Cardboard frame with your own hands: how to do? How to make a frame for painting with your own hands? Frames for paintings - photo Photo frames from cardboard and paper with their own hands.

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Pictures and other similar works of art with centuries are consisting of a special framework that give the compositions of some completion and emphasizing it against the background of the overall interior. But sometimes it happens enough to purchase the finished product for each sample of art painting or photography.

In this case, you can make it possible to make the necessary design on your own, what will be discussed in this article.

Description of the workflow

A description of how to make a bagent frame at home, can be divided into several stages, half of which will be expected to preparatory work:

Step number 1: Selection of Material

Before you make a frame from a baguette with your own hands, you need to buy it. Ready cartel, as a rule, can be made of three different materials:

Material pros Minuses
  • Very low price;
  • Simplest handling instructions
  • Very low strength characteristics. Products can be damaged even with a careless touch
  • The possibility of imitation of expensive;
  • High moisture resistance
  • Artificiality of origin
  • Stunningly beautiful appearance;
  • High resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Ecology, promoting the formation of a favorable microclimate indoor
  • High enough cost;
  • Hydrophobity

Tip: If you make the frame for the first time, it makes sense as a training material to use foam. Then, in case of failure, your family budget is practically not affected.

As you can see, you can choose economical options, but do not forget that the main purpose of the frame is to decorate the frame of the framed composition, and with this task, the wood will best handle. Her and take for an example for further consideration.

In addition to the chosen cartoons, get immediately and appropriate paint or varnish for decorative design of the finished frame, which will also be performed and protective function.

Step number 2: Preparing tools

Also before making a frame from baguette, make sure that your hands have the following accessories:

Step number 3: Creating a Frame

Now you will look directly how to make a bagent framework:

  1. Measure the tape measure the size of the picture or the photographs planned to enter into decorative design;

  1. The results obtained are postponed on the baguette;
  2. Cut the galler with the help of a hacksaw, given that pending segments are the inner part of the future frame. In this case, it is necessary to perform sections at an angle of 45 degrees so that all fragments then have a smooth and neat rectangle. To do this, it is used in a stub, which is a box without end walls with special slots under the course of saw;

  1. In the factory conditions, special equipment helps to make a stitching for a bagent framework, we will use the joinery glue and a flat surface. That is, we appline the adhesive composition on the ends of all fragments and put them into a rectangle, tightly connecting the corners. After that, we leave the design to dry;

Step number 4: Finishing work

How to make a bagent frame, now it is clear, but the whole process is not over:

  1. We take the selected paint or varnish and apply with a brush to the resulting design;

  1. After the paintwork is frozen, we cut the rectangle from dense cardboard along the external contour and glue or navigate it with a stapler on the reverse side;
  2. Inside insert a photo or picture;
  3. Then we insert the glass and gently fix it with small cloves.


As you can see, create a frame from a baguette for the picture, photographs, embroidery or other art composition is easy. The main thing is to do everything carefully and carefully so that all sizes exactly fit each other. In addition, the described method is not the only right, manifesting the smelting, you can easily improve it, making your own additions or changes in the work described.

Embroidery - The oldest kind of needlework. But it is not enough to embroider the picture itself, you need to make it so that it becomes an excellent decoration for the house.

Registration of embroidery into the frame with your own hands no less interesting occupation than the process of creating a handicraft painting itself.

Features frame for embroidery

The overall housing style is one of the most important factors that should be guided in such situations. There will be no extra few other important recommendations.

  1. Themed orientation should be considered. On wooden frames, still lifes, animals, historical stories are ideally looking. Plastic products should be done for marine images. Additionally, you can decorate seashells. Frame from cardboard is a good addition for children's drawings.
  2. About the form of the product is not necessary too. It depends on the embroidery directly. Well, if the silhouette will completely repeat the composition. Frame shape is allowed round, square, rectangular, oval.
  3. It is important to choose the size of the frame size when designing. An indent more than two centimeters is a good solution for small compositions. Edge editing Frame does not have to touch.
  4. The color scheme must correspond to shades prevailing in the image itself.

