Stretch ceiling on two levels. Two-level stretch ceilings 2-level stretch ceilings for the hall

2-level plasterboard ceilings will allow you to simultaneously solve several problems: to disguise the utilities located under the base ceiling base, hide the flaws and shortcomings of the rough ceiling, divide the room into functional zones, and install original lighting. The main disadvantage of such structures is that the suspended ceilings take the height from the room. However, with the right design, the decorative composition will match the interior.

2-level plasterboard ceilings for the hall photo

Preparation for work

Before installing a 2-level plasterboard ceiling, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • room height... A two-level system will reduce the spatial dimensions of the room. If the distance from floor to ceiling is only 2.5 meters, you will have to look for another way of finishing;
  • accents... Lighting devices installed in the lower level of the structure will help to visually divide the room into separate zones. Perimeter illumination of the box will visually raise the ceiling;
  • humidity... It is better to refuse the use of drywall in bathroom ceilings. But, if a decision is made to install a GKL suspension system, choose a material marked with moisture resistance.

The device of a two-level plasterboard ceiling requires drawing up a detailed design drawing on a sheet of paper. It makes no sense to get started without a picture. There is a chance to get not only ceilings that will not meet expectations, but, even worse, a curved structure.

Sketches of plasterboard ceilings

After the drawing is ready, make several copies of the drawing. Perhaps, in the course of the work, you will make adjustments, and the final version of the two-level ceiling project will differ from the initial one. To draw up the drawing, use a compass, ruler, protractor to accurately reproduce a reduced copy of the structure. Based on the plan, it will be possible to quickly apply markings to the ceiling, exactly repeating the geometry of the figures that are supposed to be made.

The plan must indicate:

  • center of the room;
  • sizes of decorative boxes;
  • the radii of the circles, their location in relation to the designated geometric center of the ceiling;
  • if a complex curve is used in the decoration, the line is drawn based on the alignment of circular arcs. In this case, the center and radius of each circle are also indicated in the drawing;
  • the points of position of the built-in lighting devices are marked, the diameters of the holes that need to be made in the drywall for the lamps are indicated.

When the work with the plan is completed, a diagram of the location of utilities is drawn in the space between the decorative ceiling and the base base.

These include:

  1. points of location of junction boxes;
  2. types of cables, cross-section of wires;
  3. options for connecting devices;
  4. cable laying routes;
  5. air ducts;
  6. hoods;
  7. ventilation grates.

Separately, a draft of the frame of the decorative ceiling is drawn up, where the lines for the location of the bearing and ceiling profiles, the attachment points of the suspensions, "crabs", the position relative to the frame of the GKL sheets are outlined. And finally, materials and components are calculated.

The project of the frame of a two-level plasterboard ceiling

When purchasing drywall and frame components, increase all the numbers obtained by 3-5%. This is due to possible errors at the stage of calculations, making changes to the ceiling composition during work, damage to parts during installation.

Plasterboard must be purchased 7-10 days before sheathing. The sheets are placed horizontally in the room where the suspended ceiling will be mounted so that the material adapts to climatic conditions and takes the correct shape.

Required tools

To install a two-tiered plasterboard ceiling, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • perforator for drilling holes in concrete floors;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • tape measure and a pencil or marker for transferring the drawing to the base base of the ceiling and the first tier of the structure;
  • metal shears for profile cutting;
  • upholstery cord;
  • a stationery knife with a sharp blade for cutting plasterboard;
  • hammer and pliers.

For the finishing of the structure, you will need a serpyanka tape, a primer, a putty, fine-grained sandpaper, a construction float, and spatulas (wide and narrow).


Any tiered ceilings begin with the assembly of a frame base from a galvanized metal profile. They are faced with plasterboard and a wooden frame, but then finishing will be more expensive, because wood is more expensive than metal. But in terms of performance and strength, metal profiles are better. Their additional advantages are fire resistance, corrosion resistance, long service life.

Profile frame

For the construction of a decorative ceiling frame and structure cladding you will need:

  • two types of profiles: guide (UD) and (CD);
  • special connectors for extending the CD profile;
  • straight hangers or brackets are used to fasten the CD profile to the ceiling;
  • spring hangers are used in cases where the length of the direct suspension is insufficient. For example, the second level of the decorative structure is planned to be lowered very low;
  • duplex connectors. Designed for joining CD profiles located on different levels of the structure;
  • "Crabs" for joining ceiling profiles on one level of the frame;
  • corner connectors. With their help, CD profiles are connected at the corners of the room. The connectors are also used for joining the ceiling profile at the same level;
  • dowel screws, anchor bolts, self-tapping screws, self-tapping screws for metal;
  • lamps, if plasterboard ceilings with lighting will be mounted;
  • plasterboard sheets. Most often, sheets with a thickness of 9.5 mm are used for cladding. If an arch is installed, or a complex curved structure, choose a gypsum board with a thickness of 6.5 mm. It is also used for covering the second tier. It is not recommended to purchase a material with a thickness of 12 mm for sheathing the frame under the ceiling due to its excessive weight.

Photo of a two-level ceiling made of gypsum board with illumination

There are two ways in which you can make a two-level plasterboard ceiling:

  • the first, when the 2nd level of the decorative ceiling is mounted without arranging the 1st. This method of installing the suspended structure may only be used if the base is flat. In this case, the luminaires are placed in the frame or on the side of the frame;
  • the second, when they make both the first and second tiers of drywall. This installation method is used in rooms with uneven ceilings, or if there is a finish that cannot be properly leveled with putty, or you need to mask the communications located under the draft ceiling.

Usually, the first level is first mounted, and the frame elements for the 2nd level are already hemmed to it. Or, first, a box is installed, to which a guide profile is further attached to finish the main area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling surface. The location of the lamps can be anything.

It is decided which option to install a decorative 2-level ceiling to choose based on the spatial dimensions of the room, the presence or absence of utilities, the quality of the base base finish.

DIY installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling

It will be possible to mount a two-level structure from gypsum board independently if you follow the instructions and follow the installation technology.

Ceiling preparation for finishing

Before starting work, it is necessary to take out all the furniture, equipment, and indoor plants from the premises. Anything that cannot be taken out is shifted to the center of the room, covered with plastic wrap to protect it from dust and dirt. The old finish is removed from the rough ceiling, deep cracks and cracks are sealed with putty or a mixture based on sand and cement, the surface is primed.

Marks on the walls for the first level of the decorative structure using a square, laser and profile levels.

Marking with meter and level

First, they find the lower corner in the room and, starting from it, draw an even horizontal line along the perimeter. Points are put on the ceiling at the points of attachment of direct suspensions, then parallel lines are drawn along which the ceiling profiles will be mounted. Please note that the profiles should be located at the joints of the drywall sheets.

