How to make electrical trains for the Earth. Electrical equipment for earthworks: characteristics, instructions, reviews

Fishing lovers in the winter season have long appreciated the benefits of using ice womb. And professional fishermen, and the newcomer knows perfectly, as this device facilitates the drilling of the ice hole. Naturally, it is possible to use overwhelmingly by the old way, punching the ice, but will greatly facilitate the electrolycase process made at home. Moreover, if there are drawings and a desire, make ice comma from screwdriver with your own hands you can quickly and easily.

Advantages of homemade electrolycar

The automated homemade device made of screwdriver is distinguished by many advantages over the products purchased in the store. The main advantages should be attributed:

  • an independent attachment of the electric drive is much cheaper than buying a factory;
  • the manufacturing process requires a minimum of consumables and a standard tool kit;
  • the improvement of the usual bora is held at home, without attracting third-party specialists.

The result of the efforts of the home master will be an excellent automated device for drilling ice of any thickness, which will turn into an indispensable angle of fisherman on winter fishing.

In order for the product for drilling ice, made with their own hands, coped with the tasks set, it is important to choose the correctly choose the model of the screwdriver with large power indicators. The use of a weak tool will lead to problems when drilling a well in a thick layer of ice.

Given that the ice ax should be mobile, you need to buy a power tool with a battery. Also, the electric drive must have maximum physical strength and reliability. It must confront various loads, mechanical shocks and other troubles that happen on fishing.

The power tools for improvised ice cream must match the following characteristics:

An excellent product is a powerful screwdriver for the ice cream brand Bosch. You can also use a good Japanese power tool brand Makita. Although it all depends on financial opportunities and fisherman's preferences. The main thing is that the product is suitable for the power and capacity of the battery.

Types of rechargeable battery

Today, the autonomous electroudsureholder, which can be used for independently manufacturing electrolymobile, is equipped with different batteries. At the same time, the following batteries are popular:

  • Lithium-ion battery is low weight, high charging speed, but low temperatures are afraid. Plus, such a battery has a high cost.
  • Nickel-cadmium battery has a lot of weight, but can work at extremely low temperatures, which is relevant for winter fishing.

Beach fishermen always take two batteries on the ice. In order for the battery quickly not discharged, it is better to store it under a jacket in a specially made pocket or case. The presence of two batteries can significantly extend the autonomy of the screwdriver.

Replays of electric jubuses

Naturally, to create an electric car for ice drilling will suit not only the electroudspeople . Homemade craftsmen can easily accommodate other tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electrical activist;
  • chainsaw.

The last option is convenient because it works from gasoline, and not from the battery. However, without a special tool and lathe, make ice free from chainsaws at home is very difficult.

It is important to understand that the screwdrivers can be attached not any model of ice cream. This is due to the peculiarity of domestic products, which when drilling ice are rotated in the direction of spinning the cartridge of the power tool. It delivers many inconveniences on winter fishing. Of course, you can additionally use a downgrade reducer, but its manufacture is not for every homemade craftsman.

Therefore, engage in the manufacture of an automatic drill for ice, it is better to give preference to imported models. Ideal any models of Mora, which are easily fitted under the electric tool. For them, all the necessary adapters can be bought in the store, which will allow you to qualitatively attach the cartridge to the screw.

Special attention deserves the Tonar model. The manufacturer company is engaged in the release of removable augers with cutting heads that are easy to connect with a battery screwdriver. And to drill thick ice, you can adjust the extension cord bought in the store.

Features of the manufacture of auger

Most fishermen got used to independently produce different accessories. This is due to the fact that not everyone can afford the purchase of a high-quality device in the store, and even more so if it is mechanized. For the manufacture of such a product, you will need to prepare spare parts from the following list:

  1. Metal tube suitable diameter.
  2. Metal plates for the manufacture of auger.
  3. Quality steel knives.

To connect all individual elements, electric welding will be required. After all the details are welded, they are cleaned with grinders. The resulting product for protection against corrosion is painted. Given the complexity of such works, it will be necessary to appeal to a specialist. Therefore, it is better to buy a finished product in the store.

Cutting part

Every fisherman dreams of comfortable fishing. It is important to remember that the quality of ice drilling depends on the following parameters:

  • Hardening blades. In modern models of drills, blades are used with solidness rates from 30 to 70 units.
  • The quality of the manufacturer of the cutting knife. The knife has two cutting edges. The rate of ice drilling the latter depends on the quality of the latter.

The choice of steel in the manufacture of the electrolymobile is important with their own hands, if all its parts, except for the electric drive, are made independently. If the finished model is bought in the store, you can not pay attention to this parameter. For the manufacture of the cutting part, the following materials are used:

  1. Creation of solid steel of the R18 brand or similar analogues. It is important to pay attention to the hardness of the material, its shape and the quality of sharpening.
  2. Metal covered with titanium layer. Blades with such spraying have the maximum service life.

Preparation of adapter with their own hands

It is important to remember that the manufacture of the adapter depends on the peculiarities of the bora. If the Swedish burrow is used, then the adapter is suitable for icecomples under the screwdriver of the following type:

  • for a standard model, a product of 1.8 cm with a diameter is required;
  • if the MORA NOVA model is used, the adapter diameter should be 2.2 cm.

To exclude the screeching of the auger in the screw of the screwdriver, the adapter must have a hex working surface. And to prevent accidental falling out a special emphasis is established.

There are also adapters with handles. It is easier to use during ice drilling. An adapter model with a diameter of 1.8 cm from Higashi is perfectly combined with all Swedish boosters and some domestic products.

Assembling individual elements

Having understood with all the elements that are part of the device, you can start collecting iceworks with your own hands at home. This is a simple process if previously discussed elements were prepared:

  • auger of the bora
  • electric screwdriver;
  • adapter of the corresponding diameter.

The cartridge is connected to the screw to the adapter. This assembling an automated drill to drill ice is over.

Tool care rules

No matter how the jugs are on the basis of a screwdriver, so that he worked as long as possible, it is important to carefully care for him. To do this, follow the following rules:

As can be seen, the manufacture of icecrob is a fairly simple process. The main thing is to correctly pick up the adapter, the screwdriver and the cutting part of the product. By connecting all the components into a single design, it will be an indispensable assistant on winter fishing. Such a tool will reduce the hole in the ice of any thickness in a few minutes.