Registration of pasparte

It is necessary to pull the embroidery on the clock with your own hands before placing it into the frame. It is enough to use a simple cardboard and cut it in size pictures. The front part down lay the embroidery on the smooth surface. The basis of cardboard is located in the center.

The edges of embroidery bend do it yourself on the base. We tighten the opposite edges of the fabric so that the material is smoothly lay on the base surface. It remains to place the product inside the frame. From the wrong part, we close all the plywood sheet. Small carnations will help to secure the entire design. Requires accuracy and caution, otherwise the passecut may be damaged.

Sometimes the cardboard is left visible. For the whole composition, it becomes background. In this case, use color cardboard. Silhouette in the size of the picture cut your hands in the middle of the cardboard basis. On top of the embroidery itself lay the resulting frame from cardboard.

Mandatory nuances

Pictures in the frame are located strictly in the center, avoid distortions in any side.

A good option will be the use of glass for the design of the frame with your own hands. It protects the product from dust, dirt. Glass will help preserve paints from fading.

It is important to leave a small distance between the picture and glass so that the embroidered image is not deformed.

Glue wood frame, chipboard

The docking of figure profiles in the "Us" is one of the most important steps that you want to make scrupulously.

  1. The edges of the detail are spilled with their own hands at an angle, in 45 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to use special clamps, then the product will become more durable.

There are several ways to glue a wooden frame.

  • Angular connection with clamps. The method is not devoid of certain disadvantages. Not always and everyone has the right tool.
  • The second variant of great distribution did not receive. Apply rubber ribbon in order to connect the items. The ribbon itself is associated with a loaf. Some skills are required to successfully complete these actions. It is important to observe the accuracy of the angle, driving the ends.

Detailed description

Fat plywood or chipboard - An ideal option that will help make and arrange a flat area without deviations in size and geometry. We use self-tapping screws to fix the support bars, they are fixed on the edges.

Regarding each other, the bars are arranged at an angle of 90 degrees. The metal carbon will help achieve maximum accuracy in work.

Next, take the harvested parts, wash the ends. They apply adhesive appropriate billets, most often this joinery plow glue. By connecting the corners of the frame, tighten the design of the clamps. The corners of the frames should be tightly tight, without shifts in different directions, follow the horizontal structure. Clamps are removed after complete drying of glue, usually takes about a day.

Rubber tape and rope

Create the basis with four bars, they play the role of the foundation. In the previous case, we needed only two.

Rubber from the inside will pull the corners of the frame. The use of a cable or rope is allowed.

Corner tightening with one bolt is a classic option. On 4 rails install stubborn corners. Creating the design itself for tightening is the most difficult moment. This design can be used and then when other frames are created.

Ceiling Plinth Frame

Easy to do without expensive materials and special skills, if necessary such an option.

To work, you will need:

  1. A ruler with a marker.
  2. The stuff with coloring effect.
  3. Stuslo.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Glue solution. Without it, do not glue with each other all the details. An excellent option is the material to glue the ceiling tile.
  6. Plinth. Polystyrene or foam.

It is necessary to thoroughly measure the embroidery itself to make the frame-ideal frame. The ruler and the marker will help to apply the necessary sizes on the work surfaces. It is necessary to fold all the details together before starting to glue.

What other options are available?

Appeal to the Baget Workshop - the most accessible way, but not at cost. It is better to ask in advance how workers pull the embroidery on the substrate. Stretching with inside threads - the most reliable option. Embroidery is placed on the substrate in a suitable color. The edges bend on the opposite direction. The fabric is tightened evenly, due to which the product is solid. Design is obtained luxurious.

Most often, workshops prefer to fix the cloth with double-sided scotch, since the method described above is quite expensive and time consuming. From the point of view of the safety of the fabric, the option is not the worst. The main thing is to choose a high-quality adhesive tape, which leaves no traces.

In good workshops offered to close the embroidery with glass. But the pictures embroidered with beads should not close. Then an attractive and juicy appearance will be lost. Pasparta must have the same tone as the entire embroidery. Sometimes they make a double passecut to emphasize certain details.

The color of the baguette must be combined not only with the picture, but also with the surrounding interior.

You can purchase a ready-made framework. Actual for those who want to go along the way the least resistance. You can pose and choosing a passecut in stores, if necessary.

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In our forever rushing somewhere in digital technology sometimes you want to stop, sit down in your favorite chair and just relax. It is at such moments that many of us take into the hands of a large photo. When looking at any picture suddenly there is a thought that it would be nice to put it on a shelf or hang on the wall. But due to the fact that there is no suitable frame, we send a photo again between the pages of the album. Wait, you should not hurry and hide a snapshot, you can create a frame of a girlfriend. What and how to make a frame? From cardboard. Yes, yes, ordinary cardboard, which is found in every home.

Cardboard Frame - New Lesson

So, one day, a cozy evening, turning the album pages, with a laugh telling her child about how once a long time ago, you were also a baby, you suddenly wanted to leave a couple of pictures in sight, swaying them into the original framing. Creating a frame from paper and cardboard will help you to pass the evening, besides, this is another wonderful way to teach a child to something new, interesting. Boldly try to make a business! Its manufacture does not require large temporary and financial costs.

Cardboard Frame: Required materials

Elementary cardboard is done with your own hands using the most common materials, such as cardboard, ribbons, fabric, wallpaper remnants, beads, seashells brought from summer holidays, other suitable objects for decor. You will also need scissors, a ruler, pencil, an interesting solution for decoration can be a raw croup - it may be peas, buckwheat, a manka or any other. On how to make a frame from cardholds using cereals, it will be described slightly lower, undoubtedly, such an option for decorating many will have to taste.

Simple frame

For the manufacture of the simplest frame, you will need:

White cardboard;

Decoration items (in this case, beads were used);


Two rectangular blanks are cut out of the cardboard. For 10x15, they must be 13.5x18.5 cm. Now in one of them you need to cut the window, which should be slightly smaller than the picture. On this window, at will, you can attach a film, for example, a segment from a transparent file to protect photos from dust. The snapshot must be consolidated by corners with thin strips of paper between the blanks, the image in the window. Now you can save the blanks with a cloth, arrange beads. Do not forget to attach a stand on the root side of the frame - carved triangle or loop from cardboard to hang it on the wall. It is so easy and quickly made a simple framework from agreeing, even a child will cope with it.

Simple frame decorated

It is not difficult to create a similar frame. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous description. Only the method of decorating is changing. Crupes glued on the front workpiece with the help of PVA. If it is peas, then each pea is glued separately. You can even use a semolina, millet, buckwheat. After the adhesive will dry well, the croup must be covered with varnish, give it to dry, paint into any suitable color and again cover the layer of varnish. It turns out very unusual, made in the "cereal" technique of cardboard frame. DIY made, she will delight your look for a long time.

Frame in technique scrapbooking

This option is somewhat more complicated performed than the previous ones, and will require a little more time and strength. Frame for photos from cardboard, decorated with cloth, looks stylish and pretty unusual. For the manufacture of such a thing, you will need:

Scrap-paper sheet 30x30 cm;

Cut scrap-paper 10,5x15.5 cm;

Brads (carnations or buttons with a decorative cap);

A small segment of the syntheps;

- "Moment crystal."