With uneven ceilings in the room, it is first necessary to level the markings horizontally, and then proceed according to the planned plan. The distance between the hangers is 60 cm, between the profiles - 40 cm. Choose the direction of the profiles yourself. Often, professional builders advise to mount profiles towards the window openings, citing the fact that the seams on the plasterboard ceiling will be less noticeable.

How to make plasterboard, DIY installation.

Frame installation

Along a horizontal line, UD profiles (28 * 27) are attached to the walls using dowel-nails every 30-40 cm. To do this, a sealing tape is glued to the back of the guide, the strip is applied to the wall, fixed with dowel-nails. In the corners, the profiles are inserted into each other, fastened with self-tapping screws.

The next step is to attach the suspensions. If you do not have ready-made elements, make them yourself from the PP 60 * 27 ceiling profile. To do this, measure the distance from the base ceiling to the lower edge of the UD profile, cut pieces from the ceiling profile 1 cm less than the measured distance. From the end of the profile, cut the side shelves by 2.5 cm, make a tongue from the back. Screw the hangers to the ceiling profile with self-tapping screws, and only then fix PP 60 * 27 to them. Or immediately install the hangers to the rough ceiling surface. Then attach the CD profile to the hangers, the edges of which are led into the guides. The extension of the ceiling profile is done using connectors.

If you plan to install a rounded structure on the ceiling, first draw a sketch. And then, according to the drawing, the guide profile is bent and fixed to the ceiling. To bend the bar, notches are made on the reverse side of it. The space between adjacent cuts is determined by the curvature of the line. The steeper the bend, the less distance is left between the cuts.

After that, a nylon thread is pulled under the structure, which regulates the evenness of the frame for the first level. Alignment is carried out using adjustable hangers. The distance from the ceiling to the lower edge of the profile must be the same in all parts of the structure. Ceiling and guide profiles are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

Plasterboard sheathing

The photo shows the frame and the first row of gypsum board

First, the frame is sheathed with whole sheets of material. The remaining space is measured, the drywall is cut to the required size. The strip of the ceiling profile should be at the junction of adjacent gypsum boards. The pitch between the self-tapping screws is 25-30 cm. The screws are screwed into the drywall so that the head of the self-tapping screw enters the sheet by 3-5 mm. Subsequently, these recesses will be putty.

In those places where the sheet was cut off, they make a chamfer, cutting off part of the material from the gypsum board sheet. This is necessary in order to ensure the best adhesion of the putty mixture.

Surface marking

Installation of the second level when installing 2-level plasterboard ceilings also begins with marking. It is carried out as follows:

  • from the first level on the wall lay the height of the second tier, put a point;
  • a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room from this point;
  • outline the contours of the second level.

Usually the second level is made in the form of a geometric figure or a curved line. You can prefabricate a template to make it easier to mark. It remains only to trace the outline of the pattern on the ceiling.

Installation of the frame base

The frame is assembled from the UD guide profile along the outlined lines. For bending, cuts are made on the planks.

Now you need to lower the frame to the required length. For this:

  • the CD profile is cut to the required length;
  • on one side of the scraps, "tongues" are cut, cutting off the side parts of the profile. This will facilitate installation work;
  • the segments are inserted into the UD profile fixed to the ceiling and walls with the straight side;
  • the pieces are fixed on "bedbugs" (special screws for mounting drywall). On straight sections of the structure, the distance between the self-tapping screws is 50-60 cm, on curved ones - the step is reduced, fixing the profile sections every 20-30 cm;
  • now the guide profile is attached to the lower part of the hanging segments with the help of "bugs".

To make a frame for the rest of the structure, cut the ceiling profile to the required length, put one edge into a guide mounted to the wall, and press the other against the side of the frame. Fasten the bar with self-tapping screws on both sides.

The resulting frame is sewn up with plasterboard.

On a note! At all stages of assembling the frame, be guided by the drawings so that the jumpers of the ceiling base do not fall into the installation site of the lighting device.

Before proceeding with the installation of the arch, calculate the parameters of the structure, mark the place from which it will begin. Also decide what the radius of curvature will be.

Inter-room arch with wiring

The arch is attached to a metal frame base made of a rack profile cut with metal scissors.

The procedure for installing the arch is as follows:

  • make the front side of the structure;
  • mount the end parts of the decorative element;
  • the workpiece is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Curved sections on the ceiling

Since arches and other curved structures are curved surfaces, the thinnest drywall (6.5 mm) is used for their cladding. However, for the price, this type of gypsum board will cost more, so the craftsmen, in order to save on finishing, use the following methods with which you can bend the material:

  • dry version, when the edge of the sheet is fixed to the frame, and bent with effort until it takes the desired shape. Then the sheet is screwed onto the screws to the other side of the frame base;
  • using notches on the side of the sheet that will be convex, on the finished arch. The cuts are made at regular intervals, the distance between them is determined by the required bend radius. The smaller the radius of curvature, the smaller the distance is left between the cuts. A hacksaw or cutter is used to make cuts. Subsequently, the cracks are sealed with putty;
  • the wet method is used to ensure a gentle bend of the arch model. First, using a needle roller, the side of the sheet that will be concave is processed. Then this surface is abundantly moistened with water, the other side remains completely dry. The sheet is bent to the required curvature, fixed with screws to the profile. After 24 hours, the material is ready for finishing.

Cut off part of the drywall sheet

To work with GCR does not take much time, use the following recommendations:

  • cut off the material with a sharp construction knife;
  • large sheets are convenient to cut if they are leaning against the wall with a slight slope. Small canvases (up to 60 cm wide) are more convenient to cut on a flat horizontal surface;
  • make cuts only on the front side of the material;
  • if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to be finished is large, purchase sheets of 3.6 m in size; in compact rooms, use drywall 2.5 m;
  • before cutting off a piece, carefully measure the dimensions of the element so as not to "cut off" the excess.

Plasterboard ceiling before finishing

After completing the installation of a two-level ceiling, check the result of the work. If everything is in order, proceed to the finishing of the finished structure. Dry putty mixtures are used to putty and level the decorative ceiling:

  • the ceiling is primed with a deep penetration compound, paying close attention to the joints between adjacent sheets and the grooves from the screws. The primer will improve the adhesion properties of the putty, protect the ceiling from mold;
  • prepare the solution according to the instructions. It is advisable to use a construction mixer for mixing. Then the mass will be homogeneous and without lumps;
  • first, with the composition, recesses from self-tapping screws and seams are sealed to prevent the appearance of rust and level the surface. A serpyanka mesh is applied to the joints, a layer of putty is applied on top with a small spatula so that the mixture covers only the tape;
  • then putty the entire ceiling using a wide spatula;
  • after the first layer of the mixture dries out, the surface is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper fixed to a construction float;
  • the next step is to apply a thin layer of finishing putty, again leave to dry;
  • re-grind and level the ceiling surface, primed.

Now the structure is ready for final finishing in any of the selected ways (painting, wallpapering, decorative plastering).

But the plasterboard ceiling requires such a thorough preparation only before painting. Wallpaper and decorative plaster will mask minor flaws and shallow cracks.

Such designs will help transform the room beyond recognition. For example, by setting the levels at different heights and choosing lighting devices suitable for the interior, it will be possible to divide the room into functional zones. Or, using the figure on the ceiling, highlight the interior items (bed in the bedroom, wardrobe, cabinet, etc.).

Illuminated ceiling

Built-in lighting will create a cozy and romantic indoor environment. The best option would be an LED strip. In addition to the fact that soft light will emanate from the device, such lighting will visually raise the ceiling space if you place the tape around the perimeter of the decorative plasterboard box.

Plasterboard is used to create multi-level ceilings in any room:

  • in the kitchen, geometric shapes are more often chosen. A circle is usually mounted in the center, and rectangular elements are usually mounted at the edges;
  • for the bedroom, curved lines are preferable. A sleeping place is allocated using a decorative niche, which acts as the second tier of the structure. For a small bedroom, a two-level ceiling with a built-in LED strip is well suited;
  • in the children's room, a suspended multi-level ceiling is mounted in order to delimit the space. With the help of levels, a workplace, a play area is allocated. Each section of the child's room should be well lit with appliances suitable for the style of the interior;
  • in the hall, a complex plasterboard structure on the ceiling will decorate the interior. Boxes made of gypsum plasterboard of a square or rectangular shape are suitable here. You can illuminate individual areas with spotlights or LED strip.

During the installation process, it is important to be attentive to all, even insignificant, at first glance, nuances. You can install a two-level gypsum plasterboard ceiling in a few days, while you will be operating the structure longer. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of design and design of the future ceiling, and when purchasing materials and components, give preference to proven brands.

Vieo how to make a 2-level plasterboard ceiling (gypsum plasterboard)

Stretch ceilings have been used for a long time in the design of various premises - both at home and in the office. They have many advantages and are easy to install and maintain.

To understand how to choose the most suitable version of the product, it is important to understand well what materials stretch ceilings are made of, what types there are and what are the features of their installation.

Advantages and weaknesses of two-level stretch ceilings

As a finishing material, stretch ceiling has many advantages due to which it is often used indoors:

  • The surface of the ceiling takes on a smooth, taut look. This is especially true for ceilings in old houses that have many cosmetic defects - irregularities, drops and mechanical damage.
  • The installation of a stretch ceiling is very fast - as a rule, all work takes no more than 1-2 days; the work is clean and not very noisy.
  • In terms of design, stretch ceilings provide ample opportunities for choice - you can take classic white options, or you can develop an individual style that will emphasize the beauty of the interior.

  • Versatility - such ceilings can be installed in any room - bedroom, kitchen, toilet, etc.
  • The ceilings are quite durable and easy to clean - you just need to periodically wipe them from dirt.
  • A very important practical property of such materials is their water resistance. This is especially true for private houses and apartments on the top floors.
  • Installation of ceilings is quite affordable for people who do not have special skills - accordingly, if you wish, you can save on this.

The only significant drawback of stretch ceilings is their higher cost compared to traditional finishing methods - for example, whitewash or PVC panels. However, the long service life largely compensates for the installation costs.

Also, the weak points of these materials include their slight resistance to heating. In this regard, for stretch ceilings, special built-in diode lamps are selected that do not glow too much.

Types of stretch ceilings

The varieties of these products are distinguished on the basis of different characteristics: the material of the canvas, appearance, color, installation features.

By fabric material

Stretch ceilings are made of two types of materials - PVC film and fabric.

PVC film

This is an artificial material made from polyvinyl chloride. Usually it is welded from several fragments, and for this the temperature in the room is heated with a special gun to 60-70 degrees. Thanks to this, the film expands, becomes elastic, and after cooling, it stretches again, which provides the ceiling with a perfectly flat appearance.

Films can be of a variety of colors, contain drawings, which makes it possible to widely use their capabilities in the interior of a room.

Films can be purchased at the store in compact form - they are rolled into rolls.

You can also order ceilings with an individual design: a predefined pattern is printed on special printers.

Along with the richest design possibilities, the film ceiling also has the following advantages:

  • The surface is completely free of imperfections and folds), provided that it is correctly installed).
  • The material is less expensive compared to fabric ceilings.
  • The material does not absorb odors, dirt and can be easily wiped off with a regular damp cloth.
  • Even in conditions of high humidity, the formation of mold on such a ceiling is excluded.
  • PVC film creates sound insulation due to the peculiarities of the material properties.
  • Finally, the film is completely impervious to moisture, so this ceiling does not leak.

Along with the advantages of PVC ceilings, they also have negative features:

  • The film is quite vulnerable to mechanical damage - it is important to take this into account during installation and cleaning (carefully wipe the surface and do not hit it, do not touch with sharp objects).
  • Since such ceilings are assembled from several fragments, the seam can remain quite noticeable.
  • The installation process is accompanied by strong artificial odors and heating of the air to high temperatures, so it is better to remove all items from the room.

The film itself has the following technical characteristics:

  • The standard thickness is 1.3 mm. Deviations are allowed in both directions within 0.2 mm.
  • The width ranges from 1.3 to 2.7 m.
  • The texture is glossy, satin or matte (more in the corresponding section).
  • Fire resistance - melts when burning.
  • Resistant to negative temperatures up to + 5оС.

NOTE. If the temperature in the room can drop below room temperature, then it is better not to install PVC film - it has a risk of cracking.

Fabric ceilings

Stretch fabric ceilings are made from natural materials. In texture, it somewhat resembles the materials from which stockings are made.

The fabric has its advantages:

  • Enough width for standard room sizes (3 meters wide and up to 5 meters long). This allows you to stretch a single monolithic piece without seams, which gives a more attractive appearance to the finished ceiling.
  • The fabric "breathes", allows both water and air to pass through, without creating a greenhouse effect. This is true for private one-story houses. In order not to let water through, it is treated with polyurethane, creating a moisture-proof layer.
  • The fabric is more resistant to frost and temperature extremes than PVC.
  • Since the installation is carried out without the use of a heat gun and other special equipment, it is quite possible to carry out it independently, without calling the team.
  • Fabric ceilings are quite durable and serve flawlessly for many years.

The material has some weaknesses:

  • The fabric is not as elastic as PVC film, so it is more difficult to ensure its even tension.
  • Such material is always more expensive than film counterparts.
  • It is also less convenient for maintenance, since fabric dirt is removed more difficult than ordinary PVC film.
  • In terms of design possibilities, fabrics are inferior to PVC - the choice of colors and patterns is clearly not so large.
  • Finally, designs with fabric canvases do not imply the use of a harpoon, which is more reliable than the harpoonless installation method (details are in the corresponding section).

The technical characteristics of woven fabrics from which stretch ceilings are made include:

  • The width varies widely - from one meter to 5.
  • Product thickness is about 2.5 mm.
  • Matte and translucent in texture.
  • The density of the fabric is from 150 to 300 g / m2.
  • The material is flammable, but does not emit toxic products.
  • The service life is very long - up to 20 years (as a rule, the warranty is about 10 years).
  • The temperature range allows the use of fabric ceilings in any conditions - from -50 to + 70 ° C.

To choose the best option, you need to proceed from the operating conditions and the real possibilities of the budget.

Video - features of installing fabric stretch ceilings

By surface texture

In appearance, there are three types of stretch ceilings:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • satin.

All of them do not differ from each other in technical parameters. The only difference is in the visual characteristics of the surface. Matte ceilings have a muted background that reflects a small amount of light. Outwardly, it is easy to confuse it with an ordinary whitewashed ceiling (unless, of course, the color of the canvas is white).

They are installed in classic interiors in order to focus not on the ceiling, but on the very inner space of the room.

They are also indispensable if there is a desire to put a classic white ceiling in the house.

Of course, the matte surface suggests not only white, but also other color options, as well as artistic ceilings.

Unlike matte ceilings, glossy stretch ceilings have a corresponding light effect. They reflect rays in such a way that they are essentially one large mirror. This is an interesting option for a stylish, modern design.

Gloss visually enlarges the space by reflecting the entire room. Dark tones work especially well in this sense.

This is especially true for small rooms - for example, for attics.

Video - caring for a glossy stretch ceiling is very simple

Finally, satin ceilings represent the middle ground between matte and glossy. They do not shine like gloss, but due to the special processing of the material, they acquire a perfectly smooth surface that unobtrusively reflects the interior interior.

Such a material is called satin due to its visual similarity to the corresponding type of fabric. Satin fabric is silky, smooth to the touch and is the most expensive type of fabric due to the particularly dense weaving technology. Satin ceilings are also similar to silk and therefore fit perfectly into a variety of home interiors.

By the structure of the finished product

Ceilings are often single-level. But there are also more complex options - two-level stretch ceilings, less often - multi-level. All this gives the ceiling the originality of the interior and creates a wide choice in favor of one model or another.

How to choose the right stretch ceiling

To choose the right stretch ceiling option means to correctly correlate the design features of the room, operating conditions with the material parameters. As for the interior, here the choice is determined by individual preferences.

And for the rest of the parameters, you can take into account some interesting tips:

  • If the room has a constantly high level of moisture in the air (bath, shower, kitchen), accordingly it is better to choose ceilings made of PVC film - it is much easier to care for them, and the material does not get wet.
  • If the ceilings are mounted in a room where annual temperature drops are likely (for example, in a country house, in a country house with non-permanent residence). it is better to use more reliable fabric canvases - they can easily withstand any winter cold.
  • If special requirements are imposed on the design of the room, then you need to choose deliberately among film products - among them even the most sophisticated buyers will surely find a lot of interesting ideas.
  • If you are closer to the classic, warm tones in the interior of the house, then it is better to choose fabric material - it creates the effect of warmth and comfort, unlike smoother film counterparts.
  • If the room is small, cramped, then the choice should lean towards a glossy surface, which significantly increases the space visually.
  • If the installation of the ceiling will be in a room from which there is no way to remove things, then it is worth considering fabric options, since when installing film products, as already mentioned, heat guns are used - the temperature can harm furniture.
  • If the ceiling is mounted in a country house or in a one-story country house, then the choice should lean towards the fabric option - it breathes, and the film “traps” the air and moisture inside.
  • When choosing specific models of material, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material, which is indicated by the warranty period. As a rule, foreign manufacturers give a guarantee for a period of 10-12 years, domestic ones - 1.5-2 times less.

PLEASE NOTE Do not choose the ceiling based solely on the price. Stretch ceilings are fairly durable products, therefore, even at a high price, the costs will pay off in a few years. And if you save on quality, the risk increases that all work will have to be redone, which will lead to additional costs.

How stretch ceilings are mounted

Methods of installation of two-level and single-level stretch ceilings are distinguished by the peculiarities of fastening the canvas on a special profile, which is fixed along the perimeter of the ceiling.

Harpoon technology

This is a very convenient way of installation - the canvas is pulled onto special harpoons, while visually the ceiling consists only of fabric, since there is no need to use special skirting boards.

The harpoon is a special profile made of PVC. He accompanies the canvas along its entire perimeter. The fastening diagram is shown in the figure.

The harpoon is welded to the web directly during production, so a ready-made structure is supplied to the consumer. It remains only to fix the harpoon in the profile. The design is very reliable and allows you to stretch the canvas well over the ceiling surface. Thus, the finished structure consists of two elements:

  • Harpoon with ceiling material.
  • A metal profile (usually aluminum), fixed on the upper part of the wall or on the ceiling itself.

The advantages of this technology are obvious:

  • The system is very simple and the work is done quickly.
  • The mount is reliable and durable.
  • The ceiling surface is perfectly flat thanks to precise calculations.
  • Since the harpoon is hidden behind the canvas, the surface looks quite aesthetically pleasing.
  • Thanks to this fastening, you can always dismantle the ceiling and then put it back in place. This is done in cases where, for example, water has flowed onto it from the roof.

NOTE. The harpoon can be placed not only around the perimeter of the room, but also in other parts, which makes it possible to create a stretch ceiling of two or more levels. This creates a rich choice for design ideas.

The installation steps are as follows:

  • Taking measurements from the room. Measurements are made with exceptional precision to prevent even the smallest errors. They are performed using special laser levels.
  • Cutting the fabric and mounting it on the harpoon
  • Installation of aluminum profiles at predetermined locations.
  • Installation of a harpoon in these profiles.
  • Aligning the canvas to an ideal state using the action of heat (heat gun).

The finished system schematically looks like this.

Staple technology

Staple, or wedge, technology, in contrast to the harpoon, saves the space of the room. In this case, the gap between the ceiling and the canvas is usually within 2 cm. With this method, seamless ceilings are mounted, which are stretched with a single canvas over the entire surface. To fix it on the material itself, a small allowance (glazing bead) remains, which is simply tucked into the profile.

The sequence of actions is something like this:

  • The pre-measured web is bent around the entire perimeter to a certain width, which will allow it to be tucked into the profiles.
  • An aluminum profile is mounted along the perimeter, as is the case with the harpoon technology.
  • Glazing beads are fixed in profile.
  • The canvas is leveled to a perfectly smooth condition.

In this case, the stretching of the ceiling occurs in stages according to the scheme.

Stretch ceilings are a modern and popular type of decoration. With this technology, you can give the room any desired look and shape. Most often, there are two-tier structures - they look stylish and elegant, while they are distinguished by an acceptable price. If you have materials and tools, you can install a two-tiered stretch ceiling yourself.

Features of bunk ceilings

Two-level stretch ceilings fully possess all the advantages of simple stretch structures; in particular, these are:

  • beauty and richness of colors;
  • the ability to hide communications, wiring and make recessed lighting;
  • no need to prepare and level the rough ceiling before installation;
  • durability, long-term preservation of color and texture.

These qualities are inherent in all ceilings, regardless of material and texture.

The most popular with the consumer PVC film ceilings, in addition, have the following qualities:

  • waterproof and dustproof;
  • antistatic surface;
  • the ability to retain water during leaks.

With all these advantages, bunk ceilings take away from the room only 10-15 cm in height, so the two-level design is most popular with designers, finishers and apartment owners.

A two-tiered ceiling is mounted in two ways: on a plasterboard base or on an aluminum frame... In the first case, the lower tier of the ceiling is made in the form of a box of sheets of gypsum board or gypsum plasterboard, putty and paint it. Profiles for stretch ceilings are installed on the structure and the upper tier is fixed. This installation method is justified if it is necessary to install a massive chandelier or decorative elements, for example, plaster moldings.

The second method involves the installation of both tiers of the ceiling on special guides, while all planes (both horizontal and vertical) are formed from the canvas of the stretch ceiling. Such a ceiling is lighter and creates less load on the floors, is not afraid of moisture and does not require repair for 10-15 years.

Stretch ceiling kit prices

stretch ceiling kit

Guides for stretch ceilings

The stretch ceiling canvas is attached to aluminum or plastic guides (baguettes), which are fixed to the walls, and in rare cases, to the ceiling.

Depending on the place of attachment, the profile can be:

  • ceiling;
  • wall-mounted;
  • connecting.

Ceiling is used for the upper tier of a two-level ceiling, while the gap between the floor slabs and the canvas is minimal. Wall-mounted is fixed at any level of the wall or plasterboard box. Joint, which is also called separation, is used in cases when it is necessary to connect two canvases at the same level.

Ways of fastening the canvas

The most popular ways of attaching the blade to the guides are harpoon and wedge. The harpoon system is usually used for PVC ceilings, while the harpoons are fixed at the stage of cutting and fabrication of the canvas according to ready-made measurements. The wedge system is used when installing textile fabrics and allows adjustment and tightening in place.

Installing a ceiling with a wedge system requires highly qualified installers, therefore, when installing a two-tiered ceiling with their own hands, a harpoon system is often used. At the same time, the harpoon is brought into the groove of the pre-installed baguette, where it (the harpoon) snaps into place and is rigidly fixed. The slot in the guide is closed with a plastic strip, which has a sufficiently elastic structure and allows you to hide minor irregularities in the wall.

Important! For fastening the blade along the harpoon system, high measurement accuracy is required. You need to measure the room with an accurate instrument, taking into account not only the length of the walls, but also the diagonals.

How to choose the shape, color and texture of the ceiling

Multi-tiered ceilings are distinguished by a huge variety of shapes and colors. They can be monochromatic or combine canvases of different textures and colors, this technique is often used in zoning. Designers use different shapes of tiers depending on the general style and size of the room.

Geometric figures

Austere straight lines are usually used in classic style decoration. One of the tiers of the ceiling is made in the form of a symmetrical geometric figure. It can be located in the center of the room, against one of the walls or in the corner.

Prices for the "Starry Sky" stretch ceiling

stretch ceiling Starry sky

  1. A rectangle, oval or ellipse, located across a narrow long room, and made of canvas of a contrasting color, visually expand it.
  2. A circle, square or polygon in the center of the ceiling elevates it, giving it depth and spaciousness. They are usually made from a darker canvas of a similar or contrasting color, decorated with a chandelier or lighting, and sometimes with special effects and prints.
  3. The lower tier of the ceiling, located near the wall or in one of the corners, is used for zoning, allocating a bed in a bedroom, a table in an office or kitchen.

Note! When choosing a symmetrical shape of the lower tier, it is better to arrange the built-in lamps symmetrically.

Complex freeform shapes

They can be based on simple geometric shapes or have an abstract curvilinear design. Such ceilings are appropriate in the design of any room, from a study to a nursery and a bedroom. When choosing a shape, you can not limit your imagination, while the main rule is to maintain a balance of the size of the upper and lower tiers.

Popular abstract shapes are listed below.

  1. A blot or chamomile with arbitrary outlines will look great in a nursery in combination with a large pattern on the wallpaper. They, as a rule, are made of a glossy canvas of bright saturated shades, contrasting with the main tone. Additional illumination of a decorative tier is usually made from spotlights or LED strips.
  2. A lake or pond is a central element with curvilinear shapes, which can be either a lower tier or an upper one. The color, as a rule, is contrasting, in some cases the effect is achieved by combining the textures of the canvas in a single color scheme.
  3. Accordion or sim card - a modified rectangle with cut corners and rounded lines will fit perfectly into a room of a standard shape, this design looks both in one color and in a combination of shades.

Note! Elements located in the center of the room in the form of an upper tier look very advantageous in the frame of an LED strip. They can be additionally decorated with a chandelier with many diode lamps.

Asymmetric waves

A popular form of bunk ceiling, it can be used in rooms of any shape, size and purpose. With the help of a variety of wavy lines, you can compensate for the imperfections of the room, expand and zone it. Despite the complexity of the frame, wave-like structures are used very widely, both in monochromatic and in two-tone ceilings.

Prices for fabric stretch ceiling

fabric stretch ceiling

  1. With one wave, a room can be divided into two functional parts. In this shape of the ceiling, a combination of bright colors or a monochromatic design is appropriate, while one tier is distinguished by spotlights.
  2. The wave can bend around the room along three walls or highlight one corner (this is how they create cozy seating areas).
  3. A very popular ceiling is made of three parts, which form an irregularly shaped insert that runs through the entire room from wall to wall. In this case, the central part is usually made of a dark glossy canvas, and the room looks higher and more spacious.

Note! It is quite difficult to make bunk waves on the ceiling with your own hands, it is better to resort to the help of professionals.

In two-tier structures, you can use a combination of different fabric textures, in particular:

  • the main tier is matte, the elements of the mirror cloth located in the center;
  • a combination of two matte, satin or glossy canvases of the same texture, but in a contrasting color;
  • completely monochromatic ceiling of the same texture, in this case the zoning effect is achieved using the main lighting or backlighting.

When choosing a material, it is better to listen to the advice of designers or see examples of works that are most suitable in style for your apartment.

Installation of bunk ceilings: instructions

If you decide to mount stretch ceilings with your own hands, first of all, soberly assess your strength: this work requires precision and accuracy. The installation of a simple ceiling is easier to order from a company, payment for work in the general price tag will take only a small part, the rest you will pay for materials.

Significant savings from self-installation are obtained in two cases:

  • the two-tier structure has a complex shape with many joints and bends - the payment for these elements depends on their footage;
  • the design project involves the installation of a large number of lamps and other built-in elements - for each of them, the installers take an additional fee, which together will result in a significant amount.

The sequence of work on installing a stretch ceiling includes the following stages:

  • room measurements;
  • production of a design project;
  • ordering a canvas in a company;
  • preparation of a rough ceiling;
  • installation of baguette guides;
  • laying of electrical wiring and installation of fixtures for lamps;
  • installation of the canvas.

Most of the work can be done independently with the skills and the necessary tools. The step-by-step instructions are described below.

Room measurements and sketch making

It is known that walls and corners in modern homes are far from perfect. Therefore, to make a canvas that completely repeats the contours of the room, it is necessary to measure not only the length of the walls, but also all possible diagonals.

In a simple rectangular room, this is quite simple, you need to follow the plan shown in the first figure. They draw a schematic plan of the room, mark the corners with letter symbols and mark on the sketch the results of measurements of all four walls and both diagonals. It is more convenient to make measurements with a laser tape measure.

There will be much more measurements for a complex shape. So, for a room with niches and ledges, it is necessary to draw lines on the plan connecting all possible angles, and then measure these distances.

If the walls have a curvilinear shape, it is necessary to draw rays coming out of one corner on the plan and measure the length of the segments.

After all measurements, the plan of the room is already drawn to scale on paper or on a PC in any graphics editor. Symmetrical elements are drawn using the basic tools of a graphical editor, after which control points are marked on the drawing and the distances between them are measured.

Geometric shapes on the ceiling - measurement methods

Asymmetrical waves and other patterns can be drawn by hand or from a template. On the finished plan, it is necessary to mark the ceiling levels and mark other elements: lamps, pipe passages through the canvas, fire alarm sensors.

The finished sketch can be taken to the company to order a canvas with harpoons attached to it. They also choose the color and texture of the ceiling, while other components can also be ordered: baguettes, cover strips, fixtures for lamps.

Prices for a glossy stretch ceiling

glossy stretch ceiling

Note! With independent measurements, the manufacturer is unlikely to take responsibility for their compliance with the size of your room. If you are not confident in your skills in measuring and preparing drawings, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

Preparation of the rough ceiling and walls

Stretch ceilings do not require careful preparation of a rough ceiling or slabs. It is enough to remove the old crumbling paint or plaster from them and seal the cracks and joints. If hemmed and suspended structures are installed on the ceiling, they are dismantled and the holes from the fastening of the guides and hangers are sealed with putty.

When installing thermal insulation or noise protection, a retaining structure should be installed prior to laying electrical cables and installing luminaires.

The finishing of the walls can be done both before and after the installation of stretch ceilings, but the work on leveling the walls must be completed before the start of measurements so as not to introduce an error in the final result. It is better to finish painting the walls with interior compositions before stretching the canvas, so as not to stain the ceiling. But wallpapering is carried out after installing the ceiling structure, so as not to accidentally tear the wallpaper when installing baguettes.

Satin stretch ceiling - pros and cons

To find out about all of this, read. You may also be interested in the material on which ceiling is better -.

Stretch ceiling installation

After preparing the room, ordering guides and manufacturing the canvas, you can proceed to the installation of a two-tiered ceiling.

You need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill or hammer drill, depending on the type of walls;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal;
  • gas heat gun and cylinder;
  • assembly knife;
  • wiring installation tool.

You should also stock up on electrical cable, fittings and brackets for lamps, corrugated metal tube and connection terminals.

Step 1. The level joints are marked on the ceiling. To lower the upper tier of the ceiling to the required height, a bar or metal frame is attached to the ceiling. In this case, it is necessary to use a level to avoid distortions. A baguette is attached to the bar at the height of the upper tier of the ceiling.

Step 2. Mark on the walls the level of both tiers of the ceiling. If the wall decoration is not completed, you can do it with a marker. Attach baguettes to the walls around the room. An electric cable is laid in a corrugated sleeve and brought to the place where the lamps are installed. Install the fittings on adjustable brackets to the ceiling.

The way of fixing the reinforcement to the ceiling is shown in the figure. The top of the racks is attached directly to the ceiling or to the bar. The lower part of the rack, equipped with a tread ring, must be located strictly on the plane of the stretch ceiling.

ceiling. Part 1

Strongly heating lamps cannot be used for stretch ceilings. The recommended wattage of different types of lamps is shown in the table. For luminaires with a voltage different from the mains voltage, it is necessary to install a step-down transformer with a rectifier unit.

Step 3.Another bar is fixed, forming a vertical plane and an angle of the lower tier of the ceiling. Its edge, on which the film will be stretched, is revetted with a plastic corner so as not to tear the canvas. Small irregularities are poured with epoxy glue, after drying, they are sanded with fine sandpaper to a smooth state.

Step 4. Install the chandelier mount on adjustable brackets. The structure must be strong enough to support the load. An electric cable is brought to the mount.

Video - Installing a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

Step 5. The room is heated with a gas heat gun to a temperature of 55-75 degrees. In this case, the stretch ceiling fabric will soften and become pliable. The fastening of the canvas starts from the upper level. First, the corners of the ceiling are set in place, then, using a special plastic spatula, they carefully tuck the harpoons into the baguettes, making sure that the canvas does not warp.

They do the same with the second level canvas, if necessary, they warm up the air in the room before that. After the room cools down to normal temperature, the canvas stretches and becomes elastic.

Important! When a room is heated with a gas heat gun, the cylinder is placed in an adjacent room, on the street or on a balcony.

Step 6. When installing recessed luminaires, cut holes for them. To do this, you need to grope for the protector ring on the pre-installed fittings and glue the thermal insulating ring from below exactly along its contour. The canvas, which is in the center, is carefully cut crosswise and the excess is removed, after which the fixtures of the lamps are inserted.

Installation of a two-tier tension
ceiling. Part 2

Step 7. To hide the cracks in the baguettes, plastic strips are installed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the canvas, putting on the strip groove on the back tooth of the baguette. If the walls are not yet covered with wallpaper, this operation is postponed until the walls are repaired.

Video - Installation of two-tiered stretch ceilings

Bunk stretch ceilings are not only stylish, but also convenient: you do not have to regularly update the finish, because a properly installed canvas does not lose its gloss and elasticity for 10-15 years. The original design and dignified appearance will create a cozy atmosphere and comfort in the house.

A two-level stretch ceiling is a simple and convenient option for zoning a room. It helps to disguise utilities and provides adequate lighting in the room. In addition, hanging cladding is an extremely bright and very beautiful interior decoration.

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to independently install a two-story PVC film ceiling. I will not forget to remind you of the mistakes that you will need to avoid.

How to choose a canvas?

Stretch ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride based film. Moreover, it can have a different texture: matte, glossy, satin. The colors are also varied, as well as the drawings on the film. It is fixed on a frame made of metal profiles.

Once installed, the material forms a flat, smooth and seamless surface. However, in reality, this polymer coating consists of several tightly welded panels.

Double-level ceilings look especially good in large and high-ceilinged spaces. In them, you can not restrain your imagination and equip the coating of a complex, bizarre shape.

Important benefits

  1. Recreation of a flat ceiling surface. In most cases, the floors in apartments are uneven, with significant height differences.
    To get rid of this problem in the usual way - by plastering and filling the ceiling, you will spend a lot of time and effort. The stretch ceiling perfectly aligns the base surface. At the same time, you do not have to spend money on additional building materials and remove mountains of garbage.
  2. The labor costs when installing a do-it-yourself tension cover are relatively small. In addition, such a finish has such an important advantage as the speed of installation. You will spend one or two days on it.
  3. The ability to hide communications: electrical wiring, telephone, television cables, ventilation ducts, etc.

  1. High aesthetic appearance. Such a beautiful finish is liked by most people, regardless of their differences in tastes and preferences.
  2. Stretch ceiling of the 2nd level is universal. You can choose from a variety of shapes and colors to suit any interior style.

  1. Moisture resistance and flood protection. In multi-apartment buildings, accidents are frequent, as a result of which those living above flood their lower neighbors. By installing a two-tiered ceiling structure, you will protect the premises from such a hazard.

The polyvinyl chloride film will retain water and will not let it pass further. You just have to drain the liquid into a bowl, a bucket through a small puncture. And then re-stretch the sagging canvas with a heat gun.

Disadvantages to be mentioned

  1. Comparative fragility of the coating. If you touch the panel with any object with sharp edges, you can damage it - puncture or scratch it.
  2. I do not recommend installing PVC ceilings in country houses and summer cottages. But subject to your seasonal residence there and no heating in winter. Under the influence of low temperatures, the polymer canvas will become unusable.

In this case, I can recommend you to apply the fabric version of the stretch ceiling. Textiles are not afraid of the negative effects of extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is the best solution for facing ceilings in an unheated house.

  1. Quite a high price. A tension structure, and even more so a two-tier one, is far from cheap. However, the significant cost of such cladding is offset by its long service life and a high level of aesthetics.

If you assemble such a coating yourself, then significantly reduce the cost of its price.

What to consider when designing a two-level false ceiling

It is the film stretch ceiling that is best suited for arranging two-tier structures with complex configurations. Polymer cloth is flexible and plastic. Therefore, it makes it possible to implement the most daring design decisions.

When thinking about what your level 2 stretch ceilings should be, consider two determining factors.

This is your desired aesthetic and stylistic result, as well as the functional features of the coating.

  1. With a two-level ceiling, you will be able to hide the unevenness of the ceiling, as well as provide the room with effective and effective lighting.

  1. You can zone the space of the room without special costs. For this purpose, you will apply a combination of various shapes, colors and textures of polymer panels. So you will be able to divide the room into separate functional zones, as well as visually expand it.

  1. When choosing the color design and configuration of a two-tiered suspended ceiling, take into account the overall style of the room interior.
    For example, if it is minimalistic in layout, design and colors, you should not mount a bright ceiling with a complex configuration, fanciful waves and curls. Such a design will "crush" the room with its appearance, as it will look much stronger than the rest of the interior elements.
  2. I would also like to say about the panels with photo printing and 3D images. I do not argue - such a design looks impressive and unusual.
    However, excessive emphasis on the ceiling of an unusual shape and with a bright color design will draw too much attention to it. A similar situation may be appropriate only in large and high-ceilinged rooms.

If you want to use a stretched canvas with a pattern, be sure to take into account the ability of the glossy coating to glare, that is, to strongly reflect light. Try, as far as possible, to mount the material with images on the upper level of the two-tiered ceiling.

Preparation for work

A suspended ceiling should be installed at the final stage of construction, when all its dusty and dirty stages are completely completed.

Requirements to be considered

Before installing the stretch ceiling, please note:

  1. The frame profiles can be attached to brick, concrete, timber, plaster and ceramic tiles.
    Make sure the base ceiling is firmly covered. If it crumbles, first clean it and then prime it.

  1. It is not forbidden to put a two-tiered film ceiling in a room with household equipment, furniture and other room utensils. However, keep in mind that the gap from the ceiling to the top of the interior items should not be less than 0.7 meters.
  2. Be sure to draw a diagram of electrical wiring, installation of lighting devices and communications where the stretch ceiling will be mounted. This will come in handy for subsequent repairs.
  3. High-quality installation of the film structure is possible only with a certain heat transfer from the electrical devices built into the coating. The equipment should not heat up much.

The same requirement applies to climate control, fire extinguishing and ventilation systems.

Do not use bulbs in lamps that are very hot.

They can cause the film to sag and even melt.

  1. The maximum permissible power level for incandescent bulbs and fluorescent analogs is 60 watts.
  2. For 12 volt halogen light sources, the maximum power should be 35 W. For analogs at 220 Volts, this figure should be 20 W.
  3. To mount 12 Volt LED spotlights, use 11.5 Volt step-down transformers.

Necessary tools

Prepare before work:

  • puncher for fixing frame profiles to walls;
  • screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws;
  • gas or electric heat gun for heating the room and PVC cloth;
  • pencil, skip and building level (laser, bubble or hydraulic) for marking the structure;
  • stepladder for work at height;
  • special paddles and spatulas for tensioning and fixing PVC film in baguettes.

Required materials

Below are the basic materials and structural elements you will need.

  1. Aluminum or plastic molding of ceiling, wall or connecting type. It is needed to fix the canvas to the box or overlap.
  2. Tension blade already cut to fit the ceiling (and reduced by 7 percent for tension). If you chose the harpoon method of mounting the cover, then it should be bordered around the perimeter with a flexible plastic harpoon.
  3. Decorative strips that mask the mounting gaps between the film and the walls.

  1. Metal profiles for arranging the frame of the second tier.
  2. Drywall, if you are going to make an additional layer from it.
  3. Plastic dowels and screws.

Installing a bunk ceiling

Before the stretch ceiling is mounted, a frame for it should be installed from metal profiles.

Arrangement of the frame

Please note that the plane of the stretch ceiling must be exactly horizontal.

  1. Use a laser level to mark each corner of the room. Next, beat off a solid line along them with the help of a cord and pigment. It will indicate the level of installation of the frame for the second tier of the ceiling.

  1. According to this line, attach the U-shaped profiles using dowels and a puncher. Mount the same guides on the ceiling along the marked line ahead of time.
  2. The configuration of the box can be straight or wavy, curved.

To fix the profiles along a curved path, their shelves must be trimmed with metal scissors in 4 centimeters increments. Do this so that the bar can be bent to the desired curvature.

  1. To the guides fixed on the overlap, screw the drops made from pieces of rack-mount profiles. The lower ends of the posts must be at the same level (horizontal) with the wall strips.
    Together, these profiles form the bottom of the planes of the two-tier structure. Mount the racks in 0.25-0.3 meter increments.

  1. Assemble the box from a couple of pieces of rack profiles and guide rails. Fasten them with self-tapping screws for metal, so as to form a structure similar to a rectangular pipe.
  2. Fix this box to the already mounted drops. Perform fastening work with small self-tapping screws (they are called "bugs") using a screwdriver.
  3. Fix this structure to the wall profiles with a supporting (wide) profile.

Be sure to observe the exact correspondence of the vertical and horizontal lines of the frame. Check the corners with a bubble level.

  1. Assemble the entire supporting structure around the perimeter of the room in the described manner.
  2. Then you screw the fastening baguette for the PVC film onto the box.

I want to warn you that the polymer canvas, cooling down, will create a strong tension. On this basis, the structure of the frame must have a high level of strength sufficient for such a load.

Installation of plasterboard level

The next stage of installing a two-tiered ceiling is laying the electrical wiring required for installing lighting and lining the frame with sheets of plasterboard.

  1. Cut pieces of drywall to the required size and mount on the box. Fix the gypsum board to the frame with self-tapping screws.

  1. When you have installed all the drywall, reinforce all corners with perforated corners. You can fix them with a gypsum-based putty.

  1. Next, putty all the joints and screw holes. When the putty is dry, sand the drywall tier with fine emery cloth.

  1. Then mark the location points of the installed lighting fixtures. After that, cut holes for them using a drill bit - "crown" or "ballerina".
  2. Next, prime the surface of the tier and cover it with paint of the selected one or paste over with wallpaper.

The second level of the false ceiling is ready. Then you can proceed with the installation of the tensioning web.

Fixing the film

Now about how stretch ceilings are mounted. The panel itself can be attached to the baguettes by three methods: glazing bead, wedge and harpoon.

The latter types are the most common:

  1. The harpoon mounting system is the most popular due to the ease of installation and the lack of special skills to work with it. In this case, a harpoon hook is welded along the perimeter of the canvas at the factory. It serves to stretch and fix the film in baguettes.

Since the harpoons are already attached during the production of the panel, it is very important to accurately measure the dimensions of the ceiling. At the same time, I recommend that you take into account that you need to order the film in dimensions that are 7-10 percent smaller than the overlapping area.

  1. The wedge method of fixing the panel is technologically more complicated.

It requires certain work skills:

  • however, the method has one important advantage, namely versatility, since there is no harpoon around the film. Thanks to this, you do not need to observe the exact dimensions of the canvas. It is possible to drag it many times, change the tension, cut off the excess;
  • the tension covering, fixed by the wedge method, you can quickly remove and return back during repairs or in case of leaks;

  • when choosing a wedge mounting system, the film often has a larger area than the ceiling itself. Based on this, first of all, accurately measure the canvas and cut off the excess after tension.

The staple system for fixing the coating is similar to the wedge method. But here the canvas is attached in baguettes with a special tape. This method guarantees a good stretch of the film.

Further, my instructions for installing a stretch film, that is, the first level of a two-tiered ceiling. I ask you to take into account that a competent installation technology for such a structure provides for the preliminary drawing up of its exact drawing.

It should show the dimensions of all its elements.

The film should be cut and sewn up only after measuring the room:

  1. When fixing the tensioning material to the frame or drywall box, ensure that the baguettes are securely fastened. The tightness of the profiles to the structure being built must be high. Please note that the appearance and durability of the suspended ceiling will depend on the fulfillment of these conditions.

  1. Before installing the polyvinyl chloride panel, it must be warmed up to + 60-70 degrees. Do it with a heat gun or a large building hair dryer. When heated, the film will become more elastic and can be stretched.
  2. The room itself, in which the tensioning fabric will be installed, must also be heated. But up to a temperature of + 40-45 degrees.

  1. When the panel heats up, first fix it with a spatula in one of the corners of the room. Then fix it on the opposite side. And only then attach the film to the rest of the corners.

I warn you right away that in the last of them the canvas will be the most difficult to fix. However, do not be nervous, do everything carefully and do not damage the film.

  1. Next, tighten the cover into the baguettes. Do this in 8-10 centimeters increments. Thus, fix the panel with a spatula along the perimeter of the entire ceiling. When doing this, pull it evenly.
  2. Trim excess film if you have chosen the glazing or wedge mounting method.
  3. While warming up the cloth with a hair dryer, straighten out any folds and jammed stripes on it.
  4. When the film cools down to its natural temperature, it will stretch. Thanks to this, the coating will be absolutely smooth and even.

  1. Further along the perimeter of the tier, mask the technological gaps with decorative tape.

  1. Lastly, cut holes in the foil for the lighting fixtures. To protect the canvas from heated lamps, glue thermal insulation rings on the holes.

If the lamps are placed inside the space between the base and stretch ceilings, they will not touch the film. Therefore, it does not need to be protected from them.


As you understood from the article, it is quite possible to install a two-level stretch ceiling yourself. With relatively low labor and time costs, you will decorate your home with a beautiful coating that will hide all the disadvantages of the ceiling. The video in this article continues her theme. And questions can be asked in the comments.