To create a well or holding another type of earthwork work, not only large-scale drilling rigs managed by specialists can be applied. With a small scale and sufficient amount of time, you can use easier equipment.

The simplest construction of an earthly hand drill

One such tool is an earthen car - a device that appears in a variety of variations and variations. With garden and country work, it is most in demand, is also used in the industry of various directions.

Design and destination Bura

The bur for earthworks is a device that is used to create cylindrical holes in the ground (to be more accurate - the upper layers of it are placed).

It consists of a rod (rod), handles and drives.

The side of the rod is located a guide tip and a screw blade, which is mainly manufactured in the form of auger, or cutters.

All stools can be divided into two categories: devices requiring manual strength, and automatic borants equipped with engines.

Handbreak - extremely simple and primitive design, revealed without problems and passes the upper layers of the soil. And the mechanized devices used in the industry, having electrical, or gasoline drives, can be drilled well to 3 meters deep, and they easily pass the hardest soil layers.

The burring of the Earth in the farm finds a huge number of applications: it creates wells for planting trees, the wells are placed to install a pile foundation, pillars and other building structures.
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Types of boots

The classification of portable drilling devices, depending on the type of actuator, is performed on three groups: electric bob, hydraulic earth drill, and gasoline devices.

Gasoline manual bur

Gasoline land bur (it is the motorobur) is the optimal option for domestic use, if the possibilities of a conventional manual bera is not enough.

It disrupts the soil layers with a depth of 2-3 meters, in fact, the depth of the well limits only the size of the rod extension.

In addition to devices for economic use, there is a category of heavy benzobuurs for construction: this is quite overall mechanisms that are managed by two operators.

They are equipped with high-power engines that allow you to make wells in problem soils: solid soil, sandy soil, or the ground with a high content of mountain enclosures.

The main feature of such devices is that all engines are equipped with a gearbox, by means of which the engine torque is transmitted to a thorough-separating element.

Depending on the class of the device, two types of gearboxes can be installed on it: for heavy drills - worm, for the lungs - coaxial gearboxes.

As a fuel is usually used mixed with oil 92 gasoline.

The Motobura Construction consists of the following items:

  • Drive: in heavy - 3-4 clock engines, in the lungs - two-stroke;
  • Handle for keeping;
  • Control elements: power adjustment, speed switching;
  • Screaks are usually used as a poodle element.

The cost of domestic devices begins with 10 thousand rubles. When buying, first of all, it is worth paying attention to such manufacturers as Hitachi, Husqvarna, Stihl - these are well-proven firms whose products have the optimal price ratio and operational characteristics.

Manual drill with electric drive

There is also a large number of firms where Motobur rental is possible. In general, rent is a great option if you only need a device for several days. Today, rental, on average in the market, costs about 1000 rubles per day, plus it will be necessary to make a deposit of 5-10 thousand.

Electric boraxes are less popular option, compared with the previous one, but also common and well-known.

The only structural difference of such mechanisms from the benzoburov is an electric motor - all other elements are identical. The use of the electric drive adds the device such as pros and certain disadvantages.

You can include their silent advantages of electrical workers, since, as opposed to a gasoline engine, the electric drive is practically not heard.

The deficiencies are as follows: Electrical engines have a relatively lower power than gasoline, that is, for the same money you can purchase more powerful benzobur than a device with an electric motor.

For domestic use, this is not particularly important, but in the event of professional use, this factor can become critical. It is also worth remembering the mandatory connection of the device to the network, which slightly narrows its portability, since any batteries have an unpleasant feature to sit at the most inopportune moment.

The cost of high-quality electrical equipment begins with 15 thousand. Main manufacturers - Makita, Mora, Hitachi. Rent - from 1000 rubles per day.

Hydraulic borants - a category of serious industrial installations. The main advantage of such drills in front of gasoline and electrical devices is the function of the reverse, which makes it possible to drill both behind the hour and counterclockwise. Thanks to her, the problematic layers of the soil is much easier.

Hydraulic manual bur

In addition, hydromotors, in comparison with electric drives, differ in 2-3 times smaller dimensions and much less weight, which makes the hydraulic earth drill more convenient in operation.

But even with the same drive sizes, the hydraulic earthwood will always have a greater power. The hydraulic motors provide the most flexible adjustment of the rumble, which allows you to choose the optimal drilling mode to different soil layers.

The only substantial disadvantage of hydraulic engines is the "tenderness" of the drive. It is always necessary to maintain its purity, since mechanical contamination inside the drive significantly reduces the resource of the device.

Hydraulic earth drill, in comparison with the analogs, differs several times more cost. So, the average price is 30-35 thousand. Rental of hydrobuses will cost you from 1.

5 to 2 thousand per day. It is also possible to rent a hydrobamp with operators, in which case one hour of time is paid. Such rental will cost you about 1 thousand rubles per hour.

How to make a car with your own hands?

If you do not want to acquire what you can make yourself, or you do not suit the costly rental of equipment, you can try to make a mechanical earth drill with your own hands.

To create homemade bobes need such tools:

  • Welding machine;
  • Bulgarian (with metal circles);
  • Small repair inventory - hammer, metal brush, pliers, sandpaper.

Earth drilling process by manual brown

It is also necessary to acquire materials from which the design will be manufactured:

  • For stock - Armature with a long 150 cm, with a diameter of 15 mm. (adjust the height of the bora, depending on your growth);
  • For handle - fittings, or a metal pipe with a long 40 centimeters, with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • For cutter - disk from a circular peel, or a metal sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm;
  • For the "needle" (guide element) - the metal drill with a diameter of 15 mm.

Homemade handberry for earthworks is manufactured as follows:

  • We make cutters (blades) of the bora. If you take a disc from the circular to this, then you can save a significant amount of time and strength.
  • To make a cutter from such a disc, cut it in half, and at each half the blades, which were originally equipped with a disc. At first, it is not necessary to sharpen the edges of the cutter, so as not to cut down in the process of welding - the sharpness is given after the completion of all connections.
  • In the case of using the usual metal, make an approximate markup on the sheet and cut two blanks with a grinder. Their size depends on which purposes of the manual car for earthworks will be used - for drilling a well under the foundation, or well under the planting of trees.
  • If there is no clear target, the optimal option "for all occasions" are cutters from 15 to 20 mm.
  • Prepare the reinforcement for the rod. It is not recommended to make a rod of two small pieces of fittings, cooked with each other, since sooner or later, due to the resistance of the soil, their connection will disintegrate.
  • By the end of the stock, welded the drill on the metal, it acts as a homemade guide element (the optimal length of drill from 7 to 10 centimeters)
  • To the location of the reinforcement and drill on the rod welded the cutters. It is necessary to do it so that between them was an angle of 30 degrees.
  • We take the grinder, wear an abrasive circle on metal, and drag the edges: remove the upper and lower layers of metal on the outer edges of the semicircles.
  • We make a handle: to the top of the rod perpendicularly welds a piece of fittings, or a steel pipe.

You can also make a slightly advanced design - homemade handberries for earthworks with an extended rod.

To do this, the bolt is welded to the bolt handle, and to the top of the rod - nut.

A piece of metal pipe is used as the extension, on the edges of which a bolt and nut, identical in size, are welded to the handle and stock.
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Design and application of the Bura (video)

page »Drilling Tools


Electrical Earthworks: Benefits of Modern Devices

In the garden plot you have to use various equipment. To plant trees or build a fence, the owner will use the electrobore for earthworks.

This device is characterized by simplicity of construction and has high performance.

It is only necessary to choose the device correctly, and work will take less physical strength and time.

general information

Before going to the store for such a device, it should be founded that it represents an electric car for earthworks and how it works at all.

Most models have a special frame as the main element. It contains two handles, as well as an electric motor complemented by a gearbox.

The latter is necessary to increase the torque when using the device.

There are many selection criteria for electrolyboard

During work, the unit must keep two people at the same time. When rotating the shaft of the gearbox, the torque is transmitted to the screw screw.

Thanks to him, it appears the opportunity to perform a variety of earthworks. How much will have to spend on the purchase of equipment, largely depends on its characteristics.

The most important are:

  • dimensions;
  • power;
  • terms of Use.

The range of similar devices on the Russian market is small, which is explained by a limited area of \u200b\u200btheir use. But in fact, the electric car is a fairly versatile device.

The choice in favor of a specific type of consumer must do, pushing out from the type of soil prevailing on the site.

In addition to it, you can purchase a variety of nozzles that manufacturers are offered for different surfaces.

In this video you know more about Earthly Burea:

Advantages and disadvantages

Although the electric car for the Earth is available in stores, but on the plots it is rarely used. Many refuse to buy the device, because they simply do not know about its main advantages:

  1. Saving physical forces. These devices work at the expense of electricity, so work related to drilling holes in the soil becomes an easy task.
  2. Ecology. Unlike gasoline devices, their electrical fears do not release exhaust gases during operation, therefore there are no harm for plants and the environment.
  3. Silent. Electric drill during work does not create noise. Thus, its use completely eliminates discomfort for neighbors.
  4. Minimum weight. Modern models are distinguished by a small mass, which also gives them an advantage over gasoline devices.

The main and only minus of these devices is that the boron is tied to the electrical outlet 220 V. If the site is not electrified, then there is no possibility to apply similar equipment. Although many models are equipped with batteries, but the battery energy is not enough for continuous operation of the device.

Terms of application

Usually, the electric electric bob is used to make holes for planting fruit trees or shrubs. But even during construction work, this device can also come in handy. It is great for creating holes where the piles or other reference elements will be installed in the future.

Performing work on the creation of holes in the soil manually - a time consuming taskAnd it is noticeably complicated by the encountered stones and the roots of trees.

However, the use of electric borax allows you to solve the problem easily and quickly.

In a situation where you need to drill holes in a hard-to-reach place, where there is no possibility to place the overall equipment, such a device will greatly facilitate the process.

Today, a variety of electric boys are available on the market. Among themselves, they differ in size.

They can be used even for such works as drilling well or well well.

If you need a device for performing a wide range of tasks in the garden, it can be easily purchased without any problems in any specialized store.

Child Nuances

In order for the equipment to provide high efficiency when used, it should be properly chosen, focusing on the tasks to be solved. Highlights that deserve attention when choosing an electric bora, this is the power of the device and the equipment of the device.

It is necessary to understand that small power limits the scope of use. But the purchase of high-power equipment is also an irrational solution, especially if it is planned only to occasionally apply in the garden plot. The optimal choice will be the acquisition of an instrument with a capacity of 1.5 kW.

If the electrical boring is required to install a pile foundation or performing another time-consuming task, then models from 2 kW and higher should be considered.

A good completion of the device provides easy operation of a variety of works. Such a device can be considered universal, but this leads to an increase in its value.

In specialized stores, the minimum price of such equipment is 15,000 rubles.

To get a high-quality and reliable device at your disposal, you must seriously spend.

Main producers

Drilling equipment for use in garden sites produce many companies. In countries such as Japan, Sweden and Italy, there are many firms producing electric boos . The following companies are most in demand among Russian consumers:

  1. Echo. This Japanese company produces a variety of products. Models are highly reliable and delight with their operational characteristics. Their feature is a pretty simple design. This eliminates the frequent breakdowns and facilitates the service. The average price tag on the devices of this manufacturer is 28 000 rubles.
  2. EFCO. The manufacturer from Italy offers a variety of drilling devices. Feature of instruments - increased strength, they easily withstand serious loads. Fixtures are excellent for frequent use. Brand products are offered at an average price of 29,000 rubles.
  3. Stihl. The technique of this company is well known in the Russian market. The domestic manufacturer offers a variety of devices. In the line of its products there are electrical boos. Models are distinguished by practicality and durability. They are also economical to use. Devices can be used to perform various difficulties, equipped with a safe lock system. The average price for them compared to foreign analogues is much lower and amounts to 15,000 rubles.

Choosing a device of one of the well-known manufacturers, you can get a reliable device that will last long. Do not buy equipment from hand.

The best solution is to cooperate with the dealer.

At the official representative of the brand you can buy really high-quality equipment, moreover, in this case, competent service is guaranteed.

: Yamobur on the tractor with his own hands the drawings.

Electric Drone - an indispensable device In the garden plot. Many works are hard to perform without this universal device. Modern models are very convenient to use and allow you to solve a variety of tasks.

Even the creation of a pile foundation will not require high costs and physical strength when such an equipment is used, it is only necessary to choose the device correctly. Preference should be given to products of well-known companies.


How to make homemade earth drill (Yamobur, Domber)

During the construction of the house and arrangement of the site often needed round holes in the ground. They are needed in the device of the fence - under the installation of pillars, when building arbors, installation of arches and other light household structures.

The same shurns, but larger diameters and depths are required when the pile foundation is appliance. Make these holes with a motorized or manual brown. In stores they are in sufficient quantities, but many prefer homemade: often they are more productive and reliable than factory products.

In addition, you can make any structure with your own hands, and there are quite a few.

Construction and application

There are three main construction of earth drills:

  • Garden. Usually these are two semicircular blades, cooked at an angle one to the other. The manual drill is used for the organization of the holes under the planting of plants, from which it is called "Garden". But the same tool makes shurts when installing pillars for fences, arbors and other light buildings. Example of homemade earth garden bora
  • Screw burrow It is characterized in that it has a longer cutting part. Used for the same purposes - to make pits under the poles. Because of its design - a longer cutting part - it is necessary to remove it less often, so that usually drilling goes through faster. The showroom is different with a spiral spiral spiral
  • Drill for piles tees. This design is similar to the garden boring, but has an additional folding blade for the formation of expansion in the lower part of the pile, characteristic of the foundation of this type. Suitable blade - features of a boraxy for piles tees

More simple in the manufacture of garden earthworks. Depending on the type of soils, on which drilling is carried out, their design is slightly modified.

This consists of the charm of homemade drills - they can be "sharpening" to specific conditions and it is not only in size - the blades can be made removable, on bolts, but also in the design features.

Yes, ordinary boys in the store are inexpensive, but they are "universal." Well work on "light" soils. " On Suglinka, clays, mergele, etc. They are ineffective.

Making a garden bur

Garden Break is the simplest, but effective design. It consists of:

  • Cutting part. It usually represents two steel semicircles with sharpened edges. The diameter of the blades is selected depending on the diameter of the holes that you want to drill. For convenience, the blades can be made removable - on bolts.bur for pillars can be with a national team
  • Kernel. This is a round or profiled tube (square section). Scrap can also be used, but it will be very heavy and it will be difficult for them. Long rod - the required shurt depth plus 50-60 cm. If you do shorter, the last centimeters will have to be drilled in a deep slope, which is not easy. If with this calculation, the overall height is obtained above 1.5 meters, it makes sense to make a bargain. Then the rod is increasing in segments of the pipe of the same diameter by inventing the articulation system.
  • A pen. Most often welded to the rod crossbar in the form of the letter T. length of the handle minimum - 40 cm, optimal about 50-60 cm.
  • Tip-drill. This is the part that is under blades. She first breaks the earth, and at the initial stage is responsible for the centering of the Bura - it is easier to keep it vertically.

This is a basic design, and there are many modifications to it. But let's first about what land from which you can do.


As already spoke, the rod is most often made from the pipe round or square cross section. Diameter - from 3/4 'to 1.5', the profiled tube can be taken from 20 * 20 mm to 35 * 35 mm.

You can do knives from:

  • sheet steel with 4 mm thick;
  • side disk for the grinder of a suitable diameter. Gardening with blades of a saw blade for a grinder

It is easier to make a blade from the saw disk. In this case, the cutting edges are ready. It will be possible to additionally sharpen the side faces so that the soil is cut easier.

Peak-drill makes from different materials - a lot of her designs. Make just sharpened rod. Then you need a cut of a large diameter. The second option - something type of drill began to do from the strip. And yet - a combination of these two.

Tip for an Earthen Burra of Pick Steel Strip - One of the Options of the Tip Combined Tip for Grinding Breeds

And finally - about the handle. It is more convenient if it is made of a round tube. Its diameter can be chosen to cover the palms. The main requirement - you should be convenient.

Knives and fastening method

First of all, it is necessary to decide, you make the drill with your own hands with removable or stationary blades. If the blades are removable, on one of the ends of the rod weld the shelf of thick steel. The shelves are done under the tilt - so that the plane of the knives are diluted at an angle of 25-30 °.

After the shelves have been welded, two or three holes are made in them - under fasteners. Then the same holes will have to be done in the blades, but to install them on the bolts of solid diameter.

One rod can have several sets of cutting blades - for shurts of different diameters

In the disks themselves, it will have to cut holes in the center - so that they make it more closely to the rod, but this operation is required and with a monolithic version - with welded blades.

Sheet steel

If the blades are going to do from sheet steel, cut the pattern from paper, on it - a circle of steel. In the center drill a hole - it will be necessary to insert and trust the rod. Circle or square - depending on the selected rod. The sizes of the hole are slightly larger than the dimensions of the rod.

Handmade drums with one turn

It is also necessary to breed the edges of 25-30 °. In this case, the drilling efficiency will be maximum. If you work on dense soils (clay, loams with a predominance of clay), the blades under load can reduce. To avoid this, they are added from a corner or thick strip stops.

Strengthening the manual drilling of wells in dense soils

The blades are bent due to the fact that the steel is used insecured, but it is almost impossible to find it in the sheet, and if it is possible, it is unlikely to be bent.

From the saw disk

If you have an old dispersion disk of a suitable diameter - you found an almost perfect option. In them, steel is used hardened, and it is elastic and durable. But such a disc will not be able to bend, therefore it is cut in half and these halves are divorced under the desired angle.

Disk is painted in half

Such homemade car for earthwork shows quite high performance. Even used wheels have a good ending edge. And so that the drilling is even easier, the drill with their own hands are sharpening on the sides.


In dense soils, it is difficult to cut the soil with large blades. In this case, several blades of different sizes weld into the rod.

From the bottom, near the peaks, you weld the smallest, above, retreating several centimeters - large. Such tiers can be three, the maximum is four.

The whole cutting part should not be more than 50 cm, otherwise work is physically very difficult.

Cutting blades can be located in several tiers

If the bur is needed for shallow pit - to install pillars, etc., such a design is optimal - it has a relatively small weight, it is easy to work with it.

The process of work is such - lowered in the hole, tested several times - pulled out, poured the ground stuck between the blades. But if you have to drill deep shurs, to carry from the depths of a small amount of soil torture.

For such cases above the blades, weld a box for collecting the soil.

Homemade bobber with an earthmaker is suitable when installing pillars and piles

And all this - the borants made by their own hands. All of them are characterized by high efficiency - work is much easier than purchased.


