What is the difference between a work contract and an employment contract? The main differences between an employment contract and a work contract.

The difference employment contract from the work contract is often not taken into account during the agreement between the individual and the organization where he was granted workplace... It is important to distinguish these two documents from a practical point of view, since their legal nature is different. In general, the differences between these agreements relate to the procedure for drawing up and terminating a document, the regulatory framework, as well as requirements for changing general and material information.


As indicated in article 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment agreement is a document that is concluded between an employee and an employer. It defines the work obligations of a specialist, the rights of both parties, the place of work, the time of the work shift, etc. The specifics of the labor contract are regulated by the Labor Code. It can be either urgent or indefinite, that is, an employee is provided with a job for an indefinite period.

A work contract (article No. 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is a written agreement that is drawn up between a company and an individual (it can also be concluded between two legal entities). Such an agreement between the customer and the contractor does not provide for long-term cooperation. The subject of work and its result are prescribed in the work contract. The employee undertakes to fulfill it, and the boss undertakes to pay financial remuneration. All aspects related to this type of work are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Features of the workflow

The first thing that distinguishes an employment contract from a work contract is the work process. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that when concluding an employment contract, a specialist is provided with work that corresponds to his qualifications. Also, the document clearly defines the time frame during which the work should be done. If an employee does not appear in his place within 4 hours, he may be legally dismissed.

As for the obligations of the employer, he must regularly pay wages, the established minimum wages, as well as monitor production conditions so as not to harm the health of workers. At the same time, contract cancellation is a difficult process, and illegitimate dismissal threatens with a subpoena.

Read also Specifics of specifying the validity period in an employment contract

If the parties sign a work contract, then they are only interested in the result (for example, the manufacture of a certain part of the mechanism). The organization of the production process and all related aspects (place, condition, work shifts) are the prerogative of the employee, while Russian legislation does not provide for responsibility for the manager, but he is responsible for property risks. Accordingly, no disciplinary action for violation of the work schedule is applied to the employee.

An important aspect of the contractor's employment contract is that the project specified in the contract can invite other individuals (subcontractors), if the employee so wishes. He should not notify the employer about this.

The term of work in the contract is prescribed by the employer. The specific scope of the work shift is not determined, but the subordinate is obliged to meet the deadlines set by the customer. Unlike an employment contract, a civil law agreement cannot be indefinite.

Situations when a civil contract is concluded

A work contract or a traditional employment contract has different purposes. Often, entrepreneurs simply cannot do without drawing up a contractor's contract. In most cases, we are talking about a one-time job with a freelance employee when you need to urgently complete a certain project. Some examples of one-time work are presented below:

  • repair of objects;
  • installation of computer equipment in the office space;
  • translation services (most freelance translators work under a contractor's contract);
  • Web development;
  • legal assistance;
  • construction of facilities;
  • loader services, etc.

At the same time, there is a list of professions that make it impossible to sign a contractor's contract:

  • watchman;
  • doorman;
  • labor protection officer;
  • watchman, etc.


Another important difference between an employment contract and a work contract is payment for work. Article 854 of the Civil Code of Ukraine provides that a civil contract does not require the employer to pay the worker in advance (the same applies to partial prepayment), but the customer has the right to include such a condition in the contract. Usually, an employee receives remuneration after demonstrating the result of his work. Thus, only completed work is paid. The amount of remuneration is unlimited, therefore it may be less than the current minimum wage.

As for work on the basis of an employment contract, the subordinate is regularly paid a salary. The agreement must state, in question about hourly or monthly wages. The subtleties of payment for work are regulated by article 21 of the Labor Code, and in case of violation of both parties, legal consequences await.

The difference between a work contract and an employment contract concerns both the form and the content. These types of agreements differ in the subject and scope of legal regulation. Read about the main differences between an employment contract and a work contract in the article.

From the article you will learn:

The legal essence of the work contract

The work contract belongs to the category civil law and is governed by the provisions of article 37 of the Civil Code. The legislation interprets this type of legal relationship as an obligation to perform the work specified in this agreement.

The legal essence of the work contract is the mutual obligations of the parties, one of which is the contractor, the second is the customer. The contractor assumes the obligation to perform the work on the instructions of the customer and the delivery of its results within the agreed period. The customer undertakes to accept the results of the work and pay for them (clause 1 of article 702 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In practice, it is sometimes difficult to determine how a work contract differs from employment contract... Both types of legal relationship have the same characteristics. Both the one and the other type of agreements are bilateral and are concluded on a voluntary basis.

A criterion by which you can determine how it differs work agreement from the employment contract is the subject of the agreement. For contractual legal relations, the subject is the type of work performed and its result.

Practice question

How does a civil contract differ from an employment contract?

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors

Nina Kovyazina answers
Deputy Director of the Department medical education and personnel policy in healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia

When concluding a civil law contract, it is necessary to take into account a number of features.

1. Labor relations involve the performance of work by an employee in a certain specialty, qualification or position ( ). The work is performed throughout the entire term of the employment contract ...

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D contract and labor agreement: differences

What are the differences between an employment contract and a work contract you need to take into account when registering legal relations

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With all the similarity employment contract and a work contract, the differences between them are significant. They should be taken into account when making up the textual part of the agreement.

In addition to contracts, in cases established by law, work contracts (civil contracts) may be concluded with employees, which are more profitable for the employer. The procedure for concluding such agreements is regulated by the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 6, 2005 No. 314 with subsequent amendments and additions. p> The common thing in a contract and a work contract is that they are drawn up only in writing. In both legal documents, citizens are required to comply with labor protection rules and insurance against industrial accidents while working. There are obligatory insurance contributions for state social insurance to the Fund social protection population, deduction income tax and payment of temporary disability. Training, instruction, professional development, knowledge testing of citizens, personalized accounting and more are carried out.

There are also features. The main difference between a work contract and a contract is various forms legal relations.

When concluding a contract, the employer and the employee have an employment relationship, the employee is subject to the norms provided for by labor legislation, including established benefits, guarantees and compensations, he can be encouraged and brought to disciplinary responsibility, join a trade union operating with the employer, etc. etc. In addition, according to article 28 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, the employer has the right to conclude a contract with the employee with the condition of preliminary testing in order to verify his compliance with the assigned work. The preliminary test period should not exceed three months. It is important that when calculating it, the period of temporary incapacity for work, as well as other periods when the employee was absent from work, is not taken into account.

During the execution of the work contract, the norms labor law they do not apply to a citizen, and the parties have civil law relations, which are governed by the norms of a work contract concluded in compliance with the requirements of the law. Preliminary testing cannot be a condition of the work contract.

When concluding a work contract, the customer can check the citizen's ability to perform work, but only in other ways, different from those used in labor relations. For example, he has the right to conduct an interview with a citizen, request information from him about education, qualifications, work experience, get acquainted with the work already completed earlier, etc.

There are other differences between a work contract and a contract. The term for concluding a work contract is not limited by either minimum or maximum limits, but is determined by agreement of the parties. On the contrary, the contract is concluded for a period of not less than one year, but not more than five years.

The subject of the contract is an agreement between the employer and the employee for the latter to perform work in a certain profession and position that is in the employer's staffing table and, most often, is vacant. And the subject of the work contract is the performance of work, the provision of services, the creation of an object of intellectual property. In particular, the conclusion of a contract for a position available in the organization's staffing table is unacceptable.
Fulfillment of obligations under the work contract is not recorded in the work book. While contract work is compulsorily recorded in work book, i.e. the time of the employee's hiring, transfer to another position, dismissal, etc. is reflected.

The salary to the employee under the contract is paid for a specific calendar period of work, but at least once a month. And remuneration under a work contract is based on the results of performing a certain work within the time frame established by the contract itself. The citizen is protected from non-payment of remuneration by the possible application of sanctions to the organization in the form of a forfeit in the amount of at least 0.15 percent of the unpaid amount for each day of delay.

An employee working under a contract is assigned an annual leave of at least 24 calendar days, and for deterioration of the legal situation in connection with work under a contract - an additional incentive leave of up to 5 calendar days. On the basis of certification of workplaces, an employee may be granted leave for work with harmful, dangerous conditions labor and for the special nature of the work. The costs of the employer for the provision of these holidays are included in the cost of products (works, services). In addition, the employer, at his own expense, has the right to provide the employee with other additional vacations - for irregular working hours, for long work experience, as well as various incentive vacations provided for by local regulatory legal acts in force in the organization.

For the fulfillment of civil legal obligations, labor leave is not granted to a citizen, unless otherwise provided by a work contract.

The contracted employee must comply with the internal labor regulations, job duties, instructions, provisions of the collective agreement, agreements and other local regulatory legal acts in force in the organization.

On the contrary, a citizen working under a work contract is not obliged to comply with the specified local regulatory legal acts, he does not obey the established regime of work and rest in the organization, the norms of the collective agreement and agreements do not apply to him.

Terminating a contract is not easy and requires following the procedure established by labor law. No special procedure is required to terminate a work contract. So, for example, a contract of order is terminated due to the cancellation of the order by the principal or refusal of the attorney from it at any time.

Therefore, it should be remembered that by agreeing to work under a work contract, citizens are deprived of all benefits, guarantees and compensations provided for by labor legislation, and relations with the organization are regulated only by the norms established by the contract itself, drawn up in accordance with the law.

According to the law in force in the territory Russian Federation, labor relations between the employer and citizens who provide him with their services as employees must be fixed by an official document. For this, there is an employment contract that strictly regulates all aspects of their relationship.

There are situations when an employer needs to hire specialists to perform certain jobs, for a short period of time. In this case, it is not profitable for him to issue a regular TD. The way out of the situation is to conclude a work contract, which also allows you to formalize cooperation. What is the difference between a work contract and an employment contract, and in what situations it is most profitable to apply it, we will learn below.

Before you understand how an employment contract differs from a work contract, you need to understand what its essence is.

A work contract is a document on the basis of which an agreement is concluded between an employer and employees in order to perform a certain amount of work.

Similar civil law relations were known in ancient Rome and were successfully used to ensure mutually beneficial cooperation.

Today, according to Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are the following types of contracts:

  1. Domestic.
  2. A contract drawn up for the implementation of work on projects or for conducting surveys.
  3. Contract for construction work.
  4. Contract work carried out by state order or by order of municipal services.

Note! All agreements of this kind are concluded on a reimbursable basis. They are also bilateral and consensual.

When registering a DP, the following parties are distinguished:

  1. Customer- a person who provides a certain amount of work and pays after their completion.
  2. Contractor- a party that undertakes to perform the specified amount of work with high quality and on time. As a contractor, depending on the type of DP, may be individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
  3. Subcontractors- persons performing a certain amount of work, determined by the customer, and bearing general or personal responsibility, depending on the terms of the agreement.

Differences between a work contract and an employment contract

The contract agreement, like the TD, in essence, is intended to perform the same function - the regulation of labor relations between the employer and his employees. However, there are a number of serious differences between them. The difference between an employment contract and a work contract is as follows:

  1. Legal regulation of TD is carried out on the basis of Labor Code while DP is regulated by the Civil Code.
  2. The subject of the agreement, at the conclusion of the TD, is the implementation by the employee of certain work, according to his profession or position. In the DP, the subject of the agreement is the performance of a specific amount of work determined by the employer.
  3. The duties of the employee who concluded the TD are determined according to his job description or specifically described in the agreement. At the conclusion of the DP, the duties of employees are to perform a clearly defined task, the ultimate goal of which is the delivery of the work performed.
  4. TD can be concluded both for an indefinite period and for a fixed period not exceeding the mark of 5 years. Registration of DP takes place only for a certain period, which is set by the employer.
  5. The working hours of employees performing their activities under the TD is determined in accordance with the labor regulations established within the enterprise. The DP does not establish a specific daily routine for employees. All work is carried out in a convenient mode for contractors.
  6. When registering a TD, the employer must make the marks required by law in the employee's work book. In addition, special documents are filled out, which are necessary to record incoming personnel. When signing a DP, there is no need to draw up additional documentation.
  7. According to the TD, the employee must independently perform the duties assigned to him. DP allows the contractor to carry out the work both personally and through the involvement of subcontractors, if such actions do not contradict the concluded agreement.
  8. Remuneration for labor and its terms at the conclusion of the TD are regulated on the basis of installed system... At the conclusion of the DP, the payment is indicated in the agreement itself, and its payment occurs after the delivery of the work to the employer.
  9. When employed for a job under the TD, an employee receives a package of social guarantees. DP does not provide for such a function.
  10. Employee safety and labor protection at the conclusion of the TD falls on the shoulders of the employer. If a DP is concluded, the contractor organizes all these functions for himself.
  11. When drawing up the TD, the employee carries out labor activity using the resources provided by the employer. Contractors use their materials and equipment unless otherwise noted.

Important! In addition to the differences described above, when drawing up the TD and DP, the employer will have to pay different taxes.

Advantages and disadvantages of DP for the employee

Of the advantages that an employee will receive when concluding a DP, the following things can be distinguished:

  1. Freedom of action and lack of dependence on the customer in terms of organizing the work process.
  2. There is no need to obey local acts in force at the customer's enterprise.
  3. No need for subordination to employees of the enterprise, except for the cases described in the contract.
  4. Work under a contract is included in the length of service if the employer makes the appropriate tax deductions.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Lack of social benefits and guarantees provided to employees by management.
  2. The employer does not make a mark in the work book of the employee, who is listed with him on the basis of the DP.
  3. The employer has the right to terminate cooperation with the contractor at any time, terminating the relationship unilaterally. The only condition necessary for such an action will be the need to pay for the already completed amount of work.

Pros and cons of a work contract for an employer

The advantages that the employer receives when registering employees under the DP include the following things:

  1. No need to pay vacation and sick leave for those employees who carry out labor activities in accordance with the DP.
  2. Exemption from payment of insurance premiums.
  3. The employer does not need to take responsibility for providing workers consumables and equipment.

TO negative sides the conclusion of the DP for the customer, the following features can be distinguished:

  1. The inability to intervene in the organization of the work process.
  2. The contractor may refuse to perform the work unilaterally if the employer has violated any of the terms of the agreement.

In conclusion, I would like to note that drawing up a DP is a very convenient way out of the situation in cases where the employer needs to complete a certain amount of work in a short time. To do this, he will not need to draw up a bunch of documentation and be responsible for the hired employee.

In other cases, AP is a more attractive option, since it allows you to influence the organization of the working day and other aspects of the workflow.