Wallpaper for the kitchen are examples of solutions. What wallpaper design is suitable for the kitchen

In the process of choosing materials for walls, you must:

  • Increased resistance to moisture.Give preference to wallpaper that has water repellent properties.
  • Select washable, easy to care for and at the same time there is no deterioration in the aesthetic characteristics of the wallpaper during use. From their surface, they are easily removed fromice of fat, oil or other products.
  • Vapor-permeable have a breathable structure, which prevents the accumulation of fungus on the walls.
  • Does not contain elements that tend to absorb odors.

Gray floral wallpaper for a stylish kitchen

Possible options:

  • Vinyl on a non-woven base. They are characterized by a neat appearance and serve for a long time, they are able to hide the imperfections of the wall surface.
  • Washable, on which a special composition is applied, which prevents moisture from acting on the surface. Caring for them is easy - just wipe the dirt with gentle cleaning agents.
  • Compact vinyl. Thanks to a special manufacturing method (hot stamping), the material is wear-resistant, able to withstand gentle cleaning with a brush, detergents, etc. In this case, the structure of the coating will not be damaged.
  • Non-woven, intended for painting. They are perfect when you need to hide wall defects, and also provide an opportunity to refresh the interior from time to time by repainting the walls in new colors.
  • Paper with water-repellent impregnation. Quite varied in style, affordable, but the service life does not exceed 3-4 years. It is important to carefully align and prepare the walls before gluing.
  • Photo wallpaper. They become an excellent option for room decor, you can use any images.
  • Silk-screen printing. Such a coating will retain its original appearance for a long time without changing color and texture. This option will emphasize your originality, aristocracy, and will profitably transform the kitchen space.

White-gray wallpaper with flowers in the interior of a modern kitchen

Many people stop at wallpaper as a material for covering walls not only in rooms, but also in the kitchen. This is due to the simplicity of their gluing and the relative affordability.

In the wallpaper catalog site in Moscow you will find interesting options for any style (classic, Provence, imitation brick, marble, etc.) and type (non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass).


Parfenyuk Constantin

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen is a practical and durable interior design. Special conditions in the kitchen place increased demands on the wallpaper. In this room, there is often high humidity and temperature changes are not uncommon. Therefore, any wallpaper will not work. Everything is more detailed later in the article.

What should be the wallpaper in the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper, it is important to consider the following points:

  • the possibility of wet cleaning;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to fading;
  • vapor permeability;
  • density of the material.


The kitchen area often has large windows that let in a lot of light. In this case, the resistance of the canvas to fading will not be superfluous. This property of the material allows, if necessary, to rearrange furniture without fear that ugly faded marks will remain on the walls.


The density of the material determines how durable the wallpaper will be in use. The higher this indicator is, the better.

Vapor permeability

This ability allows the web to dry out within a short time frame. High vapor permeability prevents the development of fungus on the walls and maintains a healthy microclimate.

Moisture resistance

High humidity in the kitchen is not uncommon. The ability of wall design to withstand adverse conditions is an important part of the requirement. Indeed, in this room the wallpaper gets dirty more often than in others, and requires wet cleaning with a sponge using household chemicals.

Types of wallpaper. TOP 4 most suitable options

Many of the effects produced by wallpaper are determined by their texture. Let's consider the most popular types and find out how acceptable they are for the kitchen.

Immediately, we note the possibility of using simple paper wallpaper in the kitchen. Their poor performance will not withstand the harsh conditions of the kitchen. Therefore, despite the environmental friendliness and low price, we do not purchase paper wallpaper for the kitchen.


This option is one of the most popular for the kitchen. It combines moisture resistance, density and affordable price. This finishing material can serve for many years without losing its presentable appearance.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl wallpaper. The basis is the same, but the decoration is done with silk threads, which make it possible to make a very beautiful canvas. At the same time, the surface is created completely smooth, the wallpaper looks very good even without complicated maintenance.


The increased strength of fiberglass is an excellent quality for kitchen decoration. At its core, it is a fabric cloth with a special impregnation. Fiberglass is preferred over vinyl.

The coating will allow you to well mask the unevenness of the walls, it is hypoallergenic and blocks the development of fungi. The service life is long, at least 10 years, justifying the very high price of the material.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be re-painted.

Kitchen zones: we divide the space harmoniously

It is customary to distinguish several zones in the kitchen interior:

1 dining room;

2 washing;

3 cooking room.

If the size of the kitchen allows you to highlight these areas in full size, consider yourself lucky. Another possible option is to move the dining area outside the kitchen into the dining room or living room. In a small kitchen, you will have to combine materials, and show imagination in order to organize the space as efficiently as possible.

The washing area and the cooking area, especially near the stove, are susceptible to splashing water and grease when cooking. In such a place, any wallpaper will not last very long. The solution will be to organize a kitchen apron made of durable and waterproof materials (tempered glass, tiles, etc.).

In the dining area, you can use waterproof materials such as moisture resistant wallpaper. If space permits, it is permissible to highlight this area with photo wallpaper.

Choice of colors

Currently, design trends are so diverse that you can easily choose the most suitable style and color scheme. It is advisable to give preference to light soothing shades that create a cozy atmosphere.

Warm or cold shades: which is better

When faced with a choice of which, warm or cold, color scheme to give preference to, it is better to start from the orientation of the windows to the cardinal points. If the room is dark, facing north, it is recommended to opt for a warm color scheme of light shades. In sunny kitchens, wallpaper in cool shades, such as pale blue, can be glued.

Bright accents: to be or not to be

The presence of bright, rich colors, enlivens the room and refreshes the interior. The monotony of the environment is not interesting, but excessive brightness is also annoying. As a bright accent, created with the help of wallpaper, a combination of several wallpapers of different colors or decoration of a free wall with photo wallpaper can be used.

Which drawing is better: large or small?

A large drawing visually reduces the space. Therefore, it should be applied carefully - on fragments of walls or in cases where the kitchen has a large square and high ceilings. A small pattern, especially on a light background, on the contrary, "adds" space.

Stripes are a good choice.

The horizontally located stripes visually expand the small space of the kitchen, but at the same time create the impression of low ceilings. Vertically located - make the room visually higher. But if you paste over the entire kitchen with such panels, you will get the impression of a small room resembling a well.

Striped wallpaper in the kitchen

If the stripes on the wallpaper or patterns are located diagonally, then dynamics is added to the appearance of the kitchen, the room comes to life.

Selection of wallpaper by design

Wallpaper stands in the salons are full of variety, new collections are constantly being released, modern trends in kitchen design are being monitored. Which drawing should you give preference to?

Modern style

This area of ​​room design does not have strict requirements for the appearance of the wallpaper. Almost any print can be appropriate here - from abstraction to floral. You can even use wallpaper that mimics masonry, saw cuts or plaster.

Floral print on wallpaper

What should you pay attention to? Quality. For a kitchen in a modern style, the selection of patterns on the wallpaper should be based on its compliance with the furniture design, on the creation of a certain atmosphere and, of course, rely on the budget allocated for repairs.

For a kitchen in which you are not a lot of time, you can choose a simple design option. Highlight one of the walls with an unusual print. A bright accent will create a special mood.

Do you love your kitchen and are often in it? If this room is intended not only for cooking, but also for leisurely tea drinking and reading books, choose a neutral wallpaper tone. Calm colors with a soft small print will not only decorate the room, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Classic interior

The classics do not like clean and boring walls. Flashy bright prints are also not the best choice. All colors on the walls should be only noble shades, characteristic of the traditional direction in the design. Paints should be muted, in light or dark colors.

Unchanging classics in the interior

For a classic style kitchen, you can choose colors from the following:

  • strip;
  • pattern of medallions;
  • heraldic themes;
  • monograms;
  • floral ornament with weaves;
  • imitation of plaster.

Photo wallpaper in the dining area will also be acceptable. Their plot should correspond to the style:

  • the image of old frescoes;
  • reproductions of art paintings;
  • the image of architectural monuments.

The classic style is versatile and does not go out of style. A kitchen decorated in this direction will not lose its relevance for many years.

Provence and country

For romantics who value the simplicity of life and closeness to nature, Provence and country are the best options for decorating a home. The kitchen is no exception. As prints on the wallpaper, you can consider images of small flowers, interweaving of twigs, leaves or vines.

Everything related to life in nature will be appropriate in such a kitchen interior. Among the shades chosen for decoration, preference should be given to pleasing to the eye and calm natural tones.

The need to renovate the kitchen can plunge into a state of stress even the most resistant to the ups and downs of the owner of the apartment. First, the event requires a significant investment. The second point - it is psychologically difficult to decide to radically change the appearance of the kitchen space when you know about the huge amount of energy expended on this, colossal labor costs. Kitchen renovation entails the need to correctly resolve many issues related to the correct placement of water supply networks, household appliances, furniture. This also includes the optimal decoration of the room, where the choice of the right wallpaper, not only beautiful, but suitable in texture, color scheme, plays an important role.

Types, their advantages and disadvantages

The kitchen airspace is constantly oversaturated with moisture. Wallpaper that is not resistant to a humid atmosphere is not suitable for wall decoration. The structure should not absorb food odors, allow for hygienic care, practical. It is not recommended to paste over the surfaces above the working area with wallpaper, with an increased load in the form of drops of water, fat, ceramic tiles, plastic panels will do better.


The main component of the structure of non-woven wallpaper are fibers made of cellulose, their share is about 70%. Non-woven fabric adheres perfectly, the process of causing discomfort in work does not deliver. The canvases ideally cover the walls, do not shrink. They allow you to mask minor irregularities, cracking of the walls. Non-woven wallpaper is perfect for kitchen use due to:

  • High degree of resistance to moisture;
  • Ease of cleaning;
  • Long service life.


Vinyl is preferable to use for lovers of the laconic monochromatic pattern of wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen. The canvas does not lend itself to direct sunlight, it is quite dense. Walls covered with vinyl wallpaper can easily endure numerous cleanings with a damp cloth, household chemicals, and mechanical stress. Some varieties are specially designed for pasting the kitchen - the rolls are impregnated with bactericidal, antifungal compounds, mold spots do not form under them, which serves as an additional bonus.

The kitchen is decorated with wallpaper with a smooth, non-convex pattern. Dust particles are stuffed into the elements of the volumetric texture. It becomes more difficult to clean the room, bulky wallpaper will last much less in harsh kitchen conditions.


The structure of the canvas consists of two layers. The bottom layer consists of heavy grades of paper. The top is a thin acrylic film. The cover is breathable, does not retain moisture. The environmental friendliness of the materials used is important - it does not contain highly toxic benzoate compounds that cause irreparable damage to the internal organs of a person. The disadvantage is the low resistance to mechanical abrasion, the applied pattern is too delicate. They can be lightly wiped with a damp cloth without household chemicals.


A variety that has appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, which has managed to fall in love with the consumer due to its naturalness - bamboo wallpaper. In addition to its fashionable appearance, among others, bamboo wallpapers are distinguished by:

  • Long service life without fading, abrasion of the decorative layer;
  • Good tolerance to sudden changes in temperature conditions;
  • The ability to use not only for pasting walls, but also for the ceiling;
  • Naturalness, harmlessness of the raw materials used;
  • Easy to clean.

The main disadvantage of such wallpaper is the high cost. This moment is leveled due to the long service life - about ten years, a significant time period more than pays for the money spent.


They are made by applying crumbs of cork bark to the base with an adhesive. At the next stage, the unevenness of the canvas is removed with low-abrasive grinding machines, a layer of protective varnish is applied. The result is a smooth, glossy surface. Some models are treated with wax polishes instead of varnish, the texture of such wallpapers is very original. The advantages of such wallpapers are great:

  • Easy to apply, hide the unevenness of the walls;
  • Resistant to fading;
  • The cork itself is a bactericidal material, fungi, mold do not grow on it;
  • Dust does not settle on cork wallpaper, it is easy to wash them;
  • They do an excellent job with sound insulation, thermal insulation of premises;
  • Very durable, capable of maintaining its original appearance for years;
  • Fits perfectly into any interior;
  • Completely environmentally friendly.

The high price of wallpaper makes you think about the advisability of significant spending before purchasing. Despite its resistance to fading, the cork surface is rather fragile, easily peels off from the wall under excessive mechanical stress.

Glass fiber

One of the most durable representatives of the wallpaper market. Made with fiberglass. They do an excellent job of masking minor wall imperfections without prior leveling. Prevents the formation of excess moisture, resistant to mechanical stress. Suitable for those who like to refresh the kitchen environment from time to time - they endure repeated repainting.

Combination with other materials

We are all accustomed to seeing in the kitchen interior the traditional combination of wallpaper with tiles. But there is always room for maneuver, except for ceramic tiles, combinations with textured plaster, concrete, decorative bricks, natural wood panels, painted surfaces, intricate mosaic compositions, and cork inclusions are successful. A wide selection of decorative materials allows you to come up with many interesting combinations, obeying the general rules:

  • The principle of zoning should dominate - chaotic spots of inclusions look ridiculous;
  • Balance - large drawings are complemented by small ones, pastel colors are enlivened with bright colors;
  • The degree of gloss of the surfaces must be the same; you cannot combine glossy tiles with matte wallpaper;
  • The materials used in the design must belong to the same price segment;
  • The applied layers of different decorative coatings must be of the same thickness, this avoids curvature at the joints.

How to match the color

The choice of the dominant color scheme of the wallpaper in the kitchen depends on the geographical location of the apartment, the cardinal directions on which the kitchen windows face:


The snow-white walls are a classic example of minimalism, the design of wallpaper for the kitchen in white colors optically lightens the space and gives it freshness. Rooms with insufficient illumination take on a lighter appearance, cramped rooms begin to seem more spacious. The use of an accent coating helps to avoid the boredom of a snow-white wall design: the wallpaper is not glued with a solid plain canvas, it is supplemented with bright stripes, decorative elements, and photo wallpaper.


Nude shades can range from almost white to dark beige, and these wallpapers are very easy to fit into any style of decor. The beige color of the wallpaper is the basic one, suitable for the design of premises for various purposes. Natural tones are neutral in nature, do not hurt the eyes, have the ability to increase vitality, and improve overall well-being. The beige color in the interior of the kitchen does not tire, it is more practical than white. Light beige tones need to be accentuated, wallpapers of a darker color cope with the task of decor on their own, especially with an interesting pattern applied.


Wallpaper colors chocolate, coffee - the whole gamut of brown colors, create a special feeling of warm comfort in the kitchen, soften the general atmosphere, have a calming property. Comfortable for the human sense of self: promotes relaxation, helps to avoid stress. Indoors with brown walls is a great way to relax after a hectic day. The brown range is multifaceted in its effect - dark tones relax, help the psyche to relax; light - add a feeling of lightness, readiness to spread wings, to be free.


The most common color for kitchen wallpaper is yellow. Tones up, increases communication skills, is able to influence digestion, enhances appetite. It is thanks to its "liveliness" that such a joyful color is practically not used in bedrooms and common rooms. Although the room design option is optimal for the kitchen, there is a danger of annoyance, many people quickly get tired of yellow wallpaper. It is necessary to use the color correctly in combination with other, calmer colors, choosing the color with the utmost care. You can recommend the yellow style of the kitchen to people who are confident, cheerful, and sociable. Wall decoration in yellow tones is suitable for small kitchens, shaded rooms.


Black cannot be called the main color of the design palette - few people will like the walls that resemble a crypt. The inclusion of black wallpaper in the kitchen space in the style of minimalism, art deco, Scandinavian is rather diluted in order to:

  • Emphasize the main colors, balance the overall color scheme;
  • Make chrome-plated, glossy surfaces expensive;
  • Black is able to optically distance objects, one black wall of a small kitchen makes it visually more spacious;
  • Moderate use of deep blacks gives the interior a certain amount of glamor and makes the room elegant.

Disadvantages of black are also present: excess can crush, oppress, badly affect the state of the human psyche. Incorrectly used black makes the surrounding objects heavier. The main thing that should make you think is a high degree of soiling, dust on black wallpaper is much more noticeable than on a snow-white background.


Perfect as an element of high-tech style. Diversifies the basic range in the kitchen by diluting more intense tones: it is better to dilute the pink kitchen with gray-pink wallpaper. In principle, it can be combined with almost all colors. Gray wallpaper can be used independently in well-lit rooms, giving the interior a discreet, expensive, aristocratic style.


There are thousands of shades of green, from rich emerald green to pastel light green. If dark tones are more appropriate in the interior of study rooms, libraries, then the light scale adds freshness, lightness, atmosphere of never ending summer to the kitchen. They combine green decorative materials with contrasting furniture: orange, discreet gray, beige, stylish black. Greenery favorably sets off aprons made of ceramic tiles, refreshes the interior, adds special harmony to the kitchen interior.

For the style of the interior


The kitchen, corresponding to the Art Nouveau style, has a varied appearance: a bright island, a discreet room in pastel colors. Furniture can be of laconic complete forms with discreet facades that amaze the imagination - wavy, round, triangular, up to irregular shapes. The abundance of small decorative elements, chairs of irregular shape, photographs on the walls, unusual decoration - the variety of techniques inherent in Art Nouveau requires a logical connection. It is wallpaper that plays a unifying role in modernity.

A good option to highlight interesting furniture, designer accessories - black and white walls with prints, checkered, striped. They should be placed only on one of the walls, the whole kitchen in a zebra pattern will tire, crush, look vulgar.

Fans of a more restrained Art Nouveau design will like monochromatic wall coverings. There is only one rule for selecting plain wallpaper - if the furniture is light, the wallpaper is glued in bright colors. Bright furniture in itself determines the interior style, the walls are decorated in light colors.

The general modern style is not disturbed by wallpaper imitating other finishing materials: decorative bricks, wood panels, masonry. This option is appropriate in the work area, near the dining table. The kitchen, finished in imitation of natural materials in appearance, approaches the loft, looks more expensive.

Do not overdo it with wallpaper of the same structure, color. Dilute dark tones with light ones. Too gloomy tones constrict the surrounding space.

The most common version of Art Nouveau is the gluing of one of the walls with photo wallpaper. It is necessary to take into account the fact of constant obsolescence of the actual subjects in the photo, so the images will have to be replaced. Make sure that the wallpaper can be re-glued without replacing the rest of the decorative wall covering.


The cozy atmosphere of the French provincial style suggests walls of light, light colors. Most often, the wallpaper pattern is laconic, delicate flowers, a narrow strip, an unobtrusive cage.

No massive geometry, huge rhombuses all over the wall.

Decorative wall decoration with rustic landscapes, images of French coffee houses are suitable. Drawings of small houses, living creatures, and various items of rural life add some provinciality.

The tones should be discreet, close to the natural color scheme: beige, peach, sand shades, pale greens, milky. The Provence style will only benefit from artificially aged, slightly cracked walls. An imitation of a barn board will be appropriate in a dining, work area.

High tech

Catchy wallpaper colors: orange, scarlet, coral, electric accentuate the high-tech interior. Any bright color solutions need strict rationing. Only one accent wall is pasted over, the other three should be discreet, restrained shades balance the overall atmosphere. It is better to arrange small kitchens without a bright color spot, the reception does not work, the presence of a contrasting wall reduces the cramped room even more. Small-sized kitchens are more suitable for a single-color design in light colors. Large light rooms can include diluted canvases of dark colors, the choice of solid-colored wallpapers in deep dark colors on the domestic market is great, the same Elysium offers several collections that are perfect for high-tech style.

There is a new entry in my diary of a novice designer: I want to make repairs in the kitchen. So that this room becomes really the most beloved place for the whole family, so that we hurry not to the TV, but here, to talk over a cup of tea. I believe that it is quite possible to bring this idea to life.

Pay attention to the quality of the wallpaper

Paint or glue? The almost Shakespearean question is, probably, not the only one tormenting me. Painted walls, in my opinion, will look gloomy in the kitchen. Or at least too pretentious. It’s like I’ve come to the museum, and not for tea. Wallpaper is a more familiar option for wall decoration. Plus, affordable and with limitless decorative potential. Modern wallpaper for the kitchen is designed to put an end to the monotony and impersonality of the walls, they help to create exactly the atmosphere that the owners want to "settle" in their apartment.

So, it was decided: we will glue the wallpaper. What is the first thing to think about?

  1. Density. This is an indicator of strength and durability. In dense wallpaper, there are fewer barely visible pores, in which dust and grease usually accumulate.
  2. Resistant to light. High-quality wallpaper should not fade in the sun or change its pattern when exposed to heat from the stove.
  3. Steam and water tightness. Moisture from evaporation should dry quickly, and any dirt from the walls should be removed without effort.

Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen is a great option.

The last point is especially true for kitchens in which the work area is not equipped with a so-called "apron" - a special panel along the stove, table and sink. It is these areas that are at high risk of contamination during cooking. Therefore, in this case, it makes sense to use washable wallpaper for the kitchen.

These wallpapers cost from 600 rubles, and you can order them with free shipping.

They are also suitable for , on which they often cook. Here, small troubles in the form of stains simply cannot be avoided, so it is better to glue washable wallpaper on a non-woven base with a vinyl coating. This is "heavy artillery" that will withstand both temperature extremes and painting in the chocolate technique, which children often experiment with.

Vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen is just a brilliant find. Although designers do not consider this type of wall decoration ideal, it is still the most successful. After all, they do not absorb odors, and they look very impressive. Nobody forbids fans of extravagant style to experiment and use "vinyl" of two colors to visually divide the kitchen into the dining room and the hostess's work area itself.

The most fashionable patterns for the modern kitchen

A photo catalog, which is in any building materials store, will help you choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen. But before making the final choice, think about what kind of atmosphere you dream to create in your kitchen. For my idea of ​​a warm family tea room that would truly become the heart of my home, a sophisticated floral print decor would do the trick.

A universal option is striped wallpaper or an uncomplicated geometric pattern. This wall decoration is in harmony with the classic and vintage style of kitchen decoration. It’s such, you know, a cozy charm, as if it were in a country house. But don't take my words literally! No, this design is not the last century, but just a kind of pleasant nostalgia.

In a high-tech kitchen, dark-colored wallpapers with large patterns will look great. For example, giant circles or with intricacies of contrasting ornaments. Imitation of masonry and stylish graffiti are also in vogue.

Do you want something catchy, shocking? Use a photopanel or wallpaper for the kitchen with antique subjects, with the effect of gilding and artistic painting. I can also recommend an urban landscape or a black and white win-win, trendy classics.

It will be very original if you choose small but eloquent details for the wallpaper. For example, I managed to find plates with the same pattern as on the wallpaper, which I already looked after for my kitchen. In the same way, you can experiment with curtains, chandelier lampshade, wall clocks, stained glass on cabinet doors. Imagine! Happy construction of your dream kitchen!

Photo catalog of wallpaper for the kitchen

Here are some practical tips to help you decide on the choice of modern wallpaper for a small kitchen:

What wallpaper for a small kitchen is now in vogue

It's no secret that interior design is a whole industry that does not stand still.

Every year global manufacturers delight us with new models, colors, textures and materials.

let's consider the most expressive and practical trends in the field of wallpaper for a small kitchen.


When it comes to wallpaper for any small kitchen, we can't fail to mention washable options.

For some reason, many believe that they look poor, cheap and have a narrow range. We hasten to assure you that today their lineup is quite wide.

The adorable blue color is now in vogue in many countries. It goes well with white furniture, light woods and décor elements in yellow, dark blue and brown.

These wallpapers are more in beige tones, which can often be found in our kitchens. In fact, this is a universal color scheme that can be suitable for a wide variety of interiors, both in the apartment and in the house.

As before, models with brick relief and various patterns remain popular among washable wallpapers. For example, textures with flowers, fruits, abstract elements, etc. will fit well into the kitchen interior.

In general, as you may have noticed, now there is a very big fashion for bright and saturated colors.

This trend is gaining momentum especially in the countries of the former USSR. Dull, monochromatic and boring wallpapers are replaced by bright colors, modern patterns and designs.

As you can see from the presented material and photos, there are several unconditional rules and recommendations for choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen.

Visually enlarging the space, wallpapers with panoramic images - tunnels, paths, roads, rivers, streets receding into the distance or the endless sea are perfect for a very tiny kitchen (for example, a kitchen with an area of ​​4 square meters).

Walls with a glossy texture or mother-of-pearl ornaments will also visually enlarge a small room. By the way, patterned wallpapers are back in fashion and fit literally every style: classic, provence, fusion, country, hi-tech, art deco, retro, etc.

Relevant in a modern interior and saturated colors - purple, light green, canary, carrot, etc. Kitchen facades, appliances, dishes, and small decor items can shine with brightness. In confirmation of all this - a selection of colorful and real photos.

Choosing the color of the wallpaper

First of all, be guided by the already existing interior items - furniture, kitchen sets, appliances, as well as the colors of the floor and ceiling.

Now we are dropping out the colors that definitely don't go well with most of the subjects. It is important to listen to the very first impression.

The next step is to try on different colors, while acting as a jury. Yes, it really makes sense to rate and or at least somehow mark the colors that fall into the top 5 so as not to get confused.

What colors do you prefer in your clothes? Do you want to surround yourself with them also in the interior? Maybe it's still worth creating a contrast between home and everyday life.

The location of your kitchen is another clue. If the windows face south, it is better to choose a cold color scheme for the wallpaper. Moreover, some designers find that the warm color scheme makes the room less spacious. So try to find the best option.