How to celebrate 13 years of marriage. Thirteenth wedding anniversary: ​​symbols and traditions of this day

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The number thirteen is always associated with the "devil's dozen", so nothing good and positive is usually expected from such a date. However, contrary to all superstition and skepticism about what kind of wedding at 13 may be, the thirteenth anniversary married life- a bright, meaningful and joyful event. A celebration that is definitely worth celebrating in the circle of close people and friends, not paying attention to all the conventions and signs.

Superstitions, signs and symbols

The main and traditional symbol of 13 years of marriage is lace. Depending on the threads and the nature of the weaving, it can be thin and very delicate, or it can be strong and durable. So married life in the thirteenth year is woven from threads-relations between spouses. If the threads turn out to be rotten and fragile, then the lace is easily torn. Therefore, on this day, parents call on their children, who have been married for several years, to wisdom, patience, mutual understanding, forgiveness of mutual insults and reproaches.

Such parental guidance does not happen without reason. It is believed that a 13-year wedding anniversary is a dangerous time when the relationship and feelings of spouses are tested for strength, because popular belief demons throw an apple of discord between spouses. And only wisdom, love and reason are able to defeat intrigues evil spirits... Especially to protect the family from the devil's curse, a wreath woven from nettle stalks was hung on the door of the spouses' apartment, the gate of the house.

In addition to lace, the symbol of the thirteenth anniversary is lilies of the valley - flowers of extraordinary, delicate beauty and aroma that grow under reliable protection mighty forest trees, personifying sincerity of intentions and feelings, tenderness, loyalty. Another name for the 13th marriage anniversary is the wool wedding. It is believed that as wool keeps warm well, so the family hearth should warm with its comfort.

How to Celebrate a Lace Wedding

Regardless of the name of the celebration on the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of life together, it is customary to celebrate it cheerfully, tuning in to a wave of positive and joy. Most often, children who are at the age when they like games, sweepstakes and contests also participate in the holiday. Therefore, renting a cafe or restaurant hall of a "family" format and the services of a toastmaster will not be superfluous. The thirteenth wedding anniversary is really more of a family holiday than a lyrical romantic one for two. This date is perfect for gathering all generations at the table. And so that no one is left forgotten and not deprived of attention and a professional leader for the celebration is needed.

As an option for celebration, you can consider a trip out of town. Especially in warm time of the year. In nature, you can play a lot, and enjoy romance, and arrange a fun feast. It is even better to organize a family trip with children, which will be symbolic and memorable. Children grow up quickly, and very little time will pass when even trips to celebrate with their parents will weigh them down.

What to give for an anniversary

As a gift for the thirteenth anniversary of married life, you can choose any lace products: tablecloths, napkins, curtains. Or approach the gift from the other side: present, for example, a set of bed linen with a decorative floral ornament with lilies of the valley.

Since the 13th wedding anniversary is also considered "woolen", gifts made of wool are welcome: blankets, blankets, scarves, slippers. But it should be borne in mind that if you give slippers, then you need to choose two pairs: husband and wife. The spouses themselves must exchange gifts-amulets, which will protect their beloved half from envy, enemies and diseases for a whole year.

Natalia Erofeevskaya 28 february 2018

Often the 13th wedding anniversary, however, like everything in one way or another associated with the number 13, is associated with inevitable difficulties in family life... Indeed, on the one hand, dissatisfaction with each other and irritation can accumulate over the years, and on the other, so many years lived together can unite spouses, make the family stronger and happier. How to celebrate this day according to customs, which is beautifully called a lace or lily of the valley (sometimes this anniversary is also called woolen) wedding? What to give to a family that is celebrating 13 years of marriage?

Traditionally, lace is given on the anniversary of such a wedding.- this is a symbol of life patterns that the family has created over 13 years, a symbol of family relations, fragile and delicate, requiring careful attitude to themselves. According to the second name of this anniversary, gift ideas for a married couple for 13 years of wedding consist of real lilies of the valley (if the holiday falls on the flowering season) or gifts containing their image, for example, bedding or a set of beautiful dishes. Woolen gifts will be not only symbolic, but also practical: jumpers, hand-knitted socks, hats and scarves, mittens - all this will warm a loved one with its warmth.

What original gift to give young friends for a lace (woolen) wedding anniversary

It would seem that the wedding fanfare has just died down, and your friends have begun to create family warmth and coziness for each other? But now 13 years have passed, relations have become even stronger and more stable, and there is a reason to congratulate people dear to our hearts on a lace (lily of the valley or woolen) wedding.

For obvious reasons, a gift should be chosen from lace, lily of the valley, or anything related to wool. Well, we will not offer to give a sheep (although, why hide, an extremely cool gift to friends for a 13-year wedding anniversary), but from practical or simply beautiful gifts, the following can be advised:

  • home textiles decorated with lace: tablecloths, napkins, curtains, decorative pillows, linens;
  • openwork, stylized as lace interior items: photo frames, shelves, lamps, carved coffee table etc.;
  • a set of dishes or bed linen with a lily of the valley theme, a panel embroidered with these wonderful spring flowers;
  • very appropriate in early spring as a gift will look like basket with real live lilies of the valley;
  • scrapbooking album, can combine everything related to this magical anniversary: ​​finishing lace ribbons, themed pictures with lilies of the valley, tied with knots and woolen threads in bows.

Any gift for this anniversary to friends and relatives is recommended to be accompanied by warm wishes: sincere heartfelt congratulations will ward off troubles and misfortunes from this family for many years.

What can you give spouses to each other for 13 years of wedding

Spouses can give each other more personal gifts, because they have lived together for many years, and the character and habits of the marriage partner have been studied. It will be absolutely charming and romantic if the spouse will present his beloved with an elegant bouquet of lilies of the valley on this day - even words of love will not be needed to understand the depth of his feelings. If the celebration of this day falls outside the flowering season of these delicate flowers, you can give your wife for 13 years of wedding lace underwear or dress: she will certainly appreciate such a delicate beautiful gift.

What to give your husband for 13 years of marriage? Men, of course, are more practical than women, and therefore it is worth choosing a gift based on these considerations. Woolen products will be a useful present.: it’s just great if the wife is a needlewoman and with her own hands can knit a warm sweater, a scarf for the winter or mittens with an original ornament. Such things, done with care and love, will be worn for a long time and remind a man of the woman he chose as his wife 13 years ago.

There is also a simple ceremony that can be performed on this significant day. The spouses pull out a woolen thread from last year's clothes and tie it in a knot to the marriage partner on the wrist - this is a kind of amulet against evil spirits that can bring quarrels and discord into the house, as well as symbolic bonds that hold the family even stronger.

What to give parents for 13th lace (woolen, lily of the valley) wedding anniversary

Thirteen years of marriage can be celebrated by both young married couples and more adults for whom this marriage may not be the first. What to give children for 13 years of their parents' wedding?

You can make a gift with your own hands and from this it will be even more valuable: two identical woolen jumpers - for him and for her, or a set of mittens with the same ornament for two. Or you can knit a huge blanket, in which both can wrap themselves up on cold winter evenings. Lily of the valley motifs are often found on bed linen, and homemade lily of the valley tea (dried lily of the valley flowers can be bought at the pharmacy) and a beautifully designed recipe for its preparation will delight not only parents, but also friends and relatives present at the holiday.

A great memorable present will be lace decorated photo frame or family album in a lily of the valley theme: to receive such a truly family heirloom from a daughter or from a son is touching and very pleasant.

Original DIY gifts for the 13th woolen (lily of the valley) wedding anniversary

To the original, performed with my own hands, lace gifts can be attributed:

  • collars;
  • handkerchief trimmed with fine hand-lace;
  • decorative napkins for cups and tablecloths on the table;
  • lace track;
  • tulle on the windows;
  • romantic bedding with lace ruffles.

Will look great in the interior antiques additionally decorated with lace: boxes or boxes for storing jewelry, trinkets or useful little things... A family portrait, decorated and decorated with old "grandmother's" lace, can become a magnificent family heirloom that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Not sure what to give young people for a woolen wedding? Things made of wool are in demand among young people now more than ever: mittens, multi-colored mittens, snoods and classic scarves, warm sweaters and hats. An interesting gift will be a symbolic set of various balls of wool and a pair of knitting needles with such a hint: you still have a lot to learn in relationships with each other, in your hands and the ability to keep this cozy and warm family nest.

A wedding anniversary of any year is a joyful event that you want to celebrate magnificently. But superstitious people beware of celebrating the 13th year of marriage.

Many myths and negative emotions have been collected around the number. Read on for how to celebrate your 13th wedding anniversary.

Lace or lily of the valley wedding

The thirteenth anniversary is woven from lace. Beautiful ruffles symbolize a strong and florid relationship between spouses.

The couple knows where the marriage is stronger, and where there are flaws. A fragile bond looks beautiful and requires respect from both sides.

Important! According to the old belief, on a lace anniversary, a wife must wear thin underwear to scare off her rival and surpass her.

It is in this year that the unclean force is trying to destroy strong union... Women hide lace pendants in men's pockets to repel evil from the family.

Lace is a symbol of family relationships. For the night in a lace wedding, it is customary to put on a shirt made of small ruffles for a wife. The finer and finer the linen, the longer and happier the marriage will be.

This day is popularly called not only lace, but also lily of the valley. The flower meaning is similar to the lacy one: lilies of the valley are delicate and quickly fade, so their beauty should be protected and cherished as mutual love in a couple.

Anniversary traditions differ from previous years. Our ancestors were afraid to celebrate lily of the valley because of magic number"13".

To evil spirits they did not take happiness from the family, they carried out cleansing rituals:

  1. Wood protection. Our ancestors believed that magical properties oak and aspen wood will frighten devils and other evil.

    On this day, all family members were given homemade amulets and key rings, which they had to always carry with them.

  2. Lace fashion. Traditionally, all people who come to the house of their spouses also wore ruffles and other lace attributes.

    These could be collars, dress hem, or underwear. A man could be decorated with lace cuffs or draw an unusual pattern on a cigarette case.

  3. Every man must plant a tree.

    Together with your spouse, you can go in search of a young sprout, plant a birch near the porch, take care of it, so that in a few years the tree will grow stronger and decorate the yard.

    The tree is symbolically tied with ruffles or an ornament is applied to the bark.

  4. Nettle protection. Healing herb will not only help to get rid of diseases, but also from restless souls.

    Hang a broom of dried nettles on the threshold so that evil forces cannot enter the house.

  5. Coax the brownie. Little Kuzyu should not be insulted and ignored.

    To prevent the little man from being naughty, it is customary to give him a beautiful scarf, in which sweets were wrapped. The bag was hidden in the far corner of the kitchen.

  6. Weave souls together ... the threads will help. Each of the spouses wound a white thread around their finger, forming a kind of ring.

    With such decoration, the spouses must walk until the next day.

  7. Male hand made. With his own hands, the husband weaved a broom from aspen or oak branches, gave it to his wife.

    With such a brush, a woman swept negative energy out of the house, opening front door... After the end of the ritual, the door was closed.

On a note! In the Netherlands, a lily of the valley wedding is also called a copper wedding.

In each country, the thirteenth anniversary is celebrated in accordance with its own traditions. However, there is one common feature- evil spirits and accumulated negative are expelled from the apartment.

It is not always possible to establish a positive atmosphere in the family, but on the day of the anniversary, the spouses become closer to each other.

How are 13 years of marriage celebrated?

To avoid negative intrusion into the family, it is recommended to refrain from lavish events. But the customs of the past can be left to the ancestors and the wedding can be celebrated on a grand scale.

Try to organize a holiday in nature or in a restaurant, invite your closest people.

Lilies of the valley are only found in spring, but lace panties are available every year. Wherever you go happy couple, the wife must be wearing lace underwear.

Anniversary gifts

It is especially important to choose and present the right gift for the 13th wedding. You can not follow traditions and give each other any nice gifts.

Try to feel old spirit, check out the options for gifts for a lily of the valley wedding in the table:

Advice! Best gift- handmade.


Close relatives can congratulate the newlyweds in person or by SMS. If the couple does not celebrate the wedding event, then pay attention to the spouses over the phone. Active people prefer to share their happiness in spite of ancient warnings.

Poems and congratulations in your own words will come in handy to make a toast:
Fragrant date - lily of the valley wedding.
So many years you have lived in love
And how much happiness lies ahead of you.
Get along peacefully with each other.
And feelings will never fade
Your life will be sweet, bright,
You are valuable gifts for each other,
Do not forget this ever!

Dear (spouses, family names)! Already 13 years of marriage are behind, and still ahead large quantity years. May your every day, hour and moment be filled with happiness, love and family well-being. Take care of each other and the sincerity of your feelings.

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Family happiness is always very fragile, therefore, not everyone succeeds in maintaining strong, trusting relationships and strong love for each other. A wedding anniversary is a wonderful celebration that shows how many years a couple have been together no matter what. For a long life path all families have to go through difficult moments and overcome difficulties, but if you do it together, then no adversity is terrible.

13 years of marriage is a very long period, which shows the strength of the spouses' love, their trust in each other and strong relationships. After so many years of marriage, you can be sure that these happy people will always be together. For some peoples, the number "13" is considered an unlucky number, but this particular year of married life is called a lace wedding. You should not give up the holiday due to superstition, since the situation and correct organization celebrations will protect the marriage and everyone present from any misfortunes and dark forces. No wonder this anniversary is called a lace or lily of the valley wedding.

Lace wedding traditions

Lace can protect people from misfortune and the manipulation of evil spirits, it has been believed since ancient times. 13 years of marriage is a happy anniversary that shouldn't be overshadowed by unusual or intimidating events. It is for this reason that a lace tablecloth or napkins should be used in the decoration of the festive table. Lace wedding involves dresses with lace inserts, various decorations and flowers. Each guest and the spouses themselves should have an item or clothing containing a lace ornament.

The second name of this anniversary is lily of the valley, which symbolizes trust, sincerity, purity of relations between spouses. This flower is incredibly beautiful and delicate, fragile and rare. Lilies of the valley are a wonderful symbol of spouses who love each other, who were able to preserve their feelings and carry them through time. This flower can be very useful to decorate festive table, lifting everyone's mood.

Gifts for spouses on the 13th wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversaries always involve giving gifts to the spouses. They also make pleasant surprises for each other. On this holiday, it is customary to give a married couple the things necessary for household use, which include lace. A beautiful set of bed linen, tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, handkerchiefs and much more that a hostess may need to decorate the house and create comfort.

Various crafts, souvenirs or vases decorated with lace ornaments are considered a good option. Also for this celebration you can present gifts made of wood. Aspen is more often chosen as a material, this is due to the properties of the amulet, which are inherent in this particular tree. Furniture items made of wood or just beautiful crafts, symbolizing the 13th wedding anniversary, will be a wonderful gift for the spouses.

Spouses are very close people to each other, so they can exchange gifts not for everyday life. A spouse can give his wife a summer dress or a sundress with lace decoration, the more daring ones present lace underwear. It is best for the gift to have a symbolic meaning and relate specifically to a lace wedding. Do not forget about the second name of the celebration, any woman will be delighted with a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Any other gift can be beautifully wrapped, which does not interfere with presenting to your wife in a lace box jewelry or fulfill some other dream of hers.

The wife can give the man items of clothing, crafts, souvenirs and any other gift. Content or packaging should contain lace elements as a symbol of a lace wedding. A handmade gift is considered an excellent option; such products are always highly appreciated. A person puts his love, strength and care into an object that he creates on his own, so such gifts are always relevant. Making a craft out of wood or decorating something with lace will be a great option for a matrimonial gift for a lily of the valley wedding.

The event associated with this day is always a light and joyful celebration with family and closest friends. Celebrating 13 years of marriage is best in a narrow family circle, only with the closest and dearest people who can sincerely rejoice for the happiness of a married couple. The lily of the valley holiday can be very bright and happy event for spouses, if you take a responsible approach to organizing and celebrating this anniversary. Symbolic gifts from guests and spouses themselves will always remind each other of the thirteenth wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on the 13th wedding anniversary in verse

    I wish my wife
    So that you never fail
    With you I am stronger than others,
    After all, you are my love and strength

    I wish you to live and prosper,
    Always stay beautiful
    And never lose heart
    Don't worry about trifles!

    "To the husband"
    My husband is more beautiful than all men
    There are many different reasons
    Praise you, my beloved,
    You are the strongest to love.

    We are with you for 13 years,
    I know - we are not happier,
    I hope you are happy with me
    Beloved, dear, dear!

    You've been married for 13 years
    You are happy, no doubt about it.
    I want to wish you
    Girlfriend, do not lose happiness,

    Always be positive
    For many more years
    I want to wish you good luck
    Spouse to honor and respect!

    My friend has been married for 13 years,
    You are rich in your family!
    After all a strong family create
    Not easy! What else to say?

    I wish you happiness
    Let only friends surround
    May they never be deceived
    Let your star burn!

    Why do you need to get married?
    Well, everyone would live together
    One big family,
    Like bees in a swarm.

    No, give people a spouse!
    And you found each other!
    Thirteen years together
    In one bake dough!

    Let the wedding be your lace
    Delicate pattern inspires.
    Like a flock of beautiful swans,
    Fate protects from troubles!

    Live in perfect harmony
    Hearts in the rhythmic beat of the dance.
    May life give prosperity
    And the powerful heat of the prominences!

    Thirteen is not a simple number:
    Young and old are afraid of her.
    Today the wedding is lace -
    Let peace and harmony reign in the family!

    Your connections have already become stronger -
    Intertwined patterns.
    We affirm without fear:
    You were born to each other.

    You keep the love of that part
    What do you carry with you in your heart?
    May your happiness surround the house,
    Bypass troubles - by the side!

So 13 years of marriage have flown by. What kind of wedding is celebrated by the spouses? The husband and wife become truly family, and there are no longer any omissions or secrets between them. The time-tested relationship has become very strong.

So 13 years of marriage have passed unnoticed. What wedding is celebrated on the wedding day, the memory of which is carefully preserved by photographs? This wedding anniversary there are two names:

It is called lace for the following reasons:

  1. The fates of the spouses who have been living side by side for so many years are intertwined like threads. What is the final pattern depends on the relationship in the family.
  2. Weaving lace is a lengthy process that requires a lot of endurance. So it is in family life: harmony comes only after a while.
  3. Lace makers must be very careful, as one wrong movement can ruin the entire pattern. Likewise, on the thirteenth anniversary of married life, a married couple must realize that both must take care of the relationship, because they have been dragging along for so many years.

The 13th anniversary is called lily of the valley for a reason. Our ancestors believed that the number "thirteen" is a symbol of new life. Lily of the valley is a perennial, it blooms every spring with new strength... So it is in the family: if feelings have faded away, then a lily of the valley anniversary is an occasion to think about how to renew a former passion or even have a baby.

How to mark

This anniversary, like others, is best celebrated in the circle of those closest to you. Some people think that a visit from strangers or not the closest people can be harmful. family happiness and bring negative energy into the house.

Room for celebration decorate in light colors... The use of lilies of the valley would be ideal, but since they can be found exclusively in warm May, it is quite acceptable to replace them with any other white or cream flowers.

Also in the design of the room you need to use lace. It could be new tulle or tablecloth.

The festive table can be covered with an oilcloth with imitation of lace or tulle, over a bright canvas. You can use beautiful lace doilies.

It is customary to serve the table on this day with silver cutlery and crystal glasses. From time immemorial, it is believed that this metal, as well as crystal ringing, scares away evil spirits.

Worth giving Special attention festive dishes... You can decorate salads with lace patterns made from mayonnaise, bake an openwork pie, and make a lily-of-the-valley egg snack.

All guests and heroes of the occasion must be appropriately dressed. In outfits should prevail White color and floral details.

Girls can wear guipure blouses or dresses, and tie an openwork ribbon or headband with white flowers on their heads. Older ladies can complement their look with an openwork shawl.

For men, you can insert a lace scarf into a jacket pocket or simply pin a flower boutonniere.

Jewelry should be made of pearls, silver and crystal.

Holiday traditions and rituals

For each important event in human life there is a tradition that has developed since ancient times. On the 13th wedding anniversary, you need to protect your family hearth from hostile forces. Let's talk in more detail about the symbolic rituals that our ancestors performed on this significant day.

  1. "Intertwining hearts"... The spouses pull the threads out of any woolen garment and twist each other's wrists with them. It is believed that such a ritual helps them to "bind" good and love and drive away all bad.
  2. "Conceiving a brownie"... He, one way or another, refers to the evil spirits, although he is considered a home spirit. That is why our ancestors presented a brownie on their thirteenth anniversary. They believed that in this way he would continue to faithfully and loyally protect their home.
  3. One of the long-standing traditions is to slip a lace scarf under the stove. V modern world Not every house has a stove, so you can get by with an ordinary battery - this is the warmest place in the house.
  4. Weaving wreaths... The main concept of this holiday is knitting and weaving, therefore, for a long time, hostesses wove amulets from nettle and aspen. This is not a very pleasant experience, but it was believed that such wreaths reliably protected the home from evil spirits.
  5. Knitting of brooms. The man knitted a nettle broom and swept the house, while clearing the room of bad energy.
  6. Planting birch... It is believed that this tree drives away evil spirits and is also a symbol of renewal. For a long time, on the thirteenth wedding anniversary, the couple planted a birch tree near their home. A lace ribbon should be tied on a young seedling.

Anniversary gifts

On this "mystical" date, it is customary to give something that protects the house from evil spirits, and also symbolizes love and prosperity

It is customary for a woman to give lilies of the valley... They personify purity and tenderness. You just need to take into account some points. Lilies of the valley do not coexist well with other flowers and wither rather quickly. In addition, lilies of the valley are not recommended in the bedroom, as they tend to cause headaches.

Any wicker, knitted things will be a great gift. For example,

  • crocheted tablecloth or napkins;
  • openwork bedspread;
  • decorative lace pillowcases;
  • wicker baskets, etc.

A young wife can be presented with a lace shawl or scarf. The head of the family will love a knitted sweater or scarf.

You can give souvenirs made of birch wood.

If a couple gives gifts to each other, then this is a great opportunity to demonstrate their attention and care to their half. Of course, it's best to choose practical gift that the recipient really needs. After all, this is a kind of frontier - a lace wedding. How many years have we lived together side by side, and there are many more to come? happy days and holidays.

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