Business etiquette as the basis of business communication. Business Etiquette: Business Communication Rules and Principles

Reading time: 3 min

Business communication etiquette is a set of moral rules, norms, ideas that regulate relations, as well as the behavior of individuals in joint production activities. Etiquette of business communication is a necessary part of human life, as well as the most important type of relationship with other individuals.

The main regulators of relations are ethical norms, which express ideas about evil and good, injustice and justice in people's actions. Communicating with his boss, subordinates, colleagues, a person spontaneously or consciously relies on the etiquette of business communication. Depending on the understanding of moral norms, the content and degree of etiquette, an individual can make business communication effective, solve tasks, achieve goals, or vice versa, make it impossible.

Etiquette translated from French means a set of rules of conduct that relate to people (forms of address, behavior in public places, treatment of others, greetings, clothing, manner).

Etiquette of business communication is manifested at various levels of the social system, as well as in different forms. Participants in business communication are in official status and are aimed at achieving specific goals. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of self-sufficient meaning, since the etiquette of business communication does not act as an end in itself, but directly serves as a means to achieve other goals. In market relations, this is getting the maximum profit.

Speech etiquette in business communication

The peculiarity of business communication is due to the fact that it arises about or on the basis of a certain type of activity that is associated with the production, for example, of a business effect or product. At the same time, the parties to business communication act in official (formal) statuses that determine the necessary norms and standards (including ethical ones) of people's behavior. The specifics of business communication is the regulation, expressed in obedience to established restrictions, cultural and national traditions, ethical professional principles.

Speech etiquette in business communication is a complex process in the development of contacts between individuals in the service sector. There are "unwritten" and "written" norms of behavior in various situations of official contact. The accepted certain order, as well as the official form of circumvention, is called business etiquette. It forms rules that promote mutual understanding of people, and also creates convenience, practicality and expediency.

Business etiquette consists of rules: norms (horizontal) that apply between members of the team, as well as instructions (vertical) that are specific to the leader and subordinate.

A general requirement of speech etiquette in business communication is considered to be friendly, as well as a precautionary attitude towards all employees, partners, regardless of antipathies and sympathies. The regulation of business interaction is noted in attention to speech.

Speech etiquette in business communication is the norms of linguistic behavior developed by society, standard ready-made formulas that allow you to organize etiquette situations, requests, greetings, thanks, such as “be kind”, “hello”, “pleased to meet you”, “let me apologize” . Sustainable structures are selected taking into account psychological, social, age characteristics.

Speech etiquette in business communication involves establishing contact between people, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, and cooperation.

There are the following stages in business communication:

  • establishing contact, including acquaintance, as well as understanding of another person;
  • orientation in the current situation of communication, as well as its comprehension with pauses;
  • discussion of the problem;
  • solution;
  • exit from contact (completion).

Official business contacts are based on partnerships, built on mutual requests, as well as on the needs and interests of the business. With direct contact, namely direct conversation, oral as well as non-verbal communication is of greater importance. Phone messaging or conversation is common.

Business communication etiquette is a real art, which is impossible to master right away. Compliance with norms, culture, rules of conduct will have a paramount role in moving up the career ladder. If you are an up-and-coming specialist, as well as the face of the company, then think and imagine yourself as part of a team. The greeting “hello” in everyday life means: “I am disposed to maintain a relationship”, but the absence of this etiquette is read as a lack of desire to maintain a relationship. Therefore, the norm is the greeting of customers, employees, visitors, both at the beginning of the conversation, and in the absence of intentions to enter into verbal contact.

In business communication, speech etiquette is a set of speech etiquette means, as well as certain rules for their use in various situations.

Business communication etiquette includes the following important points:

  • business meetings should not be late;
  • reception of guests involves careful preparation (development of a negotiation plan, discussion with colleagues);
  • corresponding strict appearance;
  • it is important before the meeting to collect information about those with whom you meet, to think over all the questions of interest.

Etiquette and protocol of business communication

The protocol includes a greeting, introduction, address, as well as a handshake. If you don't already know each other, please introduce yourself. According to the protocol of business communication, the head of the host party is the first to appear, then the head among the guests. Then they introduce the rest of the employees. If a large delegation has arrived, then name-calling is avoided by presenting lists of participants, where participants are indicated by name and position.

At a business meeting, the junior in position is always introduced to the senior, gender does not play a role; if you had to meet with a partner before, then you need to introduce yourself again. If someone has not introduced himself, you can safely ask him about it, but do not ask again. It is necessary to memorize the names immediately so that there are no awkward situations. A handshake at a business meeting is used as a sign of an agreement, and it is also used immediately after the words of greeting. When introducing you to another person, he is the first to extend his hand to you. A handshake is done with the right hand, if it is busy, they serve the left, but after apologizing.

The handshake initiative comes from the eldest and from the one who has a higher position. A woman is given the right to decide whether to give her a hand or not. According to etiquette, she is the first to give a hand for greeting. Approaching the group and shaking hands with one of the members, you must do the same with everyone. Oral greetings are limited if the group is large. If the outstretched hand for a handshake is not answered with a handshake, then this is regarded as an insult.

Ethics is a philosophical science, the subject of which is morality. The practical significance of ethics is noted in the sphere of human communication, and communication between people is an important component in the process of joint activity. The joint activity of people in relation to morality cannot be neutral. Compliance with the etiquette of business communication is the most important component that will determine success in business and in entrepreneurial activities, career advancement. Psychologists note that success in financial affairs or in the technical field is fifteen percent dependent on professionalism and eighty-five percent on the ability to conduct business communication.

