Finished business plan of the enterprise in Belarus example. Samples for making a business plan with detailed calculations

The starting point of the business is always the idea, the initial impulse and the desire to engage in activities that bring revenues. The question of how to choose a direction, which business will go better, it is better to solve before the opening of your own IP, LLC or other legal status of the company.

Enoneling people are not inclined to develop strategies on paper, who is familiar with the compilation of the right business plan, can be counted on the fingers. And in vain, because it is this financial and economic instrument that helps in advance before the start of active activity, calculate possible errors.

Most ignore the importance of working out the action plan, considering it superfluous. However, it is necessary to deal with situations when the owner of his own business is forced to prepare a business plan. In an emergency, the "tablet" is thrown with ephemeral, far from reality, but attractive to investors or, for example, for the bank's credit department.

An entrepreneur who decided to present his wonder-project in this way, waiting at best simple refusal, in the worst - spoiled reputation. It is unlikely to underestimate the potential of a present, well-thought-out business plan. In fact, it is not necessary for investors, but for the owner itself, so as not to burn in the first months from the beginning of the opening of the case.

2. Procedure for developing a small business plan

If you bring together all the goals for which this tool is created, then the plan is based on strategic planning. Yes, it is desirable, even necessarily when opening the case. On the other hand, planning in the economy of the key point and the key to success.

Therefore, we develop business plans not only newcomers, but also firms that have worked for more than one year. For what? To stay afloat. As a rule, a whole department is engaged in large solid companies. Having ready-made digits of the company's work over the past years, analyze and build plans much easier than the discovers.

So, let's try to explain from what to start and how to finish. Assess that the business plan is used as a concept of doing business. So you need to work the following key points:

  • - what is the case;
  • - What is the result of expectations;
  • - management potential;
  • - model flexibility;
  • - exposure to external factors;
  • - financial stability;
  • - Competitiveness.

3. How to make a business plan for a small enterprise

The business plan of the company contains goals and plans for which the time frame is set. Hurry up here is not worth not to draw air locks. Tasks should be actually fulfilled and at the same time a bit ambitious.

It is important for potential investors to see the potential of the business and the results of the company's activities, if it works not the first year.

The more intended goals are implemented, the higher the reputation.

Necessary in terms of specific dates of events, because they will have to tie graphics and a set of targets. The calendar lag will cause a negative impression.

For internal use, you can make more detailed graphs, and in a business plan just highlight important stages.

Dates leave only where they can accurately calculate them.

To refuse to describe the main stages of business development is not the best option. The reviewer criticizes the poodle plan; In the case of a development project, solely as a personal desktop book, the phased implementation of the goals will more clearly demonstrate the loyalty of the adopted strategy or reveal its disadvantages.

4. Example Business Plan Small Business

Below is an exemplary development plan for small business in the provision of services.

Paragraph 1.

Summary is an introductory point, it is dedicated to those whom the company wants to interest in order to obtain additional funds for development.

Write a resume is recommended after completing work on the whole plan. Why? Because in fact, it sets out the summary of the intentions described in detail in each item. The main role of the resume is to interest and induce further reading.


This business plan is a company of office equipment "Epson service center", referred to in the future SC, with the aim of attracting investments in size than 1 million rubles, which will increase the list of services offered, expand the client base.

SC - a developing company, created by an individual entrepreneur, who is currently the only and legal owner. Address for contacts: city, street, telephone.

Since the beginning of the basis of the case (2008), the entrepreneur regularly studied in authorized service centers of Moscow, Novosibirsk.

Epson's office equipment repair has certificates confirming the level of qualifications signed by the leadership of the Japanese company.

Previous work experience allows repair of printers, scanners, faxes, monitors, plotters, copiers of leading office equipment manufacturers.

The survey of the potential of the market allows you to draw conclusions about the possibility of expanding the boundaries of the activity.

There are no highly qualified specialists in the city, the nearest SC Epson is 25 km from the city.

In addition, budgetary organizations and credit organizations do not have the ability to apply for the technicians to the neighboring city, since it is located in another subject of the Russian Federation.

These organizations are forced to send equipment for service to the city A, located 450 km from the city of N ... and so on.

Point 2.

When the "Summary" is passed, the business plan is opening a business plan for the "goals and objectives of business creation".

A consistent description of the goals, where the main task is to benefit from your rapid activity. It is clear that the owner awaits profit, the consumer, on the contrary, is not ready to give his savings just like that - he wants to see the benefit for himself.

