How to make a decorative fireplace from an old bedside table. Homemade false fireplace for home

Oddly enough, but to have a comfortable home is a completely natural desire that is inherent in us. So it turns out that we are ready to spend our energy, money and time to turn our house or apartment into a place where it is pleasant to be and which is not ashamed to show to others. One of the ways to decorate a room, make it cozy and stylish is a fireplace, which is also a home. How nice it is for the whole family to gather around the fire in the house in the evening, chat, drink tea and talk. But, there is one problem: for residents of private houses, such an opportunity is quite real, but making a fireplace in an apartment with a live fire will not work. If you are a resident of a multi-storey building, do not worry, we have found a way out for you.

In this article we will look at how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands. This is the so-called false fireplace, which is visually identical to the usual one, only now it can be used in the apartment. You will see not only a photo, but also instructions for making a fireplace with your own hands. It is an irreplaceable decorative element of your apartment.

The concept of a decorative fireplace and its need

Everyone knows that the combustion process comes with side effects such as soot, debris and, most importantly, smoke. That is why an ordinary fireplace is not complete without an ash pan and chimney, which solve all problems. In addition, such a design has an impressive weight, which does not allow installing such a fireplace in an apartment. The floor slab may not be able to withstand. So it turns out that a decorative fireplace is an ideal alternative to those who, in spite of everything, want to have this element in their home. Even without special skills in construction, you can do it yourself.

Note! There are so-called biofireplaces that are used for apartments. Alcohol or other biofuel is burned inside as a raw material. In this case, no smoke, dirt, ash, etc. is formed. Only the process of combustion and heat release takes place. However, the products are quite expensive. But, if you do not mind the money, you can use this alternative option.

There are even electric fireplaces on sale that are easy and quick to install. But, not everyone can afford it, in addition, a decorative fireplace with their own hands will be much more original. You will put your whole soul into it, so it will be appreciated differently. This is where your imagination can take off. With such a decorative element, your neighbors will simply envy.

As you can see in the photo above, it is difficult to distinguish it from the real one. In addition, the design has a number of its advantages:

  1. Low cost, since you only need to spend on materials.
  2. Simplicity of materials and their availability. Anyone can work with them, without professional skills.
  3. It is possible to change the decor at will at any time. It all depends on you.
  4. At least inexpensive, but rather original and beautiful materials are used in decoration.
  5. You will receive a full-fledged fireplace, which may not replace the original, but will be a worthy alternative.
  6. Your room will be transformed and become original.

Finally, we would like to draw your attention to 3 types or groups of decorative fireplaces that you can create. The first group is authentic fireplaces that are like real ones like two drops of water. It's about size, design and design. Inside such a fireplace, there may even be a biofireplace burner or other options for simulating fire. This option is expensive, but it looks perfect.

The second group is conventional fireplaces. They have a portal protruding from the wall. You can decorate such a design as you like, implementing the most extravagant and unusual ideas into life. The hole for the firebox is often filled with candles or wood.

But the third group is symbolic fireplaces, which are made from a variety of materials. They vaguely resemble a real hearth. More often than not, they barely resemble him. It comes to the point that this is a simple wallpaper or an image with decor, just like daddy Carlo's.

What can be used to make a decorative false fireplace

You will be surprised, but there are more than enough materials for work. They are simple, affordable, inexpensive, and beautiful. If everything is done correctly, then even the cheapest material will look noble. So, here is a list of materials that you can use for this purpose:

  • drywall;
  • classic bricks;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wood;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • and even cardboard.

Note! If you have old furniture, then you can use it. After all, it is a pity to throw it away, but as a fireplace it will be transformed and will serve for several more years.

Let's look at how to make decorative fireplaces with your own hands from some of the materials listed above.

Polyurethane fireplace

If you are looking for the easiest and fastest method to create a fireplace, then you've hit the spot. All you need is to purchase a polyurethane fireplace portal. It remains only to choose the style and size that will fit into the room, and the rest is a matter of technology. The body of such a fireplace is lightweight, and installation does not take much time. The photo shows what result you can get.

What will it take to work?

That's all. There is only step-by-step instructions that will help you cope with the task. In fact, you don't need to build anything, since you purchased a ready-made portal, which you just need to fix in place to the wall. Dust-free work:

This is exactly how you can make a fireplace out of wood. Only now it should be noted that the wooden portals that are on sale are of great value. However, outwardly everything looks much more noble. Look at the photo, what effect can be achieved if you put in the effort.

Plywood fireplace

Quite a good option if the room has a certain flaw or defect. Some are trying to transform an old radiator. With a decorative plywood fireplace, you can realize this idea.

To begin with, the design should be done on paper. Everyone knows what it is. You need to do some calculations and create the drawing of the fireplace you want to make. Alternatively, you can use a ready-made project from the Internet. Here, for example, is one of these options.

Dimensions, design, appearance - all this you can adjust for yourself. Next, a hammer, a saw, a screwdriver and a tape measure are used. The first step is to create a frame for your fireplace. For this purpose, slats or wooden blocks are suitable.

You can connect elements to each other in any way. It is safer if it is self-tapping screws. Nails will work too, though. Then it remains to sheathe the frame with plywood. As for the design and appearance of the product, you can adjust it in the process. As an option, make a podium to the portal. Look at the photo how the frame of a decorative fireplace has changed and looks like a finished version.

On a bar along the back wall, you can fix a firebox, which will simulate a hearth. But the surfaces that can be viewed from the outside can be decorated with self-adhesive. Here is one of the options for decorating a decorative plywood fireplace.

And here is the kind of graze. In order to hide the wall, you can glue the inside with the same film.

The advantage of the design is that it is easy to remove, since at this stage it is not fixed to the surface. This allows access to the battery. And for the best effect, you can install stones, pebbles or wood on the radiator by installing a metal mesh on it.

And as a final nuance, you can make a fireplace grate. Then your design will be virtually indistinguishable from a natural hearth. You can make it yourself or buy it in the store. Copper or aluminum wire is taken as a basis. It is easy to bend and shape. You can draw a grid on paper in advance or print it out as a guide.

To the most decorative fireplace, you need to fix the wire in four places. And to hide the pipe that goes to the radiator, continue the podium of the fireplace, as shown in the photo.

Such an original, beautiful, noble and almost natural miracle can be obtained if you make some effort, ingenuity and take the time. You can hide any other defect at home, or simply install such a false fireplace.

Note! Exactly according to the same principle, a plasterboard fireplace is made. Only now it is necessary to sheathe everything with this particular material. There is nothing difficult, the result is also excellent.

DIY decorative fireplace made of furniture

This option can be called the most budgetary, because you already have almost all the materials for work. It remains only to transform all this into an artificial fireplace. Ideally, an old sideboard or wardrobe will work. In addition, stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • plywood sheets;
  • acrylic paint;
  • putty;
  • LED flight;
  • stucco, decorative elements, plaster finishing stone;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • jigsaw.

We begin to transform a sideboard or wardrobe into a false fireplace.

More effort can be made to complete the design of the fireplace and make it indistinguishable from the present. You can stick an LED strip on the inside around the perimeter of the firebox. Ideally yellow or red, as this is an imitation of a burning flame. You can put shells, sand or pebbles on the bottom of the decorative firebox.

That's all, the result is a decorative fireplace that no one else has. It is no worse than a natural fireplace, only there is no fire. Otherwise, it is just a perfect decorative element. And the realization that you made it with your own hands will warm you better than any fire.

DIY country house interior design

A fireplace is able to make even the most dull interior of a room much cozier and more comfortable. But such a pleasure is quite expensive, and it is not always possible to install something like that in an apartment. But there is a way out. You can make a false fireplace with your own hands of absolutely any shape and size, and it is so simple that the process itself does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Can a fireplace be artificial

A false fireplace is a structure that outwardly resembles a real fireplace, but without arranging a chimney. In some cases, this is just an element of the room's decor, in other cases there is still an element of imitation of a living flame, for example, as in electrical installations.

A false fireplace can be an excellent decor in a room of any size.

The main advantages of this design can be considered absolute safety (unless, of course, you decided to install a lot of candles in the portal) and low cost compared to a real fireplace. In addition, there are other advantages of false fireplaces:

  • allowed for installation even in an apartment, while a real fireplace is forbidden to be mounted in an apartment building;
  • with its help, you can mask the defects and imperfections of a room, for example, hide a battery or a pipe, and also advantageously use the so-called dead zones, for example, a corner;
  • on top and on the side, you can equip shelves for decor and storage of various little things;
  • emphasize the stylistic orientation of the room decoration, for example, when choosing a baroque style or another classic.

A false fireplace will be appropriate even in a children's room

Types of structures

There are several types of false fireplaces that you can install in your own apartment:

There is another classification, which is based on the installation site of such a design:

  • suspension;
  • wall-mounted;
  • angular;
  • built-in;
  • island.

What can be done

If you are a fan of making crafts, then for the manufacture of a decorative fireplace you can use absolutely any building material, including, for it is suitable:

  1. Brick. It allows you to create an artificial hearth as close as possible to the present. For installation, you can choose decorative or facing bricks. The disadvantages of this design lie in a significant mass, which means that it can be mounted only after checking the floor for its ability to withstand such a weight. However, there are benefits beyond being natural. Such a false fireplace can be tiled with nothing.

    Brick false fireplace is as similar as possible to the present

  2. Laminated boards. Before using this material, it is imperative to draw up a drawing, on which it is imperative to indicate all the dimensions of the future structure. The drawing is needed in order to cut the material. Chipboard sheets have similar properties, but such a structure requires further finishing, for example, with foam "bricks".

    Fireplace made of laminated sheets looks very laconic

  3. Polyurethane. As a rule, this material is used for finishing an already finished structure. However, special parts such as moldings, platbands and half columns can be glued directly to the wall and decorated accordingly. Using the decor and trying various techniques with the highlight, it can be turned into an unusual piece of furniture. There is another advantage - if desired, such a fireplace can be repainted in any color. This allows you to update the interior with minimal investment in a short time.

    The polyurethane fireplace can be simply glued to the wall

  4. Drywall. This material is most popular precisely for the manufacture of false fireplaces. It has undoubted advantages - ease of assembly and combination with other finishing materials. If desired, the plasterboard structure can be decorated in any style, which means that it is suitable for any interior. In addition, you can build a structure of any complexity. An artificial hearth can be deep, with a square or round portal, with columns or minimalistic. You can change the cladding without disassembling the entire structure, which is very convenient.

    Most often, a false fireplace is made of drywall.

  5. Wood. Using this material, you can make a false fireplace, which will be part of the furniture set, which means it will be made in the same style as the entire design of the room.

    Wooden false fireplace can be artificially aged

In addition to the above, for the manufacture of a false fireplace, you can also use improvised materials, for example, cardboard boxes or old furniture.

Dimensional Drawings

The dimensions of the structure largely depend directly on the area of ​​the room where it will be installed. For example, a corner unit for a small room might be 330 mm deep and 1,300 mm long.

A small room can also be decorated with a wall-mounted false fireplace. At the same time, it is recommended to slightly reduce the dimensions of the structure, for example, to make a portal with parameters of 1,360 * 500 * 1,050 mm.

A wall-mounted or wall-mounted fireplace can be installed in a small room.

When installing a false fireplace in a medium-sized room, more options appear:

  • you can make a more massive structure by decorating it with additional decorative elements, for example, columns and stucco;
  • it is allowed to use not only shelves, but also countertops, but only if the partition is able to withstand such a structure;
  • you can place an artificial fireplace in the center of the room, and not just near the wall.

The drawing should indicate the dimensions of each part

When decorating a room in a classic style, a false fireplace can be massive with appropriate decorations. For example, the bottom can be 1,500 mm, the top 1,490 mm, and the depth 345 mm.

If you want an artificial fireplace to look attractive, expensive, and high-status, then it is recommended to use artificial and natural stone, forged elements, wood of valuable species for decoration.

In a large room, a false fireplace can also be installed in the center of the room.

When making a copy of a fireplace for a large living room, you can be guided by the following rules:

  • island location, thanks to which you can create a very massive and unusual structure that will perform several functions at once;
  • you cannot use a hinged structure;
  • the partition for a wall-mounted false fireplace must be such that it does not deform under the influence of the large weight of the structure.

A false fireplace can also look like a home stove.

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands - step by step instructions

You can make a fake fireplace with your own hands from any building material. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.


The angular structure made of plasterboard looks very original. Such a false fireplace can be installed even if the room is too small for any such devices, because it can also be used as a storage space. To make it you need to prepare:

  • metal profile - 13 pcs.;
  • drywall 9.5 mm thick, better moisture resistant - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs.;
  • grout for ceramic tiles of the corresponding color;
  • LED strip simulating fire;
  • decorative lattice.

It is necessary to make a decorative plasterboard corner fireplace in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Calculate the dimensions correctly. In the event that you will cover the battery with a structure, this must be done in such a way that there is free access to it.

    Any complexity can be built from drywall

  2. Install the frame. For this, you can use a ceiling metal profile.

    A ceiling profile is suitable for the frame

  3. Lay the electrical wiring if an electric fireplace is installed in the portal. Such a fireplace should have at least three exits: two on the facade and one above the shelf. For additional illumination, an LED strip is suitable.
  4. Trim the furnace hole. Here you need to make two walls, between which you need to lay any non-combustible material.

    The fireplace insert must have two walls, between which it is necessary to lay non-combustible material

  5. Now the frame can be sheathed with plasterboard. The details must be cut out in advance from the sheets according to the drawn up drawing.

    You need to cut out the details from the gypsum board in advance

  6. Make several holes in the casing. They are needed so that warm air can circulate freely.

    Holes are needed for air circulation

  7. Cover with ceramic tiles or any other material. It is better to give preference to facade tiles, since they are resistant to temperature extremes and negative external influences. You can also use stone-like gypsum tiles. In this case, it is recommended to use a heat-resistant adhesive.

    When using facing bricks, you can make a fireplace very similar to a real one.

Such a fireplace will occupy an area of ​​only 1.5 m 2.

Video: plasterboard false fireplace

Reusing cardboard boxes

You can also make a decoration in the form of a fireplace from large cardboard boxes. They should be as dense as possible, should keep their shape well. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • cardboard boxes of different sizes (4 large and 5-6 small);
  • white paper that can be replaced with wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • colored cardboard, paints or wallpaper with a pattern of bricks.

It is necessary to make a false fireplace from cardboard boxes in the following sequence:

  1. Place the boxes in the order in which they should be in the finished version.

    Different size boxes can be used for the fireplace.

  2. Now you can connect these boxes to each other. It is very convenient to use scotch tape for this.
  3. After the frame is made, it must be pasted over with white paper or wallpaper. For this purpose, you can use either scotch tape or PVA glue. All edges should be straight by trimming the paper at the corners.

    For fastening, you can use tape or glue

  4. Separately make the upper shelf, which is also pasted over with white paper, and then fixed on the prepared frame.

    The shelf by the cardboard fireplace should also be

  5. Cut bricks out of red cardboard, which are then glued to the frame using office glue. Instead of colored cardboard bricks, you can use decorated wallpaper. Also, the bricks can be simply drawn.

    Bricks can be made from cardboard

  6. The top surface can be left without decoration or covered with paint.

    The cardboard fireplace is very lightweight and mobile

Video: do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes

Made of wood

Using a similar technology, you can make a structure or chipboard or plywood:

  1. Cut out all the necessary parts according to the drawing.
  2. Assemble a frame from a bar. All other wooden parts will need to be attached to it. In this case, you can use several fixing methods at once: tongue, gluing, connection with hardware. The choice of the method of fastening depends on the exclusivity of the required fixing reliability.
  3. Fasten decorative elements from bars of different sizes, moldings to the assembled frame.
  4. External finishing. There are several options for exterior decoration. Such a false fireplace can simply be covered with white paint, tiled or decorative bricks.
  5. Fireplace decor that will give the fireplace the maximum believability. For a structure made of wood, it is recommended to use natural and decorative accessories, for example, spruce branches, cones, dry firewood.

In order to make the structure less massive, some wooden parts can be replaced with plywood elements.

Video: DIY decorative fireplace


To make a false fireplace from this material, you must first select the style of the product, and also, in the case of using an electric fireplace for the portal, take into account the dimensions of this device, the method of connecting it, and the need for ventilation. Additionally, you need to prepare:

  • polyurethane portal;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • facing material.

The installation process itself takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Decide on the installation site. It is best to do this on the side of the room. Moreover, it is necessary to place a false fireplace made of polyurethane so that it does not interfere with free movement.

    A raised polyurethane fireplace is very easy to make yourself

  2. Installation of the socket. This stage is necessary if an electric fireplace will be located inside the portal. The wiring must correspond to the voltage used, the outlet itself must be placed as close as possible to the false fireplace.
  3. Wall surface preparation. It needs to be leveled and cleaned.
  4. Polyurethane markings. This information can be taken from a drawing prepared in advance.
  5. Fixation of polyurethane parts. To fix the parts, you need to use special contact glue and self-tapping screws. This will increase the reliability of the structure and extend its service life. During this process, care must be taken to ensure that the corners of the parts relate to each other. In advance, for self-tapping screws, you need to make holes with a drill.

    For the convenience of manufacturing, the entire structure can first be laid out on the floor.

  6. External finishing. There are several options for a polyurethane raised fireplace. The stucco molding can either be fixed with special glue or with self-tapping screws. The second option is more reliable, but there is a risk that the caps of the screws will be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, when using a mechanical fastening method, an additional decor of the joints is recommended.

    You can cut polyurethane with a hacksaw

It is possible to give the design aesthetics if, after manufacturing, it is putty, primed and painted.

Video: installation of stucco moldings for a false fireplace made of polyurethane

From old furniture

Turning an old wardrobe or chest of drawers is the most budgetary option for making a false fireplace. To transform you need:

  • plywood;
  • sander with a wood attachment;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint, preferably acrylic;
  • putty;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • gypsum stucco molding.

After preparing all the necessary tools and materials, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Remove the doors from the sideboard, remove unnecessary drawers and cabinets.

    All doors and drawers must be removed from the sideboard.

  2. Install two beams in front.

    In addition to the frame, you will also need beams and plywood sheets.

  3. Attach plywood sheets to form the portal opening.

    You can set the dimensions of the firebox yourself

  4. Make a hole for the blower. It can have any shape, the most ergonomic will be a semicircle. Also, the space can be used to injure firewood.

    The blower can be used to store firewood

  5. Make a pedestal and a decorative shelf. For this purpose, you can take the backs of an old bed, first you need to unscrew the legs from these parts.

    The fireplace needs a pedestal and a shelf

  6. Proceed with the external finishing of the raised fireplace. All polished surfaces of the cabinet must be sanded, then primed, puttyed and carefully leveled. After the putty is dry, sand the surface with sandpaper. Now the false fireplace can be painted and then finished with facing material, for example, facing brick. You need to finish the work by gluing all the decorative elements and installing the shelf.

    For decoration, you can use any facing material

  7. Decorate the firebox space. Why lay an orange or yellow LED strip around the perimeter. Stones or shells can be placed on the bottom.

    You can use LED strip to simulate fire

By following these instructions, you can create a false fireplace in any style.

No one would guess that a sideboard was turned into a fireplace


A false brick fireplace looks the most natural. When manufacturing it, it is necessary to strictly follow the masonry technology, otherwise the structure will be unreliable and quickly collapse. You need to prepare in advance:

  • brick - 25 pcs.;
  • steel strip for overlap;
  • solid board with a thickness of 4 cm or more for the mantel;
  • cement mortar.

For the fireplace, you can set the standard dimensions of the base 900 * 250 mm and the firebox 500 * 380 mm. The mass of such a structure will not exceed 100 kg, which means that no additional foundation is needed.

For a raised brick fireplace of large dimensions, a foundation may be required

The technique for making a false fireplace made of bricks is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution. It is better to purchase a special powder designed for such work. It is enough to dilute it with water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Lay out the brick base in half a brick, after which you can go to the walls and the firebox. The walls should be laid out in brick thickness with overlapping seams.
  3. Lay a shelf on top of the frame or attach a tabletop.
  4. Decorate the firebox. To do this, you can glue a film with a brick image on the back wall, put candles or brushwood in the firebox itself. Instead of a film, you can use a mirror, which will make the depth of the firebox appear deeper.

What to make fire from

In a false fireplace, in no case should a real fire be kindled, even if the structure was made of brick. You can use to simulate a flame.

Cozy living room in gray

The presence of a fireplace gives the interior coziness and a feeling of the warmth of a home, but it is not always possible to create a real firebox. In this case, you can make a false fireplace and decorate the interior with it, for which you do not need to have special skills in construction. Take the necessary measurements and explore the various options and ideas for creating portals- this will help you make the right decision and create your own unique design.

Decorative fireplace in bathroom design

Types of decorative fireplaces

Decorative portals have several advantages:

  1. Low manufacturing cost: in fact, money is needed only for the purchase of materials.
  2. Availability of raw materials for creating a structure: the necessary materials can be purchased at any hardware store.
  3. Decor and the appearance of the fireplace can be easily changed.

Snow-white fireplace portal on a black background

Chandeliers above the pedestals instead of traditional sconces

  1. Credible most of all similar to the real ones. They respect the dimensions and basic design. In terms of cost, they are the most expensive.
  2. Conditional the variant is a portal protruding from the wall. These fireplaces have a variety of decor - it all depends on the owner's desire and the style of the room.
  3. Symbolic least of all resemble real fireplaces... It can simply be a drawing on the wall of the room.

Variety of materials

To create an imitation of a fireplace portal in your home, you will need simple building materials that are sold in any store:

  1. plywood, chipboard or wood;
  2. drywall;
  3. foam, polyurethane;
  4. brick .

Pass-through decorative fireplace located in the partition

Pure wood fireplace portal

Advice! You can use old furniture and create a strong frame for the future product.


It is enough to choose and buy a ready-made polyurethane portal. It is important to consider the design and size of the room. For installation inside an electric heater, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions and the type of connection to the network. For manufacturing, a small amount of materials will be required - a ready-made portal, glue, putty, decoration for decoration.

Algorithm of actions:

  • choose the right place to create the portal: the structure should not interfere with the passage and clutter up the room;
  • bring the electrical wiring to the connection point;
  • the frame can be created from a bar or a metal profile, and sheathed everything with plywood or drywall;
  • the polyurethane portal is fixed with glue, the gaps are putty;
  • the decoration of the firebox is carried out in accordance with the style. The mantel is made of wood or artificial stone slab.

Advice! The portal can be made not only from polyurethane, but also from wood. In this case, the cost of the finished product increases significantly.

Wooden products with carved elements will emphasize the uniqueness of the style


This option is suitable if you need to hide the imperfections of the room, for example, you need to disguise the old radiator battery... Before starting work, you should make measurements, perform calculations and make a drawing. All this will save money and time for work.

To start work, a frame is made, which can be made of a wooden bar, after which it is sheathed with plywood. To fix the parts, it is best to take screws, they are much more reliable than nails. Surfaces that can be viewed from the outside are covered with foil.

Advice! To decorate the battery, place a mesh tray on it that simulates the bottom of the firebox. It is filled with wood or pebbles. To create a fireplace grate, a copper profile or aluminum wire is useful, painted golden .

Option for making a decorative portal from cardboard


There is definitely an old wardrobe in the house. No need to throw it away - old furniture will help in creating beautiful imitation of a fireplace... To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. plywood;
  4. putty and paint;
  5. LED Strip Light;
  6. plaster stone for decoration.

First you need to remove the doors from the cabinet and put it on its side. Two beams are screwed in front. A hole is cut in the door to create a blower, where firewood can be placed... Headboards can be useful to create a podium and mantel.

When the body is ready, you need to decorate:

  1. First, remove the top layer with a sander to get a rough surface. It is primed and putty.
  2. After the putty is dry, it needs to be sanded.
  3. The frame is covered with paint and performed finishing with brick or plaster stone, after which the mantelpiece is installed.
  4. An LED strip is glued around the perimeter of the firebox to simulate a fire. Pebbles, sand or shells are poured at the bottom of the firebox.

False fireplace from old furniture


The use of this material allows you to create any structure in terms of complexity and placement in space. To work, you need to arm yourself with the following materials:

  • metal profile;
  • gypsum plasterboard;
  • ceramic tile;

A beautiful decorative fireplace can be made from drywall in a short time.

  • self-tapping screws;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • decorative grille.

Before starting work, take measurements and complete the drawing. A ceiling profile is suitable for mounting the frame. Make an electricity supply for backlighting... After the construction is made, it is sheathed with plasterboard.

Advice! For finishing, facade tiles are suitable, which are laid on heat-resistant glue.

Decorating the fireplace portal

In order for the false firebox to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is correct choose style and colors... To simulate a burning fire, you can use several options: led strip, electronic photo frame, candles of various heights.

Decorating with saw cuts

Advice! Suitable for decorating the firebox fake diamond... It comes in different textures and colors. It is important that the appearance matches the overall style of the room.

Forged looks beautiful metal grill, it gives the appearance a natural look. You can buy a finished product in a store or order production in any workshop.

Bookshelf placed in the decorative portal

Spacious living room decorated in a loft style

Creating a fireplace portal in the house is a simple process, especially if it is only an imitation. You do not need special materials, as well as special construction skills. Before developing a drawing, review the various options and ideas for making false fireplaces in the Internet. This will help to create a unique option that suits your interior stylistic solution.

Feb 16, 2018 Sergey

The desire for comfort and coziness is inherent in each of us. The warmth of the hearth are non-empty words. What could be better than spending your evenings by the fireplace watching the flames? Owners of private houses can afford a real fireplace, but for residents of city apartments, unfortunately, this is an unaffordable luxury. But for true masters, nothing is impossible, and today we will tell you how to make a false fireplace in an apartment.

What is a false fireplace and why is it needed

In a city apartment, conditions will not allow you to install an ordinary fireplace. The absence of chimneys, ceilings that are not designed for such loads are the main obstacles in order to obtain permission to build such a structure. False fireplaces come to the rescue, which you can easily assemble on your own, without special skills in construction work.

Of course, you can buy an electric fireplace - such devices are now common, and their installation will not take much time and effort. But creating a fireplace with your own hands is a very exciting experience, it gives free rein to imagination, allows you to make an exclusive thing. In addition, an open fire in an apartment is not necessary (and it is unlikely that you will be allowed to do that), and a false fireplace will serve you as a multifunctional decoration.

Note! Although you will not light a fire in a false fireplace, still do not put flammable items underneath. Especially if the structure covers heating batteries or you plan to place electrical appliances in the firebox.

The false fireplace looks like a real one

Artificial fireplaces have the following advantages:

  • low cost - you only need money for materials;
  • the availability of materials required for the manufacture of the structure;
  • the ability to change the decor at any time according to your mood;
  • use of inexpensive, but original and beautiful materials in decoration.

False fireplaces are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Reliable artificial fireplaces completely imitate the real ones, observing both the dimensions and the design principles. Inside the firebox, you can install a bio fireplace burner, which will provide an almost exact effect of a burning hearth. Quite an expensive option, but it looks the most believable.
  2. Conditional false fireplaces have a portal protruding from the wall. They can be decorated to your liking and desire. The furnace hole is usually filled with wood or put candles there.
  3. Symbolic can be performed from any materials. Their peculiarity is that they do not at all look like a regular fireplace. It can even be a drawing made on the wall with some decorative elements.

Manufacturing options

For the manufacture of artificial fireplaces, the simplest materials are used, which can always be found not only in the store, but also at home:

  • drywall;
  • plywood;
  • Styrofoam;
  • cardboard;
  • wood;
  • brick;
  • polyurethane.

You can make such a structure even from old furniture that has already served its purpose, but it's a pity to throw it away.

This is the easiest and fastest way. You only need to buy a polyurethane fireplace portal. The hardest part of this task will be choosing a style and size suitable for the room, and everything else will take you a minimum of time and effort.

If you want to insert an electric fireplace, take into account its installation and overall dimensions, the method of connecting to the mains and the quality of ventilation.

The lightweight body of the polyurethane raised fireplace will save you a lot of installation hassle

You will need:

  • polyurethane fireplace portal;
  • contact adhesive;
  • putty;
  • materials for finishing the firebox (for example, decorative bricks).

And now we will tell you step by step how to install such a fireplace.

  1. The best place to install such a fireplace is one of the side walls of the room. The structure should not clutter up the room and interfere with the passage.
  2. If you decide to place an electric fireplace or decorative electric lighting inside the portal, first take care of the wiring and the outlet.
  3. Make the frame of the firebox from a profile or wooden bars, and the walls from plywood or drywall.
  4. Install the portal, carefully fix it with contact adhesive. Carefully fill the gaps between the portal and the firebox with finishing putty.
  5. Decorate the firebox in the style of your choice, or install an electric fireplace. If desired, you can install a mantel made of artificial stone or wood.

Such portals are made not only from polyurethane, but also from wood. They are much more expensive, but among them you can find real masterpieces, additionally equipped, for example, with a built-in bar.

Plywood construction

This idea comes in handy if you need to hide a flaw in the room, such as an old radiator that can be expensive to replace. A false fireplace will come in handy here.

The need to cover up an old heating radiator is a great opportunity to install a false fireplace

Carry out calculations and make a drawing of the future structure. This will help you not to waste extra money and time.

Standard fireplace drawing

Note! When you develop a drawing, refer to ready-made options for stone fireplaces. Based on them, you can easily design your false fireplace.

First of all, install the frame directly in place. Wooden blocks are suitable for him.

Frame made of bars for a raised fireplace

Next, sheathe the frame with plywood. The design of the fireplace and its appearance can be adjusted during operation. For example, you can add a podium to the portal. A heating battery is located inside the structure, so it is better to assemble the frame with screws: nails in high temperature conditions do not guarantee a tight fit of plywood to the bars in the future.

Plasterboard frame

On the back wall, attach a firebox to the bar, which imitates a fireplace. Cover all surfaces visible from the outside with self-adhesive tape.

Install the firebox and cover it with foil

Close the corners of the portal with a wooden layout, glue it over with a film of the same color as well.

The corners of the portal must be closed and also pasted over with foil

This design is easily removable (it is not attached to the wall at this stage), and you can easily access the radiator. The fireplace insert needs to be decorated with something, so a metal mesh tray can be put on the battery.

Metal mesh tray that will become the bottom of the firebox

You will fill it with pebbles, wood or other decorative elements.

Place pebbles or other filler in the wire mesh

You can order a fireplace grate or make it yourself. For this you need a copper profile. If not, aluminum wire inserted into a PVC tube and painted with gold paint will do. Such a grate is attached to the fireplace body with copper wire in 4 places.

Metal grill diagram

Pipes that go to the battery can be closed by extending the podium.

Close the heating pipes with a podium

So that useful space does not go to waste, make a bar under the mantel.

Using extra space

As a result, you will get such a fireplace, almost indistinguishable from the real one.

Finished false fireplace

New life of old furniture

This is the most budgetary option. You probably have an old wardrobe or sideboard. Take your time to throw away this piece of furniture: on its basis, you can easily make a wonderful imitation of a fireplace with lighting.

you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • sander for wood;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • acrylic paint;
  • putty;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • stucco molding, decorative elements, gypsum finishing stone;
  • surface.
  1. Remove the doors from the old sideboard, remove the lower cabinet. The top section will remain, place it on its side.

    Preparing the old sideboard for work

  2. Screw in two beams at the front.

    Screw on 2 bars

  3. Fasten two sheets of plywood onto the blocks from above and below. This will give the fireplace the required thickness.

    Secure the plywood sheets

  4. Saw out in the door of the side cabinet (which is now at the bottom) a hole for the "blower". You can store firewood here, just like in a real fireplace.

    Cut a hole for the "blower"

  5. Your raised fireplace will need a plinth and a mantel. In their capacity, two backs from the old bed can act. Do not forget to unscrew their legs.

    The headboards will serve as a pedestal and a mantelpiece

  6. The structure is ready, now you need to start finishing work. Grind polished surfaces to roughen them. Prime the walls; after they dry - putty and level the surface. Dry the putty, sand the unevenness. Paint the body with acrylic paint, finish the corners with bricks or artificial stone. Stick on decorative elements, install a mantel.

    Decorating a false fireplace from old furniture

  7. Decorate the firebox. Glue the LED strip around the perimeter. Red or yellow will do - they perfectly imitate a smoldering fire. Pour shells, pebbles or sand at the bottom.

    Decorate the firebox: glue the LED strip, put pebbles, shells or sand on the bottom

The end result is a gorgeous vintage style fireplace like this.

Ready-made false fireplace from an old sideboard

Imitation of a plasterboard fireplace

This time we will consider the option of a corner false fireplace made of plasterboard. This task will be more difficult than the previous ones. Why a corner fireplace? Because in a small apartment, the corner is the most free place, which is ideal for installing such a structure.

Corner false plasterboard fireplace

So, you will need the following materials:

  • metal profile - 13 pcs;
  • moisture resistant drywall 9.5 mm - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs;
  • tile grout;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • decorative lattice.
  1. Calculate the dimensions. Please note: if you need to close the battery, you need to do it so that it can be easily reached. For possible emergencies, it is better to run the battery through the lower opening.

    Approximate diagram of a corner fireplace

  2. After the calculations are done, and the fireplace diagram is drawn up, begin to mount the frame. A ceiling profile will fit for him, besides, it is cheaper.
  3. Do electrical wiring for the backlight immediately. As you can see in the first photo, in our case there are three output points: two on the facade and one above the shelf. An LED strip is used as a backlight.
  4. The combustion hole can be made with double walls. A non-combustible insulation will be laid between them.

    Decorating a false fireplace with decorative tiles

  5. For decorative finishes, you can use stone-like tiles. It is made of plaster and therefore not suitable for work surfaces.

This fireplace covers approximately 1.6 square meters. A small electric fireplace or a small alcohol burner can be placed inside the firebox.


It is very important that the fireplace fits harmoniously into the interior of the room. The style and color should be carefully chosen. But in addition, the decorative finish should please the eye and create comfort.

How to achieve imitation of fire in the fireplace? Above, we have suggested options with LED strip, which provides a backlight with a burning effect. But progress does not stand still, and an electronic photo frame can serve you well. It is a liquid crystal display that is adapted to show pictures. You need a model that can play animated files such as GIFs. Upload an image of a burning fire to your photo frame and enjoy!

  • Many owners of false fireplaces are very fond of decorating niches with placed candles of different heights. It looks beautiful, stylish, and gives a real live fire.
  • An excellent choice would be to install a mirror deep in the furnace niche, on the wall. The mirror will multiply the reflections from candles or electric lights and add mystery to the fireplace.
  • Artificial stone will help you provide the effect of an expensive finish. It is presented in a variety of color and texture options. Tiles, bas-reliefs and decorative tiles will add expressive individuality to the structure. But do not overdo it: excessive pomp may be out of place in your interior.
  • Doors for false fireplaces, perhaps, will be superfluous, but if you decide to install them, make them from plexiglass. They can be transparent or tinted, but the light and glare of the "fire" are simply required to pass.
  • It is better to arrange a fireplace imitation firebox with a forged metal grate. It can be bought or ordered from a workshop.

Photo gallery of artificial fireplaces

An original and laconic version - a simple niche with candles

Video: how to make a false plasterboard fireplace with your own hands

As you can see, building a fireplace at home on your own is not at all difficult, and also cheap, especially if it is only an imitation. Accuracy, attention, the desire to do something original and creative imagination - that's all you need to enjoy the comfort, like the heroes of classic films. Share with us your experience in implementing such ideas, or ask any questions about this topic. We wish you easy work and comfort in your home!

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