What does the money mean in a dream. Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities and dreams - a dream in which money on Miller, Wange, Felomene and Freuda give

By Miller's dream book, find money in a dream - to small concerns preceding happy change; Pay them to failure. Receipt in a dream of gold symbolizes good perspectives. Loss of money dreams of troubles, both in the family and in the service; The detection of their shortage at the invoice - to trouble with payments.

Steal money in a dream - to the danger; save - to wealth; swallow - to the appearance of mercenary motives; Recalling a lot of money - to the real opportunity to achieve welfare and happiness. To see small coins in a dream - to the troubles and lack of mutual understanding with their surroundings; lose them - to failure; Cancel coins - to practicality and leaning.

When in a dream, you found a pack of money, but a young woman pretends to her, it means that interference with a close person can harm your business. Also, this dream may indicate the need to live by means. To take money in a dream - to the fact that others will represent you better than it really is, but you will not be happy. Cost of other people's money dreams of a loss of a friend because of a launching of you in deception.

Fake money in a dream - to big trouble.

What dreams of money - by dream book Vanga

Find money in a dream - to evil intentions against you people from your environment. Get them - it means that the people around you consider you a kind and responsive person. Exhausted in a dream to someone's money speaks about the emergence of the need for them to complete the case started earlier.

Torn money will take off to poverty and can symbolize a robbery attack on your home that will deprive you of all savings. The dream in which you consider money, talks about the need to revise your attitude towards money, and asks you not to be petty.

What dreams of money - in the dream book Freud

According to Freud, money symbolize sexual energy and sexual wishes of sleeping. If you spend money in a dream - it means you have a lot of unrealized sexual energy. If you get - it means, in your life there is little love and not enough sex. If it is earned money - it means you need sexual discharge; If found - an unexpected meeting will end with good sex, you can also have a new sexual partner. Loss of money dreams to decline forces and may impote impotence, such a dream is a reason for a prophylactic visit to the doctor.

What dreams of money - on esoteric dreamy

Seen in a dream trifle foreshadows financial losses; paper bills - To losses (for example, not returned duty). Vintage money in a dream symbolize gifts.

What dreams of money - Loffa

On Loffu, the dream of money should be interpreted, based on the relationship towards them, their influence on his life and the presence of problems with money. For some people, it is just a means of existence, for others - the status indicator, etc. Therefore, often dreams about money talk about strength and control over others.

To explain sleep about receipt in a dream, you should consider who they gave them, and under what circumstances it happened. Such a dream, as a rule, talks about the revival of the emotional forces or the emergence of the conflict, which was the cause of your mental torments.

Sleeping about ownership of the wealth that you share with others, suggests that in your power - to help other people, and in real life Such help will rather not be monetary.

Sleeping about loss of money - the sign of your inability to control itself, and this applies not only to the costs of money, but also other areas of life.

What dreams of money - in the dream dream book

In the flowering, see in a dream copper money - to sadness, disappointment; Silver - to tears or profits; Paper - to news or deception; Golden - to the grief. Distribute money in a dream - it means to unexpectedly get rich in reality.

What dreams of money - by Dream Hasse

Get money in a dream or produce - to great expenses; see a lot of money - to unexpected wealth; count - to good earnings; Lose - to in vain work. Having false money in a dream - to loss of inheritance; give money to troubleshoot; Machine deals - to add in the family.

What dreams of money - by the dream of Meneghetti

Meneghetti dreams about money are a symbol of false values.

What dreams of money - in the dream of Martyn's dust

Golden money will take off to important affairs; Silver - to reverence, profits; Copper - to sadness.

MLADY Dream Money

  • Money in a dream to see - a dream with many interpretations, both good and bad. It all depends on how and what money you had dreamed;
  • Paper money dream book interprets like happiness, good luck, wealth;
  • Coins in a dream on the contrary, mean tears, sadness, trouble;
  • Accordingly, sleep getting paper money is good and foreshadows the appearance in the life of joy, wealth and good luck;
  • Give money (bills) - you can lose something good;
  • Dreams with coins are completely opposite: to give them a sign in a dream, but to get or find - bad.

Money for Dream Wang

  • Finding money - someone from others prepares a lot of evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a blind spot, for it is precisely through them unclean people satisfy damage to people of good, believers;
  • Dream interpretation getting money - the surrounding people see in you generous, good manwho is always ready to help in difficult moments of life;
  • To see in a dream torn money - poverty, hunger and robbery, perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of the robbery committed on your home;
  • Dream to consider money - you are very petty man, you need to reconsider your attitude to money, because they will never replace human relations;
  • Stretching any money - you will need a lot of money for the successful completion of the work started.

Money - Dream Dream

  • Financial state. As a rule, in a dream, too, as in life: a trifle, she is a trifle, and large money is good; Also this is your ambitions.

Miller Dream Money

  • Find money - small anxiety, but great happiness, change;
  • Pay - failure;
  • In a dream to receive money - huge prospects, unwrapped joys;
  • Lose money Dream Interpretation - Unfortunate clock in your home and in service, trouble;
  • Consider your money and discover the shortage - trouble with payments;
  • Steal - danger, you must follow your actions more carefully;
  • Save money - wealth, life comfort;
  • Swallow money - the appearance of mercenary interest;
  • Recalculate a large amount of money - your well-being and happiness within the reach;
  • Find a pack of money on which a young woman presents rights - losses in entrepreneurship because of the interference close to you;
  • Small coins - dissatisfaction in affairs, service in service, and favorite and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part;
  • Lose minor money - you will experience a slight disregard for yourself, failure;
  • Find money sleep - favorable prospects;
  • Cancel coins - your practicality and thrift;
  • Take money in debt - you will be another to seem better than you are, which will not give you satisfaction;
  • Consider other people's money - you will be caught in the small deception, a loss of a friend;
  • Money fake is a very uncomfortable omen;
  • Asking money loan - new concerns with imaginary sensation of well-being.

Miller Dream Money

Money for National Dream

  • Small - sadness;
  • Paper - news;
  • Golden - pleasure, pride.

What dreams of money - Solomon's dream book

  • Golden money - to wealth;
  • Copper coins dreamed of - tears;
  • Silver - troubles.

Miss Hasse Dream Money

  • Get big expenses;
  • Fake - loss of inheritance;
  • See a lot of money - unexpected wealth;
  • Consider a lot of money - you will earn;
  • Lose - work will not be able to you;
  • Issue big expenses;
  • Giving loans - anxiety and troubles;
  • Money transactions - family growth.

Sleep money in the dream of a flower

  • Copper - sadness;
  • Sereblis - Tears, Profit;
  • Paper - news, deception;
  • Golden - Mount.

Money for Schiller Schoolboy

  • Copper - trouble;
  • Silver - in vain hassle;
  • Golden - important and profitable cases;
  • Pay money - success in affairs;
  • Get - Family Growth.

Intimate dream book

  • If you consider money in a dream, it means that you should think about whether you feel too tremendous feelings. The petties and stiffness escaping from your subconscious, commucify all your attempts to start a new acquaintance for failure;
  • If you found money - this is a sign that expects well-being in a personal life.

Money - English Dream Interpretation

  • Lack of money can reflect your financial position in real life;
  • If you have everything in order with finances, but in a dream you find yourself without a penny, perhaps your subconscious reminds that money is not all; Perhaps you lack social skills or personal qualities?
  • Dreams in which you win a large cash prize, usually just reflect your desires!

Russian dream book

  • Minor money - dissatisfaction in affairs;
  • Large bills are a profitable case;
  • Copper money - trouble;
  • Silver coins - in vain hassle;
  • Gold coins are important and profitable cases;
  • Money to pay in a dream - to success;
  • Receive - to add in the family, to joy;
  • Sleep money to lose - to troubles;
  • If a dream was stolen in a dream - you are in danger;
  • Finding money - waiting for small anxiety and great luck ahead.

Family dream book

  • Sleep Money Women - Dinking on Monday night, - To get acquainted with a strong and decisive person;
  • Seen on the night on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, - to bustle and troubles;
  • Having dreamed overnight on Saturday or Sunday, - to the loss of hope and disappointment in life;
  • For a man money, a dream disinteited on Monday: Your position will be shaken at work and relations with people;
  • Sleep, seen on the night for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, says: You will be forced to accept a disadvantage;
  • Sleep, disinteited on Saturday or Sunday, foreshadows the opportunity to make money, thanks to its determination.

Chinese dream book - money

  • Pick up - big luck;
  • Returning to man money - getting rid of the disease;
  • See money - fortunately;
  • Share money - foreshadowing.

Dream of Freud.

  • Money is a symbol of sexual energy and sexual dream desires;
  • If you spend money, you overwhelm sex. You are ready to fuck with any person. If he inspires you at least the slightest sympathy;
  • If you get money, it symbolizes the lack of love in your life. Jasom sex you also lack;
  • Earned money symbolize your desire for sexual discharge;
  • The money found symbolize the joy of sex at an unexpected meeting. They can symbolize the upcoming change of a sexual partner;
  • Lost money symbolize the decline of strength and possible impotence. In any case, it is better to test your health.

Dream of Freud.

Ukrainian dream book

  • If paper money is shot, then it is beautiful sign, soon something can be interesting, joyful, pleasant;
  • Copper money - there will be some tears to this person;
  • Silver - nothing bad;
  • Gold money - you will have an income.

Italian dream book

Modern dream book

  • Receive money in a dream - to profits or to big changes in life;
  • Have money in a dream - a sign that you need to look for sources of existence or a new job;
  • To live is not for funds in a dream - it warns that in reality you should not twist in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures;
  • Ask for money loan in a dream - to new problems;
  • Pay debts in a dream - well, and promises good luck in affairs or performance of any obligations that you are unpleasant;
  • Fake money in a dream to have - to losses and disappointments. Sleep warns you: do not believe in beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams;
  • Get fake money in a dream - to deception. This dream warns you that you should not assist people both unfamiliar and loved ones;
  • Fake fake money in a dream - the foreskins of danger threatening to you if you have conceived bad;
  • Checking coins in a dream foreshadows in vain troubles and chagrins because of this;
  • Get money in a letter of credit in a dream - a sign of receiving news;
  • If you dreamed that someone gave you paper money in a dream unusual viewthen you will completely suddenly get money;
  • Lose money in a dream - bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, the collapse of the plans and warns that in a short time you have to think about how to live on. The same predicts a dream in which you have taken away money or lured them fraudulently. If at the same time in your dream was present dark man, a foreigner or just a gypsy, then you should be ingraded and take the necessary precautions, because you will want to robs;
  • Find money in a dream - to big expenses that will significantly exceed your income. Such a dream is a warning that you should be thrifty and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receipt of news of money, which may be bad or good. However, if someone needs a lot of money and does not give up, then sleep predicts you that it is unlikely that he will do it in the near future;
  • Find a lot of money in a secluded place and feel in a dream remorse of conscience - the foresology of large cash losses in which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later;
  • Save money in a dream - the foreskins of improving the material situation;
  • Distribute money in a dream - to the unexpected benefits and wealth that will go to your hands themselves. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the case provided by fate;
  • The deposit is to receive or give - it foreshadows success in any business.

Dream Interpretation Empress Catherine

  • Finding money - you are awaiting happy changes;
  • You give money in a dream - enviable perspectives await you in life; Summate to use them and achieve a lot;
  • You lost money in a dream - in family life You will have disappointment; And when you come to the service, then come across troubles;
  • Consider the money dream book - Your welfare is unshakable;
  • Detect a shortage - in reality you will find your insolvency;
  • The dream to occupy money - it seems to you that you are fine, but it is not so; Soon it turns out that the position of your shaky, and you will understand that without the help of your loved ones;
  • You are given money loan - you try to look better than it is, but you know the true price;
  • Draw false money - in life you often give the desired for valid; You do not know how to propagate your desires with your own capabilities; You sometimes give promises that are unable to execute; All these qualities do not suppress you authority;
  • Small coins were dreamed - minor failures;
  • Gold coins in a dream - you skillfully lead important things; Your ability will provide you with well-being; personal well-being;
  • Handful of coins in hand - sadness.

Getting money is always nice, both in a dream and in reality. What it dreams, in two words not to explain. Dreams are given various interpretationsDepending on who gave them to you, banknotes were either coins, and how large was the amount.

Dream Interpretation Miller

Among the large number of dream collections, Miller's dream book, rightly, can be called one of the best. Thousands of interpretations of various visions are collected on his pages, and their exact and full description. For example, what dreams that you are lucky to receive money.

  • I got in a dream money illegally - you are threatened with danger.
  • Recalted in the bank issued salary - in reality you will receive what they deserve.
  • Getting money in the store in the form of delivery and see that you were checked - to problems with payments.
  • In a dream, you exchanged a pack of dollars and immediately lost them - do not start anything connected with entrepreneurship.
  • Read in a dream a large amount in small coinsGot from a deceased relative - gradually cases that came to decay will begin to improve.

Who "sponsor", or deeds of spiritual and financial

Did you dream that you get money from a man? Remember whether you are familiar with him. Receive from a familiar man - your friends see a good and generous man in you; From the Men of the unfamiliar - not "open" the soul before the first counter, advises dream book Vangu.

Getting a dream from a husband - a sign of dissatisfaction with the current financial situation. Take them from a woman with whom you are related to kinship, for example, from mother or from sister - Avoid conflicts with it in reality. Getting money from the president - you are generally not satisfied with your life, but you can not understand what it is not satisfied, you can not.

"GIFT" from that light - to improving the material situation

Getting money in a dream from the dead man - not so bad, as it may seem. But a couple-triple of details in explanation, what dreams like is still important. So, did you get money from a deceased person? Remember what hand he gave you to you, Slavic Dream Interpretation advises: Right - lucky in the game, left - perhaps you will leave something valuable inheritance.

Did you dream that you got a bribe from the dead? This means that you will be able to restore forgotten, but important contacts. But if in a dream you get from the dead in the money, which he supposedly should, then it means "hello from the past": return of the deposit, debt, detection of forgotten ink.

Quantity as a symbol of wealth and poverty

The number of money dreamed in a dream is an important factor in the interpretation of sleep. Get a lot of money - to profits and reveal. Dreamed that you were paid for the robot, but the amount is very small? Such a dream is a harbinger of poverty.

Still a nuance: a lot of money with small banknotes - you will have to try to make a profit in revealing. And here large sumOwned by one bill, talks about easy earnings, assures the dream of Pastor Loffa.

Paper or metal - from tears to smile

What the paper money dreams is not a secret for one dream. See paper large bills of your state - your life flows measuringly, and nothing threatens her calm, pleases Eastern Dream. And paper large bills of someone else's country are a symbol of fun and joy.

Did the metal coins dreamed? You are waiting for despondency and tears, and, the more coins you were given, and the louder there were their tears, especially "bitter" your tears will be predicting the dream book of the White Maga.

by dream of Miller

To dream in a dream that you found money - means small anxiety, but great happiness. Follow changes. Pay money to failure. Getting gold is huge prospects and unwound joys. Lose money - means that you will survive unfortunate hours in your home and in service you are waiting for trouble. Consider your money and discover the shortage - a sign that you will have trouble with payments. To see in a dream that you stole money, means that you are in danger and must follow your actions more carefully. Save money - a sign of wealth and life comfort. To see in a dream that you swallow money, foreshadows selfish interest. Recalculate a large amount of money - means that your well-being and happiness within the reach of you. To see in a dream that you found a pack of currency, but the young woman presents the right to her, means that you are threatened with losses in entrepreneurship because of the interference with you. Seeing this dream can find what he spends his money and lives without means. This dream is a warning! Do not annoy your mind with fruitless fantasies, for the collapsed card house also leaving the heart. To see in a dream minor coins - means dissatisfaction in affairs. You should expect trouble in the service, and your favorite and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part. Having lost minor money in a dream, you will experience a slight disregard for yourself and fail. Found money promise favorable prospects. If you think a coin is in a dream - this means that you will be practical and fell. To see in a dream that you took debt money, predicts you a dual position: you will be another to seem better than you are, but it will not give you satisfaction. Consider other people's money promises that you will be caught in the small deception and you will lose a friend. Money fake in a dream is a very unkind omen. Asking money loan - means the emergence of new worries with imaginary sensation of well-being.

See money

by Dream Loffa

In a dream, money can be lost, get or spend. Dreams about money really imply power, control over others and competence. Hence, an important element To interpret sleep is a more attentive look at those involved in commodity relations, as well as on the role that you play them. The lives of many people who see money in a dream is subordinate to the desire to get them - such people upset the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly traced in cash dreams coming to people who bonded in debt. If you get money in a dream, try to remember, from whom you get them and under what circumstances it happens. Perhaps this is a dream about blessing. Obtaining money in this case indicates the revival of emotional strength or update by resolving relationships that are no longer given your soul. You can see a dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others. Often such a dream is a symbol of need to convey the blessing to others. The real need for this is rarely relevant to money, rather, this is the need to help others. Loss of money without a visible reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This feature may refer to the sphere of cash relations, and may indicate the inability to restrain itself from excessive waste of emotional or other resources. How do you evaluate the impact of money on your life? In some families, money is perceived as something of granted. For others, this is a symbol of influence, control, status indicator. Depending on this, whether you have problems with money, monetary dreams can also indicate your feelings in relation to strength, in whatever it is to be expressed.

What dreams of money

in the dream of flowers

copper - sadness; Luck is not what I wanted; Silver - tears; Paper - news, deception; Golden - Mountain; distribute - to unexpected wealth; return debt - to recovery; Select - luck; See thinking.

What dreams dream about money

by dream book Vangu

Find money in a dream - evidence that someone from those surrounding prepares a lot of evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a blind place, for it is precisely through them that are impure of themselves damage to people of good, believers. If you have dreamed that you get money, then the surrounding people see in you a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life. To see torn money in a dream - a bad omen. Torn money symbolize poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of the robbery committed on your home. If in a dream you considered money, then in real life you are very petty man. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because they will never replace human relationships. To stretch in a dream to some money - in a short time you will need a lot of money for the successful completion of the work started.


according to Ayurvedic dreamy

If in a dream you received money, then this speaks about prosperity. If you dream that you give money, then sleep reflects your ability to lend money.

Why dream ruble

in the dream of flowers

nude to tears.

What dreams of a wallet

in the dream of flowers

find with money - success in love; Stole - (for a woman) - random communication or unwanted meeting; (for a man) - getting rid of something or someone; Empty - disappointment; treason in friendship or love; Lose - come dependent; Your secrets will be known; See bag.

Dreamed wallet

by dream of Miller

If you dream that your wallet is full of diamonds and cash bills, it means, from now on you get into a circle where you will be welcomed by the words of approval, and harmony and tender love will turn land for you in a paradise place.

What dreams to pay

in the dream of flowers

on accounts - acquisition; For the purchase - an unexpected acquisition instead of the expected loss; salary to someone - service; You pay - deception; Debt - revenge; getting rid of the disease; damage compensation; Delive to you - see lending.

What dreams of wealth

in the dream of flowers

fear frankness with a stranger; Be rich - to the disease.

Dreamed wealth

by dream of Miller

If you dream that you have wealth, it means that you will climb on the service staircase to more and more successful thanks to the constant diligence and attention to your affairs. Fate will not present you the case of crushing it, if only you yourself do not destroy your happiness, deceiving my wife. Sleeping about wealth foreshadows successful, although risky enterprises in business life. See the rich others - the sign that in difficult moment Near you there will be many friends. For young women, this dream is a motivation to a more attentive attitude towards their parents.

What dreams of an appreciation

in the dream of flowers


Dreamed of duty

by dream of Miller

To see the debts - this is a bad foreman, such a dream predicts failures in the affairs of love and the struggle for the property deficiency. But if you do all debt obligations, then I will accept your affairs to accept a favorable turn.

What dream of debt

in the dream of flowers

return to recovery; pay - to reduce the scores; free or recover (for patients); You get paid - erase dependence or revenge.

Dreamed the loan

by dream of Miller

Take off - this is a sign of loss and lack of help. For the banker, see in a dream that he takes off in another bank, he foreshadows that he suffers from the requirements of returning deposits into his bank will lead it to full collapse, unless he listened to this caution. If someone takes money from you, you will receive help when you need it. True friends will visit you.

Dreamed salary

by dream of Miller

The salary you get in a dream will bring unexpected successful to people entering into a new entrepreneurship. Pay salary - means that discontent awaits you. To see what has been reduced by salaries - a warning that unfriendly actions can be taken against you. Wage wage seen in a dream - suggests an extraordinary profit in any enterprise.

What dreams of leaving

in the dream of flowers

(money or things) - to trouble or illness; someone - get protection; Dead - an unexpected gift; Benefit in hopeless matter; require long-hazard; Patients - deterioration; Unknown to someone - anxiety and troubles; clothes - disease and trouble in the service; Consider yourself - misses, error.

Dreamed of countenance

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you give money off, foreshadows the difficulties in paying cash accounts or other troubles. Obtain some things - promises you that you will be put on the path of generous help to other people and thus come to the thoughts about the need for self-improvement. If in a dream you refuse to lend things M Son foreshadow that you will be widespread in your interest in your business, the maintenance of which will cause respect for you. If someone offers you a loan money or lensing things to you, then this dream is the oppression of the beginning of a strong friendship.

If you dream of sleep, in which you cannot pay off the debts and feel bankrupt, then in real life, do not be afraid of the threat from this side. On the contrary, your energy and self-confidence allows you the best way Organize your affairs. However, other alarms can confuse your soul. If you see other bankrupt, then this means that noble, honest people in matters will meet you, although perhaps you can harm you excessive frankness. Young person This dream promises a little bittenness with his beloved, blameing the difference of their views.

Expert Answers


In a dream, my friends at the end of the day ask some money on the road. I already climb into the wallet and say that they took it yesterday and did not give it yet, it means that yesterday 20 and today 20 and they will have to give me 40. I open the wallet, there are different bills, I take green - 20, but I don't remember To give them in hand, or whether the morning came, then the dream has changed. I'm trying to wear shorts of someone, but they are small to me, only to the knees. What is all this? (K, svetlana)

Giving money in a duty in a dream means that financial difficulties may notice you. Judging by the fact that you cannot get into shorts, you will probably have problems with family budget.


Hello, today I have a birthday and dreamed that I came across at home for a pack of money and recalculated them, then I was in a dream Mom and Aunt (they died), and then I saw a spider on the table, I tried to smear it, he jumped on the sink and I I tried to wash it off with water, but he jumped and I woke up. What is this dream? (Nuria Volueva)

The appearance of dead relatives in a dream is always a warning about something. Judging by the description of sleep, the improvement in the material situation awaits you, however, you need to be careful to accidentally do not miss the chance.

In a dream, money can be lost, get or spend. Dreams about money really imply power, control over others and competence. Therefore, an important element for the interpretation of sleep is a more attentive view of those who participate in commodity relations, as well as on the role that you play them.

The lives of many people who see money in a dream is subordinate to the desire to get them - such people upset the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly traced in "cash dreams" coming to people who bite into debt.

If you get money in a dream, try to remember, from whom you get them and under what circumstances it happens. Perhaps this is a dream about blessing. Obtaining money in this case indicates the revival of emotional strength or update by resolving relationships that are no longer given your soul.

You can see a dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others. Often such a dream is a symbol of need to convey the blessing to others. Standing for this real need is rarely related to money, rather this need to help others.

Loss of money without a visible reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This feature may refer to the field of cash consumption, and may indicate the inability to restrain itself from excessive waste of emotional or other resources.

How do you evaluate the impact of money on your life? In some families, money is perceived as something of granted. For others, this is a symbol of influence, control, status indicator. Depending on whether you have problems with money, "cash" can also indicate your feelings in relation to strength, which is neither expressed.

Money in the dream of Miller

To dream in a dream that you found money - means small anxiety, but great happiness. Follow changes. Pay money to failure. Getting gold is huge prospects and unwound joys. Lose money - means that you will survive unfortunate hours in your home and in service you are waiting for trouble. Consider your money and discover the shortage - a sign that you will have trouble with payments. To see in a dream that you stole money, means that you are in danger and must follow your actions more carefully. Save money - a sign of wealth and life comfort. To see in a dream that you swallow money, foreshadows selfish interest. Recalculate a large amount of money - means that your well-being and happiness - within the limits of reaching you. To see in a dream that you found a pack of currency, but the young woman presents the right to her, means that you are threatened with losses in entrepreneurship because of the interference with you. Seeing this dream can find what he spends his money and lives without means. This dream is a warning! Do not annoy your mind with fruitless fantasies, for the collapsed card house also leaving the heart. To see in a dream minor coins - means dissatisfaction in affairs. You should expect trouble in the service, and your favorite and friends will complain about insufficient attention on your part. Having lost minor money in a dream, you will experience a slight disregard for yourself and fail. Found money promise favorable prospects. If you think a coin is in a dream - this means that you will be practical and fell. To see in a dream that you took debt money, predicts you a dual position: you will be another to seem better than you are, but it will not give you satisfaction. Consider other people's money promises that you will be caught in the small deception and you will lose a friend. Money fake in a dream is a very unkind omen. Asking money loan - means the emergence of new worries with imaginary sensation of well-being.

Money in the dream interpretation on Miss Hasse

Money is to get - big expenses; Fake to have - lose inheritance; see a lot of money - unexpected wealth; count a lot of money - you will earn; Lose - work will not be able to you; give out - keep in mind big expenses; giving loans - anxiety and troubles; Money transactions are made - the growth of families.

Money in Dream Vange

Find money in a dream - evidence that someone from those surrounding prepares a lot of evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a blind place, for it is precisely through them that are impure of themselves damage to people of good, believers.

If you have dreamed that you get money, then the surrounding people see in you a generous, kind person who is always ready to help in difficult moments of life.

To see torn money in a dream - a bad omen. Torn money symbolize poverty, hunger and robbery. Perhaps in the future you will lose all your savings as a result of the robbery committed on your home.

If in a dream you considered money, then in real life you are very petty man. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because they will never replace human relationships.

To stretch in a dream to some money - in a short time you will need a lot of money for the successful completion of the work started.