Properties and application of dolomite (limestone) flour. Dolomite flour: use in the fall

Most summer residents use slaked lime to deoxidize the soil and saturate it with calcium. But in order to avoid negative consequences for plants, it is necessary to introduce it in the autumn and wait, otherwise the cultures will not absorb phosphorus, and this is the lack of yield and diseased plants.

There is a better solution - dolomite lime flour for use in gardening. It is a natural substance that is extracted from a natural mineral. Its effect on the soil and plants is softer, therefore - safe.

Dolomite - a source of calcium and magnesium

To understand the principle of fertilizer action, first you need to figure out what dolomite flour is, why it is needed in the garden, what useful properties it conveys to the soil.

Lime flour is used to deoxidize the soil so that nutrients that are in an acidic environment can enter plant tissues. First of all, it is phosphorus.

If the acidity level exceeds the permissible norms, the root system is not able to absorb phosphates and develop. Consequently, the plant through the roots does not receive most of the minerals that are necessary for growth and fruiting.

Dolomite flour contains calcium and magnesium oxides. Due to carbonates in the soil, an acid neutralization reaction occurs. Calcium helps strengthen the walls of the tubules, through which nutrients enter and the plant grows actively.

Macronutrient also affects the taste and nutritional characteristics of fruits, promotes uniform ripening. Fruits that have received carbonates in sufficient quantities can withstand storage.

Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll. On acidic soils, it is often not enough, which is noticeable in green veins on light green leaves. The use of dolomite flour in the garden as a fertilizer solves two problems at once - plant health and large yields.

The principle of action in the soil

On light soils - sandstones and sandstones - magnesium and calcium are mobile. Up to 8 g of magnesium is washed out with rains annually. In order to maintain redox reactions in light soil, these substances must be added additionally.

On heavy soils, where water movement is difficult, calcium and magnesium are delayed, so the deficit is felt less.

Therefore, how to use dolomite flour in the garden, when to bring it into the soil - in autumn or spring - must be decided on the basis of the characteristics of the soil itself. Pre-check it for acidity.

Once in a very acidic soil, carbonates increase its pH to slightly acidic. If accidentally introduced into neutral soil, then the soil will be alkaline - not all garden crops will like it. For example, even with neutral soil, you can not wait for the harvest of cucumbers, not to mention alkaline.

Checking the soil for acidity

You can check the soil for acidity in three ways:

  • using a pH meter;
  • litmus test;
  • folk way.

The most affordable option is vinegar testing. Acid does not interact with acid, so if you pour vinegar over a handful of soil, it will simply absorb. This means that the soil is acidified and measures need to be taken.

If there are carbonates in the soil, a reaction will occur with the release of carbon dioxide, which will be accompanied by a hiss. This means that with the deoxidation of the soil with dolomite flour, you can wait.

What else to deoxidize - analogues of dolomite flour

Carbonate nutrients are also found. in other fertilizers that are added to the soil for deoxidation:

  • fluffy lime;
  • wood ash;
  • eggshell;
  • marl;
  • sludge after use in the metallurgical industry;
  • cement dust.

It is often not recommended to use chalk as a fertilizer, because it is slightly soluble in water, therefore it more likely clogs the soil than benefits it. After lime, time must pass before the plants can be grown on the garden. If you overdo it, the soil for another 2 to 3 years will not be suitable for planting.

Egg shells and wood ash are natural materials, but they need a lot to carry out high-quality land cultivation. Deoxidation of the soil with ash is a dubious undertaking, since the calcium content depends on what to burn.

It is not always possible to find hardwood, and it is a pity to waste it. Although there are a lot of various trace elements in the ash, it is better to use it for feeding. Egg shells also need a lot, in addition, it dissolves for a long time, so it is definitely not possible to fully reduce the acidity with eggs.

Cement dust has an alkaline reaction and deoxidizes the soil, in addition it contains about 8% potassium. Some summer residents are afraid to use it in their beds, since cement production is one of the most harmful, and the consequences for the body can be unpredictable in terms of oncology.

Interesting! As a deoxidant, a siderat plant is planted with phacelia. But this method is acceptable when the soil has a slightly acid reaction. With a large amount of acid, siderate should be sown for several years in a row

Flour benefits

Remains dolomite. It is the safest and cheapest - if you compare what is better for the price - dolomite flour or lime, then the first is definitely. And not only for the price.

The use of dolomite flour in the garden does not have any time limit. It is introduced even in the snow - dissolving in water, minerals fall into the ground.

The only limitation that dolomite has is that it cannot be made at the same time as manure.

What fertilizers can not be applied dolomite

If dolomite flour, the use of which is strictly necessary in the autumn in the country, is introduced with manure, then it must be done at different times: first, flour, after 2 weeks manure. You can not mix them.

Instructions for the use of dolomite flour categorically prohibits the use of this fertilizer with:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • urea.

These are acidic chemical fertilizers, if mixed with alkaline dolomite, a reaction occurs and hard-to-reach substances are formed that plants cannot absorb. As a result, all dressings will be neutralized.

Video: Dolomite flour for a rich harvest

As for superphosphate, is it possible to mix it with dolomite, disputes arise. This can be done and even necessary. Superphosphate mixed with urea, as described above, is a solid substance, but in order to avoid hardening of fertilizers, add chalk, lime or dolomite flour to the mixture in a ratio of 20% by weight of phosphates.

How to add dolomite flour to the soil is indicated in the instructions, but just in case, some more tips and methods.

Liming Timing

When to deposit dolomite flour into the ground:

  • in the spring before planting;
  • in the fall after harvesting;
  • closer to spring in the snow.

In spring, the powder is scattered evenly throughout the garden and dug up on the bayonet of a shovel.

After it dissolves in water, the soil is ready for planting. In autumn, everything happens in much the same way, but after liming, organic matter is added in two weeks. Since both fertilizer and the second are used every three years, you can use dolomite in the first year, and add organic matter to the second.

The introduction of dolomite flour in the fall helps to attract earthworms to the plot, which loosen the soil, and also helps to get rid of pest beetles. The fact is that dolomite destroys the chitin cover of insects, provoking burns of soft tissues, from which they die.

Before proceeding with the use of dolomite flour in the garden in the spring, you need to determine the type of soil and calculate how much powder you need per square meter.

There are standards for making dolomite flour:

  • for strongly acidic soil (pH below 4.5) - 600 g per square meter;
  • from 4.5 to 5.2 - 450 g
  • from 5.2 to 5.6 - 350 g / sq.m.

Take into account the type of soil - in heavy loam and clay lands contribute 15% more powder.

What acidity is needed for different plants

On acidic soil poorly bear fruit: beets, cabbage, alfalfa. A slightly acid reaction is needed for cucumber, onion, legumes, corn, potatoes. Carrots, radishes and tomatoes are not afraid of acid, but better when it is normal.

Important! Blueberries, blackberries and cranberries, as well as gooseberries and sorrel are afraid of liming. They prefer to grow on acidic soils.

Stone fruits respond positively to liming and yield good yields from year to year. The greatest effect should be expected in the second year after the procedure, alkalizing the soil.

Feeding methods - recipes for mixtures

In order to defeat the scab and cabbage keel, make the following mixture: per 1 kg of dolomite powder add 8 g of boric acid. Then make according to the standards. Copper sulfate is sometimes added to this mixture in the amount of half a teaspoon per kilogram.

From liquid dolomite lime, liquid dressing is done so that the plants receive magnesium. For this take a liter jar of powder on a bucket of water and dissolve it. The resulting milk is watered with plants under the root. The solution is also used in the greenhouse.

Before planting potatoes, you can pre-spray the powder, and dig it up already in the process of planting. The dosage with this method is preferably reduced by half.

Video: Introduction of dolomite flour

When asked what dolomite lime is needed for deoxidation of the soil: only finely ground, because it dissolves faster in water and enters the root system. To control pests, dust is dusted with such fine dust to destroy flies, butterflies and beetles.

Dolomite is mixed with ash to simultaneously feed plants with trace elements and reduce soil acidity. It is better to carry out the procedure in the fall, so that the ash has time to decompose by soil microorganisms. In this case, the powder is taken 20% less than indicated in the dosages for this type of soil. These 20% are compensated by an ash additive.

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Dolomite has long been an indispensable tool in any household plot. It is an excellent deoxidizer. In addition, dolomite flour saturates the earth with microelements, simplifies the fight against weeds, pests, plant diseases.

Description and specifications

Dolomite flour - a substance in the form of a powder. It is made from carbonate minerals. In particular, from dolomite - a material of a crystalline structure, which can have different colors (from white to brown). Flour is prepared by crushing dolomite. Therefore, the deoxidizer looks like fine sand or powder.

Dolomite flour consists mainly of calcium and magnesium, which are lacking in acidic soils.

Note. The main reason for the increase in soil acidity is the intensive displacement of calcium from once neutral soil by hydrogen ions.


Experienced gardeners use this tool not only as a fertilizer, but also to counter the diseases of garden plants.

Often, top dressing is applied to acidified soil, which has become unsuitable for cultivation.

Shredded dolomite is important in the process of preparing for the garden season, as it improves the growth of garden crops, enriches the soil with trace elements.

Calcium from dolomite stimulates the development of rhizomes, and magnesium improves the process of photosynthesis.

This top dressing is useful for vegetable crops (beets, potatoes, onions, carrots), fruit trees, berries (cherries, plums, cherries). And also for some herbs and cereal plants.

A positive effect can be achieved by introducing both in open areas and in greenhouses, home-made greenhouses, indoor flower containers or pots.

It is indispensable on magnesium-poor soils, as well as on sandstones and loamy soils.

Deoxidation of soil

Before applying dolomite, the degree of soil acidity should be determined. Otherwise, plants can do more harm than good.

For determination of pH rely on a 14-point scale. Based on the results obtained, three types of soils are distinguished:

  • Alkaline - from 7.
  • Neutral - 7.
  • Sour - those up to 7.

In addition, soil composition is a significant factor. In particular, the predominant component: humus, clay or sand.

Special devices, which are widely represented in retail gardening stores, will help to accurately determine the level of soil acidity.


  • Normalizes acidity.
  • Provides soil with beneficial minerals.
  • Improves the physical, biological properties of the soil.
  • Enhances the effect of other fertilizers.
  • Enhances intercellular metabolism, accelerates photosynthesis.
  • Preserves the crop, improves its taste.
  • Forms a powerful root system.
  • Fighting pests.


The negative effect of dolomite is often caused by its incorrect use or neglect of the advice of knowledgeable gardeners.

  • If the acidity level is 6, liming should take a little time. So far, it is not necessary.
  • Failure to comply with the dosage will lead to the death of plants, especially with regard to the spring application of flour.
  • Haste and the wrong combination with other fertilizers leads to disastrous results.

When to apply?

Inexperienced gardeners are concerned not only with the question of the correct dosage of fertilizer, but also with recommendations on the time of application.

Dolomite deoxidant is best used in the fall. The optimal time is from August (after harvesting) to October. It is advisable to do this before frost, otherwise the substance will not have time to give all its mineral elements to the ground.

On strongly acidified soils, it is also used in spring.

Often, flour is simply sprinkled on the site before digging.

Experienced gardeners are advised not to delay the autumn introduction of dolomite. This will help the soil to fully prepare for the next garden season, will not do any harm to garden crops.

How to deposit?

Only after finding out the exact level of soil acidity do they plan to apply the powder. In this case, not only the acidity proper, but also other factors are taken into account: the mechanical composition of the soil, the specific application, the potential connection with other top dressings.

Application Rate

  • For acidic lands (pH 3-4), 55 kilograms per hundred square meters is required.
  • For slightly acidic (from 4.4 to 5.3) - 50 kilograms per area.
  • For soils with barely noticeable acidity (within 5.6), 30 kilograms per hundred square meters is sufficient.

Exact dosages are also calculated taking into account the structure of specific soils. For example, loams and alumina require a greater amount of deoxidizer (it is increased by 20%). On light soils, the dosage, on the contrary, is reduced by 1.5 times.

Before you buy dolomite flour, you need to calculate the required amount of fertilizer. Manufacturers of this top dressing offer various forms of packaging, starting from 1 kg.

Note. On the plot of 6 acres on average 350 kg of dry top dressing.

For different plants

Flour will be beneficial if applied:

  • In the preparation of beds for planting vegetables: tomatoes and peppers, cabbage, potatoes and eggplant.
  • To accelerate the growth of green lettuce, barley, peas, beans, beans and cucumbers.
  • In order to increase the yield of onions and garlic.
  • When caring for stone trees.

Fertilizer must be applied in areas with highly or medium acidified soil. It will save the potato from scab disease, make up for the lack of starch. In addition, flour will help fight the main pest of potato beds - the Colorado potato beetle. To do this, top dressing is scattered around the site before digging.

He loves dolomite and garden strawberries. Top dressing on its basis is applied in the autumn period, so as not to harm young seedlings during spring transplantation. For its preparation, two large spoons of nitrophoska, 200 g of ash, 400 g of dolomite are mixed (dosage is given for 1 sq. M.).

Cherries and plums will also appreciate top dressing. Under each plant make 2000 g of dry matter. But dolomite is practically not used for apple trees. An exception is cases with very strong soil acidification. But even in this case, flour is added no more than once every 6 years.

A similar scheme is suitable for berry growers: crushed powder is used in the autumn, the dosage is up to 1000 g for each bush.

If a decision has been made to bring deoxidizer in the garden, then the main thing is to scatter it as evenly as possible, not forgetting then to plant it in the ground (at least 10 cm deep). When it immediately enters the soil, the fertilizer begins to intensively give off mineral substances.

Note. If flour is left on the arable land (without loosening and embedding in the ground), the action of this fertilizer is delayed. Until it is in the ground, it is useless to wait for the effect.


Good results can be achieved through the use of combined mixtures. Many gardeners combine dolomite flour with boric acid, compost, humus, and copper sulfate. In view of the fact that this substance normalizes the level of acidity, earthworms begin to actively multiply in the soil. The latter not only contribute to loosening the soil, but also accelerate the rate of assimilation of organics.

However, it should be remembered that dolomite powder does not combine with nitrate, carbamide, superphosphates. Also, fertilizer should not be applied along with fresh manure. The combination of these fertilizers causes a chemical reaction, accompanied by the release of substances harmful to plants.

Attention! If it is not possible to refuse to introduce manure, then they do it in late autumn, and dolomite flour is embedded in the soil immediately after harvesting - no later than the end of August.

Main mistakes

Despite the outward simplicity of using dolomite flour, not all gardeners manage to do it right.

Among the most common mistakes:

  • Failure to comply with the dosage of fertilizer. Despite the fact that everything is written in detail on the packaging with top dressing, not all gardeners follow the instructions. As a result, you no longer have to wait for the benefits of the application.
  • The use of fertilizer in combination with manure and complex fertilizing, as mentioned above. It is absolutely impossible to do this.
  • Dolomite flour will not appeal to those plants that perfectly live on acidic soils. We are talking about cranberries and blueberries, sorrel and gooseberries.

Not all gardeners are ready to purchase a special device to determine the level of soil acidity in their area. Therefore, before using dolomite flour, they are guided by their own methods for detecting soil pH.

  • By inspecting your possessions.

Sometimes it’s enough to go around the site in order to understand in which zones it is necessary to introduce dolomit. Weeds are great tips in this matter. So, if wood lice firmly settled on the beds, and not only in the rainy season, then the soil here is very acidic. The growth of a loach or passerine is more indicative of a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Slightly acidic soils like dandelions and chamomile, but quinoa and nettles prefer extremely fertile, neutral soil.

  • With the help of infusion of black currant leaves.

A few leaves of currant are placed in a jar, poured with hot water, insisted, cooled. To determine the acidity of the soil, take a handful of earth, pour it into this jar. Then mix, wait for subsidence and analyze. If the soil is acidic, the solution will take on a reddish hue, if neutral it is green, if slightly acidic it will turn bluish.

  • Using 9% vinegar.

They take a handful of earth, watered it with acetic acid and observe. If small bubbles appeared on it, then the reaction went. In such cases, they conclude that alkali is present in the soil. If nothing is formed, the soil is acidic; therefore, vinegar did not react with it.


Proper use of dolomite flour helps to increase the yield of fruit crops by 15-20%. In addition, the fertilizer has a prolonging property, that is, it works for several years. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply it annually.

Soil quality greatly affects yield. Of course, there are cultures (and there are many of them) that prefer an acidic environment. However, the vast majority of modern agricultural varieties and hybrids are designed for cultivation in soil with low acidity.

The use of dolomite flour in the garden contributes to the ghosting of the acid-base balance of the soil to normal. The use of this natural mineral, among other things, also improves the structure of the soil, creating more perfect conditions for growing fruit crops.

And at the same time, the use of dolomite flour in the garden must be accurately dosed. Perhaps this is only after measuring the level of acidity. To determine the current pH of the soil, a normal experiment with litmus paper is suitable.

  • For strongly acidic soils whose pH is less than 4.5 units, 600 g of flour per 1 m 2 will be required;
  • For medium-acid soils with a pH of 4.5-5.2, 450 g of deoxidant per 1 m 2 is required;
  • For slightly acidic soils, with a pH of 5.2 - 5.6, only 350 g will be enough per square meter

Soil structure also matters when choosing a dosage. For heavy, compacted soil, the dosage can be increased by a quarter of the specified amount. And light soils need to halve the volume of dolomite flour.

Rules for the autumn introduction of dolomite flour into the soil

Liming of land in the fall is more justified due to the fact that dolomite flour does not act immediately, but only after it penetrates into the deep layers of garden soil. Snow melting is more conducive to this process.

Dolomite flour should be distributed evenly over the site. Then you need to carefully dig the garden. Or fill the flour with soil so that the topsoil is at least 10 cm. Mix dolomite flour with other fertilizers is not worth it. Especially dangerous combination with urea, superphosphate or ammonium nitrate.

Such an operation can be performed no more than 1 time in 5-7 years. The maximum effect of using dolomite flour is achieved for 2-3 years after applying it to the soil. It is permissible to add a small amount of boric acid to the powder of dolomite flour (7-8 g per 1 kg of flour). This microfertilizer promotes the formation of more ovaries and reduces the likelihood of diseases in root crops.

A positive effect on productivity is the introduction of dolomite flour under cherry and plum bushes. It is permissible to introduce into the soil under trees up to 2 kg of flour. Currant bushes also respond well to deoxidizing agents. About 500 g of fertilizer per one bush scattered in the fall every 2 years is enough for them.

Rules for the spring use of dolomite in the garden

Many gardeners know how to use dolomite flour in the garden to grow flowers. , and violets are more susceptible to the effects of dolomite.

To improve the soil for flowers - you need to add a small amount of dolomite flour directly to the hole before planting flower bushes. In the spring, flour is introduced under the turnip and planting. This technique allows you to get larger fruits in the shortest possible time.

The use of dolomite milk has also received good reviews. Regular watering of beds with a weak solution of dolomite, mixed with water, when watering in the spring and early summer contributes to a more active vegetation of plants.

Dolomite flour is introduced in the spring for digging and if phosphate rock is used as an autumn fertilizer. This method of fertilizing the soil is especially effective in those areas that have not been used under the garden for several years.

VIDEO: features of making dolomite flour

Well, in the end, we suggest you watch a video, in the framework of which it is told and shown about some principles of using dolomite flour in the garden:

Dolomite flour is a finely ground rock used as fertilizer. Raw materials for the manufacture of flour in large quantities contain calcium and magnesium. These minerals are necessary to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil. Calcium ions can artificially reduce the acidity of the soil. Dolomite formula: CaMg (CO2).

Dolomite is a rock formation.

Soils with high acidity are unsuitable for growing useful crops. Natural minerals help to improve soil properties, change its composition. The composition of dolomite flour includes calcium and magnesium. Calcium favorably affects the root system of plants, reduces the acidity of the substrate. Magnesium takes part in photosynthesis.

Regular use of dolomite flour allows you to increase productivity, enhance the growth of useful crops. With excessive acidity, the effect of other mineral fertilizers is neutralized. After the introduction of dolomite flour, the absorption of nutrients by plants improves.

Measuring soil acidity

In order not to harm, you need to know how to use lime fertilizer. Before applying it, it is necessary to check the acidity of the substrate. Based on the test results, it will become clear how much dolomite flour is to be added, and whether it is worth it. The easiest way to independently check the acidity of the soil is testing using litmus paper.

There are ways to approximately determine the acidity. Their use is advisable if litmus paper is not at hand. The simplest is to pour vinegar on the ground. To do this, you need to take a small amount of soil from the beds, place in a glass. Pour some table vinegar on top. If foam appears on the surface of the substrate, it means that the earth has a very low acidity. If the liquid is completely absorbed, then the earth is very acidic.

You can determine the acidity in the garden by looking at growing weeds. On acidic soils, wood lice and plantain take root well. Neutral soils are attractive to nettle and quinoa. Chamomile and dandelion grow well on an alkaline substrate. If some of these plants predominate on the site, then we can understand whether dolomite is necessary for the land.

Determine the amount of fertilizer

Having determined the acidity of the soil on the site, you can make flour. For increased acidity (pH less than 4.5), 500-600 grams per 1 sq.m. With an average value (pH 4.5-5.2), 450-500 grams per 1 sq.m. is enough. If the soil has a weak acidity (pH 5.2-5.6), then the amount of dolomite flour should not exceed 350-450 g per 1 sq.m.

With a neutral value of acidity (pH 5.5-7.5), it is sometimes necessary to add mineral flour. It all depends on the crops that are planned to be planted on this site. You can’t increase the amount by 1 sq.m., as the acidity can be greatly changed, and this will negatively affect the quality of the soil.

The factory packaging with fertilizers contains instructions for use. It is recommended to add acid-changing flour to the soil no more than once every three years. This is best done in the fall, as the main components of the flour react chemically with the elements that make up the soil. By spring, all chemical reactions cease, and the earth acquires the necessary qualities.

Factory packaging with crushed dolomite.


After applying dolomite flour, the physical and chemical properties of the soil are noticeably improved. Dolomite composition enriches sandy soil with magnesium. As a result, the absorption of beneficial substances from the soil by plants is improved. The quality of the grown products is increasing, and their safety is improving.

The use of ground dolomite in the garden helps to neutralize slugs that can spoil most useful crops. The product is not toxic, and the desired effect is achieved due to the structure of the flour. The smallest particles of calcium destroy the chitinous coat of pests, as a result of which insects die.

It is useful to add dolomite flour under garden trees and shrubs. For trees with stone fruits, the amount of fertilizer should be 1-2 kg. The introduced ground dolomite must be distributed around the trunk. To fertilize the trees, it is not necessary to wait for the winter period. Calcium enrichment can be done immediately after harvest.

Blackcurrant and raspberries can be fertilized at the end of summer or autumn once every 2 years. Under each bush, you need to make 0.5-1 kg of mineral. The exact amount depends on the size of the bush and the frequency of fertilizer application.

Ready-to-put flour.


Limestone, charcoal and some other substances resemble dolomite flour in their properties. However, ground rock has advantages over other fertilizers. Its use contributes to the most rapid and accurate deoxidation of the soil. It is difficult to achieve such a result when using wood ash, since the amount of calcium in this substance varies and depends on many factors. Lime fluffy well deoxidizes the substrate, but its incorrect dosage can cause plant burns.

Every gardener who wants to increase his crop knows what dolomite flour is. There is a low price for this fertilizer in stores, so anyone can use ground dolomite for use on their site.

Dolomite is called a rock, which is 95% mineral dolomite. The main features of such rocks were first described by the French engineer-geologist Dolomier, by whose last name the mineral got its name. At specialized enterprises, large rock stones are ground into flour, dried, and stored packaged in bags and sacks. Gardeners who are interested in improving the soil use dolomite flour in the form of fertilizer and a means to lower the acidity of the soil in their gardens.

Why reduce soil acidity?

Chemical reactions that occur in the earth can adversely affect the ability of plants to absorb nutrients that are beneficial for their growth and development. As a result of such reactions, free hydrogen ions accumulate in the earth, which block the access of necessary substances to the root system of the plant. Acidity is determined by the amount of hydrogen compounds in the composition of the soil (pH). You can determine this value in special laboratories.

Vegetable and fruit crops prefer soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. A pH value of 7.0 is considered neutral, a figure below this value indicates an increased acidity of the soil, if it is above this mark, then the soil is alkaline.

Attention! Even within the same suburban area, this indicator may differ significantly, land samples for laboratory determination of pH need to be taken from several small areas.

If it is established that the composition of the earth has a pH below 7.0, it should be neutralized using dolomite flour. The video tells in detail how to do this correctly, in addition, you can see with your own eyes the whole process of adding dolomite flour to the soil.

Add substance depending on soil acidity

Useful properties and application in gardening

Flour from dolomite rocks has many useful properties that favorably affect the growth and development of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and shrubs:

  • the use of flour reduces the number of weeds on the beds that grow in acidic soil;
  • it stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and insects that live in the earth, which contributes to the good growth and development of fruit crops;
  • the beneficial effects of other fertilizers become more noticeable by reducing the blocking effect of hydrogen ions;
  • acts destructively on harmful insects, rubbing their tissues and integuments, as abrasive material;
  • vegetables and fruits not damaged by pests are stored longer, their presentation is much better;
  • the high calcium content in dolomite contributes to good survival and development of the root system of the plant, the roots become strong and absorb nutrients well, almost do not get sick, are not affected by rot;
  • the introduction of flour is a process that allows you to grow an environmentally friendly crop of vegetables, fruits and berries, flour neutralizes the action of salts of heavy metals deposited in the soil;
  • magnesium, which is part of dolomite, forms a sufficient amount of chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.

Tip. If it is impossible to determine the acidity of the soil in the laboratory, you can use folk remedies for this: vinegar or grape juice, because high pH accuracy of small summer cottages is not required.

When to fertilize

The timing of the introduction of flour is not regulated: in spring, summer or autumn, you can use it in garden plots and gardens:

  1. In the spring, usually April-May, the flour is scattered on the beds, then they are dug up and loosened.
  2. From August to November, make flour around trees and shrubs in a circle of 2 meters. About 2 kg per barrel will be required, half as much per bush.
  3. Even in winter you can fill up a certain area, the main thing is to be even, and the melt water enriched with dolomite flour is absorbed into the ground, and not leaked on an inclined plane.
  4. In the summer, dolomite is used as top dressing, which destroys pests.

Flour should be added only on acidified patches of land, with neutral and alkaline soils this is not recommended. Such uncontrolled use can adversely affect plant growth and bed yield due to excess calcium.

Flour can be used in greenhouses, contributing only 100 g per 1 square meter. After this, the earth does not need to be dug up, since the flour delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, which is very important for plants planted in enclosed spaces.

All kinds of plants are grown in vegetable gardens and gardens, all of them give preference to different soil composition: acidic, neutral or alkaline, therefore, you need to have a certain approach to each culture. If necessary, make dolomite only in areas where it is required.

The use of dolomite flour helps to increase productivity and excellent plant growth, be patient and use it constantly. After 2-3 years, after improving the quality of the soil, you will notice this, and you will not regret the work and time spent, your pets will only please you with their fertility.

Dolomite flour: video