Artificial aging of wooden products. How to perfectly form a tree with your own hands - Braching

Tree - universal material, it is suitable for both construction and repair and creation decorative crafts, decorations and interior items. Modern technologies allow you to choose various options Processing that makes it possible to create a variety of feature compositions. Recently, it becomes more and more likely to appear in retro style both in the walls of the walls and the ceiling and already ready wooden items.

Real old things have a very high cost, it is not for each budget it fits. However, there is an outlet - the tree is artificially. According to the appearance of the differences from the antique there will be no, and the money is spent much less. Next, it will be told about the main ways that will easily and quickly solve this task.

Processing with chemical solutions

With this option are perfectly processed deciduous trees. Among chemical substances Ammonia, acetic acid, veneer, and ready-made solutions can be used.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. The tree is thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt, outsiders.
  2. After that, passed by sandpaper, to create the desired composition.
  3. Then there is chemical treatment, as a result of which, wood darkens.
  4. The final stage is a lacquer coating that will help create protection against moisture and microbes.
Aged tree in the interior


Good method for coniferous trees. It is carried out using the effect of fire.

Includes a few steps:

  1. Fire processing that replaces ordinary cleaning in this case.
  2. Further, the burnt surface is cleaned with a metal brush, and then polished with shallow sandpaper.
  3. To emphasize the natural beauty and the desired shade, if necessary, you can apply a little veil.
  4. After that, wax is applied.

Firing, brushing and impregnation with a pine board in this video:


With it, soft wood products are well processed - linden, pine, nut and others.

  1. At the initial stage, artificial damage is applied with a chisel, ax or hammer.
  2. The next step is to process with a metal brush and usual, to remove excess fibers.
  3. Next goes grinding.
  4. The tree is ready for applying paints based on acrylic or verses, immediately after this, the colored layer is wiping into the cloth, to preserve the natural pattern.
  5. After drying, it is processed by varnish.

Step-by-step video instruction:

All photos from the article

Under normal operating conditions wooden furniture And the decoration of the rooms can serve more than a century, over the past years, the tree acquires a noble shade of antiquity and looks just great. Fortunately, waiting for this the process will pass natural way No need, there are quite a few ways to artificial wood composition.

Reasons for the popularity of the boards for the old

Popularly popular because of an attractive appearance. No other advantages over furniture or decoration of the room with ordinary wood she does not have.

It is not necessary to confuse the old wood (often affected by pest insects) and the aged artificial.

The effect of vintage is achieved by a combination of different wood processing techniques.

Moreover, there are often such factors that in the normal case are considered to be defects with a wooden surface:

  • an old board should not have a perfectly smooth surfaceDuring the years of operation, small chips, dents, scuffs will appear on it. Sometimes to achieve this effect when processing wood hammer, small dents are created on the edges, mimic scratches on the front surface;

  • ingrown knocks, a proportion of switches and other minor defects will only improve appearance tree;
  • also to create an antiquity effect is applied by Patinating - During the process, the tree is painted in 2 layers so that through last layer Paints looked through the first layer. An illusion is created that over the years of operation, the finishing layer of paint simply laid out;
  • popular wood wastingThis operation allows you to create a terrain on the front surface of the board by removing soft fibers of wood.

As in any question, during the pinch of the wood of the old Nalea, it is important to have a sense of measure. The board should not look as if she spent a dozen years old, after processing, a person should have the feeling that he is located next to the subject that is hardly not historical value.

There are some simple waysHow to make boards under the antique. All of them can be successfully applied not only in production, but also in everyday life.

Braching of wood

There are several ways to create an antique boards, special equipment for this will not need, a maximum - a metal brush, a pair of paint species, varnish, etc. Of course, a tree has already been processed, but there is no warranty that it will definitely comply with the plan, Yes, and its price is much higher than that of ordinary wood.

Mechanical brash

Wood density is uneven, more dense and solid sections alternate with soft fibers. It is because of this, after some time, the surface of the tree becomes embossed, soft fragments are simply destroyed over time, and solid remain.

This process can be accelerated and simply treat the board with a metal brush. Thin steel wire Removes soft fragments of wood, creating the desired relief of the surface. After it remains only with the help of paint or simmering to handle the board and cover with varnish over.

Work is performed in this order:

  • at first, the surface of the board is processed man. In order to speed up the process, special nozzles on the drill can be used. When processing a tree, it is important that the brush moves not across, but along the fibers, otherwise the desired effect does not achieve;

Not every breed of wood is suitable for the brush, it is undesirable to use such rocks like a maple, pine, who have fibers are poorly expressed.

