Kuznetsov ovens ovik 3rd order. We tell you how to fold Kuznetsov's furnaces using orders and drawings

Pechnik (Moscow)

Kuznetsov's stoves are a whole story. Over the years, a lot of various models have appeared, designed under the guidance of this person, which continue to improve and become better, more thoughtful and more functional every year. Kuznetsov's fireplace stove, the order of which must exactly correspond to the declared scheme, is distinguished by its small overall dimensions, impeccable design and functionality.

Design features and result

Kuznetsov's fireplace is, first of all, a certain method, which consists in the fact that gases as a result of combustion can be evenly distributed into two equivalent streams with hot and cold vapors.

The main advantages of such installations include:

  1. The highest efficiency, for some installations reaching 90 percent;
  2. Uniform and as fast as possible heating, both of the installation itself and of all premises of the house;
  3. good traction(what to do if there is no draft in the chimney) and duct ventilation;
  4. small dimensions and the possibility of installation in any place and room.

Important: if you want to use this constructive method, before starting work, you need to determine the size, shape, method of operation, heat transfer and other equally important characteristics of the heating installation, and only after that choose one of the most suitable options. To date, the number of models presented by Kuznetsov exceeds 150.

Kuznetsov stove fireplaces have their own distinctive features and are divided into:

  • Fireplace. In their appearance and functionality, they resemble standard fireplaces. Used as an element of decor or a source of additional secondary heating;
  • Cooking. They include not only the heating function, but also other equally useful functions, such as: hob, oven. All these features allow you to cook food through such a unit;
  • Heating installations. Used exclusively for space heating. Depending on their overall dimensions, location and power, they are able to heat a house of a certain area;
  • Grills. Are established on streets, in the open air or under a canopy. Installations are necessary for cooking, they work exclusively on solid fuel;
  • Complex installations. They include the most complete set of functions and can combine several elements at once. Such furnaces have the largest overall dimensions, are distinguished by their high power and are mainly installed in rooms with a large area.

Important: using the detailed drawings and diagrams developed by Kuznetsov, you can assemble any stove or fireplace with your own hands.

Application of the bell method

Kuznetsov's fireplace stoves are assembled according to a certain method, which has the following features:

  1. All gases and flows begin to be evenly distributed outside the combustion chamber;
  2. Depending on the number of hoods installed inside the structure, warm air is retained to a greater or lesser extent in the interior of the unit, thereby ensuring fast, efficient and even heating;
  3. When installing the cap in the immediate vicinity of the combustion chamber, when melting, hot air vapor instantly gets inside and the installation, as well as the room warms up several times faster;
  4. Due to the presence of caps, a minimum amount of soot and other plaque is formed, which greatly simplifies maintenance and cleaning;
  5. The heat exchanger must be installed exclusively outside the combustion chamber, which allows the efficiency to remain at its most high level and don't go down.

The Kuznetsov fireplace stove is designed in such a way that only cold air is released through a special hole located in the lower part of the installation, while hot vapors accumulate in special hoods.

In order to learn more about finished works fireplaces and stoves, we recommend that you view the photos located in this article.

Ordering and styling

Preparatory stage of work

In order to fold the Kuznetsov stove fireplace with our own hands, we need the following materials:

  1. About 160 kilograms of sand;
  2. Red brick (it is recommended to use only full-bodied) - about 800 pieces;
  3. Fireclay brick - 70 pieces;
  4. Refractory clay - about 140 kilograms;
  5. Cast iron door, which, if necessary, can be made on your own using special paired steel sheets;
  6. Steel wire;
  7. Grate or prepared fittings;
  8. Corners and latches for fixing all elements and parts.

In order to get acquainted with the process of ordering and laying in more detail, we recommend watching the video in this article.

Tip: before starting work, first of all, it is necessary to check each brick separately for the presence of all kinds of cracks and irregularities; it is not recommended to use such bricks for ordering.

Foundation preparation

The optimal foundation will be the one that is being built along with the house and is connected. If the construction of the house is already fully completed, it is necessary to build a separate foundation. In order for the furnace to be reliably protected, the foundation must be additionally insulated using metal sheets or roofing material.

Order and features

Kuznetsov's fireplace stove: ordering and step-by-step guide:

  • For the correct execution of the ordering, it is recommended to use a special standard drawing, which must be transferred to the selected location and make sure that the chimney will subsequently be installed correctly.

Detailed instructions:

  1. The first two rows must be laid out dry using fireclay refractory bricks;
  2. Bottom part heating furnace should be slightly thicker than all the others;
  3. The first two rows should be laid perfectly even. In order to verify this, use a special building level;
  4. The second and subsequent rows are laid in such a way that in the future a place is formed for a blower and an ash pan. Bricks are stacked in a checkerboard pattern;
  5. The thickness of the seams should not be more than 5 millimeters;
  6. Laying bricks is only necessary on a special clay mortar;
  7. Carry out the laying of internal partitions and walls, after which, on the fifth row, install a grate of the required size;
  8. The gap between the grate and the walls should be no more than 7 millimeters;
  9. The grate itself is mounted so that it is at a slight angle - this is necessary so that during the combustion process all the chips and other combustion products remain inside and do not enter the room;
  10. On the fifth row, a hole for installing the fuel chamber is also made. This element must be lined with strictly special fireclay bricks. The laying is carried out by the lining method, that is, the brick must be laid on its side. This method masonry, used in places that are subject to the most severe heat;
  11. The sixteenth row is the complete closure of the chamber. Then the second camera is laid out;
  12. Using the standard scheme, the laying should be continued up to the 26th row, which is completely closed from above with bricks.

After laying, the stove must be allowed time to dry completely. On average, a trial firebox can be made 3-5 days after the completion of work.

Tip: at the first check, pay attention to the presence of cracks, cracks that can let in smoke and air. Each hole for the full functioning of the furnace unit must be sealed using a special clay solution, and then re-check, up to the elimination of all design inaccuracies.

Arrangement of the furnace in country house or in the country - it is very popular today. Despite the appearance of modern heating appliances on the market, many prefer the good old brick stove, which for many centuries served as the only source of heat and cooking in the house. Such structures are especially relevant where there is no gasification.

Time does not stand still. The good old "Swedes" and "Dutch" ones were replaced by new and more advanced ones - bell-type furnaces, which are in no way inferior to their channel counterpart. The design of the bell-type furnace is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of using hot gas.

The Kuznetsov bell-type furnace (popularly referred to as "Kuznetsovka") was named after its creator, I.V. Kuznetsov, who started developing a new heating scheme in the early 60s of the last century. Unique technology"free movement of hot gases" immediately gained recognition and became very popular all over the world.

The peculiarity of "Kuznetsovka" is that the heated gases pass and circulate through the pipe due to their own gravity, in contrast to the "forced" movement through the chimney. We all know from physics lessons that warm air rises, displacing the cold. But, unlike channel prototypes, here the heat does not exit the pipe, but is collected under the hood. Gradually, it cools down there, and it is forced out by gusts of more hot air rising upwards.

The main difference between a channel furnace and a bell furnace is the principle of hot gas movement. In the first one, the smoke, as it were, is drawn up through the pipe, and in the hood, it is pushed out. The hood itself can serve as a container for heating water, cooking, drying, etc. Thus, the bell-type furnace can perform a dual function.

Furnace "Kuznetsovka"

That is, according to the functional characteristics, "blacksmiths" can be divided into:

  • bath stoves;
  • stoves for cooking (bread, cooking, under a cauldron, barbecue, grill, etc.);
  • fireplace;
  • furnaces for heating;
  • combined type.

The most common are combined types with the possibility of cooking and heating the whole house. Despite the possibility of variation in style and shape, the principle of operation of the bell-type furnace remains unchanged.

To make it easier to understand the basic principle of the Kuznetsov stove, imagine a fire kindled in the open air. Due to the unlimited access of air to the fire, the fire gives little heat. And now let's try to cover this fire with a metal cap, leaving a small gap below, so as not to extinguish the flame at all. Hot air will go up, heating the walls. Gradually cooling down, the air will begin to descend to the left opening while a new portion of hot air takes its place. This is the principle of the free movement of hot gases, which I.V. Kuznetsov successfully applied in his development.

Design features

Today, more than 150 types of designs can be found on the Web, but no matter what form, style of execution they may be, all furnaces are built according to the same method. The designer, creating a scheme for laying a bell-type furnace, set himself two tasks: productivity and efficiency heating system.

It is not so easy to build such a structure. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the developed by Kuznetsov I.V. orders. The inventor pays great attention and attention to the location of the internal channels of the bell-type furnace.

The hood is a separate chamber for retaining heated gas, which contributes to fuel savings and increases the efficiency of the furnace.

The standard design of the "blacksmith" assumes the presence of two caps. The lower one is combined with the combustion chamber, and the second cap is located in the upper part of the furnace. The task of the first cap is to separate gases into cold and hot streams. This is what distinguishes the bell-type furnace from the channel one, where the heated air, under the action of draft, freely goes outside. Here, the hot gas flow leaving the furnace tends upward, where it lingers under the first hood and accumulates heat for a long time.

Further, the flow tends through the passage to the second chamber, where it also lingers under the second ceiling, since the passage is at the base. Consequently, hot air, before leaving the chimney, it accumulates heat in the furnace for a long time. This gives a high efficiency - up to 95%. If compared with the efficiency of a traditional Russian stove (channel), then this is 45-50% more.

In addition to the free movement of gas, a bell-type furnace also implies mechanical control streams. For this, valves are installed in the structure. They, as needed, can delay and redirect hot streams. The "summer" valve is designed for the warm season, when the furnace is used as hob for cooking. Having opened the summer valve, the flow of hot air will rush up the chimney without going under the second cap.

Benefits of a bell furnace

If we compare the blacksmith's furnace with other brick counterparts, then it has a huge resistance to deformation. It heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time. Even if the damper is not tightly closed, the generated heat can be stored in such an oven for a long time.

  • long-term operation;
  • small formation of soot and soot (it almost completely burns out, turning into ash);
  • Efficiency - up to 80%;
  • lightweight design that can be mastered even by a beginner;
  • improved heating system in comparison with the channel analogue;
  • simple and practical in care - there is no need to clean it often;
  • does not crack;
  • versatility of erection (in a house, apartment, bathhouse, etc.)
  • a large selection of shapes and designs;
  • no need to take into account the height of the chimney to ensure good draft;
  • high speed of kindling;
  • the design allows you to install a large heating element;
  • there is a uniform heating of the furnace;
  • the stove cools down longer compared to its brick prototypes.

Ignition of "Kuznetsovka"

Basic installation rules

  1. The inner shell of the furnace must be surrounded on all sides by empty space, since the brick will become very hot during the operation of the furnace.
  2. The location of the oven heat source can vary depending on the type and shape, but it should always be at the bottom of the hood.
  3. Every third row brickwork must be tied with metal wire. This will strengthen the bond and prevent further deformation of the oven.
  4. The shape of the cap can be of any shape and size.
  5. When installing the oven, consider the fact that when heated, all metal elements(grille, door) will expand. Therefore, all these details of the furnace system must be installed with a margin for expansion. A refractory gasket must be installed between brick and metal.
  6. At the first kindling of an already finished furnace, it is not necessary to immediately give the maximum temperature. The furnace must be fired gradually, starting from low temperatures.
  7. After installation, the furnace should be treated with a refractory compound.

Today there are a huge number of varieties of bell-type furnaces, because progress does not stand still. Kuznetsov himself laid the foundation for this new type of heating system, and his followers around the world are already making their own adjustments and working on improving the furnace. Of course, it is much easier to build a stove at the stage of building a house. But often people think about the need to place such heater after the walls were erected. Here, when developing a scheme, it will already be necessary to take into account the height of the beams, the location of the partitions, the roof, etc.

If the stove is laid during the construction of the house, then it is better to arrange it in such a way that it heats 2-3 rooms at once.

It is simply physically impossible to describe the laying instructions for all types of bell-type furnaces, so in this article we will give classic version do-it-yourself installation of a bell-type furnace. By following our instructions exactly, you will definitely be able to assemble a solid, beautiful and functional stove.

The dimensions of the furnace, of course, can be different - the volume of material will depend on this, respectively. But in no case should the order be changed!

What materials will be needed to install the oven

Before starting to execute construction works stock up on all necessary materials. In order for the bell-type furnace to please you with its functionality and appearance for many years, the materials must be good quality.

Refractory brick for firebox (fireclay) SHA-8.

Brick ceramic (brand not lower than M150).

Clay, sand and cement for laying bricks and foundations.

Plywood for the construction of formwork.

Steel plate.

Metal wire or reinforcing rod.

Steel corner.

Wooden bars (50x50 mm) - 4 pcs.

Doors and latch.

Foil under the first layer of brick (according to the size of the foundation).

Tools for laying a bell-type furnace

  • construction mixer or drill with a nozzle;
  • Circular Saw;
  • pliers (for tightening the wire);
  • Master OK;
  • shovel;
  • building level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • construction gloves.

Let's start installation: step by step instructions

Step 1. We think over the design of the bell-type furnace and draw a diagram on paper.

Before starting work, you must clearly know what width your oven will be. It must be drawn on paper, having calculated all the necessary parameters.

  • Calculate the size of the hole for the foundation. Keep in mind that it should be 10 cm wider than the heating structure itself.

Step 2. Laying the foundation

Before installing the oven, you need to take care of the base. It must be firm and perfectly even so that cracking of the structure and deformation does not occur in the future. Laying the foundation is a very responsible step, which must be taken seriously.

For a concrete floor, the foundation will be a kind of platform, raising the oven itself 20-30 cm above the floor level. We carry out formwork according to the size of the foundation and fasten its corners wooden blocks(50x50 mm). At the bottom of the foundation we pour sand 15-20 cm thick, we compact it well, and only then we slowly pour the solution. The foundation of the main house should not be connected to the foundation of the furnace. They have different weights, which means that shrinkage will be different.

If you are making a wood floor oven:

If the stove is being built in a wooden house, then fire safety rules should be taken into account. It is necessary to lay a sheet of asbestos between the structure of the furnace and the ceilings.

  • We dig a hole 80 cm deep and 1.5 m * 1 m wide. Make sure all walls are even. For this it is better to use bayonet shovel. We pour sand at the bottom of the pit with a thickness of 15 cm, carefully tamp. It is necessary to wait for the sand to shrink (within 2 days).
  • Let's start creating formwork. It is possible to use any old formwork for installation wooden doors, unnecessary boards, but, ideally, it is better to take plywood. We measure the length and width of the boards according to the dimensions of the foundation, lower them into the pit and connect them with screws. If the formwork is not all immersed in the ground, then we additionally connect the corners with wooden blocks (50x50). If the formwork is immersed in the pit to its full height, then you can not do this.
  • We reinforce with a metal rod.

In some wooden houses, the floor has already been raised above the ground by 50-80 cm. In this case, you will need to dig a hole under the foundation by 20-30 cm. That is, you need to “go deep” anyway, but consider this difference.

  • We prepare a cement mortar (sand + cement + water) and slowly pour it into the pit. Try to pour in layers, each time stirring lightly with a shovel. This will allow excess air to escape and create a stable base. Let the base dry. It will take at least a week, but sometimes you have to wait 20-25 days for the solution to fully set. In this matter, you should not rush, since the operational properties of the furnace depend on the strength of the foundation.
  • While the solution is still wet, it is necessary to clearly define building level how level the ground is. Correct if necessary.
  • To do this, we take the building level and check the place where the furnace will be installed.
  • When the solution is completely frozen and the foundation is ready, you can start laying the furnace. Do not rush with the construction of the furnace. The foundation must be strong and solid, the further operation of the furnace depends on it.
  • We lay a layer of reflective foil under the first layer of brickwork. This will prevent heat loss and redirect the direction of heat flow from bottom to top. Take the material a little more than the perimeter of the foundation. After laying the brick, then it will be exactly necessary to cut off the edges with a knife.

Video. Masonry brick "Kolpakova" furnace

Step 3. Preparation of clay-sand mortar for bricklaying. We will use clay as the basis, as it has heat resistance up to 1000 degrees.

On the video you can see visual instructions for kneading the solution.

Video. Preparation of clay mortar for kiln masonry

In a large metal container, it is necessary to combine the clay with water and soak it for 2 days. After that, pour the sand into the container and mix well with an electric drill with a mixer nozzle. When the mixture is well mixed and 2 materials do not separate in it, check the density of the mortar with a trowel. If the mixture slowly slides off the tool, then the solution is ready. You can start laying bricks.

Masonry of the 1st level of the furnace

Before you start laying bricks on the cement mortar, it is better to immediately lay out each row, according to the ordering scheme, on the floor “dry”. The diagram shows that in some rows you will have to divide the bricks into ½, ¼. Where you have to grind bricks, use the manual method so as not to disturb technical properties material and its aesthetic appearance.

  • Row number 1. The brick will spread evenly over the entire area of ​​the oven. The first row is solid, keep even corners. Start from the side walls of the blacksmith, laying out with a spoon method, move from right to left. (Figure 14). Brick is laid longitudinal part in length. We lay each next layer with an edge in the center, and report the missing part by beating required size from a new brick.
  • Lay row number 2 bricks. At this level, we install a blower (according to the previously developed scheme) and a window for cleaning the furnace (there may be 2 of them). The design of the bell-type furnace allows you to place the door for cleaning and the blower anywhere, but the window must be below the firebox. Here it will be necessary to divide one brick in half and install them so that they protrude from the general row outward. When you lay the second row, you should not connect them with a solution. Upon completion of construction work, you will need to clean the furnace from fallen clay. And after you clean the oven, then fix them with a solution.

In order to properly install the blower doors and windows, it is necessary to thread the knitting wire into the existing holes, make a loop and twist it with a bundle. Insert between bricks. If there are no holes in the factory parts, then they must be made with a drill with a drill bit for metal. Use pliers to twist the loop as tight as possible. While the doors for stability must be fixed with bricks, but not connected with mortar. This will need to be done after laying the third row.

  • We put number 3 in the same way as the previous one. From the 3rd row, we begin to raise the firebox itself, laying it out of heat-resistant bricks. Between the front wall of the stove, lined with red brick and the firebox itself (made of fire-resistant brick), we lay basalt cardboard or corrugated foil. After burning out, it will create a perfectly even thermal gap of 5 cm.

The main feature of the Kuznetsov furnace is the "floating" furnace. That is, it should be a separate module, separated from the furnace body by a dry seam. Refractory bricks (chamotte) should not be included in any protrusions in the ordinary brick of the furnace body.

Features of the laying of the Kuznetsovka furnace

  • We make row No. 4 a little narrower (by 1.5 bricks) to reduce the connector for falling combustion products (you can see it in the diagram). We design in such a way that a partition appears in the far corner from the firebox leading to the upper compartment.
  • Row number 5 is laid out similarly to the 4th row, only a grate must be placed on top of the reset rim. We put it without mortar, and fill the gaps with sand.
  • Row number 6 is laid in the same way.

Here we start to install furnace door with a gap of 5 mm. We set it carefully on a plumb line to control the level deviation. In the same way as in the 2nd row, when you installed the ash pan, you need to fix the door in the brick with metal wire.

In order not to move the door while you continue to lay a row, fix it with bundles and press down the ends of the bundles with a brick from above. This will allow you to continue working without worrying about the door being level.

  • Row number 7. We bring the chimney 0.5 bricks wide from the furnace into an adjacent air chamber.
  • Row number 8 is laid similarly to the seventh.
  • Row number 9. We display the walls of the furnace with fireclay bricks. Here, a passage is formed between the furnace and the first hood for the removal of combustion products (seen in the diagram).
  • Row number 10 is laid out by analogy with the previous one.
  • On the 11th row, half-brick work goes into the masonry of the whole.
  • Row number 12 - a lattice of fireclay is laid out. Again, we continue to lay in half a brick according to the above ordering scheme.
  • Row number 13 - the same styling as on the 12th row.
  • Row number 14 - remove the crate and leave 2 chimneys.
  • 15th row - similarly, but for 16 we use whole bricks instead of halves. We block two chimneys into the air compartments.
  • 17th row. We block the movement of smoke with a steel plate. Thus, the channel that you created on the laying of row number 4 now remains the only one.

Step 5. Laying the second level of the furnace.

  • Row No. 18 is laid similarly to the 17th, but on this row we attach a fence plate, which is fixed on three sides cement mortar.
  • Row number 19. We build a column under the very top of the structure. Behind the stove we make a small sinus (the width of a brick) so that the smoke leaves through the pipe.
  • Row number 20. We stack in the same way as the 19th row.
  • Row number 21. This row is laid so as to block the channel leading to the pipe. The smoke will come out through the bosom that you left below (on the 19th row).
  • Row number 22. From a quarter of a brick, perform an extract that comes from a steam collector. We cover the steel part of the ceiling.
  • Row number 23. We put it similarly to row No. 22.
  • Row number 24. In this row, it is necessary to connect the chimney with a steam collector with a closed channel
  • Row #25-26. We lay similarly to the previous row.
  • Row number 27. Fence plate installation.
  • Row number 28. We cover the structure with a brick roof.
  • Row number 29. We make an additional layer similarly to the previous one.
  • Row number 30. The row is almost completely covered with bricks.
  • Row number 31. Lays the base of the pipe. We bring out a pipe with a diameter of 1 brick.
  • Row number 32. A chimney pipe is formed.

Step 6. In order for the oven to have an attractive appearance, you can carefully round all its edges using the method manual grinding. This must be done after the completion of construction work.

Step 7. We process the created furnace with a refractory compound.

Step 8. We melt the stove. No need to immediately give the maximum temperature. The oven should gradually “burn out”. Start with the minimum temperature, and then add heat.

That's all! Following the instructions, and most importantly, without violating the masonry order, you will definitely be able to assemble a reliable beautiful stove that will last for decades.

At the end of this article, we suggest watching a video in which you can see the stages of laying out the Kuznetsov furnace.

Video. Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov oven masonry

On eccentrics, as you know, all progress rests. Who knows how we would live today if it were not for the eccentric Leonardo, if Tesla would not be so persistent in his eccentricities. There are a lot of examples, but today we are interested in the developments of one person who devoted his life to furnaces, their deep study and the development of new, fundamentally different designs. I.V. Kuznetsov began his activity in 1962, and until now his developments do not lose their relevance.

Kuznetsov's furnace and its features

Kuznetsov strove for one thing - to achieve maximum productivity, efficiency and economy in the operation of his furnace. Each device that he introduced was distinguished by improved features - heat saving, productivity, equipment and design features. Moreover, there is nothing supernatural in the manufacture of such furnaces. Everything ingenious is simple, therefore it is quite possible to build a Kuznetsov furnace drawings, device and basic rules must be studied thoroughly.

All Kuznetsov furnaces are characterized by increased efficiency. This was achieved thanks to a completely new and unique development. The movement of gases is very precisely thought out in the furnace, hot air is not wasted and does not heat the street, and cold air goes into the chimney through a special system. Such furnaces are usually called bell-type furnaces due to the design features, which we will briefly consider.

Kuznetsov's bell-type furnace

They call them bell-shaped because, according to the project, a kind of hood is built inside the furnace, which unites the hearth directly and lower part ovens. The hood serves as a gas separator, and sorts them into hot and cold ones, which allows you to remove cold gases, and leave hot gases in the furnace for as long as possible. Hot gases simply rise under the bell and stay there. long time, without flying out into the chimney, as in a conventional Russian stove, but rather accumulating heat.

Naturally, due to this, the combustion temperature rises in the furnace, as a result, the efficiency increases to 80-90%. In addition, the system of free movement of gases helps to make the heating of the furnace much more uniform, and the formation of soot is not so intense. As a result of the application of all these design subtleties, the following advantages of blacksmiths emerge:

  • huge efficiency;
  • profitability;
  • high resistance of the furnace to the formation of cracks;
  • free attitude to the shape and design of the furnace;
  • very uniform heating;
  • minimal smoke;
  • undemanding design for maintenance.

Types of Kuznetsov furnaces

The design received enormous value due to its amazing versatility. The Kuznetsov stove, drawings of which are presented in more than 150 variants, can be used in any room as efficiently as possible. Each of the drawings takes into account the features of the premises for a specific purpose, which is why the furnace works with such a high efficiency for a certain type of building.

It makes no sense to list all Kuznetsov's furnaces, here are just some of the options that are most in demand:

  • bread ovens, for cooking, combined with cooking surfaces;
  • bath stoves;
  • fireplace stoves;
  • heating furnaces.

Is not full list specialized Kuznetsov furnaces. It is possible to create combined types, which is very convenient if you use them in everyday life in small areas.

Orders of Kuznetsov furnaces

The construction of the Kuznetsov furnace does not imply the presence of special knowledge and skills. If the hands are sharpened for the simplest tool, it is enough to keep order and a few simple rules to successfully complete the structure. Ordering is simply a system of drawings and instructions describing the process of laying out a furnace step by step, down to each row of bricks separately. Why such precision? The fact is that Kuznetsov spent decades making the design work perfectly, and if you miss any little thing, the stove will not work correctly. Here is a sample order:

Kuznetsov's furnaces for a bath

There are quite a few blacksmiths for the bath. There are as many as 17 types of conventional sauna stoves alone. All of them can be different in size, according to the location of the firebox, a place for stones, the presence of a fireplace, a hob, and each type has its own order. Even from ready-made stoves, you can easily choose the most suitable one for the specific layout of the bath, practically without making any changes. Here are just a few examples:

The use of Kuznetsov furnaces in a bath gives a whole series of advantages:

No fantasy. Just by carefully studying the order, you can lay out an excellent stove for both a bath and for heating or a barbecue oven with your own hands.

Kuznetsov Igor Viktorovich (Ekaterinburg) - specialist in the development and laying of brick ovens

Kuznetsov's furnaces are known not only in our homeland, but to many foreign specialists and lovers of brick furnaces. And not only do they know about them, but very often they order projects. Orders go from such "advanced" to furnace business countries like Canada, Finland, USA, Sweden.

The uniqueness of Kuznetsov's furnaces is that the efficiency of some models exceeds 80%, while the best foreign projects give a little more than 60%. Such high efficiency the use of thermal energy is achieved thanks to two hoods in one furnace. The cap is a brick vault, closed or with a hole for the release of gases, which is supported by brick pillars. To save space, in some models of stoves, the second hood is located above the first, they are connected by a chimney or channels through which heated air moves.

Such a system allows maintaining a stable high temperature (900-1200 o C) in the lower hood for a long time, which makes it possible to burn any fuel completely. In Kuznetsov furnaces, any fuel burns to ash in any weather. In this case, there is no need to manipulate the shutters much. They are used more often to provide non-standard modes of operation.

In the upper cap, the temperature is much lower (200-400 ° C), which allows you to install heat exchangers and stones there without the risk that they will soon burn out. The division of the internal space of the furnace into two almost isolated zones is also good because the heat consumption for heating water / stones at the top does not make the weather in the lower hood - it remains high there.

There are many different projects of Kuznetsov furnaces. Many furnaces of different sizes and purposes have been created. There are 17 varieties of Kuznetsov's standard bath stoves (BIK) alone. To them you need to add two varieties of BIK BK, 14 options for BIK PC. What is the difference? The size, location of the firebox, stone oven, the presence or absence of a fireplace, hob and some other features. There are also Kuznetsov sauna stoves with a remote or built-in tank, and Kuznetsov stoves for a black sauna or with an open heater. There are actually so many of them that you can choose a more or less suitable stove from ready-made ones, if necessary, modifying it a little for your bath.

Why are Kuznetsov's bath stoves popular? There are many reasons for this:

  • They are practically "omnivorous". They burn any fuel to ash. And if it is not recommended to heat a bathhouse with any “left” fuel other than firewood, then any one is suitable for heating a house.
  • Such efficient combustion of fuel makes BIK very economical, while not only the bath is heated, but also water (up to 170 liters), stones.
  • Even when using not very high-quality fuel, soot is formed little. If you heat with good dry firewood (after all, you choose the best for a bath), you need to clean the stove much less often than stoves of other designs under similar operating conditions.
  • The oven warms up evenly, which, firstly, keeps heat for a long time, and secondly, cracks rarely appear.
  • Kuznetsov's bath ovens not only prepare a bath and keep warm for a long time. They dry the room after the procedure. All this is due to the high heat capacity. At the same time, the next day, the water in the tank remains warm enough to swim in it.
  • Long service life is guaranteed with a minimum of iron parts. It's all about too much difference in thermal expansion: metal parts expand much more, as a result, cracks appear in the masonry around.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov oven: stages and features

It all starts with the foundation. It should be unrelated to the main foundation of the bath. Its size is 10-15 cm larger than the expected dimensions of the furnace. The height of the foundation for the stove is selected based on the height of the foundation of the bath: they must end at the same level. On top of the finished base for the furnace, waterproofing (roofing, roofing felt) is laid in two layers. The floor around the future furnace must have a fireproof coating. There are options: these are metal sheets, ceramic or ceramic tiles, natural or fake diamond, brick, etc.

After making the foundation, you need to take care of preparing the mortar for laying the furnace. For erection brick oven They use not cement, but clay. And not any, but only the one that lies at a depth of at least 2 meters. The clay is sieved and washed out, preparing a solution of the desired viscosity.

To determine right amount bricks for the construction of the furnace, we count the number of bricks in the first row of the order, multiply by 0.8 (average fill factor of the rows) and by the number of rows. This amount of brick is enough for the oven for sure, even taking into account the broken and rejection. For a brick pipe, you need to add 4-6 bricks for each row.

Kuznetsov recommends clay brick for exterior masonry for his stoves, full-bodied clay grade M150 and higher. Dimensions 250x120x65mm. The thickness of the seam is about 5mm. It turns out that each row with a seam has a height of 7cm. It is not recommended to use refractory bricks for outdoor masonry: it warms up more strongly, which increases the fire hazard of the furnace, and you can seriously get burned on such a furnace. Refractory fireclay bricks are used for laying in places that are in direct contact with fire. ShB-8 (250x123x65mm) and Sh-5 (230x114x40mm) are recommended.

When laying bath stoves, Kuznetsov recommends reinforcing the outer masonry: in each even seam (or odd, as it turns out), lay a strip of metal mesh. Lay the strip stepping back from the outer edge of the masonry about 1 cm. It is better to take the grid galvanized from a rod 1 mm thick. At the same time, a strip with a cell of 50 * 20 mm (two cells) fits comfortably.

When laying fireclay bricks, they put it “on edge” without achieving 100% coincidence with the order - fireclay sizes are different. They are laid “with dressing”, if necessary, cutting off the excess or adding the missing pieces (it is impossible to cut along). Fireclay bricks are placed above the metal casting. Moreover, it is also laid “on the edge”. The resulting voids are eliminated either by adjusting the bricks in shape, or by adding pieces sawn in half, into a quarter (by plates) so that everything “fits” into the overall plan.

Since the fireclay brick heats up more and its expansion coefficient is greater, a gap (about 5 mm) must be left between the outer masonry and the refractory inner, which will compensate for the difference in the expansion of materials. Basalt or mullite-silica cardboard can be laid in this gap, basalt wool is placed in vertical gaps.

A heat-insulating lining is also required under the metal parts of the furnace. Casting is not installed close to the masonry, but with a gap of 5 mm, into which basalt cardboard or gypsum cord is laid, which is wrapped around parts in contact with bricks. You can also use other heat-insulating material of mineral origin. It is only important that he endure very high temperatures. To make the doors better, they cut out a “bed” under them in the lower bricks. Pieces of wire or thin metal plates are attached to the corners of the doors, which are laid in the seams between the rows, thus securing the doors in the masonry.

The cabinet for stones must be made of heat-resistant steel that can withstand temperatures of 1000 ° C. For more solid construction it is not recommended to make seams on the bottom of the cabinet. The bottom must be bent. And on the short side of the oven for stones, you need to weld segments of corners of small length - they will give greater rigidity to the structure, without limiting thermal expansion.

When laying the stove according to the order, it is not necessary to measure the height after each row. Two things are important: the horizontality of the rows (checked by the building level) and compliance with the difference indicated in the drawing between the top of the outer (calculated by multiplying the row number by 7 cm) and the inner masonry (indicated in the drawings). For example, on the order of the Kuznetsov furnace for the P1 bath located below, in the 19th row, the height of the internal masonry is 132 cm. To find out what the difference in height should be, 19*7cm=133cm. It turns out that the difference should be 1 cm. This gap is necessary to compensate for the difference in thermal expansion. If it is not there, the outer masonry will simply fall apart under the pressure of the inner one.

Kuznetsov does not recommend wetting the brick for the furnace (only the secondary one needs to be wetted): this is necessary when working with cement mortar, and not with clay. If the whole brick for the furnace is wetted, then total weight a fresh oven turns out very decent. A large amount of moisture significantly increases the drying time. And a significant drying time means long use in low-temperature conditions. During this time, a large amount of soot can accumulate, so cleaning may be required immediately.

There is one more nuance: the oven must be dried and burned. Even if you are not going to use it yet. If a new, unburnt stove is not used for some time, during its first fire (sometimes during the second) a smell of waste may appear: a lot of moisture remains in the bricks and masonry, in combination with soot, this effect is obtained.

Ordering the Kuznetsov P1 sauna stove

The ordering of this furnace is taken from the official website of the stove maker Kuznetsov. The available explanations and the scheme of the register and the thermal insulation of the oven door are also from there. There are several projects with order in the free access on the site, but most of them are not available.

ordering sauna stove Kuznetsova BIK P1 Model 19. BIK-K
31.BIK - Kuznetsov oven in action
8.BIK - a furnace with a built-in steam generator. Water is poured into the funnel using a bucket


It should be noted that laying brick ovens is an art. It takes years to learn the secrets. Especially for those who want to comprehend all the secrets of laying Kuznetsov's furnaces, seminars are intended, which are personally conducted by Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov. Each stove-maker who successfully completed the training at the seminar is issued a personalized certificate - this must be taken into account if you plan to hire a Kuznetsov stove laying specialist.


Stove makers, who are professionally engaged in their work, believe that Kuznetsov's heating furnaces, the drawings of which we will consider in this article, deservedly received recognition. Their creator I. V. Kuznetsov devoted his entire career, which began in 1962, to his favorite pastime, namely the design of new structures and their improvement.

Fame came to the designer as a result of numerous positive reviews from customers and customers. Now Kuznetsov has a team of like-minded people and his own website, which presents various options design solutions developed by him personally using a special technology.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov stove can be installed in modern residential buildings. Its structural solutions allow not only to heat the premises with high quality, but also to give the interior a peculiarity and originality with their appearance, as you can see by looking at the provided photo.

Developing new heat units, Kuznetsov sought to improve the main indicator of their performance - efficient heating. Depending on the purpose of the structures, certain indicators improved for them. In some models, the furnace was modernized, in others, heat saving was increased, and in others, equipment was added, as evidenced by the drawings on the Kuznetsov furnace.

Proof High Quality structures is the popularity of heat units, their demand and long-term operation.

Such work can be done with your own hands, but on condition that the owner of the house will use and use only recommended quality materials.

Features of the Kuznetsov furnace

Insofar as main goal Kuznetsov's developments were efficiency and productivity (he worked on increasing the value of efficiency), this required a fundamentally new and perfect approach.
If you look at the drawings of the Kuznetsov furnace, every professional sees that the system of internal movement of gases has been thought out most competently by him. As a result, due to the design solution, hot air lingers in the unit for a longer time and retains heat, and the cooled air masses quickly fly into the chimney through a special recess.

Such furnaces are called "bell-type". Inside, they are united by the hearth and the lower part, creating a semblance of a cap. Its functional purpose is to separate gases into cold and hot. The last of them rise into the cap and, lingering in it, concentrate heat. The combustion temperature in such units is higher, and their efficiency is 95%. About how much more efficient the functioning of the structures developed by Kuznetsov is evidenced by the fact that in a traditional Russian stove this figure is 25–40%. See also: "".

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: the system of free movement of gases created by this master is more natural, it optimizes the operation of the device and uniform heating. In addition, the formation of soot is minimized.

In addition to these advantages, Kuznetsov's furnaces have other positive aspects:

  • combustion occurs without soot and smoke;
  • heating is more uniform;
  • better heat dissipation;
  • the need for cleaning is ten times less;
  • profitability;
  • there is more space for steel heating element;
  • low level heat loss;
  • crack resistance;
  • the ability to change the shape and design of the structure.

Kuznetsov's furnaces: drawings and their diversity

Kuznetsov, over the course of more than a dozen years, has developed many projects of furnaces himself for various purposes. You can build some of them yourself. This will require drawings and orders of Kuznetsov furnaces.

Household stoves, depending on the main purpose, are divided into:
  • cooking structures for cooking;
  • heating units for heating residential premises;
  • devices for baths (read also: "");
  • street complexes and simple barbecues;
  • bread ovens, which are often combined with cooking structures -;
  • fireplaces that perform more of an aesthetic function.
It is possible to create mixed models of ovens that perform several purposes. As an example, we can cite heating and cooking structures popular among consumers (in more detail: "").

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov furnace construction

Before you make one of the heaters, you need to decide on its purpose. Kuznetsov created more than 150 drawings of household units (read also: ""). Making a choice among a variety of models is not difficult. When Kuznetsov furnaces are created, ordering is necessary. In this case, a simple version of the heat unit is given as an example.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First, they study the plan of the room where the installation of the heater is planned. In the case when the house is not erected, it is necessary to ensure uniform heating of all rooms. It is undesirable to build a heat unit into a finished building, but if necessary, it is possible. But at the same time, the location of the supporting structures and beams should be taken into account when arranging the chimney.
  2. Then prepare the foundation for heating device. It is created from concrete, while the width should be 10 centimeters larger than the size of the device. It is advisable to design the foundation for the stove at the planning stage of the house.

Basic rules for creating a heating furnace

  1. To make Kuznetsov's ovens, the order (masonry schemes) should be printed in advance.
  2. The refractory shell located inside the furnace must be free on all sides, since the brick expands during the heating process.
  3. Internal refractory masonry in the case of using fireclay bricks is always carried out on edge. If the bricks are made of clay, on the inner walls and on the posts, they are laid at the discretion of the stove-maker.
  4. To strengthen the bond, a wire is laid every two brick rows.
  5. When the Kuznetsov furnace is created, it provides that various elements(for example, doors) are installed in such a way that there is room for expansion. A special gasket is placed between the brick and the metal element.
  6. After the construction of a brick structure is completed, it should be treated with a refractory compound.
  7. The first kindling begins with a minimum temperature and in the future it is gradually increased.

Ordering the Kuznetsov furnace

Laying out the heating structure on your own is a completely solvable task, but you will need to order the Kuznetsov bath stove or another type of heating unit. The principle of operation of the heater is not so complicated that it is impossible to understand (read also: "").

To create a high-quality heat unit, regardless of the bell-shaped version or the Kuznetsov furnace for a bath, ordering will be required, as well as general drawing. What is an ordering? This is a set of drawings, which schematically depict step by step, in detail for each row of bricks. No changes should be made to them.

Materials for the construction of a brick oven

  1. fireclay brick for interior masonry. You can calculate its amount according to the order. For a simple design, it will take a little.
  2. clay brick for outdoor masonry, when they are created, including Kuznetsov's bell-type furnaces - ordering will help to find out its quantity. It is advisable to purchase products of the M150 brand.
  3. Clay in the amount of 100-150 kilograms. It needs to be of good quality. Otherwise, at the first firing finished construction the solution cracks.
  4. Cleaned sand. It will require 2 times more than clay. Ready-made clay-sand mixtures are on sale. They are needed for 500 bricks of approximately 0.2 m³.
  5. Metal fittings- grate, furnace and blower doors, 2 steel corners, 5 meters of wire.

Order patterns

This article discusses the Kuznetsov order bell-type furnace, and more specifically one of its variants. Each row should be laid out in a numbered order in full accordance with the images. This oven is simple in design and is one-stop solution for domestic use.

Similarly, when there is an order on the Kuznetsov’s stove for a bath, the masonry can be done independently (read also: ""). After the work on the creation of a heating unit is completed for the first time, it becomes clear to each performer that this is not difficult and quite doable.

Next time you can do more without any problems. complex structure. It can even be a two-bell Kuznetsov furnace - the order of one of the options for creating which is available on the site as an example. Perhaps in the future there will be a desire to translate into reality one of the many projects of the great master.

Video phased construction Kuznetsov furnace according to the drawings: