The most cruel customs in the world. The most terrible tribes in the world

The most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the Earth,which you probably haven't heard of before.

They are not very compatible with the progressive 21st century; many of them seem to be an invention of a writer with an overactive fantasy. But, whatever one may say, these things actually exist and are practiced with might and main. It invites you to get acquainted with the most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the Earth, which you probably have not heard of before.

"Love Hut" for teenagers

In most countries, fathers try to keep their young daughters away from the opposite sex as long as possible. Things are different in the Cambodian Kreung tribe. Here, men not only approve of the early romantic relationships of their daughters, but even build special “love huts” for them, where girls can bring their gentlemen to get to know them better and better.

In such a hut, a girl is free to bring an unlimited number of boyfriends. Dates, according to the customs of the tribe, can last until the mistress of the hut finds the very one - the guy of her dreams, with whom she will connect life. Probably, this practice is connected with the law, according to which it is strictly forbidden for married couples to get divorced.

Sharing as brothers

Some tribes in Nepal practice what is known as "fraternal polyandry". That is, several men share one woman among themselves. As a rule, such a phenomenon is characteristic of men connected by family ties, first of all, brothers. It is believed that this tradition appeared due to the lack of land suitable for agriculture. Instead of each brother marrying and living in a separate family, men find themselves one woman and live together under one roof, using one piece of land.

night of change

In Indonesia, a holiday called "Pon" is held 7 times a year. As part of this celebration, spouses are allowed to cheat on each other - to choose a partner for sexual pleasures on the side. Participants of the holiday believe that in this way you can attract good luck. Well, the happiest, according to local beliefs, will be the one who manages to enter into a sexual relationship with the same stranger 7 times in a year.

Sex in clothes

On the small island of Inis Big, not far from Ireland, there lives a community in which sex is considered a shameful hobby. Members of this community are allowed to engage in love pleasures exclusively in underwear, without being naked.

Exhibitionism as a way of flirting

The native women of the island of Bougainville (part of the state of Papua New Guinea) practice a rite of attracting partners through a public demonstration of their intimate places. According to custom, if a woman makes such a gesture, it means that she invites a man to enter into sexual relations with her.

sex lessons

The inhabitants of the small island of Mangaia in the Pacific Ocean have a habit of teaching the younger generation of men in sexual wisdom. As soon as the boy turns 13, he can choose a partner for himself - a mature woman. A lady must teach a teenager all the intimate secrets accumulated over her life. The main task of the teacher is to explain to the student how to make the sexual intercourse the longest, so that his future wife is always satisfied.

Cocktail of masculinity

An even stranger test is experienced by adolescents from the Sambia community (again, Papua New Guinea). Here it is customary for boys to be isolated from women for three whole years, so that they are not subjected to temptations. But this is not the worst. During the period of seclusion, teenagers are forced to drink a special cocktail, which, according to local beliefs, will help make real men out of them. The basis of the drink is the sperm of the elders of the tribe.

Love for smaller brothers

In most countries, zoosexual relations are illegal. But there are exceptions. For example, in Lebanon, men are officially allowed to have sex with a pet. True, with one caveat - the pet must be female. For a relationship with a male, a man faces the death penalty. Until 2015, such relationships were allowed in Denmark. "Love" with animals in this state was banned in April and introduced a penalty for violation - a year in prison.

Sex in front of witnesses

In the city of Cali, located in the southwest of Colombia, there is an interesting custom regarding the wedding night. According to him, a girl entering into an intimate relationship with her husband for the first time should do this in the presence of her mother, who acts as a witness.

show night

Something similar is practiced in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). There is a common custom among the locals, according to which spouses, entering into an intimate relationship, do not forbid their offspring to observe the process, so that they remember for the future what's what.

How many interesting and unknown are hidden in the traditions of the peoples of our planet. And, the mysterious and forbidden topic of sex could not stand aside and, naturally, was reflected in various rituals and customs, sometimes very unusual. So, let's go on a trip.


Australian aborigines - wars, instead of the usual handshake for us, they demonstrate friendliness with a slightly different gesture, namely, by touching the penis of their interlocutor.

Northern Kamchatka

Until now, in the remote villages of Northern Kamchatka, a centuries-old tradition of copulation of a guest with the wife of the owner of the house has been preserved. Moreover, for the sake of the consent of the guest, the woman is ready for anything, as this is considered a great honor. And, if after the act a woman becomes pregnant, then at all, good luck and happiness will be to this house and the whole village.


In order to get married, a Tibetan girl must have at least a dozen sexual partners on her account.


Here, the number of sexual relations of the bride is not particularly important, but at the same time, she must have at least two children.


Germany, as well as many other European countries, is famous for the promiscuity of sexual relations between people. The following German custom is especially interesting: when the Cologne festival takes place, passers-by quite seriously offer each other to have sex and have it, sometimes without even getting to know each other.


Local customs force the bride to marry a virgin, and before the girl is admitted to her fiancé, she has to go through the rite of deflowering with a stone knife. The ceremony is performed by the groom's friends, who can have sex with their friend's future wife for another three days. Then, the “happy” newlywed goes to other men of the tribe and, only after them, to her lawful spouse.

South Africa

The men of the local tribes, afraid to bear offspring in the form of twins, who here are the prototype of sin and the most terrible curses, cut out one testicle for themselves. In other matters, as you know, the servants of the harems of the East - eunuchs, subject themselves to a more terrible execution - absolute castration.

Other African tribes force the representatives of the stronger sex to undergo some kind of test before the wedding. Namely, to have sex with the mother of the bride, as many times as needed, in order to prove their worth. True, before that they undergo a mandatory examination (in the literal sense of the word: teeth, body, and so on) before their future father-in-law.

Central Africa: the Shilluk tribe

The leader of the tribe has the right to marry the most beautiful girls, even if there are more than a hundred of them. But, God forbid, his wives start a conversation about the fact that their husband - the leader does not satisfy them. In this case, the poor fellow is threatened not only with overthrow from his honorary post, but also with death in terrible agony, because, as the Shilluk belief says, an impotent person cannot betray the power of fertility to the earth and the barnyard.

Brazil: Jerusalem artichoke Indians

Local tribes believe that women only like the huge size of the genitals, and therefore, these very organs are subjected to the bites of the most poisonous snakes (for swelling and enlargement)

Micronesia: the Panape tribe

To excite women, bites of stinging ants are used.

Japan and Korea

Since ancient times and still, to enhance passion, Japanese and Korean women use their “crown” technique - a prick of the groin with a golden needle.
Undoubtedly, some of the customs of peoples far from us seem terrifying to us, but who knows, maybe our habits would have shocked them.

From temple prostitution in Mesopotamia to the ancient Japanese sexual tradition with the poetic name "yobai"

In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner's wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest in every possible way. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated by the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" the men who went to fish. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else's wife, then the will of higher powers and it was impossible to resist them.

About quirks

For example, in Tibet, a girl was considered an enviable bride only when she changed a dozen or two partners. Virgins, as you can see, were not held in high esteem in the country of the Dalai Lama. But the Brazilians from the Jerusalem artichoke tribe made impressive sacrifices to please their ladies. The fact is that the girls found only huge genitals worthy of their attention. To do this, men exposed their penises to poisonous snakes, after the bites of which male dignity met the expectations of discerning Jerusalem artichoke women.

But the Indians, experienced in love, had much more options for extreme entertainment of this kind. For example, their treatises on the art of love taught the use of "apadravia" - a male piercing made of gold, silver, iron, wood or buffalo horns! And the great-grandfather of the modern condom "yalaka" - an empty tube inside with pimples on the outside - was also invented in India. In Japan and Korea, there was a curious practice of enhancing the male orgasm. To make it more vivid and memorable, a prick in the groin with a golden needle is enough, Eastern traditions say. The inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands were very inventive in bed comforts. What is only the habit of biting the eyelashes of a partner, this is considered their traditional caress. I would like to see the teeth of these entertainers, because in order to gnaw through an eyelash, the teeth must be at least sharp.
Sex thrill-seekers from the Batta tribe of Sumatra had a tradition of sticking stones or pieces of metal under the foreskin. They believed that this way they could deliver much more pleasure to their partner. Argentine Indians also had a similar idea in their arsenal. They attached horsehair tassels to the phallus. It is terrible to think about the hygiene of meetings with such fellows.
The residents of Tanzania increased their attractiveness in an interesting way. They did not adorn themselves and did not dress up. They stole from the man they wanted... a hoe and sandals! In those parts, the listed things are of particular value, so the man, willy-nilly, had to go to rescue the property, and there - what the hell is not joking.
And what about our compatriots? In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a night spent by a guest with the owner's wife was considered a special honor for the house. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest in every possible way. And if she also managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated by the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: the Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" the men who went to fish. Well, in Tibet it was generally believed that if a guest liked someone else's wife, then the will of higher powers and it was impossible to resist them.

Japan - crawl and yobai

An ancient sexual tradition with the poetic name "yobai" existed in the Japanese outback until the end of the 19th century. The essence of the custom “stalking in the night” (approximate translation) was as follows: any young man, under the cover of night, had the right to enter the house of an unmarried young lady, crawl under her blanket and, if the chosen one did not mind, engage directly in the delicious “yobai” . In Russian, however, it does not sound like the name of a tradition, but more like a call to action.
If a Japanese girl came across intractable, then an upset young man had to go home. Like any tradition, the yobai custom was governed by strict rules. A potential lover had to go on a romantic date completely naked, since a night visit by a dressed man was considered a robbery and could end badly for him. However, the guy had the right to cover his face and appear before the girl as a beautiful stranger. Such are the Japanese role-playing games.

Tibet - one way trip

Once in Tibet, visiting men were greeted with genuine cordiality. In the travel notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo, he tells about the local sexual tradition, which ordered all young girls to copulate with at least twenty different men before marriage. Either there were few men in Tibet, or fresh girls, according to custom, were intended exclusively for strangers, but travelers were worth their weight in gold here. And those poor fellows who could not stand up for themselves, sexual swindlers literally "teared slippers like Tuzik." Therefore, the trip to Tibet for some of our brothers became the last.

South America - Indian bab formation

The sexual traditions of the Kagaba tribe can forever discourage a man from conscientiously fulfilling his marital duty and having offspring. Representatives of the strong half of the tribe are terribly afraid of women. It's all about the strange ritual of initiation of young men into men: a young Kagaba Indian must acquire his first sexual experience with the oldest lady of the family. For this reason, in a marital relationship, a man is uninitiated, and if the wife hints at intimacy, then he prefers to cowardly hide in the jungle in a bunker pre-equipped for such purposes (like he went hunting).
It happens that several fugitives are hiding in a bachelor's lair at the same time. Then the female half of the tribe equips a search expedition. Role-playing games of slave and mistress always end predictably. Dissatisfied wives scour the jungle until they find the caches and return their faithful to the bosom of the family.

Africa - food preferences
Who is interested in military parades? Only the military, but the common people demand bread and circuses. The king of Swaziland knows exactly how to make a feast of the soul for his subjects, and therefore every year he arranges a grand procession of virgins. Thousands of seductive scantily clad beauties cheerfully march in front of the monarch. It has become a good sexual tradition in Swaziland when the king chooses a new wife from the parade participants, and each failed wife is rewarded with a large bowl of food. And believe me, according to local criteria, this is a royal gift!

The sexual traditions of the peoples of the world are different, as are the standards of beauty. How can a woman from the Zambezi Valley be considered attractive if she has a mouthful of teeth like a crocodile? To become beautiful, a Batoka girl had to get married. On the wedding night, the satisfied spouse turned the “ugly” girl into a beautiful woman, knocking out her front teeth. Such a custom, accompanied by a simple plastic surgery, makes a batoka woman happy and a radiant smile never leaves her face again. In the Baganda tribe (East Africa), there is a belief that sex directly on agricultural land significantly increases their fertility. By the way, such a sexual tradition was inherent in many peoples. However, the natives did not arrange vulgar orgies in the beds of plantain (the main fodder crop of the Bagandans). For the ritual, a married couple was chosen - the parents of twins. The event was held on the field of the tribal leader and consisted of the following: the woman lay on her back, a plantain flower was placed in her vagina, and the husband had to get it without the help of hands, using only the penis. According to the custom, the family of agronomists had to demonstrate the miracles of balancing act only on the leader's field. In the gardens of their fellow tribesmen, it was not necessary to play role-playing games, it was enough to dance a little.

Mesopotamia - temple prostitution

Every inhabitant of ancient Babylon had to make a sacrifice to the goddess of love, Ishtar. To perform the ritual, the lady went to the sanctuary of the goddess, sat down in a conspicuous place and waited for an unfamiliar man to choose her. The client gave the chosen one a coin, after which they went to some secluded corner, where they made a generous sacrifice.
Once was enough. However, some especially zealous Babylonians constantly practiced such role-playing games, offering strangers an interesting vacation for money, which later went to the needs of the temple. It was impossible to leave his territory before the end of the ritual, so a pretty girl “shot back” quickly, and an unsightly young lady had to wait for her prince for a long time, sometimes even for years! Housing and food were provided. Similar sexual traditions existed in Cyprus, and Greek girls sacrificed to the goddess Aphrodite.

Russia is a country of councils

Family life in Russia is not easy! The couple to be married had to feel this statement already at the wedding. All night before the holiday, the bride, according to the ancient Slavic custom, untwisted her braids and sang dreary songs with her bridesmaids. In the morning, a bunch of tiring wedding ceremonies awaited her, which continued until late in the evening and on an empty stomach. Even during the festive feast, the bride was not allowed to eat. The groom was also not sweet - all the celebration he was obliged to cheerfully gallop around numerous relatives.
And finally, the feast ended. Exhausted young found themselves alone in the bedchamber and were going to have unrestrained sex and fall asleep. Dreaming! The sexual tradition assumed the active participation of relatives on the wedding night of the newlyweds - the guests screamed obscene ditties under the bedroom windows until the morning, and one of them (specially chosen for this purpose) periodically knocked on the door and asked: “Is the ice broken?”. In such an environment, the groom soon began to realize that the mission was impossible, and his efforts were in vain, despite the narrowed body immobilized from fatigue. Therefore, the young spouse was given the opportunity to rehabilitate himself over the next few nights. If the matter still did not go well, then experienced advisers were connected to it: the brother or father of the groom. It is known that in some villages in Ukraine, an authorized prompter sat comfortably under the bed, from where he helped the newlyweds with good advice on how to do everything right, and at the same time created an atmosphere of an unusual holiday with his presence.

Micronesia - love with a spark

If you are sure that role-playing games with elements of sadomasochism were invented by the notorious marquis, I hasten to disappoint - this is a common misconception. The natives of Truck Island were addicted to self-mutilation during sex even before the mother of the Marquis de Sade faked an orgasm in a simple missionary position. The custom was as follows: while the partner diligently puffed, making reciprocating movements, the ardent lover set fire to small breadfruit balls on his body. It is rather difficult to imagine how she did this during sex ... It can be assumed that the man did not copulate with the whole lady, but with a distant part of her (for example, the heel). These natives are such pranksters!

Infant baptism and holy water are trifles of religious life. Fasten your seat belts, the men's online magazine MPORT will tell you about the most terrible rites of the planet.


All your perversions are nothing compared to the traditions of one of the African tribes. In it, the elders cut the vaginas of little girls. Such surgical procedures end with the fact that the baby's legs are tied with laces for a period until everything heals. And the target is absolutely harmless: it's just a bloody chastity belt until the only one appears. Probably, the natives do not know what the hymen is and why it exists.

At the same time, cutting is reproduced in conditions of absolute lack of hygiene and with the help of any sharp tool at hand. I wonder why the young ladies did not please African guys so much?



Shiite Muslims are really tough guys. They bleed themselves during Ashura (one of the rites). This tradition is connected with the history of the people: in the seventh century, during another war (the battle of Karbala), Imam Hussein, the grandson of the local prophet Muhammad, died. The Imam, like many other kids, was beheaded, and blood was shed on the streets of the town. The inhabitants of the tribe still regret what happened and, as part of honor, shed their blood. In addition, it is believed that such a rite cleanses them from sins. MPORT does not know how the Shiites are with money, but they could earn extra money from the annual blood donation.


iceberg in the ocean

And the Eskimos do not want to take care of the elderly. Why waste time and energy on someone else's and outgoing life, which nothing will help. As soon as a person becomes helpless, the locals simply take the elderly to the ocean and land on a huge ice floe, where the old man either freezes from the cold or dies of hunger. You can also just jump into the icy water, so as not to pull the rubber. This is how elder relatives are looked after in the north.



Cannibals still live in northern India. The guys from the Akhoris tribe believe that human meat can give them super-strength and spiritual knowledge of the universe, and also protect them from aging. Therefore, they dip the corpses in one of the local sacred rivers of the Ganges and make a barbecue out of them. Also, the guys are so devoted to the ritual that they do not even disdain to drink water from the skulls of the dead.



Endocannibalism is exactly what the Yanomamo tribe (Brazil) does. The locals believe that death is the atrocity of a bad shaman. Therefore, a dead person is not buried, but burned. But this is only the beginning of the ceremony. The ashes of the deceased are mixed with a pumpkin and after a certain time they cook soup from such a vegetable. Then everyone eats it together. Thus, the tribe demonstrates affection for the dead and expresses solidarity with the relatives of the deceased. And Yanomamo believe that in this way the soul of the deceased has a chance to go to heaven.



Australia has the best dentists. Guys do not waste time and money on drills and other miracles of technology. They simply wait for the next celebration of local rituals, during which they take special care of their oral cavity. One person takes a special vegetable moss into his mouth, the second sharpens a stick and puts its sharp end to the teeth of the first. Further blow - and it's in the bag. Pay attention to the thoughtfulness of the natives: moss in the mouth in order not to choke on blood or swallow a tooth. Why spend money? Go to Australia.

In the remote jungles of the Amazon and Central Africa, as well as on the remote islands of New Guinea, ethnic groups still live, completely isolated from modern civilization. These people, lost in time, are in no hurry to “marry” with the rest of humanity for the sake of the benefits of technological progress, and attempts to interfere in their life are suppressed with frightening severity. Guests from the outside world who visited the most terrible tribes still risk losing their lives or turning into a ritual dinner.


The African people living in the Omo Valley in southwestern Ethiopia, became famous for their bloodthirstiness and militancy. In the Mursi religion, an important place is occupied by the worship of death in the guise of the supreme deity Yamda. Not surprisingly, murder is not considered illegal by members of this group.

Most often, the men of the tribe fight with their neighbors for territory, but they can also fight among themselves. There is always a reason: I liked the same girl, I want to take a leading position among my fellow tribesmen or just demonstrate excellent military training. The fights are very violent and often end in death. It is not customary to punish the killer, but he must give one of the women of his kind to the family of the deceased.

Mursi have very peculiar ideas about beauty and feminine virtues. Here they take as a wife not the best mistress, but a girl with the largest plate in her lip. If the applicant does without this painful and uncomfortable decoration, her chances of getting married are small. A round plate of fired clay or wood (dhebi) is inserted into the cut lower lip of girls who have reached the age of 12. As they grow, the diameter of the plate increases and can reach 12 cm. Why do Mursi women need such a “jewel” that changes facial expressions and requires the removal of the lower, and sometimes upper front teeth?

Western scholars suggest that earlier African women deliberately disfigured themselves in order to repel slave traders. But perhaps dhebi is an echo of an older tradition associated with matriarchal culture. Which indirectly confirms one of the most terrible family rituals of the Mursi, called the "Bite of Death."

Datura on a plate

During lovemaking, women of the tribe offer their husbands a mild drug made from local herbs, putting it on a plate in their lips. The husband licks off the intoxicating potion, tries a little and his other half. The joint use of the drug replaces the traditional kissing for the couple. Then the man falls asleep closer to the hearth, where intoxicating plants are smoking, gradually enveloping him with their smoke.

At the same time, the high priestess of the village, who is chosen from among the married women, prepares another potion with stronger narcotic components that cause poisoning. Entering each house in turn, she blows a poisonous mixture from her dhebi into the mouths of sleeping men. This is the "bite of death". After a short period of time, the poisoner visits her victims again and gives them an antidote, but not all.

One of the Mursi warriors never wakes up after being bitten. It is believed that the gods themselves indicate to the priestess whose path should end, and no one interferes with her actions.

According to the religious beliefs of the Mursi, the demon of death is imprisoned in every male warrior and he needs to be released, freed from the body - the dungeon. The corpses of poisoned husbands are not buried, but boiled to remove the poison and eaten.

Despite their aggressiveness, Mursi do not shy away from tourists. They are happy to pose for the camera for the money they use to buy alcohol and firearms. But those who want to take a selfie must be accompanied by a guide and armed guards so that a photo with formidable African warriors will not be the last in the life of thrill-seekers.

The ethnic group has approximately 7,500 people, but its numbers are gradually declining.


Among the most cruel tribes of our time, the inhabitants of the mountain forests of Papua New Guinea occupy the "honorable" first place. To this day, a population of 20,000 engages in cannibalism, despite the "educational" efforts of Christian missionaries and government agencies.

Yali are sure that by eating the bodies of enemies, they adopt their strength and other virtues. Therefore, a barbaric, from the point of view of civilized people, custom does not seem to this tribe something reprehensible. Yali do not just eat human meat - they savor it, choosing the most delicious pieces and cooking them according to all the rules of cooking art. It is very important to pronounce the name of your victim during the feast, then the spiritual essence is absorbed along with the physical shell.

Now yali eat their own kind less and less. This is especially true for white-skinned people, who evoke associations among the natives with Christ, in whom they partially believe and with death. However, the use of a light drug betel from the leaves of the plant of the same name intoxicates the minds of savages, which leads to outbreaks of aggression and fights. And a defeated opponent may well end up on the winner's table as a main dish.


Another ethnic group that is dangerous to encounter inhabits the rainforests in the northern part of Brazil and the Alto Orinoco Casiquiare Biosphere Reserve in the south of neighboring Venezuela. The Yanomamo Indians are considered the largest isolated tribe in South America, their number reaches 35,000 people.

Representatives of the nationality live in large communal buildings - shabono, where sometimes up to 400 inhabitants gather. They do not have individual houses. The closeness and impossibility of solitude did not have the best effect on the character of the Yanomamo. They are considered cocky and cruel in relation not only to strangers, but also to their fellow tribesmen.

Women, who are in an extremely humiliating position, are especially affected. Husbands mutilate them for the slightest offense, and warriors from other tribes can rape them without hindrance. During menstruation and after childbirth, a woman is considered to spread impurity, so she is locked in a separate hut, limiting the amount of food and drink, not allowing her to dress, bathe, communicate with anyone and touch herself with her hands.

It is assumed that this attitude was brought with them by male conquerors who once conquered the yamamoto and asserted their power by violence against local residents.

The warlike Indians are constantly in conflict either with forest poachers or with neighboring tribes, so they need more and more new men. If a girl is not born in the family, but a girl, the husband can beat and even kill his wife. To avoid reprisals, mothers themselves often take the life of female babies: they drown or smash them against stones and trees.

Anthropologist Brian Ferguson argues that the yamamoto aggression is deliberately provoked by some European industrialists who push separate groups of Indians to achieve their own selfish goals.

Fighting among themselves and creating an artificial shortage of women, the representatives of the tribe are gradually destroying each other, freeing up land for large mining, construction and agricultural companies.

Yamamoto also has cannibalism, but in a "soft" form. They eat only the ashes of dead tribesmen, believing that they continue to live in someone else's body.


In the highlands near the eastern borders of Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province) lives a short, but extremely ferocious people who terrify the surroundings. The famous explorer Miklukho-Maclay, highly respected by the Papuans, did not dare to "visit" these "kids", having heard about their cruelty towards strangers and cannibalism.

In the 21st century The Angu have abandoned mass cannibalism, but still oppress their higher neighbors and frighten tourists with an incredibly terrible ritual of mummification of the dead. Nowhere else in the world is a similar technology used.

Here is a rough description of it:

  1. First, all fat is removed from the corpse through incisions. This product is used for cooking, and they also smear the heads of the relatives of the deceased, symbolizing the patronage of their ancestors.
  1. They sew up all the holes in the body of the dead man, stopping the access of oxygen, which can cause decay processes.
  1. The human “semi-finished product” prepared in this way is lowered into a special pit in a sitting position and smoked over a fire continuously for several days. Then the completely dehydrated body is smeared with red clay and fired.

Mummies are kept on a mountain above the village, tied to a chair made of branches or seated in a wicker basket. Only dead warriors are subjected to "smoking" - it is believed that they continue to patronize their people in this form. During the holidays, the mummies are solemnly lowered down and placed in the center of the village, rendering them all sorts of honors.

Many foreign travelers of the past, such as the expedition of the German ethnographer Karl Golt, paid with their lives for trying to touch the ominous "charms" of the angu. However, the tribe requires only a monetary reward from modern tourists for the opportunity to be photographed next to their dead patrons.


The members of the ethnic group living in the Omo Valley, on the southern borders of Sudan and Ethiopia, call themselves Suri. Their culture and habits are very similar to the Mursi - the same militancy and unwillingness to make contact with civilization, the same desire to lead a closed lifestyle and aggression towards any "strangers" crossing the borders of their world. Few researchers and tourists dare to visit the places of permanent residence of the Surma - this is associated with a great risk to life.

Every July, the warrior tribe organizes grandiose ritual fights on 2-meter bamboo sticks - donga. Participants fight with particular cruelty, which leads to injury, and sometimes death of the loser. Recently, fighters use Kalashnikov assault rifles as weapons, from which they release bursts into the air, and sometimes, in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, and at others.

Surma women do not think of life outside of marriage and strive for marriage, for which they pay a considerable price.

The tribe has terrible wedding traditions:

  • circumcision of the bride, when the girl's clitoris and partially small labia are removed;
  • implantation of a ceramic disc in the lip, the diameter of which in some cases reaches 30 cm.

The first custom is not Surma's own invention, it is practiced by many African and Arab peoples, as well as the Indians of South America. After a clitoridectomy, a woman does not feel sexual desire, so she is unlikely to cheat on her husband. And since he treats his other half like a dog, forcing an intimate life with lashes, the risk of adultery is quite high.

A ceramic disc is inserted into girls upon reaching their 20th birthday. The larger it is, the higher the prestige of the bride, the larger the ransom that will be given for her. In order for the giant "plate" to fit in the mouth, all lower teeth are removed. This is done, like circumcision, without anesthesia. But a fully prepared bride is waiting for a reward for the torment she has endured - a “happy marriage” with exhausting labor and beatings.


On the border of Nigeria and Cameroon, a small nation lives, actively practicing cannibalism. Until the middle of the 20th century, mambilas were cannibals without exception, eating their enemies with equal pleasure, both raw and boiled.

The ethnos has created many terrible customs and rituals associated with the use of human meat. For example, it was forbidden to women, especially pregnant women. And married warriors could eat only representatives of their own sex, unlike bachelors, free in everything, even in cannibalism.

"On the table" mambilu got not only military booty, but also old parents when they became completely infirm. A special person was invited to kill them. The heads of old people were mummified and carefully kept like a strong amulet. It was believed that he protects the family, serves as a conductor of divine forces and is able to help with wise advice.

A lot of interesting and unknown is concealed by the traditions of different peoples of our planet.

And the mysterious, sometimes even forbidden, theme of sex could not remain aloof from customs and, accordingly, was reflected in various rituals, sometimes very unusual.

Sexual caresses and arousal of a partner

1. Among the inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands, one of the sexiest caresses is considered to be biting the eyelashes of a partner.

2. In Korea, it was believed that the best way to increase a man's arousal was to prick a needle into the root of the penis by 1-2 cm.

3. Men of the Panapé tribe, which lives in Micronesia, stimulate their partners with the help of ants, which sting very painfully. Insects are specially kept in boxes and, in the midst of sexual caresses, are planted directly on the clitoris of their beloved.

4. The sexual traditions of some other African tribes are also associated with insects, namely with the same ants. Partners substitute their buttocks under their stings, which, as a result of poisonous bites, turn into a continuous erogenous zone ...

5. Before making love, a couple from the Siron tribe in Eastern Bolivia had a tradition from ancient times to cleanse each other of ticks, lice and fleas. For greater excitement, lovers also swallow these insects.

It was believed that this atavism remained in the Siron tribe from monkeys. However, a more detailed study turned out that one of the varieties of lice that can live on the human body has a pronounced stimulating effect. It continues sexual arousal for hours and makes it more stable. Maybe that's why Siron Indians can have sex every day for 5-6 hours.

6. But in Zimbabwe they love dry sex. It is believed that the friction must be hard. Therefore, before sexual intercourse, local women rub their intimate organs with special herbs that create increased dryness. And men make special scar notches on the penis so that the friction is as strong as possible.

Defloration and amputations

7. Men of the Hottentot tribe from South Africa have retained the tradition of amputating one of their testicles. This is done so that twins are not born in the family, the appearance of which is considered a curse for the tribe.

8. In many Islamic countries, for example, in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the custom of solemn defloration has been preserved to this day. This is when the hymen is torn with the index finger of the right hand, wrapped in a white cloth, which, of course, should be dyed red. This happens publicly during the wedding ritual. And this despite the fact that the bride, and then the wife, can only show her face to her husband.

9. An even more terrible ritual of defloration occurs in individual tribes of equatorial Africa. The girls are sent to the jungle so that the role of the first man is played by ... a male gorilla. And if the girl failed to attract the "monkey", this cast a shadow on her reputation as a potential wife: they say even the gorilla did not peck! It is clear that most often this ended in an attack, or an imitation of an attack by one of the tribesmen. At the same time, he literally could do whatever he wanted with the unfortunate girl. The more injuries and mutilations a virgin received, the higher position she then occupied in the tribal hierarchy. Such is the price of sexual disability.

10. In the Zakaev tribe (Sumatra island), the bride had to be deflowered by her father, who was assisted by the bride's uncles, i.e. brothers of the father and mother (regardless of age). Sometimes up to 25 men aged from 70 to 10 years gathered at the bed of the unfortunate girl.

11. In ancient India, the defloration procedure was performed for money by people specially trained in this “skill”. The decision to take the girl to such a specialist was made by her mother. Deprivation of virginity occurred with the help of a phallus symbol made of stone, wood or other materials. After that, the girl was injected into the vagina with a special remedy made from medicinal leaves, which heals and reduces discomfort. At the same time, the blood that the girl lost during the process, by the decision of her parents, could be collected and used further as a love spell.

12. Almost all the tribes of South America and some African tribes had a tradition of deflowering themselves with a wooden dildo. After that, the torn hymen was covered with pieces of antiseptic plants.

13. And in Papua New Guinea, the right to deprive a girl of innocence belonged exclusively to the high priest. This was done with a wooden knife. And the groom was obliged to offer the newly-made bride to be “tested” by other men. Only after that they celebrated the wedding and in marriage the wife had to remain faithful.

14. Quite the opposite was done in some African tribes. They fought for the "preservation" of the bride. And they decided this matter radically - the girl’s vagina is simply sewn up at an early age and “opened” it only before the wedding at a special council of elders.

15. In the 19th century, it became popular in Europe to feign virginity, and the art was passed down from mothers to daughters. Girls created bleeding with a fish bladder, a sponge soaked in blood, or other tricks. Even then, the vaginal opening was sometimes stitched together, and sometimes special preparations were used to narrow it. Well, today feigning innocence is a practiced surgical operation.

16. And in Japan, virginity can only be proved by profuse bleeding, therefore, in order to imitate it, special balls filled with a liquid similar to blood were introduced into the vagina.

Traditions of polygamy and substitution

17. But if you think that virginity is a value, then you have never heard of the customs of the Tibetans. In this mountainous region, marriage to an untouched girl was considered a disgrace. And if the village found out about this fact, the couple could be expelled altogether ... Therefore, the mothers literally ordered the girl to give herself to at least twenty men. Moreover, Tibet has never been a place nearby inhabited, which gave the process a special extreme. However, it was considered unethical to inform the husband about the number of partners. The lists of the happy were kept by the mother-in-law with the mother-in-law.

18. Similar traditions still exist on the island of Mangaya, in Oceania. The mothers there approve of their daughters having multiple sexual partners. It is believed that in this way the girl has a chance to choose the best groom. Therefore, after the 18th birthday, if a girl stays away from men, then 20-30 peers and other single men are literally driven through her bed. Group sexual violence is also not forbidden, so girls prefer to be very sociable with the opposite sex.

19. And here is how researcher Jacques Marciro describes a wedding in the Marquesas Islands: “All the men invited to the wedding stand in a shirenga, singing and dancing, and take turns, in order of seniority, have sexual intercourse with the bride.”

20. But in the Shilluk tribe, which lives in Central Africa, the opposite is true. There is a tradition of marrying the king to several dozen beauties (up to 77). But this is the case when the harem is grief, not joy. In essence, harem slaves condemn their master to death. As soon as ten or more women begin to complain that a man does not satisfy them, the poor fellow is threatened not only with deposition from an honorary post, but also with death in terrible agony. For, as the Shilluk belief says, the impotent cannot betray the power of the fertility of the earth. The worst thing about it is the death penalty. Here's Who Viagra Probably Saves Lives

21. In Kamchatka, for many centuries it was considered a great honor if a guest entered into an intimate relationship with the host's wife. Accordingly, the latter made every effort to look as seductive as possible in front of the guest. If a child appeared in a hospitable hostess as a result of such contact, the event was celebrated by the entire settlement ... This blessed time ended at the beginning of the 20th century, but its echoes have survived to this day in the form of jokes. By the way, it is in Kamchadals that there is no concept of adultery in the language, and they treat adultery much more calmly than other peoples.

22. A similar custom was in everyday life and in the Australian Aborigines from the Arunta tribe. True, they shared their wives with each other. Therefore, modern swingers are not innovators at all. The Eskimos of Alaska and the Chukchi reindeer herders observed the tradition of providing their wives for a while to men from a stronger clan.

23. Also in the valleys of mountainous Tibet, it was also believed that if a guest liked someone else's wife, then such a higher will of the gods, and he should be allowed to “use” it. In Mongolia, the owner of a yurt that has a guest will, as a matter of course, offer to spend the night with his wife.

24. Few people know, but some temples in southern India can give odds to brothels. For example, the tradition of sacred prostitution has been flourishing in the temple of Soundatti for hundreds of years. During the holidays and a large flow of pilgrims, "dzhogamma" and "dzhogappa" - young women and boys - copulate with pilgrims in exchange for their donations to the temple. These love acts are dedicated to the "mother of the world" goddess Yellama, her husband Yamadagni and their son Parazuram, who, as the myth tells, cut off the mother's head.

It happens something like this: before entering the chambers, they utter a mantra, leave donations to the temple and the gods, and hide behind heavy drapery. There, believers and clerics of Yellam fall into a trance and half-forgetfulness perform the rite of "maituna" - "saving intercourse." After a while, they, “purified and enlightened,” come out of the door on the opposite side of the hall. At the same time, "jogamma" and "jogappa" look quite exotic - as a sign of piety, they never take care of their hair. There are practically no parishioners at the temple.

29. Imagine a wedding procession: at the altar, a fifteen-year-old bride and five grooms-brothers, from six to twenty-six years old. In the Tibetan tribe of Ning-ba in northwestern Nepal, the land - the main local treasure - is inherited by a woman. By marrying off one of their daughters to several men, the Ning-ba actually hire labor and avoid fragmenting the land. Others are destined for the fate of novices in the monastery.
Men share a woman among themselves very simply: the one who happened to spend the night in the matrimonial bedroom leaves shoes at the entrance, thereby warning the others that "the place is taken."


30. An interesting concept was flirting in Tanzania. To lure a man, Tanzanian women steal his hoe and sandals from him. It's just that these items are of particular value by local standards. Willy-nilly, the man will have to come after them. And already there...

31. Another interesting custom, which indirectly refers to the Aboriginals of North-Eastern Australia before 1945, they were engaged in ... penis-squeezing. Each foreigner, coming to the local village, had to give his penis to shake the inhabitants of the village of the stronger sex ...

32. But in the Renaissance, sex became more open and acquired new rituals. So, for example, during the wedding, one of the guests climbed under the girl's skirt, sitting at the table, and stole her garter (note that they didn't wear underwear then). The girl had to pretend that nothing was happening, and then the groom bought the bandage.

33. On the occasion of Worso, an annual holiday that marks the end of the rainy season and the awakening of nature, young men from the Bororo tribe in Niger carefully make up and dress up. The make-up is an important part of the ceremony, which can last six days and six nights. A thick layer of ocher is applied to the face, and then rubbed with fat for shine. During the holiday itself, young men with massive masks (make-up layer sometimes reaches 3-5 cm) on their faces participate in a beauty contest, the jury of which consists of 10 of the most beautiful girls of the tribe. Moreover, they must be completely naked, and the faces of the dancers must be painted the same way so that the virtuoso mastery of the art of makeup does not prevent the girls from impartially assessing male dignity. The eerie smile frozen on their faces is needed in order to show the whiteness of the teeth, and the bulging eyes are needed to show off the brightness of the whites. The one who wins can choose any number of girls and be with them next month. Those remaining in the panel of judges are divided among the closest rivals of the lucky one. Another 4-5 guys get the right to go with one of the young beauties to the nearest forest and become a real man. Well, the rest will wait until next year.

34. Among the Nuba people, from Sudan, the main day of the year is the "holiday of the choice of husbands." As the sun rises, the would-be newlyweds begin their love dances and dance until all the brides have chosen one of their tribesmen. Moreover, when, as a sign of her disposition, a woman puts her hand on the shoulder of the chosen one, he does not even dare to raise his eyes to his future wife. Perhaps because the bride, decorating herself the night before, slightly overdid it with ritual wounds and incisions. However, future family life is by no means a settled fact. Even after public erotic games, the future of marriage remains a big question. Even if the young warrior managed to please the beauty, until he builds a house for her, he will live among the cattle and will be able to visit his beloved only at night, secretly making his way to the house of future relatives.

Sexy accessories

35. On the island of Sumatra, the men of the Batta tribe thrust small sharp pieces of metal or pebbles under the foreskin, believing that this would give their partner special pleasure. At the same time, the “decorations” injured both partners.

36. Argentine Araucan Indians liked to attach a horsehair tassel to the male member, and sometimes woven jewelry reached 1.5-2 meters in length, and then they were elegantly tied around the neck.

37. The Indians of the Brazilian Topinamba tribe believed that the main thing is size. In their opinion, a woman can only like a large reproductive organ. Therefore, they not only lengthened the penis in every possible way, but also tried to expose their male organ to poisonous snakes, spiders and other insects for a bite, and then bandaged it, trying to keep the swelling.

38. The Indians turned out to be even more inventive! Indian treatises prescribed the use of intimate piercings for men made of gold, silver, iron, wood or buffalo horns to enhance sensitivity. After these tortures, the phallus became literally strung on a rod and pierced in several places. A slightly more humane device was the "yalaka" - a hollow tube with a surface covered with bumps. Compared to her, modern condoms with pimples are nonsense. But the main difference between this accessory and a condom is that sometimes it remained in an intimate place forever. In some cases, by accident, and a little later and on purpose.

39. But on the island of Bali, women tried to adorn themselves. They introduced various small objects into intimate places - rings, pebbles, nuts. On the one hand, in their opinion, this helped the reproductive function, on the other hand, they managed to bring more pleasure to men.

40. Interesting sexual traditions still exist in Japan. For example, at fertility festivals, men come in costumes, part of which are huge penises made of papier-mâché. Calm at the usual time, they have fun and run screaming through the streets after women.

41. In Japan, not only male genitals are sung, but also female ones - at the so-called "Vagina Festival". Then there is a parade during which a huge model of the vagina is demonstrated. It is carried down the street and sometimes opened. Then the girl sits inside and throws out the rice cakes that people catch on the streets.

42. Well, every five years in this country a special ceremony takes place, during which images of both male and female genital organs are shown. She goes to Inuyama. Phallic deities are brought here from the Temple in Taga, and the image of the female vagina is from Ogata. During these phallic festivals, sexual intercourse itself may also be demonstrated. For example, in Chibi, near Tokyo, a huge wooden phallus is inserted into a giant female vulva made of straw. For greater clarity, viewers water the image of the female genital organ with a strong milky color "sake", which is called "frill".


43. In order not to get pregnant out of wedlock, the Slavs used very unusual positions. So, for example, standing sex was very common, or when a girl was held in her arms. Another way - the "rider" pose, which is still popular today, was also designed specifically to reduce the risk of "flying". Another option - sex in water - was also considered a purely Slavic option and, in addition to hygiene, according to our ancestors, contributed to a decrease in the birth rate. Later, the authorities and the church introduced a ban on the “standing” and “rider” positions - it is difficult to get pregnant with her, which means she is “not for childbearing, but only for the sake of weakness”, that is, for the sake of pleasure. Those who performed sexual acts in the water were declared sorcerers and witches. The norms of Christianity dictated to a woman during sex only one position - face to face, lying motionless from below. Kissing was forbidden. At that time, a “good wife” was considered an asexual wife who was disgusted with sexual activity.

45. In Colombia, in the city of Cali, a woman can only have sex with her husband, and when this happens for the first time, the mother of the bride must be there to witness what happened.

46. ​​It is forbidden for a virgin to marry in Guam. Therefore, there is a special profession - a deflorator. Such a specialist travels around the country and for a fee provides girls with the service of deprivation of innocence.

47. In Libya, men are legally allowed to have sexual intercourse with animals. However, there is an important limitation: the animals must be female. Communication with male animals is punishable by death. In general, in most countries of the Middle East, one of the fundamental laws of Islam still operates: in no case should you eat the sheep with which you had sexual intercourse. A person who decides to eat such a sheep commits a mortal sin, and he will no longer go to heaven.

48. In some African tribes there is a custom: before getting married, the chosen one must prove his perseverance to the parents of his bride. The groom comes to his father, he examines him, feels his muscles, looks into his mouth. After that, the verdict is heard: "17 times." That's how many times a guy will satisfy the mother of the bride! Moreover, the number can go off scale far beyond a hundred, and the guy will have to do it almost continuously! Some do not stand up and run away, and whoever survives the test will become a husband and will be respected by the entire tribe. This is such a tough test.

49. In the tribes of North-West Africa, a sexual lottery is held monthly. Each of the men draws lots for which of the women he is to spend the night with. All the women present throw their erotic talismans into the basket. The man who pulls out the woman's talisman will be her sexy cavalier at this celebration of love. Joy and happiness illuminate those men who got the most beautiful and sexy women. Instantly, they pull their prey into the surrounding bushes and disappear there until the morning. And those who happen to spend the night with ugly women are upset. But such is the custom. If you refuse your lot, you will be permanently banned from further participation in such contests. But what happy old women! They drag healthy and strong men behind their huts, like stubborn donkeys: And you will not escape your fate anywhere - after all, this is a lottery!

50. The following custom is practiced in African pygmies: the bride is taken to the groom's house, after which she runs away from there and tries to hide in the forest. Friends of the future spouse find her, take her to the house of the chosen one's mother and have sex with her for five days! But this is not all. For three days, all the men of the tribe who wandered into the house of the mother of the groom can make love to the girl, and only after that she remains forever with her husband. I wonder what condition...

While most surviving rituals in modern society involve harmless, world-wide traditions, others, lesser known, can be extremely painful and cruel. Unusual and dangerous rituals can be found in different parts of the world. We will tell you about a few of them in this collection.

(Total 11 photos)

1. Cannibalism.

Aghori Baba who live in the Indian city of Varanasi are famous for eating the dead. They believe that man's greatest fear is the fear of death, and that this fear is an obstacle to spiritual liberation. Eating the dead - you can get rid of fear and embark on the right path of enlightenment.

There are five types of people who cannot be cremated according to Hindu rules: saints, children, pregnant women, unmarried women, people who have died from leprosy or snake bites. These people are attached to the sacred river Ganges, from where they are subsequently pulled out and ritually consumed by aghori.

2. Dance of the Sun.

Native Americans are known to have performed numerous rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth. Rituals are a means of communication with the great spirits, and sacrificing oneself means maintaining direct contact with the Tree of Life. The rite of making direct contact with the Tree is as follows: the skin on the chest of the participants is pierced with a skewer, which is attached to a pole with a rope, personifying the Tree of Life. Participants move back and forth trying to break free while the skin of their chest is still tied to the post. Such a dance can last for several hours.

3. Self-flagellation.

Every year during the holy month of Muharram, followers of Shiite Islam perform a ritual of mass self-flagellation in order to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Men beat their bodies with blades attached to chains. In a state of religious trance, they practically feel no pain.

4. Jumping from the vine.

In the village of Bunlap, which is located on an island in the Pacific Ocean, a ritual called Gkol is performed. This ritual is a kind of precursor to bungee jumping. The villagers sing, dance, some beat drums, and some men prepare for dangerous jumps. They tie vines around their ankles and jump from very tall wooden towers built specifically for this ritual. Participants in the ritual do not appear to be very concerned about the possibility of breaking bones. They just jump and fly upside down. It is believed that the higher a person starts, the greater the blessing of the gods he will receive.

5. Voodoo and spiritual possessions.

Voodoo worshipers can be found in parts of West Africa. One of the rites is to take into oneself, as into a kind of vessel, some other soul or spirit. In the photograph, a person connects with the spirit of the Earth, Sakpata. The spirit takes possession of the body, but the person remains conscious. After the ritual, the spirit does not leave the person for 3 days.

6. Heavenly burials.

In Tibet, Buddhists practice a strange sacred ritual called Jhator, or sky burial. Buddhists believe in the cycle of rebirth, which means that there is no need to keep the body after death, because the soul has passed to another realm. It is customary to give the bodies of the dead to the vultures as alms. In order to get rid of the body as quickly as possible, a special person cuts the corpse into pieces, and scatters it around, to be eaten by birds.

7. Fire walks.

The festival takes place in Penang, Malaysia. One of the cleansing rituals involves walking barefoot on burning coals. It is believed that fire scares away evil spirits, enhances male power and helps to get rid of bad thoughts. For this purpose, hundreds of people walk through the fires.

8. Dancing with the dead.

Famadihana, which means "turning the bone", is a traditional festival that takes place in Madagascar. Participants believe that the faster the body decomposes, the faster the spirit reaches the afterlife. Therefore, they dig up their loved ones in order to dance with them to the music around the grave, and then reburial. This strange ritual is performed every 2 years -7 years.

9. Pricking.

The annual Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand is a highly dangerous ritual that requires participants to pierce their cheeks with swords, knives, spears, hooks and the like. It is believed that during the ritual, the gods put their bodies into a trance, protect them from evil and bring good luck in the future.

10. Mortal rites.

The Amazonian Yanomami tribe is one of the most primitive in the world. According to them, death is not a natural phenomenon. It is customary in the tribe to cremate a dead person, and mix his ashes with bananas and eat them so that the spirit of the deceased member of the tribe continues to live among their own.

11. Scarification.

The Kaningara tribe of Papua New Guinea practice a very unusual ritual that aims to strengthen the spiritual connection between the members of the tribe and their surroundings. One of the ritual ceremonies is held in the "House of the Spirit". Teenagers live in seclusion in the House of the Spirit for two months. After this period of isolation, they prepare for an initiation ceremony that recognizes their transition to adulthood. In the course of the ritual, the person is given skin incisions with bamboo shards. The resulting notches resemble the skin of a crocodile. The people of this tribe believe that crocodiles are the creators of people. The marks on the body symbolize the teeth marks of a crocodile that ate a boy and left a grown man.