Complex riddles about household appliances. Riddles about household appliances

A selection of artistic words

on the topic "Household appliances"

I see a socket on the wall down below
And it becomes interesting to me
What a mysterious beast is sitting there,
Does he tell our devices to work?
The beast is called electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, buddy!
Keep your hands away from the current.
Do not rush to poke your fingers into the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He will get angry and can kill.
Current - for electrical appliances, understand

Better never tease him!

What goes into the outlet

Who is with difficulty, and who is hunting -
People go to work
But they cannot
Make everyone in the world alone.

They have an assistant who,
Move mountains if necessary.
He does not lie idle,
And running along the wires.

It rushes about like a predator in a cage
From socket to socket,
And it's not in vain where he lives,
They write: "Don't get in - he will kill!"

A joke can be cruel
Electric current -
And without asking my mother,
You cannot approach him.

But if there is a case,
He will handle it skillfully.
If it's sad, maybe he
Wake up the tape recorder.

He will sing to us and play
Read a fairy tale at night
It's just a pity that the singer
Will not show us a face.

If the music gets bored
The current will turn on the TV,
Every day is pleasant because
Watch cartoons with mom.

To make everyone drink tea
We charge the kettle with current.
Converts water to current
Into real boiling water.

And recently they allowed
Toku wash everything in the machine,
Even plush mice
But not dirty kids.

Let's say thank you mom
That we know how to wash ourselves
And into the basin spinning in it
Mom won't sit us down.

After a soft foam bath
We dry our hair with a hairdryer.
Current diligent o-go-go
The wind blows from it.

The current is able to give warmth!
He heats the iron for mom,
So that in one go
Iron the table with linen.

In the refrigerator without power
There is no good.
Without his work here
All food will be gone.

The current is on friendly terms with a vacuum cleaner.
The vacuum cleaner sucks the dust with its nose.
To breathe with purity
We will not interfere with them!

And when it gets dark in the window,
He will be able to light the light in the lamp.
We will become bolder with him
Even in the darkest darkness.

The current is not afraid of work.
And why should we be lazy?
We should quickly understand
What else to keep him busy.

Toy refrigerator

The refrigerator is quiet

The song hums.

Waving a white door

children calls:

Admire, children,

on my stocks:

The grapes are woven here

In the tail of a pineapple

Orange plays

with a peach in football -

Between two bananas scores a goal.

And on the bottom shelf

residents are not sad:

Here the carrots tickle

Strong cabbage side.

Over blush radishes

Legs dangling sausages ...

And on the top shelf -

Cheese rolls in butter

And in snow-white sour cream

The curd is bathed ...

Caution children:

the door is closing!

Anatoly Valevsky

Household Appliances (Safety Lessons)

Assistants are in mom's apartment,
They do a lot of work themselves:
The vacuum cleaner collects dust in the rooms,
The machine is washing things,
Then these things are ironed,
The new computer is also our friend.
The microwave is preparing dinner
Gives minced meat grinder for cutlets,
And the refrigerator stores food,
Only at the same time it buzzes a little.
Our delicious compote cooks the stove -
These assistants have many concerns.
All household appliances are needed
Still, we must be careful:
If you get into the refrigerator by accident
You can freeze - which is very sad.
If you jump into the washing machine,
You can die from electricity!
And with the TV the same trouble -
Do not poke around in it ever!
Always be careful with devices -
This rule is easy to remember!

We have assistants,

Do not give up at a difficult hour.

If mom is all worried
We get to work.
Here at the request of "Help!"
Ironing dresses, ironing trousers,
Our hands can do everything.
The vacuum cleaner makes a loud noise.
Our carpet shines like snow.

We have not forgotten about the linen
Washed, scrolled.
And then they rinsed it
Our hands are not tired.
Dry our things
Clothes shine with cleanliness.
We sat down for a minute

We watched TV.
We hear the phone is ringing
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
We put the kettle on the stove,
We will give tea to all the guests.
Our house is full of music
We dance and sing in it.
How to behave in everyday life
We will learn in the garden.

What's the noise in this kitchen?
We will fry the cutlets.
We'll take the meat grinder
Let's turn the meat quickly.
Beat together with a mixer
Everything we need for the cream.
To bake a cake as soon as possible
We will turn on the electric furnace.
Electrical appliances are a miracle!
It would be bad for us to live without them.
(E. Ignatieva)

Poem by M. Monakova "Rosettes are not interesting to me!"

Girl: A neighbor came to visit us,
We frolicked with her for half a day,
The needle was inserted into the socket,
From the socket - a column of fire!
My neighbor and I barely
managed to jump to the side.
My dad, a great connoisseur
He told us:

Boy: “There is current in the socket,
I will give you an outlet
i do not advise you to touch,
irons and wires
never miss!
Invisible current without hands
You may suddenly be hit! "

“It's a problem without a refrigerator.

The heat will spoil the food.

And even our hungry cat

It will not work with such food "

“The iron is like a steamer,

It floats smoothly on the linen,

Wrinkled dress? - nothing!

He will smooth it out quickly.

Without microwave oven

It's hard to cope in the dining room

I will cook and warm

I eat easier and faster. "

Be careful when handling the power source

You, baby, must remember:
Be careful with the outlet!
You can't play with her,
Stick carnations in it.

Stick a carnation inadvertently -
And it will shock you
So it hits that, I'm sorry,
They may not even be saved.

The matter will end in disaster -
The current in the outlet is very evil !!!

(G. Shalaeva, O. Zhuravleva)

Everyone knows that the iron-

A kind but serious friend.

Anyone who is familiar with the iron,

Doesn't play with the iron.


1.House on legs
In the middle is the window.
The window will light up -
A movie will appear. (TV )

2.It has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach,
How his motor will hum
He swallows both dust and dirt. (Vacuum cleaner )

3.In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits. (Refrigerator )

4.The steamer is sailing,
Back and forth. (Iron)

5 it's a miracle machine
Washes everything.
He is an assistant for the hostess
What a miracle, guess. (Washer)

6 I puff, puff, puff
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
"Drink tea, the water is boiling!" (Teapot )

7. I clean everything in the apartment

I love dust and rubbish " (Vacuum cleaner )

8. "The main thing is mine

Wash laundry cleanly "

I not only know how to wash,

I can rinse, squeeze.(Washer)

9. “Electric miracle, miscellaneous cooking.

Boil borscht or pickle, and fry eggs.

Stew meat, chicken

And he will dry the crackers .. (Electric stove)

10. “You plug me in,

When you want to have tea. " (Electric kettle)

11. Ironing dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

His name is…. (iron)

12.Love, look -

North pole inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there

Winter itself lives there.(refrigerator)

13. I have a robot in my apartment

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness,

And it buzzes like a Tu-liner.

He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze….(vacuum cleaner) .

14. Not radio, but speaks

Not theater, but shows ...(TV) .

15. Hanging pear - you can't eat ...(light bulb).

16. Only me, only me,

I'm in charge in the kitchen

Without me, how do not work

Sit back without lunch….(plate).

17.If you press the button

Music will sound….(record player) .

First load the laundry into it,
Pour the powder and plug it in,
Do not forget to set the washing program,
And then you can go to rest.(Washer)

Wrinkled dress? Nothing!
I'll smooth it out now,
Working for me is no stranger ...
Done! Can be worn.(Iron)

Different products live there,
Cutlets, vegetables and fruits.
Sour cream, cream and sausages,
Sausages, milk and meat.(Refrigerator)

On the table in a bell and in a glass vial,

A friend settled - a cheerful light. (Table lamp).

Hello dear readers! Perhaps it is impossible to imagine a modern home without a variety of household appliances. Washing machine and vacuum cleaner, electric kettle and microwave oven, TV and computer have become part of our life. Therefore, it is quite natural that, knowing the world around him, the child does not ignore all kinds of devices and devices that are not only difficult for him, but sometimes serve as a source of danger. We all know that the prohibitions and warnings "Don't you dare touch!" or "Don't turn it on!" it is impossible to stop the curiosity of a toddler. Curiosity anyway, sooner or later, will take its toll, and the kid will be drawn to the "interesting car" alluring him. Therefore, it would be more correct not to prohibit, but to acquaint the baby with household appliances. How to do it? Take your child on a mini-tour around the house, showing him various devices, along the way reading funny poems and making riddles for children 5-6 years old.

Start your acquaintance with household appliances from the kitchen. This is where the eye has something to stop at. Refrigerator, gas stove, microwave oven, kettle, meat grinder, toaster - each of these "smart machines" is worthy of a separate story. Explain to the kid how they work - of course, in a simplified form - show the devices in action. Let the little one try to heat the water for tea himself, fry the crispbread, squeeze out the aromatic juice. Don't forget about the riddles:

Four blue suns
Grandma's in the kitchen
Four blue suns
Burned and went out.
The cabbage soup is ripe, pancakes are hissing -
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

(Gas stove)

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there
Winter itself lives there.


They brought a box to the kitchen -
White white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.


Her mouth was stuffed with meat
And she chews it.
Chews, chews and does not swallow -
He sends it to the plate.

(Meat grinder)

Standing in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
The soup is heated in it.


Our dough hit
To a hot place.
Horrible -
Not lost
It became a rosy bun.


Iron Mouth
Grabbed a sandwich.
Browned sides
And - bye!

People still don't know
Who will be in charge in the kitchen!
But it is indisputable that the boss
All dishes will be ...

The giant clenched his fist,
Made an orange juice.


While conducting an excursion, do not forget to ask your baby questions: "What do we need household appliances for?", "What do we use to prepare our own food?", "What device keeps food fresh?" etc. Invite your child to dream up and compose a story on the topic "What would we do without kitchen appliances?" Help your kid to keep his story coherent and consist of not only simple but also complex sentences. This helps the development of the child's speech, expands his vocabulary, teaches to think logically and express his judgments.

In addition to appliances, the kitchen contains various tools and utensils. There are also many interesting riddles about them.

Protects bread
Does not give staleness.
For bread - home
It is good for him in it.

(Bread box)

Tell me how to name it:
All her teeth are in the holes,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She rubs deftly.

The boy knows, the grandfather knows
How to cook your own lunch.
There is a cleanliness on the stove -
You need to cook soup ...


Of iron, cast iron,
Long-handled and round -
Fry on it without difficulty!
What's this?


I keep it hot
I keep it cold
I am both oven and refrigerator
I will replace you on the trip.

If well sharpened,
He cuts everything very easily -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

Without which you can't sit at the table,
Without what salad can not be eaten?
Like a movie horror story
He pokes his fingers into the salad ...

If I am empty,
I don’t forget about myself.
But when I bring food
I won't pass by my mouth.

Ask your child: "What household appliances help us keep our clothes, towels, bed linen clean and tidy?" Of course, this is a washing machine and an iron. Tell the little one that people used to wash their clothes in a river or a trough using a special board, and ironed them with an iron, into which they poured burning coals. Show these fixtures in pictures. Explain how the washing machine and iron work. Have your child put things in the washing machine and iron a few handkerchiefs or towels. Well, as usual, riddles:

There's a box in the bathroom
It looks transparent and round.
It’s interesting to look into the eye when
Water bubbles in this box.


What a car - just a marvel!
After her, everything is clean, beautiful ...
She washed away all the stains and dirt,
She squeezed everything herself, rinsed.


I am sleepy in matter,
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hiss:
I really don't like crumpled ones.

He floats on the sheet
Like a boat on a wave.
He is a good friend to the mistresses -

Telling the baby about various household devices, do not forget to teach him on the way how to handle electrical appliances:

  • You can not turn on faulty household electrical appliances.
  • Do not use electrical appliances with a twisted cord.
  • Never touch wires and electrical appliances with wet hands.
  • Do not remove the plug from the socket by pulling on the cord.
  • Do not leave the iron, kettle on.

Invite your child to tell you which "smart cars" you forgot to mention in your story. He must remember a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a sewing machine, a camera, a fan. Our next riddles are about them.

Walks-wanders on carpets,
Leads his nose in the corners.
Where I went - there is no dust,
Dust and debris is his lunch.

(Vacuum cleaner)

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his motor will hum -
He swallows both dust and dirt.

(Vacuum cleaner)

In this little thing
A warm wind settled.

This eye is a special eye:
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.


Dries dry wind
My mom's curls.

Will strike like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.

