Self-made formwork for armopoyas. Do I need an armopoyas

Any developer, having conceived to build a house from aerated concrete, is faced with the need to manufacture an armored belt (it is also called a seismic belt). Armopoyas on aerated concrete is a monolithic reinforced concrete tape, poured along the entire perimeter of the walls (between the first and second floors, etc.). This element is required for uniform distribution loads and ties the walls together. This reduces the risk of cracking when the building shrinks unevenly. Also, the armopoyas is laid under the Mauerlat when installing the roof.

Maxim Pan User FORUMHOUSE, Moscow.

It is impossible to fasten the timber (Mauerlat) directly to the aerated concrete on the studs. If this is done, then over time, under the influence of wind load, the fasteners will loosen. When device attic floor armopoyas on aerated concrete with wooden floor redistributes the point load from the timber to the entire wall.

An illustrative example is a forum user with a nickname mad-max, which exhaustively answers the question when you need an armored belt in a house made of aerated concrete . He did not have time to fill the armopoyas under the Mauerlat, and the house went into "winter". Already during the cold weather arched openings under the windows in the house they cracked exactly in the middle. At first, the cracks were small - about 1-2 mm, but gradually they began to increase and for the most part opened up to 4-5 mm. As a result, after the winter, the forum member poured a 40x25 cm belt into which, before pouring the concrete solution, he installed an anchor under the Mauerlat. This solved the problem of growing cracks.

mad-max FORUMHOUSE user

I would like to add to this that the foundation for my house is tape - monolithic, the soil is stony, there was no movement in the foundation before I started building the house. I believe that the reason for the appearance of the cracks was the lack of an armored belt under the Mauerlat.

An aerated concrete house, and even more so a house with two floors, needs an armored belt. When making it, you should remember the following rule:

The main condition for the correct "operation" of the armopoyas is its continuity, continuity and looping along the entire perimeter of the walls.

There are several options for the armopoyas device in aerated concrete house... The manufacture of an armored belt begins with the calculation of its cross-section and the choice of the type of formwork - removable or non-removable, as well as the "pie" of the entire structure.

Eyeonenow FORUMHOUSE user

I am building a house of aerated concrete 37.5 cm thick, with brick cladding and a ventilated gap of 3.5 cm. special U-blocks I do not want factory-made for filling the armopoyas. I saw on our forum the following scheme when building a house, how to insulate an armopoyas - on wall block installs a partition block 10 cm thick, then it is insulated (EPS), and is mounted from the inside of the house removable formwork... I also saw an option when the insulation is pressed close to brickwork... With this scheme, a belt of greater width is obtained.

To understand which option to choose, let us turn to the experience of FORUMHOUSE experts.

44alex FORUMHOUSE user

I was building a house of aerated concrete 40 cm thick. In my opinion, a ventilated gap between the wall and the cladding of 3.5 cm is not enough, it is optimal to leave a gap of 5 cm. If you look at the "pie" of the armored belt from the inside out, it was as follows:

  • removable formwork;
  • concrete 20 cm;
  • EPS 5 cm;
  • partition block 15 cm.

Without exception, any structure made of any block materials will be constantly exposed to natural phenomena- swelling of the soil, settlement of the building, other movement of the soil. In addition, increased winds, as well as rains, can also affect the integrity of the entire building. It is to exclude various movements of the building over the walls that the concrete armored belt is performed. And how to make an armopoyas with your own hands and we'll talk in this article.

Armopoyas device

Reinforcing belt or, as it is sometimes called seismic belt, makes it possible improve strength the whole house, and also allows prevent wall cracking as a result of the movement of soil with the foundation and under the influence of atmospheric phenomena. In addition, if you make the armopoyas correctly, it allows you to evenly distribute loads from the roof or concrete floors above it.

Pay attention! Even if the floors in the house are made of wood, the need to make an armored belt does not disappear. The type of overlap does not determine whether to make an armored belt or not. In any case, the belt must close all the walls.

With the appointment of an armored belt, everything is clear. Now a few words about its construction. A conventional armored belt has two standard elements - a rigid volumetric frame made of reinforcement, as well as the concrete in which it is located. In general, everything is quite simple, but it will probably be difficult to make an armopoyas with your own hands without studying its features.

How to make an armopoyas - sequence

In order to determine the entire complexity of the work, as well as for more detailed analysis how is made reinforced belt, we will break down the manufacturing technology into several stages. We can say that we will give certain instructions for the manufacture of an armored belt.

Metal frame made of reinforcement

It is necessary to start assembling the frame with the fact that reinforcement segments should be installed at the top of the wall. To do this, you need to either simply drive in the segments, if the density of the material allows it, or drill holes and insert pieces into them. The reinforcement is installed at the intersection points of the walls and along the entire perimeter of the structure at 1-1.5 meta intervals. The segments are set in a square of four pieces, they will set the dimensions of the entire frame. After that, you need to fix the lower longitudinal row of reinforcement at a height of 3-4 cm from the upper edge of the wall. For this, the longitudinal rods are tied with a knitting wire to vertically installed pins. Thus, two parallel rods are fixed.

After the longitudinal reinforcement is installed, it must be connected with short jumpers every 2.5-3 cm. For jumpers, you need to use reinforcement segments.

Vertical segments are set in a similar way. The upper longitudinal row of reinforcement will be attached to them later. The top row will be attached in the same way and with the same pitch as the horizontal one. The length of the segments will depend on the total thickness of the armopoyas. The recommended thickness of the armopoyas is 200 - 250 mm. From these dimensions it is necessary to determine the length of the vertical segments. Longitudinal reinforcement rods are again fixed to the vertical segments, which are then fastened with transverse segments. In general, everything is exactly the same as with the lower level of the longitudinal rods.


At this stage, you can act in two ways: either install permanent formwork, or make collapsible boards. The most the best option will be a collapsible design. It is collected almost from any boards or sheet materials... In the process of erecting the formwork, it is necessary to monitor its upper edge - the difference should not be more than 1 cm.

The ideal option would be combined system, in which, on the one hand, it will be non-removable, and the other, after the poured solution solidifies, will be removed. If the facade will be finished with some material or insulated, then on the front side you can put a permanent polystyrene formwork, which will later become one of the elements of the insulating layer. By inside can be set regular board or OSB, which can be fixed with improvised hardware and fasteners. What can not be said about working with foam concrete, which has its own.

The most difficult moment here will be the connection of the two parts of the armopoyas formwork. Here you need to approach with all responsibility and think over how to connect two opposite parts in such a way that the concrete being poured does not crush them on the sides. To do this, on the upper edge of the formwork, you need to fix wooden spacers with a step of 30 - 40 cm, and you can also pull it off with wire. For fixing with wire, it is necessary to drill holes in the boards and thread through the wire, which will pull together the two parts of the structure. After the solution has solidified, simply bite off this wire with side cutters and it will remain inside the armopoyas. After the screed, you can proceed to the next stage of the construction of the reinforcing belt.

Pouring with concrete

Everything here is not complicated enough, with the exception of raising the concrete inside the formwork on top of the wall. But this question can be easily dealt with when ordering. Firms providing concrete delivery services have the opportunity to order a concrete pump, which pumps the solution to any point of the poured armopoyas.

Let's say a few more words about quality concrete mix and the method of preparing it if you cook it yourself. When ordering, the brand must be at least B15. But if you cook on your own, then the composition will be as follows: one bucket of cement and two buckets of rubble and sand... It is best to prepare the concrete mixture thicker, because it will not crush the formwork too much. However, such a solution has its own nuance - the mixture in the formwork must be carefully tamped and compacted. Ideally, a deep vibrator is used for this, but it is not often found in domestic construction. For sealing, you can use either a piece of reinforcement or a piece wooden block, with which the entire mortar in the formwork is carefully compacted.


The final stage of making an armopoyas with your own hands is controlling the hardening of concrete. Immediately after pouring the concrete mixture, it is best to cover it with cellophane wrap. This is necessary to reduce moisture loss and the appearance of cracks in the armored belt. After a few days, when the initial strength has been reached, the formwork can be removed (removable). By the way, we advise you to read the article ““.

This, in general, is all. Let's clarify only one detail that concerns the waterproofing of the armopoyas. Usually, a Mauerlat is laid on the armopoyas for further installation of the roof. To do this, roofing material or other modern bituminous material for waterproofing. In this way, you can protect the base of your roof from the incoming moisture from the walls.

In this article we will figure out why you need an armored belt on aerated concrete. The basic requirements for this structural element will be considered in detail, and you will also learn how to correctly make an armored belt for aerated concrete on your own.

Armopoyas for aerated concrete is a tape structure made of monolithic concrete that follows all the outlines of the building wall. In houses from aerated blocks, this belt is essential element, which significantly improves the strength characteristics of the entire building.

In order for the reinforcing belt not to be the weak link of the house in terms of thermal insulation, the technology provides for the creation of belts not for the entire width of the wall, but indented from its inner side.

In this case, the minimum belt width should be 25 centimeters for bricks and 20 centimeters for concrete. The free space formed after pouring the armopoyas is filled with heaters, and closed with a foam block adjusted to the size.

Here are the reviews of builders specializing in the construction of houses made of foamed concrete, which will help you get a complete picture of the need to equip a reinforcing frame for expanded clay concrete blocks:

Igor, 49 years old, Moscow:

For seven years now, my team has been using as the main building material foam concrete, I have heard extremely positive feedback from customers about our work.

The number of fans of this material, since its appearance on the domestic market, has grown exponentially. We install armopoyasa on aerated concrete in every house we have built.

I believe that a reinforced frame is absolutely necessary for foam concrete, and the statements of manufacturers that the strength of the blocks is already sufficient for the installation of any floors do not correspond to reality. As for me, it is better to play it safe once again and consolidate the work than to bite your elbows later.
Oleg, 45 years old, Rostov:

We build houses from gas blocks. We install the reinforced frame without fail, especially for hanging rafters and to fix the floors from concrete slabs... Recently built on my own summer cottage utility room for poultry, used a cinder block as a building material.

He arranged a brick reinforcement frame on it, because I am sure that the "doctor ordered" it to be fixed to all buildings from building materials based on foamed concrete.

2.3 Arranging the armopoyas with your own hands (video)

Let's first figure out what an armopoyas is and why an armopoyas is poured in the process of building a private house. Armopoyas is a home-made reinforced concrete structure, the components of which are: a frame made of steel reinforcement and wire, which is immersed in a frozen mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone (reinforced concrete). Its purpose is to distribute the bearing load from other building elements onto the walls and to give these walls additional strength as a whole.

The reinforced belt is poured as a homogeneous, one-piece element along the entire perimeter of the house, which in no case should have breaks along its entire length. This is one of the most important rules its creation.

Usually, the armopoyas is poured after laying the last final row of building stone during the construction of walls (cinder block, gas block, etc.). In this case, its purpose will be to increase the overall resistance of the structure from the acting deforming loads: wind force on the roof, the process of house shrinkage, demi-season fluctuations of the foundation, point load of floor slabs or load-bearing beams.

Is it really necessary to build a reinforced belt for a house built from a durable cinder block - this is a rather controversial issue, this material already perfectly transfers loads, but if, you decide to build walls from more fragile physical characteristics blocks (gas block or foam block), then it is simply necessary to take the whole blow.

In what cases is an armopoyas required?

For example, you are planning to build Vacation home or a cottage made of gas silicate stone, on the final row you will have to lay wooden bar(mauelrat), to which the whole rafter system... The question arises: how will this very Mauelrat, you will attach to the wall laid out of blocks that do not tolerate almost all point loads?

Connect Mauelrath anchor bolts to a building stone of this category and the like is strictly prohibited! You run the risk of getting cracks or breaks in the attachment points.

The walls laid out from the gas block under the pressure of the roof will be subjected to vertical load, the rafter system will be loaded from wind and snow roofing pie will press on them, both down towards the foundation and sideways, as if trying to squeeze the walls out. In order to prevent the irreparable from happening, it is necessary to put together the entire frame of the house with a solid and strong belt, fasten it into one system that is strong in terms of properties.

In the event that for the project you want to do two-storey house, then you will have to fill in as many as 2 reinforced belts - the first one is poured after the walls of the first floor are laid, floor slabs will be laid on it, and immediately after the end of the laying of the blocks of the second floor, the supports intended for the construction of the roof will be laid on it.

How to install the formwork for the armopoyas?

The standard height of the armored belt to be laid usually does not exceed 30 cm, and its width should correspond to the width of the walls, that is, the block chosen for the construction of the walls. For the installation of the formwork when pouring the armopoyas, a 20 mm board is used, fixed along the entire perimeter from the outer and outer sides of the walls.

The lower part of the first boards is screwed to the walls themselves with self-tapping screws, and the upper boards are installed along building level pieces of wood waste are knocked together. As a result, we should get something like a trough with a height of 30cm and a width corresponding to the width of the walls.

To give additional strength to the entire structure, vertical boards are nailed every 70-90cm from the outside of the formwork to prevent the sides from being squeezed out by the concrete mixture during the pouring of the armopoyas. In some places in the center, the formwork can be pulled together with a knitting wire.

The principle of constructing a reinforced frame for an armored belt practically does not differ from the creation of a frame for a foundation or window lintels. It is also made of horizontally laid rods of reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm, overlapped with knitting wire along the entire perimeter of the wall, and tied with rings of wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm. Below you can see the picture, so visually assess the complexity of the work performed:

To exclude too close approximation of the "reinforcing skeleton" for the armored belt to the surface of the last row of blocks, it is necessary to put pieces of broken brick under the frame in some places along its entire length, thus raising it by 3-5 cm.

Armopoyas pouring technology

When everything is ready to fill the cavity with concrete, take care of immediately how you want to attach the Mauelrat to the wall in the future, if you have planned cottage... Construction experts recommend laying in advance pieces of knitting wire or hairpins inside the structure every 0.8-1m, which will later serve as a fastener for the carrier rafter legs wooden bar.

As a concrete mixture for pouring the armopoyas, the usual cement-sand mortar with the addition of crushed stone of fraction 5-20 or river sand of the same faction. It is better to mix such a solution using electric mobile concrete mixers or, at worst, manually. Raise to a height with buckets using ropes with a hook at the end. In the process of pouring concrete, it is necessary to compact the mortar to prevent the formation of voids and air bubbles, which will reduce the strength of the structure.

It is advisable to start this work in the early morning, in order to have time to do it in 1 day or it will take a dozen people. Since the reinforced belt must be poured in one cycle, preventing the concrete mixture from drying out and interrupting the process, that is, the formation of breaks.

In hot weather, do not forget to water the entire structure abundantly with water in order to prevent the formation of cracks, it will be good if after each watering you put on top plastic wrap to prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, and concrete to gain strength faster. After about 3-4 days, the formwork can be carefully removed.

Armopoyas is a reinforced concrete structure designed to strengthen the walls of a house from various loads that arise as a result of deformation under the influence of both external and internal factors. External factors include the effect of wind, floating ground, a house installed on a slope or on a hill, and of course the seismic activity of the earth. TO internal factors include the installation of studs and other household building accessories necessary for interior decoration Houses. As a result of these phenomena, aerated concrete walls may not withstand the loads and simply simply part or crack. So that such troubles do not happen professional builders make an armored belt to increase the strength of the house.

Armopoyas is installed over the entire area of ​​the house if the house consists of block elements. Usually it is installed between floors and just before the installation of the roof, this is done so that the walls do not disperse under the influence of the load on the walls of the roof mass. Thus, the roof will not come off the house when correct installation armopoyasa.

Do-it-yourself armopoyas installation

Armopoyas can be installed using wooden formwork, or using additional blocks (about 10 cm) thick. Let's first analyze the stage of installing an armored belt using the second option. So: we buy additional blocks in our case, we do it with outer side(from the street side) block 10cm and glue it on glue, then from mineral wool we make a thermal circuit, from the inside of the house we make a 5 cm block and also put it on glue.

You can use formwork for the place of the third 5 cm block, this is done in order to increase the area of ​​concrete, but this depends on the structure of the wall.

Installation of wooden formwork for armopoyas

The wooden formwork for the armopoyas is very easy to install. First, the formwork is installed from wooden planks, the height of the formwork of about 30 cm will be quite enough, then we drill the boards to the wall and drive in additional screeds every 60-70 cm, this is done so that the wooden formwork does not disperse under the influence of the mass of poured concrete.

Then we put reinforcement from 8 to 12 diameters inside. The most optimal diameter is 12, but this is if your house is influenced by external factors. Next, we tie up the reinforcement and put it on special sprockets, thus making an active bottom layer. After that, the concrete is well leveled, compacted and we get a ready-made armored belt.

The next step will be the installation of studs for fixing the floor. Studs are installed every 60 cm along the entire perimeter of the walls. The studs are needed in order to secure the floor and, accordingly, the roof, so that it is kept straight.

Accordingly, after pouring the concrete, the timber is drilled and installed on the studs. By the way, you can take the studs of any length, we took 1.5 meter studs, cut in half and inserted them into the armopoyas.

Pouring concrete into the formwork

You have probably seen when concrete is poured from a special hose using a concrete pump. But in some cases, pouring concrete from a concrete pump is impossible due to the fact that the concrete will fall from a great height under pressure, as a result of which the formwork can simply not withstand and break, so you need to either fix the formwork well or pour concrete using a manual labor. It is best to use concrete grade m200 or higher, by the way, as we described here. You can make concrete yourself, for this you need to mix cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1: 3: 5 and mix thoroughly by adding water.

Pouring of concrete must be done at one time, otherwise, the integrity of the structure may be violated!

But if the pouring of concrete was not possible at once, then you should not despair. It is necessary to install a gas block when pouring - a wooden formwork, which should become an overlap and the next time the concrete is poured, moisten the edge with water and continue pouring the concrete.

After 3-5 days, the armo-belt for aerated concrete is ready, it remains only to install, remove the formwork and continue the construction of the roof.

Video - filling the armopoyas of a house from gas blocks