What raspberry is the sweetest and largest. The best varieties of high-yield remontant raspberries

Varieties of raspberries photo and description

Raspberry is very much appreciated among gardeners because it has a unique taste and aroma, is used in cooking and harvesting for the winter, and is incredibly useful. Each gardener dreams of a beautiful raspberry on his site, but there are always doubts when choosing varieties.

First you need to understand the types of raspberries:

  • Large-fruited - characterized by high productivity and fruits of good quality. It has a presentation, perfectly stored;
  • Ordinary, not remontant - it is distinguished by its unique taste and aroma, most of all it resembles forest raspberries, not domesticated;
  • Remontant - gives a crop several times a year;
  • Stamp - also called raspberry tree, resistant to disease. The main advantage is the convenience of harvesting and the low likelihood of diseases of the fruits and kidneys, due to the distance from the ground.

Each species has its own characteristics. When choosing a suitable variety, it is necessary to consider the purpose of cultivation, the desired fruiting volumes, as well as the individual characteristics of the plant.

Large-fruited raspberries

Raspberry varieties with large berries are quite popular today. They have the highest productivity, are used in industry and private gardening.

Raspberry Patricia

The most productive among large-fruited raspberries. The amount of harvest from one plant can reach 4.6-5 kg, and with proper care and plentiful fertilizer, fruiting can increase up to two times.

The berries are large, have an elongated conical shape, red in color, weighing from 4 to 6 g. The fruits are easily removed from the stalk and do not break, and when ripened for a long time they do not crumble. It tastes tender and juicy, soft with a small amount of small seeds. Patricia raspberries can be consumed fresh and used for home preservation.

The bushes are medium-sized, reaching 1.7 m. Fruiting occurs in early July and ends in August. The variety is characterized by moderate resistance to frost (up to -30 degrees Celsius) and to such diseases as Anthracnose and Didella. Not resistant to late blight.

Variety Arbat

Large-fruited raspberries of the Arbat variety stand out among others due to berries weighing from 15 to 18 g. The fruits are dark burgundy in color, dense, have an elongated shape, are easily removed from the bush, without breaks.

They are used both in industry and in private gardening, they are consumed fresh and they prepare fragrant jams and preserves, and they are used in cooking for decorating products.

The productivity of one bush can reach 9 kg. Spreading plant: up to 1.9 m in length. This variety is highly resistant to frost and major diseases.

Raspberry Maroseyka

Bearless subspecies of large-fruited raspberries. It is characterized by large fruits up to 12 g, red in color with a slight bloom. Juicy berries have a pleasant aroma and delicate pulp.

The height of the bush is average, up to 1.6 m. Moderate winter hardiness allows you to grow this species in the southern regions of Russia and the Moscow region.

Yellow giant

The most popular variety of yellow large-fruited raspberries. Berries can reach 10-12 g, have a light yellow tint and a dessert aroma with honey notes that resembles wild forest raspberries. The fruits are juicy, suitable for both preservation and the preparation of fresh fruit salads.

Harvest from one bush can be from 10 to 12.5 kg. The plant is quite tall, with thick sturdy shoots. This subspecies is suitable for growing in the suburbs, resistant to common diseases and insects.

Varieties of raspberries

The best varieties of raspberries are traditional and tested by experience and time. They are characterized by excellent taste, and easily adapt to environmental conditions. Less than the other subspecies are demanding to care, but do not differ in large fruits and abundant fruiting.

Early ripe grade Meteor

Belongs to the high-yielding class of its category. The berries are medium in size, weighing 2.3-3 g, rounded in shape. The ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and strong aroma of the fruit makes the variety very popular among gardeners. The meteor opens the berry season back in June.

Bushes reach almost 2 m in length, and the yield can be up to 2 kg per plant. The subspecies is characterized by good winter hardiness and high immunity to diseases.

Early ripe Lazarev raspberries

Lazarevskaya raspberry fruit is medium-large, weighs from 2.6 to 3.4 g. The berries are elongated, the color is dull red. The fruits have a faint aroma, and the taste is more pronounced.

Productivity is 2-2.4 kg of crop from the bush. Plants are straight with lots of shoots. Good resistance to frost and fungal diseases. The main disadvantage is sensitivity to raspberry mites.

Variety mid-season Crane

The berries are large in size, weighing from 2.2 to 3.6 g. The shape of the fruit is conic chopped off, red. Their dense consistency provides good transportability. The taste is rich and well defined.

The bush is compact and low, with productivity up to 2 kg. This subspecies has moderate cold resistance, is resistant to raspberry mites and fungal diseases.

Variety of late ripening Brigantine

Belongs to the crop class of this species. Large fruits can reach a weight of 3.8 g, have a bright pomegranate color, rounded shape and excellent taste. One bush can bring up to 2.4 kg of crop per year.

The plant reaches 1.9 m in length, the bushes are compact with a small number of shoots. The variety has good resistance to frost, drought, anthracnose and spider mites.

Repairing raspberry varieties for Moscow region

The best varieties of raspberries for the Moscow Region are referred to as repair ones. They are able to produce crops several times a year. Late fruits are as large and of good quality as the first.

Orange miracle

Variety Orange Miracle is famous for large berries, which reach 8-10 g, have a yellow color and a delicate dessert flavor. They are dense and easy to carry. Fruiting lasts for a whole summer.

Plants are low, but strong, do not need a frame for support. The height of the bush is 1.7 m on average. The variety is resistant to frost and the main diseases of raspberries.


High-yielding subspecies of remont raspberry. The berries are medium in size, reach 4.7-6.2 g in weight, a pleasant ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, easily removed from the bush. The drupe is firm and tightly bound, the taste of raspberries is dessert with a slight acidity.

Bushes of medium height 1.5-1.7 m in length. The yield of one plant is 2.1-2.5 kg. Ideal for the central regions of Russia, begins to bear fruit in the second half of summer. The firebird is moderately resistant to common diseases and winter frosts.

Bryansk divo

Among the repaired Bryansk divo is one of the large-fruited subspecies. Berries reach 9.5-11 g, have an elongated shape, are painted in red. The taste is sweet with a slight acidity. The fruits are suitable for making fresh fruit salads and for processing.

From one plant you can get up to 3.2 kg of crop per year. The fruiting is long: it begins in August and ends with the arrival of autumn frosts. The variety is popular due to its yield and beautiful large fruits of the presentation. Winter hardiness is average, as well as resistance to disease.

Diamond Repair

Large-fruited subspecies of repair raspberries. Berries can reach 7 g. They have an elongated shape, bright ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and luster, remain on the bush up to 7 days after ripening, without losing their qualities, are well transported.

The productivity of one plant is up to 3.1 kg of crop. The bush is sprawling and low, an average of 1.5 m. Fruiting is stretched from early August to autumn frosts. Berries are used in all types of processing and are consumed fresh.

Standard varieties of raspberries photo and description

Raspberry raspberry, or raspberry tree, is a fairly new type of bush formation in the raspberry industry. Due to its thick shoots and considerable height of the bushes, the plant visually resembles a tree with a stem (trunk), from where the name was obtained.

Tarusa raspberry variety

Tarusa raspberries are characterized by tall, standard bushes, which practically do not need support. Large berries can reach 10.2-13 g, and have a bright red color. Drupe homogeneous and shiny. Raspberries are easily removed from the bush, and have good transportability. The fruits have a pronounced raspberry flavor.

Productivity is from 3 to 4.1 kg of berries per unit. The bushes are medium resistant to frost, at temperatures below -30 degrees. in Celsius - they need shelter with snow.

Monomakh hat

This subspecies got its name due to the shape of berries that resembles a hat. Fruits have an elongated shape with a blunt end. Their color is dark raspberry, and the taste is sweet. Fruiting occurs in August and continues until frost, the variety is partially remont. The weight of one berry can reach 7 g.

The bush resembles a drooping tree with highly branched shoots. Harvest can be from 3.2 to 5.3 kg per unit, if the autumn is warm. The plant is resistant to low winter temperatures.

Glen Ampl

Scottish raspberry variety, which is very popular in Europe. The berries have a rounded slightly elongated shape, dull red. The weight of the raspberry fruit is 5-6 g, it can reach 10 g. Sweet berry with a slight acidity, is well transported and has a presentation.

The bushes are tall, the length of the shoots can reach 3.5-4 m. The variety is considered high-yielding. From one shoot you can get up to 1.6 kg of berries. Raspberry Glen Amplus is resistant to frost, droughts, common diseases and pests.


A fairly new subspecies brought from England. The fruits are large, up to 8 g, have a bright red color. They hold well on the stalk even after prolonged rains. The taste of raspberries is excellent, and the fruits easily tolerate transportation.

The bushes are low, strewn with berries. From one plant, on average, you can get up to 5.2 kg of crop. This subspecies is winter-hardy and is immune to fungal diseases.


Each variety has individual characteristics and growing characteristics. Thanks to the detailed descriptions with photos, you can choose a suitable type of raspberry for growing in the Moscow Region and central Russia, taking into account the purpose of growing raspberries.

Raspberries are a popular and healthy summer berry. Old adapted varieties in Central Russia are unpretentious and viable. On the site, raspberries can even behave aggressively, capturing new territories and expanding the borders of raspberries. This behavior is due to the characteristics of the varieties and lack of care. The best varieties of raspberries according to reviews of gardeners from different regions are presented in our rating.

Raspberry varieties are conditionally divided into 4 groups: large fruited, classic, repair  and standard  (tree-like).

Large raspberry  inherited a high mass of berries and low winter hardiness from parental forms. When growing large-fruited raspberry varieties in the middle lane, shoots for the winter are bent and covered. To obtain large berries, you will need to create the appropriate conditions: the introduction of organic matter, top dressing, prevention from diseases and pests, regular watering. On poor soils you can’t get a good harvest, and in a drought the berries just dry on the branches. The most striking representative of the group, having many fans and grown even in the Urals, is the Beauty of Russia.

Stacked Raspberries, despite the growing interest in the group, remains exotic in Russian gardens. These raspberry varieties are distinguished by decorativeness, ease of picking berries, disease resistance and high productivity (due to active lateral branching). "Raspberry tree" does not need support, the crown retains its shape under the weight of berries. In this case, the varieties show good frost resistance and unpretentiousness in the care. The formation consists in pinching the tops of the shoots by 10 - 15 cm. In this group, the Tarusa variety is isolated.

Classic raspberries  fruiting on the shoots of last year, so the ripening of berries begins early: from late June to July. Bushes overwinter with long shoots, which in the conditions of the Moscow region are recommended to be covered.

Repair raspberries  bears fruit both on last year's and young shoots. But experienced gardeners recommend cutting all the shoots in winter and getting one late crop at a young growth. In this case, the yield will be higher, and the size of the berries will be larger. Fruit bearing period for repairing varieties: from late July to September-October. Many varieties of remont raspberries are well suited for the suburbs. Their advantages: winter without problems, do not suffer from pests, superior in yield.

Choosing the best raspberry variety also depends on the purpose of bookmarking raspberries: for home-use dessert berries or selling a marketable crop. Commercial varieties are characterized by high productivity, transportability and attractiveness of berries, but inferior in taste.

We are used to distinguishing a delicious berry from a tasteless berry, but this is not enough for gardening. The best varieties of raspberries take root well and delight with an excellent harvest, if you work with them correctly, based on expert opinions and their recommendations. If you are going to grow this culture, you need to at least in general terms understand the variety of varieties

Types of raspberries and their characteristics

To date, a large number of species have been bred, all of them have their pros and cons. Specialists classify varieties according to a number of criteria:

  1. Fruit bearing method:
    • Summer: Meteor, Crane, Lazarevskaya raspberry.
    • Remontant: Brusvyana, Bryansk divo.
  2. Ripening period:
    • Early: Tyberry, Vega, Laska.
    • Middle: Molling Promis, Sokolitsa, Shy, Polka.
    • Late: Firebird, Giant, Kirzhach, Taganka
  3. Berry Size:
    • Normal: Vega, Michurinsky Dessert, Kuzmina News.
    • Large: Maroseyka, Aboriginal.
  4. Berry color:
    1. Maroon - Arabesque.
    2. Black: Corner, Airlie Cumberland, Bristol.
    3. Yellow: Yellow giant, Orange miracle, Runaway.
    4. White-yellow - Sweetened with yellow.
    5. Bright Magenta - Faith.
  5. Standard bushes: Tarusa, Arbat, Abundant.

Large raspberry varieties

Representatives of large-fruited species are very popular due to the fact that they have one of the highest yields among all types of this crop. These include

  • Beauty of Russia;
  • Mirage;
  • Maroseyka;
  • Aboriginal.

Beauty of Russia

This shrub is medium tall, 1.6 meters high. Compact, forming 10 shoots and 5 root offspring. There is a small edge on the stems, but there are no thorns. They have strong fruiting branches with many whiskers that form up to 20 fruits. The leaves are large, embossed with a dark green color and a slight sheen. Large flowers, like berries. The fruits have the shape of a cone with a homogeneous structure, sweet taste, pleasant aroma and weight of 4 to 12 g. The fruiting period is stretched, and the number of harvests varies from 4 to 5. One bush gives 4.5 kg of the crop, and a hectare up to 19 tons.

Landing Features:

  1. You need to choose a place with good lighting and non-greasy soil.
  2. You can plant in the spring - from April to May, and autumn - from September to October.
  3. Seedlings must have a developed root system.
  4. The optimal distance between rows of seedlings is from 1.5 to 2 m.
  5. Way of landing: trench. The trenches begin to dig 3-4 weeks before planting, so you need to think in advance about the number of rows on the plantation, based on the distance between the seedlings and the amount of planting material.

Plant Care:

  1. Avoid thickening because this will lead to a deterioration in protective functions and a decrease in disease resistance. In the first year of life, the strongest shoots leave (about 6-7 pieces).
  2. Use trellis when the height is 80 cm. This design improves ventilation and lightness. The tops are attached to it, and the lower branches are tied to the base to prevent the possibility of infection by the fungus.
  3. After the opening of the first buds (2nd year), cut almost all the stems under the root, except for the healthiest and strongest (from 10 to 12 pcs. Per meter), cut the annual fruiting stems by 10-15 cm.
  4. With the onset of autumn, cut off all biennial and weak annual shoots. On the entire surface of the old stems there is a matured bark.
  5. Periodically water the planted plant, loosen the soil.

Before planting, you should increase the quality characteristics of the soil. For this, it is better to use organic fertilizers - 10 kg per 1 sq. Km. meter. If work is planned in the spring, then fertilizers must be added in the fall. At the same time, the use of fresh manure is not recommended, since it may contain larvae of pests and potential sources of various diseases.


  • great taste and aroma;
  • high productivity;
  • mid-season;
  • relatively good transportability;
  • high level of drought and frost resistance: from -20 to -25 ° C, and with plenty of snow from -30 to -35 ° C.


  • sensitivity to brown spotting, spotty mosaic, chlorosis and gray rot during the summer season;
  • weak keeping quality.


The height of the bushes varies in the range from 2 to 2.5 m. They are slightly spreading and form from 9 to 11 shoots. Annual trunks are painted in dirty brown color with a slight waxy coating. On them are alternating green leaves of medium, small size with a corrugated, medium-toothed structure and dark soft thorns. Large red fruits with the shape of an elongated cone and a flesh of sweet-sour taste with a bewitching aroma.

Berries form long, thin fruit twigs, on which there can be from 10 to 12 fruits. During full ripening, they hold without crumbling. The peak of productivity is the end of July and the beginning of August. Productivity is from 4 to 4.5 kg. This variety can be called the most promising and adapted for cultivation in most regions of Russia.

Care Rules :

  1. Water abundantly with active flowering and ripening.
  2. During fruiting period, water intensively every 2 weeks, soaking the soil well.
  3. Regulate the amount of fertilizer added depending on the intensity of development and soil composition.
  4. In early spring, dilute nutrition with organic fertilizers in parallel with loosening the soil.
  5. Once a year, feed a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.
  6. Trim in a timely manner.


Bushes of medium height from 1.5 to 1.8 meters high have strong and sprawling branches. They differ from other species in the intensive formation of numerous shoots, which leads to active and productive propagation in the garden. This species is endowed with powerful shoots covered with felt plaque. On the shoots are fruit twigs that form over 20 large-sized fruits. Berries in the form of an elongated cone, red-light color, with a delicate, juicy pulp with a sour-sweet taste.

Care Rules :

  1. Trim in the spring - to clean from weakened, young shoots, in the autumn - in order to prepare them for winter.
  2. Add NPK fertilizers to the diet containing the main trace elements, including potassium.
  3. Cover with fallen snow to protect against freezing. This is true for Russian regions with severe winters.


This is a domestic development, which was developed by Professor V.V. Kichina in the laboratory of the Moscow Research Institute VSTISP in 1982. The plant is characterized by an average growth of about 1.5 m, powerful and sprawling branches, a large number of straight shoots (from 8 to 10 pcs.) And a relatively small number of root offspring (from 4 to 5).

The berries ripen on large, branched fruit twigs (20 fruits on each branch) and grow surrounded by triple, large dark green leaves. They have a conical shape, dense texture, light red color, delicate, pleasant taste, juicy pulp with acidity and a weight of 4 to 8 g. The productivity of one plant varies from 4 to 5 kg and about 20 tons per hectare.

Planting and Care Rules :

  1. You can plant in the spring and autumn.
  2. When planting, maintain a distance between beds of 1.8 m, and between bushes 0.7 m.
  3. Before planting seedlings, add organic fertilizers - compost and nitrogen-potassium - superphosphate or wood ash to the soil.
  4. Water abundantly and intensively about 3-4 times a week.

The best varieties of high-yield remontant raspberries

Repairing species are characterized by long-term fruiting, depending on climatic conditions, which averages from 2 to 2.5 months. They include large-fruited raspberries. :

  • Brusvyana;
  • Bryansk marvel;
  • Diamond
  • Hercules


This species, up to 2 meters high, resembles a tree; specimens were recorded under a height of 3 meters. It is characterized by a tendency to medium branching, the surface is slightly covered with spikes. The stems are erect due to their strong and thick structure, which makes it easy to care for them. During active fruiting, they are completely covered with fruits.

Berries of a conical shape with a dense structure, weighing from 6 to 9 g and a sweet and sour taste, more pronounced than in other typical species. The yield of one plant is on average from 4 to 5 kg. The fruitful period in Brusvyana is twofold: from mid-June to early August and from August to the first frost and frost. The species features are high transportability and average frost resistance.

Landing Features:

  1. It can be planted in mid-autumn - in October or spring - in April.
  2. The place should be with good lighting and protection from the wind.
  3. Way of landing: trench. The dimensions of the trench are 50x60 cm and a depth of 45 cm.
  4. In the soil of the trench it is necessary to put humus with the addition of mineral fertilizers - double superphosphate and vermicompost.
  5. Maintain 30 cm distance between seedlings.

Bryansk divo

One of the best varieties of raspberries with maintenance fruiting, because it has large berries. Fruits of an elongated shape with a red color, a pleasant sweet taste with pronounced acidity, weight from 9.5 to 11 g. Used in the preparation of salads and for preservation. Productivity - 3.2 kg of crop. The fruiting period is from August to October frosts. The level of winter hardiness and disease resistance is medium.


Medium-sized from 1 to 1.2 m, covered with leaves that have a uniform green color, slight curl, wrinkling and sharp denticles framing the edges. Annual shoots are reddish in color with a significant waxy coating and a small number of spikes, and two-year-olds are light brown in color with a slight thorn.

Fruits are medium sized, saturated purple with a brilliant hue and weighing from 4 to 4.5 g. The flesh is relatively hard, elastic, suitable for transportation. Productivity varies from 3 to 3.2 kg. The fruiting period is single, but stretched from the first days of August until late autumn. The species is resistant to drought, moderate drying of the soil. It is characterized by high resistance to temperature loads.

Landing Features:

  1. A place with good illumination and groundwater depth more than 1.2 m from the surface.
  2. Soil should be well dug and mixed with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Before planting, reduce the height of the seedlings to 20-25 cm.
  4. Way of landing: patching. The size of the pit is 30x30 cm.
  5. The distance between the rows is from 1.7 to 1.8 m, and between the bushes 0.6 m.


Of medium growth, slightly spreading, does not form excess shoots. As a rule, it forms from 3 to 4 branches of substitution. The branches are covered with sharp, hard spikes and richly green, slightly wrinkled leaves. Berries reach a mass of up to 10 g and are painted in a rich ruby \u200b\u200bcolor with a slight sheen. They are formed on strong drupes and only on half of the bush. The culture is resistant to raspberry mite, gray rot and fungal diseases.

Varieties of raspberries

The best varieties of raspberries are those that have been tested by experience and time. They are endowed with excellent taste, good adaptability to any climatic conditions and unpretentiousness for leaving. The most productive raspberry varieties are represented by the following types:

  • Lazarev raspberries;




The view is low, but with a powerful root system. It forms about 20-25 young stems, which are covered with a small amount of wax coating by adulthood. On the stems there are thorns of a thin, short structure with a thickening at the base. The shape of the fruit is round with a blunt end, and the color is ruby. Each berry weighs from 2.2 to 3.2 g and has a dessert sweet taste.

Fruiting begins in the first days of summer. Productivity - up to 2 kg or 5-7 tons per hectare. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, highly resistant to fungal diseases, but nevertheless sensitive to the effects of spider mites, shoot gall midges and purple spotting, so it must be subjected to timely and effective preventive treatment.

Landing Rules:

  1. It can be planted only in spring.
  2. Landing method: trench or patched. The dimensions of the seat are 40 × 30 cm with a depth of 30 cm.
  3. The distance between rows is from 1.5 to 2.2 m, between plants from 45 to 50 cm - planting in rows or from 70 to 80 cm - planting in bushes.

Care Rules:

  1. Water intensively and often with active growth, after the beginning of flowering, during hot weather.
  2. Add organic fertilizers three times a year.
  3. In early spring, feed from ammonia nitrate from 15 to 20 g, and after the onset of frost - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  4. During the year, food can be diluted by processing manure and chicken manure, diluted with water in the ratios of 1: 5 and 1:10.

Lazarev Raspberry

Ripe plant with many long stems. Fruits of a dull red color, the shape of an elongated cone, with a soft and tasty pulp, but a weak aroma. Productivity from 2 to 2.4 kg per plant. The species is resistant to relatively low temperatures, fungal diseases. There is a pronounced susceptibility to the effects of raspberry mite.


Fruits are large in size, weighing from 2.2 to 3.6 g. They have the shape of a chopped cone and red color. The consistency is dense. The taste is rich and pronounced. Bushes are compact and low, with an average yield of up to 2 kg. The cold resistance of this subspecies is moderate, as well as resistance to the effects of raspberry mite, fungal and viral diseases.


It has an average yield. Berries are large in size with a weight of up to 3.8 g and rounded. The yield of one plant per year does not exceed 2.4 kg. Bushes are tall up to 1.9 m and compact with a small group of processes. Frost and drought tolerance is at an average level, and resistance to spider mites and anthracnose is at a high

The best varieties of raspberries for the Moscow region

This category is represented by those species that are best suited for cultivation in the region. They are also divided into varieties depending on the time of ripening: something can be enjoyed already in early July, some will only come up to September. It should be borne in mind that the Moscow Region is characterized by an unstable climate, summer can be cold, so the most capricious types of berry shrubs will not work here, you need to choose more unpretentious and hardy ones.

Early ripe berries

Early ripening species include:

  • Tiberberry
  • Vega.


Bushes are high, up to 4 meters due to the long main and lateral stems. The biennial shoots are light burgundy, and the annuals are green. They are covered with small spikes along the entire length. On the branches there are dark green leaves, white-pink large flowers and small fruit twigs. Young fruits of Tiberberry grow, like grapes, by brushes, on each of which 5-7 berries grow.

They have a bright red color, an elongated shape (up to 5 cm long), weighing 10 to 15 g and a sweet and sour taste with a coffee aroma. The fruits are harvested after they turn dark crimson. Productivity depends on the volume, age of the bush, on average, it is from 3 to 4 kg; Fruiting is annual, but the crop appears 3 years after planting.

This species is characterized by excellent transportability and low keeping quality. After collecting the berries are able to lie another 7 days. It is also universal and can be used for the preparation of salads, preparations, and freezing. Fruits can be stored in the freezer for several months without loss of taste. Tyberi is resistant to cold, but for the winter he still needs shelter.

Landing Features:

  1. Can be planted in spring or autumn.
  2. A pit for landing measuring 0.4x0.4x0.4 m.
  3. The distance between the rows from 1.5 to 2 m, between the bushes from 0.7 to 1 m.
  4. Fertilizing the soil with the help of complex mineral fertilizers, if the soil on the site is dry and sparse.

Care Rules:

  1. Water 3-4 times every three months.
  2. Feed only with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Mulch the soil with mowed grass, sawdust or peat after each watering. The layer of mulch should not exceed 15 cm.
  4. Trim old stems before freezing.
  5. Use trellis for garter.
  6. In late autumn, remove the stems from the trellis and cover them with a small layer of earth.


Raspberry Vega is a tall species with powerful, slightly spreading branches and good shoot-forming ability. Biennial stems of brown color erect, related to the cranked type. The spikes are located in the lower segment of the stem. Annual shoots are purple. Leaves with a few wrinkles, green.

Fruits of raspberry color, obtuse, weighing from 3.4 to 3.8 g and juicy, tender flesh with small bones. Vega is resistant to severe winters and moderate droughts, but is subject to minor effects from purple spotting and anthracnose. The fertility of one plant varies from 6.5 to 7.8 tons per hectare. Differs in average transportability.

Mid-season varieties

Mid-season varieties include:

  • Molling Promise;
  • Falconer;
  • Shy;
  • Polka.


This raspberry comes from England. The bushes are of a compressed type and have a height of 2.2 to 2.5 m. Annual shoots of medium size with a fine structure. They are covered with short spikes of red-violet color with a thickening at the base. The leaves are medium with a slight wrinkling and a three-leaf structure. Fruits of conical shape, red color and large size. Kostyanki large with weak coupling. The taste is mild with a mediocre aroma. Productivity up to 12 tons per hectare.


A promising and relatively young look. He was bred by Polish breeders Jan Daneomu and Agnezhka Oryol at the Institute of Horticulture in Brzezn in 2010. It is actively used for planting in open and closed ground - film tunnels and greenhouses. It is intended for sale to medium-sized commercial enterprises and small industries.

Raspberries form medium-spreading shrubs with shoots from 1.7 to 2 m high. Small non-sharp spikes of dark brown color are located along the entire length of the stems and branches. The foliage is bright green, narrow, wrinkled, of medium torsion. Bright red berries with moderate gloss have a fusiform shape with elongation at the end and weight from 5 to 7 g.

They are juicy and hard flesh, which provides high transportability. Frost resistance is moderate, comparable to standard European grades. Good natural protection against many pests, fungal and infectious diseases. The fruits ripen in the third or fourth decade of June with a possible delay of 3-4 days. Productivity from 17 to 20 tons per hectare.

Rules of landing and care:

  1. Plant in the ground after autumn leaf fall.
  2. After planting in a pit or trench filled with a mixture of fertilizers, cut the seedling to a height of 30 cm.
  3. Maintain the distance between plants in the range from 0.5 to 0.7 m.
  4. Do not plant more than 10 seedlings per 1 square meter, as otherwise the feeding area will decrease and the load will increase.
  5. Put additional support for tying the stems.


Plants are slightly spreading with good shoot formation and a height of up to 2 meters. There are no spikes on straight shoots. The berries are round-conical in shape, medium in size and weighing from 2.5 to 2.9 g. They are endowed with dense pulp, which does not have a pronounced aroma. Their taste is mostly sweet. The average yield is from 2.5 to 2.7 kg per bush or from 8 to 8.5 tons per hectare. In the lower segment of the shoots, the bark is stable and strong, which resists digestion and protects against anthracnose damage. The modest woman is susceptible to the effects of spider mites and gray rot.


Raspberries form mid-high bushes with a powerful root system and strong, resilient stems. Berries of the correct conical shape, rich red color and a length of 2 to 3 cm. They have a pronounced taste and forest aroma. On the palate there is a perfect balance of sweet and sour, liquid and density. Fruits grow on brushes of 8 pieces with a weight of 3 to 5 g each.

Rules for planting, breeding and care:

  1. Maintain distance between plants from 50 to 100 cm, and between rows from 150 to 200 cm.
  2. Leave less than 7 seedlings in a row in order to save nutrition.
  3. Plant in 40x45 cm trenches or pits with slightly acidic, soddy or podzolic soil.
  4. To produce the first bait in April using organic, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. The second - in the middle of the summer season, and the third in September.
  5. Use V- or T-shaped wire structures to tie up the upper shoots.
  6. Before the winter season, cut the shoots under the root, and then mulch using straw, thyrs and peat.


  • perfect berry shape;
  • high level of productivity;
  • double fruiting;
  • good keeping quality and portability.


  • low frost resistance;
  • poor temperature tolerance above +35 degrees.

Late ripening

Late ripe raspberries include:

  • Hussar;
  • Giant (Pride of Russia);
  • Taganka.


Raspberry Gusar is not a repairing and tall plant up to 2.5 m high. It is endowed with powerful and erect shoots that have a reddish color and bright waxy coating (protection against moisture loss). Large leaves with a wrinkled structure are placed on them. The lower part of the shoots contains small, non-sharp spikes. The formation of lateral shoots is carried out from the central segment of the main.

Bushes form quickly without the formation of additional root shoots, since the root system consists of less than 10 offspring. The shape of the fruit is conical with a weight of 3 to 4, and sometimes 10 g. They have a standard sweet and sour taste with a pronounced aroma. Sugar content less than 10.8%. In the northern regions and the middle zone, mass shoots are observed in early August. Productivity up to 6 kg per plant.

Landing Features:

  1. Outdoor transplantation is performed in the middle of the spring season to prevent icing of the root system, or until mid-October.
  2. The landing site should be well lit and protected from through wind.
  3. The distance between seedlings is from 0.8 to 1 m, between rows from 1 to 1.5 m.
  4. Before planting, it is necessary to enrich the soil with organic fertilizers - manure or humus, and after abundant daily watering for 3 weeks.

Care Rules:

  1. Water abundantly during active flowering.
  2. Trim the plants in the spring to remove damaged and shorten overwintered shoots, and after the height reaches 1.5 meters.

Giant (Pride of Russia)

The plant is medium-sized with massive, compact bushes with a height of 1.5 to 1.8 m. On the thick, upright gray-brown stems are dark green leaves, large snow-white flowers woven into racemose inflorescences. Spikes are missing. Berry cone-shaped, dark red color with a shiny velvety hue, soft, delicate pulp, weighing from 8 to 12 g.

The plant is characterized by active shoot formation; during the season it forms from 5 to 7 root offspring and from 7 to 10 shoots. From 20 to 30 fruits grow on medium fruit twigs. They are collected in 6 stages. The average yield is from 4 to 5 kg per plant.

Care rules have their own specifics:

  1. Trim only three times:
    • March to April. To remove (under the root) all weak, poorly formed or damaged shoots.
    • After complete dissolution of the kidneys. Shorten the stems by 13 cm to increase yield.
    • 2-3 weeks before frost: Cut the shoots that bear fruit for more than two years under the root.
  2. In four stages, water the plants intensively and regularly:
    • before flowering;
    • during the ripening period;
    • after harvesting;
    • before wintering.
  3. Periodically irrigate the soil.
  4. Conduct annual feeding:
    • manure after planting;
    • nitrogen fertilizers, superphosphates, potassium salt and slightly rotten manure - in early spring;
    • wood ash, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - in the autumn.

This variety is very popular in Russia and Europe, so seedlings can be bought at any gardening store, the Internet or crop fairs. Benefits include:

  • high productivity;
  • large-fruited;
  • taste and aroma;
  • resistance to diseases (didimelle, mosaic, anthracosis);
  • high frost resistance.


  • the presence of individual twin berries;
  • low sugar content;
  • the need for intensive dressing and watering.


Taganka raspberry belongs to varieties with late ripening of berries. It has high winter hardiness and resistance to an extensive list of pathogens, infections and pests, including ticks. The berries have a large size and conical shape, and weigh from 5.7 to 10 g. They are distinguished by good transportability, a slightly cloying taste.

Elite Sweet Varieties

These are raspberry species that have large fruits and high yields. All gardeners like them: Mirabella, Hercules, Benefis, Tale, Faith. These include species with exotic exotic colors: yellow or black.

With yellow berries

These are new varieties of raspberries with repair fruiting, which include the following:

  • The yellow giant. The plant is tall up to 2.5 m high. Shoots growing twisted, powerful and strong. The fruits are large and massive from 10 to 12 g with a light yellow color, delicate pulp and a honey and dessert aroma that resembles wild raspberries. Productivity of one plant is from 10 to 12.5 kg. In the fall, the tops are cut off by 50 cm for the appearance of larger fruits and tied to the trellis.
  • Orange miracle. The bushes are low and strong, not requiring additional support. They have an average height of 1.7 m. The weight of yellow-golden berries, having the shape of an elongated cone, varies from 8 to 10 g. They have a dense consistency, so they are suitable for transportation. Fruiting is annual during the summer season. High resistance to standard raspberry and frost diseases.
  • Runaway. The plant is medium-sized with a weak sprawling and low shoot-forming ability, about 8 pieces per bush. Biennial straight and painted in gray, and annual with a light green color and a slight waxy coating without pubescence. The spikes are greenish, small and shortened. On annual branches they are on the base of green, and two-year-olds on gray-brown and are concentrated in the center.

    Leaves of medium size, without pubescence, with a large number of wrinkles and medium-pointed denticles framing the edges. Laterals (lateral stems) with a slight waxy coating. Fruits are round-conical in shape and have a golden apricot color, which gives them an excellent presentation. Weight varies from 2.5 to 2.7 g. The average level of resistance to heat and drought. Productivity can reach 7.3 tons per hectare.