For the manufacture of such a frame of cardboard, it is necessary to cut several parts: facial and rear sides (measuring 24x18.7 and 18.5x13.5 cm), leg (16 cm). The window in the frame is cut on, based on the size of the picture. The frame cover cuts out of the fabric. With Call, do not forget to make a small (approx. 1.5 cm) indenting the edge for bends. The facial part is cut out of the synthepship, the one with the window. You can begin to form the frame itself. To do this, it is necessary to smear the face with a thin layer of glue and fasten the synthetic tube, the prepared fabric is superimposed on top of it, which must be glued, flexing the material on the root side, starting from the corners. There should be a certain semblance of pads. Now you need to make the middle of the frame, that is, the very window. Gently, not forgetting about small arrogants, cuts the required size rectangle, the fabric is sweeping, sticks. To make a frame of even greater attractions, you can see its edges on the sewing machine. To decorate scrap frames, you can use bows from ribbons, brides, beads and other minor items for decorating. The back side is covered with scrap-paper, it in turn is attached a leg for stability.

Frames for photographs from cardboard, made in scrapbooking technique, differ from all others with their delicate, extremely attractive design and can serve as an excellent gift.

Carton Coffee Frame, Master Class

Necessary materials:

Dense cardboard;

Coffee beans;

Acrylic lacquer;


1. Prepare the foundation for the frame. For this, rectangles, facial and rear sides are cut out of the cardboard. In front, depending on the size of the picture, the window is made.

2. The front side is covered with a suitable material.

3. Carefully forms a window for a snapshot.

5. Coffee beans are pasted on the fabric. For this purpose, it is better to use the "moment of crystal" or liquid nails.

6. After all the grains are pasted, you can cover them with two or three layers of varnish with an intermediate drying of each layer.

7. Decoration of the frame can serve a variety of trifles - such as tied in beautiful bows of satin ribbons, figures of coffee cups and spoons.

8. The desired photo is fixed in the window.

9. Facial and rear pieces glued.

10. Stand for the frame will serve a rectangle cut from cardboard, which is fixed from the back side of the product.

Eggshell frame

You can also arrange the cut-out base for the photo frames.
It turns out a certain effect of fracturing, or mosaic. Before sticking the shell into cardboard, it must be properly prepared. First, rinse thoroughly. Secondly, remove all internal films. Thirdly, dry well. Only after this preparation of the shell can be painted with acrylic paints in any colors, give the paint to dry and break the shell into small pieces.

The front side of the future frame should also be painted in suitable color. It is not necessary to use the paint of one shade. For example, bright pink, bright blue, crimson and white colors are perfectly combined with each other. The game on their contrast gives a stunningly beautiful result. Sharks of the shell are pasted on the front side in an arbitrary order, folding in the semblance of a mosaic. Thus, the cardboard frame is made of cardboard, with their own hands, is unaccomparable.

Successful ideas and success!

Many needlewomen are interested in: how to make a photo frame from girlfriend? After all, this is a very necessary thing, but the store frames made of plastic look completely equally. Therefore, it will be very interesting and useful to learn how to make these things with your own hands, in this you will help our today's MK for beginners.

Photo frames do it yourself from egg shell

These stylish items can be made of any old and unnecessary things. You just need to connect fantasy and do not be afraid to create.

The framework for the photo frames is usually made from cardboard. In addition, you can use the workpiece sold in the store for this purpose.

And how to decorate the cardboard basis? Here only your fantasy can be limited. We propose to pay attention to the master class of the original product, decorated with egg shell.

1) Cut from cardboard the base for a 4-mm wide width frame. The internal perimeter of the frame must match the size of the photo.

2) We make a stand for a photo frame. Cut from cardboard such a figure.

3) With a rectangular uncut side, measure the two-chamber strip and bend it.

4) Cut the rectangle for the rear wall of the frame. Gear details.

5) We glue the leg. To do this, bent two-chamber strip with flashing glue and glue to the middle of the rear wall of the frame.

6) We start design. Blue acrylic paint frame.

7) Cook 5 eggs, clean the shell from them with large blocks. Pour it in different shades of blue paint.

8) When the paint dries, grind the shell.

9) Now let's jump the frame of the egg shell in a random order, but tightly to each other.

10) That's what successful decor it turned out.

Instead of egg shells, you can use broken marine seashells or another type of decor.

Pretty paper frame

It is very easy to make a photo frame from paper, but necessarily beautiful and embossed, for example from wallpaper.