  • after you can walk on a tree with a brush to remove sawdust and fine chip;
  • the next stage provides in order to finally remove roughness and irregularities. At this stage, it is necessary to use fine-grained emery and not to put pressure on it so as not to remove the entire relief;

  • next, the instruction provides for the application of the veil or paint, as well as surface treatment with varnish.

It is not necessary to paint the tree after the brash, because at the exit we should get a non-stall surface, protruding solid fibers should look like the paint on them erased over the years of service. In order to achieve such an effect, it is enough just to apply a simulator or a thin layer of paint and quickly flush it with a sponge.

In the soft sections of wood, the verse is absorbed in seconds, but with protruding solid fibers to remove almost completely. After that, several layers of varnish are applied to the surface of the product to protect the coating from fading.

Chemical brash

This method of processing in living conditions Practical is not used due to the fact that it is rather laborious, besides, aggressive fluids for applying on a tree will be needed. Usually used solutions of salt and sulfuric acids of the middle force, as well as various alkalis, ammonia.

The essence of this method is reduced to the fact that the liquid is applied to the tree and literally dissolves soft sections of wood. When processing solid rocks, a multiple application of fluid will be required, which is rather uncomfortable. In addition, before the subsequent application of the LKM, the surface will have to be carefully cleaned by mechanically.

As for how the boards did in the old days, the described techniques, of course, were not used. Before the appearance of the first sawmills, wood trunks with the help of wooden wedges simply split along, due to which it turned out uneven surface, because Skol went along the fibers, and they are not located in the trunk perfectly smoothly.

Patinating wood

Under the patina, they understand the raid, which in time is formed on copper and bronze. In the case of wood, it is precisely such color gamut No need, it is enough just to create an impression from the viewer that the paint layer is partially exterminated in the process of operation of furniture.

Patigning technology consists of 3 stages:

  • the wooden surface is painted in one color of the paint. Drying is better to take time with a margin;
  • after the second layer of paint of another color is applied;
  • after its drying, a fine-grained emery need to create scuffs that imitate the chip paint during operation. Lacuated the surface is not necessary.

When creating scuffs and scaldings, it is important to know the measure otherwise the furniture will be reminded by a leopard - everything will be in spots, and excessive distround only spoil its appearance.
Waste and chips will be appropriate in places that most often suffer during operation, for example, on the corners of the furniture.

You can find special patinishing varnishes. It is interesting to see the crustaceous lacquer, which after applying evenly cracks. In these cracks, a contrasting composition can be launched in order to emphasize them. And already on top of it, another layer of patinishing varnish is applied.

Such processing of the boards under the antique allows you to get the surface of soft warm color With the simulation of cracks, and the cracks themselves are reliably protected by the finish layer of varnish.

A pair of tree recipes "Under the Starin"

You can find a lot of recipes for the formation of a tree with the help of submitted means, but they are all derivatives of already described processing methods. Consider some of them.

Using wax

With the help of conventional wax, it is possible to achieve a good effect, you will need only 2 types of wax (color and usual), as well as a machine for grinding a tree. This method is convenient because they do not need additional steps like brashing of a tree or an acid use to remove soft pieces Woods.

Technology performing work will look like this:

  • first, the board is grouped, and the direction is strictly along the fibers;
  • it is then applied to color wax, at the previous stage of the pores of the wood opened, so that he will penetrate inside. On the hardening of the coating you need to take about a day;
  • next, you have to apply a colorless wax over the color, while the color wax will inevitably be deleted.

The resulting effect will be slightly similar to the brash tree. More dense parts of wood will be weakly painted, but soft porous sections will get quite rich color.

In any interior, white wood will look unusually. It is worth it a lot, but you can and with your own hands to achieve the same effect when painting a tree. The main task is to white color Not "scored" fully texture of the tree, ideally the wood should have a slightly grayish tint and through a layer of white paint should peel the pattern of a tree.

You can get the desired effect using the brash technology, and the key point will be to paint the board under the old way so that the tree drawing remains noticeable after painting.

To do this, you can use tinted and transparent varnishes, and painting will be performed in several stages:

  • if the tree is dense and poorly absorbs varnish, then the prepared surface can be treated immediately with a pair of layers immediately;
  • then the colorless varnish to protect the tinting is applied on top of it.

If we plan to process soft wood, then the flow of toned varnish will be too large, because the tree will actively absorb it. To reduce its flow, you can first treat the tree with colorless varnish (1-2 layers), and only then go to the tinted, the finishing layer is a colorless varnish.

The same effect can be achieved using white paint, but here you need to consider that it is easy to paint the tree pattern by 100%. Therefore, after applying paint, it can be carefully brushed with a sponge, so that the texture of the board is visible.

