How to root an indoor hydrangea. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in the fall - step by step instructions

Hydrangeas are ornamental flowering plants that, depending on the size of the bush, can be grown in the garden or in indoor conditions... Possess excellent deciduous mass and delight abundant flowering... If you want to grow with your own hands, without resorting to buying planting material, then you need to know some secrets. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings allows you to preserve all the decorative properties inherent in the species and quickly get a beautiful flowering plant.

the propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water and soil is used both in individual floriculture and on an industrial scale. 4 suggested on this page effective methodthat give excellent results with minimal effort.

For starters, you should stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • hydrangea cuttings, prepared in advance;
  • earthen mixtures with a loose structure, moss, sand;
  • vermiculite and other types of materials for dropping cuttings;
  • various planting containers, pots, flowerpots;
  • settled water at room temperature;
  • garden shears and secateurs with sharpened blades;
  • special chemical compositionsthat stimulate rooting;
  • chipped bricks, river small stone or other type of drainage;
  • garden shovel.

Method 1: how to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in the ground

Before propagating hydrangea by cuttings in the ground, it is necessary to resolve the issue of planting material. Cuttings can be taken from old bushes that have stopped blooming. To do this, it is necessary to dig out individual shoots and thoroughly clean them of soil and a layer of mulch.

Then we remove all dried and damaged roots and processes with pruning shears.

Make sure to keep at least 3 flower buds.

Cut off the top carefully. Optimal size planting cuttings are from 12 to 17 cm.Do not harvest planting material from diseased plants.

After cutting, the material is soaked for half an hour in a solution of fungicides and antibacterial drugs. The first method is suitable for those gardeners who already have at their disposal a decent number of hydrangea varieties.

2nd way to grow a hydrangea with your own hands

For indoor cultivation of this plant, you can use the 2nd method. It consists in the fact that rooting is carried out directly in a vase in a special soil.

In order to grow a hydrangea with our own hands, we prepare cuttings. Next, a mixture of nutrient soil and sand is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. sand can be replaced with vermiculite. The planting containers are filled with the finished substrate. Spills with water.

Selected cuttings are cut with pruning shears to a height of 17 cm.The cut points should be 5 cm above and below the outer leaf buds.

It is necessary to cut off all the leaf mass. This stimulates root formation.

We lower the lower part of the cutting into the solution to speed up the rooting process. Usually, a ready-made liquid formulation purchased from a specialty store is used. But you can make it yourself from powder. Can be left in solution for 12 - 24 hours.

Holes of suitable diameter are made in the ground. The soil around is compacted. The depth of the holes should be at least 5 cm, maximum 10 cm. Cuttings are inserted into the holes and squeezed with earth.

This is followed by the rooting process, which can take up to 3 weeks. To improve this process, you can cover the cuttings on top with a glass jar or plastic greenhouse.

Watering is carried out as needed (drying out the soil coma). Temperature environment should not fall below 16 degrees Celsius. The optimum temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

After 20 days, you can check the quality of the formation of the root lobe. To do this, the handle can be slightly pulled up. If resistance is felt, then the roots are formed evenly in the required volume. In this case, it is possible to transplant the cuttings to a permanent "place of residence".

3rd method of propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings from a bush

In addition to the agronomic operations described above, there are still available methods. For example, the 3rd method of propagation of hydrangea by cuttings is suitable if you have a sufficiently young and strong bush.

Bend the bottom branch so that it touches the ground.

A nutrient substrate is poured into a previously dug hole. The middle of the branch is slightly deepened into it. Sprinkle with earth on top, watered and covered plastic wrap... Pressed by a brick or other heavy object.

water periodically so that the ground under the film is always moist.

After 2 weeks, remove the film, lightly scrape off the soil and check the condition of the roots.

If the result is negative, weight the brick and leave it for another 2 weeks.

After forming your own root system, prune from the mother plant.

After 2 weeks can be transplanted to permanent place... For this, a new plant is dug out with a shovel. Try not to damage the earthen ball.

After landing in a permanent place, provide partial shade for 7-10 days. Water regularly.

4th method: propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water

Rapid reproduction of hydrangea by cuttings in water will require certain skills, since planting material tends to rot even with minor violations of agricultural technology. The 4th method can be used both for reproduction garden hydrangeaand for the cultivation of indoor plants.

Prepare the cuttings by removing the foliage from them. The length of the stalk should be from 10 to 18 cm. The upper part is also cut over the last leaf bud.

Place the cuttings in a container filled with warm, settled water. Rooting compound can be added to the water. The container should be transparent, since the penetration of light stimulates the formation of the root system.

Wait until roots up to 2 cm long have formed.

The water in the vase must be changed every other day, avoiding a musty smell.

Many gardeners prefer to decorate their plots. flowering plants... Hydrangea is very attractive in this regard. Hydrangea is a bushy plant that grows up to three meters. Some varieties of these flowers are vines. Flowers of amazing beauty, which come in all kinds of colors, inflorescences, give an extraordinary showiness to this plant.

How hydrangea reproduces

Hydrangea seedlings purchased from the nursery are expensive for many gardeners. In addition, many gardeners prefer to exchange varietal plants with each other. Therefore, many novice gardeners are interested in the question: "How to propagate hydrangea by cuttings?"

Reproduction can be done in a variety of ways:

  • By dividing the bush.
  • Growing seedlings from seeds.
  • By growing layering.
  • By dropping offspring.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings

But the most acceptable and popular among gardeners is the method of propagating hydrangea by cuttings. The most common way is green cuttings.

Propagation by green cuttings begins around mid-July. The green shoot is a leafy part of the stem, with several buds located on it, but you can take it from one.

For reproduction take only young cuttings... If the plant is old, then rejuvenating pruning is done before grafting. For good rooting, it is better to take shoots from the side branches located at the bottom of the crown. The bushes should grow in places with good lighting so that the branches have highly developed buds and do not get sick with various diseases.

Cutting timing is also important for the successful rooting of cuttings. It is better to cut cuttings early in the that their fabrics are full of moisture. After cutting, shoots should be immediately lowered into a container with water and placed in the shade. The green top with the bud must be removed from the shoot immediately. The rest of the shoot must be divided into several parts so that 2-3 pairs of leaves are present on them.

The lower leaves on the cuttings should be removed, and the upper ones should be cut in half. Cuttings can be placed both in plain water, and adding a growth stimulator to it for a faster formation of the root system. The solution should not get onto the leaves.

When diluting the solution, you should strictly follow the instructions. The cuttings are kept in the solution for no more than two hours, placing the container with cuttings in a dark place.

After this procedure, start planting cuttings in specially prepared soil from sand and peat (1: 2). The earth is moistened before planting. You can cover the cuttings with glass jars for better rooting and water over the jars twice a week.

In dry and hot weather, cuttings require daily watering. If the cuttings are not covered with cans, then they should be sprayed twice a day. Complete rooting of cuttings usually occurs one month after planting. You can see rooting by the formation of new leaves on the cuttings.

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in spring

In spring, hydrangea propagation is carried out by harvesting cuttings during spring pruning plants. For this purpose, lignified young branches of the plant are selected and cuttings are cut from them.

The branches cut off in spring are placed in a container of water for five days before grafting. Only after that they start cutting the cuttings. The bottom cut should be made closer to the kidney at an angle of 45 degrees. Just as with summer planting, cuttings can be soaked in a stimulant solution for better rooting.

For rooting cuttings in the spring, it is better to take washed large river sand ... Fill a half-deep container or pot for planting indoor flowers with moistened sand and place the cuttings of hydrangea there at an angle of 45 degrees.

If the cuttings of the hydrangea are carried out correctly, then the cuttings after planting will not touch each other. With proper cuttings, the leaves of the seedlings after planting will also not touch the soil.

Cutting is carried out so that the lower part is immersed in the ground by 3 centimeters. When carrying out cuttings in the spring, after planting, the cuttings are sprayed with water and covered with a film for better rooting. With this method of propagation of hydrangeas, seedlings must be regularly ventilated and moistened as the sand dries.

In the spring, during the breeding process, hydrangeas should be maintained optimal temperature for cuttings. The temperature in the room with cuttings should not be below 15 degrees and above 25 degrees.

After rooting, seedlings seated in separate containers up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The seedlings are placed in places inaccessible to direct sunlight. In spring, young plants are kept at room temperature... Disembarkation at open ground produced with the onset of warm weather.

Seed propagation

This method is longer than the previous one, but it also does not cause any particular difficulties. Pre-sowing preparation for the seeds of this plant is not required and they can be sown immediately into the seedling container.

Seeds are sown on top of the soil, moistened and covered with foil. Twenty days later, you can see the first shoots. Such seedlings must be grown as a pot culture for about two years and only in the third year at proper care seedlings can be transferred to open ground. Their readiness for transplanting into open ground can be calculated by the growth of the plant, the height of which must be at least 40 centimeters.

Only natural hydrangea can be propagated by seeds. If we take seeds of selective hydrangeas for this, then they can lose their decorative qualities with this method of cultivation.

How to propagate hydrangea by layering

Another way of propagation of hydrangeas in spring is propagation by layering. Gardeners use this method in early spring before the buds appear on the bushes.

The plant is propagated in this way in the following sequence:

Around the end of summer, several young shoots appear on the branches. When these branches reach a height of 20 centimeters, they should be earthed. Hilling is carried out every 10 days. Hilling is carried out until the height of the mound becomes 20 centimeters in height.

Dug out branches in October and separate the formed shoots from each other. By this time, the height of the shoots usually reaches fifty centimeters in height. Seedlings are buried in the fall, and in the spring they are transplanted to the garden bed. You can transplant them to a permanent place only after a year.

To grow quality seedlings hydrangeas, there are some tips to consider:

Using this method, you can get about ten new seedlings from one dug-in branch.

About hydrangeas, we got acquainted with its species and varieties, with the requirements for growing these lovely flowers.

The question of how to breeding hydrangea... Of course, the easiest way would be to buy a seedling in a nursery.

But, firstly, it is still an expensive pleasure; secondly, there is not always the variety that you like and, thirdly, the very process of hydrangea breeding is also a very exciting experience.

well, like this how does hydrangea breed? There are at least five ways to reproduce it: by seeds, cuttings, layering, offspring, dividing the bush.

Let's get to know each of them a little.

Propagated by seeds

Hydrangea seeds do not require pre-sowing preparation, so they can be sown directly into seedling boxes.

It is not worth planting seeds in the soil. Immediately after sowing, cover the box with glass or plastic wrap. At the same time, of course, do not forget that the soil must be moist.

Seedlings will appear in about 20 days. Then we grow the seedlings for two years and only in the third year can they be planted in a permanent place in our garden. By this time, our seedlings should be 30-40 cm high.

Keep in mind that only natural seeds reproduce well. hydrangea, and varieties bred by breeders with this method of reproduction lose their acquired decorative qualities.

Since we will obviously be engaged in the propagation of varietal hydrangeas, we will consider the following methods in more detail.

The best way is with green cuttings

This way breeding hydrangeas is the most common among summer residents.

It is best to do green cuttings at the moment when the buds appear - this is around mid-July.

Let's define what it is - green stalk... It is a leafy part of the stem with one or more buds.

I advise you to cut only cuttings from young plants. If you already have old bushes, then you must first carry out anti-aging pruning.

Also, note that cuttings cut from lateral shoots (grown on last year's growths) in the lower part of the crown take root better, but it should be well lit. Such cuttings have fairly well-developed large buds and no signs of any disease.

Still very important point - preservation of moisture in the tissues in cut cuttings, since the success of rooting largely depends on this. To do this, we cut off the shoots in the early morning, at this time all plant tissues are still filled with moisture and then in the process further work with cuttings, we carefully ensure that they do not dry out.

Immediately put the cut shoots in the water in the shade and start cutting the cuttings as soon as possible. Cut off the green top with a bud at the shoot, since it is not suitable for a cutting.

Divide the remaining green part of the shoot into several parts with 2-3 pairs of leaves. Thereafter lower leaves remove from the cutting, and shorten the upper ones by half and carefully put the cuttings in a solution of some kind of root growth stimulator so that the leaves do not get into the solution.

This can be, for example, root, heteroauxin, or zircon. We make the solution strictly according to the instructions and keep the cuttings in it for 2 hours, preferably in a dark place.

If you did not have any root former at hand, then I advise you to prepare such a solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in one glass of water. Honey promotes the rapid formation of callus - a thickening at the end of the cutting, from which the roots grow.

Now you can start planting the prepared cuttings. We plant their prepared in advance a mixture of peat and sand (2: 1), pre-moistening it. For better rooting, you can cover the cuttings with jars and water them directly over the jars a couple of times a week (in the absence of rain).

If the weather is very hot and dry, it is advisable to water the cuttings every day. Cuttings that you have not covered, it is advisable to spray twice a day.

Usually after 25-30 days (approximately by the second half of August), the cuttings take root and new leaves appear on them.

Banks can already be removed from them, but it would be better to cover the seedlings with several layers of any covering material so that early autumn frosts do not damage our still very young plants.

They also need to be well covered for the winter. We fill the seedlings with fallen leaves, then we install a low frame above them and cover it with a covering material.

For better snow retention, you can additionally put spruce branches on top.

In the spring, we plant already rooted cuttings in the garden for further growing. We plant seedlings in a permanent place when they grow up enough.

Propagate by layering

It is best to start the propagation of hydrangeas by layering in early spring, even before bud break.

First, we dig up the soil around the bush, then level it well. We make radial grooves with a depth of 1.5-2 cm and put in them one shoot from the bottom of the bush.

To prevent the branches from straightening, we pin them with specially made slingshots and lightly sprinkle them with earth.

For a faster appearance of roots, you can apply the following technique: on the layers in front of the first well-developed kidney from below, we make a constriction of a thin soft wire in 2-3 turns, then when the shoot thickens, our constriction will be pressed into the bark and roots will appear at this place.

By the end of the summer, several young shoots should have formed on each of our layers.

When they reach a height of 15-20 cm, they must be hilled, then we repeat the hilling every 7-10 days. And we do this until the height of the mound becomes 20-25 cm.

In October, we dig out the layering and separate the formed shoots from each other. By this time, their height should be about 50 cm.

We dig in the seedlings, and in the spring we plant them on the garden bed. And only after a year they will be ready for landing in a permanent place.

Reproduction by offspring

The hydrangea also reproduces well with the shoots. This method of breeding hydrangeas requires a lot of care and attention.

To do this, we shoot in the fall upper layer soil and very carefully so as not to damage the roots of the mother bush, we separate the coppice shoot.

We plant the separated shoots in the garden and leave them there for growing, depending on the condition of the seedling, for one or two years.

We transplant and divide the bush

This breeding method is used mainly when transplanting hydrangeas.

It can be used for all types of hydrangeas except paniculate. It is best to transplant hydrangeas in early spring.

First, we water the bush abundantly, then dig it out and thoroughly wash the roots from the soil.

Now you can divide the bush into several parts and immediately plant the divisions in a permanent place, cutting off the ends of the shoots and roots.

About this method of breeding hydrangea, which Victoria Barabash shared with us, I recently read in a gardening magazine. Very budgetary and original!

If you bought a hydrangea seedling in the fall, then it is just for you.

So, we cut off all the leaves on the seedling, cut off the unripe green shoots and take it out of the container.

Now it must be buried in a prepared trench. We make a trench of such a size that it is possible to lay a seedling in it obliquely, with the condition that the root ball is lower and the branches are higher.

First of all, we cover the roots with earth and compact well. Then we spread out all the branches of the seedling with a fan and also cover them with earth.

To prevent our seedling from freezing in winter, we cover it with another layer of peat or humus on top.

As soon as the bright spring sun warms up the earth, the buds will grow on the branches of our buried hydrangea.

At first, new shoots will receive nutrition from the common root system, and later they will form their own roots.

At the end of summer, dug in this way, we dig out a hydrangea bush and separate the formed new shoots with their own root system.

So, having buried one plant, we can get ten new seedlings with well-developed own roots.

Now, dear readers, you have learned how hydrangea reproduces and you can successfully plant on your site several more varieties of this magnificent plant that you love, or even replenish your budget by growing seedlings for sale.

And I also suggest looking very good video about the propagation of hydrangea by cuttings, in order to visually consolidate the information received.

See you soon, dear readers!

Almost every gardener who sees a hydrangea bloom dreams of getting it on his site. An unpretentious shrub can be propagated in several ways. Bush division is used, the method with layering from the mother bush, and cuttings are the most common. You can cut this beautiful plant in spring, summer and autumn. Let's talk in more detail about autumn cuttings.

How to cut a hydrangea in autumn

Cutting hydrangea is the most effective, you can get a large number of seedlings from one bush for enough a short time. Cloudy weather favors rooting, but you need to be in time before frost... In autumn, gardeners carry out sanitary pruning of hydrangeas, prepare bushes for wintering. The pruned branches most often go into compost, and in fact excellent seedlings grow from them. Of course, not all branches are used for cuttings; summer shoots without flowers are used for propagation.

Preparing for grafting

The soil for seedlings should be loose and light. It is prepared in advance by mixing garden soil with peat and coarse sand in equal proportions. For grafting, take the tops of young branches of a plant on which there are no flower inflorescences... Cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut with a pruner at an angle, the lower leaves are removed or shortened by half.

Cuttings are cut to a length of about 10 cm


I do not cut the apical growth bud of the cutting. In my opinion, this is how they take root faster. Also, the tops of the heads serve as a kind of indicator - how they went into growth, then the cuttings are already with roots.

Planting cuttings in the ground

Young hydrangeas are very vulnerable, therefore, planting in the ground is carried out in the spring at a stable above-zero temperature, when the threat of return frosts has passed. The first three years the hydrangea needs to be very well insulated for the winter.

If you remove the apical bud from the cutting, the seedling ready to plant will have several lateral branches.

Breeding hydrangea is enough painstaking workthat requires care and patience. But seedlings can be obtained budgetary way and in a year or two they will please their owners with abundant flowering.

This shrub prefers abundance of sun, therefore, it is recommended to plant it in an open place. But on condition that there it will be protected from wind and drafts.

Hydrangea does not require any special care. It is only important to choose for her correct composition soil - she prefers slightly acidic, loose compositions and absolutely does not tolerate lime impurities... Sand is not suitable for her either, since it is washed out at high speed nutrients.

Further care consists of watering and fertilizing. For the winter, the bushes are necessary harbor, since they are thermophilic and do not tolerate a significant drop in temperature.

To stimulate flowering, the shrub needs spring pruning. The tops of the shoots are cut, leaving three to four flower buds on each.

How does hydrangea breed?

If you or your friends have hydrangea growing on the site, you can get additional bushes using vegetative methods.

Dividing the bush

Even a novice gardener can do this.

The procedure is carried out in spring, as soon as the plant wakes up from hibernation and begins to dissolve the first leaves. The bush is dug up and divided into several parts. The division must be made in such a way that each copy is rooting bud.

The separated roots are sprinkled with charcoal for disinfection. The bushes are planted in holes without deepening the root collar, watered abundantly and mulched.

After planting, the plants should be shaded so that they take root.


Formation of layering - the most common wayreproduction. To obtain a new plant from an adult bush at the very beginning of summer, an extreme, highly developed shoot is selected. A hole is made near the bush (20 cm deep) and watered.

The intended shoot is bent down and placed in a hole, sprinkled with earth. For reliability, it is necessary to fix the shoot with a wooden slingshot or wire brace. This is your future seedling. The cuttings will receive moisture and nutrients when watering and feeding the main bush. Keep the soil moist for the first few weeks.

For root formation, the part that will be placed in the ground is scraped or cuts are made in a circle. The surface is treated with a growth stimulant.

The top of the buried shoot is placed vertically, tied to a peg stuck next to it. before flowering.

Closer to autumn, when the hydrangea fades, the layers are carefully cut off from the bush. Do not dig it out immediately after cutting - let me get used to independent existence.

Experienced flower growers advise to transplant layers only on second yearwhen it gains root mass and shoots. The bush is dug up together with a lump of earth and transplanted into a separate hole. The result is a ready-made seedling, from which a full-fledged plant will be formed next year.

Flowers on a cut-off specimen will appear in the third year.

Getting hydrangea from a cutting

This breeding method is considered the most affordable and productive... With the help of cuttings, you can get many seedlings at once from one mother bush.

Any time for cuttings is suitable. Only cutting hydrangeas in the fall involves growing planting material at home, followed by planting in open ground. Propagation by cuttings consists of several stages:

- Procurement of material.

Correct cutting of workpieces is half the battle. It is recommended to cut it in the morning or on a cloudy day. Suitable exclusively annual shoots from which ten-centimeter cuttings are separated with pruners or garden shears.

The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, leaving two shortened upper and two or three buds.

Cut blanks are tied in a bundle of three to four pieces. The lower cut is treated with a root - former, the upper - with a disinfectant solution (potassium permanganate, brilliant green).

For planting, prepare a mixture of turf, peat and sand (1X3X4), which is treated with steam for disinfection. The workpieces are buried into this substrate by 5 cm. Several times a day, the cuttings are sprayed from a spray bottle.

Rooting blanks should be covered with transparent caps. Once a week, plantings are aired. The sprouts give roots in about a month. At this time, the caps are removed from them.

Alternatively, root formation can be carried out in water. The water should be defended to remove calcium salts. When the roots grow on the cuttings 2-3 cm, they are planted in pots with soil.

- Planting sprouts.

If cuttings were carried out in spring or summer, they can be planted immediately in a prepared place. Once in a separate hole, the sprout begins to quickly form root system... Young seedlings carefully harbor for the winter.

In autumn cuttings, the workpieces are planted in pots and grown in room conditions. Landing in open ground is carried out after the threat of frost has passed.

Planting hydrangea seeds

Getting seed from your own bush is pretty problematic, since they rarely have time to mature in a short summer.

The most suitable period for sowing is fall. This is due to the fact that by the onset of heat, the seedlings will be ready for hardening outside.

For crops, flat containers are prepared, filled with a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil. Seeds, dry or previously germinated, are spread over the surface without dusting. Crops are moistened with a spray bottle and covered with glass.

For germination, the boxes are placed in a bright, warm place, but not under the sun.

If direct sunlight falls on a box with crops, a greenhouse effect will be created under the glass and the seeds will die.

The glass should be removed from the container as soon as the first shoots appear. Usually, seedlings do not appear together, so they should be sown quite often.

Sprouts dive 2 times - in the phase of cotyledon blooming and after the appearance of 4-5 true leaves. During the second pick, the sprouts are planted in separate pots. After they are taken, you need to start hardening the plants. To do this, on warm days, they are taken outside.

Make sure that the sun does not fall on the plants; they should be kept exclusively in the shade.

Hydrangeas grown from seeds are recommended to be planted in open ground only in the third year. Young specimens do not overwinter, so they are brought into the house for the winter. By the third spring, the bushes will develop a good root system and can be planted.

If the sprouts grow in buds in the first year, they must be removed.

Hydrangea babies

Children are called side shoots on the main lignified stems of hydrangea. Such a shoot, which has grown from a bud, quickly develops roots and turns into a full-fledged bush. It is recommended to plant babies in a mixture of turf soil, sand and peat. The mixture must be acidified.

A ready-made store is ideal for hydrangeas. soil for azaleas (rhododendrons).

The baby is carefully separated from the main stem, the lower end is treated with a root former and planted in a pot. The procedure is carried out in the fall and a copy is grown at home. A young bush can be planted in open ground in the second year, after hardening in the first vegetative period.

When flower buds appear on the bush, they are immediately removed, preventing them from blooming. In the process of rearing, the baby should be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Reproduction of garden hydrangea is a process that does not require the use of special knowledge or special efforts. Even a beginner gardener can handle it.