Why bunches of grapes wither. Dry grapes, what to do

We all love to eat sweet and fragrant grapes, and its juices with a unique taste and fine wines leave few people indifferent. Many gardeners breed this beauty in their summer cottages, however, growing a vine is not at all complicated, but it also has pitfalls, for example, such as the drying of berries and even whole brushes. Novice growers and gardeners - amateurs, faced with such a problem, immediately panic - so much effort has been expended, and the crop has died for an unknown reason. In this article, we will try to figure out why the bunches of the vine dry and how to deal with it.

Why does a bunch of grapes dry - reasons

It's so insulting when such a nuisance occurs as the drying of the bunches at the moment when the berries are already tied up and have begun to ripen. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and in order to prevent this disaster in time, it is necessary to learn to distinguish between them. So why do the bunches dry - possible reasons:

  • the amount of moisture is not enough for normal growth and maturation;
  • soil poverty - insufficient amount of nutrients and minerals;
  • excess ultraviolet rays;
  • illiterate pruning of the vine or its absence;
  • incorrect garter to the support of varieties with large tassels;
  • bending of the crest of the bunch;
  • paralysis of the ridges of the cyst.

And also various diseases and pests can serve as the reason for the drying of grapevine clusters:

  • mildew disease;
  • oidium or false sunburn;
  • damage by gray rot;
  • chlorosis damage;
  • verticillosis;
  • anthracnose;
  • eutiposis (dry arm);
  • buffalo cicada;
  • insects - pests;
  • poor treatment of plants from diseases.

Let's consider in detail each reason separately.

Lack of moisture. The fact that grapes are unpretentious in cultivation and care does not mean that you do not need to water the vine. If the summer is quite humid, with a good amount of precipitation, then the vineyard will have enough moisture, and in a dry summer, watering is simply necessary for the plants, because with a lack of moisture, the berries become small, sour in taste, or even dry out altogether, so do not forget to water them in a timely manner grapes, so that nothing interferes with the normal growth and ripening of berries.

Lack of nitrogen in the soil. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the vineyard will begin to dry out quickly - first the leaves, which will become light in color, and then the clusters themselves. In order to avoid drying out, it is recommended to feed the soil with mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, or add organic matter - manure, chicken droppings.

An excess of ultraviolet rays causes a burn, which adversely affects not only grape brushes, but also berries and leaves. At first, the berries change color to brown, and taste like mash, then they completely dry out. This is the most common cause of dried bunches. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the stepchildren growing in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bunch in order to exclude direct sunlight from it.

Bending of grape bunches due to improper tying of the vineyard to the support. Why does a vineyard dry up, in which large, weighty clusters are tied? Most hybrids form too large and heavy brushes. When the support is inconvenient, or the vineyard is tied to it incorrectly, the comb on which the bunch is located bends under its weight. From this, moisture cannot enter the brush, and it begins to fade. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to properly load the vine on arches and supports.

Paralysis of the crests of the hands. If the vineyard has dried up for no reason, then the ridges may have dried up. This phenomenon is called paralysis and no explanation has yet been found as to why it occurs. Brushes and berries dry out due to impaired circulation of moisture and nutrients. Often appears when the summer is dry. Necrosis and brown spots appear on the scallops, as a result of which the bunch stops feeding and dries. If one plant has suffered from paralysis, then it is not necessary that this attack will go to neighboring bushes. In such cases, it is recommended to feed the vineyard with fertilizers, which include magnesium.

Mildew disease. A terrible misfortune called mildew is often the reason why grapes dry up. The disease causes great damage to the vineyard during the flowering process. First, single berries dry up, and, immediately, before ripening, whole bunches up to half. The reason is that the mildew fungus blocks the access of nutrients and moisture to the bunch. To prevent damage by this fungus, the vineyard should be treated with mildew preparations - Ordan, Kurzat, Polyhom, Ridomil. Processing is carried out three times during the growing season - before flowering, after flowering and when the berries reach the size of peas.

Oidium or false sunburn can also cause the berries and clusters to dry out. It is often confused with sunburn. A slightly noticeable white-gray coating appears on the berries, similar to a tan from the sun, and then the berry bursts or fades. The vineyard, when affected by oidium, is treated with colloidal sulfur before harvesting.

Gray rot fungus usually appears in the spring when it becomes warm and humid. Such conditions are the best opportunities for the development of Botrytis cinerea, a fungus that completely covers the plants and causes the grapes to dry out in bunches. The fight against this disease must begin immediately.

Chlorosis damage. If the soil contains a large amount of carbonate, there is the possibility of chlorosis, which can dry out the vine bushes. Most often it appears in early spring or in the second half of summer. Chlorosis affects the entire bush as a whole. To prevent chlorosis, it is necessary to loosen the soil to normalize air exchange and evaporate excess moisture.

Verticillosis is a fungal infection of grapes that penetrates into the bush from the ground, through the root. The disease does not appear immediately, but several years after infection. Mostly young shoots are affected. If the vine is overloaded, the disease manifests itself more strongly, so it is necessary to correctly load the vine in order to get a decent harvest of berries.

Anthracnose is also a fungal infection of the vine. This fungus is common in areas with a humid climate. The disease is recognized by necrotic spots on the clusters, leaves and the entire green component of the vineyard. If the fungus manifested itself before flowering, then the entire bunch is affected, and when the bush begins to bear fruit, spots appear on the scallops, as a result of which the brush dries up. Anthracnose is a tropical disease that has only recently appeared in our climate.

Eutiposis is a fungal infection that affects not only vineyards, but also other crops. It affects the wood of the vineyard, as a result of which the growth of plants slows down. The underdevelopment of all parts of the grape does not allow the vine to produce a proper harvest. The old vineyards of the northern regions are more prone to eutiposis. It is promoted by high humidity. The clusters stop pouring and dry up.

The buffalo cicada is a harmful insect that is a fairly common cause of the drying of grapevine clusters. This insect lives and breeds in the grass under the bush. The offspring gives once during the summer period. The larvae, turning into adults, move from the grass to the grape bush, causing irreparable damage to it. The insect damages grape shoots and scallops on which the bunch is located. As a result of these damages, the vines dry out. In order to prevent damage to the grapes by the buffalo cicada, the vines are treated twice with benzophosphate, and all the grass that grows under the vineyard is removed, and garlic or onions are planted in its place, which repel these insects.

Good luck with your viticulture!

Diseases and pests that affect vineyards often harm the vine. If the berries dry on the grapes, the leaves wither and fall, this becomes a huge disappointment for the gardener. It is doubly unpleasant when the brushes begin to hurt, almost all the berries dry up and most of the crop becomes unusable. At the same time, drying can begin both simultaneously with the setting of berries, and at the time of their ripening, plus it can be accompanied by symptoms that are inherent in diseases of different grape varieties. What causes grapes to dry out? There are many reasons for the loss of berries. Often growers discover diseases that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, fungi.

There are many reasons for the loss of berries

In terms of harmfulness, downy mildew can be put in pride of place, which affects mainly the comb, grape brush, sometimes the whole mass, young and old shoots. The fungus becomes part of the plant tissues, while the plant does not receive moisture. Parts of the vine, brushes, ripening berries that are infected with the fungus dry out and die. There are situations when a whole grape bush has dried up, but it is better not to allow this.

Mildew threatens to destroy the entire crop. There are many other ailments in grape berries. Why is the bacterium so harmful? Serious damage to the plant can be caused by an insect pest, there is an option to be left without a crop and with poor-quality care for the vineyards.

The dry sleeve of a grape bush with its fruits can be caused by the Eutupa Lata fungus. This microorganism is widespread in all regions where the winter months can hardly be called warm. Eutupa Lata is harmful during periods of high rainfall or high humidity.

Since the pathogen can enter grape tissues as well as all other plants in orchards, it triples the difficulty in controlling the symptoms of the disease and then spreading it. The fungus can affect not only shoots and berries, but also wood, and even the root. Sometimes it's hard to believe that a fungus can completely destroy a plant. It has a particularly intense effect on mature grape bushes that were planted 7 years ago, and the element of dry arm is the fact that the plant at the start of the season gives an increase of no more than 25 cm.

The shoot begins to develop not so strongly and intensively, it also grows in length, differs significantly from other plants in terms of parameters and color. Leaves begin to dry out on the bush, and then healthy areas are also affected by necrosis. Future berries dry out or stop growing more, and remain small until the last month of the growing season.

Grape Spotted Anthracnose

One of the reasons for the drying of grape berries. Its peak begins with the arrival of rains, while the pest can develop not only in the summer months or in spring, but also at a temperature of 2 degrees.

Manifestations of spotted anthracnose are often associated with mechanical damage to fruits and shoots, which provoked hail. But in fact, a change in the weather with hail has nothing to do with it.

Rounded necrotic spots with brown and black borders on plants should beware, because these zones indicate the penetration of harmful fungi. Ordinary places may merge, the affected areas begin to collapse, and the newly appeared leaves and fruits that will dry on the grapes will seem burned.

Berries with anthracnose dry. The disease begins to infect not only the fruits, but also all aboveground green plants, including brushes. The most dangerous for grape berries is the action of anthracnose before flowering, in which case the disease affects the entire brush, and does not allow the berries to ripen. As the disease progresses, specific spots begin to form on the ovaries and ridges, which distinguish anthracnose from other diseases.

plant verticillium wilt

Verticillium, namely the cause of this disease, a pathogenic microorganism penetrates the root system through the soil and begins to multiply, while the supply of the shoot and grapes is disrupted. They stop getting moisture. This disease most often affects plants that have been recently planted, while external manifestations may appear only a few years after infection. After 6 years, grape bushes that had all the symptoms of the disease die, the disease no longer appears.

With this disease, grape berries dry out. The gardener bears the strongest losses when the load on the bush increases. Most often this is noted when the plant lacks moisture, with an increase in temperature indicators, as soon as the grapes begin to bear fruit. If the disease began to progress, the leaves dry on the bush. It seems that they are burned, then the turn comes to the shoots and clusters.

The plant becomes infected through the root system. Verticillium wilt can appear when a bush is planted in a place where the soil has already been previously infected with an ailment. The increase in the percentage of the disease in plantings, in general, does not have a focus.

buffalo leafhopper infestation

The microorganism that began to feed on the juice of the plant on the shoot and ridge makes specific damage in the form of rings, up to 10 mm long, as a result of which grapes that have received insufficient nutrients will no longer please the owners.

As soon as the disease began to appear, the larvae of the leafhopper begin to eat herbaceous plants under the grape bushes, and then mature pests begin to climb to the vine.

The vine that is affected by the buffalo cicada will not be able to bring a good and expected harvest, all the soil has simply dried up. The pest may appear due to the large vegetation near the grape bushes. In order to overcome dangerous insects, it is necessary to treat the bushes twice with benzophosphate. Such cleaning should be carried out at the beginning of summer so that the disease does not begin to manifest itself, and in addition, it is necessary to clear the territory of the vineyards from weeds. In order to prevent the appearance of leafhoppers, plant beds of garlic or onions, these plants will certainly scare them away. You also need to weed the beds, to prevent the appearance of weeds.


This disease is caused by a fungus. It can overwinter on the vine or leaf debris, even in the tissues of the bush that have been affected. He "wakes up" with the maturation of the kidneys. It is for this that, before wintering, it is necessary to carefully remove the remains of vegetation from the bushes, process them for the winter. So that the disease does not begin to progress, this rule should not be forgotten. Anthracnose damages not only the berries, but the whole plant. It acts especially quickly on the inflorescence.

On the berries you can sometimes see small, a few millimeters round brown spots. Along the edges you can see a clear rim or a bright, scarlet outline. Toward the end of the season, the spots will turn black and then begin to hit all the fruits. The berries do not fully ripen, dry out and then begin to crumble.

On leaves with shoots, the disease is noticeable at its apogee. It is calculated from the spots on the leaves of a dark color, after the leaf has dried, holes may even appear on it. The shoot, if it is infected, begins to change color, becomes brittle, loses strength, and in winter it freezes. The disease can affect the plant even in autumn, when the weather is still damp. Anthracnose develops especially intensively on rainy days, or during summer precipitation, at an air temperature of 23-26 degrees. The soil is not yet dry, as various fungi and bacteria begin to develop in it. To prevent the onset of the disease, you need to spray the bushes after each rain with a copper-containing mixture.

When the berries ripen, the ridges bend and dry out

It is necessary to prevent breakage of the ridges of the bunches that ripen. Everything is very simple, the clusters can bend under their own weight, while not all berries receive the necessary amount of moisture and nutrients, and they will begin to wither.

The greatest danger of losing berries for the same reason is in hybrid varieties that form massive large clusters.

To prevent kinks, it is necessary to grow plants, relying on a mechanical structure. It can be arches or gazebos. The brushes that hang down are not constrained and perfectly formed, and the load is distributed evenly on the branches, and it will not bend. Grapes will always be ripe and juicy.

Another reason for the death of berries: drying out of the comb. If visual causes, for example, symptoms of ailments of grape berries, are not found, and the brushes do not pour, and the berries are mummified, it may be necessary to pay attention to ridge drying.

Berry desiccation was first noticed in the last century, this ailment has not yet been fully explored, the only thing biologists know for sure is that it is a kind of paralysis that slows down or stops the development of grapes. This is associated with changes in the field of metabolism, because it is on dry days that the disease, which leads to the drying of grape berries, reminds of itself.

Shrinkage symptoms

Why do grapes dry out? Symptoms that precede the drying of berries, plants, can be seen in the form of spots of dark brown color at the place where the comb forks. These spots can be seen during the ripening period, at that moment the berries retain their natural sugar.

Under spots, tissues die several balls of cells deep, while the lack of moisture worsens the condition of the plant, and other areas are also covered by necrosis. If the spots on the crest are ringed, moisture no longer enters the brush, which is located below, and the grapes, which are isolated from the influx of moisture, begin to dry out, mummify, lose their value, both external and commercial value.

If the grape ridges dry out, this can cause not only the death of the crop, but also the fact that mold and disease-causing fungi will appear on the site, which will cause secondary ailments in different crops.

Biologists have not investigated whether the grape variety affects this. But, some data from the studies could still be used. Own-rooted plants are less likely to be affected by the disease for grapes than grafted bushes, moreover, if they grow on a vigorous rootstock. Why this is so remains a mystery.

How to deal with desiccation

Treatment of affected areas or all plants with fungicides or other drugs that protect plants is considered ineffective. In some cases, if the grapes begin to dry out, a 0.55% magnesium chloride solution or 3% magnesium sulfate will help. For preventive purposes, plants can also be treated a month or a half before the onset of probable paralysis, and then several sprays are carried out in a ten-day period.

For the purpose of highly effective prevention, at the moment when the berries begin to fill with the warmth of the sun and take on their color, the bunch and the area next to it are treated with a five percent solution of magnesium sulfate.

But, biologists consider the correct observance of agrotechnical rules to be the most important and effective means in order to combat the drying out of grape ridges and berries. Only if the pruning of the vine was performed correctly, a balanced top dressing was used, which included magnesium, an acceptable percentage of nitrogen, and also with regular watering of the bushes in combination with chemical treatment and the addition of fertilizers, the appearance of ridge paralysis is excluded, and the crop is preserved.

Faced with a disease of the vine, novice growers often cannot determine why the leaves of the grapes dry, what to do to prevent the death of the plant. There are many factors that affect the condition of the grape bush. Methods of dealing with diseases can also be different.

When growing grapes, there are many difficulties due to which you can lose a good harvest.

Grape Features

In order to properly prescribe treatment, you must first determine the cause of the disease, find out why the leaves of the grapes dry and wither. Growing grapes in the northern regions, it is almost impossible to avoid various grape diseases. Bushes sheltered for the winter often suffer from high humidity and poor air circulation, which favorably affects the reproduction of fungal diseases.

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What are the causes of diseases?

The causes of diseases can be hidden not only in climatic conditions. Violation of the composition of the soil, lack of watering, cool or insufficiently sunny weather also affect the health of the plant. At the same time, not only do the vine leaves change color and dry out, but the vine comb dries out, the berries begin to crumble and the bush becomes very weak.

Plants affected by infectious diseases infect neighboring bushes. If no action is taken, the entire vineyard may die. Some of the diseases are quite difficult to treat, so the only way to get rid of them is to replace the plant with one that is immune to a particular type of pathogen.

A hallmark of mildew disease are yellow spots on the surface of the leaf.

One of the most common diseases of grapes is called mildew, its causative agent is considered to be a fungus that affects the leaves, shoots and berries of grapes. A distinctive feature of the disease is yellow spots on the surface of the leaf and traces of a powdery coating of white or grayish color on its lower part. This disease is contagious for neighboring grape bushes, so you need to start fighting it right away, barely noticing the first signs.

Dill sown around the grape bush can serve as a prevention of mildew grapes. The main treatment for already diseased plants is the treatment with Bordeaux mixture in the period between bud break and flowering. In the early stages of the disease, treatment with Ridomil-gold is effective, however, if a month or less is left before harvesting, treatment is not recommended.

The second most common is the fungal disease oidium. It manifests itself, as a rule, during periods of drought, and the first sign of the disease is the appearance of characteristic ash-colored spots on the leaves of the plant. Subsequently, the leaves dry and fall off, and the berries crack and rot.

To avoid the appearance of this fungus, it is necessary that fresh air constantly circulate around the bush and between the shoots of the plant. This requires timely thinning of greenery and weeding. You can eliminate the signs of the disease that have arisen with the help of a solution of colloidal sulfur, they spray the plant from the outside.

Gray rot also refers to fungal diseases. It occurs in a warm and humid environment around the plant and spreads to its upper part without affecting the root system. Spring disease manifests itself in the form of a gray and fluffy coating on the leaves. When the leaves are swayed by the wind, the plaque crumbles, affecting the entire plant. The entire crop is at risk, as the berries of diseased grapes change color to brown and quickly rot.

A solution of baking soda will help get rid of some grape diseases.

Of the simple means to help fight this fungal disease, you can use a solution of baking soda (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of water), which the plant is treated with after removing the affected parts.

All leaves and shoots affected by gray rot must not only be removed from the bush, but also burned to prevent the spread of the disease to surrounding plants.

Drying of grape leaves can also be triggered by cercosporosis. This is another of the fungal diseases, which manifests itself in the appearance of an olive-colored plaque on the underside of the leaves, after which the leaves quickly crumble, and the plaque passes to the clusters, hardening the berries, and adding a lilac tint to their natural color. Berries crumble at any touch.

The infected parts of the plant must be removed and burned, and the remaining bush should be treated several times with a Bordeaux mixture.

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Less common grape diseases

Rubella is the oldest known infectious grape disease. The disease manifests itself in the hottest time of the summer season, and, as the name suggests, manifests itself in the reddening of the leaves of the plant. First, the leaves turn red, then they become thicker, becoming smooth and brittle due to a lack of potassium. Applying a fertilizer containing 1% potassium nitrate will help to cope with the threat of crop loss. As a rule, fertilizer is applied by spraying before sunrise or after sunset, so that the leaves do not suffer further from sunburn.

It will take 3-5 spraying approaches with an interval of about 10 days between them.

Phomopsis disease is manifested by drying of leaves and shoots, and the presence of black spots.

Alternariosis disease manifests itself in hot and humid weather. Symptoms of the disease are similar to oidium, as they appear as light spots on the leaf surface with necrotic foci in the center. At first, a dry border forms on the leaves, similar to the symptoms of potassium deficiency. In the rainy period, the leaf darkens, mold forms on it. The berries are first covered with a veil with a metallic sheen, then with a velvety coating characteristic of mold. In this case, preparations from systemic fungicides are used to treat grapes: Skor, Quadris, Colfugo Super, etc. The period of time between treatments is 10-14 days.

A disease similar in symptoms to black rot, and accompanied by escoriosis, drying of leaves and shoots, and the presence of black spots is called phomopsis. In this case, the disease affects the berries immediately after the flowering period, and they begin to rot in 6-7 weeks. Dried bunches and shoots fall off.
Protect the plant from the disease by timely autumn pruning of shoots and burning of damaged parts. Additionally, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or zuparen is used.

Of the pests, a population of spider mites can cause reddening of the leaves. To get rid of it, the plant is treated with special preparations.

There is no grape variety that is not susceptible to disease. But you can initially select for cultivation those varieties that are less susceptible to diseases and have increased resistance to fungal diseases.

Timely care, removal of diseased shoots and leaves, top dressing and spraying will help save both plants and crops.

Many gardeners grow grapes on their plot, which is a real treasure in terms of the content of useful vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. They are not stopped even by the many difficulties they face, including the manifestation of various diseases. As a result, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. In this regard, it is important to understand why the grapes dry up and determine the main reasons before it is too late.

When breeding grapes, it is necessary to take into account many factors and features for its normal development and growth. To save the crop, it is necessary to determine the reasons why the cuttings and leaves of the plant dry and what to do in this case. Many factors can influence this. In this regard, the methods of struggle can also be different.


In order to choose the right method for treating grapes, it is necessary to understand the reason why its leaves and cuttings dry. Depending on this, it will become clear what to do next. Berry culture does not tolerate low temperatures, so those who live in the northern regions are most often faced with grape diseases.

Many gardeners cover bushes for the winter to protect them from the cold. But in some cases, it can do more harm than good. Under such protection, the air, as a rule, stagnates, and this leads to an increase in the level of humidity. In such favorable conditions, with poor ventilation, various fungi begin to appear and actively multiply.

A berry can catch an infection if elementary rules are not followed:
incorrect composition of the soil;

  • insufficient watering;
  • little light;
  • lack of heat.

This leads not only to the fall of leaves and fruits, but also significantly weakens the plant itself.

A diseased plant can pose a serious threat to still healthy bushes, since fungi, viruses and bacteria are carried by the wind. In some cases, the problem is solved by replacing the affected plants with more resistant varieties. If you do not take any action, you can lose the entire vineyard. The most common fungal and viral diseases are, and others.

Little nitrogen

Another most common reason why vine cuttings dry out is insufficient nitrogen in the soil. This manifests itself as follows - the leaves begin to gradually lighten, and then dry completely. The way out of this situation will be the introduction. You can use special formulations purchased from a store or fertilize the land with cow or chicken manure.


Uninvited small guests can also be the reason why grape leaves and cuttings dry. Among the most frequent visitors, other insects can be noted. Some of them are so small that they can only be seen under a magnifying glass. If these pests are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with insecticides. If ticks are found, they must be dealt with with acaricides. You can recognize them by their yellow-red hue, and their habitats mainly fall on the lower part of the leaves.

Some of the most dangerous diseases

The reasons why the cuttings and grape leaves dry up lie not only in improper care. This may be due to diseases, among which there are the most dangerous.


In addition to poor climatic conditions, grape cuttings with leaves can dry out due to a plant being damaged by some disease. The most dangerous of them is considered. It appears when the soil is rich in carbonate compounds. The disease manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the soft parts of the leaves, which fall off over time. And if new leaves grow in their place, then they are much smaller and very thin. In advanced cases, the disease has a bad effect on the fruits themselves - they become noticeably smaller. Chlorosis affects not only cuttings and leaves, the plant suffers completely.

The peak of the disease occurs in spring or in the second half of summer. As a good prevention of the disease, a regular procedure for loosening the soil is necessary. This helps to evaporate excess moisture and improve air exchange in the soil.

Spring Fever

The most common fungal disease is, which is found in almost any region where grapes are grown. Infection occurs in the spring, and the reason why the leaves turn yellow and dry is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. A warm and humid environment is a favorable condition for its occurrence.
First of all, the disease affects the cuttings and leaves, on which you can see a gray fluffy coating. If you shake them a little, it crumbles. As a result, the fungus quickly spreads to healthy parts of the plant. Particularly strong goes to the fruits of grapes, which are just beginning to ripen or are already ripe.

Under the influence of the fungus, the berries become brown and quickly rot. And such fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.
Fighting the disease is easy. To do this, it is necessary to cut and burn all the affected parts of the plant. Then the bush should be sprayed with a solution of baking soda at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water. Liquid green soap works too. But the best way out is to purchase seedlings resistant to this disease, which are already available.

Despite the danger, the fungus can be beneficial.

When a fungus infects a berry on the eve of harvesting, this makes it possible to produce elite-class dessert wines (Tokay, Sauternes). Due to the action of the fungus, the skin of grapes is quickly destroyed. This helps to increase the level of sugar in the fruit juice. Therefore, in some cases, the fungus is applied to the bunches intentionally.

The most dangerous fungus

Another dangerous fungal disease is named -, which is known but to anyone who grows grapes. The affected plant is immediately visible - spots can be seen on the leaves that acquire a pale yellow or light green tint. Over time, these spots increase, and their color
it changes from light and green to red. At the same time, powdery white bloom can be seen on the underside of the leaves.

The fungus "moves" very quickly, rapidly forming new spores, and infects neighboring plants. In addition to the leaves, the berries, stem and roots are at risk.
It is necessary to fight such a disease even before the first signs of infection appear, in order to avoid loss of childbirth. First of all, grapes need to be planted in suitable conditions. That is, the place should be well ventilated and located away from the lowlands, where moisture usually accumulates. Regular watering, bait, loosening the soil, mulching are good prevention against this disease. It also does not interfere with the chemical treatment of the plant. Planting dill around grapes also helps.

If the plant is already infected, then you can spray it with a Bordeaux mixture (1%) or Ridomil-Gold. Spraying should be stopped only 30 days before harvest. In general, if frequent cases of mildew damage to plants are noticed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence, choose plant varieties resistant to this disease.

red disease

Rubella has been known since the beginning of grape cultivation. It is usually non-infectious and usually occurs during hot weather, which is more common in July. The leaves turn a bright red hue, which indicates a lack of potassium. The situation can be corrected by the timely application of potassium nitrate (1%). If nothing is done, then the grapes will die, and then there can be no question of any harvest.

Rubella of an infectious nature is acquired through exposure to the ascomycete marsupial fungus. You can fight the infection chemically using fungicides. The main thing is that the harmful effects of these drugs be safe for people and animals. Some agents affect only the affected parts of the plant themselves (Rovral, Omayt). Others affect the entire plant as a whole (Kvadris, Bayleton, Fundazol). And there are those that differ in the combined combination of the first two types of drugs (Carbis Top, Gold, Reed).

Biological agents are not toxic, but have a short effect. For this reason, they are good only at the initial stage of fungal infection. Among many biological products, Gaupsin has proven itself well, the effectiveness of which is 90% and lasts for two weeks. At the same time, it is completely safe for both humans and all animals and insects.
Along with these methods, the timely removal and burning of damaged parts of the plant, cutting off excess branches and leaves, and other preventive measures help.

Preventive measures

It will not be possible to completely protect grapes from the occurrence of diseases, but all risks can be minimized. So what should be done? First of all, it is worth buying shoots only in specialized stores where healthy seedlings are sold. This will avoid illness during the first 2-3 years.

Grapes do not tolerate neglect, they need regular and proper care, which includes regular watering and loosening the soil. This contributes to normal air exchange in the soil.

Fertilization is also a must. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive compounds, it is enough to use natural fertilizers (cow or chicken manure).

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant and, if insects are found, treat it in a timely manner with special compounds.

During the inspection, you can cut off excess branches and leaves, which also improves air exchange and protects against fungi.


As you can understand, there are many reasons why grapes dry out. Mostly this happens due to the defeat of some disease. Therefore, before you start growing this garden crop, you should take a closer look at resistant plant varieties, which will avoid the harmful effects of various fungi and bacteria. In our time, in almost any city of such varieties bred in sufficient quantities. Therefore, there will be no problems with the acquisition of seedlings or seeds.

But if grapes are regularly looked after and measures are taken in a timely manner, then no diseases are terrible for him. In this case, a good harvest will be all year round.

To get a good harvest from the vineyard, you need to give him a decent amount of free time, because this culture loves regular care. However, it often happens that bushes that are healthy in spring during the fruiting period begin to take on a very sad look - even large clusters gradually wither and dry out.

There can be many reasons why grapes dry, but the most common of them include:

  • damage to bushes by fungal diseases;
  • care mistakes.

Diseases in which grapes dry

The most dangerous cause of drying out of grapes are diseases caused by fungi. The following lesions can lead to massive crop loss:

  1. . Treat the bushes with copper-containing preparations (Kvadris, Ridomil Gold). For prevention, seedlings must be placed spaciously and trimmed in a timely manner.
  2. Anthracosis. Thrives during rainy and hot summer days. Spray the grapes with copper sulfate, and after two weeks - with Previkur or Fundazol.
  3. Verticellosis. There is no complete cure yet, but to prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to treat the vineyard with fungicides (copper oxychloride, Fundazol, copper sulfate) once a month, simultaneously introducing them into the soil. For prevention, it is necessary to properly distribute the crop load, avoid waterlogging and overfeeding with nitrogen.

Errors in care

Grapes can dry even in the absence. Often, incorrect actions of gardeners lead to crop loss, such as:

  1. Overfilled. Although shrubs are not recommended to be watered during the ripening period, but in hot and dry summers, a couple of buckets of water will help to avoid the reduction in size of the berries and their subsequent drying. The main thing is not to overdo it, especially during the rainy season, because high humidity leads to similar consequences.
  2. No load regulation. If the bush has formed a lot of brushes, it is necessary to remove some of them, especially for young plants. Otherwise, the grapes simply do not have enough strength to “pull out” the entire crop and it will dry out.
  3. Lack of support. A prerequisite for growing grapes is the creation of a support for the bush. If it is not there, then the ridges of the bunches can bend under the weight of the berries, and then the redistribution of nutrients and moisture throughout the brush is disturbed, as a result of which it dries out partially.

If the bush grows on the south side of the site, under the influence of direct sunlight it is possible to get burns in clusters. To avoid this situation, experienced gardeners do not completely remove stepchildren where brushes have formed on the vine so that they protect them from the sun.

Video about grape diseases and their treatment