venting is performed manually as needed.

How to find an air lock?

Ideally, the system can cope with airing on its own thanks to automatic valves through which air is bleed. Having found that a separate heating device or part of the circuit does not work properly, you need to find a place where air accumulation has formed.

Touch the radiator - if its upper part is colder than the bottom, then the coolant does not enter there. To bleed air, open the Majewski faucet mounted on a steel, aluminum or bimetallic radiator, or a valve that is mounted on cast-iron batteries.

  How to identify the air lock in the battery

You can also determine the place of airing by sound - under normal conditions, the coolant moves almost silently, extraneous gurgling and overflow sounds arise due to obstruction in the flow.

Metal pipes and heating appliances are tapped with light strokes - in places of air accumulation the sound is noticeably louder.

Get rid of the air congestion

If there are manual air vents on the radiators, there are no problems with how to remove the air from the batteries. Using a screwdriver or a standard wrench, the Mayevsky cock stem is slightly unscrewed, while a suitable container is substituted for the drain hole (a half-liter glass jar is enough). The descent of air from the heating system using a manual air vent is accompanied by hissing and whistling, then splashes appear, after which the coolant begins to flow in a thin stream. At this stage, the Mayevsky crane should be closed.

Note! If the battery continues to warm poorly after airing, the problem may become clogged. In this case, the heating device is dismantled and washed. After reinstalling the radiator, check the system for air locks.

To remove the air plug from the heating system, if it has accumulated away from the air vent (manual or automatic), proceed as follows:

  1. Open the air valve or valve closest to the air bubble.
  2. They begin to gradually feed the system with coolant so that the liquid, due to the increase in volume, displaces the air bubble towards the open air vent.

  Angled automatic vent valve

What to do in difficult cases when the cork does not remove the addition of coolant volume? In such a situation, in addition to increasing the amount of coolant, it is required to add pressure, heating the liquid to critical temperatures. Extreme care must be taken not to be scalded by the spray that accompanies the discharge of air through the automatic valve.

Important! If the plug is systematically formed in the same section of the pipeline, cut a tee in this place and install an automatic valve.


When purchasing heating equipment, pay attention to the quality and reliability of automatic air vents - they must function properly to take up the elimination of air jams only after draining and filling the circuit with coolant. If you know how to bleed air from the heating system, the procedure will not cause much trouble.