One-storey residential building with an attic and a garage. Projects of houses with an attic and a garage: various variations of buildings

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage offered by our architects are now in high demand. The popularity of attic buildings is due to many factors:

    economy of construction

    aesthetics of the exterior of the building

    originality interior

    the ability to get more usable area

    the ability to conveniently divide the internal space into two zones.

If you wish, you can purchase the development of a cottage with spectacular loggias, bay window inserts, wide glazing, a double-height living room. Carefully thought out beautiful projects houses with an attic and a garage are an excellent basis for respectable housing in elite cottage settlements... We also have projects for simple, laconic buildings that do not require large construction costs.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

The presence of an attached garage provides the house with even more high level comfort. A well-designed extension fits harmoniously into a holistic architectural composition. Usually, a garage drive is located next to the main entrance to the house. Often, garages provide for an exit back side at home. In many projects, you will see the internal communication of the garage extension with the residential part of the house. However, some developers do not want to have a garage connected to the house by an internal entrance. For them, we have projects with attached but completely isolated garages.

Development is the initial and most important stage of construction. A correctly designed project allows you to see how the building will look after its construction. At this stage, you can also identify the existing flaws and inaccuracies in the design of the facade or the layout of the house. House projects you should definitely trust professionals with experience in this type of activity.

What are the advantages of an attic and a garage

To make the most of the area of ​​a private house, experienced designers develop projects of houses with an attic... By replacing the attic with an attic, you get the opportunity to equip another functional room. Most often, a nursery, a guest room or a bedroom for a married couple is located here.

In addition to the above, private houses with an attic have the following advantages:

1. Aesthetic appeal.

2. Ability to use a wide range building materials.

3. Low cost of insulation.

4. A significant increase in the usable area of ​​the building.

5. Variety of architectural solutions.

6. Ease of construction and insignificant load on the foundation.

Another useful addition to your home would be garage... More often than not, a lot more tasks are imposed on this extension than just providing a reliable shelter for the car.

How are projects of houses with a garage and an attic drawn up?

Drafting projects of houses with a garage and an attic carried out taking into account the peculiarities environment... To that an important milestone StroyExpress specialists approach with all the degree of responsibility and professionalism. The buildings designed by the experienced employees of the company are reliable, durable and durable.

When developing project of a house with an attic and a garage experts take into account:

· Number of storeys and layout of the main building;

· The type of materials used for the construction of the house and outbuildings;

· design solutions and other questions.

Custom built house projects with an attic and a garage are aesthetically pleasing, which is confirmed by numerous Photo ready-made structures.

Stylish and modern house, which has both a garage and an attic - this is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also very practical. It is this option that is the most rational, because you can use the area of ​​the land plot as efficiently as possible. People practically do not use the attic, however, if you improve it, you can get a full-fledged living space.

Benefits of having an attic

V recent times houses with an attic are becoming more and more popular in the construction of private buildings. So compact living space designed to save space on land plot, which will allow you to equip a cozy courtyard. Such cozy house can become a reflection of the owner of a home, express his individuality.

A one-story house with an attic is not the best a profitable solution, since you will have to attract professionals to develop the project. The fact is that condensation can form on the attic floor, and this negatively affects the atmosphere at the top of the building. To avoid such problems, you will have to equip high-quality heat, hydro and vapor barrier, and this will entail the infusion of additional Money... Despite this drawback, it is worth noting that this solution is worth it, since the complete construction of the second floor will be even more expensive.

If the project of a house with an attic and a garage has already been chosen, then it remains to think over the insulation of the roof so that the stay on the attic floor is as comfortable as possible. To insulate the attic, it is best to use foam, which is very cheap, and its installation will take only a few hours. The only drawback of the material is low fire safety, so you can use an alternative option - fiberboard or glass wool. For residential buildings, it is best to use the latter option, since it is the most popular, it is enough to take care only of dust protection and you can insulate the attic.

Two-storey buildings with a garage

Variants finished projects two-story houses with a garage and an attic can be found on the Internet, their number is simply amazing. You can also contact any construction company that can offer several ready-made options, it remains to choose the optimal project and you can start construction. If you want to express your individuality, then you can order the development of a project for yourself, but this option will cost much more.

If the land plot is large, then no difficulties will arise, build big house with a garage and an attic it is easy here. It is a completely different matter when the site is limited in free space, but even here there is a way out, because good construction companies are ready for this difficulty and will be able to offer an option that takes this factor into account.

Features of houses for small land plots:

  • One of the walls must be "blank" (there are no windows on this wall). It is on this side that the house is placed as close as possible to the neighboring site, thereby freeing up a little space in front of itself.
  • A shed or other utility-type structures are best placed along the longitudinal walls of the building, and living rooms in the house will need to be located at the ends.
  • The entrance must be equipped from the end or the front, and the garage must be built closer to the road in such a way that the exit is minimal, and the garage itself does not take up much space.
  • It is necessary to think over the project of the house and all the buildings located on the territory of the site with the highest quality, so that later there are no problems and you do not have to spend money on modifications that will be difficult to carry out.

For maximum comfort and coziness, it is recommended to equip private courtyard plantings, arches and trees. They must organize the space, divide it into zones. At the same time, it is important that these zones are not isolated with each other, otherwise it will harm general design, will make the site cramped.

One-storey houses with a garage

How many floors there will be in a house is most influenced by the size of the land plot. One-story houses are more in demand, since it is much more convenient to move around them, this is especially true if there are elderly people or children at home. Two-storey house assumes the presence of a ladder, to save space they often use spiral staircase, and going up it to the second floor is a real obstacle for pensioners. Therefore, if the land plot allows, then the construction of a large one-storey house will be the perfect solution.

If big cottage will be combined with a garage, then this will make the most efficient use of the space on the land. The garage can be used both for storing the car and for seasonal items that can be hidden there.

Advantages of a garage combined with a house under one roof:

  • There is no need to go outside in order to move from one building to another. This option is especially good in bad weather.
  • Moral peace of mind, since the car is located nearby, and not on the street or in the parking lot.
  • V winter time It is not necessary to warm up the car for a long time, since the garage can be a warm enough room and such an action will not be necessary.

If a one-story mansion is large, then it will turn out to be an economically viable option, although you will have to spend money on a huge roof. Despite this, inside the house, comfort will delight the residents of the house around the clock, because here you can equip functional corridors, while isolating each of the rooms or bedrooms.

Living rooms and bedrooms on the attic floor - perfect solution for young people who prefer to wake up from the sun's rays. By equipping a comfortable attic with special windows, you can create a cozy living room with a special interior. Here you can create not only a bedroom for yourself or children, but also equip an office for doing business or gym for sports.

Advantages of living space on the attic floor:

  • Aesthetic appeal, because it will affect the exterior of the house and its visual perception.
  • A variety of building materials, the use of which does not limit the desires or ideas of the homeowner.
  • Roof insulation will be much more expensive, but this way you can protect not only attic floor but the whole house as a whole.
  • The creation of a heavy-duty foundation is not required, since the attic does not create a large load on the base of the house.
  • The uniqueness of the house, because each building with an attic and a garage has something special, exclusive and unique.

The idea of ​​François Mansart (French architect) that a free space under the roof should not be idle became popular in the 17th century. Since architectural projects houses with a residential attic space - an attic - are in great demand in private construction. In 2016, due to the rationality and functionality, projects of houses with an attic and a garage also remain relevant.

Project plans for attic houses with a garage: advantages

If there is a choice about which house project will be the best for your family (one-story, attic or two-story house), then the best option would be to buy a project of an attic house with a garage. Such houses are characterized by the following advantages:

  • Layout attic houses with a garage makes them much warmer and more economical than two-story cottages and houses with a single-level layout, since in winter you do not need to waste heating the attic.
  • The estimate for the construction of such a turnkey project is less than that of a two-story or one-story house of the same area, all other things being equal. This is due to the fact that the area of ​​the attic building will be larger than that of a one-story building on the same foundation and under the same roof. For the construction of an attic house you need less materials than for a cottage with two floors, which will significantly reduce the costs of the developer.
  • The project of a house with an attic and a garage occupies a land plot less space than a one-level house of the same size.
  • In such a house, a shorter length of communications will be required than in a one-story house.

Planning projects of attic houses with a garage: features

Projects of houses with an attic and a garage have certain individual characteristics, which must be treated carefully in order to obtain a good comfortable and convenient home as a result.

So, when choosing a project house garage attic, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Most of the projects with an attic, presented in our catalog, provide for an attic wall with a height of 1 - 1.2 meters. This height is optimal and comfortable enough. If at the same time choose the right furniture and the design of attic houses with a garage, then the room will cease to be awkward and angular, but will become an original and cozy nest. Help in the arrangement attic room for a separate price, our designers and architects can, while they will make all the changes made to the project documentation.
  • In houses with an attic ventilation system must be well designed so that the room is not stuffy.
  • Not every single-level house can be further converted into an attic. Plans for attic houses with a garage initially take into account the parameters roof structures, ceilings, roofing cake and other elements.

The rapid development of the new real estate market has put forward projects of houses with an attic and a garage to the leaders in private construction. The versatility of the building, combined with the economy factor, provides it with well-deserved popularity in wide circles of the population. The advantages of a cottage with a garage and an attic and design features will be discussed further.

Distinctive features of a house with a garage and an attic

Use space efficiently small area helps the project of the building with an attic. A practical solution provides an expansion of living space without reducing land. The presence of personal vehicles gives rise to another popular method of saving free space - the choice of a house project with a garage.

This solution comes with a lot of advantages:

  • Combining the two functional areas reduces project and construction costs. In many ways, this is facilitated by a single main wall and part of the foundation.
  • Savings in garage heating costs. The close proximity of the housing ensures that a comfortable temperature is maintained.
  • Arrangement of an internal entrance allows you to move from a house with an attic to a garage without going outside. This is especially true during bad weather.
  • The project of a compact structure allows you to effectively save free space on a land plot.

The combination of these factors is a fertile ground for the development various projects houses with mansard roof and a garage, which take into account all the nuances of construction.

Key design points

Before choosing typical project or do individual order, you need to decide on many key points. In addition to the attractive exterior of the building, the following points deserve attention:

  • the main building material;
  • combination with the surrounding landscape design;
  • orientation to the outlines of the site;
  • the need for the number of floors;
  • roof structure;
  • internal layout.

The plans are drawn up by a team of specialists consisting of architects, engineers and designers. This eliminates technical errors and inaccuracies of calculations in the project.

Materials (edit)

Houses with an attic and a garage are being built from various materials:

  • bricks;
  • foam blocks or aerated concrete;
  • wooden beam;
  • with a wooden frame.

There are advantages and disadvantages in each option.

Project brick house with an attic, complemented by a garage - this is a classic of the genre. Pros:

  • durability;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • keeps warm well.

But the construction of brick housing with an attic and a garage involves serious investment and duration. construction works... Therefore, it is useful for the majority of the population to study less costly projects, for example, a house made of foam blocks or aerated concrete. The advantages of choosing are obvious: while keeping all positive qualities brick buildings, cottages from aerated concrete blocks are being built much faster. This facilitates the process of interior decoration.

Also popular are housing projects with a garage and an attic, made of timber or on the basis timber frame... Among the advantages are high rates of construction and relatively low material costs.

Comment! The choice of material is influenced by the climatic zone and the characteristics of the soil. The company developing the project must take these factors into account and bring them to the attention of the customer.

Matching the size of the site and the outlines of the house

The need for a large living space with a modest size of the site forces us to turn to the project of a two-story cottage with an attic, supplemented by a garage. But the daily movement of the stairs does not appeal to everyone. The presence of elderly people or those with disabilities in the house encourages exploring with the attic and garage.

Plans for narrow sections have special features. In such an environment, it is better to dwell on the option with one blank wall, that is, in the complete absence of windows and doors. This will allow the construction of a cottage with an attic in the immediate vicinity of the border of the site. Buildings for household needs are located along the longitudinal walls.

The layout of the house involves the arrangement of the living room and bedrooms at the ends of the building, this will provide maximum natural light to the rooms, including the attic area. The entrance is planned from the end or gable. The location in the project of the garage is also provided for the gable.

Advice! The presence of a busy highway nearby forces you to take care of an additional green fence for the porch or terrace, this will reduce noise and reduce dust flows.

Before starting the drafting of a cottage with a garage and an attic, they think over the laying engineering communications: carrying out lighting, gas, water and drainage.

Roof shape selection

Roof design has a significant impact on the expansion of living space by equipping the attic. A comfortable stay in the attic is possible with a room height of 2.5 m. A project with a lower roof creates inconveniences when moving, excessively high ceilings increase the construction budget and further heating costs for a cottage with a garage and an attic.

Roofing has several solutions:

  • Included in the project gable roof will allow you to fully use 2/3 of the attic area.
  • If we focus on the project of a cottage with a garage, where the shape of the roof has broken structure, 90% of the attic area will be at your disposal.
  • For convenient operation of the attic space, the roof height is raised by at least 1.5 m.

The roof of the garage can be integral with the roof of the house, but it is more practical to choose the option when the upper part of the garage serves as the basis for the attic terrace.

Internal layout

The interior layout is made taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The number and purpose of the rooms, the arrangement of the attic directly depends on the composition of the family and the preferences of the owners. Special attention in a housing project with an attic and a garage, two questions deserve: the design of the stairs and the presence of a passage to the garage directly from the house.

Important! Comfortable and safe operation ladders are possible subject to the project's observance of all ergonomic norms and requirements.

You should be prepared that a comfortable lift is provided by a large angle of inclination, but this design takes a lot free space... A way out of this situation will be a project where a practical storage room is provided under the stairs, book rack or another form for placement household items... It is compact, but it does not differ in convenience. In addition to the shape, the width of the steps and the height of the tread matter. All this should be discussed before starting the project.

If you want to have an entrance to the garage directly from your home, you need to consider the presence of a vestibule in the project, which will prevent the smell of fuel from entering the cottage and carbon monoxide as well as reduce the noise level. Especially such a solution will be appreciated by the owner of a house with a garage during bad weather. But the only entrance to the garage from the street eliminates many problems and is considered more rational. Which option to choose is up to the owner.

Project options

The plan of a house with an attic has a lot of variations. It is practical to provide for the arrangement of a veranda or terrace in the project. The presence of a balcony will add cozy places for summer vacation in the fresh air.

The following interesting projects deserve attention:

The projects under consideration were developed taking into account all SNiPs, but it is permissible to make changes of different levels to each of them:

Studying a large number of different projects will help you choose the best option for your own home construction with an attic and a garage. Professional companies will adapt a typical development for your region, give recommendations on the need to replace one or another item.