A screw burrow due to a large number of turns creates significant resistance, that is, it is much more complicated to work than a garden brown. But the augers are used mainly in the presence of a mechanized drive - when they make the bore for wells of high depth - on water, the device underground probes for the heat pump, etc.

So the screw bur

For the manufacture of a homemade auger, there will be several metal discs. The number of discs is equal to the number of turns. The disks are cut out the same, in them, in the center, the hole is cut into the rod, as well as the same sector - so that you can cook.

In the rings there is a sector, cuts out

The discs are welded on the one hand, then, slightly stretching the resulting harmonica, boil the seam on the other side. On the extreme disks weld rings. Cooked discs are put on the rod, the lower edge is welded.

Almost done

Boer for piles tees

In the author's version of Dr. Tees is a blade with an earthquake and a folding wider knife that forms expansion at the bottom of the pile. But it is inconvenient to work with such a projectile - greatly interferes with the folding knife.

Therefore, in some designs it is made removable, but in general, it is recommended to drill the shurts themselves with a conventional garden brown themselves, and for the expansion to make a separately folding knife with an earthquake.

So work takes place easier and faster.

Drive do it yourself for piles tees - one of the options

As a knife, a cropped shovel appears here, and the landworker is made from the cans from under herring. The knife is fixed movably, when lowering in the shurf, tightened by the caprochy cable tied to the end. Having reached the bottom, the cable weakened, the blade begins to cut the sides of the shurf, forming the necessary expansion.

The photo below is the second version of the self-made drill for piles tees. The design is more complicated, but more efficient. Plow-blade is made of a slicer of springs, sharpened and welded to a folding structure on bolted connections.

More complicated design

Experienced - from the old propane balloon. Earth collection takes place from below, because the receiver is made with a rounded bottom. It has two holes, their edges are sharpened.

View from below

It works this projectile well even on a dense clay. True, to reduce the friction, the well constantly need to be wedged with water.


The car made by their own hands is good because its design is "sharpened" under the owner. In the process of manufacture, everyone contributes its changes, then many more modify the product.

But without basic drawings it can be difficult to do. In this griev, several drawings are collected with the size of various drills.

As you understand, the dimensions are conditional, they can be changed, adjusting to the dimensions of the required wells.

Drill from shovel

For planting plants, it does not make sense to make a serious design. In this case, you can make a garden drill from the shovel. Choose high-quality, from good steel shovel, apply markup, as shown in the drawing. On the markup it will be necessary to cut two small fragments, cut down the lower part in the middle to a depth of 30 cm (in the photo).

Bur for soft soils

If the soil is soft, the usual design is not working very well. For such cases there is a special drill with an extended cutting part. It is a kind of glass with slots on the sides. Cuts are equipped with cutting edges. They are better to do from well-hardened steel.

Bur for soft soils

This drawing shows an interesting handle design - it can be rearranged as the length of the rod is increased.

Basic drawings of auke and garden bora

Both of these aggregates work well, but the garden has to be often removed, and the screw is heavier to rotate. Choose your own preferences.

Auger and garden bur for earth of different density

Detailed drawing in the projections of the auger bora

Drawing of Garden Bura

Everyone can make our Russian couliabs, here and homemade ice free for us is not a problem, would have been delivered.

To begin with, we will define which manufacturing process we have to, because every thing you can:

  • make from scratch;
  • refund;
  • re-equip.

Today's editorial assignment obliges us to tell about the manufacture of icecrolster with their own hands from scratch and the revision of existing models with gasoline engines using gearbox.

What we will not tell?

In this material you will not read about the re-equipment of manual icebreets into electrical by connecting the screwdriver to them. There will be no descriptions of this process, since there is no actual manufacturer here, but there is a connection of three parts: a screw, an adapter and a drill together.

Manufacturing from scratch

Even terribly starting to describe this complex process. Without layer, turning, welding and milling abilities and skills to make iceworks with their own hands, it is simply unreal. For the craftsmen, it is probably not very difficult, so let's start.

To describe the manufacturing process, we chose several models:

  • shovel;
  • annular;
  • frame;
  • screw

In general, they have one - the upper part with the handles, or the covotion. Therefore, for starters, we will try to make it.

Even this is a rather complicated process for the uninitiated person, judge for yourself:

  1. We select a suitable diameter pipe.
  2. On the ground or floor, draw the bends of our coofer.
  3. In the pipe we fall asleep dry sand and plug through the plugs so that it does not fall down. If you bend without sand, it is possible to damage the metal.
  4. We produce a flex pipe using a gas burner or a soldering lamp.
  5. We weld to the lower part of the coofer bracket for connecting to the screw.
  6. Drills on the knob of the hole as on the factory Barnaul Bure.
  7. Grind and paint blank.
  8. We buy a repair kit for the ice womb "Tonar.
  9. We strengthen the upper and middle handles from the kit in the prepared holes.

Kollet is ready, the most difficult thing remains - the manufacture of the lower part of the mechanism.


This homemade ice is easier than the rest in the manufacture. The cutting part is simply welded to the bottom tube, carved from the steel plate. It is slightly bent in the form of a blade, one edge of which is sharpened on the sandpaper.

At least such a brown and you can do a hole in the ice, and it is cheap and easy to manufacture, but it is still abused by the flaws:

  • quickly stupid;
  • the lack of a century forces often to learn shugu;
  • slowly cuts ice;
  • it's hard to rotate.


Based on such a bora - ring with knives and attached frame. At the top of the frame is connected to the pipe, and the pipe with the cornotch. The strip of steel twisted into the spiral and is dotted on the frame. It turns out a completely efficient model.


This ice roll is also easy to manufacture. Let's describe this process in detail:

  1. In the pipe we screw the sharp tip for the centering on the ice.
  2. At the bottom of the pipe from two sides at an angle of 30 degrees, we weld the steel rods.
  3. Below we connect them to the strip with the axis from the pipe. Two triangles should turn out, the largest angle of which is approximately equal to eighty degrees.
  4. We drill in the plates of the hole and kpripim knives using bolts with nuts.
  5. Customize the angles of inclination of knives using additional linings made of metal plates and washers of different thickness.

Shugu from the holes made by ice robbery of such a design, also have to be trapped with a scoop.


This fully to do at home will not work. If someone thinks that the whole problem is a screw, then it is not. The main part of such a mechanism is the base for the knives. It can manufacture only specialists in workshops.

Let's lower the process of creating this part and describe the rest of the process:

  1. To the pipe from above, we weld the part for the connection with the coft.
  2. I also attach also on the welding of the boarding place for knives.
  3. From sheet metal cut circles.
  4. Slash them to the center from one edge and wound in the form of a screw blade.
  5. Turning a sufficient amount of blanks, weld their pipe.
  6. Grind and paint the resulting product.
  7. We connect both parts of the ice cream in one.
  8. We screw knives.

Motorization refinement

In this part of our narration, we will tell about the alteration in the ice commary ice commary or chainsaws. The main issues that arise with this work - the manufacture of the adapter and the selection of the gearbox.

Icessur from the chainsaws of a new type, such as the company CHTIL, HUGSVARVARD or Chinese comrades, also require the manufacture of an additional ergonomic handle. Our old friendship does not require such rework.

The alteration of the trimmer in the ice comma is most suitable for models with a folding rod. The adapter for connecting such a mechanism with a screw to make the easiest way.

Each of the chainsaws or trimmer models requires its refinement, therefore there is no one universal manufacturer's recipe. It is best to find an experienced master and come to him with your instrument and with it to make a decision and draw a scheme for making the desired adapter.

No less important to work on winter fishing gearbox for icecomb. With it, the parameters of the rotation of the shafts are changed, reducing or increasing the speed. It greatly affects the quality and speed of drilling holes.

If the adapter is calculated specifically, the gearbox is selected from some acting mechanism, for example, from the roller conveyor.

An important task is the right choice of auger for ice womb, it is desirable that it coincides in the direction of rotation with such a gasoline instrument.

Icessure from chainsaw is important to make carefully, given the slightest nuances, because alkingons are very painstaking and expensive, and the finished product will be used for a long time. It is important to make the finished tool be easy to repair and maintain, the details were available and interchangeable.

Electrical equipment for earthworks is successfully used in cases where it is necessary, for example, drill a hole under the pile, make a trench or recess for the installation of the fence columns, drill the pit for planting a tree or shrub, etc.

Brief description of the device and the benefits of equipment

By its design, electrical trains for earthworks are an electric motor that has two handles, as well as a clamping mechanism used for the clamp, this tool is most often manufactured in the form of a screw. It is worth noting that the nozzles are removable and can be different diameters, which allows you to adjust the size of the opening that will be drilled. It is also worth noting that there is a conditional separation of the bers on types, depending on their purpose. Garden, earthy and pile tools are distinguished.

Electrical equipment for earthworks is a rarity among people with country sections, despite the fact that it has some advantages. If you compare it with a manual type, then, of course, plus is that the main rotational force occurs due to an electric motor, not a person's strength.

If you compare a device with a gasoline unit, then the benefits include silent operation, environmental friendliness and readiness for work (to start it as gasoline, not).

Application of equipment

As mentioned earlier, one of the greatest advantages in the plan of using the Bura was that it could easily cope with the arrangement of deposits under the pile. Of course, it is possible to do it with a manual type of unit, but the electrobore for earthworks will cope with this task much faster. In addition, the presence of small stones or roots inside the soil will greatly difficult to dig a deepening, if it passes manually, it is not a hindrance for an electric motor.

Another convenience of using the equipment is that it is more compact than an ordinary boring, and therefore its operation in places with limited space is most acceptable. Small dimensions and high functionality of the aggregate are its main positive qualities. It is also worth adding that in comparison with gasoline models, the weight of the electric bora is less, which makes it easier to work with it.

Models and disadvantages

Large models of earthwinds are used for roaring wells, for example. Types with a smaller diameter nozzle are used for home use (planting plants, installation of columns, etc.). However, it is worth noting that in the line of models there are multifunctional types that have removable nozzles. This makes it possible to use them depending on the needs, as well as from the quality and type of soil, with which you have to work.

Naturally, the main disadvantage of the Bura is that its operation in places where electricity is missing is impossible. Yes, when buying a device, a battery usually has a battery, but there is enough charging for a short period of time.

Principle of operation of the aggregate

Electric car is an electric motor and a shaft having a type. When applying such equipment, the hole in the ground will have even edges and a clear diameter of the auger. The direct drilling process is carried out due to the fact that the auger has a very sharp tip, as well as pointed vintage blades. When the equipment starts, the electric motor starts to rotate, transmitting its force to the shaft to which the auger is attached. Thus, drilling occurs.

Favorable service of the device

The price of electrical husband for earthworks is also one of its advantages. The approximate cost of the device is 1,000 rubles. It is important to note that for this amount, the device is purchased and the basic nozzle coming in the kit. And then you can acquire separate augers of different diameters if necessary. Thus, it is highly increased to the functionality of the equipment for the minimum cost. Also save will help and the right choice.

If you plan to operate the device in the garden, that is, for garden needs, it will be enough and the capacity of 1.5 kW. If you plan to drill hole holes (pile foundation), you will need a device with a power of 2 kW. If there is such a need, the electrical units can be used for drilling ice.

Reviews of the electrical equipment for earthworks are mostly positive. Of the main qualities that allocate buyers, it is worth highlighting ease of operation, low weight, device quality and its relatively low cost.

There are negative reviews. However, they are most often left by people who did not understand the rules of its operation and acquired, for example, a less powerful model than was required to work with a specific type of soil. Naturally, the result was bad.

From this, it should be concluded that it is necessary to investigate the soil with which you will have to work, decide for which type of work the tool is purchased, and only after that it is bought. It is also recommended to purchase products only verified firms. It is better to pay somewhat more expensive, but buy a better thing than to pay less and buy equipment in a year.

Motobura from "Hitachi"

Electric workers for earthworks "Hitachi" are fairly high-quality and reliable products. The manufacturer of this equipment is Japan. However, it is worth noting that the product range is not too large. From electrical models there are only garden types. This means that electrical models with high power manufacturer does not release. High power rates have only gasoline models from this brand. To date, three main qualities can be distinguished, thanks to which products from "Hitachi" have become quite popular.

  1. The quality assembly of the aggregates is very high.
  2. The efficiency of these devices is also high.
  3. The service life of devices is sufficiently long.

Product Choice and Operation

When buying an earthen Motobur, it is best to always go to a specialized store where you can help with the choice. However, there are several recommendations that should always be followed. Three parameters should always pay special attention - power, the size of the screw head and the engine volume (if it is a gasoline model).

Quite often, when working this tool occurs in such a way that the borne is buried in the ground. For this reason, almost all new models are equipped with a security system that turns off the engine if it happens. This system protects the technique from breakage. To avoid such a disconnection, it is necessary to periodically stop the operation and clean the auger from the dirt.

It is also designed to protect the unit from a random launch or protect a person with a loss of product management.

The modern market is saturated with different kind of construction tools and devices. Take, for example, Yamobur: Today you can easily find a device, the cost of which is quite accessible, and the stated characteristics are fully satisfied with the buyer. It would seem that there is nothing easier: buy and use. But do not always hurry with such acquisition. The fact is that budgetary equipment in practice does not always meet the needs of the buyer, and it is not at all capable of performing functions entrusted to it: the brunt does not hurry to enter the ground, even with a strong press, the engine turnover falls from a large load, etc.

Buy a powerful and expensive device for a small volume of building or garden work - not always appropriate. Rent - too, pleasure not cheap. Therefore, the craftsmen to apply the equipment already available at their disposal to create compact drilling installations.

Earth Drill

In most cases, the mechanized yamobur is a power plant (a powerful drill or gasoline engine), which, using a simple mechanical drive, is connected to a conventional manual brown. Bur can be made independently.

Drill from drill do it yourself.

You can find a ready-made boring car.

skyle User forumhouse.

Many say that they bought just such a screw and secured it is a powerful low-robust electric drill.

Engine characteristics

Recommendations relating to the number of revolutions of the power plant and its other characteristics deserve separate consideration. Let's start with the fact that the power plant can be connected to the brown both directly and through an additional gearbox. The need to use the gearbox each determines for itself. As practice shows if the rated power of the drill is 2 kW, then there is no need for the reducer of the gearbox (especially if the installation does not have a special bed, and in the process of work it is necessary to keep it).

jumper_at_home. User forumhouse.

At first, the gearbox was planned, but after the field tests with the scheme - "Drill - Auch" was decided from the gearbox to refuse. The moment is that the operator does not notice at all (if you drill with your hands).

Power index - 2 kW - not happened by us. It is such a drill most often use the participants of our forum in the manufacture of mechanized yamobur.

Tri.dr.e. User forumhouse.

There is experience in building a column foundation with painter. Used a 2 kW and auger drill, calculated on the diameter of the pit - 30 cm (the diameter of the boosa is somewhere equal to 29.3 cm). For deeper drilling used an extension from a conventional steel pipe. The ground in me on that place is not sugar: the earth, then clay, then some kind of lens with beach sand, then again clay with sand, and then blue clay (at a depth -1.8 - 1.9 m).

In order for the units of the required depth in the land, the user had to build a compact drill unit (with a bed, winch and other auxiliary devices).

But now we are talking about the power of the power unit, and from the presented description it is easy to understand what a drill is capable of a rated power of 2 kW (even without a gearbox).

A bit of theory

If we consider the relationship between the power of the drill (or gasoline engine) and the torque on the shaft of the borax, it is determined by the following dependence:

  • N - Power (W).
  • M - torque (NM).
  • n is the number of revolutions (rpm).
  • 9549 - Special coefficient.

Theoretically torque on the working shaft of such an installation during revolutions of 500 rp should be 38 nm (64 nm - at 300 rpm). But to calculate the torque, it is always necessary to consider the losses that define the efficiency of the device. The fact is that most of the manufacturers of the power tool indicate only the power consumption of their devices, and the output power (on the working shaft) by 1/3 ... 1/4 less consumed. Accordingly, less and torque. A 2 kW dry drill at 300 rpm will create a torque on spindle, equal to 64 nm, and approximately 48 nm.

Choosing a power unit for his yamobura, you can view devices with a power consumed less than 2 kW. But then seriously will have to think about the introduction of a lowering gearbox in the construction of a drill unit.

uVL77 User forumhouse.

Regarding the gearbox: the gearbox is good, because it allows, without changing the power, proportionally change the number of revolutions and torque. That is, reducing the number of revolutions through the gearbox, we proportionally increase the torque. And in this case the power remains a generalized characteristic (constant).

Focusing on a torque that creates a 2 kW drill (without an additional gearbox), you can choose a suitable device for your yamobura. In other words, knowing the drill power, the number of turns of its spindle and the gear ratio of the gearbox used, you can calculate the torque value that you get at the output of the power plant. But it should be understood that the speed of the rumble can not be greatly reduced.

uVL77 User forumhouse.

The optimal frequency of revolutions during drilling is from 60 ... 100 to 200 ... 300 rpm. Mode Depends on the type of soil, the method of drilling, varieties of drilling nozzles, the well diameter, etc.

In the above quote, drilling methods are mentioned. There are all two: continuous drilling and drilling with a constant removal of soil. For continuous drilling, the installation should ensure a large torque.

During drilling with a constant removal of the soil of the auger, driving into the ground to a certain depth, rises to the surface. In this case, the loosened soil located on the working blades of the auger is also extracted out.

The operation is repeated until the drilling system reaches a given depth. The process is time consuming, but it does not require large torque.

As we said, choosing a power unit for a drill unit, it is better to focus on a low-definite drill with a power of 2 kW (that is, to the torque that it transmits to the working shaft). Judging by the numerous reviews of Forumhouse users, these devices managed to prove well. Power of gasoline engines should also comply with the specified indicator.

Reducers for Yamobur and their varieties

The assembly of any mechanism in most cases is characteristic of the use of primary materials, devices and nodes that have long been idle, because they are not worthy of a worthy application. The experience of our users suggests that the reduced mechanical transmission can be made of a wide variety of details: from the spare parts to the moped person, from the uncomplicated chain or worm gear, from a suitable gearbox of unknown origin, which accidentally closed on the old shelf in the garage and so on.

Ensuring drilling gearbox, the main thing is not to forget about the optimal turns of the borax and that it is necessary to ensure a sufficient torque on its working shaft.

Mehanik020. User forumhouse.

My broken moped was lying around, I took the rear gearbox from him. Sawned the gearbox to the Turbine (the back of the aluminum case with the gearbox), then across the gear gear fixed to this gearbox, the electric motor from the old electropulum with a capacity of 2 kW. The engine with the gearbox gave the ratio - 13: 1 (at the output it turned out about 300 rpm).