Usually, they also describe the highlights, if they have not previously specified in the first paragraph, such as legal form of business, the presence of own funds, funds, personnel potential, marketing slice, assessing competitors.

Point 3.

Description of the proposed works and services.

The item answers questions:

  • - What your company offers to consumers;
  • - description of the list of services (product items);
  • - Target audience, who is able to be interested in these services, works, goods;
  • - Why the range of services will cause interest in a certain category of people;
  • - Why can the Central Assembly may be interested in a similar offer from other firms and so on.

Paragraph 4.

Detailed marketing plan.

The marketing plan serves as a tool that determines the sales area. What is subject to sale, where, how, why exactly there; How to interest how to sell where to look for your consumer.

Market Analysis on the basis of a marketing research in order to clarify the faint of business product, the possibility of potential customers to pay for services, work, goods, price range of interest.

Paragraph 5.

Analysis of the competition of the market segment.

It is necessary to maximize the possibilities of rivals, to identify explicit, hidden competitors, consider the protection options from the capture of the entire sales market.

Paragraph 6.

Financial plan.

Companies planning to engage in the production of goods complement the business plan item "Production Plan".

1. The financial plan reflects all probable expenses, for example:

  • - business registration (personally or through a specialized company);
  • - organization of the workplace (procurement of furniture, technology),
  • - rental of premises, equipment;
  • - advertising company (ads, signboard, business cards);
  • - staff training;
  • - taxes;
  • - Procurement of consumables.

2. All incomes are taken into account.
It is advisable to be a real optimist: to draw up price list and calculate the amount of possible revenues.
3. On the basis of income and expenses, the profitability of the company is calculated, the cost payback periods.
4. Calculation of economic risks.
5. Determination of funding sources.

Paragraph 7.

Development concept.

Work plan: why it begins, the vision of the future.

5. Download business plans for small businesses for free

Planning, Development of an economic concept - Titanic work for a simple town man. There are plans developed for many small business models that are free access. You can download the finished plan any Internet user. What an audience is the business plans for:

- Your company has long and firmly standing on the legs, nothing overshadows confidence in the future, there is no time to draw up plans, but the business plan requires investors, founders, credit companies;
- You make the first steps on the selected market segment, to understand the nuances for a long time and difficult.

6. Conclusion

Entrepreneurship, even if it is even small, requires knowledge of the foundations of the economy and tax legislation. The market mechanism works on the long-established system demand offer. You can hope for good luck, supernatural flair, case. The case loves a pragmatic approach and clear planning.

Rejoicing the first profit, the main thing is not to miss the moment when the current costs of increasing the sales market will begin to overlap income. The plan of activity is created precisely to avoid fatal mistakes leading to bankruptcy, collapse of entrepreneurship. Curlerate risks with ready-made business plans, make the investment of cash with reliable guaranteeing income.

Watch video: "The most successful small business in the world"

The basis of any business is a ready-made business plan. It helps to avoid multiple mistakes in creating and developing a company, allows you to convince investors in the expediency of cash investment, contributes to the design of the necessary loans in banking institutions.

Such a document contains detailed calculations of the profitability of the future organization, the payback period of the project, the risks that the company is subject to.

The business plan can be made independently, spending time and money. However, most modern entrepreneurs prefer to use ready-made financial products containing high-quality and useful information. Why?

Basic Functions of the Business Plan

This document is an essential tool for the company, allowing you to choose promising directions and determine how to implement them. This is a guide for execution and control that helps manage the case. A competently compiled financial solution with detailed calculations performs several functions:

  • strategic. It is used to develop a business strategy. This is a key function in organizing an enterprise or in identifying new activities of the company;
  • investment. It is used to attract funds. Modern firms without credit resources do it extremely difficult. Therefore, this feature allows you to determine the optimal sources of financial resources, find potential investors;
  • planning. It is used to give a comprehensive assessment of the development of the enterprise being created, as well as to manage intra-profit processes or a new activity.

As a result, a business plan provides the ability to analyze, positioning, comprehensive assessment and monitoring the future activities of the company, the implementation of marketing courses, policy development policy.

What advantages have ready-made documents? What is the benefit of buying a business plan from a company that develops and draw up business plans for different business areas?


Business plan - business card organization. Applying a ready-made decision made by qualified specialists, the future businessman saves the time and cash that would have to spend on independent activities, analyzes and calculations necessary to compile this document.