You will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • line;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • macate knife;
  • stapler.


1) Draw two rectangles on the reverse side of the wallpaper. The perimeter of the internal should be equal to the size of the photo. The width between the inner and external perimeter should be 3 cm.

2) In the central rectangle, swipe the diagonal lines and mark 1.5 cm from them.

3) Through these points to lose another inner rectangle.

4) Cut the inner rectangle on the diagonal lines using a maquet knife.

5) Begain the angles inside.

6) Bend the side of the external rectangle.

7) Fine three-eyed stripes fold in half.

8) Each corner has small squares. Cut one fold.

9) We fold the frame box.

10) We are spinning a stapler.

11) Cut the rectangle from the cardboard and glued to the frame. This is the back wall.

Make such a frame simply, it will be very interesting for children.

Comfort and Comfort

Handbook made household items are a kind of faith, a symbol of comfort and wealth. Because things in which a man put his work and his love, possess a very strong positive energy.

Especially appreciated throughout the world their own gifts made. They will definitely bring peace and warmth into your friends, loved ones and relatives. Your young man will be reappeared in your original photo in the original frame. And children will simply be delighted, receiving a color photo in a bright frame.

Let's consider very simple and rapid ways of making frames.

Photo frames do it yourself from rolls from toilet paper

Make a bulk base and take the items at your own discretion.

Cut rolls with rings with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm, bend the petal. Petals with a good glue with each other, paint in the appropriate color and the frame is ready!

Cut all the same rollers, connect each other, plunday the sequins or rhinestones and the royal frame is ready!

Production framework by appliqué

Here, literally all materials can be used on hand: beads, coins, shells, coffee beans, etc. Details better glued with hot glue-gun.

Greetings to all those who gathered on the blog! Many of us love to give gifts (I think you are including). But ordinary gifts quickly bored and want something more warm, sincere, attractive. One of these gifts are the photo frames with their own hands, which we will do today in large quantities

I decided to write this post, because for a long time ago my first soft photo frame did, and recently repeated the experiment and the result of me more than pleased today I will share with you the secrets of its creation, and also show what other types of photo frames can be done by using Screw materials.

How to make photo frames do it yourself: master classes

Children's photo frame "Totoro" ("Phototheram")

Let's start with a cute children's photo frames, inspired by the wonderful anime "My neighbor Totoro" (who did not look - be sure to look, you will not regret).

You will need:

  • soft stretching fabric (fleece (example - green fabric in the photo), Minky Flis, Velseloft, Tight knitwear, etc.)
  • thin cloth for the backbone (x / b, fleece, etc.)
  • sintepon (web)
  • plastic base (from under technology, candies, etc.)
  • threads, needles, scissors, accessories for decoration.

The plastic base should be so much enough for three details with the desired photo frame.

First of all, you will need to cut the foundation of plastic (round, square, triangular - which is more like) similarly to the photo. In this case, this is a flat bagel. The same form cut out several parts from the synthetic procession. I will show a master class on the example of a circle.

Also, another 1 part of the soft-pulling fabric is also needed, but with larger cuttings on the seams.

Attention! Do not save tissue on allowances, they must be about 2/3 From the width of the ring so that the fabric is evenly distributed from behind.

Immediately proceed to the most responsible part - crossing the front. To do this, make small cuts on the inside of the circle (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe allowances) and cross the edges by tightening them with threads to each other as close as possible. (Specially chose the contrasting color of the thread so that it was noticeable).

Council. If you chose a rectangular shape, then the cuts are unlikely to be needed, you can try to do without them.

This is how the ring in front looks like. If you wish, you can hide the seams from behind with a thin tissue overlay (I'll show you a little further, how to do it).

Postpone the ring aside. Cut two circles from thin fabric and plastic (one does not need it yet). Circles from fabric Make a millimeter-two more than plastic.

Sust yourself mugs, leaving a place to turn out and insert a plastic base.

After stitching, remove the woven part, insert the plastic circle there and squeeze the remaining hole.

We got the back of the photo frame.

If you wish, enter the penetration or tapes in it so that you can hang the photo frame on the wall.

That's how I disguised the back of the fluffy bagel. To do this, from a thin tissue, I cut out the same element as from the stretching, but now the allowances on the seam made less and hid it inside, sewing a concealing seam. The same seam is the back of the back.

The backs are sewn so that in the future from above it was possible to insert the last circle of plastic and a photo.

Try to make small stitches so that they are not noticeable after stitching parts.

A sewn back:

Front view:

Now insert the circle of plastic in the photo frame.

Ready! It remains only to insert a beautiful photo and add decor)

In my case, this is the thematic chernushka, cutting out of wool, with sewn leaves from felt. The photo is more detailed. You can see in this section in this section (in the Souvenirs tab).

Full Minky Fleas You Can Buy in this shop. In our shops, I did not meet this, and if you want to make a thing no worse than the purchase, then you will be very useful to this material (the seller proven, herself ordered himself).

Photo frames from cardboard and paper do it yourself

The method described above is not the easiest of possible methods for creating a photo frame. Now you will make sure

Photo frame from ... covers from boxes

In fact, you can use the usual cardboard, if you add it in the form of such a lid. As you can see, the creation process is simple: just take the lid and take it with a beautiful paper for scrapbooking.

Such a framework is convenient to fasten each other, as a result of which a whole set is formed. They can be glued together to get panels. It turns out a great option for both children and adults.

Cardboard and clothespins

It is these two elements that will be needed for the next species of the photo frame. Cut the circle like a LLP that we did in the first master class and glue the clothespins in it. We get a simple frame into several photos.

We use cloth and thread

In the continuation of the first master class. Here I turned on all those frameworks that can be associated or sewed (as a last resort, use ideas for decor).


The pretty idea of \u200b\u200bthe photo frame in the form of a flower, and it is convenient to make such a thing for several photos. You can simply glue the photo by closing it with some dense material.

From thread

It's all easier: take the frame, thread and glue and wind the first, fixing on the road. Thus, even very large frames turn into a work of art.

Shebby Chic Style

Very similar to the method of creating on the very first except for the pair of differences: here the pressed cardboard is taken as the basis (it seems, you can take a ready-made frame of a simple form) and this souvenir has a leg, and not a loop mount.


Take as the basis a simple wooden frame and re-organize it with felt colors. By the way, you can read other articles on my blog on creating colors (including from tapes and paper).

From girlfriend or how to decorate the photo frame


An interesting idea is to use Pecan to finish (if I call it correctly). In our area, it is quite possible to replace ordinary walnuts.


For the following two types you will need a lot of corks from wine bottles. In the first case, it is proposed to cubs a simple wooden photo frame, and then cut out floral patterns from the plugs.

But in the torus everything is much simpler - you just need to glue the plugs around the edge. Great version of the present, let's say, dad on February 23.

Polymer clay and just little things

Look well from polymer clay? Or just at home a lot of beads accumulated, buttons, etc.? Then boldly allow them to move - glit to the frame of a simple form.

The same applies to stones, shells, etc.

In natural style

Roughly speaking, to make this beautiful frame, you will need one long full-time it is quite possible to build at home, if you can dry before this tree.

Sticks from ice cream

The most difficult thing here is to keep them together. You can do this with the help of glue, thread, or a dense base.

Castings from plaster

Find a suitable form and gypsum. Somehow brother experimented with the plaster panel - it turned out quite thoroughly, but I stood for a long time.

From thermobusin

I do not know exactly their scientific name, but if you put on a special surface, and then fly, it turns out a dense canvas. An example of a funny frame made in this way, you see below

On this, dear friends, I finish this big overview of all sorts of photo frames. I think you found what you were looking for, if not, write in the comments. And share with friends not only with cool hands-made gifts, but also useful information using the buttons of social networks. Bye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva