Are there blue hydrangeas in nature? Hydrangea blue, planting and care

Blue hydrangeas remain a pipe dream for many gardeners. We buy a blue hydrangea (judging by the name "Blue something there ..."), and the seedling begins to bloom with pink flowers. And even expensive, adult plants in a container, already with blue flowers, are reborn into pink after planting in the garden. What is this ?? Is the "blue dream" so impracticable? He talks about the problems of blue hydrangeas, as well as how to solve them. experienced gardener Lyudmila Ivanovna Kalashnikova.

There is so much confusion regarding hydrangeas that it is necessary to decide what TYPES of hydrangeas in question... We sweep aside tree and paniculate ones at once. They cannot have blue hues (at least until genetics change something).

We are looking for LARGE-LEAVED hydrangeas on sale, or garden ones, look at the Latin name: Hydrangea macrophylla).

For open ground, we choose varieties from the "Eternal Summer" series (full name is Hydrangea macrophylla "Endless Summer"), or from the "Y and Me" series (H. macrophylla "You and me together"), or from the "Together forever" series ( H. macrophylla "Forever & Ever").

Why exactly these? Because the varieties of these series bloom twice: first on the shoots of the previous year, and then on the shoots of the current year.

This is important for Central Russia, because ALL large-leaved hydrangeas (that is, all colored varieties) MUST BE COVERED. But if last year's shoots of these varieties are still frozen, then flowering will take place on the shoots of the current year, only later in August September.

But now it's not about shelter. How to get blue?


It is believed that the color of any hydrangea can be changed at will. The color of the inflorescences is influenced by the acidity and composition of the fertilizers. It remains only to choose the necessary parameters, and the blue color is ready!

However, it's not that simple. You should be aware that even in large-leaved (colored) hydrangeas, not all varieties can give a pure blue color.

Experience has shown that neither the white, nor the red, nor the bright pink varieties produce a good blue color. It turns out to be dirty or has a lilac or purple hue. Only "regular" pink hydrangeas can be "repainted" blue.

And, of course, those varieties, in the name of which there is the coveted word "blue" (from English blue blue), are more likely to become real BLUE. For example, Forever & Ever series, Blue Heaven variety).


For good flowering, ALL hydrangeas need loose, sour soil and good moisture. Only under these conditions will there be large, dense inflorescences (including treelike and paniculate hydrangeas).

But this is especially important for large-leaved hydrangea and getting good, clean shades.

When planting, we fill the hole with just such soil. And then you need additional feeding. What are we going to paint with?

Earlier it was advised to add aluminum alum (5 g per liter of water). Alum won't hurt us. But now special fertilizers are being sold, which are called "FOR BLUE HORTENSES". Even for remote locations, it is possible to purchase them and issue them via the Internet by mail.


Remember that hydrangeas love acidic soil. Therefore, we exclude all dressings that reduce acidity, such as lime, ash, dolomite flour. But fertilizers for conifers and azaleas will be useful, these plants also love sourness.

And, of course, we are looking for fertilizer "For blue hydrangeas". Only they must be entered correctly: not once a season, but 3-4 TIMES PER SPRING. Moreover, it is better not to scatter the granules under the bush, but to apply fertilizers in dissolved form, having previously loosened the earth. So the solution will evenly penetrate to the roots along the entire trunk circle.

It is because of the uneven distribution of fertilizers on one plant that there are pink, lilac, and blue flowers.

For a more uniform color, hydrangeas are advised to grow in containers, digging them into the ground. Then the fertilizer does not spread over the entire soil, but remains in the pot. And acidity is easier to maintain. During precipitation, the acidic soil from the planting pit "mixes" with ordinary garden soil, but when the plant is in a container, this does not happen.

The amount of dressings is responsible for the color intensity. Remember, not one or two dressings per season, but 3-4 times in the spring!

So, the secret of success in the feeding regime. Observing it, you can get inflorescences of a sky-blue shade!

The blue dream is real! You just need to take three steps: find a blue variety ("Blue something there ..."), find fertilizer for blue hydrangeas and feed them correctly!

Read more about hydrangeas in L.I. Kalashnikova, watch the video on the Garden World website

If the natural garden soil is acidic enough below 5.5 pH and contains aluminum, the hydrangea will automatically tend to shades of blue or purple.
If the soil in the garden is neutral or alkaline, it is necessary to artificially acidify it in the root zone to a depth of 20-30 cm or replace the soil in the planting pit with a previously prepared acidic soil. You can acidify non-carbonate soil to pH 5.0-5.5 with high-moor peat or agricultural elemental sulfur before planting hydrangeas. Subsequently, a low pH is maintained by regularly watering the plant with a solution (15 g / l) of aluminum sulfate during the entire growing season. Do not water dry soil, pre-moisten it well with clean water.
Mulch the soil near the hydrangea with acidic materials - high moor peat, coniferous bark. Do not use marble chips, expanded clay.

It is important that irrigation water does not "pollute" the soil with calcium. The pH of the water should not be higher than 5.6.
Soil alkalinity can rise significantly due to lime leaching from building materials. therefore concrete foundation or the sidewalk next to which the hydrangea is planted can affect the color.

Fertilization also affects color change. Fertilizing with physiologically acidic complex fertilizers with low phosphorus, high potassium and medium nitrogen levels will help in the production of good of blue color... The optimal ratio is N: P: K close to 10: 5: 20. Do not use superphosphate and bone meal.
It is difficult to maintain a low pH value in alkaline carbonate soils for a long time, or soils contaminated with alkaline building materials. In this case, it is better to grow blue hydrangeas in large pots using special acidic peat substrates with aluminum sulfate. 5-10% by volume clay can be added to the substrate for aluminum enrichment. The best choice would be acidic substrate for conifers and rhododendrons. In a container it will be much easier to maintain conditions favorable for growing blue hydrangeas, and you can also grow varieties that require shelter for the winter.

For a liter of acidic substrate, add 1.5 g / l of powdered aluminum sulfate. Mix well, moisten and stand for several days. Another way - plants in pots should be watered with a solution of aluminum sulfate (concentration 10-15 g / l) at the rate of 100 ml of solution per liter of substrate. Monitor the pH of the substrate. For a peat substrate, the optimal pH value is 4.0-4.5. Repeat the procedure after two weeks if necessary. To avoid a chemical burn to the roots, fill only a pre-moistened substrate with aluminum sulfate solution. Keep the leaves away from the solution.

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful and luxurious ornamental plants that you can grow on your site. In the summer-autumn period, beautiful bright green bushes with large spherical inflorescences catch the eyes of passers-by, and the pleasant aroma makes you dizzy. The variety of colors of hydrangea inflorescences is simply amazing, among which varieties with blue flowers are especially distinguished.

Blue hydrangea is not a separate type of culture, but only a group of shrubs united by the color of the inflorescences. Among them, hydrangeas can be distinguished with one or several colors, which change throughout the season. In addition, this plant has one very interesting feature. You can color the hydrangea blue to make it more vibrant.

In this article, we will consider the features of growing blue hydrangea varieties on your site, as well as their main characteristics. Note important points planting and caring for blue hydrangea.

Features and description of blue hydrangea

Hydrangea is a representative of the genus of flowering plants that belongs to the Hortensia family. This group of plants has approximately 80-100 species that differ different features cultivation, as well as the size and color of the inflorescences. The natural habitat is the territory of East and South Asia, namely Japan and China. There are some varieties of hydrangea in the Far East in North America. In all these territories, you can find a variety of varieties of hydrangea - tree forms, shrubs, vines, climbing plants, deciduous and evergreen, dwarf and tall forms of hydrangea. Blue hydrangea is most often found in the large-leaved species of this culture, which are famous for the brightest and most impressive inflorescences.

The flowering hydrangea plant has several interesting stories of the origin of its name, which most accurately describe the appearance and growth characteristics of the plant. According to one of the legends, the name of this ornamental shrub was given in honor of Princess Hortense, who was own sister Holy Roman Empire Karl of Nassau-Siegen. This girl was famous for her beauty, so her name began to be identified with this magnificent plant. The plant got its scientific name because of the important features of its growth - in Greek it is translated as "a vessel with water". This is due to the fact that the hydrangea loves to grow in wet areas, and can die from drying out.

In our gardens, you can find garden hydrangea with blue inflorescences and large-leaved blue hydrangea. Most often, it is these varieties that are famous for their large bright blue flowers. In addition, they can be grown not only in the garden and on the site, but also at home.

Description of blue hydrangea:

  • Blue-flowered hydrangeas are considered to be deciduous flowering shrubs for the most part, and belong to the popular Large-leaved hydrangea variety.
  • Large-leaved hydrangeas have been cultivated for a long time. They were originally cultivated as a pot crop, as the first varieties were very delicate and capricious. In the future, breeders bred more frost-resistant varieties that can withstand severe frosts.
  • In nature, blue hydrangea bushes can reach about 1-3 meters, however, garden plot bushes of this plant can grow only 100-150 cm.
  • Throughout the season, bushes of varieties large-leaved hydrangea with blue and blue flowers are covered with large and oval leaves with a wavy edge. The leaf plate is bright green.
  • The main decoration of blue hydrangea is considered to be large spherical inflorescences, which are slightly flattened on top.
  • The inflorescences are composed of fairly large flowers that have several beautiful petals and a vessel-like base.
  • The buds of this variety of hydrangea are laid on the shoots of the current year, and flowers are given the next year. That is why it is so important to carefully monitor the condition of the shoots throughout the season.
  • The group of hydrangeas with blue inflorescences includes varieties with sky blue flowers, bright blue, as well as flowers that change 2 or 3 colors per season.
  • Often on the Internet you can find questions about how to make a hydrangea blue. Don't be surprised, this plant has a very interesting feature. If a pink hydrangea grows on your site, you can get from a non-two-color hydrangea with pink-blue flowers, the color of which changes as you wish. What can be used to water hydrangea for blue color? For this, fertilizers with a high content of sulfur or iron are suitable, i.e. you just need to increase the acidity of the soil. This is due to the presence of anthocyanin in the plant, which contributes to a change in the color of the buds. In the same way, you can enhance the color of flowers with initially blue inflorescences. Many gardeners simply bury rusty iron objects next to a hydrangea bush, which, through natural oxidation, will stain the inflorescences.
  • Many varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are not suitable for growing in central Russia, however, breeders have bred a large number of frost-resistant varieties with which you can decorate your site. And since blue hydrangea varieties are most often found among large-leaved varieties, if you want to grow this chic bush in temperate climates, give preference to frost-resistant varieties.

Hydrangea varieties with blue flowers

Hydrangea blue is not separate species ornamental shrub, and a whole group different varieties with blue or blue inflorescences. Mostly all varieties of blue hydrangea are large-leaved, which is famous for its beauty and splendor. Consider the characteristics of the most popular hydrangea varieties with bright blue flowers.

  • Hydrangea "Endless Summer". This is the first remontant hydrangea that has gained popularity around the world. In height, the shrub can reach 120-150 cm, in width the plant also grows very strongly - by about 100-120 cm.This ornamental shrub will delight you with large and beautiful inflorescences, which can reach about 10-15 cm in diameter. Depending on the acidity of the soil , this variety of hydrangea can be blue and light blue. Sometimes on one bush you can see flowers of two colors.
  • Hydrangea "Nikko Blue". It is the next cultivar after the Endless Summer hydrangea, which has a long and abundant flowering... It is of medium height and fast growing shrub, which can reach a height of 1.5 m. An important feature of this hydrangea variety is that inflorescences appear on the shoots of the current year and the past. Inflorescences can be white or sky blue, depending on the acidity of the soil. Flowers are collected in large, up to 15-30 cm in diameter, spherical inflorescences. If you want to get flowers in a deep blue color, the shrub can be watered with aluminum sulfate so that the soil pH is 5.2-5.5.
  • Hydrangea "Mini Penny". it repair grade hydrangea, which is compact bushes. Hydrangea Mini Penny is great for container growing due to its small size. This ornamental shrub forms flowering buds on the shoots of the current year. The inflorescences are pink or blue, depending on the acidity of the soil.

  • Hydrangea variety "Tvist-n-Shout". A short bush that can reach a height of 100-120 cm.The plant is formed by reddish shoots with bright green foliage, which in autumn time become burgundy. The color of the inflorescences changes from pink to blue depending on the soil. The inflorescence is an openwork core surrounded by large flowers.
  • Hydrangea "Blue Wave". This hydrangea variety is bred in Holland. A medium-sized variety with a thick and tough stem and beautiful inflorescences that have almost white flowers, which only acquire a bluish tint towards the end of flowering. This variety does not change color as much.
  • Hydrangea "Bluebird". Hydrangea Blue bird is a very popular ornamental shrub that is perfect for decorating a plot. This hydrangea variety is distinguished by a large number of inflorescences, even on young bushes. The inflorescences are openwork cores surrounded by beautiful sterile flowers. The shade of the inflorescences can change: on acidic soil, the flowers will be white or light blue, and on alkaline soil they will be pink.

  • Hydrangea "Ramars". A very interesting variety of hydrangea, the main feature of which is the variety of colors. Some plants are completely covered with purple or purple flowers, others are delightful with white-blue or blue inflorescences.
  • Hydrangea variety "Freedom". It is a bicolor variety. At the very beginning of flowering, a lush bush is covered with pink inflorescences, the core of which becomes blue over time, and the edges are white.
  • Hortense "Jomari". A beautiful variety of hydrangea with large double flowers of a light blue color. Inflorescences appear on the shoots of the second year.
  • Hydrangea variety "Compaito". Refers to hybrid varieties... It is a compact, medium-sized shrub. Inflorescences are large spherical, lilac-blue with a snow-white core.
  • Hydrangea "Hopcorn Blue". A very unusual variety of hydrangea, which is notable for its short stature. On average, the height of such a bush is 60-80 cm. The inflorescences have an interesting tulip-like shape of blue color. Inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the second year.

Reproduction of blue hydrangea: the most common ways

Blue hydrangea varieties reproduce in the same way as other varieties of this crop. Several methods are suitable for self-breeding hydrangea: seed reproduction, reproduction by cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. Each of the methods has its own characteristics that you need to know to get a beautiful and flowering plant.

Seed propagation of blue hydrangea

  • This method is suitable for breeding species of hydrangeas. It is used by breeders to develop new varieties. Plus it's pretty difficult waywhich takes a long time.
  • Sowing blue hydrangea seeds should be done in the fall.
  • To do this, prepare a container and fill it with a soil mixture, which should consist of leafy earth, peat and river sand.
  • The soil is moistened and hydrangea seeds are sown over the surface, after which they are covered with a small layer of earth.
  • The container must be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect and put in a sunny place, since a temperature of 14-20 degrees is needed for the germination of hydrangea seeds.
  • Regularly, you need to ventilate the crops and moisten the soil from a spray bottle. The soil should always be moist.
  • The first shoots appear in about 1-1.5 months, only after that the shelter is removed.
  • Seedlings need to be dived twice. The first time this is done when a pair of leaves appears, and the second time in May.
  • In May, young seedlings are planted in separate pots and periodically exposed to fresh air for hardening.
  • At home, hydrangea seedlings are grown for two years, after which in the fall the grown seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Reproduction of hydrangea blue by cuttings

  • This method of propagation of hydrangeas is considered the most popular, and it is also a fairly simple option.
  • It is necessary to harvest cuttings from April to June, while the planting material should be 10-15 cm and must be cut from young shoots, or rather from their tops.
  • The cut should be at right angles.
  • For rooting, it is necessary to prepare special containers with a soil mixture or you can plant cuttings in greenhouses.
  • The soil mixture should consist of river sand and peat, where it is recommended to add a little moss to increase moisture.
  • Before planting, cuttings must be treated with growth stimulants.
  • The cuttings are rooted at a slight angle at a distance of about 5 cm between them.
  • Approximately 4-5 weeks is enough for complete rooting. During this time, young plants acquire fairly strong and developed roots.
  • In the first year after planting, the seedlings need to be covered and the inflorescences cut off.
  • You can do winter cuttings, but this is only suitable for large-leaved hydrangea, to which most varieties of blue hydrangea belong.
  • Cuttings can be harvested in February, but for this you need adult plant transplant into a container and transfer to the house. And then cut the ripe shoots into cuttings.
  • There should be 2 knots on the cuttings, lower leaves are completely cut off, and the upper ones are partially removed.
  • Before rooting, the cuttings are treated with a growth stimulant.

