Rhododendron is the most frost-resistant variety. Rhododendrons: frost-resistant and other varieties in the photo

Rhododendrons, or azaleas, grow in many parts of the world. These shrubs of the heather family can reach the size of a small tree; compact small bushes and shale shapes are often found.

The color palette of blooming azaleas is very diverse, from delicate fawn shades to bright orange, purple and red colors. Some varieties of these heathers have a wonderful aroma.

Wild azaleas prefer a mild climate. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties of frost-resistant rhododendrons were bred, their description and photos are given in this article.

Equally well tolerated by cold and deciduous, and evergreen varieties. They are able to withstand frosts down to -40 ° C. Plants are unpretentious, they grow well on weakly acidic loose soil, prefer partial shade; some varieties are able to withstand direct sunlight.

The buds and leaves of these rhododendrons begin to open in spring almost simultaneously. Plants are usually completely covered with leaves masking flowers.

Canadian Rhododendron. (Rh. Canadense)

His homeland is eastern North America. Branched shrub does not grow above 1 meter. Lilac flowers with a diameter of 3 - 4 cm are collected in small brushes. The leaves are narrow, up to 5 cm long, slightly bluish. It can grow in the sun and in partial shade. It blooms in May-June, blooms 3 weeks. Tolerates temperature drop to -34 ° C. Flavourless flowers.

American varieties obtained by hybridization of the Canadian rhododendron possess very high winter hardiness. Modern varieties grow rapidly and bloom at an early age. The leaves are wide and oblong, up to 10 cm long. The crown is dense, sometimes spreading.

The flowers are painted in delicate colors: cream, white, pink, golden and lilac. They are not very large, but fragrant. Plants bloom in May - June, bloom for about three weeks.

Table: American Hybrids (Northern Lights Series):

Title Height cm Flower characteristics T, ° C
Rosy lights 20-50 Pink -42
Golden lights 90 — 180 Salmon yellow, large; strong aroma -37
Pink lights 240 Soft pink -42
Orchid lights 90 Lilac -42
Spicy lights 180 Pink with a touch of orange -37
Mandarin lights 180 Bright orange -39
Northern Hi-Lights 90 Pale yellow with an orange spot -35
Lemon lights 180 Pure yellow -35
Tri lights 180 Tricolor, white with pink edges and a yellow petal; strong aroma -34
White lights 150 Pale pink, then white -35
Candy lights 150 White and Light Pink -35
Apricot surprise 100 Small, semi-double, apricot; gentle smell -35

Japanese rhododendron. (Rh. Japonicum or molle ssp japonicum)

Homeland - Japan's islands in the north and in the central part. In our conditions, it grows in a dense shrub up to 90 cm high, its leaves are 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. It blooms profusely in May - June for up to 4 weeks. The flowers are large and fragrant, bright shades - orange, red, salmon, yellow. Winter hardiness is good, withstands temperatures up to -26 ° C. It can grow in partial shade and in the sun.


Evergreen semi-deciduous plants may partially drop foliage depending on the climatic conditions in which they grow. The representative of this species is the Daurian rhododendron, it is distributed in the foothills of Altai and is known as ledum.

A powerful bush can grow up to 2 meters. It has small leaves with a pleasant aroma and a very branched crown. Ledum blooms in April - May with small purple flowers that begin to bloom before the leaves appear.

Table: Varieties derived from Ledum:

Title Height cm Flower characteristics T, ° C
April dawn 100 Light pink, semi-terry, medium size -42
April reign 60 Small, pink, terry -37
April rose 100 Small, crimson, terry -42
April white 90 White, semi-double, medium size -42
Double white 80, spherical White, terry, medium size -37

Table: hybrids of the river. Daursky and r. Karolinsky:

Evergreen rhododendrons

With the onset of cold weather, the leaves of the shrub twist, and the vital processes of the plant slow down. Having survived the winter, when a positive temperature sets in, they take their previous shape.

Katevbin Rhododendron (Rh. Catawbiense)

Homeland - North America. A large-leaved tall bush with a dense crown can grow up to 4 meters. The leaves are large, their length is 15 cm, width is 5 cm. Large flowers are painted in white, purple and violet colors. It blooms in May - June, flowering lasts a month. Withstands frosts down to -32 ° C. It grows well in the sun and in partial shade.

Table: hybrids of the river. Katevbinsky:

Title Height cm Flower characteristics T, ° C
English roseum 180 — 240 Purple pink

May June

Nova zembla 180 — 240 Hot pink with burgundy spots -29
Album novum 250-300 White, with green-yellow veins -32
Boursault 180-200 Lilac violet with greenish yellow dots -29
Grandiflorum 200 Violet-lilac with golden dots, very large -26
Purpureum grandiflorum 250 Purple Lilac with Red Speckles -26
Roseum eleganse 300 Pink with red dots -32

The popular new variety Nova Zembla (pictured) tolerates heat and direct sunlight. His homeland is the Netherlands.

Finnish varieties

In Finland, in recent years, winter-hardy varieties based on Short-fruited rhododendron have been developed; they inherited the disadvantages of the parent:

  • Flowers bloom after the shoots are completely covered with leaves;
  • Delicate flowers quickly fade in the sun, it is better to plant bushes in partial shade.

The bushes have a compact crown; adult plants bloom magnificently. The leaves are bright green in color, often with a small edge on the underside. The buds of some varieties are also with an edge. All dried inflorescences must be removed, otherwise the plants may not bloom the next year. Blossom in May - June.

Table: varieties of Finnish selection:

Title Height cm Flower characteristics T, ° C
Pohjohla’s Daughter 100 Whites -34
Elviira 60 Reds -34
Nada 200 Dark pink -36
Hellikki 150 Red violet -34
HelsinkiUniversity 200 Whites -39
Mikkeli 100 White-pink turning into white -37
Peter Tigerstedt ’ 200 Whites -36

Rhododendron tight (Rh. Impeditum)

Homeland - China. The crown of the bush is very dense. He prefers to grow in the sun, is able to tolerate light partial shade. The flowers are small in size, bluish-purple, with a faint aroma. It blooms in May - June, flowering lasts a month. Re-flowers may appear in August - September. It tolerates a decrease in temperature to - 29 ° C.

Table: Varieties of p. Dense:

Title Height cm the flowers T, ° C
Azurika 40 Dark blue violet -29
Blaumaise 40 Bluish -26
Blue tit 100 Blue -29
Blue tit magor 120 Purplish blue -29
Buchlovice 50 Plain, lilac -26
Krumlov 50 Lilac -26
Luisella Purple pink -26
Moerheim 40 Purple -26
Ramapo 60 Purplish blue -23
Sychrov 50 Light purple -26

Video: varieties and types of rhododendrons:

A variety of frost-resistant varieties of rhododendrons allows you to create beautiful compositions from them in gardens in areas with a harsh climate. Tall shrubs are planted in groups and tapeworms, undersized forms will decorate the rock garden.


Having once enjoyed the splendor of rhododendrons in full bloom, you remain a passionate admirer of these plants for life. From year to year, they do not cease to amaze and enchant us with the generosity of flowering and the unsurpassed variety of shapes and colors of their flowers.

Among cultivated heather, the first place, both in terms of decorativeness and distribution in our gardens, belongs to rhododendrons. Scottish plant collector Robert Fortune brought these evergreen shrubs to Europe from east asia 160 years ago. Since then, thanks to the tireless work of breeders, much has changed. Varieties of rhododendrons have never been so numerous as today.

Rhododendrons differ not only in the variety of flower colors, but also in the size and shape of the bush, there are evergreen and deciduous. In autumn, deciduous shrubs delight with the brightest colors of foliage: from yellow, orange to fiery red and purple.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when the owners of suburban areas, subdued by the beauty of rhododendrons and azaleas, spontaneously acquire heat-loving hybrid plants brought from more southern regions for their garden. But the bushes planted on the site after some time can completely lose their decorative effect and die.

The key to success in growing rhododendrons is the choice of species and varieties that are winter-hardy in middle lane Russia, as well as compliance general rules planting and agricultural technology for this crop. Agricultural practices are quite simple and easy to do, but if, choosing planting material, you do not take into account the winter hardiness of plants, then all efforts will be in vain. After a harsh winter, the smallest loss is the death of flower buds (sometimes single flowers remain on the lower branches), but you can lose the whole bush. To avoid such troubles, planting material should be carefully selected. The assortment of rhododendrons that withstand the climatic conditions of central Russia is quite large and can satisfy the needs of a wide range of gardeners.

park rodendrons Hobbie. Posted by PLANTFOTO

The following are descriptions of fairly winter-hardy species and varieties of rhododendron, which can be recommended for cultivation in central Russia:

FINE Rhododendrons / Azaleas

1. Species rhododendrons and azaleas.

- Rhododendron Kamchatka (Rhododendron camtchaticum)

Dwarf pillow-shaped shrub, slow growing. Maximum height in a culture of 20-30 cm, width - 30-50 cm. Shoots are rough, at a young age they are very glandular-hairy. Leaves obovate up to 2-5 cm long, fresh green, red or yellow in autumn. Very beautiful at the time of flowering - from June - July more than 20 days. The flowers are dark pink or raspberry-purple, 2.5-5 cm in diameter, with dark specks, solitary or collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pcs.

Frost-resistant appearance (up to -28С), moisture-loving, photophilous. Recommended for rock gardens, small gardens, ideal in compositions with heather. It is better to plant in sunny places, the soil prefers well-drained, poor, loose, with a neutral reaction.

- Pontic Azalea (Rhododendron yellow, Azalea pontica, Rhododendron luteum)

Deciduous, sprawling shrub, 70 cm-2 m tall, greatly growing and reaching a width of 2 meters. The flowers are small, very fragrant, yellow or golden-orange collected in inflorescences of 7-12 pcs., Bloom before the leaves appear or at the same time, in May - June. The leaves are oblong-elliptic and oblong-lanceolate, finely serrated and ciliated along the edge, pubescent on both sides by diffused pressed iron-bristled hairs. In autumn, the leaves have a beautiful color: yellow, orange, red.

It grows relatively quickly, requires moist, humus-rich soils, and does not tolerate dry air. Gives abundant root shoot. It grows in the Caucasus and the Carpathians. One of the most reliable and unpretentious rhododendrons. It grows well in the light, on ordinary slightly acidic and neutral soils with the addition of peat or heather land.
The large intraspecific variability of this plant attracts the attention of breeders. Most modern varieties of deciduous azaleas originate from the Pontic azalea. Recommended for group and single landings on the lawn, as well as at the edges.

Lavender princesses (Ph. Lavender Princess) - purple hats of flowers.

-Japanese Rhododendron (Rhododendron Japoniicum)

Deciduous shrub 70-90 cm high. Originally from the Japanese Islands, where it grows on the sunny slopes of mountains, at heights up to 2000 above sea level. Leaves lanceolate up to 9-10 cm long and up to 3-4 cm wide. Funnel-bell-shaped flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm, most often orange-red, sometimes yellow, salmon, brick-red, with a pleasant strong aroma. It blooms unusually brightly and abundantly in May, with very large flowers, simultaneously with the blooming of young leaves, for 25 days. It is winter-hardy, unpretentious, and grows well on ordinary moist garden soils, in which horse peat is added.

- Canadian Rhododendron (Rhododendron Canadense)

Deciduous shrub 60-80cm high. Flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, purple-violet, sometimes white, with narrow, fancifully curled petals. Blossoms in April-May in a leafless state for 20-25 days.
Homeland - Northeast of North America, where it grows in sphagnum bogs and in wet forests. Fully winter-hardy, photophilous. Prefers moist, acidic soils with the addition of peat. It is among the ten most unpretentious species. Recommended for central Russia.

2. Hybrid deciduous azaleas

A series of hybrid varieties descended from Pontic azalea (Azalea pontica). Shrubs are 1 - 1.5 m tall and wide. The flowers are very bright in color: white, yellow, orange, red, pink. Bloom at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Winter-hardy, withstand temperatures drop to -29 C.


Cecile (Rh. Cecile) - A direct growing shrub with a spreading crown, 1.5-2 m high. Slow-growing. the flowers in the buds are pink; after blooming, they are light pink. More stable than evergreen species. A place protected from the wind, rich, moist soils, and sensitive to drought is recommended. Loosening the near-stem circle should be avoided, and faded inflorescences should be removed. Shelter for the winter, mulching is desirable. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Coccinea Speciosa (Rh. Coccinea Speciosa) - The flowers are small, orange with narrow petals. Slow-growing strictly vertical shrubs with a height and width of 1.5-2 m in old plants are asymmetric funnel-shaped. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Daviesi (Rh. Daviesii) - The flowers are creamy white with yellow dots. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Fireworks (Rh. Feuerwerk) - The flowers are orange-red or bright red. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Fireball (Rh. Fireball) - The flowers are deep red. Zone 5;

Gibraltar (Gibraltar) - The flowers are intense orange. Zone 5;

Hombush (Rh. Homebush) - The flowers are carmine pink, with narrow petals. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Juanita (Rh. Juanita) - The flowers are saturated pink with orange spots. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Klondyke (Rh. Klondyke) - The flowers are golden yellow or yellow-orange. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Persil (Rh. Persil) - White flowers with bright yellow dots. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Satomi (Rh. Satomi) - The flowers are delicately white and pink. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Anneke (Rh. Anneke) - Winter hardiness zone 5;

Cannons Double (Rh. Cannon’s Double) - Winter hardiness zone 5;

Fanhal (Rh. Fanal) - Winter hardiness zone 5;

Fashing (Rh. Fasching) - Winter hardiness zone 5;

Nabucco (Rh. Nabucco) - Winter hardiness zone 5;

Silver Slipper (Rh. Silver Slipper) - Winter hardiness zone 5.


1. Large flowered hybrid varieties

Cunningham White (Rh. Cunningham "s White) - A popular variety from the hybrid group of Caucasian species of rhododendron (probably the Caucasian rhododendron and the white-flowered form of the Pontic rhododendron), bred in 1850 by D. Cunningham. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m high. The buds are pinkish, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, white with a yellowish-green spot. It blooms from the first decade of May to mid-June. Winter hardiness zone 5, without shelter withstands frosts up to -24 C .;

Roseum Elegans (Rh "Roseum Elegans") - Katevbinsky rhododendron hybrid, obtained by A. Vaterrer in England in 1851. Evergreen, vigorous shrub up to 3 m tall. Annual growth is up to 15 cm. The crown is wide-round, closed below. The leaves are leathery, oval or narrowly elliptic, shiny, 7–8 cm long, 5–6 cm wide; when blooming, they are often reddish-brown, then dark green. The flowers are pink with a reddish-brown spot, 7 cm in diameter, widely funnel-shaped, collected in inflorescences of up to 15 flowers, the petals along the edge are slightly wavy. It blooms in June. Winter-hardy, provided that the plants are planted in places protected from the wind. It withstands frosts down to -27 ° C. Planted singly on a lawn, in groups against a background of conifers or deciduous trees. He lives in culture for a long time, prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, tolerates slight shading. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Liz Dark Purple (Rh. Lee "s Dark Purple) - Shrub 1.5 m high, grows very wide. The foliage is shiny, dark green. The flowers are dark, purple-violet with a dark yellow spot, 4.5 cm in diameter, large, spectacular, open in June. Winter hardiness zone 5, tolerates frosts up to -26C.

Blue Peter (Rh. Blue Peter) - The variety was bred in 1933 by the English breeder A. Voterer. The flowers are 4.8 cm in diameter, light lavender-blue with a dark red spot on the upper petal inside the flower. The edges of the corolla petals are slightly corrugated. Inflorescences are compact, with 20 or more flowers. It blooms in late May-June. The leaves are evergreen, large. Moderately growing shrub with a wide, sprawling crown, 1.2 m high. Requires a more secure location, can withstand temperature drops to -26 ° C;

Rhododendron Calsap

Rhododendron Yakushiman Arabella

Nova Zembla (Rh. Nova Zembla) - The variety was obtained at the beginning of the 20th century in the Netherlands. Tall shrub with a wide crown. The leaves are leathery, large, oblong-elliptic, up to 16 cm long and 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter underneath. The flowers are large, shiny, raspberry red with black dots, collected in compact inflorescences of 10 to 12 pieces. It blooms from late May to the second half of June. It tolerates frosts down to -29 ° C. Winter hardiness zone 5a. Planted singly or in groups on the lawn, along the road, at the edge of deciduous and coniferous trees, in places protected from the wind.

2. Species rhododendrons and their varieties

- Rhododendron katevbinsky (Rhododendron сatawbiense)
Evergreen shrub about 1-2 m high. Elliptic leaves 6-12 cm long, leathery, shiny. The flowers are reddish-lilac or purple with a diameter of about 5 cm, collected in dense multi-flowered inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. It blooms in May-June for about a month. Due to its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness, it is the most popular of evergreen rhododendrons. Endures open sunbut grows better in diffuse or lateral partial shade. Prefers acidic, moist peaty soils. It has many varieties, including hybrid ones, from crossing with other evergreen species of rhododendrons.


Al-Boom Elegance (Rh. Album Elegans) - ,

Album Novum (Rh. Album Novum) - ,

Cataractus (Rh. Caractacus) - ,

Grandiflorum (Rh. Grandiflorum) - ,

Purpureum Elegans (Rh. Purpureum Elegans) - ,

Purpureum Grandiflorum (Rh. Purpureum Grandiflorum) - Spreading hemispherical shrub. Blooms purple-lilac with a greenish spot flowers, collected in inflorescences of 15 pcs. Flowering since the beginning of June. Winter hardiness up to -30 C.

Roseum Elegans (Rh. Roseum Elegans) - The flowers are pink with a reddish-brown spot. Withstands frosts up to - 27 C.

Grandiflorum (Rh. Grandiflorum) - Received in England at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of the selection of Katevbinsky rhododendron from seedlings. One of the tallest varieties. Annual growth is up to 12 cm in height. The leaves are dark green, 10-15 cm long. The flowers are 6-7 cm in diameter, lilac-lilac with golden brown dots and a greenish-yellow spot, odorless, collected in inflorescences of 13 -15 pcs., Bloom in May-June. Very winter-hardy. Without shelter, adult plants can withstand temperatures down to -32 C. It is best to plant in penumbra and sheltered from the wind places - alone or in groups on the lawn.

Bourzalt (Rh. Boursault) - The variety arose as a result of selection of Katevbinsky rhododendron. Flowers with a diameter of 5 cm, purple-violet with a pink tint, have a greenish-yellow spot on one of the petals of the corolla, open in June. Flowers are collected in a compact inflorescence containing up to 15 flowers. Young leaves are yellow-green, darken with age. Winter-hardy up to -27 C. It is recommended to land in semi-shady, sheltered from the wind places.

Short-fruited (Rh. Brachycarpum) - evergreen shrub 150-200 cm high with a dense spherical crown. Leaves are large, 8-20 cm long, oblong-elliptical, leathery. The flowers are creamy white with a pinkish tan, wide-funnel-shaped, with a diameter of 4-5 cm, collected in dense racemose inflorescences of 12-20 pieces. Blooms in June-July 15-20 days. It is among the ten most winter-hardy evergreen rhododendrons. It is photophilous, but grows well on the north side of buildings and in reticulated penumbra. Thanks to the dense decorative crown, it is attractive from early spring to the very frosts. It is suitable even for public gardening. It is especially desirable for landscaping yards, where it can become the first truly evergreen shrub. With his presence, he enlivens floral and shrubby compositions, brings subtropical coloring unusual for the eye. It prefers light, well-drained, humus-rich, acidic sandy loamy soils.

The Hague (Rh. Haaga) - The color of the flower is dark pink. It is frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -36 C.

Helsinki University (Rh. HelsinkiUniversity) - The most famous hybrid of Finnish selection. Winter-hardy up to - 39 C. It is also able to withstand high humidity and temperature extremes. Shade-tolerant, 120 cm high. Blooms in June with light pink with an orange spot on the upper petal and maroon flowers on top of it. In inflorescences of 12-18 pcs.

P.E.M. Tigersted (Rh. R.M.A. Tigerstedt) - ;

Mikkel (Rh. Mikkel) - ;

River (Rh. Rekka) - ;

Elvira (Rh. Elviira) - ;

Helliki (Rh. Hellikki) - .

- Rhododendron yakushimansky (Rhododendron yakushimanum)
Slow-growing compact, spherical shrub, 0.5-1 m high, crown diameter up to 1.5 m. Leaves elongated, 5-10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, leathery, dark green above, with dense dark brown felt on top pubescence. Flowering is plentiful and long, from May to early June. The flowers are at first gentle pink, later white, with a diameter of up to 6 cm, collected in b - 12 pieces. Photophilous. Soil prefers fresh, peaty, rich in humus, slightly acidic or acidic. Winter-hardy, withstands winter frosts down to -22-26 C, depending on the variety, but at a young age it is better to shelter the plants. Recommended for rock gardens, group plantings in rocky gardens.


Almut (Rh. Almut) - The flowers are white;

Anushka (Rh. Anuschka) - The flowers are intense pink, pinkish-white inside;

Arabella (Rh. Arabella) - The flowers are red, inside is white, the corrugated edge is pink;

Astrid (Rh. Astrid) - The flowers are bright red;

Balkenegin (Rh. Ballkonigin) - The buds are pink-red, the flowers are light pink;

Blurettia (Rh. Blurettia) - The flowers are purple-pink with a corrugated edge;

Edelweiss (Rh. Edelweis) - The buds are light pink, white flowers;

Feling Snow (Rh. Falling Snow) - The buds are light purple, white flowers;

Fiction (Rh. Fantastica) - The flowers are red outside, light pink inside;

Flava (Rh. Flava) - The buds are golden yellow, the flowers are light yellow;

Kalinka (Rh. Kalinka) - An evergreen shrub of a hemispherical shape. Reaches 90 cm in height and 130 cm in width. The leaves are dark green, shiny. First, the flowers in buds are red, later ruby-pink, gradually brighten, with a yellow-green pattern. Winter hardiness up to -26C.

Kohiro Wada (Rh. Koichiro Wada) - The flowers are gently pink-white;

Marrakesh (Rh. Marrakesch) - The flowers are light salmon;

Polaris (Rh. Polaris) - Carmine buds, flowers are ruby \u200b\u200bpink, inside - light pink;

Schneekrone (Rh. Schneekrone) - The buds are pale pink, the flowers are bulky;

Silberwolke (Rh. Silbrwolke) - Pink buds, white flowers with yellowish dots;

Silver Lady (Rh. Silver Lady) - Buds pinkish red, white flowers;

Tatyana (Rh. Tatjana) - The flowers are intensely carmine-pink, inside - ruby, corrugated

- Caroline rhododendron (Rhododendron carolinianum)
Evergreen shrub with a height of 1 - 1.5 m. The crown is widely round. The bark is light brown. The leaves are elliptical dark green, 6-10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, bare above, densely covered with scales below. It blooms in May - June for about 3 weeks. The flowers are white or pink, about 3 cm in diameter, 4 to 9 in inflorescence, funnel-shaped, with a yellowish spot. Grows slowly, annual growth of about 5 cm. Photophilous. Soil prefers slightly acidic, light, moist. High winter hardiness. In the gardens planted in groups and singly on rocky areas.

In the USA, a group of winter-hardy honeycombs was obtained on the basis of Caroline rhododendron E. Mezitt:

P.J.M. Elite (Rh. P.J.M. Elite) - The flowers are pink-purple, blooms in May. It is distinguished by high winter hardiness. Winter hardiness zone 4. Resists frosts up to -35 C;

P.J. Mezitt (P.J. Mezitt) - The flowers are purple-pink. Hardy;

Regal (Rh. Regal) - The flowers are purple-red. Hardy;

Victor (Rh. Victor) - The flowers are lilac-pink.

- Rhododendron daurian (Rhododendron dahuricum)
Deciduous, but sometimes part of the leaves at the top remains wintering on the plant, a heavily branched shrub from 70 cm to 2 m tall. The leaves are small elliptical, densely covered with glands. Pink flowers of various shades, rarely white up to 4 cm in diameter. It blooms from late April to May until the leaves bloom. Undoubted advantage species is high winter hardiness up to -32 C, but may suffer from late spring frosts during flowering. It grows well on ordinary garden soil if horse peat is added to it. In nature, this species is widespread in the south of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It is he who is most often called "rosemary". Recommended for cultivation on the edges and in small groups under the canopy of light coniferous species, for example, larch.


- April Rose (Rh. April Rose) - The flowers are purple-pink, double. Winter hardiness zone 5;

- Double White (Rh. Double White)

- April Jem (Rh. April Gem) - The flowers are white, terry. Winter hardiness zone 5;

- April Reign (Rh. April Reign) - The flowers are light pink, terry. Winter hardiness zone 5;

- Rusty rhododendron (Rhododendron ferrugineum).

Slow-growing low, cushion-shaped shrub. Height 0.7 m, crown diameter up to 1 m. The bark is grayish-brown. The leaves are leathery, ovoid, 3-4 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide. Dark green above, shiny, with rusty scaly-shaped glands below. Flowering lasts from late May to late June for about 30 days. The flowers are pink-red, rarely white, diameter up to 2 cm, collected in inflorescences of 6-10 pieces. Photophilous. It transfers calcareous soils, but overlapped by a powerful humus layer, it is better acidic (pH 4.5). It is winter-hardy. Alpine slides, single and group plantings on the lawn with the participation of rusty rhododendron will decorate any garden.


- Tottenham (Rh. Tottenham)   - Plant height about 30-40 cm, pink flowers, winter hardiness zone 5.

  - Rhododendron tight (Rhododendron impeditum)

Evergreen, very dense, low pillow-shaped shrub, in nature and culture from 0.1 to 0.7 m tall. Shoots are short, densely covered with black scales. The leaves are small, widely elliptic, 1.5-2.0 cm long, up to 1 cm wide, scaly on both sides. The flowers are small, violet-blue 2.0-2.5 cm in diameter. It blooms in May - June, often repeatedly in August - September. One of the most valuable small-leaved and small-flowered evergreen species of rhododendron. It grows better on rich, fresh or moist soils. Photophilous, but tolerates minor shading. Adult plants winter in the snow, are quite winter-hardy, and bloom plentifully every year.


  Azurika (Rh. Azurika)   - The flowers are dark blue-violet, winter hardiness zone 5;

Blue Tit (Rh. Blue Tit)   - Tall variety, 1 m high. Blue flowers. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Blue Tit Magor   - Height up to 1.2 m., Flowers are large, light purple-blue. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Moyerheim (Rh. Moerheim)   - The flowers are purple. Winter hardiness zone 5;

Ramapo (Rh. Ramapo)   - A dense, compact shrub 60 cm high. Blossoms with lilac flowers collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces. Flowering since mid-May. Winter hardiness up to -29С. Winter hardiness zone 5;

  Luisella (Rh. Luisella)   - The flowers are light purple-pink. Winter hardiness zone 5.

  - Small Rhododendron (Rhododendron minus)

Evergreen rounded shrub with a dense crown, up to 1 m high, width up to 1.5 m. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, leathery shiny 4-10 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm are pale pink or carmine pink , collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces, blooms in June, prefers slightly acidic, rich soils and a bright location. It is frost-resistant, it is recommended to shelter young plants for the winter.

- Blushing Rhododendron (Rhododendron russatum)

Evergreen cushion-shaped shrub, up to 1 m high, crown diameter up to 0.8 m. It grows slowly. The leaves are small lanceolate up to 3 cm long, dark green above, reddish-brown below, densely scaly. Blooms in May for 25 days. The flowers are dark purple with a white throat, diameter up to 2.5 cm, odorless, collected 4 to 5 pieces. Photophilous. It prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soils. Winters with light shelter. One of the most beautifully abundant and annually flowering ornamental shrubs. Used in rock gardens.


- Lauretta (Rh. Lauretta) - flowers are violet-blue;

- Azurwolke (Rh. Azurwolke) - the flowers are bright saturated blue, winter-hardy;

- Blaufeder (Rh. Blaufeder) - flowers are bright blue-violet.

Rhododendron cultivation, soil, planting and care

The smoke and gas resistance of some rhododendrons allows their use in landscaping cities and industrial enterprises. They secrete in environment essential oils and phytoncides, thereby purify the air from pathogens and contribute to the improvement of the environment.

Rhododendron can be planted in a single bush on a lawn or under a canopy of trees. You can plant them in groups at the edge and in rows along the paths of a park or square. They will look great in compositions on alpine hills, in "Japanese gardens", in single and group plantings, hedges, decorative compositions in gardens, parks, squares, forest parks. They are perfect for landscaping public buildings (hotels, offices, lobby, theater lobby, etc.) and conservatories. This plant will be a decoration of the heather garden. From it you can create beautiful undersized and medium-height borders. Rhododendron is also suitable as a groundcover.

The soil

Rhododendrons prefer loose, humus-rich, water- and breathable acidic (pH 4.2 - 5.5) soil.It is advisable to add coniferous litter and finely crushed pine bark to it. Since these shrubs do not tolerate stagnation of water, drainage must be laid at the bottom - broken brick or sand, fine gravel with a layer of 15-20 cm.


When choosing a landing site, the best option would be a light partial shade created in the garden large trees. Avoid the sun and open areas where cold winds blow. The most favorable time for planting rhododendron is spring, as well as starting in September.
When choosing a place to plant a rhododendron, pay attention to which neighboring plants will surround your "rosewood".
The fact is that rhododendrons have a very compact and superficial root system. So, a bush with a crown size of more than a meter and a height of 1.2 m was the owner of the root system with a diameter of only 35-40 cm. Therefore, if among the neighbors of the rhododendron there are plants with a superficial root system (birch, oak, tall maple, willow, etc. .), then they will quickly "take" all the nutrients from the soil.

The most successful neighbors for rhododendron are larch, spruce and pine - that is, those plants under which rhododendrons grow in nature.
The planting pit, which should be 3-4 times wider and twice as deep as the size of the earthen coma of the seedling, is filled with a mixture: soil removed from the pit and peat soil in a ratio of 1: 1.

Before planting, remove the rhododendron bush from the pot and shake the root system with your hands a little, so that the roots "understand" that they are planted in a new, spacious place from a tight pot. If the roots and peat are intertwined so that it is impossible to do it with your hands, then it is worth trying to cut a lump with roots in several places with a knife.

Remember that these shrubs have a compact and superficial root system. When planting a rhododendron, it is impossible to deepen the root neck, otherwise you will not save the seedling from rotting, leading to death. When planting plants, you need to ensure that their root system is 2-4 cm higher than the soil level, taking into account its precipitation. After planting, the bush is watered, and the soil around it is mulched with peat, coniferous litter or crushed bark with a thickness of 3-5 cm. Mulching not only prevents the evaporation of moisture, but also maintains the desired acidity of the soil.

If rhododendrons successfully choose a place, carefully prepare the soil and mulch trunks, then care for them is minimal. In spring, it is useful to feed adult bushes with ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, superphosphate (20-50 g per 1 m2). If there are loamy and sandy loam soils on the site, then spring top dressing is combined with a slight acidification of the soil with a weak solution of oxalic or citric acid (3-4 g per bucket of water).

When in the heat of the leaves become soft and slightly shiny, the plants must be watered abundantly. Drying of the root coma should not be allowed.

It is better not to abuse the rhododendron haircut, only in the most extreme cases, sanitary pruning is carried out after flowering.


Weeding near-stem circles, watering and top dressing. For normal growth and development of plants, the soil should be fertilized three times per season: 1 - before flowering, 2 - immediately after it, 3 - in late July and early August.
During the first two dressings, about 20-30 grams of special instant fertilizer for rhododendrons or 2-3 grams of Kemira Station Wagon per 1 liter of water are applied under each plant. 5-10 g of urea or any other nitrogenous fertilizer are added to each serving.

During the third feeding, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate are added to each bush and some complex fertilizers with trace elements. From the last top dressing, completely eliminate nitrogen and reduce the proportion of trace elements. This composition promotes the maturation of rhododendron wood and prevents the growth of shoots, which can happen in the warm autumn.

Twice a year (in spring and late August), the soil under the rhododendrons is mulched with pine sawdust, peat, coniferous litter or crushed bark with a layer of 3-5 cm - this protects it from quick drying, the appearance of weeds and maintaining soil acidity.
Watering the soil during the season is regular, plentiful in the dry and hot season, 10 - 12 liters per plant 2-3 times a week. Spray plants whenever possible, especially during the period of active growth. The surest sign of water shortage is that the leaves become dull and droop, brown spots appear on their edges, similar to fungal diseases. Ideally, water for irrigation of Rhododendrons should be soft (rain or snow) and acidic, it should not have a lot of salts.
In the first year after planting, it is better to break all the buds so as not to weaken the immature plant (leave a couple if you can’t wait to make sure that you have chosen the variety that you wanted). In adult plants, after flowering, only a part of well-developed fruits are left to collect seeds, excess fruits are removed, which contributes to better flowering plants next year.

Preparing rhododendrons for winter

Successful wintering requires abundant watering of bushes before the start of winter, until the soil is frozen. In the first 2-3 years after planting, it is recommended to cover evergreen rhododendrons with spruce spruce branches, undersized rhododendrons with a completely dry oak leaf, more heat-loving varieties can be covered with burlap, which is pulled onto the frame. For deciduous rhododendrons, the bending of branches to the ground is used so that they are under snow in the winter. In late April - early May, shelter is removed gradually, first ventilating the bushes, then on a cloudy day the entire frame is removed, leaving a spruce branch to avoid spring sunburn. And in a few days you can remove it.
Compliance with these requirements, as well as regular top dressing with special fertilizers for rhododendrons, will help to get excellent flowering and healthy bushes.


Rhododendrons can be propagated both by seeds and vegetatively (layering, cuttings). Wild species are usually propagated by seeds, and varieties are most often propagated by cuttings and cuttings.

The full development of rhododendrons can interfere with their characteristic diseases and non-infectious lesions.

But more about that next time.

Information from the site "Magic of Nature":

and the Garden Center Paer + website:

Rhododendron is a semi-shrub of a deciduous or evergreen type from the family, at the moment, according to various estimates, it includes from 800 to 1000 subspecies, including that beloved by all gardeners, which is also called "indoor rhododendron". Translated from Greek, the name of this flower means a rosewood or a tree with roses.

Indeed, the flowers of this plant resemble a rose in their appearance. In vivo, rhododendrons are common in the Northern Hemisphere; these are South China, Japan, North America, Southeast Asia and the Himalayas.

Most often they can be observed along the banks of water bodies and on the slopes of mountains. The species diversity of rhododendrons is striking among them can be found creeping shrubs and plants with straight stems up to 30 centimeters.

The flowers of plants themselves are also diverse in size and shape, and in color. In size, you can see very tiny flowers and flowers - giants up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Rhododendron flowers are well preserved and cut. Only garden varieties observed more than 3000.

Garden varieties are represented by shrubby forms. The root system is superficial and compact enough.

The leaves can be both sessile and petiolate, the foliage on the shoots is next. The shape of the edge of the sheet is whole or serrated. Ovoid and obovate in shape. The color of the flowers is diverse - white, red, purple, lilac.

Flowers are collected in shields or brushes. The shape of the flowers depends on the variety and type of plant, it can be bell-shaped, wheel-shaped, tubular or funnel-shaped. Some varieties differ in aroma.

The fruit is formed in the form of a five-leaved capsule with small to 2 millimeter stick seeds. The root system is superficial, compact, formed from many fibrous roots.

Thanks to this, plant transplantation does not cause any special difficulties. AT natural conditions Rhododendron can grow as a single plant, or grow in groups and even form thickets in shady places at a sufficiently high humidity.

Types and varieties of rhododendron

Let us dwell on the most popular varieties that are grown as cultivated plants.

Widely distributed in the Primorsky Territory, China, Korea, Eastern Siberia and Northern Mongolia. It grows in coniferous forests, as well as on rocks. It is an evergreen spreading shrub that can grow up to 2-4 meters in height.

The stems are covered with gray bark, the shoots are thin, reddish-brown, at the ends have a slight pubescence. The foliage is small, leathery, the length of the leaf reaches 3 centimeters, the upper part is smooth to the touch, and the lower has flakes of green color, the intensity of which changes with age.

In winter, part of the foliage falls, part is preserved throughout the winter. This is an extremely frost-resistant species, it is able to tolerate a drop in temperature to minus forty degrees.

Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, the flowers themselves are large up to 4 centimeters in diameter, purple-pink. This species has 2 varieties:

  • Evergreen plant with dark leaves and purplish-purple flowers.
  • A short garden hybrid with bright bluish-red flowers in diameter reaching 5 centimeters.

Rhododendron Adams: lives in the Far East and Tibet, prefers mountain forest soils and rocky slopes. This is a shrub that reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters. The foliage is dense, matte, oblong in shape up to 2 centimeters, both in length and in width. Pink-colored flowers reach 1.5 centimeters in diameter; they are collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 7-15 units.

Rhododendron is Japanese. His homeland is Japan, in particular the island of Honshu. This deciduous branched shrub can grow in natural conditions up to 2 meters. The stems are bare, covered with silver bristles.

The leaves are oblong green, pubescent on both sides. In the fall, the leaves acquire orange red tint. Bell-shaped flowers in diameter reach 8 centimeters, gather in inflorescences, brushes, have an aroma. Inflorescences are orange, yellow or red. It blooms for several weeks in May. The species is winter-hardy.

Rhododendron Caucasian. In vivo grows in the Caucasus. It is an eternally green shrub up to 1.5 meters high with leathery, oval oblong leaves of dark green color.

Smooth sheet plate with outside and covered with hairs - on the underside. The flowers are funnel-bell-shaped, have a delicate aroma, the inflorescences are painted yellow with green spots, they are collected in brushes of 8-12 pieces. It blooms in early summer.

Decorative forms of this type:

  • Pink-white, begins to bloom earlier than the main species.
  • Brilliant, different dark pink inflorescences.
  • Golden yellow, has yellow inflorescences with green dots on the surface.
  • Straw yellow is distinguished by yellow inflorescences in red spots.

Schlippenbach Rhododendron. There are deciduous, low-branching shrubs up to 2 meters high, and compact trees up to 5 meters high. The leaves are wide oval in length reaches 12 centimeters with a width of 6 centimeters. The color of the leaves can vary from light green to orange in different seasons.

Flowers are particularly effective - these are wide bells with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. They gather in inflorescences, umbrellas of 6-10 pieces. The color of the petals is pink or white.

Rhododendron Yakushimansky - 1.5 meter forever green shrub. The foliage is oblong large. Flowers of the same large size bloom in pink, but gradually turn pale and become pure white. It blooms for a month from the end of spring or the beginning of summer. On the flowers, depending on the variety, there may be a contrasting rim or pharynx and a corrugated edge of the petals.

Rhododendron Hybrid. This is a group of forms and hybrids for garden cultivation. Its most popular varieties are:

Rhododendron Landing

Given the climatic conditions of Russia, it is better to choose winter-hardy varieties for cultivation. In the open ground, plants can be planted from mid to late spring.

In case of urgent need, a transplant into the soil can be carried out at any time of active growth, except for the flowering period and two weeks following it. It is better to choose a place for landing in the shade and on the server side of the buildings. Rhododendrons prefer loose, drained soil.

Choosing a landing place.When choosing a place for planting a plant, it should be taken into account that it is a photophilous plant, but can not stand direct sunlight, therefore, it requires shading and diffused light.

Ideal if there is a body of water near the landing site (pond, river, lake or pool). If not provided, then the plant will need additional spraying until flowering with warm and soft water.

During flowering, spraying can lead to stains on foliage, so it is replaced with more abundant watering. Among the neighbors, the best option is the location near the pine tree, since its root system is located at a sufficient depth, this neighborhood will not interfere with plants.

And sprawling pine branches will create the necessary shading. Plants such as linden, maple or birch are not the most favorable neighborhood, since they will take quite a large amount from the soil nutrients, and rhododendron will develop very slowly.

If such a neighborhood cannot be avoided, then preliminary isolation of the well for planting with non-woven material should be carried out.

How to plant rhododendron?

For planting, it is necessary to prepare a hole with a diameter of 60 centimeters and a depth of 40 centimeters. To prepare the soil, you need to take a mixture of 8 buckets of peat and 3.5 buckets of loam or 2 buckets of clay. This mixture should be carefully tamped and in it to prepare a hole for the earthen coma of the plant.

Before planting, the roots of the seedlings should be dipped in water and wait until all the air comes out and only after that proceed with planting in the ground. Cover the pit with the remains of the substrate and compact.

Next, you should moisten the plant well. The trunk circle should be mulled with peat, oak foliage, needles or moss for 5-6 centimeters. If there are buds on the plant at the time of planting, then they should be partially removed so that the plant is successfully rooted.

Rhododendron Care

Since the plant has a superficial root system, there is no need to loosen and dig up the earth next to the plant. And weeds, too, need to be removed only manually around the plant.

Pruning stems best in early spring, even before the movement of juices on the plant. After trimming, the slices need to be treated with garden var. After 30 days, sleeping buds begin to form on the cut shoots, which will give new shoots within a year.

Shrubs that are very old or severely damaged by frost to a height of 30-40 centimeters, in one year one half of the bush, in a year they trim the second half of the bush. To enhance the branching of the bush on the plant, pinch young shoots.

Rhododendron has a feature in the flowering intensity in different years, one year it blooms actively and abundantly, and after a year is quite modest.

To admire gorgeous flowers every year, after flowering is completed, wilted inflorescences must be removed, then the plant will spend its energy on the formation of buds next year.

Top dressing. Top dressing should be applied from early spring to the end of July. As fertilizer, you can use liquid top dressing from horn flour and cow manure.

To prepare the manure insist for several days in water in a ratio of 1:15. Before fertilizing the plant must be watered. As mineral fertilizers you can use ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, sulfate, nitrate or phosphate potassium, a solution of potash fertilizers.


You can propagate the flower using seeds, dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, as well as grafting and dividing the bush.

The easiest and most affordable way - reproduction by layering. Let's look at plant propagation by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and cuttings.

Propagation by seed. To obtain young plants, the seeds are sown in flat containers with moist peat or heather soil, with the addition of 1 part sand to 3 parts of the mixture. When planting, the seeds are not buried, as this prevents their germination.

For seeds, you need to arrange a greenhouse by covering the container with polyethylene or glass and expose it to a well-lit place. The greenhouse should be aired daily, water the seeds and remove condensate from the glass.

The first sprouts appear within a month. When the first pairs of leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be transplanted into more spacious containers according to the scheme 2 by 3 centimeters. The first year, seedlings live in a greenhouse, and move to flower beds from the second year of life. Such seedlings will bloom no earlier than in 6-8 years.

Propagation by cuttings. As cuttings, you can use semi-lignified stems 5-8 centimeters long. Lower leaves from the cuttings should be removed, and the cuttings themselves, on the one hand, should be kept in the root growth stimulator for 12-16 hours.

The rooting cuttings themselves are placed in a mixture of peat and sand (3 to 1) and a mini-greenhouse is organized with a jar or plastic bag. Rooting takes a long time from 1.5 to 4 months, depending on the variety.

After rooting, the plants can be transplanted into a new container with a mixture of peat and pine needles (2 to 1). Seedlings winter in a bright and cool room, at a temperature of 8 - 12 degrees.

In the spring-summer period, a box with seedlings can simply be dug in the garden, a plant can be transplanted to a permanent place in a couple of years.

Of the diseases, rhododendron is often followed by fungal diseases such as leaf spotting, cancer, chlorosis, and rust.

They, as a rule, arise in a situation of poor air exchange in the soil and stagnation of moisture. Spotting and rust can be defeated with preparations based on copper sulfate.

Chlorosis can be defeated by adding iron chelate to water for irrigation. Shoots and leaves affected by cancer must be cut and removed. All plants can additionally be treated with Bordeaux fluid as a prevention of cancer in early spring and late autumn.

Rhododendron Properties

In addition to decorativeness, this amazing plant also has useful properties that are used in the treatment of different diseasesboth in folk and traditional medicine.

Some varieties include andromedotoxin, ericoline, arbutin and rhododendrin. In the foliage of the plant there is ascorbic acid, the highest concentration of which is observed in the summer.

Rhododendron is characterized by antipyretic, analgesic, sedative, bactericidal action. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling, lowers blood pressure, and soothes the heartbeat. There is a useful rhododendron and contraindications.

It should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, and for people with diseases such as tissue necrosis and kidney disease.

But most plant species are poisonous, so you should not engage in self-medication, all rhododendron-based drugs should be taken strictly under the supervision of doctors, otherwise the flesh can lead to painful consequences before death.

Growing rhododendron in the suburbs

In breeding this magnificent plant in the midland of Russia, it is important to know a number of features that will certainly lead you to success.

Observing these simple rules, you can permanently settle on this site of this beauty as a single plant or as part of a landscape composition.


Azurvolke - A hybrid between the reddish rhododendron and the Blue Diamond variety. Received by G. Gahmann in Germany. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high. The crown is compact, round, wide, with a diameter of up to 1.5 m, shoots grow up. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, up to 3 cm long and about 1 cm wide, with scales on both sides. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue (azure), often dark violet, collected 4-5 in dense rounded inflorescences located at the ends of the shoots. It blooms from the first to the third decade of May. High decorativeness is given by luminous brightly colored flowers. It is winter-hardy. Used on alpine slides, in heather gardens, singly or in small groups.

"Percy Weisman"
Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

Photo Prikhodko Marina

"Il Tasso"
Photo Prikhodko Marina

Gold Tracht
Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

Saint Michel
Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

"Alfred" - Bred by German breeder T. Zaidel in 1899 when crossing the Everestiana cultivar with the Katevbinsky rhododendron. Evergreen shrub. The height is about 1.2 m, the diameter of the crown is 1.5 m. The crown is compact. Brown bark. The leaves are oblong-elliptic, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, paler below, without drooping, 7-15 cm long, 3-5 cm wide. It blooms in June. The flowers are purple-red with a yellowish-greenish spot, up to 6 cm in diameter, collected 15-20 pieces in dense inflorescences. Flowering annual, plentiful and long, more than 20 days. Seeds in boxed fruits are rarely tied and often poor-quality, that is, with low germination (10%). Annual growth of 3-5 cm. Photophilous, but can tolerate light shading. Soil prefers fertile, light, fresh, slightly acidic. Winter-hardy. Used alone on the lawn, in groups or along paths in gardens.

R.Katevbinsky "Alba Nova"
Photo of Gulko Larisa

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Blue tit
Photograph by Mandrico Natalia

Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Cunninghams White"
Photo by Igor Gorin,
digitization of Korzhavin Konstantin

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photograph by Mandrico Natalia

Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Gold Dust"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Golden Sunset"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo of Pavlova Natalia

Photo by Alekseeva Olga

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Juanita Knapp Hill"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Juanita" & "Fashing"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Kermensina Rosea"
Photo of Popova Anette

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Klondyke Knapp Hill"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Nova Zembla"
Photo of Pavlova Natalia

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo by Olga Bondareva

R.Katevbinsky "Rasputin"
Photo of Gulko Larisa
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

Photograph by Mandrico Natalia

Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

"Soir de Paris"
Photo by Olga Bondareva

Photo of Svetlana Sotnikova

"Arnosht Silva Taruka"  - a hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the cultivar Caraktacus was bred by B. Kavka from the Czech Republic in 1958. Evergreen shrub 1.5 to 1.8 m high, crown diameter 2.5 to 3 m, shoots grow up. The leaves are leathery, shiny, 10-14 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, glabrous on both sides, oblong-elliptical, dark green. It blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are large, wide-crowned, violet-pink in color with a carmine-red spot, the diameter of the flower is 7 - 8 cm, 8 - 12 pieces are collected in fairly dense inflorescences. It is winter-hardy in Europe, but in Russia light shelter for the winter with a dry leaf and spruce branches is necessary. Single plants or small groups are planted in the garden against the background of lawns or at the edge of light coniferous trees. Propagated by cuttings and grafting, should be more widely tested in amateur gardens of Russia.

Hybrid Rhododendrons
Exbury "Fireball" and "Golden Sunset"
Photo by Elena Solovyova

Rhododendron Hybrid
Exbury "Anabella"
Photo by Elena Solovyova

Rhododendron Katevbinsky
Photo by Elena Solovyova

"Catharine van Tol"
Photo by Elena Solovyova

"P.M.A. Tigerstedt"
Photo by Elena Solovyova

Photo by Elena Solovyova

Rhododendron repens groupe "Elviira"
Photo by Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Rosy Lights"
Photo by Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "White Lights"
Photo by Voronina Svetlana

Rhododendron "Fireball"
variety series "Knaphill"

"Rosy Lights"
The photo
Shakhmanova Tatyana

Rhododendron Daurian
"April White"
Photo of Mersiyanova Irina

"Berry Rose"  - The variety was bred in England in 1934 by Lionel de Rothschild. Deciduous shrub 1.5 - 2 m high. Medium-growth. Crohn is wide, compact. Young leaves are brownish, adults are bright green 4 - 5 cm long, 3 cm wide. It blooms from the last week of May to mid-June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot, 5 - 8 cm in diameter, with a smell. The buds are orange-red. The inflorescence is round, contains 10 to 14 flowers. It is a winter-hardy variety. The garden is planted singly and in groups in combination with others. decorative shrubs, a well-known variety in Europe.

Bieber - the variety was obtained by T. Seidel in Germany in 1900 when crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Milner variety. Evergreen shrub up to 2.5 m high, crown diameter up to 3 m. Crohn loose, shoots grow up. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, up to 10 cm long, 3 -5 cm wide, bare on both sides. It blooms in June - early July. The flowers are carmine-red, large, up to 6 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, lighter at the edges, collected in compact inflorescences of 12 to 15 flowers each. It is winter-hardy. Winters with light shelter with spruce branches and peat. It is used singly or in small groups against a lawn or coniferous trees. In Europe, popular, appreciated for large flowers and leaves, the duration of flowering. In Russia should be tested extensively.

Photo of Borsyakova Lena

Blue Peter - obtained by crossing with the Pontic rhododendron in 1933. Evergreen shrub. Height 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 m. The crown is slightly spreading. The bark is dark gray. The leaves are large 12-15 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, lighter underneath, without pubescence. It blooms from mid-May to June. Flowers with a diameter of 6 cm are light lavender-blue, inside with a dark purple spot on the upper petal. The edges of the petals are slightly corrugated. Inflorescences are compact of 20 or more conical-shaped flowers. It is decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering; large flowers and large leaves are beautiful. The fruit is a box. Seeds are tied, ripen at the end of October, germination below 50%. Annual growth of 7-9 cm. Photophilous. Soils are necessary peaty, moist, acidic. It is winter-hardy, but it is better to cover young plants with spruce branches. It is used in single and group landings, in places protected from the wind.

Blue Tit - a hybrid between dense rhododendrons and Augustine. Received by J. Williams in 1933 in England. Evergreen shrub up to 1 m high, the diameter of the crown is slightly more than 1.2 m. The crown is round, shoots grow up. The leaves are leathery, broadly oval or rounded, bluish-green, young - somewhat pubescent with hairs. It blooms from the beginning to the third decade of May. The flowers are light lavender-blue or sky-blue, collected in medium-sized inflorescences of 4 to 6 flowers, flower diameter 3.5 cm. It is quite winter-hardy variety. Planted in groups or alone on alpine slides or in heather gardens. One of top rhododendrons with blue flowers. Deserves tests in Russia in amateur gardening.

"Mother" s Day "
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Surrey Heath"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Coccineum Speciosum"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Golden Eagle"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Lady Roseberry"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Sun Chariot"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Windsor Peach Glo"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Salmon Sander"
Photo by Tatyana Shakhmanova

"Princess Anne"
Photo of Zarucheyskaya Natalia

"Temple Belle"
Photo of Mironova Irina

Bourzault - the variety arose as a result of selection of the Katevbinsky rhododendron in Germany and is named after the breeder Bourzault. Evergreen shrub. Height 1.5 - 1.8 m, crown diameter 2 - 2.4 m. The crown is spreading. The bark is dark gray. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, shiny, dark green, 10-15 cm long, 5 cm wide, green below, without pubescence on both sides. It blooms from mid-May to early June. The flowers are dark purple with a greenish yellow spot, diameter 5 cm, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 to 20 pieces. It blooms profusely and for a long time, 3-4 weeks. One of the best large-flowered varieties. The fruit is a box. Seeds are dark brown, ripen in late October. Annual growth of 6-8 cm. Photophilous, tolerates minor shading. Soil prefers fertile, light slightly acidic. It is winter-hardy. It is used in single and group plantings in amateur gardens.

"Violet" - a hybrid between the blushing rhododendron and the dense rhododendron. Evergreen, undersized shrub about 1 m high, with a wide spreading crown. The leaves are widely elliptical, 1.5 - 2 cm long and 1 cm wide, on both sides strongly flaky, leathery. Blooms in May for 3 weeks. The flowers are dark purple, collected in dense inflorescences of 16 to 22 pieces. It is winter-hardy. Planted in groups on the lawn, on rocky areas, in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Ledicanense"
Photo of Polonskaya Svetlana

"Gold Dust " - The hybrid was received in 1951 by L. Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub about 1.5 m high, crown diameter 2.5 m, wide crown. Shoots grow upward, green, when blooming slightly reddish-brown, pubescent. The leaves are light green, oblong-lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, about 2 cm wide, along the edge with rare ciliary hairs, which young leaves also have on the surface. It blooms from late May to mid-June. The flowers are orange-yellow with a pinkish tinge with a bright yellow spot, with a diameter of 6-8 cm, collected in compact round inflorescences of 6-11 pieces. The buds are red. It is winter-hardy. Used in groups on the lawn or in combination with evergreen rhododendrons.

Grandiflorum, or "Large-flowered" - obtained in England by A. Vaterrer at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of selection from seedlings grown from seeds of a wild-growing species - Katevbinsky rhododendron. Evergreen shrub. Height 1.5 -2m, crown diameter 1.5-2m. Crohn is spreading. The bark is dark gray. The leaves are leathery, elliptical, dark green above, lighter underneath, glabrous, 7-8 cm long, wide 5-6 see. Blooms in June. Lilac flowers with a greenish spot, b - 7 cm in diameter, odorless, collected 15 pieces in compact inflorescences. Decorative during abundant and prolonged flowering. The fruit is a box, the seeds ripen in October. Vigorous and fast-growing shrub. Annual growth of 6-10 cm. Photophilous, shade-tolerant. Prefers fertile, fresh, slightly acidic or acidic soils. Winter-hardy. It is better to plant in semi-shaded and protected from the wind places. Planted singly and in groups in gardens on the lawn, along the paths - in rows.

Grishtede - A hybrid between rhododendrons blushing and dense. The variety was obtained in 1961 in Germany. Evergreen undersized shrub about 0.5 m high, crown diameter 0.8 -1 m. Crohn is wide, round, compact. The leaves are leathery, narrowly elliptic, 2 - 4.5 cm long, bluish-green, when blooming, pubescent with filiform hairs. The flowers are shiny, lilac-blue, without a spot, with a diameter of 2 - 3.5 cm, collected 2 to 7 pieces in round inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Single flowers are rare. Flowering time: from late April to mid-May. It is moderately winter-hardy, tolerates low temperatures (- 18 - 20 ° C), in Russia it can be grown with shelter. Use alone and in groups on alpine slides and in heather gardens.

Rhododendron "Berryrose"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Blanice"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Klondike"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Milan"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Moravanka"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Nicholaas Beets"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Oslava"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Otava"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Panenka"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Petr"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Profesor Jersov"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Rohiimii Kavka"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Rose Marie"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Saturnius"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Sylphides"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Vilem Heckel"
Photo of Irina Terry

Rhododendron "Vltava"
Photo of Irina Terry

Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

Humboldt - evergreen, compact shrub 1.5 - 2 m tall, strongly branched. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptic, up to 12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, dark green above, paler below, shiny, glabrous. The flowers are light purple-pink with a dark red spot, collected in a dense inflorescence of 15 to 18 pieces. Blooms profusely in June for three weeks. Winters with light shelter (leaf and spruce branches). In the garden, they are planted singly or in groups on a lawn, against a background of tree species, in rows along the roads. It is recommended to test more widely in the temperate zone of Russia, primarily in amateur gardening.

"Yellow Light"
Photo by Andrey Ganov

Gassen - the variety was obtained by the German breeder T. Zay-del in 1906. when crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron with the Karl Mitte variety. An evergreen shrub 2.5 -3 m high, the diameter of the crown usually exceeds the height by 1.5 times, the crown is wide and quite dense. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7-12 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter underneath. The flowers are large, carmine, about 6 cm in diameter with a brown spot on the upper petal and shiny bright stamens, collected in dense inflorescences of 15 to 20 pieces. Blooms profusely in late May - early June. It is winter-hardy, adult plants winter without shelter. Single and group plantings against a lawn or in combination with deciduous rhododendrons and other ornamental shrubs in places protected from the wind are spectacular. Deserves widespread testing in amateur gardening in Russia.

Dagmar - A hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. The variety was obtained by breeder B. Kavka in the Czech Republic in 19b5. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m high. The crown is wide, compact, with a diameter of up to 2.5 m. Shoots grow upward, widely, diverging to the sides. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7-12 cm long, about 5 cm wide, smooth, dark green. The flowers are light pink with a yellow-green or yellow spot on the upper petal, with a light aroma, collected in b - 8 pieces in round inflorescences. Flowering time: from mid to late May. Blooms for two weeks. The variety attracts attention with dark green leaves and fragrant flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, however, in winters with little snow it should be covered with spruce branches, tying it around the plant. Spectacular both single and group plantings in the gardens, it is advisable to plant in places protected from the wind.

Jackson - a hybrid between the Caucasian rhododendron and the Nobleanum variety, obtained by W. Herbert in 1835 in England. Evergreen shrub from 1.5 to 2 m tall; the crown is round, compact, the branches are low, the diameter of the crown is about 3 m. There is a stunted form 0.6 - 0.8 m high. It grows slowly. The leaves are leathery, oblong, dull green, brownish below, with curled edges, up to 10 cm long. When blooming, the flowers are pink, later white with yellow spots on one of the petals, collected 8 to 12 in dense rounded inflorescences. It blooms from late April to mid-May. In central Russia, it suffers from early spring frosts. It is used in single or group plantings, in sheltered places of the heather garden. The variety is appreciated for its early flowering.

"Irena Koster" - a hybrid of the western rhododendron. The variety was obtained by F. Coster in Boscope (Holland). Deciduous shrub 2–2.5 m high. Annual average growth of 6–8 cm. The crown is wide-round, diameter up to 5.5 m. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, 4–10 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, along the edge with cilia, on both sides covered with bristly hairs, yellow or crimson in autumn. The flowers are pure pink with a yellowish-orange spot, 5 - 6 cm in diameter, with strong smell, collected in round inflorescences, compact, 6 to 12 flowers. Flowering time: end of May - beginning of June. It is a winter-hardy variety for central Russia. Used in groups of 5 to 7 plants next to evergreen rhododendrons with later flowering. Deserves widespread in amateur gardening.

"Caractacus" - the variety was bred by the English breeder A. Vaterre in 186 5 from Katevba rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, the diameter of the bush exceeds its height. The growth of the bush is strong, annual growth is up to 10 cm. The crown is wide. The leaves are large, 7-15 cm long, dark green, shiny above, paler below, young slightly pubescent, then bare. The flowers are purple-red with a lighter center, with a diameter of about 6 cm. The inflorescences are dense, contain 15-20 flowers. Flowering time: all of June. The variety is quite winter-hardy, but better retains flower buds with a light shelter for the winter with spruce branches. In the garden planted in groups or along paths in a place protected from the wind. One of the most decorative large-leaved and large-flowered rhododendrons. Winter-hardy in the temperate zone of Russia.

Photo by Elena Mumrina

Cunningham - The most popular variety of Caucasian rhododendron, bred in 1850 in Edinburgh by J. Cunningham. Evergreen shrub. Height up to 2 m, crown diameter 1.5 m. The crown is compact. The bark is dark brown. The leaves are leathery, oblong, bare above, dark green, lighter underneath, with brown glands, 4–6 cm long, 2–3 cm wide. It blooms in May - mid-June. It is plentiful and long flowering (3 weeks). The flowers are white with a yellowish-brown speck, with a diameter of 3.5 cm, collected in dense inflorescences of 10 pieces. Annual growth of 3-5 cm. In the culture is durable. 100-year-olds are known in Europe. Photophilous. Shade tolerant. Unpretentious, tolerates alkaline soils poor in humus and shading, hygrophilous. It is quite winter-hardy, therefore it is a good stock for many winter-hardy varieties of rhododendron. Recommended use in hedges that are grown without cutting, in groups or single plantings.

Lavende Girl - the variety was obtained in 1950 by V. Sloccoco when crossing Fortune's rhododendron and the Lady Gre Egerton variety in England, in the Woking nursery. Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall and fairly wide, up to 4 m in diameter with a dense crown. The leaves are leathery, young light green, old dark green, bare on both sides, 7-12 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, oblong. It blooms profusely in the summer in June - early July. The flowers are fragrant, large, up to 8.5 m in diameter, soft purple, the border of the petals pink, lighter in the middle, completely white at the base, yellow spots on the upper petal. Inflorescences in b - 12 flowers, loose. In winter, plants need to be covered with spruce branches to preserve flower buds; in severe winters, a shelter from shields and a glassine should be built. It is better to use in group or single plantings in gardens, where you can provide thorough care and shelter for the winter. It attracts special attention due to large flowers and leaves, a long flowering period.

Dark Purple Lee or Dark Purple Lee - the variety was obtained in 1851 when crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Maximum rhododendron in England. Evergreen shrub. Height about 2 m, crown diameter 3 m. Crohn loose, wide. Brown bark. The leaves are leathery, dark green, almost black, 6-7 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide. It blooms from late May to mid-June. Abundant and prolonged flowering (at least three weeks). The flowers are dark purple, almost purple, with a tan spot, collected in inflorescences of 15 pieces. Annual growth up to 10 cm. Photophilous, but shade-tolerant. Soil prefers fertile, light, slightly acidic, moist. It is winter-hardy. It is better to plant in places protected from the wind. Flowers and young shoots in sunny places quickly fade. Effective in group and single plantings along the paths in the garden, in the form of a hedge.

"Maria Oliva Shlikova" - A hybrid between the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Bred at the Institute of Decorative Horticulture in the Czech Republic in 1955, introduced to the culture in 1958. Evergreen large-leaved and large-flowered shrub about 2 m tall, crown diameter 2.5 -3m. The shape of the crown is round, closed. The leaves are oblong-elliptic, leathery, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green on top, bluish plaque below, with curved down edges. It blooms in the second half of May. The flowers are pale purple-pink, on one of the petals a dark red pattern is noticeable. The diameter of the flower is 5.5-9 cm. The inflorescence is compact, round, of 10-14 flowers. It is moderately winter-hardy, in Russia a thorough shelter for the winter is needed in the form of a roofing house or shields. It is recommended only for amateur gardeners who are able to provide individual care for plants and compliance with the features of agricultural technology. In Europe, because of its high decorative qualities, it is recommended for expanding the assortment of urban gardening and for industrial propagation and cultivation.

Nova Zembla - the variety was obtained from the free pollination of rhododendron of the Katevbinsky variety "Persona Gloriosum" in 1902 in Boscope (Netherlands). Evergreen shrub, up to 3 m high and rather wide loose crown up to 3.5 m in diameter. Shoots grow straight up. The leaves are leathery, large, oblong-elliptical, up to 16 cm long and 5 cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, lighter underneath. It blooms from late May to the second half of June. The flowers are large, shiny, red with a black spot. Collected in compact inflorescences of 10 to 12 flowers each, flower diameter 4.5 - b cm. It is winter-hardy in Europe, but it is necessary to shelter in central Russia! Planted singly or in groups on the lawn, along the road, at the edge of deciduous and coniferous trees, in places protected from the wind. The variety is very decorative, widely cultivated in Western Europe. One of the best red hybrids, deserves a wide test in Russia.

"Oxidol" - The variety was obtained in 1947 by Lionel de Rothschild in England. Deciduous shrub up to 2.5 m high and a crown diameter of about 3 m, with straight and strongly growing shoots, green with a reddish-brown hue. Leaves are green, yellow or crimson in autumn, long 6-8 cm, 2.5 - 3.5 cm wide. Blossoms from the last week of May to the second half of June. The flowers are pure white, with a faint yellow spot, slightly wavy along the edge, the diameter of the flower 6-8 cm, rarely up to 9 cm, 6 to 10 flowers are collected in compact inflorescences of a rounded or wide-round shape. Cream buds. It is a winter-hardy variety. It is used in small groups in combination with coniferous shrubs: junipers, cypresses.

Rhododendron Japanese grade "Dimon"
Photo of Sergeyev Alexander

"Panenka" - the variety was obtained by B. Kavka in the 60s when crossing the magnificent rhododendron with the variety "Caraktacus". An evergreen shrub with a height of 1.5 m, with a wide rounded crown exceeding the height, shoots grow upright. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 7 - 12 cm long and 3 - b cm wide, light green with a bluish bloom. It blooms from mid-May to the first half of June. The flowers are light pink, the fringe or the edges are darker than the base, wide-bell-shaped, fragrant, with a diameter of more than 6 cm. The bud is darker than the opened flowers. On the upper petal there are ruby \u200b\u200bred spots. It is winter-hardy, but in harsh winters it is better to cover it with spruce branches and leaves. Used singly and in groups in gardens and parks.

"Pink Deligt" - the variety was bred by E. Rothschild in England in 1951. Deciduous shrub 1.4 m high. The diameter of the crown is 2.2 m. The crown is wide, round, loose. Shoots are green with a faint reddish tinge. The leaves are light green, falling, oblong, up to 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, yellow or crimson in autumn. It blooms from the third decade of May to the first half of June. The flowers are pink with a yellow spot on one of the petals, collected in small loose inflorescences of 3 to 7 flowers in each. The buds are red. Winter-hardy, but young plants should be covered for the winter! Planted singly or in groups in amateur gardens.

Prekoks - a hybrid between the Daurian rhododendron and the ciliary rhododendron. The variety was obtained in 1855 by breeder Isaac Davis in England. Evergreen shrub about 0.5 m high, less often 1 - 2 m, upright, with loose spreading crown. The leaves are elliptical or lanceolate, 4-7 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, shiny, green above, paler below, along the edge with cilia, top and bottom with scales, fragrant. It blooms in early spring, in April (in Europe in March - April, sometimes in February). The flowers are brilliant, lilac-pink, with a diameter of 2.5 - 3.5 cm without a spot on the petals, collected in inflorescences of 2 to 3 pieces. Sometimes single flowers are found at the ends of shoots. Winter hardy grade. Planted in groups and singly on the lawn and alpine hills. Unpretentious, sometimes in the forests of Europe it grows like a feral plant, without any care, it is appreciated by gardeners as a very winter-hardy variety.

Purple Splendour - The variety was developed on the basis of the Pontic rhododendron by A. Watererer in England, around 1900. Evergreen medium-sized shrub, height 2 - 2.5 m, the crown is compact, about 3 m in diameter. The leaves are large 15–18 cm long and 5–9 cm wide, oblong-lanceolate, shiny, dark green, bare on both sides, veins somewhat deepened. It blooms in late May - mid-June. The flowers are broad-roniform, dark purple, on the upper petal with a black-brown spot, which enhances the dark color. The edges of the petals are slightly wavy. Inflorescences of 15 to 20 flowers, Ku-shaped. Winters with shelter in Russia. In Europe, this variety is called the "king of purple." It is widely used in amateur gardening, especially in England. In Latvia showed good winter hardiness. Easily propagated by vaccination.

Ramapo - a hybrid of equally high rhododendron and Karolinsky rhododendron, obtained in New Jersey (USA) in 1940 by breeder Naring. A low-growing evergreen shrub 0.6 m high and a crown diameter of 1.5 - 2 m. The crown is compact, wide, flat. Leaves oblong-lanceolate 2-3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, leathery, scaly on both sides, fragrant. Young leaves are gray-green, old ones are bluish-green, shiny. It blooms the first three weeks of May. The flowers are pale lilac, small, collected 2 to 3 or 3 to 5 at the ends of the shoots. The diameter of the flower is 2-3 cm. The variety is quite winter-hardy, as it winters under the snow, preserving the flower buds from frost damage. Used on alpine slides in heather gardens. Effective during flowering and autumn due to the beautiful color of the leaves. It attracts gardeners like dwarf rhododendron. It has special soil requirements: prefers acidic, moist, loose, with good drainage.

"Rose Marie" - the variety was bred by B. Kavka in the Czech Republic in 19b5 when crossing the magnificent rhododendron and the Pink Pearl variety. Evergreen shrub 1.2 m high. The diameter of the crown is more than 1.5 m, the shape of the crown is spreading. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptic, 5-15 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, light green with a waxy gray coating on top, bluish-green underneath, unabashed, slightly glossy. Blooms in May for three weeks. The flowers are pale pink, towards the middle are whitish pink with a purple tint, 8 - 9 cm in diameter. Flowers are collected in 6-14 pieces in spherical compact inflorescences, with a faint odor. In the south of Russia (the vicinity of Sochi, Adler) does not need shelter. In central Russia, plants at a young age must be carefully covered, building a frame. Adult plants protect with peat and spruce branches. Planted in groups in a clearing or at the edge of the forest.

"Rose Elegance" - a hybrid of the Katevbinsky rhododendron, obtained by A. Watererer in England in 1851. Evergreen shrub with a height of 3 m. Annual growth of 15 cm. The crown is wide-round, closed below, the diameter of the crown is 4 m. The leaves are leathery, oval or narrowly elliptic, shiny, 7-8 cm long, 5 - b cm wide, often reddish when blooming brown, then dark green. It blooms in June. The flowers are pink with a reddish-brown spot, 7 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, petals slightly wavy along the edge. Inflorescences are compact, of 15 flowers. Winter-hardy, provided that the plants are planted in places protected from the wind. Planted singly on the lawn, in groups against a background of coniferous or deciduous trees, in rows along the paths. He lives in culture for a long time, prefers fertile, slightly acidic soils, tolerates slight shading.

Susan - the variety was bred by J. Williams in 1930 as a result of crossing the bell-shaped rhododendron and Fortune's rhododendron. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m high, with straight, but widespread branches. The diameter of the crown is equal to or slightly higher than the height. The leaves are leathery, large, up to 15 cm long and up to b cm wide, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, bottom with red felt, brownish when blooming. It blooms from late May to mid-June. The flowers are broad-crowned, corrugated, pale purple, the edges and veins are darker, on the upper petal there are dark purple specks. The variety is very beautiful during flowering due to large inflorescences and delicate flowers. In central Russia, it can winter with shelter, in the southern regions - without shelter. Planted in groups or alone on a lawn and coniferous background, in hedges only in the south (Sochi, Adler, etc.).

"Fastozum Flora Pleno" - the variety was obtained by crossing the Katevbinsky rhododendron and the Pontic rhododendron around 1846. Evergreen shrub, height 1.8 - 2.5 m, crown diameter up to 3 m. Annual growth 10-15 cm. The crown is widely oval, dense. The leaves are large, 10-28 cm long, 8-9 cm wide, bare on both sides, with a slightly wrapped edge. The flowers are large, 4.5 - b cm in diameter, double, light purple with a golden yellow spot inside the flower. Inflorescences are large, 10-15 flowers in each, dense, 10-15 cm in diameter. Mass flowering in June, again less plentiful - in September. It is winter-hardy, adult plants winter without shelter. Planted in small groups of 3 or more plants against a background of conifers. It is better to plant in semi-shady and sheltered from the wind places, in the dry summer, abundant watering and spraying of plants (sprinkling) is recommended.

"Flava" - a hybrid between Ward and Yakushimans rhododendrons, received by D. Gobbi in Germany in 1979. Evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 1.2 by the age of 20, rarely 2 m. The crown is quite compact, wide-round, squat (flattened or pressed), 1.8 m in diameter. It grows slowly. The leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, shiny, 5-6 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. The flowers are light yellow with a red spot at the base of one of the petals, wide-crowned, collected 5-8 pieces per inflorescence. Flowering time: from late May to mid-June, for three weeks. It is winter-hardy, only young plants in the first winter after planting should be covered with peat. Use alone or in groups at rock gardens, in heather gardens, together with other ornamental shrubs of a different color of flowers or flowering time.

Lavender - a hybrid between several rhododendrons. Received by D. Gobbi in Germany in 19b7. Evergreen undersized shrub with a height of 0.8 -1m; the crown is compact, wide, shoots grow up. The leaves are leathery, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical 2.5 - 4.5 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide, green, become bronze in winter, with aroma, the leaves are covered with brown scales from below. The flowers are soft lilac (lavender) with a green or brown spot, the diameter of the flowers is 5-6 cm. They are collected in inflorescences of 3 to 5 pieces, the edges of the petals are wavy. It blooms profusely and continuously in May. It is winter-hardy, winters under the snow. In gardening practice, a winter-hardy variety suitable for rocky and heather gardens, both in sunny and shaded places, is highly regarded. Deserves widespread testing in Russia.

Vike Scarlet. The variety was obtained by Weiks van Mess in 1954 in Holland and belongs to the group of Japanese azaleas. A semi-evergreen shrub 1.5 m high. The crown is loose, up to 2 m in diameter. The leaves are elliptical, 5-7 cm long, shiny on top, green, lighter on the bottom, pubescent on both sides. The flowers are wide-crowned, up to 5 cm in diameter, dark carmine. Flowering time: from late May to mid-June. Winters with light shelter with a leaf or peat. Is used for alpine slides and heather gardens, can be planted in small groups or singly in protected places.

"Progress" - A hybrid of the Caucasian rhododendron. Evergreen shrub with low-growing shoots growing up, height 2.5 -3m, crown diameter about 3.5 m. In youth, grows slowly. The leaves are leathery, oblong-elliptical, 6-8 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, dark green. The buds are dark pink, the flowers when blooming are lilac-pink, later - white-pink with a dark red stain and fringed edges of the petals. The inflorescence is compact, consists of b - 8 flowers. Flowering time: from the beginning to the end of May, about three weeks. Winter hardiness is very good. Use alone or in groups on a lawn or against a background of trees, along paths in the garden.

"Cunningham" s White ". Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall, crown diameter 60 cm. A popular variety from the Caucasian rhododendron group, with white flowers. Bred in 1850. In GBS, seedlings were obtained from Poland in 1988 (1 copy), from Riga in 1986 (12 copy). It grows from 11 .V ± 4 to autumn frosts. Annual growth of 4-5 cm. Blossoms from 8-10 years, from 15.V ± 3 to 4.VI ± 5, about 3 weeks. Fruits are not tied. Winter hardiness I (II). Rooted cuttings of 80% when treated with a 1% solution of IMC "dry" way.