Making stairs to the second floor with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for building stairs to the second floor of a country house

Modern cottages and private houses suggest the presence of 2 or more floors, and the topmost of them can be both residential and non-residential. Either way, you need a ladder.

It is quite difficult to make a reliable interfloor or attic staircase from concrete or metal structures on your own, which cannot be said about wood.

Even a novice master can assemble it.

From this article you will learn what types of wooden stairs are, what are their differences, what material is used to make spans. In addition, each of you will be able to make a wooden staircase to the second floor yourself - in the article we will give approximate calculations and photos.

Types and types of structures

There are several species wooden staircase designs

  • Marching stairs. Easy to manufacture and convenient to use, but require a large area of ​​​​the room. The staircase of the march structure can be placed along the wall or mounted in the middle of the room;
  • . Usually located in a limited space. Since the capacity of the structure is very small, it is better to move through it one at a time. A spiral staircase (if you build it yourself) will cost much less than other structures, and will last about the same;
  • Combined stairs. Can be used in the construction of a private house, if the layout allows. Most often, mid-flight stairs with a screw element are made.

Construction types wooden stairs distinguish the following:

  • stairs on the bolts- steps are attached to huge hinged bolts (balusters);
  • stairs on bowstrings- a flight of stairs is mounted to a beam with special cutouts on the inside end-to-end;
  • stairs on kosoura. Kosour - an inclined beam, on top of which steps are attached.

What kind of wood can be used to make stairs

Material selection for depends on the preferences of the owner of the house or apartment, the characteristics of the tree and the cost of it. Various breeds have their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Maple. The ladder from this breed will turn out to be the strongest and most durable. Color - light brown. The disadvantage of maple stairs is the high price.
  2. Larch. The color of the structure is golden yellow or dark yellow with brown streaks. Fine tolerates external influences. The larch staircase will turn out to be strong and solid.
  3. Oak. The peculiarity of oak stairs is that the older they are, the darker the shade.
  4. Spruce. The most popular material due to its low cost. Spruce wood has a uniform structure and a light shade.
  5. Pine. Due to the low density of the wood, it is very easy to process. An additional advantage of pine is low cost material. The disadvantage of a pine staircase is a short service life. A pine ladder is best installed in the country house where it will be used. seasonally.

Pros and cons of wooden stairs

Wooden stairs have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

Positive sides:

  • Low cost of building materials;
  • environmental friendliness of wood;
  • ease of processing;
  • the possibility of mounting with your own hands;
  • light weight;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Negative sides of wood:

  • Low strength compared to concrete or metal stairs;
  • wood is a natural material and it tends to deteriorate and change. Therefore, after some time, preventive work may be needed;
  • fire hazard of the material.

Materials for the manufacture of stairs

For stairs to the second floor You will need:

  • Bars for steps;
  • beams for risers (foot supports);
  • boards;
  • beams wide 30 - 40 mm;
  • beam for kosour - 50*240mm;
  • screws, self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • building level, square, tape measure;
  • handrails and, but they are best purchased at a hardware store.

Ladder design calculations

If you decide to make a wooden staircase do it yourself, think over the nuances of the design: determine its dimensions, calculate the number of steps and supports. It is important to first imagine what function the staircase will perform: connect the floors or lead up to the attic. (Information on self-insulation of the attic can be read).

Draw scheme it's easy too. Most often, a straight marching staircase is made. It connects the first floor with the second, and reaches a height of several meters. For convenience, the angle of inclination of the structure should be equal to the value in 30-40 degrees.

Note! Wooden houses shrink significantly in the first two years after construction, so the angle of inclination may change.

So, for your convenience, we will provide basic calculations staircase elements (for example, a wooden one) standard designs:

  • Base length - 3.5-4 m;
  • flight of stairs - 2.5 m;
  • step width - 30 cm;
  • step height - 15-20 cm.

Necessary calculations

    1. We define ladder height. Average value from ceiling to floor - 250 cm. To this value, you need to add the thickness of the interfloor overlap. Its mean value 35 cm. We get:
      250+35=285 cm
    1. calculate number of steps: Divide the height of the stairs by the height of the step. The last value (i.e. the height of the steps) is better to take the average - 17 cm. We get:

The value is rounded up. Total we get 17 steps.

    1. define step width. It is believed that the allowable width of the tread (flat facing part of the step) can be in the range from 22-40 cm. In Russian practice, to calculate the width of the step and rise (risers), the formula is used: a + b = 47 cm, where a- riser height b- step width. We get:

The value is rounded up to 30 cm. - this is the width of the step.

    1. the width of the flight of stairs must be a multiple of the width of the step. In our case, this value can be equal to 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm. etc.
    2. calculate ladder length. The length of the stairs is equal to the product of the number of steps and their width. We get:
      17*30= 480cm
  • calculate stringer length. We make calculations according to the Pythagorean theorem: the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. That is A²+B²=C². In this formula:
    A- kosour height,
    V- the length of the flight of stairs,
    WITH- the length of the kosour. We get:

230400 + 81225 = 311625
The root of this number is 558.23 cm. can be rounded up to 560 cm.

Advice! If it is difficult to make geometric calculations, then you can draw a staircase on paper in an appropriate scale and measure the angle and length of the base.

Ladder assembly

Before proceeding with the assembly of the stairs to the second floor, you need to decide on place of installation of stringers(bearing structure of the flight of stairs). Installation stairs (in our case, a marching structure) includes several stages:

    1. Installation of stringers. We fix the lower part of the kosour with a support beam. From above we cut the kosour into the beam of the ceiling.
  1. grinding stairs, protective coating.
  2. varnishing and painting. To do this, use a roller or brush. paint over ladder needed in 2-3 layers, each subsequent layer must be applied after some time, so that the previous layer has time to dry.

The cost of the finished staircase

Those who decide to buy ready a wooden ladder or make it order, should be aware that the cost will depend on the complexity of the design and the type of wood.

For example, the most common design of a mid-flight staircase with a turn to 90 degrees from pine will cost 60-80000 rub., from birch - 100,000 rubles.,from oak - 150,000 rubles.

You can order a wooden staircase in a specialized store or on company websites. Manufacturing stairs on average 5-10 working days.

To make a wooden staircase yourself or order from specialists - it's up to you. Self-assembly not a quick process, but it has its advantages. First of all, this saving cash and visual Quality control building materials.

How to make a wooden staircase with your own hands tells this video.

The first attempt to make a staircase with your own hands can fail, because you can’t just take it and make a complex structure without preparation. Today, a team of EtiDom experts will help you realize your plan - you definitely won’t have to jump with a bungee or crawl along the walls to the second floor.

Basic materials for the production of stairs

But first, let's define the basic rules. Stairs are an essential component of any multi-storey or attic building. It helps to get from one point of the dwelling to another. The main requirements that every quality product must meet are:

  1. convenience. The original design is cool only if it does not interfere with climbing stairs;
  2. safety. Forget about beautiful but slippery materials - broken legs and ribs are not worth a one-time admiration of guests;
  3. compliance with the overall interior design. And here already everyone should turn on the designer and understand that the design with forged elements will not fit into minimalism.

Stairs are made using different materials. It can be wooden, concrete, metal, profile pipe.

Products made from wood come from:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • pines;
  • logs;
  • laminate;
  • pallets;
  • oak;
  • half logs;
  • round timber.

Metal structures are:

  • iron;
  • aluminum;
  • on a metal frame;
  • from profile;
  • channel;
  • metal profile.

Concrete can be:

  1. monolithic;
  2. from brick;
  3. from blocks.

Stairs can be made from pipes:

  1. polypropylene;
  2. from a profile pipe.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a particular raw material, you should pay attention to its quality. The material must be safe for health and non-toxic.

The main types of stairs
Model Description

Folding / unfolding
Transformer 4x3 aluminum. There are also sliding portable models.

Winder (swivel)
The most common model is angular with a 90 degree turn.

Designed for use in two-level apartments and country cottages

Rope ladder (for children)
Suitable for training and active games for children from 3 years

Classic model with straight march

Assembled from individual elements. There are also small modular

Convenient model for transportation. There is also a wardrobe-ladder, a stool-ladder, a shelf-ladder

It consists of one or more straight sections connected by turntables or a turn with a fan arrangement of steps. There are two-way and one-way

It is recommended to use as an additional option for lifting into sparsely visited premises. The concept is similar to the console. The only difference is the shape of the steps.

Designed for sports training

Rotatable 90, 180 and 270 degrees. Depending on the geometry of the room, it may have one or more turns

Designed for sports

Telescopic scissor design

There are different configurations. Placed in front of the entrance to the building

The steps are attached to the wall with bolts, so the stairs look like they are floating.

Lift is on the left side

Stair types

On the kosour

On consoles

On the Bolts

Depending on the type of bearing element of the flight of stairs, there are:

  • on a string;

Mixed types can also be found:

  • bolts / kosour or bowstring;
  • kosour / bowstring;
  • bolts/console.

On the kosour

Kosour - the most popular type of load-bearing element of stairs. This is due to simple installation and repair. The number of stringers may vary, the minimum number is 1.

On a string

A characteristic feature is the absence of protrusions under the steps. It has a complex structure. Assumes the presence of grooves on the inside of the bowstring, necessary for the installation of steps.

On the Bolts

It is also called self-supporting. Thanks to its design, it evenly distributes the load between the steps with the help of balusters, as well as bolts.

On consoles

The wall acts as a load-bearing element. It is in it that the steps are mounted. Depending on the layout, there are:

  1. U-shaped;
  2. L-shaped.
  • U-shaped

Designs in which the marches are rotated 180⁰, which means in the opposite direction. Products are of two types:

  1. with a platform. A more user-friendly option. The platform for the stairs makes the use much more comfortable;
  2. with rotary steps (rotary). Small stairs look sleeker and neater.

They take up less space, but are inferior to the previous type in terms of convenience.

  • L-shaped

Allows for 90⁰ rotation. The design is characterized by small dimensions and easy installation.

What is the best ladder to make with your own hands?

If this is your first experience, start with a simple option. To create a metal staircase, you must be able to use an inverter apparatus.

IMPORTANT! From the first time, it will not work to weld a frame of a safe and beautiful design with forged elements. Do not be discouraged: you will always have time to fill your hand, but for now we recommend contacting an experienced master or Uncle Vanya from a neighboring apartment with 20 years of experience.

Concrete stairs require additional cladding with wood or other materials. This is not very convenient for two reasons. First - you need to know how to sheathe correctly, and this is additional time and money. The second is redundant work.

IMPORTANT! According to fire safety requirements, cottages with two or three floors must be equipped with concrete or metal products that will guarantee a quick evacuation.

If you plan to install a staircase in a country frame wooden house, then wood will be the best material for the construction. And in case of unsuccessful construction, such a staircase is easier and cheaper to remake.

This is a universal option suitable for installation anywhere:

  1. in the garage or in the bath;
  2. suitable for roof
  3. can be installed on the veranda;
  4. looks good like an attic ladder.

It will not work to make a screw model the first time - we tried it ourselves, we immediately discourage this idea. If the dimensions do not allow you to make a simple sloping option, it is better to buy ready-made modules (modular stairs) or put the matter in the hands of professionals.

How to build a ladder: step by step instructions

A straight ladder is an option for beginners. The design will look good in the house, in the cottage or in the country. Installation is easy - you can assemble such a ladder using special tools:

  1. jigsaw (from 650 W);
  2. screwdriver (from 10 W);
  3. hammer drill;
  4. manual router (up to 1200 W)
  5. grinder;
  6. a set of carpentry clamps (L 150/250 mm, from 10 pcs.);
  7. standard carpentry tools: a set of chisels, a mallet, a rasp, etc.;
  8. accurate rigid ruler (tape measure will not work);
  9. shtangel;
  10. goniometer / small.

General requirements:

  1. The minimum value of the width of the stairs (to the attic, to the attic, to the basement, to the cellar, to the garden) should be 900 mm. This size makes it possible to carry cargo.
  2. The slope of one flight of stairs must be constant. The optimal angle of inclination is 35-45 degrees.
  3. The height of the steps, which ensures comfortable operation, ranges from 160 to 180 mm.
  4. The minimum depth for normal safety is 270 mm.
  5. The minimum design load is 200 kg/m3, the side load on the fence is 100 kg/m3.
  6. The optimal distance between the racks is no more than 150 mm. If there are small children - 120 mm.
  7. The product must be capable of supporting more than the average weight. This is an indicator of reliability.
  8. There must be a fence.

Building a staircase: preparation stage

Suppose we have decided and use wood as a material. For stringers, a pine board will do. Risers are also best made from coniferous trees. The treads are made of solid wood. Please note that it is better to purchase ready-made steps.

Kosoura: manufacturing

Step 1 - Based on the dimensions obtained as a result of the design, we develop patterns Step 2 - After that, you will need to transfer the markup to the workspace Step 3 - Cut out the teeth with an electric jigsaw. We maintain symmetry and proportions in the work Step 4 - The first beam with teeth after sawing can act as a template for the second

Installation of steps and their elements

Step 5 - We connect the treads, as well as the risers to the stringers with nails and self-tapping screws

If you decide not to use blanks, then you will additionally need to prepare patterns for these elements.

Step 6 - To make the structure stronger, you must first install simple triangular or more complex fillies on the supporting beams
  1. we mark on the bowstring the horizontal lines of future steps, based on their actual height, at regular intervals +1 to the last step (floor level of the 2nd floor);
  2. we mark on the bowstring the indent (protrusion) of future steps from the edge so that the dimensions of the last step are not violated (this is due to the fact that the bowstring, depending on the method of its fastening, can protrude above the floor to different heights).

For fastening, you will need dowels, as well as pre-prepared grooves.

Installation of balusters and railings

Step 7 - For fastening you will need dowels, as well as pre-prepared grooves

Installation of a baluster requires the use of an anchor, as well as studs.

Step 8 - Anchor (left) and stud (right) Step 9 - To begin with, according to the markup, put the stud on the glue so that the end penetrates into the consuir through the tread. Then we twist it and screw the baluster onto the free end. Step 11 - By the same principle, we install a barrier in the form of fence posts. At the end, we install handrails and railings Step 14 - The constituent elements of the stairs Step 15 - In some cases, lighting and carpet holders are additionally installed

If there is more than one floor in a private house, you cannot do without stairs. But besides the fact that it must connect the floors, the staircase must also fit into the interior. Therefore, when choosing a design, it is necessary to pay attention not only not to the dimensions and how much space it takes in the room, but also to take into account the style. Then the staircase to the second floor, made with your own hands, will be not only a functional item, but also an interior decoration. The work is difficult and responsible, but it can be done.

Types of stairs to the second floor in a private house

All these structures can be made of metal, wood, concrete, glass, marble and other decorative stones, and often use combinations of these materials. But most often the staircase to the second floor is made of wood with your own hands, a little less often - from metal or combinations of metal and wood.

In addition, there are two types of degrees - open and closed. In open stairs there is only a horizontally located part - the step itself, in closed ones - there is also a vertical part - risers.

Design codes

When designing a staircase, it is important to make it comfortable and safe. There are very specific numbers and recommendations that relate to the parameters of the steps and the general angle of ascent:

The number of steps is determined by simply dividing the height of the planned staircase by the chosen height of the riser. For example, the height of the room is 285 cm. It was decided to make the angle of elevation 40°. According to the table, we see that the height of the riser is 19 cm. We divide 285 cm / 19 cm = 15 steps. If the number turns out to be even, we slightly adjust the size accordingly to get an odd number.

If one of the steps turns out to be several centimeters smaller, this height is “taken away” from the first step. All others, including the last one, should be the same.

When choosing the size of steps, comfort can be checked. If the double height of the riser is added to the selected step width, the result should be from 60 ms to 64 cm. The second test option is that the sum of the lengths of the tread and the riser is optimally 45 cm, but deviations of 2 cm in both directions are acceptable.

All these parameters should be taken into account when designing a house. If the house has already been built, you have to proceed from the fact that there is and adjust the dimensions to the existing dimensions.

Spiral staircase

As already mentioned, a spiral staircase in a private house takes up the least space. But she has a serious drawback: it is inconvenient to walk on it, and it is almost impossible to lift anything bulky to the second floor. So they are not very popular, although they look good and fit well into any interior.

Calculation features

When designing a spiral staircase, one must take into account that in some positions, there are other steps above the head. Therefore, making small risers will not work.

The next feature is that the steps all have an unequal width - narrower on one side, wider on the other. The narrow part they are attached to the central support (pillar), the wide part - to the walls or balusters. The standard for the width of the tread is measured in the middle part, and the wide one should not be more than 40 cm.

The span width is from 50 cm to 100 cm. Double the distance goes to the entire structure - a square with a side of 100 cm to 200 cm is required.

Construction on a prefabricated column

This type of spiral staircase is the easiest to make: a pipe is placed on which wooden elements are put on - steps, intermediate cylinders, etc.

If you look in more detail, then in addition to the metal pipe (in this case, 40 mm in diameter), steps and balusters (available in any design), there are turned wooden cylinders (segments) that set the distance from one step to another.

On the other hand, the distance between the steps is kept with the help of cuts on the balusters. Steps are attached to these grooves (on glue + fasteners).

Do-it-yourself installation of stairs to the second floor begins with the installation of a pillar. In the floor of the first floor and the ceiling of the second, a hole is made equal to the diameter of the pillar. We insert the pipe into the hole, put on an enlarged washer, tighten the nut. Further, the assembly is simple: the corresponding elements are mounted on the rod, in parallel with the installation of the step, the baluster is placed and fixed. The dimensions of the steps for this spiral staircase with the given parameters are in the drawing.

Steps are cut from glued board or furniture board. You can use an array, but of furniture quality, that is, without any defects and dried, with a moisture content of not more than 8-12%. Although glued wood is considered more reliable: it definitely will not lead and it will not crack during shrinkage.

An example of an assembly of such a design, see the video. It has a prefabricated post, but you can also use a solid one, although it will be inconvenient to assemble the steps - you will have to climb the stairs every time.

The design of a metal spiral staircase is presented in the following video fragment. For those who are friends with welding, this option will be easier.

Spiral staircase to the second floor: photos of interesting options

With railings or without railings, the choice is yours. In the photo on the right, a wooden spiral staircase on a bent stringer is a difficult element to perform Forged spiral staircases are a classic of the genre

Staircase to the second floor

Marching stairs are the most popular. Firstly, they are convenient to use, and secondly, the technology of their construction has long been worked out. There are few features of the calculation. It is important to determine the number of marches. In one section there should be from 3 to 15 steps. The most convenient have 11-13 pieces. If, according to the calculation, it turns out that there should be more steps, they are divided into several sections, between which platforms are made. The dimensions of the platforms are a multiple of the step length (600-630 mm). Then the ascent and descent will not cause inconvenience.


Ladders with platforms take up quite a lot of space. If there is not enough space, add turns. The most common option is to place the stairs along two adjacent walls at the corners. Also, to save space, you can make winder (turning) steps instead of a platform. Only one point: the section with winder steps is the most traumatic. If the family has small children or elderly people, it is better to make a playground.

As mentioned earlier, mid-flight stairs are made on stringers (beams with a sawtooth edge) and on terraces (just an inclined beam). Fastening steps to bowstring beams requires more time and skill. Usually, a “seat” is cut out for each step - a groove is selected in the board. For additional reliability, bars are still nailed from below or corners are installed. The option with corners is reliable, but rather controversial from an aesthetic point of view. If the whole staircase is made of wood, the metal parts are very "cut" the look. Carefully processed bars look much more organic. However, with sufficient thickness of the boards for the steps and the width of the bowstring, you can do without additional fasteners. In this case, it is important that the steps do not bend, otherwise they may pop out of the grooves.

The assembly of steps on stringers is simpler: you have two or three supports, to which parts cut to size are attached. The main task is to correctly mark and cut out the stringers.

This is a ladder on stringers - one of the fragments of the assembly

Installation of a marching staircase with step by step photos

Stringers are made from a wide board 75-80 mm thick and 350-400 mm wide. If there is no massive dry board, glued boards can be used. How to calculate the kosour is described in the form, but it is possible to assemble a staircase to the second floor not only as a separate one.

An example of assembling a ladder on the stringers next to the wall. First, we fix the support pillars on which the winder steps will rest. We attach the upper stringers to these pillars.

Then we put the bottom. We fasten the kosour near the wall on top of a decorative board - it is easier to wash it and the dirt is less visible than on the wall.

We fasten the lower stringers - one to the pole, the second to the finishing board

Intermediate stringers are installed last. This makes it easier to connect all the elements.

The steps are being installed. After they are cut, sanded and painted, everything is simple: put in place, drill a hole for a self-tapping screw, then twist it.

The next step is attaching the balusters. In this case, they are made of stainless steel pipe with wooden inserts. A hole is drilled under each baluster, into which a tube is inserted, it is fixed on a hairpin or in any other available way.

Photos of interesting mid-flight stairs to the 2nd floor

Metal and glass - an interesting combination An interesting idea, and from the end - a pantry

Today, the construction of a private house is not limited to one floor, so it is necessary to make a staircase to the second floor in order to be able to get convenient access. It is quite possible to build a staircase from various materials on your own, the most important thing is to carefully carry out all the required calculations, since otherwise this design can become dangerous and unreliable.

The construction of an internal staircase in a private country house is a rather difficult process, but quite doable.

When building stairs, you must:

  • Take into account the interior of the house;
  • Make all required calculations;
  • Choose a design that will fit in all respects.

To easily choose the most acceptable option, you should first schematically draw a staircase that should be in the house or find a ready-made version that is most suitable for all requests and already adapted to your needs. Before choosing a staircase model for a private house, it is important to correctly calculate all available design parameters. Many people wonder what is the best ladder to make.

Most often in a residential building stairs are made of materials such as:

  • Tree;
  • Concrete;
  • Metal.

According to its configuration, the staircase can be straight, spiral or rotary. In addition, there are also combined options. Concrete products are considered the most durable and durable, however, it takes quite a lot of time to prepare a solid foundation and manufacture a structure. A metal structure can be made quite simply, you only need to know the rules for working with welding, and a wooden staircase can be made very easily by yourself, the most important thing is to read the step-by-step instructions for its manufacture.

The easiest way to make a straight flight staircase, as it has a small amount of detail and takes up very little space. Screw structures are characterized by the fact that they need a small area, they look very elegant, however, they are not always easy to use.

A staircase of several spans is considered a rather complex structure, which is problematic to build. This design is perfect for a house where there is a significant distance between floors.

Instructions for making a simple wooden staircase

The simplest device is considered to be a simple single-flight staircase.

It consists of:

  • Kosourov;
  • railing;
  • Tread;
  • Riser.

To calculate the height, you need to take the distance between the floors and add the thickness of the floors. In order to quickly calculate what the length of the span and base should be, it is initially worth deciding on the parameters of the steps. If small children live in the house, the optimal step height will be 15 centimeters, and in all other cases it should be equal to 20 centimeters. It is not worth making the risers higher, as the rise will be less comfortable.

The optimal width of the steps should be 20-30 centimeters, since if they are wider, the whole structure will take up much more space, which may not be very convenient.

There is a step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of stairs, which must be followed, as this will allow you to perform a fairly high-quality and durable construction. For the manufacture of stairs, it is necessary to select durable and strong wood, since all elements of the stairs must withstand not only the total weight of the structure, but also people. It is necessary to cut out a template from durable cardboard that will meet all the parameters of the future staircase, and then use this template to make wooden elements for the stairs. Then it is necessary to collect all the elements of the stairs and treat them with antiseptic solutions, cover them with paint or varnish.

How to make a staircase quickly and easily out of concrete

If the house has concrete floors on the second floor, then you can equip a simple concrete staircase that will be durable and, if properly processed, will look very beautiful. You can make a completely concrete staircase in the house, or pour only the kosour with concrete, and make everything else from other materials.

For the production of such a ladder you will need:

  • Waterproof plywood;
  • Durable beam;
  • fittings;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Concrete solution.

The construction of a concrete staircase requires special attention, so everything must be carefully calculated, since the foundation must be very strong. You need to start with the assembly of the formwork, which must be done according to all the available drawings and taking into account that there should be absolutely no gaps.

The finished formwork must be placed between floors and secured with wooden beams. After that, it is necessary to lay reinforcement inside the frame and pour the prepared base with concrete mortar.

It is necessary to fill the frame with mortar immediately, otherwise the solidity of the finished structure may be violated. When the concrete hardens well enough, the formwork can be removed and the steps periodically watered to avoid cracking the concrete. The design must dry thoroughly and then you can proceed to finish the stairs. You can decorate the finished structure with a variety of materials, in particular, you can use wood, stone, tile and many other materials.

Quick and easy: building a staircase in a private country house made of metal

Home-made ones look quite interesting and original, however, for their manufacture it is necessary to make a little effort and take into account all the features of working with this material. To put a ladder made of metal, you must first prepare some materials and tools.

In particular:

  • Steel channel;
  • metal corners;
  • Welding machine;
  • Sheet metal;
  • File.

Forged stairs have excellent aesthetic and operational properties. Read more about forged stairs in the material on our website:.

It is necessary to start building a staircase with the fact that the channel is cut into pieces and a frame is assembled from them. Weld the corners to the side faces of the frame at regular intervals, which will be equal to the height of the steps. All corners must be strictly parallel to one another. The upper ends of the frame are firmly fixed and attached to the ceiling of the upper floor, and the lower ends are fixed to the floor. Then the steps made of sheet iron are welded, as well as the railing. At the final stage, the finished structure is treated with special anti-corrosion mixtures. In order not to redo the structure, it is necessary to carry out all stages consistently and strictly observe all the rules for its construction.

Tips on how to make the stairs yourself in a private country house: building a screw type

The spiral staircase looks quite interesting and original, which takes up very little free space. This is a compact design that can be placed even in a small area. The spiral staircase can go from the ground floor or from the garage, which is very convenient. The most famous and common method of mounting spiral staircases is step-by-step stringing steps onto a central base. Steps can be triangular or trapezoidal.

To build a spiral staircase you need to take:

  • steel pipe;
  • Wooden slats;
  • Welding machine;
  • Corners for steps;
  • File;
  • Primer.

The pipe will act as a central post, so its length must fully correspond to the available distance between the floors. For greater stability, it is necessary to concrete the pipe near the base. For the manufacture of steps, it is necessary to use templates made of wooden slats. They must be glued in such a way that they form steps with the specified parameters. Each step must be attached to its own pre-prepared cylinder, carefully sanded, primed and painted.

If necessary, and for greater convenience, the spiral staircase can be converted to a straight structure. Before mounting the permanent staircase, a temporary structure is installed.

What types of construction can be

If you firmly decided, we make a staircase in a private country house, it is worth initially determining what design should be.

In particular, it is quite possible to distinguish such types of structures as:

  • On stringers;
  • On the pains;
  • Screw.

The most popular are the stairs on the kosoura, as they are suitable for rooms of various sizes and stylistic solutions. Such a device is very durable and guarantees safety during its operation. Many people prefer to make a staircase on the bolts, the peculiarity of which is that all structural elements are fastened together with the help of special bolts and pins. If necessary, you can very easily repair it and completely disassemble it.

Do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor (video)

It is quite possible to make a staircase in a private country house on your own, the most important thing is to clearly follow all the rules and requirements.

In detail: do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor (photo examples)

How to make a staircase with your own hands? Such a question is asked by those who wish to build a house or a summer house on their own, or to equip a two-level apartment. By and large, there is nothing special in the arrangement of stairs, since the latest technologies greatly simplify this process. Therefore, if you are a skilled person, then making a metal ladder or a wooden ladder with your own hands will not be difficult. In this article, you will learn what interfloor stairs are, what material they are made of and how to calculate the main parameters of the stairs. Follow the instructions carefully and you'll be fine!

Staircase as an attribute of the interior

The staircase is one of the central elements of the interior of the room, and when designing it, great attention should be paid to the appearance, while not forgetting about functionality and reliability. Before directly creating a staircase, it is recommended to take into account some factors that will affect its size and design.

Such factors include the available space and height of the room, the ease of use of the stairs for people living in the house, and the maximum load that the product is designed for.

The architects claim that as the nodal point of the interior, the staircase bears the most important stylistic and constructive load. The harmony between aesthetics and functionality can be achieved through careful planning at the design stage. The geometric construction of the stairs depends on the design, material and operating conditions, so it must be determined before the start of construction work.

Thanks to modern technology, the staircase can be imposing, equipped in the French style of Louis XII, lightweight in ultra-modern high-tech style or massively rough in country style.

Marching stairs

Before deciding which staircase to choose, it is worth considering the main types - mid-flight and spiral staircases. The design of a marching staircase is quite simple and will suit you if you plan to make it yourself (marches are continuous rows of steps). But in this case, a considerable area is needed to ensure an acceptable slope and height of the steps. Such models of stairs are very easy to use and can withstand heavy loads. You can easily lift furniture and large items to the second floor using a flight of stairs.

Such stairs are safe in all aspects, and therefore they are the best choice if elderly people or children live in the house.
Marching stairs are straight and rotary. The first ones are the simplest. They are durable in design, easy to manufacture and convenient to use. If there are more than ten steps in the staircase, the march is divided into two parts by an intermediate platform. So it turns out a turning staircase. The advantage of a rotary model over a straight one is that the steps at the same height occupy a smaller area. Such stairs are installed, as a rule, along two walls, equipping a pantry under them.

Spiral stairs

Spiral (spiral) stairs have a more complex staircase frame: they consist of winder steps, which are placed along the correct radius. They are used in the case of limited space, when it is not possible to create a safe slope of a conventional staircase due to lack of space. A spiral staircase is usually installed between two walls in the corner. The main disadvantages include a not very convenient design, which makes it difficult to lift and does not allow moving large items. However, a skillfully executed spiral staircase is sufficiently durable and can act as the main connecting link of the interior, then it is installed in the center of the hall.

Spiral types of stairs can be purchased in a ready-to-install version. But depending on the wishes of the client, many architects deviate from the usual canons and go for some kind of experiment. As a result of such creativity, unexpected avant-garde designs are born. For example, curved stairs with steps located along an uneven radius (S-shaped, triangle, oval), broken (curvilinear, Z-shaped), petal (asymmetric steps, duck step) and attached models on rollers.

Material for the manufacture of stairs

Whichever version of the staircase you choose, in the long run, its durability and quality will depend on the materials used to build the stairs. The material for the manufacture of steps is stone (brick, shell rock, expanded clay concrete) or hardwood (ash, oak, maple, spruce, pine). Metals and their various alloys - aluminum or stainless steel - are best suited for stair railings. In the interiors of modern houses, combined-type stairs also look good, which are assembled from plastic, wood and metal.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of stairs with your own hands, it must be remembered that stone steps are made only from blocks that are prepared by the industrial method and not otherwise. With artisanal methods for making steps made of stone, it is unlikely that cracks will be avoided on them.

Wood is easy to process at home and additionally gives a decorative effect with the correct use of paints and varnishes. In order to prevent deformation, steps made of wood should be assembled from separate lamellas, which are glued together using special technologies. Wooden stairs made of oak boards are especially strong and durable.

Ready-made sets of stairs

A large number of manufacturers offer a private developer ready-made sets of various kinds of collapsible stairs, which are made in compliance with all the necessary technical standards for standard sizes from various materials.
This option will be acceptable for you if you want to save a significant amount of money on installation and want to be sure of the quality of the finished staircase. Before ordering a kit, it is recommended to calculate the stairs by measuring the height from the flight of stairs to the floor, the width and length of the flight of stairs.

Then you should choose the appropriate size, type of ladder and material, and then you can order the model from stock. Ready-made sets of stairs for installation in your home are so diverse that a private developer is not limited in the embodiment of his design fantasy. All production stairs are divided into several classes: economy, elite and business.

How to make your own stairs

To make a ladder out of wood with your own hands, you must first determine the geometry of the stairway. A spiral staircase looks best in the opening as a circle, and a rectangle or square will harmoniously fit a regular flight of stairs. For beginners in the construction business, simple structures are intended, for example, stairs with winder steps, mounted on a stringer.

The constituent elements of the stairs

Those developers who are faced with the manufacture of stairs for the first time should get acquainted with the main structural elements of the stairs in order to understand what will be discussed in the future.

  • Marching span - steps running in a straight line;
  • Turntable - the territory that separates the march spans;
  • Riser - vertical parts of steps;
  • Kosour - a monolithic wooden or metal beam for fixing steps;
  • Steps - horizontal parts of steps;
  • Balusters - supports for railings;
  • Bowstring - a side beam that connects the steps;
  • Winder steps - steps that structurally allow you to make a turn of the stairs;
  • The frieze steps are the lower and upper steps of each floor.

building codes

Any staircase must comply with established building codes, guarantee the safety of those living in the house and provide a comfortable ascent to the second floor. Too high steps of the stairs make it difficult to climb it, and small steps are dangerous and uncomfortable - if you walk small and often, you can stumble. When building interfloor stairs, developers very often make mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary to design the project in detail and competently and make an accurate calculation of the structure.

The first condition for the successful manufacture of interfloor stairs with your own hands is the correct design calculation. Decide for yourself whether the staircase will be double-flight or single-flight, how wide you will make the stairs, what the height of the risers will be, and how wide the steps will be.

Width, height and angle of the stairs

When determining the width of the stairs, it should be remembered that the wider the structure, the better. Such stairs are safer and more comfortable for walking. To find out what height to make a wooden staircase, it is worth fixing a straight board on the top of the terrace in such a way that it overlaps with a margin the place where the stairs are supposed to start from. Using a level, it is recommended to check the levelness of the board mounting and correct if necessary.

Next, you need to calculate the angle of inclination of the future staircase, because the correct angle of inclination is the main requirement for safe and comfortable movement. After all, it is difficult to go down or climb too steep stairs. The most convenient for moving up the stairs will be the angle of inclination in the range of 30 - 45 degrees. In addition, a design with a smaller angle takes up more space.

Riser height and step width

Once you have the width and height of the stairs, you can now calculate the height of the riser. For lifting in practice, the most convenient are stairs, the riser height of which is 140 - 170 millimeters, and the step width is 340 - 370 millimeters.
The height of the riser should be no more than 200 millimeters and no less than 120 millimeters.

The protrusion of the step should be about 20-40 millimeters. The higher you make the riser, the narrower the step should be, and vice versa. The width of the steps should at least be equal to its height. It is desirable that the step of your stairs correspond to 42 shoe sizes or reach 28-30 centimeters.

Marking the stringer and cutting the steps

Before placing the steps, you should decide how the stringer will join the terrace. It is attached directly to the terrace beam or under the platform to the structure in such a way that the terrace surface is considered the last step.
Next, take a metal marking square and a pattern, on which you should apply the calculated height of the riser, for example, 17 centimeters, and the width of the step, for example, 29 centimeters. And with the help of a template, mark the kosour.

Next, using a circular saw, it is worth cutting out the steps. Be careful, it is highly undesirable to go beyond the lines. It is better to finish the segments with a hand saw. Then, using the finished kosour, mark the rest of the kosour. It is not recommended to save on them, because they provide rigidity to your stairs. But when deflections occur, the steps begin to loosen the entire structure.

After that, cut the risers and steps. Pay attention to the fact that the steps should be cut, taking into account the thickness of the risers. And do not forget to take into account the protrusion of the step above the riser by 20-40 millimeters

Material selection

Any developer, after having calculated the staircase and its main parameters, must choose the material, because the final cost, aesthetic appearance and performance properties of the finished staircase depend on it. Nowadays, oak, linden, pine, metal and glass are more popular. The material for the manufacture of steps should ideally correspond to the general style of the interior of the home.

If the floors in the room are finished with wood, then it is better to make steps from raushpunt. To create balusters, you need bars 50 by 50 centimeters; beautiful railings can turn out from a blockhouse. You can buy decorative elements at any building materials store. Make ordinary and winder canvases of steps in the amount that you need to make stairs with your own hands. To make the edges look neater, they should be processed with a round cutter.

Installation of a ladder structure

The installation of a ladder structure on stringers should begin with the installation of a support post and the installation of risers. You can fix the structure with self-tapping screws, but it is also better to use liquid nails so that the stairs do not creak. Then you need to adjust the turning steps. Now the basic design is ready.

It is necessary to mark the placement of stringers on the wall, if necessary, then adjustments should be made to the calculated dimensions of the steps. Then the drawing is transferred from the wall to tracing paper, and after that - to the preparation of stringers. Using a simple hacksaw and a circular saw, notches are made under the steps.

The finished kosour is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. Steps and riser with a kosour and with each other are connected in the same way, the caps of the self-tapping screws go deep into the tree. The open part of the steps of your stairs is closed with a bowstring. To top it off, railings for stairs are made, balusters and decorative elements are attached. Under the stairs for rational use, you can equip lockers for various small things, a mezzanine and a dressing room.

In this article, you learned about the basic terms that are used in the manufacture of stairs, learned how to calculate parameters such as the height and angle of the stairs, the width of the steps and the height of the risers, and also got acquainted with the main materials that are used to make stairs. In any case, the ability to design a practical, reliable and comfortable staircase for your home will definitely come in handy.