How to get rid of fears (phobias), obsessive anxious thoughts? Phobias: how to get rid of fears once and for all.

The feeling of fear is a skill acquired in the process of evolution, a "brake" that keeps you from dangerous actions, in some cases saves your life. However, situations are not uncommon when stiffness, anxiety, unnecessary unreasonable fears interfere with socialization and adaptation in new conditions. How to get rid of fear and make life rich and interesting?

What is fear?

Psychologists consider fear to be a negatively colored emotion and mean by this concept an internal state of mind that precedes a real or imaginary (supposed) unpleasant, dangerous event.

Fear is a natural companion of the self-preservation instinct, thanks to it, cautious individuals who knew how to calculate the situation in advance were able to survive during a hunt, war, dangerous experiments.

How is fear formed?

Modern man equipped with many gadgets and devices that protect it from dangers, experience accumulated over the centuries indicates that it can threaten health and life, but the number of fears has not only not decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased significantly.

Fear is inherent in a person at the genetic level, it manifests itself in similar emotional expressions, facial expressions, gestures, and behavior.

Fears formed on the basis of situations that objectively cannot be considered dangerous are called "phobias", they are considered a type of mental disorder. Phobia is subject to psychological and medical adjustments.

Some phobias are so comical from the outside that they do not allow them to be taken seriously. For their "owner" they become a problem that interferes with leading a normal, fulfilling life.

The most amazing phobias

  • Fear of long words. Winnie the Pooh suffered from this phobia, stating that “ long words he is only upset ”;
  • Fear of fluffy animals: cats, dogs, hamsters and other animals cause sharply negative emotions in the owners of a strange phobia, although most people consider these representatives of the fauna cute;
  • Fear of Cooking: This is not about being lazy or about a person's fear that the dish they cook will not be labeled as a culinary masterpiece. People suffering from magheirokophobia are shy in front of the products from which they need to cook, and in front of those who cook something from these products, even if we are talking about banal scrambled eggs. Such a phobia can destroy a person's life;
  • Deipnophobes are panicky afraid of table conversations, so they rarely go to visit and do not invite their friends to their place, except for people suffering from the same fear - those with whom they will not have to talk over a glass of wine;
  • Fear of mirrors is a fairly common phobia. Mirrors have long haunted people, they are associated with magic rituals and everyday superstitions, in fairy tales and fantasy books, it is through mirrors that the heroes enter the otherworldly mysterious world (take, for example, Alice, or Olya and Yalo). People with eisoptrophobia avoid mirrors, do not sleep in rooms with mirrors, and it is not clear how they control their appearance. Characteristically, this phobia is common among attractive women, but often it is based on a latent fear of seeing signs of aging in the mirror, the fading of one's own beauty.

And then there is the fear of dragons, the number of the devil, vegetables, good wishes, purple, close relatives and many, many unusual fears.

Phobia is a manifestation of an inexplicable, irrational fear that a person is most often unable to overcome on his own.

What are the fears

In psychology, you can find different classifications fears grouped on a similar basis.

Fears by age criterion

Childhood fears

A characteristic feature fears of childhood is an object of fear that does not frighten a teenager or an adult - the heroes of scary films, fairy tales, darkness, thunderstorms, unfamiliar sounds.

It's no secret that some people live with childhood fears all their lives, carefully hiding them from others. Adults surrounding the child and society are involved in the formation of children's fears.

Many adults are afraid of clowns only because in childhood they were made happy by some "professional" in a wild wig and with a crookedly drawn scarlet lipstick smile that looks more like a predatory grin.

Teenage fears

These include fear of communication, fear of dying, fear of girls (or men), shyness before sex; modern teenagers are very afraid to be left without their favorite gadgets (phone, tablet, computer), without mobile communications, social networks.

Parents' fears

The birth of a child is often associated with various anxieties: a woman worries about pregnancy, childbirth (domestic medicine latently heats up these fears, and antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals are a continuous stress for a woman expecting a baby).

With the birth, fear for the child, for his life and health firmly settles in the souls of most mothers. Sometimes he takes on monstrously hypertrophied dimensions, not allowing his mother to let the child go away from her.

Suppressing his personality, they hinder socialization and adaptation, and this becomes the cause of complexes in the future.

Phobias depending on the dominant fear

  • Connected, in one way or another, with space - closed or open space, unfamiliar premises;
  • Social phobias - fear of performing, fear of communicating with people, fear of drawing attention to oneself, sneezing, blushing, saying something out of place;
  • Fear of illness, which becomes critical during epidemics;
  • The fear of life and its opposite is the fear of death;
  • Fears associated with relationships with the opposite sex - fear of intimate relationships;
  • Fear of harming yourself or loved ones in some way;
  • Fear of fear

How to help your child get rid of fears

It is very important to help your child deal with their fears and overcome them in childhood. In adolescence, children's fears are manifested by aggressive behavior, rudeness, asocialization, and communication difficulties.

  1. Stage one: find . In a confidential conversation with a child, you need to grope for the fears that disturb the baby, find out what they are based on, what exactly scares you and why;
  2. Stage two: neutralize. In the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, young wizards are offered to overcome their greatest fear by making it funny: the legs of a huge spider scatter in different directions on roller skates, and the most formidable teacher is dressed up in a grandmother's hat and holds her reticule under his armpit. It is worth trying this method with a child, along the way, not only speaking, but also visualizing the actions (draw, cut, sculpt from plasticine). You can "send" fear into space, lock it in a distant castle, throw it into a deep sea cave, compose a fairy tale in which a hero, very similar to a little coward, conquers fear forever.

Ways to get rid of fear

Psychologist's advice on how to overcome fear at home:

The principle of working with obsessive fear is fundamentally different from the treatment of childhood fears.

The technique recommends allocating 20 minutes a day, two intervals of 10 minutes, during which the brain should be occupied only with oppressive fear. But not by calming down and looking for ways to solve the impending problem, but, on the contrary, with a solid negative.

It is necessary to scroll mentally or speak aloud the upcoming frightening situation, presenting it in all, the most terrible, details. For example, if you are afraid to fly an airplane, you should imagine the most terrible disasters.

Bad thoughts are exaggerated, concentrated, pumped up to the point of absurdity. You can't think about anything else for ten minutes.

After a given time, the problem on exhalation is released, you need to return to it in the next ten minutes allotted for this.

By repeating the exercise from day to day, forcing oneself to be frightened and frightened, a person gradually accustom the body to fear and gets rid of it.

With a conscientious attitude to the matter, after a certain number of days, it is surprisingly discovered that it is boring to be afraid of the former fear and think about it. The problem ceases to be terrifying with catastrophic consequences and is listed in the "resolved" column.

  • Having felt anxiety, the first symptoms of growing fear, you need to take a notebook and pencil, write down all obsessive and random thoughts. Try to put the images into words, without analyzing, without filtering, just shorthand your internal state... Do this every time you feel familiar symptoms. Gradually, what was written will cease to carry meaning. Words will seem naive and primitive, "not scary", and a phrase written in a notebook a couple of dozen times will no longer be a threat.
  • Inexperienced drivers often experience driving fear. By writing down what exactly inspires fear, it will be possible to identify the main difficulties and work on them. As the experience grows, yesterday's "notes of a young motorist" will bring a smile. Well, if, after a few months, thoughts about the steering wheel will only provoke panic attacks, then perhaps it is worth using public transport - this will be best medicine because of fear.

In addition to psychological techniques, will help:

  • Aromatherapy. The nervous system, heartbeat, breathing will help normalize the oils of lavender, orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, frankincense, bergamot, mandarin, mint, rose, marjoram;
  • Yoga, meditation, autogenic training;
  • Physical exercises;
  • Mentally focusing on something very important that has nothing to do with fear

Alexander Sviyash, the author of nearly two dozen books on the topic of a successful and happy life without fears and phobias, offers his own methods. There is a blog on his website where the author answers questions and gives recommendations.

Fears, phobias, obsessive thoughts poison life, prevent you from enjoying the good that can be found in every day. If you cannot cope with negative thoughts on your own, you should contact a professional.

The difficulty in achieving success is due to a number of reasons. Someone does not believe in themselves, and does not know how to gain confidence on their own. Some do not make enough efforts, and they lack persistence, others do not even know lying on the stove, how to overcome your laziness... There are many reasons preventing us from achieving our goals. Today we will touch upon a problem that concerns the majority, if not everyone. And this problem is phobias, fears.

Not always people experiencing obsessive fear, unable to achieve success, examples are the stories of many famous people... But it is worth knowing that the degree of fear is different. Sometimes it can take a lot of energy and strength, and sometimes lead to a mental disorder. Fears are different, in one of the previous articles the topic was already discussed - fear and fear of success... In this article, let's get away from specifics, let's look at the problem in general.

Man is born fearless. Small child not afraid to touch fire, stumble, fall, etc. All these fears come later. Together with useful fears, useless ones are often acquired. When they get too strong, they are called phobias.

Phobia(from ancient Greek. phobos - fear) - strong and not having a basis for fear of something. This is a pronounced obsessive, panic fear. Almost everyone has the likelihood of obsessive fears. There are many types of phobias. There is even such a kind as "phobophobia" - the fear of acquiring some kind of phobia. I decided to consider the main, most common fears and at the end give general recommendations on how howget rid of phobias.

The most common phobias

  1. Sociophobia (from Latin socius - common, joint + other Greek phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of performing any social actions. Up to 13% of people suffer from social anxiety at different periods of life. In most cases, social phobia begins in school years when a child (or teenager) is faced with many stressful situations- performance, communication with the opposite sex, etc. Social phobia is often accompanied by low level self-esteem and complete absence communication skills... Sociophobia is a whole group of phobic phenomena. It includes such phobias as:
  2. Acrophobia (from the Greek acro - top + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear of heights, high places (balconies, roofs, towers, etc.). Synonym - gypsophobia (Greek hypsos height + phobos - fear). People with acrophobia may experience panic attacks in a high place and are afraid to go down on their own. Scientists have proven that the fear of heights is a kind of instinct. The main symptoms of acrophobia are nausea and dizziness. Alla Pugacheva is terrified of heights.
  3. Verminophobia (Latin vermis - worm + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of contracting any disease, microorganisms, bacteria and microbes, worms, insects. A well-known carrier of this phobia was Mayakovsky. He door handles tried to touch only with a handkerchief ... His father at one time died of blood poisoning. Scarlett Johansson prefers to tidy up the hotel room long before her maid arrives.
  4. Zoophobia (from the Greek zoo - animal + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear- fear of animals, more often of a certain type. Zoophobia, like many other phobias, is often caused by an accident. For example, a child is bitten or severely frightened by a large dog. It can also be adopted from another person. For example, a child sees his mother scream at the sight of a mouse and begins to associate the mouse with danger. There are many types of zoophobia, here are just a few of them:
  5. Claustrophobia (from Latin claustrum - closed + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of enclosed spaces, fear closed spaces, confined spaces, fear of elevators ... The most widespread type of phobias in the world. According to statistics, 6-7% suffer from claustrophobia. This fear is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, chest pain, tremors, increased sweating, and dizziness; the person may even feel as if he is having a stroke. Michelle Pfeiffer and Uma Thurman are afraid of confined spaces. Thurman had to fight this fear for the scene in "Kill Bill vol. 2", where her character is buried alive in a coffin.
  6. Xenophobia (from the Greek kseno - alien + phobos - fear) - intolerance to someone or something alien, unfamiliar, unusual. In modern society, xenophobia extends to a very wide range of objects, according to which its following types are distinguished:
  7. Nymphobia (from the Greek nyktos - night + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of the dark, unlit rooms. Synonym - achluophobia, scotophobia (from the Greek. Skotos - darkness + phobos - fear) - pathological fear of night or darkness. Common in children and very rare in adults. The fear of the dark still haunts Jennifer Lopez and Keana Reeves. Anna Semenovich falls asleep only with light and cannot stand darkness. “My main phobia is fear of the dark. True, she did not appear in childhood, as most people do. I just began to notice that I feel uncomfortable when it's too dark around, ”says the singer.
  8. Pteromerhanophobia - fear of flying. Fear of flying has been explored for nearly 25 years, with major airlines, airports and universities joining forces to fight aerophobia. For 20% of people, flying on an airplane is fraught with tremendous stress. Whoopi Goldberg, Charlize Theron, Ben Affleck, Cher and Colin Farrell, Billy Bob Thornton and many other famous people suffer from the fear of air travel.
  9. Thanatophobia (from the Greek thanatos - death + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of sudden sudden death. Your own fear of death can manifest itself in strong anxiety and anxiety for loved ones. Without being a synonym, the following disease is located next to the meaning:
    • Necrophobia (from the Greek nekros - dead + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear of corpses, funeral accessories and processions. The Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar hates graveyards. When filming the television series, the producers even had to create an artificial cemetery.
    • Taphephobia (Greek taphe - funeral + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of being buried alive. Edgar Poe and Gogol were most afraid of being buried alive.
  10. Eremophobia (from the Greek eremos - desert + phobos - fear) - obsessive fear - fear of deserted places or loneliness. Synonym - monophobia (English Dictionary of medical terms: Monophobia - fear being left alone), autophobia, anuptaphobia, isolophobia (French isolement loneliness), eremiphobia. Many people suffer from this type of phobia, especially in the initial stage. Experts are inclined to believe that in childhood, such people had a psychological disorder (for example, as a result of weaning from their parents). At the same time, according to the Research Center, 51% of Russians think about loneliness and are afraid of it. At the same time, 17% are “unequivocally afraid”, and 34% - “rather yes”.

According to experts, more than 10 million people suffer from phobias, but the fear of some to admit the existence of this problem makes it difficult to find out their exact number. Professor Robert Edelmann, who studies human phobias within the walls of the British National Phobia Society, says: "It would be strange if everyone did not have any phobias, but there is a more limited number of people who suffer from unsettling clinical cases of phobias."

How to get rid of a phobia

It is possible to get rid of phobias, and in some cases even independently, it is only important to correctly determine what exactly to get rid of. The recommendations will be general in nature, because each specific fear has its own reasons.

Don't focus on negative emotions. To do this, you need to overlap them with pleasant memories or activities that give pleasure, to be realized in those areas that you do best. Everyone, even the most timid person, always has a field of confidence - now space, now, time, those circumstances and conditions, now the case, that person - with whom, where and when everything works out, everything is easy and nothing is scary. You do not need to seek complete calmness in any situation, wait for fear to evaporate, that stiffness and anxiety disappear. Excitement, fighting excitement is just necessary for activity.

The fight is not with fear, but with its intensity. The more a person struggles to get rid of these obsessive thoughts, the more they take possession of him. Feeling fear is inherent in every person, without exception. Fear is the oldest protective response of all living beings to danger or its possibility. Paradoxically, the best way to truly get rid of fear is to admit that you are scared and learn to live with that thought. Therefore, you need to admit your fear and even immerse yourself in it, allow yourself to be afraid. And soon you will notice that its intensity gradually decreases.

Go in for sports. Physical activity and exercise burns off excess adrenaline. Latent bodily disturbances, as well as insufficient fulfillment of life, often inform about themselves by failures and discord precisely at the mental level.

Accept yourself for who you are. Every person has everything good and everything bad, every quality that can be imagined. Recognize yourself as a single soul - changing, evolving and infinitely different in its manifestations. The fear of oneself and one's manifestations is imposed in childhood by accepting only one's own "light" image. And this is just a stripped-down image of reality.

Surely there will be people who think that best remedy from the emergence of obsessive fears - never be afraid of anything at all. And they will be wrong: if only because, firstly, the absence of any anxieties and fears at all is just a sign of a psychiatric disorder. And secondly, of course, a phobia is not the most pleasant phenomenon, but it is probably better to experience fear “from scratch” than to lose your life as a result of reckless prowess or stupid recklessness.

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A person is an indisputably intelligent being, clearly aware of his own actions, however, certain reactions of his body cannot be controlled, or this requires considerable effort. In particular, in moments of panic, when, by the will of circumstances, a person finds himself in a frighteningly difficult situation, his actions are often devoid of logic - harmless things become a source of negative emotions, the body trembles and weakens, control over thought processes is lost, as, indeed, over any emotions ...

As a result, you have to think about how to cope with the phobia, pacify uncontrollable fear. Some fears are harmless, others can turn into an overwhelming burden, as they become an obstacle to social life, communication, labor activity, do not allow to enjoy pleasant little things. The fight against phobias in an advanced form is quite difficult, but quite real - for this purpose, clinics and psychological centers are being created.

Phobias cannot be triggered, but must be properly treated

Before thinking about how to get rid of a phobia, you need to be sure of its presence - first you need to distinguish such phenomena from the fear of certain events and things inherent in any person. There are four factors that make it possible to recognize uncontrollable fear:

  1. Significant intensity tied to certain objects, thoughts, or circumstances.
  2. Stability, since the nature of the phenomenon under consideration is constant, it does not go away on its own.
  3. Unreasonableness, when uncontrollable fear arises unreasonably as a result of certain expectations.
  4. Life limitations - ordinary fear can be overcome, but an uncontrollable reaction forces a person to avoid participation in certain events and situations with all his might.

The fact that treatment of fears is required, phobias are signaled by a number of signs:

  1. Hypertrophied fear, panic at the sight of a certain object or in the event of a special situation.
  2. Uncontrolled tremors appear, heart palpitations increase, sweating increases, the oral cavity dries out, a feeling of nausea and dizziness is possible.
  3. Inhibition of mental activity and the impossibility of building a logically verified plan of action are noted.
  4. There is an uncontrollable desire to run away as far as possible, to hide safely.
  5. After seeing or experiencing, weakness is felt, nightmares appear and paranoia manifests itself.

Despite the fact that psychiatrists talk about the impossibility of a complete logical explanation of fear, this statement can be challenged, since there are many methods of how to get rid of a phobia, which requires understanding the root cause of its occurrence. There are many types of fears - a person may be afraid of spiders, sharp objects, water, open spaces and other things. However, there are also the most common causes of uncontrollable fright, these include:

  1. Fear of confined spaces - claustrophobia... The phenomenon may be accompanied by a strong rapid heartbeat, chest pain and dizziness.
  2. With a fear of heights, they talk about acrophobia, in this state, a person experiences a real panic attack and is not able to think normally.
  3. At social phobia a person experiences panic when it is necessary to perform public actions. In general, about 13% of the world's inhabitants suffer from this type of pathology.
  4. At zoophobia a person is afraid of certain animals, while the phenomenon can be the result of a negative experience of communication or be transmitted from other people.

Due to acrophobia, a person behaves inappropriately, being at a height

The danger of the condition and the possibilities of modern therapy

Now let's talk about whether phobia treatment is required, how necessary is the intervention of professionals and how to get rid of phobias and fears on your own.
Considering that panic conditions, even those that do not occur very often, negatively affect the quality of life, it is necessary to ask how to cure a phobia, especially since today there are many methods to cope with this condition. The effectiveness of therapy is high both in the case of the intervention of professionals, and during self-treatment, subject to the basic rule - there must be a willingness to analyze the deep factors that provoked the development of fear and a sincere desire to eliminate it from one's own life. Specialists, approaching the solution of the problem, use a certain scheme of how to get rid of phobia, fear and panic states:

  1. First step- a clear definition of the phenomenon that causes fear, worsening physical condition.
  2. Second phase- work with the very cause of fear, while professionals at this stage use the techniques of hypnosis and psychotherapy. Conducting special sessions helps the patient to realize and accept their fears, allows them not to lose constructive thinking in the event of a critical situation.
  3. Stage three on how to treat phobias - controlling fears in practice and the ability to make the right decisions without trying to escape from reality.

It should be noted that when deciding how to treat phobias in adults, a specialist can use pharmaceuticals that contribute to the removal nervous tension reducing the occurrence of panic attacks. However, such drugs are quite dangerous to health, their use is fraught with the risk of the formation of pharmacological dependence, therefore, it is undesirable to get carried away with them.

Getting rid of the problem yourself

When considering how to deal with phobias and fears on your own, the most common opinion is that only a professional should deal with the treatment. However, this approach is incorrect - in the case when the patient is determined to have a successful outcome and believes in his own strength, it is possible not only to reduce the manifestations of panic fears, but also to get rid of them completely.

Phobias need to be treated by a psychotherapist

In many ways, an independent approach to how to deal with fears and phobias resembles the approach of a professional psychotherapist, excluding the technique of hypnosis. The first thing to ask yourself is what exactly is the source of panic fear - not justified fear, but an uncontrollable feeling. After all, fright in the usual sense is a natural instinct for self-preservation inherent in any living being.

After determining the source of the problem, you should master the basic method that will allow you to treat phobias and fears on your own. It is about desensitization, which is the ability to relax at the very moment when panic begins to manifest itself. Now how to use it - first you need to fully relax and realize your fear by determining the answers to two important questions. How bad and scary is it in reality? Is it possible that the victim is exaggerating the danger?

When considering phobias and how to deal with them on your own special attention deserves relaxation. The desired position is horizontal, after which the auto-training session begins. To achieve the desired effect, a voice recording can be used, which can be turned on if necessary. Such sessions are required to be carried out not only in case of panic attacks, but also in a calm state, when the source of fear is absent, which in the future will make it possible to more quickly reach the required state.

A very important aspect is correct breathing, which helps to restore psychological balance, reduce heart rate and pulse. In the process of relaxation, it is recommended to listen to your own breathing, wholly surrendering to the physical sensations, which will speed up the procedure and achieve a more complete effect.

Summing up the above, there are six stages of how to deal with phobias on your own:

  • analysis of the source of unreasonable fear;
  • awareness of fear and its acceptance;
  • a gradual decrease in the strength of the manifested fear;
  • the ability to relax in a critical situation;
  • restoration of breathing;
  • restoration of psychological balance by conducting auto-training.

Effective techniques for dealing with pathology

There are special techniques that allow you to cope with a contrived pathological fear.

Respiratory gymnastics helps fight phobias

Consider the most effective ways how to get rid of a phobia on your own when using such techniques:

  1. Turning off negative thinking, allowing you to cope with obsession with negative moments, suggests using the "electric switch" technique. One's own fear is presented in the form of a relay, which is turned off with one jerk down - this process should be presented as vividly as possible in all details.
  2. They get rid of fear with the help of breathing - inhalation supplies courage to the body, exhalation eliminates panic. In this case, after inhalation, there is a short delay, while exhalation should be twice as long as inhalation.
  3. It is necessary to do exactly what causes panic - in this case, “drive” arises, a special energy that can help to realize oneself. If, for example, a person has a social phobia and fear of public speaking, they should be carried out at every opportunity.
  4. The principle of "knocking out a wedge by a wedge" suggests using a technique based on an independent call of physiological reactions corresponding to a phobia - rapid heartbeat and intermittent breathing. This approach destroys the integrity of the fear response, resulting in the possibility of awareness and control of emotions.
  5. The technique of "playing theatrical role" allows you to overcome subconscious attitudes - it is necessary to portray a self-confident person, deliberately straightening his shoulders, adopting an imperial posture with a high chin. A light smile is also necessary - it is enough to stay in this state for literally a few seconds so that the brain can respond to the reactions of the body and eliminate fear.

Securing the resulting effect

In order for the panic state not to return, you will need constant work on your own personality and self-esteem.

Positive orientation is the best prevention of phobias

For this, there is also a certain scheme of actions that should be followed in order to get the maximum positive effect:

  • all victories, even the most insignificant ones, must be recorded;
  • failures are carefully analyzed in order to be able to write the next script that will focus on success;
  • you need to create your own support with building support in the form of faith in science or in higher power- the main goal is to gain confidence in a successful outcome when using your own capabilities to the maximum;
  • a person should be positive-oriented, one can rely on the love of loved ones, a benevolent attitude towards others and the perception of a reciprocal disposition.

Fear is a negative emotion that is common to all people. Fear is a defense mechanism that is designed to protect a person from possible dangers. For example, the fear of snakes tells you not to approach dangerous reptiles, and the fear of heights helps you not to fall down.

Feeling fear is as natural as feeling happy or sad. However, it's all about the power of emotion. Fear, in situations that are dangerous to physical or social well-being, is normal. He helps to find the strength in himself to solve the problem, to become more circumspect and careful. Another thing is when a person experiences intense fear for no reason or suffers from negative obsessive thoughts. Fear interferes with normal social life and has a number of other negative consequences:

· A person is in constant stress, which depletes his mental strength and reduces resistance to disease;
· There is a tendency to develop mental illness - neurosis, psychosis, personality disorders;
· Relationships with significant people are broken, families are destroyed;
· The normal way of life is disrupted - because of fear, a person may stop leaving the house.

According to statistics, phobias and obsessive thoughts are among the most common disorders. About 20% of the population suffers from them. Moreover, women are more inclined to develop obsessive fears.
The tendency to the appearance of phobias and obsessive thoughts develops in people of a special temperament. They are distinguished by anxiety, suspiciousness, impressionability, low self-esteem, a tendency to creative thinking... It is noted that increased anxiety, and with it the tendency to the emergence of fears, is inherited.

The tendency to develop fear provokes a number of changes in the body:

· Violation of the metabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid;
· Increased activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland;
· Disturbances in the work of neurotransmitter systems (noradrenergic and serotonergic), which are responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

From the point of view of neuroscientists, fear is a neurochemical process. Arousal occurs in the brain, which triggers the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. They have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and alter the exchange of neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin). The mood falls, anxiety and fear arise.

At the same time, a person experiences an unpleasant oppressive feeling in the chest, heart rate increases, skeletal muscles tense. Spasm of peripheral blood vessels causes cold hands and feet.
Do not ignore the presence of fears and phobias, as they tend to turn into mental disorders. You can deal with fears on your own, or contact a psychologist or a psychotherapist.

Medical treatment of fears and phobias it is used in the event that social therapy (self-help) and psychotherapy did not bring results, as well as in the development of depression. For the treatment of fears and phobias are used:
· selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine;
· antidepressants: clomipramine, imipramine;
· benzodiazepines: alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam. They are used in a short course in combination with antidepressants.
· beta blockers: propranolol. applies immediately before a situation that causes fear (flying on an airplane, speaking in front of an audience).

Only a doctor can choose the right drug and its dosage. Self-administration of drugs can cause drug dependence and worsen mental health.

Each psychological school has developed its own approach to dealing with fears. All of them are quite effective. Therefore, when you come to a psychologist with the question: "how to get rid of fears?", You will receive qualified help. Depending on the technique, the process will take from several weeks to several months. However, according to the German medical community the most effective is behavioral therapy and exposure... At the same time, the person is helped to gradually get used to the fear. In each session, the person is in a frightening situation longer and longer and performs more difficult tasks.

In the same way, you can get rid of fear on your own. In this article, we will take a closer look at self-help methods for different types fears and phobias.

How to deal with obsessive thoughts?

Obsessive thoughts or obsessions- these are unwanted involuntary thoughts, images or intentions that arise from time to time and cause negative emotions. Perceiving obsessive thoughts as your own is a sign of mental health. It is very important that a person understands that these are his thoughts, and not “voices” or pictures imposed by someone from the outside. Otherwise, psychosis or schizophrenia may be suspected.
Obsessive thoughts arise against the will of a person and cause him severe stress. It can be:

• frightening memories;
• images of diseases, thoughts about infection with dangerous microbes;
· Pictures of accidents that happen to loved ones;
· Obsessive fears of harming other people (accidentally or intentionally);
· Obsessive reflections, when a person is forced to conduct dialogues with himself.

Obsessive thoughts are often accompanied by obsessive actions - compulsions. These are a kind of rituals that are designed to protect a person from negative consequences and get rid of obsessive thoughts. The most common obsessive actions are washing hands, checking the state of electrical appliances, turning off the gas stove. If a person has both obsessive thoughts and obsessive actions, then there is reason to assume the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Reasons for the appearance of obsessive thoughts

1. Overwork- prolonged unbearable mental and physical exercise, lack of rest.
2. Experienced stress(dog attack, dismissal from work), which temporarily disrupted the flow of processes in the central nervous system.
3. Loss of meaning in life, aimless existence, low self-esteem are accompanied by negative emotions and a tendency to fruitless reasoning.
4. Features of the brain. Mostly they are manifested by a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine.
5. Hereditary factors- the tendency to obsessive thoughts can be inherited.
6. Accentuation of character... People with a sensitive, pedantic, astheno-neurotic personality type are prone to the appearance of obsessive thoughts.
7. Features of education- too strict, religious education. In this case, obsessive thoughts and intentions may arise that fundamentally contradict education. According to one version, they are a subconscious protest of the personality, and according to the other, the result of excessive inhibition in the corresponding parts of the brain.
Obsessive thoughts intensify after a serious illness, endocrine diseases, during periods of hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), during periods of intra-family problems.

Ways to deal with obsessive thoughts

· Eliminate traumatic situations... It is necessary to give rest to the nervous system, if possible, eliminate all irritating factors and avoid stress. The best solution will take a vacation.
· Stop fighting obsessive thoughts... Accept the fact that they sometimes come to mind. The more you try to combat obsessive thoughts, the more often they appear and the more stress they cause. Mentally tell yourself, "I forgive myself for these thoughts."
· Treat obsessive thoughts calmly.... Remember that most people experience this condition from time to time. Do not take a thought as a warning or a sign from above. It is just the result of the appearance of excitement in a separate part of the brain. Studies have shown that obsessive thoughts have nothing to do with intuition. Nothing bad happened to people who saw frightening pictures of coming misfortunes. And those who feared their intentions to harm others never followed through.
· Replace obsessive thoughts with rational ones. Rate how unlikely your fears will come true. Make a plan of actions that you will follow if the trouble does happen. In this case, you will feel that you are ready for an unpleasant situation, which will reduce your fear.
· Speak, write, share obsessive thoughts... Until the thought is put into words, it seems very convincing and frightening. When you voice it or write it down, you will realize how unconvincing and absurd it is. Share obsessive thoughts with loved ones, write them down in a diary.
· Face your fear. Train yourself to do what causes fear. If you are haunted by obsessive thoughts of infection, gradually train yourself to be in in public places... If you tend to analyze your statements and beat yourself up for them, talk to people more.
· Learn relaxation techniques... Yoga, autogenic training, meditation, muscle relaxation help balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. This reduces the risk of the appearance of foci of neurochemical activity that cause obsession.

How to get rid of the fear of death?

Fear of death or thanatophobia Is one of the most common fears in the world. He is obsessive, so it is quite difficult for a person to control him. Fear of death can occur at any age and is not always associated with poor health. It is often experienced by adolescents and people 35-50 years old. Moreover, in most cases, they have no reason to fear for their existence.

The peculiarity of thanatophobia is that a person does not have the opportunity to meet his fear face to face, to get used to it, as happens in cases of fear of spiders, closed spaces and other phobias. In addition, a person realizes that death is an inevitable outcome, which increases fear.

The causes of the fear of death

1. Death loved one one of the most common reasons. During this period, it is difficult for a person to deny the inevitability of death and this leads to the development of fear.
2. Poor health... A serious illness gives rise to a well-founded fear of death. In such a situation, it is especially important to restore the person's faith in their strength and recovery, therefore, the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is needed.
3. Significant successes, achievements, material well-being that a person is afraid to lose.
4. "Hypnotized" by death... A large amount of information about death in the media, films, computer games suggests that fatalities are commonplace.
5. Philosophical tendency... When a person constantly asks himself the question: “What am I living for? What will happen after death? ”, Then thoughts about death begin to prevail in his mind.
6. Prolonged stay in a stressful environment, especially during periods considered to be crisis: the crisis of adolescence of 12-15 years, the crisis of the middle age of 35-50 years.
7. Pedantic character accentuation- people with this kind of personality are very disciplined, responsible and try to keep all aspects of life under control. But they understand that death is beyond their control. This gives them a pathological fear.
8. Fear of the unknown... All people tend to be afraid of the unknown and defying explanation, which is death. This is the reason for the development of the fear of death in intellectual and inquisitive people who are looking for everything logical explanation.
9. Mental disorders, accompanied by fear of death: obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic fear of the unknown.

How to get rid of the fear of death

Fear of death is easier to cure if you can identify its causes. Psychoanalysis can help with this. For example, if the fear of death of a loved one is a manifestation of excessive dependence on him, then the psychologist will help to become more independent. If fear is an excuse, unwillingness to do something, move to a new place, get a job, then psychocorrection will be aimed at increasing activity.
· Treat death philosophically... Epicurus said: "As long as we are, there is no death, when there is death, we are no longer there." No one will be able to avoid death, and no one knows why and when it will happen. It makes no sense to try to protect yourself: do not go out on the street, do not fly by air, because such a way of life will not save you from death. While a person is alive, he should concentrate on everyday problems, and not waste time and energy on fear.
· Believe in God. This gives hope for eternal life. Believers are less afraid of death. They try to lead a righteous life and believe that they will go to heaven, that their soul is immortal.
· Think perspective. Imagine what will happen after what you are afraid of happens This technique works if the fear of death is associated with the fear of losing a loved one. Imagine the worst thing happened. For a period after the loss, negative emotions will be very strong. However, life will go on, although it will change. Over time, you will learn to live in a new way, you will experience joy. This is the nature of man - he cannot experience the same emotions for an infinitely long time.
· Live full life. The meaning of the fear of death is to remind a person that it is necessary to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. Focus on what's going on in the here and now. Try to improve your life, make your childhood dream come true (go abroad, find a high-paying job, jump with a parachute). Break the path to the goal into stages and implement them consistently. This approach will help you enjoy life. The more successes in life, the more a person is satisfied with life. These thoughts will supplant the fear of death.
· Stop being afraid of fear. Allow yourself to periodically test it. You have already experienced the fear of death and will be able to relive it. Thanks to this attitude, you will soon notice that the feeling of fear has become much less frequent.
With successful treatment, the fear of death is replaced by its denial. There is an inner confidence that a person will live forever. At the same time, a person recognizes the theoretical possibility of death, but it seems to be something distant.

How to get rid of panic fears?

Panic fears predominantly proceed in the form panic attacks (panic attacks)... They look like acute, sudden attacks of anxiety, which are accompanied by vegetative symptoms (palpitations, chest tightness, feeling short of breath). Mostly a panic attack lasts 15-20 minutes, sometimes up to several hours.

In 5% of the population, panic attacks occur without a significant reason, 1-2 times a month. Sometimes such fear can be a reaction to a significant event (a threat to life, a child's illness, an elevator ride). Most often, panic attacks occur at night.

Panic anxiety is accompanied by symptoms that indicate malfunctioning vegetative system:

· Rapid pulse;
• feeling of "lump in the throat";
Shortness of breath, rapid shallow breathing;
· dizziness ;
Light-headedness, feeling of heat in the body or chills;
· Inability to move;
Trembling hands;
Numbness or tingling of the skin;
· chest pain ;
· nausea ;
· Difficulty swallowing;
· abdominal pain ;
· Increased urination;
• fear of going crazy;
· Fear of dying.

In connection with such manifestations, attacks of panic fear are mistaken for symptoms of the disease, more often cardiological or neurological. On examination, these suspicions are not confirmed. In fact, all the excruciating symptoms of anxiety are associated with the release of adrenaline and overexcitation of the nervous system.
After experiencing a panic attack, a person begins to fear its recurrence. This forces him to avoid situations in which the panic attack first occurred. This behavior can significantly impair the quality of life, making it impossible to travel on public transport or go shopping.

Causes of Panic Fears

1. Unpleasant situations - flying on an airplane, performing in front of an audience;
2. Expectation of an unpleasant situation - a conversation with the boss, fear of a repetition of a panic attack;
3. Memories of the stress experienced;
4. Hormonal changes - adolescence, menopause, pregnancy;
5. Psychological conflict between desire and a sense of duty;
6. Difficult period of adaptation - moving, a new place of work.
Psychologists believe that a panic attack, despite the fact that it is very difficult for a person, is a means of protecting the nervous system. A person who has experienced an attack of panic fear begins to be more attentive to his health, takes a vacation or sick leave, avoids stressful situations and overloads.

How to get rid of panic fear

Don't try to avoid panic attacks. Accept the fact that they may appear and be prepared for them. Realize that your sensations are the result of an excess of adrenaline. They can be extremely unpleasant, but not fatal. Moreover, the attack will not last long. From the moment you stop being afraid of a recurrence of panic fear, its attacks will occur less and less.

Respiratory gymnastics against panic fear
You can quickly relieve the condition during an attack with the help of breathing exercises.
1.slow breath - 4 seconds;
2. pause - 4 seconds;
3. Smooth exhalation - 4 seconds;
4. pause - 4 seconds.
Breathing exercises are repeated 15 times daily and during a panic attack. During gymnastics, you need to take a comfortable position and consciously relax all the muscles, especially the face and neck. Such gymnastics works in several directions at once:
Increases the level carbon dioxide in the blood, which "restarts" the respiratory center in the brain, slows down breathing and heartbeat;
· Promotes muscle relaxation;
· Switches a person's attention, helps to focus on the present, and not on frightening images.

Persuasion and persuasion

Panic disorder is successfully treated with persuasion and persuasion. The best option would be to contact a psychotherapist, however, communication with a loved one on an exciting topic is also quite effective. It is required to convince a person that his condition during a panic is not dangerous and will pass in a few minutes. That the problems that worried him will eventually be resolved and everything will be fine.

The treatment of panic fears is carried out by psychotherapists or psychologists of various fields, practicing psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, hypnotherapy.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark?

Fear of the dark or nyphobia the most common fear on the planet. It affects 10% of adults and over 80% of children. If you are afraid of the dark, it is not the lack of lighting that scares you, but the dangers that may lurk in the dark. This is due to the fact that the brain does not receive enough information about the environment to analyze. At the same time, the imagination is activated, which "draws" various dangers.
A person suffering from nymphobia may panic when the light is suddenly turned off. A fear of the dark can transform into a fear of the dark indoors or a fear of the dark outside. A person can rationalize their fears by finding various reasons and excuses.

Fear of the dark or fear of the night can be accompanied by the following symptoms:
· Accelerated heartbeat;
· Increased pressure;
Shivering in the body.
When fear passes into mental disorder the patient begins to clearly "see" invented images, and they pass into the category of hallucinations.

Causes of the fear of the dark

1. Genetic predisposition... For most people, the fear of the dark is inherited from their ancestors. According to statistics, if parents were afraid of the dark, then their children will also be susceptible to nytophobia.
2. Negative experience. An unpleasant event that a person suffered in the dark is fixed in the subconscious. For example, a child was locked in a dark room. Subsequently, the lack of lighting is associated with the experienced fright. Moreover, it often happens that the initial threat was invented and was the fruit of overdevelopment of the child's fantasy.
3. Disruption of neurochemical processes... Impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) and adrenaline can provoke fears. What kind of fear a person develops depends on the individual characteristics of higher nervous activity.
4. Constant stress... Prolonged nervous tension (family conflicts, difficulties at work, session) disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, the fear of the dark can appear even in adults.
5. Starvation, strict diets ... There is a version that the deficit of some chemical elements disrupts the brain, which can lead to unfounded fears.
6. Fear of death. This phobia is exacerbated at night and triggers the fear of the dark.

How to get rid of the fear of the dark

· Find the cause of the fear. Try to remember the situation that caused the fear of the dark to appear. It must be presented in detail, felt all the emotions, and then come up with a happy ending (I was locked in a dark room, but then my father came and took me in his arms). It is important to change your mindset to a positive one.
· Pleasant dreams. If the fear of the dark prevents you from falling asleep, then you need to relax, imagine yourself in a calm place, and conjure up other pleasant images.
· Behavioral therapy. The method of gradual addiction has been recognized as successful. Before turning on the light in a dark room, count to 10. Increase the time spent in the dark by 10-20 seconds daily.
Fears and phobias are treatable at any age. You can get rid of them yourself, or seek help from a specialist. Patience and self-improvement are guaranteed to bring positive results.

My greetings to everyone. Perhaps there is no such person who does not face the problem of fear. Let's work together to find ways to get rid of fear.

What are the fears

Experts have identified and described more than 300 phobias. Phobia is an obsessive fear that can bring a person to a critical state. Therefore, one must get rid of them by any means.

Phobias are divided into 8 groups, but if you look at their simplified version, then the following types are highlighted:

Baby. Social phobia can also be attributed to numerous childhood fears.

Teenage. This includes the fear of space, thanatophobia, nosophobia, intimophobia (when a young man is so afraid of girls that he does not want to establish any relationship with them, and not only intimate ones).

Parental. Constant fear for the child.

They are also divided into mental and physical, which have significant differences. With bodily fear, the body becomes covered with sweat, goosebumps, the heart begins to pound strongly, there is a feeling of lack of air, sleep and appetite are disturbed (you either do not want to eat, or vice versa, eat everything).

With mental fright, worries, fears appear, mood instability, detachment from the outside world, even a feeling of a change in one's body are observed.

Long-term anxiety can lead to all sorts of illnesses. No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves. Therefore, it is important not to allow prolonged anxiety, any state of fear.

Fear Removal Techniques

Anxiety visits every person, someone often, someone - sometimes, from this no one is immune. It's good when sometimes, but what if this state does not let go? The science of psychology has developed special techniques, various techniques that will help to return peace of mind.

First of all, you should understand that fear is a protective reaction of our psyche. Therefore, it will not be possible to get rid of it, you just need to find out the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with anxiety states.

If you have obsessive thoughts, then developed good way getting rid of them through loud reading of poetry, prose, music or drawings. Draw on paper everything that bothers you, then tear these drawings or burn them. Imagine that bad thoughts are gone with the smoke.

Did not help? Then apply auto-training "dive into anxiety". For 20 minutes, imagine all the horrors that dictate your thoughts, then try to forget about them forever.

Another way to relieve stress on your own. A friend of mine often uses this method. Sit up straight: breathe in courage, determination, all the good, and breathe out all the experiences, anxiety, bad thoughts. Imagine how they left your head, immediately get down to business with the knowledge that everything is going well. Helps a lot!

A sincere conversation with a friend helps a lot. Communication is a faithful protector against bad moods and various anxieties. Over a cup of tea, tell your friend about your concerns and feel like you've been reborn! Have you noticed?

Switching to something fun or fun is a great distraction too. Find yourself an activity that is truly interesting to you. Trust me, you won't have time for worrying thoughts.

Remember happy moments

If you apply the advice of a psychologist to yourself, you can reduce the number of anxious days.

  1. Don't think about unlucky days, just those when you were happy. Try to stay in this state.
  2. Don't exaggerate the problem. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted.
  3. Learn to relax. Aromatherapy, auto-training, sports.
  4. Try to come to terms with the fact that you cannot predict everything, do not think about future problems. My friend is very wise. She says: "When I get upset about something, then I will get upset."
  5. Do not dramatize the situation, do not involve a bad version of events. Provide a good solution to your problem.
  6. You see no way out difficult situation? Try to analyze several options for solving the problem. Reach out to other people. You will see that there will definitely be such a person who can “sort out” your difficult situation or turn things around so that the problem no longer seems insoluble.
  7. Run from worries. How to overcome fear? Go in for sports. Through bodily tension, the body produces the hormone of happiness.
  8. Communicate with your fear. Try to find out where it came from, perhaps you invented it yourself. Drive him away or try to befriend him. Don't let it take over you entirely, switch to positive emotions.
  9. Go to meet your fear in order to defeat it. For example, you find it difficult to communicate with people, you feel panic before talking. Then start calling various organizations, talking to strangers, asking questions. If you are afraid of dogs, then watch them from afar. Consider the drawings depicting them: how cute they are! Then pet a friend's dog. This is a very effective method.
  10. If you are afraid of the dark, then when you are afraid, talk to yourself, call yourself by name. You can laugh at yourself, it also helps a lot.

You are the best person

Many people have low self-esteem, hence they develop complexes. How to get rid of complexes? Remember, people came up with stereotypes. Most likely, they had a lot of complexes, therefore, reveal yourself as a person.

  • Write down in a notebook what you have achieved. Nothing? It can not be so! You yourself will be surprised at what a full-fledged person you are.
  • Think of yourself only from a positive point of view.
  • Express your opinion, even if someone disagrees with it. You are a person, so you have your own opinion.
  • Change your lifestyle, change your image, have romances, fight for the best position. After your first success, your self-esteem will skyrocket.
  • Don't hang out with those who underestimate your self-esteem.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. You are the most beautiful person, period!

Are you being attacked?

Who is attacking you? Ah, this is a panic attack! Do not worry, this state is visited by almost every person. Suddenly you have fear sudden death or fear of illness. You feel it so clearly, it seems to you that it should happen this minute. The heart begins to beat faster, and the head begins to spin, right up to nausea.

Some are frightened by the fear of life, some are afraid even to enter the subway, others are afraid of disasters, it becomes difficult for someone to swallow. But the fear of dying is especially frightening.

When PA attacks are repeated very often, then the person develops new phobias. Let's get rid of them without hospitals, at home.

ethnoscience knows many ways to get rid of this scourge.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Motherwort is an excellent stress reliever. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink a large spoonful daily for a month.
  3. Before going to bed, drink tea made from mint, lemon balm or linden, then you will quickly get rid of nervous tension.

Tincture of peony, valerian or motherwort will help calm the nervous system, normalize sleep.

Try techniques to help you beat panic attacks.

  1. Breathe into the package. Take a tight bag, take a deep breath, then exhale into the bag. Then inhale from this bag. Repeat 10 times.
  2. As soon as the attack begins, rinse your face and hands with water, moisten your pulse points. Drink 1 glass of water with a pinch of sugar.
  3. Create yourself a good mood, smile in front of the mirror, you will feel funny, even fun.

Phobia of motorists

Many motorists and not only women, but also men may experience a driving phobia. To get rid of it:

  • No need to listen scary stories about accidents on the roads.
  • Before leaving, ALWAYS check that the vehicle is in good working order, especially the wheels and brakes.
  • Know the driving rules.
  • It is good to be able to park in reverse.
  • Have front and rear view mirrors to see the situation on the road.
  • Always have gasoline in your tank.

Many people are afraid to fly an airplane. But you must remember that the proportion of aircraft accidents is negligible. Most dangerous path- is to get to the airport. Before departure, the planes undergo a rigorous inspection for serviceability, so you have nothing to fear.

If you can't resist the thrill, visit the airport before your flight to get used to the fact that everyone is flying and it's okay. Bring newspapers, books and something to eat on the plane.

Fear of the audience

You envy people who behave so well in front of an audience. It seems to you that they are not at all worried. They are worried, and how! You, too, will perform soon, and you have a fear of performing.

  1. The first condition is to be confident in your abilities.
  2. Understand that the audience did not come to find a flaw in your performances.
  3. Defuse the situation with a joke, then begin to present your material. A joke helps a lot to establish contact with the public, overcome embarrassment.
  4. Breathe in deeply with confidence, and breathe out your excitement, feel solid ground under your feet.
  5. It is not bad to stand on the stage several times when there are no spectators yet, to get used to the situation, as in the case of an airplane.

Don't be afraid to give new life

Many girls are afraid of pregnancy, so they do not dare to have a baby. Think, maybe your fears come from childhood or from the admonitions of adults: "Look, don't get pregnant!" Don't listen to horror stories about childbirth. Childbirth is a natural process, there is nothing wrong with it.

Take a different path in your thinking. If you have a child, then you will never be alone. Loneliness is the worst thing! He will grow up and continue your race, and this is so wonderful!

Bring joy to your soul mate

Fear of sex can ruin a relationship, so make it a rule to enjoy not only yourself, but your partner. A man who is determined to win quickly can get a misfire, which in the future can grow into a big problem.

Talk about this topic, find out what your soulmate likes. A woman must be confident in the safety of sex, therefore, get ready yourself, do not rely on a partner. In a fit of passion, he can forget about safety. Think for yourself!

How to help your child get rid of fears

An advertisement is revealing, where the child is explained that a dinosaur lives under the bed, which protects the baby. Never frighten children. Even a scary tale should have a happy ending. Never lock a child in a room alone. Loneliness will only develop his fear. Let him always feel protected by you. He must be sure that he is protected - this is the surest way to avoid childhood phobias.

Do not express aloud fears that the child will fall, cut, knock, develop in him confidence that he will overcome all obstacles. To do this, go hiking, walking, skating, skiing, cycling more often, teach him to be independent. Praise even small successes more often, increase his self-esteem. In adulthood, this will come in handy for him. But don't overdo it, too much praise will ruin any child.

Ways to get rid of fears

Like adults, a child can portray their fear on a piece of paper. Let him draw his phobia, and on back side let him draw a sheet, as he is not afraid of her. If the child cannot depict, then burn the drawing with him, saying: "You see, only the ashes remained from the evil monster, which we will simply shake off!" this technique works extremely effectively.

You can write something funny about fear, play games. If the baby is afraid of the dark, then you can play hide and seek under the light of one night lamp. Or make your baby a protector amulet with which he will not be afraid to enter even into the darkness.

Adults can resort to more complex manipulations. If the phobia lasts more than 6 months, then you need to go to a specialist. If from time to time, then use meditation, relaxation technique, aromatherapy helps well. Inhale the aromas of mint, eucalyptus, valerian.

In big cities, many have developed a fear of entering the subway. And you think, how many people died from suffocation in the subway? You won't remember anything, so put aside all the scary thoughts about the metro.

Having trouble getting rid of bad thoughts? Write them down on paper until they begin to acquire clear boundaries. Then you will see that the panic looks so ridiculous and meaningless that it is not worth your attention. Deep breathing, which is described above, will help maintain peace of mind.

  1. You need to think positively. Only a positive attitude will force you to bring a positive solution to any problems.
  2. Repeatedly repeat affirmations such as "I let go of my fear." Your subconscious mind will not immediately fulfill your installation, but over time it will. Just avoid saying the "not" particle. Never say "I'm not afraid." The subconscious mind will accept: "I am afraid."
  3. Do what you fear most. Action is better than inaction.
  4. Laugh at your worries, they don't like it and ... disappear.

Think back to the moments when you were very afraid of something. You have coped with it, so you will overcome it now.

  • imagine that this has already happened;
  • prepare for what happened;
  • do everything so that the unfavorable development of events does not happen at all.

Fear is your enemy, get angry with it, start fighting it with sports anger.