How to bewitch a loved one - we create a strong love union. How to bewitch your husband at home

How to bewitch a husband if his feelings disappear. At the same time, are you sure that no one has put a curse on him or they are not trying to separate you? Only gray magic can help here. It is better not to try the black technique, since then the consequences will not be repaired.

When they get married, women keep the warmth of feelings and the desire to create and create much longer than men. Moreover, to be sure of a long and happy life it is forbidden. Now your task is to do everything so that your beloved and dear to heart is always there. At the same time, it is necessary to do everything so that the ritual at home does not start working against you and does not have fatal consequences.

Are you sure you need it?

Before starting the search for an effective love spell, you need to weigh everything and think three hundred times about whether you need it. All actions will be aimed at ensuring that the person is attached to you and cannot live and breathe without you. How to bewitch your husband?

There are many spells, but not all may be invisible. Provided that the person is your common-law husband, you need to consider options when relatives may be against your marriage and the separation is more difficult than you thought. For example, they talked to your betrothed and explained that you shouldn't be together better.

The wrong ritual can lead to:

  • unexplained abuse of you;
  • drug and alcohol use;
  • mental disorders;
  • physical disabilities;
  • financial losses in the process of life;
  • consequences when children are responsible for the mistakes of parents.

Since the ritual will be carried out at home, the forces to which you turned may remain in the apartment. It doesn't matter how your question is structured: "How to bewitch your husband who lives with you?" or "How to bewitch and return a husband who is unfaithful to you?" - the consequences will always be the same.

Almost all rituals to bewitch a husband are performed on days when there is no Christian holidays: Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, etc. Having made a bewitchment on such days, you promise only misfortune and failure.

It is better to use prayers in which they ask for the welfare of the family, but there is one "but" here - if you do not need this person in life, you cannot return him. Not every woman is able to understand the meaning of this, especially if the husband is self-sufficient and does not leave his children.

One more tip female sex, who wants to bewitch his husband on his own. The reason for your breakup could be:

  • your behavior - men do not like it when the wife behaves defiantly, tries to take all his actions under control, stops caring for herself or does a poor housekeeping;
  • the mother-in-law does not favor you very much - it is better not to go against the mother, since you will definitely lose the battle and magic rituals it has nothing to do with it: maternal love for her son and hatred for her daughter-in-law will work negatively on your relationship, the mother can do anything;
  • poor attitude of matchmakers spoil the lives of children.

What rituals are better not to use

There are a number of ways that will help to bewitch a person, and at the same time harm. They are the simplest and most popular. For example, this method of bewitching your husband for periods is familiar to almost every young girl. It is simple and many consider it a prank.

Behind the simplicity lies a very powerful and dangerous magic. You are using blood - your period. Moreover, the one that was intended for fertilization (simple biology). Any blood is a threat to those who use it in rituals, and even more so. If you do everything right, you will succeed in bewitching your husband, but the woman will suffer very much.

Magicians insist that bewitching your husband with blood is not the best option.

Consider another option, how to bewitch your husband forever with the help of an agreement at the crossroads. This method is used when spouses are cheating. It is a common truth - the center of the crossroads is the witch's knot. All black magicians throw negative energy into it. It has an open portal. If a person could look there, he would see a black tarry slurry. The substance sticks to everyone who passes in the middle, then illnesses and other troubles begin. Now let's imagine for a second that a wife goes to this slurry and asks for help to bewitch her husband forever. All evil spirits will hear her request, and go after her. They will do what they asked for - they will glue the unfaithful husband with negative resin, and at the same time they will remain in the family and will eat everyone who lives next to the woman.

The third option is when they try to return the loved one and go to the cemetery. It is not known on the grave of which person the love spell will be performed. Dead Souls do not like to be disturbed. Such an entity as the Mistress takes revenge and very much for any magic on her territory. Not every witch will take up a love spell or other ritual in a cemetery.

What are the most effective rituals

Strong are those in which it is used wedding ring... The love spell will last as long as the rings are on you. If one of them is lost, the magic is lost. If you decide to end the marriage on your own, then you and your husband will not need a lapel. Just sell or take the rings off your fingers.

We'll need the wax of one church candle and both wedding rings. We throw them into melted wax, and say three times:

“Whom I wear, that will be mine. To listen to me, he carried me in his arms and invited me to his house. Key. Language. Lock".