About the chain transmission: possessing the famous fraction of the smelting, it is possible, without making great efforts, to build a completely reliable yamobur with sufficient power. The idea presented is not new, and many successfully apply it in practice (if there is a need for this).

jumper_at_home. User forumhouse.

There is no gearbox, although it was planned to manufacture from the GHM chain of the VAZ 2101 and its same asterisks. Transmission number - 1: 2. Tests showed that it is not needed. Is that at all solid soils to use it, but we have no such.

The application of the above mechanisms requires a non-standard approach to the build of a drill unit. If you have a small serial reducer (or it is possible to purchase it inexpensively), then the task becomes much easier. Here, for example, the photo of the gearbox shown by the user Melomandk.

Melomandk. User forumhouse.

Here is such a gearbox. That's just a gear ratio large - equal or even a little more than 1:40. Sizes (by body) - somewhere 15 x15 cm.

As it turned out, the device has quite suitable parameters.

di Griz User forumhouse.

My Yamobur based on such a gearbox. While I am very pleased. Engine - Bulgarian (3000 revolutions at the exit). Bulgarian power - 2 kW. Claine did not try, but a tough rammed land with the inclusions of the rubble and rotten roots of Yamobur took. A screw diameter - 160 mm, self-made knives on it - from the springs.


If there is a lot of work, if you need to drill deeply, and it is very difficult to keep the installation in the hands, then the equipment can be fixed in a special bed.

Constructive execution at homemade stanis, as well as under low mechanical gears, may be the most diverse. But there are structural elements that are used in the overwhelming majority.

Lifting mechanism

As a lifting mechanism, you can use a chain transmission installed inside the central rack. Lifting and lowering is carried out either using an additional electric motor or with a handle (as in the photo from the user jumper_at_home.).

jumper_at_home. User forumhouse.

Major plunged by 1.8 m (auger + extension cord). I did not need deeper. Homemade winch - 2 gears and a chain from a motorcycle.

In order for the stove with the main electric motor without moving freely along the vertical tube, four rollers can be installed on the carriage.

Another lift design involves the use of steel cable and winch with an additional electric motor.

Mehanik020. User forumhouse.

On the square tube up and down the main electric motor of the drill rides. He moves at the expense of the winch (which I already had). This winch is needed in order to pull the boring of the ground from the well.

For convenience Mehanik020.made a remote controlling the winch and rotation of the boraxy during operation.

The drill, along with the soil on it, can create quite large loads on the winch. At a great depth, it will work on the principle of the piston, creating a vacuum and exacerbating the situation when lifting up. Therefore, the more powerful the winch is used, the better.

Dmitryevg. User forumhouse.

My winch is designed for 250 kg (500 through the polyspaster). Power - 1kW.

Lower support for the bed

The bottom support of the bed can be equipped with two wheels (for convenient movement within the construction site). If everything is done correctly, the installation by a simple tilt of the bed will be translated from the transport position in the working.

It is desirable to install adjusting screws on the support elements of the bed, which will help to put the car in accordance with the vertical level before starting work.

Materials for the manufacture of beds are chosen due to considerations of strength. Independently performing a complex calculation of the design of the structure is far from everyone, but anyone can take advantage of the experience of the participants of our portal.

So, user. Tri.dr.e.made a bed from a corner 50 * 50 * 5. Vertical supports and upper transverse bar are made of two bonded corners of the specified size.

User jumper_at_home. Lined in the design of the bed different metal profile with a thickness of the walls - at least 3 mm. The plot under the power plant was made by it from a steel sheet with a thickness of 10 mm.

But the installation photo that was created by the user Pwrww."From what was" (as he himself says).

Pwrww. User forumhouse.

The most difficult thing was to find two smooth solid three-meter pipes with a diameter of 60 mm. If they were not, I would buy a profile pipe for 80 or 100 mm. Below used a piece of channel 80 and a corner of scrap metal. Also among the scrap found 4 P-shaped plates of suitable length.

Ideally, the carriage should be made in such a way that, if necessary, the drill installation operator was able to become. It is especially important to comply with this condition on solid soils.

jumper_at_home. User forumhouse.

This is what was used to protect against drill turning: a stubborn corner of steel - 6 mm is screwed to the hole under the handle, which is available on the drill case. Everything is pulled by bolts with a sufficient plane of surfaces. If you want even more reliable - Provide a clamp under the planting protrusion, which is available on the drill convey.

Mechanical drive

The design of the mechanical drive connecting a drill or other engine with an earthen drill with a working shaft is not different. To create it, there is enough adapter, which is inserted into the cartridge drill (Morse cone, etc.) and the cylindrical sleeve, one end of the bark is welded to the adapter, and the other is dressed on the boome shaft. In order to increase the depth of the drilled hole between the drill and the brown, it is possible to insert removable knees made from the same material as the rod of the bora.

In order to prevent breakdowns when encamping the working body, the drive and the boron should be connected using a special protective heel. The stud is made of metal bar - 4 ... 8 mm. Testing the installation is better with a stud with a minimum diameter (4 mm).

Almost prof User forumhouse.

Imagine if you have a boring to stumble onto a stone and commit. I have a nail of 4 mm as a slide stiletto, and it never cut it. But if an obstacle meets, then he gives his hand in his hands.


As we said, the working body of the installation (boring) can be purchased in a specialized store, but it is quite possible to make it yourself. Here, for example, homemade drill with removable blades.

For its manufacture, we will need a thick-walled pipe of a suitable diameter (30 mm), as well as material for blades and for their base. The bases to which blades will be screwed can be made from a thick metal sheet (6 ... 10 mm). The blades themselves should be made from high-strength heat steel (Art. 65g). If you need a small-diameter garden yamobur, then you can use ordinary springs from the truck.

For the manufacture of blades, you can use discs from a circular saw.

The diameter of the borax should be 5 mm more than the diameter of the drilled holes.

We present to your attention a sketch drawing of the product.

Throwing the upper handle, we get exactly what we need.

The design of the homemade drill must comply with the following parameters:

  • The angle between cutting blades (between blades) can vary within - from 25 ° to 30 °.
  • The front edge of the blade is sharpened at an angle of 45 ° ... 60 °.
  • To the lower end of the bora, it is desirable to weld a thick drill on the metal, thanks to which the installation will be easier to enter the tight soil.

As a garden borne to fix in a drill.