    Care Rules:

  1. Trim and tie in the spring.
  2. Select fertilizers, taking into account the season, level of development and soil condition.
  3. To feed in spring, use organic fertilizers, for example, mullein, diluted with water, in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. In autumn, add potash and phosphorus fertilizers.
  5. Irrigate.
  6. Weed plants on a regular basis, loosen the soil shallow, organically mulch the soil.
  • Gold autumn. A large-fruited raspberry variety with fruiting bearing, golden yellow berries. Fruits are conically elongated with a dense texture, weighing from 5 to 7 g, and some reach 11 g. A high level of productivity and resistance to diseases and pests.
  • Sweetened with yellow. It has oblong berries with a white-yellow color and weighs up to 6 g each. A feature of the variety is its high resistance to the effects of pathogens and pests. The disadvantages of sweeteners include: low winter hardiness and poor tolerance of transportation. The maximum yield is up to 8 kg per bush.

    Vera. The variety is a domestic development with semi-spreading shrubs of medium height and erect stems with a height of 1.5 to 1.6 m. It bears fruit with bright purple conical shape berries that have a sweet taste with a slight acidity and a delicate fruity aroma. Productivity is up to 2 kg from a bush. Photos can be viewed on the Internet.

With exotic black fruits

These are also elite raspberry varieties, represented by raspberry-blackberry hybrids, which include:

  • Corner. The height of the plant varies from 2.2 to 2.5 m. A bush of medium sparseness forms from 9 to 12 branches, but does not give growth. The shape of the annual green branches is arch-shaped with a wax coating, in the two-year-olds it is brown in color with a bluish tint. Bluish-brown spikes covering the entire length, medium size. Dark green leaves are usually large or medium.

    Berries of black color, medium size, wide cone shape and weighing from 1.8 to 2.3 g. The pulp is dense, pronounced sweet, with a slight acidity. Productivity from 6.6 to 8.3 tons per hectare. With proper care, you can achieve bush fertility up to 8 kg, on average, its value is 5.5 kg. Fully harvested in two weeks in two or three sets

  • Airlie Cumberland. This variety belongs to early ripening species. It looks like a blackberry not only in appearance, but also in its taste. Fruit branches form up to 5 medium-sized fruits. They have a pleasant and sweet dessert taste, weighing up to 1.6 g. The plant has high winter hardiness and can withstand temperatures up to -30 ° C.
  • Bristol. One of the best types of black, with high performance. The plant is medium-sized with shoots up to 3 meters high, which require garter, and a developed root system. Berries with a round shape and a bluish tinge, sweet taste and juicy pulp. Fertility reaches 5 kg. Average resistance to frost and drought.

Stacked Raspberries

These are the sweetest raspberry varieties with a new kind of bush formation. Due to its thick shoots and large growth, it resembles a tree stem. These raspberry varieties include:

  • Tarusa. The variety forms characteristic relatively tall and strong bushes that do not need support, with 8-10 shoots of substitution and 4-5 root offspring. Fruits of a blunt form, bright red in color, weighing from 10.2 to 13 g with a pronounced berry taste. They are easily separated from the branches and are well transported. From one plant you can collect from 3 to 4.1 kg. It has average resistance to frost, but at temperatures from -30 ° C you need to shelter under snow.
  • Arbat. Spreading bushes up to 1.9 m high. The berries are slightly elongated, weighty from 15 to 18 g have dense flesh and maroon color. They are used in industrial production and private gardening, used in food, various blanks are made from them and jewelry is made for dishes. Productivity - 9 kg. Resistance to typical diseases and frosts is high.
  • Abundant. Appeared as a result of crossing English and domestic varieties. Justifying its name, it brings an excellent crop and excellently withstands low temperatures. But the drought tolerates poorly. Plus for the gardener - the absence of thorns.
  • Monomakh hat. The bush is characterized by drooping branches and shoots with a strong branching. Berries of dark raspberry color with a ruby \u200b\u200bhue, elongated shape and blunt end, weighing up to 7 g. They have medium-dense flesh, sweet taste and can be easily separated from the stem. The fruiting period is August-October. Productivity varies from 3.2 to 5.5 kg. The view is resistant to low temperatures.
  • Glen Ampl. Plants of this Scottish variety are tall with a height of 3.5 to 4 m. Dull red fruits of a rounded slightly elongated shape weigh from 5 to 10 g, the pulp is dense with a sweet and sour taste. It is distinguished by its excellent presentation and good transportability. Productivity up to 1.6 kg. It has good resistance to frost, drought and protection against common diseases and pests.


Raspberries can be called one of the most useful and valuable berry crops. It has many important healing and nutritional properties, and is popularly considered a symbol of longevity and good health. It is not surprising that in our time, there is simply a mass of recipes based on it. During the existence of this culture, a huge number of varieties were bred. The characteristics of raspberry varieties consists of ripening time, yield, disease resistance, taste and other nuances related to the development of culture. Different varieties are adapted to different climatic conditions, so it is important to know which raspberries to plant in your garden. Next, we will take a closer look at the best varieties of raspberries of early, medium, and late ripening.

Raspberry varieties early ripening

Raspberries, especially early varieties, often have low yields.But the plant compensates for this drawback with other advantages. For example, early raspberry varieties are quite resistant to the most unpredictable weather conditions, so they are perfect for growing in regions where weather conditions tend to change dramatically.


This variety was bred by crossing raspberries "Rubin Bulgarian" and "Newburgh" and is a sprawling, upright bush up to 1.8 cm high. It is able to create up to 20 shoots per meter. The thorns of the bush are brown, short and stiff. Ripening period-  middle. Harvest from one bush is not too big, and its maximum value is 2.5 kg. Variety "Balm" has large, dense, dark purple berries that can be easily separated from the stem. It is attributed to frost-resistant varieties, which can be grown in almost any climatic conditions.


Raspberry varieties "Sputnitsa" were obtained by crossing varieties "Ottawa" and "Rubin Bulgarian", therefore, in the description of this variety there are many common details. With late ripeninggives a good yield and from one bush you can collect about 2-2.5 kg of berries. "Sputnik" is characterized by an upright, strong bush, reaching a height of 1.8 m and low ability to create shoots (usually 10 shoots per meter). Spikes at the bush are located on the base. They are short, thin and stiff, and have a purple color. This variety has hemispherical, medium size, dark red berries. Frost tolerance is average, which is why there is a high risk of bark aging. The variety is resistant to anthracnose and spider mites, but there is a possibility of damage by purple spotting.

"Scarlet Sails"

Raspberry varieties "Scarlet Sails" refers to the early ripening bushes. They have strong enough shoots that can grow up to 2 meters in height. It creates shoots well, on one bush there can be more than 10 pieces. The variety "Scarlet Sails" has a rather low productivity - only 1.5 kg of raspberries from one bush. The berries have a round-conical shape, and they acquire a bright color closer to autumn. Frost resistance is good, and during severe frosts, raspberry fruits are formed due to axillary buds.Like many other summer varieties of raspberries, this variety can get a spider web or raspberry tick, but at the same time it is highly resistant to fungal diseases.


  Variety "Abundant" is classified as a large-fruited raspberry variety. A strong, semi-spreading bush grows up to 2 meters and does not have thorns. Such raspberries are quite fruitful and from one bush of this variety you can collect up to 4.5 kg of berries. It has very large fruits, their shape is conical, and the color is bright red, brilliant. From the stem are easily separated. "Abundant" easily tolerates frosts and copes well with various diseases.


This raspberry variety was formed as a result of crossing the varieties Kaliningradskaya and Rubin Bulgarian. The bush at Cascade is medium-sized, and its maximum height is about two meters. The leaves of this variety are medium in size, pubescent on top, green, and whitish, densely pubescent below. The ability to create shoots is average. It has thin, short, not very hard spikes that are located along the shoot along its entire length. With proper care, you can achieve a good yield - 3.5 kg from one bush. The berries of this raspberry variety are large, red, blunt-shaped. They are highly resistant to frost, but do not tolerate drought.It does not suffer from fungal diseases, although it can be sick with mosaic leaf spot.

Description of varieties of medium ripening

Varieties of raspberries of medium ripening are most suitable for growing on a summer cottage. They bear fruit quite early, have good yields, are unpretentious in care and have reasonably good immunity.


  The medium-ripening variety "Brigantine" is characterized by an erect bush, reaching a height of two meters. The ability to create shoots is average (up to 20 shoots per meter). Medium, corrugated leaves are dark green in color. Also on the bush there is a small amount of short, thick, purple spikes. This raspberry variety gives a rich harvest and from one bush you can collect up to 2.5 kg of berries.  Fruits are rounded conical, large, dark crimson. "Brigantine" - a variety that is resistant to frost and bark aging, is not prone to spider mites, anthracnose, as well as purple spotting.


The raspberry variety "Tarusa" has the following description: bushes reach 1.5 meters in height and are characterized by a high ability to create shoots (up to 10 shoots and up to 5 root offspring per meter). Such raspberries have large, corrugated leaves, dark green in color, with grooves along the edges. If you are looking for the most productive raspberry varieties, then Tarusa can produce up to 4 kg of berries, and with careful care, the yield can double. It has quite large, obtuse, bright red fruits that are easily removed from the stem.
The raspberries of the Tarusa variety taste sweet and have a strong raspberry aroma.It does not freeze to -30 ° C, but if the temperature drops even lower, it is recommended to bend the shoots to the ground and fill it with snow. It is best to bend them closer to the end of September, along with the leaves. As for various pests and diseases, the Tarusa raspberries have a fairly high resistance.


Raspberry "Hercules", and the description of this variety should begin with its incredibly strong shoots, for which he got his name - this is a medium-sized bush reaching two meters in height. Creates a total of up to 4 shoots (per bush). They are straight-growing, strong, green. The fruiting zone of this variety occupies half of the shoots. It has medium, wrinkled, bright green leaves. The spikes are sharp, thin, hard and cover the entire shoot. The yield of the bush is quite high and can reach 3 kg. Berries of a truncated conical shape, very large, ruby \u200b\u200bred in color. If the sweet varieties of raspberries are too sugary for you, then the "Hercules" they have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. With frequent frosts, it has an average resistance to frost, so it will be best to crop and cover the shoots for the winter. This raspberry variety is not prone to disease.


Large varieties of raspberries are quite diverse, and the "Aborigine" is far from the only representative of them. Its strong, slightly sprawling, straight-growing, thornless bushes can grow up to 2 meters in height, and thanks to its high yield, up to 7 kg of berries can be picked from one such bush. The fruits have a conical shape, large enough, bright red in color. The frost resistance of the Aborigine variety is medium.


"Arbat" is a large-fruited raspberry variety.  The bush has strong, tall shoots, without thorns. The yield of "Arbat" is impressive, because from one bush you can collect 6 kg of raspberries, and with proper care the amount of yield often doubles. The berries are large, conical in shape, dark red in color, easy to detach from the stem. This variety is characterized by moderate frost resistance and low susceptibility to disease.

Late raspberries

Raspberries also have late varieties. They are distinguished by high productivity and are highly resistant to frost. The following are the most common varieties for planting in the country.

Taganka raspberries belong to the late ripening varieties and are represented by medium-tall bushes without thorns. The yield of this variety is quite high and with proper care from one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of berries. The fruits of this raspberry are large, red and have a conical shape. By consistency, they are quite dense. Taganka is not particularly afraid of winter, but it can freeze during severe frosts. It also has a high immunity to diseases.

These or other raspberry varieties are an indispensable attribute of the Russian garden. Sweet, fragrant berry is not inferior to strawberries in popularity, taste, and beneficial properties, taking the baton of the berry season with dignity. And raspberry jam has long been a favorite treat, the best medicine for colds and a standard of taste characteristics.

The best summer treat!

Traditional varieties of forest shrubs have been cultivated for more than 500 years, but interest for professional gardeners and amateurs is primarily a new assortment - high-yielding, large-fruited, with improved taste and aroma.

Raspberry classification

Before you consider the most valuable and interesting varieties of raspberries with photos and descriptions, we suggest understanding their diversity and classification. This will help to choose planting material based on household needs, personal preferences, and climatic characteristics of the region.

By method of fruiting

Depending on which shoots - the first or second year of vegetation - the fruits appear, distinguish between summer and repair raspberries.

Summer variety  has a two-year development cycle. In the first year of vegetation in the axils of the leaves there is a laying of flower buds, in the second - fruit branches grow from them. The plant begins to bear fruit in June, stretching the yield of the crop for 1–1.5 months. The main problem, especially in regions with cold winters, is to keep the first-year shoots from freezing.

On the lips of summer harvested raspberry varieties - Gusar, Maroseyka, Lashka, Octavia, Glen Ampl, Kaliningrad.

Unlike summer, the full cycle of vegetation from the growth of a young shoot to fruiting takes place in one year. If you keep the sprouting branches, next year it will give two crops - in the summer on old and in the autumn on young shoots. In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow it in an annual culture, getting one, but a plentiful crop. Repairing cultivars are characterized by large-fruited, high productivity, are subject to complete pruning for the winter, so they do not need shelter.

The most popular repair varieties: Hercules, Daughter of Hercules, Eurasia, Regiment, Polana, Ruby necklace, Indian summer, Penguin.

Removable Raspberry Ruby Necklace

It is interesting! The standard of raspberry flavor is still the old Russian variety Novosti Kuzmina, bred at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on it, more than a dozen new large-fruited cultivars were bred, including Indian Summer, Bryansk, Vera, Coral, Malakhovka,

By maturity

The earliest raspberry varieties begin to ripen in the second half of June, and the late remodeling ones delight with juicy berries until frost.

  • Begins, Vera, Lazarevskaya, Kuzmina News, Lashka, Glen Ampl begin to ripen first.
  • The mid-early group includes varieties Shiny, Hussar, Maroseyka, Balsam, Canby.
  • They have late ripening dates:, Golden Autumn, Ruby, Coral, Brigantine, Terenty.