Jen Yager, PhD, points out six principles of business etiquette:

  1. Punctuality, timely completion of work;
  2. Confidentiality (keeping the secrets of the corporation or the personal life of colleagues, the results of the transaction);
  3. Friendliness, courtesy, goodwill in any situation; showing attention to others (to colleagues, boss, subordinates);
  4. Respect for the opinions, criticisms, and advice of colleagues, subordinates and superiors (when expressing doubt about the quality of your work, show that you value the experience and considerations of other people);
  5. Compliance with the dress code - code of clothing;
  6. Control your speech, the absence of swear words in speech.

Ethics and etiquette of business communication should be based on the moral qualities of the individual, as well as the categories of ethics: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, modesty, dignity, duty, conscience, honor, giving business relations a moral character.

The etiquette of a business meeting during lunch includes the following points:

  • making an appointment at an office or restaurant near the invitee's office;
  • the initiator of the meeting reserves a table;
  • it is important to inquire in advance about the tastes and preferences of the dinner participants;
  • if you don’t know your gastronomic preferences, then find out the restaurant’s menu: how rich is the choice of meat and vegetable dishes;
  • a table is booked in a non-smoking room;
  • the initiator of the meeting arrives at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier;
  • the choice of dishes is limited to familiar dishes;
  • if the meeting is scheduled in the office, then it is held in the conference room or meeting room;
  • such lunch is served by the ordered personnel;
  • the main purpose of the dinner is a business conversation, which begins with general phrases, gradually moving on to the topic;
  • at this informal meeting, jokes, touching on abstract topics will be appropriate, but correctness and tact in everything are required.

Telephone etiquette in business communication

During telephone conversations, etiquette in speech plays an essential role, since the interlocutor does not see, but only hears you. It is important to monitor the volume of speech, clarity, speed, and also observe the following rules: the call should be answered no later than 3 beeps. In the event that you call yourself, then hang up no earlier than 5 beeps.

A greeting should sound at the beginning of the conversation. Before starting a conversation, find out if it is convenient for the interlocutor to communicate now. In case of refusal, specify when you can call back. Ends the conversation, and also calls back after interrupting the phone call by the initiator. If your call is on behalf of a third party, for example, you are a secretary, then name on behalf of which company you are calling and succinctly state the topic of the upcoming conversation. If you yourself are a third party and you are asked to be connected, specify the purpose of the conversation.

Make all personal calls outside business hours. Promised to call back - be sure to call back. Watch your tone of voice, do not chew during a conversation. Let the interlocutor complete his speech. Do not cross talk with other people during telephone conversations. If the connection is of poor quality, then it will be right to continue the conversation after a while. In this case, either party can initiate the end of the call.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

The posture, gestures, signs of attention rendered to a business partner matter and carry a semantic load. Even silence is part of the interaction. Businessmen do not forget that they communicate with partners, even if the topic of conversation shifts to an area that is not related to the case.

Communication rules

The more competent a person behaves in a professional environment, the better others treat him.

5 rules of communication in a business environment:

  • Commitment to mutual understanding

Business communication is aimed at finding a compromise. It is customary to be ready, open to the perception and exchange of information with a partner. It was unethical to provoke the interlocutor into a conflict or avoid contact. Attention, respect and interest in the speech of the interlocutor is expressed in the look, gestures, the ability to listen without interrupting.

  • Speech should be clear, legible, unhurried and non-monotonous.

In general, any extremes in speech should be avoided. When a person speaks too quietly, indistinctly, quickly, or, conversely, too slowly, his speech is hard to perceive, becomes incomprehensible and unpleasant.

In addition, if the subject speaks moderately loudly and extremely clearly, his partners get the impression that he is a mature person and a self-confident person.

  • Thoughtfulness of speech

The speech must be composed, but rather written down. Before starting a conversation, business people note for themselves topics and issues that require discussion. The report or public speech is built according to the plan, the introduction, main part and final conclusions, results are signed.

  • Ability to ask both open and closed questions

How the question is asked will determine the answer. If the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, the interlocutor will have to answer clearly, if the question remains open, he will have the opportunity to express his point of view. Too direct, tactless questions should be avoided.

  • Unacceptability of long phrases and complex sentences. Short meaningful phrases save time and make it easier to perceive information.

Compliance with all the principles and rules may seem problematic, but difficulties are overcome by working on oneself. The ability to communicate in a business environment comes with experience in business interaction.

Language of communication in a business environment

The concept of "language" is used to refer to the system of signs through which people think and speak. It is also a way of expressing the self-consciousness of the individual.

The language of business communication is an official business style of speech intended for communicative interaction in a professional business environment, as well as in other related areas.

Business language is a system of oral and written communication that regulates working relationships.

The formal writing style has the following features:

  • concise presentation of information;
  • strictly obligatory form;
  • special terminology, cliches, clericalism;
  • the narrative nature of written speech;
  • almost complete absence of emotionally expressive means of speech.

Business speech has three components:

  • content component (characterized by clarity and logic);
  • expressive component (characterizes the emotional side of information);
  • incentive component (recognized to influence the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor).

The language of business communication of the subject of interaction is evaluated according to the following indicators:

In a professional environment, it is customary to adhere to etiquette, general norms of morality and ethics.

Business communication is based on the following moral standards:

  • honesty;
  • decency;
  • Justice;
  • a responsibility.

But the concept of business communication also includes the psychological aspect of interpersonal relationships. They can be not only neutral-friendly, but also have the character of fierce competition and struggle.

Business communication is not only the ability to speak well, look good and conduct business, but also the ability to build interpersonal relationships.

Overcoming Communication Difficulties

Even following all the rules of business communication, you can encounter such psychological barriers:

  1. motivation barrier. When the interlocutor is simply not interested in the subject of conversation and it is impossible to interest him. Such a barrier is an indicator that one partner treats the other not as a person, but as a means to an end.
  2. moral barrier. When the interlocutor turns out to be an unscrupulous, dishonest, prone to deceive person. He uses business communication as a way to hide malice. The better the immoral intent is “disguised” behind the ability to speak and behave beautifully, the more difficult it is to overcome this barrier.
  3. Emotion barrier. Negative emotions, feelings, thoughts in relation to the interlocutor do not allow building harmonious relationships. Business communication will be useless, ineffective if partners treat each other badly.

To overcome the difficulties of business interaction and win over the interlocutor, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Address by name

Such treatment is a sign of respect and consideration. All people like to hear their name and better perceive the information uttered immediately after it.

  • Smile

It is not always appropriate. More often, important issues require concentration and seriousness, which, naturally, is expressed in restrained facial expressions. But a smile is a means that evokes sympathy and a willingness to make contact.

  • compliments

Kind and unobtrusive pleasant words will brighten up any communication, especially strictly business ones. It is customary to say sincere, but restrained compliments.

  • Attention to the individual

When communicating on business topics, one should not forget that its subjects are people with their own characteristics. Everyone and everyone likes to be listened to attentively, interested in him, supported and respected.

  • Honesty and Integrity

Concealment or distortion of information sooner or later turns out, and once damaged reputation and lost trust is difficult to return.

You can learn the basics of business communication on your own or get the necessary knowledge in educational institutions, courses or seminars.

The art of communication in a professional environment is comprehended in practice, when an individual begins to act and behave like an honest, reliable and cultured person, and a professional in his field.

In the business environment, as well as social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of a pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in a business environment. Non-compliance or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately, not suddenly, and business etiquette, together with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Rule One

Time is money

Punctuality, respect for other people's time and competent knowledge of the basics of time management are the foundation of the foundations in the business world. You can be a bright charismatic presenter, a great negotiator, a professional manager, but you can always be late, steal other people's time, waste your life waiting, idle chatter that is not relevant. It is unlikely that in this situation it will be possible to build long-term cooperation with large companies: non-punctual people are not respected in the business world.

Partners, employers, colleagues, realizing that a person is constantly late, can pass a verdict-sentence to such a sufferer: unreliable, lagging behind the times, from the rhythm of modern life. Excuses, apologies will strengthen this impression, since politeness and respect for others do not need such companions.

Exit one: every business person must know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan their working day, competently sort cases into important and urgent, delegate part of routine tasks and control the course of events.

Rule Two

Dress code compliance

The first impression of a person is easy to put together by his appearance: a business suit, a neat hairstyle, harmoniously matched accessories. Appearance determines the status and position in society, can tell about the character and inner world of a person much more than his words. Information is carried not only by speech, but also by clothing, hairstyle, details of the toilet. A challenge and provocation in appearance is a protest against society, its laws and foundations.

In many large companies, a separate chapter is given to the dress code in the corporate sales book. If the enterprise or organization does not have strict standards regarding the appearance of personnel, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules adopted in the business world.

Rule Three

The desktop as a mirror of the inner world

Order on the desktop - order in the head. This old postulate should be carved in golden letters on the doors of any business office. You don't have to be a psychology guru to understand how and which employees work just by looking at their desktop.

Heaped with unsorted papers, with a thick layer of dust on the table.

Virgin clean, without a single superfluous thing.

Lined with photographs of children, loved ones, flowers, souvenirs.

Strict order, even stacks of papers, books and folders. Everything is in its place.

Which employees, the owners of these desktops, are of interest to the employer in the first place?

Rule Four

Competent speech, business writing style

Having learned to speak beautifully, competently, it is not difficult to transfer thoughts to paper, to learn how to write business letters. The main thing is not to fall to the other extreme: official letters written in the dry language of textbooks cause boredom and a desire to quickly close them, throw them in the trash.

Rule Five

Respect for the interlocutor, partner, client

A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his own profit and income is not respected either in the business world or in his own company. The clerk who slammed the door in the face of a client who turned to him at the end of the working day or before lunch. An employee talking loudly on the phone in the office where his colleagues work. A leader who does not listen to his subordinates. A director who uses strong words and expressions in relation to others.

All these psychological portraits of characters who do not know business etiquette, people who are unable to understand the other, to hear him, to help, to solve the problem that has arisen. The ability to respect other people's opinions is an important component of business etiquette.

Rule six

Compliance with trade secrets

Almost every company has confidential information that is not subject to disclosure. An old poster from 1941 by artist Nina Vatolina "Don't talk!" today it gets its second life and fits perfectly into the interior of many modern enterprises and organizations.

It is important for each manager from the very first days of work of his employees to issue an order on non-disclosure of trade secrets and collect signatures from the entire team to familiarize themselves with it. It is clear that such a step cannot completely solve the issue of keeping the company's secret information, however, this rule of business etiquette can serve as a marker for identifying disloyal employees.

Rule Seven

At work - work!

If you take a picture of the working day of most employees of offices and enterprises, the picture will be very depressing. Eighty percent of working time is spent on gossip, smoking breaks, tea parties, visiting social networks, solving personal matters. And only twenty percent - for the very work for which the salary is paid.

An employee who brings profit to the company quickly makes a dizzying career. The secret of his success is simple: 80% of the working time he works while others "rest".

Rule eight

Ability to listen and hear the opponent

The rarest gift given by nature: the ability to hear another, to understand him. In business, this gift brings millions, it has an exact definition - hearing for money. Each client, employee and business partner will definitely tell about what he needs, what torments him, what he needs help with. It is only important to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In the business world, this skill is also important because it helps save time, which is more valuable than money, since it cannot be accumulated.

Rule nine

telephone etiquette

Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations, ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relationships and conduct negotiations with dignity. Many business partners, customers judge the company by phone conversations and employees' answers on the phone.

You need to prepare for a telephone dialogue in advance: prepare questions that you need to ask the interlocutor, clarify the time, names and dates that may be needed in the conversation.

