The use of urea for spraying fruit trees. Processing the garden in early spring with urea

Every summer resident strives to ensure that the fruit trees in the garden are healthy and annually please with a good harvest. For this you need proper care and protection from diseases and pests.

Urea (carbamide) is a mineral nitrogen-containing (up to 46%) fertilizer that is quickly absorbed by plants.

granular substance white color odorless, dissolves quickly in warm water and leaves no residue. It is harmless to green shoots and leaves at a solution concentration of 0.5%. Recommended for top dressing in the form of sprays.

But at a concentration of 5-7%, the urea solution turns into a means of combating diseases and pests. fruit trees. Such a strong solution burns out the spores of fungi and scab that have wound up on the bark, and destroys most garden pests.

Spraying can be done in spring or autumn.

Spraying and top dressing in the spring is directed against pests that openly winter on the branches and bark of a tree trunk.

Overwintered suckers, hawthorn, mites, apple moth, ringed silkworm are completely destroyed by a concentrated solution of urea. After spraying, the trees will also fruit rot.

Treatment of trees with a concentrated solution of urea in the spring delays the vegetation. The flowering of these fruit trees will come two weeks later. This technique will help save early-ripening varieties of plums and early-flowering peaches, apricots from damage by return frosts.

In autumn, pests of fruit trees prepare for wintering, laying eggs on branches and under old bark scales, pupating and hiding in wood cracks. Fallen leaves and old fruits are full of spores of fungal diseases.

All this diversity will continue to live in the spring, devouring young leaves and ovaries, damaging the bark and sucking out the juices. In this case, you should not expect a good harvest.

As a method of pest and disease control, as well as simultaneous fertilization in preparation for winter, trees are sprayed in autumn with a 7% urea solution.

When to spray (fall, spring)

Spring spraying of trees with urea is carried out very early, even before sap flow begins. The average daily temperature should not exceed +5˚С.

At this time, the pests are still in the hibernation stage and therefore inactive.

Processing is carried out with a 5% solution of urea. It is important to remember that being late with the deadlines threatens to burn swollen kidneys.

In autumn, fruit trees are sprayed with urea to prevent fungal diseases, scab and destroy their pathogens.

Treatment with a strong solution does not allow pests to overwinter in the bark and fallen leaves. The procedure should be carried out after leaf fall, when all the leaves have fallen from the trees.

If diseased areas are found on the trunk, they must be treated with special care. Leaves that have fallen from trees can not be removed.

Treatment with a strong solution of carbamide will destroy pests that have settled in it for the winter, and pathogens.

In spring, the remains of overwintered foliage during digging will become a component that improves the structure of the soil in the near-stem circle and additional source nutrients.

When is the best time

For most summer residents, the use of toxic substances in their area is unacceptable for sanitary and hygienic reasons.

As protective equipment they prefer to use folk remedies And biological preparations. This is not always effective.

Applying urea spray can solve the problem. When it is better to apply, everyone can decide for himself.

In the spring, all work is associated with a lack of time. BUT spring spraying cannot be postponed. This is fraught with loss of yield due to a possible burn of blossoming buds.

An uncultivated garden, due to lost time and sap flow that has already begun, will suffer from pests. In this case, also do not get a good harvest. If the graph spring work very dense, it's not worth the risk.

Autumn spraying is carried out late autumn when the work in the garden is nearing completion and there is free time. After the end of leaf fall, treatment can be carried out with a 7% solution of urea. It will not harm fruit trees.

If by this time trips to the dacha are no longer planned, and there is still foliage on the trees, then:

  • spraying should be carried out with a 5% solution;
  • foliage on the tree should be less than 50%;
  • before the procedure, do a burn test.

If more than 50% of foliage remains on the tree, then spraying with a strong solution of urea cannot be done. This can lead to burns and premature leaf fall. As a result, the frost resistance of trees will decrease and may lead to their death.

How to breed

In late autumn, after the end of leaf fall, a solution of urea with a concentration of 7% is used for processing.

To prepare it, they take the entire package (700 g), pour it into a ten-liter bucket and fill it with water. You can use heated water to dissolve the granules more quickly. The solution is stirred until the precipitate disappears completely. Then filtered so as not to clog the atomizer.

For spraying fruit trees in the spring, which is carried out before the buds swell, a 5% urea solution is used. It is prepared from 500 g of the substance and 10 liters of water.

Considering that a glass with a capacity of 200 ml holds 130 g of urea, one and a half glasses of granules are removed from a bag weighing 700 g into a separate container. The remaining substance is poured into a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters and poured hot water stirring gently until completely dissolved.

Before use, the solution should be filtered.

Work must be done carefully and rubber gloves. Splashes on skin cause burns.

How to spray

  • In hot weather, spraying should be carried out in the morning or evening.
  • Do not use concentrated urea solution during rain.
  • It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in windy weather, before rain or immediately after it.

Trees are sprayed in the morning or in the evening with a Beetle garden sprayer. under what do this plentifully. Crown, trunk and trunk circles must be fully processed.

The solution is very concentrated. Contact with skin and mucous membranes can cause chemical burns. Therefore, it is necessary to apply individual funds protection:

  • respiratory mask (can be replaced with a four-layer gauze bandage);
  • protective glasses;
  • rubber gloves;
  • clothing specially designed for this.

After finishing work, you need to wash your hands and face with soap, rinse your mouth clean water. Clothes should be washed, shoes should be cleaned.

Processing trees in the garden with urea (carbamide) gives good results in obtaining clean fruits, without traces of disease and pest damage. The dacha site is not clogged with toxic substances harmful to health and maintains an environmentally friendly environment.

Autumn cares in the garden are completed only after the snow falls. But until then, you have to take care of fruit trees and berry bushes. In winter, along with fallen leaves, pests also tend to leave. Behind summer period there are quite a lot of them.

Some grew on the site itself, others were brought by the wind. Under the leaves, they can hide until spring, so that later, with the advent of heat, they begin to harm the gardener.

Novice gardeners often ask the question: “Where to start processing trees and shrubs?”

The to-do list is quite extensive. With the onset of autumn in the garden, it is necessary to perform the following types of work:

Carrion cleaning

Cleaning is performed in the following sequence.

  1. Choose a certain tree or bush, roll up a garden cart.
  2. Collect all fallen fruits and berries, put in the back.
  3. After clearing the area under one plant, they move on to another and carefully select the carrion.
  4. After filling the body, the collected cargo is taken out of the garden.
  5. For disposal, they dig a hole up to 1 m³ in volume.
  6. Grass or hay is thrown at the bottom of the pit. Layer thickness up to 10 cm.
  7. Pour the carrion into the pit in layers. Try not to make thick layers. It is desirable to have no more than 7 ... 8 cm.
  8. Sprinkle with slaked lime on top. Some gardeners recommend using and quicklime, it will extinguish itself, being in a humid environment. The amount is calculated as follows, for 1 kg of fruits and berries you need 10 g of lime.
  9. Having poured 3 ... 4 layers, weed grass or hay is shifted. Such an arrangement will allow aerobic bacteria to exist in the pit, as well as earthworms, they smell carrion and will gather in the pit. You can also throw two or three dozen worms to activate processing.
  10. For the winter, the pit is only slightly sprinkled with a layer of up to 5 ... 7 cm of soil. Moisture will collect here, the process of decay will occur faster.

In the recommendations of foreign authors, one can find a proposal to introduce nitrogen fertilizers into such a disposal pit. Everything is present in fruits and berries necessary components to obtain high-quality humus in the future. But the addition of ammonium nitrate or urea will not be superfluous, you can add in the amount of 3 ... 5 kg / m³.

By spring, the bulk of the removed carrion will be processed by microorganisms and soil animals, but the resulting humus can only be used a year later, next autumn. In the spring, you can add weeds, which will also turn into humus.

leaf cleaning

After disposal of carrion, attention should be paid to the leaves of fruit trees and shrubs. In autumn, many gardens begin to burn leaves, but when they burn, they poison not only the air. The organic matter accumulated over the summer will turn into ashes (ash). The bulk of the biomass will be lost.

A zealous owner uses fallen leaves to increase soil fertility. To start the process, you need to mix them with the soil. During the residual warm days of autumn and the beginning of winter, the same leaf humus that is used to grow seedlings of vegetable plants will form from them.

  1. Dig a small trench.
  2. Water it with a solution of urea or ammonium nitrate.
  3. Lay down the leaves.
  4. Sprinkle it with soil.

Process of processing by soil bacteria and animals is started. By spring, instead of leaves, humus will be collected in the trench, which can be used in the technology of growing a variety of plants.

Tree trunk cleaning

A metal brush is used. To get as high as possible, the brush is fixed on a long stick.

Some gardeners make a special brush that is attached to the chuck of an electric drill. With the help of power tools, processing is much faster. The main thing is not to damage the surface of the tree trunk.

Attention! When working with a steel brush with a drill, you only need to lightly touch, do not press, so as not to destroy the epidermis.

Information for gardeners. If damage has occurred, then the wound can be treated. Selling garden var. But you can use a regular wood primer.

The wound is covered with a thin layer. The solvent and binders present in it disinfect the wound and help in healing the damage. Color does not play any role, the main thing is to process within 45 ... 60 minutes.

It is advisable to collect everything that has fallen from the trunk. It is advisable to burn the collected particles, as they retain the eggs of fruit pests.

autumn pruning

The formation of the crown must be performed before treatment with solutions. Anti-aging pruning is carried out at least 1 time in three years. If there are young seedlings, then pruning is done every year.

  1. First of all, fattening branches (tops) are removed. They are directed above the crown, they do not have stalks. Such branches take a significant amount of nutrition, but there is no increase in productivity from them, and there will not be.
  2. Then the crown is cleaned of branches that grow incorrectly. They can thicken the crown, which complicates maintenance and makes it difficult to harvest the fruit.

Only after completion of all the above operations, you can proceed to subsequent processing.

Solutions for autumn garden processing

Various preparations are used for spraying shrubs and trees in the garden. Each of them fights certain pests. Along the way, some help to increase the yield in the future.

Fixed assets used for processing skeletal branches and trunks:

  • urea, a nitrogen fertilizer that kills insects and arthropods, has a detrimental effect on fungal spores;
  • copper sulfate is a versatile fungicide. Pathogenic microflora in the presence of this substance stops development completely;
  • ferrous sulfate is an analogue of copper sulfate, but has another selective effect, it destroys a number of mold species that survive when treated with other fungicides;
  • Bordeaux liquid is a complex of different preparations used to protect plants.

You can use any one tool, but it is more efficient to create working mixture from several drugs. Then, with a single treatment, a greater effect is achieved.

Urea (urea)

Urea with (NH₂)₂CO contains up to 46% of assimilable nitrogen, which is one of the three most important preparations for all plant species. Solutions with a concentration of 5 ... 7% are used, preparation: 10 liters of water are diluted with 500 ... 70 g of urea.

(NH₂)₂CO burns out fungal spores, as well as insects and caterpillar eggs. In addition to fertilizing the garden, they achieve complete disinfection in the garden.

In addition to the crown, trunk circles are processed. In spring, the effect of processing is manifested, shoots grow quite quickly in spring, shrubs and trees quickly dress with foliage.

blue vitriol

CuSO₄ - copper sulphate is used for prevention in the garden and in the garden, as well as for the destruction of putrefactive bacteria. It is detrimental to the pathogenic environment. Treatment with this drug helps to get rid of fungal diseases and dangerous species mold.

In the garden in the fall, they are most often used in the form of a one percent solution; for preparation, 100 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters.


Iron vitriol is an antiseptic that inhibits rot, mold and fungal infections. Along the way, it is a fertilizer that provides plants with iron.

With a lack of iron, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the shoots die off. Fruit trees (pears, apples, cherries and others) need annual fertilizing in the form of iron sulphate. Processing will be useful in the garden, ferrous sulfate Fe₃ (SO₄)₂ is useful for tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes.

To remove lichens and moss, treatment with a five percent solution is needed. 500 g of Fe₃ (SO₄)₂ are diluted in 10 liters of water. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid is sold in the form of concentrates. It is effective against many pests. The composition includes: copper sulfate and slaked lime. Spraying such a solution is more difficult. Lime is a colloidal solution that has suspended particles. Therefore, the spray is regulated so that clogging of the spray nozzles does not occur.

Preparing the solution and spraying the garden

Garden processing can be done using only one of the components. But gardeners with solid experience offer several schemes for combining different drugs.

Cooking is carried out in a ten-liter container:

  • urea is 350 g;
  • copper sulfate - 300 g;
  • iron sulfate - 200 g.

All components are mixed and thoroughly mixed. When urea dissolves, the temperature of the liquid drops sharply, so it is preheated to 60 ... 65 ° C.

Due to the fact that bacteria multiply rapidly under the bark of untreated trees, the vegetative process slows down. Plants slowly "wake up" after winter. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall is very important. To do this, you need to prepare the plants. Treatment of trees that are over six years old begins with the removal of old bark and lichen with a wire brush. This is necessary so that pathogens of various diseases cannot hide. Immediately after removal, the trees need to be processed. The last spraying in the fall occurs when all the foliage has fallen. You can perform this procedure after the first frost. To begin with, all foliage, fallen branches and weeds are removed. The protection of fruit trees is provided by solutions of copper or iron sulfate, urea, etc. Each drug is aimed at a certain type of threat. Therefore, the processing of fruit trees in the fall cannot consist in spraying with only one agent. The drug is selected depending on the desired results. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in question at the end of October.


This drug is intended for spraying and feeding fruit trees - apple trees, cherries. After the procedure, the plants are saturated with iron and useful trace elements. Processing fruit trees in autumn helps to improve oxidative processes. The drug fights pests, destroys lichen, scab, moss, black cancer, cytosporosis. Iron plays an important role in the life of fruit trees. Its lack reduces the amount of yield and leads to incomplete development of the fruit. It is very easy to prepare a solution of ferrous sulfate. It is necessary to dilute one kilogram of dry powder in a fifteen-liter bucket of water.

blue vitriol

This remedy, which includes a fungicide, prevents the appearance of putrefactive diseases, scab, powdery mildew, spotting. it is recommended to spray trees twice - in spring and autumn. Processing fruit trees in autumn blue vitriol especially recommended for pears, apples and plums. You can, of course, spray other plants in the garden. Plum copper sulphate provides a protective reaction against moniliosis, klyasterosporosis, coccomycosis, curly. The remedy protects pears and apple trees from scab, moniliosis and phyllosticosis. For fruit trees (up to six years old), up to two liters of copper sulfate per seedling is enough. Consumption for older plants - up to ten liters. Fruit trees are recommended to be sprayed in the morning or evening. The weather should be calm, and the temperature should be from +5 to +30 degrees. From contact with the drug, it is necessary to protect people and animals, and also to prevent it from entering water sources.

Treatment with urea (urea)

Apparatus for processing

The processing of fruit trees in autumn is simplified thanks to existing devices of a mechanical or manual principle of operation. These devices protect the gardener from contact with the preparations, spray them evenly. Regardless of the principle of operation, all devices are equipped with a spray pump. Differences between mechanical devices manual models lies in their ease of use. And, of course, there is a difference in their cost. Mechanical devices are more convenient, but more expensive. And for spraying trees with handheld device periodic pumping is required.

Additional processing

The processing of fruit trees in the fall from pests and diseases should not be limited to spraying with copper, iron sulfate or urea. Plants also need to be watered and whitewashed abundantly. The layer of lime on the bark should be at least three millimeters.

If the tree has cracks and wounds, then you need to add a little to the lime cow dung and finely chopped straw. The resulting solution will protect the plant from cracking.

Another way to protect is garden pitch. You can buy it at the store or make your own. To do this, take one hundred grams of rosin and two hundred grams of beeswax. It is necessary to melt these substances (each separately), then mix them and add one hundred grams of unsalted fat. Before filling cracks, the var must be heated.

Autumn preparation in the southern regions involves pruning trees. In northern cities, this will doom the plant to freezing.

To receive you need to good harvest from his orchard- it is necessary to work fruitfully throughout the current year, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn. One of such important activities, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is their spraying, and carbamide (urea) is considered the most effective means for this. Treating trees with urea solves several problems at once. Today we will talk about the processing of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring with urea.

Characteristics of urea

Urea refers to nitrogen fertilizers the highest concentration is almost 46%. Some beginner gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be harmful to tree foliage. Carbamide is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish tints, which have absolutely no bad smell, easily dissolves in water (in hot water up to +80°C the process is faster) and is perfectly distributed on the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it must be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners value urea not only for its high nitrogen content, but also for the high absorption rate by plants. This is especially effective in the fight against harmful insects, when every minute is precious.

What is urea produced in

The product is produced by the method of synthesis from inorganic substances, it is a granular mass consisting of their rounded granules milky sometimes translucent. At present, industrial production of carbamide has been established in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in the form of granules.

By chemical composition almost half of urea consists of pure nitrogen, which dissolves without residue in any liquids, including water.

The period of processing the garden with urea

Processing fruit trees in the early spring is much easier than after color. In May days, pollinated urea will not be able to get on the upper branches of plants due to dense young foliage and will not destroy the foci of infection on the tops of the trees. The result will not be visible. If the garden, in general, consists of trees that allow urea to get through young foliage (for example, pears and plums), then late spring or even summer treatments will also be very effective.

Early spring spraying of the garden with urea is also aimed at combating hard spring frosts. The nitrogen contained in urea will slow down the metabolic processes of the tree for a couple of weeks and will not allow young foliage and delicate inflorescences to bloom ahead of time. Thus, frosts, which can cause irreparable harm to fruit trees, will pass by. This property is especially useful for gardens consisting of early ripe varieties of trees such as peach, plum or apricot.

Fertilizing fruit trees with urea

The moment for processing the garden is chosen as follows. If you notice ants in the root holes, then expect aphids to appear soon. The moment of truth is coming, because this pest can not only deprive you of the harvest, but even destroy the tree. Time to get started:

Prepare the plants as mentioned earlier (digging the ground, cleaning the bark from damage and insects, whitewashing the trunk and skeletal branches).

For spraying trees, choose a sunny, windless day. If it is very warm, work early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. If precipitation has passed after spraying the trees, re-treatment is required.

Spraying trees and mixing the solution should be done only in protective clothing, gloves and goggles. Use a backpack sprayer with an extended lance for tall trees.

No need to save money, it does not harm the plantings.

Feed the plants during fruiting aqueous solution by roots. Apple trees - at the rate of 230 - 250 g of urea per 10 liters of water, plums and cherries - 120 ... 150 g. Carbamide can be applied dry at the root, then water the tree abundantly.

With the simultaneous introduction of organic matter (manure), reduce the rate of urea by 1/3 or even half.

Treatment with urea from pests

Spraying with urea effectively helps in the fight against plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, when a constant average daily temperature of +5 C is established. It is important to carry out the procedure before the awakening of the kidneys, then all pests wintering in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A solution of urea for pest control is prepared at a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps to destroy aphids, weevils, copperheads and a host of other pests.

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In autumn, at the time of the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with urea solution on which traces of infectious diseases are noticed: scab, all types of spotting, rust and others. Trees are treated with a solution along the crown and leaf litter. This processing is very effective remedy from infectious diseases garden trees, the garden next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Urea Precautions

When working with carbamide, a number of rules should be observed so that the procedure is effective and does not harm human health. Processing is carried out after preparing the garden: fallen leaves are collected, dry branches are cut, dead bark is removed. Work is carried out only on a calm day, early in the morning or in the evening before sunset. If it rains in the next 2 days, the garden treatment will need to be repeated. It is necessary to carry out work and dilute the solution with gloves, a mask and goggles. For work, a special sprayer is used so that it is possible to process the upper branches of trees. At the end of the work, you must thoroughly wash your face and hands, wash your work clothes immediately.

  • Spraying trees and shrubs with carbamide requires pre-training. Under trees and shrubs, you need to dig up the ground, remove excess or diseased branches, be sure to whitewash the trunks.
  • You also need to be aware of the weather. The day should be sunny, but not hot and, if possible, windless.
  • Spraying with urea in the spring requires safety precautions: gardening is carried out in a respiratory mask, goggles and gloves.
  • If your garden suffers a lot from pests, then to increase the effectiveness of urea, you need to add copper sulfate to it. In this case, 700 g of carbamide and 50 g of copper sulfate are needed for 10 liters of water. Moreover, this solution is completely harmless to both trees and shrubs. Therefore, the treatment of the garden with urea with vitriol should be done generously. Do not spare the solution, because it not only protects the trees, but also fertilizes the soil. It will be possible to process the garden for the second time during flowering, and for the third time - after the formation of ovaries.
  • Try to match the weather so that after spraying there is no precipitation for several days. If it still rains, then the treatment of trees with carbamide must be repeated.
  • If your garden does not have problems with diseases and pests, then it is not necessary to prepare a urea solution. Carbamide can be applied as a root dressing. Just pour dry urea into the hole with a tree or shrub and water it abundantly.

Each owner of a summer house or a private house needs to prepare for winter period. Your future arrangement of affairs in the spring depends on this preparation. Treating the garden in the fall from various diseases and pests, you direct your efforts to a greater extent to clean up from pests and to fight harmful insects, various microorganisms that cause all kinds of diseases, rodents and the influence of weather conditions. Autumn processing of trees is carried out in order to combat fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as some pests. This event is considered preventive. Various infections that have been preserved since autumn will reactivate with the onset of warm days, so caring gardeners are carefully studying how to treat the garden in the fall with urea and iron sulfate from diseases and pests.

Terms of spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be done immediately before the onset of winter, when all the leaves have already fallen. Earlier processing can lead to negative consequences, such as leaf burn and untimely fall off.

This will not only not bring a positive result, but will also lead to a weakening of the garden, which did not have time to get everything. nutrients and properly prepare for the winter.

You need to start spraying in November, when there is no longer any danger of damaging the leaves. chemicals. Before starting treatment, old trees need to remove lichens and old bark with a metal brush.

How to spray bushes and trees in autumn

Among gardeners, the most popular treatment of plants after harvesting is 1% Bordeaux liquid. This tool helps to destroy dangerous fungi- pathogens of scab, powdery mildew, rot and other diseases. Using a special pressure bottle or spray gun, all fruit trees, berry bushes (including strawberries), as well as perennial ornamental crops, are carefully sprayed.

After leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the crown of bushes and trees and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of urea (urea). This is an excellent prevention of scab and spotting.

Autumn processing of the garden with iron sulphate

Iron vitriol is an antiseptic, fungicidal agent that allows you to fight rot, mold, fungal diseases plants. This preparation is the only fertilizer containing iron available to plants. With insufficient intake of such a microelement, premature yellowing and death of young shoots occurs. Most of all, fruit trees suffer from a lack of iron: pears, apple trees, plums, cherries and others. Peaches, roses, raspberry bushes react sensitively to the lack of ferrous sulfate, as well as vegetable crops- cabbage, tomato, potatoes.

If the plantings are old and they are concerned about such problems as the presence of moss and lichen, then the autumn treatment of the garden with iron sulfate at a concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between the autumn treatment with iron sulphate and the treatment with Bordeaux liquid is that the addition of lime is prohibited.

The effect of the treatment with iron sulphate is much less than that of the previous methods, but there are also advantages - this is the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive effect on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of certain plant diseases, it is used together with others. chemicals for complex therapy of plantings. Insecticides can be added to the solution, which will repel unwanted harmful insects.

Autumn processing of the garden with copper sulphate

Autumn spraying with copper sulphate has preventive goals. By the time the buds begin to bloom, the trees will already be protected from diseases. A solution of copper sulfate will help prevent the occurrence of fruit rot, powdery mildew and scab.

The drug is considered a fungicide to combat diseases of berry, fruit (pome and stone fruit), ornamental crops. It is a good prophylactic various kinds fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulfate is chosen depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying apple and pear trees, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration at the rate of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. And for stone fruit crops, like plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, use a different concentration - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. The same concentration is used for spraying berry bushes. Spraying with copper sulphate is best done in the fall, as in the spring a highly concentrated solution will harm young foliage. But this can be done not earlier than November, since a chemical burn is possible when processing the leaves.

Garden treatment in autumn with urea

This is a highly effective granulating fertilizer containing in an assimilable form the nutrient element nitrogen necessary for the growth and development of plants. Mass fraction in fertilizer it is 46%. Urea is the most popular spray. It can be used both in autumn and spring. In the autumn period, the concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, it burns out many fungal diseases, even some of the pests that are trying to winter on fruit trees. Treating the garden with urea in the fall is a chemical treatment, not a fertilizer for trees. It is carried out over the entire crown of a tree or berry bush, and the surrounding land around the tree is necessarily sprayed nearby. Almost all pome and stone fruits, as well as berry bushes, are sprayed with urea.

What you need to know when treating the garden with urea in the autumn

When working with urea in the fall, remember:

  • urea is organic fertilizers, but their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • it is a fast-acting concentrate, the properties of which remain for a long period;
  • fertilizer quickly disappears, therefore, it requires irrigation of the soil directly, including greenhouse and greenhouse;
  • the connection is effective in waterlogged areas;
  • biologically active soil retains more nitrogen than alkaline or neutral soil media;
  • nitrogen-containing dressings are more effective and safe for the garden in the autumn, when the foliage does not burn when the concentration is violated;
  • urea slows down vegetation, delaying flowering from fatal to the ovary spring frosts. This will have a fruitful effect on the preservation of early ripe varieties of plums, peaches and apricots, and fruit trees preserve the emerging kidneys;
  • after spraying in the fall die garden pests, as well as various diseases of garden crops are eliminated;
  • after connecting with the ground, carbamide turns into ammonium carbonate;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept compounds with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urea helps to get rid of old stumps, provokes their rapid decay;
  • autumn treatment of the garden with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.