In conclusion

A tree under ancient is available to everyone, and it is not necessary to buy it at all. The proposed methods of the formation of wood can be used in domestic conditions and will not require special equipment. At the same time, you can achieve almost any effect, the main thing is to show fantasy.

Video in this article shows the processing process wooden beams under ancient.

This carting is already from Italian - Patina. In the broad sense of Patina - noble traces of aging. The essence of the method: We select paint into the tone of the furniture, cover in one layer and let dry (surface in front of the painting Okarite). Then we make a shade of turn - we repeat the procedure. Now we take a shallow eye or a rigid sponge and scuffing. It is important to through upper layer I looked through the foundation. It should be seen that the furniture was painted more than once. The degree of covers adjust to your taste. At the end, cover the product with a transparent varnish or wax.

Patinating is suitable not only for wooden surfaces, but also for metal and plaster, for example. Remember this when choosing paint. They differ just by the type of material on which you will use them. The most popular - acrylic.

Fascinated by the process? In addition to furniture, you can pattinate anything - from sockets and plinths to the photo frames. And by the way, it is better to practice for a start yet on the latter, and not on the closet.

Tip inmyroom: The first layer slightly set the skin to improve its grip with the new paint.

Provides individuality interior different ways. Most often for this apply emphasis on certain trifles, for example, the use of unusual textures or colors. One of the popular technologies for the formation of the original texture is the aging of wood with their own hands. The technique allows you to give the surface a unique picture, while the basis is the natural material.

The need for procedure

Those who wish to make furniture under the old days should learn how to give her surfaces as realistic appearance. For this, artificial process is used - brash (from the English Brush - brush). During operation, the fibers are structuring wooden elements. In nature to such a visual state, the tree reaches longer period, but using modern means, It is essential to narrow this time interval.

In vivo, aged tree loses strength, and with artificial effects there is a reverse process that depriving the material of weak fibers and ensures greater strength.

Similar processing also contributes to the protection of the surface from the effects of cores and other insects. As a result, it will be possible to achieve the necessary coloring and stylish appearance. You can create a tree with your own hands for any needs: from small frames for photos or boxes to the manufacture of furniture or parquet.

Using tree breeds

It is important to take into account that not every grade of wood will be able to process with this special way. The final quality affects the structure of natural material. In most cases, artificial aging of the tree applies to the following types:

  • larch;
  • nut;
  • ash.

The inner structure of the tree should have a visible fibrous drawing. It will be the basis for the formation of invoice. Unfinished items of wood with extremely rigid fibers are not accepted. These include:

  • pear;
  • maple;
  • cherry;

The task of the artist is to live method Impact on a soft structure located between the annual rings. In the presence of the maximum homogeneous environment, the aging of the tree does not succeed with their own hands.

For example, by firing, it is possible to turn ordinary pine to the rare and valuable breed of tropical wood derived from Wenge tree.

Video: Turn the pine in wenge

Application of a mechanical method

When carrying out a full brash cycle, the following actions algorithm is carried out:

  • primary mechanical restoration Using a metal brush for cutting soft particles from the surface of the workpiece

  • carrying out grinding works by a relief brush with polymer bristle or the use of sandpaper with a large fraction abrasive;
  • applying the veil or other types of dyes on the treated surface;
  • polishing works or applying several layers of varnish, in the intervals between the drying, the silence of the "zero"

During artificial aging of wood, drills or bulgaria are used to reduce the amount of manual labor and increase productivity. In the process, brushes with a pile of aluminum, steel, copper and artificial polymers are used.

The aging of wood with their own hands, as shown on the video at the end of the chapter, begins with rough processing, when the tool is water along the location of the fibers with the same speed and uniform pressure over the entire surface.

Processing should not form unwanted "pits" in the workpieces, so you need to enter the tool exactly, without a special pressure, if the idea does not require the formation of target rough relief.

Light during operation should be high quality and ensure the vision of the natural pattern. In this regard, the rays of the lamps are directed perpendicular to the length of the fibers. In such a situation, the desired drawing is made.

The humidity of the wood treated is selected in the range of 15-16%. Such a value will provide a preferred finish roughness of the surface without pierced vehicles. If before you create a tree at home to apply a polymer processing tool, then you will achieve an effect with a less pronounced relief.

The subsequent step in the form of grinding will cut the raised wooden pile of fibers. Emery paper or abrasive brushes successfully cope with the task. Control the ratio of roughness can be manually.