By size of berries

Distinguish between traditional and large-fruited raspberry varieties:

  • The usual raspberry berry weighs 2.5-4 g, sweet in taste. The advantage of traditional varieties in their endurance and unpretentiousness. They rarely freeze, grow on the most ordinary soils, and are undemanding to care. And although their harvest is small, but stable from year to year, the quality of the berries is high. An example is the News of Kuzmin, Beglyanka, Meteor, Kaliningrad.
  • Increasingly, gardeners want to grow large-fruited varieties. They have a lot of advantages - large berries up to 15 g with a delicate taste and aroma, high productivity, density and transportability. The largest group includes: Arbat (15–18 g), Daughter of Heracles (up to 15 g), Ruby Necklace (12–14 g), Giant Ruby (up to 11 g), Patricia (up to 14 g), Yellow Giant (up to 10 g).

By color of berries

The raspberry berry palette contains many shades of red, there are yellow fruit varieties (Runaway, Golden Giant, Apricot, Yellow Giant), (Orange Miracle) and even (Cumberland, Litach).

Aronia Cumberland

Stem Plants

When choosing a raspberry variety, gardeners often pay attention to the height of the shoots, their stability or, conversely, the tendency to lodge, the need for garter. In this regard, standard varieties of berry shrubs are popular. The raspberry of the standard type grows to a height of 1.5 m, has a thick and strong stem, is characterized by enhanced formation of lateral shoots (for this property it is compared with a raspberry tree), does not require a garter.

Popular standard varieties: Eurasia, Fairy Tale, Fortress,.

It is interesting! Along with domestic varieties, foreign raspberries are grown in Russia. The most popular English cultivars are Glen Ampl, Glen Prosen, Molling Promis; Polish - Polana, Laska; German - Vistula, Kaliningrad; American - Canby, Latham.

10 best grades for the middle strip

Speaking about the best raspberry varieties for central Russia, we rely on the opinion of amateur gardeners and the recommendations of the professional community in terms of regionalization.

One of the best summer varieties bred more than 40 years ago, but not lost love gardeners. Large, with a true raspberry flavor, unpretentious, productive. Although the variety is not standard, its stems are thick, strong, erect, and branch well. The Maroseyka has no spikes, it gives enough shoots of substitution (8–9). The berry is light red, conical in shape, sits tightly on the peduncle, weight from 4 to 10 g. On good fertilized soil, up to 5 kg of berries can be obtained from the bush. It is advisable to shelter plantings for the winter, and in the spring it is necessary to feed.

Maroseyka - berry with a taste of childhood!

Lashka (Lyashka)

This is an early summer variety of Polish selection with large (average 6 g), sweet berries. Fruits in two-year-old shoots, reaching a height of 2 or more meters, therefore needs a garter. Fruit twigs are literally studded with beautiful bright red oblong-shaped berries that begin to ripen in mid-June. Among the advantages of Lashka is winter hardiness, but it is demanding on soil, the size of berries depends on the fertility of which. With appropriate agricultural technology, the popular summer varieties Gusar and Meteor are superior in yield.

Fruitful Lasha

Another early summer raspberry variety, it is resistant to disease, not prone to freezing. It forms a powerful bush up to 2 meters high with small spikes. The berries are round, large (up to 5 g), purple in color, with a pleasant dessert taste and aroma. The sun has a large growth energy, quickly grows stems, gives a lot of substitution shoots (up to 20 pieces), which allows you to quickly multiply the plantation.

The sun is a descendant of the domestic aborigine Kuzmin News

Pride of Russia

Among the summer garden forms, the mid-early Pride of Russia stands out with its attractive characteristics. Forms medium-sized compact bushes with a large number of side shoots. Each fruit twig is a bunch of 25-30 red velvety berries of dessert flavor. Due to their large size (10–15 g), 4–5 kg of vitamin crop is collected from each bush. The shoots of the first year of vegetation can withstand frosts up to 30⁰ C, in a colder climate for the winter it is better to cover them.

The real Pride of Russia!


One of the best repairing varieties of raspberries for central Russia. When grown in an annual crop, it begins to ripen in early August and manages to give 80–90% of the crop before the cold. The bushes are strong, erect, can be grown on a trellis or without support. Large ruby \u200b\u200bberries weighing 6–10 g abundantly cover the upper third of the fruiting shoot; they taste pleasant, sweet and sour. Fruiting friendly, yield from one bush - up to 2.5 kg. Plus Hercules is resistant to diseases and dense fruits that do not rot after ripening. For more information about the variety, see the article Repairing varieties of raspberries “Hercules” and “Daughter of Hercules”.

Hercules and his heiress The daughter of Hercules

Monomakh hat

A new but already recognized repair grade of the standard type. It forms a bush from highly branched shoots, each stalk looks like a small tree, does not need support. At the time of fruiting, bushes strewn with large ruby \u200b\u200bberries look very attractive. The weight of one berry is up to 10 g, and the collection from the bush is 5 kg and this is not the limit. To ensure the maximum summer-autumn crop, it is recommended to grow the crop in an annual vegetation cycle.

Ruby Beauty Monomakh Hat

A worthy representative of the domestic school of selection, a repairing variety, which, despite the rather late ripening period (from the second decade of August), manages to give 90% of the harvest to frost. His bushes are squat, the stems are thin, so they are recommended to be grown on a trellis. The berry is dense, oblong, large (10-12 g), light red in color. The variety is quite demanding on soil fertility - in order to get a projected yield of 4–5 kg from a raspberry bush, plantings must be fed several times per season.

In the photo Bryansk divo

Yellow giant

Yellow-fruited representative of a large raspberry family. The plant is large-fruited, sredneranny, once fruiting on the shoots of the second year of vegetation. It forms a powerful sprawling bush, grows strongly and quickly. The berries are juicy, sweet, weighing 4-8 g, begin to ripen in July and bear fruit until the end of summer - beginning of autumn. Productivity depends on soil fertility and starts at 3 kg from raspberry bush. A variety for amateur gardening, as the berry is very soft and can not be transported.

Yellow Giant Amber Outfit

Shelf (Polka)

Remontant polish variety demanded in amateur gardening. Raspberries begin to ripen in the second half of July and by the end of September gives almost the entire crop. A brilliant ruby \u200b\u200bberry in shape resembles a thimble, the average weight is 4–5 g, in a fruit brush there are 8–10 pieces. Particularly noteworthy is the taste - dessert, with a delicate aroma and balanced sugar. Under the weight of the fruit, the stems can fall, so the shelf is best grown on a trellis. The variety is not frost-resistant, but this problem is solved when grown in an annual crop - shoots are cut to stump in winter.

Spectacular and Productive Shelf


Repairing raspberries Eurasia is rapidly gaining popularity. The variety is fruitful, drought tolerant, medium early, which allows you to give all the berries before the onset of frost. Shtambovy shoots are straight-growing, up to 1.5 m high, do not need support. The berries are dark raspberry, dull, sweet and sour in taste, weighing 4-6 g. The dense pulp does not ripen for a long time, remaining juicy, but not loose. Another plus is unpretentiousness to the soil and weather conditions.

Hardy and productive Eurasia

The list of raspberry varieties, including for the middle band, can be continued by no less spectacular representatives. When choosing an assortment, try to have summer and repair varieties, early and late, elite and the most unpretentious, presented in your raspberry, then you will be harvested regardless of the vagaries of nature.

Video about new raspberry varieties: