How to overcome fear and get rid of phobias on your own? How to get rid of fears (phobias), obsessive disturbing thoughts.

The difficulty in achieving success is due to a number of reasons. Someone does not believe in himself, and does not know how to gain confidence in their own strength. Some do not make enough effort, and they do not have enough perseverance, others do not even know when they lie on the stove how to overcome your laziness. There are many reasons that prevent us from achieving our goals. Today we will touch upon a problem concerning the majority, if not everyone. And this problem is phobias, fears.

Not always people experiencing obsessive fear, unable to succeed, are exemplified by the stories of many famous people. But it is worth knowing that the degree of fear is different. Sometimes it can take a lot of energy and strength, and sometimes lead to a mental disorder. Fears are different, in one of the previous articles the topic was already discussed - fear and fear of success. In this article, we will leave the specifics, look at the problem in general.

Man is born fearless. Small child not afraid to touch the fire, stumble, fall, etc. All these fears come later. Along with useful fears, useless ones are often acquired. When they become too strong, they are called phobias.

Phobia(from other Greek phobos - fear) - a strong and unfounded fear of something. This is a pronounced obsessive, panic fear. Almost everyone is prone to having obsessive fears. There are many types of phobias. There is even such a species as "phobophobia" - the fear of acquiring some kind of phobia. I decided to consider the main, most common fears and, at the end, give general recommendations About, howget rid of phobias.

The most common phobias

  1. Sociophobia (from Latin socius - common, joint + other Greek phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of performing any public actions. Social phobia affects up to 13% of people in different periods of life. In most cases, social phobia begins in school years when a child (or adolescent) is faced with a multitude of stressful situations- performance, communication with the opposite sex, etc. Social phobia is often accompanied low level self-esteem and complete absence communication skills. Social phobia is a whole group of phobic phenomena. It includes such phobias as:
  2. Acrophobia (from Greek acro - peak + phobos - fear) - an obsessive fear of heights, high places (balconies, roofs, towers, etc.). A synonym is hypsophobia (Greek hypsos height + phobos - fear). People suffering from acrophobia may experience panic attacks in a high place and are afraid to descend on their own. Scientists have proven that the fear of heights is a kind of instinct. The main symptoms of acrophobia are nausea and dizziness. Alla Pugacheva is terrified of heights.
  3. Verminophobia (lat. vermis - worm + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of infection with some disease, microorganisms, bacteria and microbes, worms, insects. Mayakovsky was a well-known bearer of this phobia. He door handles he tried to touch only with a handkerchief ... His father once died of blood poisoning. Scarlett Johansson prefers to clean her hotel room long before her maid arrives.
  4. Zoophobia (from Greek zoo - animal + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear- Fear of animals, often of a certain type. The cause of zoophobia, like many other phobias, is often an accident. For example, a child may have been bitten or frightened by a large dog. It can also be taken over from another person. For example, a child sees his mother scream at the sight of a mouse and begins to associate the mouse with danger. There are a large number of varieties of zoophobia, here are just a few of them:
  5. Claustrophobia (from Latin claustrum - closed + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of enclosed spaces, fear enclosed spaces, confined spaces, fear of elevators ... The most common type of phobia in the world. According to statistics, 6-7% suffer from claustrophobia. This fear is accompanied by palpitations, chest pain, trembling, sweating, and dizziness; a person may even think that he has a stroke. Michelle Pfeiffer and Uma Thurman are afraid of closed spaces. Thurman had to fight this fear for the scene in "Kill Bill vol. 2" where her character is buried alive in a coffin.
  6. Xenophobia (from the Greek kseno - alien + phobos - fear) - intolerance towards someone or something alien, unfamiliar, unusual. V modern society xenophobia extends to a very wide range of objects, according to which the following types of xenophobia are distinguished:
  7. Nyctophobia (from the Greek nyktos - night + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of darkness, unlit rooms. Synonym - achluophobia, scotophobia (from Greek Skotos - darkness + phobos - fear) - pathological fear of night or darkness. It is common in children and very rare in adults. The fear of the dark still haunts Jennifer Lopez and Keanu Reeves. Anna Semenovich falls asleep only with light and cannot bear the darkness. “My main phobia is the fear of the dark. True, she did not appear in childhood, as most people do. I just now began to notice that I feel uncomfortable when it’s too dark around, ”says the singer.
  8. Pteromerhanophobia is the fear of flying. Fear of flying has been studied for about 25 years, major airlines, airports and universities are joining forces in the fight against aerophobia. For 20% of people, flying on an airplane is associated with tremendous stress. Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron, Ben Affleck, Cher and Colin Farrell, Billy Bob Thornton and many other famous people suffer from fear of air travel.
  9. Thanatophobia (from the Greek thanatos - death + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of sudden sudden death. Own fear of death can manifest itself in strong anxiety and anxiety for loved ones. Not being a synonym, next in meaning is such a disease as:
    • Necrophobia (from the Greek nekros - dead + phobos - fear) - an obsessive fear of corpses, funeral accessories and processions. Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar hates cemeteries. When filming the television series, the producers even had to create an artificial cemetery.
    • Tapephobia (Greek taphe - funeral + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of being buried alive. Edgar Poe and Gogol were most afraid of being buried alive.
  10. Eremophobia (from the Greek eremos - desert + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of deserted places or loneliness. Synonym - monophobia (eng. Dictionary of medical terms: Monophobia - fear of being left alone), autophobia, anuptaphobia, isolophobia (French isolement loneliness), eremiphobia. A lot of people suffer from this type of phobia, especially in the initial stage. Experts are inclined to believe that in childhood, such people experienced a psychological disorder (for example, as a result of weaning from their parents). At the same time, according to the Research Center, 51% of Russians think about loneliness and are afraid of it. At the same time, 17% are “unambiguously afraid”, and 34% – “rather yes”.

Experts estimate that more than 10 million people suffer from phobias, but the fear of some to admit the existence of this problem makes it difficult to figure out the exact number. Professor Robert Edelmann, who studies human phobias at the British National Phobia Society, says: "It would be strange if everyone did not have some kind of phobia, but there is a more limited circle of people suffering from disturbing clinical cases of phobias."

How to get rid of a phobia

You can get rid of phobias, and in some cases even on your own, it is only important to correctly determine what exactly to get rid of. The recommendations will be of a general nature, because each specific fear has its own reasons.

Do not focus on negative emotions. To do this, you need to cover them with pleasant memories or activities that give pleasure, to be realized in those areas that you do best. Everyone, even the most timid little man, always has a field of confidence - that space, that time, those circumstances and conditions, that business, that person - with whom, where and when everything works out, everything is easy and nothing is scary. There is no need to achieve complete calm in any situation, to wait for fear to evaporate, for stiffness and excitement to disappear. Excitement, fighting excitement is just necessary for activity.

The fight is not with fear, but with its intensity. The more a person struggles to get rid of these obsessive thoughts, the more they take possession of him. Feeling fear is inherent in every person without exception. Fear is the oldest defensive response of all living beings to danger or its possibility. Paradoxically, but The best way to really get rid of fear is to admit that you are afraid and learn to live with this thought. Therefore, you need to acknowledge your fear and even immerse yourself in it, allow yourself to be afraid. And soon you will notice that its intensity gradually decreases.

Go in for sports. Physical activity and exercise burn off excess adrenaline. Hidden bodily disturbances, as well as insufficient fullness of life, often announce themselves with failures and discords precisely at the mental level.

Accept yourself for who you are. Every person has all the good and all the bad, every quality imaginable. Recognize yourself as a single soul - changing, developing and infinitely different in its manifestations. The fear of oneself and one's manifestations was imposed in childhood by accepting only one's "bright" image. And this is just a truncated image of reality.

Surely there are people who think that the best remedy from the emergence of obsessive fears - never be afraid of anything at all. And they will be wrong: if only because, firstly, the absence of any anxieties and fears at all is just a sign of a psychiatric disorder. And secondly, of course, a phobia is not the most pleasant phenomenon, but it is probably better to experience fear “from scratch” than to lose your life as a result of reckless prowess or stupid recklessness.

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Most people who suffer from phobias often realize that their fears are unfounded. That the plane wouldn't crash, that the elevator wouldn't get stuck, and that the dog wouldn't jump on them. Nevertheless, they cannot control their reaction, they say something like this: “It seems to me that if I do this, I will die.”

In the treatment of phobias, psychotherapists direct their efforts to combat reactions that interfere with a fulfilling life. A combination approach can be used in treatment, combining several methods - group therapy, hypnotherapy, immersion, behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, desensitization through eye movements, reprocessing, as well as drug therapy.

behavioral therapy suggests that phobias can be unlearned. Some scientists, adherents of this therapy, believe that phobic reactions can either be completely eliminated or their development can be slowed down.

Exposure Therapy may be moderate or intense. During treatment, the patient is exposed to a phobic stimulus, which is depicted in the picture, or is at a distance.

Immersion method- a more enhanced form of exposure therapy. This method is comparable to how if a person who does not know how to swim is immediately thrown into the water at a depth.

group therapy involves working not with one, but with a whole group of patients who are subjected to hypnotic influence.

Desensitization through eye movements and reprocessing, also called the Shapiro method, which involves mental contact with a phobic stimulus, during which special eye movements help activate the brain and achieve the desired reaction from it. This method helps to get rid of post-traumatic disorders and various stressful situations.

Medical therapy can also be used in the treatment of phobias. However, as an independent treatment, without the use of psychotherapeutic effects, pharmacological treatment is not effective. Typically, benzodiazepines and antidepressants are prescribed as treatment.

How to get rid of a phobia on your own?

There is an opinion that phobias sometimes disappear on their own or in a situation where a forgotten trauma pops up in memory. If a person is able to remember a traumatic situation, he can mentally remodel, “replay” the situation, with a more positive ending. Such work can give positive results in eliminating the phobia. However, in the therapist's office, this can take significantly less time.

Any fear is more easily eliminated if the action of the phobic stimulus occurs frequently for a short time than with a prolonged, prolonged exposure. An experiment was conducted on mice, during which it was found that if the mouse is exposed to a stimulus 10 times per hour, then fear disappears more easily and faster than if the stimulus occurs 10 times within 10 hours. The scientists suggest that if this is true in mice, then it is likely to be true in humans as well.

Each person strives to achieve their goals, to improve the quality of their own lives. On the way to success, there are always many different obstacles, sometimes the most unexpected. The fear of possible failure, as well as self-doubt, sometimes stop the realization of the most good ideas and do not give the opportunity to express themselves most active people. In this case, fear is harmful, but it also happens useful to a person. For example, when it stops from jumping from the roof of the house. Fear is a defensive reaction to save life. This fear does not affect the future life, as it does not return again and again and does not interfere with life.

But the fear may not be short-lived. In this case, he has a name in medical terminology, which will make it possible to understand why overcoming such fears is quite difficult, as well as the degree of its influence on all spheres of human life. This kind of fear is called a phobia. Further, our conversation is just about phobias and fears of a person. Our topic on is Phobias and fears of a person, how to get rid of them on your own.

So, what is a phobia and what are its main varieties?

Phobia - concept and types

Phobia - from the Greek word meaning "fear". But this is not a momentary fear, but a persistent, stubborn fear, leading to anxiety in a certain place or situation, waiting for something.

In psychiatry, it is believed that such fear does not lend itself to a full logical explanation. But this is probably not entirely true, since there are methods of treating a phobia that are based on understanding the cause of the phobia by the patient. Which is actually a clear inconsistency. Therefore, stubborn fear is quite understandable, you just need to observe the subject subject to it.

For example, with a phobia like eichmophobia a sick person avoids sharp objects. At aquaphobia he can't learn to swim claustrophobia he is scared in the elevator, as the doors are closed and may not open ...

A strong fear of something is accompanied by manifestations of a strong, sometimes panicky fear. At present, a large number of various kinds phobia. Some of the more common ones include:

social phobia- fear of performing certain public actions. About 13% of the world's population suffers from social phobia.
Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Many people experience fear when they are at height. But with acrophobia, real panic arises, the inability to think sensibly.
Zoophobia- fear of a certain type of animal. Often such fear is transmitted from another person, and sometimes arises as a result of negative experiences with such an animal.
Claustrophobia- fear of closed spaces. In this case, there may be a strong heartbeat, dizziness, chest pain.
ethnophobia- a kind of rejection of a certain race. Racism, like anti-Seismism, are examples of ethnophobia.

Why are obsessive fears dangerous, and what is their impact on our lives?

Impact of panic states on quality of life

Of course, any fear does not deliver positive emotions and cannot become a source of joy for a person. Therefore, it is possible to assess the impact of this kind of panic fears on life only negatively.

Therefore, to prevent the deepening of obsessive fears, measures should be taken to approach the treatment of phobias constructively. Currently, there are many methods of dealing with this condition.

Cure for phobias - how realistic is it?

To return your life to normal, you should get rid of your phobias. This is quite realistic, and you can either turn to the help of a professional on these issues, or try to help yourself on your own.

The effectiveness of the cure is quite high in both the first and second cases; the main condition for success will be an ardent desire to get rid of their fears, a willingness to analyze the underlying causes of the phobia.

General scheme for the treatment of panic conditions

The cure for a phobia always begins with determining what it is that frightens the person, causing panic and even worsening. physical condition. You should know that a person can suffer both from an unreasonable fear, which is a phobia, and from a justified one from the point of view of his safety. Treatment for well-founded fear is not mandatory action and sometimes even inappropriate.

So, the first and main stage in the treatment of a panic state is to determine its cause.

After that, you should already start working directly with the very cause of the phobia. Professional approach to the treatment of phobias is based on the techniques of hypnosis and psychotherapy. Such sessions of psychotherapy can teach you to perceive your fear more constructively, as they say, to look into his eyes.

We conclude: the second stage is the awareness of one's own fear, its acceptance and the ability to think constructively when it occurs.

Now, having accepted your condition and understanding its nature, you can learn to control fear in practice. This means that when situations arise related to a phobia, do not seek to "escape" from it, but make the right decision.

There are also a number of drugs that help relieve nervous tension and reduce the occurrence of panic attacks. It is not recommended to get involved in them, because they are harmful to health, can cause pharmacological dependence.

How to get rid of phobias and fears on your own?

There is a popular belief that only the help of a professional psychologist is needed to treat obsessive fears. However, this is not true. If you are determined to succeed and believe in your own strength, you can not only reduce the manifestations of a phobia, but also completely recover from it. What is the self-treatment system for panic attacks?

Here you should also first of all honestly answer yourself the question, what exactly causes panic attacks in you? Not justified, namely, uncontrollable, because fear in a broader sense is a natural instinct to preserve the life of any living being.

So, you answered your own question, what exactly is the cause of particularly strong fear. This is the main question, since the method of treatment largely depends on the answer to it.

The main method of self-treatment is desensitization - the ability to relax at the time of a particularly acute manifestation of a phobia. It is difficult, but with a firm intention to get rid of this condition and a constant willingness to put into practice the next step to get rid of it, it is quite possible.

So, at the first signs of manifestation of your phobia, you should relax as much as possible. Awareness of fear is an important component of success in treatment. Now try to answer yourself the questions: is everything really as scary as it seems? Maybe I'm exaggerating?

Relaxation also implies the ability to take a horizontal position and conduct an independent auto-training session. You can turn on the recording with the text for relaxation, you can speak suitable text in advance on film and turn on as needed.

Such sessions should also be carried out in moments of calm, when there are no reasons for the occurrence of panic sensations. It will help a lot though correct breathing- another effective method restoring psychological balance, reducing the frequency of the pulse and heartbeat. Listening to your breath, completely surrender to physical sensations - this will allow you to more relax.

So, the main points in getting rid of panic fears on your own will be:

Analysis of the causes of fear;
awareness and acceptance of fear;
a gradual decrease in the intensity of the fear experienced;
the ability to relax in a moment of panic;
restoration of breathing;
conducting auto-training to restore psychological balance.

These include the constant expansion of the field of positive emotions in your life, because the more pleasant emotions we experience, the less space and the possibility for the manifestation of negative emotions remains. Here you can recommend more often to engage in activities that bring pleasure.

Sports can also be a great help. Physical efforts will distract from negative associations and thoughts, reduce the intensity of manifestations of a phobia, and this is precisely what should be achieved when panic fear occurs.

Pleasant communication is an important component on the path to success. The exchange of positive emotions and friendly support can be a real salvation in such situations.

And also, of course, the help of a specialist - an experienced psychotherapist will help to understand the cause of the phobia, indicate the path of treatment and fix a new condition.

Phobia- this is an unreasonable fear of any phenomenon, process or object. There are a huge number of fears that only a specialist can help a person overcome.

What is a phobia? Causes of fear

The state of fear of something is usually not amenable to logical explanation and can go into a panic attack or neurosis. This greatly complicates a person’s life, causes discomfort, prevents him from adequately looking at things, and more severe cases- completely changes the personality. Anxiety can arise both when confronted with the object of fear, and when thinking about it.

A phobia that interferes with a normal life requires professional treatment.

The main sign of fear of something is the desire not to contact the object or not to get into a certain situation.

Physical symptoms:

  • the appearance of trembling and cold sweat;
  • feeling of "lump" in the throat, suffocation;
  • abdominal discomfort, intestinal upset;
  • weakness, feeling of numbness;
  • rapid heartbeat.

The exact cause of the disease does not exist. Most experts say that fear of something arises in early age. As they grow older, some fears disappear, while others, on the contrary, worsen.

Development factors are:

  • a stressful situation experienced in the past;
  • heredity;
  • an overdeveloped instinct for self-preservation.

In most cases, obsessive states occur in emotional and sensitive people. Anxiety is often diagnosed in a person with rich imagination, as it is difficult for him to distinguish between a real danger and an imaginary one.

What are phobias: a list of the most famous types

In total, there are about 300 different types, which differ in the nature of the object of fear, severity, symptoms, etc. Basic: zoophobia, agoraphobia, social and other fears.

1 Arachnophobia

Fear of any kind and size of spiders. One of the most common fears that provokes panic attacks at the sight of representatives of the arthropod order.

Represents anxiety in front of a class of insects. There are varieties of this category: panic in front of bees (apiphobia), as well as worms, caterpillars, slugs and other creatures that resemble worms (scoleciphobia).

A common name describing the fear of people and any social phenomena. Most often, a person suffering from this disease tries to live alone. There is another direction - demophobia, when it is scary to be in a crowd.

This is a fear that people of all ages are prone to. Expressed in a panic or anxiety from the dark. One of the varieties is nyctophobia, when a person is afraid of the onset of night.

Expressed in fear of heights or depths. A person can be frightened not only while on long distance from the ground, but also in the process of moving away from it (climbing the elevator or stairs). A common variety is airplane travel anxiety called aerophobia.

An unusual fear manifested by a panic state at the sight of repeated holes and openings. People with this phobia cannot calmly look at corals, small insect burrows, serious skin pathologies.

The category of fear of contracting diseases is represented by different types. A person may be afraid of diseases of an oncological nature (carcinophobia), sexually transmitted diseases (venerophobia), infectious diseases (bacillophobia), or heart pathologies (cardiophobia).

The occurrence of anxiety states from the performance of physical or intellectual labor, as well as actions that require the manifestation of any skills. In other words, a person experiences anxiety about work and everything connected with it.

Manifested in anxiety and panic attacks at the thought of death. Scientists associate this condition with the fear of the unknown. In a severe form, thoughts about a fatal outcome turn into an obsession, delirium and cause severe nervous disorders.

10. Claustrophobia and agoraphobia

They are considered the most common fears. The first involves panic in closed space(it becomes scary for people to ride even in an elevator), the second - in an empty or open one. In this case, the person begins to panic when he realizes that he has nowhere to hide.

Nervous state at the sight of any snakes. Herpetophobia is also found when a person is afraid not only of snakes, but also of any representatives of reptiles and reptiles.

A common fear in people (especially in Western countries) at the sight or thought of clowns.

It implies the occurrence of panic at the sight of dogs. It is divided into several types: fear of contracting rabies or fear of bites.

A condition in which a person subconsciously or consciously fears to start a trusting relationship with the opposite sex, that is, to fall in love. Often this obsessive state caused by unwillingness to take care of someone, lose freedom or take responsibility for their actions.

Expressed in fear of being alone. According to statistics, it is this phobia that often leads to suicide.

It is revealed in the fear of infection with microbes. A person can also start to panic when dirt (automysophobia) or dust (amatophobia) gets on him.

It is typical for people who do not tolerate injections. At the sight of a needle, a person may faint. Blood intolerance (hemophobia) is also common. This category includes iatrophobia - panic in front of the medical staff, as well as nosocomephobia, when a person is afraid to visit medical institutions.

Represents the occurrence of anxious states at the thought of traveling by sea or during it. Not so often there is a fear of fresh water over the course. A more common affliction is swimming in water (aquaphobia).

Avoid contact with men. Sometimes accompanied by a hateful attitude, disgust, inappropriate behavior. Similarly, there is a fear of women with the same symptoms (gynecophobia).

It is expressed in hostility of touches. A person avoids tactile contact with others. In some cases, this is accompanied by disgust.

Treatment of phobias: how to overcome fears

Quite often a person lives with his fears, but they do not cause him concern. Another question is when he himself tries to avoid unpleasant situations. However, there are cases when it is difficult for a person to cope with the problem on his own, and only a specialist can help him in this.

Complex treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist: physiotherapy, tranquilizers or antidepressants, psychotherapy, a special diet.

In severe cases, doctors practice hypnosis. Getting rid of a phobia on your own is quite difficult. Try relaxation techniques breathing exercises, ignoring bad thoughts. It is necessary to contact a psychotherapist if unreasonable fear causes panic and severe anxiety, or if the anxiety state does not go away for more than six months.

phobias of famous people

Many singers, composers, actors and writers have their own fears that they have to live and work with. An increased emotional level, by the nature of their activity, involuntarily provokes anxiety.

Celebrity Phobias:

  • Scarlett Johansson suffers from blatophobia. The girl is terribly afraid of cockroaches. She explains this by the fact that one day, waking up, she found that an insect of enormous size was crawling over her face.
  • Johnny Depp discovered coulphobia. Fear appeared in childhood. Until now, the actor is struggling with panic at the sight of clowns.
  • Singer Rihanna looks with horror at all the fish. Her condition is called ichthyophobia. From a young age, the girl does not swim in the sea, preferring pools.
  • Stephen Keane g is afraid of the number "13", tries not to fly on an airplane and avoids the company of cats. The last phobia (ailurophobia) affected such famous people like Alexander the Great, Hitler, Napoleon and also Caesar.
  • David Beckham suffers from ataxophobia. The man admits that sometimes his behavior is like an obsession. He loses his temper if things are out of place or unorganized.
  • Orlando Bloom is horrified at the sight of pigs. His condition is called porcuphobia. Once a panic attack prevented him from filming a movie.
  • Several prominent personalities suffered from taphophobia at once. The storyteller was terrified of being buried alive Andersen, composer Chopin and writer Gogol. The condition was so severe that all these people often left notes that they were fast asleep and not dead.

According to statistics, about 6% of people suffer from panic attacks. In America, almost 7% of the population suffers from phobias, while in the UK the figure is approaching 9%. Drug therapy, consultations with a psychotherapist, relaxing procedures - all this will help get rid of a phobia that interferes with a normal lifestyle.

My greetings to all. Perhaps there is no such person who does not face the problem of fear. Let's find ways together to get rid of fear.

What are the fears

Experts have identified and described more than 300 phobias. A phobia is an obsessive fear that can bring a person to a critical state. Therefore, they must be disposed of by any means.

Phobias are divided into 8 groups, but if you look at their simplified version, the following types are highlighted:

Baby. Social phobias can also be attributed to numerous children's fears.

Teenage. This includes fear of space, thanatophobia, nosophobia, intimophobia (when a young man is so afraid of girls that he does not want to have any relationship with them, and not only intimate ones).

Parental . Constant fear for the child.

They are also divided into mental and bodily, which have significant differences. With bodily fear, the body sweats, goosebumps, the heart begins to beat strongly, there is a feeling of lack of air, sleep and appetite are disturbed (you either do not want to eat anything, or vice versa, eat everything).

With mental fright, worries, fears are manifested, mood instability, detachment from the outside world, even a feeling of a change in one's body are observed.

Prolonged anxiety can lead to various kinds of diseases. No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves. Therefore, it is important not to allow prolonged anxiety, any state of fear.

Techniques for getting rid of fear

Anxiety visits every person, someone often, someone - sometimes, no one is safe from this. Well, when sometimes, and if this state does not let go? The science of psychology has developed special techniques, various techniques to help bring back peace of mind.

First of all, it should be understood that fear is a defensive reaction of our psyche. Therefore, it will not work to get rid of it, you just need to find out the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with anxiety states.

If you are visited intrusive thoughts, then developed good way getting rid of them through loud reading of poetry, prose, music or drawings. Draw on paper everything that bothers you, then tear these drawings or burn them. Imagine that bad thoughts go up in smoke.

Did not help? Then apply auto-training "dive into anxiety." For 20 minutes, imagine all the horrors that dictate your thoughts, then try to forget about them forever.

Another way to get rid of stress yourself. A friend of mine often uses this method. Sit straight: inhale courage, determination, all good things, and exhale all experiences, anxiety, bad thoughts. Imagine how they left your head, immediately get down to business with the consciousness that everything is going well. Helps a lot!

A heart-to-heart conversation with a friend helps a lot. Communication is a faithful defender against unimportant moods, various anxieties. Over a cup of tea, tell a friend about what's bothering you and you'll feel like you've been reborn! Did you notice?

Switching to something exciting or fun is also a great distraction. Find an activity that really interests you. Believe me, you will not have time for anxious thoughts.

Remember happy moments

If you apply the advice of a psychologist, you can reduce the number of anxious days.

  1. Do not remember unhappy days, only those when you were happy. Try to stay in this state.
  2. Don't exaggerate the problem. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
  3. Learn to relax. Aromatherapy, autotraining, sports.
  4. Try to come to terms with the fact that you cannot predict everything, do not think about future problems. My friend is very smart. She says: “When there is something to be upset about, then I will be upset.”
  5. Do not dramatize the situation, do not involve a bad version of events. Represent good decision your problem.
  6. You see no way out difficult situation? Try to analyze several options for solving the problem. Reach out to other people. You will see, there will definitely be such a person who can “resolve” your difficult situation or turn things around so that the problem no longer seems insoluble.
  7. Run from worries. How to overcome fear? Go in for sports. Due to bodily tension, the hormone of happiness is produced in the body.
  8. Communicate with your fear. Try to find out where it came from, perhaps you yourself came up with it. Drive him away or try to make friends. Don't let it take over you completely, switch to positive emotions.
  9. Go towards your fear to conquer it. For example, you find it difficult to communicate with people, you experience panic before talking. Then start calling various organizations, talking to strangers, asking questions. If you are afraid of dogs, then watch them from afar. Consider the drawings with their image: how pretty they are! Then pet the dog with friends. This is a very efficient method.
  10. If you are afraid of the dark, then when you are afraid, talk to yourself, call yourself by name. You can laugh at yourself, that helps a lot too.

you are the best person

Many people have low self-esteem, hence they develop complexes. How to get rid of complexes? Remember that stereotypes are made up by people. Most likely, they had a lot of complexes, therefore, reveal yourself as a person.

  • Write in your notebook what you have achieved. Nothing? It can not be! You will be surprised how complete you are.
  • Think of yourself only in a positive way.
  • Express your opinion, even if someone disagrees with it. You are a person, so you have your own opinion.
  • Change your lifestyle, change your image, start romances, fight for the best position. After the first success, your self-esteem will skyrocket.
  • Do not communicate with those who underestimate your self-esteem.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. You are the most beautiful person, period!

Are you being attacked?

Who is attacking you? Ah, it's a panic attack! Do not worry, this state is visited by almost every person. Suddenly you have fear sudden death or fear of illness. You feel it so clearly, it seems to you that it must happen this minute. The heart begins to beat faster, and the head begins to spin, even to the point of nausea.

Some are frightened by the fear of life, others are even afraid to enter the subway, others begin to fear catastrophes, it becomes difficult for someone to swallow. But the fear of death is especially frightening.

When PA attacks are repeated very often, then a person develops new phobias. Let's get rid of them without hospitals, at home.

ethnoscience knows many means of getting rid of this misfortune.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Before eating, drink 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Motherwort is an excellent stress reliever. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink a large spoon daily for a month.
  3. Before going to bed, drink tea from mint, lemon balm or linden, then you will quickly get rid of nervous tension.

Peony, valerian or motherwort tincture will help calm the nervous system, normalize sleep.

Try techniques to help beat panic attacks.

  1. Breathe into the bag. Take a tight bag, inhale deeply, then exhale into the bag. Then inhale from this bag. Repeat 10 times.
  2. As soon as the attack begins, rinse your face and hands with water, moisten the pulse points. Drink 1 glass of water with a pinch of sugar.
  3. Create a good mood for yourself, smile in front of the mirror, you will feel funny, even fun.

Phobia of motorists

Many motorists, and not only women, but also men, may develop a phobia of driving. To get rid of it:

  • Don't have to listen scary stories about road accidents.
  • Before leaving, ALWAYS check the condition of the car, especially the wheels and brakes.
  • Know the rules of driving.
  • Good to know how to park in reverse.
  • Have front and rear view mirrors to see the situation on the road.
  • Always have petrol in the tank.

Many people are afraid to fly on an airplane. But you must remember that the proportion of aircraft accidents is negligible. Most dangerous path is to get to the airport. Before departure, the planes undergo a strict check for serviceability, therefore, you have nothing to fear.

If you can't fight the thrill, visit the airport before the flight to get used to the fact that everyone is flying and that's okay. Take newspapers, books and something to eat on the plane.

Fear of the audience

You envy people who behave so well in front of an audience. You don't think they care at all. Worried, and how! You, too, will soon perform, and you have a fear of speaking.

  1. The first condition is to be confident in your abilities.
  2. Understand that the audience did not come to find a flaw in your speeches.
  3. Defuse the situation with a joke, then start presenting your material. A joke helps a lot to establish contact with the public, to overcome embarrassment.
  4. Take a deep breath of confidence, and exhale your excitement, feel solid ground under your feet.
  5. It's not bad to stand on the stage several times when there are no spectators yet, to get used to the situation, as in the case of an airplane.

Don't be afraid to give new life

Many girls are afraid of pregnancy, so they do not dare to have a baby. Think, maybe your fears come from childhood or from the instructions of adults: “Look, don’t get pregnant!” Do not listen to horror stories about childbirth. Childbirth is a natural process, there is nothing to worry about in it.

Take a different path in your thinking. If you have a child, you will never be alone. Loneliness is the worst! He will grow up and continue your family, and it's so wonderful!

Bring joy to your partner

The fear of sex can ruin a relationship, so make it a rule: giving pleasure not only to yourself, but to your partner. A man tuned in to a quick victory can get a misfire, which in the future can grow into big problem.

Talk about this topic, find out what your soulmate likes. A woman must be sure that sex is safe, so get ready yourself, do not rely on a partner. In a fit of passion, he can forget about security. Think for yourself!

How to help your child get rid of fears

An advertisement is indicative, where the child is explained that a dinosaur lives under the bed, which protects the baby. Never scare children. Even a scary story should have a happy ending. Never lock a child in a room alone. Loneliness will only develop his fright. May he always feel protected by you. He must be sure that he is protected - this is the surest way to avoid childhood phobias.

Do not express fears aloud that the child will fall, cut himself, hit, develop in him the confidence that he will overcome all obstacles. To do this, go hiking, walking, skating, skiing, cycling more often, teach him to be independent. Praise even for small successes more often, increase his self-esteem. In adulthood, this will be of great use to him. But do not overdo it, too much praise will spoil any child.

Ways to get rid of fears

Like adults, a child can depict his fear on a piece of paper. Let him draw his phobia, and on reverse side let him draw a sheet, how he is not afraid of her. If the child cannot draw, then burn the drawing with him, saying: “You see, only ashes remain from the evil monster, which we just shake off!” this technique works remarkably effectively.

You can write something funny about fear, play games. If the baby is afraid of the dark, then you can play hide and seek by the light of one night light. Or make a protective amulet for your child, with which he will not be afraid to enter even in the dark.

Adults can resort to more complex manipulations. If the phobia lasts more than 6 months, then you need to go to a specialist. If from time to time, then use meditation, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy helps a lot. Inhale the aromas of mint, eucalyptus, valerian.

In big cities, many people have a fear of entering the subway. Do you think how many people died from suffocation in the subway? You will not remember anything, therefore, discard all terrible thoughts about the subway.

Can't get rid of bad thoughts? Write them down on paper until they begin to take on clear boundaries. Then you will see that panic looks so ridiculous and pointless that it is not worth your attention. Deep breathing will help maintain peace of mind, as described above.

  1. You have to think positively. Only a positive attitude will make a positive solution to any problems closer.
  2. Constantly repeat affirmations, such as "I let go of my fear." Your subconscious mind will not immediately fulfill your installation, but over time it will. Just avoid saying the "not" particle. Never say "I'm not afraid." The subconscious will accept: "I'm afraid."
  3. Do what you fear the most. Action is better than inaction.
  4. Laugh at your anxieties, they don't like it and... disappear.

Think of a time when you were very afraid of something. You've done it, so you'll get through it now.

  • imagine that this has already happened;
  • prepare for what happened;
  • do everything so that the unfavorable development of events does not occur at all.

Fear is your enemy, get angry with it, start fighting it with sporting anger.