VIDEO: Artificial aging Woods do it yourself. Joinery tricks

Application of coloring layer

Prepared relief with mechanical means processing staining. This will significantly strengthen the result obtained and will hide a fresh ripple with mechanical means. Thanks to the game of colors, it will be possible to get the desired presentable effect.

Similar products made of wood under the old days are taken painted by a verse, and then rinse it. This will allow the material almost instantly into the soft structure of the tissues, and at the same time the solid will not have time to absorb. The natural beauty of the material will fully manifest outside.

Leave particles of gold paint on the surface will turn out if you apply a small layer of its brush, and then the rigid spatula remove the residues from the surface. Particles penetrate into the depressions and pores, which ensure a successful result.

Protect the depressions and grooves formed during the machining process using a transparent putty. This technique is useful in the manufacture of tabletops, shelves or other practical surfaces. In the process of their operation, small dirt will not be clogged into embossed zones.

Since artificially, the tree must be carefully and with the possibility of its use, then the finish operations are:

  • polishing;
  • varnishing;
  • fracture.

Also achieve interesting text designers will be able to be used by crochelle varnishing. It forms small cracks and chips on the front side. They need to rub the paint or coal dust, providing a unique individual pattern.

Choose cracker in specialized stores and within the expiration time. In most cases, the overdue varnish does not give the effect of cracking.

Use of chemical brash

In the process of chemical impact on fibers, you can achieve similar results that are obtained from machining. For this purpose, active solutions are used capable of influence the structure of soft fibers. Driving the necessary areas, the original drawing is formed on the surface of the wooden billet.

Chemical brash

The technique does not require the use of brushes and sandpaper during the active phase. For several cycles of applying and flushing the solution, the canvas transformation occurs.

In etching, preparations are used that contain particles, poisonous for a person, so in order to prevent the body poisoning with chemical pairs, it is recommended to carry out work in the open space.

Chemical solutions that are used when mitigating fibers contain a high percentage of alkali. You can take the drug for this purpose, cleaning furnaces. After a good rubbing, the layer is washed off, and the cycle is repeated until the required effect is obtained. After etching, finishing operations coincide with those that were carried out during mechanical processing.

Work with chimreactles should be carried out in compliance with funds individual protection: Gloves, glasses, petals and protective bathrobe or apron. After the operation, all residues of the substance from the surfaces are washed under running water.

Video: how to make a tabletop from the tree under the old days do it yourself

Interior and life objects, decorated artificially aged wood:

Table and chairs - Are made from larch

Kitchen. Facade - larch, shelves - pine

Recently, the use of aged tree in the furniture and interiors has become fashionable. Even the most simple cheap wood furniture will look stylish and expensive after its artificial formation. This article will open a few simple and not very expensive ways to create a tree with their own hands for furniture and others. wooden products.

IN natural conditions The tree becomes influenced by the sun, wind, rain and other phenomena. And this process takes place for a long time. We will make the process of making a tree artificial, which will significantly reduce the time and improve the final result. If all the work is briefly described, it will consist of two stages: mechanical processing of wood (easy damage, removal of soft fibers) and painting with varnishes and paint.

To form a tree, you will need:

  • rigid metal brush;
  • circular brush;
  • large and small skin;
  • meet;
  • several brushes;
  • antiseptic for wood;
  • white Spirit;
  • dark Pinotex or Dark Lazur Belinka;
  • white Lazur Belinka;
  • big sponge.

With the help of the set of these tools and materials, we will be able to form wood with five different ways. Consider more each of them.

The first way to form a tree - removal of soft fibers and painting

Artificially aged wooden surface You can use a rigid brush that removes soft fibers of wood and, thus, a relief is created, the line of which will be emphasized by the coloring tree.

The wooden surface is pre-skewed, then it is processed along the circular fibers (using a special nozzle for a grinder) or a metal hand brushed resulting from the surface of soft fibers of wood.

Speakers are removed with a special brush with a soft pile, but in no case with hand to avoid the title.

The tree instantly changes the appearance, acquires a beautiful relief and contrasting color, which is specially emphasized by staining in two layers.

For staining, a translucent Belink Azure is used, which is applied to the purified surface with a brush or roller.

The tree will have a rather attractive look.

After a few minutes, a sponge is taken and with its help gently removed the layer of glaze, as a result of which the wooden surface acquires relief. You can leave the surface in this form and cover it with a transparent varnish, if such a color of the shaped tree is to taste.

But if you want to add the color of the style of A la Provence, then another autumn is applied on top of the first layer. Another thin layer of white Belinka Lazarinka.

A few minutes later, we clean the sponge with a fresh azure, with the result that we obtain the white-made tree, with which it is created stylish interior A la Provence. When the glaze is completely dry, the surface can be covered with lacquer having the same basis as the azure, or impose another layer of colorless lazuries.

This method of wood shaping is ideal for beams and other elements. wooden structures, when creating styles of antiquity.

The second way is the relief of the antiquity and the multi-layer painting of the tree

With this method, the tree is specifically attached to the form of an old, antique thing, a loss of time. This uses a multi-layer painting of the tree.

The surface of the tree should be specifically subjected to all sorts of small damage: it is beaten with a hammer, pierce a selection, fighting the saw, printed with screws or steel rods, do everything possible to give it the relief of the antiquity.

Then the surface is grounded with a layer of pinotex. After its drying, it is covered with a solid thick layer of tinted paint (antiseptic).

Since pinotex has a thick consistency, it may be uneven, as much thicker from Lazuri Belinka. It is used in cases if you need to create a thick bottom layer on a compounded tree.

Belinka is a more liquid azure, it is easily and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the tree, creating a smooth surface color.

When the first layer dries it to intentionally subjected to small damage: to lose the shallow or large skirt, go through the metal brush. The main thing is not to overdo it. Time raid here must be minimal. According to experts, the most reliable effect of antiquity gives the pinotex uneven layer.

After the procedure for intentional making the method of applying scratches with a skin or metal brush, a translucent layer of white lazuries is applied to the surface, so that the dark bottom layer is shouted through it. At all, it is not necessary to apply the paint to the uniform layer.

After drying the upper layer, with the help of a metal brush the longitudinal movements, the top layer of white glaze is scored, as a result of which the embossed pattern of the aged tree is created. Such a drawing has a very contrasting color, which is very far from the natural color of the shaped tree. To bring the color to a more perfect tone, it needs to be done a little muted. To do this, the white glaze is diluted with half-spirit and cover the wooden surface with this mixture.

Aged tree, created on the basis of Lazuri Belink, has a calm warm tone after final processing. Pinotex gives more interesting decorative effect, with deep dark color Basics. It is used in the creation of aged furniture, as well as in the decoration elements.

Third way - Processing with a brush and white icing

This way to form a tree is the easiest and rapid. The wooden surface is processed by a metal brush, then covered with a layer of white glaze.

After drying the glazes, the surface is again processed with a metal brush. As a result, we have a white wooden surface, a little aged embossed pattern from a metal brush.

Master class: "How to form a tree?"

Let's analyze another way how to form a tree with your own hands. The photo above shows the steps of work execution, and below I will describe them in detail.

1. You need to choose the right tree to make up. It is not necessary to choose young wood, because of small fibers it has no decorative value. It is difficult and smallest wood will be processed. The tree must have a pronounced structure and healthy knots.

3. The chisel needs to make shapeless serifs on the edges of the board, as if an ax.

4. To remove the soft fibers of wood, you can use the nozzle for a drill with rigid nylon vile. At the same time, it is not necessary to dilute too much and put pressure on the tool, pressing should be lungs so that the efficiency of work should not be reduced. For processing, you can use a metal brush - in this case there will be a coarse result.

5. You can add the Effect of Chervotocin, but it is an amateur. With the help of a core or a stupid nail, we make a hole with a depth of 1-2 mm.

6. Now you need to clean the surface and open it with paint-varnish Pinotex Uitra. This coating will be steadily even to atmospheric conditions. You can also use Sezheng Aquadecor.

7. After the paint dry the surface must be sanded with small emery paper No. 80. As a result, it will be very beautiful effectWhen the depressions on the wood remain dark, and the protrusions are light, that is, we will highlight the bulk and structural structure of wood.

8. Enclosing stage - re-autopsy of a red tree.

Making a tree with fire

The tree can be gas burner.

And here you can distinguish three main ways:

1. Equipment without preliminary machining of wood. That is, we just emphasize the texture of the wood burning it. After that, we pass in shallow sandpaper and open lacquer.

2. First, the mechanical processing of wood is carried out - we remove soft fibers, and then carry out the firing. This method will give the wood relief and volumetric appearanceWhat will certainly look gorgeous.

3. Intensive wood roasting, which will freeze the soft fibers of the tree and the subsequent mechanical processing of a rigid brush.

Finally, I want to give a few tips:

  • More beautiful and more effectively, the aged products from old boards will look. If you do not have such a material, ask for neighbors or acquaintances, often such a material can be obtained completely free, and it will work much easier to work with it.
  • Different breeds of wood will be compiled and painted in different ways when using the same materials. This must be considered when collecting wooden structures.
  • Now in stores you can buy a ready-made board, without performing the described operations.