Why dieffenbachia omens bloom. Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is an evergreen plant with beautiful large, rounded green petals, which are sometimes with white spots, stripes and veins. Around this plant myths and legends have been created, it is also called “a flower that takes away the gift of speech”. Many people ask the question: why it is impossible to keep dieffenbachia at home, what are the reasons. Let's learn more about this beautiful shrub with lovely decorative petals.

A little about the flower

At home, this exotic shrub in some cases grows only 50-70 cm, sometimes up to 1.5 meters. In its homeland, in the American tropics, it grows up to 2 meters.

The plant attracts the eye with its beautiful leaves, which sometimes can reach up to 50 cm, with white stains, sometimes with yellow and light specks. Dieffenbachia grows very quickly, in the process of gaining height, it sheds the lower leaves, its trunk is bare and from this it loses its attractiveness. Therefore, skilled and experienced gardeners cut the top off.

In nature, when a plant reaches two meters, the trunk cannot withstand, under the weight of gravity, and bends towards the ground. New shoots appear and the plant multiplies in this way.

In the house or in the office, it almost never blooms, in nature it blooms every year. Its flowers do not impress with special beauty, resembling a yellowish cob, which is covered with a kind of fluffy veil.
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Types of dieffenbachia

In nature, there are more than 40 species of this overseas beauty, but in our conditions, several species are grown:

  • "Shrub" - a small bush, reaching no more than 80 cm in height, leaves of a bright green color, with a pronounced white vein in the center;
  • "Pretty" or cute is probably the most common type, with long, dark green leaves and bright white veins from the center of the leaf;
  • "Camilla" - often, with proper care, even at home can grow up to 2 meters in height. Its leaves are light green, oval, with a bare trunk;
  • "Reflector" - dark green juicy leaves, with a huge number of specks of light green hue;
  • Dieffenbachia "mix" - leaves are light green with fancy white patterns.

Is it possible to keep dieffenbachia at home

Around this exotic shrub, bad rumors are spread about its dangers, bad omens, and reviews about how poisonous it is. Is it really that dangerous, and is it worth believing rumors and omens, living in the 21st century? Many are afraid of this plant, and even afraid to touch it, let alone to have it in the house. Rumor has it that if such a tree grows in the house, then because of it there are constant quarrels between the spouses. Some believe that if a single girl has this plant in her house, then she will never get married. Everyone has the right to make their own choice, to believe or not to believe bad omens.

Harm to humans

If the sap of the plant gets on the skin of an adult, this will cause the appearance of ulcers, which will soon pass, but in children they will heal for a longer time. In some cases, it can cause vomiting or painful cramps. It has been proven that this shrub cannot cause serious problems for humans, but it can harm your pets. For example, if the sap of a plant enters the cat's larynx, it can cause swelling, which will block the air supply and the animal may die.

In America, during slavery, slaves were punished with this plant, forcing them to chew a leaf of a bush - this did not lead to death, but the punished was speechless. So this plant acquired another name "dumb rod".

The benefits of the plant

You can grow dieffenbachia in the house if you handle it correctly. It is considered a wonderful air purifier - the large leaves of the plant absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. In addition, it perfectly absorbs various toxins released from furniture and household chemicals.

The sap of the plant is poisonous, but it is released only if the stem or leaf is broken. But it is better to take precautions: when transplanting, you must wear gloves, and you should not place a flowerpot with this plant in a child's room or bedroom.

It is by no means forbidden to keep dieffenbachia at home, and it poses no threat if handled correctly. As for rumors about a negative impact on the atmosphere in the house, they are unfounded and not proven.

How to care for a plant

To grow a beautiful bush - diphenbachia, you definitely need to know how to care for it. She is not very capricious, but she loves a lot of light and warmth, she feels great in large rooms or lobbies of hotels and institutions. But you do not need to place the flowerpot in a place where direct sunlight falls. Loves humid air, feels good with central heating, but does not tolerate dry soil. She needs frequent watering and spraying of the leaves, otherwise they will begin to curl, and the beauty will lose her attractiveness. It is good to substitute a tray with moss under the flowerpot, an aquarium located in the same room - all this will create a beneficial effect on the flower.

