Operational control of construction and installation works. Operational quality control charts for the main construction and installation works

11.9.1 During the execution of production processes and operations, operational control is carried out in order to identify defects that may be hidden during the continuation of the process or operation, and to take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 By operational control the person carrying out the construction checks:

Compliance with the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation that applies to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of the quality indicators of the operations and their results with the requirements of the design and technological documentation, as well as the regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

11.9.2 During the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect safety object, but in accordance with the adopted technology, they become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as the performed building structures and sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects identified by control is impossible without disassembling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant bodies of state supervision, architectural supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The contractor notifies the rest of the participants about the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of works hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation, are drawn up by certificates of inspection of hidden works ( appendix M ). The developer (customer) may require a re-survey after elimination of the identified defects.

11.9.4 To the procedure for assessing the conformity of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the contractor must submit certificates of survey of all hidden works that are part of these structures, geodetic executive schemes, as well as test reports of structures in cases provided for by the design documentation and (or) a construction contract. The developer (customer) can check the reliability of the executive geodetic schemes presented by the contractor. To this end, the contractor must keep, until the completion of the acceptance, the fixed axes and installation guidelines fixed in nature.

The results of the acceptance of individual structures must be formalized by acts of acceptance of critical structures ( appendix H ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are drawn up by acts of acceptance of critical structures (Appendix H).

11.9.6 If, as a result of the gradual acceptance of defects in work, structures, sections of engineering networks, the corresponding acts should be drawn up only after the elimination of the identified defects.

In cases where subsequent work should begin after a break of more than 6 months from the date of completion of the stage-by-stage acceptance, these procedures should be repeated before the resumption of work with the issuance of the relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places of performance of control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, forms of recording results, the procedure for making decisions when detecting non-compliance with the established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The person carrying out the construction appoints by his administrative documents the responsible executors for the implementation of operational control, documenting its results and elimination of defects identified by the control.

The results of operational control should be documented in special work logs.

Design and Technological Institute of Industrial Construction

OJSC PKTIpromstroy


















The technological map does not replace commissioning (see SNiP 3.01.01-85 *) The quality of construction and installation works is characterized by the degree of their compliance with the requirements of projects and SNiP. Any deviation from these requirements must be detected and corrected in a timely manner, which can only be achieved through the organization of daily operational quality control. Operational quality control of construction and installation works is carried out by the manufacturer of the works and the foreman with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of the quality management laboratory of the trust (association). The main tasks of operational quality control of construction and installation works: - ensuring the required level of quality of the buildings under construction; - ensuring the implementation of construction and installation works in accordance with the project and the requirements of regulatory documents; - timely identification of the causes of defects in the production of work and taking measures to eliminate them; - increasing the personal responsibility of direct performers and line engineers and technical workers for the quality of the construction and installation work performed. All defects identified during operational control must be eliminated before the start of subsequent operations (work). Operational control must be carried out in strict accordance with the enterprise standard (STP) "Regulation on Operational Quality Control". The main documents of operational quality control are operational control cards. They must constantly be at the construction site with the construction manager and be presented at the request of the persons who control the quality of work. They specify the responsibilities of officials in the implementation of operational control. If the work at the facility is headed by one manager (foreman, foreman), then he performs all the control functions specified in the operational control cards. Operational quality control cards are intended for line engineers and technical workers and foremen, and can also be used by persons exercising control over the quality of construction.


Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete columns in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 1. The difference in the marks of the top of adjacent columns or support sites (brackets, consoles) ± 10mm 2. The difference in the marks of the top of the columns or support sites within the area to be verified: with contact installation 12 + 2, where - the ordinal number of the tier when installed by beacons 10 mm 3. Displacement of the axes of the columns of single-storey buildings in the upper section from the vertical at the height of the columns H: in meters up to 10 m ± 10 mm over 10 m 0.001 N, but not more than 35 mm 4. Displacement of the axes of the columns multi-storey buildings in the upper section relative to the alignment axes for columns with a height: up to 4.5 m ± 10 mm over 4.6 m ± 15 im

Table 1

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time


Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Correct storage


Before installation

Marking the bottom of the foundation glass

Using a level

Before installation


Column installation

Reliability of slinging, verticality of installation, alignment; reference pad marks; temporary attachment

Visually; using a level; with theodolite

During installation


Welding metal parts

Quality of welds


During installation

Anti-corrosion protection of metal parts


During installation

If necessary laboratory

Monolithing of columns

Thoroughness of monolithing


During installation

Preparatory work (acceptance of structures)

Availability of passports, drawings, geometrical dimensions, external defects, plotting of alignment axes, marks, dimensions of support areas, correct location of embedded parts

Visually; with a steel meter

Before installation

Column site preparation

Cleaning of glasses, dimensions of the foundation glass; the presence of scratches on the foundation

Before installation

Installing the mounting hardware

Fixing accuracy


During installation

Welding metal parts

Compliance with the project; welding of electrodes; seam sizes


During installation


Cementing columns in foundations

Concrete grade, consistency, compaction

Visually, using a standard cone

During installation



Tolerances for the installation of large-block strip foundations in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -16-73 1. Offset of the axes of foundation blocks and foundation wall blocks relative to the centerline axes ± 10 mm 2. Deviation of the marks of the upper supporting surfaces of foundation elements - 10 mm 3. Offset of axes or edges wall blocks in the lower section relative to the center axes or geometric axes of the below-installed structures ± 5mm

table 2

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Determination of the state of soils


Before installation

Correctness of the location of the pit relative to the center drawing, reliability of fastening, mark the bottom of the pit

Visually, using a level and tape measure

Before installation


Sand or gravel top mark

Using a level

Before installation


Correct storage


Before installation

Stake out foundation axes

Accuracy of determining the position of the corners of the building. Compliance with the project of the distances between the axes of prefabricated foundations

With theodolite and tape measure

Before installation


Installation of foundation blocks


During installation

Precision of installation, foundation blocks. Support and abutment density

Using a level and a plumb line

During installation

Compliance with the design

Using a level

After installing blocks


Preparatory work

Sufficiency of the size of the pits

With a tape measure

Before installation

The thickness of the sand or gravel pad, the quality of its compaction

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installation

Cleaning foundation blocks from dirt, from snow in winter


Before installation

Availability of passports for reinforced concrete structures; compliance of the geometric dimensions of the blocks with the project; external defects


Before installation

Stake out foundation axes

Correct tension of axles, accuracy of intersection of axes on foundation blocks

With theodolite

Before installation


Installation of foundation blocks

Compliance with installation technology, Technological map


During installation


Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete foundations for columns in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the axes of the foundation glasses relative to the centerline axes ± 10mm 2. The deviation of the marks of the upper supporting surfaces of the foundation elements - 10mm 3. The deviation of the marks of the bottom of the foundation glasses - 20mm

Table 3

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Preparation of the base for foundations, its condition, dimensions, marks, protection against freezing in winter

Using a level, steel meter, tape measure

Before installation


The dimensions of the pits, the correctness of their location and the reliability of fastening the walls of the pit, marks of the bottom of the pit

Visually, using a level, tape measure, plumb line

Before installation

Base top mark and cushion horizontal

Using a level

Before installation


Side waterproofing of foundation blocks

Insulation quality


After installation

Preparatory work

Sand or gravel cushion thickness and compaction quality

Visually i with a steel meter

Before installation

Cleaning from dirt, from snow and ice in winter


Before installation

Checking the geometric dimensions of blocks, defects. Comparison of passport data of reinforced concrete structures with design

Before installation

Installation of control lines along the axes of foundations

Compliance with the project of the axes transferred to the bottom of the excavation.

Accuracy of the position of the top of the control line

With theodolite, level

Before installation

Installation and alignment of blocks

Installation accuracy, compliance with design marks and axes

With the help of a level, relative

During installation



Tolerances for the installation of girders in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the girder axes along the lower chord relative to the geometric axes of the supporting structures ± 6 mm 2. Deviation of the distances between the axes of the crossbars at the level of the upper chords ± 20mm 3. Tolerances of support areas and gaps between elements are determined by the project

Table 4

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Correct storage of structures


Before installation

Aligning support surfaces on columns

Compliance of the elevations of the support pads of the columns with the design ones, the correctness of the application of the alignment axes

With theodolite, level, steel meter

Before installation


Installation of crossbars

Correct and reliable slinging


During installation

Alignment of the girder axes with the alignment axes on the supporting structures, verticality and density of the girder support

Visually, using a plumb line

During installation

Welding of embedded parts in joints

Visually, using a steel meter

During installation

If necessary laboratory

Cementing joints

The appearance of the joints, the strength of concrete at the joint

Visually using a reference hammer

After stripping the joint


Preparatory work

Compliance of geometrical dimensions with design ones, external defects, availability of passports, correct location of embedded parts, cleaning them

Visually, using a steel meter, tape measure

Before installation

Aligning support surfaces on columns

Visually, using a steel meter

Installation of crossbars

Correctness of drawing axial and control marks on the crossbars

Visually, using a steel meter, tape measure

During installation


During installation

Compliance with the design of the joint and the brand of electrodes for the project


During installation

Cementing joints

The density and strength of the formwork


During installation

Concrete grade

Before concreting


Joint sealing quality


In the process of concreting

Joint filling quality


After stripping


Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete trusses and beams in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the axes of the trusses (beams) along the lower chord relative to the geometric axes of the supporting structures ± 5mm 2. Deviation of the distances between the axes of the trusses (beams) at the level of the upper chords ± 20 mm 3. The tolerances of the support areas and the tolerances of the gaps between the elements are determined by the project

Table 5

Quality control persons

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Correct storage of reinforced concrete structures


Before installation

Alignment of support surfaces of previously mounted structures

Compliance of the elevations of the reference pads with the design ones, the correctness of drawing the stake out axes

Before installation


Installation of trusses, beams

Correct and reliable slinging


During installation

Alignment of axes of beams trusses with centering axes, verticality of support structures