Let them sleep in wax. Put it on your husband's finger by yourself. Now you can be calm that the love-lover will bypass your loved one and will not even raise her eyes to him. Your spouse will also bypass all women who look like rivals in your eyes. The conspiracy only works when the ring is on the finger.

Let's try to return the bewitched husband back to another. It is simple to determine that he was enchanted - it has changed dramatically:

  • glass eyes;
  • does not hear what you say;
  • shows aggression regularly and for no reason;
  • began to drink alcohol frequently.

Here Orthodoxy advises to pray for his soul and to submit petitions to the church more often. It looks pretty normal, and you won't take a sin on your soul. But every woman wants to take her husband away from her mistress, especially since she managed to recognize magic. It is useless to wait for your rival to give back your spouse. Therefore, you can ask for help. You should turn to the guardian angels and the holy name that your husband bears. Use one of the prayers for the saint. Then go home and light a candle. Take a photo of your husband, attach it to your chest and address the angels and the saint with the name of your husband. If another woman has used strong love spells, then the church lapel may drag on for a while, but believe me, turning to the saints through prayer, you can return a departed husband 100%. Mistresses are powerless before God's decision.

With the help of prayers, you can remove the negative, both from yourself and from your husband. So the rival manages to kill the spirit of hares: take someone else's husband and make sure that there is no one to return to.

Take a photo of a mistress, a handkerchief, and seven candles. Prepare a plate, a scarf on it, and a photo of your rival on top. Place candles around this in the form of a star, which is shaped, and not just as you like. The ritual is performed on the second day of the full moon at midnight.

We light candles and read the plot seven times:

“Another damage has brought me and my family. She should be in poverty, grief and internal struggle. I want to return what is mine, but I will send evil to my rival. I didn't touch you, I didn't know. I protect myself in front of the fire, I take my husband away from my mistress. "

Be calm while reading. The person who made the conspiracy will be fried in a pan at night.

All seven candles passed in a circle. Light the left end of the photo last. While it smolders, read the conspiracy:

“Fire, be my ally in trouble for you. Give back to the one who breaks the family everything she wanted for me. She did not know me, but she wished death, she was not at home with me, and she took my husband out of my bed. He enjoys my happiness, bathes in my health and life. "

Wrap the ashes of the photo in a scarf and carry them away from home. Bring candles with you. Do not choose a place in advance. Go where your feet lead.

Having arrived at the place, you should take off your headdress and loose your hair. Make a small fire and toss brushwood as needed. We break all candles one by one with the words:

"I return my beloved, I keep my family."

The last is to put a scarf with ash. While all this is burning, we read another conspiracy:

“I ask Ariel himself, the spirit of the air, hear my request. My family is being destroyed, my husband is being removed from the family. He loved me, carried me in his arms, respected children and all his relatives. Punish my rival, return everything back to her. I did not destroy her family, did not send death or disease. Return your beloved to your wife, but punish your rival.

You return in silence and do not turn around to the very house. You can check how strongly the conspiracy worked within a day. The first signs: the rival will be drawn to you with a scandal. It is possible that your ex-husband will come up for a showdown. Then it will go according to the knurled pattern: illness, financial problems and other signs that the ceremony has worked.

“Ariel, I call on the air spirit, I ask for help, I know about your strength. You can make the fog, but the hurricane won't scare me either. I want to check my beloved. Help your husband (name) to tame, to surround him with love. "

This conspiracy will not help open up, but it will strengthen the connection.

The second way for a wife who wants to make love stronger is to perform a ritual on food. The text can be read on any dish that your husband will eat.

“So that my husband doesn’t walk, he gives all his love to me, he will hear my request along with the food and will not be able to disobey”.

Such a rite strong men may try to take off.

Oak, meadow grasses and holy water. The sincere desire for the return of feelings will be heard by heaven, and the husband will definitely return to the family.

Memories of ardent love echo with pain in the soul, but before the husband could not see enough and admire. How to return cooled feelings? This can help magic conspiracy to return ardent feelings - to bewitch her husband. You need to wait full moon in the sky and after midnight take a glass of fresh water from the tap. You cannot use a porcelain mug, it must be a glass beaker.

Loosen your hair, untie your belt, remove rings and bracelets. Now you need to read a special conspiracy on the water three times. Your breath should touch the surface of the water to absorb the sound vibration.

After that, you need to go to the bedroom and carefully spray the sleeping husband with water. To prevent him from waking up suddenly, a few drops are enough. Sprinkle your bedroom - curtains, carpets, bedding. You should also spray the man's wear with water - outerwear, shirts, socks, sweater. You can draw water into a syringe - this will be more convenient. Then go to bed. The ceremony can be repeated on the next full moon.

Rite of passage with holy water

To return cooled feelings, one more ritual can be applied to the water, this time you will need the holy water consecrated in the church. The ceremony is performed on any day of the waxing moon in the late evening or at night. Stand by the window with a glass of water and read the following words into the water three times:

You need to sprinkle the charmed water on the husband's clothes, which he is wearing now. It should be outerwear, suits, shirts and underwear. You can also sprinkle the insoles of your boots. Pour the remaining water over the threshold of the house. The next day, show the man signs of attention, be affectionate and sweet. In no case should you quarrel or reproach him for something - the conspiracy will not work. The ceremony can be performed every two or three months until the husband's attitude changes.

Witchcraft love potion

In order for the husband to burn with passion and not look at other women, you need to use a witchcraft potion that can be brewed at home. Some herbs have a bewitching effect, and in combination with conspiracy words, they acquire witchcraft.

For the potion you will need:

  • dry juniper berries - 5 pieces;
  • hawthorn flowers - 2 pinches;
  • yarrow herb - 2 pinches;
  • dry anise - 2 pinches.

Mix herbs, flowers, and berries in a ceramic bowl and imagine how your desire for love and response to your husband enters into them. Put 10 pinches of the mixture in a glass bottle (a sterilized pharmacy bottle will do) and fill everything with alcohol or brandy. Breathe three times into the bottle and close the lid.

Go to a grove or forest - you need to find a strong young oak tree. Hang a bottle on an oak branch and say:

Return home, and after three days go to the oak tree and remove the bottle. Now this potion can be added to a man's drink one drop at a time. However, you can add a potion only on a growing moon; after a full moon, the conspiracy takes on retroactive force. Hide the bottle so that your husband does not find it in the house. You need to add the potion to your drink every day.

Flower love spell

In order to bewitch your husband without consequences, you need to go to the meadow and pick flowers and herbs. The best day for the ceremony is Ivan Kupala. But on other days, the love spell will also work if you perform the ceremony on the full moon.

What flowers and herbs should you pick? Only those to which the hand reaches out by itself. When you collect herbs, constantly read the text of the conspiracy:

Boil herbs in a saucepan at home. When steam rises, stir wooden spoon and imagine your husband returning home. The brighter the pictures presented in the imagination are, the better the result of the conspiracy will turn out. While presenting pictures of the return of the husband, read the plot until you feel it in your fingers and palms hand lung tingling sensation.

Turn off the heat and take a shower. After you wash your body well with soap, fill the bath with water and pour out the strained broth. Bathe in the flowered water and keep imagining the scenes of your husband returning home. When you leave the bathroom, fill up some flower water in a glass bottle. Do not dry your body with a towel, it should air dry. You can put on a robe, but you cannot dry yourself. Put the bottle in a cool, dark place and wait for your husband to return. When he appears, add the flower water from the bottle to his drink.

Candle love spell

You can bewitch your husband on twisted wax candles. To do this, you need to buy thin wax candles in the church or cast it yourself. The candles should be heated in hand to become flexible. Can be put on the battery if the season is cold. When the candles are ready, you need to scribble with a needle the name of the bewitched on one candle, and your name on the second. Then wrap your husband's candle around yours and say:

When the candles are twisted, mark them with a needle - you need to divide the composition of the candles into 9 equal shares. This is necessary in order to burn candles to the mark for exactly 9 days in a row. When the candles are burning, read the conspiracy three times:

After the candles have burned down to the next mark, they need to be extinguished with your fingers - do not blow out. The next day, light the candles again, read the plot and extinguish. Do this for 9 days in a row.

If you bought candles in a church, then the ceremony should be performed in front of the icon. mother of god... You can put a photograph of your husband next to the icon, or you can hold it in your hand and read the conspiracy. When you have chastised the ceremony for all 9 days, take the candle stubs to the church and put them in a special box for stubs. If you made a love spell on simple wax candles, bury them under a fruit tree.

An important point - during the ceremony, you must clearly represent what you want. Imagine how you make love to your husband, how he treats you warmly - whatever. The main thing is to do it sincerely and with faith in the result. If the husband has left, he will return soon. If the husband has cooled, he will soon be inflamed with passion.

Option number 2

You can make another love spell with candles, more severe. You will need a medium sized church candle, which will need to be cut two times with a needle. The upper notch from the wick is the smallest, the second is larger. That is, the candle burns less on the first day than on the second day. And on the third day, the candle should burn longer than on the previous days.

Put a photo of your husband who left the family in front of you, light a candle and read the love spells three times:

Remember that love spells need to be done on a growing moon, and cuffs from rivals - on a waning one. The power of the moon helps in witchcraft when used correctly. Love spells cannot be done during the waning moon.

If you are wondering how to bewitch your beloved man, and the consequences of witchcraft are not scary, let's talk about the rituals that will help bring your husband back to the family from a lover or start a new relationship.

In the article:

What is a love spell

This is a witchcraft rite that you can do yourself to keep or attract your beloved man. You can charm as free young man and married. Love spells will help return the ex-husband to the family and find female happiness.

For ceremonies there is no concept of "distance". Rituals affect victims who are close and people living far away. The effect does not depend on distance, but on one's own strength, motivation and desire to be with a man. Among the variety of love spells, there are two most popular categories:

  • ritual using an image;
  • conspiracy for personal belongings.

How to bewitch a loved one from a photo

The ceremony is universal, suitable for both women and men. The image used by the sorcerer must have been taken no more than 6 months ago. Only one person should be captured in the photo - so that the eyes are clearly visible. A personal photo is also involved in the ceremony, to which the same requirements are imposed.

The ritual is performed on any day of the month, the most favorable time is the growing moon. To make the conspiracy more effective, you need to pay attention to a number of details. If the effect is on a woman, the ritual is carried out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday ( women's days), when on a man - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

  • Read the article about

To make a simple effective love spell at home using photography, you need to get up in front of the table after sunset, place your own image in front of you and a snapshot of a person who will be magically affected.

It is important for the sorcerer to concentrate. You need to relax, clear your mind of unnecessary information and thoughts. You should imagine yourself next to your loved one, think about how good it will be together. Feeling a surge of energy, you need to turn your own picture and write on back side full name of the beloved and his date of birth, and on the photograph of the beloved - his name and birth number. Then you need to fold the pictures face to face, take a red thread and stitch the corners of the photos, connecting them together. While the knot is being tied, you must say:

I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with inseparable bonds, amen.

After reciting the text, cut off the thread and connect the remaining corners in the same way. Then a clean white envelope is taken, the photos are folded there and sealed. The envelope is sealed with a new one wax candle... After three times they say:

I seal the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) from the evil eye, from the unkind intent, from the cold lapel.

At the end of the ritual, the envelope is hidden in the house. After about 5 days, the conspiracy will begin, and the beloved will begin to harbor tender feelings for the witch.

Rite of passage for personal belongings

You can charm a person you like by using his personal belongings. The objects with which the individual regularly contacts contain a sample of a person's energy and are in close connection with him. Love spells using personal belongings are considered one of the most powerful. There is a powerful conspiracy to read that will charge the thing of a loved one.

Any item can be used, but most preferably:

  • hairbrush;
  • handkerchief;
  • tie;
  • a piece of clothing with which a man practically does not part.

hairbrush nasal spatula
personal item

Ritual methods

You can conduct a love ritual on your own, but taking into account the peculiarities of the ritual. 3 ways to implement a love spell on things.

  1. Sorcerer buys new thing, speaks with spells, gives to the victim. A prerequisite for the ceremony - you need to transfer the enchanted item from hand to hand... Until the thing gets to the victim, no one else should touch the charmed object. A man must constantly use a gift.
  2. Items that belong to the victim and have already been used by him many times are taken. An item that has been in use only once will not work. A seized and charmed object can be returned both openly and simply tossed.
  3. An item is needed that is constantly with the victim. After the ceremony, the thing is not returned to the owner, but is kept in separate place away from prying eyes or completely destroyed.

How to bewitch a man on his personal item

The sorcerer must remember that he is short-lived. You can use the rituals an unlimited number of times. The maximum duration of a conspiracy is about 5 months, but it can be much shorter.

The duration of the love spell depends on the strength of the performer of the conspiracy and on the object used. The closer and more expensive the thing is to the victim, the stronger the magic. It is strictly forbidden to tell anyone about the love spell: this will significantly reduce the effect of the ritual.

If, during the conspiracy, at least one point is incorrect, in best case witchcraft will not work, and at worst, there will be dire consequences for everyone. A love spell is carried out on the night from Thursday to Friday. The thing of the object of desire and its name are required. You will need:

  • new candle;
  • mirror;
  • needle;

Knife Candle Mirror

On the candle, you need to scribble the name of the victim with a needle, light the candle and put it in front of the mirror, hold a knife over the flame (igniting from both sides) and name the beloved one. Holding a knife in your left hand and looking in the mirror, you need to say the words:

Fire of fate, hear me. Let (person's name) become mine (them). Fire my friend, do no harm. Fix the union with your beloved forever.

If there is an enemy, take him away. Soul ... (person's name) turn to me.

Turn again to face the mirror and repeat three times:

Fire, I offer you a sacrifice. Fulfill the wish, I'm leaving.

On the flame of a candle, a thing belonging to the victim is set on fire. It is necessary to wait until everything burns out - this is the end of the ritual.

Love spell of a man on wildflowers

This simple and effective love spell is used not only by beginners, but also by experienced magicians. It is necessary to go out into the field early in the morning and collect a bouquet of flowers, which must include:

  • mint;
  • sage;
  • tansy.

tansy mint

It is allowed to collect plants in different places, but be sure to do it in one day. During the collection, you must constantly repeat aloud the words:

Flowers of the field, herbs are cash, take my strength! Take my passion! I conjure you with all my might! So that my beloved (person's name), my beloved, come to my family! In a strong family!

When the bouquet is ready, you should return to the house and prepare a decoction of flowers and herbs. While stirring the ingredients, you need to repeat the words of the spell and think that the beloved will come and there will be a strong loving family. When the potion is ready, let it brew. At this time, the magician takes a shower, washing away the negative. Then typed warm bath, the infusion is poured there. It is necessary to soak in the water for up to half an hour. After the end of the ceremony, you should take some water from the bathroom and give it to your beloved. The effect of the conspiracy is noticeable after 2-3 days.

How to get your ex-husband back - love spells

How to bewitch former husband? Knowing the ritual will help reunite the family and become happy again. If you cannot come to terms with the departure of a loved one or the presence of a mistress, a simple and effective ritual is performed that can restore female happiness.

For a love spell, imagination is used. You need to open the window, close your eyes and imagine that your husband is walking around the yard, enters the front door, climbs the stairs, takes off his shoes and clothes, greets, says pleasant words and compliments. Thus, energy is concentrated on achieving the result. As soon as the picture stood in front of my eyes, they say the words through the open window:

I (your name) call (husband's name) to our house. I give you (Name of husband) four angels, I put them on the sides, in front and behind you. Angels, guardian angels, guide angels, you bring the darling home, bring him to the white porch. Let him not return in a dream, do not forget about me, he only loves me alone, only he will be happy with me. Amen, Amen, Amen.

The ceremony is held once a day, repeated for 15–20 days. Often after two weeks, the man returns to the house.

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A married man is an impregnable fortress

To bewitch a married man, the power of ordinary love spells is not always enough. A free young man is easier to tie than a man who has a beloved wife and children. Exists strong conspiracy, allowing you to kindle feelings in a married person - the ritual is performed on food... The rite will work only if the man himself eats the prepared dish, necessarily of his own free will.

To choose the right love spell, you need to find out what the chosen one loves. The witch prepares food for the man to taste for the waxing moon. After the food is cooked, sprinkle the finished treat before serving. sweet water and pronounce the conspiracy:

In the purse lies innumerable wealth, sweet wealth, which with its burden languishes the owner and crowns with its sweetness. So let, with every crumb of this dish, sweetness penetrates into the heart of my dear (name), with hot and strong love it spills through the young veins and elastic. This sweetness of my dear (name) hand will ache, only to me the only one, like a magnet, will pull, it will always be hidden from his legal wife. My dear (name) accepts this sweetness with all his food, lets my hot and strong love into his heart. From now on he will go deaf to the words of strangers. He will only listen to me alone now and forever without reservations, only my words will be remembered and known. Amen.

Bewitch your husband yourself, forever and without consequences!

Use the following love spells at home:

Go to the window and open it (wide). Imagine that your husband is walking down the road that is right in front of your house. Imagine that he is looking at you and smiling sweetly. Say (out loud): “I call you (say your name) you (say the name of your beloved) to my snow-white porch! I am giving you (pronounce the name of your beloved) four guidebooks - angels. Dear (pronounce the name of your beloved), you lead to me, thoughts (pronounce the name of your beloved) to (pronounce your name) pull faster, carry your legs (pronounce the name of your beloved), bring them to my neat porch. Come back soon (pronounce the name of your beloved) at least in a dream. Amen (thrice). " Cast this spell every day (for one week, without missing a single day).

"The magic of photography" will help to bewitch your spouse

Wait until the sun rises. Take some photos (of him and your photo). Sit down for empty table... Place your photo on the surface of his photograph. Timed three minutes. Sit for this period of time in silence, without moving, with your eyes closed. Imagine yourself with your loved one. Turn over your photo and write on the back the name of the person you cannot live without. Write the date of his birth. For the second photo, do the opposite (write your name and your date of birth on this photo). Stack photos with images to each other. Get a thick red thread out of the box. Pass it through the eye of the needle and carefully poke through the corners of the folded photos. Tie a tight knot. While tying a knot, say the phrase: “I knit you (the name of a loved one) with the servant of God (your name) with inseparable bonds. Amen!".

Love spell for bewitching her husband - "Magic of red"

Prepare colored (red) paper, a large red apple, a long and thick thread of red. Write your names on paper (with different sides). Cut the apple into several equal halves. Place the paper in the cut apple. Tie the apple halves with thread. Speak in a low voice: "The apple is drying up from the sun, and you (call the man's name) are drying up from great longing for me!" Leave the apple in the sun.

Bewitch your husband with a love spell - "Amulet of love"

Take two rosebuds (they must not be in full bloom) and one pomegranate. If there is no pomegranate, then use any other "material" from which a red liquid could be obtained. Why exactly red? Because this color symbolizes love and passion. Get out the blue or of blue color and a ribbon of the same color. Place a deep bowl or bowl next to the items listed. Wait until midnight. Light a candle (in complete darkness), squeeze pomegranate juice into a bowl. Sit down parallel to the candle and place the bowl of juice beside you. Take rosebuds. Press them firmly together and dip them in the juice without separating them. Close your eyes tightly and pretend that you are with your spouse in your favorite place. Whisper to him sweet words... Say this until the moment you feel like stopping. After that, get the roses out of the vessel (without separating them), tie it with a ribbon and hide this amulet in a place inaccessible to others.

"Love stream" - activates the attraction of the husband

Wait for the fifth day of the week. Take three candles Pink colour, a joint photograph, incense (with the scent of a rose), icons and orange oil. Arrange the candles around the photo (in the form of a triangle). Light the candles. Make rotational movements with incense around the photo, saying: "I beg you, love, glue our destinies and warm your heart with your warmth!" Turn to the icon in prayer. Collect leftover candles and incense. Wrap them in pink cloth. Hide the bundle under your husband's pillow and keep it away. Do everything so that he does not notice this thing.

"Happiness hidden in the ring" - will give an active impulse to the bewitchment

Buy any copper ring (no bidding). Put it on any candle. Place it in a candlestick and light it gently. Say these words: "I light the fire of the Universe, I sincerely wish for (the man's name) love!"

Love spell "Photography is a piece of magic" for your spouse

Take a fresh photograph of your spouse (this should be taken within a year). Only your man should be in the photo (there should be no strangers in the photo). Sit down for wooden table and place the photograph selected for the ritual (face down) on its surface. Whisper: “Do not go to another, my beloved! I want to stay with you forever! " Sit for half an hour (motionless). Flip the photo over and move away from the table. Repeat the ritual a few days later (in exact sequence).

Here's how to bewitch your husband with a love spell - "Three petals"

Separate three large petals from a lush and luxurious rose. Write your spouse's name on one of them (in pencil or ballpoint pen). Leave your own name on the second petal. On the third - your date of birth (there should be your date and the date of your loved one). Roll the flower petals into each other and burn them. While they are burning, it is necessary to cast any spell to return the former passion and love.

Secure the spells with this love spell - "Apple - apple"

Buy a huge red apple, a round piece of paper (red), and a red thread. Use your favorite color pencil. Write the full name of your beloved husband on paper. Circle it a few more times. Write your name on the back. Fold the name sheet, place it in the middle of the table, and line it with apple slices. Place a red thread next to the leaf. Say in a whisper: "Be with me always and never look at other women!" Tear off the thread and sheet. Burn what you tore apart. Gently eat all apple slices, chewing them thoroughly. Lie on the couch, close your eyes and imagine your loved one. Count to nineteen and open your eyes. Smile, look in the mirror and repeat the words of the love spell that you have already said.

How much to bewitch a man? -
Women's comments -
Women's secrets -

Family life is sometimes very unpredictable. And quite often it happens that the husband's feelings cool down. This leads to the fact that the spouse begins to look at other women. To avoid a breakdown in relationships, you can use magic, you just need to know how to bewitch your husband.

The use of magic is allowed in the following cases:

  • As soon as you notice that your family life is filled with disagreements and misunderstandings, it leads to a deterioration in the relationship in general.
  • If there is less and less desire to have sex.
  • When you notice that your husband is staring at other women, and you suspect that he is hatching thoughts of separation.
  • If the spouse left the family, motivating this by the fact that he needs a break from family life.
  • When the suspicion arose that the husband was bewitched by another woman in order to destroy the family.

Love spells can help restore family relationships... But it should be remembered that magic is not a toy, so you first need to understand the situation and understand how necessary magical intervention is to establish family life.

If it so happens that your husband, against the background of cooled feelings, has already left home, then you need to know how to bewitch your husband from a distance. An important condition the success of the love spell is that the desire to return the spouse to the family is sincere.

Ritual with a personal item

To bewitch your husband from a distance, you can use his personal item. It is important that he has worn it earlier and that it is indelible. New or washed things are not recommended for use during love spells.

Suitable additional magical attributes are:

  • Underwear.
  • Tie.
  • Shirt.

Even if the husband left home, it is imperative that some of these things remain in the closet. That is, living together allows his wife to perform a quick and effective love spell.

The ritual is performed in a separate room, all alone. Nothing should distract you from the magical action, so it is better to turn off all communication equipment and remove pets from the room.

The table should be covered with a clean light-colored tablecloth and three church candles should be placed in front of you, so that they are at the tops of an imaginary triangle. A glass of holy water must be placed in the center of such a triangle. After that, you need to take the prepared thing in your hands and press it to your chest.

You need to visualize the image of your husband and say this love spell:

“As it is true that water will not come from the corner of the house and the threshold will not burn, so it is also true that my beloved husband, the Servant of God (the name of my husband) will never leave me and he will never find another woman for himself. He will not need anyone except me, he will not press anyone to his chest and will not hug anyone. He will only caress me to the Servant of God (husband's name). So it will be, as long as he will wear this thing with him. And so it will happen, as said. Amen".

After that, you need to sprinkle the charmed thing with water from the glass and put it under your pillow overnight. After that, the candles should be extinguished and immediately go to bed. It is a good sign if your husband will dream about you this night. The next day, you must definitely meet with your spouse and, under any pretext, give him the charmed thing. Soon, the husband will return home and you will need to show all the feminine wisdom in order to restore the relationship.

Many people ask how to bewitch a husband at home using a wedding ring. This is indeed a very well-known effective rite of passage to bring a spouse back into the family.

It is very simple to carry out the ceremony and for this you will need, in addition to your own wedding ring, a glass of spring water. Having retired in a separate room, you should turn off the artificial lighting and light candles. A glass of water should be placed in front of you and a wedding ring should be lowered into it.

After that, it is necessary to speak the following spell over a glass of water:

“As my dear wedding ring sank into the water, so my husband, the Servant of God (the name of the husband) will soon return to me. Amen!"

After pronouncing such words, the ring must be taken out and put on the finger. Water should be thrown out under the threshold of your house. The wedding ring should not be removed for a minute until your spouse returns home.

The above ritual is only suitable if your spouse left home for the first time. But if this has already happened before, then you need to perform another love spell.

The first step is to wrap the wedding ring with a light handkerchief from natural fabric and go to the temple. The whole service must be defended there. In this case, the bundle must be kept all the time in right hand... At the end of the church action, you should buy three church candles and quickly head home. At home, secluded in separate room, you need to unfold the handkerchief, put the ring on your finger and light the candles brought from the temple. They need to be installed so that they are at the vertices of an imaginary triangle.

“The holy candles from the church burn brightly, the union of the Servant of God (his name) and the Servant of God (the name of his spouse) warms us with warmth and light, and fills our hearts with pure love. Amen!"

Magic words are spoken three times. The first results after the ceremony can be seen within a week. But in order to consolidate the results of the love spell, it is recommended to repeat the ceremony a couple more times.

Love spells without consequences

As you know, incorrectly performed love spells can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this, you need, first of all, to understand whether you really love your spouse so much, you are ready to keep him by any means.

Interested in how to bewitch your husband at home without consequences, you should remember that after the love spell will work, you will need to real life observe three basic rules.


  • Never reproach a loved one.
  • Never remember your husband's misconduct, that is, you simply need to erase everything that happened from your memory.
  • Trust your spouse completely.

You can bewitch your husband at home without consequences if you use a ritual aimed at ensuring the spouse's fidelity. With this influence, you simply consolidate your husband's feelings for you, absolutely not disturbing his energetic aura. But at the same time, this ceremony is allowed to be carried out only if you are confident in the feelings of your husband and do not feel even the slightest cooling in relation to you.

In this case, bed linen starts talking. According to magicians, it is best to use the sheet on which you are sleeping with your husband at the moment as an additional attribute in this ceremony. It is important that it is unwashed.

This ceremony should be performed during the waxing moon. You need to choose a day on which the husband will not spend the night at home. For example, he will be on a business trip. In the late evening, seven church candles which will need to be purchased in advance. You need to light them, then sit on the bed and imagine yourself next to your husband. You should feel happiness and joy at this moment. This will help to properly tune in in order to fulfill a powerful energetic message.

After that, a spell is pronounced, which must be pronounced without hesitation. That is, it should be memorized in advance.

Magic words sound like this:

“Lord God, the Most High and Mighty, my reliable protector. I, the Servant of God, pray you, make sure that my betrothed, the Servant of God (husband's name) always returns to his native threshold. So that he would forget all women, and always remember only my body and my hot caresses. Make him want only me, and the beauty of another woman could not seduce him. Endlessly, forever and forever. The only way. Amen!"

Returning home, the spouse must sleep at least one night on a charmed sheet. Such a conspiracy is ideal remedy against cheating, but he will not help return a spouse who has already left.

Option for strengthening relationships

To answer the question of how to bewitch your ex-husband without consequences, you can also offer to conduct a ritual, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the relationship. For this ceremony, one of the nights you should cut off a strand of hair from your spouse and yourself. It is clear that this must be done so that the husband does not wake up and suspect nothing. If this fails, then magic rite will be simply useless.

The next day, early in the morning, you need to cut the hair finely and mix it. Then they are poured into a pre-sewn bag made of dense natural red fabric.

In the process, the following magic words are spoken:

“As the hair of the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) and the Servant of God (the proper name) are mixed, so the life of the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) and the Servant of God (the proper name) are forever tied. We will live happily ever after together in peace and harmony. Amen".

This pouch should be discreetly placed under the spouse's pillow. V winter period you can sew it into the lining of your clothes. This love spell begins to work immediately, and from that moment on, your relationship will only grow stronger.

Quite often, after parting with her husband, a woman realizes that she cannot live without him. Therefore, the question of how to bewitch an ex-husband without consequences is very relevant. It must be remembered that to use love spell magic in case ex-husband fell in love with another woman, is strictly prohibited. It must be remembered that breaking up a relationship of two loving people, you can, first of all, do a lot of harm to yourself. The backward wave of negativity will be so strong that it can completely destroy the health of the performer of the ceremony.

If, after parting, you feel that you continue to experience sincere love feelings for your husband, then you can return him with the described magical love spell rite below. But for this you need to have a well-developed imagination.

On the day chosen for the ritual during the growth of the moon, you should retire in a separate room. You should go to an open window and close your eyes. Next, you need to imagine a real scene, as the ex-husband returns home, opens the door with his own key, enters, kisses and hugs you. In general, he behaves as usual, that is, does everything that he did in past life when you were happy together. If you can do that, you can deliver a powerful, directional love spell that will make your ex-spouse come back to you.

After that, in order to bewitch your husband at home, you need to open your eyes and, looking out the open window, say magic words.

They sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name) call on the Servant of God (my husband’s name) to return home. I will send to you the Servant of God "the name of the husband" of four angels. I will put it on four sides around you. Holy angels, guardians and guides, I ask you, you bring the betrothed home to my porch. Let him return to me, but not in a dream, but in reality. Let him remember me and only love me. Amen".

The ritual must be performed every day until the ex-husband returns to you. After this happens, you need to stop performing the magical action. For a certain period, you need to be very careful about the person who returned to you. His character could have changed under the influence of magic, so you will need to rebuild the relationship.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of any love spell, all the recommendations and rules of the chosen ritual should be followed exactly. It is very good if you take the time to visit the temple beforehand. You need to pray, and also light candles for your health and the health of your bewitched spouse. Remember that if you did everything right, but you did not manage to return your loved one, then this may mean that fate itself indicates to you that you are not suitable for each other and you need to start life from scratch and build new relationships.