Reproduction of blue hydrangea by layering

  • Reproduction of hydrangea with blue layers is carried out in the spring.
  • To do this, it is necessary to select strong lateral shoots on an adult shrub, and grooves are prepared under them, the depth of which should be about 15-20 cm.
  • Shoots are bent into these furrows and fixed with staples.
  • After that, you can make small cuts on the part of the shoot that is in contact with the soil.
  • The central part of the shoot is covered with soil.
  • Further care consists in regular watering.
  • Layers take root around the next spring or fall, when young plant can be detached from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Preparation before planting blue hydrangea

Hydrangeas of all varieties, including those with blue inflorescences, do not differ in their capricious character, however, for their full growth, it is necessary to strictly observe some features and rules. First of all, it is important to carry out thorough preparatory work, including purchasing a high-quality seedling and finding the ideal planting site on your site.

Stage 1. Choice of variety and seedling of blue hydrangea

  • First of all, you need to decide on the variety of blue hydrangea that you want to grow on your site. For central Russia, you need to select modern frost-resistant varieties of hydrangea with blue inflorescences. You can turn your attention to such varieties as "Bluebird", "Early Sensation", "Endless Summer" and others.
  • It is necessary to purchase blue hydrangea seedlings in specialized garden centers and nurseries that are engaged in professional plant breeding. Purchase only planting material in such a place will bring you the desired result.
  • You can buy blue hydrangea seedlings both with an open root system and with a closed one. It is only necessary to remember that young plants in a container can be planted at any time, and with open roots, they must be planted as soon as possible.
  • Before buying, be sure to carefully check the condition of the planting material. The shoots of the plant should be strong, and young growing branches should also be visible.
  • If you are buying a seedling with an open root system, pay attention to the condition of the roots. They should be firm and soft. They can remain this way for some time.

Stage 2. Choosing a place for planting blue hydrangea

  • For hydrangea to grow fully, it is important to choose the right planting site.
  • It is important to remember that this plant prefers to grow in a slight partial shade, which allows the hydrangea to reveal all the beauty of its leaves and inflorescences.
  • Do not plant hydrangea seedlings blue flowers on the open, sunny side, as the inflorescences may become smaller.
  • A humid place is suitable for this plant.
  • If you decide to plant several hydrangeas side by side, do not forget to leave the necessary space for each plant, which should be about 2 m for a bush.

Stage 3. Selection and preparation of soil for planting blue hydrangea

  • Most importantly, you need to correctly select the soil for planting hydrangeas. The condition of the plant and the color of its inflorescences will directly depend on this.
  • Hydrangea blue varieties prefers to grow on well-moist, drained soils. Ideal if soil moisture is natural.
  • The soil should not contain lime even in small quantities - this can affect the full development of the plant.
  • For hydrangeas with blue or blue buds, the soil should be at a pH of 5-5.5. This will contribute to brighter and more saturated colors. You can bury some rusty iron near the bush, this will enhance the color of the flowers.
  • It is important to carefully prepare the site before planting. To do this, carefully dig up the selected place, loosen the soil and level it. This can be done a couple of weeks before planting.

Blue hydrangea planting technology

  • IN open ground the hydrangea is planted in spring or autumn. For central Russia, it is recommended to do a spring planting so that young plants can grow stronger before the onset of cold weather.
  • In the prepared area, you need to dig a planting hole. It is best to do this one day before landing. The planting hole should be about twice the size of the root system with soil. You can focus on parameters 50 cm deep and 50 cm wide.
  • Also, about 3-5 buckets of water should be poured into the planting pits.
  • Prepare a potting mix consisting of leafy soil, high peat, sawdust compost that can be collected under spruce and pine trees, and river sand for drainage.
  • Mineral fertilizers and organic matter must also be added to the substrate.
  • In the prepared planting pits, you need to pour a small hill of soil mixture and put blue hydrangea seedlings on it.
  • After that, carefully fill the pits with soil and compact it around the plants with your hands. When doing this, keep in mind that the root collar should be flush with the soil.
  • The near-stem trunk around the plants must be mulched. For this, a mixture of tree bark and sawdust is used.
  • It is imperative to water the planted seedlings well.

Agrotechnology for growing blue hydrangea: secrets and nuances of care

  • Watering. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant that does not tolerate even the slightest drought. Therefore, it is important to strictly observe the watering regime. It is necessary to water each plant about 2 times a week, while 30-50 liters of warm and settled water should go to one plant.
  • Loosening and mulching. Periodically, it is important to loosen the soil around the plant well, thus providing oxygen access to the plant roots. However, you should be very careful when loosening, because the hydrangea root system is superficial. The permissible depth of loosening is 5 cm.At the very beginning of summer, it is worth mulching trunk circle, which will protect the roots from overheating and drying out.
  • Top dressing. For the full growth of hydrangeas, it is important to carry out regular feeding. At least twice a year, plants are fed with complex mineral fertilizers - before and after flowering. You can use urea for this. During flowering, slurry can be used, but not often, so as not to overfeed the plant.

  • Hydrangea discoloration. If a pink hydrangea grows on your site, and you want to get a blue one, then you can try to repaint your flowers. To do this, use aluminum sulfate, about 1 tbsp. aluminum for 5 liters of water. With this composition, you can water the plant every 2 weeks.
  • Pruning. First of all, in the first year after planting, all flowers on the plant must be cut off. Pruning is done in the spring before the buds swell. Before winter, the shoots are cut to 4 buds, and if you need to update old bush, cut the shoots to the very root. Formative pruning is needed to get a beautiful bush.
  • Hydrangea wintering. If you have planted a blue hydrangea frost-resistant varieties in the early years, it is still worth covering the plant for the winter. To do this, all shoots must be carefully bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches, sawdust and fallen grass. If a large amount of snow falls in winter, it is recommended to remove it, as its weight can break the shoots.

Photo of blue hydrangea

Hydrangea is a very bright and showy plant that will be a great decoration for your garden. The varieties with blue inflorescences are especially distinguished, the brightness of which can be changed at will independently. It is not difficult to grow such a miracle on your site, the main thing is to pay attention to the plant and take care of it.

Varieties and types of hydrangea in modern world very varied. Passing by the hydrangea, it is impossible not to appreciate its beauty, tenderness, grace and luxury. This shrub is considered to be the most popular among flower lovers. I wonder why? It is quite easy to explain this: it blooms for a long time, is not capricious in its care, and there are so many varieties that everyone can choose a variety to their liking.

If a gardener wants a hydrangea to decorate his garden, she needs to provide everything the necessary conditions existence, and proper care... How to do this will be discussed in this article.

The garden hydrangea must be surrounded by a comprehensive comprehensive care... First you need to decide: in which corner of the site to place it so that it is comfortable. This is an important factor that determines how the hydrangea will feel and look. It is a pity, but not always the right place is chosen for this plant.

Types of hydrangea

The statistics on the species of this plant are contradictory. 30-85 species of hydrangea have been bred. This plant attracts attention with its bright green leaves of large size, as well as the fact that it has large paniculate inflorescences in the form of a ball.

Inflorescences are unusual in structure. The center is decorated with small fruiting flowers, which, over time, form a seed box. At the edges of the inflorescences are decorated, large in size, sterile flowers. Also on the edges there are several enlarged sepals.

Hydrangeas, which do not require increased attention to themselves when leaving, are considered to be:

  • tree-like;
  • paniculate;
  • large-leaved.

In this regard, it is these species that are widely demanded by gardeners, unlike other species. Russian flower growers have already successfully bred such rarely common varieties of hydrangeas, such as petiolate and oakleaf. You need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Panicle hydrangea

In the wild, this plant can grow both in the form of a shrub and in the form of compact trees that grow in height up to 8, or even up to 10 m. The plant can be a resident of Japan, China.

The Far East of the Russian Federation - this is the region you can find hydrangea. The roots, in their diameter, are much larger than the crown diameter, despite the location of the roots close to the soil surface. The shape of the leaves is oval, and the leaf plates can reach from 10 to 12 cm in length.

Paniculate inflorescences, which are cone-shaped and have a fairly wide base, are the most attractive for gardeners. Inflorescences can reach a height of 25 cm or more. The panicles are composed of 2 types of flowers. Large, 25-30 mm are sterile flowers. They usually have 4 petals. Interestingly, the color can be changed throughout the season. For example, it was green or white, but became pink or another color. It all depends on the variety.

The property of flowers, which are called fertile, is early to lose their snow-white petals. There are very few of them. They delight with their flowering when they reach the age of 4 or 5 years.

The first flowers can open only when the third decade of June has come. With the onset of the first frost (usually by the beginning of October), beautiful hydrangea inflorescences may die. In addition to their decorative function, hydrangea flowers are used as plants - honey plants. In those places where there were flowers, the appearance of fruits is observed - boxes with small seeds.

Video - review: TOP-10 of the most beautiful varieties of panicle hydrangea

Benefits of growing panicle hydrangea

  • In places where there is a lot of shade, it feels great.
  • Possesses fast growth.
  • Withstands low temperatures.
  • This plant is grown as a standard tree or as a shrub.
  • It has a large number of beautiful varieties and species.

Popular varieties with descriptions and photos

Belgian biologists gave the world the Bobo variety. This hydrangea has become very popular, as its height is 70 cm, no more. It is easy for a gardener to determine a place for this plant on a plot. Bobo is a representative of early ripening varieties. May bloom can please the eye with the attractive appearance of hydrangea flowers, which have a soft pink tint. The bush visually looks quite dense, it is distinguished by bright saturated greens.

Hydrangea panicle Bobo variety - very demanding for pruning

In height, the Vanilla Freise bush can grow up to 1.5 meters. Nevertheless, it is considered one of the most popular. Lovers of this plant are especially amazed at the density and size of the inflorescences growing in the shape of a pyramid. It is interesting that the inflorescences always have 2 shades: a white top and a light pink bottom. Outwardly, it can be compared to a type of cake called "horn".

Hydrangea paniculata variety Vanilla Freise is a fast-growing shrub that can withstand low temperatures

Weems Red is a tall shrub that grows up to one and a half meters. The variety is widely known because of the shade of the flowers. During the flowering period, the inflorescences can amaze the grower with the play of colors. So, the initially snow-white shade gradually becomes bright red, burgundy. Since the variety is frost-resistant, absolutely any region of the Russian Federation is suitable for its cultivation. But, if it is Siberia or the Far East, it will be necessary to additionally cover the bushes for the winter.

Weems Red is a relatively new variety of hydrangea, long flowering bush.

The plants that give their beauty in the late period include the Grandiflora hydrangea. Very often gardeners living in warm regions of the Russian Federation prefer to plant it on their plots. Distinctive feature of this species - a change in inflorescence shades 4-5 times during the season. The beginning of flowering is marked by a creamy white shade of flowers, which will then become snow-white. By the end of the season, the cone-shaped inflorescence will delight the eye with a red-green tint.

Grandiflora - especially relevant when decorating front staircases

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle buttock The fairy collection is suitable for a windowsill, a loggia, a balcony, a veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in 3 weeks. Miracle buttock Fairy collection bears fruit all year round, and not only in the summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes is from 3 years or more, from the second year you can add top dressing to the soil.

Diamond Rouge is a variety that grows up to 1.5 m in height. The color range of flowers varies from white to calm pink tones, and the leaves, with the approach of the autumn season, from bright green color, turn bright orange.

Diamond Rouge is a new variety of garden hydrangea. Frost resistant. It is considered the most beautiful variety.

Not so long ago, Hortensia Limelight, bred by US scientists, appeared on sale. Russian flower growers met this "beauty" several years ago. As the creators assure, the shrub grows up to 1 m in height. This variety, to date, has not gained many admirers, but the beauty of the inflorescences cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight - has strong shoots, flowers at the end of the flowering period change their color to pale pink

The Pinky Winky variety pleases gardeners with its flowering, from the 15th of July to the end of September. The cone-shaped inflorescences have 2 colors: white on top, purple below. Since the inflorescences are not too dense, it is possible to consider the beauty of each flower separately. With the onset of the autumn season, the leaves turn bright yellow.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky - frost-resistant variety, flowering period of five months from June to October

Pink Diamond - Europeans fell in love with this variety for the height of the bush. On average, the bush grows up to 2 meters. Gardeners of Russia prefer to plant this hydrangea variety in areas with a large area.

Pink Diamond is a very unpretentious variety of panicle hydrangea

The Sunday Fries are distinguished from other species by its spreading crown. It causes certain difficulties in collecting it in a bush, and giving it the necessary shape. Gardeners of Russia love this variety, as these hydrangea inflorescences change their shade from pale green to pink.

Sunday Fries - the bush has a symmetrical shape

The Silver Dollar shrub is quite sprawling, it can reach 1.5 meters in height. Pale yellow inflorescences are cone-shaped. From the beginning of flowering until its end, gradually the yellow color of the petals becomes snow-white.

Silver Dollar - grade panicle hydrangea not very whimsical to the soil, planting in slightly acidic soil is allowed.

A late representative is the Phantom variety. It will delight with its flowering, starting from the 14-16th of August, and ending with the first days of October. This shrub, with a spreading crown, can grow up to 2 meters. Snow-white flowers have a delicate lilac tint.

Phantom is one of the most beautiful bushes among varieties of panicle hydrangea. Used successfully in landscape design

Hydrangea paniculata every year is presented in a wide range. A flower lover can choose the variety he likes, and before planting it, he should familiarize himself with the peculiarities of its cultivation on the site.

Large-leaved hydrangea (or garden)

Garden hydrangea is perennialgrowing as an ornamental shrub. It grows approximately 2 meters in height. No fruit, straight stems. Flower color: purple, blue or white. The shade will depend on the condition of the hydrangea and the acidity level of the soil. Green leaves of the usual form. This is a fast-growing species that places high demands on the composition of the land. He hates limestone. It pleases with flowering, starting in August and ending in November. Loves the sun and warmth. The plant is able to withstand low temperatures (maximum -30 degrees). Widely distributed in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. With the help of the efforts of agronomists, and the owners of plots near Moscow, they were able to grow this type of hydrangea in their gardens. Most often, frost-resistant varieties are planted.

Common varieties

Such varieties have become widely known garden hydrangea:

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Well tolerant of winter, the Expression cultivar can bloom both on current year's stems and also effectively on last year's branches. Visually, flowers can be compared to water lilies. Their shade will depend on the acidity of the soil. If the soil is alkaline, the flowers will be pink, if sour, the flowers will be lilac-blue. Collected flowers in shields. They bloom for a long time, starting from mid-summer, and before the onset of cold weather.

Large-leaved hydrangea Expression perfectly tolerates frost, does not require special care in winter period

Ever Peppermint grows up to 60cm in height and was bred by Japanese breeders. It has a color of 2 colors, depending on the acidity of the soil. The middle of the colors is blue or pink colour with white edging.

Large-leaved hydrangea Ever Peppermint from a series of winter-hardy varieties.
Blooms on the shoots of the last and the current year in July-October

Red Sensation is a hybrid resulting from the Early Sensation mutation. It grows up to 80cm in height and also in width. The stems have a burgundy color.

Red Sensation This variety is often grown at home, in pots on a windowsill or on a balcony.

The name of the variety Endless Summer (translation for "endless summer") says a lot. Flowering is equally good, both on the branches of the previous year and on the branches of the current season. Large flowers are white or blue.

Endless Summer frost-resistant variety, blooms until frost


You can call the hydrangea tree-like magic flower. It can reach a height of 3 m in growth. The leaves have an oval shape. Their length is 20cm. The flowers are very small. They are found in luxurious lush inflorescences. Possesses an average degree of frost resistance, at low temperatures it can freeze. But, with the onset of spring, it can come to life and delight gardeners with its amazing beauty throughout the summer. This form of hydrangea needs to be pruned almost to the root in order for the flowers to be kept in good shape. It is advisable to hold it in April, every year. If you take care of the rules, then the plant will bloom until the end of the autumn season and give its beauty. This view hydrangeas are very popular among gardeners.

The North of the USA is the birthplace of hydrangeas. Outwardly, it is a straight bush with white flowers, collected in inflorescences in the form of a hemisphere, growing up to 25 cm. Treelike hydrangea is distinguished by its rapid growth, and is not capricious in leaving. She was noticed by flower lovers back in the distant 18th century, so many people liked this luxurious and spectacular flower.
This species, like other varieties of hydrangea, has a negative attitude towards dry, highly acidic and infertile soil.

It's worth keeping in mind!

If you are going to buy seedlings of tree hydrangea, then you need to choose those varieties that are best adapted for the future growing place.

If only a little lime, the flower will tolerate it normally. From the beginning of summer until the end of September, you can see a large number of snow-white inflorescences on the bush, which will become tender by the end of summer green tint... It is typical for flowers not to fade for a long time, to keep their shape, to retain their shade. Very often these flowers are used to create ikebana.


  • The tree variety is a shrub plant that grows up to 3 m in height.
  • This subspecies is distinguished by a rounded crown and pubescent shoots.
  • Possesses interesting feature - the leaves have 2 colors. The leaves are bluish below, and green above.
  • The inflorescences have absorbed sterile and fertile flowers. The first type (sterile) flowers are large up to 2 cm in diameter. They are few. There are many fertile flowers, but they are small, and are in shield-shaped inflorescences, up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • The fruits of the bush have the appearance of a miniature (up to 3 mm) box.
  • When the hydrangea reaches the age of 4 years, it blooms, and it differs long flowering (from June to October). After that, in October, the fruits ripen.

Resistance to low temperatures has made this species incredibly popular. Hydrangea can withstand temperatures as low as -30 degrees. Even if the shoots are frozen, they will be able to recover, and next season they will delight the eye with a beautiful cloud of snow-white flowers.

Treelike hydrangea varieties with description and photo

Today, tree hydrangea is presented in the widest selection. But, in general, only very attractive and frost-resistant varieties are in demand.

The following varieties of tree hydrangea are in greatest demand among gardeners:

The owner of creamy flowers, collected in inflorescences - balls with a diameter of 20 cm, is Annabelle. Usually, the height of this hydrangea is no more than one and a half meters. The volume is impressive - it can reach 3 meters. It blooms during all three summer months. Under the weight of the flowers, the stems, over time, tend to the ground. A peculiarity of the variety that is worth paying attention to is that the initial color of the foliage does not change until the very onset of the first cold weather.

The favorite of all gardeners, the tree hydrangea Annabelle is highly frost-resistant and unpretentious.

The Grandiflora variety was obtained by selection from the Annabelle variety. A special feature are very large flowers, as well as beige or lemon color of the leaves. If the plant is properly cared for, the bush can grow in height up to one and a half to two meters. All summer, until September, you can admire the flowering.

The highlight of the Inkrediboll variety are the large flowers in the inflorescence. But gardeners like this variety because it changes the original color of the petals, over time, from green to snow-white. The bush of an adult plant reaches 1.5 - 3 m in height. The stems of the plant are not strong enough, therefore, when the hydrangea blooms, they lean low to the ground under the weight of large inflorescences, which can be up to 30 cm in diameter.

Incredibull is rarely grown in Russia, it has beautiful round large inflorescences

Invincibelle is like a "dark horse" among other varieties. The inflorescences of this hydrangea have a dark pink hue, and their shape is like lilac branches. But, under the influence of the sun, the inflorescences lose their rich color, and become pale pink.

Invisibel the new kind hydrangea, as it blooms, the color of the flowers becomes more saturated

A small-sized variety Pink Pinkushen, since it grows only one and a half meters wide, and the bush itself grows only up to 1 m 20 cm. Flowers of a pink-white hue are collected in inflorescences in the form of a pyramid. During the entire flowering time, the color does not change.

Pink Pikushen blooms from June to September. Has a delicate, subtle aroma.

The Sterilis variety is distinguished by the resistance of cuttings to difficult environmental conditions, a fast growth rate, attractive flowering from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The petals of green color gradually become snow-white (the same feature is inherent in the Inkrediboll hydrangea). This plant grows up to 2 m in height, and the width of the bush can be 2.5 m.

Sterilis is the most popular variety of tree hydrangea

The frost-resistant bush Hayes starburst pleases with its flowering from the first days of June, until the beginning of cold weather. The variety differs from other species in that the inflorescences created by velvet flowers are dome-shaped. Leaves are richly bright in color, have an attractive appearance before the onset of frost. An adult bush has a height of only 1 m 20 cm. But we must pay tribute - the stems are very strong in order to withstand the weight of heavy inflorescences.

Hayes Starburst - has large inflorescences that do not form balls.

Alina Sokolova, specially for

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Hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea) - a plant that has a bright color and belongs to the class dicotyledonous, in the order of the corylomere, the hydrangea family, the hydrangea genus.

Latin name hydrangea hydrangea means "vessel of water". The Japanese have their own name for this miracle of nature - "adzisai" (flower - purple sun).

Hydrangea - description and photos. How does hydrangea grow?

Hydrangea oval leaves, large, with a sharp top and slightly noticeable venation. Gardeners fell in love with the hydrangea flower for its abundant and long flowering from spring to late autumn. The color range of these plants is varied: hydrangea is white and cream, pink and dark purple, blue and red. Hydrangea flowers form into inflorescences that are shaped like a ball, umbrella or panicle. The hydrangea fruit is a 2-5 split capsule that contains small seeds.

Artisanal and tree-like varieties of hydrangeas reach from 1 to 3 meters in height, they are quite wide and have a rounded shape. Liana species grow up to 30 meters in height, depending on the size of the tree that the plant climbs on. Also, the hydrangea flower can be deciduous or evergreen. In the temperate zone, mainly deciduous varieties of hydrangeas are grown.

How do I change the color of a hydrangea?

It should be noted that the color of the inflorescences can only be changed in the large-leaved hydrangea. The color of a hydrangea depends not only on the variety and variety, but also on the pH of the soil and the presence of aluminum in it. To change the color of a hydrangea, you need to water it with special fertilizers.

  • Blue.

The blue hydrangea is produced by the presence of aluminum in the soil. The best assimilation of aluminum occurs in acidic soil, poor in phosphorus salts. There is a commercially available water-soluble aluminum sulfate that is added to the watering can every time you water to keep the hydrangea blue. For 1 sq. m requires about 500 grams of aluminum sulfate. Be careful not to water the leaves of the plant.

  • Blue colour.

Blue hydrangea grows in acidic soils (pH 5.0 - 5.5). Watering the bush with elemental sulfur or aluminum phosphate will help make the soil acidic. In this case, the pH will decrease. Required amount elemental sulfur or aluminum phosphate should be selected depending on the type of soil and how much you need to lower the pH. Subsequently, the bush must be periodically watered with a solution of aluminum sulfate (15 g / l) in order to maintain the acidity of the soil in the desired state. Add 30-40 g of sulfate to 1 bucket of water. For 1 bush, 2-3 buckets of solution are required.

You can also add diluted apple cider vinegar, chopped grass, sawdust, coniferous bark, high-moor peat under the bush - these materials increase the acidity of the soil.

You can also reduce the acidity of the soil and achieve a blue color in hydrangeas with the help of fertilizers - these are fertilizers with a low phosphorus content, medium nitrogen levels and a high potassium content. You can not use superphosphate and bone meal - they give lush bloom, but increase the acidity of the soil.

  • Pink color.

Hydrangea pink grows in neutral and alkaline soils (pH 6.0 - 6.5). In such soil, hydrangea does not absorb the aluminum present in the soil, hence the pink tint of the flower. To alkalize the soil and change the color of the hydrangea to pink, you need to water the bush with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkle dolomite flour, chalk, ground limestone, and fluff lime under it. Acidity above 6.5 will be harmful to the plant, as it gives a deficiency of iron and magnesium, which hydrangeas need for growth. Therefore, you need to maintain the values \u200b\u200bof 6.0 -6.2.

To maintain the pink color of the plant, you need to feed the hydrangea with fertilizers high in phosphorus and nitrogen, but low in potassium - for example, ammonium monophosphate.

  • Purple or a mixture of pink and blue on the same bush.

Soil with a pH between 5.5 - 6.0 will produce purple flowers or a mixture of pink and blue on a single hydrangea bush. If you water the neutral soil with a weak 0.1% solution of ferrous sulfate (1 teaspoon per 7 liters of water), the hydrangea will turn purple.

Types of hydrangeas.

There are more than 80 different types hydrangeas: from shrubs and vines to small trees. Among all representatives of this genus, the most famous are the following:

  • Treelike hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea arborescens) bred in North America, grows up to 3 m in height. Inflorescences are mainly spherical white or cream in color, up to 15 cm in diameter. Blooms from June to September;

  • Large-leaved hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea macrophylla). The homeland of this species is China and Japan. Shrubs grow up to 4 meters in height. Inflorescences are shields, varied both in shape and color;

  • Hydrangea paniculata (lat.Hydrangea paniculata)grows in China, Japan and the south of Sakhalin, usually represents shrubs or trees up to 10 m high. The crown of this type of hydrangea is dense and round in shape. The flowers are large, the inflorescences are white, then they become pink;

  • Oak-leaved hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea quercifolia) - a species that came from the southern United States. The leaves of the oak-leaved hydrangea resemble a crown. Flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, in autumn they acquire a raspberry hue;

  • Stalked hydrangea (climbing, creeping, climbing) (lat.Hydrangea petiolaris)grows in Japan, Korea, Sakhalin . With the help of aerial roots, this type of hydrangea can rise to a height of 25 meters, like a liana. Inflorescences are friable, consisting of white-pink flowers. The petiolate hydrangea is used to decorate the walls of houses and gazebos;

  • Curly hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea scandens) - most often it is used as a synonym for petiolate hydrangea. This species is native to the south of Japan;

  • Serrated hydrangea (lat.Hydrangea serrata) – it is a low shrub with a fairly dense crown, reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Flowers are collected in shields 15 cm in diameter.

Where does hydrangea grow?

Hydrangea grows in the South and East Asia, in America and Russia. A wide variety of species of this plant are found in China and Japan. In Russia, frost-resistant types of hydrangea are mainly common, such as paniculate and tree-like.

Planting hydrangeas in spring or fall.

Hydrangea planting is happening in early spring or in the fall. Hydrangea seedlings should be planted in fertile and loose soil. This shrub prefers shaded areas, does not tolerate direct sunlight. When sunlight hits the hydrangea bush, plant growth instantly slows down, and the inflorescences become small and lose their color.

Hydrangea - watering. How to water hydrangea?

Watering hydrangeas should be done with soft water. Rainwater is best for this. If it is not possible to collect and store rainwater, watering is carried out with tap water, previously settled for 4-6 days. The water temperature for irrigation should not be lower than 15 degrees, since hydrangea has a very sensitive root system... In terms of the amount of moisture, each bush should receive at least 16 liters per week, and necessarily either early in the morning or late in the evening.