Fox tattoo meaning. Fox tattoos for men in modern society

Each person shows his own individuality in his own way. One method to stand out from the crowd is to get a tattoo. Any image on the skin carries a certain message, including a tattoo with a fox.

The general meaning of a fox tattoo: a cunning and insidious character. A similar attitude towards red predators has developed due to stereotypes that are rooted in the fairy tales of the peoples of Russia and Ukraine, the traditions of the Scandinavians. In literature, the animal is usually assigned the role of a skillful cheat, the habits of the devil are attributed.

Women usually paint a graceful and graceful predator pattern on their skin. It means that the girl knows how to seduce guys. Representatives of the stronger sex make such a tattoo in order to gain strength to achieve their own goal. The main meaning of the fox image is cunning disposition. The bearer of such an image will be cunning, even if it is not necessary.

An animal curled up in a ball indicates such traits of a girl as timidity, tenderness, slight shyness. Such a drawing is often done by windy and fickle women.

For girls, the fox image also symbolizes duality. Just as the fox itself can be wild or domestic, so the bearer of the sketch with her can be a faithful wife or a depraved seductress. The duality of the image is also manifested in the character: a woman can look cute, playful, tender, but at the same time she remains able to stand up for herself.

The drawing is done by self-confident and selfish women. According to the meanings of the fox tattoo for girls, the bearer of the picture with the red predator seeks to show what is:

  • smart;
  • cold-blooded;
  • graceful;
  • sexual;
  • cunning;
  • plastic;
  • brave;
  • different from the crowd.

In guys, the fox image indicates a dexterous, savvy, purposeful person. Men do not get a tattoo of a red animal as often as women, and if they decide on such an act, they place the picture preferably on the shoulder or forearm. Therefore, there are not so many meanings of a fox tattoo on a hand for guys.

Tattoo artists draw a sketch of a predator on the skin in various variations:

  • a grinning beast indicates an aggressive and spiteful disposition;
  • an animal with a sly look indicates a cunning, malicious, curious person;
  • bent beast indicates a sexy, playful, seductive person.

Usually, the drawing of the beast is created on the following parts of the body:

  • the inside of the hand;
  • shin;
  • scapula;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • forearm;
  • sides;
  • carpal region;
  • ankle.

The tattoo can be either black and white or bright. Usually, tattoo artists use shades of orange and red.

When creating a body design for an animal, tattooists apply different styles:

  • faerie - a small drawing of a beast;
  • tribal - a variety of ethnic patterns are used;
  • geometric design - geometric shapes, straight and curved lines are used.

In the underworld

On the zone, a tattoo with a fox is rare. It is applied to the skin by gamblers who like to play cards or other gambling games. The figure shows that his carrier plays card games perfectly, is a sharper.

In addition, the image of the fox demonstrates the wearer's willingness to do everything to save his life. There is an analogy here with a red predator caught in a trap, which gnaws off its paws to free it.

The abbreviation "LIS" is often found in prison, much more often than the fox image. Explanation of the abbreviation - "Love and Death".

Among the peoples of the world

In the Chinese, the animal symbolizes long life. According to legend, if the fox lives to be fifty years old, she will become an adult woman; up to a hundred years old - a young girl; up to a thousand years - a heavenly fox (tien-hu), which has the ability to transform into both women and men.

In the past, among the Japanese, the light predator symbolized well-being and prosperity. Clay fox figurines were installed near doors to houses and temples. The key to the rice barn was put in the teeth of the figurine so that a large harvest and prosperity would remain in the house forever.

Today, the Japanese associate the fox image with business. The image of a predator develops entrepreneurial abilities.

A fox tattoo in Japanese style shows that its bearer wants to improve, become more observant and stronger, wants to do his own thing.

Fox tattoo with glasses thigh

The fox primordially embodies the qualities of a sharp mind, intuition and cunning. Resourceful forest dwellers have attractive appearances that express sexuality.

In mythology, the animal is credited with mystical properties and the ability to reincarnate in any form.

Fox tattoo: what qualities it emphasizes

A fox tattoo highlights the qualities of a person's rich inner world. The very meaning of the picture is built around character traits, mental capabilities. The meanings are both negative and positive.

Some people like to glorify their negative sides, such as cunning and deceit. The image of the insidious temptress, deceiver and seducer runs like a red thread in the fates of many bearers of the sign.

From positive interpretations:

  • resourcefulness;
  • courage;
  • sharp mind;
  • light disposition;
  • humor;
  • wisdom;
  • prudence.

In general, these subtle personality nuances can change with age. That is why the fox image is universal. It can be applied to both men and women.

What does fox tattoo mean?

Fox tattoos are most often mythological in nature. Kitsune, a Japanese werewolf fox, due to its unique properties, has become a frequent guest on the skin of wearers. Such a drawing with a fox acquires a sacred meaning.

Kitsune fox tattoo, forearm

A person is ready for transformation, he easily endures changes. Kitsune's hallmark is white fur and red prone eyes. One of the expressions of the mythical beast is the nine-tailed fox.

The Japanese fox is not the only magical beast. The red chanterelle is a direct reference to the Slavic creatures.

The importance of the fox in the pantheon of pre-Christian gods is worth mentioning separately. Her designation for a tattoo :

  • wise mentor
  • totem patron,
  • guide to the realm of the dead,
  • wealth or hidden treasures.

In the context of a tattoo, this is an inner potential that is not openly demonstrated.

Male or female

Fox tattoo for has means that the owner has a sharp mind. Such a person is difficult to circle around the finger. For a girl, drawing takes on the meaning of female sexuality, an easy and cheerful character.

The fox depicted in the form of geometric figures is a sacred search for the meaning of life or a mathematical mindset.

For women, the fox and the stars signify a happy marriage. Small images are made for good luck in the area of ​​the lower leg or palm.

Girls prefer decorating with foxes. The cartoon variants in the foot area look interesting. A female tattoo on the legs denotes an easy gait, the ability to sneak up unnoticed.

Men's tattoos for a guy are made in realism, watercolors and graphics. These drawings represent the foresight and darling of Fortune.

Combination with other elements

The geometric fox image became popular thanks to the development of the hipster movement. The combination of an animal with figures is sacred. The prisoner beast in the triangle denotes the balance of the spirit .

Ideal fox styles:

  • realism;
  • minimalism;
  • graphic style;
  • watercolor.

A popular theme is the grin of a fox. He warns of a strong character and the ability to defend his own.

A fox with flowers is a classic symbol of immortality. The face of the beast in the frame emphasizes the aristocratic nature. Fox head is a symbol of rebirth. Funny illustrations highlight the humorous side of the character.

Popular sketches with foxes dazzle on the pages on Instagram. The most favorite tattoos for girls are sitting and running foxes.

Native American images are popular, the sketch contains additions in the form of a headdress with feathers. Thanks to this insert, bright colors of the cold spectrum can be present in the picture.

The combination of white, black and red-yellow looks beautiful. Ideas for drawing from Kitsune to ordinary foxes. Such works look great in combination with flowers.

For large drawings, only the face of a fox is chosen. It is combined with complement elements, creating polysyllabic shapes.

The jumping or crouching fox has become one of the most popular patterns among young people.

The meaning changes depending on the statics or dynamics of the figure. Movement creates direction. This indicates the dedication of the owner. Seated people emphasize wisdom and discretion.

Places of application, photo of fox tattoo

The plastic silhouette of the fox can be conveniently fitted into the silhouette of the figure. That is why her image is so popular among tattoo artists.

The ratio of the animal's head, body and tail makes it possible for successful compositions.

The most popular application sites:

  • on the thigh;
  • on the wrist;
  • on the forearm;
  • on the foot;
  • on the neck;
  • On the hand;
  • on the finger;
  • on the stomach;
  • lower back on the back.

For girls, the wrist is a popular place, the fox is a frequent visitor in the arms of representatives under 30 years old. For older ladies, areas of application: scapula, lower back, buttock.

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The fox is a cunning and nocturnal detective, the traits of which should be in a person who wishes to get a tattoo with her image. But not all nations have this cunning animal, and those who worship her, and therefore the attitude towards the fox in different nations is different.

As a rule, girls most often do such fox tattoos for themselves. The most popular places for them are the following areas of the body:

  • Shin.
  • Forearm.
  • Scapula.
  • Shoulder.

If we talk about colors, then the colors inherent in this animal are more common today than a tattoo in black and white.

In any country, each animal is treated differently. And the fox is no exception. Below is a list of how it is treated in different countries:

  • In China, the fox is a harbinger of wealth and good income. People who get such tattoos want to develop.
  • In ancient Egypt, it is customary to characterize the fox in the same way as in Russian fairy tales, not from the best side. The following traits are inherent in the animal: cunning, cunning, a tendency to deception.
  • Japan also treats this animal well. But we are talking about white foxes, not about red-headed cunning cheats.
  • Scandinavia reveres and worships foxes, as it considers them to be intelligent animals.
  • In Rome, the fox, on the contrary, is a negative character, who is considered the messenger of the demon. Therefore, on the body of the Romans, it is rare for anyone to find this sign.
  • In Celtic culture, the fox is a kind of amulet that protects against troubles and hardships.

As a rule, pinning a fox on your body is a crucial step, which not every girl decides to take. But those representatives of the fair sex who make this drawing want to show their femininity, sexuality, eroticism and playfulness. But not only with this groan can one characterize the fox. On the other hand, it is an intelligent, bright, savvy and ambitious animal. Any fox knows its worth, and therefore, before settling it on an area of ​​the body, you need to think carefully about whether you fit all the descriptions of this interesting animal.

But do not think that only girls make foxes on their bodies, if we are talking about dark colors, then a fox or even a fox will look beautiful on a male body. Most often, men prefer the clever faces of foxes, which speak of the best qualities.

The meaning of the fox tattoo on the zone

In prison, the fox is stuffed by gamblers who are prone to card or other games, often seeing such a tattoo, players understand that they are dealing with an experienced gambler or a sharpie.

If you decide to get a tattoo, take a closer look at the images of the fox. This animal is featured in many cultures. Due to her qualities, she is one of the central characters in national folklore.

The meaning of a fox tattoo

The fox is a very controversial animal, it combines good and evil, positive and negative. Very often, the fox personifies the female nature. But despite this, the fox tattoo is a frequent choice of the male half. This animal has always been present in the culture of Japan, China, Indians and Europeans.

In Japan, face tattoos symbolize rain, protection and longevity. The Japanese believed that with its beauty the fox was capable of bewitching the gods, and they would send life-giving moisture to the earth in the form of rain, and all living things could continue to exist without dying from drought.

In China, this animal is associated with the other world. The Chinese believed that if a person sees a fox, then this is a sign from the deceased.

In Korea, the fox is a symbol of fertility, procreation and female sexuality.

In ancient Celtic culture, the fox was a symbol of wisdom, education and honor. Just like the Chinese, the Celts believed that this animal is a guide to the afterlife.

In Peru, the inhabitants personified this animal with a warrior, endowing her with intelligence, strength and courage. It was also believed that the fox can control the mind of other people.

Native Americans have an ambivalent attitude towards the fox. Some believed that she is a positive character and brings goodness and nobility with her. Other tribes believed that the fox was a symbol of evil and destruction.

In some countries, this animal appears as a cunning, sneaky, mean creature. Therefore, very often, in order to convey this very meaning, a fox tattoo is depicted with a cigar or smoking pipe. Glasses will help to convey the positive side of the cunning mind of the fox.

Now let's summarize all the meanings of the fox tattoo. So, this tattoo can mean:

  1. Cunning;
  2. Rebirth;
  3. Insidiousness;
  4. Longevity;
  5. Cunning;
  6. Playfulness;
  7. Device;
  8. Sexuality;
  9. Protection.

Fox Tattoo Ideas

As mentioned earlier, this image is chosen by both girls and men. In this case, there is no clear division into typical areas depending on gender. Fox tattoo can be located on the shoulder, inner side of the arm, wrist, ankle. As you can see, the upper limbs are preferred.

Girls can choose for themselves a faerie design or a small image of a fox. Representatives of the stronger sex most often get this tattoo on a large scale, often in combination with other animals.

fairy design

tribal design

with claws

on the shoulder

and a bird on the inside of the hand

feminine design

Half a century ago, tattoos were very rare in our country, and more often they could be seen on people who had a chance to spend some time in places not so remote. Today, seeing a wearable image, we feel not surprise, but sincere interest. Why did this person choose this particular image? Any drawing can be interpreted in various ways. For example, it is not at all easy to correctly determine the meaning of a fox tattoo. We will try to consider the most common meanings of this symbol in different world cultures.

Male or female tattoo?

Most often, images of foxes are chosen by the fair sex. What is curious - until recently, this beast was chosen by middle-aged women who have already seen a lot in this life and achieved something. But today, among young girls, a real fashion for foxes has spread, many consider them beautiful, graceful and mysterious. At the same time, each bearer can explain the meaning of the "fox" tattoo in his own way. Images of a red forest predator nowadays are sometimes found among males. But still, today the fox is more often a woman's tattoo.

Foxes in different cultures

In eastern countries, foxes have been especially revered since time immemorial. These animals are mentioned in many myths and legends. They are messengers of the gods and bearers of good luck. Even in the modern culture of Japan and China, foxes symbolize good luck in all areas of life, well-being and prosperity. Such a tattoo is often done, wishing to attract all this into their life.

In traditional Russian culture, the fox is the heroine of many fairy tales and fables. Often, all these stories are not presented in the best light of this beast. The Russian fox uses its beauty and cunning to deceive those who are weaker and simpler. In ancient Rome, they feared the red beast. He was considered a messenger of dark forces, similar to the animal's reputation in Scandinavian folklore. The cunning of foxes is not a myth at all, this beast is very difficult to catch with a trap or drive into a trap. In Native American traditions, foxes are a deceiver and a rogue, but not necessarily evil.

The meaning of the fox tattoo for a girl and a guy

Images of graceful furry predators are often associated with beauty and sexuality. Foxes are endowed with a sharp mind. And not in vain, without him it is impossible to fully use natural cunning and deceit. Do not be surprised if someone tells you that the main meaning of a fox tattoo is pride and selfishness. Images of this beast for a tattoo sketch are often chosen by people who are creative, free-thinking and extraordinary in the understanding of the public. Quite often, this animal is chosen as a symbol and totem by various secret organizations and societies.

If you want to get a tattoo with a fox, but are afraid of a negative interpretation of this image, feel free to choose a Japanese white fox. It is not for nothing that the bearer of red fur was mentioned in Russian folk art, therefore, the owners of the wearable image of his snowy relative need not be afraid of condemnation.

The meaning of the fox tattoo is complex and multifaceted, thanks to which tattoos with this animal are suitable for many and are becoming more and more popular.

Foxes in the culture of criminal tattoos

There are also images of foxes in the tradition of prison tattoos. Most often they are chosen by people who consider themselves cunning and cunning. At the same time, according to the general meaning, this symbol is interpreted in a negative context. A fox tattoo usually has a meaning close to devilish cunning and demonic cunning. Among prisoners in Russia, the text tattoo "LIS", which stands for "Love and Death", is very popular.