Visually, using a plumb line

During installation

Reliability of temporary fastening


During installation

Welding of embedded parts in joints

Welding quality, certificates of acceptance of welded joints, weld dimensions

Visually, using a steel meter

During the installation process

Anti-corrosion protection

The quality of the anti-corrosion layer


Before monolithic

If necessary laboratory

Preparatory work

Availability of passports, geometric dimensions, external defects, reinforced concrete structures

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installation

Location of embedded parts, cleaning them from rust and concrete build-up

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installation

Alignment of structural support surfaces

Position of support pads and embedded parts


Before installation

Installation of girders

Availability and correctness of drawing axial and control marks on structures

With a steel meter

During installation

Correct installation technology


During installation

Welding of embedded parts in joints

Type of electrodes, conformity of the joint to the project


During installation

Cementing joints

Density and strength of formwork


Before concreting

Concrete grade, compaction quality


In the process of monolithing


Joint appearance, quality of sealing


In the process of monolithing

Compliance of the elevations of the installed structures with the design ones, the distance between the axes


After installation



Tolerances for the installation of floor panels (coverings) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -16-73 1. The difference in the marks of the front surfaces of two adjacent floor slabs (coverings) at the joint is ± 5 mm 2. The displacement in plan of the cover plates or floors relative to their design position supporting surfaces and nodes of trusses and other supporting structures (along the supporting sides of the slabs), not allowed 3. Permissible deviations in the dimensions of the support areas and gaps between structural elements are determined by the project

Table 6

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons attracted with control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Correct storage of panels


Before installation

Compliance of elevations and support areas with the design

Using a level, tape measure, steel meter

Before installation


Installation of floor panels

Instrumental check of the mounting horizon of each floor

Using a level

During installation


Anti-corrosion protection of anchors

Anti-corrosion coating quality


Securing joints


Cementing joints

The quality of monolithing joints


After monolithing

Preparatory work

Availability of passports, geometric exchanges, surface quality of structures

Before installation

Correct location of embedded parts, mounting loops

Visually, using a tape measure, a steel meter

Before installation

Execution of the support row of brickwork with pokes


Before installation

Making a bed from a solution

Compliance with the grade of the mortar to the project, the thickness of the mortar layer


During installation


Panel mounting

Compliance with the support area, the position of the panel in the plan, the density of abutment to the supporting surface, the correct installation technology


During installation

Anchoring panels

Compliance of anchoring with project requirements


Before monolithic

Cementing joints

Cleaning and moistening of abutting surfaces, compliance of the grade of mortar or concrete with the design

In the process of monolithing



Tolerances when installing wall formwork in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Distance from the vertical or the design slope of the wall formwork planes and their intersection lines at a wall height of up to 5m 10 mm at a wall height of more than 5m 15 mm 2. Offset of the axes of the wall formwork : from the design position 8 mm 3. Internal dimensions of the wall formwork from the design dimensions 3 mm 4. Local irregularities in the formwork when checking with a 2-meter rail 3 mm

Table 7

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work


Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

After installing the wall formwork (before fixing it)


Accuracy of installation of embedded parts, their fastening

With a meter, tape measure

After installing the formwork

Preparatory work

Compliance with the project and the quality of the formwork panels, correct storage

Visually, using a meter

Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

Compliance with design dimensions, verticality

Using a meter, a plumb line

During the installation of the formwork

The quality of the formwork fasteners


During the installation of the formwork

The quality of the inner surface of the formwork

During the installation of the formwork


Tolerances for the installation of the formwork of columns and ceilings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. The distance between the supports of the bent formwork elements and the distance between the ties of the vertical supporting structures from the design dimensions: for 1 m of 25 mm for the entire span of at least 75 mm 2. Distance from the vertical or the design slope of the planes of the formwork and the lines of their intersection: for 1 m of height 5 mm for the entire height of columns up to 5 m 10 mm - "- more than 5 m 15 mm for the entire height of beams 5 mm 3. Displacement of the axes of the formwork from the design position of the columns 8 mm - "- beams 10 mm 4. The distance between the inner surfaces of the formwork of columns, beams from the design dimensions - 3 mm 5. Local irregularities of the formwork when checking with a 2-meter rail - 3 mm

Table 8

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Determination of the state of the base (for columns)


Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

The suitability of the supporting scaffolds and scaffolds to the project, their stability and rigidity

Visually, using a steel meter, tape measure, plumb line

Before installing the formwork

Correspondence of the position of the formwork to the installation axes

Using a theodolite, plumb line, tape measure

During the installation of the formwork


Accuracy of installation of embedded parts

With a steel meter, tape measure

Formwork ambassador

Preparatory work

The quality of formwork panels and fasteners

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installing the formwork

Correct storage of formwork elements


Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

Compliance with design dimensions and marks

Using a level, plumb line, level, steel meter, tape measure

During the installation of the formwork

The surface quality of the formwork (density in the interface of the boards)

