When the moon is in Virgo. The influence of the Moon in Virgo on a person's character

Many forums talk about the character of a man with the moon in Virgo. Such a person is reserved, rarely shows his feelings. He controls all his emotions, even the closest people will not be able to know about them.

Such a person cannot sit idle. He is constantly looking for something to do, he needs to be useful and necessary. The feeling of happiness comes only at the moment when a person can help someone, support another person. The Moon in Virgo makes a real workaholic out of a man.

Such a man is often critical of himself. If he didn't do a perfect job, he'll blame himself. for a long time. Such a person does not know how to relax, he is completely immersed in work. Until he does everything perfectly, he will not stop.

Judging by what a man is emotionally, he is stingy with the manifestation of feelings. It is easier for him to solve any issue by deed, not by word. Therefore, often representatives of this sign do not understand women's whims, they cannot provide their woman with the necessary support.

The image of a man with the moon in Virgo

The representative of this sign is decent and honest. He treats his things with great trepidation, will keep order, will do everything possible to maintain it. In addition to hard work, such a man is risky. He prefers extreme recreation and sports. A man longs for adventure, it is very difficult to find out about the plans of such a person.

If you go on vacation with this representative, then you will not be able to relax on the seashore. He prefers skydiving, extreme sports, speed.

These are secretive people who hide everything in themselves. However, people born under this sign of the moon achieve great success in life. They know exactly what they want from life, and achieve their goals.
Such a man is faithful in a relationship. He will not pay attention to casual connections.

Especially if the man is already married. He will never leave his family. Surviving a divorce is very problematic for him. This is primarily due to emotional state. He will blame only himself for what is happening.

A man born in this period is stingy with emotions. He rarely shows his feelings, and does not even understand what the people around him want from him. If it helps a person, then it refers to this process with particular trepidation. He will not sit for hours thinking about what to do, but will settle all the problems, silently in a short time.

Men with the moon in Virgo are hard pressed by their own troubles that happen in their lives. They beat themselves up if they can't do it right. This person is fair in relation to other people, he feels a lie well. This representative in his career achieves great success. Through effort and diligence, he can move mountains. However, he will never go over the heads, he is honest with himself and other people.

Moon in Virgo in a child

A child born in this period is distinguished by perseverance and attentiveness. He is very timid, shy, prefers loneliness. It is more usual for him to hide in a corner and go about his business.

Playing with other kids and being the center of attention is not for him. Such a child is very obedient, concentrated. Parents do not have any problems in his upbringing. Such children are often called quiet. They are timid and love silence.

Moon in Virgo for a man: what kind of woman do you need

When choosing the second half, such a man is very picky. He is looking for a well-groomed woman, and at the same time modest. For the first date, the man prepares diligently, wants to please his companion in everything. However, if he notices some flaw in the girl's appearance, he will definitely tell about it.

He pays a lot of attention to appearance and small things. For a man, it is important that the girl is well-groomed, with clean skin. Not a single detail will be left without attention. If something goes wrong, then he will not look at such a girl at all.

Moon Compatibility Virgo Man

Virgo and Taurus.
Only in rare cases can be installed a good relationship between these characters. Both partners are looking for a serious relationship, appreciate comfort and coziness. However, these qualities are not enough to create strong family. You will have to work hard on relationships, to show your sensuality. However, Virgo is very stingy with the manifestation of emotions. Union failed.

Virgo and Gemini. Virgo will be infatuated with her partner. At the first meeting, pay attention to him. This sign is attracted to witty, interesting interlocutors. However, this union will not be able to go further than talk. It is unlikely that warm feelings will flare up.

Virgo and Cancer. Virgo is a very caustic person, and it will be difficult for the gentle soul of Cancer to get used to some statements. The changeable mood of a partner will hurt cancer, offend. Despite all attempts to create a strong family, they will end in failure. Virgo will not be able to appreciate the warmth and tenderness that a partner will give her.

Virgo and Leo. The compatibility of these signs is rather weak. Virgo will treat her partner with caution, is unlikely to adore the lion and bow before him. In response, the lion will not pay attention to the nature of his companion. To create an alliance, one will have to put up, and the other to obey.

Virgo and Virgo. In order to get a good union, you will have to work hard on relationships. It is important to learn to respect each other, treat with understanding. The relationship between these signs will not last long.

Virgo and Libra. The compatibility of these signs is good. However, in order to create strong union, you will have to put in the best effort. Virgo will be annoyed by the indecision of the partner, she will demand stability. Constant reproaches against the scales will not be able to endure, the relationship will fall apart after a while.

Virgo and Aries. A man with the moon in Virgo will have a hard time in a relationship with Aries. Aries may seem impatient to their partner, a little aggressive, and will try to re-educate their other half. If Aries does not respond to the sharp remarks of the virgin, the virgin will close in on herself, stop communicating. This behavior of both may seem strange, compatibility between these signs is weak.

Virgo and Scorpio. Scorpio is a passionate nature. Perhaps from the very first minutes this sign will notice a partner. However, in order to achieve the location of the virgin, you will have to suppress your feelings, or pretend to be an intellectual person. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create a pair.

Virgo and Sagittarius. Sagittarius can teach a partner a lot. He will bring in life together brightness, riskiness. However, the virgin is not ready for such changes in life. The pride and excitement of a partner will cause her discontent. Such an alliance will be short-lived, and the relationship will be difficult.

Moon in Virgo for a man: compatibility

Virgo and Capricorn. The compatibility of these signs is quite good. Both partners are serious, looking for stability in life. However, the question is whether Capricorn can believe in the sincerity and love of his companion. Virgo in rare cases shows her feelings, and will not be able to envelop her partner with caress and care.

Virgo and Aquarius . Between these signs of the zodiac, the union is unlikely to succeed. Opposite characters who will find it difficult to get along in the same territory. The couple will be able to develop successfully only if each of the partners opens their rich inner world and be able to talk openly about feelings.

Virgo and Pisces. Pisces are romantic in nature, they will lack tenderness and affection in a relationship. If Virgo can prove her love, then the union can turn out to be quite successful. However, a lot of effort will have to be made in order for the Virgo to start moving and show emotions.

Moon in Virgo for Leo man

This representative is very strong man he can express his thoughts in writing. He rarely uses words. Such a person will not be able to take an administrative position, since he does not have the art of speaking beautifully. To succeed in life, such a person has to work hard, and thanks to his intellect to achieve success. Such a man is shy, perhaps even insecure. Throughout his life trying to get rid of the inferiority complex.

If we consider love horoscope, then a man with the moon in Virgo represents the image of his wife as a passionate nature. He is suspicious of his woman. Get rid of this feeling can be easily, the companion needs to prove that the partner is the only one in her life.

Best of all, such people manifest themselves in intellectual activity. The person is independent, which can cause some envy on the part of other people. Such a person will not please, his actions are unpredictable, he will do only what he wants.

Representatives of this sign need to work on their feelings, they need to learn tact. The man has good taste, charm. If you use your skills correctly, you can become everyone's favorite.

Moon in Virgo Aquarius Man

The main advantages of such a person are mental abilities, sanity, restraint. If a person has a good education, then he can achieve great success in intellectual activity. Such a man is eloquent, knows exactly what he wants from life.

This is a dangerous competitor. He can outbid any subscriber. Even in personal relationships, he often uses the ability to argue, proving his case.

Moon in Virgo for a man who gets upset for any reason. Especially if something does not happen according to the scenario that was planned by him. He never compromises. He is very worried if people speak against him. He perceives criticism painfully, he himself likes to express sharp phrases addressed to other people.

According to such a man, people who love him should indulge him in everything. It is impossible to say more than one word about him. That is why these representatives are often lonely. Loneliness causes them self-pity and grief.

Despite the desire to be alone, such a person often lacks communication. He needs care and affection from loved ones. This person is sensitive to rejection. In addition, he looks at his life with pride, he is very pleased if he has achieved great heights.

Vasilisa Volodina provided her description of a man whose moon is in Virgo. The character of a person is not simple, hidden. However, the traits of his character may be different depending on which zodiac sign a man belongs to.

The natal chart of the representative of the Moon in Virgo in a man is very interesting and bewitching. To understand whether it is possible to create a strong family with such a person, it is recommended to contact astrologers. Experts will help you understand the compatibility of signs, and tell you what to do in order to find happiness and love.

With the Moon in Virgo, people are born with a realistic outlook on life, they never look at the world through rose-colored glasses, getting used to initially assessing everything soberly. These are born pedants and intellectuals, they are practical and pragmatic, their mind is sober and reasonable. While still very young, they stand out from their peers, as they ask a lot of questions and will not calm down until they receive an intelligible answer.

Moon in Virgo man

These are sensitive men who at the same time know how to keep their feelings and emotions under control. A lot of things can rage inside them, that in appearance they are always calm, restrained and cold, which is why those around them consider them callous and detached. Naturally, this is absolutely not the case. Lunar Maidens they feel good about other people, perfectly understand their own kind, but at the same time they are very touchy and tend to close themselves in an unfavorable environment. Knowing about their sensitivity to others, they always try not to let them get close to them.

These are very reliable performers who do the work in accordance with all the rules and instructions, even if they themselves do not agree with the established standards, they will not argue. The gene of workaholism is also embedded in them, they simply cannot imagine how it is to live without work. It is very important for them to feel their need for someone, so they are immersed in any work process with great willingness. Lunar Virgos are trouble-free, which the environment often uses for its own good, for example, entrusting them with boring and monotonous work that you don’t want to do yourself. Not only will they not refuse, but they will do everything qualitatively and according to the established deadlines.

These are real fighters for honesty and justice, and even the high status of a person will not be a reason for them to remain silent - they will express everything and point out punctures even to their superiors. For such qualities at work, they are disliked despite not serious successes in the service, and many are even afraid of them. It is difficult to catch the Moon Maiden doing nothing, they will always find something to do, in the most extreme case they will put things in order, they really like it when everything is structured around.

In addition to work, they will never refuse to help others - they will always come to the rescue, and it doesn’t matter at all whether they are busy at that moment. Fuss, things about nothing - this can almost never be said about the Moon Maiden, they are too critical of themselves and the fruits of their work. However, if the fuss makes itself felt, but they themselves cannot stop, they become very irritable and nervous in relation to the environment.

Moon in Virgo woman

These women are pragmatic, rational, receptive and diplomatic. In any case, all Lunar Maidens can be conditionally divided into two groups. In the first one there are those who actively manifest themselves in the outside world and turn into workaholics who focus on all the little things, work tirelessly, delve into any information and never calm down until they finish what they started and reach their goals.

The second group includes passive individuals who do not take on many obligations due to the lack of a sufficient supply of energy. Inner weakness makes them, on a subconscious level, avoid work that involves taking on serious responsibility. Such people begin to suffer from themselves and it is difficult to envy them.

Regardless of which category the Moon Virgo belongs to, these are people with excellent memory, who, if desired, are very easy to realize themselves in many areas where it is necessary to keep a large amount of information in their heads. Many Lunar Virgos, if not professionally, then at the same time are fond of folk healing. They always watch their diet, try to eat only healthy food. Coming to the store for groceries, be sure to read the composition before putting the goods in the basket. If the Moon Virgo lives in a family, then everyone who lives with her under the same roof eats right.

They do not survive any stress, from which they immediately become tense and restless. Even when stressful situation passes, they feel for a long time nervous tension. Often, to calm down, they start working or cleaning the house. Monotonous work helps them return to normal. However, it also happens that they pour out all their anger on other people, which is expressed in the manifestation of criticality. Virgo is already a critical sign, but in such situations this quality doubles.

Their parents are very demanding. Almost from the cradle, they accustom their children to order, cleanliness and work. But at the same time, they are very caring, patient, and instead of scolding or spanking their child, they will have lengthy explanatory conversations with him on the topic of why it is impossible to do one way or another.

A person who at the time of birth had the Moon in the sign of Virgo is distinguished by emotional coldness, increased skepticism, pedantry, and pettiness. Everything is “sorted” with him, and his disgust, accuracy and scrupulousness often take painful and perverted forms.

Those around him consider him a bore and a grump, shun him. Such a person is usually very difficult in a sensual, emotional way. It is difficult for him to “open up”, become direct, liberated, free himself from inner coldness, suspiciousness and psychological clamps.

A person born under the Moon in Virgo is able to express his thoughts clearly and clearly. He is very critical, biased and intolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Lunar Virgos are unsurpassed intriguers and players, often vindictive and vindictive. They are very scrupulous in everything related to health and diet, like to read medical literature, invent imaginary illnesses for themselves, look for all sorts of symptoms in themselves and visit doctors with or without reason.

By the way, excellent doctors often turn out from lunar Virgos, especially in the field of surgery, pharmaceuticals, dietetics, dermatology, gastroenterology. They are very attentive to documents, figures and calculations: they have an analytical mindset and excellent memory, and besides, they can be safely entrusted with the most time-consuming and responsible work that requires attention and accuracy. Therefore, such people can make excellent translators, journalists, investigators.

Attitude towards mother

Adults with such a Moon are themselves emotionally very restrained. Talking about their mother, they first of all note that she taught them self-discipline, accuracy, attention to detail. Remembering their home, they say that perfect order always reigned in it, everything stood in its place, the table was set according to the rules ... etc. If the relationship was not good, they claim that they never felt emotional closeness with their mother and their communication with her was purely formal: lessons, household chores, food.


"Relative" perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their psyche is the most plastic. They are easily rebuilt and adapted. The most important question for them is "why?". Their perception of the actions and words of the mother is determined by the context of the situation. For the sake of an idea, they easily agree even to something that is not very pleasant for them.

For such a child, rituals are important when his mother combs, feeds, bathes, and dresses him. The primary role in his perception of his mother is played by the semantic load of the environment that his mother creates for him. It is important not that his mother dressed him, and not that in a beautiful blouse, it is important that his mother put on such a blouse because she loves and wants him to be beautiful. Teach such a child to water the flowers, feed the fish, make something from the designer, dress the dolls. Avoid general phrases and instructions: "clean up", "what a beauty!". Say specifically what needs to be removed, what you think is beautiful, most importantly, why.


Such women are rational and practical. Here is someone who always has cleanliness and order in the house: every thing knows its place, and for each member of the family there are instructions on how he should live and act. There should be no surprises or surprises. Everything is according to the rules, according to the regime, according to the rules. Boring? But it's safe. In household chores, women born under this position of the Moon are executive and hardworking. They love to take care of those who need care. Both households and pets act as their wards. And in matters of raising children, such women are responsible to the limit. Children for them are a kind of work that needs to be done as well as possible.

Yes, perhaps a woman of this type will be characterized by a little excessive attention to the material side of life. But after all, without this, even high matters have nowhere to turn around, right?

What kind of woman is a man looking for - a moon VIRGO?

The wife for this man is a woman who knows her duties around the house well and copes with them just as well. She must be neat, collected, responsible, practical and restrained. And sentiments and feelings - this is the tenth thing. They will only distract from family worries, and the house should not be run down, the husband should be fed (and the "right" food), the children should be well-groomed and stuff like that.

By the way, if a woman herself invites him to sign a marriage contract, where it will be clearly indicated who is obligated to whom and what, he will be simply in seventh heaven with happiness and will instantly be convinced that it is she who is his ideal choice.


The main problem of lunar Virgos is indigestion and intestinal diseases. They need regular cleansing procedures and proper nutrition to avoid trouble in this area. You should also take care of the pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, monitor the condition of the skin.


Cold and misunderstanding can complicate the relationship of the Moon in Virgo with the Moon in Aries. It is difficult for them to communicate with each other, especially on a verbal level, they speak "on different languages", often irritate each other and become strangers. However, if both people are spiritually developed and sincerely strive for mutual understanding, they will gain a lot from these relationships. The Moon in Virgo can teach the Moon in Aries a sober look, more attention to detail, can a little cool and calm the hot Moon.Moon in Aries can give the Moon in Virgo emotional and energetic nourishment, teach openness and sincerity, help get rid of excessive dryness, gloom and prudence.

The Moon in Virgo can piss off the Moon in Taurus with their nit-picking, dryness, and skepticism, and unless the Moon Virgo learns to be softer, they are bound to get into trouble. This combination is more favorable for business communication and cooperation.

A complex, albeit rather stable, union can be obtained with the Moon in Gemini. Thanks to the lunar Virgo, as a rule, this is a long-lasting and stable couple. They have a good mutual understanding, they can always agree. And even if these people do not quite feel each other, it is difficult for them to leave. This combination is more favorable for friendship or for a mature marriage than for love.

The painful relationship of the Moon in Virgo with the Moon in Cancer. It is difficult for them with each other, and even if attraction and mutual interest are possible at first, this relationship is unlikely to last long. Business cooperation is also unfavorable, these people are unlikely to work together and understand each other.

With the Moon in Virgo, the lunar Leo is unlikely to have a harmonious relationship. This is a difficult combination, especially in terms of personal and family relationships. Business cooperation can be much more favorable, especially provided that lunar lion- the boss, and the lunar Virgo - the subordinate.

A strange, but quite stable combination can be obtained by two lunar Virgos. It is more favorable for cooperation and friendship than for love and marriage. But, if these people have formed a couple, chances are high that it will last for a long time. Two Moons in Virgo will forever torment each other, torment each other over trifles, find fault and get angry, but it is very difficult for them to part, they will "get bogged down" in these relationships.

A good interaction between the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in Libra. They are drawn to each other, the Moon in Virgo is comfortable and cozy with the lunar Libra, but she sometimes greatly annoys the Moon in Libra with her pettiness, tediousness and dryness. With certain efforts on both sides, relationships can give a lot to both, and this communication will especially have a beneficial effect on the lunar Virgo, she will be able to better understand herself and find inner harmony.

With the Moon in Scorpio, a very good union can turn out. Both friendship and love can develop, family relationships but they probably won't last long. But, the more freedom and spontaneity they have, the more likely they are to be happy. The Moon in Scorpio is much more attracted to the Moon in Virgo, including sexually. At the same time, the Moon Virgo may remain cold to Scorpio, but psychologically they are still good and comfortable with each other.

The lunar pair Virgo-Sagittarius has a difficult interaction, sometimes very strange and incomprehensible even for themselves. They will touch on too deep each other's problems, and this can repel and frighten them, especially the Moon in Virgo. But at high level development, if a couple learns to forgive each other and accept someone else's point of view, everything can turn out well. This combination is much more favorable for business cooperation than for personal communication.

With the Moon in Capricorn, there are strange, ambivalent relationships that are often not easy, long-term, people have to overcome the wall of cold and misunderstanding. The Moon in Virgo reaches out to the Moon in Capricorn, but the reverse attraction often does not occur: the Moon in Capricorn is burdened by this connection, although it does not dare to break it. This combination is more suitable for friendship or business cooperation than for love and marriage.

The lunar pair Virgo-Aquarius has a difficult relationship for both, and it is almost impossible to achieve harmony in this union. These people will torment, torment each other, and often such relationships, starting as friendship, end in enmity and complete rejection of each other. Relationships are quite dangerous for both, and first of all for lunar Aquarius, they can lead them to depression and despair, awaken internal complexes and cause self-doubt. For lunar Virgos, this interaction is more favorable.

The lunar pair Virgo-Pisces is a favorable combination for both, but the lunar Virgos still benefit greatly from this communication. They have a very strong mutual attraction, interest, desire to understand each other.

Compatibility horoscope: lunar zodiac sign Virgo - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

When you were born, the Moon was in Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgo is the female earth sign of the movable cross, related to the beginning of "yin", the ruler of this sign is Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods of Olympus.

Your moon sign determines your inner reactions. With the Moon in Virgo, you put a lot of effort into being perfect in everything, but still, you shouldn't be so persistent in achieving the highest standards you have set, because this is unrealistic. In addition, do not deprive yourself of the joys of life!

Due to the fact that astrology associates the Moon with Cancer, the feminine water sign of the cardinal cross and the beginning of the "yin", sometimes the lunar Virgo can have problems. She is so engrossed in analyzing her emotions that instead of being satisfied with the intermediate result and moving on, doing what needs to be done, she prefers to do nothing and lament.

Virgo is a sign that is characterized by criticism and analysis, so if you are a lunar Virgo, you can be sure that the tendency to critical analysis is in your blood. But isn't it worth it to try to somewhat weaken the critical fuse, at least in relation to one's own person!

Virgo is also a sign of service and the influence of the Moon makes her autumn a caring person, ready to devote herself completely to her chosen cause or caring for people dear to her.

Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information, those born under this sign naturally have an excellent memory, a very flexible and sharp mind. As a rule, Virgos have wonderful intuition, so all they have to do is listen to the inner voice and trust it, without aggravating into an endless logical analysis of every little thing. Since the Moon determines her inner needs, it is very important for Virgo to know what she is and what her inner needs are. And when she knows them, she will no longer need to ask herself, but will have to believe what her higher essence communicates in those moments when she allows her voice to sound in her soul.

The influence of the Moon on a person can be extremely positive, since it helps to overcome many delusions. He gains the ability to penetrate into the essence of things if he trusts what he feels and sees and uses his abilities to recognize this. Thanks to insight, Virgo can have considerable quick wit, great sensitivity and a clear understanding of everything, can avoid prejudice, prejudice and intolerance.

Moon in Virgo gives a person logical thinking, and, combined with the capacity for extravagant perception, which he will gradually develop if he listens to the inner voice, can be of great help to him in life.

However, people - lunar or solar Virgo - are so obsessed with their striving for perfection that they are quite capable of blaming themselves for not being able to achieve it. This pushes them to deepen introspection, their anxiety increases. Try to avoid such a trap and do not join the ranks of the lunar Virgos, tormented by psychosomatic diseases.

As a Lunar Virgo, you are likely to have a deep interest in health issues and pay great attention to your own body and measures to strengthen it. All this is fine, if kept within the bounds of reason! But if health problems become your fad, and you are a fanatic of a new diet or method of treatment, and even more so self-medication, you turn into your own worst enemy and harass those around you.

Lunar horoscope by date of birth

Lunar sign Virgo

People born under the lunar sign of Virgo are very attentive and accurate. They may deny it, but they enjoy running errands because that's where the attention to detail matters, and they're so good at it. Out loud they may complain about their work, but as long as they feel that they are valued, they will take care not only of themselves, but also of their boss. When someone is in trouble, they are the first to come to the rescue.

They may have low self-esteem. Many of them are happy, possessing absolutely ordinary life. Simplicity is what they strive for, they do not like to draw attention to themselves. Because of this, they can be accused of lacking any ambition. In fact, they are happier if they are able to live within their comfort zone.

The routine of Lunar Virgos is not annoying, having a stable job makes them feel needed. They may complain about their work, but in reality they cannot exist without a routine. They are at their best when doing work that requires attention to detail. In organizing the process, they will show themselves prudent and accurate.

Open adoration may scare them away at first. They are shy around new people. In general, they prefer an environment in which you do not have to worry about what impression they make, but you can safely be yourself.

You can rely on people of this sign, they are very devoted, able to give good advice and will help you in any situation. Their practicality makes them very useful. They make excellent mentors, as they know how to support and encourage others.

In relationships, Moon Virgos can be shy and find it hard to let people close to them. They know all their shortcomings. Their low self-esteem can prevent them from having normal, healthy relationships. They may be too critical of themselves. However, with self-confidence, they can become excellent partners.

Virgo people tend to keep their feelings to themselves, which can cause health problems in the long run. To others, they may be seen as cold and too distant, but this is not so. They are born skeptics. When faced with blind faith in something, they may grumble. They insist on a logical approach to everything, and not all people may like it.

People of this sign are curious, but at the same time they can sometimes seem indifferent. This may be confusing for some people. They are very sensitive to criticism and take everything personally.

They like to always be busy with something, and when they succeed, they are happy because they feel that their life is under control. They, without realizing it, create invisible barriers for others. But they believe that when someone is interesting, you need to make an effort to get to know him better.

Moon in Virgo Man

The moon in Virgo in a man often characterizes his behavior with the opposite sex and shows what wife is suitable for him. As a rule, such men find fault with the image of the second half and are distinguished by special cynicism. He likes to pay a lot of attention to the details of appearance and clothing. For a man with the Moon in Virgo, it is important that the girl is first of all well-groomed and clean. Humility is also respected. If your chosen one has the Moon in Virgo, you need to prepare especially carefully for a date. A man with the Moon in Virgo will see any speck or dirt on his clothes, and your manicure will not be left without attention.

If we talk about emotions, then such a man is very stingy with them. When you ask him: “Why do you react like that?” - then the answer may follow: "What's wrong?" Most often, his mind “steers”, not emotions. The moon in this sign of the zodiac will not feel sorry for you for a long time, wiping every tear. Such a man will help not with a word, but with deed and readiness to solve any issue. Therefore, he is distinguished by a complete misunderstanding of women's whims and tears, when he is required not only to move the closet, but lively communication and understanding.

Men with Moon in Virgo

This man attaches great importance to honesty and decency. However, there are some limitations here too. You need to look at what sign his Sun is in. Because if it is in Scorpio, then honesty and decency can be just a mask for which he hides in a relationship with you.

Moon in Virgo natal chart makes a person dryish and restrained in the manifestation of feelings. The Moon in Virgo seeks to express itself through Mercury, and Mercury in astrology is the planet of the mind, and therefore a person with the Moon in Virgo controls all his emotions with his mind.

A person with the Moon in Virgo feels a constant need to do something, he cannot sit without work. He needs to feel useful and needed. A person with the Moon in Virgo feels happy if he can help, serve the people around him. The Moon in Virgo can make a workaholic out of a person. A person with the Moon in Virgo may engage in self-discipline if, in his opinion, the work is not done so perfectly, or not done at all. A person with the Moon in Virgo does not know how to relax and have fun at all, especially if the fire element is poorly expressed in the natal chart or there are no planets in the element of fire at all.

These people will never carelessly treat their belongings and property. The moon in Virgo in a man indicates that the person has high moral character. He is very hardworking, and his house is often a full bowl. But along with hard work, he is very fond of risky actions. It means that extreme rest is not alien to the carriers of this combination in the horoscope.

High speed and a thirst for adventure also constantly coexist with such men. Also, along with a craving for extreme sports, these men do not differ in great sincerity in communicating with other people and representatives of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is very difficult to find out about his intentions and plans. But on the other hand, people born under such an arrangement of the Moon achieve great success in life.

If you have acquired a man with the Moon in Virgo as a lover, and he has a family, do not even think that he will leave that family for you. Because for such men, divorce is very problematic. Divorce, as it were, does not allow them to show themselves in a favorable light of decency. All this, of course, happens to him at the subconscious level, and in fact he could and would be happy to get a divorce, but, here, you go. Is there a way to make it your own? Maybe there is, but for this you need to look at your joint horoscope. It will show you where to look for points of common ground between you.

But most importantly: men with the Moon in Virgo love slender, neat and well-groomed women. Men with the Moon in Virgo do not pay attention to decorative cosmetics - whether you are made up or not, clean and healthy facial skin is more important for them. Pimples and blackheads make them feel disgusted. So you have to take care of your own appearance. Well, just like men with the Moon in Taurus, men with the Moon in Virgo do not like it when a woman squanders money.

Planets in Astrology

Moon in Virgo ♍

Those whose moon sign is Virgo have a very realistic outlook on life. They never wear "rose-colored glasses" and look at things soberly. These people are intellectual, pedantic, practical and pragmatic, they have a cold and reasonable mind. From early childhood, they differ from their peers in their curiosity, they ask everyone thousands of questions and will not calm down until they receive satisfactory answers to them. These are real little "why".

The Moon in Virgo endows those born during this period with increased impressionability and sensitivity. But at the same time, these people are good at restraining themselves and hiding their true feelings and emotions. Which often misleads others, as they consider them cold, insensitive and detached. Of course, this is not true at all. Virgos are sensitive to the insistence of others, understand their own kind well, but are easily offended and closed under adverse external conditions. Being by nature sensitive people, they try to keep the longest possible distance with strangers, as they are always very susceptible to external influence.

Virgos are good and reliable performers, they always strictly observe social norms, prescribed instructions, regulations and rules, even if this conflicts with their inner convictions. Plus, they are avid workaholics! Virgos cannot imagine their existence without their favorite work, it is very important for them to always feel their need and be involved in various processes. They are trouble-free in their work, so unscrupulous bosses or colleagues often take advantage of this, delegating to them all uninteresting, complex or boring tasks. All the same, they will not refuse and do everything right on time!

For Virgos, the issue of justice and honesty is extremely painful. Being such themselves, they always demand the same from others, sometimes not even being afraid to point out their “mistakes” even to their highest positions. Therefore, despite the workaholism, the authorities do not particularly like them and are even afraid. When they are criticized, they become furious! After all, Virgos know that they do everything “perfectly well”, therefore they perceive such statements as unfair and treat them extremely painfully.

It is difficult to find these people at rest, they are always busy with something, repairing, collecting, cleaning something. They like to constantly organize the space around them. But at the same time, they will never refuse to help someone who asks for it! They are always ready to come to your rescue, at any time of the day or night, regardless of whether they themselves are busy at that time.

In rare cases, Dev can be described as “a lot of noise without results”. Fuss, unstructured actions and the inability to stop in time and critically look at the result negatively affect their work. In such cases, Virgos become irritated, nervous, begin to dig even deeper into themselves and behave aggressively towards society.

Virgos always have many friends and acquaintances, people are attracted to them like a magnet. They are very good and faithful husbands and wives, the ideal of parents and authority for their children. It is extremely rare for them to be convicted of treason or intrigue on the side, because loyalty for such perfectionists is another quality elevated to an absolute.

As already mentioned, due to their commitment and gentleness, Virgos will make excellent performers, so leadership positions they are rarely seen. The ideal profession for people of this lunar sign is a psychoanalyst, volunteer, medical worker, lawyer or accountant.

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Virgo ♍ on our lives:

Your Moon Sign is Virgo

horoscope for January 2018
  • Horoscope for 2018

Lunar Virgo

Bright Side of the Moon in Virgo

You become more intelligent, pedantic, hardworking, reliable, persistent, responsible.

Dark Side of the Moon in Virgo

You become more critical, irritable, arrogant, conflicted and gloomy.

Virgo stabilizes the changing influence of the Moon. This sign of intelligence and practicality adds analytical abilities to the influence of the Moon. The Moon Virgo has a subtle, discriminating mind. She doesn't learn because she enjoys the process; she thinks how to use the acquired knowledge. Her immediate response to the sensory impressions she receives from the outside world is an analysis of what she has seen and heard. She sifts information meticulously and tends to question everything that is said to her. The Moon Virgo is sometimes so skeptical that she does not believe her own eyes. She loves to discuss ideas and critique other people's opinions, although she holds on to her own point of view. However, she is not so stubborn as to remain faithful to her theory, refuted by the facts. She is a truth seeker, and the truth is what remains if you remove the lie.

Having entered into marriage, the lunar Virgo will value this union very much, will add it to the list of her achievements and basic life values ​​and will not risk her well-being, even if some other prospects arise before her. She is completely incapable of making a fuss, raising a cry and arranging stormy scenes of showdown, but her family will get plenty of various barbs from her. She likes to put on a somewhat disappointed and indifferent look, as if saying: “Well, what can you take from you. But she will not forgive you for betrayal and even light flirting with other members of the opposite sex: she sees this as an indicator of the frivolity of your relationship, which is completely unacceptable for her. Virgo herself will be faithful to you and deep down grateful that you give her a sense of security in life. If you manage to achieve her complete trust, you will eventually realize that behind this mask of cold intelligence lies a defenseless creature, desperately in need of tenderness and love, and that passion, love, romantic moods are not at all alien to her. But she is able to open up like this only with a very close and dear person, in whose understanding she is one hundred percent sure. In any case, she will do everything to ensure that your home has comfort, order and peace.

In any Sun sign, the Moon in Virgo gives you a shrewd mind, a generous dose of common sense, and an intelligent, thoughtful approach to life.

Virgo zodiac sign

(character traits and relationships)

Virgo is highly intelligent, they are constantly in need of receiving new information, knowledge. Virgo is endowed with a good memory, as well as the ability to summarize the information received. Perhaps it is for this reason that Virgo loves to criticize everyone so much.

They are not very generous in expressing love and spending money. They distribute their love calmly and evenly, just like money. They absolutely do not tolerate accepting services from others, tk. they don't want to be indebted to anyone. This desire not to depend on anyone makes them save money.

Virgos are fans of the system and order. They wisely allocate their time and always take their careers very seriously, so any of their activities, including creative ones, are almost always guaranteed to be successful.

Virgo throughout life has some kind of goal, aspiration. In addition, this goal is not just an ephemeral dream or desire, but very clear and realistic. She does not like to dream and fantasize, he would rather determine what he would strive for, for which he would work, rather than senselessly cherish his hopes for a brighter future.

Virgos love truthfulness, punctuality, frugality and ingenuity in people. They hate dirt, vulgarity, laziness. These are practical natures. They are all individualists.

Virgos are often exchanged for trifles in which they are lost, often pedantic and petty, as well as scrupulous. Skepticism prevents them from being wide-ranging. Some representatives of this sign should avoid talkativeness and not judge others excessively harshly.

Virgo is capable of very great dedication, she is not insensitive, quite prone to compassion, but she never gives in to a momentary impulse. Often suppresses his feelings, seeking to provide the material basis for his existence.

Virgo certainly experiences emotions and feelings, but due to the fact that he keeps them under control all the time, it is difficult for him to sincerely express himself.

Virgo loves experiments in any field, is fond of books on traditional medicine, unconventional methods of treatment, monitors their health.

They are surprisingly healthy people, although they may have nervous diseases due to the fact that they work hard. They take care of their body and proper nutrition. Virgos always know what they need to eat and how to cook it.

When communicating with the opposite sex, she, as a rule, is reserved and indifferent. This indifferent attitude is due to his criticism of love. Due to the fact that he is used to subjecting everything to his criticism, evaluation and careful analysis, it is difficult for Virgo to focus on own feelings and relationships.

For both men and women, love never clouds their eyes, they always see the flaws of their partner.

Women of this sign are slightly cutesy. In general, Virgo people are relatively cold and reserved in the pleasures of love.

V family life Virgo is a devoted husband and a great family man. In love, he is distinguished by constancy and stability of relations. As a rule, before starting a serious, strong and long-term relationship, he is looking for a basis for them, be it social, material or any other. She will not waste time on a relationship with a woman if she is not sure that she is exactly who he needs.

Fear of disappointment explains Virgo's cautious attitude towards love and sex. Due to their overly critical, overly prudent and choosy personality, Virgos often consider sex to be a joke of nature, given to man for procreation.

Virgo can make her beloved person the happiest.

In order to find out about the happiest unions of Virgos with representatives of other zodiac constellations, study the compatibility section of the Virgo sign with other signs of the Zodiac. Go to section Virgo Zodiac Compatibility

More detailed information about the nature and sexuality of women born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo, you can get on the page - virgin woman

And all the details about the character and sexuality of men born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo, you can read on the page - Virgo man

Celebrities born under the sign of Virgo

Alexander Rosenbaum 09/13/1951

Anna Netrebko 09/18/1971

Arkady Strugatsky 08/28/1925

Valentin Gaft 09/02/1935

Vladimir Menshov 09/17/1939

Vladimir Spivakov 09/12/1944

Greta Garbo 09/18/1905

Evgeny Leonov 09/02/1926

Yevgeny Petrosyan 09/16/1945

Zinovy ​​Gerdt 09/21/1916

Igor Kirillov 09/14/1932

Johann Goethe 08/28/1749

Iosif Kobzon 09/11/1937

Cameron Diaz 08/30/1972

Kirill Lavrov 09/15/1925

Claudia Schiffer 08/25/1970

Larisa Dolina 09/10/1955

Leo Tolstoy 09/09/1828

Michael Jackson 08/29/1958

Maria Golubkina 09/22/1973

Nadezhda Rumyantseva 09/09/1930

Nina Urgant 09/04/1929

O'Henry 09/11/1862

Pyotr Todorovsky 08/26/1925

Sergei Garmash 09/01/1958

Sergey Dovlatov 09/03/1941

Sophia Loren 09/20/1934

Faina Ranevskaya 08/27/1896

Freddie Mercury 09/05/1946

Julio Iglesias 09/23/1943

Edward Radzinsky 09/23/1936

Lunar Virgo is an earth sign, and the Moon cannot influence her psyche. Therefore, she is distinguished by composure and unemotionality. She will never be led by her feelings and will always try to explain her behavior rationally. In general, Lunar Virgos tend to constantly analyze themselves. They are distinguished by a practical mind and prudence. Their whole life is scheduled by the clock. They do not tolerate surprises, as sudden changes unsettle them.

Moon Virgo is very pedantic, accurate and conscientious. She loves to bring everything to perfection, put everything in order. In general, the Moon Virgo appreciates cleanliness, and therefore is often squeamish and demanding. She is picky in her choice of environment, clothing, food. She does not tolerate laziness and is constantly absorbed in any business. You can always rely on her. She does not waste words, she fulfills all her promises in a timely manner. You can conquer a person born under the sign of the Moon Virgo by admiring his success, prudence and efficiency.

In addition, the Moon Virgo is very disciplined and obligatory, and demands the same qualities from other people. If something does not suit them, they will not be silent. Lunar Virgos openly criticize, sometimes become grumpy, boring and cynical.

At the same time, the Lunar Virgos do not notice their shortcomings and do not accept reproaches addressed to them. Offended Moon Maidens are vindictive and vengeful.

But still they are sweet and subtle natures. They attract with their charm, always watch their appearance and they certainly can not be blamed for slovenliness.

In communication, Lunar Virgos are calm and modest. They do not like to draw attention to themselves or behave provocatively. And in general they tend to avoid noisy companies.

Lunar Virgos are very frugal but not greedy. They will always provide financial assistance. close person. Their thrift is due to the fact that the Moon Virgos achieve everything themselves and do not wait for gifts of fate. That is why they are independent in life.

The Moon Virgo can hardly be called a dreamer or dreamer. They have no time to deal with such trifles. Therefore, in love, they are very restrained, they will not waste their feelings in vain.

They choose responsible companions, financially independent and practical. In relationships, Moon Virgos value understanding and constancy and are themselves capable of devoted and calm love.

Lunar Virgo male

A man born under the sign of the Moon Virgo is distinguished by responsibility and diligence, wit and high intelligence. Such a person is perfectly disciplined, never late. Duty is above all for him. He will definitely keep all his promises. Therefore, you can rely on him.

At the same time, the Moon Virgo-man is very critical of others, sometimes meticulous and sarcastic. He does not tolerate slovenliness in clothes, chaos in thoughts. But he does not allow irony in his address. Although his emotions are very difficult to wake up. He is protected from others by coldness and impregnability. But in fact, it is very timid.

The Lunar Virgo-man keeps any situation under control. He does not succumb to women's tricks and tricks and chooses his own life partner, and he does it for a long time and carefully. Moreover, he always idealizes women, appreciates sincere relationships. Short-term relationships are not his cup of tea. Therefore, the Lunar Virgo-man can be in splendid isolation for a very long time.

The Lunar Virgo-man can be conquered by a homebody woman who loves comfort, knows how to cook well, is also practical and neat, like him.

As soon as the Lunar Virgo-man finds his soul mate, he does not show violent feelings. He expects reciprocity and can spend years on this. A wedding for such a man is a serious step. If he marries, then once and for all. He is faithful to his other half like no one else. He will idolize her and sometimes exaggerate her dignity. Moreover, the Lunar Virgo-man himself is not jealous and does not like to sort things out. He is tactful, gentle, able to satisfy any intimate requirements of a partner. But in the case of insults and deceit, he can break off relations without hesitation.

In the family, the Lunar Virgo men are caring, attentive and gentle husbands. They are hardworking, practical, thrifty and provide a secure future for their loved ones. They approach the upbringing of children responsibly, sparing no money for their education. Although they show their love for them sparingly.

Lunar Virgo Woman

The moon gives the Virgo woman romance, tenderness, beauty. But at the same time it is very practical.

The Moon Virgo woman has an excellent memory and a logical mind, she knows how to observe and notice any little things, and give accurate advice.

The Moon Virgo woman always strives for the ideal and for this she is ready to work tirelessly. She does everything with brilliance and is proud of her success. She does not tolerate carelessness and disorder. She treats herself with due criticism. But he does not allow her to point out her shortcomings to someone else. This greatly hurts her ego.

The Lunar Virgo-woman also makes high demands on those around her. She does not tolerate vulgarity, slovenliness. And in general, he loves to criticize everything that comes to hand.

It is unusual for a Lunar Virgo woman to show violent emotions. She is restrained, modest and does not try to stand out from the crowd. Moreover, she will not sort things out and make public scandals.

At the same time, the Moon Virgo woman is not afraid to speak out against public opinion, since she is not characterized by lies and hypocrisy. She despises gossip and is ready to express her indignation in the eyes.

The moon gives the Virgo woman a special charm. She is attractive to men. But for himself he is looking for a single life partner. In her quest, the Moon Maiden is picky and will not marry a man who does not meet her requirements. She will give her chosen one true love and devotion. True, passions are unusual for her. She will not throw tantrums and be jealous of her companion. But in sex, which the Lunar Virgo women love very much, they are completely liberated and surrender to the power of feelings.

The Moon Virgo is an ideal wife and mistress. She cares about cleanliness and order, has excellent taste. You can hardly find any trinkets in her house, everything serves for convenience and comfort. Lunar Virgo women are excellent assistants to their husbands. They give practical advice and, most importantly, they will never offend male pride. In addition, they are strict, but at the same time caring mothers. Their children are always well-groomed and tidy, well brought up.

Lunar Virgo child

Lunar Virgo children are distinguished by politeness, accuracy and cleanliness. They love order and help to restore it. They do not need to be forced to do anything, as they are hardworking. But they do not know the measures and often overwork, so it is important to monitor their rest.

Lunar Virgo children are calm and disciplined, obedient and executive. Therefore, they are easy to manage. These kids are no problem.

In general, Lunar Virgo children study well, they have an excellent memory and a logical mindset. Just like adults, they are observant, notice any little things and love to make critical remarks. Virgos are not afraid to speak their mind.

In the Moon Virgo family, children try to be useful, take care of younger brothers or sisters. In general, they are strongly attached to the house, do not tolerate any changes.

In a team, children born under the sign of the Moon Virgo are shy and try not to stand out among their peers. But they are treated with respect because they are smart and fair. Such children are independent, but they expect care and affection from their loved ones. They react very painfully to comments and can even get sick from experiences. Therefore, you need to communicate with them gently and tactfully.

Unlike other children, little Moon Virgos are realists and do not like fairy tales and unrealizable fantasies. Therefore, it is important to give vent to their emotions and teach, for example, singing, dancing.

With Lunar Virgo children, it is useful to participate in collective activities, give them to sports sections in order to get rid of shyness. In addition, it is important to take care of their diet, as they are picky eaters and can often remain hungry without touching a dish that is not tasty for them.