Moreover, such a study is not a guarantor of a successful start of the project. Among the advantages of using a full-fincancing solution performed by professionals, it is worth noting:

  • saving time. Having a ready-made document on his hands, an entrepreneur can get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe steps that must be taken to achieve the goal. Thanks to the acquisition of a ready-made business plan, you can overcome all the complexity of the business with the support of professionals;
  • effective means of belief. For sponsors and investors, this document is the main proof of the viability of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organized case, the potential of the enterprise to achieve a certain amount of income;
  • research of competitors. A competently compiled document will help to evaluate competing companies, identify their strengths and weaknesses, to determine the free niche, which at this point in time can be occupied and firmly held, conquering the location of a potential audience;
  • direction of motion. Effectively and qualitatively compiled financial decision will help the company not only at the initial stage. With the right approach, it will allow the organization to be constantly maintained by the planned direction, making the necessary adjustments.

Quality business plans are made up by an experienced team of specialists with a rich experience in working in a wide variety of activities. All materials are adapted to use in the context of the Russian economy in the current situation.

Documents contain all the necessary calculations: the calculation of payback, economic efficiency, profitability and other, no less significant indicators. Applications are decorated in tabular form, help independently determine the required values. For example, to calculate the need for money for the purchase of specialized equipment before the period of time when these costs begin to pay off.

Features of use

Ready business plan - not only the opportunity to find an idea with calculations and recommendations for a wide variety of areas, but also tips relating to the main aspects of the opening of their case.

In this case, we are talking about the most popular issues of novice entrepreneurs. What form of property to choose for the organization. What to be guided by hiring specialists. What taxation system to give preference.

Today, many specialized organizations offer to acquire full-fledged ready-made business plans. Moreover, prices are collected at times. How to choose a supplier of such a solution?

In this case, it is necessary that the proposed business plan contains not only general information, but also detailed settlements in all major areas of activity of the future enterprise. Competent suppliers of finished business plans calculate such expenses, such as the costs of social deductions for employees, tax optimization, transfer of taxes and fees.

The more complete the business plan is, the more efficient and operational will be the activities of the future entrepreneur. Do not save on buying this document. After all, he is the main assistant when analyzing the market.

It is he generalizes the analysis of opportunities to start or expanding business in modern conditions, contains a structured description of all activities of the future company.

By purchasing a business plan, an entrepreneur receives not only a comprehensive analysis of the main problems with which he may encounter when organizing its activities, but also ways to solve them. The benefit of using the finished document is obvious!

Where to download a ready business plan with calculations

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Business plan: Sample and appointment of a document + Causes of compilation + 5 stages of creation + Features of writing for investors and for personal purposes + Structure + 15 tips + 7 visual examples.

Any actions need to be planned and displayed on paper. This is especially true of entrepreneurship. Without business planning, i.e. Detailed optimization of resources and determining further tasks, even an experienced entrepreneur will not be able to achieve the goals.

So it is so important to have at hand sample business plan And correctly make it. This material will help you with this.

Why and who needs a business plan?

On the Internet there are several business plan definitions.

Here are the most common of them:

Those. The business plan is a document in which it is described in detail and ways to implement it. Thanks to it, you can expand our project, to evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions taken from all parties, to understand the feasibility of financing in one or another activities.

Business plan shows:

  • prospects for the development of the case;
  • sales market, potential consumers;
  • profitability of the project;
  • the upcoming costs of the production and sale of products, delivery of its market, etc.

The business development plan is a tool that gives an estimate of the final results of activities for a specific period of time. It can be used to attract investors and is necessary in creating a business concept, company strategy.

Drawing up a business plan is one of the important, responsible planning stages. It is also being developed for those enterprises that produce goods, and for those whose specialization are the provision of services.

Before writing a business plan with specialists or owner of the company, tasks are determined, funds for their implementation. The developed document can attract creditors to implement ideas. For this reason, it is impossible to exaggerate its significance.

Appointment of business development plan:

  • analysis of aspects of entrepreneurship;
  • competent financial management, operations;
  • justification of the need to receive investments (bank loans, the equity participation of companies in the project implementation, budget allocations, etc.);
  • accounting of financial opportunities and threats (risks) of the enterprise;
  • the choice of the optimal direction of development.

Entrepreneurs write business plans for such reasons:

Features of the preparation of a plan for personal purposes and lenders

It is important to see the difference between the business plan, which is written for internal use, and the document, so to speak "the parade" to be transmitted by creditors.

1. Creating a plan for personal purposes.

If you intend to use a business plan sample and make it for myself, consider it will have the form of practical guidance for further actions.

The business development plan in this case should answer the following questions:

  1. What activity do you do (you will do)?
  2. What product / service Your enterprise offers the market?
  3. Who is consumers, customers?
  4. What purposes do you have to achieve?
  5. What funds need to achieve goals?
  6. Who is responsible for performing certain tasks?
  7. Why do you need to cope?
  8. What will require investment ,?
  9. What results should be the action?

It should be understood that by making up a working paper, you need to reflect the real state of affairs to know in which direction to move, what to do what to strive for.

2. Document for investors.

When developing a business plan in order to provide creditors / investors, the Other technique. A person or organization that will finance your enterprise should receive a document with a detailed presentation of the situation and the main tasks.

You must convince the depositors that their money will be used rationally, refer to the benefit for them. A business plan must be logical, each action must be justified.

If you doubt some area, study it more carefully, because by the program that you followed by the creditors will certainly arise "uncomfortable" questions. And on how you respond to them, the amount of initial investments on the discovery / development of their own business will depend on.

Also, self-confidence is also of particular importance. Well, if you succeed in the business plan to display statistics, referring to an example of another company. This will increase the chances of receiving your investment.

When writing a business plan worth sticking to business style and comply with the structure.

Sample Business Plan: Structure

No matter what purpose you make a plan, work with it takes place in the 5th stages:

As a business creator, you are without problems to make up the first two points. But what should be the competent structure of the business plan?

We will analyze the main sections, which information they contain and how to competently make up.

№1. Title page.

He acts as a business card. It indicates: the name of your company, contact information, address data, telephone numbers founders.

In addition, the title must contain the content of the entire document (chapter - page number). By making the title, be brief, set out the information compressed.

The total volume of the business plan is about 30-35 pages, taking into account applications.

* Business Plan (Title List Sample)

№2. The introductory part of the business development plan.

It occupies approximately 2 sheets of A4 format. Introduction describes the main aspects of your business, its essence, which it has advantages.

It is necessary to write than attractive for buyers goods / service, what is the size of the expected profit. If it is assumed to attract funds for business, the magnitude of the capital in which you need is indicated in the introductory part.

Usually, the introduction is devoted to such paragraphs of the plan:

The introductory part is last time, because It describes the overall picture of the company's activities.
You can portray it fully only after studying all the nuances of the case.

You can explore the sample of this and other parts of the plan at the end of this material - there are examples of this document for the main directions of the business.

Number 3. Main part of business plan.

The main section relates to the kind of activity and all its key moments, the cost of the project.

It consists of subsections:

  • production;
  • financial;
  • marketing;
  • organizational;
  • calculating business efficiency;
  • risks.

We will look at them separately.

In the end, follow final part. In it you need to sum up the work done, give a clear definition of tasks.

Subsections of the main part of business plans

№1. Development of the production subsection of a business plan.

The main section of the document is the most roomy. His subsections carry in themselves the characteristics of each side of your case.

For example, industrial It shows which technique will be used, what rooms you have, how much money will need to purchase and launch a business.

Also, this plan is designed to calculate the production capacity, the probable prospects for the growth of production volumes have determined.

In addition, it contains information on full provision of raw materials, components, covers questions about the need for labor, temporary and constant business costs.

In order for the plan's production subsection to have a clear structure and accommodate all the necessary information, specify:

  • how far is the production process, there are innovative solutions;
  • ways of supplying resources, degree of development of the transport system;
  • the full characteristic of the technology, why they are chosen;
  • do I need to buy / rent a business room;
  • the composition of the required personnel and all data on it, labor costs;
  • possible maximum volume of products;
  • information about suppliers, subcontractors of business;
  • the cost of each product;
  • estimates with reference to current expenses, etc.

№2. Development of a financial subsection plan.

Financial plan Summarizes all outlined data to business economic indicators, i.e. in the value option.

This includes business reports:

  • Balance plan (confirming the ability of an enterprise to a timely calculation of its monetary obligations).
  • About financial results, profits and losses.

    It highlights the sources of profit, as losses have appeared, there is an assessment of changes in business incomes / expenses that occurred in the reporting period, etc.

    On the movement of money.

    This report allows you to see production results, creditworthiness in the long term, short-term liquidity.

The financial subsection of the business plan also characterizes:

  • schedules of future financial activities
  • descriptions of probable investment.

Carefully consider the possibility of investing, whether it will be profitable about the target contribution of the contribution. Write how you will return money attracted to business.

Try to look at the financial part of your business plan:

Number 3. Development of marketing subsection business plan.

Marketing subsection affects the market analysis of the sales market by your enterprise products. You must specify the size, dynamics and market trends, its segments, conjuncture.

In addition, the subsection reports who is consumers of business products, which will apply the product promotion strategy.

The consumption volumes are calculated, the assessment share occupied on the market is described by the levers used to influence the demand (advertising campaign, pricing, improving products, etc.), business competitiveness.

It is necessary to evaluate your goods from the consumer's position than it is attractive, what is its consumer value, is used in use, the service life.

By making a marketing plan, rely on these items:

For the preparation of the marketing plan, information is taken from the external environment, relevant research and surveys are held, professional marketers are involved in order to study the market situation.

№4. Development of the organizational subsection of the plan.

In terms of doing business, organizational moments are equally important. Therefore, in this subsection, you must paint all the steps to be taken to implement the project.

For example, as depicted in the sample in the picture:

Information in terms of the plan is best served in a tabular form to clearly looked through the sequence of your actions. It would not hurt to mention the regulatory and legislative acts that the chosen industry is governed.

In organizational terms, it is worth painting the management side, the responsibilities of all employees, the system of submission and promotion (wage), describe the internal regime of the company.

Remember that you need to follow this structure as in the sample:

№5. How to make a calculation of efficiency and probable risks?

In the penultimate sections, it is necessary to provide an objective assessment of the efficiency of the company, show the expected prospects based on the estimates, a balance sheet, the threshold of profitability, the planned sales volume.

The business plan developer must write a payback period, ChPD (net present income).

The optimal option will be issued in the table, as in the sample below:

Business risks should also be considered. Be sure to indicate in the plan, what measures do you take in case of their occurrence to minimize, to which self-insurance program is resorted.

Experienced business plans are paying special attention to risks, and consider the likelihood of the worst outcome. By making notes to eliminate the alleged difficulties, you will facilitate your work in the future. If you have losses and financial losses, you will already know how to compensate them.

When this section of the business plan is difficult, seeking for help from experts.

Often, a SWOT-business analysis is used for this purpose:

This is a method for identifying external / internal factors affecting business development.

Thanks to him, you can appreciate:

  • its weaknesses (suppose, the need to rent a building, the unrecognizable brand),
  • advantages (small price, high service, professional footage),
  • recose opportunities (they include the availability of funds for the introduction of innovation, the use of modern equipment, coverage of a greater market segment, etc.).

And ultimately, the threats are considered, the occurrence of which you are not able to cancel, for example:

  • economic crisis,
  • deterioration of the demographic situation
  • increase customs duties,
  • increasing political tensions
  • tough competition, etc.

If you give a clear and reasonable risk solutions algorithm, this is guaranteed to attract partners and creditors to business.

15 novice tips for competent drawing up business plan

Very painstaking and complicated. In the process of its preparation, many questions will arise. For this reason, most newbies allow mistakes.

To avoid them and make a business plan worth, follow the following recommendations:

    Before you start writing, it is better to watch not one sample drawing a business plan.

    On the Internet it is easy to find visual examples, and maybe they will even concern your activities.

    No need to "pour water", thinking that the document is supposed to be volumetric.

    The business plan must comply with only important, realistic information that is interesting to investors and is useful to you in doing business (as in the samples below).

  1. It is strictly not allowed for errors, corrections, typos.
  2. The business plan should reflect the possibility of entering your enterprise to a higher level and strengths of the management team.
  3. Developing a business plan, it is impossible to be understood. Competition possible difficulties.
  4. If the information you want to display is privacy, you need to skip it.
  5. Do not make a document on the ambulance hand.

    Such a plan will not have the desired impression on creditors. If you make it for yourself, it does not matter, it should not have the appearance of the draft version.

    Use more tables, graphs (as in samples below).

    Providing statistical data in a similar way makes material more visual.

    Market analysis is often inaccurate.

    Therefore, it is responsible for the marketing partition, collect all the necessary data.

    Mandatory in business, give competitive characteristics.

    Throw from business plan too zazable expressions, as well as those that are understood ambiguously and demonstrate your inconsistency.

    For example, "product that has no analogues", "at the consideration stage", "ease of implementation", etc.

    Take into account absolutely all business costs.

    Lenders consider this column particularly important. Therefore, they may have a lot of questions on these articles, like s / n staff, taxes, purchase of raw materials, etc.

    Do not ignore the consideration of risks.

    As already mentioned, it will serve as protection against problems encountered on the way to achieve goals, and will also allow investors to see in you a serious responsible entrepreneur.

  6. Accent attention in the business plan is not on the first profit, great earnings, but on a stable cash flow.
  7. Do not forget about the instructions of the time limits.

    Any task has a period of its implementation (quarter, year, a few years).

    If you are not sure that yourself master the business plan even using the samples below, do not regret money on a specialist.

    It is more disassembled in this matter, so the document will be exactly accurate, without technical, methodological and conceptual slides that you can allow without proper experience.

Detailed diagram of high-quality business plan with explanations

you will find in this video:

Ready business plans (samples) for different activities

The pharmaceutical business does not lose its relevance, because the need for drugs does not disappear. Moreover, most of the family budget, as a rule, goes to medicines.

Because of this, the discovery of the pharmacy is a very profitable business.

Therefore, it makes sense to look at the design of such a business plan in this sample :.

If you want to do another sphere, consider the opening option of the cafe.

There are quite a lot of such institutions and big competition. However, the demand for them is growing. If you take into account all moments of arrangement, you will offer a healthy diet, you will be waiting for success.

To make a document correctly, check out the model of the business plan of the cafe!

The male half of the population may be interested in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization of the auto service.

The owner of a hundred will not remain without income if the repair activities and the means of movement will be described in detail with all the resulting factors in the business plan.

Its sample can be.

Business plan has many definitions, but if you say short, then this is a step-by-step instruction for incarnation of any business idea.. Planning a future case or the improvement of an existing enterprise is not only the main requirement for investors, creditors and partners, but also a need for a businessman.
Drawing up business plan It implies a deep and accurate analysis of all sides of the future enterprise, and this allows you to turn an idea into specific goals and numbers. And also, a business plan is always an unfinished book, since in the process of changes in economic conditions, competitive environment, the investment market can always make adjustments for successful business promotion.

Any business idea can be a successful thing if the future entrepreneur will clearly understand that he is needed to introduce its plans to. It is a business plan that is the starting point for the start of business, which makes it possible to assess the real state of affairs, study the market and competitors, give an adequate assessment with its capabilities, and reflect on how to make your business unique, and then in demand.

Basic principles of business plan

So what should be sure to be in a business plan .

1) Project Summary. This is a concise description of business ideas, a vision of development and tools to achieve results. Also, the summary should display data on what advantage you see in your business in comparison with the other market players. In short, this section should give a brief description of your business idea.

2) Company information. Here it is necessary to designate the name of the enterprise, the form of ownership, the legal and actual address of the company, to describe the structure of the enterprise.

It is also necessary to give a description of goods or services, with the production or sale of which you are going to enter the market.

Specify the main objectives of the enterprise.

3) Market Analysis.
This part involves consideration of the conditions in which you are going to enter the market - a competitive environment, the demand, what price you are going to appoint, and what profit is in the future for the next three years. It is also necessary to indicate which advantages of your goods or services will be able to become particularly attractive to consumers.

4) product. This part must contain a detailed description of future goods or services that you offer the consumer. It is also necessary to designate what the target audience will be oriented your activity, to indicate future suppliers, partners, contractors and other counterparties, with which cooperation is planned.

5) development strategy. This section involves a description of the development tools for the future enterprise - growth rates, advertising, possible expansion.

6) tools for the work of the enterprise. In this chapter, you need to reflect information about what equipment you are going to use, how to pack goods, deliver, and if these are services, then where you will provide them with and with what funds.

Also in this section it is worth enabling information about your team - ranging from the governing lineup and ending with the utility workers.

7) Financial analysis. This section is key in a business plan who should be the rationale for your idea in numbers. Here it is necessary to analyze and calculate all costs associated with the organization of the enterprise, its placement, maintenance costs, payment of employees, settlements with suppliers, etc. You need to consider everything, right up to buy a pack of paper.

Also in this section, include information about your actions in case of debt from partners, buyers or suppliers. What debt refund schemes are you going to apply, and as you can protect yourself from such situations.

8) accompanying documents. This is certainly not a section, but an important component of the business plan. All documents apply to the enterprise as a legal entity, lease agreement, summary, job descriptions, etc.

Frequent bugs in business plans

Examples of business plans
You can view infinitely, but the newcomer can not always be the main drawbacks of the business plan. Often, the business idea does not get into life because in the business plan it is absolutely impossible to see the basic essence and advantages of the future enterprise.

So consider basic mistakes who admit inexperienced businessmen while working on the business plan:

  • Unnecessary information. Often, business plans write in such a way that the description of the professional skills of employees is lost information about the business itself, or the story about competitors turns into an essay "Who today offers the same goods like me and what I am well done, what can I do better (or cheaper ) ". In fact, there is enough a list of competitors, a couple of words about the pros and cons in their work, pricing policy and the instructions of your advantages compared to them.
  • Unreasonable numbers . As mentioned earlier, financial analysis is defining for a business plan, so all calculations must be produced on the basis of real numbers. Of course, it's easier and faster to estimate "on the eye", but if you have seriously decided to do your business, then remember that any business loves accuracy.

In order for the investor to be interested in, bother to work hard the figures in the business plan were reasonable. Consider the fact that investors and lenders go to negotiations prepared as it is about their money. And, in the event of even small uncertainty in the reality of your calculations, you can forget about investments in your business.

  • Blurry information about the goals and tools of their achievement . This problem arises, as a rule, when there is an idea, but there is no vision of its implementation, or, this vision has a not finished shape. Roughly speaking, if the future businessman did not understand everything to the end.

The business plan is obliged to disclose a list of specific goals and ways to implement them, work with the target audience, assessing its solvency, a clear definition of place in the market, which you plan to occupy, and who will be your main competitor. Specify what is the basis for such conclusions (analysis, marketing research, survey, etc.).

  • Hundred expected result . Often, counting the potential profitability of the future business, the dreams of entrepreneurs take the top over the real numbers. It is not necessary to get involved in the desired, but it is better to honestly look at reality. If in financial analysis will be taken into account adequate figures, then the expected financial result will also have a real view.

Do not attempt to impress lenders, partners and investors are 500% profit. Believe me, they will calculate your result much faster and more accurate in your head, because their experience and knowledge will be more yours. And if the presented idea is standing, even if not profitable from the first day, but promising in the future, she will not be attentive.

Example Business Plan

So consider example Business Plan for Cafe " Goodtime. ».

  1. Summary .

Name - Cafe "Goodtime".

Organizational and legal form - Limited Liability Company.

Location - Kiev

Services provided - cafes, bar, karaoke, holiday events, conducting trainings, seminars.

Mode of operation - 8.00-23.00 without interruption and weekends.

The staff is 1 head, 2 administrators, 1 bartender, 4 waiters, 2 cooks, 1 art director, 1 cleaner, 2 dishwashers.

Required starting capital - 500,000.00 UAH.

Costs per month - 197,000.00 UAH.

Planned investment return time - 18 months.

Competition - High

Demand - High

Planned income per month - 180 000.00 UAH.

Planned consumption - 120,000.00 UAH.

Planned net profit - 60 000.00 UAH.

  1. Services and goods cafe .

Cafe "Goodtime" will provide the following services:

1) Cafe Services, Bar.

2) Conducting trainings, seminars.

3) thematic parties.

4) Karaoke services.

5) Providing Wi-Fi for visitors.

6) Separate gaming room for children.

Products that will be sold cafe "Goodtime":

1) Confectionery of own production.

2) Semi-finished products of their own production.

3) Lunch / Dinner with delivery to the house or "with you".

4) Sale of coffee and tea for weight.

  1. The target audience .

The work of the cafe is focused on people aged 18-55 years with an average wealth and above average. They should be interested in holding time in a cozy atmosphere, with the possibility of participating in interesting programs, performing songs in karaoke. Each client must generate an income of 50-250 UAH.

Also planned consumers of services are small firms that are interested in conducting events for small groups of people 10-30 people.

  1. Methods of market promotion .

1) Distribution of invitations to the opening.

  1. Customer Hold Tools .

1) An interesting menu, the ability to prepare dishes under the order of customers.

2) Shares, discounts for regular customers.

3) carrying out interesting thematic parties.

4) Gifts to regular customers in the form of desserts, beverages.

5) Summit service.

  1. Competitors .

Cafe "Goodtime" will be open at the center of the sleeping area, where 4 cafes of this level also operate. But, our cafe will have the following advantages:

1) the presence of karaoke;

2) the presence of children's game;

3) the possibility of ordering food at home;

4) Thematic evenings.

5) The location of the cafe has a convenient entrance and parking space.

  1. Plan of events for the opening of a cafe .

1) Market Analysis.

2) Selection of the team.

3) Repair of the room.

4) Purchase of the necessary equipment and inventory for work.

5) Studying the menu and the plan of the nearest events.

6) Registration of activities and receiving all necessary permits.

8) Check cafe for performance.

9) Opening.

  1. The financial analysis .

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment and inventory - 350,000.00 UAH.
  2. Repair of the room - 150,000.00 UAH.

Total: 500,000.00 UAH.

Periodic costs:

  1. Rent - 50 000.00 UAH.
  2. Salary - 48,000.00 UAH.
  3. Communal payments, Internet - 8,000.00 UAH.
  4. Purchase of products - 70 000.00 UAH.
  5. Taxes and fees - 21,000.00 UAH.

TOTAL: 197 000.00 UAH.

Payback period:

Provided that the cafe will visit 50 people per day and income from everyone will be 150 UAH., Payback will come in 18 months.

50 people * 150 UAH. * 30 days \u003d 225 000.00 UAH.

225 000.00 UAH. - 197 000.00 UAH. \u003d 28 000.00 UAH.

500 000.00 UAH / 28 000.00 UAH. \u003d 17.86 ≈18 months.


Subject to the competent implementation of the idea and effective work of the advertising company, the administration of the cafe and art director, one can count on profits after the first month of work. Given that the cafe is opened in the fall, then attendance is expected to high in the next 6-9 months. To hold customers in the summer, in the future it is possible to open the summer platform.

So, make a business plan possible and yourself. Here is a simplified version, due to the fact that it concerns production issues. In addition, consider that this is just an example, so the specified numbers are very approximate. If you decide to take it as a basis, conduct a thorough analysis of the financial side of the question yourself.

And yet, if there is no confidence in the issue of business planning, you can always use the services of professionals who will work well with your idea and turn into high-quality business plan.

But, most importantly, it is insistently moved towards your goal and not despair, because mistakes are always possible. The most important thing in business is not that it is impossible to make mistakes, and the ability to quickly navigate in the situation and choose the right direction of solving problems.

Hello, dear readers of the Internet magazine about money ""! This article will talk about how to make a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action that will turn the crude business idea into a confident step-by-step plan for realizing a clear task.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why he is needed;
  • How to make a business plan correctly;
  • How to struduce it and write it yourself;
  • Ready business plans for small businesses are examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic, we show the main errors of novice entrepreneurs. Here will be a mass of arguments in favor of creating quality and thoughtful business plan that will bring the implementation of your idea and success Business in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply take advantage of, and you can take as a basis for developing your project. Ready examples of presented business plans can be free download.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why a business plan, if it is necessary, not everyone writes.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections is a step-by-step guide to compile

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

For each entrepreneur who wants to develop and develop his business, the business plan is very important. It performs many responsible functions that are not able to do a different person.

With it, you can enlist financial support and open, develop your business much earlier than you can create a meaningful amount for business.

On a good, thoughtful, written without mistakes business plan Investors react most positively, as they see in this way of calm earnings with all invented and described troubles.

In addition, before the opening of the establishment you see what awaits you. What risks are possible which solutions algorithms will be relevant in one way or another. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also the right plan, you will eat in the afraid. In the end, if the calculation of the risks is too frightening, you can somewhat alter, transform a common idea to reduce them.

Creating a good business plan - This is an excellent solution for finding investing and developing your own action algorithms, even in the most difficult situations that are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to their own efforts it is worth using and "other people's brains". The business plan implies many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operating, which can be achieved.

An ideal option would be to study all aspects yourself. To do this, sit and read the appropriate literature. It is necessary to change the circle of communication, refer to courses and trainings, to find specialists for consultations in one way or another. Only so you can really understand In the situation and dispel all their doubts and misconceptions.

Business plan worth writing for many reasons however the main - This is a clear algorithm of actions for which you can promptly get from points A. (Your current position, complete hopes and fears) to the point B. (in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stably and regularly bringing income). This is the first step towards the implementation of the dream and the confident status of the middle class.

If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in the video: "How to make a business plan (for yourself and investors)."

We all have everything. We wish everyone good luck in the affairs! We will also be grateful to you for comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of publication.