(Sewing machine)

Our auntie needle
The line led across the field.
Line to line,
Line to line -
There will be a dress for your daughter.

(Sewing machine)

Our instrument is as if it were alive:
Blowing, turning his head.
Doesn't know rest in summer
At home, the air disperses.


Telling a kid about devices that help a person in everyday life, it is impossible not to mention the TV, computer and telephone. Without them, we would not be able to find out the news, watch movies and cartoons, communicate with our family and friends. Read a funny rhyme and ask riddles:

It would be nice somehow
Look into the TV,
See how in that box
Everything is arranged so neatly.
Dad says: “Son,
There is a current running inside. "
Well, I don't know,
What is this current.
How so on the wires
Does the cartoon get to us?
And where does he disappear
When is the button pressed?
Look at those channels
There are a lot of them in the box.
In general, the demon gnaws at me -
This very interest,
And for almost three days
Scratches my hands.
I would take off the lid from the back,
I keep trying to get the screw.
I can't screw my finger
Eh, I should have a screwdriver.

(V. Filenko)

He's faster than a man
Multiplies two numbers.
It has a library a hundred times
I could fit.
Only there it is possible to open
One hundred windows in a minute.
It's not hard to guess
What a riddle - about ...


What a miracle, what a box!
The singer himself and the storyteller himself,
And besides, at the same time
Demonstrates cinema.


What is this box?
He stands in everyone's house,
He will tell all the news himself,
Any film will show for us!


What is this apparatus?
He's glad to talk to you ...
You walk down the street
And you have a conversation with him.

(Mobile phone)

Now that your baby knows everything about household appliances, you can entrust him with simple household chores: vacuuming a sofa or carpet, ironing small things, putting food in the refrigerator.

Let's summarize your lesson.

So, today's tour of the house:

  • awakened the child's cognitive interest in household items;
  • taught him the rules of work and safe handling of electrical appliances;
  • replenished his vocabulary, taught him to compose a coherent story;
  • gave you many pleasant minutes of joyful communication.

Dear readers, if our today's material turned out to be useful for you, tell your friends and acquaintances about the article. We hope you will write about your conversation with your child about smart machines. We look forward to your feedback and comments.

We wish you all the best! Until next time!

In the linen land
By the river-sheet
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth
And behind him is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

He willingly inhaled dust,
Didn't get sick or sneeze.
Vacuum cleaner

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Will strike like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.
Sewing machine

Cuts, rubs and grinds
Performs many functions.
Food processor

In this box - the cold lives,
He guards our products.

The whole universe lives in it,
A common thing.

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his motor will hum
He swallows both dust and dirt.
Vacuum cleaner

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Demonstrates cinema.

We don't know any more trouble
She erases instead of us.

Nimble and tireless!
And how he sticks his nose in the corners,
Instantly free of debris and dust
All floors will be in the house!
Vacuum cleaner

The giant clenched his fist,
Made an orange juice.

On the box
Round buttons.
Right there, in the corner
Drawstring handle with tube.
Hears even without ears
Speaks like a nightingale.

When I see dust, I grumble
wrap and swallow.
Vacuum cleaner

Walks-wanders on carpets,
Leads his nose in the corners.
Where you have gone - there is no dust
Dust and debris is his lunch.
Vacuum cleaner

In the summer the air cools
And the coolness saves us.
Air conditioning

A blizzard is walking around the apartment.
The blizzard looked into the corner.
There she sucked in the dirt
And the cleaning started.
Vacuum cleaner

What is this window?
It has cartoons and movies
Zoo and carnival ...
Choose any channel!

In the summer, our dad brought
There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits.

Here comes the steamer -
Back and forth
And behind him is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

Standing in our kitchen
Magic box.
Today for lunch we
The soup is heated in it.

Warms the air in the room
In the cold, salvation for people.

I will tell you without bragging:
I will rejuvenate all my friends.
They come to me sad
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very sweet
Fun and smooth.

We have collected pears, cherries
Juice in winter will not be superfluous.
It got hot from work
Though she worked ...
Juice cooker

He swallows indiscriminately
Everything that lies in the way.
If there is a lot of dust, litter -
All trembling with joy.
Vacuum cleaner

Looking at the screen in the apartment
We see what is happening in the world.

In this little thing
A warm wind settled.
Hair dryer

Steamed only
Healthy food for everyone.
Double boiler

Linseed river,
Steel boat.
She will sail -
The wave will disappear.

In a round window
Wet clothes.
This washerwoman is a machine gun
It erases everything for us.

He walks, walks, but does not enter the hut.

It will take two hundred times a day,
Although it always stands still.

I will let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand.

He meets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he sees off.
Who comes, who leaves -
All lead her by the hand.

I know people - darkness
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand.


Black dog
Curled up lies:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
But he won't let him into the house.


Sometimes they take from me
Rivers have their source
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I'm all made of iron
I climbed into the crack.
You're in the house for nothing
You won't come in without me.

The tail in the yard
The nose is in the kennel.
Who will turn the tail
He will enter the house.

He will lie down without attention
All day in your pocket.
You will come home without him -
You won't get into the house.

With a short beard,
With a hole in the middle
I lie quietly
Ringing in my pocket.

I'm at the door, I'm at the castle
I'm in the musical line
I will unscrew the nut,
I can if I want
Send a telegram
And solve the riddle.


No chauffeur, no wheels
And he brought me home.

Ride me almost
To the door of the apartment.
Drove it along the way
The passengers themselves.


Wooden road
Goes up sloping.
Every step is a ravine.

What is this road:
Who walks along it -
Is he limping?

Window, windows

Not on the floor, not on the shelf
And he looks into the house, and into the street.

Wooden borders,
And the fields are glass.

Many neighbors live nearby
They never see each other.


I'm from home to the doorstep
Only one step took -
The door closed behind my back
There is no path in front of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends,
Where am I?

Home is like home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Flower beds.


Look under the window -
There is an accordion stretched
But the accordion does not play -
Our apartment warms up.

Under the window accordion
Hot as fire.

Stretched out like an accordion
Wonderful stove under the window.

Water pipes

I carry water in me
We'll need some water.
We can swim without hassle
If there's?..

If the river is on the pipe,
Runs into your house
And hosts it -
How do we call it?

Water tap

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away quickly:
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.


Our dough hit
To a hot place.
Got it - not lost
It became a rosy bun.

There is a brick hut
Sometimes cold, sometimes hot.

Our fat Fedora
It takes a long time to eat
But when you are full,
From Fedora - warmth.

In the hut there is a hut,
There is a pipe in the hut,
Rustled in the hut,
The pipe hummed.

The people see the flame
And it does not go to extinguish.


On the roof of our gnome sits
And the sky smokes every day.

Sits on the roof of everyone above
Breathes smoke.


I don't chew, but I devour everything.

That, barely touching,
Turns firewood into smoke?

No matter how much you eat,
It is never full.

You feed it - it lives
If you drink it, it will die.


The house is small, but there are many inhabitants.

In a wooden house
Gnomes live.
Such good-natured people -
Distribute lights to everyone.

This is a cramped, cramped house.
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a fire.

In a neatly cleaned fire chamber
Little sisters doze
These sisters all day
They get a light.


I was born in the oven
Curled into rings
Danced trepaka
And went into the clouds.

I'm hairy, I'm hairy
I am above every hut in winter,
Over the fire and the factory
Over the fire and the steamer
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no such thing as fire.

White pillar stands on the roof
And it grows higher and higher.
Now he has grown up to heaven -
And disappeared.

No arms, no legs
And climbed into the hut.

Fire and smoke

Father is hot and red
It can be dangerous.
And the son will rise like a bird,
He will not return to his father.


I climbed into the stove for treasure,
I need it for the field.
What did the stove give me?
What is the name of the treasure? ..


The black horse jumps into the fire.


It may melt, but not honey,
Not a lantern, but light.

The head is on fire
The body melts and burns.

I want to be useful:
There is no lamp - I will shine.

Light bulb

She's like a pear on the outside
Hangs around during the day
And at night it lights up the house.

House is a glass vial
And lives in it - a light!
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

Sun over the ceiling
It shines late in the evening.

I brought the sun
For your little window.
Hanged from the ceiling -
It was fun at home.

Held under the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed on the bubble -
The light came on.

Electricity, electric current

Who is on the wire
Does he come to our house?
To distant villages, cities
Who is on the wire?
Bright majesty!

I run along the paths
I can't live without a path.
Where am I guys no,
The light will not come on in the house.

Electricity meter

Very strict controller
Looks straight from the wall,
Looks, does not blink:
One has only to turn on the light
Or plug in the stove -
Everything is bewildering.


Behind the white door - cold, ice,
Santa Claus, friends, lives there.

North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there
Winter itself lives there.

There is a white house in the kitchen
Solemn in appearance.
As if with solid milk
Covered on all sides.

They brought a box to the kitchen -
White white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes it cold.

Santa Claus all year round
He lives in a white house.
It will become quiet and silent,
It wakes up and grumbles.

Guess soon, my friend,
What kind of snow house?
Preserves in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand
I wagged my flexible tail,
I licked the folds from the tie.

Back and forth
The steamer walks and wanders.
Stop - grief!
Make holes in the sea!

In the linen land
Along the river Bed
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

I'll walk a little hot
And the sheet will become smooth.
I can fix imperfections
And point the arrows on the trousers.

Vacuum cleaner

Walks-wanders on carpets,
Leads his nose in the corners.
Where I went - there is no dust,
Dust and debris is his lunch.

We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a Tu-liner.

He willingly breathes dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.

I breathe in a lot of dust
To keep you healthy.


They go with a load -
stop without load.

I've been spinning the whole century, not a person.

They move their mustache all day
And they tell the time to find out.

We walk at night, we walk during the day
But we're not going anywhere.

We hit regularly every hour
And you, friends, don't beat us!

Eremushka has been walking all century:
No sleep for him, no nap.
He leads the exact steps,
And still it will not leave the place.

Knocking, strumming, spinning,
Not afraid of anyone.
Counts all his life
And all is not a man.

On the arm and on the wall
And on the tower above.
Walk, walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

We don't sleep during the day
And at night we do not sleep.
And days and nights
We knock, knock, knock.

Alarm clock

I don't knock in vain -
i will wake up when necessary.

Daily at seven in the morning
I rattle: "Get up porrrra!"

Clock hands

Two sisters one after another
Run round and round:
Shorty only once
The one higher - every hour.


I'll sit under my arm
And I will indicate what to do:
Or let me walk
Or I'll put you to bed.


Capricious sandals
Once I was told: -
We are afraid of tickling
Shoemaker strict ..?


There's a plate on the wall
An arrow walks on the plate.
This forward arrow
He will know the weather for us.

Record player

No ears, but hears.
I have no hands, but writes.


Musician, singer, storyteller,
And all - a circle and a box.

Gramophone record

I'm spinning, but not a whirligig
And a needle runs down me
I'm spinning without getting tired
I speak, I sing, I play.


Will guide a glass eye
Clicked once - and they remember us.


Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
Clothes are worn on top.
He has it inside.


Four legs, one hat,
Needed if the family begins to dine.

Four brothers
they live under the same roof
girded with one belt.


I stand on four legs
I can't walk at all:
When you get tired of walking
You can sit down and rest.

There is a back, but never lies.

There are four legs
And not even three.

Himself always stands
And he tells everyone to sit.


At night in me Vanyatka
Until then it slumbers sweetly
I don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? ..

A pillow sleeps on it during the day.
And at night - Andryushka.


Two abdomens, four ears.

They filled us with feather and rest,
So that we are very soft.
We lie quietly under the cheek
So that the dream was sound and peace.


I lie under your feet
Trample me with your boots
And tomorrow take me to the yard
And beat me, beat me.
So that the children can lie on me
Flounder and somersault on me.


When I lie still
Without opening your mouth
In me, I will say but honor,
Such a void!
Hurry, sooner summer
































































































      He swallows indiscriminately
      All trembling with joy.


      He willingly inhaled dust,
      Didn't get sick or sneeze.


      He has a rubber trunk,
      With a canvas stomach.
      How his motor will hum
      He swallows both dust and dirt.


      wrap and swallow.




      Walks-wanders on carpets,












      A common thing.







      Back and forth
      Not a wrinkle to be seen.


      Back and forth










      In this little thing
      A warm wind settled.






      House is a glass vial
