Visually, with the help of a 2-meter rail

During the installation of the formwork

Formwork fastening quality


During the installation of the formwork


Tolerances when installing formwork foundations in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Distance from the vertical or the design position of the planes of the formwork foundations and their intersection lines at 1m height 5mm 2. Displacement of the axes of the formwork foundations from the design position of 15mm foundations for steel structures , (L is the length of the span or the step of the structure, m) 3. Local unevenness of the formwork (when checking with a 2 m long rail) 3 mm

Table 9

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Determining the condition of the foundation


Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

Correspondence of the position of the formwork to the installation axes, the accuracy of the installation of embedded parts and their fastening

Using a theodolite, tape measure, plumb line, steel meter

After installing the formwork


Preparatory work

Compliance with the project and the quality of formwork panels, blocks and fasteners, correct storage of formwork elements

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installing the formwork

Formwork installation

Compliance with design dimensions and marks. The horizontality and verticality of the formwork elements, the quality of fasteners, the quality of the inner surface of the formwork

Visually, using a level, plumb line, steel meter

During the installation of the formwork


Tolerances for the reinforcement of structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Reinforcing steel supplied to the construction must undergo an external examination upon acceptance. measurements and control tests in cases stipulated in the project 2. Replacement of the reinforcement steel provided for by the project is agreed with the design organization 3. Before the installation of the reinforcement, the formwork is checked, the lining is fastened, providing a gap for the protective layer equipment 4. The assembled reinforcement is secured from displacement and protected from damage during concreting 5. The displacement of reinforcing bars when they are installed in the formwork should not exceed 1/5 of the largest diameter of the bar and 1/4 of the diameter of the bar being installed 6. It is prohibited to use spacers to form a protective layer from rebar scraps, wooden bars and crushed stone
Table 10

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Reinforcement acceptance

Compliance of reinforcement meshes and cages to the project (passport)


Before installation

Fitting installation

Installation of grids, frames, embedded parts in accordance with the project

With a plumb line, steel meter

During installation

Providing a protective layer

With a steel meter

When installing the formwork

Securing joints, frames, nets (welding, knitting)


After fixing


Acceptance fittings

Selectively Checks the diameter of the reinforcement, the distance between the working bars in meshes and frames

Using a caliper and a steel meter

Before installation

Position of embedded parts

With a steel meter

Before installation

Quality of execution of reinforcement attachment points in the mesh frame


Before installation

Rebar storage

Correctness of warehousing and storage


Before installation

Correct sling

Visually, using a steel meter

During the installation of fittings

Fitting installation

Compliance with the technology adopted in the technological map or commissioning


During the installation of fittings

Correctness of the layout of the meshes, the correct fastening of the reinforcement in the form

Visually, using a steel meter

During the installation of fittings

Correct installation of running boards on the slab


During the installation of fittings


Tolerances when concreting floors in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Local deviations of the concrete surface from the design when checking structures with a rail 2 m ± 5 mm long 2. In the marks of surfaces and embedded parts that serve as supports for metal or prefabricated reinforced concrete elements ± 5 mm 3. In the location of the anchor bolts, in plan inside the contour of the support - 5 mm in the plan outside the contour of the support - 10 mm 4. The difference in height marks at the junction of two adjacent surfaces - 3mm

Table 11

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Formwork quality


Before concreting

Condition of fittings and embedded parts, certificate of acceptance of fittings


Before concreting


Surface quality, compliance with the design of holes, geometric dimensions

Visually, using a meter

After stripping

Concrete strength, homogeneity, cracks

Visually, ultrasonic instrument

After stripping


Preparatory work

Substrate quality, removal of the top layer at work seams, notching, rinsing


Before concreting

Laying concrete mix

Concrete mix quality

With the help of the StroyTSNIIL cone, press

Before concreting



In the process of laying


In the process of laying

Outside air temperature

With a thermometer

In the process of laying

Concrete compaction

Permutation step and immersion depth of vibrators


During compaction

Adequate vibration and concrete thickness during compaction


During compaction

Concrete curing

With a thermometer

During hardening


Tolerances when concreting walls in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Planes and lines of their intersection from the vertical or the design slope to the entire height: walls supporting monolithic coverings and ceilings ± 15mm walls supporting prefabricated joist structures ± 10mm 2. Horizontal planes on the whole plane of the area to be verified ± 20mm 3. Local deviations of the concrete surface from the design when checking the structure with a 2 m long rail ± 5 mm 4. In the marks of surfaces and embedded parts - 5 mm

Table 12

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Formwork quality


Before concreting

Compliance with the base elevation design

Using a level

Before concreting


Condition of fittings and embedded parts, certificate of acceptance of fittings


Before concreting


Surface quality, compliance with the design of holes, openings, channels, geometric dimensions

Visually, using a steel meter

After stripping

The strength of concrete, its homogeneity, the presence of supports, cracks

With an ultrasonic device, visually

After stripping


Preparatory work

The quality of the base, the removal of the top layer at the working seams, the notch, the groove, the presence of waterproofing


Before concreting

Laying concrete mix

Concrete mix quality (mobility, cube strength)

