House with a stove for 3 rooms plan. Projects of houses with stove heating

The construction of the garage heating has some parts. The heating design has, fasteners, collectors, thermostats, a boiler, a tank for expansion, air supply, a connection system, pipes, batteries, pressure-increasing pumps. On this page of the site, we will try to help you choose the right heating parts for your apartment. Any factor is of great importance. Therefore, the selection of each installation element must be carried out technically deliberately.

House project with stove heating

I am looking for projects of houses with stove heating.

So far we have only found:

in it it is not clear how with the heating of the second floor? (maybe it's true the second floor of the furnace (revision), but this is already the area / loads / changes to the existing project?

the basement is also not provided (with the troublesome ladder, even if you try to "continue" it yourself into the basement, it will steal the hall area convenient for the location of the cabinet.

house project (building area 11x9 - 12x10 m) with a full-fledged winter first floor, with a basement and with a guest second floor

heating: stove ( exactly the oven... not boiler), redundant / auxiliary - electric convectors.

P.S. I'm trying to sketch something myself, but.

Last edited by _zedd_; 01/13/2014 at 14:42.


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The rooms are not heated, these corners are really few. The warmest will be in the bathroom # image.jpg

If the house has more than one floor, then it is imperative to organize a small boiler room in it. The surface of a stove made of stone should be heated to a maximum temperature of 120 degrees. This temperature has nothing to do with the metal elements of the furnace, since the metal will be heated to higher temperatures.

In order to determine what area the scheme of stove water heating will have, it is necessary to take into account such points as the total area of ​​the house, the number of doors and windows, from what material the walls of the building are built, to what extent the house is insulated and other factors. 1 square meter of the oven area can heat up to 35 square meters. meters of the house area. Such values ​​are taken into account at a street temperature not lower than -25 degrees.

How to find the right place for the stove in the house

Many people believe that homemade heating stoves should be located somewhere in the corner of the hallway or kitchen wall. Choosing such an arrangement, people want, first of all, to position the stove in such a way that it does not interfere with the passage or is not conspicuous. However, this should not be the main criterion when choosing where to install the oven.

Options for installing a stove in a country house

The rules for constructing a furnace say something completely different. It is best to install the stove in a central part of the room. Another rule says that the hob and firebox should go out to the veranda or kitchen. The stone part of the stove and its main surface should go out into the bedrooms and the hall. According to professional calculations, one stove can heat up to three rooms if they are located close to each other. If the house has a large area and several floors, then several ovens will need to be installed.

Today, many probably know such a thing as a heated circuit. It can have two functions, or it can be more functional.

Depending on the heated circuit, professional stove-makers recommend laying stoves with water heating of such heaters as: a simple fireplace, a Russian stove or a combined fireplace and stove system.

If the plan of a house with stove heating is chosen in the right way, then it will be able to heat even a two-story house at any, even the coldest time of the year. It is possible to organize the heating system in such a way that the second floor is intended only for living in warmer periods.

Note that if repairs are needed or any problems arise, you should contact the specialists. If you need to replace certain elements, such as a gas stove burner, be sure to call a professional. The same applies to the first installation of such elements, for example, as a coil in a furnace for heating. Note that this element should be made of sheet steel or metal pipes, thickness - 3-5 mm. The coil for stove heating must ensure the maximum temperature of the heat carrier possible under such conditions.

A wood stove is a device that needs one of the cheapest types of fuel. You can build such a heater with your own hands, but for this you need to read special literature and find projects for wood-burning stoves. In addition to the characteristics that relate to its efficiency, the stove is also a rather beautiful element of any interior.

Rating: 1 726

Many people living in cities get bored that vehicles are constantly noisy outside the window, a factory hums, noisy enterprises (for example, restaurants) operate, so they want to settle at least for a short time somewhere far outside the city, or at least live in a country house. And so we will consider what projects there are for houses with stove heating from brickwork.

However, apartment buildings have a lot of amenities, and tenants want to see them in their own private house, because it is quite possible to live in their own house and enjoy the benefits of civilization if we make projects of houses with stove heating. They are most comfortable if there is no gas nearby.

Advantages of stove heating

In principle, a house can be built completely from any material. Such, for example, as brick, wood, stone. Many heating systems do not have such advantages as a stove. In addition, what to do if the gas pipeline is like the Moon, and the electricity will be supplied only next autumn? Is it possible to sit without warmth and freeze in your own house?

Consider the advantages of a stove heating system with a specific example. Let's say that our private house is made of stone. Then heating with a stove will be very productive, and all because the stone has one very interesting property - it can accumulate heat. To heat a house with a stove, it is enough to purchase any solid fuel. It can be either cardboard. If there is a forest nearby, you can go and bring some branches. And if there are logging organizations nearby - firewood. You should not, however, stuff anything your heart desires into the stove.

Another plus of heating with a stove is that there is no need to wait until they finally bring it, because you can safely heat it with a different type of fuel. It is recommended to come up with a room for storing fuel in advance and stock up on various. Then the stove will give out heat without interruption. Also, in the work of electricity, there are constantly various failures, or even emergency situations. But this will not affect the oven in any way.

The stove works quietly by itself in stand-alone mode. In this case, it is possible to install the stove heating system as the main element, as well as as an additional one.

For example, in a private house there is already some kind of heating system, but it is quite possible to install a stove as well. After all, she creates coziness, gives comfort and warmth.

Imagine: winter, snow outside, severe cold, and the whole family is going to have dinner together by the warm stove. There is also a fire that calms, relaxes. You can sit near it with your loved one, with your pet. Surely someone saw pictures of people sitting in an armchair near the stove with a dog or cat. Many people do not like wood-burning stoves, but they still stand in private houses and, for sure, will stand for more than a decade.

Initially, it is necessary to make projects of houses with stove heating from brickwork. The furnace design plan must be on paper, that is, drawn up. It should indicate all the required norms, necessary rules and various nuances. It turns out, as it were, an instruction that may be quite useful in the future.

The house may have more than one floor, then you should definitely allocate a small room in it for the boiler room.

In the case when the stove is made of such a building material as stone, then its maximum temperature cannot be more than 120 degrees. If it is made of metal, then in this case the temperature will be much higher.

Brick stoves

With the help of a furnace, it will have a certain area. In order to calculate it, it is necessary to find out initially such important nuances: how many windows, doors are in the house, what is the material of the walls, how the house is insulated, the area of ​​this house. At the same time, it is taken into account that a building area equal to one square meter can heat 35 square meters of a house. However, this takes into account the temperature outside the window at minus 25 degrees.

If a coil is installed, you need to invite a master. In this case, the coil must be made of sheet steel. Or metal can be used in pipes 5 millimeters thick. The coil provides the maximum room temperature under specific conditions.

Brick oven masonry scheme

Some people say: let the stove be somewhere in the hallway or even in the kitchen. She should not interfere with the passage, and there is no need for her to catch the eye once again. However, this is not the most important criterion for choosing the right place for installing the stove. The rules for the construction of stoves say that it should stand somewhere in the center of the room, and the firebox at the same time goes somewhere to the kitchen or to the veranda, and the hob should also go there. Part of the stove, made of stone, goes into the bedroom or living room.

Professionals say that a stove, as a rule, can heat two rooms if they are located next to each other. If the house is very large, it has many floors, then the stove will most likely need not one, but two or even three. There is the following designation - a heated circuit. It is used by professional stove-makers for laying stoves and installing all kinds of heaters, such as, for example, a Russian stove or a fireplace.

Furnace heating project

The main thing is to choose the right plan from all projects of houses with stove heating.

Then, if desired, even a two-story house can be heated. At the same time, the stove heating system can be organized in such a way that people will live on the second floor only in warm weather. If the oven needs to be repaired, or if there are any problems with it, it is best to immediately call a specialist. When replacing a gas burner, you also need to call a professional.

Requires very cheap fuels. It is quite possible to do it yourself, but before that you need to read everything that is possible for this project. The stove is very effective and can beautify absolutely any interior.

In addition to the fact that the stove heats the room, you can cook delicious food in it. Therefore, they put a Russian stove on which there are beds, and it is very convenient to lie on them. It is worth considering that if you bring gas to the house, then you need to obtain a permit. In this case, a boiler for liquid fuel will require the use of a container in which diesel fuel will be placed, and the volume of such a container should be about three tons. Imagine that you have a small house in the country.

Why such waste? Well, maybe only if several people constantly live there, but this is completely useless. The stove warms up the air well, heat is transferred from it to the floors and walls. It is not recommended to make a stove of metal, it does not collect heat, and when the firebox is not working, the stove will cool down quickly.

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Those who decide to build their own house often do not know where to start. But the layout of the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a dwelling. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​the future home; will it be heated; if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout of a one-story house with a 6 × 8 stove

The 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to its small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round operation, buildings are built more spacious, for example, and larger. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, the construction company can offer with a heating system. It will include a general and detailed construction plan. The customer, who wishes to have a house with a stove, can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom build.

The client can order from the company not only a ready-made project, but also the construction of a standard house with already resolved planning issues.

Variant of the internal layout and location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then the construction will cost him significantly less.


When the layout is well thought out, taking into account a specific heating system, then the installation of the stove practically does not depend on the building material from which the dwelling is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for space heating: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user decides for himself what to heat, what is more affordable and cheaper.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with a gas pipeline.

The next advantage is that the heating of the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, from emergency repairs and long interruptions in fuel supplies. The furnace is autonomous, its operating mode is determined by the user himself, who does not need a seasonal system shutdown plan.

Layout of a house with a stove 6 × 9 meters

The ability of the stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere is well known. Thanks to this quality, no other heating system can match it. It is pleasant, while sitting with a book by the stove, to inhale the smell of tarry wood and listen to their quiet crackling. It is reminiscent of the distant days, steeped in romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped in such a way that it will become an original addition to the interior.

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The Russian stove gives a special charm to the room. In terms of heat capacity, nothing can compare with it. She is able to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it away, maintaining constant coziness and comfort in the hut. In the past, it served as a cooking and heating function. It is rather rare today.

Only those who like the rustic design style of the house will dare to decorate their apartments with it. True, the stove-makers were transferred, who do not need a drawing for its construction. But lately, the project of a house with a fireplace is a common proposal of construction companies. This fashionable heating device heats, but does not accumulate heat at all. It is used more as a decorative element.

The century of technological progress has made its own adjustments. Today, a house with a stove that runs not only on solid fuel, but also on electricity, gas, and fuel oil is common. But the most affordable heating material is still wood.

Installation and operation rules

The shape and appearance of the furnace are fixed by its drawing. Many people try to install it somewhere in the corner so that it does not interfere with anyone, does not take up much space. But this is not the main criterion for the installation. Its most rational location reflects, as a rule, each project of a house with heating developed by the company.

In, as well as in or in, it is preferable to put the stove structure in the very center.

Detailed plan of a house with a fireplace stove 8 × 8

Then the effect from it will be the greatest, because it will successfully warm up all the rooms. As practice has shown, it is impossible to install it against the outer wall, so as not to heat the street.

If the plan of a dwelling with a stove system is developed professionally, then after its implementation it will be warm and cozy even all year round. It is recommended to plan the stove in suburban areas or not higher than two-story ones. If it is still cool on the second floor, then some residents close it for the winter, living only on the well-heated first floor.

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A very important rule: a house with a stove must have effective thermal protection. Otherwise, all efforts to heat it will be in vain. And money for the purchase of fuel will literally fly into the pipe. You should not save on the insulation of your home. True, not a single company will offer a house project without thermal insulation. But if its layout is with a centralized heating system, then such a construction plan is not suitable for installing a stove.

Layout of a Finnish house with a 6 × 6 oven

It is a mistake to think that if you put a powerful stove in a small building, for example, 6x6, then a small amount of firewood will be sufficient for heating. This is not at all the case. All of them will only go to a weak warm-up. And the rooms will stay cold. Each house with a stove is equipped with a heating system corresponding to the space that it is intended to heat. So, if the hearth is 6x9, then the heating structure should be more heat-intensive.

Another important rule that should not be neglected is the installation of the stove on a separate foundation. It cannot be the same for her and for the whole house. This should clearly demonstrate both the general design of the dwelling and a separate drawing of the structure for the firebox.

Detailed drawing of a log house with a stove size 5 × 6

The fact is that the soil sags in different ways under different weights. Why the stove can warp, cracks will appear. As a result, the rooms will receive not only heat, but also smoke with carbon monoxide.

Knowing the installation rules, you should not forget about the rules of use. A house with a stove assumes strict compliance with fire safety regulations. It doesn't matter what area it is, 6x6 or much more. It should be remembered that the chimney damper is closed on time. If the coals are not burned out enough, carbon monoxide will fill the room. And the consequences of this are very sad. If you close it too late, precious heat will escape into the pipe. The oven is usually repaired by the person who installed it.

Stove heating makes its own adjustments to the architecture of the house - professionals begin designing a building by choosing the type of hearth and the place for its construction. The project of a house with a Russian stove is always different from a project in which the main role is played by a "Swede" or a modern cast-iron convection oven. The main task of the designer is to correctly determine the installation site of the heating device and plan the placement of rooms so that each room is warm and dry.

Features of the design of housing with stove heating

Stove heating, which does not have a water circuit, will only be effective if the stove becomes the center of all adjacent rooms. To achieve this, the hearth is installed in the wall between the rooms, and the firebox is taken out into the corridor or into the kitchen.

One hearth for four isolated rooms

Some architects offer another option for solving the problem - the installation of two or even three hearths in different rooms. However, a central heating unit is preferable to the construction of several heat sources - this allows you to do with one chimney and significantly saves fuel consumption.

In projects of two-story houses with stove heating, they adhere to the same rules, but they necessarily provide for a reliable overlap between floors that can withstand the mass of a brick building. All heavy parts (stove bench, oven, hob) are placed on the ground floor, and at the top they are limited only by the heating shield.

If the house is planned according to the studio principle and consists of one large room, the Russian stove is made the central link, at the same time entrusting it with the tasks of separating the space. Thus, the hearth can separate the kitchen and living room, sleeping area and common room.

Russian stove with a stove bench in a house with a large living room and bedroom

Enlarged doorway in the bedroom does not impede air exchange

Examples of interesting layouts of houses with stove heating

Considering projects of houses with a stove, it is worth considering not only the size of buildings and layout features, but also the materials used for the construction of buildings. Not all options designed for brick buildings are suitable for wooden structures.

Small country house with a veranda

This small house has one living room of 15 sq. meters and a kitchen-dining room with an area of ​​8 sq. meters. The project provides for a small bathroom, the entrance to which is in the kitchen, and an unheated veranda.

House project with stove heating (building dimensions 5 * 7 meters)

The heating device is located in the center of the building and heats all internal premises: the kitchen, the room and the bathroom. The firebox is located on the side of the kitchen; here it is recommended to equip a hob and an oven. If hot water is needed in the house, then the authors of the project consider the bathroom as the best place for a hot water tank.

From the side of the living room, it is easy to supplement the stove with a false fireplace, providing a small depression in the wall. A decorative fireplace insert will not only decorate the room, but also increase heat transfer, playing the role of traditional stoves used in the construction of Russian stoves.

Wooden house with two living rooms and a bathroom

This log house has two adjoining rooms - a bedroom and a living room with a kitchen-dining room. The hearth in the wall heats all four rooms, including the entrance hall and the bathroom. The couch is brought out into the bedroom, where it serves as a resting place and increases the heat transfer of the heating device, remaining warm for a long time.

The plan of a hut with a Russian stove

There is a dryer in the hallway - it is convenient to dry wet shoes and clothes on it. The kitchen has a stove. For the warm season, a summer course is provided, which allows you to use only the stove without using the heating.

Layout of a house with two bedrooms and a living room

This home is designed for permanent residence and includes two bedrooms, a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom and a storage room. The stove is in the wall and heats the kitchen-living room and both bedrooms. The bathroom is not heated, but it borders on the hallway, into which one of the stove corners is led out. If a woodburning hearth is the main source of heat, it makes sense to increase its efficiency with air ducts.

Residential building project with stove heating

The kitchen is equipped with a hob and oven. There is no door in the living room, so the heat is evenly distributed throughout the house. If you plan to build a Russian stove with a stove bench, then it is best to build a trestle bed in one of the bedrooms.

Brick house project with two ovens

In a large house for permanent residence, in some cases, two separate stoves are installed. This building has two bedrooms, a living room and a separate kitchen. The main reversible heating stove is installed between the living room and the children's room. The furnace door and the building body open into the living room, and the nursery is heated roughly - this arrangement prevents carbon monoxide from entering the children's bedroom.

A second fireplace with stove and oven is located in the kitchen and heats the adults' bedroom. The design of this model can work in winter and summer - in the warm season, summer dampers are opened, through which hot gases quickly go into the chimney.

Heat enters the corridor from the kitchen, the room is small, so it is enough to leave the door open to ensure a comfortable temperature in the hallway. There is no heat leakage to the street, since the cold air flow is cut off by the glazed veranda.

With all the variety of ready-made projects of houses with a stove, we recommend that you contact a specialist and order an individual plan, expressing your wishes. If you choose one of the schemes, you need to show the drawing to a professional, perhaps he will make useful adjustments and advise how to make stove heating as efficient as possible, and the house - comfortable and cozy.

Video: stove in a home heating system

You can't just go and build a house. It is important to carefully plan each stage of its construction and the cost of all materials. Even before choosing a project plan, you need to figure out what kind of heating will be. The main thing is that the heating runs quickly and evenly. Of course, the house should only be equipped with an economical option that will save money in the cold season. In addition to solutions with traditional gas or electric heating, there is a project for a house with a stove.


Modern Russian brick ovens

A stove is a time-tested way to heat your home. The modern Russian stove has undergone some qualitative changes. The material and shape of the structure have changed. Despite the modernization, it does its job well. It is still possible to heat a small room thanks to the correct installation and carefully planned construction site. Modern bricks are able to withstand high temperatures and store heat. As a result, even if the flame goes out, the walls will give off heat for some time, which will make it possible to save a little.


The transition to a new type of comfort maintenance is quite difficult and requires a lot of effort. Before deciding on the final result, it is important to weigh the pros and cons well. You need to understand how difficult it can be to erect a structure and what problems may arise during operation. It is important to study in detail all the pros and cons that are associated with stove heating. It does not hurt to disassemble several projects of houses in which this type of autonomous heating is implemented. This is the only way to choose the ideal option with a good price-quality ratio.

Varieties of Russian stoves

Almost all designs have a similar principle, but some differences still stand out. The following types of heat source can be installed in the house:

  1. With stove and integrated drain. The slabs can be mounted in the base of the structure; in the classical form, they are made in the form of a dead space.
  2. With built-in fireplace. Such a stove can be arranged in a living room or in a hall, because it is always pleasant to look at a burning fire.
  3. With a trestle bed (place to rest). Such a stove is equipped with a separate place for rest and sleep, as it was in the old Russian models. A constantly warm bed is the best medicine for aching joints. That is why in ancient Russia it was customary to give up a warm rookery to sick and elderly people.
  4. With a hob. An irreplaceable thing in any country house. Such a device provides a comfortable home climate and a place for preparing food.


Advantages of stove heating

The main advantage of this type of heating is its autonomy. Now there is no need to depend on the central heating system with its planned shutdowns, breakdowns and insufficient heat. It is solid fuel heaters that are in great demand in the modern market. Unfortunately, the current reality is that it is impossible to heat normally with electricity or gas. Electricity bills are so high that tenants with electrical heating systems give up comfortable living and start saving. If we talk about gas, then not all residential buildings have a gas pipeline.



In Russia, it was allowed to collect dry forests, so it's time to buy solid fuel heating systems. The stove will be able to work on almost any combustible material - this is a weighty argument in favor of the construction plan, especially given the difficult financial situation. Coal, wood, dry branches, cardboard and even fuel oil are quite suitable for the firebox. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. The main thing to know is that certain materials can cause inconvenience in the form of an unpleasant odor and traces of soot.


You can control the heating mode yourself. Modern systems allow you to adjust the indoor temperature. Thus, you can start saving by lowering the overall degree, or turn on the spark and feel comfortable. Some modifications have a bed that can be heated. So, you can provide good prevention of certain diseases.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building fireplaces and stoves. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Interior addition

A classic oven can be a great design solution. Now the classics and open fire are in trend. All this is present in the Russian stove. In addition, it will well emphasize the style of a wooden house from a bar. A warm atmosphere of home comfort is created. It is pleasant to be in such a room, as you feel the safety of the family hearth.

The stove can become a real decoration of the interior. Source

But, despite all the advantages, the layout of a village house with stove heating has its drawbacks. In order to understand whether life will be comfortable, it is important to study them properly.

Disadvantages of stove heating

When installing stove heating, you will face the following difficulties:

  1. Small soot may collect inside the house. A similar effect will be with improper use of the chimney device or low-quality fuel.
  2. If the damper is used incorrectly, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The poisonous gas replaces oxygen, and the person simply suffocates. This condition has no symptoms other than fatigue and drowsiness.
  3. Stove heating implies an open fire, which is very dangerous, especially for a wooden house from a bar. One small spark is enough - and a fire is inevitable.
  4. The structural elements have hot parts, which are very easy to burn. Everyone, especially young children, is at risk.
  5. From active use, the chimney will become clogged with soot, which needs to be cleaned. If the chimney is clogged, then all the soot and soot will settle on furniture and walls, which are then very difficult to clean.
  6. It is necessary to constantly clean the grates to suck in combustion air. During cleaning, usually the entire surrounding surface is covered with a small layer of ash - and unscheduled cleaning becomes inevitable.


Layout of houses with a stove

A new house project with stove heating always involves tough decisions. Before considering a specific construction plan, it is necessary not only to determine the size of the total area, but also to consider the number and convenient location of living rooms. In addition, it does not hurt to decide on the material from which the future home will be made.

Compact one-room house

The building consists of one living room of 15 squares. In the middle there is a stove, next to which there is a kitchen with an area of ​​8 m 2. The last heated room is a bathroom. There is a veranda in front of the house.

House project with a Russian stove Source


  1. Small rooms heats up quickly.
  2. A small amount of fuel is required.
  3. It is easy to keep the whole house clean and healthy.
  4. There is a veranda where you can relax during the summer.



  1. Poorly suitable for a family of three or more.
  2. The veranda is not heated, which means it is not used in winter.

Two-room wooden house

This plan includes two living rooms, bathrooms and a terrace. The house has the shape of a square with a side of 9 m. The stove is installed in such a way that all rooms are heated. This project uses wood as the base for the walls, ceiling and floor. The wooden structure does not allow cold to pass through and retains heat well.



  1. The project includes a drying rack in the hallway and a warm bed in the bedroom.
  2. The laid out Russian stove effectively accumulates heat and slowly releases it. Paired with the thermal insulation properties of wood, an economical heating option is obtained.
  3. A dryer in the hallway is useful during the winter season. It allows you to dry your clothes and shoes and also helps keep the whole house warm.
  4. The oven has a stove on which you can cook. In the summertime, it is possible not to operate the entire system, using only the stove.



  1. There is still little space.
  2. There is no separate living room or kitchen.

Three-room layout of the building

A more serious project that is designed for a large family. And although the house is large, the correct location of the heat source can equally warm every room. Two bedrooms and a living room have hot wall access. The only unheated places are a pantry and a bathroom. As in the previous case, the kitchen is combined with the hall.

Layout of a three-room house with a stove Source


  1. Plenty of free space, there are separate bedrooms. One can be equipped as a children's room.
  2. Competent distribution of work space, no empty useless rooms or outbuildings.
  3. The corridor is combined with the kitchen, which means that light will penetrate there well. In addition, this approach visually increases the volume of the room.
  4. The pantry has no windows and no active heating, which means it is perfect for storing food. It can serve as a cellar.

Design project of a modern kitchen-living room with a stove Source


  1. The bathroom is not heated. A cold bathroom or toilet can be uncomfortable.
  2. The corridor does not close, which means that some of the heat from the kitchen will go through the front door.

These are the main projects, variations of which usually include a catalog of winter houses with a Russian stove. These buildings have their pros and cons. You need to choose the right option for yourself. If the building meets the necessary requirements, life in it will become quite comfortable and economical.

Video description

Read more about placing the stove in the house - in this video:

Basic rules of operation

The oven is a complex mechanism that requires special care. Open fire is a great danger, especially for wooden buildings. It is proper care and adherence to safety rules that guarantee a safe and comfortable life.


The first and basic rule is not to leave an open fire unattended. Before leaving, it is important to make sure that absolutely all the embers are extinguished, and there is not a single spark around. Negligence and inept operation of the stove is the main cause of fires. If everything is properly arranged, then the risk of an unwanted fire is practically excluded. The second and no less important condition is to keep children away from the system. No matter how smart the child is, he is not capable of giving a full account. It is important not to leave children alone with a hot stove.

The project of a house with a Russian stove will appeal to all family members Source

For safety, the floor should be covered with non-flammable material in the place of possible fire. Usually, a sheet of thin metal or tile is used for such purposes. It also does not hurt to put a screen or protective screen to trap dangerous hot chips and coals.


The elements of the heating system must always be in proper condition. For long-term work without complications and breakdowns, it is important to carry out regular diagnostics and prophylaxis. This work includes cleaning the chimney from ash and cleaning ash from the grate. Before each heating season, it is important to inspect all elements and, if there are any faults, try to eliminate them.



The embodiment of such a serious decision, which is the construction of your own home, requires a lot of time and effort. Unfortunately, some today do not have the opportunity to follow even the creation of a project, and there is no longer a question of construction. Therefore, you should pay attention to houses with turnkey stove heating. Such a construction includes fully autonomous work at all stages of construction. You will be disturbed when the house is completely ready and all you need to do is move in.

Ordering projects of houses with turnkey stove heating is an ideal option for obtaining safe, well-thought-out housing Source


In addition, the construction of a separate building is a rather difficult task that requires additional skills and construction experience. High qualifications are especially needed in building planning for even heat distribution. In the old days, special people were hired to build a Russian stove, who accurately determined the area of ​​the building and built a heating system directly in the center of the hut. Today, for these purposes, they use the services of a special design department.