The principles of organizing and conducting training. Everything about the correct organization of trainings or seminars on your own

It's hard to believe, but the history of training in Russia is more than 100 years old! Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky can be called the founder. He developed a unique system for actors, consisting of three hundred exercises, which, by the way, are still used today to develop emotional flexibility. The peak of the popularity of trainings fell on the 70-80s of the last century. In the early nineties, people were simply not up to psychological and esoteric pursuits. But in the end, an unprecedented interest arose in them: with their help, it was possible to find a way out of difficult situations, find a new system of values, and increase the capabilities of the mind and body.

We decided to analyze the difficulties that we will have to face during the trainings, and have prepared a kind of "instruction" telling about the structure of the training, subject, purpose, methods and tasks! We hope that this article will be useful not only for novice coaches, but also for those who have been conducting this kind of training for several years!

Learning idea

As soon as you have a desire to become a coach and conduct interesting trainings, think about who (of course, other than you) will be interested. You need to make a list of potential participants and conduct a survey among them. If every second event seems like a good idea - feel free to draw up a training structure!

Here it is important to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. What are the goals of the training and its objectives?
  2. What audience is it intended for?
  3. How is this training different from competitors' training?
  4. Do the selected exercises correspond to the information blocks?
  5. How cost-effective is the training?

In textbooks on creativity, you can find the basic rules that allow you to draw up the structure and scenario of the training and stage it with high quality. Here is just a small part:

  1. The program can be borrowed from the very best coaches, and then adapted to suit your goals. In this case, it is best to combine modules taken from different programs.
  2. It is important to know that the best program is the new program. Materials for it can be taken from different areas of life!

Training topic

Before starting to work on the structure of the training, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis to determine the objectives.

There are three main types of such activities: clearly business, clearly personal, both personal and business.

Personal, in turn, can be divided into psychological, esoteric, everyday and developmental. All of them are aimed at changing the personal characteristics of the event participants. In turn, business trainings, which can also be called business trainings, do not concern human qualities. Their goal is to develop the skills necessary for the business.

Sales training

In general, the structure of the training can be called a clear logic of information presentation. A properly structured lesson will allow participants to assimilate the maximum amount of information. And the process itself will be dynamic and easy.

We invite you to get acquainted with the main blocks of sales training and the structure of such an event:

Personal growth training

The structure of personal growth training is different from the business training scheme. Of course, you can't do without similar steps, but there is a difference.

  1. The lecture part should not take more than 25% of the time allocated for the training.
  2. The practical exercises depend on the level of training. There are only three of them: basic and advanced courses, leadership program.
  3. The final stage, the so-called debriefing, should take about 25% of the training. It is necessary to discuss the practice, analyze the mistakes made.

Team building training

If you decide to conduct team building trainings, it is important to remember that they are impossible without the immersion stage. Without it, further work simply loses its meaning. The next part in the structure of the training is the division into teams. Participants can be divided either in a predetermined way or in a completely random way. Working in small teams (from 6 to 13 people) will not only allow you to feel the team spirit, but will also help to rally in game rivalry. Everyone will be able to feel themselves part of the team, to contribute to success.

When the teams are formed, it is necessary to hold the so-called ice-breakers: the participants within each group must get to know each other, choose a captain, come up with their own attributes.

The next stage is teamwork. During the training, the participants should do the exercises. Moreover, the level of difficulty should depend on the initial training of the team: it can vary from entertaining to deep and complex.

Analysis is mandatory. This can be done between exercises, or you can leave it at the end of the training. Teams must take stock of their activities, pay attention to the work of their opponents.

The final part in the structure of the team building training is a general exercise. This action involves the involvement of all teams and uniting them into one.

Training leader: requirements

The presentation of the material by the trainer affects the success of the training and its results. There are a number of qualities that a good coach must have:

  • emotionality, wit, developed sense of humor, artistry;
  • the ability to influence the course of the discussion, public speaking skills;
  • sufficient professional and life experience;
  • in-depth knowledge of the topic of the training.

It is important that the coach himself shows interest in what he is talking about. Indeed, the openness of the audience and its readiness to perceive information depend on the emotional upsurge. In addition, feedback must be present: the training participants always want to know which exercises were performed correctly, and where they made a mistake.

If you're running a business training session, be sure to run a demo with the best employees! Let them show you how to negotiate and sell. Make the most of the participants' potential. And, of course, after completing the training, try to conduct a written or oral survey and exam.

The key to the success of the training is a carefully thought-out program.

The experts of the largest professional portal for trainers website create super-effective carefully designed ones. You can purchase them in the "" section.

Of course, there are situations when the coach takes his old program and improves it to meet new requirements. But what if you need to organize classes from scratch? Of course, first of all, to define the goals and objectives of the training, as well as training methods... The topic should be relevant and relevant, and the program should be clearly structured. All components of the training are theory, must be perfectly clear to the audience. And, of course, the vast majority of time should be devoted to practical exercises. This is generally the main principle of training... Consider not only how to conduct the training, but also how your training will differ from others. After all, listeners now have a huge choice. What new and useful things will they learn in your classes?

How to conduct psychological training? It is very important to compose a portrait of your students. Who are these people, what are they interested in, what effect do they expect from the training? After working out the training program, try to put yourself in the shoes of the listener. Ask yourself possible questions in your mind and try to provide an answer. If this training is designed for a wide audience and does not require any specific level of prior knowledge, then you need to focus on the most "difficult" part of the audience. Not all people grasp information equally quickly, not everyone is ready to immediately admit their mistakes. Your methods, exercises and games should be clear to everyone. If the training is designed for an audience with a certain level of knowledge or it can be completed only after preliminary training, then it is imperative to warn clients about this in advance. People should be comfortable and pleasant to work with you. Training program should clearly correspond to the stated topic, and the exercises - information blocks.

After the training program has been drawn up, and you have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe techniques and methods of your classes, you need to determine where and in what conditions the training will take place. This is an important part of the preparatory work. For example, if the training room is too stuffy, cramped, or, conversely, there is too much space, people will be distracted and unable to concentrate on work. It is important to determine where it is best to conduct the training - on the customer's premises or in a rented hall. This is always decided individually. And, of course, it is necessary to provide all the technical equipment for classes: a video recorder and a screen, a music player, visual aids. If the training is ordered by the company for its employees, then you need to discuss the reporting conditions in advance. The fact is that many managers reasonably want to watch how their employees are being trained. Or at least watch the video. But if people know that the leadership is watching them, they will not be able to fully open up. It is important to discuss this issue with the customer. The issue can be resolved by providing the management with a detailed training report and by monitoring post-training work of employees. After all, the main thing is not what people learned, but how they can apply the knowledge gained in practice.

We recommend unique training manuals of the best exercises for trainings:

  • Exercise-challenge "Walk to the chair"

    Powerful exercise for goal setting training or negotiation training.
    The exercise clearly demonstrates to the training participants their usual behavior patterns, helps to reveal negative attitudes, beliefsthat prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

    Coaching exercise guide developed by professionals specially for the Coach portal. RUand contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "tricks" that allow you to carry out the exercise with maximum results. You will not find this anywhere else!
    The volume of the training manual: 12 pages.
    Bonus! The manual contains 3 exercise options at once (! ) suitable for three different training topics: goal achievement, negotiation and effective communication.

  • Warm-up exercise "Magic Wand"

    The exercise was recommended by a professional trainer D. Shvetsov, author of the books "Strengthening the Personality", "Guilt: Antivirus".
    A fun and effective exercise is great as a warm-up, but with a simple modification it can become a deeper, basic exercise. Creates light, positive atmosphere of trust and activates the creativity of the participants.