Before concreting


The correctness of the technology for placing the concrete mix


In the process of laying

Correctness of working seams


In the process of laying

Outside air and concrete temperature (winter)

With a thermometer

In the process of laying

Concrete compaction

Permutation step and immersion depth of vibrators

Visually, using a steel meter

During compaction

Adequate vibration and concrete layer thickness when laying

Visually, using a steel meter

During compaction

Compliance with humidity and temperature conditions

With a thermometer

During hardening


Concreting tolerances in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. Planes and lines of their intersection from the vertical or from the design slope to the entire height of the columns supporting monolithic coverings and floors ± 15 mm As above for columns supporting precast beam structures ± 10 mm 2. Horizontal planes on the entire plane of the area to be verified ± 20 mm 3. Local deviations of the concrete surface from the design when checking structures with a 2 m long rail, except for supporting surfaces ± 6 mm 4. In the dimensions of the cross-section of elements + 6 mm - 3 mm 5. In the marks of surfaces and embedded parts that serve as supports for metal or prefabricated reinforced concrete elements - 5 mm

Table 13

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons or divisions involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Formwork quality


Before concreting

Compliance with the base elevation design

Using a level

Before concreting


Condition of reinforcement, embedded parts, reinforcement acceptance certificate


Before concreting


Determination of the surface quality, compliance with the project of geometric dimensions, the correct location of embedded parts, marks of the top of the columns

Visually, using a steel meter, level

After stripping


Determination of the strength of concrete, its homogeneity

Using ultrasonic devices

After stripping


Preparatory work

Determination of the quality of the base (cleaning from dirt, ice, snow, etc.)


Before concreting

Laying concrete mix

Determination of the quality of the concrete mix (mobility, cube strength)

With the help of the StroyTSNIIL cone, press (PSU-500)

Before laying in the structure


Compliance with the technology of concrete placement


In the process of laying

Concrete compaction

Temperature control of outdoor air and concrete mix (in winter)

With a thermometer

In the process of laying

Compliance with the step of permutation and the immersion depth of the vibrators, the correctness of their installation

Visually, using a steel meter

During compaction

Determination of the sufficiency of vibration and the thickness of the concrete layer

Visually, using a steel meter

During compaction

Concrete care during hardening

Compliance with humidity and temperature conditions

With a thermometer

During hardening



Tolerances for masonry pillars in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -17-78 1. Deviations from the design dimensions: 10mm in thickness along the marks of cutoffs and floors 10mm in offset of the axes of structures 10mm 2. Deviation of surfaces and masonry angles from the vertical: 10mm per floor for the whole building 30mm 3. Irregularities on the vertical surface of the masonry, detected when applying a strip 2m 5mm long

Table 14

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Correctness of anchoring the posts to the alignment axes

Visually, using a plumb line

Before laying

Brickwork pillars

Determining the correctness of the masonry technology and bandaging the seams

Using a plumb line, steel meter, visually

In the process of laying

Determination of the correspondence of the actual position of the brick pillars to the project, the alignment of the pillars of different floors

Visually, using a plumb line, a steel meter

In the process of laying

Marking cutoffs of brickwork and floors, the correct arrangement of the pillow under the beams, the support of the beams on the pillows and their embedding in the masonry

Visually, using a level, steel meter

After installing the pillow and installing the beam


Preparatory work

Determination of the base for the posts, the presence of waterproofing


Before laying the pillars

Determination of the quality of bricks, fittings, embedded parts

Visually, measuring, checking passports and certificates

Before laying the pillars


Brickwork pillars

Sizing, filling and dressing of seams;

With a steel meter

After every 5m of laying

The geometric dimensions of the cross-section of the pillars

With a steel meter

In the process of masonry

Verticality of masonry, irregularities on the surface

Using a plumb line, rail, steel meter

After finishing laying the pillar to the height of the floor

Reinforcement of masonry

Correctness of the reinforcement location, the distance between the meshes along the column height, the diameter of the bars and the distance between them

With a steel meter, caliper

As the reinforcement is laid


Tolerances for masonry walls in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -17-78 1. Deviation from the design dimensions; by thickness 15 mm by marks of cutoffs and floors 10 mm by width of walls 15 mm by width of openings 15 mm by displacement of axes of adjacent window openings 20 mm by displacement of axes of structures 10 mm 2. Deviations of surfaces and angles of masonry from the vertical: one floor 10 mm per the whole building is 30 mm 3. Deviations of the rows of masonry from the horizontal by 10 m, 15 mm long 4. Irregularities on the vertical surface of the masonry, detected when a 2-meter strip of 10 mm is applied

Table 15

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Brickwork of walls.

Quality of brick, mortar, fittings, embedded parts

External examination, measurement, verification of passports and certificates

Before laying the walls of the floor

In case of doubt, the laboratory

Axis layout is correct

With a steel tape measure, meter

Before laying

Horizontal marks of cutoffs of masonry for overlapping

With the help of a level, staff.level

Before installing floor panels


Alignment of ventilation ducts and sealing of ventilation units

Visually, using a plumb line

After finishing laying the walls of the floor

Reinforcement of masonry

Correct positioning of reinforcement, bar diameters, etc.

Visually, using a steel meter

Before installing the fittings

Installation of precast concrete floor slabs

Supporting ceilings on groans, embedding, anchoring

Visually, using a steel meter

After installing the floor

Anti-corrosion coating of embedded parts

Thickness, density and adhesion of the coating

Visually, using a thickness gauge, an engraving graver

Before sealing


Installation of balconies

Embedding, elevation, slope of balconies

With a steel meter, level, 2 meter rail

After installing balconies

Masonry walls

Geometric dimensions of masonry

With a steel tape, meter

Verticality, horizontalness and masonry surface

Using a level, rail, plumb line

During and after the end of the laying of the walls of the floor

Quality of masonry joints

With a steel meter, 2 meter rail

After completing every 10m 3 masonry

Stakeout and bottom elevations of openings

Using a steel tape measure. level, level

Before laying the walls

Removal of mark + 1m from the finished floor

Using a level

After finishing laying the floor

Layout of apartments


After the start of laying the walls

Geometric dimensions of the premises

Using a steel tape measure

After the start of laying the walls

Jumper setting

Jumper position, support, placement, termination

Visually, using a steel meter

After installing the jumpers

Installation of landings

Position of pistillate pads, support, placement, embedding

Visually, using a steel meter

After installing sites

Welding of embedded parts

Length, height, quality of welds

Visually, by tapping with a hammer

Before anti-corrosion coating

Soundproofing device

Construction, workmanship


Immediately after finishing work


Rules for installing window and door blocks in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -19-76 1. Surfaces of window and door blocks adjacent to stone walls, antiseptic with waterproofing materials 2. The gaps between the frame and the masonry of the outer walls are sealed with thermal insulation materials 3. Window and door frames in stone walls and partitions they are fastened with screws or steel ruffs driven into antiseptic wooden corks. Each vertical block of the box is fixed in at least 2 places, the distance between them does not exceed 1 meter
Table 16

Quality control persons

Operations subject to control

Control composition

Control method

Control time

Persons involved in control

Works to be activated

Work Producer

Preparatory work

Appearance, factory readiness, compliance with standards, ENiP and the project, completeness of delivery of window and door blocks, availability of acts of antiseptic treatment


When accepting blocks

Presence of antiseptic plugs for fixing blocks


Before installing blocks

Transportation and storage conditions


At the construction site

Installation of door and window blocks

Correctness of installation at a given elevation and along a given axis

Using a level, plumb line, tape measure

After installing the boxes

Fastening boxes


After installing the boxes

Density of fit of window and door sashes


After installing the boxes

Waterproofing of junction points between blocks and masonry


After installation

Caulking with heat-insulating material with sealing compound. Coating with a solution of joints between blocks and masonry


After installing the box

The gap between the floor surface and the door leaf

With a steel meter

After installing the box

Installation of window sill boards

The presence of teardrops in wooden window sill boards


Before installing the window sill boards

Antiseptic and insulation of the bottom board of the surface of wooden window sills


Before installing the window sill boards

The slope of the sill board

With a rail, level, steel meter

After installing the window sill boards

Platband wall overlap

With the help of the steel subway

Normative documents regulating the quality of construction and installation works, building materials, products and structures
Methods for testing and quality control of building materials, products and structures during construction and installation works
Part 1. Construction work
A. Earthworks
1. Development of excavations (trenches) for structures
2. Development of pits by excavators
3. Development of trenches for pipelines in non-rocky soils
4. Posting back
5. Vertical layout
6. Arrangement of embankments
B. Construction of foundations
7. Installation of strip foundations blocks
8. Installation of blocks of walls of the underground part of buildings
9. Installation of glass-type foundation blocks
10. Construction of pile foundations
11. Arrangement of prefabricated grillages
12. Construction of monolithic grillages
13. Arrangement of horizontal waterproofing of foundations from cement mortars
B. Concrete work
14. Installation of inventory formwork
15. Reinforcement work
16. Laying concrete mixes
17. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls
18. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns
19. Construction of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations
G. Stone works
20. Wall masonry
21. Laying partitions
22. Laying pillars
E. Installation work
23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of one-story buildings
24. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete columns in multi-storey buildings
25. Installation of reinforced concrete beams, beams, trusses
26. Installation of floor slabs and coverings
27. Installation of flights of stairs and landings
28. Installation of balcony slabs and lintels
29. Installation of external wall panels of frame buildings
30. Installation of panels, blocks of load-bearing walls of buildings
31. Installation of volumetric blocks of elevator shafts
32. Installation of precast concrete ventilation units
33. Installation of volumetric blocks
34. Installation of sanitary cabins
35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions
36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates
37. Installation of frame sheathing partitions
38. Installation of walls from panels of the "Sandwich" type and sheet assembly
39. Welding of erection joints of reinforced concrete structures
40. Corrosion protection of steel embedded products
41. Sealing joints
42. Grinding joints and seams
43. Garbage chute device
E. Roofing and insulation works
44. Preparation of foundations and underlying elements of insulation and roofing
45. Thermal insulation device made of bulk materials
46. \u200b\u200bInstallation of thermal insulation from plates
47. Insulation device from roll materials
48. Insulation device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
49. Roofing from roll materials
50. Roofing device made of piece materials
51. Installation of a roof made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions
52. Installation of metal roofing
G. Carpentry work
53. Installation of window blocks
54. Installation of door blocks
55. Arrangement of mezzanines, cabinets
H. Floor arrangement
56. Preparation of subsoil for floors
57. Arrangement of a concrete base layer, screeds
58. Floor soundproofing device
59. The device of the glued waterproofing floor
60. Installation of bituminous floor waterproofing
61. Installation of monolithic coatings
62. Installation of ceramic tile floors
63. Installation of mosaic floors
64. Installation of floors made of polymeric materials
65. Laying logs in floors on floor slabs
66. Laying lags on posts on a soil base
67. Installation of plank floors
68. Installation of flooring from piece parquet
69. Installation of flooring from panel parquet
I. Finishing works
70. Plastering work (simple plaster)
71. Plastering works (improved plastering)
72. Plastering works (high quality plaster)
73. Plastering works (coatings from sheets of dry gypsum plaster)
74. Painting works (painting with water compositions)
75. Painting work (painting with anhydrous compounds)
76. Facing works
77. Wallpapering works
78. Glazing works (glazing of bindings)
79. Glass works (installation of glass blocks and glass panels)
80. Arrangement of glass-profile fences
81. Finishing (facing) of walls with panels, sheets with factory finish
82. Installation of suspended ceilings in building interiors
K. Improvement
83. Drainage device
84. Installation of a blind area made of concrete and asphalt concrete
85. Arrangement of sidewalks and paths from slabs
86. Arrangement of crushed stone base and asphalt concrete pavement
Part 2. Repair and construction work
1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations
2. Laying precast concrete floor slabs during the reconstruction of brick buildings
3. The device of monolithic sections in the floors
4. Installation of floor slabs on metal beams
5. Reinforcement of brick pillars and walls
6. Installation of metal jumpers
7. Installation of stairs on metal stringers
8. The device of the truss system from wooden elements
9. Repair of plaster
10. Repair of plaster of building facades
11. Painting of facades
12. Installation of stucco details of facades
13. Installation of drainpipes
Part 3. Installation work
1. Arrangement of holes and grooves for laying pipelines
2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines
3. Installation of pressure pipelines from asbestos-cement pipes
4. Installation of pipelines for internal cold and hot water supply
5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete gravity pipelines
6. Installation of sewer pipelines from ceramic pipes
7. Installation of an internal sewerage and drainage system
8. Installation of water-folding fittings
9. Installing bathtub and washbasin
10. Installation of sanitary appliances
11. Installation of the internal heating system
12. Installation of metal air ducts
13. Electric lighting device
14. Construction of round reinforced concrete wells
15. Installation of chambers of heating mains
16. Installation of no-pass channels
17. Insulation of pipelines of heating mains

1.23. Operational quality control should be carried out during the execution of construction processes or production operations and ensure the timely identification of defects and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

1.24. By operational control, the contractor checks:

· Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation that applies to these technological operations;

· Observance of technological modes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as the regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations

The results of operational controls should be documented.

(12-01-2004, clause 6.1.6)

1.25. The executors of operational control are the manufacturers of works, foremen and workers of construction laboratories, geodetic and other services of a construction organization, as well as representatives of the customer and the design organization.

The results of operational quality control are recorded in logs or in section 4 of the "General work log" (Appendix 3)

1.26. During the construction process, an assessment of the performance of work should be carried out, the results of which affect the safety of the facility, but in accordance with the adopted technology become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as completed building structures and sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects identified by control is impossible without disassembling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant bodies of state supervision, designer supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The contractor notifies the rest of the participants about the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

The results of the acceptance of works hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation, are drawn up by acts of inspection of hidden works (Appendix 12). The developer (customer) may require a re-survey after the elimination of the identified defects.

(12-01-2004, clauses 6.2, 6.2.1)

Acceptance control

1.27. To the procedure for assessing the conformity of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the contractor must submit certificates of inspection of all hidden works that are part of these structures, geodetic executive schemes, as well as test reports of structures in cases provided for by the design documentation and (or) the construction contract ... The developer (customer) can check the reliability of the executive geodetic schemes presented by the contractor. For this purpose, the contractor must keep the fixed axes and installation guidelines fixed in nature until the completion of acceptance.

The results of the acceptance of individual structures must be formalized by acts of acceptance of critical structures (Appendix 13).

1.28. The manual contains the forms of certificates of inspection of secret works of acceptance of critical structures.

The list of hidden works and critical structures is determined by the project documentation.

1.29. When building complex and unique objects, certificates of inspection of hidden works of acceptance of critical structures should be drawn up taking into account special instructions and technical conditions of design documentation.

1.30. In accordance with clause 4.4 of the chapter of SNiP 3.01.03-84, the design organization must also determine the list of critical structures and parts of the structure that are subject to executive geodetic survey when performing acceptance control.

1.31. Inspection of hidden works and intermediate acceptance of critical structures is carried out by commissions with the obligatory participation of representatives:

· Bridge building division;

· Technical supervision of the customer;

· Design organizations - when accepting critical structures and hidden works stipulated by the contract for the field supervision.

1.32. Survey and acceptance of works under item 1.31 is carried out as soon as they are ready. The bridge building subdivision is obliged to call in advance the representatives of the technical supervision of the customer and design organizations.

1.33. Acts of inspection of hidden works and acceptance of critical structures are drawn up in two copies and, after signing, are kept by the contractor and the customer.

1.34. It is forbidden to carry out further work before acceptance of hidden works. It is also forbidden to load completed critical structures of bridges and pipes with construction and operational loads before issuing an acceptance certificate for these structures.

1.35. During acceptance control, the following documentation must be submitted:

· As-built drawings with introduced (if any) deviations or changes and documents on their approval with the design organizations-developers of the drawings;

· Factory technical passports, certificates, acts of acceptance by the factory inspection for steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures;

· Certificates or passports attesting the quality of materials used in the production of construction and installation works;

· Acts of inspection of hidden works;

· Acts of intermediate acceptance of structures;

· Executive geodetic diagrams of structures position;

· Work logs;

· Documents on quality control of welded joints;

· Acts of testing of structures (if tests are provided for by working drawings);

· Other documents specified in the working drawings.

(3.03.01-87, p. 1.22)

Technical Supervision

1.36. The technical supervision of the developer (customer) for construction is performed by:

· Checking whether the contractor has quality documents (certificates in established cases) for the materials, products and equipment used by him, documented results of incoming control and laboratory tests;

· Control of compliance by the contractor with the rules of warehousing and storage of the materials, products and equipment used; if violations of these rules are detected, the technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of incorrectly stored and stored materials;

· Control of compliance of the operational control performed by the contractor with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-2004, clause 6.1.6.

· Control of the availability and correctness of the execution documentation by the contractor, including the assessment of the reliability of geodetic executive schemes of the completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of the elements;

· Control over the elimination of defects in design documentation identified during the construction process, documented return of defective documentation to the designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transfer to the contractor;

· Control over the execution by the contractor of the orders of the state supervision authorities and local self-government;

· Notification of state supervision authorities about all cases of emergency at the construction site;

· Control of compliance of the volume and timing of work with the terms of the contract and the construction schedule;

· Assessment (together with the contractor) of the compliance of the work performed, structures, sections of engineering networks, signing of bilateral acts confirming compliance; control over the fulfillment by the contractor of the requirement on the inadmissibility of performing subsequent work before the signing of these acts;

· Final assessment (together with the contractor) of the compliance of the completed construction of the object with the requirements of the legislation, design and regulatory documentation.

To carry out technical supervision, the developer (customer), if necessary, form a technical supervision service, providing it with design and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as control and measuring devices and tools.

1.37. In the cases stipulated by the legislation, the developer of the project documentation shall carry out architectural supervision of the construction. The procedure for implementation and functions of designer supervision are established by the relevant regulatory documents.

The comments of the representatives of the technical supervision of the developer (customer) and field supervision are documented. The facts of elimination of defects based on the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

(12-01-2004, clauses 6.4, 6.5)

1.38. Designer supervision is carried out on the basis of an agreement (administrative document) and is carried out, as a rule, during the entire period of construction and commissioning of the facility, and, if necessary, the initial period of its operation.

(SP 11-110-99, clauses 4.1,4.2)

1.39. When carrying out field supervision of the construction of an object, a journal of field supervision of construction (hereinafter referred to as the journal) is regularly kept, which is compiled by the designer and handed over to the customer. Forms for filling out the journal are given in Appendix 5.

(SP 11-110-99, clause 5.1)

1.40. Logging can be carried out both for the construction object as a whole, and for its start-up complexes or individual buildings and structures.

The design of the journal should be made in accordance with GOST 2.105-95. The magazine must be laced, numbered, filled with all signatures on the title page and sealed by the customer. The magazine is handed over by the customer to the contractor and is on the construction site until its completion. The magazine is filled in by the head or specialists exercising architectural supervision, the customer and the authorized person of the contractor.

After completion of construction, the contractor hands over the magazine to the customer.

Each visit to the construction site by specialists is recorded in a journal.

The records and instructions of specialists are stated clearly, with the necessary links to the current building codes and regulations, state standards, technical conditions.

(SP 11-110-99, clauses 5.1-5.5)

1.41. Representatives of the state control (supervision) bodies, upon notification of the work performer, can participate, in accordance with their powers, in the procedures for assessing the conformity of the work results hidden by subsequent work, and individual structures.

(12-01-2004, clause 6.9)

1.42. When inconsistencies are revealed, the state control (supervision) bodies apply the sanctions provided for by the current legislation.