  • It is best to water it with settled water, as the salts in the tap water can kill the plant. Water only when the soil begins to dry out a little.
  • It needs frequent feeding - mineral and organic fertilizers, which can be added to irrigation water, once every 10 days.


Usually dieffenbachia is transplanted only after the flowerpot or container is too small for it. A small plant is often planted in a large pot, as it grows very quickly - in the first year of life it grows by 30-40 cm.

Precautionary measures

As mentioned above, the juice of an exotic beauty is poisonous, therefore, when transplanting or pruning, you must wear gloves, immediately put the trims in a bag and throw them into the trash bin.

If there are cats in the house, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is best to place the flower pot on a hill so that the beloved animal cannot taste the tree that is dangerous for it.

Probably, many of us are familiar with this plant firsthand. Keeping this plant at home is often associated with a number of various false judgments and assumptions regarding its harm or harmlessness to humans. So how harmful is dieffenbachia and is it safe to keep it at home?

Dieffenbachia, main features and characteristics

Dieffenbachia is a plant belonging to the aroid family. Her homeland is the South American continent. The most correct would be to attribute dieffenbachia to the perennial shrubs of the evergreen type.

The name of this shrub came from the name of the German botanist J.F. Dieffenbach... The plant has a fairly high growth rate and can reach two meters, however, when kept at home, it rarely reaches this height.

Dieffenbachia is distinguished by quite beautiful leaves, which have a peculiar "spotted" color. The shrub quickly begins to release new leaves and shed those that are located in its lower part. This property significantly impairs the appearance.... In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to update the plant in a timely manner by cutting off the top. The very top can be rooted. If this is not done, dieffenbachia will begin to tilt and the trunk can take a horizontal position.

The flowering of the shrub is rare, and the flowers themselves are not of particular decorative importance. But with a favorable set of circumstances, the appearance of small "flowers on the cob" is quite real. The point of emergence of new leaves is located at the top of the plant.

Can this flower be kept at home and grown? Dieffenbachia does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes quite well. It is important to pay attention to this nuance when transplanting a plant or airing a room during the cold season. In a certain period it is necessary to give the plant an opportunity to rest, during which watering and feeding decreases. As a rule, it is autumn-winter.

In the rest of the time, you can safely make a flower transplant (usually the plant needs it once every 2 or 4 years, as it grows). Drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) is placed in the bottom of the dieffenbachia container. It will not be superfluous from time to time to loosen the soil and feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.

Problems and diseases

In order to avoid this, it is important to water the plant on time, to ensure the optimal temperature regime in the room, to arrange treatment from pests if necessary.

Dieffenbachia propagation

A flower can reproduce in a variety of ways.

  • Graft propagation... The parts cut off from the plant are either rooted in the ground (can be watered with a means to enhance growth), or placed in an aqueous / humid environment (container with water, wet moss).
  • Seed reproduction... This method is possible only if there are flowers on the plant. The female flowers have a distinctive feature in the form of a partially closed floral part. To pollinate a flower, you need to take the pollen from the male inflorescence with a brush and distribute it along the half-closed part of the female flower (after making an incision on it, at the end - the incision must be glued).
  • Propagation by the stem part of the plant... Usually the stem is divided into several parts, about 10–12 cm each, the cut is processed with crumbs of coal or sulfur. Then the stem is placed in a vessel with soil. If everything went well, the rudiments of leaves will appear on the stem.

Dieffenbachia: benefits and harms

Dieffenbachia has a large number of species, but the most common for home keeping, there are only a few hybrids of this shrub. What is the benefit or harm of a flower, can it be kept at home? In fact, this shrub has a number of useful features that distinguish it from many other plants.

  • In those rooms in which dieffenbachia is located, the chemical composition of the surrounding air is significantly improved;
  • Shrubs affect the amount of dust, which is important, for example, for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • It is known that dieffenbachia is characterized by the presence of phytoncides, which in turn have bactericidal properties. They are able to reduce the overall quantitative characteristics of microbes such as, for example, staphylococcus aureus.

On the safety of home content dieffenbachia

Along with the beneficial features of dieffenbachia for humans, one cannot reject the fact that there are also properties that can cause some harm when keeping a shrub at home.

Dieffenbachia, the harm of which lies in the content of a number of substances in its juice, can cause allergic reactions. This usually happens by direct contact of dieffenbachia juice with the skin... Therefore, it is very important to follow certain precautions when caring for a shrub. And do not allow the juice of the plant to get on the mucous membranes or skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant is out of reach for small children and pets (it is noticed that cats show some interest in this plant). Also, do not put this plant in kindergartens and centers.


From the features and properties of dieffenbachia we have considered, one can come to certain conclusions about its safety (benefits and harms to humans).

Subject to simple precautions, during transplantation, cutting off stems and leaves (use of protective gloves, washing hands after finishing work with the plant), do not allow children to come into contact with the plant, Dieffenbachia will not differ in any way from other plants in the house.

Thus, finding a dieffenbachia flower in a house is not only not dangerous, but will also bring positive properties to the microclimate of the room. Also, this shrub with "marble leaves" will perfectly complement and decorate your interior.

We will immediately delight many gardeners - you can keep Dieffenbachia at home, but you should be prepared for the fact that the plant is quite harmful. However, it gives off enough oxygen and never causes allergies.

Nevertheless, there are many signs and beliefs around dieffenbachia, some of them are true. All the folded signs are likely to delight not only connoisseurs of this plant, but also our readers.

The flower is harmful not only for the signs folded around it, but because of the real poison. The poisonous juice that Dieffenbachia secretes will not harm adults. But for children and your pets, even a small dose of this juice can be a terrible experience.

If you have small children, cats and dogs running around your home on a regular basis, then giving up the flower will be a pretty right decision. A particularly bad option would be to keep a flower in a nursery next to a small child.

Details about the plant

In ancient times, this plant was used as an instrument of torture, which implied the use of its poison for terrible purposes. For the most part, this brutal punishment was applied directly to slaves who violated their charter. Death, of course, did not come, but for some time the person who ate this leaf could not even utter a word.

Dieffenbachia ranks first in the top of the most discussed plants, those plants that have a huge number of signs and superstitions behind them. Also, based on the meaning of most of the signs, we can conclude that the plant is a muzhegon.

If an unmarried girl does not marry, then most likely she keeps this interesting plant at home. An experienced reader has come across the definition of "muzhegon", but for beginners in this business, an explanation will be necessary - muzhegon are those plants that weaken the energy of a potential man in the house.

A girl who keeps a dieffenbachia at home, according to signs, will alienate other men from herself, and they will try in vain to have at least some kind of relationship with a person. This flower also endows a woman with the ability to argue perfectly even with men superior in intelligence, but this is just one of the few positive effects.

Ancestors often endowed plants with supernatural powers, but most often positive ones. But dieffenbachia fell under the category of plants with which it is better not to hang out, and this especially applies to gentlemen men, because it reduces male potency and often leads to absolutely sterility.

Plant and romance

Many negative signs about the plant are broken about this fact. Even if she stands in the bedroom, in the immediate vicinity of the matrimonial bed, she will not be able to break the bond between the spouses, but, on the contrary, will give something positive to each of them.

As already mentioned, dieffenbachia also has beneficial properties. It often acts as an indicator of the state in the user's home, because it was previously believed that the plant blooms only in places with a lot of negativity. Domestic quarrels that occur in all parts of the home can also contribute to this.

If you often quarrel with your significant other, then it is worth eliminating the negativity that surrounds you. Dieffenbachia will not help with this, but it will be able to show you that there is negativity in the house. It will be better if a woman takes care of the plant, since dieffenbachia loves exactly the fair sex and will not tolerate being looked after by a man, no matter what his character is.

The effect of dieffenbachia on humans

There is a sign that with good treatment, a home flower can be guaranteed to improve your well-being and appearance, you will rapidly begin to lose weight and earn credibility among acquaintances and friends. Career and increased wealth are also co-factors on the path to success with Dieffenbachia.

If we plunge into the biological structure of a plant, we can find out that Dieffenbachia releases phytoncides and independently reduces the number of bad bacteria in the air, thereby improving the atmosphere in offices and offices, bedrooms and kitchens. This is due to the fact that the plant is considered to be in some way magical.

A lot of opinions and controversies revolve around this unpretentious and amazingly beautiful plant. Yes, dieffenbachia is really poisonous. But poison can only be harmful if it damages the leaves or stems of the indoor flower. However, there are other reasons why dieffenbachia cannot be kept at home. Superstitious people consider it a dangerous and even mystical flower. And the signs that exist about the plant mainly have a negative meaning.

What are the signs that dieffenbachia cannot be kept at home?

Apparently, the prevalence of negative superstitions about this representative of the flora is associated, first of all, with the poisonous properties and high level of allergenicity of the flower. In addition, the green beauty rarely blooms and practically does not get along with other indoor plants, and also does not tolerate male attention and care.

Meanwhile, a tropical plant perfectly purifies the air and is able to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the room.

Did you know that in ancient times dieffenbachia served as an instrument of excruciating torture? For a long time, the people learned about the dangerous properties of the plant: guilty slaves were forced to chew a leaf of a flower, this led to severe swelling of the larynx, suffocation and other painful manifestations.

Widow flower - popular name

According to legend, unmarried girls are forbidden to have this plant in the house. It is believed that it drives away women's happiness and does not allow finding a life partner. Any attempt to strike up a serious relationship will come down to nothing promising dates. Therefore, the young lady in the end will remain an old maid.

Muzhegon, or vampire - signs of infertility, loss of male strength and family discord

According to superstition, dieffenbachia can deprive a man of physical strength, psycho-emotional health and even cause potency. It is believed that she cannot stand the representatives of the stronger sex: she tries to kick the man out of the apartment and literally drink all the juices from him.

Reducing male energy, she condemns her beloved to childlessness. That is why this plant is not recommended for young couples and newlyweds.

The unions that have taken place are also advised to abandon this exotic flower. Superstitious people argue that a green pet will attract quarrels and disagreements to the house, can provoke betrayal, and also cause divorce.

Superstition about poverty

There is a belief that dieffenbachia has a negative impact on the financial situation of its owner. Allegedly, difficulties will fall on a person literally from all sides: they can be fired, cut or demoted, deprived of bonuses or reduced wages, as a result of which large debts will appear.

Some believe that a flower destroys health: neuroses, insomnia, chronic fatigue can also cause a deterioration in the financial situation.

Bad omens about children and pets

Another superstition speaks of possible diseases in children: constant health problems appear, immunity weakens. As for pets, the signs promise a deterioration in the condition of the pet or an escape.

This superstition has a completely logical justification - the flower is really dangerous for those who do not know how to handle it. Children, as well as dogs and cats, can break, bite a leaf, lick off the toxic sap of a plant and thereby cause serious damage to themselves.

Interestingly, this green pet is endowed with useful properties and even magical characteristics.

For example, bioenergetics talk about the positive effect of a flower on intellectual abilities, performance and concentration.

If dieffenbachia bloomed

A tropical guest does not so often please its owners with flowering. In terms of energy flow, a plant is a kind of litmus test indicating an unfavorable atmosphere in a home or office. Dieffenbachia anticipates an increase in negative vibrations and, as it were, warns of impending danger.

The flowering of dieffenbachia indicates a deterioration in the aura and the need for change.

What if it bloomed? It's simple, flowering is associated with the need for changes: internal, in the family or career ... Simply put, a person himself must analyze the situation and understand what transformations are necessary to improve the state of affairs in a particular area.

Why does the flower cry

Those who dare to have this plant pet will no longer need a barometer. Dieffenbachia's "tears" are not any mystical omen, but they help to predict weather conditions.

On the eve of heavy snowfalls and downpours, the flower begins to "cry": thus the tropical plant gets rid of unnecessary moisture.

Other beliefs

Dieffenbachia is credited with other magical properties in a positive way.

Some argue: thanks to the plant, you can successfully resist ill-wishers - you will always win

  • The flower, according to the omen, will attract luck and money if it is marked at work. It will also sharpen your business intuition and help you build useful connections.
  • If dieffenbachia does not bode well for men, then it will help beautiful ladies preserve their beauty and ensure longevity. The main thing is to take proper care of the plant.
  • Another belief claims that an exotic flower brings positive energy to the family hearth and eliminates the influence of negative vibrations. Thanks to Dieffenbachia, waking up in the morning becomes easier, the mood improves, and the relationship between family members becomes friendly and trusting.
  • It is believed that this flower clears the mind and promotes positive thinking.

Certain conditions of the plant turn out to be prophetic: if the flower wilted, diseases are coming, and faded leaves promise betrayal on the part of a friend or life partner.

Where to put dieffenbachia - safe places

It is worth noting that where there are small children and pets, dieffenbachia still should not be

Offices, industrial areas, crowded places are the best locations for dieffenbachia. Thanks to the powerful positive energy of the flower, physical and intellectual resources are mobilized, and relations in the team are improved.


Dieffenbachia can be kept at home, but some care should be taken here. You can not put a flower in the bedroom of the spouses, but in the kitchen a green pet will be in place. In this area, his influence will contribute to the elimination of disagreements and the prevention of family quarrels.

Work area or office

The most successful place in a dwelling for a tropical beauty will be a study area, an office, a home workshop, in other words, the corner that is reserved for work and education. It is believed that the plant promotes success in business, helps in solving difficult issues, and also reduces unwanted computer influences.

Separate room if there are other plants in the house

The flower will not tolerate neighborhood and competition. Therefore, you should not try to fit dieffenbachia into your home greenhouse. Superstitious people offer to allocate a separate place for her, otherwise misunderstandings and quarrels between family members cannot be avoided.

This unusual plant unmistakably captures the streams of negativity. If there is a place with unfavorable energy in the house, then dieffenbachia will help to clean it and improve the aura in the room.

Dieffenbachia is an evergreen plant native to South America. After the discovery and development of new lands in Oceania and the Caribbean, the plant spread to neighboring islands and continents, and later was introduced to Europe. It attracts lovers of indoor plants with its thick trunk and large green leaves with light veins. However, recently it has spread that dieffenbachia cannot be kept at home, and why remains to be seen.

Why can't you keep a Dieffenbachia flower at home?

With the development of science and agronomy, it became known that this and other representatives of the Aroid family have calcium oxalates in their juice, which can irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, digestive tract and respiratory organs. If the juice of the plant enters the esophagus, it will cause painful spasms, a burning sensation, numbness, swelling, vomiting and other unpleasant consequences. There is information that the sap of plants of this genus was used during the slave system to torture slaves: they were forced to chew the leaves, which caused a temporary loss of the ability to eat and speak.

However, observing the usual precautions and working with this plant with gloves, you can not be afraid of any unwanted effects and without fear of settling it in your home. True, animals and young children cannot be explained what threat it poses, which means that pet owners and young parents will have to abandon it.

Signs regarding dieffenbachia at home

But it is not only the presence of poisonous sap that alarms indoor plant lovers, making them doubt whether it is good or bad to have a home. There are many signs and superstitions that warn against buying it, and this is especially true for young unmarried women. The fact is that Dieffenbachia is considered "muzhegon". That is, this plant weakens the male energy in the house, forcing men to leave it. It often happens that a girl is trying to create a serious relationship with young people, and desperate to find her destiny, she goes to her grandmother-healer. She makes a "diagnosis" - "the crown of celibacy" and blames the unfortunate Dieffenbachia, turning green on the window of a failed wife.

It is impossible to verify whether this is so or not, but the fact that there is a sign about whether it is possible to keep dieffenbachia at home is true and it is negative. However, with all this, the plant is considered very useful for businessmen and careerists. If you don't want to throw dieffenbachia after reading this article, you can simply rearrange it in the office or closer to the desk and thus direct its energy in the right direction. Or take it to your office.