    The Magic Wand exercise helps participants understand what makes them happy and find new opportunities to be happy. In addition, participants can better understand the needs of others and find ways to make them happier too. Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercise, depending on the goals of the trainer, can be both easy and deeper for awareness.

  • Blind and Guide

    It's classic icebreaker exercise... This means that it perfectly relieves the primary tension and mistrust in the training group, contributes to the establishment of warm, trusting relationships between the training participants.

    Exercise "The Blind One and the Guide" perfectly leads the training participants to research and discuss the topic trust in other people... It helps the training participants to increase the level of trust in their lives, to start trusting people more, to see that in life we \u200b\u200boften do not initially “trust”.

    Exercise "Blind and Guide" enables each participant in the training get to know yourself better: how much he trusts others, whether it is easy or difficult for him to rely on another person, how he interacts with others, how other people perceive him.

Many trainers have been studying for more than one year, but each time they say that they are not yet ready to conduct their own training. And this is not a question of their preparation. It's a matter of self-esteem.

Let's just say if a trainer has already studied at several trainings for trainers, has completed additional facilitation courses, for example, and has not yet prepared and conducted his own training on his own, then, most likely, he is basically not ready to be a trainer.

The main quality of a coach is not his knowledge, although they are, of course, also needed. But they are accumulated during trainings. Experienced trainers develop not by learning from others, but by the participants in their trainings. If you know how to manage a group, get it to work independently on the material, then you will gain a huge amount of knowledge and experience in your own trainings.

The main quality of a coach is the pleasure of communicating with other people and helping them gain knowledge and experience. The coach does not have to be a walking encyclopedia, for this there is the Internet. The trainer should be able to organize the training participants so that they learn to independently acquire the knowledge they need and gain experience. And the trainer can structure what they have done on their own and add a little necessary knowledge on the topic.

You don't need to study for many years for this. To do this, you need to be able to analyze and structure information. Notice details and be able to summarize them. You will not be taught this in any training for trainers. You can learn this during your own trainings. Each next training session will turn out better for you than the previous one, if this is how you approach it.

Starting trainings can also be hindered by templates into which participants are shoved during training at trainings. The trainer begins to think about how to conduct the training, and not how to give the necessary knowledge and skills. More important for him is how to do everything right. He stops noticing the real participants in the training. Because of this, there can also be anxiety that prevents you from starting to work. It seems that you still need to train in order to perfectly perform what is supposedly required of the coach - to be able to speak beautifully, to entertain, to move correctly, etc.

How to effectively conduct training?

Discard the already obsolete templates, conduct the training as your life experience and the training participants themselves tell you. Notice what you did well and reinforce it. And also, that has not yet worked out very well. In this case, analyze and draw conclusions as to why this happened.

Any training can be done in hundreds of different options. And these options depend only on you and on the group that will come to you. There is no such thing as how to properly conduct training. There is a creative approach to how best to transfer the necessary knowledge and experience to the participants, to develop the necessary skills in them.

And when you stop taking full responsibility for the success of the training on yourself, and start sharing it with the participants, you stop worrying that something might go wrong.

Give the participants some of the training questions that they can independently find answers to. Divide them into subgroups and give creative assignments. This will help diversify your training and involve participants in creating and practicing the material they need.

If you imagine the coach as someone who constantly inspires, speaks, conveys information, entertains and fills with knowledge, then you will always have transcendental anxiety. Since you will never do it 100% well and someone in the group will always be unhappy. You will always take upon yourself all the responsibility for ensuring that they do not learn something.

The best training is when the group is working, not just the coach. And when the training participants are also responsible for how they acquire and acquire the knowledge and skills for which they came to the training.

Think about how to do this and start doing your first training.

And if after this article you still have anxiety and questions, write to us, come to online trainings, where you will receive unconventional advice on creating and delivering trainings.

Preparation and delivery of training

Conducting a lesson by the method of group training requires a lot of preparatory work from the teacher, as, incidentally, in other forms of group lessons (business game, "round table" or seminar-discussion, etc.).

Preparation includes:

1) work on the training scenario;

2) work with students on their attitude to actively participate in solving the problem submitted to the training (this is usually done by means of questions-problems handed over to them in advance on the topic under study);

3) self-preparation of the teacher (he thinks over his behavior in the training: how to ask questions, how to respond to answers or remarks, to disputable situations; dramatize a dispute situation or agree with one of the disputing parties; speak out on his own or demand solutions from the group members; how react to clearly wrong decisions; how and when to draw general conclusions, etc.);

4) the distribution of roles between the participants, although not everyone can get the roles, and the majority will be in the role of outside observers and involuntary critics, and in this capacity they will take an active part in the training;

5) preparation of the premises, the necessary materials (badges, tablets, markers, scotch tape, paper for individual and group exercises, etc.).

The quantitative composition of the training groups.There is no consensus among specialists about the number of training groups. However, the different positions can be reconciled, given that the composition and structure of the group depends on its purpose. So, apparently, trainings focused primarily on learning can allow a larger number of participants than trainings, the purpose of which is primarily personal development. The generally accepted point of view is that the minimum number of participants in the training group is 4 people. The upper limit is usually not named. Many trainings with 50 or more participants are known. In such cases, the facilitator usually uses the help of several assistants.

Conducting training

In conducting training with adults, you can adhere to the following scheme:


Survey about well-being (participants immediately plunge into the atmosphere "here and now", reflecting on their emotional and physical state, communicating their thoughts and expectations in relation to the upcoming lesson, sometimes talking about dreams they saw the day before);

The leader's proposal for the topic of the lesson (sometimes it can be determined not based on the presenter's intentions, but formulated as a result of requests made by the group members during the previous stage);

A parable told by the presenter (it serves as a kind of epigraph to the work ahead and, due to its metaphor, sets a certain program for the participants' subconsciousness);

Warm-up exercises;

The main part (in it, passive exercises are interspersed with outdoor games - both of them almost always end with discussion and reflection);

Summing up the results of the lesson (statements of the participants in a circle about their current state, comprehension of the work done, wishes and suggestions to the leader);

Summaries of the facilitator (if necessary), often in the form of a parable;


At the very beginning of the work, the facilitator informs the training participants about what they can get as a result of the training. After that, the basic rules for working in a group are established. In practice, certain norms begin to operate in the training group from the first moment of its functioning. Experience shows that it is advisable to immediately offer the participants some rules that must be observed in the group. Let's name those that are typical for the overwhelming majority of training groups.

1. Activity.Since training refers to interactive methods of learning and development, such a norm as the active participation of everyone in what is happening at the training is mandatory. Most of the exercises involve all participants. But even if the exercise is demonstrative in nature or involves individual work in the presence of a group, all participants have an unconditional right to speak out at the end of the exercise. In the case of trainings marathons, it is highly undesirable to be absent even from one session and leave the group.

2. The "I" principle.The main attention of the participants should be focused on the processes of self-knowledge, on introspection and reflection. Even the assessment of the behavior of another member of the group should be carried out through the expression of their own emerging feelings and experiences. It is forbidden to use reasoning such as: "We believe ...", "We have a different opinion ...", etc., shifting responsibility for their own feelings and thoughts on the amorphous "we". All statements should be built using personal pronouns in the singular: "I feel ...", "It seems to me ...". This is all the more important because it is directly related to one of the objectives of the training - to learn to take responsibility for yourself and accept yourself as you are. Already the first group discussions reveal how dissimilar the thoughts and feelings of different people are, which is the defining argument for the introduction of the named rule.

3. Here and Now.This principle directs the training participants to ensure that the subject of their analysis is constantly the processes occurring in the group at a particular moment, feelings and thoughts that appear at that moment. Except for specially specified cases, projections into the past and into the future are prohibited. The principle of focusing on the present contributes to deep reflection of the participants, helps to focus on oneself, one's thoughts and feelings, and develops the skills of introspection.

4. Sincerity and openness.The more frank the stories about what really excites and interests the participants, the more sincere the expression of feelings is, the more successful the work of the group as a whole will be. As S. Jurard noted, the disclosure of one's “I” to another person is a sign of a strong and healthy personality. Self-disclosure is directed towards the other, but allows you to become yourself. Sincerity and openness contribute to receiving and providing others with honest feedback, that is, the information that is so important for each participant and which triggers the mechanisms of not only self-awareness, but also interpersonal interaction in the group.

5. Confidentiality.Everything that is said in the group regarding specific members should remain within the group. This is a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and self-disclosure. It goes without saying that psychological knowledge and specific techniques, games, psychotechnics can and should be used outside the group - in professional activity, study, everyday life, when communicating with family and friends, for the purpose of self-development.

In addition to these norms, the method of addressing each other should be agreed. All participants and presenters, regardless of age and social status, are encouraged to contact "you". This allows you to create a friendly and free atmosphere in the group, although the appeal to "you" is rather difficult to perceive at first due to habit and a certain hierarchy of relations.

In addition, all participants are invited to choose a "play name" for the duration of the training work - the name that all other participants will be required to use to address a person. It can be either a real proper name (sometimes in a diminutive form), or a child's nickname, college nickname, the name of a favorite art character, or just any name you like.

Already these procedures, which create special conditions for the interaction that have begun and are of a playful nature, make it possible to partially relieve the natural tension and anxiety of the participants. The norms of the training group create a special psychological climate, often sharply different from that of other groups. The participants in the training, realizing this, begin to monitor the observance of group norms themselves.

During the training session, a variety of specific exercises, techniques and techniques are used (group discussion, game methods, methods aimed at developing social perception, methods of body-oriented psychotherapy, meditative techniques), however, experts identify several basic training methods. These traditionally include such interactive methods as group discussion and situational role-playing games.

Group discussionin training - this is a joint discussion of any controversial issue, allowing you to clarify (and possibly change) the opinions, positions and attitudes of the group members in the process of direct communication.

The discussion method is characterized by familiarizing participants with interactive interaction, a democratic way of behavior, teaching psychotherapeutic relaxation of group tension, stimulating deep associations, analyzing specific situations of moral choice, which makes it possible to diagnose a new quality of value characteristics of trained adults.

In the training, group discussion can be used both in order to provide participants with an opportunity see the problem from different angles(this clarifies mutual positions, which reduces resistance to the perception of new information from the leader and other members of the group), and as way of group reflectionthrough the analysis of individual experiences (this strengthens the cohesion of the group and at the same time facilitates the self-disclosure of the participants). Between these quite different goals, there are a number of other, intermediate, goals, for example, actualization and resolution of latent conflicts, elimination of emotional bias in assessing the partner's position through open statements, or providing participants with an opportunity to demonstrate their competence and thereby satisfy the need for recognition and respect.

It is possible to classify the forms of group discussion used in the training for various reasons.

For example, allocate structureddiscussions in which a topic for discussion is set, and sometimes the procedure for conducting is clearly regulated (forms organized according to the principle of "brainstorming"), and unstructureddiscussions in which the moderator is passive, topics are chosen by the participants themselves, and the time is not formally limited.

Sometimes the forms of discussions are distinguished based on the nature of the material being discussed. So, N.V. Semilet suggests considering:

thematicdiscussions in which problems that are significant for all participants in the training group are discussed;

biographical,based on past experience;

interactive,the material of which is the structure and content of relationships between group members.

Discussion methods are used in the analysis of various situations from the work or life of the participants, in the analysis of complex situations of interpersonal interaction proposed by the presenter and in other cases. In some areas of training, group discussion becomes the main, and sometimes the only method of group work (K. Rogers meeting group, group analysis).

Discussion as a training method is specific. It is very important not to allow it to turn into a conflict of opinions and tough polemics. Therefore, the organizer must be able to follow his own line, listen to each participant and demonstrate respect for all points of view.

Game methods of conducting trainingsinclude situational role-playing, didactic, creative, organizational-activity, imitation, business games. The game can also be used as a psychotherapeutic method, which is especially clearly manifested in gestalt therapy and psychodrama. The use of game methods in training, according to many researchers, is extremely productive. At the first stage of group work, games are useful as a way to overcome the stiffness and tension of the participants, as a condition for painless removal of the "psychological defense".

Thanks to the game, the learning process is intensified, new behavioral skills are learned, previously seemed inaccessible ways of optimal interaction with other people are acquired, verbal and non-verbal communication skills are trained and consolidated. After all, play, perhaps like no other method, is effective in creating conditions for self-disclosure, discovering a person's creative potential, manifesting sincerity and openness, since it provides a psychological connection between a person and his childhood. As a result, play becomes a powerful psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective tool not only for children, but also for adults.

During the training, facilitators often use various rituals that perform the function "Anchors"reinforcing positive emotions and impressions of the participants. The mechanism of action of the "anchor" is based on reflex-associative connections. At the suggestion of the presenter, each moment of an intense surge of positive emotions of the participants is accompanied by the performance of some simple ritual, for example, a victorious throw up of hands with clenched fists under the presenter's command “Victoria!”. And when this "anchor" is firmly fixed in the mind, it can be used to attract positive emotional resources at the moment of the training, when the participants find themselves in a psychologically difficult, emotionally negative situation. The "anchor" can revive the unexpected at this moment, but familiar command of the host "Victoria!", Under which the participants throw their hands up and thereby actualize the positive potential for solving the problem.

One of the rituals can be applause,if it is customary in the group to accompany them with any successful exercise, a bold act (for example, declaring oneself as a volunteer) or a subtle and witty statement.

In order for the training to be effective, it is advisable to practice variedinteractive techniques. This contributes to the long-term preservation of attention and performance of the group and reflects real life situations in which it may be necessary to simultaneously use several models of behavior. For different educational purposes, the modeling method, the case method followed by discussion and assessment, and the situational role play can be equally effective.

The choice of teaching method depends on the following factors:

Objectives and duration of the training program;

The level of preparedness of the participants;

Life and professional experience;

Available financial resources;

Necessary material and technical equipment and training equipment;

The degree of interpersonal interaction of the participants;

Predicted potential activity of participants;

The size of the training group.

The chosen method greatly influences how the objectives of the program will be solved and for what period of time the results achieved during the training will be maintained after its completion.

After the end of the training, it is always advisable to analyze its results, i.e. assess their compliance with the planned intentions and expectations of the teacher.

Training "Acquaintance"

Interpersonal relations in the group of students of the advanced training system are perceived not only as a background, but also as a "tool" for professional growth. Contacts that arise between trainees can help them solve professionally significant problems.

In psychology, training sessions are viewed as forms of teaching complex activities, such as communication. They allow you to model the emotional experience of preventing the intensification of emotional stress from meeting with a professional partner, as a result of which a new experience of interpersonal interactions is acquired.

The new team needs to organize group interaction, which will make it possible to more successfully overcome stereotypes, establish trusting relationships between listeners and unite the group.

To organize the dating training, the following conditions are necessary, without which it will not give results:

Openness and sincerity in self-awareness;

Benevolence, trust in each other;

Tolerance towards other participants in the training;

Obligatory participation of all during the whole lesson;

Whatever I want to say, we say "here and now."

For the leader, the following are considered obligatory: involvement in the situation and a non-directive management style.

The leader's behavior strategy is chosen based on the composition of the audience and the purpose of the training: creating conditions for better and faster acquaintance of the participants, mastering a free (play) style of communication, “starting” the self-disclosure process. In the lesson, the leader will be able to determine the personality traits and methods of response, socio-psychological preferences, as well as the needs and individual goals of the course participants.

Some exercises will require sheets of paper and safety pins. Prepare them in advance. The post-game stage is essential. Each participant in the meeting should be involved in introspection, reflection on what happened to him during the lesson. Let each one in turn, with a benevolent attitude of all those present, try to answer the questions: "How did I feel during the lesson?", "Did any exercise cause resistance?", "Did I manage to overcome this resistance, if any?" "Who or what helped me to relieve tension?", "Did I seek to support anyone?" and so on. The content of the exercise games will determine the nature of the questions.

Exercise Description

For each stage of the lesson, exercises are described, from which you choose those that best suit your characteristics and characteristics of the group.

I. Acquaintance

Purpose: acquaintance of the group members with each other.

All participants sit in a circle. The host greets everyone and invites you to meet.

"Affectionate name"

Each participant is invited to name himself without a middle name, just by name, so that it "caresses the heart and ear." In addition, the participants agree on the observance of one rule: before identifying themselves, it is necessary to repeat the names of those who have already introduced themselves. The presenter calls himself the last, so that he has the opportunity to name each of the participants affectionately. Duration: 5-10 min.


The group members take turns pronouncing their playing names, accompanying them with a certain hand movement or a gesture characteristic of themselves. Then the whole group calls out the name of the participant in chorus and repeats his gesture. Duration: 5-10 min.


One of the participants begins and, addressing the neighbor on the left, with a sense of satisfaction from meeting him, ends the phrase with the word “hello”, expressing his feeling with a voice, a smile, and a shake of hands. Duration: 5-10 min.

II. Opening up others (being open)

Purpose: acquaintance of group members with each other, development of communication skills and self-disclosure skills.

"Treasure chest"

The facilitator prepares various objects (mirror, flower, toy car, etc.). All participants sit in a circle. Everyone chooses for himself an object related to him, and is represented with the help of this object. Duration: 15-20 min.

"Acquaintance in pairs"

All participants of the meeting are divided into pairs and get to know each other. The questions for the conversation are chosen by themselves. Objective: to learn as much as possible about each other. After the end of the conversation, each pair is introduced to all participants. Partners represent each other. Duration: 20-25 min.

"Business card"

Each participant creates (you can make a badge badge) his own business card, which indicates who he (s), where he is from, what he does, and introduces himself to the whole group. After the acquaintance took place, the leader briefly reports on the conditions of the meeting-lesson. The group negotiates the norms of communication and develops a kind of rituals that will operate on the courses. To do this, it is most convenient to stand in a circle, snuggle up to each other. Group V may want to sing "... How wonderful that we are all gathered here today" or silently stand for one minute, thinking about the audience. The group can agree on a latecomer ritual. Duration: 20-25 min.


One of the participants sits in the center of the circle. The group can ask him 5 questions, strictly observing the framework of his social role (school director, teacher, parent, student of the teacher development institute, etc.). Then the next one sits in the center. He is also asked 5 questions, but with a mandatory change in social role. Duration: 20-25 min.


Each of the participants receives a "travel leaflet" in the center of which he writes his name and surname. During the allotted time, it is necessary to take as many interviews as possible with the training participants. The information received is written down on the "guiding lists", after which the presenter invites the participants, if they wish, to introduce one of their colleagues. The rest of the participants can make additions. Duration: 20-30 min.

Training is an active form of learning. Here, the participant does not passively listen to the teacher, as in a lecture, but actively works, assimilating knowledge and techniques.

Role-playing game (and its variation -)

What it looks like: participants are divided into pairs or threes and act out this or that situation. For example, a conversation between a boss and a subordinate.

Why do you need: role-playing games are used for two tasks - firstly, to work out the techniques studied during the training; secondly, to assess the level of the participants (it is usually used at the very beginning of the training, with one person in a pair, as a rule, a trainer).

Time: from two minutes to an hour.

Mini-group brainstorming sessions

What it looks like:a large group is divided into mini-groups, and each mini-group performs a task. For example, make a list of all customer objections. Or write down the weaknesses of the product sold by the company that ordered the training. Or vice versa - strengths.

Why do you need: the task of brainstorming in mini-groups is to create material that will then be used in further work.

Time: from ten minutes to half an hour.

Case solution (it would be more correct to say - problem solving, but the term "case" has already become established)

What it looks like: a case is a situation in which you need to find an effective solution. The group can solve one case at all. You can split the group into mini-groups and give them different cases. The case can be written down on paper, told orally, shown on video. The main thing is that important conditions are identified and a clear command is given - what result is being discussed.

Why do you need: solving cases is already a training, an attempt to use the material that was given at the training. Or - rarely - a way to get the group interested in the material. If you give a case at the beginning of the training and the group does not cope, there is a great chance to arouse their interest in ways of solving such a problem.

Time: from fifteen minutes to three hours.

Group discussions

What it looks like:the coach gives the group a topic for conversation, usually through a question (“Why do you think a man should pay for a girl in a restaurant?”, “Who decided that the client is always right?”, “How to fire an employee?”, Etc.). If a question "hits" a pain point in a group, a very rich dispute flares up very quickly.

Why do you need: firstly, group discussions allow people to speak up and hear others (if, of course, the coach keeps track of the civilization of the discussion). As a result of such a discussion, people come to a common opinion or, at least, better understand each other's positions. Secondly, group discussion is used to teach productive discussion techniques. First, these techniques are sorted out, then people begin to discuss using the techniques.

Time:from twenty minutes to an hour.

Group game

What it looks like: a fun process (usually with rules and a plot) in which all members of the group participate (sometimes in teams, sometimes individually). The most famous group game is "Balloon". The entire group plays the role of travelers deciding what needs to be thrown out of the basket of a falling balloon to escape disaster.

We recommend unique training manuals of the best exercises for trainings:

  • Balloon

    A large-scale and actively used exercise by trainers, aimed at developing the leadership qualities of the training participants, at developing communication skills, the ability to negotiate. At the team building training this exercise will teach the participants to work in a team, negotiate, hear each other, make collective decisions, and interact more effectively.

    Thanks to its captivating legend, the exercise strongly engages the training participants, increases the tone and energy of the group, and increases the motivation of training participants to learn.

    But the high-quality conduct of this exercise requires a highly qualified coach and extensive experience in conducting such exercises. Otherwise, for all the interestingness of the legend, the group does not realize all those conclusions that could be realized with the high quality of the coach's work.

  • Role-playing game "Slalom"

    A beautiful and effective exercise "Slalom" will adorn any training for leaders, as well as training in sales, negotiations or communications.

    Exercise lets you quit call the ability of participants to effectively and harmoniously negotiate in a limited time, the ability to prioritize, make decisions quickly. The exercise will help not only to activate the creative potential of the group, but also to maximize its focus on further training.

    Your attention is invited exclusive training manual exercises describing all the pitfalls of its conduct, all the coaching subtleties and nuances.

  • Warm-up exercise "Open your fist"

    An effective exercise suitable for many training topics. In just 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the trainer to quickly raise the energy level of the group in a memorable way to draw participants 'attention to the next topic and increase participants' motivation for further learning.

    The exercise demonstrates to the participants that forceful methods of influence give losing results, but we often act out of habit by forceful methods.

    The exercise will be a good introduction to mini-lectures on the following topics: how to deal with client objections; how to deal with employee resistance; how to behave in a conflict situation ...

    The volume of the trainer's manual: 8 pages.

    Bonus! Audio recording of the exercise and suitable music included.