What can be made of wheels on the site. Crafts from tires for the garden do it yourself (photo)

Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the reduction of garbage. Not the last role in this is played by the reuse of various items that have served, especially in the country. This is not only environmentally friendly, but also saves the family budget, and also allows you to show creative abilities. One of the most accessible for the manufacture of country crafts is old tires that can be taken free of charge in any car service or tire. Furniture, flower beds, warm beds and a variety of crafts, which make the summer cottage, are made from tires, which make the country garden and decorate it.

Crafts from tires in the country with their own hands: everything is from the preparation of the tire before choosing the placement location

Starting any work, it is necessary to choose the material and tools.

Preparing tires

Three-thin tires of European production are considered the most comfortable for cutting and disinfect. And experienced masters advise the use of winter tires - they are softer summer.

Before starting a creative process, tires need:

What instruments need

Can be useful:

Cutting tires is a rather time consuming process. You can not always choose the knife of the desired strength, not every dacket there is an electrolybiz. Those who have in the farm have preserved anti-sickle, which are now rarely used for direct purpose, can use their "antiques" in order to cut the tire.

Video: An interesting way to cut the tire with sickle

Step-by-step instruction for making a flower basket

Such a basket can be used for low colors, since the lands in it will not log in. Air construction will look good on the terrace or near the porch at home.


  1. We prepare the tire as described above.
  2. From the cardboard, cut out the template, we apply it to the bus, result.

    You can not use the template for drawing a simple pattern if the eye of the masters is good

  3. Cut the pattern with an electroll bison on both sides.

    Electrolovka pattern on the tire cut easier and faster than a knife

  4. We put the tire vertically, we mark the middle and cutting the surface in half.
  5. Turn the bus.
  6. Long ends twist and fasten self-drawers.

    To twist tougher ends, physical strength will need, sometimes it is better to do together.

  7. At the bottom of the baskets we drift drainage holes.

Video: Master class for the manufacture of a flower basket of a tire

Collections of tire figures for the decoration of the country area

Human fantasy is limitless: flower beds, garden figures, decor and even furniture are made of the old tires. The site can settle the characters from fairy tales and exotic animals. In cloudy weather, the melite sun of the tire will raise the mood, and the objects of the rustic utensils, painted in polka dot or flower, can compete with flower beds.

Animal figures from tires

Beasts, birds, fish and insects made from their tires can be placed near the playground, if it is available in the country area, or in the recreation area. Be sure to pull them into bright colors, then they will delight adults and children.

Photo Gallery: animal figures on the country area from old tires

The red-yellow crab will look good next to a red brick house to make a cheerful bee, you will need three tires, wire and plastic for the wings of a green-yellow turtle that the funny zebra is not in a hurry. Harmonies with growing petunias Hedgehogs from the twisted tire can only make a master With experience, the proud peacock will decorate any cluster of a brightly red puppy can be placed on the playground the most traditional handicraft with a tire - a swan figure A bright butterfly can serve as decoration and the basis for flower beds

Fabulous characters from tires

At many dachas, parents live with children or grandchildren with grandparents. An excellent gift for the beginning of the holidays will be the figures of the characters of favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

Photo Gallery: Figures of fabulous characters and heroes of cartoons from old tires

Naughty octopus from a cartoon about dad octopus and his children to make a very simply donkey with a cart - a whole artistic composition from the eastern fairy tales for the manufacture of a cheerful hare will need several tires of different quantities and swan from Pushkin's fairy tale - a whole artistic work near the beauty of the princess and frog and It's not boring the face and ears Cheburashka cut out of the bottom of large plastic bottles Mikhailo Potapych from Russian folk fairy tales guarding the site such a princess frog of three tires can make even a child: you will need a tourist mat, old hoses and plastic buplots head of the famous wolf from the series "Well, wait a minute!" can be made from waterproof osb or thick iron sheet

Other tire figures

Crafts from tires can serve as elements of the area decor. Bright figures are often used as flower beds. And if you glue the bottom, also cut out of the tire, you can make an original water container from a cup or kettle. Rubber saves warmth well, and this water is suitable for watering greenhouse landings.

One of the simplest figures is the sun tires and plastic bottles. It is done like this:

  1. Prayer tires yellow or orange acrylic paint.

    For tire painting, you can use special paint for rubber, which is sold in the can

  2. In the bottles we pour the same paint and look carefully. After the paint evenly covered the walls of bottles from the inside, remove the plugs and put on drying.
  3. We put the tire that will be a sun, on another bus-stand (it is also pre-painted) or swing in the ground.
  4. Cut from plywood (10 mm) or thick metal (up to 5 mm) the circle and with the help of self-tapping screws attach to the bus.

Having in stock a bit of free time and unnecessary tires, you can easily create your own handicrafts from automotive tires for the playground. We will provide you with ready ideas, photos and schemes, on which it is clearly shown to be cut and produce toys and products for kids. Usually, in the territory of the post-Soviet countries, tires are used to fencing school and kindergartens, yard flower. We offer several non-passing options for crafts that will decorate the game territory and lead the kids in full delight!

Options for children's crafts of their old car tires.


One of the most common and lungs in the manufacture of craft is a children's sandbox. To create it, you can use both one large tractor tire (convenient for one child up to 5 years old) and a few tires from a passenger car.

For the manufacture of sandboxes will need such materials:

  • Tires (one or more).
  • Insulating material.
  • Callers with waterproof colors of the desired shades.
  • Washed sand.
  • Shovel.

From one large tire it is convenient to make a sandbox for one kid. To protect from the Sun in the center, you can install an umbrella.

Step-by-step process:

  1. It is necessary to escape the recess on the diameter of the future sandbox. It will help secure the bus and reduce its height if you use a large tire from the tractor.
  2. At the bottom of the recess you need to lay insulating material. Its use will allow the sand not to mix with the earth, will prevent the germination of weeds and enter insects in the sand from the ground.
  3. The tire must be flushed and covered with paints for outdoor work.
  4. Next, it remains to install a tire in the recess and fill in sand.

If there are several small tires to create a sandbox, they will be required to be cut and put them in the selected form.

In such a large sandbox, the flower will be conveniently played several kids.

The sandbox in the shape of a flower of several tires is a convenient option for several children.


Another popular craft, so favorite by all the kids, are swing. There are several options as they can be made.

Option 1

For the manufacture of suspended swings of this type, reliable support in the form of structures from wooden beams or metal frames. Tires must be cut into two parts, paint and tie with a strong cable to the support for two edges.

Suspended swings on a metal support.

Option 2.

The following sided swing option is more suitable for older babies. They are made as simple as possible - to tires placed horizontally or vertically, a robust rope is attached for a metal hook and suspended with the support. Typically, as a support protrudes the durable tree branch.

For the manufacture of swings, it is important to choose intact, durable tires that can easily withstand the load during riding.

Suspended swings of whole tires.


Another favorite type of swing for children - swing-balancers. And tires are suitable for their manufacture, as it is not better. Typically, balancing are created in the form of horses, but should not be limited to any form or coloring.

Bright balancing with jumpers for riding two kids.

Such a balancing horse is suitable as a toy and decor for the playground, but if you remove the wooden base, the horse can be used for riding.

Balancer in the form of a horse.

If you attach the steering wheel from an unnecessary bike to the balance sheet, you will get a great toy for a child for which it will be convenient to stay at riding.

Balancer stylized under the bike.


Crafts from in the form of machines, tractors and trucks for the playground will lead the guys in full delight! Products can be of a different complexity depending on the skills of the wizard.

Machine from wheels and plastic seating.

Animal figures and characters

The manufacture of animal and character shapes is another original idea of \u200b\u200busing tires on the playground. Obviously, the kids will not be able to play similar products, but they will organically fit into the exterior of the game territory and will definitely raise the mood and kids, and adults.

Snowman made of automotive tires.

Sports and Playground

A children's sports and playground can be completely made of tires. In addition to the above-listed elements (ordinary swings and balancers, sandboxes, figures) from unnecessary automotive tires, you can make various barns of obstacles, transitions, client elements.

  1. Snail locomotive will serve as a bench or client simulator for the smallest.
  2. Simple walkway in the form of a snail for the smallest.

  3. A walkway in the photo is more complicated in the design, therefore can be used by children of school age. Making the most simple: to vertical supports you need to attach halves of tires with screws.
  4. Staging more complex design in the form of steps to the hill.

  5. For many elements of the children's playground, the tires do not even have to cut. They will sufficiently attach to metal or wooden supports.
  6. The climbing element of their tires and pipes.

  7. The following climbing element is created very simply from painted wheels, metal supports and skimming.
  8. An option to manufacture a climbing element.

  9. From automotive tires, you can build a type of simulator if you attach them one by one by the help of rods (metal chains) to a wooden support.
  10. Shipping simulator and balance from tires.

    Thus, if you have seen some old tires, do not rush to get rid of them - you can make original crafts for the playground in just a couple of hours from tires, and you can easily understand how to cut and collect original items for game territory.

    More ideas of crafts from old car tires you can find in the following video:

ARTICLETOC: Enabled \u003d YES)

In the garden design will bring a unique highlight of the crafts from old tires. You can make an heron from tires, flower beds, animal figures and birds. They will decorate playgrounds, territories of different institutions and schools. In addition, the manufacture of them is not costly and sufficient.

To make a flower garden, you need (all that!) To paint in the bright color of the tires of different sizes, fold them with a slide.

Treat the strength to the construction, the screws or screwdrivers that fasten the tires along the inner surface will help. After that, the ground is poured into each embankment, pre-stuck tires from the inside geotextile. Multi-tiered beautiful flower garden ready.

No less beautiful flower bed is a single-tier, resembling chamomile. But the tires for her will have to cut.

Make it difficult. Although having a sharp strong knife and strength, quite real. The blade of the knife is recommended to lubricate with solidol so that the rubber does not "jin" metal. It is better to use a grinder or an electrolybiz with a blade of durable steel and a reverse tooth.

Video: Flowerbed from tires with their own hands


For its manufacture, one sidewall is cut along the tread, then turned out. Work requires physical strength, but the result is worth it.

Another option is a curly edge vase. To obtain the same "petals", they are placed in chalk.

Use for creating flower beds and combined methods.

Turn the tire

Tire is difficult to turn out: Having arrived on the inner part, they are taken on the edge of their hands, pulling it up, trying to achieve that some part turn out. Then, continue to turn out the rest, standing on the already "yielded" (so that it does not turn back).

When the process is completed, the tire is stained in the selected color.

Made graceful Heron made of tires, flamingos, swan, stork, turtle, owl, elephant, etc. Instantly transform the site.

From tires that have spent service life, mushrooms of attractions for children and even furniture. - Chairs, chairs, tables.

Tire crafts for the playground are, first of all, a frog that really likes children. You just need a pair of tires to paint into a green color and cut out the legs from the crop. For the eyes, tires are suitable from baby strollers and plastic glasses.

What is just not invented from the tires: donks and crocodiles, dragons and bears, giraffes.

The fabulous hero of the dragon must scare the unacceptable guests and pests, but it is so charming that it is unlikely to cope with the task.

The boys will be very pleased with the crafts from the tires that have served the laid time and continued their professional activities on "pensions": guns, cars, tractors, etc.

Racing car

Sport car multi-family.

He is good for kindergarten

But, and from the tractor the boys will be delighted.

Furniture for cottages

Such children's chairs look cool and cheerful, so they will become a beloved place of rest of the kids.

Adults will also like their chairs with a back and a small table.

Video: Furniture from tires for cottage and garden

Elegant tire lamp

It seems to sound very ridiculous. But he is really great!

How to make stork tires

To make storks from tires - keepers of sites and symbols of happiness, would like many. In any case, the idea of \u200b\u200bsoul to country residents. After all, this bird nests there, where good people live.

Considered to be a symbol of calm, well-being and the world, this bird will bring them to the owner. At the same time, he will receive the title "Master for all hands."


Required for its manufacture:

  • tire;
  • durable and sharp knife;
  • paint (black and white);
  • rod metal;
  • brushwood.

Step-by-step manufacture

  1. The first thing to do is cut into the desired bus dimensions. So you need to choose a suitable tire. Nobody does a giant stork, so tires from a large SUV are not considered as an option. It is enough to make a stork made of tires, wheels from a passenger car.
  2. It is necessary to cut the workpiece in such a way that, folding pieces, get a car torso. The details are painted in white, and in the upper part make black "feathers". The halves of each other are fastened with steel wire and pliers.
  3. For the manufacture of beak, you need steel bar, chisel and hammer. Rod cut off to the desired size - these are legs. Now you can beat your head. These two details are painted with paint suitable for the tone of the bird color.
  4. To make a stork out of the tires confidently standing on the legs, they do the holes at the bottom of the abdomen. There are twisted rods, chopped pre-insert. From the twig, indicated in the reversal materials of the twigs, make the nest - the dwelling for the bird, which is fixed at the "host" foot.

Similarly, you can make an heron from the tires, for the legs using the rod.

Making swan

Swan is another favorite character who makes car tires. If you know the tricks of its manufacture. Swan is obtained graceful and very similar to the original.

While new tires, they provide motorists confidence on the roads and safety. Allowing your time, their utilization is utilized or transformation into toxic waste. However, with a creative approach, they are transformed into real works of art: animal figures and fabulous characters, flower beds and even garden furniture.

In the manufacture of figures, the main mark is the correct markup.

Cut the tire on the applied lines is difficult, but if you want to get a beautiful sculpture, it is necessary to do it very precisely.

After the wings are cut, they must be turned out. You can stay at this. But many cut the feathers from rubber or use plastic bottles for them, which are attached to the grid.

To obtain the desired bending of the neck, the metal plate is screwed to it, which will not be visible after painting paint staining. If the swan is sled to the nest, the figure to it is also attached with the help of self-tapping screws to give stability. And then the swan turns out as the next photo.

For the manufacture of birds, choose the most "bald" tire with nylon cord, since it is easier to cut it than with a steel cord (breaker). In addition, the latter after the cutting remains sticking sharp ends, which are easy to hurt. If it has a longitudinal drawing - this is another plus. Finding a tire with the appropriate parameters, it is cleaned of contamination - wash and dried.


  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • drill on 3 and 10 millimeters;
  • a knife with a sharp blade;
  • pliers;
  • bulgarian and electric jigsaw.


  • metal rod (1.2-1.5 meters long);
  • paint.

Works on the cutting of tires are held outside the house, so they will have to be patient and wait for the day.


In the example, which is given, the wheels R13 are used, the width of which is 165 millimeters, and the diameter is 180 centimeters. They begin to post with applying two lines that divide the tire in half. This is the future stork neck.

  1. Then, draw on the protector part sequentially "beak", "head" and neck. If the axial line on the tread is visible, the markup is greatly simplified. Well, in the absence of such, it will have to be applied with chalk.
  2. The length of the beak drawn from the first risks. It is 8-9 cm. It is almost half the width - 3-4 cm. For head Length and width are 7 and 8 cm, respectively.
  3. The head ends with the neck, which smoothly expands smoothly, at the base of 8-10 cm. Ends the markup of this part of the body on the line dividing the tire in half.
  4. The tail remained. And he is partially outlined. This, obtained when cutting off the beak fork. After a distance from it at a distance of 8 cm two parallel lines (head width) with a length of 30 cm, we have a finished tail.

Cutting blanks

It is carried out from the bottom of the neck towards the head. It can be performed in several ways (depends on the tire material and their worn out). The thinned tire is cut by a shoe knife. For cutting a thicker tread applied a grinder. You can, having done several holes with a grinder, finish cutting using an electrolovka.

Practice has shown that the pink with awarded up frequent teeth, the process simplifies the process. The operation is carried out at low speed. Another important point - the process of cutting the jigsion is not desirable to be initially carried out at the same one, and then, on the other hand, since vibration will be very complete. It is more correct to lead in parallel - plots of 4-5 cm.

Having finished with drinking, carefully handle the edges. In the presence of a metal court, without a grinder can not do. To enhance the details of the nylon cord, a knife is enough.

How to make a neck needed

First you need to make wings to give proper scope. For this, the tire is turned inside out.

Running the wings, the bird still lies, to the ground, laying off the neck limp. To strengthen it, and need a steel rod. To implement it, drill a symmetrically axial line paired holes. Their diameter is 3 mm. Drilling start from the center of the head with a distance of 15 cm between a pair to the tail.

To enjoy your portion with beautiful floral compositions, it is not necessary to buy expensive street vases at all. A unique framing for colors of various shades and forms can be made with their own hands. We decorate the cottage of the flower beds from the tires: interesting ideas and options for the manufacture of vases will help make a garden plot unique and unique.

Features and advantages

Making a drum from a tire, you can implement almost any creative idea. Making such a budget variant of the framing of colors on the site is quite simple - it is enough to show a little fantasy and make small efforts. The club from the tires has a number of advantages:

  • auto strokes are distinguished by durability;
  • tires are well tolerated temperature differences;
  • almost any paint on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on the material: the old tire will be found almost everyone;
  • drive objects can be used as decor elements.

Due to the fact that the rubber is a pretty pliable material, the tire can be given the most different shape. You can paint the product in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as an element of decor, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, in such flowerba you can land a small seedlings.


You can make a flower garden on ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. You can complement the finished design by any healthy materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a vase is often not completed after cutting and painting tires. The product of a complex form in the form of an intricate figure should be complemented with elements of the decor. When placing a flower garden, the following materials may be needed:

  • decorative and natural stones;
  • construction metal mesh;
  • plastic bottles;
  • remnants of various building materials;
  • colored glass.

Of several flower beds, you can form bright compositions. More effectively looks a combination of multi-level flower beds of various forms. A popular option is a composition of the beds in the form of cups and a kettle. It does not have to turn the tire and cut patterns to it. It is enough just to connoise somewhat different in the size of the tire, form a handle from rubber pieces and paint finished products.


In the children's game area will be appropriate flowerbeds in the form of animals or fabulous characters. From the tire and tread, you can make a turtle:

  • the protector must be cut into four equal parts;
  • in the tire, you need to make 4 cuts under the paws of the turtle;
  • inserted slices of the tread in the holes and fix the brackets.
  • the tail is made of a small piece of rubber, fasten through wire brackets;
  • the neck of the turtle can be made of a polymer pipe.
  • on the neck with the help of a scotch fasten the head of the crumpled paper.
  • all elements of the design color in the appropriate shades.

For the manufacture of head, neck, paw and turtle tail, other materials can be used. The product can be decorated with additional objects (for example, put a small hat on the head head, and on the nose - glasses).


Near the house there will be a good flower, similar to the flower. Before you begin the manufacture of such a vase, you need to decide on the form of petals. Petals can be in the form of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wave-like. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and broad at the edges.

On the outer surface of the tire outlines the contour of petals. To apply markup, you can use chalk or felt-tip pen. With a knife for shoes or jigsaw, it is necessary to cut petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and a knife will be used as a cutting tool, during the cutting process, the blade is recommended to periodically dip in soap water.

Having taught the edges of the cuts, it is necessary to carefully turn the tire inside out. The finished product must be painted. Flower flower beds look more attractive if when painting use different shades of color palette.

On leg

From a solid wheel (tires with disk) you can make it easily magnificent vase on the leg.

The workflow of creating such a beds consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the cutting tool to the tread, cut the petals of the desired shape;
  • then turn the top and bottom of the tire (the disc is not needed - it will be a feet of a vase);
  • the top is painted in rich colors, the bottom will be some kind of stem, if it is painted in green.


One of the most common options for flower beds from the tires is the product in the form of a swan. Such a floweruba is made in the same way as a flower-shaped vase. The difference will be imprisoned in a more complex cutting. You can use the finished circuit on which the wings, tail, neck and swan heads are depicted on the tire.

After applying marking on the bus, the shape of the swan itself is cut. Next, you must unscrew the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber, or any other convenient material, paint orange paint and attach to the head with the help of self-tapping screws. Swan's eyes can be made of slices of tape.

Usually the figure is painted in white, but no one forbids using other shades (you can make a multi-colored plumage).

Master class on the manufacture of swan from the tires look next.

Required tools

To proceed to the manufacture of flower beds from tires, you need to prepare the necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, Bulgarian). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be fine. It is worth considering that dense rubber cutting a knife is quite problematic. To make it easier to work Blade before cutting need to lubricate with solidol. If the knife is not used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can come in handy for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool of electric jigsaw will be the most optimal option. The more powerful Lobzik, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting of the tire, an ideal option will be a blade of high-quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cut the tire with a grinder is much easier than a knife or a logs. The disadvantage of this instrument is that the rubber on the edges of the cut will be melted, the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant sharp odor.

If it is necessary to cut the protector for the manufacture of a vase, to do it better than the grinder.

Then it is worth deciding with the type of paint for the flower beds. On the rubber, almost any paint lies well. Mainly use the following types:

  • aerosol;
  • oil-based enamel;
  • nitroemal;
  • automal.

If necessary, it is necessary to prepare a brush for painting the tire. For work, you will need gloves, they will protect their hands from paint or other possible pollution. To apply marking, you will need chalk, marker or soap. In the manufacture of complex figures, some elements will have to be made of girlfriend. For fastening additional parts to the main figure from the tire, you will need brackets, self-tapping screws.

How to do?

The manufacture of complex curly flower beds is a time-consuming process requiring patience and some physical efforts. Whatever form you want to give a flowerbed from tires, the procedure for manufacturing a vase will always be almost the same. Here is a step-by-step instruction, on which you can independently make a curly flower leaf of tires:

  • Choose a bus. So that work with rubber has not delivered unnecessary trouble, tires need to be taken as you can easily cut (old, strongly worn, winter thin or imported).
  • Carefully clean and dry the tire.
  • Determine with the form. It is necessary to chalk the cut with a chalk or marker. The tire marks must be made as accurately as possible to facilitate the cutting process in the future.
  • Cut on the drawn line, after which we remove the top part. You can use a labzik of high power.
  • Soak the tire inside out (you need to take hands for the cropped edge, after the middle of the tire has arrived at the middle and with the power to pull the rubber on yourself).
  • Grind the cropped edges and processed their gasoline.
  • At the end, the flower lees to paint, dry well and, if necessary, to re-establish additional elements.


All pumps from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. The simplest variant of the flower beds is a tire in its original form. It is possible to reflect the appearance of such a vase using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or make a multi-level construction of them.

Multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of the pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on each other. The difference in the diameter of the tires should be at least 20 cm. Suspended flower beds will become a more interesting solution. Suspended flower garden can be positioned along a wall or deaf fence. The form of such a flowerbed may be the most diverse.

Internal tire space should be filled with soil. As a drainage, you can use a mixture of small stones and sand. When performing suspended flower beds in the bus, you need to do several small holes so that the excess moisture can flow freely. Flowers in the form of plants, animals or mythical creatures more laborious, but look quite effectively.

With the help of a tire and tool for cutting, you can embody any author's idea.

In addition to division into two main types, there is an additional classification of vases from tires. The flower beds are separated by size and form as follows:

  • high;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • figured;
  • round.


From the selected material there will be ease of manufacture of flower beds, as well as its appearance. When choosing auto strokes, you need to consider the following features:

  • the process of making flower beds will be easier from old tires, worn tires more than militia;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic and better cutting;
  • winter tires plastic than summer;
  • tires with metal cord cutting more difficult;
  • if, in the manufacture of a vase, you must unscrew the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the maximum erased protector.

Flower bed can be made of wheel drives or solid (wheels with a bus) of the machine. This material is used much less frequently than the usual tires, but the vases from the disks look no less attractive. Whatever the material you choose for the manufacture of flower beds, it needs to be thoroughly rinsed from dirt. This can be done with the Garden Hose.

Pure material will facilitate the process of manufacturing a vase and will not spoil the cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for the manufacture of flower beds, it is important to know some subtleties of its placement on the site. Place the flowerbed better on a well-lit and relatively level plot. In large sites, multi-tiered structures will look better. Deciding with the placement location, under the basis of the flower beds it is necessary to make a container of boards or other solid material.

It is important to prepare good soil for colors. Soil mixture should not be too fat, so that the moisture easily passes to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drain layer, which can be made of clayjit or gravel.To keep moisture in the soil and facilitate the care of plants, the territory around the vase must be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

Coloring wheels better in light colors: This will avoid soiling soil during the summer. When painting, it is also worth considering the following:

  • Before the painting, the tire you need to clean well, dry and degrease the surface. Treat rubber from fatty contaminants can be solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • Cover the tire of paint is preferably in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly steal or crack. To apply a lot of layers is not worth it, it will lead to a rapid detection of paint. It will optimally paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in the flower bed, it is better to paint the bus in the tender light tone. In vases of bright shades, it is better to plant light little flowers.
  • It is permissible that the shade of colors echoed with the flower beds.
  • Paint the flower is worth not only from the outside. If you grab the paint internal edges, the flower bed will look more voltage.
  • Vazone is not necessarily painted at all, you can apply interesting patterns of another color on the tire.

To apply a pattern, you can use in advance made stencils from cardboard.

Turn the furniture and decor to turn their things into a variety of items has long become the norm. On old tires, pallets and plastic bottles, many people look no longer as garbage, but exclusively as on the building material. It is possible to read our article, you also join them, because we are talking about what amazing crafts from tires can be made with your own hands.

How to make crafts from tires with your own hands.

Let's start with not just beautiful, but from a beautiful and useful. You can make a lot of functional things for the garden plot from your tires.

How to make garden furniture from tires with your own hands master class.

Old tires need to be washed and cleaned. For cleaning, you can use a special tire cleaning agent - then your tire will acquire a black shiny look.

Side tire surfaces with acrylic paints. For a more interesting view of the garden furniture, the side surfaces of the tires we can crack the dermal and paint it.

To get rid of black gloomy color, first all our workpiece can be painted white. Then we apply color paints our drawing. And, finally, add clear dark outlines to the drawing.

For the middle of our Purific, we make a round pillow. In order to apply a colored painting on black dermatin - a place under the drawing fill in white paint, and then we apply a color pattern on top of it.

How to make an old-tire pen with a knitted cover master class.

If it is important for garden furniture from the tires, its resistance to weather conditions is important, then for a gazebo or terrace, we can make another beautiful version of the Purphic from the tires.

To the tire peeled from the contamination, we attach the legs.

Knit side surface for our Purph. If you do not know how or do not want to knit, then for these purposes you can use parts of an old sweater.

Fix the knitted cloth on the bus side and below. We close the top hole in the tire with a circle of plywood.

Round knitted detail for the top of the Pousin we connect the crochet with the lateral detail.

Interesting options for crafts from tires.

There are other simple options for garden furniture from tires. We can put the tires on each other and make the seats and armrests from the top of the tire.

Or another version of furniture from tires. Wooden struts-struts are inserted inside the tire and the soft roll is inserted - so you have a comfortable seat seat.

Crafts from tires for children.

From tires easy to make devices for playgrounds. For example, these are such a simple swing.

Or a machine that will not leave a single baby indifferent.

Flower beds from tires with their own hands.

Very often old tires are used to create flower beds and street flower pots. So to speak cheap and angry. Klumba can be given a more decorative appearance by issuing its edges more interestingly.

To make such a flower, should be placed the side of the tire as shown in the photo. And then just cut through the line.

The process of cutting may be difficult. Ideally, it is better to do with an electric bike. If you cut a knife, then lifting the cut by a wooden peg, you will greatly facilitate your work.

The chopped tire must be turned out. It is easier to do together. But you can turn the tire and one, coming to the edge of the tire with the foot, and turning your hands another edge.

Such flower beds can be diverse and distinctive - it was this helped them to gain great popularity. The most famous option is to put the bus on the stand, which was cut from us earlier from its top.