Personal calls during business hours are only allowed if absolutely necessary. Empty chatter on the phone interferes with colleagues, distracts the attention of employees and forms the image of a frivolous empty person.

Rule ten

Netiquet - etiquette of communication on the Internet

Without the Internet, no business can exist today. The ability to communicate in e-mail correspondence, comment on business articles and respond to customer requests and requests on the company's website shows the employee's business level.

Each appeal must be nominal, personal, the letter must be signed with the name of the performer, give full contact details - company name, postal address, phone number, Skype nickname, corporate website address, business hours.

Rule Eleven

Reception of delegations

The protocol reception of delegations is a separate part of business etiquette, which includes a long list of actions for meeting, accommodating, introducing, acquainting members of the delegation with representatives of the host country. The minutes of a business meeting, giving gifts, business souvenirs, flowers, company and product presentation, behavior at a buffet or banquet - all these issues are scrupulously described in thick books on business protocol.

At the meeting of foreign delegations, the features of national etiquette are added to the generally accepted set of business rules.

Rule twelve

Business negotiations

One of the most important rules of business etiquette is the ability to conduct competent negotiations and bring them to a concrete result. In order for negotiations to take place at a high level, it is necessary to define clear goals before they start, draw up an accurate plan, and choose a convenient time and place for both parties.

At the first stage of negotiations, it is necessary to capture the attention of the interlocutor, creating a trusting atmosphere. During the conversation, you need to mark for yourself the stages of the negotiation and complete them immediately after the intended goal is achieved. All results of the negotiations should be recorded and analyzed.

Rule thirteen

Relationships between boss and subordinate

According to the rules of business etiquette, the manager must treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance. Remarks to subordinates should always be made face to face, it is logical to organize a demonstrative public “spanking” after the employee has not responded to the censure of the boss.

It is necessary to give orders, give oral tasks to the boss clearly, specifically, receive feedback, control the process, and analyze the effectiveness of execution.

The subordinate must follow the orders and instructions of the head, while he has the right to express his own point of view, give advice on improving the solution of a particular issue.

Rule fourteen

Relationships between employees

The microclimate in the team largely depends on the relationships that have developed in the company between colleagues. Smooth, friendly, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team. If one of the colleagues makes a mistake or a mistake, it is important for colleagues to learn not to make fun of him, but to correctly point out the shortcomings in the work and offer their help.

Office romances, mutual hatred, the Cold War, gray cardinals and office plankton, intrigues against each other are evil forces that interfere with the working environment and the solution of the main tasks of the team.

Rule fifteen

business gestures

This part of business etiquette deserves several volumes of description with colorful pictures. Gestures, mannerisms, facial expressions can tell more than words about a person. The movements of the employee during working hours should be energetic, not lethargic, not slowed down. Gait - confident, while waving your arms and taking very large steps is not recommended. A straight posture, a confident look, the absence of fuss in movements are signs of a man of action.

A handshake is the only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment. Pats on the shoulder, warm hugs, kisses and other gestures of friendliness are possible only among very close partners and relatives. When shaking hands, the hand should not be lethargic, wet or cold. Shaking or squeezing the interlocutor's given hand for a long time is not accepted.

It is not difficult to control words, text or thoughts, but it is much more difficult to control gestures and facial expressions. A smart interlocutor will instantly understand the intention or deceit by certain gestures and body movements. Business literature offers to help the books of Alan Pease "Body Language" and Paul Ekman "The Psychology of Lies. Lie to me if you can"

Note in a business notebook

68% of business negotiations and transactions in Russia did not take place due to the fact that entrepreneurs did not know the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, leads to the loss of credibility, money and business.

The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is that in this set of rules, the priority of subordination is in the first place. Regardless of age and gender, the subordinate is in the hierarchy below the leader.

Business is done by people who have not only smart thoughts, enterprise and creativity, but also emotions. Failure to comply with business etiquette always causes negative feelings. Only ten to fifteen percent of business people succeed, and business etiquette always comes first.

No business can exist without the necessary order. The communicative side of this sphere is always determined by Business Etiquette. Its main task is to organize and put in order the activities of the involved specialists, partners and management.

What are the features and general principles of business ethics and business etiquette

Ethics is a system of moral norms accepted in society.

Etiquette is a set of generally accepted specific rules and laws of behavior.

Business etiquette is one of the components of ethics. Without knowledge in this area, the likelihood of success in any chosen field of activity is minimal.

The correct choice of relevant and relevant expressions, phrases, gestures demonstrates the excellent upbringing and education of any person, forming only the best impressions of him in the working environment among colleagues and superiors.

The need to comply with the rules of business etiquette is primarily due to the fact that they:

  • form a favorable positive image;
  • accompany the positive conduct of any business dialogues;
  • provide options for dealing with inconvenient or emergency situations;
  • open up more opportunities to achieve their goals.

In most cases, business etiquette in professional activities eliminates the likelihood of unforeseen situations or turns in a business conversation. As a rule, this obliges to conduct all procedures and conversations in a more or less standardized order, so you can rarely expect something unexpected.

What rules dictate the etiquette of business correspondence

The rules of business correspondence etiquette apply not only to the relationship between a person and an organization, but also to the situation in the company itself. It is necessary to engage in conveying information to colleagues, and to check that feedback is received.

By a beautiful and correct style of writing, one can understand not only business qualities, but also a person’s personality. In addition, it can be considered an excellent discipline.

Remember: a business letter is often the first contact by which the person who wrote it and, especially, the entire company as a whole, will be judged. And this is a great way to establish yourself as a professional and specialist from the very beginning.

There are elementary rules, the so-called business writing etiquette, the observance of which will make life easier for both the writer and the reader.

Rule 1. Letter for one addressee

Rule 2. If you receive a letter - you simply MUST answer

It is important not to lose the thought of the message when writing. It should be in a dry and clerical style to display only the essence. The etiquette of a business letter obliges you to compose a response in such a way that it is perceived only in the literal sense and accurately. Do not forget that each letter requires only one answer. This completes the cycle.

Rule 3. If you need the meaning of your letter to be understood by several interlocutors, then simply add their addresses to the "Copy" line

If you need an answer from only one specific person, and the rest just need to get acquainted with them, then address the letter to him, and for the rest, make the label "copy". According to the rules that establish the etiquette of business correspondence, the main addressee is obliged to send you an answer, even if it is brief and out of courtesy. The rest in such a situation are not obliged to answer, only if they personally do not want to do this. In general, copies of the letter are needed for only one purpose - to inform.

This applies to mailing prices for customers or clarifications on work for employees. In general, there are very few reasons for such a letter, so you should not resort to mass mailing often enough.

Rule 5. The subject should always be indicated in the letter. For such purposes, it is worth using the box with the name "Theme"

Business etiquette obliges to be able to save someone else's time. If you have specified the subject of the letter, then it will be easier to find it by searching if necessary. And it will be easier for your interlocutor to navigate in his mailbox, so he will answer faster.

Rule 6. In a letter - first a greeting, then an appeal to the addressee

It does not matter to whom you are going to write a letter. If you call a person by his first name and patronymic, he will automatically assume that you treat him with respect. This will help you make contact.

Rule 7. Literacy of writing - first of all!

A message with errors always causes a subconscious dislike for the interlocutor. Therefore, you should never be lazy, and you should reread the text and check it for spelling and punctuation.

5 Terrible Phrases You Shouldn't Start Your Letter With

The editors of the General Director magazine found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

6 rules of business negotiation etiquette

The goal and logical conclusion of negotiations (when compared with a business meeting) is a signed agreement or protocol of intent. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare very carefully for negotiations, to focus not only on the meeting itself, but also on preparations for it. Your speech at the event, of course, includes your interests, but here's how to organize the meeting itself - business negotiation etiquette will help here. And in no case should you forget about these rules:

Rule 1. Arrival

Naturally, you should never be late. From an official position, such behavior is a violation of protocol, from a moral point of view, it can be perceived as disrespect or even a personal insult. In case of being late for a couple of minutes, and if unforeseen circumstances are to blame, business business etiquette obliges you to apologize to the host. If the delay lasts more than a quarter of an hour, then according to business etiquette, the CEO of the host has the right to cancel the meeting or delegate it to a subordinate.

Rule 2. Meeting place

If we talk about important business negotiations, then the venue should be an office or a neutral environment. Contrary to TV shows and movies, business etiquette dictates that a restaurant or sauna is not the place to make business decisions. The restaurant can be chosen for a business lunch. This goal is to maintain partnerships or discuss interests, to celebrate the successful outcome of negotiations, but not for other cases.

You can designate your office or the territory of partners as a place for negotiations. Sometimes the best way out is to choose neutral territory. In many business centers and hotels it is possible to rent an office (conference room) for the purpose of negotiations. At the same time, the institution is fully engaged in the service. This also applies to technical nuances and preparation of the premises.

Rule 3. Meeting guests

In the case when the company is the host party, the full composition of the delegation members must be in the meeting room without delay. Meeting guests and escorting them to the place is handled by a partner who does not take part in the negotiations himself. According to the business etiquette of the head, the first greeting to the interlocutors should be made by the general director of the host, then the head-guest. After the exchange of greetings has taken place, an invitation should be received from the head of the host country for everyone to take their seats.

Rule 4. Start of negotiations

The etiquette of business communication says that the beginning of negotiations and the care that they do not have long pauses lies entirely with the CEO of the host. If the silence lasts too long, then the guests may take this as a sign that the meeting is over. In addition, do not suddenly touch on the main topic of the negotiations. It's good manners to talk about neutral things first, like the weather or good cooperation in the past. You can not raise controversial topics about which the meeting participants may have different opinions (religious, national, political issues, sports, etc.). After that, it is the responsibility of the head of the host country to start discussing the main topic of the negotiations. He may do this with other members of his delegation, advisers and experts. You cannot interrupt the speaking partner.

Rule 5. Duration of negotiations and meetings

If we talk about Russia, Western standards and norms of business communication etiquette do not quite work: the duration of negotiations between leaders can last several hours, but the final decision will not be made. According to the norms of business etiquette, the preliminary program should include the estimated duration of the event, on average it is 30-40 minutes. Negotiations can last an hour and a half at most, but in this case it is worth taking into account the break and specifying its exact time. The clock at the event should be in full view of everyone. This helps the speaker to keep within the allotted time, and no unforeseen situations in this regard happen.

Rule 6. End of negotiations

It's nice to finish the event to de-escalate the atmosphere. For example, the CEO of the host country may make a proposal to continue negotiations without jackets. The etiquette of business relations freely allows you to take such a measure after the protocol part of the meeting is over, and the shooting is stopped. The head of the guest delegation has the right to close the negotiations when a decision is made and documented. Authorized persons of each party sign this document, and both parties receive their copy of this paper. A little later, the results of the meeting are written in the report and sent to both parties so that they agree. Negotiation agreements, regardless of their form (written or oral), must be observed. Otherwise, this is a violation of the main principle that dictates business business etiquette.

  • Negotiation etiquette: rules that are easy to remember

How business telephone etiquette can affect the image of the enterprise

Often, in order for business relationships to become long-term, a large role is given to a telephone conversation. You should not compare it with a personal meeting, when special attention is paid to gestures, smiles on duty, the decor of the room, and a strict business suit.

The reputation of the company, in general, often depends on how well telephone conversations are conducted. That is why business phone conversation etiquette is very important.

Basic rules of telephone etiquette

  1. If a person calls you, you should always greet him. If you make the call, don't forget about it too.
  2. Pay attention to your intonation.
  3. When calling the company, never say phrases containing the expressions “disturbing you”, “disturbing you”.
  4. Presentation is an important part of etiquette.
  5. When talking with a specific interlocutor, be sure to find out if he now has time for a dialogue.
  6. If your company is called, you should answer no later than three rings later.
  7. If the caller wants to talk to someone else in the organization other than you, don't hang up. It is necessary to transfer it to the required employee, while using the call hold function.
  8. When talking with a new interlocutor, focus on his speech and try to adjust to its speed.
  9. Do not smoke, chew, or drink while talking on the phone.
  10. At the end of the conversation, check with the interlocutor if he has questions for you, and only after that say goodbye.

It would be wrong not to mention cell phones, considering what an important part of modern life they are. They also apply their own etiquette of business conversations. Now this means of communication is simply necessary, and its advantages can be listed almost endlessly. That is why the general rules of etiquette when using a mobile phone have been formed:

You should definitely study the instructions for the mobile device, paying great attention to the functions and characteristics of the device. Do not forget that there are situations when the phone should be put on vibration mode or even completely turned off. The latter is important to do in situations where you will not be able to answer an incoming call under any circumstances. If you are surrounded by people, business etiquette does not allow you to raise your voice when talking on a mobile phone. On the contrary, it is worth talking a little quieter than in normal conditions.

Don't talk in public places. If such a need nevertheless arises, ask the interlocutor to wait a couple of minutes and go to the pay phone. Do not forget that a loud bell should not be installed in any situation. If, nevertheless, you did not understand this function, and the phone rang, apologize, but do not start making excuses. It just sounds terrible.

Voice mail is a feature that should not be forgotten. In addition, before entering places where communication may break (elevator, basement), you should warn the interlocutor about this and end the conversation. If your phone rings when you are not alone, business etiquette allows you to have a conversation for a maximum of half a minute. If a private meeting is in progress, your phone should not ring during it. If you are expecting a very important call, let people know ahead of time and apologize to them.

Business etiquette does not imply certain norms for all situations and conditions. Some elements of these rules are subject to change. For example, this applies to informal meetings. Although many omissions and indulgences are allowed here, this also does not apply to everything. Clothing is still required to be neat and good, and speech - cultured and clean. And in general, behavior and manner should still be adequate. But a number of concessions are allowed, and you can feel freer. This also applies to other situations that must be strictly guided and be able to distinguish when and how to change your adherence to business etiquette.


It is extremely important to be able to show respect for other people at work - this is the base on which the etiquette of business relations is built. This applies to absolutely every aspect. During speeches or debates, you need to listen to the speech to the very end, without interrupting or interfering with speaking out. First of all, it improves the image and impression of oneself among others, and secondly, it encourages everyone to treat them in the same way during their own statements. It is important to be able to recognize someone else's rightness. Even if one of the partners proves the fallacy of the opinions of the second with his views, the second must at least listen to it and, if the arguments are really in favor of the first, accept it. Rationalism and the desire to obtain the truth - this is what works in the hands of business. It is also important to remember to thank the opponent after the debate, thus expressing respect.

Consideration of the situation and its relevance

Every employee must bring positive attitude with them. Even in difficult times and in difficult conditions, it is extremely important to strive to be positive yourself and infect colleagues and partners, superiors and managers with this. This approach will make the atmosphere within the company positive, which will certainly affect performance. Even hard times are easier to pass if all colleagues are united and begin to treat work with joy. Negative topics of conversation should be avoided or talked about superficially if you can’t get away from the conversation.

Respect for other people's opinions

Employees must be privy to the organization's hierarchy and treat it accordingly. A subordinate should not be rude to superiors, he is obliged to listen carefully without interrupting, and so on. The manner of communication of employees at all levels of the hierarchical ladder must be clearly marked and strictly observed. But at the same time, it must not be humiliating or offensive to those who are lower in rank. It is important to remember that the leader's business etiquette must be present.

Positive impression

Given all the features of business etiquette, you can count on the successful outcome of any negotiations, career growth and other victories of various sizes.

  • Mobile etiquette: how not to destroy your image with five missed

What is the role of etiquette in business communication?

The social behavior of people (employees, management, partners, customers) is determined by a wide range of different factors - legal, regulatory, statutory, administrative. Even the economy and the level of technical equipment of the enterprise can have an impact. All this directly affects the degree of interaction of employees with representatives of other groups - suppliers, customers, and so on.

Typically, two types of social norms affect workers and management, as well as related individual units.

Formal- official norms determined by the regulations and rules of the enterprise, which are described in special documents. Such norms are based on the preferences of the company, the legislative features of the state and region, and so on.

informal- Gradually developing non-statutory forms of interaction, which are determined by the mood and nature of the internal team, external factors acting on them and working conditions.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the objective basis of the prevailing informal norms, the so-called business business etiquette. Such social norms will be regulated and undergo changes only if they reflect the actual processes and aspects that arise in the performance of a particular task assigned to the team.

The norms of business etiquette are included in the control system of informal relationships within the enterprise.

Compliance with these norms is certainly accompanied by an assessment of the social environment (colleagues, superiors) for compliance with established norms, behavior and laws of the organization. Based on this, a collective attitude towards a particular individual is formed.

Being an integral part of the system of social norms of relationships, the principles of business etiquette perform the following functions:

  1. They provide stability and order, acting as a regulator of social relations at various levels.
  2. Increase the efficiency of working and entrepreneurial relationships both within the team and with external representatives.
  3. They allow to improve the quality of communication with clients and partners, increasing the level of mutual trust and attraction.
  4. They perform a disciplinary function through the formation of hierarchical structures, help to identify differences in status within and outside the team.
  5. They unite the norms and requirements of members of a social group both to new members and to each other. In other words, they act as organizers and cohesive factors, uniting the group.
  6. They help the individual in the process of infusion into the new team of which he is a part.
  7. They help the individual to navigate in various communicative and other situations, finding the correct exits and solutions.

The main rules of business etiquette that every leader should know

Rule 1: Be punctual

Valuing time in business is a paramount task and an indicator of good taste. Punctuality allows you to be effective in achieving any goals. The inability to organize in time, incorrectly calculating one's own strength and the speed of the task, leads not only to the creation of a bad image. In business, all employees are interconnected, so the delay of one inexorably entails delays and complications in the work of another. According to the domino principle, the efficiency of the entire unit, and maybe the organization, falls. Therefore, the etiquette of a business person forces him to be able to calculate his strength and time, being able to clearly understand how to solve problems on time. At the same time, we must not forget to allocate additional time for each goal in order to take into account all possible complications and problems.

History practically does not know examples of successful and legendary businessmen who would have achieved their fame and fortune alone. Behind each of them is a team, work with other people. All this had a decisive influence on the development of young companies. Therefore, it is important to always be honest with those with whom you cooperate and work. This will provide the individual with the support of the team and even the authorities. Those who are ready to go “over their heads” towards the goal end up with nothing. After all, in order to succeed, setting people against you, it is very difficult. It is important to take into account the interests and motives of both colleagues and partners, and even competitors, always trying to look for mutually beneficial solutions. Do not forget about business etiquette in professional activities.

Rule 3. Speak and write well

Competent speech, both oral and written, has always been the key to successful people. No serious person will deal with someone who uses obscene or simply slang words and expressions in his speech, poorly structures his speech, and also writes illiterately. It is important not only to be able to speak beautifully and clearly - it is necessary to have public speaking skills and fully know the etiquette of business communication in order to achieve maximum success in any business. We are talking about both career advancement and deals with partners.

Rule 4. Dress according to the office setting

Business is not the place to strive to show your individuality. Business etiquette will clearly be against the decision of a top manager to show up for an important interview in a bright yellow suit made of shiny synthetics. It's important to follow the general tone of the office dress code, even if it's not officially mandated. You always need to be neat, stylish and be able to demonstrate with your appearance that you belong to this team.

Rule 5. Don't talk too much!

Even if an employee is not subject to any trade secret laws, he must still be able to determine what can and cannot be said about work to outsiders. Excessive talkativeness not only creates not the best image, but can also harm the company's business. And for this, no one will pat on the head for sure.

Principles of business etiquette

Principle 1. Common sense. In the matter of creating norms of etiquette within the enterprise, one must first of all be guided by common sense. If the rules contradict him and go against it, then there will be no logic in this. Standards of corporate business etiquette always pursue the goal of maintaining order, organization and optimization of the process, as well as saving time. If the norms do not fulfill these tasks, then there is no need for them, since they are likely to be harmful.

principle 2. Liberty. With all the order that the rules of business communication etiquette create, it is important to leave room for freedom for both employees and partners. Total control will never attract people, even at the cost of the prospect of a good profit. At the same time, moderate opportunities for self-realization, individualization and the availability of choice make the company not only attractive to everyone, but also open up new opportunities for development. Of course, freedoms must also be relatively limited, based on the norms of the working day, company profile, political and government aspects, cultural and national preferences, and so on.

Principle 3. Ethics. One of the main functions of business etiquette is to focus on maintaining not just order within the company. It is important to observe the norms of business communication etiquette and direct employees to the right and good intentions. It is necessary to create an atmosphere that will be positive for each employee, taking into account the national, political and personal characteristics of each. It is difficult to ideally create the direction of the company, since the concepts of "good" and "evil" are very complex in themselves. However, it will be easier and more interesting for employees to work if they work for the benefit of some good goal.

Principle 4. Convenience. It is important that the points of business ethics are convenient for employees. If the standards will fetter them, make them feel uncomfortable, force them to put up with the state of affairs, then it is foolish to expect a full return from the employee in their activities. If each of them will feel the full attraction to their work, feeling the joy of sharing the successes and moments of the work process, then the overall efficiency of the enterprise will be much higher. These requirements of business etiquette have always been in effect - if employees or partners are comfortable, and their love for the company is ensured not only, for example, by good wages and a social package, then their dedication to the cause will be unconditional, as well as the calculation.

Principle 5. Expediency. Any prescription of business etiquette should have a purpose. Business is not a place where something can exist just like that. Therefore, each norm must have a function and the essence of the work, otherwise this approach will be ineffective and simply unnecessary.

Principle 6. Profitability. The culture of business etiquette, even with all its attractiveness, should not ruin the company. The cost of complying with the ethical standards of the company should be reasonable and as low as possible. No business will be profitable if it spends heavily on internal statutory elements that do not directly affect the core business of the company. This will lead either to a decrease in the profits of the organization itself, or to a decrease in the prosperity of individual employees. In any case, moral values ​​are not worth it.

Principle 7. Conservatism. Moving forward does not always lead to a better result. As for ethical standards, it is better to focus on the traditions that have developed over the centuries. They are determined not only by the general direction of the organization's activities, but also by state history, the course of the government, popular sentiment, and so on. The pursuit of cutting-edge trends, as well as the creation of independent new motifs, can cause rejection among other enterprises or companies that adhere to conservative views. Loyalty to traditions and culture of business etiquette is what unites and what has been tested for many years.

Principle 8. Ease. The etiquette of business relations must be simple for execution in order to independently develop automatism among employees in its execution without coercion. Such norms should be easy, interesting for the employees themselves, capable of being built into the initial model of human behavior. If they cause psychological rejection, seem like an unnecessary routine and have an unpleasant effect on a person’s personality, he will not follow them and will not work effectively either.

Principle 9. Universalism. Any norms should be multifaceted and seek to influence several important aspects of the planning, production or other processes important to the business.

Principle 10. Efficiency. From the implementation of ethical standards there should be a result. This should unite the team, cheer them up, increase the speed of signing contracts, and help build relationships with partners. If the norms do not bring tangible benefits, they should be abandoned as an unnecessary mechanism within the organization.

  • Also read

Many perceive etiquette as something archaic, believing that behind it are far-fetched rules and ceremonies that only complicate life - we already know that we should not wipe our hands on the tablecloth. But, alas, basic knowledge is not enough - especially for people who are building a career, planning to promote themselves and their business. Here are 10 rules of business etiquette.

1. Greeting: who greets you first?

If in modern secular etiquette questions of gender are more important than subordination, then in business etiquette the opposite is true: here communication is conducted between professionals, and not between men and women. The first to greet is the one who is lower in his official position - for example, a middle-aged female accountant should be the first to greet a young male boss.

If there are other people in the office of the person you came to, limit yourself to a general bow and greeting. Then shake hands with the person who invited you. It would seem that everything is simple and logical, but etiquette is a delicate and sometimes difficult matter.

2. Proper handshake

If you approach a group of people and shake hands with one person, you need to shake hands with the rest. Advice from Igor Mann: “It is very important to be able to shake hands correctly: moderately for a short time (one or two strokes); moderately weak; if you want to demonstrate superiority - keep your palm on top of the handshake; show respect for the interlocutor (for example, for a lady) - your palm should be under the palm of the interlocutor. And, by default, the palm should be dry and clean.

Do not smoke while shaking hands. You need to throw away the cigarette, then shake hands. If this is not possible, apologize for being with a cigarette. Never reach out your left hand for a handshake. Even if you are left-handed, use your right hand. There is no handshake in the restroom.

3 . Get ready forsmalltalk

Business communication often involves elements of informal conversation. The ability to conduct the so-called small talk (light, casual conversation on an abstract but fascinating topic) is a very useful skill.

Good conversation topics: sports, cars (for men), children (for women), hobbies, gourmet food and pets, art and literature, interesting events and scientific discoveries, travel and attractions, local scenery, nature and weather, places of interest.

Forbidden topics for conversation: Diseases, problems, conflicts, income, high cost, debts, politics and religion, personal life of interlocutors or other people, age, position and nationality, the “sore topic” of the interlocutor.

4. How to introduce yourself?

When introducing people of equal status, introduce the one you know best to the one you know less. A man is introduced to a woman who is younger in age or in official position - older. When you are introduced to a person, focus on remembering his name - during the conversation, call him by name more often.

It happens, of course, that new names fly out of memory. The most reasonable thing in such a situation is to honestly admit your forgetfulness and, without losing your sense of tact and sense of humor, ask the interlocutor to recall his name.

5. farewell etiquette

Leaving strangers, it is not necessary to personally say goodbye to everyone. And if you leave a crowded reception before the rest of the guests, say goodbye only to the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve as a signal to the party participants that it is time for everyone to go home.

6. "Negotiation" etiquette

It is necessary to carefully prepare both the protocol and the substantive parts. Partners should be invited to negotiations at least two weeks in advance so that they can also prepare - this will save time and create conditions for effective communication.

As for the composition of the delegation, there should be parity in the negotiations, that is, an equal number of participants on both sides and the correspondence of the positions of representatives to each. Only those employees whose presence is really necessary are invited to the meeting. The venue for negotiations is offered by the inviting party, but the invited party has the right to both accept and reject it.

7. How to meet foreign guests?

The head of the delegation, corresponding in rank, must meet guests at the airport. He usually arrives accompanied by two or three people. The head of the host country is introduced first. Then he introduces the spouse, after that the employees (in descending order of positions). When you see off the delegation to the hotel, part with the guests not on the street, but in the lobby. You can also arrange a protocol visit there.

There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his wife, then the host leader comes to the first meeting accompanied by his wife.

8. Ability to listen to the interlocutor

Bernard Baruch, an American businessman and statesman, said: "The successful people I know listen more than they talk." Dale Carnegie went even further, arguing that "The secret of influencing people is not in the ability to speak, but in the ability to be a good listener."

Advice from Igor Mann: “Remember that different people have different speech rates. Women tend to speak faster (there is even a joke: “Women speak twice as fast as men listen”). Adjust in conversation to the pace of speech of the interlocutor - and you will make a more favorable impression.

9. Telephone courtesy

Even if you are in a bad mood, do not let us understand it, smile, and the tone of your voice will take on a cheerful color. Do not forget about the three pillars of a business telephone conversation - conciseness, clarity, clarity. Don't forget to introduce yourself with your first and last name. Then state the purpose of the call. It is impolite to wait more than 6 rings - it is better to hang up after the fifth ring. The person who started it ends the conversation.

If the connection is interrupted, the caller calls back. It is best to answer after the second or third call - if you pick up the phone immediately, then the caller may not have time to concentrate.

10. Business person dress code

The manager should be an example for employees. He has the right to require them to comply with the dress code. Strictly and elegantly dressed employees are always a plus for the company's reputation. Your image should give the impression of natural grooming with a barely acceptable touch of negligence, refined in itself.

A business person should have at least two or three suits. The shirt should fit well and have good cuffs and collar. Pants should reach to the heel of your boots when you are standing, and form one soft pleat in front over the instep of your leg. A businessman can wear only one ring - an engagement ring. The cost of hours should not exceed two (maximum three) monthly salaries.

And remember: